Conference Finale Weather

Eight Iowa football players will be Partly cloudy and cooler playing their final conterence game this ottemoon when the Hawkeyes meet t day, pocslble showeTs. Wisconsin al Madison. They are Bob £unday fair. High tod:lY McKenzie, Jack Dittmer, Earl Banks, owan 55, low 38. Friday's high Don Winslow. Dick Lasler, Lou Gins­ 35, low 38. berg, Bob Geigel and Bob Longley. Eat. 1868-AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire-Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday. November 12, 1949 - Vol. 84, No. 37 L--___--J

Steel, Inland Sign Enter Big Ten Finale Against u.s. l Badgers As 7·Point Underdogs Peace Terms .with CIO By ALAN MOYER PITTSBURGH (IP) - The great IcaJly applies only to !.ix major minli:lon, Del., 1,100: Foil nsb!'e, Da.lly Iowan pOrts Editor 1949 ~teel strike ended Friday operating subsidiarIes, employing (W.Va.) teel. 1,200; PIt'lull!I­ IADISON, WI . - HopefuJ oC r gaining the Conn that car­ night with the signing of an Ar- J 50,000 unionists, hut the corpor­ mistice day peace pact between lalion said the union at'reed to di­ ather, Duluth, Min"" 3,700. ried th m to thr nferenc vi torie hefor the Minnesota dis­ the United States Steel Corp. and rect all striking big steel em- Benjamin F. F'(Iirle s, presid III aster u week ago, Iowa's lI11wkf'yes wind up Big Ten play here this the ClO tlnited steelwol'kers. ployes back to work. or "big sleel," s:ll\.l the setUemen: aftemoon as the featured guest to Wi cousin's 42nd Homecoming. Big steel ::agreed to the Bethle- A comp::any spokesmnn s::ald il wu!' a "comprumise ot the prin­ hem pattern of Oct. 31 and the is understood ali f::abl'icuting ('om­ cipal Issup In dispute, nomel) A s II-out throng of 45,000 will be in Camp Ran II stadium union gave 177,000 striking em- ponie!; owned by U.S. Steel will whethel' or nOI the ell\J.lloyer shuI, at 1:30 p.m. to watch a game in which Iowa is rated as a even­ ployes their back to work signal. sign similar agreements us a mat- !Jay the entia'e cost of insurcwChicago, Ind., and Chi c ago fo rtunate victim of MlnneLots's re­ American Implies in UN Talk adopted no conciliatory tOlll' to­ turn to winning ways In Minnea­ Heights, lJI. ward government nedlators. polis last week. must have a win The settlement~, ettective Fri- LAKE SUCCESS (AP) - Assistant S cr tony of State John The United Mine Workers pres­ to retain the &limmer of title light day midnight, leave only 125,000 that still shines upon the Hawk­ strikers idle out 01 513,000 who lfiC'kt'rson Friday lold tlw niled ation~-(lnd th· Soviet nion Ident told newsmen he woule' meet next week with Cyrus S. eyes, walked Ollt Oct. 1 In support of C'spcdally- lhal countries whic'h CIlII If'wl m()lIntuin ~ in peacetime Ching, dIrector of the' cleraJ me­ Tbe team Quickly tbrew oft demands fOt company-paid pen- with atomic en rgy also can I vel cilie~ in war. diation and conciliation Dervic , the mental eftects of the loIS slons Dnd insurance. "or anybody el ~ e." In Uli etfort to Mlnoesota and went throul'h U.S. , teel ordered mainte- lIe that this the nrgllll1C'uts inlerna- it'npli d is one of best for roreach 0 :>ettlemcnl. a week 01 IIplrlted practice In IIln~e nlen into its plants tiona I control of the atom for p('a etirne uses. Chine saId In WuhlnJion, af­ preparation 'or the aUempt at atr08s the Ilation at once. Steel Hickerson made a short reply ter learnlnc of Lewis' 1l1.a~­ apolUne Wlsconsln'lI Homecom­ ment, Utat he ha no present lor celebration today. will start pouring from fur- in the sp cial political cOlllll1it­ naces by Monday or Tuesday. plans to arraore new c031 pe Of! Iowa has been a frequent Government labor officials in tee of the UN assembly to lhe 90- Two Die ,'As 8.. 29 meetlnrs. Homecoming visitor for Wiscon­ ,I, minute speech Thursday by Soviet An opel'ator spokesman, Joseph sin, the two playing sIx such en­ washington immediately saw the F . M " tAd . Vi h ' U,S. Steel settlement as removing korelgn Ims er n reI s tn- E. Moody, president of the South­ gagements, each team winning s y. Crashes' into Field ern Coni Producers' Dssoclation, three games. Today's contest will th e emergency f etlture from the Th R I I d I t id'I commented that "unless Lewis Is be the 27th between the two steel dispute. e uss a I e era ea. Ie INDIANAPOLIS CIP) - An :til'­ more specific and shows some schools, with the Badgers ahead Uft j .. I g . I " Russians are uslnr the atom hr s .. o on er a crls s, one . force B-29 went out of c:illtrol ,ign of modifying hJs previous on winning efforts, t 7 to nine. 'd t' th t such peaceful Jobs a~ mOVlllg led!era expel' t sal, no 109 a t I and fell in !lames on a farm west posltlon, there is no lI$C In r - A year ago Iowa whipped Wis­ Ith tn US St I moun a ns, Irrlg-atinr deserts .3le I of here Friday, Two of its 12 suming mlgotlalions." consin in the Iowa stadium, 19-13, we:. ee. ~greement, and clearing jungles and arctic Lewis suddenly call d oCf the after trailing at halftime, 18-0. the c.ompanles proc!uctng more astes V Iinsk . . I t Cl' wmen WC1' C killed. th h' d f t.h I' w , .S I Y was I 0 I n 52-day roal strike Wednesday for The pme will be Wiscon­ an two t II' S 0 e oat ~n S hand to hear the Am rlj'an I' lily. Thc bodies. of th I mell. who a three-w ek p riod niling Dec. sin', la t thla y r at Camp 't~l will be back in ~roducbo~l . Commenting dll' clly On Vishtn- hud pal'oehutl'rl with th oth r / 1. Randall atadlam. Next wek the rom IlOW on the dl~Pllte Will sky's cloim t.hat RlI s~ in lIll'S a to­ Cl'ew memh('I'S, WPI'I' found n ar Most of the coal dlrrers al­ Badrel'll travel to IIlnneapolll 2ge be handled locally ulltl! all the mic energy only tn a vast lanel re­ tlte s(,:IU!'rf'l1 wred

• J - Oh The-Daio/Iowan ade and fh .--___-- __ e Cornstalk ------,-:-::---E--Slabli-shed---:------llel S1\T U H DAY , N OVI!:MBER 12, liB\) . " " bli " b ~ " "." " e lto cC'p' 61 • •141., ., C' hnhrel, •• Uu~ a 6. r ...... "e-.u ••• c tih.. l t .. L V.bUc .. li . .... lac., l:.."1l Ie .... Avc-•• ~U 'be. 1.11:.&' .e...... laLe" L. \~\s a ..... , . " 'it U) . ' vwa. •• ~e e. ... ', ••er as we" • • aU AP .e~ . .. \ •••\ ,, ~ • . e.l.a...... nHU' ~ 1' a' '.e • ••t.CU e..' ••..,.. ., Ty • • \e.t... : " lcur. Ulc'e , 1,, \4& \" '). I-.w a, .",.c .. to •• a e' ., •••• UtI."le au,... D •• Q.,~ ... e. Ma• •• 11'1':_ .l Al a , c" 'to. Ui H,...... "".,,-U. O . lIlacner. • ••, Ob•• , 'Yes-Men' Bother Crommelin' • ;:o.~"y. ,.u· __ I1o) u rne r •• le .. & •• ~ s ...... , A ••• b_''''. c.; U , . '!. « .. ,. ~ ct politics arc smiled upon. Bal­ 10:30 D.m. Saturday Mcdluulons 7 ::U p .m . U nivers ity oC Chicago nound ~ hn\llrl tep Inlo hclt} WIICIt a studellt Is unable 10 pay his own way lot box stu rfi ng is even encour­ 11:45 a .m . Safety Spenk" • Tobie 11 :00 n.m. Mu.lcal nnlnbow 0:00 p .m . Candlel.h;:ht MU1I'CI""'ution foJ' nnd program. Guest sJ.lea ker: Deal! C,lpitol lIi1l ubservers arc predlcllng a lJillcr right IIC),t s e s~ ion and MussoHni if they've got Collcgc Tcaching, house chamber, Harvcy H. D;Jvis. wllell Ih e l'c-iH)ll1 ill,Llkn ,[ Da id I': . Lilienthal as chrlil'lI1an of the Thc flllics SCCIll Lo IJ njJ lIl'udCh­ ol'galt izlLtion 1'01' EUI'OllCan ('('0- Ilion or lhe necesslt.y of integrut­ two ex tra pennlcs. Old Capitol 8 p.m. _ PIIlY, "Command De- nomic contro\. jn~ Germany into wcstern plan­ Don't worry about whcre (he 8 p.m. - Play: "Comll1l1nd Dc- cision," Univcrsity theater. a ~" l1li l' en!'rgy c(' l1l111issioll come, up. ins thc lilllc whcn thcy must dc­ cidc whcthcl' wcstcrn Gcrmany G('rmnny mOlY ~oo n be w!1d!ng ning is bound to lec,,"tcnt, we Illay SOU II ~ce t ll ~L il)dotic, la is not capable of tha t 11l:1I1 w:t a Catholic, a J w rum. training be Illaururatcd. may receive )nfor matlon at thc S EN I 0 It S INTERESTED ; ~ bcH-'; YC l·lnllcll t. ot· a l'l'otestant, or what hi ~ 1l1'Il'lLI-t1rlll"nt 1""1[11'1' .. 