¦narnm—— ffnv fts•i|tr $ + W&L -4 :ll |i,| l | BUSINESS CLASSIFIED Terps' Invasion FEATURES RADIO-TV filming @taf C-1 COMICS SPORTS Os Miami Likely WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1956 ??? .'-'«JH •. .. Kj||9 4yß • ¦ Last This Year Chances Are Slim s «v Hfe? .iwj Flop Os Maryland Going Newk's Kills Dodgers; To Orange Bowl By MERRELL WHITTLESEY Maryland’s football squad left today on what, barring a miracle, Young Heights to Yanks Reach probably will be its only trip Miami’s Orange Bowl this season. ¦§§ .JLBp*if9K ™ A month ago, before the Army ¦ ’ draft. Illness and injuries Ford, : ' *iS Berra's Homers wrecked the first two backflelds, Dodgers JfPC - < the Terps figured to return Jan- Touch Off Rout; WH|/; juary 1 as the Atlantic Coast All (Conference representative in the Feel Sorry .# | 'Orange Bowl. Kucks Brilliant i it A m wn s ft Jr* i But sound trouncings at the For Big Don By FRANCIS STANN v ihands of Syracuse and Baylor Star Staff Correspondent j|iijpfii| • BROOKLYN, Oct. 11 (JP and little hope of regaining any The case NEW YORK, Oct. 11—In the key players of , a # | in the future have 27-game winner final analysis, what killed Brook- 111 dropped the Terps from the pic- who can’t seem lyn's to win a game no world championship hopes ture. Thus tomorrow night’s matter was the failure of Don New- .game fig- how hard he pitches, is with unbeaten Miami one of the strangest combe, whose 27-7 record dur- to be Maryland’s only Flor- in . lures “What’s the ing the season ida Invasion with this year's matter with that guy, anyway?” was the comment was baseball’s best. The huge ;team. pitching heard most often in had complained With Duke also having lost yesterday as big Don tried and jpmm about pre-World Series criticism twice, and like Maryland, facing failed for the fifth time in his Wm that he “doesn’t win the big : prospects of more defeats ahead, Series career to beat the Yankees. one,” but he didn’t establish the Orange Bowl bid at this “I guess it just isn’t in him to that he does, either. appears .writing to be between beat the Yankees,” one Brooklyn pretty Clemson South was wonder- and Carolina. fan said sadly as the dejected ful in splitting with the Yankees Regardless of which gets the bid, righthander walked to the dug- the ACC representative probably out amid boos. Gabe Murphy to Fight Transfer of will have lost two or three games. Newcombe’s teammates and Senators. Page A-l Crowd to Exceed 50.000 even , star Yankee southpaw, in two starts. did represents expressed sympathy Hmmk But who the ACC for Don. a tremendous job. The only in Miami New Year’s Day is of other Brooklyn victory over the ALSTON IS SOMBER— Walter Booing Termed Shameful Alston of the Dodgers drops into the little concern to the Terps at Yankees—a 13-8 affair—was a Yankees’ clubhouse to offer his congratulations to Manager of this time. The team that has “It’sgreat that we won,” Ford hodge-podge won by Don Bes- said, sorry the Yankees following the decisive seventh game of the World Series yesterday scored only three touchdowns in “but I feel for New- sent, a career reliever. But when the Yanks won their 17th world championship. Alston could be worried three games Is more concerned combe. Itwas awful the way the jrB™Bi Newcombe flopped, whereas about who he’ll start in Maui, Hawaiian Island with finding an offense, and fans booed him. Why? Why Casey Stengel, who has moaned where the Dodgers will play should » a game before stopping Miami as Its first step they boo a fellow who did WK. all season about his lack of journeying to Japan.