Invitation ·············································································

Information ·········································································

Program Schedule ···························································

Hall Information ·······························································

Plenary, Special Lecture ··············································

Symposia ············································································

Poster Sessions ·······························································

Abstracts ············································································

Instrument Exhibition ·····················································

Author Index ····································································· Invitation

2003년도 한국유전체학회의 제 12 회 국제 학술대회를 " 유전체 , 단백질체와 생물정보학의 최신 동향"945. 이란 주제로 대전에서 가을의 첫 문턱인 월 일과 일 양일간 개최하고자 합니다 특히 이번 행사는 한국생명공학연구원에 첨단연구동이 준공되어 과학기술부가 주관하는 인간 유전 체기능연구 사업단, 미생물유전체 기능연구 사업단과 국가 생물유전체 정보센터 등이 입주함 으로써 명실상부한 한국유전체 연구의 중심 시설로서의 큰 역할을 기대하고 축하하는 뜻 깊은 행사가 될 것입니다.

이번 학술대회에서는 기조강연,,, 심포지움 워크샵 포스터 전시 및 기기 전시를 통하여 알찬 정 보 교환과 회원간의 활발한 교류가 이루어질 것이라 기대됩니다.HUGO 기조강연은 현재 회 장인Yoshiyuki Sakaki 박사와 세계적 선도 과제를 개발하신 김재섭 박사가 맡아 주시고 , 유전 체학 관련72 개 분야 심포지움과 개 워크샵에서는 저명하신 국내외 학자들이 최신 연구 결과 들을 발표하실 것입니다., 또한 유전체학 관련 21 세기 프론티어 연구개발 사업단 및 바이오그 린21 사업단의 연구진들이 참여하여 다양한 최신 연구결과를 발표함으로써 우리나라 유전체학 발전을 위한 최대의 상승작용을 기대하게 됩니다.

아무쪼록 회원 여러분은 물론 관련 연구자들께서도 많이 참석하셔서, 유전체 연구의 최신 연구 동향을 경청하시고, 다양한 분야간의 활발한 교류를 통해 나날이 성숙되어 가는 한국유전체학 연구의 주역이 되어 주시기 바랍니다.

2003년월 9

한국유전체학 회장 김 병 동 한국생명공학연구원장 양 규 환

1∙ Information

❚ Registration

Registration fee includes admission to the all scientific sessions and exhibition, welcome reception and abstract book.

Regular members 50,000 Won Students 20,000 Won

❚ Important Dates

Aug. 15, 2003 : Deadline for Abstract Submission Sept. 4, 2003 : Registration, Scientific Session, Council Meeting & General Assembly, Welcome Reception and Exhibition Sept. 5, 2003 : Registration, Scientific Session, Poster Award and Exhibition

❚ Officers of the Society

President : Byung-Dong Kim ( National University) Vice Presidents : DaeSilLee(KRIBB) JeongSunSeo(SeoulNationalUniversity) Hyang-Sook Yoo (CFAHG) Hee Sup Shin (KIST) Kyu Chan Kimm (KNIH) Auditor General : Hyen Sam Kang (Seoul National University) Uik Sohn (Kyungbuk National University) Officers : Byeong Jae Lee (Seoul National University) Jangho Han (RDA) IlhaLee(SeoulNationalUniversity) Junho Lee (Yonsei University) Yong-Hwan Lee (Seoul National University) Youngmi Kim Pak (University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) Byoung-Tak Zhang (Seoul National University) Jihyun F. Kim (KRIBB) Jhong Sik Chun (Seoul National University) Kyu Young Song (University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) WoongYangPark(SeoulNationalUniversity) HongSukPark(KRIBB) Doil Choi (KRIBB)

September 4-5∙2 Program Schedule

❚ September 4 (Thursday)

Place Time Hall A Hall B Poster/Exhibition

8:30˜ 9:30 Registration

9:30˜ 9:40 Opening Remark

9:40˜ 9:50 Welcome Address

9:50˜ 10:40 PL1:Dr. Yoshiyuki Sakaki

S1:Transcriptional Profiling S2:Plant Genomics 10:40˜ 13:00 A1˜ A25 (Yong Sung Lee) (Min Kyun Kim)

13:00˜ 14:00 Lunch (Council Meeting)

S4:Human Genomics A26˜ A50 14:00˜ 16:00 S3:Microbial Genomics (YongSungKim) (Hyun-Ah Kang) B1˜ B26

16:00˜ 17:30 W1 : BMS Workshop General Assembly

18:00˜ 19:00 Reception

3∙ Program Schedule

❚ September 5 (Friday)

Place Time Hall A Hall B Poster/Exhibition

8:30˜ 9:00 Registration

9:00˜ 9:40 PL2:Dr. Jaeseob Kim

9:40˜ 11:40 S5:Bioinformatics and S6:Disease Genomics Comparative Genomics (Kyu Chan Kim) (Sangsoo Kim)

11:40˜ 13:00 W2:Bioneer Workshop A51˜ A86

13:00˜ 14:00 Lunch

14:00˜ 15:00 SL:Dr. Chaehyuk Chu

15:00˜ 17:00 S7:siRNA and RNAi (Sung UK Lee)

17:00˜ 17:30 Poster Awards & Closing Ceremony

September 4-5∙4 Hall Information


2F & 3F

Poster Sessions

5∙ Plenary Lectures September 4 (Thursday) Hall A PL1 9:50-10:40 Chair : YOO Hyang-Sook Human-Chimp Comparative Genomics Dr.YoshiyukiSakaki(HUGOPresident,GenomicSciencesCenter,RIKEN,Japan)

September 5 (Friday) Hall A PL2 9:00-9:40 Chair : LEE Dae Sil Industrial Scale Drosophila Genetics as a Functional Analysis Tool of Human Genome Dr. Jaeseob Kim (KAIST and GENEXEL, Korea)

Special Lectures

September 5 (Friday) Hall A SL1 14:00-14:40 Chair : SEO Jeong Sun 동북아게놈분석한민족북방기원연구에서무엇인가, ? Chaehyok Chu (Kangwon National University, Korea)