11 .\' i ~ Gcorgc N. Cra ig, national CO Ill­ graduate eollcge officc between 2 teaching positi oll s for next year ')h,· ,' hlllil'iIlCN, lIfl.1! "'1l11 ~ t111 c111~~ly red tO I ~he U.S., llr~ frce, ol'.igin aJld 4'0101' were," thl' to be greatly 4'lIrtlllJed all4l InI' :V Ill tl nder o f/ ,hc American Lcglol1 . and 3 p.m . Applications must ue will m ceL Wcdncsday, Nov. 18 al Wllh the ,· tr c II ~ th('''\nlt l.r their r uvernruelll ,rows more rese"1- I'resldent said, caUblg ror an filed by December 1. even be abandoned. A ~h n; hall end to discrimination and In­ was thc principa l spcaker at exer­ 4:30 p.m. ill room 221 A. Schaef­ IT\ r ll~ ' (0\\ lll'd Amcrlcan bu s lnc8 ~ nl\m. aecordhllr kI rClIorts from aid tnab beiweeJ\ Germany justice. ciscs held in the ArUngton am­ ''But oan you reach over and fer hall. The work of the Placc.,­ ('Iusc oll ~ el'vcr s , [1'0111 and the United Staies Is in till' Top oflicials of thc depart mellt phitheater, u p a green hiU turn the hand forward just a FIELDHOUSE facilities will be ,ment offi cc will be explain,cd. ( t: U4I ISC, Iher . i~ 'hin,l, duy Uy rillY be'nll coll.umed by the Com- oWn, which would put the llCW of defense sounded the prepm'cd­ the unltnown solcliel" s tomb. tccny-wecny bit without O)len- open for University pluynights 1I'0vl'~n,"cnt on a par with OUI­ llIIlPj··t ~1 ( 11I . tl ~ Vl' l'Iwlcnl 110 1 [avoring wcstcrn intervention on allY nc~s lIole in speeches ovel' thc IIc noted tha t this year's ob­ loa' your eyes? . each Tuesday lind Friday from GIti\DUA1'E STUVENTS inter­ er Euro\lean countrics In thaL leI cl. I I'Qnic ~" I Y. h ' wcver. we llI"y be b recd lo r ce o~ni le it if ony sort nation. sel'vance or J\rmistice Day was "No! You t v ~ got to get up, sil 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ested in teachin g Ill eet ThurSday, field. This prcsumably will hcld " within thc dark shadow of of cl t.tI('111 ic 'II' (li pl oll1 <11 c r ela tions ll l'C to cxist. And they mu: I, if I " Wcakness brceds war, . on the side ot thc bcd, dccide Nov. 17 In roo m 221 A, Schaef­ mean German Inclusion In the lhe a tomic bomb." He said that WORLD SERVICE rellef luud fer holl. Emphasis at this meeting nll ~. I I is 10 I'c kept ( 1'111 11 ('(l'll1p lc tr ly dllmlnotin g the C' un tr y. , strength commands respect and whieh cllrcet!on Is counter clock­ - discourages Wat·," Secretary o[ one reason l or th is was the failur e wise, add the number 01 minutes meeting Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 4:30 will bc given to university, coJ­ I\ f i:l is 1'l'lurllillI; t1 the h [I II(\ 8 pC the AsiaLics. Muny of the !lew p.m. in YWCA cO ll tcrellce r oom, Dc[ lJ ~ e Ll)ui ~ John ~ oll o~$c I' Lccl 'If the United S tates and other extra ~ I ec() you \V;mt to thc prc­ Icge, and j unior collegc placement. b ' 1'('I" l lIllI' llt~ ;.re IP I , 'Illd "lid h l l " H ler~lIll . Nr'vr rlhl'll'SI'. thl' west IllIl Ft 1I11t101lS to lIc hicvc e nduring pcoa;c 10w(1 Uniot!. Conservation UniJ ill ruatiollal disasters Just Peace in Holy land is 40 cents. where it was vi:; ited hy mol'C called 'world wal's'," he sllid In . makcr to take It u~n himself to CORE SPONSORED by YMCA 1lI 0n~ was nl"de be,'a'·lSe IIl e J:IJ' i1 I~ h J.lOlIlIU h,ld bcclI devl' lued ill LD31. than 335,000 persons, the commis- a speech at Welch, W, Va. VATICAN CITY (JP)- Pope Plus. trick m e Into getting up'! and YWCA meets Wednesd ay, IOWA MOUNTAINEERS color Sow!: cl'lIl('~ ." I"~ hit" pff ~ ld""t have llC"U1I4'd him or havln; sion I'aid. Gordon Gray, secrctar y o.t th e XII Thursday called upon "all "HIs duty is to make clocks, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. In the YMCA movie traveloguq, "Safari in .\1- J" t t), I" c \J ur' l' ~ mind whClt he ran ror orrlee 011 a proml!le or a Livc fish used in thc exhibit a rmy, told a Greenville. N.C. au- who glory in the name 01 Chris- nor build character." rooms. The meeting is open to rica" Sunday, Nov. 13 in Mac- N4'w 04'al. Thr r ~h l is that Ibelr ~ u ~ plelons of monetary ehanres \'we been relcascd , the reptiles d ienee lhat the monetary cost "C tlan" to Intensity efforts toward ~ The fellow who marries thd all. bride auditorium at 8 p.m. Tue:- were proved In J933. taken to the St. Louis zoo and thc second world war may event- just and permanent peace tor Pal- younl' lady bad better be eart- day, Nov. 15 a lecture alld dl!}ll- Now Hr'-ry Truman h ll~ IC'ld thc public he will n?1 d~valuc the , the birds and mammals taken lO/ ually r~n to morc than ~1~trilUo n : estine. ful. She's lot a mind 01 her ALPHA DELTA SlOMA will onstJ ation of mountaineer ing Ameri can dollar in an effort to catch up with Britain and the rest of the game !arm at Boone. Thats about $6,700 apiece fOl The Pope's appeal, printed In own, I'll &ell you. hold regular meeting Wednesduy, equipment In Studio "E," 1nJi· I II n < I . t' Blueprints of the specially buill c.ilch American now living. the Vatican newspaper L'Osscrva- And there's lillie doubt as 10 ~ov. 16 in conference room J , neering bUilding, at 8 p.m . • le eva Ulll ~ ns HlI1:. . . . trailer have been sent. to seven11 Gray -counseled, however, that tore Romano, implored Rom a n who In that family will get up Iowa Union, at 7:30 p.m: ' ., lit No r ne knolVs whethcr Trtl mnn w II be forced 10 ehllnlle hIS mmd. cOllliervation depa r~ments anrl the United S'lates keep its mili- Catholics throughout the world to to elose the wlndow, set up the IOWA MOUNTAINEII8 Jeive ~~e .event \O' i ~1 b£' rc ~ ol,'lkd ,i n the h ~~ I? ry b ~ ck s , t}ut chll~gin~ eer - 81~\ll\r . !!xhibl~ are t~ovelin g in tilry estilblishmellt nt 0 hi ~h level launch a "ncw crusade of prnyer" thermost:1t - ull(i shut olr th! IIUMANITIES SOClETV mects .10wn Union for ..hike, SUlld3r, I n o mLC ce ndltions may lorce such a change. other states, the commission· said.o! excclLencc. ' To do so, he said, - to attain this ioal. · . alarm. ; Monday, Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. in Nov. 13 at 2 p.m. Lutheran Fraternity Commarce Fraternity Church Calendar To Send De!egation So.ciety Pledges 20 Members PerSQna'~ Notes International Gam m II Delta Nom es 0 r 20 SU T studen IS re- ~E!!!!!ii!i!iii!!!!!!!iii!!!!!i!!iii!!iil!iliii!.iillliiliiii.iii!!lil!!!!!!!i!!ii!!!!!ii!i!!!!i!!!!!!!ii!i!!i!i!!i!!!!i!!i Pres. C I are nee Kal lsen , A4, cently pledged by Delta Sigma Alberta Rankin, 1949 SUI gra- "sant Valley; Margy Booner, A4, a Slingl ST. MA.Y ·S CRUItCII SCaleob.nd hool dl trlCI. Sermon: "The nl Jdftnoa and Linn treeh Surrefldered Lite:' Ocheyedan, will lead a delega­ ------.,------_. Pi professional commerclt frater­ duare, will be the guest of Joe Shenandoah; MarlY FQster, A 3, new chicl at. ReT. Mlrr. C. U. Melnberr, pa.'