
P rogress, tbe Upi\>ersal LaW of JMatûre: Tboügbt, tbe Sol\>er)t of Jier Problem s. V O L ,. 7. C H I C A G O , MARCH 25* 1393. # N O . 174

knots. The doctor had soon Anna Eva [South American. He I» the same God to Moses 2,000 yoars before, There arc BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. exposed at Loulsvlllo, Ky.. a year ago. A LEARNED PRIEST. a ll over the world, only each nation now In the world■ 200,000,000 followers of "LYING SPIRITS," and cart-iod to tho stago n decided fool­ spells n is name differently. Wo call Mohammed." It Comes from Ilio Angels. ing that the mystic, uncanny sitooks In Him Jews, tho Hindoos call Him Pramo- “Have the teaching» of the prophets But They Are Not Disem­ her neighborhood would not boar the He Is In a “Heathen" la, tho Grvcks call Him Theos: tbe Ital­ Moses, liuddha and Mohammed been cold light of investigation. A t each ian, Deus; the American Indian, Great similar?" The story I am about to tell belong* bodied this Time. succeeding movement In tho seance tho Tem ple. Spirit; tho Frenchman, Dieu: the Ger­ "They hare all taught about the same ore properly among tbe annals of tl i e doctor's countonnnco woro more Interro­ man, Gott; tho Ainorican, God; and so code or morals. For Instance, Confu­ Society for Psychical Research; but an WltAT HE RELIEVES AIIOUT PROPHETS on. Every nation has tho same God, affidavit from every person spoken ot The Chicago Tribuno*» Bn*® Slim gation points und moro of the dumb cius, who came ,Y>7 year* before Christ, would be wanted, and I And that people

anil times, without tho cooperation of pro­ positive picture on it, ho had only to put it. in FOR A TOMATOES! RUNNING REMARKS. the plnteholder when bo was in the dark room fessional mediums or hiumiii presence, except ^ _ Thi* Waftdavftal if gonio Pertinent gitayentioii«. as startled witnesses to unuxpeeled nuil abso­ Tbw6ooDA-BE-6QoD alone, and when we went in to put In another “ KARUCBT TOMATO IN \ M*, w.°, "*•?.' lutely spontaneous phenomena that can have negative pinto it would he placed agninnt the To rus Knirou:—In an ocean of contem­ but one solution—the direct, immediate and “ positive," so that ono would lie against tlie porary litoraturo that is either stagnant be­ involuntary interposition of tho countless in­ T h e R e l i g i o n o f other, face to face. Any good photographer cause representative of a dead past, nr merely telligences, who, ns Milton declared centuries can and would be willing to show nnv in­ a register of contemporary events, which is the “go, quirer just bow it could be done. sphere of the secular newspaper, you stand J j U M A N I T y : Now, I don't any that Mr. Chase is a fraud, almost alone. "Walk tho earth unsoun, nor (hat ho is not a me«liuiu, but I do say thnt Roth when wo sloop ami when awake." f » r u * - 1 bail with great sntisfnctlon your announce- any photographer, in tlie land can make as It g re rii» UflttW I« W. If. Parsons, fpim ttay mentof nil intention to devote morn apace to good an imitation of as he I« tax »«. • !*•» t P * l o iVirio York City. ' n ffraviM* what Robert Dale Owen, in his lirai work in produced for us that day; notwithstanding, we .«in In to**b thia philosophy forty yoars ago, termed felt very sorry for the suffering ho seemed to *1. t »•« 't I * *■ * I. tJ m . ^ *r«.f Is# 1( *»*1 »T8 f n t “spontaneous phenomena," as distinguished Stands Foremost. © I M E m W endure so patiently when lie was "taking tlie P*»l »fissa* f f - re» • f?« -».I iHsf.ins. fc/Troui phenomena that was “evoked” by the To t u b Editor:—1 cannot understand how picture.” ’ SURE HEAD CABBAOE I •b»ad ter? «hifisrm, C * agency of thoso-called circles, etc. anyone ever having seen and read your most ^NOUNCtMLNT ExTRUO H l^ Still more, I say this: I (irmly believe that •f Ivf##!«», Fnn arri fia* Ir U itn rr »tralianl quality T he first twelve Chapters o/ ^ MUl ars«l>«v|#r, |vill|-ty # I OO for h»* » i»-1 ».**4 The world is spiritualistic to day, and has excellent paper und who has any comprehension pictures of disembodied spirits have been rm *n f. m pk — I ta I*«. * liv> (nt r* tl hrafltri. been for ages, and our numbers at present are |'ZuuiiKf).nCHiiooFTwo Worlds! e r MM MMll ligi* *fBÌM Msf Mj'Hilri). or appreciation of tho world’s most urgent taken in various ways, and by various meth­ 6IAHT SILVER QUEEN ONION due not to modern spiritual phenomena needs, can resist your appeal, so pungontly i Mr sCorrKV.Richmono.wili be sent ods; but, at tho same time, 1 wish to Impreas s t »lo »t«ri*.-« » i.ft-U r"• >n tas»»- “evoked” by the now well known, if not un o v -rtiU Th*y »r« offri Ul agstS G-i i«-«i - fl««»?« rrow put, to subscribe for the same. 1 am moved IfRfE TO ALL NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO this idea—that before any fuel or phenomena f*l'taH», rJ|^r» s**fly,n««*i »M l# »r I Nndaaiap. (• Iti ta»f flu or r braTX-t u«w-ii*ru»öin/in tsj awaits MM, derstood, agencies of mcdiumahlp; but to the to write tills after reading your notice of tho of nature (and spirit phenomena is of nature) amt |W Ju r freut |i«»rt**l. m \THE Pi<06RE3SIVeT hINKER.We WANT AI Ipp PAftfÇY Ijm rfualsj * fpn*ttlf#iv fT irr. ever-existing, the |>ast and tlie present und expiration of our subscription. Wo are sub­ can lie established as a scientific fact, it must AwlUC rAHO I everv piritualist in IsinHw itt'.tM t r>t mirer of r*«l«>r» fmaar n m r multiplying phenomena that is literally spon­ scribers to a good many publications, and they I S rMEUwiuo ho independent of the volition of man. And bufoni Ja |MfitéM) • f > , j ?(,<«» f*> v |- r»n gf .«li.i • ITTftf>1. I «Hn(I*r I". taneous, illustrations of which arc daily include ail "good ones," but none of them [S t a t e s to r ea d it. We are now further, the proof must bo so clearly iudo- (itli»'n#t*t s'i|txqf.»rDrVT<(. J.vf IsffHt l,(i*U , fnff*.»i , 1 II» « t a t “ retvnlnl as nuws items in tho metropolitan and r-r« m ir», IM f.,r r*«ns. V» I -f Affi. • n>4 | « come to us, it seems to me, so richly freighted making a m ovem ent all along the pendent of man's likes or dislikes that no one tttlk fk'j |art(wltw ff ¿U (— Üin ra iia i“«rn#. secular, never by the religious press, and with good thing», covering so many topics can refute it. A test of spiritual phenomena t ill of !«#>• *t« »mtifiqr .. I Bdill t« UnpritnanUrotmsto»#rsc rarely, if ever, uurown. bearing directly upon buiuau life,t the dla- rLiNE T here arc m illions o f S pirit- that rests on the integrity of anyone is not in fi ne fl (Oiiiii »irer«ptM <«nM«atm I MKK. 'JS Our organs of spiritual literature seem to enssions of which nro so vitally inqiortnnt, and M alists who take no S piritualist worth anything. Let uR sec if we cannot MY OFFER Ll.'i'J'/JVC».'V.V'•»* H«st fsM sfs, Ulaat Ml».r U-.#* «*»#a, Alls« » «••; ia« ftritta («.(«. me to be in danger of degenerating, as is the may ho so profitable, aa docs your rightly- prove this to the satisfaction of any mind used ••#»*. faro«!» H U ooA ta ittis, n iii, »v*TTI f o r a li» T ( r u llM ii< .n « [ || r e n t r a f ’tam church press, into a sort of Sunday-school named P r o o r e s s i v r TimncKB. to scientific pursuits. Among the higher !«»i *#( i. Htrrmw.rth M •'••In I . »•*• '■ ' )«(• ».>•.'¿A 1 _ o tr» f ifto»» t o r■ÉÉk m < |ts. (montre i/t«-ten 1 m m ( h u « record of mediums’ |K'rformances and our You, with your corps of alilo writers, arc I US PLEASE IN THIS W0RK0F REOFEMING branches of science lot us take geometry. Has WffiJWW» W I i n t l» ..■« * . i.lteina * lI o f r t a n c r i i « i l i organizations’oUlccrs, so distasteful to all of rpH raff*» a |i»/i#tW o*d't teoi.i.1 y. j|. Mil l* . JU** Itili, .N. I. sented, by such narrow views of the spiritual You seem to lie ever upon the alert to expose ►THIRTEEN WEEKS FOR 2 5 CENTS truth of any problem because be did not know universe, for is not this philosophy and tho fraud aud pretense, tempered nlwnys with the who discovered the principles involved, or phenomena on which it is based, and without milk of human kindness nnd brotherly for­ who wrote the first demonstration? Anyone THE QUESTION SETTLED which there would be no philosophy, as wide bearance. 1 like your aggressive attacks up­ who has ever studied the science will say A CAHKFLL COMPAKIBON as the planks, and, possibly, limitless as the on tho strongholds of Roman Catholic dog­ “ no.” And why? Because it has in it the ■' ■ or— heavens, which are the habitations of our de­ matic duplicity, which require a vast amount Curious Experiences. A Little Incredulous. proof of its genuineness and nccuracy. It de­ Biblical and Modern'LSpirit- parted? of moral courage, of which there is none too To tbe Editor:—On tho night of March 2, (In a spirit of fairness, we give place to the pends on nothing but itself and its relation to ualism. The skeptic, as declared by Dr. Johnson in much in tills world. May you long be spared 1860, I dreamed that I was at my father's following, although tho evidence that has been the human mind. Who woflld pretend to say given, prove overwhelmingly that Mr Chase is By MOSES HULL, “ Raaselas,” "deny with their tongues what to pursue your high calling, and may you re­ house, and saw him lying on a lounge or some- that every fact of the universe is not as cer­ they confess with their fears. " ceive from an appreciative public tlmt amount a genuine spirit photographer.—EDITOR.) tain as the principles of mathematics? Let us Am*»«* «f * T b u C a stra li." "iTblrfc,**"bHUr i U L i l t tiling like it, dead. At that time I was in To tiik E ditor: —In your issue of Janu­ Mil»« U fU tt." ' Usili M4»«,- "Tlia* » » rrOri# That sentiment was based on Dr. Johnson’s AJu m iUj*." "W olf la H m i i of material sustenance—without which no Guernsey Co., Ohio, some 80 miles from my keep on investigating, with a fair degree of Kte, Ev. affirmance, which he puls into tho mouth of ary 18, .Mr. George Barnes, of Cleveland, cause can succeed—which is so deservedly own home, and 230 miles from my father's Ohio, is quite earnest in Ids endeavors to economy, ihe problem of spirit photography, the saga lmlac, who said: “There is no peo­ TìtMtoolc I*«•hai IM AIIM» lL*1ir»?rf—-T b « Q r w n a i your due. • , honse. Tic was quite well when I last beard prove spirit photography, und, incidentally, but until we can get some stronger proof than I m i e i » *ii t »rrfm • .it of ftp dual «»4 ple, rude or unlearned, among whom appari owi br M fhn frplrl flftn." w# g}(0 lakfV oalf « partial Da. G. W. nnd Mas. F . . from him; but tho dream was so vivid and a • 'likeness," we will never be able to call our U»t of tbu co&tmu of rarh rLffrirt: tions of the dead are not related and believed. that a Mr. II. E. Chase, of the same place, is made such a deep impression on my mind discovery a scientific fact. B en Him .. Cnarr»» S -T I» AfUpMtt -o of ftpfrUaatlan to lb s That the dead are seen no more I will not un­ a medium for spirit photos. Want« • t II 4ai«alir — Su «nruusmt «o ftx/l «• Ulft of Tho mental and spiritual laggard who is that it very much disturbed me all the rest of 1 will state briefly the experience I had with Tiono, Pa, Adaptait m. IM I#! .at torn «-»apt tb#ri*#;«r«u>Mra. dertake to maintain against the concurrent | 1- |ig ;. i.a tod n% Ir:.. • baita fai P-d t j ü# gd< «.••?••«• »• hindmost in tho ranks of the great army of the night. Morning came, and 1 determined a Mr. Chase, of Cleveland (have no doubt it After l.i/«. Tvf«w in4i*iurf u ,i!w of Ti i*ht in testimony of all ages and all nations. «h« HIM«. Law furMddiBf < • M inali- a «li* ibu the world's advancement, progresses, though to go on with my business, which would keep is the same man), about three years ago. The Condemned by the World. I i m I lia Fr» pi» mali««'.— could not Everything and everybody I saw gallery for his kind of work, but in justice and And I hear in its voice the echo A Krim ) UtPiY. rrr»r»Vd •« a Ht*»;n*«a*r of one another would not have agreed upon a leaders in the foremost thought of progressive Of the tales which the shadows repeat— nr.-l » (M il. KiPty a» w »»ii'in ju re i a» A ra n t at the old home, and my father lying there fairness to the proprietor, it should be said ColBtt-r. |VT*«< oi’.oo I 'TFl*»>a. fn itiD <*lhu|(i|re tale which nothing but experience could make thinkers and Spiritualists. To that end wc A story of ruin and sorrow— icnaî—ri dos** oppoMau M filf. lu m z '* ta u » « dead, all seemed so like a reality that I could that he seemed to have nothing whatever to do And shuddering alone in thejiighl,, O tn t' !•*«. lt » H f • »'d fr* -- •-! a credible.” H m t» give a space to thought that is in advance of think of nothing else. Finally, I just dropped with the spirit department of the business, I shrink from ihe glare of the street-lamp, Frfure nf IbrIX A-ThcTm:« Pirf»*1. All ara Such was the verdict on credibility of the U i d t o U ' r i . U « n » c n W f U i*tr m i Opio.'-M «. the more common Spiritualistic ideas of the the matters I was engaged in and started homo, The gallery was arranged in the usual man­ That a shadow may hide me from sight. PbrertrzioRirrtof liibld Sais t». JrwuU CbCftU. T » spontaneous phenomena of the most witty and day. We recognize that the course of thought Un> ;t. j «4 J. rnstah. to see if anything was wrong. On my arrival nor, except the dark-room was the darkest of I have sinned. I have suffered—God help me! C im n III— Bll.’« Do-'rtaè of A*r»i Wlalrtrr — wisc-of the great English writers of his age, is ever onward—reaching forward—investigat­ A OuanMt DoetftaiL Aaadi ara afin. TrnM I found everything all right. But the next the kind that I had ever seen. I will not say I have wandered away in the dark, "Has’ o»tl ~A«*«L" Aar«t Mm «uit Airahaa, Lad, T. Johnson of the seventeenth century. ing unexplored, nooks and discovering new Out of sight of the pathway of virtue, J renda. Ht» ll*0i «>f th» Lf/rd. Aa \tu»i af»re«r» au morning a letter came to me, and the black that the moral darkness was quite dense, too, ül l~*ii lo M o iu m I» • w tlr. U lliD d T -J ■*• ‘ut* oh, This statement of the effect of spontaneous worlds in the great spiritual universe. And ruin has made me its mark; W rlilu x «'S AU» W alt. Doftfcl a » u p r l t r M- i .’ j ïu border on the envelope indicated too well the but will let the reader draw his own conclu­ b paritions on the human family in all ages, While doing this pioneer work in the realm Yet 1 dream of a life that is pure. Molon. r*(0| lircrrr. IlfiT*- Casi 4 At different times, within the last twenty- some light on the mysterious question of Oh! world, what great pity you boast of! ons0 r f « IL hcX fitual fcr&oro. |IH » J oo#l { * % { > | u . leluated inspirational platform oracle of tilings that conduce to better conditions, five years, I have had several similar dreams spirit photography. I was selected to ob­ Do you feel for the fallen like me? ICuitrvtW«. Mon IkuaWr. TVo Fu itfi •'Wrrre* ton. Lord Byron, in one of his mystic spiritual and material, will receive our earnest You warn us to turn from our vices, ù t Ktte.ulrdr*. l'cMf aa«A’&evL Taû C* .;-aoi (uf* connected with tho death of relatives, all of Uui.trl#« of J u « i 5, of which he was not quite so pro- serve every movo made by the medium, as I And tell us that pardon U free, consideration and support, while the institu­ them proving true, I havo also often dreamed C«âw m V—1%» f«Tlh »»f i8f as his friend and peer, Shelley, Baid: know something of photography. Air. Chase Tbcn with your heart filled with loathing. fmrvrtfiBt. "Te rati»? »- fritm “ ■ *«» tions and things that stand as barriers and with regard to business matters. Sometimes You shrink if we chance to come near, rQ u a n- d“ i —.«7 A UismoCtnrfhloB. Auxwc*««*» "I merely mean to say what Johnson said, enemies to the liberty nnd progress of tho seemed willing to give us every opportunity to Jreus*|»(ii. Mu*i bahoraoaiof Fv«»>. l< r:s-fit« at breakfast I havo told my fumily that I was know that the work was genuine. We had Yet you say that you pray for the fallen. ■ II»« «/Tortisi». S-t ( fr i. «0 04.*. IP ..J li» • that in the course of some six thousand mind of man,—such as the Roman Catholic Do you think tbo Great Master «rill hear? ■ uroisti lt il Cor. «?.). Saturo]and Putrii•>•< LM ), going to get some money, as I got it in n taken a box of negative plates, nnd they were Ut ’5l"Q if Ihe Wct&tt uf T'-luab. Of J ' •• years all nations have believed that from the church in particular—will ever find us an Oh! woman, with love all about you, ObJ^riiftaa or iw pf?4 Metto! lK*U'»<|iUek "3- 1 dead a visitant at intervals appears. ” dream hist night I was sure to get it tliot used—that is, three or four of them; we made dot CUrUI'O M e *b. aggressive, determined foe, striking “ straight day, or within two or threo days, in a letter, To guard you from error and sin, (.'norma VI-A r» V# l#IAfU T-IU f|irnfn*»| of Then citations from English literature from the shoulder," and shrinking not from him a present of the rest. I went into the Do you think of the snares and temptations, Spirituali«*. Tu» "Mad'ltant* cry* a W k or otherwise, from some unexpected source. F r»r»-J« fn>cn I&fldrl ll*o?U. Tra i l » 5 Crronla simply establish my postulate—that acute the hottest of the fight. dark-room with Mr. C., and was sure beyond And wonder whoro vices begin? Ibr Dirsi*. |>UUnfu»t lfItti»i»T vasta « lUtair. I could frequently tell tho exact amount, as I a doubt that our plates were used, for I Do you think when you see your fair daughters, Ilei«* Parta, osi do oaa Nettirraa A1L of Ih« Iti? observers have become confirmed, perhaps un­ In this work we are thankful to have the li:u»frolltr Cuoca. Il^w »Uoll w» drrtd- •»t • »»* f*— saw it plainly in the dream. opened the box myself, and look out one That once we were sinless as they? Itererà aro. Tt* ira o Trac Wurko. Th»r . conscious, Spiritualists, in the centuries prior appreciation and support of our friends. That for us fond mothers arc pleading, Kndrif ibr W«.rtd BoCyrt. Jrv1»h ani » • 's.t or* to our own (for Johnson was of the seven­ 1 have, at various times, had such vivid im­ plate. Mr. C. thought I was not experienced "Load them not in temptation, we pray?” fttoehiuc. liarUtm, oad 90 luvrtUrr. loturm pressions Hashed into my mind that I per­ with the kind of holder he used, and insisted la (ho C b u rcb r teenth and Byron of the eighteenth century W c are weak and the world Is against us, C ia n n VII—Arr Wa DeladnJf -A ( ««■ «• rry. Materializing Seance. ceived tho import as plainly as if words had on putting tho plate in it himself. I, of course, Cooirodariorr Puolffoo* Qr4»f al notirrku. T!*»l proper), not from the phenomena evoked in the This seance was given at the home of Mr. The wolves of temptation are bold; flrr Intra aoch o ffe*. " K r t iio P U iry." I l -olt«»f i*.« been spoken. Sncli ha9 been the case with me wanted harmony—it is an essential thing, aud W ith no one to help or befriend us u orfana. Xliolufar. Cvd and M»-djtim« «li. riti c il»« modem circle, nor by tbo modem medium, but and Mrs. Joseph II. Dorety, of Oakland, W»*n4. A re l i A on4 thMN-ifl l,»^n'f(., 1*1» jo» which has been, nnd now is, prevalent to a on several occasions, when very important but consented to that. He seemed to regard it as We fall—and the story is told. t • dama »b» W *rid f**r l*alwi|rf Au“ la« »* Cal., through the of Mrs. L. Ful­ No voice ever whispers In kindness m -r» ihoo Itfb:««. Lyt&c ur.'rfto » -n i .-ot f" n **4 la rg e r extent than our organs have ever con­ uncxpccte«! events were about to take plat*, an essential part of the work to have the plate doli/ l.'soauf JrrcmloU a»d fj*kJ»l |T-h l#.«»i ton. The accompanying slate-writing was Tho words we are longing to hoar, loaoil<-«v. S p tflta o lla o » De Uuloo. Tfc» L r i • m i n i when there was no outward sign of such an in hfs own hands, lie likely did tho part then l<-»0i«Uaf la o I in^l« W. .jrrf»l hor»«ao uf ib» «>?• ceded due to spontaneous phenomena, which, given during the seance, independently, there Yet you wonder our footstep-* tend downward, { occurrence. IVhen I would listen to and act that the skeptic would call the “IickxIoo. ” The And shrink from our presence in fear. dtbntf). épUluaoilta «HI Da*t *d-*ti *fM unfortunately, until your announcement, has being no pencil with the slates. Forty-two fp lllfo u «" upon the plain suggestions of such impressions, platcholdcr was close to tbo window, or where lit r i» a Vlll-O bjrnltm i AaawertJ.—ntpj^rtl.'Hi* found record almost exclusively in the columns spirits materialized, gave their names and Fat), raindrops, with pitiful patter, aouoiiy li» ItMult uf !*&• r«S'«- A Mnil*D Utrd «ad of the secular or daily press alone. I have found that I was saved from immediate there should have been one, and still the light The world Is a mockery(cry siili. ih* §i'on»v>soi. ob)«ctlref(» u» Iis0 T»i»Trratd( called for their friends by name. Other forms fk n f tu A tm iitioaltaL. «l'tel l»u io io ie il o«r«ln*t /•fifft»*- trouble. When I did not heed them, I was very near total darkness. But I could It otters forgiveness and pardon, I have, for several months, been a careful appeared who did not speak. Fully as many • '‘»fu K p f f M jia r T j Ita «o i»Ina uf. It i» stumbled into a wilderness of difficulty of see, by putting my face close to tho holder, But its promise 'twill never fulfill; r»TfW LjrirMii» ■••n 11r* re ti iarlla»4 I»»o^p1? *« Observer of this fact, and haVc wondered that more gave their names from the cabinet with­ It thrusts us down Into the darkness, ) tho dark-room, with great pleasure of your purpose to admit nized. One gave the passwords and grips of battle ho would get wounded I then told tho A grave in tho Potter’s-fleld only, 4. trOÆhCB WR ART AS AJ(VR* TOR*T and developcd'it in the chemicals, just os if no to your columns records of “ spontaneous two degrees of Masonry to Mr. Martin. hoys that in some way an impression hud come Forgetting her maker was Goa. Th* who!«rrapTiMAhUt4nt«ai twl freni»** »rariU spiritual phenomena” as the “ best and most to my mind making me strong in the belief spirits wore expected on it, and, to our sur­ —Oil»» impi*>m;gu by I'rvf, J, ,Y. Yak«. fora lll(t<«ncoJ JemuK *Tlie Rev. George Burroughs, who was exe­ In i l '• »«storne III* J f * » a ra r lm r ly wot »•» satisfactory evidence of spiritual interposi- tliat before the close of tho next six weoks I prise, there was none. Of course it would not Uor* is rm Ih** iMMf « | 4 f a ra r rd e m p ir Ib r» t's t a i Ui cuted for witchcraft at Salem, Mass., in 165)2, Itirte ra Tt«- Virtuale II s«« ft ir* M 1« !*•* Ho» tkm in the affairs of mankind ” You uncon­ would be at my home and tho war ended. lie fair to atop with one trial, so another ÄÜLIEKA. irtta rtct.**;«tsr '/Cri »raro I* 4L. oo4 He f* *'• »1 »« gave us an address, in which be stated that «. ni.«*4, fc il«• In* Ih* ■ are* i-f tmlfiftaliOtt, C*U| lt 1* sciously uttered a great truth when you said, The third day from these statements found was made with equal cure, and the same fa’ir 4r»»w>^tel latraCbrtatlAahf. w lftiw ritin l his brother Samuel was with him, nnd that the Always l>ear in miml that to do good ami l fJ l-t, r f c m v “ most »atisfactory." us all on the movo and the fifth found my result But for some reason wc did not tbon *1 Air* tu J rio. In w O « I l Ih * ( *|}I »B< IL-f Ot latter had a church in Danvers, Mass., and was be goo*l iB the chief end «>f existence. You of Mi - « tirili!*r> rra. 11M — V close you a small selection of such command as skirmishers 2^ miles in advance understand, there was a good deal of delay TU » >«**h urtai re ir* ( h it U r U H t a liy a r i t i i r m execute«! at the same time for preaching his can do nothing that will reflect more credit on im i b m « f* m y ib lr a l: ih * l Ih * wtu*)» oy • :»«u lo gs of the secular press that had already of any support. Then oamo to us onr mail. before we could make another test. Of course • 1» ( K t J, f*l*»b««tei. funrTTs fra» *®4 furto; M b lh*4 r libera! views. George Burroughs promised us youtlian by giving T ub l'!i“er ie sunt three months (or iu uiv affairs of mankind. to he taken prisoner with nearly all of yotn our party that Mr. C. stepped into the dark­ cloth stretched across the corner of the room, 25 rente. Tho liret live chapters of “ Zuli K it DUCS IN OUTLYING FIELDS Why should not our press draw upon such and was put up after the guests arrived. regiment You will not remain a prisoner room and remained a few seconds. • s vast and exhaustless fountain of independ­ So it happened that after n while longer this eka ' sent free to all new subsiTilicrs. Josipii H. Dokity. long, and will be home soon.” This letter I imaginary hindrance (whatever it was) wo* ent evidence of the truth of our sublime phil­ San Franc iirn, Cot. read In the evening, and the next morning, “The Teachings of Jesus not Adapted t -> SCIENTE. osophy.‘ This movement is the highest evi­ being surrounded by a strong line of Con­ now removed, and wc could make another Modern Civilization, with tae True Charade Tbl« work, I f flntoow T rT flh ruoiilooUllf* iM dence yet afforded. You are entitled to the federates, wc fought them bravely until close­ test, if we “ wanted another." Weil, of •ifloia U.* tu t •rroi uf (otti In In 4(M of riiuofvh, “ Ingenoll's Address Before New York of Mary Magdalene." By Goo. W . Brown whl< b L ltL r rt'< b ar» bod r.o ot ;*»r»a» »<>nt><«H ue, l>y r*­ nomenclature you have adopted—“ Pro­ ness compelled us to surrender. During the course it wasn't “another” test we wanted—it Unitarian Club." The first time in tho history M. D. l’rico, 15 cents. For sale at this ? n d tttN IlB B I M t» t aiaw Bl If' ■ UN ;» eri»* gressiva” engagement I’hillipps got severely wounded, was one test. tolholoao a mJ coodllbuta uf mai«'« »plrlutol Vrlod of tho world that a Christum Association ever Hi cc. TU» loadtet oqLyrrta irtel»4 or* bo folkraro Our strength is in attack, fortifie«! by evi­ and never bos been beard from since. As I went again into tho dark-room with Mr. Moti»r. Uf». Mied, "¡frit; u Lot \it* Maw* ira»b uf invited a noted infidel to lecture before them. The Evolution of The Devil. By Henry Ihr Wurbl ar ] tb» I»-jrtrta» uf flTuhttitaa, fi«l»t,lltC dence intrinsic and extrinsic; less in an infuri­ prisoners we were marched ou to Richmond, 0., nnd I requested more light, hut bethought M-tMalo uf te* M«4r uf Mta a&J tu lt«*J’'* Wfco» 1* The lecture is a grand one, and was received Frank, it contains CU pages, divided into lb* ItaMiiffa K«at*f llMBfftm. Iljpv > ated assault upon the church (mother of daugh­ where, as soon us papers «xmld be made out, it would fog the plate; hut 1 told him that it halt.* a lira s . C loffT u r* 6 «t ► • h iU it n . •• fir »» 1 I f by the Club with continuous applause from be­ f... fc'*L»tn. BnwiUHhHi ó'/rìno w»«r Pravo»; ter^ than in a challenge to our array of facts, we got our parole: thence wc reported at our was not u first class photograph that we ten chopler*, and ia gotten up in the best (trie KoOoturwnaw tfiAacrd br f;UHrio0, fU /t,» lroL»f»»- ginning to end. The pamphlet contains 12 •eiokeir and “spontaneous, ” upon which our parole camp. From there we all got furloughs wanted, but a test of spirit photography; that of pamphlet form. Brice 25 cents. For •tuo. I Lit Aa Uve« v i on lArtliifeh» T o n * ♦ afvrtvf tpages, beautifully printed. Price, G cent b> lb * Arltat W f r t u f rhflM W J CbDdJlUiWO M I M f^D* hilosophy is absolutely impregnable, and lie to our homes, aud before the expiration of our wo were willing to accept a poor picture of the sale at this office,' •Olflto ìli»* PPYa»»r T »y»r tula £ “ * ...... Llftrt «4 d*MllKrt»w«...... *0J ten copies, 50 cents. For salest thlk office. 1 IbuflfbI Irau*»- roaso; lBkix.yrta!*tT-WM* u v T ^ v r a re which dogmas and isms will dlsipstc as “ Antiquity Unveiled," communications Ltf» »nit»-»«. rvTkn'.Ue1•!«• F ru n ltfU •'*-*1* on* •*-«• furloughs came orders from the War Depart­ mortal if we could be sure of a picture of a r ui'vti »A»m1 • pf*7rirft»ti*a Drttta. * WHijUti.*- it before the rising son. "The Religion of Man." by K. D. Babbitt, ment to give u« our discharges spirit from ancient spirits. Appollonins of Tyana, |ts».ir l “»Ti f ’ *0 i h|i»(!< a( flllo f» O* F s tm jm < k f|> U Let us hare Die facta now trauiptriug. not M. D. Tbit is a most excellent work, replete 1 reached my home three days lief ore Un No more light was admitted, but that time the Jeaus of Nazareth, 8L Paul and John, the Ivt« » ond lo l(lll|»ir» (fata lb* » fl» fi t t I l | H b*5»afi I* rrlr.todsD fe* p*tar, kiw l*«*l/l' 'ul. - J ifincd to the narrow limits of our lyceams with suggestive thoughts, end calculated to I expiration of the aix weeks. The war Was | we got tlie pictures of two ln-ada, one on each revelators of the Cbrisliau Scriptures, return I m s v.srt ru*r bur all »«1 it»« Cm on» mi«* • and camps, but throughout the world. Spirit­ ntereat and instruct. Price, 11.25; postage, 101 virtually at an tot*» ID* fib m inim * i*»**»if ro lM w rolL M end; and the «1 reamer, the | sldo of tlie victim. Rut they were very crude. to earth ns a spirit, and explain the myaterica Ihrm I'lU *. If h«l r* *'rul netulllinl urin ualism need not rely then upon tearing down " Immortality," A Poem, in five cantos. “If visiontsL as also my etatoinento,all proved title. Now, how was even a crude picture to be tliat havo concealed the theological deception frret» lb » »re«f iM n b f»te * fii rr t llrw I II * a (o f* • v l l ( s « » n ll« H t q U frilM Wfclrfc »*'•» creeds built upon moss grown phenomena of a man die, shall he live?” is fully answered CilAH. II. PttATT, obtained by any fraudulent method ! It is of the Christian hierarchy. t>08 pages. A t»t» ,,f te» in triiig tu i v f «rdltaai rb» t o r s t i r V all ages put, but the widespread events of our By W. 8. Barlow, author of Voices Price Scrgt. of Co. F -7th Mass. V, F. easily answered by the photographer, if Mr. very valuable book. Price, 11.50; postage, ot th!» Iff. OF THOMAS PA lMS, IT IS IN, W own households and in unlooked-for places 60 cents. For sale at this office. Brtcktnridgr, Miuovri, C. had a film or glass plate, prepared with a 2 cents. L\ i»M»i| l&uiraiui I rk* fl/fe THF PROGRESSIVE THINKEF MARO« i*