September 4-5∙6 Plenary Lecturers

Dr. Yoshiyuki Sakaki Genomic Sciences Center, RIKEN, Japan

Professional Activities ∙HUGO (Human Genome Organization)회장 ( 현재 ) ∙일본Human Genome Project 리더 ( 현재 ) ∙침팬지 국제공동연구 컨소시엄 리더() 현재

Awards and Honors ∙Leader, Japan Human Genome Council, and Int. Consortium of Chimp Genome Project ∙Platinum Technology 21st Century Pioneer Partnership Award (1999) ∙"Chevalier" Award from France Government (2001) ∙The Award of Japanese Society of Human Genetics (2001) ∙Moosa Award of Korea Biochemistry Society (2001)

Selected Publications ∙Construction and analysis of a human chimpanzee comparative map. Science 295:131-4 (2002) ∙A physical map of the human genome. Nature 409:934-41 (2001) ∙Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome, Nature 409:860-921 (2001) ∙Genome sequence of the endocellular bacterial symbiont of aphids Nuchnera sp. APS, Nature 407:81-6 (2001) ∙The DNA sequence of human chromosome 21. Nature 405:311-9 (2000)

7∙ Plenary Lecturers

Dr. Jaeseob Kim KAIST and GENEXEL, Korea

Education 1981-1985 서울대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학 학사 1985-1987 서울대학교 대학원 미생물학 석사 1987-1990 서울대학교 대학원 미생물학 박사

Professional Activities 1990. 7. - 1993. 7. Research Fellow, Cornell University 1997. 3. - 1998. 1. Assistant Scientist, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1998. 1. - 현재 한국과학기술원 부교수 2000. 3. - 현재 제넥셀주식회사 대표이사

Selected Publication

Cho,K.S.,Lee,J.H.,Kim,S.,Kim,D.,Koh,H.,Lee,J.,Kim,C.,Kim,J.,Chung, J. (2001) Dro- sophila phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 regulates apotosis and growth via the phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent signaling pathways. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,98: 6144-6149. Ju,B.,Bae,E.,Jeong,S.,Hyun,S.,Carroll,S.B.,Yim,J.,andKim,J.(2000) Fringe forms a complex with Notch. Nature 405: 191-195. Yun,U.J.,S.Y.Kim,J.Liu,P.N.Adler,E.Bae,J.Kim,andW.J.Park(1999)The inturned protein of Drosophila melanogaster is a cytoplasmic protein located at the cell periphery in wing cells. Developmental Genetics 25:297-305.

September 4-5∙8 Special Lecturers

Prof. Chaehyok Chu Kangwon National University, Korea

Education 1962-1966 연세대학교 문과대학 사학 학사 1966-1970 연세대학교 대학원 사학 석사 1975-1985 연세대학교 대학원 사학 박사

Professional Activities 1991. 7 -현재 Koran Executive Committeeman of the International Association for Mongol Studies 1989.12-1990.12 초대국ꡔꡕ 몽골비사(The Secret History of the Mongol) 학회장 1990.12-1992. 8 초대한국몽골학회장 1992. 8-1996. 5 한몽학술조사연구협회 부회장 1996. 9-1998. 3 강원대학교 박물관장 2003. 6-현재 국립민속박물관 자문위원 1987. 3-현재 강원대학교 사학과 교수

Selected Publication 周采赫ꡔꡕ 元朝官人層 硏究 정음사 1986. 주채혁ꡔꡕ 몽골구비설화 백산자료원 1999 주채혁譯著 베. 야 . 불라디미르초프ꡔꡕ 몽골사회제도사 대한교과서주식회사 1990. 주채혁「」ꡔꡕ朝鮮˙ 鮮卑 의‘’ 鮮 과 馴鹿遊牧民 - 몽골유목 起源 과 관련하여 동방학지 110 집 177-220. 주채혁「」ꡔꡕ 몽골의貊起源考蒙文‘’ 고올리( ) 내몽골대학학보 제 1 기 중국 내몽골대학 1999. 65-68. 주채혁「」ꡔꡕ 부르칸(不咸 ) 이즘과 柳花 , 그 母胎廻歸 신앙 연구 백산학보 59 집 백산학회 2001.27-51. 주채혁「․朝鮮 鮮卑 의 鮮(Soyon) 族 起源考 - 原 조선겨레‘’ 소욘 족에 관하여 - 」ꡔ 백산학보 ꡕ 63 호 백산학회 2002. 8.5-45.

9∙ Symposia

Symposium 1. Transcriptional Profiling Hall A September 4 (Thursday) Organizer & Chair LEE Yong Sung (Hanyang Univ.) S1-1 10:40 ~ 11:15 cDNA Microarray Study in Stomach and Liver Cancers KIM Sangsoo (KRIBB) S1-2 11:15 ~ 11:50 Microarray-based Integrated Genomic Technique to discover Biomarkers of Colon Cancer AN Sungwhan (GenomicTree, Inc.,) S1-3 11:50 ~ 12:25 Transcriptional Profiling in Neuronal Differentiation of Stem Cells LEE Yong Sung (Hanyang Unvi.) S1-4 12:25 ~ 13:00 Discovering Significant and Interpretable Patterns in DNA Microarray Data KIM Ju Han (Seoul National Univ.)

Symposium 2. Plant Genomics Hall B September 4 (Thursday) Organizer & Chair KIM Min Kyun (Seoul National Univ.) S2-1 10:40 ~ 11:05 Cyanobacteria and Photosynthesis PARK Youn-Il (Chungnam National Univ.) S2-2 11:05 ~ 11:30 Rice Genomics KIM Ju-Kon (Myongji Univ.) S2-3 11:30 ~ 11:55 Pepper Genomics PAEK Kyung-Hee (Korea Univ.) S2-4 11:55 ~ 12:20 Expression Profiles of Hot Pepper Genes following Pathogen Infection CHOI Doil (KRIBB) S2-5 12:20 ~ 13:00 The Genomics of Chloroplast Biogenesis David Stern (Boyce Thompson Institute, Cornell Univ, USA)

September 4-5∙10 Symposia

Symposium 3. Microbial Genomics Hall A September 4 (Thursday) Organizer & Chair KANG Hyeon Ah (KRIBB) S3-1 14:00 ~ 14:30 In vitro Carbohydrate Network of Thermus caldophilus GK24 and Its Application LEE Dae-Sil (KRIBB) S3-2 14:30 ~ 15:00 Functional Genomics in Escherichia coli; Construction of Basis of "-omics" Approaches Hirotada Mori (Nara Institute, Japan) S3-3 15:00 ~ 15:30 Microbial Genome Annotation System JUNG Jongsun (Nanormics, Inc.) S3-4 15:30 ~ 16:00 Complete Genome Sequence of Vibrio Vulnificus CMCP6, the Etiological Ageent of a Shellfish Associated Fatal Septicemia RHEE Joon Haeng (Chonnam National Univ.) S3-5 16:00 ~ 16:30 GEM: An Integrated Information Bank for Microbial Genome research KIM Jihyun (KRIBB) S3-6 16:30 ~ 17:00 Functional Genomics of a Symbiotic Thermophile, Symbiobacterium toebii isolated from Korean Compost SUNG Moon-Hee (Kookmin Univ.)

