the Dubliner winter 2007 Dublin School Class of 2006

ROW 1 HONORS Amy Marie DiBecelle, Fairfield, CT (Southern Connecticut Univ.) Seong-Ho Hong, Dana Sloane Watters, Lisa Connell Cameron, Dana Sloane Watters, Bedford, MA (American University) Kayla Ashley Bullock, Alison Marie St. George, Elaine Kathryn Frenette, Marta Otoño Stockwell, Hye Jung Eun, Kayla Ashley Bullock, Rindge, NH (Ithaca College) Genesis Iman Mullins, Craig Stephen Ledoux Hyun Kyung Park, Korea (Pratt Institute) ROW 2 Seong-Ho Hong, Seoul, Korea (Johns Hopkins University) Erin Marie Coneys, Rindge, NH (University of New Hampshire) Alexander Kim, Seoul, Korea (Pennsylvania State University) Elaine Kathryn Frenette, Lancaster, NH (Colorado College) Cylvie Cyuzuzo, Republic of Rwanda, (Plattsburgh State University) Katherine Sarah Nagler, Santa Monica, CA (Curry College) Ashley Michelle Farrell, Brooklyn, NY (Vassar College) Jordan Lindsay Brown, Norfolk, MA (Rider University) ROW 4 Meredith Abigale Park, Wilmette, IL (Plymouth State University) Chase James Ve t t e s e , Pasadena, CA (Curry College) Marta Otoño Stockwell, Keene, NH (Alfred University) Spencer Claydon Ve r n ey , Hancock, NH (Eckerd College) Lisa Connell Cameron, Brattleboro, V T (St. Lawrence University) Michael Cosgrove Gorman, Hubbard Woods, IL Jessica Lunken Hopple, Cincinnati, OH (Massachusetts College of Art) (Illinois Wesleyan University) Hye Jung Eun, Kyungkido, Korea (Emerson College) Coleman North Davis, Dublin, NH (Sacred Heart University) Kaitlin Rowen Beals, Savannah, GA (Mount Holyoke College) Robin James Leask, Mason, NH (University of New Hampshire) Alison Marie St.George, Peterborough, NH (Wheaton College) Theodore Aaron David Ginsburg, Greenwich, NY Joo Hyun Lee, Seoul, Korea (Carnegie Mellon University) (University of Vermont) ROW 3 Hoin Hwang, Sungnam, Korea (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Emily Sarah Heyland, Greenwich, CT (Rider University) Khamal Dwight Edwards, Va l l ey Stream, NY (Hunter College CUNY) Julia Kate Robinson, Davis, CA (University of Mary Washington) Colby Dall Sabutis, Chester, NH (Colby-Sawyer College) Andrew Ingraham Lord, Amherst, MA (Univ. of New Hampshire) Samuel Lord Pratt, Boston, MA (New England College) Craig Stephen Ledoux, Keene, NH (Saint Michael’s College) Eric Matthew Edgerton, Stuart, FL (University of Vermont) Max Bennett Blumenfeld, New Yo r k City, NY (Curry College) Finnegan B. Hewitt, Nelson, NH (Hartwick College) Daniel Ryan Kaufler, Miami, FL (Lynn University) Genesis Iman Mullins, New Haven, CT (Smith College) Dublin School Board of Trustees 2006-2007

President, Nicholas S. Thacher Dedham MA Vice President, Paul S. Horovitz P’92, St. Thomas USVI the Dubliner Treasurer, David E. Howe H’95 winter 2007 Marlborough NH Secretary, Jason D. Potts ’96, Boston MA 2 A Note from the Headmaster Ann Bullock P’04, ’06, ’08 (ex-officio) Rindge NH 3 Dublin School 2006 Academic Awards Patricia A. Fletcher H’05, Worcester MA 4 Commencement 2006 George B. Foote, Carlisle MA 5 Admission Report, Spring 2007 Richard C. Harding ’66, Portsmouth NH 6 Introducing New Dublin School Faculty and Administration Peter Imhoff, Dublin NH 8 The Perkin Fund Grant Carleton R. Ladd ’60, P’87, ’88 Boston MA 10 Celebrating Generosity–– Mary Ledoux P’06, Keene NH Dublin School Annual Report of Giving Betsy Lindfors, Peterborough NH 17 Dublin Birthday Book Program John E. Mattson ’71, Carlisle MA 18 Alumni Weekend, May 4-6, 2007 Michael J. Mullins ’93, Braintree MA 19 Class Notes Nancy O’Neill P’07, (ex-officio) Harrisville NH The Dubliner is published by Michael D. Redmond P’03, Jaffrey NH Dublin School L. Phillips Runyon III P’88, ’92 PO Box 522 Peterborough NH 18 Lehmann Way Brett Smith ’88, New Yo r k NY Dublin, New Hampshire 03444 Jason E. Smith ’92 (ex-officio) 603-563-8584 Providence RI Sharron H. Smith P’92, Hinsdale NH Editor: Donna Stone, Development & Alumni Office William C. Spencer ’86 Fort Lauderdale FL Copy Editor: Dorine Ryner A.B. Whitfield, Brooklyn NY Design & Production: Baker Salmon Design Photography: Brian Bouton, Richard Gaskell, Scott Olsen ’07, Anne Mackey, and Donna Stone Life Trustees Printing: Sim’s Press Louisa Birch ’57, Weston MA Carlos E. Bosch ’46, P’78, ’79, ’83 If you note any errors or inconsistencies in this report, please write to Richard K Fox, Director Hamilton Bermuda of Development and Alumni Affairs, Dublin School, P.O. Box 522, Dublin, NH 03444. Judith Hoyt Goddard, Chatham MA This report may be reproduced in whole or in part only with the written permission of the Margaret A. Johnson, Hanover NH Trustees of Dublin School. ©2007 Trustees of Dublin School. H. Gilman Nichols ’46, Brunswick ME Edward F. Whitney, Dublin NH

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 1 A Note from the Headmaster

reetings! Dublin School is a special place. Each year I find myself inspired by the level of Gcommitment our faculty and staff demonstrate each day through their unstinting efforts with our students. Whether it is in the classroom, on the athletic fields or on the stage, our students are the direct beneficiaries of an immensely talented and equally dedicated group of teachers who challenge them intellectually while supporting their needs in and out of the classroom.

The generosity exhibited by the members an invitation to be involved in the life of the of our Dublin School family also inspires me. School. On behalf of the trustees, faculty, staff, As you read your Dubliner, I hope you too feel and students, we welcome your participation. a sense of pride in what has been accomplished With my thanks and appreciation for all that by the remarkable gifts of alumni, parents, you are doing to help us, and best wishes, trustees, faculty, staff, and friends of Dublin School. Their generous, ongoing support helps to make our many successes possible. Enjoy this winter edition of The Dubliner. Christopher R. Horgan It is meant to inform you as well as to offer Headmaster Dublin School 2006 Academic Awards

I SCOTT C. O’NEIL AWARD Jesse Germain ’07, Bedford, NH This award is given in memory of Scott O’Neil, who died in a motorcycle accident after his junior year, to that member of the junior class who, in the opinion of the faculty, best exemplifies the spirit of Dublin School.

