Mediumship in indigenous religion pdf

Continue Allegedly mediating the connection between the spirits of the dead and the living people Part of the series at The ParanormalMedium Eva Carrier photographed in 1912 with a light appears between her hands of Aura Astrology Bilocation Clairvoyance Close meeting Cold Spot Crystal looking Spell Of Cryptozoology Demonic Possession Demonic Possession Demon Ectoplasma Electronic Voice Phenomenon Exorcism Extrasensory Perception Forteana Fortune Say Ghost Hunting Indigo Children Occult Orb Paranormal Activity Paranormal Tv Precognition Preternatural Psychic Reading Psychometry Remote viewing Retrocognition Spirit of Photography Spirit of The Spirit of the Spirit of the World Spirit Stone Ribbon Supernatural Telepathy Table Turning Ufology Reportedly Haunted Places: India United Kingdom World Committee on Skepticism Cold Reading Committee on Skeptical Inquiry Of Debunking Hoax James Randy Educational Foundation Magical Thinking Prizes for Evidence of Paranormal Pseudoscepticism Scientific Skepticism Linked Anomalies Truth Argument from Ignorance Arguments ad populum Winning Effect Begging Issue Cognitive Dissonance Communal Reinforcement Falsy Falsifia Falsification Sciences Groupthink Hypnosis Undesirable Science Protoscience Scientific Evidence Scientific Method Superstition Uncertainty Urban Legends Death and Culture Parapsychology Scientific Literacy vte Session conducted by John Beatty, Bristol, England, 1872 Mediumship is a practice supposedly mediating the connection between the spirits of the dead and living people. Practitioners are known as mediums or spiritual environments. There are different types of mediumism or spiritual channeling, including tables se'nce, trance and ouija. Medium gained popularity in the nineteenth century, when ouija boards were used by upper classes as a source of entertainment. Investigations during this period revealed widespread fraud, with some practitioners using techniques used by stage magicians, and the practice began to lose credibility. Fraud is still widespread in the middle/mental industry, and there are still cases of deception and deception. Belief in psychic abilities is widespread, despite the lack of objective evidence of its existence. Scientific researchers have tried to establish the validity of the claims about mediumism. An experiment conducted by the British Psychological Society concluded that the subjects had not demonstrated any mediumistic ability. Several different variants of mediumism have been described; perhaps the most famous forms include the spirit supposedly to take control of the voice environment and use it to convey a message, or where the medium simply hears the message and It. Other forms include materialization or the presence of voice and telekinetic activity. This practice is associated with several religious beliefs, such as , vodun, , spiritualism, candomble, voodoo, Umbanda and some New Age groups. The concept of spiritualism and spiritualism of the environment plays the role of mediator between the world of the living and the world of the spirit. Mediums claim that they can listen to and transmit messages from spirits, or that they can allow the spirit to control their body and speak through it directly or by or drawing. Spiritualists classify the types of mediums into two main categories: mental and physical: Mental mediums are supposedly tuned to the spiritual world by listening, feeling, or seeing spirits or symbols. Physical environments are thought to materialize spirits, object sites and other effects such as knocking, rap, bell ringing, etc., using created from the cells of their bodies and those of the sessions of the human beings. The ceness can be seen as a modern form of the old medium, where the channel (or channel) supposedly receives messages from learning-spirit, Ascended Master from God or from an angelic entity, but essentially through the filter of one's own waking consciousness (or Higher Self). Attempts of history to communicate with the dead and other living people, as well as spirits, were documented in early human history. The story of the witch Endor (in the latest edition of NIV the witch turns out to be the middle in the passage) tells the story of who raised the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel to allow the Jewish king Saul to question his former mentor about the impending battle, as is associated in Samuel's books in the Jewish Tanah (the foundation of the Old Testament). Mediumism became quite popular in the 19th century in the United States and the United Kingdom after the rise of spiritualism as a religious movement. Modern spiritualism is said to date from the practice and lectures of the in New York State in 1848. Trans Wednesday's Easter Beverly Randolph and Emma Harding Brittain were among the most celebrated lecturers and authors on the subject in the mid-19th century. Allan Cardek coined the term around 1860. Kardek argued that conversations with the spirits of individual mediums were the basis of his Book of Spirits, and later, his collection of five books, Spiritist Codification. Some scientists of the period who investigated spiritualism also became converts. Among them were chemist , physicist William Crooks (1832-1919) and evolutionary biologist Alfred Russell Wallace (1823-1913). Nobel laureate Pierre Curie is very interested Euapia Palladino. Other prominent adherents were journalist and pacifist William T. Stead (1849-1912) and physician and writer (1859-1930). After exposing the fraudulent use of stage tricks by physical environments such as the and the Bang Sisters, mediumism fell into disrepute. However, religion and its beliefs continue despite this, with physical mediumism and sessions falling out of practice and the mediumism platform coming to the first level. In the late 1920s and early 1930s there were about a quarter of a million spiritualist practitioners and about two thousand spiritualist societies in the UK in addition to the thriving microcultures of the medium and home platform. Spiritualism continues to be practiced primarily through various confessional spiritualist churches in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, more than 340 spiritualist churches and centres are opening their doors to the public and free media demonstrations are regularly held. Terminology Home article: Spirit Guide In 1958 English-born Spiritualist C. Dorrin Phillips wrote about his experiences with the environment at Camp Chesterfield, Indiana: The Rev. James Laughton's 'ances there are many Indians.' They are very noisy and seem to have great power. [...] Little guides, or doormen, are usually Indian boys and girls who act as messengers who help find the spirit of friends who want to talk to you. Spirit operator Spirit is a spirit that uses the environment to manipulate psychic energy or energy systems. Demonstration media caption , who claimed the spirit lifted him into the air, was exposed as a fraud. In old-church, some of the services, usually near the end, are given to demonstrations of mediumism through contact with the spirits of the dead. A typical example of this way of describing a mediumistic church service can be found in K. Dorrin Phillips' 1958 autobiography. She writes about services at Chesterfield Spiritual Camp in Chesterfield, Indiana: Services are held every day, consisting of hymns, lectures on philosophy, and demonstrations of mediumism. Today, the demonstration of mediumism is part of the church service in all churches associated with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) and the National Spiritualist Union (SNU). The demonstration refers to the Declaration of the Chief #9. We affirm that the commandments of Prophecy and Healing are divine attributes proven through the Medium. Mental medium Mental medium is the communication of spirits with the environment of telepathy. The environment mentally hears (keyboardity), sees (clairvoyance) and/or feels (clairvoyance) messages from the spirits. Directly or with the help of the spirit The environment transmits information to the recipient of the message (s). When the medium does reading for a particular person, what the person is known to be is sitting. Trans medium Trans mediums are often seen as a form of psychic mediumism. Most trans environments remain conscious in a period of communication in which the spirit uses the mind environment to communicate. The spirit or spirits that use the mind of the medium influence the mind by transmitting thoughts. The environment allows the ego to step aside for the message. At the same time, a person has an awareness of thought coming through and can even influence the message with their own bias. Such a trance should not be confused with sleepwalking, as the models are completely different. Castillo (1995) argues that trance phenomena are the result of the behavior of intense attention-focusing, which is a key psychological mechanism for trance induction. Adaptive reactions, including institutionalized forms of trance, are tuned to neural networks in the brain. In the 1860s and 1870s, trans environments were very popular. Spiritualism tended to attract female adherents, many of whom had strong interests in social justice. Many trans media have made impassioned speeches about women's abolitionism, moderation and suffrage. Scientists have described as one of the most famous trans environments in the history of spiritualism. In a typical deep trance, the environment may not have a clear recall of all messages that have been altered; such people usually work with an assistant. This person selectively recorded or otherwise recorded the words of the medium. Rarely does an assistant record the words of a nanny and other attendants. An example of this kind of relationship can be found in the early 20th century collaboration between the trans environment of Ms. Cecil M. Cook William T. Stead Memorial Center in Chicago (a religious body included in the Illinois statute) and journalist Lloyd Kenyon Jones. The latter was a non-average Spiritualist who transcribe Cook's messages in an abbreviated version. He edited them for publication in the form of a book and a brochure. Physical medium A photograph of Linda Gazzer's medium with a doll as a fake ectoplasm. Physical mediumism is defined as the manipulation of energies and energy systems by spirits. This type of medium is said to be associated with notable manifestations such as loud rap and noise, voices, materialized objects, supplies, materialized spiritual bodies, or body parts such as arms, legs and legs. The environment is used as a source of strength for such spiritual manifestations. According to some reports, this was achieved by the energy or ectoplasm released wednesday, see the last physical environment that was tested by the Scientific American Committee, was Mina in 1924. Most of the physical medium is represented in a darkened or dimly lit room. Most physical environments use a traditional set of tools and applications, including spiritual tubes, spiritual cabinets, and tables. Direct Voice Direct Voice Is the assertion that spirits speak independently of the environment that facilitates the phenomenon rather than produces it. The role of the environment is to make a connection between the physical and the spirit of the worlds. Pipes are often used to amplify the signal, and directional voice environments are sometimes referred to as tube mediums. This form of mediumism also allows the medium to participate in discourse during sessions, as the voice of the medium is not required by the spirit of communication. was one of the most famous representatives of this form of mediumism. Channeling In the second half of the 20th century, the Western medium developed in two different ways. One type involved clairaudience or sensitive who hear the spirit and then convey what they hear to their customers. Another