—AP Wirephoto. back the ladder. so much for the Dodgers this up ™ pitching, ~ saw his younger year? Ifit hadn’t been & Miami’s first football crowd of for him I Hli? IB K moundsmen reach the heights. they wouldn’t even have been in * SfßffS 50,000 of current ' . NOTES more than the the Series. Jfl Routed in Fourth season already despite is assured “They of being I On a bitingly cold day Maryland’s past failures accuse Don a New- in the chokeup . That’s unfair. combe started his fifth WIN, Orange Bowl. The Terps lost to World LOSE OR Bavasi Hints He won 27 games and no one Series game. He had no Oklahoma, 7-0, January more 1, 1954, luck than on his previous ap- by losing 9-7, See FORD, Page C-5 followed to Miami. pearances. he lasted less By STANN during the 1954 season, While • \ ij^wT\7 DRAW FRANCIS ClubShdkeup and than two innings in the ¦ bowed to Oklahoma, 20-6, last second BROOKLYN, Oct. 11 (/P). — game of this wild January. Series, he The rout of the Dodgers in the Top stayed until the fourth Inning game Tommy Executives game seventh of the World Mont, an assist- NO AD of the final yesterday. He during FOR HAIR TONlC—’ hair is 1 Series, after a nerve-racking ant the last three losses disheveled, the young much care. was, of course, charged with As it Was in the Boudoir fight with the Braves in Miami, ridicules the jinx-town: but man doesn’t the loss in the 9-0 He has just beaten the Brooklyn Dodgers, 9-0, a finale. NEW YORK, Oct. 11.—No matter how many World Series and the Redlegs, might have I theory He points out that the Resign on Newcombe was luckier last 9-7 loss Os Cubs three-hitter in his World Series start the Yankees win—and now they have won 17 of 22—it’s al- marked the end of the road in came during an experi- first and that Friday, when the Yankees blew Brooklyn for some of the club's mental stage and preceded big smile is evidence he liked it.—AP Wirephoto. ways bedlam in the clubhouse. Veterans who have been all a 15- , Oct. 11 UP).—Wid i a six- lead and eventually “old men.” game winning streak. The de- Matthews, director of player lost, 13-8, so Big Newk wriggled through it time after time flip exactly like the new boys. “It by , the club's gen- feats Oklahoma simply were personnel, and Gallagher, off the hook. But this was New- proves power of money,” Charley grinned. Jim the Silvera “Notice eral manager, hinted so last the result of too much Oklahoma. 1 ‘business manager, resigned combe’s fourth loss, dating back how both those bloodhounds—Ford, Sturdivant, Larsen, Turley and night. Game to Be Broadcast 'from the today, Newk Joins Club's Trip to 1949 when ’s the big money?” ninth-inning Kucks—smelled “You can bet some changes The Terps left by plane i The two men resigned as homer cost him a at! 1-0 decision , unshowered 45 minutes after the game, was will be made.” he said, “but we’re 10 o'clock this morning and for: : owner P. K. Wrigley presided at to . not going to become panickyJ a meeting to overhaul Since then, Newcombe has never graver than his understudy but otherwise in complete agree- the first time in years had a : the club's j To Japan; Case Put Off We’ve got a whole to office manage-; lasted until the sixth inning. ment. “We got five real well-pitched games in winter workout scheduled the day be- |front and field a row. That was —... Oddly, the think things out. Fortunately, ‘ fore the game. Coach Mont |ment. ! BROOKLYN, Oct. 11 UP). i Japanese exhibition tour and Yankees respect the the difference.” got de-i Don prowess of large we've a fine crop of promis- parted from custom because of The Cubs have finished last Newcombe’s assault case could, not answer a simple as- the man from ing youngsters coming up, some close today until No- Madison, N. J. They label him “Five route-going games,” Coach amended. the short week In which to get; or to last since 1952. ,was adjourned , summons today for appear ready step ' sault an tremendously “We didn’t use a after the second game, don’t of whom to ready for a Friday game, and be-: It was strongly rumored that. vember 19 after the harried fast he struck into fast company.” Scheffing, Brooklyn pitcher appeared j alleged attack on Mike Brown 1out four of the forget.” As he spoke, Jim shuddered. That second game .cause of the bumps and bruises 1 Bob field