.r Thun;day. 7:45 p.m.. special meetln. nity were announced Friday by an. J. W. Sehmlt., alI'L putor tor eommunlon preparalory to pertaklnl tion of 14 other SUI students at Merle Meeker Weds Mary Luffy Stark, ca, New York, N.Y,. this Cedar Rapids; J ane Doornink, A 4, Crom: Sunday rna ..... : 6. 7:30. '. 10:15 and of Ihe Holy S..ramenLS. the fraternity's international con­ Dan Hoffa, Col, Grundy Center, weekend. Miss Rankin is teach- Oranle City; Kay Wildman, A 3, make aQ 11:30 I.m. Weekdal m... e. at 6:30 ' .m. president of the fraternity. ing in Bensonville, Ill., at present. S ully; Maxine Erickson, A4, In the convenl ond al 7:25 and 8 •. m. In UN ITA .LA N CH RCH vention In Minneapolis today. at his na. It the church. Novena &e rvlees Thurlday Jaw. AY.II~e Gamma Delta is a fraternity for The pledges are: Cecil Fran­ Boone: J anet Macleod, A2, his til$l Sand ?:3O p.m. Confession.: Saturday 01 Sunday. 1:30 • . m.. church schooL 1':45 S::!'l to 5:30 and 7 to 7:20 p.m. WeekdflY' Lutheran students.• seen, A2, Sioux City; John H31- Members of PbJ Kappa Sigma Gree~e; Coleen Sibert, A4, Wa­ the lUli. a .m .• public &en-Ice. Subject : tlln His during the 7:25 am. mnsse. and aller Imag~ ." 6 p.m.. fir .IJe club ,up~r 7 The convention will be atlended berstadt, C3, Alden; Dale Holst, the Novena rvices. social fraternity attending the terloo; Elizabeth Thomsen, A3, p.m. . dlseu ..lon Speak.r: Prof. Nichol •• by Gamma Delta members from C3, Marion; Gene Jennings, G, Iowa - Wisconsin game in Madl- Red Oak; Colleen Newell, A4, gave ladt liT. WENCIlSLII.US· CHURCH V . Rlasanov:Jty. history depar1ment Ofl "Religion In RU~Ji18 . " the United States and Canada. Moline, Ill.; Robert .rensen, ca, son this wekend are: Lawrence Carthage, 111.; Mary Eaton, A3, relllark\ 0:80 E. OCl~eupurt ~'rttel the Rev. John F. Choitz, pastor ManUla, Iowa; Raymond Kitson, Buescher, C3, Glenview, rH.; Wil- Brazil, Ind.; Joyce SkInner, A3, gcncraU. Rev. Edwa.rd W. Ntudl, , •. dor HaST ENOl.! H LIIT HEItll.N CHllaCH Bev. ". P. Hines, pastor (Unite. Llttb.erau C luu~h 10 &lDertta) of the st. Paul's Lutheran chapel C3, Atlantic. llam Erickson, El, Burlineton; Cedar Rapids; Sally Webb, Col, be. Sunday masses: 0:30, 8 and 10 a .m . Special JJ1fitruction (or ~ade school chU-. I'~ '. Dubuque ... cnfl at Iowa City, said Friday. Donald Kolar, C3, Iowa CIty; Kurt Hauer, E4, Bettendorf: [.arry Rolte. and Mary Thomas, AS, left I The Rev. Ralpb ... Krueeer. p. t.r hlah school children "t 9 a.m. Sunday The convention will discuss Robert Larson. C3, Fort Dodge; Gross, At, LaMoille, TIl.; Charles Monticello. . did not confession. h.... rd 3 to 5:30 p.m. Ind 7 10 Sunday. 8:30 a .m., MatlJl 5:~rvlce . ' :30 p.m. Satu,'day. Speaker: SI Sler Mlldr~ Wlnt"r. field amending the !r3ternity's consti­ Everette Lindley, C3, Reliance, Brandon, AI, St. Louis, Mo., and In his de. secretar,)' (or the board or deaconf'S.,~ , tution to Include 0 regional sub­ S.D.; Edwin McCuen, A2, Gray; ST. PATRIC"'S cn RCH work or th' United Luther3n Churct Don ShannOl1, AI, Mt. Pleasant. In America ~ 9:30 a.m., Sunday schoo]. division or , the organization, and Riehard MJller, ca, Waterloo; Grant to Aid SUI ft. E. Cuurl street 10:15 a.m.. mornlna wo hlp. Sp~ak .. Richard Murphy, A2, Avon, Ill.; ••.•e •. ~"rr . Patrl~k O'Reilly ....t or Rev. Ralph Krue&er en "UncondJt,o'ul changing the editorial policy of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Graham, aef. lLaymond J . Fa.tha, IS 'l palt. r Discipleship" 4:30 p.m .. m•• llna of l.u­ the "Camma Delta Spectator," the Richard Rhoads, C3, Clarksville. Sunday mas.e., 6:30. 8:30. 9:45. II t·he"n students at Zion Lutheran Coralville, are the parents of a Oral Cancer Work I.m. W~kday masse"i at '1 :30. ConrenJons church. Speaker: SIs1er Mildred WI"ler fraternity'S international publica­ C' lar1es Roberts, C3, Storm boy born Wednesday ot Mercy , SAturday rrom 3 10 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. on "The Chrlsllan·. Vocallon." 6:30 p.lIl .. tion. Lake; Homer Sayers, C3. Nevada; Luther lealue meet. at the church. hospital. A '5,000 iTan! recently given ST. THOMAS MORE OIlAPEI, Wayne Anderson, L2, Maquo­ Robert Saylor, C3, Hampton; End SUI by the U.S, public health 405 N. Riverslde DrI\lt: naST METHODIS'r ';; II UJl~H keta, will serve IlS chairman Thiele, C3, Black River Falls, aev. I.eonard J . Sturman. putor or Members ot Phi Deltll Theta, ser vice for cancer tralning in the . 'Y. Roberl J. \\Ielah. a s'l palto, Jdteripn an. Dubuque " treet. the resoilltl ns committee ot tile' Wis.; Richard ThOmpson, A2, Ce­ Or. L. I' ,ulnln,lon. Jlasl.r soclal fraternity, who wUJ attend ~lJele of dentistry will be used au. J . Waller MeEIf'uey. an'l pallOt 'h Mlnll apolis m eling, Rev. hoitz dar Rapids; Leland Van Ee, A2, Sunday masses: 5'45. '1 :30, 9. 10 and Sunda.Y, 9::!D 8 .m .. tlh,rch .cbooJ. 9:30 the Iowa - WisconsiJ'l game this to continue present cancer work, 11 :30 1m. Weekdoy •. 0:30. 7 Gnd 7:30 • . m and 11 am" mornln& wurship frvicet said. PeUa, and Edward Vavra, A2, Ce­ Dean A. W. Bryan, SUI dental Spe5ker: Dr. L.L. DunnlnMtol1 011 "Try dar Rapids. W kend are Jim Friend, C4, Har­ 'Uti:; for One Week" a p .m ., W~t~y .. up· lan; Bob Hylnk, A4, Rock Island; college reported. per club for married ond eraduale- tu­ dfl'nt8 rnee~ At Web) y hCJlIst. &:.~ p ,m .. Dave and Jack Carstensen, both Dr_ A.K. Fisher, head of the Weiley foundation under*raduat@' , tll­ Seabees Organize AI, Clinton; Larry Meyer, A2, Da­ department of oral pathology, Is d",," meet In F~no",.hlp .... 11 . 7 p.m.. Methotlbt.l YOlllh fellow.hlp meets al ihe Junior Hig" Pupils venport; Bob Wollord, C3, Shen­ supervising the work, which in­ chureh. To Ad in Comecly andollh, and Jim Lux, AI, Har­ cl udes training ot dental students ZION LUT HEItAN ~ H llit H Reserve Unit Here lan, In the recognltlQn ot oral cancer (Americ... I ... t btran C.nrerent'e) symptoms. I'M E. Bioomlll,toh .I.VenMe A voluntary Seabee reserve \1.,11 Junior high school students wlII The: Rev. A. . Proehl, p. tor has been organized In the Iowa PI' ent "American Boy," a thr e­ Four members of Alpha Chi The award was one of 38, to­ Sunday. ':15 n.m.. Sunday ..,hool. 9:30 •.m ... tudenl Bible class. 10 :30 a.rn .. dl· City area. Anyone interested in act comedy, at the junior high Sigma who are attending the tallD.l $689,685, given by the pub­ vine 'ervlce Speaker: Rev. A.C. Proehl membership, wpether a navy vet­ school auditorium Tuesday one! Iowa - Wisconsin game In Madi­ lic health service to colleges and on "Wailln, with Contldence" 2 p.m.. dfvhle . t>rvlc.e at St. John Lutheran eran or not, Is Invited to a met­ Wednesday. son this weekend are Ed _Peters, universities to continue and ex­ ily church. Sharon. 4:30 p.m.. Lull,eran ing Friday at 7:30 p.m. In room Mr. and Mrs, Merle Meeker Two performances, one at 4 G, Bultalo, N.Y.; Louis Campan­ tend education of medical and . .tudent aSiOClulon will meel . Speaker: Holy day., 5.45. 7. 8. 11 a.m. and 12:15' Slsl .. Mildred Wlnt.r field ••cretary for 213, EngIneering building. p.m. Tuesday and one at 7:30 p.m. aro, G, Rock Island; Frank Long, dentaJ students concerning cancer. 