11∙ Symposium 4. Human Genomics Hall B September 4 (Thursday) Organizer KIM Yong Sung (KRIBB) Chair YEOM Young Ill (KRIBB) S4-1 14:00 ~ 14:20 Clinico-Molecular Study of Gastric Cancer using Tissue Array KIM Woo Ho (Seoul National Univ.) S4-2 14:20 ~ 14:40 Telomerase, a Cell Death Protector? LEE Han-Woong (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) S4-3 14:40 ~ 15:00 Chemical Genetics and Chemical Genomics: HighThroughput Discovery of Drugs, Therapeutic Genes and Disease Networks KIM Tae Kook (KAIST) S4-4 15:00 ~ 15:20 Genetic Epidemiology and Pharmacogenetics in Common Diseases SHIN Hyoung Doo (SNP Genetics, Inc.) S4-5 15:20 ~ 15:50 Genomic Tools for Large-scale Genetic Analysis Mostafa Ronaghi (Stanford University, USA)

September 4-5∙12 Symposia

Symposium 5. Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics Hall A September 5 (Friday) Organizer & Chair KIM Sangsoo (KRIBB) S5-1 09:40 ~ 10:10 Novel Statistical Analysis of DNA Microarray Data CHOI Jung Kiun (KRIBB) S5-2 10:10 ~ 10:40 Biologic System : Not Random, But Contextual KIM Seungchan (Translational Research Institute, USA) S5-3 10:40 ~ 11:10 Comparative Genomics of Vertebrate Hox Genes KIM Chang-Bae (KRIBB) S5-4 11:10 ~ 11:40 ECgene: Genome-based EST Clustering and Gene Modeling for Alternative Splicing LEE Sanghyuk (Ewha Womans Univ.) S5-5 11:40 ~ 12:10 AComputational Strategy for Systems Biology Satoru Miyano (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)

Symposium 6. Disease Genomics Hall B September 5 (Friday) Organizer & Chair KIMM KyuChan(KNIH) S6-1 09:40 ~ 10:05 Korean Genome Analysis Project (KoGAP) PARK Chan (KNIH) S6-2 10:05 ~ 10:30 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with Asthma PARK Choon Sik (Soonchunhyang Univ.) S6-3 10:30 ~ 10:55 Gene-mapping Strategy of Common Disease in the Post-Genome era Ituro Inoue (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) S6-4 10:55 ~ 11:20 From Analysis to Interpretation of DNA Microarray Data KOH In Song (Korea Univ.)

13∙ Symposia

Symposium 7. siRNA and RNAi Hall A September 5 (Friday) Organizer & Chair LEE Sung Uk (Dankuk Univ.) S7-1 15:00 ~ 15:30 MicroRNA Maturation KIM V. Narry (Seoul National Univ.) S7-2 15:30 ~ 16:00 Suppression of Nek2 Expression in Mouse Early Embryos Confirmed Its Requirement for Mitosis RHEE Kunsoo (Seoul National Univ.) S7-3 16:00 ~ 16:30 Profiling of Coactivator Requirements in Transcriptional Activation by RNAi-Mediated Gene Knockdown KIM Young-Joon (Yonsei Univ.) S7-4 16:30 ~ 17:00 Signal Analysis Using siRNA SUH Pann-Ghill (POSTECH.)

Industry Workshop

September 4-5∙14 BMSWorkshop HallB September 4 (Thursday) W-1 11:40~13:00 1. Pyrosequencing 의원리및응용 이충식(( 주 ) 비엠에스 ) 2. Methods for Generating siRNA 주재훈(( 주 ) 비엠에스 ) 3. BioPlex : 100 Multiplexing Protein Array System 윤성원(( 주 ) 비엠에스 ) 4. Solutions to Robotic Laboratory Automation: From CataLyst to High Speed Distribution Motion Cecillia Yip (ThermoCRS) Bionner Workshop Hall BB September 5 (Friday) W-2 11:40~13:00 1. DARFA (Differential Analysis of Restriction Fragment Array): Full-genome Display Technique and Its Applications Park Han-Oh (Bionner)

15∙ Poster Session 1

September 4 (Thursday) 10:40˜ 13:00

A-1 Identification of Novel Anti-angiogenic Factors by In Silico Functional Gene Screening Method LEESeok-Ki,MOONEun-Joung,LEESae-Won, BAE Moon-Kyoung, SOHN Tae-Kwon, KIM1 Yung-Jin, KIM2 Chul-Woo, ZHANG Byoung-Tak2 and KIM Kyu-Won 1Pusan National University and 2SeoulNationalUniversity

A-2 Genome Encyclopedia of Microbes (GEM) as a Microbial Genome Research Hub HURCheol-Goo,YOONSung-Ho,KANGHo-Young,KANGEun-Mi1,JANGChul-Jin1, JEONG Haeyoung, KIM Sunny, CHO Hwan-Gue1, OH Tae-Kwang and KIM Jihyun F. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 1Pusan National University

A-3 Analysis and Development of SNP Marker in Rice KIM Gang-Seob, KIM Yonghwan, LEE Jungsook, YOON Unghan and HAHN Jangho National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology

A-4 JPhydit: A JAVA Program For Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis HUR Inae, KIM Bong-hyun, LEE Jae-hak and CHUN Jongsik SeoulNationalUniversity