I PAUL W. LEHMANN AWARD Seong-Ho Hong ’06, Seoul City, Korea (Pictured right) This award is named after Dublin’s founding headmaster and is given by the faculty to that member of the graduating class who best exem- plifies sturdiness of character, academic vigor, and I DARTMOUTH ALUMNI CLUB excellence of influence in all areas of school life. BOOK AWARD I WELLESLEY BOOK AWARD Emily Merrifield ’08, Nelson, NH Vanessa Martinez ’07, Bronx, NY (Pictured lower left) This award is given to that woman who, in the This award is given to a sophomore who excels opinion of the faculty, is Dublin’s strongest female in English and is involved in extra–curricular member of the junior class, a young woman activities. The book is given by the Dartmouth who has made an outstanding contribution to Alumni. her school in terms of leadership, citizenship and I H. WILLIAM EVANS COMMUNITY scholastic achievement. SERVICE AWARD Scott Olsen ’07, Marlborough, NH The faculty determines this award. The criteria include a demonstrated strong sense of commit- ment to community service and the potential to become a leader in the Dublin School community

I H. WILLIAM EVANS FACULTY AWARD Michelle Knapp, Dublin, NH The recipient of the faculty Achievement Award is determined by the Headmaster based on the accomplishments of the teacher or staff member who, in the opinion of the Headmaster, deserves the honor. Criteria for the award normally include effort and achievement beyond the call of duty.

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 3 Commencement

2006eadmaster Christopher Horgan welcomed everyone to Dublin School’s 70th Commencement. He acknowl- Hedged the accomplishments, struggles and growth of the Class of 2006. Noting that their thoughts may already be turning to the summer months and beyond, he urged them for just awhile to focus on that day and that moment. And as last words of advice he exhorted them to “read…develop good health habits…strive to be around people who respect, challenge, and love you…and to separate the truth from an almost incalculable number of sources of bad information.” In concluding, he honored the Class of 2006 by reading an excerpt from Emerson’s Monadnock. Arts Department Chair Jan Haman was selected by the Class of 2006 to give the Goodbye to Seniors. Not surprising for those who know Jan, she focused on passion, caring, laughing, and having opinions. She spoke of the uniqueness of Dublin School, sharing many special memories of the Class of 2006 and concluded by telling the graduates “you can make the difference…do your best…care about your communities; care about others’ children. Do it for yourselves, your own kids, your country.” Genesis Mullins thanked the School community for the support and friendship that it always provided. She thanked her classmates for their “individualities and differences that allowed me to open my eyes to different ideas and objective ways to thinking.” She also thanked her teachers for “their unconditional efforts to teach and evoke a fire in me to want to learn more.”

Lisa Cameron urged her classmates to “use truth to develop your identity in the bigger world” and to “have courage to face the opportunities and challenges that may arise.” She asked the Class of 2006 to “leave Dublin knowing this phase in your life is over, but another is about to start…look back on this experience and treasure it…remember who you were when you came here, and see who you are now, as you leave.”

4 • Dublin School Spring ’07 Admission Report by Sheila Bogan, Admission Director he Admissions office has been extremely busy this past year! We produced a recruitment DVD that has been given to prospective students, educational Tconsultants and placement directors at schools across the country. We worked closely with a company out of Boston, Fields of Vision, to film and produce this project. By all accounts, everyone is extremely pleased with the results and the consensus is that it accurately depicts “The Dublin Difference”.

The international enrollment market is very strong While in China, we were hosted by an educa- in the boarding school world today, and Dublin has tional consultant who is looking to expand Dublin the opportunity to develop unique connections in School’s relationship with Chinese schools through some countries for which we have not previously student and teacher exchange programs. On enrolled students. Most international students that February 1st, our Chinese consultant arranged for we have contact with come through educational 18 students and two teachers from the Experimental consultants. Therefore, in my two years here, I have High School attached to Beijing Normal University concentrated a lot of my efforts on developing good to spend the day at Dublin School. We were treated relationships with these consultants. This strategy to performances by some of their students and an seems to be paying off because this year we have interactive question and answer session about various students from eight countries, including Korea, aspects of Chinese and American culture. The admis- Mexico, Chile and China. These developments have sions office interviewed six prospective students for prompted additional international travel for both the next year while they were on campus. Headmaster, Chris Horgan, and me. This is an exciting time at Dublin School with While in Korea, we met with many of our current new ideas, new faces and new energy! There is a students’ parents to show our appreciation and to strong commitment from the Admissions office to answer any of their concerns. Currently, Korea seems keep Dublin School competitive among our peer to have the largest number of students studying at boarding schools. We are excited about what the boarding schools in the US. American boarding future holds! schools have been getting very large numbers of Korean applications. I believe visiting with these parents has helped us to understand more of the culture and the issues facing Korean families. While in Tokyo the Headmaster and I met with educa- tional consultants to try and revive a Japanese market that has dwindled over the years, mainly because of the economic struggles they have faced. Chris and I are also making a trip to Chile this spring with a current student from Santiago. Benjamin, a sophomore, loves his experience at Dublin and wants to help us recruit other Chilean students so they can experience the same level of independence, academic stimulation and excitement that a school Christopher R. Horgan and Director of Admission like Dublin can provide. Sheila Bogan, at the Great Wall in China

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 5 Introducing New Dublin School Faculty

Oregon where he received a BA in political science, Brian Bouton to Los Olivos, California where he worked at When it comes to a Midland School, and now to Dublin School as the question about U.S. History, assistant director of admission, Nick Christianson Brian Bouton is sure to has covered a lot of ground. Happy to be a part know the answer. A native of Dublin, Nick is looking forward to living in a Floridian, Brian attended New England setting and interacting with students, the University of Maryland’s something he will have the opportunity to do Japanese campus where he through the admission process as well as his role of majored in Asian History. Some of his interests dorm parent and lacrosse coach. This is important, he include photography, foreign affairs and traveling, believes, because good faculty-student relations build which he has done extensively. California, Japan, a tight-knit community and are an essential part of a Alaska and Texas are some of the places where he school. Fortunately for the Dublin community, Nick has spent time. Now at Dublin, where he and his has a good feeling about how things work here. wife Erin chose to come largely because of the location and special feeling that he got from no other school, Brian is looking forward to doing Jessica Lapham many new things, including teaching, coaching and being a dorm parent–all in a day’s work. His Harrison largest goal at the moment is to successfully incor- Helping with the school play, porate the Harkness method of teaching, which is organizing the Dubliners, focused around a student-centered discussion, into and teaching various music the Dublin School curriculum. classes are some of the things that Jessica Laphman Harrison will find herself doing now that she is here at Dublin School as the Music Erin Bouton Director. Living most recently in Hillsborough, New Living outside of Florida Hampshire where she taught music in the public for the first time in her school for seven years, Jessica now resides on campus life, Erin Bouton, joins with her husband Jeff, the network administrator, the Dublin faculty as a and children, Reilly 5, Liam 3 ½ and McKenzie 2. tutor in the Learning Skills Having attended Plymouth State University where Department and a coach on she obtained a BS in music education, Jessica is the tennis courts. After graduating from Florida now looking to spread her love of music through State University at Tallahassee and teaching history the Dublin School community. Helping the music at a public high school, Erin decided it was time department grow and introducing new aspects for a change. On top of her tutoring and coaching of music to students are two of her current goals. responsibilities, she is really looking forward to the Besides music, Jessica also enjoys cooking, and other unique aspects of life at Dublin School, such spreads her passion through her association with The as the Winterfest and Mayfair celebrations. And Pampered Chef as a consultant. above all else, she promises to bring much enthusi- asm of being in a new place. Bill Horton Joining the Learning Skills Nicholas Department as a tutor this year, Bill Horton brings a Christianson rich background of teaching From Anchorage, Alaska experience. After attending where he grew up, to Berea College in Kentucky Willamette University in as an undergraduate, he then went on to Ya l e