incarnation of non-physical mediumism is a form of chennerance in which the channeler goes into a trance, or leaves his body, allowing the spiritual entity to borrow its body, which then speaks through them. When in a trance the environment seems to be under the control of the spirit of the bygone soul, sometimes entering a cataleptic state, although modern channelers may not do so. The rhythm and intonation of the voice can also change completely. The well-known channeler of this variety is J.H. Knight, who claims to be directing the spirit of Ramta, a 30,000-year-old man. Others are designed to guide spirits from future dimensions, ascending masters, or, in the case of the trans-medium Brahm Kumaris, God. Other notable channels are for Seth, Esther Hicks for Abraham, 34 and Carla L. Rueckert for Ra. The environment is said to have psychic abilities, but not all function as mediums. The term clairvoyance, for example, can include seeing the spirit and visions instilled by the world of the spirit. The Parapsychological Association defines clairvoyance as information obtained directly from an external physical source. Clairvoyance or clear to see is the ability to see everything that is physically absent, such as objects, animals or people. This spectacle takes place in the eyes of the mind. Some mediums say that this is their normal state of vision. Others say that they must teach their minds to practices such as meditation to achieve this ability, and that the help of spiritual helpers is often needed. Some clairvoyant environments to see the spirit as if the spirit has a physical body. They see the bodily form as if it were physically present. Other mediums see the spirit in their eyes, or it appears as a film or television program or another picture as a picture in their mind. Clairaudience or clear hearing is usually defined as the ability to hear the voices or thoughts of spirits. Some mediums hear as if they are listening to a person, talking to him on the outside of their head, as if the Spirit is near or near the environment, while other mediums hear voices in their minds as a verbal thought. Clairsentience, or clear sensing, is the ability to have the impression that the spirit wants to communicate, or feel the sensations instilled in spirit. Clairsentinence or clear feeling is a condition in which the medium takes on the ailments of the spirit, feeling the same physical problem that the person of the spirit had before death. Clairalience or clear smell is the ability to smell the spirit. For example, the environment may smell the pipe-killing tobacco of a person who has smoked for a lifetime. Clairgustance or clear tasting is an opportunity to get a taste of the spirit. Claircognizance or clear knowledge is the ability to know something without getting it through normal or mental feelings. It's a feeling just to know. Often, the medium will claim to feel that message or situation is right or wrong. Explanations of the Paranormal Beliefs of spiritualists believe that the phenomena produced by environments (both mental and physical medium) are the result of external spiritual agencies. Psychic researcher Thomson J. Hudson in The Law of Psychic Phenomena (1892) and Theodore Flournoy in his book Spiritism and Psychology (1911) wrote that all kinds of mediumism can be explained by suggestion and telepathy from the environment and that there was no evidence for the hypothesis of the spirit. The idea of mediumism, explained by telepathy, was later combined into the super-ESP medium hypothesis, which is now being defended by some parapsychologists. In their book How to Think About Strange Things: Critical Thinking for the New Century, the authors Theodore Schick and Lewis Vaughn noted that the spiritualist and ESP hypothesis about the medium did not give new predictions, does not involve unknown entities or forces, and conflicts with available scientific data. Scientific skepticism Scientists, weed out anomalous psychology, consider mediumism the result of fraud and psychological factors. Psychology studies have shown for more than a hundred years that where there is no fraud, mediumism and spiritualistic practices can be explained by hypnosis, magical thinking and suggestion. Trans mediumism, which Spiritualists believe is caused by discursive spirits speaking through the medium, can be explained by dissociative Disorder. Illusionists such as Joseph Rinne arranged fake sessions in which the nannies claimed to have observed genuine supernatural phenomena. Albert Moll studied the psychology of nannies. According to (Wolffram, 2012) The Mall argued that the hypnotic atmosphere of the darkened session room and the suggestive effect of the social and scientific prestige of the experimenters could be used to explain why seemingly rational people vouchsafed occult phenomena. Psychologists Leonard Susne and Warren Jones wrote in their book Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking (1989) that perfume management is products of their own psychological dynamics of the environment. The fraudulent environment can obtain information about their nannies by secretly eavesdropping on nannies' conversations or searching phone directories, the internet and newspapers before meetings. The technique, called cold reading, can also be used to obtain information from babysitter behavior, clothing, posture and jewelry. Psychologist Richard Wiseman wrote: Cold reading also explains why psychics consistently fail scientific tests of their powers. By isolating them from their clients, psychics cannot get information from how these clients dress or behave. Representing all the volunteers participating in the test with all the readings, they cannot attribute the meaning to their own reading, and therefore cannot identify it from the testimony made for others. As a result, the type of highly successful hitting rate that psychics enjoy on a daily basis comes crashing down and the truth arises - their success depends on the fascinating application of psychology rather than the existence of paranormal abilities. In a series of experiments with fake sessions (Wiseman et al. 2003), paranormal believers and unbelievers have suggested to the actor that the table levitates when, in fact, it remains motionless. After the session, about a third of participants incorrectly reported that the table had moved. The results showed a higher percentage of believers reporting that the table had moved. In another experiment, believers also reported that the bell was moving when it remained stationary and expressed their belief that the fake sessions contained genuine paranormal phenomena. Experiments strongly supported the idea that in the session room, believers are more suggestive than non-believers for suggestions that align with their belief in the paranormal. In a 2019 television segment on Last Week Tonight featuring well-known alleged mediums including Teresa Caputo, , Tyler Henry and , John Oliver criticized the media for promoting mediums because it convinces viewers that such powers are real and therefore allow the area to prey on grieving families. Oliver said: ... when psychic abilities are presented as genuine, it encourages the vast underworld of unscrupulous vultures, more than happy to make money by offering an open line to the afterlife as well as many other services. Fraud (30 years) in a session with dolls (1928). From the beginning to the present day, the mediumism practice has been a lot of cases of fraud and deception. Sessions occur in the dark, so poor lighting conditions can be an easy opportunity for fraud. Physical mediumism, which was investigated by scientists, was discovered as a result of deception and deception. It turned out that ectoplasm, presumably a paranormal substance, was made of gauze, oil, muslin and tissue. Mediums also stuck to cut out faces from magazines and newspapers on fabric or other props and used plastic dolls in their sessions to pretend their audience spirits were contacting them. Lewis Spence, in his book Encyclopedia of The Occultism (1960), wrote: fraud plays a very large role in spiritualistic practices, both in physical and mental, or automatic phenomena, but especially in the former. The frequency with which mediums have been convicted of fraud has indeed prompted many people to abandon the study of mental studies, assessing the entire bulk of the phenomena that will be fraudulently produced. . In the UK, the Society for Mental Research investigated the phenomena of mediumism. Critical SPR investigations into alleged environments and exposing fake media have led to a number of resignations of Spiritualist members. On the subject of fraud in the medium, Paul Kurtz wrote: No doubt, the big value in the paranormal area is the problem of fraud. The field of psychic research and spiritualism has been so known to charlatans such as the Fox sisters and -individuals who claim to have special power and gifts, but who are actually sorcerers who have deceived scientists and the public, and that we must be especially careful about claims made on their behalf. Magicians have a long history of exposing fraudulent medium methods. Early whistleblowers included Chung Lin-so, Henry Evans and Julian Proskauer. Later, the magicians who uncovered the fraud were Joseph Dunner, and Joseph Rinne. Rose McEnberg, a private investigator who worked with Houdini in the 1920s, was one of the most notorious whistleblowers of mental fraud in the mid-20s. 1800s Many 19th century environments were discovered to engage in fraud. While proponents of mediumism argue that their experience is genuine, the Encyclopedia Britannica article on spiritualism notes a case in the 19th century that ... One by one, it was found that mediums engaged in fraud, sometimes using the methods of stage magicians in their attempts to convince people of their clairvoyant powers. The article also notes that exposing widespread fraud within the spiritualist movement has seriously damaged his reputation and marginalized him in the United States. During a session at the house of lawyer John Snit Reimer in Ealing in July 1855, nanny Frederick Merrifield noticed that the hand of spirit was a false limb attached to the end of The Hand of the Medium Daniel Dunglas. Merrifield also claimed to have watched Dom use his leg in the session room. The poet Robert Browning and his wife Elizabeth attended a session on July 23, 1855, in Ealing with the Reimers. During the session, a spiritual person materialized, which Dom said was Browning's son, who died in infancy. Browning grabbed the materialization and found it to be a bare foot at home. To make cheating worse, Browning never lost a son in infancy. Browning's son Robert in a letter to The Times, on December 5, 1902 referred to an incident The House was found in vulgar fraud. Researchers Joseph McCabe and Trevor H. Hall exposed the levitation of the House as nothing more than its movement through a connecting ledge between two iron balconies. Psychologist and mental researcher Stanley Lefebvre Krebs exposed the Bang sisters as crooks. During the session he used a hidden mirror and caught them faking a letter in an envelope and writing a reply in it under the table that they would pretend the spirit had written. The British materialization environment of Rosina Mary Soul has been caught in many fraudulent sessions throughout her career. In 1874, during a session with Edward William Cox, the nanny looked into the study and grabbed the spirit, the headdress fell and, as it turned out, was the Soul. In a series of experiments in London at the home of William Crooks in February 1875, the medium managed to deceive Crooks, believing that she has genuine psychic abilities. Faye later confessed to the fraud and revealed the tricks she used. Frank Hearn, the British medium who formed a partnership with the medium Charles Williams, was repeatedly subjected to fraudulent