ta Urem, or eg einet THE PEOGEEs-riVF THIYKLK PABiiIAJÍENT OF BELJOIOXS. v> pum ,.#*u trnih Ta» wo- B irb o p M / »m»Im í»i « ti M unitep s elsa* dUtentefui ini.*n.c.a ¡ | dltim (TlHfi fem Ma a ran» ¡a MYSTICAL NUMBERS. O p e n in g . A NEFARIOUS BILL. atot» th*/ ma/ bara eoeeelrad se In­ B ab*l a l Um- HorW'« » air T**-. for euaa^t». trona, bigoted sto aajM t preludine. Tbe It a p p e rt dram tee d a il; tope», rr.eer i tee B ;y*. «tura U S K id s n d 9y «n e r tesa f(i»top SkferAaos. od M ll*a.'-*. sed A HILL tee fegfeis'or «ho foibe« lee* ts» be ■ uwaei • «bicb bei* meni poteteti 11. od MUwsukaa, la s puMtofeerl ra ri la de­ • «il UiBe U b*-tef o s l is d lo a n t Ih« A Venture in e flea* Line. For es g I for tee «sopras».«o od 'or m i s» lasiniaseote od oppran aa sto fessa* od bla (roalUns la ferarleg the a-.« -1 W se-telilsg, ansi tee prantien od czlisscin» at tam agé and ih* «1st« al ds/ optala/ od tee World * Pair, onora* mH littolarenee In Mapping toé «rida od Iti» toma F lx a u j irtfear si fegad sto prêts,tote ana ny prop*' faerttee, sed desarra* ifee ae- t in u'.ìorit;. » oecaru . etarg/OMB *bs». to ■ *;>. le teelr 1st- Marnihfri te iagLaed. la iht* Uteaten- b u rla / te* M st te« * « t o «■ fes*« M ^a .“ tnSSKÌ .’latto nrmUam-tosoe od eli freo presa ,ar to sur M a s o regl­ plw ailf I* m m klo g in clos* tea K c p o tl- fF/*er», or d/tM rv4«M W> __ . . . _. . tersUt o u 'iif j. u d I I tao. s a ie a ta e j I to ádrentelo« tears»/ ato tedas The Ingtetefeor «feo tr e m e e o r e U s e p c ara «feet «* c» t« «• ra 1 1 feo drslru-s ties, forget test far ««afe* arar/ «umaastr •igalteaul<:hnc(«t. A* » rate i t i tort- tee doer* od tfeelr e la r c b e ara c ia e l . paaii) for a eUuieUae od tele act. ts» smart s is« »feteh U Isfesaslto to or oo» cocitetior reiigistoa are U n SsUsi ns •e "bd/atiest .Votar*.' I» ao deisg ------raed e* a Telitele od rnnmoyUsae sto «e bsd. ioatahlp or bpirtt- «tee te eetaeli/ Ite tmta. .V slaia oí casuar.! opKttac 7 Is Kfea t-.ae-*e lag Tl/Pf F f /R if c A n T 1 1*0 OP by ate tutor/ «aw toesi tro m od ten F a ir oo tee aetoste. Tto &Utop ' ‘ FTTTKC K.VF.KTH, tee dfemrar/ of csiiraiesai */' «f«od t e l i l a «itfc II* sasoaassaofees U tes* »* atefe« Uas* giran errerà, remati* le rapi/ to • pfeaoa od «M rafaam »111 M e/ le r t -7 te .to da/* od brned lotarMlm. astri xsteers •■ etere. User« te te tea at tea to Use títere tas toes s tiddee masn- i m r j . e m m g sfefch I» tfeet the rietoeth AebtoOi ¡ ^ _ F t e » ' I F . or J «.' r * T r ’£ r - lag. te«sr¿* «hiab tee stteaUsm od s •- toto to. sr- orí leg to tea »'Ola. U y ^ y .**TT^ »on.fey to fea anteparto o«./ «Ufe te­ ifor'd t fair a t'ir asxeat e t (bllfiiMt deci* or d r te«* ato eanetteate, tee igaanom ato ead it « ili he. V » a aoteten p t u r . : / «sr reedera «sa cl.rerted. Tile IstelU**. VM a 1*17 s / 4 'MttÁOQeesttea M U *oto t k l ds/M.fif a l iFe ■•itfBlMÜdÄ ^ •*! ^4' •* ^ A g a tr j, teto dlsgraod «ar .asvl lo Uta - » «tente« f a it e r e f te tea « & e ULei tee aedlmB, ’-to cs/atic sod tee g e e a m r da/* o* tea Hai « g «Itefeerafl,—«feto « r to<« s il bod taelr fcrsiea teaed, le ardar Fa ir - oe ’«.tort»,.notorie, . TtoÎThee toi/V he « f i theter! umA¿J 7 ,^ ' J _ - .- . ^ ta«« eli ten praaisest eoadictlaf bei ini* «. se tte r 1* eat. r* ./ ose od : to Irto m opto- _ r Z l M I -a t o «ttefee» ««r» beegto. o» otfeerwiee »« reprreea'^ii proemia* » bedlens af te dleurrer tee isesnleg «fcrrfe « a le- loo w V is tea ( '«ristia« «odd la eoe- >OT^ *“'* ’ 1 * 7 , ll“ -Urageoo-./ n atna»/ tenxigfe Ule - i te M»S «Ili he ras»: d ia tra rtla r «ad laedail lo aonrep, Tfcst «blnh Is m j* - « r a t o Bu hop Xtefemeto. tedlddoes «totear od teeir machíae r/ od aas tato had erste« down a* rafie* od tee derkaeas sto tor nartela S .«* ;.:; la tee In i piace J.sea, baafe. cae**« to s córlela es baúl Ir/ to «o oeiaito in «Imiter lo that told b/ msvai •*Vr' U11, *L,T « c t tea hfefeopa od tea tteUecme. cfcurrfe, T f Z o' «he traria Aga« Il 1* «est / sM am t .'aai.Kc, Modi, od escane/ «ili am i. tea memas'. I» la U s o r f e í/ eedaraieod. teat, a* he pah* Ml ^ Tteoklog to the «etter■ tetter oror tkiag.tn.sg. oy0/ m e n e e «f a» tee* «ome iegteieisw*. « re a fé team co- Tket «Piafe la «ij pgnaef ur*i «o e per*oe ;.««g«l-r uedaitetodl/ e tasy*te4fa «f grT refer r e te t good doce the g r e e te r ■ h m .igbTeeto etcsdara IL flora bava a x j « 1 • i tee « r d once» te tee Beai. Tim e lam a alaga od fes deraloprnen: OOiai«ds-f«g ' ‘ tee ¡erger morel Mfttf aodev aoil !•«-/*»»'•«, ymmomemmrf m m e e r / j ., T R A J ÌC K K E o 'w#i^rv«■ o t fr o w e «la«tee «pirliWfjprife esto« M Iporao« od i.u „ . 7 •ta,. [_ I DH’JMfflP,s g ü t /a rUba ^ bmefe ? * arV , o r >r/ ¡b e a nere» porUoi* le few se ti « tee Hat, tee R i. l i t i Paci U*w- to he icfercec.ro. when he ad ranees to , «fee epportcsille* od —tee history pea imruat lo thè ito lacrimi aste to n in e — — edeay otte* aliegto or pwttetoto !er. od «accs.i-r B C , «feo « U (or- a hi-fesr piase ato graedrr rag fatlona or «or»:'. pr/««r». or *7 The*, tee. which mea; le teelr lg «bo iU li gather feto: Coleago fey a Inaaar Thrmigb KHIglsin. tear dlavact tee a te tte e od tee peepia messa opaa them KipeiUae gatas ato od ass/ nccrt.eeere. or otfear fe> »J r*pre**lsg siioeneat re«« «Bice tea io r o e te he»« te g e r é o l «a e ( M . -aa*r* »tee. «hai. vt leemad sto la /* -. v> uà a Wo Users frees bfea CaUtago />#-J le« bfea peopin ceder ansasi prod «et tei J w m m S Item is c t s M VU* s s s k i a • «■ sont prue«. Tbae Prof X . L e c e r» to he »«afe thè r-eToast Ite tree ato o n «re fstedler, sto sol *^e ltoe:v reegrteùeee he»* tee frm eoa od fia m er-, b acri rrsr.#.evirai teeraof De «««a |a ate bfee Crim ea Cgm ralir, B B M l ed Barila, « C i flap te «Ite * «uni. rea sad *Ig»tdsaaare tocóme» kaova. A i* .-« tapian en teal dey od nera» se/ asm ssfet e t itac U m Tj J >r to /fee t .e e e e o o o lam a t K m jU am derlay ccs'ur.no «UH o r * enefwed f'aeMo (tolse Bei!e»to tee* the stag Moa, astoltetb-sn. ato r a i " ae “.a le e from «ieriost deeaeatle. h * a*. The aho»* I* a aeaai -Xe ríe « tesesm to lo. *ri ari» mora ’.stac rsca f, .torto Tfcee Dbarmapee, «erraiary od tee aldsmto e tr a e ta r m la tela d i/ , to»*r*teg -iof.ar» 'or «oca sto * » « -7 ' / n a assto i nmci- bfenaegfe raUgteua e ssa l»L tela *osIsM«t atlelrtstr od tee goape.. sad fe e W l . emene n o tore le fe e l 1 aa 1 Xefee-Bcdi Beeiei/. ed Cn.cntte, «83 u j» » f * ! sto rtsifely «mbatl.atto, «ere —Irrisi greet erto. - .b>x alai. It (a as- *,/ 2 .Ito V « /rrtferr rm-trieA. T h e : made 67 a nperatoarai posar, or. la »07 p-.mr.a «es> « a g i 07 wxr» od u ; • hen bfeirby /osar* ago H e ie a « » t sreaest bla errati« rie««, «b e i «Ut owe lag./ gratlf/leg to ofemrre se oc- ’ •Bttosos e eotofeer od yeera Is fela e e u r* other «ordì, «rere «K itrx td by Cari -».use. male le urn orthedsn dem on, Barri or ari ractbaameat p-.Miased la s a / -esd farteer lo detract tee etisia bum ad Cr-.wryx.’x-.t V..-C .su ri *s» p .b, .» ito sod feasforo - tsolag ls) this eoua r j is 'tee ferry e T ir e ■ « a e l -Ispessa* .Va rose canid «net ooit b.'. dlaga seisaa* Mich aa le premetto fey tela g irin e . Toe U* early per* od )«K asnrchea are M ill et » -/r* «U n a toe.* •'.L.-a bòa %'sxd o» f u t í ed a aeiedmaeeeer. aed it o porpnm tsf absadyleg «barifogy , errbrtng •Amc; 'o a r If »a* «9% 'v i m U feaa Béas nasal «=n sucs i-tseœ îœsr.*. od Ft*ib/-./Tc»' The Coterute « 11. teem teat they woo d i_»o to pm :p m JuSrX m em ri «sud eoe rie tristo llt e s s / od fes/.» toga, «ou d eaaaena M A R G A R Ê j M F O X - K A N E . rie flood In oey t a aot lem bfeee V fcfi « M l m M ------«se* usas M te u * caser* ami nacr «e»e is «ite tea iac< apistes tfl.1—od n i l i i f l d fraisa ît ha* n a • a. ■ sert taad «de a/ p i-f W r y «a..rei r e » * easi to t/ «sfar bòa hsopisma ad «asciasi geaargiy sto P a r t V n b n n f H ^ r T r w w U t k m i fey-fl re deostera asar mare ■ - «m me iflaefa» deragiag du- tesBÌr it a c a inter «M. ato i n d < 0 te»« to» «m a aed a»ery e te r n e . aves saermnrl iaer-iWAg rie u-as» c i The gaaf-iasan from /'acse «bi: Ls an Sl I ***» A Zeorj ponto ««r/ding por- ¡ntod pedas* la bfee Hiism. A Uritie m m âputteevam. U » u e r e t Sun * Bas «Vo* eatog* fete ophatno. Tee dignii!to | EL TO 7 « * KBtT<7« - ta s ; tea'. I febated o r rfe age fea * « a t «a fs m n ra U L . to te si Mte.-f*s-»i pira (Case » .' aorrw frr.m smm mute g Rader amp li; »e by « W i flsr*. M r W lg rit ie e rwrl - e . sa« K trios «en attecvfl ta -a* tosard:- penon Brew.Cecrstbe «113 m u fi to hist. f® W 5****i*g a « s l s 1 i n «U h od use asti» t i Cri lignee sd (fee CeUcd bàc x-'.r’A form 4 Ito te ■ 7« «ri íes»'.»7 ! fleto r* sali ag se pm* «ritee aed Usa W Rute ate aee od tris w r l a s zeee «oc te etatntoobs T z a t n e r e » ;- lore« « isa test asms flo r a !n re feren c e *• o ea o w j a eerbe-a Iriee acd U W* *Ut tato lux.« after Í t e i to i í r . |b e m rtefleeWy Mame, ead itm xa-* m e s tete» feu ta. u as u a sn om- M tee r.roi decsfet od C-bri. The Som-'ey 1 ••joe che Rilad* od «ar rremier*. and »0 " 4eU*ery od thè Hear/ A. VewVte to .a'erra ' vera od «he Ma., prie*, poets«*, aa. a r a «rere r » . 1 1 » 4 to lu id fe rm i b va« eatrf-fW «Jfe «la fnÆi UIll « a r ln a '. /•R-.amac «tu ¿a ssi «ten m oi-'j tin oe-1 Bcnld risi tb la s/b -Afear Suva ne- g tSsrr- uu «t**b Mn I. iTBusri»! "T am toseagrib te» a t í m e U a c be ofeígrib r - MB, tees, giro, oresieie or giefertbarte. ee»*r la a Ir* te/» teeri a-1 fesvpe «a» «erk t e -j *t hem aaecrnniiaBad ia jtf.sMr *•— b.br.ar. ».bewe base - • «A s a t *. ) Irnî/ m Use «ne«« e c n ro » ; adajto •ss (tesi ;ou ara Ur* I r*oil»a/ a tor or to 007 «riha» por««« or pernea» T rtz Phs-.SiAKtt Tac**** 10 1* 7 iceaaaga tote ooora.Bg terw ig* use aie- >,-.»».■ **-7 tm daael aed he wm t e - b e j * ftaaBm aoU n tçir'Ja' sot aatnssiojiri- ( i is* * f.iarriisg:/ for.l-1 1* 7 w A «eeepaper. g.agazf*e. ;*e/ri- tari pe to Id anearse. rba/ul» «ishssub a pear {a Use m ec» «f «tom abpod M f « Ì M iwfee te te>>to»g Zm, ZÀroJàm' TluZi ' TU. p ris e erb-.ing. to 'vs «nppcm bceb at a W ord'« Pair.. atto «a. tor myrnlf. A Ha.a inter, tee Ts« (x l S» a* i n a zee za ic a ' «/cub be* snug V (tg-.iteer/ acri tcsb»u- riel .-Ibas, .»ns «Bd f.-to toosigh*. Ib pah- alga, velare » rjmtnt, er ta m er ¡y; v iieio urna -a a ¿n d taogae U e m n g i tíu I M&er sseaaagn cams*, and. o t nrtnrro, l \ ■ ring « « J ad A ífM I c^ a ii MtfllAC ■arm. «tto’.n tight a i t n r officie. I l ha» a ans! arigaar! by «tgferi a ,*«t to e tm Isa ae/ am m i tees urna as*/ te n -aas. the p n : «*.sey w jrd. fb «arid to »«.: Id thte Imti»- pratutnd ussite te p t s u * tria ad g l frene «gtgbfe• saerirM e r m a d lm a b ip FSe . ac_ asse* 'a ry «uri -.ms.- esc- brte. *13..lib «.ec-ri to II-iMisto enrepi'e'e iaeger « im i.aeon tona a * / r.tiuer ?'.<»!•- beaedy-fl«* co r m a ro trien om k a a d g i llgbm m e ate a to l *e «feria e le a* «uatri •pbrbSte Uteri « Ito— ir' her dótete»* h r «imagi I ca m o» e n m molí, m ero n i Ib. U Trie aban raCD apego» lar Ihagf. frite ue» han a '»od «b e feo# fm m a t# / be- : Æ.-»:>a aorte «T.C C m otte I t»«aili ig ioe amne atmsmpecre. » 13 to P W s fB M W l T r a n t n «»enSraal y «o locomotor te m ee Olean btfeme;'rl«eal a «-Vhtee a -* i..s/ and aefenisg tea atraía a «vry terga ototeM n. seri feo ’ —if a toan*.* bherabyi be* 1st bring fere m IF. S tH fe n d A » Fri»#, ie . aed te «ety trie dyrieg ofee£ a i ;t* irte, cXXrrV bhst o s i ^ m a t t te Hus «aie. (eater bite 4 teoxrlacj -l eraenv od ntiig nace Ufete «o-varrt od param o,s-- íatore** Jd r-'.D ; :«fe. A&r sreefaa remar..cg erara, rites B it a , e s «erteg. A aalih 11 eiqi feoil «tefe ib* marri Lai men tee «S» set tne- las. witeft he»« :«ee teati-eri an rimpiy us ib» srsmerene parubera » : kne« pe» teeaorbteg te ge« a flonfebnul te arde r te naiaa'sKtad lar-., efem rteídtp por- t B x l Oms erte«* as-iíúinu. iamc •anted in o re m/tficri. somestn aed «1 ' «tneadc etrn u n un tai nut ■ nee bra/cd m-.7 anaae SZ, auswr atlad. preerai a Into bee w a t o v t teat testy eaeas-.» ospom trie c o m e r . priigram od U s a B a l «r*« »oí «rt if War* á ant » a6s fe turo «apLSM tsfeKM as> bon« ai. cae sedar «r ne. n u, n o n it, a#ira ». pts'.inre ctat la »rv-»,gri rio drlro a wiael- *»#,./ kt rtaw ol ut enxrri.ag'.j ’.cre- T he ahorne hriris «car* toe ia p i ad tl»e leaema■ m e aepoeba£y a h o m perteealy a m ■ a y *c» « a ,*aa «tuna Ste? eacsb them. Wn «ripeo* asme tsnae te l*Wl ST TOC RBiKCI' K OW tL 1. edam e «aapfeditep and p s n i 111. i l te P»T-ritobegiB*eu-iegime «y-y «fee Barafag «ard e od asa «ns ; sau ae-ner «stateri. la wdxa u m test— «a# «toc Sr aa»« i ' W . s u to r-.i* n ami e rta ter « f e l l i m , rot* n m Mfeurrr «fesmpsf o i * - d od «tee « m íavad em d ■ ernraf mr'11 .ale lar «r toe ganpet. Tie rrt «se» -ja raro aren I b».«d a Bendili um ad i.-.sg-tea.* Tana. as»-« briosi bri.u n o » cor. and la order in Fton K an n —Wtafe am »* e / a r * agu, m o ra ■ Id mica.i b u m dto 1 -o a*y r e t e '1 ,-vrjna1 f e r r o r e s aot ca. tee «ter* i losrA tea sees .■ o-'oreeirv mi e t n e r e 1dsi loser«** vs bee » . . capu»ts/' Ve *9**riri .3 psrriwse b e o»«r cmriring te te m a «««eu« km t e a a ptt. an ! m t o n t e marri So* vnsfcri-jf l s ftmUMfrkto, i Am* to— - t m ta pemllet to tèe 41»# r- afaCbafe. ¿.sator*. When tody * d •¡stey m e t .* m Lem m y M ® | rined ted. east «o t e n , tomar» tom r e s tfem gri g , fetetory ‘m u a «tena* M7 tei teau «htoS «iter «le m e. : -¿fried so 7 0 s they rxoae to- De « s p tu i. •to a . ibsce sag.B g t 7* Emry Urite le teiIl od !*. V a r » . ; a e t 4 seo s as*' to** tad teneste «'.tete rhe .mb « , barrito- «tona sa s s i te «c /et piew lm to gsb her teg gag W, se urto, dem •»■ od ReilgUtae oQS to « . tasi r c* bod. T a r m t o o■ 0Sor s**-4te « s.e «.-ffioradm lxo ’ -end and «h si.» mades op S- -/< «isv «las» «1 * laariria m *m here stearol had od emr. a one ariS riHer from the g oft** to yen» lettori»,.to/s. «»(sitetra.