6 • Dublin School and Administration by Scott Olsen ’07

University’s Divinity school where he received a college through the student activities program. master of divinity degree followed by a PhD in Now at Dublin, she looks forward to being part sociology from the University of Kentucky. Now, of a boarding school, playing the roles of advisor, after teaching at the college level for nearly twenty dorm parent and coach in addition to teaching, years, Bill steps into the smaller learning atmo- while pursuing specific areas of math through her sphere of Dublin School. He finds working with teaching. Also, her return to New England will young people “fascinating” and he loves to help enable the growth of interests such as biking, while them learn new things. Most importantly, though, also making it easier to see her family, with whom Bill wants his students to look at themselves in a she is very close. new way in order to pull out their most signifi- cant individual values. This, he believes, is very important at a high school level. Rovena Robinson Emily Leary Returning to Dublin School, this time as the director of Coming most recently the Learning Skills program, from six years of teaching at Rovena Robinson brings Colorado Academy in Denver, a wealth of knowledge and experience in both Emily Leary joins the Dublin guidance and counseling. Originally from upstate team as a member of the New Yo r k , she went on to seek a BA in history history department. Currently from the University of New Hampshire and a she teaches Ancient Worlds and Modern European Masters in guidance and counseling from Antioch History while also coaching intramural sports and New England Graduate School. This education was serving as a Wing and Hollow dorm parent. This then followed by twenty-three years of experience coming spring, coaching girls’ lacrosse is at the leading up to 2006. After six years of retirement that top of her list. Originally from New Yo r k , Emily she called “boring,” Rovena is enjoying being back received a BA in social studies from Ithaca College at Dublin and is looking forward to having a more and then went on to achieve her masters in history academic involvement with the school and students. from the University of Montana. Following this, she taught in places such as Las Ve g a s , Nevada and even Tajkistan. Now that she has found the close- Hong “Jung” knit community by a lake, Dublin, that she has been looking for, she is excited about the variety Yu n ’ 0 2 of outdoor activities provided in the area and Once again, Jung Yu n sharing them with Dublin students. returns to Dublin School, but this time as a teacher of psychology and photography, Kate Robbins coach, and dorm parent in Coming from a public high Wing and Hollow. Originally from , school in Pennsylvania where Jung came to the States to attend Dublin School she helped struggling students and continued her stay here by attending Boston make it to graduation, Kate University where she earned a BA in psychol- Robbins is now ensuring ogy. When the opportunity to return to Dublin Dublin graduates a brighter appeared, she couldn’t pass it up, saying it was like future through her teaching of Algebra II and “coming back home.” In her new role, Jung will Statistics. Originally from Wester n Massachusetts, work with many international students while Kate went on to Lafayette College where she pursuing interests such as landscape photography, majored in mathematics while contributing to snowboarding and travel.

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 7 The Perkin Fund Grant To Improve the Teaching of Science t is a great pleasure to share very good news about the teaching of science at the School. Earlier this fall, two of our science faculty, Carl Von Mertens Iand Erika Rogers submitted a proposal to The Perkin Fund to improve the teaching of science. In November we received the good news from the Fund of an $80,000 grant.

Although Dublin School has tried to keep and teachers have their own laptop computers. up with current trends in science education, However, the logistics required to set up the system the rapid advances in technology have made for a short presentation make it very impractical. it difficult for the School to meet national By having a permanently set up projector in each standards in science education. In the past of the three classrooms, teachers can make a quick two decades, discoveries in DNA analysis, cell PowerPoint presentation on a particular subject, biology, and microbiology have made most they can show short clips of certain DVDs, they school laboratories obsolete. Advances in can run demonstrations of lab experiments that available software for Chemistry and Physics might be too difficult for our equipment, etc. The have made classroom computers, data probes, point is that this technology must be readily acces- and projection screens a virtual necessity. Our sible and convenient to use. science faculty has often felt that they must “make do,” however creatively, when designing and implementing classes and labs. Our 2. Classroom Renovations students deserve better and now they will be The School has had plans to convert one of the getting it. squash courts into two levels. The lower-level will be used for practice rooms for the music depart- These critically needed funds will be used to ment and band, and the upper-level adjacent to the supply our teachers and our students with the existing “lower” science room will be enlarged. The tools they require to study science and to rein- present room is 16 x 32 feet. By adding the addi- vigorate the “science culture” of our School. tional space in the squash courts, the space could Here is a summary of what we will be able to almost be doubled. This will allow for a sink with do thanks to this magnificent grant: running water and extra tables to conduct labora- tory experiments. The main cost for this project 1. Technology will be cutting through the concrete walls that Our most significant need in the science separate the space. The School has some source of department is a system of computer projec- funding for the lower music spaces but this grant tors. The department has one projector will allow us to connect the upper spaces. The work will be constructed by our in-house staff.

8 • Dublin School 3. Weather Station 6. Utilizing Outdoors Weather bug is a national weather reporting The School currently owns 348 acres which system that is run by CBS. We want to make contain a variety of natural habitats. To better students more aware of the environment in which utilize these amazing resources, we will create they live. Because of its elevation of 1439 feet and 2-3 outdoor classrooms within walking distance its proximity to Mount Monadnock, our School of the School, so teachers could easily teach a experiences some severe weather! This system class outdoors during a normal teaching period. allows continuous weather read outs that can be We will also build a sampling dock at our pond, displayed in the lobby of our science building. and significantly increase our water and soil collecting and testing equipment. 4. Renewable Energy In conjunction with our School’s mission to 7. Campus-Wide encourage sustainable living, the science depart- Science Awareness ment will like to take the lead in educating our To improve the general scientific awareness of the community about the benefits of renewable entire Dublin community, a viewing window for energy. Solar panels and wind turbines on campus our existing saltwater aquarium, an aquaculture will allow us to investigate real life applications of system, telescope and seismograph are needed. All renewable energy. While these resources will be of this equipment will be directly utilized in our of no significant benefit to our School’s energy existing science elective courses of Marine Science, needs, we will create data links to each energy Environmental Science, General Astronomy and source to get real-time data of how much “Our Angry Earth.” energy is produced in a given day. These read-outs will be displayed with our weather Because of this generous grant, Dublin School will data in the science lobby. no longer be using substandard equipment that can lead students to devalue the learning and to invest less effort in their work. Because we will 5. Upgrading Lab be educating our students in much better facili- Equipment ties, they in turn will be much more likely to This grant will also allow us to purchase consider biotechnology, chemistry, engineering and equipment that will expand our capability of computer sciences as major fields of study. They conducting certain laboratory experiments. This will truly benefit from working in an atmosphere is especially true for our AP biology course that that encourages seriousness of purpose. presently cannot complete all the requirements We want to close with special thanks to John of that course. Specifically, we need a centrifuge, M. Gray ’88, a trustee of The Perkin Fund, who incubator, spectrometer and additional DNA encouraged our proposal and provided valuable testing equipment. counsel.