5:45. 7 7:30 01 01 p.m. First Frtday •. and a.m. the board deacon ... WOJ'k th. Unit - TlJp tlilit (No. 9-44) commander, Mr~. ConrS\8!ons: 3:30 t o 5 und 7 Lo 8 P.II} . ed Lulherlln Chureh III Amt!rle4 Siapper Wednesday wlll be pres nted, G, SprIngfield, Ill., and Pete Bel­ on all Saturdays. doys belore I.rst Frl- and social hour will follow . M.C. Boyer, said the meeting will Alumna, Student Marry at Ft. Des Moines Elizabeth Cupp, pilly director, hos lis, G, Forest Hflls, N.Y. da)'s SI1~ Holy Dhlp. 'I'o):>le : "Llf.·s Sunduy, 9:15 n.m .. church school. 10 :3(\ Golden FulUr . ... B.m.. morning worr;hlp IlHfJ communion. I Stashower to Fill Perry; Louise Archie, A3, Shen- tore her appointment os president Monday, 8 );) . n'1 . , church membership Sermon: "Do We Know Too Much to Second SUI Show Girls Hockey Teams An informal, otter-dinner donee andoah; Kay Kimel, A4, Plea- of Province 10. dabS. Thursdoy. 8 P,II'\ .. men'. club meeting. will bc featured at Hillel founda­ Over TV Sunday WSUI Staff Post tion, 122E. Market street, from .£OROII.NIZEO CII URCH OF JF.SUS To Play in Tourney 7:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday night. CIUl IST 01' LATTER DAV SAINTS David Stashower, A3, Cleve­ • Station WOC - TV, Davenport, The event will be the first In YMCA It"om. lowa. Memorial Union will televise the second of a se- land Heights, Ohio, has been ap- Members of the Women's Rec- EXECUTIVE • Prepare to step iuto a responsible Dale Ballantyne, actlne prelliden" o series of parties sponsored by Sunday, 9 a.In .. class. 10 8.m., wor.. ries of shows presented by SUI pointed announcer-supervisor of reatlon association hockey club executive position in the retailing Ihlp servJces. and the Iowa City hockey club the foundation's social committee, a t 6 p.m. S und ay. WSUI-KSUI, station oCficlals an- according to Committe co-chair­ CAREERS field: buyillg, adverti ing, fashion, "V'I" !h S! will participate in the Midwest TRINITY EPISCOPAL CIIUItCIl Th e sow,h Isua IZJn~ e ra- nounced Thu.rsday. men Leah Woolf, A3, Woodstock. personnel. Specialized training, ex· :t!O E. C oUtee "'red .. III I Hockey tournament this weekend. t egI c Ri m, w cons st 0( on in- The appoIntment fills the vac- 111., and Dick Turchin, A2, Sioux c1usively (or college graduates, covers " trold P. MeOee, rf~lor terview discussion of Russia. Tournament games will be II RETAILII. Sunday, 8 S,m ., Holy Communion. ~:30 City. merchandi ing, personnel manage­ a.m.. upper chul'ch bChoo1. 10 :45 a.m .. Graphs, charts, maps, and other ancy created when Vince Brann, played In St. Louis on the Wash- A skit under the direction One-y ear Coun. lower church school at Parish hous~. ot ment, textiles, tore organizatioJl, sal 10 :(5 a.m .• 1110rning ~rn. y er and sermon. demonstratiol;l devices will be A4, Cleveland, Ohio, resIgned re- ington university hockey [ielris, Hillel Drama Chairman Leatrice 1•• 4. t. Subject: "lie That h Filthy. Let HIm used on the show. cently because of academic ob- Marv Ella Critz, women's physical prom tion, and all phullCs o( Rtore Be Fltthy Still." 5 pm .• f'v(>llilH( prayer Shay, A4, Bclvld r , III., will be Mo It.,'1 and sermOl"'! . Subject: "And Hp Gave Know How to Live?" 1a :30 • . m.


..' .. ~ ' •.t,..~' I ...1 ,:- ..,J ~ i You ... poised at the entrance of the room in a dress from f·" " ... ~.; .. ' , f~ ~ J _ • : our grandest coli ction ... assured by admiring glances that I .' .~, .. / -,. you never looked lovelier. Imagine, a skirt that sways en- / l ! r· .'.·::. , . ;..(,.' .."'f chantingly about you, a neckl ine that dips provocatively .. , :/ h-; / 1 t t- ,. t..":- • . / . ' . i . a breathless waist. · All thjs lovelinpss caught in net, satin, f taffe ta , velvet or combinations of several fabrics. In all the 1 4II*".nlllll." In M.dko pip •• and hoIlI..l anel his ORCHESTRA very newest styles and colors . . . one of the finest selections I / 110 •• 66 bafflu thol .top lIak•• allll slut .... .boorb luk •• . .. r.duc. toneu ...... , • . The right combination I 13, In ,I•• you the utmost In IIIIald", ".aM•• . we've ever had, ' anll r30 MIDICO V. P. Q. (VElY ,." QUAUrY) A concert you can't missl ~Oll ltMdally ..Iect . d Import.d briar ...... 14 Wlclnorl. ty of "'oP'" With 10 IIIt.n ... I. Priced to 35.00 Aloe ,,."" M.dico "Slondatd" .. , I color Aallrico', OufIfondjlll OoJIa, (11) ,,,. Nov. 18 ALDENS - Seeond Floor ~ At- ".. MetIIc. C.. ar.... Hold... 'I l MaC" 'I Tue: ­ Iowa Union - 7:30 and 10:00 p.m. deJll' .eriDJ MEDICO Enli' .ILTERED SMOkiNG Sl.~O per person I. • . "". c.., Inc • • filth A_. Mow , .... 1: IJlll'ItU PIPI') NOW ~.1. 1'1 " Tickets on Sale Nov. 14 at Union Desk • ,. :. Ii C. II A I I 'y 1'0" .. ' I {, ,~ ... ~ , I I

PAGE FOUR - THE DAILY IOWAN, SAtuRDAY, NOV. U, 1949 . Have You Heard? - Davenport De feats Litt Ie ' Haw ks~ 14-7 , ~5~~~::~:u:" I Drave~ Lo?ks ,Forward and Right End Bob Wilson, Badff- I er captain, are on the doubHu1 To SWI mmIn 9 Pennant Fourth Quarter Tally Wrecks Irish Prepare for North Carolina Tilt list. Blackbourn may not see any action and Wilson is reported to By JOHN HOLWAY be slated for Umited duty. For a heavyweight wrestler, Bob Geigel can get down Ihe football Chief threats for the Badcers field in a hurry under kickoffs. lJoweve!', if t.hel·e's one thing that slows • have been the rlcbt arm of the Hawkeye co-caplnin up, its his helmet. Hawklet Bid for Valley Crown Quarterback Bob Petruska, who Big I:cb can't. sct:m tJ get filted w th a helmet Ihlll Isn'l 100 bllr. (Sped.1 to The Oal1 y lowa n ) toued tor two touchdowns DA VE IJOHT - Tbe powerful Davenport Bluc Dcvils stak­ acalnst Nortbwestern and lIalf­ He fa )'S ~s coon a& he gets r ~ 1Ii1l1' down the field, tbe head ,elr ... s lips Lown over his cye ·. Very anlloyhlg tu have 10 bl'ush it back cd undisputed claim to the 1ississippi allcy confcrence cham­ back Bob TUClIe, a dan,erous runner. when hc's trying to keel) Illl eye on the LtaJl-carrler. pionship herc Friday night by clipping Iowa City 14-7 on the The guard positions have been " " .. strcngth of an irresistible fourth quarter toucllllowD drive. the heaviest hit on the Hawkeye The life oC a swimmer is no larl<. For instance, lhe It/wa waler A determined City high de· squad. Junebug Perrin suffered a H:lIvks have been working out fol' lwo weeks already for their sea­ twisted leg in the Minnesota game ~on which doesn't open till January. And once the meets get underway, fcnse held the Davcnport off ]1- ana Lou Ginsberg played a por­ isve might in check for three quar­ Hearl Attack Fatal tion of the Gopher contest with a they carryon into March, There's a short vacation before the surn­ ters but yielded in the face of a broken hand. mer season begins nnd they're at it again. Figure about two or three miles swimming in an average day fer 73 yard sustained drive sparked Sophomore John Towner, who To Former has done the lion's share of the about. nine months out of the year, and what do you get? I know, oul by the accurate passing of Dick CHICAGO (,4") Clarence IIne-baeklnc tbls year, came out of breath. Meyer. (Brick) Owens, 64, who started of tbe Minnesota fray wUh a .. fractured