A-5 Classification of Virus Risk Types Using Kernel-Based Classifiers AUGH Sirk June, ZHANG Byoung-Tak and JOUNG Je-Gun SeoulNationalUniversity

A-6 AngioDB: Database of Angiogenesis and Angiogenesis-related Molecules SOHN Tae-Kwon, MOON Eun-Joung, LEE Seok-Ki, CHO Hwan-Gue1 and KIM Kyu-Won Seoul National University and 1Pusan National University

A-7 Comparative Analysis of LargeGenomeinCross-species KIM Tae-Hyung, KIM Dae-Soo, JEON Yeo-Jin, CHO Hwan-Gue and KIM Heui-Soo Interdisciplinary program of bioinformatics, Pusan National University Pusan National University

A-8 Comparative Analyses of Genomic Sequences in Human Chromosome 21 and Chimpanzee Chromosome 22 KIM Tae-Hyung, JIN Jin-Yeo, KIMHeui-SooandKIMDae-Soo Pusan National University

September 4-5∙16 A-9 HSAP: Human Endogenous Retroviruses Structure Analysis Program JEON Yeo-Jin, KIM Tae-Hyung, KIM Dae-Soo, YI Joo-Mi and KIM Heui-Soo Pusan National University

A-10 Expression Profiling of Stress Response Genes Using DNA Microarray JUNG Ji-Hun, LEE Jae-Seon and SEO Jeong-Sun SeoulNationalUniversity

A-11 An Application of Proteomics to the Identification of Osteoclast Differentiation- associated Molecules LEE Seung Ku1,LEEZangHee1 and Kim Hong-Hee Seoul National University and 1Chosun University

A-12 Apoptosis Specific Genes in Murine Cortical Cell Cultures YANG Moon Hee, LEE In Jung1,YANGSeukJin1,HWANGHaeJun1,LEEHeunSik1, KANG Hyo Jung2,GWAGByoungJu2 and Park Jong Hoon Sookmyung Women’ s University, 1Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 2Ajou University

A-13 Genomic and Proteomic Analyses to Pathogenetic PathwaysinUterineLeiomyoma KIM Yong-Wan, KIM Ko-Woon, BAE Su Mi, LEE Keun Ho1,LEEJoonMo1, NAMGOONG Sung Eun1,KIMJinHong1, KIM Chong Kook2 and AHN Woong Shick Catholic Research Institute of Medical Science, CollegeofMedicine, The Catholic University of Korea 1The Catholic University of Korea and 2SeoulNationalUniversity

A-14 Prediction of the Complete Remission of Acute Myelocytic Leukemia by Gene Expression Profiling and Supervised Machine Learning PARK Han-Soo, KONG Hyun-Jung, PARK Suk-Ryun and SEO Jung-Sun SeoulNationalUniversity

A-15 Regulation of Butyrophilin mRNA Expression in Mouse Mammary Gland Using the Reverse Transcription-competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction PARK Hye Ran, JOH Joong Ho, CHU Kyo Sun, KIM Nam KUK and LEE Chang Soo

A-16 Global Monitoring of the Defense-related Genes in 35S::SCaM5 Arabidopsis Plants YANG Kyung Ae, SEO Min Ji, HONG Joon Ki, CHUNG Woo Sik, LEE Sang Yeol, CHO Moo Je and LIM Chae Oh Gyeongsang National University

A-17 Characterization and Microarray Analysis of Transgenic Arabidopsis Over-expressing Chinese Cabbage Calreticulin (BCRT1) YANG Kyung Ae, LI Juan Hua, JIN Zheng Lu, LIM Chan Ju, SIM GyuJin, CHUNG WooSik,LEESangYeol,HONGJongChanandLIMChaeOh Gyeongsang National University

17∙ A-18 Genome-wide Profiling of the Growth Phase-dependent Gene Expression in Esche- richia coli OH Tae-Jeong, JUNG Il-Rae1, WOO Suk-Kyung, KIM Myung-Soon, LEE Sun-Woo, KIM In-Gyu1 and AN Sungwhan GenomicTree, Inc. and 1Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

A-19 Characterization of Ethanol Response Genes in C. elegans HONG Mingi, KWON Jae Young, JEON Sang Kweon and LEE Junho Yonsei University

A-20 Expression Pattern of Osteoporotic Genes by DNA Microarray KIMM.,KIMJ,CHOIJ.Y.,SHINH.I.,PARKE.K.andKIMShin-Yoon Skeletal Diseases Genome Research Center

A-21 Gene Expression Profile of Human Chondrocytes by High-throughput EST Seque- ncing Analysis JUNG Youn-Kwan, JUNG Jae-Hwan, Ryoo Hyun-Mo, PARK Eui Kyun, KIM Shin-Yoon, TAKIGAWAE Masaharu1, PARK Rang-Woon, KIM In-San and CHOI Je-Yong Kyungpook National University and 1Okayama University

A-22 Gene Expression Profiling of Embryonic Stem Cells JEON Dae-Hyun, KIM Young-Jin, Ji-Yeon Kim, KIM Ji-Hoon, KIM Juhan, PARK Woong-Yang and SEO Jeong-Sun SeoulNationalUniversity

A-23 Fabrication of a Partial Genome Microarray of the Methylotrophic Yeast Hansenula polymorpha: Optimization and Evaluation for Transcript Profiling OH Kwan Seok, KWON Ohsuk, OH Yun Wi, SOHN Min Jeong, JUNG Soongee, KIM Min-Gon, RHEE Sang Ki and KANG Hyun Ah Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-24 A Novel TBP-interacting Zinc Finger Protein Functions in Early Development of Xenopus laevis KIM Mijin and LEE Byeong Jae SeoulNationalUniversity

A-25 Systematic RNAi Screens For Genes Interacting With RNT-1 And CEH-37 SHIM Jiwon, PARK Moon-Cheol and LEE Junho Yonsei Unviersity

September 4-5∙18 Poster Session 2

September 4 (Thursday) 14:00˜ 15:30

A-26 Characterization of the Mouse Selenoprotein SELH using RNA interference KWON So Yeon, SHIM Myoung Sup, KARLSON Bradley A, HATFIELD Dolph and LEE Byeong Jae SeoulNationalUniversity