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 9 Celebrating Generosity

FOUNDER’S SOCIETY Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Redmond, Mr. A. B. Whitfield & Janie Whitney $5,000 or more P ’03, ’08 George E. Withington ’56 Anonymous (3) The Honorable & Mrs. L. Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Yo n g Seok Yo o, P ’07 Ms. Cecily Bastedo Runyon III, P ’88, ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Smith, P ’92 Edward E. Ford Foundation PUMPELLY RIDGE Miss Patricia Fletcher, H ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wils, P ’07 $500 - $999 Mr. & Mrs. George B. Foote, Jr. Jonathan S. Avery ’67 David G. Fountain ’73 MONADNOCK SUMMIT Mr. & Mrs. Delcie D. Bean, P ’82, ’83 $1,000 - $2,499 Edward F. Glassmeyer ’59 Gregory J. Blaine ’77 Mrs. Helen Bastedo Judith Hoyt Goddard Benjamin S. Blanchard, Jr. ’47 Louisa Lehmann Birch ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Horovitz, P ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Blumenfeld, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Blicker, P ’82, ’84, ’97 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Howe, H ’95 Mary L. Brown ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield, P ’89 Mr. Stephen N. Hurley, P ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H Close ’54, P ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coneys, P ’06, ’09 Mr. Carleton Ladd ’60, P ’88, ’87 James H. Cole ’66 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Eustis, P ’89 Michael J. Mullins ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coreth, P ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Heyland, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Nagler, P ’06 R. William Cornell, Jr. ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Imhoff Ronald P. Pertnoy ’72, P ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Holbrook R. Davis, Kim Kruger Kaminkow ’76 Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program GP ’03, ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Seung Min Kim, P ’07 William C. Spencer ’86 Mr. Fred Eaton Stuart Laughlin, Jr. ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Geoffrey Ve r n ey, P ’06 Ms. Brenda Evans, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levesque Mrs. Susan von Stade, P ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Jerry Farnsworth Michael R. Light ’81 Mr. Edward Whitney Philip D. Golinsky ’87 Stewart S. Macsherry ’62 Yawkey Foundation Nancy Lehmann Haynes ’55 Dr. & Mrs. James J Mongan, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Higgins, P ’07 H. Gilman Nichols, Jr. ’46, P ’71 HEADMASTER’S SOCIETY Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hopple III, P ’06 $2,500 - $4,999 Josh R. Pertnoy ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Horgan, Nathaniel B. Bates ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Robinson, P ’06 P ’01, ’03, ’09 Henry S. Grew ’54 Thomas P. Rockwell ’37 Ms. Margaret Johnson John T. Griffin ’46 Mrs. Gertrude Shelley, P ’68 Mr. & Mrs. James W. MacAllen, P ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Dong-Pyo Hong, P ’06 Richard D. Simmons ’50 Charles J. Moizeau ’50 Houghton Mifflin Company John A. Steffian ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parry, P ’01 Dr. & Mrs. Byoung Kil Hwang, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Stockwell, P ’06 Myles G. Pelletier Jason Potts ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Thacher Dr. & Mrs. Walter Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pratt, Jr., P ’06 Union Pacific Railroad Lt. Col. Olney B. Richard, Sr.

10 • Dublin School Dublin School Annual Report of Giving July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006

Frederick A. Schauffler ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lindfors The Honorable & Mrs. L. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. G. Peter Shiras ’44 Mr. & Mrs. John Marquis Runyon III, P ’88, ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Shonk Frederick L. Pease ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Smith, P ’92 Brett S. Smith ’88 Mrs. Ruth Pease, P ’57, ’58 Jason E. Smith ’92 Richard R. Stebbins, Jr. ’55 Peter K. Read ’60 William C. Spencer ’86 Robert M. Sturgis ’57 E Alexander Rubel ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Thacher Jason E. Smith ’92 Mr. A.B. Whitfield & Janie Whitney EAGLE ROCK Mr. & Mrs. Walter Snitko $200 - $499 Alexander T. Sprague ’87 Cathy Solomon Barrow ’74 State of Israel LIFE TRUSTEES William M. Bartlett ’48 Peter Steffian ’54, P ’82 Louisa Lehmann Birch ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Braley, P ’87 David P. Stewart ’65 Judith Hoyt Goddard Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Brown Jr., P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sullivan, P ’70 Ms. Margaret Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brown Mr. Jonathan Weis & Ms. Kristine H. Gilman Nichols, Jr. ’46, P ’71 Peter L. Clark ’56 Finnegan, P ’06 Mr. Edward Whitney Mr. & Mrs. John S. Clarkeson John W. Wilkinson ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Cook, GP ’98, ’03 Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Winchester Mr. Hartley D. Cravens, P ’83 Dora P. Currea ’73 TRUSTEES Mr. Jorge Cutillas ’76 Miss Patricia Fletcher, H ’05 Mr. Richard Eustis ’89 Mr. & Mrs. George B. Foote, Jr. H. Kimball Faulkner ’48 Richard C. Harding, Jr. ’66 Mr. Daniel Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Mr. Benson Ginsburg, P ’06 Horgan, P ’01, ’03, ’09 Ms. Jan Haman, P’82, ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Horovitz, P ’92 Richard C. Harding, Jr. ’66 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Howe, H ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Hart, P ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Imhoff Mr. Robert Haslun Mr. Carleton Ladd ’60, P ’87, ’88 Edward Z. Hawkes II ’51 Ms. Mary Ledoux, P ’06 Thomas R. Jackson ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lindfors Mr. & Mrs. Junior Michael Jones, P ’09 Michael J. Mullins ’93 Joseph J. Joslin ’54 Jason Potts ’96 G. Bourne Knowles III ’55, P ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Redmond, P ’03, ’08 Ms. Mary Ledoux, P’06

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 11 Dublin School Annual Report of Giving July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006

CURRENT PARENTS AND Mr. & Mrs. Dong-Pyo Hong, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Stockwell, P ’06 GRANDPARENTS Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hopple III, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Geoffrey Ve r n ey, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Blumenfeld, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Horgan, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Brown Jr., P ’06 P ’01, ’03, ’09 Mr. Jonathan Weis & Ms. Kristine Ms. Laura P. Butler, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hungerford, Finnegan, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coneys, P ’06, ’09 P ’00, ’05, ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wils, P ’07 Mr. Caleb N. Davis, P ’03, ’06 Mr. Stephen N. Hurley, P ’08 Dr. & Mrs. Yo n g Seok Yo o, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Holbrook R. Davis, Dr. & Mrs. Byoung Kil Hwang, P ’06 GP ’03, ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Junior Michael Jones, P ’09 ALUMNI PARENTS AND Mrs. Evangeline Deacon, GP ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Willard Jost, GP ’88, ’09 GRANDPARENTS Mr. & Mrs. Suleyman Doenmez, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Nagler, P ’06 Ms. Doris Abans, P ’01 P ’05, ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Seung Min Kim, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. John Peter Alberico, P ’04 Mr. Dwight Edwards, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Oyafuso, GP ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Allan, P ’96 Ms. Brenda Evans, P ’06 Mr. Tomas Pena & Mrs. Belgica Urbaez, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Avery, P ’67 Mr. & Mrs. John Feick, GP ’06 P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Delcie D. Bean, P ’82, ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Gaskell, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pratt, Jr., P ’06 Mrs. Mary Blair, P ’91 Mr. Benson Ginsburg, P ’06 Ms. Karen M. Ravndal, P ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Blicker, P ’82, ’84, ’97 Ms. Rocio Maria Gonzalez, P ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Redmond, Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Braley, P ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Gorman, P ’06 P ’03, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield, P ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Heyland, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Robinson, P ’06 Dr. Nathan Cervo, P ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Higgins, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Smith, P ’09 Ms. Barbara Cohen-Hobbs, P ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Cook, GP ’98, ’03 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coreth, P ’82 Mr. Hartley D. Cravens, P ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Aureliano M Cunha, P ’98 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Dirrenberger, P ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. English, P ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Ernst, P ’77 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Eustis, P ’89 Mrs. Anna P. Foote, P ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Forest, P ’04 Mr. & Mrs. William Foucher, P ’99, ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Goodman, P ’90 Ms. Jan Haman, P ’82, ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Hart, P ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Horovitz, P ’92