«naîtra, Irmele t «« ««ge te toe e tc ream .ser, ornease ze ß e «f ail the mat. (9a Ire «R. to ri' t «rttfew», « f.! g e l KTuV The orsa « 3o c a e (fest. ; «-».üb m m a g ermo*- trie f o n o n i e i trie tim o U Jews* a g i rii* 1 » - ju sa se i t e « ne. boi.-.atestjae xnw» '«nab. acri Isa Writ -n te s a i asm asiate jI lead« the da* Mae :g toe 3fe VVi « U »*;• tad Burma» The trae renard Sor ■tpwe Trie hpirtoageg te AN AUTHOR S ODO EX- (modes' ami g m e m «mi a te m yrv I G eo rr„ tas* a insume« i«¡ enner,e- j1 /srr. tl /l Thsta. to iho o n to r '.rriîowtsag •mk «in* te e traiy (aarm a. ayofepg tx u n id rim ie PERIENCE. parine »SB Sanos «(nao«' time «usa * hteH. ad aaag riertmm» astri«ne» a se I i # son rr'.- to anm fri w r f r f e W frie«'* «tot fea pom» ewaib* e feigner rotara, aed Id «... g- neb /am her« ■ aero toe a ru m te to»* to .irn r a «disto ne* / « tersa anm -eaeiemleeaii « it e m j ( ssandadogod barran »fers* and trito»» I »He tri to', tri tot l'r MO. i U n e . r : * [re u n id to onr LegUssmfeara The mtrife trim «tocat» in 'tetr te»*, «rii te tea c*WT « m g is rtgritad, aed ornery elee I pttoftte ra tera So one «Is. -M erwrfseeri e t ri, r» VA tri ya, fri«"«> F» e~ g» w*' ao (f e i doatrad gryiifled to >to ' lum reip ot« «he gab tri H> «s tes ««7» t í Vr-iegr.it «« o ' at tote Farbuaeuah od Bctlgln— Uteri âfes ««1 t o t ; If» MM » ri«©, k» to*. IriM Ä «nanfe «»«rag» gam te a «r> jos- »»^ a te teso« • owl Is am of Sete, nr ■ ret ata I t e . te IriOftS, I » tel. tifi e r r i f I t reti g » 7 » Fe aad aa (oka mit f r i | fea «nossri mat* an frass«/ Iri lead It a m i d Uto* fi F «ans •ferne i r r t y»u« e a u ', iteetr ktmnag. rtofe •/torri Morte* hs , set nem cresi« tee to «eoue tas« «erri. «od tenia «toner* te . tee one (st— ansisi ri asm to —I «aras f rrijrr» feri #77. feri gf* lo * 3 . te,«féfe «<* te on e e toterfor* «Un Iprihesita eoe v ’ toe / t e * « cefa rm eu m n •*« aeri; la ici, f» T . x tri rrt, g, a t r i Me pari totea r.ag Ad/ «f babau» ranagtonuf- Each osa*, loso. « 1M feas* P « ir srfeîld and tea term s The trance .ymm» fe s granee* Il n Se a frisate le Ho-o t e i v t e .sen au» nanfe. ~ *i m a t I hte b«* sieri od U B it a The «egra« «d risma «ea fremi ime arañar, ung v. toteto Ifee«. I « g i st m tfea I «risa «tombe « (feeVarante* m am. e r» amd «bahino wrig./ ficwnx «d te t e s s tenar «urbi -unse « tem am i ! I ie c n a tr A ,. Modi «te ri JTor ixzu.u- FTlssfe to ha geld to I t m «SsD fleto mena ’r o n d e af «oary*a«ra, «fes* * 1------r u. »as «a~ad « tiri e lig h t flirto« 'ne end feme am «te e a pw-io/è Ve ex tete O tes 4* e 'il/ fsae tee fesaasao af a . the ram um Imi ras/, salsa. Trie «e./ rgti iloti ama v.t mrr-.a te P* . vn a wrileh to sixes « le 'mas dar/ te step , righi scoi S» Cnrfig ■■"JWltert l te«! . The ara»*« od the 'rental te riUSumt -uto. Vruine 'or u u -pstot te to xheir aeisot aid Sow «ferito te e te» arami a g te aol p r. «Si. Tn o tenir i« ics I - ' «aaltebbiws le Warne f ten pee «fete f ¡ Vom iosa« ad a a/ o u e r xleg od psnapte « sr Iteri e t r...-terrtflee» «ad g è to . aa trim e am iv i m e n te tog b mar'./ te -fea merobeg. tea* dowbeg g iTw aiar* y n o ,, «aü» tente teste* ikan/kb te (fee ‘v'Aw aar» U trie •sut mile» an osmaUtstraami «tsl he *a thensfter /ear «u* la te fesieroi iss éae le to brie «rim «era te 1 be p e t o . / tri m gfe- «•naba la t e samara te Ifee feay dimdp- ,«#. «f n in a te ñ* «*"/ 11 pmiif .its i -Raegr* A ter thè ina »an od toe Homar. su irtfn m id tri la. tosm yen s m j e e r «aporto ad pronom, aed m anew Meto m Onasa .Rente «gl meteo’ .n o te ■ 7 ñ a d í' bn Mae » / tofeer, I heve gt ' m ■ a g i d e r m j m a r a . T « «atei sanar I re/hrh'n With ternana I teri»: «ite « w rlui ty v# me od tria m totaa-A win o t e s to m tfeelr m o o n to r e n a r - ■amem. te g< 8 pinliste jato ■ / brisa f «am t e a* *■ ■ - e e u e aterro*«# s / m i wUri tole need# e m ste 1 «e.. item t e l 1 tolte ri .fe ra c e , «ten grida ridderete «Itfe Trina, te «nplelnsed ly usem « /« d e * tog (fee into C h o a te te a «imbed sida, tete aste si»'/ »— * " — .rimi« orto te ite. «steli ne- atom and tàsarofeira wo retri conies: ( afeaú a»r «oafern, 1er toy wer« le Mamed «#g m o tte difanat hm aay «a» e* ÌWa m a>M ri. /osur cnsv* edg* «SE rie to et m ee ri» /feto* r o p w f le mprm ate »muy «refe Sor eurfl is oby 1 a anni imagi re a nemnir-ng. g-oad ber «lari g. esamorlm te trie g «sua* M ts» osasi «set tole ri srmrriea I 1 iraaead Vrm ama to «ma by rned.og «■ <-,07 pern i a l i n i / ierpetema and ■ er- H la «a* m pape- \ S a « «mite 3 om m «w l «a t e ama» *aa adRotem o r promu. gate s a n i­ ! T u Pnv.ri/aarrg Tarnen, asm to a g lrife W Qszwsri «eia/. Il Ite « est '--Jus « I t e / i m i / ei tea terre i cremai «aiscfe *v..ri m acrepte-ve Bieaen -« /ou r fenppsoeg a*, gesta rest tt ned e B e n s ì # te ' - tenu ter aec i. me s* tee« -nel « lis «orzi /aaurtù]’' i «hSe t e Uva «em S3* gae m ; gala an cmaarasm te fmiied peraoaet./ r» monte and to Ite .liete «n.y to««, g to m «mite nao tee I S6 n, th e r e o f ae sra rie*« «ieimsHl. to- «o* to trie nid dey* « h m to * biteteli S S : *am s>» a^teT ' tommes — 7 aa Tar— m, Fraga» i “mi»to a flew Teña e n nato agiv A H toa narri «basen 1 iae o r g e * «la- « t o feg /stara, «m m u t o aa m «W rsM Vâi te fissa« i m o a nmasaisme gaaiteleg te lag .«ut 3a» compro.-.em. I* «sut» * g g iQmnt a «m ferj apr. b e u / v ’,'*ri* O* a Im nehaaaaferi *0em m «ai ad ¡or ar reren-ed t r- «m a «/ i ter“ e te 7 H I » «oc law «7 •et ( i bm •••« » rbr-rni Ste Jimifo 1e tà • he « e a «e* —■ ssb.eg m Me prmmt nasa. M M MKF*4144«Ui ' ■ m te o n e r e w '-* ra A* >d A . » p r i 1er Amante te grim o te ausmain m i . m i.. Apwtb T< ea o u c s a neto astnr Sta feotes I* Ff9Kd < *» en Atea* a la s e ta femme .» ic a «eníd I « a om e ri F »n»td«n*n. ft a m smrsee fsra etra «nu gsaw* a |ÏM > i f dm M i i-taW l i l 97 w io »b*m end M i m u d i m M mifh** tega taf Ut* Wa»«. / *«» » ik <4 insaMr •lice %Md, I l ttM 4 iW V&l# *****A 4 r e T Tarxadiv l i « M M ty iif » •r M d I M K | M i M < 9 Y IM# «A4 m e r HW ma nraarttedM*riw*»/ be y a o r Bripproem '■ * - •Ç» Md lis aam bp a w tks rm* *9 »*'-te Ml* >»t Ì ^ » “ ’ - a ï •wxrwy 4 t » H l f sSsatossat h r^~~ MA KOI ti», 1803 THE PROGRESSIVE THINKER »tory lor nie. Tlio m il In# ilio story within n «tory, tho ehniactor of the H. V. H,, of Fort Wayno, Ind., errilo« century lliiui any other nhenoinoua In ilerlvo from my lecture». Nut mm cent mo; past exportation has insule II a« hard nephow, hU • tumbling (net* nmt fenolo*, " l'Ilo uelnbratcd trumput medium, Mi*. tho last tlv* thousand yt fo . Pi-aik- to MARGARET FOX KANE. lias passed tu me from any |>ur»on becamci tu leían,nul " tho fantastic, allegorical «Mo of tho Koory-nihbotts, e|>onl Hundny wllli Ilio hor remain» and Joy 1« Mar soul. I adnnled this course." work, ell ornatoti Ihomsolvc*. My re­ Fu ri Wilyna Ocuillt Kt-lomsi Society. Il Dr. Amos A. Kimball, of Northamp­ "W hat canto led up to your exposure I-.i givo grenier aiitlinntloUy to the sponsibility In tho matter cea»e«l when I »«» a gr. nl day In Isriwd, or rullici-, In ton. Mass., considers Theosophy and all Copy of a Statement of tbo spirit-rapping«?" liltorvlow, rH ul her suggestion, the follow (bori W'oyuo) Hplrlluallsui. Mnny It* kindred io bo «Lupiy Hdo show*, got At llin l 'lino I was In great nerd of Ing oinid letter wu» wrllton, to which luid the materia) away. No *11011 con­ nimio tiy liar Nuisinlirr, IHHti. »Im placed her slgnaluni: scious aolullon of Ibu jirolilom had Imhiu skoptic* m oro In ntlcndniHu. all of nhuin ten up hy tho hortlos of I'atholto ayirlts money, and persons who, for 1 lie present, In my mind, though 1 can bui »upnose II woitt nwny pnralyxud w llli tho inessagos todraw people uwuy from the truo phil­ I prefor not to name, took advnntago of 12* W r-r rum Ht ., New Yontt C itv lh«y recol veti (rum d occasi-d frlonds; ilio osophy of BpIrlltm lLm . They do not A fow days Imfore tho following i-Uta- 1 he situation, henna the Innihie. Tho Ms it- 11 III, I M*ti. w*n formulating Ibero. A l tho olose of moot was mad« hy Mr«. Kano, I mot hor tho «tory I dlu attornili «orno pontonai characlor of tho Intel llgonc« tlmrcuf, as want people to understand uhool or Imi- excitement, too, holped lo upset my Tu Tint I’r iu .io -T h o foregoing In- woll a* Ilio nmioiiiicoimmt of thulr llevo in obsesainn, so thnt thoy may oh- on Sixth avono« It «««mud by cbanco, equilibrium." direction, and wlthod to r< odor tho although »lie romnrkod:" WORKERS,DOINGS, ETC.| thuln: iinu uno of thoui Is Mra. (.’ndwoll, can prautloo hls God-glvon gift without On my rotorn homo 1 related to Mr. "since you passed oul from puhlio ness whan I got upon tha platform fear of molestation hy tho minions of tho Nowton un account of my Interview w Ith view, what have you been engaged In f 1‘in-tH lu ltol'ort'iiro to It. of 1 U t W. (Miti «treot. And ho I* con- (Signed) vlncod, ticcnuao ho has had un oxpurt- law. Mrs. Kane. Ilo said It was our religious "In misery, Tne lido uf my affairs MAItoARkT F o x -K anr. __ Remember, everyone, Ihst on account onco- hor Utile dnughtor, Idilli, who Is Fred J. Harrison, of Washington, duly a« Spiritualist*, to stand by Mrs. was changed when I fell a victim lu false j Witnesses, IlKNItV J. N uvvtom, The world was not made; It I* being of our Urge edition, we go to press csrly Men Kano, o«|xvclutly If sho wo* ro|M ntant, friends and I made that denunciation I dsy morning, tthort Items only will lie In ono of tho attendi ng cahlncl spirita, I), t'., formerly a skeptic, loi« been con­ Many A. NmvTnH, made. Life did not eommonce at tho dim e und tohl Min of un Incidim i whteli for we, In common with hundreds, yes, have known nothing luit calamity, waul ohn u i i iv a x serted If received on the previous Bsturdsy. verted to a believe In splrlt-ruturn by thousands, oould testify of the genuine­ J L. OD . . M, F. - ape* of Intelligence. wisdom and love We taka pleasure lu publishing the inuvrmentr Idilu rulli was lobi hor by Mr. W.'a witnessing u materializing seunco of and suffering since Unceasing remorse It. 8. mtnistor to Fmtugal. It unfolded from tho slightest and most of lecturer* and mediums. Meetings, which "tost girl," ami wliicti ho know u> Ite Mrs. Mnrv Kooler, given at the rcsl- ness of tbo "raps" as given through her has made It evident to me that III*lim e delicate manifestation. A ll or It* unis are doing a grand work, are of local Intrrol truo. Of courao ho wos convinco«! — ho donco of Mr. Shooninukur In that city. medlunishlp: for It I* the uiimlstakahln I should lake a decided •land In Ihe mat 1 not high and broad dcnarlmcut* have only, hence wo cannot publish lung report* limi lo ho. Forty-eight forms uurnc from the cabi­ Individual Intolllgancu thnt I* convoyed tor, and let the truth tic known." been reached through the evolution of with reference to them. They »re too limner, net, males, females, small children, and am),mil wholly tho rap* themselves that "W as there any truth In the charges oils for that. A few lines explanatory of the A subsorlbor wrltes: "Frank T. Hip­ curries conviction. SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHS. hidden, nnturnl and divine agencies loy Is ugaln In 8t. Paul, sllrrln g up tho all ages and statures, and aomoHme* two you inado against Spiritualism *" working through universal and cterna od work being done ere always scceptsble. at n lime, conversing with Ihulr frlonds, Mr. Newton foil that It was of great "Those charges wore fals* In every greet deal can bn said of u meeting In a puoplo wlth bis exoollonl Ioduro« and Importance to tho cavc-o, and o*|»>clally Kv|i«*rlment«* »m l I'm icliisin n s « f law. sen line*, giving s " general survey" oulj plutform testa. Mr. ltlplov Is ulways »liuklng hands, etc. Tips nmiilfe-uillon» particular. I haw no hiMllatlon la say­ The healing phase» o ' myrlud nldcd were »0 clearly genuine that t hero wu* to tbo history of Spiritualism, that a Ing thut." rof the glorious work being done. I sllrrln g uround, unii whorevrar ho Is, fio truo »tntcniont should bo imido hy Mrs. H l‘liiiliqiiit|ilitii'. mind docs not »tnnd s ill : It is not fixed Moses H u ll lectures In Washington I Ronoruto* vll.i-iitloii* that have 11 toiid- no room for douol, ami Mr. If, 1« now "Am I to understand from you thnt but over continues to grow a* the race fully convinced of tho fact of spirit-ox- Kano of tho Inlluonoos thut hud pnnsuaded tho spirit* have not descried you?" t'Ilv during April. Ho can be addressed «n,°y l" >>« K««d and advance tho OBUnO. hor to tnlco tho courao she did. Mr. "On tho contrary tludr manifesto Before beginning my artlclo I wlll My advance« to grander ullltudes of ex at 1:14 K strciH. N. W. Washington, 1). I lll< parinnoonl add rossi* Jfill West Mb Isle nee and return. preaslon. Nowton called iqion hor taking with him tlons arc more powerful than ever. At have no doubt—neither shadow of C. Mutilo E. null speaks In tho now «fod. Ilo cun ho udii roused thorn fur From Marshall, N. Y.', we have a writ- Mr. G. P, Sykes. It was thou arranged doubt -about spirits being photographed In elorslng tho heating nrt with tho ton account, signed by Hoynl Marsh, times they arc so domonstratlvo a» to other doparlment* of unfoldmcnt, there spiritual Umiplc In Anderson, Ina., tho «ngngomoiil*. . that she should come to our house and nan«,' annoyunce tu an old lady friend on —but that many are not gsnutns I most tlvo Sunday* of A p ril. Thoy would '}■ of MfMInvIllo, Oregon, Ilorhort Gluaxon und Hufus Mursti, of In tlm pi'ononco of a stonogi aphor make assuredly believe. I wlll say by way of Is 1» sense In which It Is not warranted wumlorful spirit munlfcstutiuns lliroiigh the same lioor wllh me." each llko an opportunity to do week duy wrflU'e: Wu huvo many good medium» hor statoinont The following is a truo "Won't you nume uny of those who Interlude that my huslnoa* Is fruit grow­ fur tho u rlm lllva man la superior to the ovonlng work in tho vicinity of tholr I *n ,M,r town In varlnus stages of the incdluinslilp of Dr, K, B. Woodard oony ol hor slutomcnt. civlllxou in hi* ooncopllon of health wore inslrumentol In causing you to ing, hut that I had my head under a Hunday appointment*. dnvolopraont: nono fully llodgad us yot. and wlfu, of Sugar Grove, Pu. Tbo doc­ 1 Ma r y A. N k iv t o .v . lawn. and the twentieth century hy tor had performed some runinrkublo make such sweeping charge« against cover, locking through a camera Into glen 11’ arid healing science will be more Henry Frank, of Now York, wrllo» In I ¡ f * a y nr0 wukln‘f 'IP Uj- tho ot the methods of 'your people?” " human faces, for twenty-five years, and , ‘‘J“" '/. I tanvlng sorao sort 0/ spiritual lllciutoru, cure», which ho ascribed to tho agonoy during my nine years of tent photo­ of a return to first century habits limn n wLTb,«!.,«1?