Conference Finale Weather Eight Iowa football players will be Partly cloudy and cooler playing their final conterence game this ottemoon when the Hawkeyes meet t day, pocslble showeTs. Wisconsin al Madison. They are Bob £unday fair. High tod:lY McKenzie, Jack Dittmer, Earl Banks, owan 55, low 38. Friday's high Don Winslow. Dick Lasler, Lou Gins­ 35, low 38. berg, Bob Geigel and Bob Longley. Eat. 1868-AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire-Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday. November 12, 1949 - Vol. 84, No. 37 L--___--J Steel, Inland Sign Enter Big Ten Finale Against u.s. l Badgers As 7·Point Underdogs Peace Terms .with CIO By ALAN MOYER PITTSBURGH (IP) - The great IcaJly applies only to !.ix major minli:lon, Del., 1,100: Foil nsb!'e, Da.lly Iowan pOrts Editor 1949 ~teel strike ended Friday operating subsidiarIes, employing (W.Va.) teel. 1,200; PIt'lull!I­ IADISON, WI . - HopefuJ oC r gaining the Conn that car­ night with the signing of an Ar- J 50,000 unionists, hut the corpor­ mistice day peace pact between lalion said the union at'reed to di­ ather, Duluth, Min"" 3,700. ried th m to thr nferenc vi torie hefor the Minnesota dis­ the United States Steel Corp. and rect all striking big steel em- Benjamin F. F'(Iirle s, presid III aster u week ago, Iowa's lI11wkf'yes wind up Big Ten play here this the ClO tlnited steelwol'kers. ployes back to work. or "big sleel," s:ll\.l the setUemen: aftemoon as the featured guest to Wi cousin's 42nd Homecoming. Big steel ::agreed to the Bethle- A comp::any spokesmnn s::ald il wu!' a "comprumise ot the prin­ hem pattern of Oct. 31 and the is understood ali f::abl'icuting ('om­ cipal Issup In dispute, nomel) A s II-out throng of 45,000 will be in Camp Ran II stadium union gave 177,000 striking em- ponie!; owned by U.S. Steel will whethel' or nOI the ell\J.lloyer shuI, at 1:30 p.m. to watch a game in which Iowa is rated as a even­ ployes their back to work signal. sign similar agreements us a mat- !Jay the entia'e cost of insurcw<!( point ter of course. and pen s ion ~ fOI' employes." underdog. The Badgers The Inland Steel Corp. and the Four smaller firms wllh a FairIes:. ~ ujd lI ew "ulTonge­ curr ntly occupy fourth place in steelworkers Friduy night also the dgned a strike-ending settlement payroll of 21,000 seWed n the ment" Is SUbject to approvlll by Coal Miners' Chief the West rn conference with a on the B thlE'hem pattern. same terms durlnr the day. the stockhnld(,rs And thut a spe­ mark of two wins, /J lms B'1d n tie, 'j 'IIo:,)I IU'e Colorado Fu.. 1 and cial me tin/! wiII b lied for The peace pact was si,ned at while the Hawks are In tlfth place 10:25 p.m .. (Iowa time), three ~,15,OOO: Worth Steel, Wil- that !JlIrpose. Set to 'Try Agab' with three victories lind two and one-halt hours after union losses. President Philip MUrray had For Strike Terms Wisconsin will be after Its · announced seUlement on ~I mi ­ third consecutive league win, hav­ NEW YORK lIP) - .10hn L Jar terms with V,S: Steel. Soviel Alom Inlent Doubtful, Ing spilled Indiana two weeks ago Lewis Friday expressed willln~­ Inland Steel has 13,352 union and upsetting Northwestern :\t ness to try again next week for Evanston last week. Iowa, the un­ employes in its plants at East a coal dispute settlement but he Chicago, Ind., and Chi c ago fo rtunate victim of MlnneLots's re­ American Implies in UN Talk adopted no conciliatory tOlll' to­ turn to winning ways In Minnea­ Heights, lJI. ward government nedlators. polis last week. must have a win The settlement~, ettective Fri- LAKE SUCCESS (AP) - Assistant S cr tony of State John The United Mine Workers pres­ to retain the &limmer of title light day midnight, leave only 125,000 that still shines upon the Hawk­ strikers idle out 01 513,000 who lfiC'kt'rson Friday lold tlw niled ation~-(lnd th· Soviet nion Ident told newsmen he woule' meet next week with Cyrus S. eyes, walked Ollt Oct. 1 In support of C'spcdally- lhal countries whic'h CIlII If'wl m()lIntuin ~ in peacetime Ching, dIrector of the' cleraJ me­ Tbe team Quickly tbrew oft demands fOt company-paid pen- with atomic en rgy also can I vel cilie~ in war. diation and conciliation