material. In 1875, he was caught pretending to be in the spirit during a session in Liverpool and was found dressed about two yards of frozen muslin, wounds around his head and hanging up to his hip. was trained in the art of the session and was repeatedly exposed as a fraudulent environment. Middle Henry Slade has been caught in fraud many times throughout his career. In a session in 1876 in London, Ray Lancaster and Brian Donkin grabbed his slate before the spirit message was to be and found the writing already there. Slade also played the accordion with one hand under the table and claimed that the spirits would play on it. Eva Carrier with cardboard cut the figure of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria. British medium Frances Ward Monk has been investigated by psychic researchers and discovered as a fraud. On November 3, 1876, during a session, the nanny demanded a search of Monk. Monk ran out of the room, locked himself in another room and ran out of the window. A pair of stuffed gloves were found in his room, as well as gauze, fishing rods and other fake devices in his luggage. After the trial, Monk was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to three months in prison. In 1876, was exposed as a fraud when the psychic researcher Thomas Colley captured the spiritual materialization in his session and cut off part of his cloak. It turned out that the cut piece corresponds to the fabric found in Eglinton's suitcase. Collie also removed the beard from the materialization, and it turned out to be a fake, the same as the other one found in Eglinton's suitcase. In 1880, the spirit of Yolanda materialized in the session, and the nanny grabbed him and turned out to be the medium Mrs. D'Esperance. In September 1878, the British medium Charles Williams and his fellow medium at the time, A. Rita, were discovered in deception in Amsterdam. During the session, the spirit of Rita was materialized, and a bottle of phosphorus oil, muslin and a false beard were found among the two carriers. In 1882, C. E. Wood was exposed in a session in Peterborough. Her Indian spirit of Pocka management was found to be wednesday on her knees covered with muslin. In 1880, Washington stage chief Irving Bishop published a book showing how mediums would use secret codes as a gimmick for their clairvoyant testimony. Seibert's Commission was a group of professors at the University of Pennsylvania who exposed fraudulent funds such as Pierre L. O. A. Keeler and Henry Slade between 1884 and 1887. The Fox sisters confessed to the fraud in 1888. Margaret Fox has revealed that she and her sister have produced a spirit of rap by breaking their finger joints. In 1891, in a public session with twenty Wednesday nannies, Cecil Hask was caught leaning over a table, pretending to be in spirit, covering his face with phosphorous material. Wizard Will Goldstone also exposed fraud against the Huskies. In the session Goldstone attended a pale materialization of the face appeared in the room. Goldstone wrote: I immediately saw that it was a gauze mask and that the moustache attached to it was loose on one side due to lack of gum. I pulled on the mask. He left, revealing Hask's face. British On October 12, 1894, Annie Fairlamb Mellon was exposed as a fraud. During the session, the nanny grabbed the materialized spirit, and found that it was Mellon on her knees with white muslin on his head and shoulders. The Wizard of Samri Baldwin exposed the tricks of the Davenport brothers in his book Secrets of the Land of Mahatma, Explained (1895). Swami's medium Laura Horos was convicted of fraud several times and was convicted of rape and fraud in London in 1901. It has been described by magician Harry Houdini as one of the most unusual fake environments and mystery scams the world has ever known. In the late 19th century, fraudulent methods of spirit photographers such as and Edward Wyllie were identified by psychic researchers. Here, Carrington documented various methods (with diagrams) of how the medium manipulated plates before, during and after the session to create spiritual forms. Ectoplasm materializing the French environment of Eva Carrier has been exposed as fraudulent. Carrier's fake ectoplasm was made from a paper-based cutout of newspapers and magazines, which sometimes featured folding tags in photographs. Among the persons she used were Woodrow Wilson, King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, French President Raimonds Poincare and actress Mona Delza. The trick with the Eddie Brothers session was uncovered by magician Chung Ling in 1898. The brothers used a fake hand out of lead, and with their hands free from control would play musical instruments and move objects in the session room. Physiologist Ivor Lloyd Tuckett studied the case of spiritual photography, which, according to W. T. Stead, was authentic. Stead visited a photographer who took a picture of him with a dead soldier known as Pete Botha. Stead claimed that the photographer could not come across any information about Pete Botha, however, Tuckett discovered that an article in 1899 had been published on Pietrus Botha's weekly magazine with portraits and personal details. Leonora Piper's trans environment was researched by mental researchers and psychologists in the late 19th and early 20th century. In an experiment to check if Piper's spirit controls were purely bogus psychologist G. Stanley Hall invented a niece named Bessie Beals and asked Piper for control to contact him. Bessie showed up, answered questions and accepted Hall as her uncle. Psychologist Joseph Jastow wrote that Piper pretended to be spirit-driven and fell into the simple and logical pitfalls of his comments. Science writer Martin Gardner concluded that Piper was a cold reader who caught information from her nannies. Physiologist Ivor Lloyd Tuckett, who studied Piper's mediumism in detail, wrote that this could be explained by muscle reading, guessing, hints obtained in the meeting, knowledge secretly obtained, knowledge acquired in the interval between meetings and finally the facts already within the knowledge of Mrs. Piper . In March 1900 in Berlin, police officers interrupted a session of the German environment frau Anna Rothe. Her hands were captured and she was struggling to the ground. A police assistant physically examined Rote and found 157 flowers, as well as oranges and lemons hidden in her skirt. She was arrested and charged with fraud. Another medium, known as the flower environment, admitted to fraud. Psychic researchers W. W. Baggalli and Everard Feilding exposed the British materialization of Christopher Chambers as a fraud in 1905. The false moustache was found in the session room, which he used to make the spirit materialize. British medium Charles Eldred was exposed as a fraudster in 1906. Eldred was sitting in a chair in a curtained area in a room known as the session. Various figures of spirit would come out of the closet and move around the session room, however, it was discovered that the chair was a secret compartment that contained beards, fabrics, masks and wigs that Eldred would dress up to fake the perfume. Spiritual photographer William Hope tricked William Crooks with a fake spiritual photograph of his wife in 1906. testified that there were obvious signs of double exposure, a picture of Lady Crooks had been copied from a photograph of the wedding anniversary, however, Crooks was a convinced spiritualist and claimed it was genuine proof for the spirit of photography. In 1907, exposed the tricks of fraudulent environments such as those used in slates, flipping the table, trumpet mediumism, materialization, sealed letter reading and the spirit of photography. Between 1908 and 1914, the Italian environment of Francesco Caranzini was investigated by mental researchers, and they found that he used phosphorous matches to produce spiritual lights and with his free hand would move objects in the session room. In 1908, at a hotel in Naples, the psychic researchers W. W. Baggalli, Hereward Carrington and Everard Feilding took part in a series of sessions with Eusapia Palladino. In the report, they argued that genuine supernatural activity took place in Sessions, a report that became known as the Feiling Report. In 1910, Feilding returned to Naples, but this time accompanied by magician William S. Marriott. Unlike the 1908 meetings, Feilding and Marriott discovered her deception, as she did in America. Her deception was obvious. Palladino evaded control and was caught moving objects with her foot, shaking the curtain with her hands, moving the cupboard table with her elbow and touching the nanny session. Milborn Christopher in regards to exposure, when one knows how a feat can be done and what to look for, only the most skilful performer can maintain the illusion in the face of such informed control. Stanislava Tomchik (left) and magician William Marriott (right), who duplicated naturally her trick of levitating a glass glass. In 1910, at a session in Grenoble, France, middle airport produced two live birds in the session room. Bailey did not know that the dealer from whom he bought the birds was present in the session, and he was exposed as a con artist. Psychic researcher oversaw The Medium of in New York and claimed to have discovered his tricks with reading blanks. The most detailed report on exposing his tricks (with diagrams) was that of magician Theodore Anneman. The levitation of the glass glass by the Polish medium Stanislava Tomczyk was exposed and reproduced in 1910 by the magician William S. Marriott with the help of a hidden thread. Italian medium Lucia Sordi was exposed in 1911, she was tied to a chair by mental researchers, but freed during sessions. The tricks of another Italian medium were revealed in the same year she would free her hands and feet from control in her sessions and use them. Gazzer was not allowed to search her before the session, as she concealed muslin and other objects in her hair. In 1917, Edward Clauded analyzed the mediumity of the trans environment of Glade Osbourne Leonard and concluded that Leonard knew her nannies before she held the sessions, and could easily obtain such information naturally. The British psychiatrist Charles Arthur Mercier wrote in his book Spiritism and Sir Oliver Lodge (1917) that Oliver Lodge was deceived by the belief in mediumism, and his spiritualist views were based on assumptions rather than scientific evidence. In 1918, Joseph Jastrov wrote about the tricks of Eusapia Palladino, who was an expert on freeing her hands and feet from control in the session room. In the Palladino session room, move the curtains from afar, releasing a jet of air from the rubber light bulb she had in her hand. According to mental researcher , her tricks tended to be childish: long hair attached to small objects to produce telekinetic movements; gradual replacement of one hand to two when controlling nannies; producing phenomena with a foot that has been secretly removed from the shoe and so on. In the 1920s, the British medium Charles Albert Beard deceived the spiritualist organization Temple of Light, believing that he had genuine psychic abilities. In 1931, Beard published a confession in the Daily Express. In confession he declared: I have hundreds of people.... I was guilty of fraud and deception in spiritualistic practices, pretending that I was under the control of a spiritual guide.... I sincerely and sincerely regret that I allowed myself to deceive people. Because of the revelations of William Hope and other fraudulent spiritualists, Arthur Conan Doyle in the 1920s led to the mass resignation of 84 members of the Society for Mental Research, as they believed that the Society opposed spiritualism. Between November 8 and December 31, 1920, Gustav Geli of the Metapsychik International Institute participated in fourteen sessions with the medium Frank Clasky in Paris. A bowl of