A-27 AssociationofSNPsonEotaxin1GenewiththemRNAExpression and Production CHANG Hun Soo, KIM Jung Sun, CHO Jung Il, LEE June Hyuk2,RHIMTaiYoun2, LEE Young Mok2,KANGJinHyun,SHINHyungDoo1, CHUNG Il Yup and PARK Choon Sik Hanyang University, 1SNP Genetics, Inc. and 2Soonchunhyang University

A-28 Identification of Polymorphisms in the TNF and TNF Receptor Superfamily Using an Enhanced PCR-SSCP CHO Sung-Mi, KIM JuYoung, RYU Ha-Jung, KIM Jae-Jung, KIM Hyun-Hee, PARK Joo-Hyun, KIM Kyung-Hee, KIM Hungtae, PARK Chan and LEE Jong-Keuk National Institute of Health

A-29 HighThroughput Detection of SNP by Direct Sequencing and Polyphred KIM Ju-Young, PARK Joo-Hyun, KIM Hyun-Hee, RYU Ha-Jung, PARK Chan and LEE Jong-Keuk National Institute of Health

A-30 Functional Studies of SNPs Found in the Genes on IL-4 and IL-13 CHOJungIl1, JANG Hee Kyung, SHIN Hyung Doo2,RHIMTaiYoun,CHUNGIlYup1 and PARK Choon Sik Soonchunhyang University, 1Hanyang University and 2SNP Genetics, Inc.

A-31 Association of the ADAM33 Gene with Asthma in Korean Population LEE Ji-Yeon, LEE June-Hyuk, PARK Sung Woo, JANG An Soo, UH Soo Taek, LIM Tae Yun, HOLGATE Stephean T.1,HOLLOWAYJohnW.1, SHIN Hyoung Doo2 and PARK Choon-Sik1 Soonchunhyang University Hospital, 1Southampton General Hospital and 2SNP Genetics Inc.

A-32 Gene Expression Profiles in Korean Gastric Cancer Cells by cDNA Microarray LEE In Jung, YANG Moon Hee, YOON Kyung Ah1 and PARK Jong Hoon Sookmyung Women's University and 1Daejeon Health Sciences College

19∙ A-33 Monitoring of Genes Known to Control Both Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Progression in PKD2/c-myc Co-overexpressed HEK 293 Cells LEE Tae young, LEE Jung Geon1,AHNCurie2 and PARK Jong Hoon Dep. of Biological Science, Sookmyung Women's University 1Eulji University and 2SeoulNationalUniversity

A-34 Choline Acetyltransferase G+4A Polymorphism Confers a Risk for AD in Concert with APOE 4 KIM Ki-Woong, SUH Young-Ju, PARK Woong-Yang1, JHOO Jin-Hyeong2, LEE Dong-Young3, YOUN Jong-Chul, LEE Kwang-Hyuck1, WOO Jong-Inn and SEO Jeong-Sun 1SeoulNationalUniversity,2Pundang Jesaeng Hospital and 3KyunggiProvincialHospital

A-35 G1444A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of the Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator (PGC-1) in Korean Type II Diabetic Patients SONG Jihyun1, SHIM Gil-Jin1,YANGSong-Ju1, LEE Inkyu2,CHONamhan3, LEE Ki-Up, LEE Hong-Kyu4 and PAK Youngmi Kim Asan Institute for Life Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan 1National Institute of Health, 2Keimyung University, 3Ajou University and 4Seoul National University

A-36 Novel Genetic Polymorphisms in the GSTμ 1 Gene and the Risk of AML LEE Il-Kwon, KIM Hyo Jeong, PARK Kyeong Soo2,KIMHeeNam1,LEEJe-Jung1, CHUNG Ik-Joo1,CHOIChan3 and KIM Hyeoung-Joon Genome Research Center For Hematopoietic Diseases, Chonnam National University Hospital 1Chonnam National University, 2Seonam University and 3Chonnam National University Hospital

A-37 Gene Expression Profiling of Anti-GBM Glomerulonephropathy Model:TheRoleof NFκ B in Immune Complex-mediated Kidney Disease KIM Ju-Han, HA Il Soo, HWANG Chang-Il, LEE Young-Ju, KIM Yonsu, LEE Dong-Sup, KIM Ji-Hoon, YANG Seung-Hee, CAO Yun Anna1,CHOISangdun1 and PARK Woong-Yang Seoul National University and 1California Institute of Technology

A-38 Association between Candidate SNPs of Eotaxin2 Gene and Blood Eotaxin2 Levels in Asthma of Korean Population MIN Ji Won, LEE June-Hyuk, PARK Sung Woo, JANG An Soo, CHUNG Sun Hee, SHIN Hyoung Doo1 and PARK Choon-Sik Soonchunhyang University and 1SNP Genetics, Inc.

A-39 Gastric Cancer Susceptible Genes Revealed by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism- Based Association Study YANG Misuk, JU Hyoungseok, LEE Kyung-A1,KIMJong-Won1 and KANG Changwon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and 1Sungkyunkwan University

September 4-5∙20 A-40 Search for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis KANG Changsoo Paul, LEE Hae Soon1, KANG Changwon and BAE Sang Chul Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and 1Hanyang University

A-41 Neuroprotection Effects and Gene Expression Analysis of Artemisia anomala S. Moore in MCAO and 4-VO Ischemia Model KANG Bong-Joo1, KIM Yun Taik1, MOON Geun-Ah and CHO Dong-wuk Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine and 1Sogang University

A-42 Inhibition Effect by BA during Adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte CHA Min-Ho, KANG Bong-Joo, SIM Woong-Seop1 and YOON Yoo-Sik Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine and Korea University

A-43 Cloning and Characterization of the D-Xylose 5-Phosphate/D-Fructose 5-Phosphate Phosphoketolase Gene (xfp) from Bifidobacterium brave 203 KIM Byung-Jun, KWEON Mee-Hyang, KATAYAMA Takane1, YAMAMOTO Kenjiand SUNG Ha-Chin Korea University and 1Graduate School of Biostudies

A-44 Identification of Genes Involved in the Phototactic Gliding Moltility in the Cyano- bacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Using the Transposon Mutants from the Synechocystis Mutants Culture Collection (SMCC) YOO Yong-Cheol, CHUNG Young-Ho, CHO Mi-Sun, CHOI Jong-Soon, KIM Hyun-Jung, PARK Youn-Il2,LIMYong-Pyo2,CHUNGWon-Il1 and PARK Young Mok Korea Basic Science Institute, 1Korea Advance Institate of Science and 2Chungnam National University

