\ P rogress, tbe Upi\>ersal LaW of JMatûre: Tboügbt, tbe Sol\>er)t of Jier Problem s. V O L ,. 7. C H I C A G O , MARCH 25* 1393. # N O . 174 knots. The doctor had soon Anna Eva [South American. He I» the same God to Moses 2,000 yoars before, There arc BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. exposed at Loulsvlllo, Ky.. a year ago. A LEARNED PRIEST. a ll over the world, only each nation now In the world■ 200,000,000 followers of "LYING SPIRITS," and cart-iod to tho stago n decided fool­ spells n is name differently. Wo call Mohammed." It Comes from Ilio Angels. ing that the mystic, uncanny sitooks In Him Jews, tho Hindoos call Him Pramo- “Have the teaching» of the prophets But They Are Not Disem­ her neighborhood would not boar the He Is In a “Heathen" la, tho Grvcks call Him Theos: tbe Ital­ Moses, liuddha and Mohammed been cold light of investigation. A t each ian, Deus; the American Indian, Great similar?" The story I am about to tell belong* bodied this Time. succeeding movement In tho seance tho Tem ple. Spirit; tho Frenchman, Dieu: the Ger­ "They hare all taught about the same ore properly among tbe annals of tl i e doctor's countonnnco woro more Interro­ man, Gott; tho Ainorican, God; and so code or morals. For Instance, Confu­ Society for Psychical Research; but an WltAT HE RELIEVES AIIOUT PROPHETS on. Every nation has tho same God, affidavit from every person spoken ot The Chicago Tribuno*» Bn*® Slim gation points und moro of the dumb cius, who came ,Y>7 year* before Christ, would be wanted, and I And that people <lor of Anna Eva 1'itj. blankness of surprise. The doctor said A Nil IMPOSTOR«. only they spell It differently. The uoo gives this rule for all men: tliut the woman's hands wero loosened God In twenty-six different nations has “ 'Do not unto others what you would will not fatigue themselves very much while sho was In tho cablnot, and bo the same attributes—omniscience, omni­ not have other* do unto you.’ in producing affidavits, not even for tbe "When Ann» E t » Fay communes with suggested that she had a pair of scissors presence, potentiality. Every nation "Christ plagarlzod this into tbe Psychical Research Society. A friend spirit»—from the other world—or at minting from a -o called hculhrn, should prays to Him tho same. You and I, of mine while In Chicago was risltlog a least when »ho utilized* tho services of concealed In her dress-skirts with which bo read by every ono In this country. Golden Rule: Mr. Hubbard, who In bis day bad been a she severed tbe cord that hound her Its suggestions and hints arc of great though you cal I me a heathen, worship " 'Do unto others as ye would that they frivolous re» Id tints of tho "hereafter" at hands to tho post. Ho was qullo sure tho same God. Wo believe precisely should do unto you.' very eminent violinist, and bad a first- tho Columbi» Theater last Sunday night that the point In tho cord which was cut value. L uorkT iu s . alike, except when we oome to the "Buddha stolo H again and ground it c'.a»* musical education. Mr. Hubbard she wore » dress which alio averred was prophets, and then all tho nations disa­ took from his safe a roll of music anil a gift fra c Mmo. Blavulsky, tho erst­ was hidden under her thumb behind her W hile in California I visited a joss- through Into this form: showed It to hit visitor. It teemed mare back. Hut the clovor doctor was unable house, or ralhor a heathen church. In gree.” " 'The hat that hurts thine own head, while * untain-heaj of Theosophy to prove this against tho wily chum of "What do you argue from that?” I force It not upon the head of thy neigh­ like suggestions for a composition, Spiritualism , and other vagaries of lh a‘. it were several ugly idols. These idols asked. bor.' rather than one itself, and then bo told Ilk. Tho gown has a long train, and spirits. were all gaudily painted. They were this story: "Again Anna Eva Fay got In tho box. mode with paper puffed out with wire. "t argue this—tbe prophets are all “A ll the prophets forbid murder, apparently U tho ablding-placo of Dr. W atkins saw her hand in front of impostors. -They cause all the trouble." theft, tying, stealing, swearing, adul­ ••Twenty-five years ago, while In Cold huge bustle. It» large, heavy pleats aro blots m o w . Tn»'JxyyiDU 0SSISTA9T.' her, but whon