hot paraffin was placed in the room and according to Kluski the ovens dipped their limbs in paraffin and then in a bath of water to materialize. Three other series of sessions were held in Warsaw in Clasca's own apartment, they took place for three years. Clasky was not searched in any of the sessions. The photographs of the forms were obtained during four series of experiments and were published by Geli in 1924. Harry Houdini reproduced the shape of Kluski's materialization using his hands and a bowl of hot paraffin. The British direct voice medium of Frederick Tansley Mannings was exposed as a fraud when one of his nannies turned on a light that showed him holding the pipe using a telescopic part of the extension and using an angular piece to alter the auditory effect of his voice. Richard Hodgson held six meetings with Rosina Thompson and concluded that she was a fraudster, as he discovered that Thompson had access to documents and information about her nannies. On February 4, 1922, Harry Price and James Seymour, Eric Dingwall and William S. Marriott proved that spiritual photographer William Hope was a con artist during tests at the British College of Mental Sciences. Price wrote in his SPR report William Hope was found guilty of intentionally replacing his own plate for those babysitters... This means that the medium brings on a sitting duplicate slide and fake plates for fraudulent purposes. The medium Kathleen Goligcher was researched by the physicist Edmund Edward Fournier d'Albe. On July 22, 1921, in a session, he noticed Goliger holding the table with his foot. He also discovered that her ectoplasm was made of muslin. During the session, Alba observed a white muslin between Goligcher's legs. Danish medium was researched by a committee from the University of Christiania in Norway in 1922 and discovered in a session that his ectoplasm was fake. In 1923, the Polish medium Jan Guzyk was exposed as a con artist in a series of sessions at the Sorbonne in Paris. Guzyk used elbows and legs to move objects around the room and touch the nannies. According to Max Desoir, Gusik had to use his leg for psychic touches and sounds. Psychic researchers Eric Dingwall and Harry Price re-enraged an anonymous work written by a former medium called Revelations of a Spirit Medium (1922), which exposed the tricks of mediumism and fraudulent methods of producing spiritual hands. Initially, all copies of the book were bought up by spiritualists and deliberately destroyed. In 1923, magician Carlos Maria de Heredia showed how fake spirit hands can be made using rubber gloves, paraffin and jars of cold water. The Hungarian medium Ladislas Lasslo admitted that all his spiritual materializations were fraudulent in 1924. It was also found that the nanny worked as a Confederate in Lasslo. with her spiritual hand which was discovered from a piece of carved animal liver. Stanislav. with ectoplasm. The Austrian medium Rudy Schneider was studied in 1924 by physicists Stefan Meyer and Karl Przibram. They caught Rudy, freeing his hand in a series of sessions. Rudy claimed that he could levitate objects, but according to Harry Price, a photograph taken on April 28, 1932, showed that Rudy managed to free his hand to move the handkerchief off the table. According to Warren Jay Winton, Schneider was an expert in freeing himself from control in the session room. Oliver Gatti and Theodore Besterman, who tested Schneider, concluded that their tests have no strong evidence that Rudy Schneider has excess abilities. Spiritualists Arthur Conan Doyle and W.T. Stead were deceived into believing that Julius and Agnes zanjig had genuine psychic abilities. Doyle and Stead wrote that the zanjiangs performed telepathy. In 1924, Julius and Agnes zanjig admitted that their mind-reading act was a gimmick and published a secret code and all the details of the trick method they used under the name Our Secrets!! in a London newspaper. In 1925, Samuel Soal stated that he had taken part in a series of sessions with the medium Blanche Cooper, who contacted the spirit of soldier Gordon Davis and showed the house in which he lived. Researchers later discovered fraud because the sessions took place in 1922, not 1925. Wizard and paranormal investigator Bob Couttie testified that Davis was alive, Soal lived next to him and changed the recordings of the meeting after checking the house. Soal's colleagues knew that he was fiddling with the results, but were silent with threats of libel suits. Mina Crandon claimed to be materialising the spiritual hand, but on examination by biologists it was discovered that the hand was made of a piece of carved liver of animals. The German medium of the Heinrich Meltzer Cosmodrome was discovered in a scam in 1926. In a session of psychic researchers found that Meltzer had small stones attached to of his ears flesh colored ribbon. Mental researchers who examined Maria Silbert's mediumism showed that she used her legs and feet to move objects in the session room. In 1930, the Polish environment of Stanisava. was tested at the Metapsychymatic Institute in Paris. French psychic researcher Eugenie Osty suspected in the session that Stanislava freed her hand from control. Secret photos of the flashlight that were taken showed that her hand was free and she moved the objects to the session table. Spiritualists claimed that during a series of sessions in 1930, the medium Eileen J. Researcher Melvin Harris, who studied the case, wrote that the information described in Garrett's remarks was either commonplace, easily absorbed by bits and pieces, or simply gobble-goke. The so-called classified information simply does not exist. Helen Duncan with a fake ectoplasm analyzed by Harry Price to make of gauze and rubber gloves. In the 1930s, Harry Price (director of the National Laboratory for Mental Research) researched the medium Helen Duncan and had to perform a series of test sessions for her. She was suspected of swallowing gauze, which was then spewed as ectoplasm. Price proved, based on an analysis of Duncan's ectoplasm sample, that it was made of gauze. Helen Duncan also used a papier-sword mask doll wrapped in an old leaf, which she pretended to be her nanny spirit. Photographs taken by Thomas Glendenning Hamilton in the 1930s show that the substance must be made from fabric paper and magazine cutouts of people. The famous photograph, taken by Hamilton Wednesday's Mary Ann Marshall, depicts paper cut from the head of Arthur Conan Doyle from the newspaper. Skeptics suspected that Hamilton may have been behind the hoax. Psychologists and researchers who studied the automatic works of Pearl Curran in the 1930s concluded that was a fictitious creation of Curran. In 1931, George Valyanin was exposed as a fraud in the session room, as it was discovered that he had made fake spirit fingerprints in wax. The spirit of the fingerprint that Valiantine claimed belonged to Arthur Conan Doyle was revealed to have stamped his thumb on his right foot. It also turned out that Valentin made several prints with his elbow. Middle was exposed as a fraud in 1932. The wizard and nanny, who identified herself as M. Taylor, donated a mail bag, and Decker agreed to lock herself in. During the session, the items were moved around the room, and it was claimed that the spirits had released Decker from the bag. It was later discovered that the stunt was like Martin Sunshine, a magic dealer admitted that he sold Decker a trick mailbag, such as stage escapologies use, and acted as a Confederate medium, pretending to be M. Taylor, a magician. British medium said it was materialized by an Indian spiritual guide called the Red Cloud. Researcher Melvin Harris, who has studied some of the photos of the Red Cloud, wrote that the face was the same as Roberts' and she was dressed in a feathered military hood. In 1936, the psychic researcher Nandor Fodor tested the Hungarian environment of Laios Pap in London, and during the session a dead snake appeared. Dad was searched and found to be wearing a device under his robe where he hid the snake. A photograph taken at a 1937 session in London shows Colin Evans's medium levitating in the air. He claimed that the spirit lifted him. Evans was later discovered that the fraud-like cord leading from the device in his hand indicated that it was himself who caused the flash photo, and that all he did was jump from his chair into the air and pretend he was levitating. According to magician John Booth, stage miser David Devant managed to deceive a number of people, believing that he has genuine psychic abilities, who did not realize that his exploits were magic tricks. In the St. George Hall in London, he performed a false clairvoyant act in which he read a message sealed in an envelope. Spiritualist Oliver Lodge, who was present in the audience, was duped by the trick and claimed that Devante used psychic powers. In 1936, Devante, in his book The Secrets of My Magic, revealed the method of the trick he used. Physicist Christian Birkeland exposed the fraud of the direct voice carrier Etta Rdt. Birkeland turned on the light during the session, snatched the pipes and found that the spiritual noises were caused by chemical explosions caused by potassium and water, and in other cases by lycopodium powder. British psychic Isa Northage claimed to be materialising the spirit of a surgeon known as Dr Reynolds. When Reynolds' photos were analyzed by the researchers, they found that Northage looked like Reynolds with a glued stage beard. The Wizard of Julian Proskauer said 's levitating trumpet was a gimmick. Careful examination of the photos show Webber would be holding a telescopic reaching rod attached to the pipe, and the nanny in his sessions only felt that levitated because the room was so dark they couldn't see the rod. Webber will cover the rod with a paper crepe to hide its real design. Kathleen Goligcher with a fake muslin ectoplasm. In 1954, psychic researcher Rudolf Lambert published a report revealing details about a fraud case that was covered up by many Metapsychymatic International (IMI). Lambert, who studied The Gustav Geli's files at eva Carrier's medium, discovered photographs depicting fraudulent ectoplasm taken by her companion Juliet Bisson. Various materializations were artificially attached to Eve's hair by wires. The discovery was never published by Geli. Eugenie Osti (director of the institute) and members of the Gene Meyer Institute, Albert von Schrenk-Notzing and Charles Richet knew about the fraudulent photos, but were firmly believers in psychic phenomena, so demanded that the scandal be kept secret. Fraudulent medium Ronald Edwin admitted to deceiving his nannies and uncovering the fraudulent methods he used in his book Hours Without Hands (1955). Psychic researcher explored the medium of in 1955. During the session, the spiritual materializations came out of the closet and walked around the room. Cornell wrote that the stomach rumble, the nicotine smelling breath and the pulse gave it away, that all the pieces of spirit were actually Harris and that he dressed like each one behind the closet. British psychic has earned more than 50,000 pounds on his nannies. He confessed to fraud in 1958 by showing the microphone and the trick machine he used. The automatic works of the Irish environment were analyzed by mental researchers in the 1960s, and they showed that she worked as a catalogue in the National Library of Ireland and took information from various books that appeared in her automatic writings about ancient history. In 1960, psychic researcher Andria Pujaric and Tom O'Neill, publisher of spiritualist Psychic Observer, staged two screenings at Camp Chesterfield, Indiana, using an infrared film to gain scientific evidence of the materialization of the spirit. Wednesday was shown the camera in advance, and knew that it was filmed. However, the film showed an apparent fraud by Wednesday and