Jaw and won't play • The first. quarter resolved Into umpiring nt. 18 as result of a pis­ As yOU know, the swimmers this year will be competlnl' wUh· ' at all. His place will probably n punting duel between Iowa City' ~ tol accident and became a 22- be taken by Austin Turner, a out Wally Ris. But the other scbr ols have lust ~ tars of eq ual sta­ Micky Moore and Davenport's season arbiter, ZOO-pound ,uard who has starl­ turc, so the lJawkeyes dOll' t think they are golnc to Lte left behind. Frank Schwendel, with neither died of a heart attack Friday. ed most of the CllmC8 at left They fin ished second In the natiln last sea on. club gaining a well deCined advan­ Big, strapping Owens collapsed I'uard. • at the office of a wholesale meat Earl Banks, just getting back tage. Captain Duane Dj'aves, the husky-voiced Californian, thinks his firm where he was a salesman. into playing shape after an e31'ly team will fight it oul again for the Big Ten title Iowa lost to Ohio Early in the second period, Jim A fire department squad worked season injury at Purdue will state last spring. freeman, Iowa City defender, over him futilely for 20 minutes. start at a guard. Ron Fairchild Seme of his optimism stems Crom the ~op homOl'e crop that. ought smashed through the Davenport Owens was born in Milwaukee on will be called on for heavy re­ March 31, 1885. placement duty. to make a good bid COl' filling in for five regulars who have graduated. line to intercept an errant 'Blue Hubert Johnston, the 220-pounri One is Don Watson, the Sl. Louis mite who almost ousted one of Devil pitchout and gallop 65 yards Owens was retired on pension tackle, twisted an. arm in practice by the American league in 1937 the powerful J apanese bOYE out of the finals in the American cham­ for a Cit.y high tally. Larry Lemme this week but should be ready pionships this summer. aCter umpiring continuously from for action. Starting tackles will Den, a 5'2" man, is talt in reputation after pushlnr Siimlo Tan­ converted to give Iowa City a 1916 in the j unior circuit. He lert be Co-Captains Don Winslow and short-lived 7-0 margin. the profession because of a heart Bob Geigel. Veteran Dick Laster aka of Iliroshlllla in the SOO-meler seml-nnals. Tanaka won tblrd Davenport. smashed back to con- condition. will start at center, with Joe III the finals behind Record-Breaker IIJrllnoshin FuruJlaMhl. Icnthm on the nexl play ol the Brick, who picked up that nick­ Paulsen and Ron Petersen set for Some of the other brighl new boys urc Larry Dunbar and George name when he was pelted with n READY TO FIRE A PA S Is NoIre Dame's quarterback Bob Williams as Ihe Iri II held practice lie slon defensive duties at the poSition. Yim of Hawaii, who' must cover two big holes left in the Iowa spl'lIlt Meyer took Iowa City's brick-bat early in his career at Friday at Bear Mountain, N.Y. in IlrCIlnralion for tollay's game with Nort.l1 Carolina. Holding the line for Ends Jack Dittmer and Bob relay team; Chuck Hein, Crrmer Iowa prep backstroke champion; him, left to right, are Guard Fred Wa)Jner, Cenlcr W JIl Grothaus and Guard Rod Johnson. Players with kickoff 011 his own Hi yard stripe Pittsburg, Kan., saw service in McKenzie are ready to add to Frank LaDue, a promising diver, and Bud Dahl and Jim Izu, breast­ backs to thc camcra are Tackles Ralph McGehee (left) and Jim Martin. Williams and his undefeated their conference pass - grabbing ,1I1d tprlnted 84 yards for a Dav­ five - 1918-22-25- strokers with potsibilities. mates arc rated as ))rohib:Uve favorites in today's game with the Tar lIeels who are handicapped In that laurels. McKenzie is lied for most enport touchdown. Don Costigan 28-34. their All-American I1aUback Charlie·C is cXllerted lo bee only li mited acii:ID. Justice injured bjs catches, 15, and Dittmer has tal- • converted to knot the score 7-7 ankle In last week's game and it has ham'perl"d him ('ons'derably in practice drills this week. lied at least one tOUChdown in Somc of the Hawkeyes to watch in the championships in March: at the haimme. Iowa Tutors Down ------six of Iowa's seven games. Draves, championship tim bel' in the backstrol

pleasure at Joe & Leo's STOP TtiAT ITC~ New Cafe Suffer No Longer From Dine.A·Mil, I,,,. • Athletes Foot or Fungus Disease t...,uc., KM • ••• get il?to bold, bold colorl Hamburgers, HOi Dogs Get a Jqr of Leopard skin, Don Juan tights ., . and /lOW Bolder Meeling tIle gang to discuss. f C.D.S. Ointment Look colors win fair maiden, 10 clear, brighl paslels quiz-a date with the campus Buy Ont! or and white ••• Van Bold wide-spread collar .•• extra· • queen-o just leilling time be· Stops Itch in Seconds tween e1a~ses - Lbe Dine-A· wide center pleat assert your he·man qua lilies. l\tite Inn at the University of Esquire inspi;ed the Bold Loolt ••• college men Buy a Sack Full $2.00 .- Kansas at Lawrence, Kansas is inlroduced it ••• Van Heusen makes it morE' popular Drop in aDd try our .~ort order meals. You'll Uke one o( L1~e (avorite places (or a This is not Just another remedy tl' clutter up Jour medicine chest, il wlll do the j:lb for you. than ever with its new Bolder Look shirts. ,. 3.95 the way we prepare our HamburQers. Hot DoglI, rendezvous. At the Dine·A·Mite home made chili. aDd lIandwichell. Come in any • Compounded by a regular pbarmaclst • LlreetJollS with each jar Inn, as in all college off~a mpull time. haunts everywhere, a frosty For your convenience, I have boille 01 Coca,CQla is always iollowinq rellponsible peopl rve you. on hand for the pause that re­ Asic f or it eith" way • • . 60lh Plealle contact the one ne to you. fresbes- Coke belongs. trade-maries mean the same thing. Joe & Leo's Cafe B, J . Flanders \ A. W. Buehler M. R. Gamsoa 107 E. BurUnqton Dial 9993 207 West Lawn Pk. B-127 Quad 530 N. Clinton rUlLI-IPS.JONES eORr., NE ..... YOHIe I, N. Y. IOTTLED lINDa AUTlIOIITY Of THE COCA·COlA COMPANY IV Ext. 4147 Phone 7412 CEDAR RAPIDS COCA-COLA BOTTLING 00. Samuel T. Beatty Richard Miller iteynold Moeeaall' C 19.9, Th. Coco ·CoI. C.mpany Open All Night 215 Law Commons 310 So. Capitol 417 So. Capitol Ext. 3!l41 Phone 3431 Phone 2296 THE DAILY IOWAN, SATtJRDAY. ~"'OV. 12. 19f1 - PACE ''fiVI! ., Part 01 the 'Iowa 400' Who Cheered the Hawks 4ij. CHECK THE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY --~~--~------~~~--- . WANT AD RATES . Miscellaneous for Sale General Services Instruction ___...;H=elp Wanted • ------. SeU unused arlicles with a DAILY Do you have a service to off r? if Ballroom dancing. Harriet Walsh. Wanted: E.xperienccd Beauly Op­ For consecutive insertions IOWAN Classified. YOU have, the DAILY IOWAN Dtal 3780 aller 5 p.rn. erator to start about January 1. One Day ... _...... 6e per wont will help you seD thls service. In old t:Stablished shop, Write Box Three DaYII •...... 110 per word Fuller brushes and cosmetics. CaU i~:--___: __---:--=-:~:_:_-:__--=-- Ballroom dance 'essons. MimI llC Daily Iowan. Six Da)' ...... 13c per wont Rubbish and Light haUling Serv- Youde Wuriu. Vial 9485. Olle Month ...... 3ge per word 8-1213. ices. Call 2914 for prompt serv- Have your BABIES' Shoes Where Shall We Go ClassiIied Display LOSt and Found ice. BRONZED One Day ...... 