12 • Dublin School We thank you. Mr. Charles Johnson, P ’95 FRIENDS OF THE SCHOOL FACULTY AND STAFF Mr. Carleton Ladd ’60, P ’87, ’88 Mrs. Helen Bastedo Mr. Larry Ames Mrs. Mary R. Lambert, P ’57 Mr. Paul Biklen Mr. Brad Bassi Ms. Mary Ledoux, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brown Mr. Jason Bennett Mr. & Mrs. James W. MacAllen, P ’94 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Clarkeson Mr. & Mrs. Norm Bergeron Mrs. Marylou Marcus, P ’91 Mr. Fred Eaton Ms. Sheila Bogan H. Gilman Nichols, Jr. ’46, P ’71 Mrs. Eleanor Evans Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Clauss Mr. & Mrs. R. Henry Norweb III, P ’89 Ms. Katharine Goss Ms. Christina Coons Ms. Patricia Obetoh, P ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Gregg Mr. Caleb Davis, P ’03, ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Parry, P ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Davis Mrs. Ruth Pease, P ’57, ’58 Mr. Lawrence Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Suleyman Doenmez, Ronald P. Pertnoy ’72, P ’99 Mr. Peter M. Hewitt P ’05, ’07 Mr. & Mrs. B. Scott Price, P ’86 Ms. Martha Hickox Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Jerry Farnsworth Mr. & Mrs. Joel Proulx, P ’02, ’04 Ms. Elizabeth Ladd Mr. Daniel Finnegan Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Ratcliff, P ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Charlton MacVeagh, Jr. Mr. Edward Forbes Ms. Jo-Anne Regan & Mr. Thomas Ms. Jean W. Manning Ms. Jan Haman, P ’82, ’80 Martin, P ’03, ’05 Mr. Richard Manuel Ms. Nellie Herman The Honorable & Mrs. L. Phillips Mr. Robert McQuillen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hungerford, Runyon III, P ’88, ’92 P ’00, ’05, ’07 Mr. Frank Millet Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H Sayers, P ’98 Mr. Edward Kerman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mock Mrs. Gertrude Shelley, P ’68 Ms. Michelle Knapp Dr. & Mrs. James J Mongan, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Shugrue, P ’00 Mrs. Mary Anne LaBrie Myles G. Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Smith, P ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Lowenthal Dr. & Mrs. Walter Peterson Ms. Charlotte Sobe, P ’92 Ms. Megan Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Joel Proulx Mr. & Mrs. Peter Steffian ’54, P ’82 Ms. Anne Mackey Lt. Col. Olney B. Richard, Sr. Dr. Raymond Stevens, P ’91 Mr. Christian Maitner Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J. Sands III Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Stinson III, P ’03 Mr. Rico Marino Ms. Missy Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Struhsacker, P ’72 Mr. & Mrs. John Marquis Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Shonk Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sullivan, P ’70 Ms. Deb McQuethy Mr. & Mrs. William R. Smyser Mr. Paul Terrasi & Ms. Joanne Musch, Mrs. Susan Michal Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Throssel P ’04 Mr. Pete Michlik Christeen Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thompson, P ’04 Ms. Sarah H. Mongan Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Twaddell, Jr., P ’93 Mr. Eric Nemitz Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Winchester Mrs. Susan von Stade, P ’71 Ms. Robin Oliver Mr. Jonathan Weis & Ms. Kristine Mr. Dominic Perry Finnegan, P ’06 Mr. Andrew Porter Wendy White, P ’05 Ms. Cheryl Ramancionis

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 13 Dublin School Annual Report of Giving July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006

Ms. Karen M. Ravndal, P ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Charlton MacVeagh Pfizer Foundation Ms. Jo-Anne Regan & Mr. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Joel Proulx, P ’02, ’04 State of Israel Martin, P ’03, ’05 Peter Steffian ’54 State Street Boston Corp. Mrs. Mary Renaud Mrs. Susan von Stade, P ’71 Trey Whitfield School Mrs. Erika Rogers Union Pacific Railroad Ms. Dorine Ryner FORMER FACULTY Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. Earl Schofield AND STAFF Yawkey Foundation Mr. Mark Sirois Mr. & Mrs. Phil Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Walter Snitko Mr. Robert Haslun IN MEMORY OF Mr. & Mrs. David O Stone Mr. & Mrs. Willard Jost, GP ’88, ’09 Bill Evans Mrs. Carol Stowell Mrs. Marylou Marcus, P ’91 Mr. Frank Millet Mr. Stephen Straneva Ms. Charlotte Sobe, P ’92 Jim Guy ’70 Ms. Stacia Tolman ’78 Weld S. Morse ’69 Mr. John Tr ibuna FOUNDATIONS, BUSINESSES Henry Horner ’48 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Smyser Mr. Carl Vo n Mertens AND MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES John L. Lyman ’62 Mr. Jonathan Weis & Ms. Kristine William E. Taylor ’62 Finnegan, P ’06 4Charity Foundation, Inc. Scott O’Neil ’73 Mr. Jay Whitaker Anonymous Robert McQuillen Chase Manhattan Foundation Pamela Snitko FORMER TRUSTEES Dow Jones & Co. Ms. Cecily Bastedo Ms. Cecily Bastedo Edward E. Ford Foundation Benjamin Taplin ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Blicker, P ’82, ’84, ’97 HMD, Inc. Jonathan S. Avery ’67 Joseph J. Joslin ’54 Houghton Mifflin Company Mr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Avery P’67 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levesque Intel Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brown Michael R. Light ’81 M/A-Com Chartiable Foundation Thomas P. Devlin, Jr. ’67 Mr. David C. Frisbie ’68 Mr. Lawrence Hatch Ms. Martha Hickox Ms. Jean W. Manning Mr. Richard Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mock Lt. Col. Olney B. Richard Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J. Sands III Benjamin Taplin ’67 Ms. Christeen Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Welsch

14 • Dublin School We thank you. DONORS BY CLASS 1951 1958 1937 Edward Z. Hawkes II Jonathan F. Bourne Thomas P. Rockwell Thomas R. Jackson 1952 Richard A. Kronick 1942 R. William Cornell, Jr. Mr. Richard Byron Frederick A. Schauffler 1959 Michael James John A. Steffian Edward F. Glassmeyer Paul M. Lehmann 1944 1953 Mr. & Mrs. G. Peter Shiras Nathaniel B. Bates 1960 E Alexander Rubel Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey O Johnstone 1946 Mr. Carleton Ladd John T. Griffin 1954 W. Scott Little, Jr. H. Gilman Nichols, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H. Close Robert J. MacDonald, Jr. Henry S. Grew Peter K. Read 1947 Joseph J. Joslin Benjamin S. Blanchard, Jr. Peter Steffian 1961 Richard L. Hahn John K. Clement II Henry S. Otto, Jr. 1955 James L. Cuddihee Nancy Lehmann Haynes Abbot R. Foote 1948 G. Bourne Knowles III William M. Bartlett Norris G. Nims, Jr. 1962 H. Kimball Faulkner Richard R. Stebbins, Jr. William J. Erdle, III Christopher H. Hodgman Stewart S. Macsherry Basil Hwoschinsky, Jr. 1956 Timothy J. Shea III Peter L. Clark William E. Taylor 1949 George E. Withington Stuart Laughlin, Jr. 1965 William F. Parsons 1957 David P. Stewart Louisa Lehmann Birch William F. Tiffany 1950 Frederick L. Pease Donald J. Austermann Robert M. Sturgis 1966 James H. Davenport James H. Cole Charles J. Moizeau Richard C. Harding, Jr. Richard D. Simmons

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 15 Dublin School Annual Report of Giving July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006

1967 1978 1992 Jonathan S. Avery Stacia Tolman Emilie G. Murphy Thomas P. Devlin, Jr. Jason E. Smith Guy L. Jackson 1979 Gabriel D. Steinbach Rick O’Connor Daniel L. Hale 1993 1968 1981 Michael J. Mullins Mr. David C. Frisbie Michael R. Light Lauren R. McMason 1996 1969 John W. Wilkinson Lara Gleason Weld S. Morse Jason Potts 1982 1970 John A. Hickok 1998 Cathy Graham Bakkensen Luke T. Matson 1984 1972 Brian Blicker 1999 Ronald P. Pertnoy Meghan C. Foucher 1986 Josh R. Pertnoy 1973 Robert C. English Dora P. Currea Richard Fleming 2002 David G. Fountain William C. Spencer Benjamin A. Proulx

1974 1987 2003 Cathy Solomon Barrow Philip D. Golinsky John B. Sandri Jeffrey C. Holland 1975 Alexander T. Sprague 2005 Mary L. Brown Victoria O. Obetoh 1988 1976 Brett S. Smith Stephen M. Anderson Mr. Jorge Cutillas 1989 Kim Kruger Kaminkow Mr. Richard Eustis Caroline Morgan 1990 1977 Jonathan M. Parks Gregory J. Blaine

16 • Dublin School We thank you. The Dublin School Birthday Book Program he program celebrates the birthday of a student in a significant and long-lasting way. Many parents and grandparents Tpurchase books that benefit today’s students and will contribute to those in the years to come. The Dublin School faculty and Librarian have compiled a list of various titles, taking into consideration the needs of the library and the mission of the School. They have determined that these books will enhance the library’s collection and add reference resources for numerous courses. The ongoing contributions to the Birthday Book Program continue to enrich the library and the academic programs at the school. If you have any questions regarding this program, please feel free to contact Ed Kerman, Head Librarian at 603/563-8584, ext. 243.

Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt L. Alexandre, P ’08 Dr. & Mrs. Frederic Herter, GP ’06, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Olsen, P ’07, ’08 Ms. Monica Beard, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Heyland, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Neill, P ’07 The Reverend Ralph Booth, GP ’06 Ms. Fannie Hood, GP ’07, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Oyafuso, GP ’09 Ms. Laura P. Butler, P ’07 Ms. Phyliss M. Hurley, P ’08 Mr. William A. Patterson III, P ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Everett Brown Carson, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Kaplan, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Perry, GP ’08 Ms. Helen Cross, GP ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Kaplan, GP ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Christian M Ravndal, GP ’09 Ms. Ve ro n i q u e Chopin de La Bruyere, Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Kasdan, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Robinson, P ’06 P ’06, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Tae Hoon Kim, P ’09 Mr. Franklin Rosborough, GP ’07, ’08 Ms. Ann R. Deutscher, P ’08 Ms. Margaret C. Leask, GP ’06 Mrs. J.B. Siedlarz, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Lord, P ’06 Mrs. Lois P. Smiley, GP ’07 Ms. Brenda Evans, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. McGuire, P ’09 Dr. Cynthia Undesser, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. John Feick, GP ’06 Ms. Sheri Miller, P ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. West, GP ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Furstenberg, P ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Miller, GP ’08 Ms. Inez Williams, GP ’07, ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Gorman, P ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Hilger Nadenau, P ’07 Alumni Weekend May 4-6, 2007

lan now to be here while school is in session on our Mayfair Weekend. See an arts production, the Maypole Dance, lacrosse and tennis matches, and a Friday night Coffee PHouse with tons of student talent. Reunion reception & banquet Saturday night, place to be determined. We will also be sure there is opportunity for quiet time and fun time with old friends . . . or to climb Mt. Monadnock. This is going to be an exceptional Alumni Weekend, full of opportunity to see Dublin School at its best. Reunion Years 2002 - 5 Years 1967 - 40 Years 1997 - 10 Years 1962 - 45 Years 1992 - 15 Years 1957 - 50 Years 1987 - 20 Years 1952 - 55 Years 1982 - 25 Years 1947 - 60 Years 1977 - 30 Years 1942 - 65 Years 1972 - 35 Years 1927 - 70 Years

Mystery Photos! Can you name these students? If you can identify any of these students, please respond to the Alumni Office at 603/563-1285, or email us at [email protected]

Stay in touch! Please send your alumni news to your class agent or to [email protected]

18 • Dublin School Class Notes

Class Agent names are set in bold face italics. In Memoriam Samuel S. Hawley ’43 Richard L. Hahn ’47 William P. White-Fox ’47 William F. Parsons ’49 Robert J. MacDonald, Jr. ’60 Paul A. Rajaniemi, Jr. ’65 Benjamin H. Taplin, Jr. ’67 James C. Guy ’70

1937 Tom Rockwell ‘37 and Louisa Birch ’57 visited campus over Thomas P. Rockwell ’37 Alumni Weekend ’06. To m visited campus over Alumni Weekend ’06 1947 1952 Roger Burke ’47 R. William Cornell, Jr. ’52 1939 Weston, MA Naples, FL A. James McClure ’39 [email protected] [email protected] Winchester, NH 781/893-8368 239/513-9389 603/239-6879 Henry S. Otto, Jr. ’47 Andrew R. Krumbhaar ’52 1942 New London, NH Andrew stopped by for a [email protected] weekend visit, meeting with James B. Hardy ’42 603/526-7171 Headmaster Chris Horgan White River Junction, V T and attending a Development 802/295-8098 1948 Committee meeting. Alfred B. Connable III ’48 1944 1953 Roslyn, NY G. Peter Shiras ’44 [email protected] David P. Brown ’53 Peter has given up teaching adult ed 516/621-2957 Weston, MA in Connecticut but is still teaching Lit [email protected] courses in Maine, winter and spring 1950 781/235-3277 semester (56 years).He hopes to attend James L. Barth ’50 alumni weekend in May 2007. 1954 Hilton Head Island, SC Joseph J. Joslin ’54 1946 843/681-3942 Danvers, MA H. Gilman Nichols, Jr. ’46 E. Stuart Otto ’50 [email protected] Brunswick, ME Old Saybrook, CT 978/774-8998 [email protected] 860/388-5953 207/725-4685 The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 19 Class Notes

1955 1961 Charles I. Kaplan ’61 Norman E. Kitching, Jr. ’55 R. Clifford Black ’61 Dallas, TX Los Altos, CA Clifford would like to [email protected] [email protected] hear from classmates via 214/522-9594 650/941-3459 e-mail (classes of 1958- 1962 Norris G. Nims ’55 1963) R. Clifford Black IV [email protected] Robert W. Atkins, Jr. ’62 Norris and Sue are still at their Long Beach, CA Alaskan home from May until Jeffrey S. Bragg ’61 [email protected] October and winter in New Medfield, MA 562/599-6629 Mexico with visits to Florida 508/359-6752 and New York City. James L. Cuddihee ’61 1964 1957 Jim writes that daughter and Daniel S. Holder ’64 son-in-law, Kerry and Alex Frederick L. Pease ’57 Bal Harbour, FL Bollman, had their first child [email protected] Andover, MA in July 2006. Young Zachary is 305/866-3354 978/475-0111 doing well. Robert M. Sturgis ’57 Abbot R. Foote ’61 1965 Sherborn, MA While spending much of his Thomas K. Paine ’65 [email protected] life caring for people, for the To l e d o, O H 508/653-8416 environment, and for our [email protected] world/planet, Abbot has over 419/535-1610 1958 30 years of experience related to conservation and solar. He W. K. R. Dickinson ’58 1966 has solar in his home and office Richard C. Harding, Jr. ’66 Bryant Pond, ME and is excited to start some Portsmouth, NH [email protected] larger church projects in hopes that this would bring in the [email protected] 207/846-3433 educational element. Abbot 603/427-1778 wants solar to become average and mainstream, the normal 1960 thing to do. He feels that all Peter K. Read ’60 houses should have this, rather than solar being regarded as Tucson, AZ something exotic or optional. [email protected] 520/615-8545

20 • Dublin School Contact us at [email protected]