A-45 Draft Genome Sequence of Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396, an Extracellular Polysaccharide-producing, Algicidal Marine Bacterium JEONG Haeyoung, CHOI Sanghaeng1, LEE Hyun Hee, HA Misook, PARK Hong-Seog1, HUR Cheol-Goo1, LEE Yoo Kyung2, OH Tae Kwang, PARK Seung-Hwan and KIM Jihyun F. Laboratory of Microbial Genomics, Division of Genomics and Proteomics, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) 1Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 2Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute

A-46 Genes Required for Pilus-mediated Motility in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803 LEE Jin-Suk, CHOI Jong-Soon, CHUNG Young-Ho, Young MokParkandKIMYoung Hye Korea Basic Science Institute

A-47 Identification and Characterization of Genes Expressed during Rice-Magnaporthe grisea Interactions KIM Soonok and LEE Yong-Hwan SeoulNationalUniversity

21∙ A-48 Large-scale Insertional Mutagenesis of Magnaporthe grisea Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Transformation CHI Myoung-Hwan, PARK Sook-Young, KIM Soonok and LEE Yong-Hwan SeoulNationalUniversity

A-49 Induction of Alanine Aminotransferase Gene in Pepper during the Resistance Response upon TMV and Xanthomonas Infection KIM Ki-Jeong, PARK Chang-Jin, SHIN Yun-Chul, LEE Boo-Ja and PAEK Kyung-Hee Korea University

A-50 Genome Sequence and Analysis of Rice Chromosome 1, 9. HAHN Jang-Ho, LEE Jung-Sook, YOON Ung-Han, LEE Gang-Seob, KIM Yong-Hwan, YUN Doh-Won, YUN Choong-Hyo, LEE Myung-Chul, EUN Moo-Young, and KIM Ho-Il National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology

September 4-5∙22 Poster Session 3

September 4 (Thursday) 15:30˜ 17:00

B-1 Clinical Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Markers in Hepatocellular Carci- nomas KIM Bu-Yeo, LEE Je Geun, PARK Sun-Hoo, HAN Chul Ju, YEOM Young Il1, KIM Sang Soo1,CHUNGSook-Hyang,SUHKyung-Suk2, CHOI Dong-Wook and LEE Kee-Ho Korea Cancer Center Hospital 1Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 2Seoul National University

B-2 Identification of Immunoevasive Genes in Gastric/Liver Cancer and Their Functional Relevance in Tumorigenesis LEE Sunray, PARK Boyoun, SHIN Jinwook, CHO Sunglim, KIM Euijae and AHN Kwangseog Korea University

B-3 Functional Analysis of the Genetic Network of Cancer-Associated Genes by Cell Chip Technology and Its Application to Drug Target Discovery KIM Dong Min, MIN Sang Hyun, JUHN Hai Yong, PARK Mee Hee, LIM Soo Jin, KIM Mira, JANG Yejin, LEE Heon Sik and YEOM Young Il Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

B-4 Development of Transgenic Mice Using the Genes Related with Stomach or Liver Cancer Generation, and Validation of In Vivo Function YU Dae-Yeul Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

B-5 Functional Validation of Target Genes Associated with Stomach Carcinogenesis Based on Epigenetic Modification KIM Jung-Hwan, OH Kyung-Jin, KIM Byung-Ha, KIM Mi-Rang, JANG Hae-Ran, KIM Hee-Jin, NOH Seung-Moo1,CHOJune-Sik1,SONGKyu-Sang1, JUNG Hyun-Yong and KIM Yong Sung Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 1Chungnam National University

B-6 Discovery of Drug Candidates for Gastric and Liver Cancer LEE Tae Gyu CrystalGenomics, Inc.

B-7 Expressional Database of Gastric and Liver Cancers LEEHyeSeung,KIMMinAandKIMWooHo SeoulNationalUniversity

23∙ B-8 Functional Analysis of Liver Cancer Candidate-Genes Associated with HCV in Cell Growth and Death for the Development of Molecular Targets and Resources oftheGeneTherapyofLiverCancer JUNG Cho-Rok, CHOI Seeyoung, CHO Won-Kyung, HWANG Kyungsun, YOO Jin Sang and IM Dong-Soo Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

B-9 Characterization of Hepatocarcinoma-Related Genes in the Hepatocarcinoma Angio- genesis and Their Possible Roles as Therapeutic Targets for the Liver Cancer HONG Soonsun and KIM Kyu-Won SeoulNationalUniversity

B-10 Investigation of Stomach Cancer-Related Theurapeutic Target Genes by Functional Screening Based on Immune Function and Proliferation of Cancer Cells YANG Young, LEE Kee Nyung, LIM Jong Seok, LEE Jung Hyun and CHOI Inpyo Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

B-11 System Development and Service for Functional Study of Gastric and Liver Cancer Related Genes KIM Nam-Soon, KIM Sanggsoo, LEE Hee Gu, KIM Hwan Mook and YOO Hyang-Sook Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

B-12 Structural Proteomics Studies on the Gastric Cancer- and Liver Cancer-Associated Target Proteins EOM Soo-Hyun1,KIMKyeongKyu2 and SUH Se Won Seoul National University, 1Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology and 2Sungkyunkwan University

B-13 인간유전체연구의ELSI 프로젝트 윤정로 한국과학기술원

B-14 Analysis of Cell Proliferation or Apoptotic Function of Liver Stomach Cancer- Associated Genes CHA Man-Young and RYU Wang-Shick Yonsei University

B-15 Search for SNPs and Genes Associated with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility JU Hyoungseok, KANG Changsoo Paul, KIM Young Kyung and KANG Changwon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

B-16 Development of Therapeutic Antibodies Using Expression Profiles of Cancer Genomes KOH Sang Seok LG Life Sciences, Ltd.