75c per col. inch Lo t: black bIllfold containing Experlcnced thesis typing and Ther 's pJ nty ([ room, run, and Six Consecutive daY'S. mimeographing. Dial 4998. All Work Guaranleed per day .. _...... 6Oc per col. inch valuable papers and identifica­ your Javorite cool be vcr age FOR DEMONSTRATION One month ...... SOc per col. inch tion. Reward. Phon Bob EVllns, wailing for you at the HAWK'S ~ndlx sales and service. Jaclaoo', Call Dale R3lIdall (Ave. 26 insertions) 3157. Electric and Gltt NEST. Drop in today., ----~-"- - 438 Wcst Benlon Dial 4328 Ch""k your ad In the first ue it gp- WiU Motorist who lound Black Curtains laundercd. Dial 5692 be- Did you hear about the LA Student pean. Tb" DaUY Iowa.. call be reOJ)Oll- slble for only Ort" lJ.~r~1 In~rllon . Cocker Spaniel Enst of Oity. Call fore 10 a.m. whos father called him Arch Di,\('.5482. ______because he always needed 'upporl? 1n Today - Out Tomorrow BrinK Ad"uti.selbenta to ThesiS typing al 0 Gellerlli typ- Brillg your support to the ANNEX. FILM FINISHING SERVICE The Dally Iowan BWllneaa Office Lo t: Brown billfold containing ing. Dial 7778. Basemeni, East Uall or pbone identification. Reword. Phone ______Real Estate For DeadUnes 8-1600. Formal dressmaking. DIal 8-1936. Complete Photographic Supplies Modern two bedl'ohm bungalow. Weekdays 4 p.m. Men's reversible Jacket, size 37. Sewing. Dial 8-0951. $40 incomc. $1500 down, Balance It's SCHARF'S Saturday Noon Ext. 3063. InSurance lcrms. Dial 81061. 9 South DubUQue St. LO~l: green lield jacket in Ra- clne's. ClIll 8-26'3. See us if you need a Home or In- H. L. Sturtz surance ot any kind. BUSBY Today is the Day ClllSSi tied Mallager For Rent AGENCY, 127 S. Dubuque. The Opening of For Rent: 196 acre Stock Farm. 50- Molded SINGER FORM 4191 50 livestock lease. 160 Acre farm ncar Solon, Crop Share iease. Ends lIy-ons Farmers National Company, Iowa Cuts Fitting Time In Half Thealre Bldg., C~dar Rapids, Iowa. The Shuffleboard Parlor 'l'his is the only practical SPECIAL Rent form molded righl on the (Dall y lawan PIl.t.) itooms for figure. It duplicates every New Entertainment for Young and Old "UA TEAM, FIGUT, FlGUT, FIGIIT!" shoutcd a.·J oul ~OO SUI student Friday morning at the end­ Single room WIth board on bus curve, every dlmensiun. With rlr IIel' rally in front of the Jefrerson hotel. Cheerleaders led the yells of the student who turned out to '42 Chev. 2-Door line. Graduate glrl. Dial 6203. it you e3n pin, fit and fini 'h a dreSll wthou t even onee ur~c Ihelr team to victory III today's (oetbnl! gam e w ith WiScollsi n's Badger. The team left by bus from Here's a good one that's 11·13 E. Washington ComCol·tabie single room 10r man. having to try it on. IbQhotel at 8:45 a.m. artcr a half hour of cheering tram the crowd. 11 real bargain. Good tires; No drinking. Cnll 5598. Sec it III t heaters; spotlight; tighl Have You Vi:;ih.'d': sound body; and 28,000 ------Singer Sewing Center Polio Cases Rise I~ double room, graduotc studenl Prof. Bach Plans Voodooism Study in Haiti mlles on the engine. Good &irl. Close in. 4482, 125 S, Dubuque To Oct. 18 Figure dark green llni"h. Hurry THE JENNY WREN SNAC K BAR Prof. Marcus Bach, asslst,,!}t di- Bach said the practices of voo­ ie you wanl itl Music and Radio Wash the easy, economical way doo are of particular Int rest to 'I'h nlllllbcr oC t' r Tcclor of lhc SUI school of rc- • Coff • Chlllburg,ct'l; ae Ive po to ligion and a wcll -known author, him, and he believcs he wlJi find GUlll'anlced repairs tor al\ makcs LAUNDROMAT CilIiCS uncleI' trcatment at Univcr- will leave Iowa Cily Nov. 22 10 it morc thlln "a religion of sor­ Only $595. Home and Auto radios. We pick • Downy Fl. k(' Donuts • nOT DOGS sity hOSlliulls ro~c Friday lo 15. study voodooism and othcr folk cery," up and dcliver. Sutlon Radio & Wash by Appointment • Hamburgers • Home Made Pics highest nlpnbcr at the hospitals. religions of Haiti. "I have a feeling thllt I will Teievlsion, 331 E. Market. Dial Dial 8·0291 fincc Oct. 18, as thrce patient.' Haiti is a republic on thc islanr1 find in it religious dl'ivcs and 2239 "Stop hel"e for thut Bet-ween Cla~s Snack" wcre admittcd ilclive wards. of Hispaniola in the Cal'ibbean impulses quite compol'lIblc to the the ,0 One of lhc patients, William sca. M?ny of its. ~ativcs pl'actice scekings of modern man," he said. I Haby Silting '41 Plymouth l?peciaJ Jim Ju:.t S')uth or Old Cllpilol 108 So. Ca pitol Muei1Cl' 4 West Point was in voodOOIsm, a rehgloll of snalte In sludying different reliJious '46 Ford Tudor Priced for Quick Salc Experienced baby sitting. Dial u1criOus'" ~ondition ho~pitals of- worshiping and sorccry that ori- groups of the United States and Supel' Deluxe model. Beauti­ 1 Sedan, Rlldio and Beuter fichls said' ginated jn Africa. Canada, Bach has traveled more 8-0808. ful maroon tini~h. Radio, I Tudor, Heat r , " I Bach has studied different rr>- than a quarter million miles. I THE WORD IS flYING OlhCl's admlLled to t 1C nctive Jigious groups for nearly 14 year's, healer, scat covers, log lights, Baby Sittl~g. Cali 81879. I SCdUll, Rudio er(ect. ------Mustnln, 11. LaPorte City, boU1 tcr to make the HaiUan lrip. His Guarantccd. story of life among the South /:ice Ihe Be~t lluys In Guuronteed Watch Rcprun in "[nil'" condition. wife will accompany him. They Dakota Hutterites, a group that COD Cleaners ON ALL MAKES pIe n to return to Iowa City in practices a rcligious torm of com­ USED CARS and their Prof. Louis Zopf Attends February. munism. Only $1025_ OIL Chromographs A Spet"ially "Modern Cleaning Service" P~armacopoeia Meeting BURKETT - lllliNBliART HAUSER JEWELRY PrqI. Louis C. ZopI, SUI co liebl' 'Ulese l'r ~' es Onna IOWA CITY MOTORS,• INC. 205 E. Washington Dial 3975 For 'rho,c Driving ONE DAY For Those Walking Vnlll l'oov. 16 of pharmi1cy, is cxpected to rc­ Try and Stop Me I Comer College and Clinton Drlvc-in S}<;RVTCE Wulk-in turn tixl~y from a threc-day mt"et.­ ROSICRUCIAN - DIGEST 324 So. Mocihm Dlnl 8-1171 114 So. Capilol ing of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia rc­ ~---8y BENNETT CERs------ALSO 1949 MERCURY Sedan vision committee at Philadelphi " 1049 FORD Tudol' Denn RA. Kucvel', SUI colleg of 'I'll E late John ~ laente, head of the publishing firm of C.P. '48 OLDS "78" Clb. Sed. MYSTiCISM - ART - S JENCI~ lIJ48 rORD Tudor pharmacy, ~aid Frid,IY. Dulloll, had Uw lI~lIal rUII of strallge cllcoullkrs with temperalllen­ '47 OLOS "78" Clb. Sed. 1047 CliEV. Convertible Now on Sale zopr is c1wil'lnilll of til sectioll tal ;Ill lhol's, hilt l;try \Vebh, who wrote lh" melllorable PreciOUS '36 PLYMOUTH 4-Door 1946 FORD Tudol's dcnnatotOl:kai Pl'oclucts, whkh on I3UI/I'. too" the cake ill his opin­ tIt Leading News St::tnds arc preparations used in tl'e'ltinr, - TODA 1"S SPECIALS -- Let The ion. In th e first place, she told skln diseases. '40 FORD Tudor 975 HOBBY HARBOR Last week Zopf attencicd a him lhal thc advance he offered DUNLAP'S '39 PLYMOUTH 2-docr 375 meel in g in Chicago of the cUI'J'i­ 011 lhal boo" was too hi gh. "I['s Motor Sales, Inc. '37 BUlCK Sedan 295 Make your Christrnns gifts culum c'omll1ittee of the Amcri­ '41 FORD Tudor 4.75 hC(,11 tl1rlled down hy four othel' 229 S. Dubuque fl'om our stock of modeis can Association of Colleges of SEE THESE NOW! Pbarmacy. publishers," she said, "so I don't Phone 4127 and hand-cl'aH sUllPlies. sec why YOLI should pay Ille so 210 N. Linn Dia.l 8-04'74 SPECIAL CLOSING SALE much." Mr, l\Jaerae almost fell CLASSIFIED ADS Prof. Dawson to Attend Autos for SOle (used) For thai morning cup of off h is chair. Values You Can'l Alford To Miss Auto Insurance and financing. M~eting in Washington She bl'(' ught her next manu­ \Jsed Fallgue Caps - 100 eacll! Whiting-Kerr Realty 00. 