her assistant cabinet. The exhibition was published in the Issue of The Psychic Observer on July 10, 1960. In 1966, Bishop Pike's son committed suicide. After his death, Pike contacted British psychic Ena Twigg for a series of sessions, and she claimed to have spoken to his son. Although Twigg denied knowing anything about Pike and his son before, magician John Booth discovered that Twigg already knew information about the Pike family before the sessions. Twigg belonged to the same denomination of Bishop Pike, he preached in the cathedral in Kent, and she knew the information about him and his deceased son from the newspapers. In 1970, two psychic researchers examined the direct voice environment of Leslie Flint and found that all the spiritual voices in his session sounded exactly like himself and his mediumism to the second ventriloquist rate. Medium died leaving specific instructions that all his files should be burned. In 1971, after his death, psychic researchers discovered his files, but instead of burning them, they were examined and discovered to be filled with obituaries, newspaper articles and other information that allowed Ford to investigate his nanny background session. , in his book Table-rappers: The Victorians and the Occult (1972), documented how every Victorian environment explored was exposed as using deception, in a book he revealed how mediums even used acrobatic techniques during sessions to convince the audience of their spiritual presence. In 1976, M. Lamar Keen, a medium in Florida and at the Chesterfield spiritual camp in Indiana, confessed to deceiving the public in his book The Psychic Mafia. Keen details a variety of common stage magic techniques used by environments that should give the appearance of paranormal forces or supernatural engagement. After her death in the 1980s, psychic was accused of fraud by author and investigator Ian Wilson. Wilson said Mrs Stokes had planted specific people in her audience and had done preliminary research into her nannies. Rita Gould, a physical medium in the 1980s, was accused of fraud by mental researcher Tony Cornell. He claimed that she would dress like perfume in her sessions and would play music during them, which provide cover for her to change. The Silver Belle spiritual guide was made of cardboard. Both Ethel Post-Parrish and the lady behind the curtain were in hoax. British journalist published a book Spiritualists (1983), in which she exposed the fraud of the Victorian environment. The book received positive reviews and was influential for skeptics of spiritualism. British representative Paul McEloni was exposed as a fraudster during a session in Ossetia, Yorkshire, in 1983. The tape recorder that McEloni had taken for his sessions was examined, and a black tape was found tied around the battery compartment, and the inside were found the flowers of the carnation, as well as the torch with the key and other objects. In 1988, magician Bob Kuty criticized paranormal author Brian Inglis for deliberately ignoring evidence of media fraud. Kutti wrote that Inglis had not met the magicians. In 1990, researcher discovered that a photograph of the levitation environment of Carmine Mirabelli was fraudulent. The photo was a gimmick as there were signs of a chemical retouching under Mirabella's feet. The retouching showed that Mirabelli was not levitating, but was standing on the stairs, which was erased from the photo. In 1991, Wendy Grossman at New Scientist criticized Stephen E. Broad for ignoring evidence of fraud in the environment. According to Grossman, Broad accuses skeptics of ignoring evidence that he considers solid, but ignores evidence that does not suit him. If the environment has been caught cheating in some cases, he says, the rest of the phenomena of this environment are still genuine. Grossman concluded that Braude had not conducted proper research on the subject and should study the art of conjuring. In 1992, Richard Wiseman analyzed Feilding's report on Eusapia Palladino and claimed that she had hired an undercover accomplice who could enter the room using a fake doorbar located next to the session's office. Wiseman discovered that this trick was already mentioned in the 1851 book, he also visited a carpenter and an experienced magician who built a door within an hour with a false panel. The accomplice was suspected of her second husband, who insisted that he bring Palladino to the hotel where the sessions were held. Massimo Polydoro and Gian Marco Rinaldi also analyzed Feilding's report, but concluded that no secret accomplice was needed, as Palladino could have produced this phenomenon using her leg during the 1908 Neapolitan session. was exposed in 1992, when the lights suddenly turned on during the session, and he was seen holding a trumpet of spirit, which the audience thought was levitated by spiritual energy. In 1997, Massimo Polydoro and Luigi Garlaschelli made wax forms straight out of their hands, which were exactly the same as those obtained by Gustav Geli from , which are kept at the Metapsychique International Institute. Between 1993 and 1998, a series of medium-minded sessions known as the Schole Experiment were conducted in the presence of researchers David Fontana, Arthur Ellison and Montague Tan. This led to photos, audio recordings and physical objects that appeared in the dark session room (known as places). Criticism of the experiment was that it was erroneous because it did not rule out the possibility of fraud. Skeptical investigator Brian Dunning wrote Scole's experiments are not in many ways. Sessions were held in the basement of the two environments, only total darkness was allowed without a night vision device as it could scare the spirits away. The box containing the film has not been investigated and could easily have been accessed for fraud. Finally, despite the fact that many years have passed, there has been no follow-up, no further research by any reputable institution or published accounts. Recent , a well-known psychic skeptic. According to Nickell, modern mediums use meager methods such as cold reading. THE VERITAS Research Program of the Laboratory for The Advances in Consciousness and Health University Of University Psychology run by parapsychologist Gary Schwartz, was created primarily to test the hypothesis that a person's consciousness (or personality) survives physical death. Schwartz argued that his experiments show survival, but so far do not provide conclusive evidence. The experiments described by Schwartz received criticism from the scientific community for lack of design and poor management. Ray discovered many methodological errors with Schwartz's research, including; Inappropriate comparison control, non-compliance with double-blind procedures, creating falsified results by rethinking failures like successes and failing to independently verify facts that nannies have endorsed as true. wrote: Even if the research program was not compromised by these defects, statements made would require replication by independent investigators. criticizes Schwartz's decision to publish its results without collecting evidence of their hypothesis that would meet generally accepted scientific criteria... they have lost confidence. In 2003, the skeptic-researcher Massimo Polydoro in his book Secrets of psychics documented the history of fraud in mediumism and spiritualistic practice, as well as the psychology of mental deception. Terence Hines wrote in his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (2003: Modern spiritualists and psychics keep detailed files about their victims. As you would expect, these files can be very valuable and are often transferred from one medium or mental to another when one retires or dies. Even if the psychic does not use a private detective or has immediate access to the records of driver's licenses, etc., there is still a very powerful technique that will allow the psychic to convince people that the psychic knows everything about them, their problems and their deep personal secrets, fears and desires. The technique is called cold reading and is probably as old as quackery itself... If John Edward (or any of the other self-proclaimed speakers with the dead) can actually communicate with the dead, it would be a trivial matter to prove it. All that would be needed for him to contact any of the thousands of missing persons who are considered dead is famous (e.g. Jimmy Hoffa, Judge Crater) or otherwise, and correctly report where the body is. Of course, this is never done. All we get, instead, are platitudes that Aunt Millie, who loved green plates, is happy on the other side. An experiment conducted by the British Psychological Society in 2005 shows that in a controlled state of the experiment, people who claimed to be professional mediums did not demonstrate psychic abilities. In the experiment, mediums were assigned to work participants selected as sit. Mediums have argued that who were associated with nannies. The study collects the numbers of statements made and has sitters assess the accuracy of the statements. The testimonies that were deemed somewhat accurate by the nannies were very generalized, and those that were considered inaccurate were the ones that were very specific. On Fox News' Geraldo at Large show, October 6, 2007, Geraldo Rivera and other investigators accused Schwartz of fraud because he exceeded his position as a university researcher by requesting more than three million dollars from his late father after losing his son. Schwartz claimed to have contacted the 25-year-old man in the bathroom of his parents' home, and he allegedly tried to charge the family $3.5 million for his media services. Schwartz replied that the charges were created to destroy his credibility of science. In 2013, Rose Marks and her family were convicted of fraud for a series of crimes spanning 20 years, resulting in between $20 million and $45 million. Marx and the family promised to return the cash and goods after cleaning them. Prosecutors determined that they had no intention of returning the property. Exposure to fraudulent activity led to a rapid decline in ectoplasm and session materialization. Researcher Joe Nickell wrote that modern self-proclaimed mediums such as John Edward, Sylvia Browne, and James Van Praag avoid the Victorian tradition of dark rooms, spiritual handwriting and flying tambourines because these methods run the risk. Instead, they use mental medium tactics, such as cold reading or gleaned information from nannies in advance (hot reading). Group readings also improve hits by making general statements with beliefs that will match at least one person in the audience. The show is carefully edited before airing to show just what appears to be hits and removes anything that doesn't reflect well on the medium. Michael Shermer criticized the mediums in Scientific American, saying that mediums are unethical and dangerous: they prey on the emotions of mourners. As grief counselors know, death is best known face to face as part of life. Shermer wrote that the human desire to seek connections between events that may form models important for survival is a function of natural evolution, and called the supposed ability of mediums to speak to the dead a known illusion of a meaningful pattern. According to James Randy, a skeptic who has debunked many allegations of mental abilities and uncovered fraudulent activities, mediums that make cold testimony fish, offer opportunities, make educated guesses and give options. Randy has a permanent offer of $1 million usd for that can demonstrate mental capacity in controlled conditions. Most prominent psychics and mediums did not accept his offer. A key role in this kind of medium is played by the subjective confirmation effect (see Barnum effect) - people are predisposed to consider this information to be reliable, which, although accidental coincidence or guess, seems to them