September 4-5∙24 B-17 Selection of Apoptosis Regulators and Identification of Novel Death-regulatory Domains from Stomach/Liver Cancer Candidate Genes JANG Moon-Sun, JUNG Yong-Sam, LEE Yun-Suk, MUN Ji-Hyun, KIM Jin Hong, KIM Sang-In and KIM Eunhee PaiChai University

B-18 Development of Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Indexes Using the Hepatoma-related Candidate Genes and Their Products PARK Jeong-Hyang, YOU Kyung-Ran, CHO Baik-Whan, MOON Woo-Sung, KIM Woo-Hyun and KIM Dae-Ghon Chonbuk National University

B-19 Functional Study of Metastasis and Angiogenesis Related Genes Contributing GastricandHepaticCancerUsingAnimalModels NAM Ki-Hoan, KIM Ji Yun, PARK Sung-Kyu, SEO Yun-Jeong, RYU Young-Han, PARK Seung-Phil, KIM Eun-Young, CHOI Jae-Hoon, CHO Sun-Ja, KIM Hye-Jin, KIM Eun-Kyoung, SONG Hye-Gyoung, PARK Jong-Gil and OH Goo-Taeg Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

B-20 Searching for Host Genetic Factors Influencing to the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) by Host Genetic Epidemiology KIM Yoon Jun, YOON Jung Hwan, PARK Do Hwan, KIM Jun Yeon, PARK Byung Lae, SHIN Hyoung Doo1 and LEE Hyo Suk SeoulNationalUniverstyand1SNP Genetics, Inc.

B-21 위암/knockout 간암 관련 유전자의 생쥐모델 제작과 세포주기 및 성장에 대한 기능 분석 공영윤 포항공과대학교 생명과학과

B-22 Investigation of the Function of Genes Related to Stomach and Liver Cancers with siRNA System SONG Min Sup, LEE Ho, CHANG Jin Sook, SONG Su Jeong, LEE Joo Hyun, OH Sang Phil, SEO Soo Youn and LIM Dae Sik Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

B-23 Functional Study of Cell Proliferation and Growth Related Genes Contributing GastricandHepaticCancerUsingAnimalModels LEE Han-Woong Sungkyunkwan University

25∙ B-24 Functional Validation of the Genes Involved in Stomach/liver Cancer and Identification of Drug Targets Using S. pombe Deletion Mutants HOE Kwang-Lae, JANG Young-Joo, CHUNG Kyung-Sook, PARK Jo-Young, CHOI Shin-Jung, KIM Jee-Youn, KIL Young-Sook, AHN Jee-Hee, RYOO Young-Kwon, KIM Sun-Hye, LEE Hyun-Jee, PARK Sun-Yong, KIM Dong-Uk, PARK Han-Oh1 and WON, Misun Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 1Bioneer Corps

B-25 위암관련 후보 유전자의 임상적 검증을 통한 진단/ 예후지표 및 활용기술 개발 유항종,, 서병조 김진복 인제대학교 서울백병원 한국위암센터

September 4-5∙26 Poster Session 4

September 5 (Friday) 11:00˜ 13:00

A-51 APlantType IIIA-Zinc-Finger Protein, Ca1244, Functions in Defense against Pathogen Attack OH Sang-Keun, PARK Jeong Mee, JUNG Young-Hee, LEE Sanghyeob, KIM Soo-Yong, CHUNG Eunsook, YI So-Young, CHUNG Eunjoo, YU Seung Hun1 and CHOI Doil Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 1Chungnam National Univ.

A-52 Cloning and Characterization of Pathogen-Inducible EREBP-like Transcription Factor (CaPF1) from Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) YI So Young, KIM Jee-Hyub1,YUSeung-Hun2 and CHOI Doil Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and1Chungnam National Univ

A-53 Over-expression of Hot Pepper CaCDPK3 (Capsicum annuum calcium dependent protein kinase) in Arabidopsis thaliana Results in Constitutive Expression of Dehydration- and Cold-Responsive Genes CHUNG Eunsook, YI So-Young, OH Sang Keun, JUNG Younghee, PARK Jeong Mee and CHOI Doil Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology

A-54 DNA Gyrase Plays a Role in DNA Metabolism in Chloroplasts and Mitochondria of Higher Plants CHO Hye Sun, LEE Sang Sook, KIM Kwang Dong, KIM Soo Jin1,HWNAGInhwan1, LIMJong-Seok,PARKYoun-Il2 and PAI Hyun-Sook Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and 1Chungnam National Univ

A-55 Suppression of Mitochondria-Associated Hexokinase Activates Programmed Cell Death Program in Plants KIM Moonil and PAI Hyun-Sook Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-56 Pepper Molecular LinkageMap LEE Je Min, YI Gibum and KIM Byung-Dong SeoulNationalUniversity

A-57 QTL Mapping of Systemic Resistance of TMV Movement in Hot Pepper BEAK Jeong Hun, HAN Jung-Heon1,KIMJongHo1,LEEHeungRyu1,MINWoongki1 and KIM Byung-Dong SeoulNationalUniversity

27∙ A-58 Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Lycopersicon esculentum with Two Pathogen-induced Hot Pepper Transcription Factors SEONG Eun Soo, OH Sang-Keun, JEONG Young Hee, PARK Jeong Mee, CHUNG Eunsook and CHOI Doil Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-59 Platform of Hot Pepper Stress Genomics: Identification of Stress Inducible Genes in Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Using cDNA Microarray Analysis LEE Sanghyeob, CHOI Doil and CHUNG Eun-Joo Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-60 Hot Pepper Functional Genomics : Monitoring of Global Gene Expression Profiles During Non-Host Resistance Reactions in Hot Pepper Plant (Capsicum annuum). LEE Sanghyeob, CHUNG Eun-Joo and CHOI Doil Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-61 Leucine-rich Repeat-mediated Inter/intramolecular Interactions between HRT and RPP8 in Turnip Crinkle Virus Recognition and Cell Death Signaling KIM Young-Cheol, KIM Soo-Yong, CHOI Doil and PARK Jeong Mee Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-62 Mapping of Pepper Mottle Virus Resistance in Capsicum annuum by AFLP LEE Heung-Ryul, MIN Woong-Ki, KIM Hyun-Jung, HAN Jung-Heon1 and KIM Byung- Dong SeoulNationalUniversity

A-63 Identification of Genes Involved in Non-Host Resistance in Hot Pepper Plants KIM Young-Cheol, KIM Soo-Yong, PARK Jeong Mee, CHUNG Eunjoo, LEE Sanghyeob, PAEK Kyung-Hee1 and CHOI Doil Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and Korea University

