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our Danish host, Bent Nielsen, on the quay That evening, we made the short walk to temperatures. We were then back on board side. After a few minutes making the all another military base where we joined the the coach and off to the neighbouring island important introductions and receiving advice group to make 203 people (81 bikers) of Roma by ferry before the long From Commuter on the basic rules of the road, we set off and enjoying the festivities which included music, back to barracks. In some respects it was a zig zagged our way north east across the comedy, a barbecue and beer. Friday night good day to be off the bikes and out of our Danish peninsular. We stopped briefly in the was a fairly sober affair though – as we leathers to enjoy the heat in shorts and to International picturesque town of Silkerborg to enjoy coffee knew we would be out on the bikes the tee shirts. and ice cream at the riverside before making following morning. Our final morning in Husum was quite relaxed our way to . There was only the one Saturday was a dull and dismal day. The sky with time to check the machines, pack and get ‘biking moment’ of note and that was down to was overcast and heavy as we made our way ready for the next to final part of our trip. With Tourer me dropping my trusty little machine at low back to the meeting point for a day of deviations from the direct route following the speed. Fortunately, no damage and no injury sightseeing on the bikes. We travelled 121 German and Danish coast, we travelled 130 other than a little dent in my pride. Bent miles around the Nord Friesland coast making miles back to Esbjerg stopping off for coffee I passed my test to ride motorcycles nearly 30 years ago showed us the way to the local Police HQ frequent stops along the way. and pastries. Sadly, the weather spoilt things where he had arranged for us to leave the and have owned a motorcycle on and off for about half The roads were narrow with challenging as we arrived at the port in constant drizzle – bikes and then, following a change of clothes that time but I had never ridden a single journey of surfaces so progress was slow but after you know the kind that soaks everything. and a freshen up, it was into town for a meal several hours, we arrived safe and well back in We were then back on board the MS Dana more than 150 miles before. It was time that changed! and yes, you’ve guessed it, a few drinks which the market square of Husum for the grand Sirena for the return crossing, arriving about on this occasion were taken at the local Irish photo – it is not easy assembling nearly 100 lunchtime the following day. After y adventure began about two years ago that one member of the pub, ‘The Sherlock Holmes’. motorcycles for a photograph on cobblestones! disembarkation, we said our farewells and when the Section UK Motorcycle Group group, Dave Hunter, had The next morning Bent and his colleagues then continued on the final part of the began as a mere suggestion over a few not fully grasped the situation Back to barracks for a quick wash and change M showed us round the command and control journey home. when he asked, “What time do then back to the festivities which tonight, pints. I joined the group straight away because I centre before we set off on our 161 mile we dock in Belgium?” because we were not riding the following day, The trip was a challenge for me and certainly knew and had worked with Dave Taylor, who was journey south to Husum, Nordfriesland, we knew we could celebrate with vigour – and a challenge for my ER5. I suppose it was also to become the Group Chair. I even volunteered You might think you are going to Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Here we were we did. a challenge for my room mate Julian so, after to stand for the Committee just to get things Belgium he was quickly told. The rest to join in the celebrations of the 25th travelling over 1000 miles in a week, meeting kick started (no pun intended) although at that of us are going to and anniversary of IPA Verbindungsstelle Regrettably, it was an early start the following new friends and enjoying the company of time I never dreamt of becoming an active Germany. “You are welcome to come Nordfriesland and the 4th International Biker day if we were to make the departure time for other more experienced motorcyclists would I participant. along if you want, Dave.” Meet of IPA Verbindungsstelle Nordfriesland. the ‘Syltshuttle’ coach train to the island of Sylt. So at 08:00 hours, we met outside the do something like this again? Well I have I put my name forward for the ‘Yorkshire Dales I had been paired up with Julian Grubb, whom I Stopping off just outside Husum, we gates and boarded our coach. Comments permission to start looking for a new machine Ride Out’ in August 2010 which I enjoyed as it had only briefly met before, for the trip and as The following morning after a introduced ourselves to the locals (and some such as “I’ve never been as drunk as that – something a little more suitable and was well within my comfort zone. I enjoyed the we settled down to sleep that first night on very settled night (at least I thought it was not so locals) and joined up with the rest of since November 1969”, abounded. Once on appropriate for international roads. hog roast at the end even more! So when Dave board Julian said, settled), Julian asked me to pass on a message the Section UK party who had travelled from board the ‘Syltshuttle’ a train that carried So I suppose the answer is a resounding yes! asked me if I wanted to come on the 2011 tour “I think I should warn you that my wife says I to my wife. Scotland via Newcastle and . We cars, vans and coaches we passed quickly to Germany, I seem to recall my reply was snore a little”. then made our way to the nearby Luftwaffe Chris Charlton, Scarborough branch “Tell her she’s right”, he said. along the causeway (the only land bridge with something along the lines of “Me ride a bike to base which was to be our home for the next I responded, Our first day in foreign lands - we arrived in the mainland) onto the island where we spent Germany - you must be joking!” few days and nights. “If we are being truthful and honest, I think I Esbjerg after an almost 18 hour journey. The a relaxing half day in sweltering Anyway, having agreed to the trip and having should tell you that my wife says that I too bikes were still upright and so we emerged packed, unpacked and repacked my luggage snore – a lot”. from the car deck down the ramp to be met by the night before the big adventure, I began to wonder what I had let myself in for. I was rather daunted as I knew I would be travelling part of the way with Tom McInally, an IPA member famous for his Trans Global trip in 2008. For me, a trip to Germany was Dave Taylor my Trans Global trip (well almost). finds it hard to Having slept very little, I set off bright look as he is and early the following morning to taken for a spin in the make the 250 mile trip from latest German Scarborough to Harwich pausing at patrol car Ardleigh Truck Stop near Colchester to meet the rest of the group. Unfortunately, two members had cancelled en route due to mechanical problems but the rest of us arrived on time. There was still a very diverse mix of bikes from my humble little Kawasaki commuter to some pretty professional BMW tourers. We made the usual group introductions and chatted while waiting to board and then, after being called, revved our engines, rode up the Taking time to refuel! metal ramp of the MS Dana Sirena , The Motorcycling group has just parked and strapped down our completed another adventure. Visit: precious machines on the car deck. During the journey, it became evident The group take a break and enjoy the scenery

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