UNITED PRESS A GREATER LEASED WIRE IMPERIAL VALLEY NEWS SERVICE STRAIGHT AHEAD Imperial Valley Press AND EL CENTO PROGRESS EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1922 FOR BIG SERIES READY *** PRESS SCOREBOARD + * *****' *** •'•!* *** .. :¦ j Odds About Even On Giants And Yankees For Games Germans Take Up Football LOCAL FANS IN WORLD SERIES ELECTRICAL BALL OLD TIMERS ARE MADE DIAMOND NOW IN BACKING GIANTS, FAVOR YANKEES RECORDS Opinion among the fans ot IN SEASON PLACEFOR GAMES K 1 Centro seems to favor the New )'ork 1921 ODDS ON YANKEES AiTlerieans over the New York Nation als as the winner in the. coming World Many World Records In Lights Will Show Where Series which will start at the Hold Great Ball Is At All Times Expect Great Attendance Grounds in New York, tomorrow. Most Last Series At Full Seven Games of those favoring the \ auks base their of Baseball During Games opinions on the superiority of their of World Series staff, the Giant tans pitching while First eluh to will a world series after Everything is in readiness for the contend that the speed and heavy Lit I.cjisnl Wire losing the first two games—New York opening gamp of the World’g Series I it I toil PrfMM ting of MeGrnw’s men will offset their YOUIC, Oit. X Partisan fans re- Nationals. tomorrow on the Press electrical score- NEW weakness in the pitcher’s box and First to out opponents in in position who figured tin ) nnkoes were going winner again this year. club shut board. The board was placed 1 turn them a first games of series—New i ork on the the Press to lie an easy victor in the world's believe two last night corner of The Yankee rooters Americans. where it to bpst series arc now wavering a Id*. big factor in the series this building, can be seen will be a First pitchers to pitch shutout games A test board today Odds on the ehnni- being to nnlke up foi advantage of the vear, determined same" eltib in two games of in have down fo 0 to a and year, while the for first showed everything to bo perfect pious slipped his poor showing last and W aite llovt, New go supporters are gel series -Carl .Mays working order and the game should some of the Limit Giant enthusiasts come back with the York each winning by the money. Americans, off tomorrow without a hitch A brief ting even claim that McGraw still has the Babe s 4!—o. the Nothing has happened to succeed in making him same score, description of tbo operation of particular number and will receipts at one game—- unfa- the of the Yankees or to dub again this year. An- Greatest total board may help those who are hint chances look like a sll9,oo7, at third game, Friday, Octo- it, at the holster the Limits. The netting is mere- argument offered in behalf ot miliar with to “catch on” other ber 7. Previous one game record, slOl,- beginning of the game. ly reflecting the sentiment that no Miller Huggins’ men is the remarkable YANKS’ Probably to forget reparations drop exchange. 7tiH, at sixth game of series at Cin- is out to follow the team is big odds in a seven game and the in Germans of ‘‘Bullet .joe Hush tins The board laid Worjth trying to apt at pitching cinnati, October -19,200 in eight games represented at all times by a large commission to wyiger on the first clans men, enough in ball is Bush has a stone- Yanks four betvjeen Americans ami Gin light. are nine of these Giants, without the i :mkei‘ money in Some of the sharps predict that the fine shape. .Toe to trim ally team in a white There but it is not serious their opinion ciuuati in 1919. WITH BALL FANS lights, representing the stations sight. Man v freak beta are being (i ia ut pitching staff will be a big bruise on his heel short seven game series. The Giant white ‘ to his work, and Babe Total hits by one ( tub in ora* game— of varlns fielders, where plays can made. One lot of s2."io to S2OO was surprise in the series ami that Big enough hurt fans answer this advantage by pointing the - ’ a Twenty by New York Nationals in of the bases, in ad- made that ltabe Until will hit one homer .lock Scott may turn out to be the Uuth is bothered With slightly sprain- ‘‘Big Three’’ the Giants’ be made. At each to the .of game of series, Friday, October Huggins Greatest to white light representing in the series. \\ ith all ol the reserved big hero. ed side. leaders, .McGraw, Jennings and Burkett, third Miller dition the 7, against Khawkey, Quinn, Collins and — the ball, there is green light represent- seats sold by both clubs and a day to Seats Bancroft and Frisch are both carry- three of the keenest minds in baseliall, Manager of Baseball a No More Rogers. Previous record, 16, made by ing the go, 1 here was nothing for the gathering ing around a few bruises, but Manager to all the of the game, base-runner. With the appointment of Bill Klein, wise tricks New York Nationals against Wood and for Razzberry Light Follows Ball fans to do hut talk of the chances of McGraw does not expect them lo he and the ability to drive the Hildebrand possessing Ilall of Americans in Jt> lil and When the game the light both teams. B.arrv McCormick, George slowed up any. All of the Limits are to almost superhuman effort. starts, in players equaled by Nationals against pitcher’s box is lit and when he Almost to a man, the ohl time ball and as the officials, the ready, lie said. This factor is bound to By L. FARRELL the psychological Williams, .fames and Wilkinson, Chi HENRY throws