he examined her It was Some of thorn had many eyes, sovcral “A ll Impostors—every one of them?" Water, Mich., I was visiting tbe Crtppea embroidered In goid wire, worth, so hands, and now and then one had a tery, covetousness, paternal disobedi­ family. Mrs. Crlppen was a Spiritualist. securely tlod behind her buck. Ho sat double hood.They had eyes In tholr knees I exclaimed. ence, and command everybody to love Ml»» Kay proudly status, *300. And to by her side and held her two hands whon ‘ Yes, all human Impostor?. They the Lord. CbrUt ssld: 'Love thy neigh­ “One morning tie said to me: *1 «rant this dress, and Ita peculiar stylo of arch­ ho and sho wero covered to their necks eyes in tholr stomachs, and eyes in tho make all the trouble. The world 1* cos­ von to come In my room at 10 o'clock, itecture, much of Anna Eva’s success as top of tholr heads. Some had hands all bor os thyself,’ while Buddha said, 'Love for at that hour t am accustomed to with a largo doth. With each appear­ uround them, and all had long, fierce- mopolite as to God—wo only differ when all men.' Again Buddha »tele from a manipulator of ghostly beings is due, ance In tho cabinet behind hu detected wo come to the prophète. The prophets Moses. Moses said, 'Thou shall not hear (be most exquisite music, the ori­ at least so tho IW im elt Informed. a movement of Annu Eva’s body, but looking beards. A little child In our mako all the wars-cause all the blood­ gin of which 1 cannot account for unless "Last Sunday night, beforo tho young party was loo frightened to look at those bear false witne»» against thy neighbor;’ it be celestial. None of my family are that was as far as bo could roach In tho Idols. shed. The Turks and Russian* would Buddha said, a thousand years after­ woman appeared on the Columbia stage, solution of tho mystery. As to the table Sho kept saying— not bo fighting now were it not for able to bear it, but I feel sure that you. Mr. ringroe, her manager, invited a “O, mamma, it Is so ugly! Take it wards, ’Thou »halt lie to no man.' * with your trained ear and keen musical lifting tho doctor was satisfied that a Christ and Mohammed. Who ever ‘ Well, what do you argue from all committee of gentlemen from the audi­ slit In tho tablo-oovor allowed Miss Fay away!" heard of two nations lighting about God? sensibilities, will perceive it at once? ence Vo climb upou the stage and in ­ Tlie heathen priest was a very clover this?" I asked. "Accordingly I was there at 10. to put hor *!ngcr through a hold In the man. 1 found afterward that he had It is these human Impostors which they "I argue this, that Cod Is great, but vestigate tho cabinet. It was built of table top I lift It by that means. He hitch on to God that cause all the wrang­ that all the prophets, from Moses down Mrs. Crippen's face came a look four green velvet curtains, held In posi­ was suro . o that tho wooden hand been a great reader. Iu this joss-house ling and bloodshed." rapture that was bleated to see. But I tion by woollen supports. A common ho stood In front of tho god» with his through Buddha, Mohammed and beard nothing, though we sat for which tap, xl olf answers to quostions people, and they all worshiped and “But bow about Confucius?” I asked. Christ, to Joseph Smith, who hare pre­ board, six inches wide nod three feet on a pleco o f plato glass was manipulated "Confucius," said Chang Wau Ho, tended to inspiration, who have pre­ hour, after which she said It < high, wa- nailed to the center of the by a thread which was passed down prayed together. They were thorough­ "was not a prophet. Ho did not claim she held to her conviction that I surely stage, and an iron ring, or screw-eye, ly In earnest, and I believe every China­ tended to work miracles, or who have must and wonld hear this exquisite i through a hollow arm and leg of the man belloved his eternal salvation de­ to bo a prophet. He was a teacher like pretended to hare any communication fastened to the board. After the com­ chair on which tho gloss rested. But Moses. They both expounded the laws. with God, were frauds and impostors. sic, I was in her room the next t mittee bad examined Jhe board and the the doctor went homo a much puzzled pended on bis worship. They both claimed to be human.
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