1967 see the area for possible invest- 1969 Jonathan S. Avery ’67 ments. Guy Jackson ’67 was Kent A. Bossange ’69 down visiting his daughter at John writes, “Life goes on here in Duke University and had dinner Saratoga, CA Connecticut. Our son is starting with James Huntington-Meath [email protected] his first year at V i l l a n ova University ’67 who now lives in Cary, 408/252-3926 studying engineering, while outside Raleigh. Mike Pilert 1970 our daughter is a junior at Pratt ’67 is back from Mozambique Institute in Brooklyn. All is well.” where he was flying relief David G. Sullivan ’70 Thomas P. Devlin ’67 missions. Cartney James ’67, St. Louis, MO Mike Cuddihee ’67, Jon Avery 314/991-1807 Reverend Dr. Devlin (Thomas ’67 and Anthony Stevens Peter (Bud) in August of 2006 was ’67 have all expressed inter- 1971 ordained a Reverend Deacon in est in attending the Forty Ye a r William J. Colihan III ’71 his church. Pictured next to him is Reunion on Cinco de Mayo his wife of 34 years. He writes that New Yo r k , NY as have the afore mentioned Dublin played a large role in his life. [email protected] classmates. Jorge Parada ’67 212/866-1663 and Jose (Pepe) shall fly up from Mexico for the Cinco de Mayo 1972 festivities. The class of ’67 shall Patrick J. Heindl ’72 also invite the classes of ’66 and ’68 to attend the reunion. So far Rochester, NY we have 12 class members plan- 716/461-9505 ning to attend, more pending. 1973 Best regards, Rick” Reverend Dr. Devlin ’67 Robert G. McCready II ’73 Greenwich, CT Rick O’Connor ’67 203/532-1122 Wendell, NC [email protected] 919/365-0184 REMEMBER DUBLIN SCHOOL IN YOUR ESTATE PLANS

Rick has certainly kept in touch equests are a major source of endowment for Dublin School. with fellow Dublin classmates… BEndowment will help to ensure that Dublin School has the resources “Michael Cushing ’67 was here to provide faculty and staff salaries and benefits, financial aid, improve- in NC for a week looking at prop- ments and maintenance of facilities, library collection and vital programs. erty to buy. He will be moving If you are considering a provision for Dublin School in your will and from Westport, MA to relocate in would like suggested language, or if you have already made provision either the Raleigh or Wilmington for the School and would like to share that information, please contact NC area. Jose (Pepe) Garcia ’67 Richard K. Fox, Director of Development, P.O. Box 522, Dublin, NH will be our guest here on Feb. 22 03444; 603-563-1230; or [email protected] or Christopher R. Horgan, Headmaster; 603-563-2222 or [email protected]. for a few days. He also wanted to

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 21 Class Notes

1974 1976 1979 Jeanne M. Duval ’74 Class of 1976 – in celebration Joseph C. Anderson, Jr. ’79 Jeanne, a Jaffrey, New of their 30th, donated a granite Harrisville, NH Hampshire artist, is a featured bench to Dublin School at the 603/827-3111 2006 Alumni Reunion designer in Benjamin Moore’s Nicholas C. Silitch ’79 ’07 color catalog. Her family home in Jaffrey provides the 1977 New Yo r k , NY focal point for an article enti- Gregory J. Blaine ’77 [email protected] 212/206-8210 tled “A Lesson In Looking.” Wayne, PA The article includes a short [email protected] 1980 biography of Jeanne, photo- 732/449-8867 graphs of her home and a David P. Adams ’80 discussion of how Jeanne 1978 David and Pamela and their two uses paint color in her home. Samuel B. Goldberg ’78 children visited campus during the The catalogue is available for week of Thanksgiving 2006. purchase at Belletetes True Salem, MA Value. [email protected] Victoria Woods Csicsmann ’80 978/740-6933 Holly Adams Jose ’74 Chantilly, VA [email protected] Boothbay, ME 207/633-4168

1975 Jose Resto, Jr. ’75 Montgomery, NY [email protected]

1976 Rosalinda Kalani ’76 Martinez, CA 510/676-8944 Domingo Rosa ’76 Boston, MA 617/782-7701

Class of 1976 Granite Bench Donation. Back Row: Freelon Morris, Domingo Rosa, Middle Row: Dorothy Echo, Caroline Morgan, Chip Anderson, Front Row: Kim Kruger Kaminkow and Rebecca Ryle

22 • Dublin School Contact us at [email protected]

1981-1983 1981 1984 Robert Bacharach – Faculty Adam T. Arcoleo ’81 John M. Logan ’84 1981-1983 Montgomery Center, VT Southborough, MA We received a packet from [email protected] 508/481-4207 Robert which included a 973/779-3325 617/326-1070 Lacrosse score booklet and Jennifer Lewis ’81 clippings (he coached Boys’ 1985 Lacrosse in 1981). “We started Oxford, England Brian S. Cohen ’85 [email protected] with the fundamentals, we were Marblehead, MA the Bad News Bears, some of Lauren Robert McMason ’81 [email protected] the jerseys had Roman numer- Lauren sends best wishes to 617/561-1474 als taped to them. The first everyone at Dublin, particularly season we were 6-1, next 8-1 to Jan Haman! 1986 and finally 9-2 in 1983.” Some Robert C. English ’86 of the kids he coached played 1982 college ball; Jay Manning played Washington, DC at St.Mary’s, and Ian McEnnery J. Dudley Ottley, Jr. ’82 [email protected] played at Bates in Maine. He Avon, CO 202/744-0272 also saw Darren Jones several [email protected] Rob writes, “Up until mid- times each year when he was in 970/845-8578 January it had been a balmy the Navy. He had lost contact Heather C. Sivert ’82 winter in Washington, DC and with Matt Senior. Darren and one that has felt more like one Matt were the captains. Robert Brooklyn, NY long cool spring. However, has been married for nearly 26 718/854-6654 old man winter finally has years to Lynn who continues arrived. I see Lorenzo Rasetti to practice PT (pediatrics). He 1983 ’85 regularly, given that we live also coached at Mt. Hebron Tracey R. Bean ’83 minutes away from each other but had to stop because he was Peterborough, NH in Washington. We continue to diagnosed with multiple scle- [email protected] join forces and complete long rosis after multiple symptoms. 603/924-9565 term house projects on his Robert and Lynn have two beautiful home on the week- daughters. The oldest is attend- Carolyn Castle Schmidt ’83 ends. (I have mastered many ing Lawson University and Arlington, VA trades, through trial by fire, managing Lock Raven HS a [email protected] with Lorenzo’s many planned men’s lax team. Their 13-year- 703/875-0349 home projects.) Lorenzo is old daughter, Laura, is a goalie well and is enjoying his new and plays some attack for two Black Labrador puppy, Mazzie. teams. Robert has earned a I continue to work on equity second masters - this one in investments for myself, but may Social Works! return to the Environmental Continued on next page

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 23 Class Notes field (Water Pollution Case 1988 Jonathan M. Parks ’90 Work) in 2008. I find my Lars W. J. Linden ’88 Brooklyn, NY current personal investment Dover, MA [email protected] work intellectually challeng- 718/852-6989 ing and great fun, so it has 508/785-1044 been very rewarding doing this Brett S. Smith ’88 William Whymark ’90 full-time for the last 2 years. I New York, NY Mount Kisco, NY visited Dublin, NH for 6 days [email protected] [email protected] at the end of January when it 212/349-2220 914/277-9236 was profoundly cold! The -4 degree temperatures were quite Jennifer T. Treacy ’88 1991 a contrast to the mid 50’s in Yo r k t ow n , VA Erik O. Bullerjahn ’91 Washington, DC. The Dublin [email protected] Boston, MA School campus looked charm- 757/369-8689 ing in the new fallen snow. It [email protected] 617/840-7650 was nice to see the campus 1989 looking so beautiful. I hope Amy R. Andrus ’89 Timothy Targett ’91 to hear from fellow classmates Washington, DC Keene, NH with news. Best to everyone!” [email protected] [email protected] Rob English ’86 202/588-0844 603/352-7622 (phone) 202.744.0272 Timothy B. Caulfield ’89 (e-Fax) 413.431.9952 1992 Milton, MA Lorenzo Ansuini ’92 1987 [email protected] Bayonne, NJ Jeffrey C. Holland ’87 617/696-9260 [email protected] St. Paul, MN Arthur R. Wayne ’89 212/334-3457 [email protected] New York, NY Lorenzo writes, “I’m living in 651/330-3658 [email protected] New Jersey now with my wife, Alexander T. Sprague ’87 212/308-0846 Raffaela, and our son, Giovanni. Castro Valley, CA My brother and I have taken over [email protected] 1990 our father’s restaurant business in 510/889-9969 Meghan Flynn Bamford ’90 NYC. Best wishes to everyone at Dublin School!” Zander is still working at Intel Milford, NH and has been promoted to [email protected] Grier Runyon Murphy ’92 Americas Training Manager. 603/672-1576 Charlottesville, VA He and his wife are the proud Christine Camacho ’90 [email protected] parents of a second daugh- Leander, TX 434/466-5850 ter born April 1, 2006. He [email protected] is hoping to attend his 20th 512/260-3625 reunion this year.