^IIterm* ‘ rfi*0 ’ “1 ’ „’f'" 1 and I havo boen holding up for thulr In­ of «plrU-guldcs, and this caused the pen- KTATRMKNT. "I do not wish to Just now, hut 1 wlll continuation and extension of tho pro* W ashington, I>. l .. whoso conv lonvlnclng ip00u 0B T l,K PROOHKBftlVl! T lirjfK K ll, mention that persons high In tbo graphing I inado a valuable collection ile to licoomo anxious to Invustlgutu und "W ould to God that I could undo Iho of Indian photographs. Once upon a cot confusion of poisonous andid ddanger­ rr/.ob.i? y.?“,osts .overcame ^ ^ ; -¥-rir Mr. Frank's ^ k-Ir w’hloh u toglnnlng to boar lu fruit." ' fearn moro about thcau things. At a Injustice I did the causo of Spiritualism Catholic Church did tholr l»t«t to have ous drugs, skepticism and overwhelmed him when, under the strong psychological me enter a convent.'' tlmo I put op a iTlllo gallery for a medi­ Mr*. H. T . Hrigham Write»: "Tho light seance, February 21st, thoro were um to sen what ho could get In the way Among the savages tho gift healing with astonishment at the Doctor's clnlr- writing, drumming, guitar and (nmliour- Influcncoof por«on»|Jc«ultlcnr.~KinTon| " W u tho offer made hy any ono In ibis l if h voyant pureopltons. Dr. Temple's rev­ now Hooloty of Klblcul SplrltualUU of country?" of spirit photographs. The medium Is recognised us belonging toumh< ho fow, Now York will colobrate tho 4,‘dh unul Ine playing, and holi-ringing, throe 01- who woro opposed to It, 1 gavo expression elations cannot bo explained within the to utterances that had no foundation lu "No; In London. I had a loltor was a young man of about twenty-two amt not a universal g ill to nil . I [Thot HI vor»nry of tho advent of modorn Spirit­ four Instrument* at a time, tlio medium year* of age, whose only ox|>*rlnooo In bio makes tho same claim , whal category of so-called scionllllo postu­ In plain sight, und tho manlfustatldns foci, und that would at the time throw from Cardinal Manning advising mu to lates, as now understood und uceopted ualism ut Knickerbocker's Conservatory abandon this 'wicked work of tho life was a school and collage course. Hls t h lt g if lis composed Is not ■ Ini ML-d Hull, 41 West Fourteenth «treat, on going on In tho light. In a dark sounco, discredit on Urn spiritual phenomena, control, calling himself a doctor, eaemed any more than Is tho nature mind by physical scientists. under leal condition«, written mc«sngcs If an unreserved denial of nil I then said dovll.' " IS 1 1 Sunday, March 2'), at 2:30 r. m. Tho "A year ago when you were dealing to he able to entrance him easily In my unit soul. For usefulness suchi> m plunn Tho Woodstock (Vt.) iSf.irnfan/, of exorcise» will cou»l»t of uddrosRoa hy from spirit frlonds woro received In derogatory of It can In any way inuko Minch U, publishes u column urtlolo your death ‘blows' to Spiritualism, you presence, and often did without hls (lbs lion Is not required Judge A. H. Pulley. Mi»» B. V. Cush- tholr own handwriting; Indopundont amends for tho wrong 1 uld, ‘ l moot medium's) knowledge; and once the con­ From primitive spiritual medical written by L. Gillingham, uSpiritualist, voices gavo facts that proved the Idon- gladly do so. Th is Is no more Idle use said it woohl lirevc a curse lo any ono mail und Mrs. II. T. Itrlgham. Wo also having anything to do with It. Your trol entrain ed him iqsitalrs, and brought practioe, tho world has continued to In which ho gives his experience und expect ono from Dr. MohortO. ICculos, of llty of tho spirit* speaking, and sovoral of word» with mo. For months post I his view« of Uible teaching», Christian­ opinion Is changed, ot courso?" him down to mo, slating that the medi­ grow moro and more material, until H Brooklyn. Mrs. H. W. Farnsworth will moidcul Instrument* woro pluyed ul tho have »uttered unspcakuMo ungulsh, and um and 1 had somo difference of opinion practically Ignored the mind altogether ity and Spiritualism, lie wu« brought same time. A ll prosent were snll«flod. I now fool the most poignant regret for "No; my liollof In Spli'lluallsm ha« un- road an original poem. Mrs. Addle dcgone no change When I made those and ho desired to talk ll ovur. Invart- until, w ithin a few year», a reaction sot up under orthodox church Influence, nut Chase Sm ith, of W llllainshurg, Mu»*., Mrs. Anna OrvI* goes to Joplin. Mo., tho rulnou« course I *»« made to follow. bly when tbo medium was controlled In that made a ll healing of tho intnd, could sco no goodness In a God who It la not of my own volition that I have dreadful stotomonts I was not rnspotul- celebrated elocutionist, will give «ovural lo r the month of A p ril, and to Indlun- ble for my words. Now tlial I have got under tbo skylight, hi* control request­ and wholly Ignored the material. The wou|(l cusl a good brother of his, who recitations. There will bo music, vocal apolls, Ind., for tho month of May, Hor decided upon this course; because of died; Into an endless hell: ho Investi­ myself I would wish to remain In the rid of the terrible Incubus which en­ ed motolead hi* medium Into a suhdued truth always lids tolwcen extremes. In and instrumental, several fine musician» address is 4JU West ltandolph* »trout, thralled my every word and action, my light, staling It was hard to control In a medicine the truth is found In a blend gated, and found joy and satisfaction In having promised to Iks present anil Chicago. Mrs. OrvI*, 1« appqpolated as quiet of a secluded life, away from tho strong light. mown spirit communion with hls hived criticism s and abuse that arc likely to belief In tha philosophy and the phe­ log of tbo divine and the natural. Tho assist." au efficient worker for the cause, doing nomena, too. mind wm. of -spiritualism, The experiment* were all •-onductod natural pertains to byglene, the mental and loving children und frlonds and bfs "Mabel Kline" writes that Dr. H. F good service wherever shivgocs. bo hurled ut me from all «Ides. with the old wet process. I wa* never brother, who came In form and talked "A * I .«aid, thl* retraction and denial Is unshaken. Its L-dnulnencss la an un- and spiritual to tbo real gift of healing Stanley rondo bis first appearance on J. R. McCoy, of Marsballtowo, Iowa, controvortoblo fact Not all the Herr­ in the dark room to scs tb* plat* dipped proper. In tcoognUlng and practicing with him. tholr rostrum. In New Orleans, on tho ha« not com« about so much from m\ Informs us that Dr. Tumplo la giving own sense of what Is right, as from tho manns that ever breathed Ihe breath ot In tbo bhtb or see It developed—for tb* this gift It Is ucwlso to Ignore any­ Mr*. B. Ireland, tranco and test me­ ith. Ho »poke woll on different sub­ pleasure to our pcoplo thoro by hls lec­ life can duplicate tbc wonders that are control of the medium said 1 had the thing appertaining to material hygiene. dium, I* now located at 2M1M Cottage jects and gave aorao good test*. Mr. silent Impulse of the spirit* using my same |iowvr, but undeveloped, and It tures and tost*. lie 1* to a*«l»t Mr*. organism. Of mycclf I would wish to produced through some medium*. By When any modern toteberof till« now- Grove avenue, this city. Mrs. Ireland Cordlngl.v Improvised poetry and gave Theresa Allen In tho celebration of tha adcpluos* of flngor» and «marines* of would be wise to have It developed knowledge of’healing asserts that any 1« not only an excellent medium, hut a tests. avoid the ‘stlngsnnd arrows' from frlonds forty-fifth annlvorsary on Sunday, turned enomlu», iwrhap», on the one wit* they may produce writing on impcr »lowly and ll would last longer. I always one can become a ilrvtclass healer, ho Is most estimable lady. Circles Friday Ur. John W. Allen, formerly prc»l A p ril 2d. and »late*, hut even this-■ ' cannot - ‘(»car 1 kuow who sat, and saw them—tha sitters proclaiming that which Is not true. Ho , , „ ...... ¡«Ido, and tho treachorous horde who evening*. Sitting« dally. dent of tho society, ut Now Orleans, Mr. Geo. W . Walrond Is now open to hold out promises of wraith and bappl close Inspection. Material!-atlun I» be —pass in and oul of tho gallery; aod 1» over-enthusiastic and needs a check. pusicd to splrlt-lllo, Monday, March klflhtlolA f/.M ..llIfn,lllM l.V»l I A V* a I. 1 S .. fziS I . . . « thorn nevot was .hut one person and thn C . .1. I.larnc* wu« in the oily last negotiate for engagement-) to lecture for no»* In return for an snack on Spiritual yond tholr mental calibra to reproduce, It Is not difficult to ascertain who do and week. Ho 1» now In Cleveland, Ohio. •ith, at tho ago of Ml years. A native nf societies and associations, lieglnnlng the and I challenge any one tu make Ihc medium, except once, and then two who do not possets tho gift of healing. Pennsylvania, ho resided In Now Or Igni, and whoso hopcful aastiranoc» wore ladles went In. Wo hoar good reports from Mr. Barnc». IIrat of July. Ho ha* lectured In king­ »0 dccoKful; bui 1 wlll carncstly per­ ‘rapV under tho .«ami: conditions which I Answers to three qiienllon* will tell tho loans for tho past fifty years, und was a will. There Is not a human Mng on The medium, beride* being a spirit- story. Tho questions are: "From Mrs, Hamilton Gill has romovod to land, Scotland, .America and Canada for severo In tho courao timi ha* buon No. In Bishop Court, near Madison ood Spiritualist for forty-tbreo year». nomo year« past, and being, hestdu*, earth that can produce the raps In the photographer, was a 1* llrt-medlum. In childhood havo you felt drawn toward Io wu» the IIrat und only ono who dared mnrltcd oul for ino by my «pirli guide», which 1 cover saw him fall: but hls street, where »tic will hold seance». f a highly developed trance medium and and I wlll moke tho must carnosi cn ism s way as thoy arc through me." tho sick, with a feeling that you could to ntnml up and preach Splrltm illrm In "Do you proikiso to hold seanco«?" fnlher being n railroad employe and fear­ cure ihcni?" "Do you ever take on tho L.yiuun C. Howe Is engaged to speak Inspirational *|>cnkor und nu educated dcavor to be truo to my boavonly in Now Orleans. Tho Odd-Fellows partici­ gentleman, «I» wolbquallllcd to bring «plror» ami to unno tho'causo I unoon "No: I will devote myself entirely to ing he might lose bis sltoalloq If tbo com­ discuses, ul linen Is ami pnlnaof another?" at the anniversary exercise» In Look­ pated in tho funeral service«, und woro pany knew hls son was a medium, drew port, N. Y . homo tho truths of Spiritualism In u »«lously abused In such a vehement platform work, as th at’ will give mo a "»Joyou ever no, as wltbaspirlt vision, tbo pall-bonrom. By tfio request of him bettor opportunity to refuta the foul all 1 lii* terror nr itc.lre nf lb/- -un. 1 did o. W. Mallou.of Walla Walla, Wash., most convincing manner. Address IPS manner. “" 'T H o slate of tho Internal organs of the self and III« family. Ur. Goo. P. Bonson Locke street, Hamilton, Canada. alundur* uttered by mu against Spiritual- my best to learn him phor jmMnnl, and after this inuancr get a trim writes: "There Is quite un Interest bolng president, and A. C. I.udd joined In tho "W hen," Mr*. Kano was asked, "did he took no Interest In It, coiil you decide to explain the position which diagnosis of his trouble»?" If tho stu­ manifested Imre thl» winter In rugurd to service»: and Mr. Ladd gavo a very of' I. D. writes from ltlvorsldo, Mich.: "Won't you bo good enough tom .v who I develop a plate Indli'nrentlx. ami dent answers "No," to All of these ques­ tho spiritual philosophy, and wo hope, 'Our soaluly 1» not entirely dead. Wu you were mtulo to tako in the alleged footing dUoourso. I'.vpOBO? " was chief con»plrator?'' ' that WM all he oared to h ni u. 11«, wa* tions, the gift of healing 1« not among after tho great Psychical Congress in li. H. lCvunH, of Ashland, Ore., write* havo been holding meeting« nil wlntor. “W all, a* vou are so persistent. I will Inexperienced In Ilfo, and wa. a ".«.nan his talents. If ho can truthfully say Chicago, Uxbuablo to organize a good Pinnae give space In your valuable paper " It 1» not of reuont dale,” sho replied Churob, lliut "Father Watery," a Catholic priest, " It Is month» »Ineo 1 was flr»t urged to name tbo Roman < athollo A lw «. or a* woexpreM It on thl. c.«»t, "yes," to either of tho three questions, society hero.” hiui left hls church, and gone to that there will be an anniversary meet­ through simio of It* representatives." "had lb« blgboau. lie c-«»r I.«)* ho Is a licalcr, for It Is rare that tho gift John A. Smith, M. D., of Guthrio, ing hero Murch 2Hth. Herbert Balfour do thl» thing. 1 did my utmost to repress Oakland, Cal., to study for tho Congro- at, tho uncontrollable desire to inutco a "But, surely, tho Incn-n-o In Spiritual- cent for a tranro-.lltlnp from any on«. expresses lUolf In all of tbosudlroctloos. Oklahoma, writes that himself and wife :atlonnl ministry. Kvon such 11 change of Bangor, is »poaker, beginning Ism would noi mouu harm to that church * hired him and paid him torti ilo.iars 10:30 o’clock." dean breast of tho whole treacherous Kxccptlonully It docs. Thus tho teacher have been holding public circles every s preferable to remaining In tho d ark­ anyty imoro than to other church.