Dervic , the mental eftects of the loIS slons Dnd insurance. "or anybody el ~ e." In Uli etfort to Mlnoesota and went throul'h U.S. , teel ordered mainte- lIe that this the nrgllll1C'uts inlerna- it'npli d is one of best for roreach 0 :>ettlemcnl. a week 01 IIplrlted practice In IIln~e nlen into its plants tiona I control of the atom for p('a etirne uses. Chine saId In WuhlnJion, af­ preparation 'or the aUempt at atr08s the Ilation at once. Steel Hickerson made a short reply ter learnlnc of Lewis' 1l1.a~­ apolUne Wlsconsln'lI Homecom­ ment, Utat he ha no present lor celebration today. will start pouring from fur- in the sp cial political cOlllll1it­ naces by Monday or Tuesday. plans to arraore new c031 pe Of! Iowa has been a frequent Government labor officials in tee of the UN assembly to lhe 90- Two Die ,'As 8.. 29 meetlnrs. Homecoming visitor for Wiscon­ ,I, minute speech Thursday by Soviet An opel'ator spokesman, Joseph sin, the two playing sIx such en­ washington immediately saw the F . M " tAd . Vi h ' U,S. Steel settlement as removing korelgn Ims er n reI s tn- E. Moody, president of the South­ gagements, each team winning s y. Crashes' into Field ern Coni Producers' Dssoclation, three games. Today's contest will th e emergency f etlture from the Th R I I d I t id'I commented that "unless Lewis Is be the 27th between the two steel dispute. e uss a I e era ea. Ie INDIANAPOLIS CIP) - An :til'­ more specific and shows some schools, with the Badgers ahead Uft j .. I g . I " Russians are uslnr the atom hr s .. o on er a crls s, one . force B-29 went out of c:illtrol ,ign of modifying hJs previous on winning efforts, t 7 to nine. 'd t' th t such peaceful Jobs a~ mOVlllg led!era expel' t sal, no 109 a t I and fell in !lames on a farm west posltlon, there is no lI$C In r - A year ago Iowa whipped Wis­ Ith tn US St I moun a ns, Irrlg-atinr deserts .3le I of here Friday, Two of its 12 suming mlgotlalions." consin in the Iowa stadium, 19-13, we:. ee. ~greement, and clearing jungles and arctic Lewis suddenly call d oCf the after trailing at halftime, 18-0. the c.ompanles proc!uctng more astes V Iinsk . I t Cl' wmen WC1' C killed. th h' d f t.h I' w , .S I Y was I 0 I n 52-day roal strike Wednesday for The pme will be Wiscon­ an two t II' S 0 e oat ~n S hand to hear the Am rlj'an I' lily. Thc bodies. of th I mell. who a three-w ek p riod niling Dec. sin', la t thla y r at Camp 't~l will be back in ~roducbo~l . Commenting dll' clly On Vishtn- hud pal'oehutl'rl with th oth r / 1. Randall atadlam. Next wek the rom IlOW on the dl~Pllte Will sky's cloim t.hat RlI s~ in lIll'S a to­ Cl'ew memh('I'S, WPI'I' found n ar Most of the coal dlrrers al­ Badrel'll travel to IIlnneapolll 2ge be handled locally ulltl! all the mic energy only tn a vast lanel re­ tlte s(,:IU!'rf'l1 wred<uge lI t the big ready have rone back to work. to wind up Ihe conference play nrlklng . steel wor~~rs n~e back clamalion program, lIjckerslp plnne. All are f' petted to do 0 by with Mlnne ola, while Iowa on Ihe lob, the orr.IClnl sa lel . saill, "whether or not this is non- Monday. wars wllh Notre Dame at outb Th t t tl Names oC th(' mcn w re not Bend. e c,on ra.e awe Ie co~- s en ~ e f will not say." [n Washington, government or­ Coach Ivy Willi a m son has ,.ra&ion s emplo,e $100 mini- He told the committee that whilc announced. C! 'HlI~ were reported re::ady to brought his Badgers a long way mum monthly pensions - in- the United St::ates had "not ot- No nc of the lIurvlvors WaS 1.1- sound out Lewis on the idea of appointment of a presidential In his tlrst year as head coach. cludln, social security - when tempted anything so spectacular as jured serIously. They wel'e His only Big T n loss was ad­ Ihey ru.clt 65 It they have 25 m ~ untain-moving," his country taken to Blllhl,s hospital and tact-finding board similar to the one which helped resolve Ule ministered by Ohio State, while ,ears service. had not neglected the peaceful side the base hospital at Benjamin In the first league game for both The pact also prOVides a , five of atomic energy, lIarrh.on alrbase and to the Britain May Accept ste I dispute.
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