manager, in new world was a * * a parking lot near Ebbets champions ** 'from the Baylor game land John Holland, general man- iFlatbush magistrate court. jin in his three official nightmare wherein the Yankees blew a six-run lead and lost, that ne-! New-ijField last Friday, Yogi up cessitated a lighter-than-usualj ager of the Cubs’ Los Angeles combe then hurried off to Idle- - ‘innings yesterday yet they 13—8, while using seven . Berra wound the Despite objections by Brown’s ease, Series’ top slugger. The Yankee workout on Monday. farm club, would replace Cub' wild Airport and joined his: i handle him with probably “Turley lost his game,” Berra remarked, “but maybe : lawyer, Sidney Levitt, Magis- because of Yogi Berra. we catcher compiled 20 The Terps expected game- Manager Stan Hack and Mat- teammates for a trip to Japan. : 1 found a trate Raymond Tierney ad- Yogi's two ourselves a pitcher that day.” in 25 times at bat for slugging time temperature in thews. Newcombe’s attorney, Leo ‘ 1 successive home a the 80s and journed the case until the runs off Newcombe—meaning “You’ve been catching a lot of World Series games now, mark of .800. was were taking lightweight Gallagher and Matthews longj|Healy, argued his client was : equip- Page C-3 Yogi," a dressing room interviewer said. “Did you ever catch next with a .667 mark on 16 ment. The second team prob- have been at odds. under contract to make the 1 See NEWCOMBE. I See SERIES, Page C-5 three in a row that were better pitched than Turley’s total bases in 24 trips. ; ably will play more than it has Larsen’s, topped Dodgers and Kucks’?” the with .522. ¦in any of the three games to ** * * ,** * * idate. By blanking Dodgers YOGI, WHO ALONE OF THE YANKEES tired, the twice.! Miami’s team, 14-6 winner looked the Yankees hung half as many over South Carolina said: crazy, something? and 27-6 “You or Larsen had the perfect game, on them as National victor over Boston College, Turley is had a four-hitter that could have been a one-hitter, League clubs were able to do in not particularly deep, but takes and Kucks gave ’em three hits. That’s nearly 28 Innings and 154 games. Only the utmost advantage of the one run is all they scored.” of St. Louis. of Mil- heat In Miami in the fall and Frank Scott, the agent for about 100 ball players waukee, of the has a lopsided winning record Giants and Brooks Lawrence of at home. |i screamed into Berra’s ear: Cincinnati were able to turn the Game time is 9:15, Washing- MXA “How about Perry Como? Saturday night. It’s a nice fee.” trick. “Saturday? Okay,” ton time, and Station WMAL THE =7 MMBrB Berra said. ** * * carry 4f/T/ I will the broadcast, with If “Forget Garroway about the show tomorrow morning," The windup revived memories Bill Malone on play-by-play. DIFFERENCE BACK! Scott reminded. “You don't want to get up so early, do you?” of the seventh game of the 1934 1/ VWDf/V/I “The way I feel now I’llsleep all day,” Yogi replied. Series when and the Bakers Beat ’“' ““• The personal appearance Cards thrashed Detroit. 11-0. French ,ou lucrative Is the child born of the PARIS. (A*). marriage There were no homers in that Oct. 11 —The' war-w* between television and baseball. “It was never so Buchan Bakers basketball «T, one, but Rtp Collins had team; M good,” (Larsen) four f/ Scott confesses. “Don had $15,000 in his from Seattle, Wash., last night 1 pocket hits and drove in the spjit-second that took that called three runs. defeated the French Olympic I CHARGE IT! / strike last Monday. He’ll make between $40,000 and $50,000 ** * * team. 61-57. The Bakers led! /fl at the half, 35-33. this winter and we haven’t even touched the testimonials The Dodgers leave for a tour yet—just personal appearances.” of the Far East today. They'll ** * * big party (§SBr!