24 • Dublin School Contact us at [email protected]

Elizabeth H.S. Neal ’92 1994 Lara Weller Gleason ’96 Auburndale, MA Joy E. Holmes ’94 Lara writes, “Powder season is [email protected] Joy Lang married Robbie upon us here in Colorado, so 617/527-1742 Homes on June 3 and is living life is good! Over the summer, Jason E. Smith ’92 in Los Angeles. Joy is acting and I took a road trip with my husband and we visited a few Providence, RI Robbie is an adventure travel photographer. Dublin pals: Colin Gasamas [email protected] (and fiancée), Matt Allan (and 603/398-9010 1994 fiancée) and Rob Montegue. In September 2006, Jason began I sent some pics to you - I Jesse C. Demers ’94 his new job as a history teacher hope you got them. It was a for grades six, seven, and eight at a Amherst, NH wild trip!” Quaker school called Moses 603/672-1854 Brown School. 1995 1993 Aisha M. Bascom ’95 Amanda McDermott ’93 Brooklyn, NY Keene, NH [email protected] [email protected] 718/541-6445 603/355-4824 Ports Bishop ’95 Hannah Smalltree ’93 Peterborough, NH Portsmouth, NH [email protected] 978/964-4674 603/924-6595 Edward Twaddell ’93 1996 Notice from “In the Military” Monadnock Ledger-Transcript Matthew C. Allan ’96 Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - Edward Santa Rosa, CA Twa d d e l l III of Jaffrey was promoted [email protected] to the rank of major in the U.S. 717/542-3694 Army on January 1, 2007. An Eagle Scout from Jaffrey Troop 33, he graduated from Dublin School in 1993. In 1997, he graduated Cum Laude from the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., earning a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental engineering. Major Twa d d e l l is assigned as Commander of Company D, 1st Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, Fort Myers, Va . Lara Weller Gleason ’96 The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 25 Class Notes

Joo Hyun Park ’96 Nathaniel J. Foster ’98 entertainment industry, and is Joo Hyun is back in Korea Seattle, WA currently working for an insur- working at a manpower [email protected] ance company. In her spare recruitment company. Before 720/989-1234 time, she plans to keep her ties within the industry but right that she was teaching English Brady M. Lynch ’98 to elementary school kids. That now is just striving to learn experience made her realize Atlanta, GA more and do more. She writes how hard it is to teach kids [email protected] that she is still very close friends and made her really appreciate 603/357-0753 with Bakari Gaynor ’99 and Dublin! Ramon De la Oz ’00 who she 1999 speaks with on a regular basis. 1997 Jennifer Bartlett Chislett ’99 Both are doing well. Sierra Dennis ’97 Whiteville, NC Emily Antonioli Maki ’01 San Clemente, CA [email protected] Emily and her husband [email protected] 910/642-8817 purchased a home in Maine 949/492-5624 and she discovered that the 2000 previous owner was on the Bridget Kane ’97 Morgan F. Mann ’00 board of trustees of Dublin Holden, MA – what a small world! She was Scottsdale, AZ [email protected] so excited to learn that both Jill [email protected] 773/883-1825 and Eliza are also mothers. She 602/488-4694 Haven G. Lamoureux ’97 had her first child, Ella Grace Margaret Meffen ’00 Maki, in November of 2005. Haven’s mom reports that he is Dover, NH doing great, living in LA, where Jillian K. Horgan ’01 [email protected] he is a private video photog- Peterborough, NH 603/749-0687 rapher to Travis Barker and [email protected] playing in his band, Warfields. 603/924-7202 His mom reports that he had 2001 breakfast with Derek Jeter at a Jennifer Abans ’01 2002 Victoria’s Secret bash! Valley Stream, NY Thomas L. Bryan ’02 [email protected] Hancock, NH 1998 516/285-3874 [email protected] Jeremy Hobbs ’98 Since graduating from Hofstra 603/525-6614 Jeremy is in Amsterdam on in December of 2005, Jen has Shatema A. Reedy ’02 a Fulbright Scholarship. Also, worked for Island/Def Jam he had his second major one- Records as an administrative Brooklyn, NY man show which opened in assistant to the VP, has taken on 718/385-7522 Chicago on November 3, 2006. personal assistant work in the

26 • Dublin School Contact us at [email protected]

Hong “Jung” Yu n ’02 2004 David Thompson ’04 Jung has returned to Dublin Elizabeth C. Bower ’04 David has his Associates School, but this time as a Peterborough, NH from Wentworth Institute of teacher of psychology and [email protected] Te c h n o l o g y and is currently photography, coach, and dorm 603/924-7684 going to a program called parent in Wing and Hollow! Dynamy ( in Amy J. Proulx ’04 Worcester, Mass. He is doing 2003 Jaffrey, NH an internship at Worcester Caitlin E. Howell ’03 [email protected] Magazine at this time. 603/532-6002 Marlborough, NH 2005 [email protected] Nicholas James Ter rasi ’04 Caroline F. T. Doenmez ’05 603/525-6623 Nick has completed his Tareva J. John ’03 training at Wyoming Tech Dublin, NH in Sacramento and is now [email protected] Bronx, NY employed “at a High End $$$ 603/563-8551 [email protected] custom hot rod, custom car 212/379-0805 Alex Capilli ’05 shop. Thanks Dublin!!!” Alex is in the undergraduate School of Business at George Washington. Brian A. Swichkow ’05 Marietta, GA [email protected] 770/973-0062

2006 Michael C. Gorman ’06 Hubbard Woods, IL 847/835-4232 Julia K. Robinson ’06 Davis, CA 530/756-7233

Emily Antonioli Maki ’01 presents Ella Grace Maki

The Dubliner Winter 2007 • 27 Class Notes

On December 28th and 29th, the second other graduates, left messages and sent follow- floor of the Howe Administrative Center was up notes to 115+, and chatted with a smaller abuzz as a combination of seven graduates in number whose commitments totaled nearly the area on their college breaks came together $1,000. to make daytime telephone calls on behalf Ver y special thanks to those pictured below of the Annual Fund. In total, this impres- who participated in this year-end calling. sive assemblage attempted to reach over 275

Back Row: Erin Coneys ’06, Lisa Cameron ’06, Taylor Phillips-Hungerford ’05, Tom Jenks ’05 Front Row: Amy Proulx ’04, Evie Redmond ’03, Dan St. George ’05

28 • Dublin School Like what you’ve seen? Then we invite you to…


Take Pride & Take Part by supporting Dublin today through your gift to The Annual Fund for Dublin Use the enclosed envelope–– respond to your phone or mail opportunity–– or simply go to and click “Giving to Dublin” at the top of the Home Page. Our Mission At Dublin School, we strive to awaken a curiosity for knowledge and a passion for learning. We instill the values of discipline and meaningful work that are necessary for the good of self and community. We respect the individual learning style and unique potential each student brings to our School. With our guidance, Dublin students become men and women who seek truth and act with courage.

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