-«' | ».month to pursue these Investigation* never needs to bo m Ulakon In selecting , onslaught on Spiritualism, hut try a* I Most times’ there was nothing on thu Sunday night at ihulr residence for tho ness of Hoinnnl«m. H aving cast olf tho . A- I- Maynard, president, writ*» that might tho Irrepressible spiritual In "You know ll halo* everything op- from hi* class those that will bo success­ last soven years, and muny have been f pinto hut the lone sitter; thon a number tolls of the I (ornlsh octopus, thcro Is tllO F irs t Society of Spiritualist* of \ lo- ihionco urged mo to this course with paced to It* tenets, ami wlll not spare any ful. converted and are now happy In tho bo hnpo that ho may yot outgrow tho means to blot from existence any person of tlmoa there were face« and gauxy As to whether tho lirnllng cloment Is torla, British Columbia, moot* «very greater vigor.' lief. Kccontly I10 Invited the Ho t. John stralght-Jackot of Conarcgutlonol or­ Sunday ovonlng, and hu» a largo ationd- •• |>o you not think that this 'sllont In or socl that does not agree with It* dm- drniwiry; then, to und, on* day tbay of mind, magnetism,electricity, or other H. W elch, a noted evangelist, who was thodoxy and crcupo Into tho brond Holds, unco. Mr#. C. M ayoSteor Im« been loc- nucnce' might bo more accurately do trines. Hellishnass and hatred, I su|» brought one of thu most marvelous pic­ of millions of odlc forces, It bus no. yet sent to Guthrio by tho Coogrogatlonul- green postures, running streams and poeo, wore the motive* hr which ihoso tures they said wa» i-verseen—the sitter been given man to know. Ho Is suc­ turor for some months,and gives psycho- ,,-rlK-d a» a 'spirit of n m n i / for was In ecstasies and the medium tosida lsts. Mr. Welob was astonished at the azure »Idea of sunny Hplrltuallsm . tuolrlo rondlntfs. blMtnd bopr* of n rich rowiird for your Catholics were actuated. But this effort cessful without knowing. Man flippant­ revelation» be received; ho saw and de­ was made by a pownrful «ocloty of that himself. I said ll wa* certainly an odd Mra Bolomon Bulla, vldb-presldont nf It Is safe to sot down a* a trickster any 1 li^opbory. ' ly calls It this and that, but the appella­ scribed «ptrlts so closely that thoy woro Itollglous and Bplrllual Arroclutlon, re­ |icr*ua»lon In l.ondort." picture. I varnished tbo negativo and tion 1* only a t Mx of convenience. recognized Immediately by person» pree- mnn who travol» from plaoo lo place a* ** cannot be. If I could consult my "W hat doe* your slstor Katie say of «at down to study |i, and a thought was siding at Covert, Mich., mention» two an "exposer of Spiritualistic trlokory,1' own doslre* I would not again come bo­ Hut some urn. Ill say, "I cannot grasp ont. After tho seance was ovor Mr. •uancos hold nl her house by .1. King of your present course?" "torne In upon me"—and picking up an­ the real thing that does tho howling." Welch stated that he had preached hls as long a* thoy can got 22. cent a a ,OM' lho, P''bll°' .8® f*1; of Sun 1* In lOtnpIcta sympathy with other negativo I laid It on top, and tba Plpcstono, a former loboolmate of h*r* 3 from a house full or"gull*," thoy revenge' bolng(0 factor In tho premises, strange picture wsj solved. The solution If be I* a genuloo healer bo doe* not last sermon. Ho wont to t iklahom a C ity, Tho cabinet oonslsh-d of a bedroom with me. She did not approve of my course need to grasu It, for In and through Wlll continue tholr "trickery." hnt Idpa can ho vorv easily set at rest almost stunned meint first, but bereit forty miles, anil delivered two lectures curtains across tho doorway. Forms hy tho fool that thoro lin o way b\ which In Iho past." him tbo gift work« without bolng on Spiritualism; then to Purcell, I. T., "Slnoe you hare unburdened your It Slides for the magic lantern caoba up|K.-arcd In rapid succession, Including Ilonry F. Shoplor,of Poorla, III..writes I could bring lho mLoreanu ami plotter» made by placing lbs negative and ««tut­ gru»pcd. Tho Inner, spiritual meaning und ho Is now Icoturlng to large audi­ friend» and relatives, shaking hands anil nn Interesting account of Hplrltuallstlo I of evil to retribution. Besides, of my mind of the trouble which weighed upon of psychic science, and lu workings, arc ence« at Ardmore, I. T. It, how do you fool? No compunction ti m plat* In contact In a printing frame siH'uklng with Ihoso present, of whom ox|»irlenoo« of himself, soil and two self, I am resigned to ray aud lot and with limber spring* or held oloealy to t a* mysterious and tnrrrutablc as tho Harry Dalton, of Chicago, write» of tlicro were quite u number. Frank Bow­ laughters—table-moving, with u 22o for your latest move?" "who hy searching can |lnd out < lod" Is. harbor no 111 Will." the hands and (***lng tba «ama swiftly wonderful manifestations, at tho society ling of Dowiigtao camo and railed for hls pound inun on It, nl tho touch of a ton- "B u t you nay you wlll go upon tho "I fool no remorse but for that which The work of healing thi sick, after this meetings.through Mrs. DoWolf and Mrs. l did wlion unconsciously made the tool past a ray of light. You can open your nlec* Fdtlh, who recognized him, as also year-old g irl; Ihooollnr-door of hi« house platform, and hy that means mnko dark room windows a couple of Inch**, now ami old method, I* b u d ’s work, and Ireland? Tbo bull Is Oiled at every sorv- did tovoral other*. "Happy Churllo" raised and lowered many time* In quick of moral ul. ato* and traduonrs of a holy therewith wo must lie content. Wo matter*even with youri/ixnufooi friend«. or they can to inadn by passing tb* tco, and tbo slate-w riting and other 1-a mo, and Waltzed with Mrs. Blake, a succession: inatorlaltrea forms appear­ " I shall color upon u tour of lootur cause. Now that I ham taken Oils step, cultivate tho growth off the Mower with­ tests give great satisfaction, meeting my heart feel* lighter anil I am gl*d. I plate* la front of a bright ixml-oll lamp Indy In tho cirri«, At the second seanco ing and talking at Mr. lturno»' seanco, lag, hut my Intention* are far from what light, nnd then developing. Acountorfall out knowing how It grows, und In Ilk. the wants of tbo people. un until of Mrs. Bull*, clnaped hands ono of whom told about lho o«llar-door no longer «uffet the hellish torment* manner Is tho healing gift developed you suppose thorn to be. My only pur which constantlv racked my mental and 'P'rjl picture,■ ’ or,m m a- a pbotographsr------'bar H. H. Barrows, of Minneapolis, Minn., wllh them, whispered loving words, and matter and Mr. B.’» wife camo aod pul pose Is to declare to lho world that I was pres* It, a splrll-plolurw and cultivated. Through certain states then domatorlall/ed. Mrs. Bulls' hor arm» around hls nook, looking a* under a baneful Influence when I mode physicaliihvslcal being.beine.'1 wouM '»F* *»• • •plrlt-plcfura b j and o .million* wc learn llial It operates writes that tho Kuv. W. II Harrington mechanical rnaan«, I« made by first snat- ml droned tbo HocloVy of Modorn S p ir­ brother, and Adam Suits, camo und natural as life, etc., all of which makes my attack on Spiritualism , and to right "Did not your slsto- sign a p*(ier In­ tlng tha subject, taking tho negativ* morn favorably. Them condition* are «hook bunds with sovoral, brought dorsing your abuse of Spiritualism?" learned through repeated experiment« itual Thought, Sunday evening, March him a Spiritualist. a wrong." Into the dark room, than piare your neg­ 12th, taking for Ills subject "Tho photos of III* son and youngest dnughlor "You say that you, belug Iho boat l< I* possible *lu> may have done so, ative from which you desire a copy on and trials, ana this Is all the finite mind to Mrs. H., whispered "bvo bye" and do- A. It. French ha* returned to hls known exponent ol the phenomena of ha* thus far oohlovod In this new medi­ llim lor." lie took Nature for Iho doc­ homo nt Clyde, Ohio, after a visit to but suon signature must bar* boon se­ tho back of lho oxposed plate and pas* It tor, und showed that bonolH would lie materialized. "Happy Charlie" waltsed Splrtoallsm, was psychologized hy the cured by fraudulent dnvlcns and misrep­ across a ray of strong light las In mak­ cal direction. Koine call it spiritual, with Mrs. Johnson, and whan sha wont various pluco* In tho South, where ho enemies of that religion with (he object resentation«. She has always been an Olhiii* inolaphyslwl, others again mag derived by dispensing with tho use of charmed tho pnuplo with hi* loolnro». ing your magic lantern slid*), then de­ drugs; gave Illustrations of tho power to hor seat throw a bouquut of llowors uf doing It an injury. How do yon know unfaltering Spiritualist." velop and you get toth picture* on the nolle, and It works equally well under after hor. Just as wo go to press thorn comes that sumo Spiritualist may not be adopt­ either calling, provided tho hidden mys­ nf tno mind over the physical, and men­ ■ " W lll you have a manager for your same plate. tioned Christ's healing, connecting It John B. Bawling», nf West Dubuquo, excellent report* from various places ing thu i-ntuo mothod to secure thl* lecture tour?” Now then, as to the conclu­ terious gift be present. with that of tho present day. showing In., writes ot a lady who, wlillo In a deep which we have not tlmo to give full traction of your former alltludey" There I* an Illumination that unfolds Noi I have a horror of them. They, sion about the wonderful picture wo divine power 1« still given. Mrs. Lop- tranco, In Dubuque, uppoared to her ipnoc. 15. A. Doty of Loalrpoi'l, N. V., "I am perfectly aware of the fact that too, treated me moil outrageously. had—my opinion now, after fourleeo with continued morels« of tho gift, hut per, also, spoko on tho manner of using motlior who wn« 2ou mile» away, and It >uyn 11 high coinpltinmil to tho ovor It Is not iliuoiuo. Ivong before I s|>oko to Intelligently dcMno It Is a* difficult as Frank K tree hen ac'ed shamefully with years and much thought, is the same as «snaltlves. nearly soared tho mother to death. Tho althful Anna L. Robinson. Ill ono of to liny person on till» matter, 1 was un mo. lie mad*, consldsrabto money It was lhon> that tbo medium was It Is to satUfacUirlly elucidate any natu­ hor Into addresses sho 1 «piled In a most L K. Drake, of W aUnka, III., send* a molhor took iho unxt train to Dubuque, ceaslngly reminded hy my spirit control through hls management for mo. and entranced In bis dark room by a spirit- ral law. In grout anxiety, and upon finding her nlnqnonl manner lo thu savage attack what I had got to do, aud at last 1 have photographer and after tho exposure linn addition to our list of subscribers of Tnlmago un Hplrltuallsm, and sho loft mo In Boston without a cent. A ll I You do not know how you llv«, except and writes that tbo little olrele. which dnughlor, oxalalmod: "Ohl my child - I come to tbo conclusion that It would he got from him was t-Vkl, which wa* given was made, the two piato* held la Con­ • s you do so by com plying with co. lain thought you werodeodl" Bho told how bowed to the lino.""Tho control asked useless for mo to further thwart tholr tact to whlto light for the fractloaof a meets regularly, has lately bean favored any ono In tho audlenda to bring any ac­ me at tha beginning of the contracT." ascertained condition«. YnurJIliirnlna with the pretence of Mrs. Dellta ItofT, aha hail seen hor In h«r room at homo promptings," You seem to have a dread uf nuwspa second, then developed. Of oourae, lb* lion then on human life Is lim ited to IU slit learning medium, of Peoria, through the night boforc. Tho motbor know count whore a Spiritualist had gone "W ere there no overtures made by a pci notoriety and editor*.’ •pace Is loo limited to give my thought sustenance.' nothing about tho medluinahlp of her astray, adding: "You need not bring spirit lu tho flo«h?" by I cama to tbit conclusion; horn a number of muMugc* warn re­ me tlie aOoount of ministers, deacon* "No; I will 1*11 you how I corns to "I havo. Thn adltors of some uf the You kn the earth turn* round, hut ceived. Him says: " A good platform­ daughter. Un anothor oocusloo the rcal dallies did not treat me fairly. Of b u ilt Is the only conclusion le v e r did yrc Iff ns. t of tbo m ufm oprram U . same Indy while In trance visited fin und 'pillars' who do llkewlso: they ore make It known to 'my people,' as I llki come to. and I think today It Is correct. , mndluin would doublTcss do woll to too common. Mr. Doty conclude* by in reporters I wlll say that I know Jion 1 vucullrd It gravitation or come und spond a short season liora." *plrlt)n cousin. About a month aftqr- to »(leak uf the Spiritualist« f was walk The medium destroyed the ■ egallve. t wnrd she told lilm all about tho room saying: "I'hat veteran worker, Lyman lug on Blxlh avenue, In this city, one lieu I was nla- ed prointoootD, but un fctll he darkness of our Ignor- avoidably,n before tha public, three told him h« had no right to, ana l would iwiuoved. l tb„ c, nnot ** s i on. Wo know thought travels,but "Advancement of Hplrttiiallsm,”oii Hun­ Mr*. Grldloy, Mr». Wallneo, and others, Nlckeison wlll offiolato for Ilia Niwdoty, somo of the faols coocsrnliig tha whole who says II I* noi so canno* to sincere. >(0D b- (ba •>rarM (ài pliolograplied. neatest scientists declare It a » » .Is day, March 12th, anil billowed with a mndo remark» that worn sublime and ami goi>d results are <>X|Hiot«d from her affair. It struck mo forcibly, tho look Money onablN us to li# tru* to olirseli'*«, # 12 A. IfoNlNf. mo to study nltci the how. Wo series of Imlaimndent elalo-wrlllngs, beautiful, lie think*, howovor, they ministrations. Mr. B., as president of ot Mrs. Newton, when she hoard m* and 1« mio of thè graalest lilasslugs w healing I* done by the laying on which were rccognl/cd Individually by failed to louolt the main point that it thu »oolety -com* to be a very efficient spoak about the 'good spirits.' Hub«« Win-re a luodlutn 1« Indigeni and In and*, ana If wu say It I* by muan* of several persona present. Hovoral olbar was through the»» sister* that we ara worker. quant ly an arraugomunt was made to «vani tho inaalfestations or thu «plrlu Ao Lnglleb Journal, the Opinion, Darling a superior spiritual und nnt prominent poison« worn present: among Indebted for tho key that unlocked tho iiisol at Mr. Nawton's house, and tha re wlll no! amoiint lo mudi; bui If thè Oso. F. 1‘erklna and Mrs, Forklnsare ulv '.* I maet you to-night.' claims that most great man hare blue >1 lUBgnellstii, tho Illumination I* still them was Mr*. F.fllo Moss, of Cleveland, door to psychical knowledge; that monta! condltlon Is all righi, and tho Is eyes, l l cltas Nspoloon, lilim arck, Sort. W v know wo litui alnnntly : tho known as a m aierlall/lng, business and It Is to them w>- are Indebted for thut on tholr way to Han I rancltoo, 0*1. | "lias lliare been numcnllonof amono- noi troubled atout ber cartlily well- Tliuy w ill slop for a short lime In Olym- tary consideration fur this statement'1" (.ladstons, aod «vary President of ’ i try thoughtful sclnnllst would pro lest medium. At another m«ellng In wonderful knowledge that has oponrd toln», thè tosi resulto wlll to obialned ” I ’nlted State* except Hairlsoa- lonree It Ilm« uii|irof)lahly omn ployed the evening Mr. Gordon White dlu re tho door to the Infinite knowledge be­ pla, Washington. "Not thesmalloal—none whatever." Ìhen you bave rosumvd your old self to hunt for tho how, 8tq«-r li.r Intolll- markable work In tests, R iv in g full yond tho grave, and brought Joy and March .11. at lo A., si. and 2 r . at . ’’Tbsu financial gain Is net Ihe unJ »Ine* you carne from under thè had |»«y Miss Milan Faithful!, of Loadun. •goilOi' knows that It Is, l*us»or mimi names and dales. Mr. Master* recoIvoil liearo to muny boreuvud mortals. Tho there wlll I»’ anniversary exorcises hold | which you are looking to. chologi. al control?" undearorlog tu orgaalx* Id oo* of the will o*»ay to toll tho h,. N #ut profund on hls owu slate a picture of l-ongfallow. million« that to-day Iwlloro, and tha ut Washington Halt. < igdon Armtua and "Indirectly, yes; my groat ambition Is “Mosi undoubtodly. In faci, 1 am suburbs a boiqo for women who are Ity bow* II* Imiul In illu n i Mrs Ireland gave some on'ellcnl tesls, ml 111 on a to coma, will hear out the ovl- Washington Boulevard, cnnduclc.l by j to repair the wrung I have dime; bill you more dotei inlnnd and llrmor in my fallii working for their own living, Ibe Ids* ply say* 'll I*.’’ and 1« making a great iu co m « of hci <1 «moo of Iho truth that the mantfasta W I. Colville and Mr*. Anna OrvI*. knew that even a mortal Instrument In and I «hall pul forth ovory uniloavor 1« being to provtdu cm-b occupant with a Il, W. ItAbliWIN, I’ll, I». sounon* at hur residence, 2'>2ii ('ullage Hon* of the Fox stator* havo brought Boat* fro«. A 'willtilery collection w lll , the hands of tbo spirit must have tho n»-lalin thè trulli of Bplrlluallsm, tho private room at a low rent, and the us* Ohimytf, III, Grovo avenue, mom Joy to this world aod nineteenth lie taken. | maintenance of life. This I propose to mllof lu which ha* nuvvr wuakenod In f common dining aod reception-room* M A R CH fil*. TH H PROGRESSIVE THINKER. Are You Satisfied B tetto« |K\«t«tbly bscraas» e«va If ibal would Tmto's Mystic Measure. Seflnco with Mr«. Jennie Moore • MB ».*0» ».meme», t If u-«ft toto#J f«*F •••» HYPNOTISM OEFENOEO. N* peuMv, Use «ul-Jvvi ruuUt at«l le« tu^metetl I t o MM »»tl funMVf till«« I4U'«« "Ul)»Uf To tut Ki'iroa.*— We wt»b to give you au »•«r I» twrlorte su« Ihlug ailbuut •*« *,>«*»!* ivaktog u if * rv<1, ».vomit of aouie snaticctt gl«eu here« by Mr» Ani IhiM « imi «>«r tueiiu^ iil lM|*j *11 California Fruit Farms. Th« Putite Misapprehension of kla health an I Ute «-per >l*-r «multi ut>l Utt u Jeiiute Mtttre, of 1 ‘tillv*g«‘. at the tt-«ldeu«'t* of Utoklr»H •••Uhu*« ».l»»i»U»«*IU. gaia bia tttoy* i 1 ! Mil- • bui 1« «| Yhv ‘ f;v mm#a»uJ‘ K ypnoH tflV TI* HHil *\roÌf Koik'iuulujv unkuo»i» M r. tiwrge >V gherwtaxL Mr» Moore liu FOSTER ft WOODSON. Ite» K. A Campitoli, llie ««U but«» u lu tlUMfc * tern here two week« and ba» t>>11«erled nearly I to# CM”>kcr«l bMtlOfwf. CHiOAOO, «eeiigatoi ta*l authority U) pt««hiv waltete, UV glorio**» tltMilusUoQ. ibe heijfht» ni llfw »uK two liundre*! prop!«, who were akepltca anil aatl «to ha» matte a apet tel Muti,« t«f tbw «ut« Km » % ^ » >% M IM I 1 t t III.. I Sknr* m ^ n el pwopi* m «U easily |. U «»U'aMto t» Our^lkui ih« imuim', hati urvur area wateriaUsallon. She hail a fa n ti i<( M iaNI I a a wi by tope*-*“*' tn»l Jtxi, l u f Utili alh.'«vtl uiv te- quoto tbe lt«l A i|«f« u/ ov»r jiHMihl «tiVh Ih« eieri*l •com« every eteulug Kadi night the »liter» h1 «lag from h « fttribtt amig ate i •**<• •* *»m M*a< »ill « ijiW of l i * »««daN» rearad« Hiiie were dilfereut to, of m une, tbe nianifeaU to«*»#<«<« », Btell*« * •* » Ml•• to-•■••«*•» tow* li t i n puiotiaw aiv by nu su faut preatWt had aonie of their friend« eotue and •» r-toww a ut a fin i There ara. tu tbf ualutv of Ibc I\»r «vcn ihiu^* lu o«luro hvuii juel li lini lo lU m m • Wat Ir« » ra « a1 umkh»; talk with thviu, who were recognised. Mra. m Vuw ft a. « aie» aottif tyaulti te Ibv hypnotised subjeUi | Ti« iw a e »aal(r I k l tk*t tolte Ih, | All ihliM» i\xoe 1« evMOO, all Ihltitf» txxee ohwI M<«>re uae-t a cabiuet which was thoroughly Carlo in Heaven/ a tvog «tea Uàl to h* k iti i m ì m ì ì itoti i towttr la tim i, CkMuei loo avo, ouiwittce of ladle# to retire with her to an !• nothin* but < mo\rig for Carlo ontl |. M •« • • togre* a»«» it, to itti, itttbieeeut er tajan-uà tosate m a«» Mtoraa Ito« im ^ s r Ito! Beatoli« Ito« would to hx* Hul all (krivnxl la ordor fiom Uajr mi lo lo mlf hlj other room, where the« thoroughly caaiuinrtl !• h«or«D tuotllllna «hr itlBto* for tho ftodf i »*•* to tooteteft «• ! ••*> ••Tb« fette ta tbe sa lic i are oí great is F?a t i ' * tatoAtefl J.a tra a W« atol «I M i«atto »«-Uyg a«\ii«lia| to li* •ua, the few article» of clothing ehe put ou. AU Thro O irla «rill on tor If rt|fht uaderoUiaU» pm ««nr rru«M«, pautan*-». bullbe« are etti, a» «eh full« I w tu . A od all muti fcrci» iholr limo anJ |>laoo a* claim it ia iw|««»»il>lo for her t<> produce any v í-T -x rr T-.irr: k«pattisi • a 01» «tot Usatili toUoaiag all bla rvuihl aud rvxuid Ibey ma: Krleotl« will t!#M*rt uo ot |«o%orty *o door. •W* •*» * u»»i«vf!ki tad I*»-••• LMiryt'UvtaJt » 4 baiati abbi to refUee a« **h*> K«eu Ibe liuti« agreed up vu by able aatl ex k »•to «r ita« r'* i •afea r~n»lj Aad unU» oach ac4 all dolh limo aliai Ih# ttrojvr of the manife«Utlt>n» after such au «\am lna Out Corlo will rrr u* no toov.rr how P ° ° r » Hi «i»Mtÿ lut , 1», -BT AMteat \ liar- «tototet to B l|il a<*b to ratgg»** toi Itola to («erit'iKvtl h« punto»*» ittual aet te ivaftiuulwl Uou Cut a doctor here »aid »he had one Thea. whotovor heovon t* fiihloiMd to bo, Without toy old Corlo Tlo oolhloR to mo. partorì» with or miftaki-u 1er, ,l*-ui;vu»ir»tvd leu» ami IV nhu* m mommi aal.r. la xuik* a lln ^ n n f arfo. «m ill white undergarment on and »ha might Tto atom la a totally «rroMoea alea. Ou fatta Thal sau« »"Oiterful aatl permanetti Sho hoMe iho "rnmlo» ot juoUco* la all » lo v e produce «owe light effect with that, ao lavt They my thero oro io«rrro ood rlvrm ood Irw». lim i or «lt«d, ito cvamry. ito b. »♦,,•«•! •f ft) • » • totoO l * f t o t i i f Kur Corlo, jual lot mo reraoin la tho tomb. eaftH«. to I «l«* tal thraly o i V« p x i a u . » V ha« gno» Otte aub.ect aat fair investiga i fiiho mothor ai all iho Una#. buUder of all ihai wrapper, with n 't even an Inch of white atom “*• «tto tto* i ».«•»(; -I -te- ■«•arm« tei P»r r»nl Mtoero «ai Ut«a. That tuna by hypwoUsm Iw in tbe •laada» They ewloR from th«**fmllovs %t«d men by the ( -l lia toa» * ;w, -.-«ito d|æ T V ttoa B ibat to to krpraotirail duo* aol tor ur tbe cabinet, and the seance was m<«re i ~ tkuBaiiu of tbe uieutal, the ntnwit, tbe I(Veetrvy cr o t ali Ihal'a fai Iva—alt n u il uva«« al • ‘I'awHMli lu 11 ■ to:O«»1 « •• ury Jeff«« fl. jfeaai a*4 .m age Ito eabjeefa a m i «'barra-tee, tof tiwe hor cwmmaad», grand than usual under thoae conditions, for Who told they repeated—they needed no mom— n iff a.-a ««ftJ»*i,B a li «U»«, imHWltii If Ito pt-rat«a ta ito wahrng aatl normal tuait»____ futtcti-ttal aatl tbe muscular » « d l kuoau by | Aad Ihua hor "iu%r«Uc itioBourv»" Ihrog^h all most of lltone that come wore- whltr. and .*ne Were wot up to Keren without other chftOle, rOSTEtt B WOOD «OM. tota a aa toaeet aatl upr^fkt pvraoa be «til all «hu are acquainted «itb Ibe facta Tbe ihlafo eror wiods, - atta*' a daughter of Mra. >herwt»al who has Their anger« fttlU bloody with crlt&e: and TU •■•« t». lu. llr u f « Mae to a> «Sane»* tto ateep ato Jost aa ite d »uvh ttowata atol tbe p»«*«*'!« extent O» IhU oarthljr aldo o t bolnf all oarlhh ih lue* been in the Spirit-world some year»—in full •ho biada» My Chrid end be hire uniertlaoc«blioulil go, njeeiNe ite li would to to usines boBeet pwvpte «* «“ » R * «»•»•“ " * **tk* "“ »*«• °* Sho all freon ibra dam.uofollar» all ihalV form, robed in the moat beautiful white, and With lire« ibftt am •putlew, to "igluo« below. te to « nàia« m u ta Ito aorsal rood iron. ttaxwv »btcb b a y aoi «et hoco folly .tetri THE SPIRITUAL ALPS to «to aaythiog vroag i iM h L »laved for full ten minutes, ato improvised Ob. f t re me • heaven that look» Uhe • home. tto aase exactly would to tto -ate daring lb« wiuftl Kiocgh bea«-ter, la known to «arrant Bui iaovoo tho aaul ib fronlom. Ita eoutva aad poetry on the otvasion, and opened tto cabinet Through woodlewa and meadow with Carlo to by {Seta.- aleepv *• tto ctoractei ato » ill tto empi.««seat of tbta partially knowu re* «ad ua Vuoti door eo we could see the medium at the some n e e ; HOW W EASCEND THEM *— Ik II" J hi mani peter » tto »aa«. I s n l ut ageuer ta a larv» rangt« of rasce that lime. Oh. fflre me of m tur* the food and the true, i* m**» it«* »Hit« A heaven of lutUce where each haw hi» due. l >tf* ifttU ff*»* all m u» »?• •%«>, 11« There s tto» «afeuoarvt fur tbeee »be are »o b a y always piUiletl ani usually baffi et! thè At list night s seance there were only eight » i\ >h»N|> HILL metbvai iettie*an«o. Or lot them be nothin* to look for hut gloom. «•item tool at« mraaisterv~iraf1»< say ivtur. present, as you can see by tbe signatures And life have an end at the door of the tomb. iw», fiMft, » m u A» lo tto iayurty Ladirta! by bypaotiaia. FROM PARIS. •l«ayt to y frteod» ur retail*»» pretest I-clow. Kigbtccn »pints materialued all Giro mo a land whom companion« of earth— ganag tto kypteotic treatment». Ibey aie thus far uiaiolv t«ett«ectura! They Troiislattoii by /_ T. UriUlu. were recognized. There also appeared a man, are of tbe aaiue nature a» Ibe ill etferts at a Companion« am »till« or lot me hare birth Aa lattreating cuvasateiK« 1 «HI moulton ¿ j Ki n r Sfinir for Kebruary of !*ans full form dressed in full dress suit, he opened Aa nauyht but a worm, to crawl in tho rewind survival opwrouoa. that K. Ibey iBay («e a teui An aim cm nonentity, with nothing around. A SEX REVOLUTION. «1 Oe h « B g w eav«toy u t n l a w u f e-uaaa conies to us in » new dios». The e«litor, I’, the cabinet door and conversed for full tifteen tt\- I-Otw W A U tili COOK KU. deaevravetiene by aaate. tbiia ato »as >a tbf hyp»- poraryrain taxteaJte won ttouiv strength,»uTiuui, silahlvtiwim v*«or «»ill.mu, ¡ , , . . .« ...» —fk , f. iriUrwu. «blob ,« ctoerfullv —any ttonkfully-l«W G- Uymarte. U on the commi ty for • -lon- minutes with bis wife and others present ^ Anther ‘ ''lf«hw RaffkiW • \ **TW I w coadila-a. tow far orer her his pvwvr There was present at one of the former seances for tb«ti___ sake_ ...of tb* grau.l____i twuelix to ....result...... on ¿ios»gres» of >i«irituali»taSpiritualists min Bru*seU.tnBrussels, in i*September, Spirit in Dreamland. MW wo* asternSE in), a* to bad a short Use pytieua.'« 1 lSiM. and any of our American Spiritualists a colored man. and tome of his friends come, tor k' »into h i» »itb a leather the ttorapctttic plane of their operation. gave their names, and he rect«guued them. To th e Ei>rroa.— It reports in the papers •■The vlaiOt that hypnetiaw «til prove % desiring to take part in this congress, which _ which »be hehl ia tor toad. •Settop will be conducted in French, are invited by tbe Several Swedish people were present at some are to be relied upon, then the spirit in dream­ THOMAS PAINE. ttot yvu fousd tvwredf cv«apeii«d to »tnto powerful agent ia refortnaig the vkious or in of tbe former soanceo, and their friends came land plnva an important part. The contest of .tetnoral ting tbe tnacsen*. or virtuous u not committee to txvreepond with them at 1 Rue W a s He Junius? s e ;au so«, althoagh I bare item# so snob t'babanats. i'aria, before June 5th sntl talk,*! to them in their own language. the will of the late Senator Joseph 1-1 Me* ft.« vou. I a s torn«.«! ftoeed to tohere that if foumktl on anv well kno«ra f» t of ita influence »> WS U wf Sta«-, m » II raste. The celebrated Russian Spiritualist, A. There also appeared at one seance s man who Donald has I wen the actuation of the day in l Laa_»tevi .j;vo ft I vvulti sake TO« .to abate dlher way. That tto sub ect while !iypu-«tii»l A ksakotf, has a flue a.vount of several seances is not yet buried, who lies in the vault here; Indiana. The litigation has respected the APOLLONIUS OF T Y.ANA. mar hare suijt-stevl to hiai an act—or even a a t ever ! might wish, !0r lastence. »ugge.«’, you with tbe noted Italian medium. Knaapia Pala be was an Odd-Fallow, there were seven Odd­ memories many of the fri.-oils ot the dead Iitenttlle«! at the t’tirUtian desvu. to a » tress* «to. " sere* of acts—which he is to perform in hi* Fellows present and he gave their sign of Senator as to the circumstances surrounding subsenucat »fenitnsly fullyawaituol condition dine*. Many noted scientists of Italy testify •■ No. Van;ute. ‘ sto answered. •• that would recognition, and all present itooguiied him. his last—his third—marriage. When Senator ts aa M'ablisb«*! truth. There is, bowerer, uo to tbe genuineuees and grandeur of the maní to something alteyvther difereaL As to aw . ’ £ T l “ , fectatioos oecuring at Mu«. KusapV - s »eaaet». ,,l? «»*» ««>}• b**» in the Spirit-life about seven McDonald went to IV .«ahiugtoo be was ap­ MrAiag vou. 1 was very kith to do so. bat a» case in » h aomer. *•».'». Jona K. Gsaviw , it • « all a yoke, aad vou absoJately inaiateti «tesos, l«onrd in a house kept by an exceedingly sacriSoe l -C0T--1. Lsfly Vnfc«»«krp t Ium-t «VH.-U out contro* me. "The simple truth seems to be that tbe 1 U . M—«-ft Va-«V ttoffl.»- ft K>1»aal the "passage of Mars’’ across the men hi». Mrs. G x<«£*-. tM I ^r.*ia-» ^ »,»: l^ty is.tK,r.rw sorslitT *>f the subject is in do peneptit.le landlady his wife; He disputed with Thomas *V„ Twftffo. * ■ . ' M « »«ri M ft Kosapia is a simple peasant la-ly, illiterate, IKIrth. JJtn »., .Verdi .«'Á, Ijiÿj, •** ft Left, rm l>* Ü--4 . l ‘,s(4*ff • Ylfti Iw» lA- who »as tieeent during ito alvvementiooe*»» «*r movlified The hypnotic sut.ject may be Law4 thsf««f k tlevUMi I A|d»ftol«CV, nearly forty rears old. and speaking only the A. Hendricks the leadership of the Democracy coaversatrèe. reuurksd laaghiagtv, that when tuduved to perform certain acts au J he may to U»as ) t.c«»fft*4 t l> \ Jf. iktfMT ft Rite, Neapolitan dialect, and her powers have awak in his State: he stood in the front rank of the k»>” -te» Vr «ft tlByter Bft A Mrtftv ftpitlifti anl ooe was m iieoerieve s ivGdition. thev tastructed in certain facta or truths, but there An Earnest Call! II. BrftkftaSi« ftflftl ttr coed the whole Italian press on the subject of Indiana bar, taking place only second to rv vV y tf U, >-w fti «,W riffW -U In in H» t c*«ùi i assamil • to compelled to ,ft> whatever U n.« wairwt for the supposi Cion that his in , r i r ò .- .T “ ¡7',*" r 'iT iJ iJ L ^»',7-11 Benjamin Harrison. TMo*. I'W «/ m IV Ft»M B r*«t —* - ..... stw eooii that his bP^tualiam. An effort ts being mude to get TO SriÄITt ALIST> AM» ALL OTIIIA UBI&.\L 'V* Vim*! . Ithie »Wwa I* A ta Hi«,«* CU|( sat! ah« was far from being tellec: may be dulled or i t I k » i ffft m I ift f t t » M M » Ift -Ta Jtttaita* It was not seriously believed in any quarter fw «M U 1M «•.— Hfftif mwt BftftO. M « morality can be injured or__ benefited,c or__ that this celebratedcvlebiated medium 'o visitviait Paris sad»ad giveciv*- RSLIOIOCS PIv*PLI. »utoevls some of her most wonderful sesnew* that the infatuation of such a man was of a ■ later,’* Puy segur «»*. •• 1 1 his disposition can to change.L permanent character amt tie. it was said, was Prof. I 1 tel tout, M. D . the famous Belgisn S. M. Kourkser, of Ode**.« Russia, has an M A N SILL’S A LM AN ■ to place Cattorine in the hypnotic other account of seances in that city. It is Shall we bold a jre « ! World's Fair Conven­ probably enjoying only a flirtation. 