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02 Appendix.Pdf •JKS FIHST AHOLO > MAHATMA VaR ( 1774 - 17^3 ) ( A rWrn IK mLItAm !ll3T0yiT ) "•J' .^ ,1; '^ ?• >^ The present thesla is ajainly ba««4 on tri« original unpublirtied Marathi letters in Modi script in tfcia l>t?ccan CoH«g« Historical Collection and th« Puna Ardiives (old Peehva Paftar) at Pune. IheBtt letters have not becoa oonsiHted so far \xy the scholars. FTois thi^se letters, some very valuable ones have been selected. Ihe full original Marathi text of these selected letters and their brief stUBaaries in English have been appended to this thesis. 'Hie letters are arranged subjectvise wtd their chronological order is maintained. * * * m i^i * * D.C.H.C. t Deccan College Historical Collection P.A., P.T. I Pune Ardiives, Parasnia Tiranscripts F.A., P.S.a. I Pune Archives, Papers Selected for Research B I Bundle H t Homal F I FUe L t Letter mm^mjtMsims, TQ ¥^ MTg PAGE 1. Vlsaji KashaV Sawil Had^avrao 17th March, 1 - 2 Lele Peshva 1780 2, Naro Vishnu Govlndpant ?Jana 12th April, 2 - 3 1780 3. Naro Vishnu 13th April, 4 - 6 1730 4. Haoirao Narayan 17th April, 6 - 7 Deshmukh 1780 5. Naro Vishnu 1st May, 7 - 9 1780 6, llovlnd Ham Nana Phadnis 6th May, 9 - U Karlskar 1780 7, Ramrao Narayan nth May, 11 - 12 Deshmukh 1780 8, Laxman Hari Nana Phadnis 24th May, 12 - 13 1780 9. vSakharaffipant 24 th May, 13 - 14 ^'=- Panae an(! 1780 Bajipant Joshl 10. Sakha r a mpan t 30th May, 16 - 16 ,, u Panse 1780 11. Laxman Harl Sana Pha'^nls 6th Jime, 17 - 18 1780 12. Pandurangpant Gangadhar 15th August, 19 - 22 Ketlcar Ram Karlekar 1780 13* Ofggadhar Ram Ganeshpant 16th Aigust, 22 - 24 Karltkar Pandit 1780 14. Gangadhar Ham 19th August, 24 - 27 Nana Phar^nis Karl^ar 1730 16. Gani^dhsr Ham August, Gene^pant 27 - 23 Karlekar 1780 16. GangsdUiar Ram 26 th Aigust, 29 - 30 Karl«kar 1780 11 klJ^ yiiOK vfiOM TO ^.''lOM PAGE 17. Gangadhar dma Nana Phadnis 26th August, 30 - 32 Karl^ar 1780 18. Pandurangpant Gangadhar Ram 2nfi September, Ketkar Karlekar 1780 32 - 33 19. Gangs (ftiar Ham Nana Phadnis 6th September, Karlekar 1780 34 - 35 20. Panaurangpant Gangat^har liam 6th Sept«!Jber, Ketkar Karlekar 1780 36-36 Gangadhar Bam 6th September, 21. Nana Phadnis K&rlekar 1780 37 - 38 22. Gangadhar Ham 7th neptembpr, Nana Pha-^nis Karlekar 1780 39 - 40 23. Raghoptfit Balakrishna- 16th fJeptefflbor, Oodbole and pant 1780 41 - 42 Balajipant Phatak 24. Gangadhar Nana Phadnis 19th September, Karlekar 1780 43-44 26. Balajlpant 20th September, Pheitak 1780 46-49 26. 20th September, 1780 49 - 60 27. flaghopant Godbole 28th i^epteiaber, and Balajlpant 1780 60 - 62 Phatak 28. Frist week of Cdtob9r,1780 62 - 63 29. Gangadhar Nana Phadnis 6tFi October, Karlekar 1780 63 - 64 30. Gangadhar Nana Pha'nis 6th October, Karlekar 1780 65 - 68 31. Gangadhar Ram Nana Ph&dnis 6th October, Karlekar 1780 69 60 32. 13th October, 1780(?) 60 61 33. Ramrao Narayan Vishvasrao 2nd November, Deshimikh Panse 1780 61 - 62 ^ 111 \,,,.m, raoM WHOM lU WK0?1 MIS F.