personally important and significant and corresponds to their personal beliefs. An article about this phenomenon in the encyclopedia Britannica emphasizes that ... one by one, spiritual mediums have been convicted of fraud, sometimes using tricks borrowed from scenic wizards to convince their paranormal abilities. The article also notes that ... the discovery of widespread fraud at spiritualistic sessions seriously damaged the reputation of the spiritualism movement and pushed it to the public periphery in the United States. In March 2017, middle Thomas John was targeted in a sting operation and caught doing hot reading. The bite was planned and implemented by skeptical activist Susan Gerbic and the mentality of Mark Edward. The unmarried couple attended John's show using aliases and were read as married couple Suzanne and Mark Wilson John. Throughout the reading, John was unable to identify the actual identities of Herbic and Edward, or that they were deceptive during his reading. All the personal information he gave them corresponded to what was on their falsified Facebook accounts and not about their real life, and John pretended that he was receiving this information from Gerbic and Edward supposedly dead, but in fact there were no-relatives. As Jack Hitt told The New York Times: During the reading, John comfortably laid out the specifics of Suzanne Wilson's life - he called Andy and surprisingly knew that he was her twin. He knew that she and her brother grew up in Michigan, and that his girlfriend was Maria. He knew about Suzanne's test and how he died. This data was obtained from falsified Facebook accounts for the couple, which were prepared by a group of skeptics before reading, and Gerbic and Edward were not aware of specific information in these accounts. This blindness was made so that John would later not be able to claim that he had received false information by reading the thoughts of Herbic and Edward. In her report, Gerbic also revealed that during a private event after the show, John revealed in the group that at least one of the people in the audience he was reading about was actually his own student. In the same week that Thomas John's revelation was made in The New York Times, John's stated abilities in medium science, depicted in a Lifetime reality show called Seatbelt Psychic, were challenged by Herbich in an article By Skeptical Customer. In the show, John ride a share driver who surprises unsuspecting passengers when he delivers messages from his deceased relatives. Gerbic researched and revealed that John's passengers are actually actors, some of whom are documented in IMDb. Gerbic concluded that the riders were most likely hired to ride with John, but probably didn't act when talking to him. She concluded that the details about their lives mentioned by John were easily found on social media and were probably filed with John, making the testimony actually hot readings. One rider, Wendy Westmoreland, played the character on The Stalked Doctor, a TV show also produced by Lifetime. See also Anne O'Delia Diss Debar (One of the most unusual fake environments ... The World Ever Known-Houdini) Blessing Charlatan Confidence Trick Con Artist Curse Flim-Flam! (Psychic, ESP, Unicorns and Other Misconceptions) Houdini Debunking Psychics and Mediums List of Channelers (Middle) List of Scams List of Trust Tricks List Of Topics Characterized as Pseudoscience bob Nygaard (Psychic Fraud Investigator) Psychic Blues: Confessions of Conflicting Middle quaker Rose McEnberg (Historical Psychic Middle Researcher) Shamanism Express. London. Brandreth, Gailes (November 3, 2002). Is anyone there? The Sunday Telegraph. London. a b c Ruth Brandon. Spiritualists: Passion for the occult in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Alfred E. Knopf. ISBN 978-0-394-52740-6 - Milborn Christopher. Search for the soul. T. J. Crowell. ISBN 978-0-690-01760-1 - Terence Hines. Pseudoscience and paranormal phenomena. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-57392-979-0 - Why do a quarter of people around the world believe that people have psychic abilities?. 2019-02-27. Received 2020-09-23. Believing in the impossible: no evidence of the existence of psychic abilities found. Received 2020-09-23. O'Keefe, Siaran (May 2005). The test of the supposed mediumty: methods and results. British Journal of Psychology. 96 (2): 165–179. doi:10.1348/000712605X36361. ISSN 0007-1269. PMID 15969829. Imagine the Spirit (2019). 'Differences between the mentally-physically-trans-medium.' Imagine the Spirit of Universal Mental Art Training (online) Access by: - Thirty Years of Psychic Research by Charles Rishett b. 38 Macmillan Company 1923 - Glossary Keywords Commonly Used in Parapsychology Archive 2010-12-24 on Wayback Machine, Parapsychological Association website. Materialization: a phenomenon of physical mediumism in which living beings or inanimate objects must take shape, ectoplasm. Received on January 24, 2006 Medium - Definition. received on 23 March 2007. Spiritualism is not a religion, but a science, as the famous French astronomer Camille Flammairion said in Allan Kardek's Eulogy on April 2, 1869, in Death and Its Mystery, after his death. The manifestations and phenomena of the dead; Soul After Death Translation by Latrobe Carroll (London: Adelphi Terrace, 1923), archival version by Allan Cardek eulogy and Brandon, Ruth. Scientists and Supernormal. A new scientist. June 16. 783-86. Hines, Terence. Pseudoscience and paranormal phenomena. Prometheus Books. page 52. ISBN 1-57392-979-4 - Anna Hurvich, Pierre Curie, translated by Lilananda Das and Joseph Cadnick, Paris, Flammmarier, 1995, p. 65, 66, 68, 247-48. V.T. Stead and spiritualism. and Jones, Calvin I. (1989). Conan Doyle and the Spirits: The Spiritualist Of Arthur Conan Doyle's Career. Aquarius Press. Stephen J. Sutcliffe Children of the New Age. page 35. Sleep. - b Autobiography of fortune teller K. Doreen Phillips, Vantage Press, 1958. Richard Castillo (1995) Culture, Trans and Brain of the Mind. Anthropology of Consciousness. Volume 6, Issue 1, p. 17-34, March 1995. - Broad, Anna, radical spirits, spiritualism and women's rights in nineteenth-century America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001. Deborah Blum. (2006). Ghostbusters, William James and the search for scientific evidence of life after death. Penguin Press. Amy Tanner. (1994, originally published 1910). Research in spiritualism. With the introduction of G. Stanley Hall. Prometheus Press. p. 18 - God's World: A Treatise on Spiritualism, based on transcripts of short notes taken over five years, in the session-room of the William T. Stead Memorial Center (a religious body included in the Illinois Charter), Ms. Cecil M. Cook, Medium and Pastor. Compiled and written by Lloyd Kenyon Jones. Chicago, Illinois: William T. Stead Memorial Center, 1919. Ectoplasm def. Merriam Webster Dictionary, Extracted 18 January 2007 - Somerlott, Robert, Here, Mr. Splitfoot. Viking, 1971. Connor, Stephen (1999). 9. The Machine in the Ghost: Spiritualism, Technology and Direct Voice. In Buse, Peter; Stott, Andrew( Haunted: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History. ISBN 978-0-312-21739-6. What is a psychic?. UK Psychic Readings. Received on July 30, 2013. Wood, Matthew (2007). The power of ownership and the new age: the ambiguity of power in neoliberal societies. Ashgate Publishing, Limited. ISBN 978-0-7546-3339-6. LeCron, Leslie; Bordeaux, Jean (1970). Hypnosis today. Wilshire Book Co. page 278. ISBN 0-87980-081-X. When in a trance ... wednesday seems to be under the control of another person, allegedly the spirit of the bygone soul, and the true environment, undoubtedly believes that control to be the spirit of the person ... In a trance, the environment often falls into a cataleptic state marked by extreme rigidity. Control then takes over, the voice can completely change ... and the supposed spirit answers the nanny's questions by talking about things on a different plane and giving messages from those who passed by. Channeling zone: American spirituality in an anxious age. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674- 10883-3. Climo, John (1998). Channeling: Investigations into information from paranormal sources. North Atlantic books. page 100. ISBN 978-1-55643-248-4. Robert Chalmers (July 8, 2007). Interview: A couple who claim they can make you rich for your wildest dreams. Independent. Archive from the original on April 3, 2008. Coven, Jean-Claude (2004). Going deeper: How to make sense of your life when your life doesn't make sense. Prism House Press. page 389. ISBN 0-9723954-5-8. Wilcock, David (2014). The key to synchronicity: Hidden intelligence that guides the universe and you. Train. ISBN 978-0-14-218108-9. A glossary of keywords often used in parapsychology Archive 2010-11-20 on the Wayback Machine website, Parapsychological Association, received on January 29, 2007 by Ilya Vinitsky. (2009). Ghost paradoxes: Modern spiritualism and Russian culture in the age of realism. University of Toronto Press. page 25. ISBN 978-0-8020-9935-8 - Harvey Irwin, Caroline Watt. Introduction to parapsychology. McFarland. 138-44. ISBN 978-0- 7864-3059-8 - Theodore Schick; Lewis Vaughn. How to think about strange things: critical thinking for a new age. McGraw Hill Higher Education. ISBN 978-0-07-752631-3 - David Marks. Psychology of the psychic. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-57392-798-7 - Nicola Holt, Christine Simmonds-Moore, David Luke, Christopher French. (2012). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-30150-4 - Mille Culpin. Spiritualism and new psychology, an explanation of spiritualist phenomena and beliefs from the point of view of modern knowledge. Kennelly Press. ISBN 978-1-4460-5651-6 - Joseph Rinne. Sixty years of psychic research. New York: The Seeker of Truth. page 200-05 - Wolffram, Heather. (2012). Trick', Manipulation and Farce: Criticisms of the occult of the Albert Mall. 56(2): 277-95. Leonard Susne, Warren H. Jones. Anomaly Psychology: Exploring Magical Thinking. Psychology Press. page 221. ISBN 978-0-8058-0508-6 Perfume, controls and guides are products of their own psychological dynamics environment. On the one hand, they represent the hidden impulses of the medium and desire life. On the other hand, they are also shaped by the expectations of the environment environment experience, cultural background and zeitgeist. - Ian Rowland. (1998). Complete book of cold reading facts. London, England: Jan Roland. ISBN 978-0-9558476-0-8 - Brad Clarke (2002). Spiritualism. 220-26. Michael Shermer. Skeptical Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-57607-653-8 - Jonathan Smith. (2009). Pseudoscience and extraordinary claims of paranormal activity: the toolkit of a critical thinker. Wylie Blackwell. 141-241. ISBN 978-1-4051-8122-8 - Richard Wiseman. (2011). Paranormal Activity: Why Do We See That Doesn't Exist. Mcmillan. page 38. ISBN 978-0-230-75298-6 - Wiseman, Richard; Greening, Emma; Smith, Matthew (2003). Belief in paranormal activity and suggestion in the session room (PDF). British Journal of Psychology. 94 (3): 285–297. CiteSeerX doi:10.1348/000712603767876235. ISSN 2044-8295. PMID 14511544. Horton, Adrian (February 25, 2019). John Oliver on psychics: A huge underworld of unscrupulous vultures. Keeper. Archive from the original dated February 25, 2019. Received on February 25, 2019. Mehta, Chemanth (February 25, 2019). John Oliver exposed the complicity of the media in promoting psychic mediums. Pateos. Received on February 25, 2019. Psychic: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO). Youtube. LastWeekTonight. Received on February 25, 2019. a b Polydoro, Massimo (2003). Secrets of the Psyche: Investigating Paranormal Claims. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-59102-086-8 - James Houran. (2004). From shaman to scientist: Essays on the search for the spirits of mankind. Scared The Press. page 177. ISBN 978-0-8108-5054-5 Also see Michael Shermer. (2002). Skeptical encyclopedias of pseudoscience. ABC-CLIO. 220-26. ISBN 978-1-57607-653-8 - Paul Kurtz. (1985). Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-0-87975-300-9 - Spence, Lewis (2003). An encyclopedia of the occult. Dover. page 172. Alan Gold. (1968). Rutledge and C. Paul. Janet Oppenheim. Another world: Spiritualism and Psychic Research in England, 1850-1914. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-34767-9 - The problem of fraud by Paul Kurz and Chung Lin with that. (1898). Spirit of Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena. Munn and the company. Henry Evans. (1897). Watch with ghosts or nineteenth century witchcraft. Kessinger Publishing. Julian Proskauer. (1932). Exposing the secrets of the prophet-eers that hold our wicked industry. New York, A.L. Burt. Joseph Dunner. Inside the Medium's office. New York, D. Kemp and company. Harry Houdini. The Wizard of Spirits. Cambridge University Press. Joseph Rinne. Sixty years of psychic research: Houdini and I are spiritualists. The Seeker of Truth. Preliminary report of the Commission appointed by the University Seibert Commission, 1887. April 1, 2004. Spiritualism (religion) :: History - British Internet Encyclopedia - Joseph McCabe. Spiritualism: A Popular Story from 1847. Dodd, Mead and Company. 110-12. Mr. Merrifield attended one of the meetings. The usual phenomena of the house were messages, moving objects (presumably from a distance) and playing the accordion, which he held with one hand under the shadow of the table. But from an early date in America, he used to materialize his hands from time to time (as it was then called). The nannies, in the dark, can't see the ghostly hands and hands, or they can feel the touch of an icy limb. Mr. Merrifield and the other nannies saw the spirit-arm stretch through the dimly lit window space. But Mr. Merrifield said the house sat, or crouched, low in a low chair, and that the spirit-hand had a false limb on the end of the house's arm. At other times, he said, he saw that Home was using his leg. (1989). Robert Browning: Life in Life. Weidenfeld and Nicholson. 157-58. ISBN 978-0-297-79639-8 - Harry Houdini. (Re-release 2011). Originally published as 1924. A wizard among spirits. Cambridge University Press. page 42. ISBN 978-1-108-02748-9 - John Casey. (2009). After life: A guide to heaven, hell and purgatory. Oxford. page 373. ISBN 978-0-19-997503-7 The poet attended one of the sessions of the house where the face was materialized, which, the spirit of the House leadership announced, was that of Browning's dead son. Browning grabbed an allegedly materialized head and he found himself barefoot at home. The fact that Browning never lost his son in infancy did not help the deception. Is spiritualism based on fraud?: Evidence given by Sir A.C. Doyle and others has been sharply examined. London: Watts and Co Str. 48-50. Also see the review of Daniel's Enigma Home: Medium or Fraud? Trevor H. Hall in F. B. Smith. Victorian studies. Volume. 29, No 4. 613-14. Joe Nickell. (2001). Real-Life X-Files: Exploring Paranormal Activity. University Of Kentucky Press. 267-68. ISBN 978-0-8131-2210-6 - Sherry Lynn Lyons. Species, snakes, spirits and skulls: Science in the fields in the Victorian era. New York State University Press. page 100. ISBN 978-1-4384-2798-0 - Alex Owen. The Darkened Room: Women, Power and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England. University of Chicago Press. 70-71. ISBN 978-0-226-64205-5 - Massimo Polydoro. Anna Eva Fay: The Heather who puzzled Sir William Crooks. Skeptical customer 24: 36-38. George McHarg. Facts, Fraud and Phantasma: Review of the Spiritualist Movement. Double day. page 113. ISBN 978-0-385-05305-1 - Janet Oppenheim. Another world: spiritualism and psychic research England, 1850-1914. Cambridge University Press. page 19. ISBN 978-0-521-26505-8 - Paul Kurtz. (1985). Prometheus Books. page 29. ISBN 978-0-87975-300-9 Florence Cook was caught cheating not only before her sessions with Crooks, but also afterwards. She also learned her trade from mediums Frank Hearn and Charles Williams, who were infamous for their deception. Also see M. Lamar Keen. (1997). Prometheus Books. page 64. ISBN 978-1-57392-161-9 The most famous materialization of the environment, Florence Cook - although she managed to convince the scientist, Sir William Crooks, that it was genuine - was repeatedly subjected to fraud. Florence was trained in the art of the session by Frank Hearn, a well-known physical medium, whose materialization was repeatedly grasped and recognized by the medium of himself. Spiritualism: A Popular Story from 1847. Dodd, Mead and Company. page 160-61 - Chung Lin-so. (1898). Spirit of Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena. Munn and the company. 105-06 - Lewis Spence. Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology. Gail Research Company. page 1106 - Adin Ballou. (2001). Uprising of Victorian spiritualism. Routledge. page 16 - Joseph McCabe. Is spiritualism based on fraud?: Evidence given by Sir A.C. Doyle and others has been sharply examined. London: Watts and Co. 115 - Roy Stemman. (1976). Danbury Press. 62 - Joseph McCabe. Spiritualism: A Popular History from 1847. T. F. Unwin Ltd. page 167 - Trevor H. Hall. Spiritualists: The Story of Florence Cook and William Crooks. Helix Press. page 10 - Trevor H. Hall. The strange case of Edmund Gurney. Duckworth. 47 - . The second view is explained: Full exposure of clairvoyance or second sight. Edinburgh: John Menzies. A preliminary report by the Commission appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to study modern spiritualism, as requested by the late Henry Seibert (1887). Paul Boyer. An Oxford companion to the history of the United States. Oxford University Press. 738. ISBN 978-0-19-508209-8 - Roger Anderson. Psychics, Sensitive and Somnambula. McFarland and the company. page 90. ISBN 978-0-7864-2770-3 - Will Goldstone. Tricks of the Masters. G. Routledge and Sons, Ltd. 4 th b c e Harris, Melvin (2003). Investigation unexplained : Psychic detectives, Amityville horror-mongers, Jack the Ripper, and other mysteries of paranormal phenomena. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-59102-108-7. Samri Baldwin. The Secrets of the Earth mahatma explained Brooklyn, New Jersey, Press T.J. Dyson and son. Harry Houdini. (2011). Cambridge University Press. page 66. ISBN 978-1-108-02748-9 - Joe Nickell. (2001). Real X-Files: Paranormal. University Of Kentucky Press. 260-61. Also see Joe Nickell. (2005). Camera Tips: A Guide to Photographic Investigations. University Of Kentucky Press. page 151 - Here is Carrington. Physical phenomena of spiritualism. Herbert B. Turner and Co. St. 206-23 - Donald West. Mental studies today. Chapter Session-Room Of Phenomena. Duckworth. page 49 - Gordon Stein. Encyclopedia of Paranormal Activities. Prometheus Books. page 520. ISBN 978-1-57392-021-6 - Chung Lin-so. (1898). Spirit of Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena. Munn and the company. 101-04 - Ivor Lloyd Tuckett. Evidence for the Supernatural: Critical Research Done with Unusual Meaning. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trebner and Company. 52-53 - Julian Franklin. (1935). Kessinger Publishing. page 248 - Joseph Jastrov. Research in Spiritualism by Amy E. Tanner. American Journal of Psychology. Volume 22, No 1. 122-24. Martin Gardner. Are universes thicker than blackberries? Like Mrs. Piper Bamboozled By William James. W. W. Norton and company. 252-62. Ivor Lloyd Tuckett. Evidence for the Supernatural: Critical Research Done with Unusual Meaning. C. Paul, Trench, Trebner. page 321-95 - Corinna Treitel. Science for the Soul: Occultism and Genesis of German Modernism. Johns Hopkins University Press. page 165. ISBN 978-0-8018-7812-1 - Harry Price. Fifty years of psychic research. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7661-4242-8 - Richard Wiseman. Cheating and self-deception: the investigation of psychics. Prometheus Books. page 23 - Richard Wiseman. Cheating and self-deception: the investigation of psychics. Prometheus Books. page 12 - William Hodson Brock. (2008). William Crooks (1832-1919) and the commercialization of science. Ashgate. page 474. ISBN 978-0-7546-6322-5 . Physical phenomena of spiritualism. Herbert B. Turner and Co. - Roger Anderson. Psychics, Sensitive and Somnambula. McFarland and the company. page 26. ISBN 978-0-7864-2770-3 - New Paranatu paradigm: Claims to communicate with the dead paul Kurtz and Milborn Christopher. (1971). ESP, Developers and psychics. Crowell. 188-204. ISBN 978-0-690-26815-7 Everard Feilding, William Marriott. (1910). Report on a further series of meetings with Eusapia Palladino in Naples. Works of the Society for Mental Research. Volume 15. 20-32. J. Gordon Melton. Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomena. Visible ink press. page 12. ISBN 978-1-57859-209-8 - Eric Dingwall. How to move to the medium. C. Paul, Trench, Trebner. 31-32. Theodore Annemann. Practical psychic magic. Dover Publications. 7-11 - Pearson magazine. June 1910. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd. 615 - Joseph McCabe. Is spiritualism based on fraud? Teh With Sir A. C. Doyle and others sharply considered. London Watts and Co Str. 33-34 - Edward Clauded. (1917). Mrs. Leonard's head and others. 215-41 - Charles Arthur Mercier. Spiritualism and Sir Oliver Lodge. London: Mental culture entrepreneurship. Joseph Jastow (1918). The psychology of condemnation. Houghton Mifflin. page 101-27 - Fakebusters II: Scientific Detection of Fake in Art and Philately - Harry Price, Fifty Years of Psychic Research, Chapter XI: Psychological Mechanics, F'W Media International, Ltd., 2012. Harry Price. (1939). Head of Spiritualism Mechanics in fifty years of psychic research. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7661-4242-8 ^ G. K. Nelson. Spiritualism and society. Routledge. page 159. ISBN 978-0-415-71462-4 - Clement Shera. Ideal environment: Photography and the occult. Yale University Press. page 268. ISBN 978-0-300-11136-1 - J. Scott Rogo. Mind and movement: The Enigma of . Taplinger Publishing. 245-46. ISBN 978-0-8008-2455-6 - Massimo Polydoro. (2001). Final session: A strange friendship between Houdini and Conan Doyle. Prometheus Books. 71-73. ISBN 978-1-57392-896-0 - Julian Franklin. (2003). 238-39. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7661-3007-4 - Joseph McCabe. Spiritualism: A Popular Story from 1847. Dodd, Mead and Company. p. 192 - Ghost Photos: A Burden of Faith in the Incredible Massimo Polydoro and Edmund Edward Fournier d'Albe. Goliger's Circle. Jay M. Watkins. p. 37 - Universitetskomiteen, Mediet Einer Nielsen, kontrolunders'kelser av universitetskomiteen i Kristiania. (Christiania 1922). Rapport fra den den av Norsk Selskab for Psykisk Forskning nedsatte Kontrolkomite, Norsk Tidskrif for Psikiska Forskning 1 (1921-22). Lewis Spence. Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology. The publication of Kessinger. page 399. ISBN 978-0-7661-2815-6 - Eric Dingwall, Harry Price. (1922). Revelations of the Spiritual Medium. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trepner and Co. - George McHarg. Facts, Fraud and Phantasma: Review of the Spiritualist Movement. Double day. page 158. ISBN 978-0-385-05305-1 - Carlos Maria de Heredia. (1923). Popular mechanics. 14-15 - . The Art of Stupidity. Prentice Hall International, Inc. 178-79 - Fraudulent Mediums. Lyceum Library. Julian Franklin. (2003). Dictionary of the Occult. Kessinger Publishing. page 228 - Harry Price. (1936). Confession of a Ghostbuster. Putnam. page 232 - Warren J. Winton. The famous Schneider Mediumship: A Critical Study of Alleged Excess Abnormal Events. No. 4 April 1927 in C. K. Ogden Psyche: Annual General and Linguistic Psychology. 