119 E. ,clipt to his home, and began 'fI.tttrJlfEl.<.;~ COFFEE Prof. F. M. Dawson, dean of CoUege. Dial 2123. Iowa City Surplus Store tallting aboul it in his drawing It's \ the SUI college of cngineering. 4 Enst College will attend a meeting of the Co­ room. Thc more she talked, the 1939 Ford, radio and heater. Seat 1 Block South of Campus THE STUDENT LUNCH le's satisfied shc appeared with covers. Completely overhauled Work For You ordinating Committee for a Uni­ 108 S. Capitol form Piumbing Code Monday and her work. Finally. , he announced, $385. 1938 Ford, heater and seal Tuesday in Washington, D.C. "I'm nol even ging to lel you read it," rose abruptly, and threw her covel'S $295. 1938 Pontiac Club Use Our Layaway Plan If you like ... manuseript into the fire! CJupe, radio and heater $200. 1936 Dawson is thc cOlllmittee chair­ TO BUY Ford 2 door, heater, good motor man und a committee representa­ • • • The sC:1rcity of eggs in England has necessitated severe rationing $100. 19 36 Pontiac 4 door. Good Plaslic Covered Ho ssocks A Fine Place tive of the American Society of fOI' s() long that A visitor to these shores, hearing her Long Island bos­ molor $125. 1936 Plymouth Coupe Large Choicc oC Colers Methanical Engincers. The, com­ tess compluin lhat eggs had ~oared in the local marl(ct to ninetY-five sizes and shapes 3.95 up A Time mittee is made up of personnel $74. Sec these Used Cal's at Ek­ Fine ccnls a dozen, lBid, "So what, my dear'! What's ninety-five cenls spread wall Motor Co., 627 S . Capilol. Doll Buggies represcnting 15 ol'ganizations o[ over thrce months?" CALL 4191 Buy now al $3.95 Ull Fin e Refreshments advertiSing cupe. Good 217 S. Clinlon KENNEY'S condilion. Ken Cormen. Phone 24 S. Clinton (reator of '(orliss' Quotes Own Daughters 3966. By BARBA itA BLOXOM state before the Des Moines pre- I IIge struggles hos made kids ideal 1947 Studebaker convertible. Ex- MAHER BROS, Someone has said children are miere of their new movie, "A Iltel'ary subccts," Hcrbert ex- cellent. Besl oftcr. 710 E. Jeffer- TYPEWRITERS a blessing, but lor screcn writer Kiss For Corliss." plaincd. son. Phone 4744. LAFF-A-DAY r. Hu gh Hel'bcrt, they arc also a Author of the Broadway hit Corliss' repartee is based on ------TRANSFER career. "Kiss and Tell" and of many banter of Hel'bert's daughters, 1941 Plymouth 4-door, spec. dlv. RENTALS - REPAI RS short storics and radio scripts. who were in their teens when Clean with several extras. Dial Stopping briefly in Iowa City I'or emcient furnilure Friday, Herbert, crealor of radio's Herberl claims he Is "parUal the "Corliss" idea struck. 7350 aIlel' 10:30 a.m. Exclusive Authorized mischievous teen-agel', Corliss to bobby-soxers." Herbert's plays and scripts arc 1949 Ford custom tudcr. Radio & MoviDl ROYAL Dealer Arch r, and Movie Producer Co­ "The thin line sepal'aling laugh- s~atches of Overhe?rd can versa- Healer. $1350. Snyder, 3168 ev- Un MlIlcr have bcen louring the tel' from tears" in sceing tcen- lions betwccn the gIrls, who latel' enings. and enjoyed arguing over who said Baggoge Transfer WIKEL f what, he recalled. 1937 Lincoln Zephyr cou\le. Radio TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE • , Chatting on the phone to a and Heater. $100. Phone 3343. DJal - 11696 - Dial girl friend one day, Herbett's eld- 124 ~ E. College Phone 8-1051 est daughter was complaining of 1941 Plymouth 4-door. A-1 con- her parents' strictness. dition. Call 33119 aftcl' 5:30. RO...... O,- M_AND__ BO_ A_RD--c-____--==,..--_ B;:y__ GENE AHERN "Ever since I've been wearlnr 29 Model A Ford. Quad A 175. REMEMBER. WIlAT I FOIST 10LD YUI-l 11M NOW .... LFy brassieres, they've been watch- ,.,BOUT ,A.LFY5 LUMBER..JACK RIGI-lT? HAS AN EXCELLENT inK me like a couple of hawks," Wanted To Rent .. WHEN HE LMDED IT ON FOLEYS CHANe'E OF v.oRKING she confided. G(}6,TEE IN D,I\ TIN ROUND, UP 10 THE HEI\VY' Herbcrt put the words into lhe Student couple desperately needs WUOW-W'MP ~-:' : I T SOUNDED UK!: WEtGHT CRONN. WlYH mouth of Corliss nnd the lInc furnished SUT zoology department, The SUI rirIe team will fire in Campus Chst Friday, bringing thlnt Named 'MEBO(' al Spree Projected on Ceiling a "shoulder-to-shoulder" match $10 bill offered by a stranger to the bill is good, why don't )'011 will b a guest lectur r at the the total number of 100 perl'f!nt with Coe college here Wednesday pay for his drinks. The bartender change it?" (See Picture Page 1) University of Toronto, Toronto, Iowa City invalids can make in the team's tirst trial this sea­ organizations to 14, Chairman Bob thought the bill was counterfeit Bush gave the stranger t". Canada, Monday through Wed­ son, Sgt. J.P. Anderson, rifle George Dixon, A3, Tucson, Ariz., was named most eligible application soon to the public li­ Kramer, A3, White Plains, N.Y., and called police. five-dollar bills. brary for the free loan of a ceil­ nesday. coach, said Thursday. bachelor on campus Frida night during the intennis ion of the said. "Bosh" said Bush. "This bill is Friday Bush went to his ing-type projector and films that Anderson said a "shoulder-to­ bank Spinisters Spree. Dixon was the Hillcr st candidate for the" 1E­ Hc will speak before the gradu­ Kramer reported the percentage good. I'll take 1,000 of them." to deposit some money. The teller will enable them to read on the shoulder" match means the ate college there on "Respiratory of SUI students who have cor.­ But the bartender shook his told him the 10-spot was pholly. BOC" title. ceiling. teams will fire on the same range. Metabolism of the Developing In­ These are to be distinguished lrom tributed to the che t has risen to His attendants were Charle Dodd, 4, Newton, a represent­ Librarian ,Joyce NI nstedt an­ postal matches where teams fire nounc d Thursday that the Lions secl." The university is weU 27. ative of Phi Gamma Delta, and Irvin Cirks, E2, Palmer, candidate on separate ranges and have 0 club had ordered two of the known tor Its science and medical of Delta Chi. certl (yini officer veri fy the scores, unique projectors and will do­ cours s, Bodine said. he explained. Damage to Car Estimated Spinster Spree Chairman Sally nate th£>m to the pubUc library. Laehner, A3, Des MOines, crowned Canadian and EngUsh colleges The rifle coach said he expects The club is 31so donating all ini­ At $55 in Accident Here "MEBOC" with the traditionAl Music Students Plan usually have extensive guest lec­ this year's squad to be an Im­ tial supply of rilm. rose wreath. Dixon received a ture programs, he added, but in provement over last year's region­ • An accident Involving two au­ About half of the 30 or 40 films their schools such speeches are al champions. Five letter - men tomobiles occurred at 9:50 '1.m. sterling silver tie clasp and studs Recital for Tuesday to be available when the s£>rvice part of course instruction and not engraved with his initials and and four numeral winners have Friday at the intersection of [o~a Thc second student music re­ starts will be for children. Suc­ extra-curricular activities as in returned, avenue and Riverside drive, po­ "MEBOC, 49", cessive pages of a book may be most American schools, Bodine At present, 65 members are on lice said. The attendants were presented cital of the 1949-50 season will read Simply by pushing a button said. the freshman team, but Ander­ Drivers of one of the cars was with gold knives engraved with be presented TUesday at 4:10 p.m. on the projector. I John WItterman, 627 Third ave­ their injtjals and "Spinster!. in North Music hall. The projectors will be loaned son said the list "ill be cut to Spree, '49". 