-iCfS 34. Bfthlrji Ravant- Balajlpant 2nd Novoaber, rao Phatak 1780 61 - 62 36. Panaurangpant Gangadhar 14th November, Ketkar Karl^ar 1780 64 - 66 36. Oanga.lhar ISth November, Nana Pha 'nis Karlekar 1780 67 - 68 37. Panrfurangpant 17th November, Nana Phadnis Ketkar 1780 69 - 70 38. Gangadhar 13th November, Nana Phadnis Karlekar 1730 70 - 71 39. Gangarihar Nana Phadnis 20th November, Karl^ar 1730 71 - 73 40. Gangadhar Nana Phadnia 22nd November, Karlekar 1780 74 - 76 41. Balajipant Nana Phadnis 27th November, Phatak 1780 76 - 77 42. /Ishvasrao Panse 29th November, A Bhavani 1780 78 - 80 .'tiivrara 43. Ganga^har Nana Pharinia 14th December, Karlekar 1780 80- 82 44. Pandurangpant Nana Phadnis 22nd June, Ketkar 1781 82-33 46. Sadashiv Pandu- Nana Phadnis 7th August, rang Ketkar 1783 84-35 46. Apajirao nalavl, Nana Ph'j^nis 7th August, Bahirjl Naik 1788 85 ^awar and Other Officers. 47. Visa.U Keshav Nana Phadnis lath September, Lele 1780 m 90 48. 7isaji K.^shav Nana Phadnis 2nd October, Lele 1780 91 92 49. Tisaji Keshav Nana Phadnis 3rd October, Lele 1780 9S 94 Iv LKO, FROM WIOM ;?;0 WHOM PAGK 60. Bapuji Shlnda 1st November, 1760 94 - 96 61. Visajipant Lele Sana Pha'nls 2n6. "lovefflber, 1730 96 - 98 62. yisajipant Lele Nana Phainis 7th Hoveaber, 1730 98 - 99 63. Visajipant Lele Nana Pha-'nls ISth Soveniber, 1780 10© - 101 64. Mahedajl Vishwasrao 28th Noveaber, Purushottaa Panse and " 1780 101 - 103 iaiavani Shlvram 66. Ramchandra 29th Noveaber, Ganesh Kanade 1730 103 - 104 66. Hamchandra Nana Pha ni sC ? ) 30th Noveaber, Ganesh Kanade 1780 106 - 106 67. Vlsfawasrao Panae Nana Phadnis let Deceaber, and Bhuvani 1730 106 - 108 aiivran 58. Harachandra Ganesh Nana Pharmis(?) 2nd December, Kanade 1780 103 - no 69. aasachandra Gnnesh Mana Phartnl8(?) 6th December, Kansde 1780 UO - 111 60. Viahvasrao Nana Phadnia 7th December, Yashvant and 1780 112 - 113 Bhavanl Shlvran 61. 8th Decffisiber, 1780 113 - 114 62. Ramchandra Gane^ Nana Pha^nis(?) 8th December, Kanade 1780 116 - 116 63. Balajipant Nana 'hainisC?) 8th Decen.ber, Phatak 1780 116 - 118 64. Vlshvasn^o Panse Nana ^ha'nisC?) 10th December, and 17tt0 lib - 120 Bhavanl Shivraa 65. Ramchan Tfi Ganesh Nana Pha<^nis(?) 10th Deceaber, Kanade 1780 120 - 122 hf.iio. FROM H!QM ikJi^m msM £M£ 36. 10th Decern bar, 1780 122 124 67. 11th Docenber, 1780 124 126 63. '/isajipant Lele, Nana ?ha 'nis 12th December, Haghcpant Godbole, 1730 126 127 and Bapuji ruinde 69. Haripant PhadBce 13 th Doc ember, 17i>0 127 129 70. 14th December, 1750 129 131 71. Eajlpant Joahl 14th DectTuber, 1730 131 133 72. Bajlnant Joshi(?) 14th DeConber, 1730 134 136 73. Balajipant Phatak I8th Deconber, 1780 135 136 74. Bajipant Joshl 24th December, 17•7Kr>3 , 136 - 137 76. 26th December, 1730 133 140 76. 2oth Decetiiber, 1730 140 141 77. Bajlpant Joahi 94 th January, 1731 142 143 73. Bajipant Josiil 26th January, 1731 143 144 79. Haripant Phadke Nana Phainis 26th January, 1731 146 80. Haripant Pharike Nana ?ha«inis 30th January, 1731 146 147 at. Haripant Fliadk* Nana Phartnis 1st February, 1731 147 148 ksNO^i FHOM WIOM IP mg^ mis ?AG^ 82, Harlpant Phadke Mana Phadnls t*ft February, 1781 148 - 1$Q 83. Harlpant Pliadk* Nana PhainlB 7th February, 1781 160 - 161 84. Bajipant Joshl 7 th Pebmary, 17(31 161 - 162 86. Bajir)anfc Joshi 7th February, 1731 153 - 164 86. Haripant Phadke Nana Pha'^nis 8th