1920-1952 Routledge/Tommes 1995 - Further tests of the middle Rudy Schneider. Nature. 134 (3399): 965–966. 1934-12-01. Bibkod:1934Natur.134S.965. doi:10.1038/134965c0. ISSN 1476-4687. John Booth. Mental paradoxes. Prometheus Books. page 8. ISBN 978-0-87975-358-0 - Bob Coutty. Knowledge: The paradox of paranormal activity is forbidden. Lutterworth Press. page 104-05 - Brian Riga. (2008). Ghosts, Appearances and Poltergeists: Exploring the Supernatural Through History. Llewellyn Publications. Llewellyn Publications. page 52. ISBN 978-0-7387-1363-2 One Wednesday of the 1920s, Mina Crandon, became famous for producing ectoplasm during her meetings. In the midst of the session, she was even able to produce a tiny ectoplasmic arm from her belly button, which was waving in the dark. Her career ended when Harvard biologists were able to study the tiny arm and discovered that it was nothing more than a carved piece of animal liver. The Enigma of Spiritualism. Kessinger Publishing. 35-39. ISBN 978-0-7661-7931-8 - Lewis Spence. Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology. Gail Research Company. 1522. Massimo Polydoro. (2001). Final session: A strange friendship between Houdini and Conan Doyle. Prometheus Books. page 103. ISBN 978-1-57392-896-0 - Lewis Spence. Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology. Kessinger Publishing. page 880 - Harry Price. Regurgitation and Duncan Medium. (Ballot I of the National Laboratory for Mental Research, 120pp with 44 illustrations.) Marina Warner. (2008). Fantasmagoria: The Spirit of Vision, Metaphors, and Media in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford University Press. page 299 - Jason Karl. (2007). Illustrated history of the haunted world. New publishers of Holland. page 79 - Jokinen, Tom (2012-10-25). Touching the Dead: Creepy Winnipeg. Archive from the original 2013-12-03. Received 2013-09-08. Joseph Jastow. Patience is worth: Alter Ego in Desire and Wisdom: Episodes in the Vagaries of Faith. Company D. Appleton Century. 78-92. Lyon Sprague de Camp. Spirits, Stars and Spells. New York: Canaveral. page 247. Robert Goldenson. Mysteries of reason: The Drama of Human Behavior. Double day. 44-53. Milborn Christopher. (1970). ESP, Developers and psychics. New York: Crowell. p. 128-29 - Patience Stands Robert Todd Carroll and Julian Franklin. (2003). 263-395. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7661-3007-4 M. Lamar Keen. (1997). Prometheus Books. page 123. ISBN 978-1-57392-161-9 - Nandor Fodor. (1960). Haunted Mind: Psychoanalytic Looks at the Supernatural. Helix Press. page 100-22 - Joe Nickell. (2005). Camera Tips: A Guide to Photographic Investigations. University Of Kentucky Press. 177-78. ISBN 978-0-8131-9124-9 - John Booth. Mental paradoxes. Prometheus 15-16. ISBN 978-0-87975-358-0 - Joseph McCabe. Is spiritualism based on fraud?: Evidence given by Sir A.C. Doyle and others has been sharply examined. London: Watts and CO. p. 126 - Julian Proskauer. The dead don't talk. Harper and the brothers. p. 94 - b c Sophie LaChapelle. (2011). Supernatural Research: From Spiritualism and the Occult to Mental Research and Metapsychotics in France, 1853-1931. Johns Hopkins University Press Office. 144-45. ISBN 978-1-4214-0013-6 - Ronald Edwin. The watch without hands. Sijvik. Tony Cornell. Investigation of paranormal phenomena. Helix Press New York. 327-38. ISBN 978-0-912328-98-0 - George McHarg. Facts, Fraud and Phantasma: Review of the Spiritualist Movement. Double day. page 250. ISBN 978-0-385-05305-1 - Eric Robertson Dodds. (2000). Missing Persons: Autobiography. Oxford University Press. 105-06. ISBN 978-0-19-812086-5 - Allen Spraggett, Inexplicable, (New York: New American Library, 1967). John Booth. Mental paradoxes. Prometheus Books. page 148. ISBN 978-0-87975-358-0 - M. Lamar Keane. (1997). Prometheus Books. p 122. The ISBN 978-1- 57392-161-9 Average is still riding high in England for Leslie Flint, known as the Direct Voice Indicator. William Rauscher and Allen Spraggett, who attended the 1970 Flint meeting in New York, said it was the worst failure they had experienced. All the spirit of the voice sounded just like the medium and displayed incredible ignorance of almost everything that relates to the nanny. The middle was the second course of ventriloquism. Tim Madigan, David Goicoechea, Paul Kurtz. Prometheus love: Paul Kurtz and a humanistic view of love. Cambridge Scientists Press. page 293 - Ronald Pearsall. Table-rappers: Victorians and occult History Press Ltd.; New edition of Ed, 2004 ISBN 0-7509-3684-3 - Keane, Lamar (1997). Mental mafia. Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-161-0 (Republic 1976 edition of St. Martin Press.) - Ian Wilson. (1989). William Morrow and company. ISBN 978-0-688-08000-6 - Tony Cornell. Investigation of paranormal phenomena. Helix Press New York. 347-52. ISBN 978-0-912328-98-0 Martin Gardner. New Age: The Guardian Fringe Notes. Prometheus Books. page 175. ISBN 978-0-87975-432-7 - Bob Coutty. Knowledge: The paradox of paranormal activity is forbidden. Lutterworth Press. page 24. ISBN 978-0-7188-2686-4 - Joe Nickell. (2005). Camera Tips: A Guide to Photographic Investigations. University Of Kentucky Press. page 178. ISBN 978-0-8131-9124-9 - Grossman, Wendy. The dismissal is not a rebuttal. A new scientist. It's Tom. Issue 1768, page 53. Richard Wiseman. Chapter 3 of the Feilding Report: Review. In deception and self-deception: Psychics. Prometheus Press. Press. Massimo Polydoro. Secrets of the Psyche: Investigation of Paranormal Claims. Prometheus Books. 65-95. ISBN 978-1-59102-086-8 - Colin Fry Score - Massimo Polydoro. Secrets of the Psyche: Investigation of Paranormal Claims. Prometheus Books. 168-76. ISBN 978-1-59102-086-8 - b Dunning, Brian (2009-11-10). Skeptoid #179: Scole Experiment. A skepthoid. Received 2011-10-30. - The RESEARCH Program of the VERITAS Laboratory of Advances in Consciousness and Health at the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona Archive 2007-02-12 on Wayback Machine No. Archive 2009-08-21 on Wayback Machine - The Truth About Average Gary E. Schwartz, Ph. D., with William L. Simon, Hampton Books, 2005, p. 119 - Review of the book by Robert T. Carroll and Gary Schwartz The Subjective Assessment of Mediums: Veritas or Wishful thinking by Robert Todd Carroll and, Ray (January-February 2003). How not to test mediums: critics of the afterlife experiments. A skeptical customer. Received 2012-05-21. Terence Hines. Pseudoscience and paranormal phenomena. Prometheus Books. 56-64. ISBN 978-1-57392-979-0 - O'Keefe, Siaran (May 2005). The test of the supposed mediumty: methods and results. British Journal of Psychology. 96 (2): 165–179. doi:10.1348/000712605X36361. ISSN 0007-1269. PMID 15969829. Aykroyd, Peter. and Nart, Angela. The Ghost Story: The True Story of Sessions, Mediums, Ghosts and Ghostbusters. Rodale. page 216. ISBN 978-1-60529-875-7 - Geraldo on the Big Show, October 6, 2007 - Jurors convicted of a $25 million fraud scheme (press release). Southern District of Florida, U.S. Attorney's Office, U.S. Department of Justice. 2013-09-26. Archive from the original 2013-10-14. Received 2013-10-10. Musgrave, Jane (2013-09-27). She was convicted of all charges of fraud. The Palm Beach Post. 105 (171) page 1. Michael Vazquez (2011-08-16). A mental $40 million Fort Lauderdale scam - a family case, the feds allege - the Fort Lauderdale family has spent the past 20 years raking in millions like fake psychics, prosecutors allege in a newly unsealed indictment. Miami Herald. - via NewsBank (subscription required). J. Gordon Melton. Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomena. Visible ink press. 96. ISBN 978-1-57859-209-8 Investigative files: John Edward: Hustling dead. Csi. November-December 2001. Received 2011-05-12. Michael Shermer (August 2001). Deconstruct the dead, Crossing to expose the tricks of popular spirit environments. A scientific American. Received on December 24, 2011. James Randy's Swift. April 21, 2006. Received 2012-01-03. Robbie Voliver (July 16, 2000). Meeting with a TV psychic. The New York Times. Received on December 24, 2011. Robert T. Carroll. Subjective check. The dictionary is a skeptic. ^ (religion). b c Herbic, Susan (February 21, 2019). Operation Pizza Roll-Thomas John. Archive from the original on February 24, 2019. Received on February 23, 2019. b c Westbrook, Thomas (February 28, 2019). Thomas John (Security Belt Psychic) - Busted for Deception!. St. Coolaid. Received on March 1, 2019. Jack Hitt (February 26, 2019). Inside the secret Sting operations to expose celebrity psychics. The New York Times. Archive from the original dated February 26, 2019. Received on February 26, 2019. Garza, Frida (February 27, 2019). Of course, psychics read your Facebook page. Jezebel. Archive from the original on February 28, 2019. Received on February 28, 2019. a b Mehta, Hemant (February 23, 2019). Skeptics set a trap and the so-called Celebrity Mean fell for deception. Pateos. Archive from the original on February 24, 2019. Received on February 24, 2019. Susan Herbic (February 21, 2019). To fasten - a mental seat belt. Center for Investigation. Archive from the original on February 24, 2019. Received on February 23, 2019. Further reading by Ruth Brandon. Spiritualists: Passion for the occult in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Alfred E. Knopf. ISBN 978-0-394-52740-6 Edward Clauded. (1917). Grant Richards, London. Stuart Cumberland. Spiritualism: The Inner Truth. London: Odhams. Joseph Dunner. Inside the Medium's office. New York, D. Kemp and company. Willis the Dutchman. (1922). On the other side of Footlights: Exposing routines, apparatuses and deceptions resort to mediums, clairvoyants, Divination and Crystal Gazers misleading the public. Berlin, WI: Heaney Magic. Walter Mann. Stupidity and fraud of spiritualism. Rationalist association. London: Watts and Co Joseph McCabe. (1920). Scientific people and spiritualism: Skeptic analysis. The era of life. June 12. 652-57. Skeptically looking at SPR members who supported spiritualism, it concludes that they have been deceived by fraudulent environments. Joseph McCabe. Is spiritualism based on fraud? The evidence presented by Sir A. C. Doyle and others has been thoroughly examined. London: Watts and Co George McHarg. Facts, Fraud and Phantasma: Review of the Spiritualist Movement. Double day. ISBN 978-0-385-05305-1 Alex Owen. The Darkened Room: Women, Power and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-64205-5 . New spiritualism. Henry Holt and company. Massimo Polydoro. Secrets of the Psyche: Investigation of Paranormal Claims. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-59102-086-8 Harry Price and Eric Dingwall. (1975). Arnaud Press. A 1891 edition of Charles F. Pidgeon. This is overlooked, and forgotten, the book gives an insider's knowledge of 19th century deception. Joseph Rinne. Sixty years of psychic research: Houdini and I are spiritualists. The Seeker of Truth. Chung Ling is so. (1898). Spirit of Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena. Munn and the company. Richard Wiseman. Cheating and self-deception: the investigation of psychics. Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-57392-121-3 External Media Links, Related to Mediumism in the Commons Dictionary of Mediumism in Victioneri Houdini vs. Blonde Witch of Lime Street: A Historical Lesson in Skepticism - Massimo Polydoro How to Have a Session: The Tricks of Fraudulent Mediums by John Edward: Hustling the Dead - Joe Nickell Mediumism - Dictionary of skeptic 'Middle' Not Messenger - James Randy tricks fake mediums - Harry Houdini's psychic techniques exposed - a chill reading of psychic cunning: Last week's Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) extracted from mediumship in indigenous religion pdf. concept of mediumship in indigenous religion

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