15 or 20 by Christmas. He said nue. The identity of the othf'r "Chamber Trio, No.5" by Han­ to Iowa Citians confined to their the varsity will number about driver was not known. Damage to Approximately 650 couples at­ beds by illness or disability ' and Mexican SUI Alumni tended the annuai girl-take-boy del will be plaved by Charles 20 by Christmas and will be cut Wilterman's vehicle was estimat­ who are UMble to read books by dance sponsored by Universlty Howard, A3, Amnrlllp, Tex., oboe: to ) 5 after the holidays. ed at $55. other means. Club membel's wlil Women's association. Coinciding Grace Sarvis, A3, Oskaloosa, oboe, Named to Rotary·Job deli vel' the projectors to homes with Armistice day, this year's and Ruth Vornholt, A3, Cedar Ra­ dance centered on the theme, pids, piano. where they are "eeded. Erne to J. Aguilar, Mexico City, "All's fair in love and war". The recitation, "Et Air di Lea" Miss Nil' n s t d t Thursday who graduated [rom the SUI col­ expressed grati tude to the club lege of engineering in 1910, has Twin mugs engr~ved with from "L'enCant Prodigue" by De­ "The boy In the case "Spinsters Spree '49" were award­ butsy will be sung by Jayane for Its generosity and announced recently been named to a com­ the new program probably will mittee which will plan the 1951 Wilt, A3, Carlisle, mezzo soprano. Is not a nke-hell; he's MARI·INI ed to Dorothy Nicola, N3, Clinton, be expanded, both in the variety tional, world-wide service organ­ the "spinster" with the most or­ a natural, Impulsive Bass John Tilgner, C4, Hawar­ of films offered and the number Ization. iginal corsage and her date, Carl den, will sing "Even the Bravest lad who finds h:mself of projector~ available. Aguilar, who Is general repre­ Jesina, A3, Cedar Rapids. Heart May Swell" from "Faust" 8wept UP In pas810n for DIITRICB sentative of the Pittsburgh Plate Jesina, n pre-med student, wore by Gounod. Dorothy Kreblll, A3, Glass company in Mexico, will be a woman who i8 older a corsage of test tubes, rubber Donnellson, contralto, will sing He'll Accept Two Dates assisted by Rotarians from Eng­ but still 13unr. And gloves, tongue depressers !lnd for­ "Satta iI Clel" by Sibella. To Help a Father Out land and America. the laUer Is no ralh ceps combined with flowers. :Tbe Concluding Ule program, James Aller graduation at SUI, Aguil­ adventure8ll; she'. a BaQheiors were decked in ev­ Hopper, G, Boise, ldaho, will play Who said it doesn't pay to ad­ ar managed a hardware and ma­ lonely bewildered rtrl erything from potted plants and vertise? the clarinet solo, "Fantaisle" by chinery business in the Dominican who yearns toward this goldfish in a goldn h bowl to toy Gaubert. A plea posted on the student Republic before becoming as­ SCARLIT animals, ukulelps :llld rag dolls. bulletin board in the law build­ sistant export manager for a boy of her OWlI nature much more than N One recenUy engaged coupl CU. M t AH d' ing read, "Wanted: a d:lte for the paint lirm. He has been director appeared ~ith a headdress an- ' J t en 0 en Barristers' Ball." of the Confederation ol Chambers toward the soldier she IMPUII nouncing the man's candidacy lor The reply: "If you don't con­ of Commerce for several years was forced to wed .• , nect, let me know. 1 ne d a baby and is a past president of the Perhaps the tinest, ~"~e~B~~.;~:hiS lighted up while Big 10 Senior Meet An unusual and dramatic interpre­ sitter." Mexico City Rotary club. most mature picture tation of the spectacular reign of Another bachelor got a "kick And then the cotlnter, "I got Aguilar is also a former direct­ to come from post-war the d:lte but would still like to or and district governor of Ro­ au t of the Spi nsters Spre ." A Two representatives of the SUI France." Russia's most talked - obout que.n. mann~quin's leg was suspend;d senior presidents association plan look aCler your baby and mine!" tary. from a rihbon down th!' ccnter of to leave today to a ttend the sec­ -Bosley Crowther ond annual conference or Big Ten A Paramount Re-Release with his baclt. N.Y. Times Dizzie Gillespie and his orches­ senior presidents at Purdue uni­ JOHN LODGE • SAM JAFFE tra provided the music tor the versity, West Lafayette, Ind. . • LOUISE DRESSER event which was held in the mall! The two delegates are William E «II lounge of the lowa Union from 8 Wallace, WilIiamsblJrg, president r········~~·~;;~ Directed by ENDS .. ··· .. · to i;e~~T ' guests who judged th(' or thc college of law senior class, TODAY TUESDAY \~ WEDNESDAY corsages included: Prof. Walt£>r R. and Lew Hodgson, Davenport, : Nov. 18th JOSEF von STERNBERG Goetsch, dean of men, and Mrs. president of the school of journa­ XTRA ADDED Goetsch; Prof. H. L. Dean, of the lism senior class. ~ DAPITOl 1••••••••• ,.", , ••••••• ,. -,- A Tale of Two Cafes botany department, and Mrs. Loren L. Hickerson, executive­ Dean; Maj. John P. Christensen, ~--- of the military dcpartment, and secretary of the SUI alumni so Mrs. Christensen. ciety, said Thursday the dele­ 6ARYCOOP C. J. Hackett, A4, and Mrs. Ha­ gates' expenses will be paid by LATE HOwj ckett, of the office of student af­ the alumni society. as Roark fairs; Frances Camp, director of TONIGH~I The purpose of the conference I the educational plac ment ollice, and Helen Focht, o( the office of is to compare techniques of or­ student affairs. ganization and discuss mutuAL PATRICIA NEA The chaperones were presented problems conrronting the associa­ with special corsages compose(,i tions from the various universities, ITS TEN of pipes lied with <1 red bow and Ilickersdn sa id. MILLION streamers lettered with "Spi nsters READEIlS ARE Spree, '49." "Doors Open 1:15" An intermission tea was held WAITING for chaperones, members of UWA FOR ... council and their guests, most eligible bachclor and attendants and their dates.

PLUS - Cartoon and News

"Doors "Ends Open Positively 1:15" Tu" CABL - SHOWS AT - 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 Aid WAE er oHi line hI officer: nied - propag nance . the Ur The Gdynia earlier urday IUbcorr for nel of sub out an One shiP1 i! Gerhar Illunist 5~ United LORETTA YOUNG PI'Ocee< CELESTE HOLM Nati EUA LItNCA&TEIl OfDi NUGHMMLOWE I HAM THOMtI6 GOMEZ The 0\\ 000L1V WlL$ON IbIpyar • IUbmar • TWQlCiClh Ctncul)'.f~ Ina the Saturdi WALT DISNEY'S dismanl "Ferdinand 'he Ball" The t Lambet1vllle Story "Speelal" dence - Late NfwI- fd fror the dis , In falsi