/ have a in Honolulu. <£rs£. SERIES FACTS ‘pp “c‘tloß ¦” XJ « GIL McDOUGALD. THE LANKY who Sal Maglie, , Rube sffi y Im was Fft pretty much in the Walker. Ken Lehman, Dale f snake-bitten Series, was talking in front Mitchell, , Sandy AND of his locker. FIGURES Amoros, and Chico Some grade and quality as new ear equipment f “The way going FinaJ Standings “ I see it,” Gil said, “no club is to beat the Fernandez won't make the trip. Won . ... „ Lost Pet I 100 LEVEL FIRST LINE GRADE A Yankees for the next three or four years, at least. We’ve got The last four named play in the New York CAL) 4 3 .571 P SS x -f Brooklyn (NL 3 4 ¦ i .429 mm mm __ Same grade and quality as new equipment those young pitchers going for us. Our Infield is still pretty winter leagues. Results ¦¦¦l fl car First at Field, « ** * * same Ebbets Wednes- 100 LEVEL FIRST LINE GRADE young, Mickey (Mantle) is the greatest hitter in the business day. October 3. I ¦ A New York . 200 100 OOO—3 9 1 riElf and Hank (Bauer) has two or three more good years ahead of Big Moose Skowron was one Brooklyn 023 100 00*—0 9 O of the happiest after Ford. Kucks <4). Morgan (6). Turley ¦ 191% Lf'&'L him.” Yankees (fii and Berra; Maglie and Campanella. I GOODYEAR game. SUPER cushion A giant of a man the Given a chance, he tireo de luxe with silver hair was on the scene. a Second game at Ebbets Field. Friday.! AIRBORNE with the bases October 5. I Moe Berg, the catcher turned linguist, “This introduced him. loaded. "I didn’t even know I New York 150 100 001— 8 12 2 Is ,” Moe “He flew up Brooklyn 061 220 02*—13 12 O said. from Winston-Salem was going to play until one of K*«cks <2), Byrne (2). ' FIRESTONE Larsen, Sturdi- 1 / I ./// /# DE LUXE after perfect game laughed, vant C3», Morgan (3). Turley (5). MLIIXE 1 X® /V ¦ CHAMPION Larsen’s to protect his the writers told me,” he 6) Mc- : fr/M2h Interests.” i and I Dermott Berra; Newcombe. TIRE Shore, “then I kept looking over Casey Roebuck (2), Be*sent (3) and Camp- TIRE AND TUBE ¦ AND TUBE I who is Winston-Salem’s sheriff and looks every " Stengel’s shoulder watching the anella. First-line new butyl heavy duty tube —’ New heovy-duty first-line butyl tore. \„h| I inch a “High Noon” guy, grinned at Berg’s small joke. “Larsen 14K V'kjSi ,$4 I tube n lineup. X saw he had Collins Third game at Stadium, l w ewa l went from start to finish,” he reminded. “ started Joe Yankee Sat- i in and I figured I wasn't urdav. October 6. . t.&t. u,T t &t. im\i my game.” going Brooklyn 010 001 100—3 8 1 s“ i tmmmmm I to play. But I found out later New York 01 o 003 ol*—s 8 li 6.00x16 |2740 ! 13.89 ! UJ / *•» I.Lt tat. !!' Z* Craig. Labine (?) and Campanella;! 16 i B I? The Yankees, who were too young to remember Shore's that he had Joe down for left- Ford and Berra. 6.50x16 33.40 89 iMmSI/i/ ¦ 7.10x15 33.00 17.89 lA-89 In 1917, eager 6.40x15 28.90 13 89 34 60 16 89 m&m&M 'tk ¦ 7.00x15 36.15 19.89 feat were to hear the details. “Well Ruth started game IW See NOTES, Page C-5 Fourtn at , Sun- 6 13 89 70 16.89 for day. October 70x15 30 70 j36 fT ¦ 8 00x15 10.25 22.89 I Boston in this game against Washington,” said. 7. 40 Ernie Brooklyn 7.10x15 14.89 25 89 8.20x15 **, , ... 000 100 001—-2 6 0 13360 | 117 ¦ 41.70 22.89 PrlreP PPlu'“* * “He walked the first batter, Morgan, and got thrown New York 100 201 20*—6 7 2 7 | 44 20 ! 19 89 /fr Tb out of the Erskine. Roebuck (ft). Drysdale (7) 60x15 1 36.95 16.89 ¦ game by Brick Owens for squawking. So they called Week-End Football and Campanella Sturdivant and Berra 8.00x15 40 15 1 18 89 48 15 21 89 UHL ¦, 41/Sixei in Stock But Not fvery Moke ¦ 8.20x15 41,65 19,89 50.00 22 89 me from the bench to relieve. Morgan was caught stealing and Filth game at Yankee Stadium. Mon- day. October fe. On Radio and TV "****" the next 26 batter? went out in order.” Brooklyn ono 000 OOO—« O O A»VWSWSHSWWWSWSW»*WSHH»WWSWeSV ¦¦ ¦ Friday New- York 000 101 OOx—2 5 O ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦l ‘ Ernie," Moe asked, “how many warm-up pitches did they Radio Maglie and Campanella; Larsen and allow you?” Maryland at Miami, WMAL. Berra. O - »K! “Five,” 9 p.m Sixth game at Ebbets Field, Tuesday. tjKS! First Line Grade A—loo Lenel \ yy.Ty Shore said. October f». rstVT. . * W L||n| —•«et |,«q !i and kept i> -¦ ¦— ¦¦ hel.nred New York .. 