A-64 Discovery of Genes for Ginsenoside Biosynthesis by Analysis of Ginseng ESTs JUNG JongDuk, PARK Hyun-Woo, IN Dong Su, CHUNG Hwa-Jee1,LIUJangRyol1 and CHOI Dong-Woog Eugentech Inc. and 1Korea Research Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnology

A-65 Phytocalpain Controls the Differentiation Fates of Cells in Plant Organ Development AHN Joon-Woo, KIM Moonil, KIM Gyung-Tae1 and PAI Hyun-Sook Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology and Dong-A University

A-66 Arabidopsis Functional Genomics Using Activation Tagging Mutagenesis LEE Ilha and HYUN You-Bong SeoulNationalUniversity

September 4-5∙28 A-67 Characterization of Plant Proteins ThatInteractwithCucumberMosaicVirus 1a Proein (strain Kor) KIM Min Jung, HAM Byung-Kook, LEE In-Ju, KIM Hwa Ran and PAEK Kyung-Hee Korea University

A-68 Common Genetic Polymorphisms in the Promoter of Resistin Gene are Major Determinants of Plasma Resistin Concentrations in Human CHO Young Min, KIM Jae Hyun, PARK Chul Ku, KANG Joon Gu, YOUN Byung-Soo2, KIM Ki Woo1, CHUNG Sung Soo1,SHINHyoungDoo3, LEE Hong KyuandPARKKyong Soo SeoulNationalUniversity,KoreaUniversity and SNP Genetics, Inc.

A-69 Dexamethasone Suppresses the Expansion and Differentiation of Transplanted Porcine Neonatal Pancreas Cell Clusters (NPCCs) in Normal Nude Mice HWANG S.H., JEON S.Y., SUH S.H., YANG J.H., KWON H.S., SON H.Y., PARK J.K.1, PARK K.S.2 and YOON K.H. The Catholic University of Korea and Seoul National University

A-70 Differentially Expressed Gene Profiles Induced by Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in Monolayer Cultured Human Pancreatic Duct Cells Using cDNA Microarray HWANG Sung Ha, SUH Sun Hee, KWON Hyuk Sang, CHA Bong Yun, SON Ho Young, PARK Kyung Soo1 and YOON Kun Ho The Catholic University of Korea and Seoul National University

A-71 Gene Expression Analysis of CD61+Cells Derived from Human Umblical Cord Blood CD34+Cells, Using Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) and Oligonucleotide Microarray JUNG In-Hye, LEE Eun-Joo, KIM Jeong-Ah and KIM Hyung-Lae Ewha Womans University

A-72 Association of the Mitochondrial DNA 16189T>C Polymorphism and Type2Diabetes May Vary according to the Mitochondrial Haplogroups KIM Jae Hyeon, CHO Young Min, KIM Min1, KANG Joon Gu, PARK Chul Ku, JANG Hak Cheol, KIM Seong Yeon, LEE Hong Kyu and PARK Kyong Soo SeoulNationalUniversity

A-73 HighThroughput Recombinant Protein Production Based on E. coli and Baculovirus Expression System YI Yong-Weon, KIM Do-Hui, LEE Boonyoung, SON Hosun, KIM Goheung, KIM Min Sung, SEEN Dong Seung and JUNG Neon Cheol SeoulNationalUniversity

29∙ A-74 Deletion and Physical Map in 16q 23.3-24.1 RegionofKoreanHCC CHUNG Jiyeol, SHIM Myoung Sup, CHOI Dong Wook1, KANG Hyen Sam, KIM Chang Min2,KIMUngJin2, Park Sun Hwa3,KIMHyeon3 and LEE Byeong Jae SeoulNationalUniversity,KoreaCancerCenterHospital,2CaliforniaInst.Tech.,USA and 3Korea University.

A-75 Expression of Stomach/ Liver Cancer Target Proteins by Cisperone Technology CHOI Seongil, RYU Kisun, YANG Seungwon and SEONG Baik Lin Yonsei University

A-76 Molecular Variations in the Promoter and Coding Regions of Human Tim-1 Gene and Their Associations with Allergic Disease CHAE Soo-Cheon, SONG Ju-Hee, HEO Jin-Chul, LEE Yong-Chul1,KIMJin-Wou2 and CHUNG Hun-Taeg Wonkwang University, 1Chonbuk National University and The Catholic University of Korea

A-77 Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Eotaxin Gene Family and Their Association with Asthma, IgE and Eosinophil CHAE Soo-Cheon, LEE Yong-Chul1, PARK Young-Ran, SHIN Jung-Sup, SONG Ju-Hee and CHUNG Hun-Taeg Wonkwang University and Chonbuk National University

A-78 Novel Mutations in the IRF6 Gene for Van der Woude Syndrome PARK Jung-Young, LEE Soo-Yeun, YOO Han-Wook1 and KIM Youngho Genome Research Center for Birth Defects & Genetic Disorders University of Ulsan

A-79 New Finding of Hybrid Human Endogenous Retroviral HERV-9/IP10FH Elements and Reexamination of Hybrid HERV-H/E Elements HUH Jae-Won, KIM Tae-Hyung1,KIMDae-Su1, YI Joo-Mi, LEE Won-Ho and KIM Heui-Soo Pusan National University

A-80 System Development and Service for Functional Study KIM Nam-Soon, KIM Sanggsoo, LEE Hee Gu, KIM Hwan Mo and YOO Hyang-Sook Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology

A-81 Nrg1 and Sfl1 Are Transcriptional Repressors for Glucose Repression of STA1 Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus KIM Tae Soo and KANG Hyen Sam SeoulNationalUniversity

September 4-5∙30 A-82 ANovelPolymorphism within the Regulatory Region of Growth Hormone Gene and Its Effect on Growth Traits in Korean Native Cattle (Hanwoo) KIM Nam Kuk, JOH Joong Ho, CHU KyoSun, PARK Hye Ran and LEE Chang Soo Konkuk University

A-83 Comparative Analysis and Preliminary Characterization of Sporulation Genes in Paenibacillus polymyxa E681 KIM Seong-Bin, HA Misook, PARK Soo-Young, KIM Jihyun F., CHOI Soo-Keun and PARK Seung-Hwan Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