February, 1731 154 - 165 37. Harlpant Phadke Nana Phadnls 9th February, 1781 156 88. Haripant Phadlce Nana Phadinls 9tti February, 1781 167 - 168 89. Harlpant i^actke Nana Phadnis 10th F?brijar3% 1781 168 90. Para shurarubhau After 9th Patwar<ihan Nana Phadnls Febru8ry,1781 159 91. "laripant Phadke Nana Pha^^nls 11th Fe'.:riiary, 1781 160 92. riaripant Phadka Nana Phadnia 12th February, 1781 161 - 162 93. Harlpant Phadk« Nana Phadnls 12th Fe'.r\;iH*y, 1731 162 - 163 94. fiarloant Ph«tdke Nana Phadnlf 13 th Fabruarv, 1731 163 - 164 96. Haripant Phedke Nana Phadnia 13th February, 1781 164 - 166 96. ilarlpant Phat!ke Nana Phadnls 14Wi February, 17G1 166 - 166 97. Hamrac liar ay an - 17th February, neshmiJkh 1781 167 - 163 98. Harlpant Phadke Nana Phadnls 19 th February, 1781 163 - 169 99. Haripant Phadke Nana Phadnia 218t February, 1781 170 vil X.»NO. FJtOM W:IOM T9 liTToH DATJS PAGE ion. Haripant tliadke Kana Phadnis 21St February, 1781 171 - 172 101. Haripant Phadke Nana Ptiadnis 24 th February, 1731 172 - 174 1'32. Hamrao Ma ray an Haripant 24th February, Deshmukh Phadkn( :') 1731 174 - 176 103. Haripant Pharlke ?*>*na Phfif^nis 26 th February, 17iil 176 - 177 104. H<irlpant Phadke Nana Pha'fnis 9bth F'ebruar'/, 1781 177 - 178 105. Haripant Phadke Wana Phadnis 1st f-.arch, 1781 178l|- 179 106. Haripant Phadke Nana Phadnis 1st Marcfi, 1781 179 - 180 107. Harioant Phadke Nana Phadnis 3rd March, 1781 180 - la 108, Parashurambhau Haripant iird March, Patwardh an Phadke 1781 181 - 182 109. Parashurauibhau Haripant 4 th Marct), Patvardhan ^'hadke 1781 133 110. Para shurarabhau Nana Phadnis 7th inarch, Patvardhan 1731 134 - 186 111. Pa ra shur arat^iau Haripant Phadke 9th March, Patwardhan 1781 186 - 186 112. Par a ah ura mbh au Haripant Phadke 12th March, Patvardhan 1781 136 - 137 113. Gan|% Teli's *• 12th March, JabanI or 1781 188 - 190 states; en t U4, Parashur8mbahu Nana Phadnis 14th March, Patvardifian 1731 190 - 191 116. Para ghur?imbahu nana ?ha<iiiis 16th March, Patvardhan 1781 192 116. ParashixrambHhu H^ripant Phadke 21st Mardi, Patvardhan 1781 193 - 194 viii ^^.NO^ VmK H'OM TO vmt^ r>ATB EAGE 117. Nana Pharlnlc 29th March, Patinardhan 1731 195 - 196 113. Par a ahiira mb hau Nana Phadnls 3?th March, PatvsrAian 1731 197 - 199 119. ?Iana Phainis tth April, Patwardhan 1781 199 - 202 120, Balsjipent 9th April, Phatak ^ 1731 208 - 206 121. 'hms 't?a-nls 11th .ipril, Patvardhan 1781 2QB - 207 122. KariTv^nt 11th Aoril, Doshiaukh Phadke(?) 17 ol 207 - 239 123, PHrosh-urambhau Nana 'hadnis 12th April, Patwardhan 17a 210 - 211 124. Parashurumbhau Raarao .'-.rayan 14 th ADrH, Patwarcflian Deshfljukh i7ai 212 - 213 126. Harioant Phatfte Nana Phaflriia 23th April, 1781 213 - 214 ^ 126. 'iarioant ?hadk« Nana '^ha<*ii8 22n:J April, 1781 214 - 216 127. Haripant ^liadke Kana Phadnls 25th April, 1781 216 « 216 128. Balajipant Phatak - 7th May, 1781 217 - 219 129. Govlndrao Krishna - 27til May, 1781 219 - 220 130. Bilajipant Phatak Nana i'ha inis (? ) ikid of May,17ai(?) 220 - 223 (Hef.t D.C.H.C., Ruisal dOt FU« 13i Letter 5 ) from - Visa J1 Keshav Lelet ^* Commandant of tha fort of Vasal.
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