000 000 000 O—O 7 0 i- ®w m t*r the life of Washington-Lee High at Ports- _i -i hi- in " _ the lire*. Cheek “I hear you," Moe replied, "but I Brooklyn oou i i n ¦“ , wheel still can’t believe it.” 000 ouo l—l 4 o fc , l , ll ** * * mouth, WEAM, 8 p.m. Turley and Berra, Labine and Camp- !¦ p T ! Two famous mokes to choose 'hrikM**cWk“(!e"S rtS^^rf SH^TWrPTTRCTTT I 3 !l i £he?k r, l*n*m»eter anella. |3sT4 f rom Sofety —No Blowout! r , './?,“l *n,**‘ UNTIL YESTERDAY THERE Saturday Radio klifll «is'bT D"V i»RS!!{'* USUALLY were a few re- Seventh same at Ebbets Field. *o%. Roebuck (7), Erskine b Howard after a black day in the WEAM *9) Campanella K„«S? I CAUTION -iSTiS.T.- and it .tPWtf.S’Bft aalet'ranTiar*oe r*kroUea* ,n "•» <» . kj »*«» field 2:15 pm. eaaw end elach tires. . In the sixth game, which Turley lost to Clem Labine in Financial figure* trio. at«. J If ttl word > v 6.70x15 "aha. Seventh game: * k , 10th Inning. teammates, Attendance—33 782: -- lon '»n '* T the His of press Purdue at Notre Dame, WGMS, net—s 223 828 MO: commissioner s office TIBC I ’ molded T '!^T* # . members the and share—s33.l)74 leagues' Pit nnA TUBE or ““1 #K *,nt * 3 p.m. 32: clubs and I Fit TIRE and TUofc S on the tir* it kiDs Turnover Just plain hangers-on felt sorry for share —5190,254 4n A7flvlC ao oa * * old Country, who lost one 6 /um n **r*'> *'* — U> -»t» or Cut) Virginia Total lor seven games* Attendance | no Nylon in it | “0.89 *. ball in the sun In leftfield, got chased off vs South Carolina -at 311i5t—92.173.2ft4.ft0; TUBELESS Rim* II I H, by a shadow (giving commit- AU *h frtm,Urt Richmond', WPIK. 3:30 p.m. Moner j. office share—s327,4oß.?o; play- >l CKW L WH E Labine a cheap two-bagger) and finally misudged er; ‘hare raraes only)— ; Takeleaaat 8.. W. • T W-». Kalekmwn Jackie -first four " f 40 U M J7 S9 <8 89 Navy at Tulane, WMAL. WRC -*;j»3.SUI 03 leagues* i5 JM TAT! 11 Robinson’s game-ending liner. club** and sharia—- | rt WTOP. 4 p.m -91.1*0.204.79. 6 70x 15 MB9 1 l*# l .nVfS *A y “It was a damn shame It had to happen to a guy wind- ; <<:•« i*.«* | ?:?sss2 i&s ks.jhz O w- Wisconsin at lowa, WTOP. !:l£is iLACKWAiL £L”I J ing up his career,” one veteran put it. “Losing Gilliams fly in 4:05 p.m : 7.60x15; ]••* | jjgjj | !! 8 00x15; 19.89 I, 22J920.J9 " to.in Man UM ni.se xem. the sun (WTOP Tire .as I> was excusable You can’t catch you can’t is carrying games FINAL DISPOSAL 4 Tube i ieT’lti.d* ««?UtteVM what see. two I! 20.89 23.19 * q.ath. .r noa !!!"'»•«> But on Labine *s fly time, 8.20*15 i I eued an n« bI'M«Vm SMS 2i the guys in the —Slaughter’s own 'at same will switch back tl HOXT«. { Mw Me. U, 1956 MODELS QISBSNTEtn Er/dlea .VU«.V.J*.‘| * teammates—didn't help him. Coming out of the bright sun land forth to whichever seems J ? Prtcet 9lua tu # • mod exciting at the time.) Into the shadows, with his eye on the ball, Enos thought he BEST DEALS EVER was running into the barrier.” Sunday Radio “How about tne Robinson drive?" he was asked. Chicards at Redskins, WTOP, “Ican’t explain that one. I don't know whether he could 2 pm ler.lnc. have caught it or not.” Baltimore at Green Bay (at ), WMAL, 3 pm. gamble Howard, who sometimes catches, made good as Slaugh- 1 replacement. His Sunday Television s*-,*. ter's fourth-inning home run not only CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH I Courteous -jyH M erased Don Newcombe but. since it was the 11th In the Series Baltimore at Green Bay (at EXCLUSIVE IMPERIAL for the Yankees (they wound up with 12) It set a new Milwaukee), WMAR—2 (Balti- record more station), 3 p m. 4400 WISCONSIN N.W. for one club In a classic. In the seventh Inning Howard hit Movie: Purdue at Notre Dame,' tM. 3-4100 Amplt Porkiftf See WIN, LOSE or DRAW, Page C-l iWTTG—S. 7 pm.