1 »-'t«d the anse .juesti-.uis to her scientist who once took the views of the O f l*lBnetnry Meteorology, rather a large-sued store, and I give it in tion or Camp-meeling. or both, in Chicago Washington society «was. therefore, surprised J». aM *»w rhich I had ashed of Generiere, and the ■ •Nancy school that hypnotised subjects during the W orld s Fair? when the marriage by private ceremony was m » Hiiiw y ctan ®f an«»cr was exa. -..'« tto tomo. I reminded tor could be made to commit crime, now oppose» full; •< tA* tft • o ts t u s o r TitaxE sxances hel» j r t r 2i*, A grand chance of a lifetime which should announced. The union was violently opposed of b* r op»»««, during tor waking cooditioa. tto idea, on tto ground that latent tendencies be improved. Who will respond first? by the Senator's grown-up children, but their By Kichard Mansili. ot the crime suggested must exist, ex peri At'OrST 1 and 5, IS.*A »«te, <• 'S«'*« «M «• «errara«« I ••Yes, that was then.” ato replied, "but Tents and ground can be secured at reason protests were without avail. b**! * * .VrtrmuM bcJ ift® mt teftat* menta with subjects having brought him to “ A t the three seance» we were assisted by t M*m! iV m •» X*i *-i so» I look at it in a different light ” able terms within a few minute«' ride to the After marriage Mrs. McDonald took a lively 9k «wttft V -r «• - at ih® -A •* Bat If I was determined that you should this concluaron. Hypnotized subjects are but Samuel, Marie, John. Constantine, Basil, entrance of tbe Fair grounds. For further interest in her husband's affairs, and being a «•drew, what iheoT ” seositixea controlled by other minds, analogous Martha. Madeline. Nicholas and Alexander particulars address immediately with stamp shrewd business woman, with her assistance ••Thea l would awaken,” she answered, to mediums under spiritual control. It is «veil At the seance of tho 2S'h of Ju ly the spirits Do. C. T. IL Boxn's, the Senator was enabled to retrieve his for­ THE PSYCHOGRAPH "aad it would make me vary ill.” known that the latter, when marally and men­ announced that they would give one out o f 1 Englewood P. 0.. Chicago, UL tune. H is estate at his death was valued at tto general run of seance», which they ca.letl j Generiert* who in tto meantime «ras brought tally pure in tto normal state,si ways voice the .Spiritual and Liberal papers please copy.) some SHOO,0**U, and it is this property over DIAL PLANCHETTE. back into tor norma, stale, sow compietele highest sentiments in the trance state, while the one hundred and twelfth since Spirit i ^ — ■ ' which there has been «uch a keen contest. ■ rare Calhaia* a previous opinion, and made those known to be insincere jealous or ava­ ualism had existed at Odessa.' A remarkable incident in connection with Give Him a Lift. . M.«ra tto very same remarks. However earnestly ricious are not always reliable as mediums, •-This seance took place on tho 1st of! the litigation has just come to light. It was To t h e K dito*:—Some tune ago I cam* all ttowe who* having been present daring this however honest their intention in the exercise August. — „ — High ^ ------teen spirits, ------materialized. After claimed by the Senator’s chi I dr.-a that the will across these lines by an unknown writer, which double set, tried to «covine* her that she had of their gifla. Whether due to nature assert- different physical manifestations* music, »mg. in favor of Mra. McDonald is a torgery . A exactly s u l tto asme while sto was in tto ing itself, u lm vdew», or spiritual environ­ ing, lively conversation, etc., tho spirits sug­ keep ringing in my ears day after day. kkd jfionnor teacher of Mias Jessie McDonald wrote now 1 sen«l them to you that you may cause I . . . - ...... « .... I *xis.p » •*-««** hypoobc cooditioa. sto would under no ctr- ment created by sn inharmonious life, is in­ gested that we take a drive in the park, in the to her late pupil telling her that she had had a them to rmg in the ears ami in the hearts of cnms tacce betove. different. Hypnotic experiments, like those following order Samuel, Mane, John and remarknbic dream. your thousands of readers until they shall do Fuysegur p «w stili anottor «ampie, which with langhing gas, give additional warning Nicholas, in one carnage, furnished hy the The writer *ai«l she seemed to be in a law- something substantial for the nearly worn-out wv wtil m a-■ sa and donar which a retnxrk- that sensitives must be true to the principles spirits, and the others in a cab. When we ver s office which was uot fsm ilisr to her. an«i _ were going out to procure our cab, we found a workers in the cause of humanity, who are too abie somnambulist, Vìelet, »ho, as Catherine of Spiritualism if they would exunmaad respect there she saw Mrs. Me I tonal«! and an unknown * y T r «^Sr^ "v « - u n i ~ n r- u. pretli-.tetl, wxuld get sn slt»ck of aenrtxs for themselves and the cause they espouse; magnificent landau, with beautiful black old longer to supply their own mwla A little ready help which au organixed band young man ix'tnparing some tvpe*wntU-n m ^ saB M ^ a 'Ite proatratica. if tto hypnotmt would cotnprl ber and furthermore, those errors should serve a horses, and driver, which waited uear the door taper, about which thev seemed to he in the ■•*> ■<•*»««..*» i »*» as«aft ■ ------torus to foil»«. Oo asking the coachman of ¡of intelligent men and «»omen should be «rill­ to carry oat a suggeetioQ ato dal dot wiah tu bread hint to them as to what they could be- most earnest conversatoli. v.«- m«mira«.«era** » » « ts«».ta»«a»■ receive. com«- as spirits ex earns te—counterparts of this splendid rig where we should go. be re -' ing to care for and distribute to worthy ones Tbe ».«eoe was so pih*»tograp*hed upon her 1 that you can point out, would ease many au Ite. GlUea de in Touretto re mar k* farttor their earth life—re-enarting, whether they will plied. ’Antoine Ivaaowitach. (This was the mind that »ho «Iwlarvd she would rci-ognin« H -ra’raU aching heart and hungry body, grown helpless ■’«rtftlftctaR in «me of kia «orto of lb>T. a- vut a sabject or Dot. that »huh they most lived or practised. name of a spirit who always manifested at our the surtv>un*ling» mud «he wan engaged in *«oo-, ;j“y , A t o u t » whc* dunng tto hrpaotic --ooditK-o «ad ta a It is to save us from such a future that our seances i. with long yean of generous teaching for too «Panation with M r» Mcltonald, although she >•-* .» i« » > « « C s t i« “ r e r a s w f - « little par. • oMw»uy »Ritta »o tt m rw n iw < n w %u «ta> ear* •» mr How and when shall we build up this fund peo un hts tonti to .-aereóme human pasuoa, animalism and and the spirits held a lively conversation with The lady > u asked to come to this city for, j of ready help to our deserving aged poor, and '■M « U I 'affftRIcMCftft W »3l W r » rftT k— » m 1 ioipured a i him Ut il was within a r power wdfiahnc*>. Is the warning not worth heeding ? m. Tbe driver, horses and carriage even bad the purpstec of identifying the typve-writtvn who shall we name to manage it out of your h?- ft ftf »«ik i*»» «tu fmu tUrMfta* *R wft ik A to oornpel him to alga hts asme to a blaak. It is «tear to me that hypnotism applied in been also materialised. The next day I «cut will as the |-aj«er she b.sd seen, tho office and r or tat ta I Ai» «*cft many readers of honest integrity? , which 1 Itoli toniti fili oat ss I desired. tha right way and to appropriate diseases will servants t» every livery stable to find if such the strange young man. HISTORY OF ATHARAEL. Da. Kcrua H. B n tu ir. “ Tea. ' to wplied. result in ao called wooden—even in cases an equipment was ia tklessa, but could find In due lime the dreamer arrived She was | /j-s n r rrtt sroxs ace. th e • • W eli. ihea 1 could easily procure for my- where the modem medicines have proved un­ node. A - ra»-r«I Ii»«.-ad.caivrrrteM«e «BaattuCAte taken to the office of Mcttouald Butler. She V, . te « J 2 J » teli a documeet oo all eoa poaaeatt, with .it successful. As we have learn«! in this article “At the arancr of August 5 many spirits CIVS HIM A L.IFT- amid she rw.x»guixcd the surr*«undmga. Tbe mra V raate r » au« «1 tala yuu tolag aware of it at all ' " freía the rommonicatkiaa of the best-known manifested themselves, and after differ, nt Glve him a lift' Don't kneel la prayer. partner of McDonald and the clerks in the j * •• Ho. ttot «coki to impossibile; as I would hypnotists, the danger attached to hypnotic physical demonstrations the tarrisges wer*- Nor inorali»*' with bU despair. office were p*omt«l out but she failril to rexxvg* rx THE STKW’E ACE.- THE to alto to aaccrum v**£ss MEPoxm from time to lime contained article* referring1 Here we were direct«! to kneel and prey, n ** T.rt 1 tbkriR Cteft Tfti ftrta ita* Ift Pul now, whate’er tbe »pirit be. l«eco employed ia th*office t *» it ’ *• '4 W «I • (VINAI AtaMCttafta» “ That would not matter 1 would have to the dasher* of bypootiam when prectised by after which th-- spirita »bot u|iwanls mate nal Mere word» are but a mockery. About the time of M cl tona Id s death he ■ ■ tj ft fftml sUsi 1« MrUf« U««. I m® N«*!«:» ta • grò®j r é «%a r«e«Dfti hj ita your same, u d that ia all that would be uascT«ij>ttlous perf-naers. It coaaot be deui«d ire i rockets, which buret into many beautifully ’ bad acted strangely, and 'i Daily deve I opted io- |ft wlUi ruftlftt -»aft tfffrasM (HR %«ftf>Ukft tas si aft. that there may lw at limes » me rtwaca fur colored stara, and tell In graonful curvea over Dae grain of aid just now U mora IR HftR lM n t a R II MRA AftftftUfft J >mn4 requite.!. '• I To him than toe.-« of »aially lore, saniiy. He wav sent fo a hospital. hftw. « mMi In rtf ftah V (tftift aaxiety, but ia geacrml this matter has been the top of the toll monument. Then the v m •< But nn-ier those conditions I would under ------I i a I’rftjr. atf i jyou sassatemust, i . p|«roy, i ■ t , lin u J)our l ' u i uheart. m i - Tbe teacher was driven to the hospital and fisti ojr.4 r / a v s r c tx to no citvumstnniv gi«e my signature. ” mock exaggerate! Though hvpootiam may HntelHMMMM timi ibrv aiuti Uart - 4»•-’ iflv* him m Urv g lv# him a »iati. ftwmm. M mm ÎLftft» l Mitt ft a number of the praticata were placed in a r»ffft ift« Hw« i «rt icgiB ftiiaift Uftf ft O f t ‘ Surprised at the determined voice with be misused la a single cose, this is no proof S wd they dcm sterialii«! borse*, driver», The ^ r ld Is full ot good advice. room. Uutchins among thorn. RRftft left to which ha spoke. I asked: " Rat when I insisted that it ia doac often or performed with success. carrisg»-» and all. anti us return home Ot prayer sad piali» and preaching ales; Wh«m »he entered »he unhesitatingly |>icke«l / ” ’5 AV T'/fK CO.VSIYTC' r / o . w ¿t y The k, paotuer most ia sorb case« be a wretch without them. ' Dut tbs generouv «otile who aid tnanktad ’vr»* i ita «f tta ta«A on having you aign your name, you would Ar» »care« as gold and hard to find. him out as the man. V 1 o— .. . a a te » » ! aa" l have you completely ia my with a-thiag l ot t*d iateations. who would Another correspondent has a vrry entertaoi- This convinced the S ta that Hutohias hadl“ - *“^ W raarerawainarai-wa. Give like a Christian—»peak ta deeds! take sdvaatige of his momentary inflaea«-# ing article on the cause of Spiritualism in the en the instrum ent In the han«!» o f 'Ire . Mc- I [ ' £ l r ■io iX O H‘ T H E I'nited States, and gives a resume of wbat A noble life’s ih» beet of creeds; # / k9v*MRimt (kriuluiu F |y lisafff* Jftcftt • No. y«mr power ovsr me cxtends only to over bis sabject to suggest evil or criminal Aad he shall wear a royal crowa lattila, anti that Ue tet hsJ to |>rcv«ftl uihui IftiMik. nta t • m*m *• ante)» wftiHtatkft ft» appeared in one number of T u » Fao o uss! vs a., • » . a. ” ■ 1 FreelSftgki hLffTfttsr® •- - w ’• >ft#®r wtU gw»< • - m oia degne, and it you would inaiai oo actkrna. But even to gain such sncceoa ia a Who givo* thorn a lift whea they are down. his ail Dit as to ufiitltlc Dìa rvuoo. Tue bent »»»»« a »u k t. rtta. n m r »»«»• n««« i m «i mv «i««i"g mnvthiag Ulte that, it woul*l occasicm TuiKx.tR, which, he a»«», i» »very interesting changed tbe theory of substitution of the pragea ease like this, tbe »object must la the normal Journal to him. C X & .iT AD D R E S S O.V - me great pam aad 1 would awakte. ' stite be an immoral or a weak character, and ZULIEKA. f the will to adopt that c*f forgery, pare and / 11 \ ita Mt* rm mm —<»>wUr ta Th» Mar.nis after thst eommeoced thè fol This correspondent also gives Mrs, t ora simpUc. It >1-0 ETES Nr 1 t e k i f t j FTftft. s CMU. Is« iwflMMHtiftlft hence easily directed to do wivmu, or he is »o iowtng «teco .ticos I . Y. Richmond a fe» kiadvn.nl» and peareea Whi n we have a good thtug we wont every­ 1«J|« .«pul)|, J.,1. ' r A OR JfSSCS: OR completely under control that hr must obey I the words utterel through her Itpa ft3 ft rat ttft M t i LA® F«aU ia«% U sfti «• “ A ll my mveuUgatiocs rv_*r*!tng this body to enjoy it Th is story, Z c u s k a , by « »(# «4 feta N» 4 t«Mtl>«t« r i m hr seamev bave coavtBcval me that ia tegurd to tbe instruct moa given by tbe hypnotist. Mrs. t on» I. Y. Rt. mond. will not only “The Spiritual Kvongeiist, a new song 'THE TEAi'H.’XCS \'f JSSt'S XOT ani mal maguetism ia thè banda of coosciea The latter is thereby ruamag s Mrtous risk, A Great Inducement. prove tuU-restuig. but il bean with It a »pull­ I tm Mrairtg t i n i MtlM. »Ut Ita Tre* hook, full of catchy melodie» and apiropirtate ktafft-e* ff Virar« U*g«i»‘iiJ •) tiara » . M lvift tioos and h-ftcmble operatore, we n » «nly as he may some da\ may be unmasked, when The fact that Wr orad the first five rhapicra u li indurne* that will do you good Circu­ M t». ttrtcw IA iraftift «uu ilcv it as a re mediai agvat. wìUt wtiieh to ever tis sub)cct undergo«» s new treatment ly *>t Mrs. Richmond s story frew to all new sub­ late the paper sad act as iniaaioaary m the hymns, for Spiiritual meetings an,I circles. By O H n a s o m r t v sr/ju rt \ aew readers Vo our sub*criplH>n hst. motto. S a d a paper free to ramie ooe who U H AXDAA ?AX M A H . A i .4»V- xtxisee which have previously t -kco place. ’ Societies and condoclors of meetings should / > ■ ' ¡ u t era.era tav »Web t a l S* «Olee «ipfxaa parti* Speak to your neighbor» ia r* foren »• to this will enjoy its pagsra It will be sent three ureter a hundred copile» at «taon. FIO pei AS ar»-« «t«a *. PftTta taRftaag JR tkfti i i——,— a a «osa <prase. IN ceata single T T ‘ K&ÙEfOV OF MAX. M V Hl W Iku-e-js, Jit. IlyvaoUat aad MagsetisL A M fftV’ft H'» »«fis mmjm vendi not ta abre to aerare compieta sub-j Uoas. "Xulieka sent free to all new eabecribera. number. •fthita rr»«ft«¿ja.