the ball to the batter, a light players and minor league managi rs like for the series were Botli the Yanks and the Giants had be a big influence in the series in. their final arrangements engo Americans, 1910. (United Press Correspondent) flashes in whatever part of the fir’d the" Limits, figuring that McLruw will No more seats are avail- they opinion and there is no denying the American completed. a brisk workout yesterday and (Ireatest total attendance—26o,o77, NEW YORK, Oct. X—Miller Hug- the ball is bit to. For instance he be able to out smart the < fact that McGraw and his associates able at either of the lull offices. are going to have a two hour drill again surpassing record of 2.71, 001 made in gins, the little of the Yankees, is lilts to right field, the right field light and jockiy his rather fragile can work miracles. pilot Leathers To avoid the misniiderstiiuding about today. Huggins is still not feeling well 1012 for eight games between New manager in baseball —for flashes, showing that is were play st.iff througo to v ictory. Ito It is commonly agreed that the series the greatest the pitching which caused thousands i seats and Charley O’Leary " ill have i liarge York Nationals and Boston Americans. raz/.berry. is made. If the holds the ball, Limit supporters predict that .to Bash tickets i will be a hard fought one, the Giants getting the fieder l to go begging at the first game last of the Yanks until the game starts. Greatest amount players' share of New its first a putout, the ball returned with his fast ball and curves "ill I"' desiring t.o win the world’s champion- for Huggins gave "York making is vear, l ’omiuissioner Landis drew atten- Hush and Nchf are considered. In be receipts—s.‘lo2,722.2:l, surpassing previ- League pennant last season o the pitcher. However, should the bat- just to (lie liking of McLravrs heavy ship two years in suefession, and the American tion to the fact that there will be 20,- sure starting the series on ous record of $200,1! 10.60 in series be- was with complimentary ter ball, the light in the hitters and that Hob Nhnwkcv does almost of Yankees desiring to-being the. coveted and he greeted Snot bit the 000 seats placed on sale at the park be 1 iie mound, lluggins i:ns n'th.i tween Chicago Americans and Ciucili- that any sap of a manager box is flashed, showing that not stand moc> chance than he had admitti. 1 title with them when they open up reminders catcher's fore each game and that any fan who Bush in mind for opening tint> pinna lit with that has called, last year. They also )«oint out' that lie has the their new playing field in New York Nationals. could have won a either a ball or strike been wants to stand in line before the gates and unless MeLraw crosses the experts Eight Buns in One Inning immediately a light is fashed in l’ipp and Until weie stopped cold last next spring. r team. and open has a fine chance to get in. he'will start his south paw to have him Most runs in one inning—Eight, with the the “information column” off to one year and if the Limit pitchers follow ’> He was rewarded this year Miller Huggins, inanag/r of the ank r games if York in field, instructions they will do no better this available for two lab nee.es- made by the New Nationals kind words that with all his pitchers side from the playing which tellf that his club was in One of MiLi.iw s close friends seventh inning of third gaihe, Friday, the number of balls and strikes on the year. > ees, said sarv. and star players he should have won warned today, however, not to lie sun LEAGUE STANDINGS October 7, against pitchers Quinn, Col- the pennant l!y twelve or fifteen games. batter and the number of “outs” on prised if Scott is the first choice. lins and Rogers of New York Ameri- manager allowed the the side at bat. COAST LEAGUE If the Yankees PACIFIC cans . Best previous record in one inn- under his skin, he would In case the batter Hits a foul after P.c. knocks to get W. L. ing, six. Made by New York Nationals out of baseball, because lie. has been two strikes are called the foul light f—; ijjjtb T" .vagWEW'.IMMI l»»llli!WHW« Oil be ¦ San Francisco 120 .645 against Wood of Boston in first inning sine - flashes once for each foul hit. If the 67 .bin treated to nothing but criticism PROBABLE LINEUP Vernon 119 of game at Boston, October 17, 1912. charge of a team and batter bits safc.v the iight flashes in 103 lie took misfit Los Angeles S 3 .551 Greatest number hits in one inning—- it up a pennant winner. whatever part of the field the ball is hif GIANTS YANKS 01 .06 .487 in built Into Salt Lake Eight, by the New York Nationals Being of u retiring disposition, Hug- showing the fielder who makes the play, ss \Vitt, cf Scuttle 81 102 .44.1 of Friday, of the ball in being re- Bancroft, seventh inning third game, gins never has appealed to the crowd and the course Grolt, 3b Dugan, 3b Oakland 81.305 .435 October 7, against pitchers Quinn, Col York, where the more belliger- turned to the pitcher is followed, a light 75 110 ,40a in New Frisch, 2b Jfuth, If Portland lias and Rogers of New York Ameri- ent type is favored. lie has always showing for each fieder who handles it. If lb 73 113 .302 record, New the batter lias a the green A!ousel, Pipp, Sacramento cans. Previous seven, by gone his way quietly and il seems that If hit single, Games Today against Voting, rf Scliang, e York Nationals Wood, pitcher he has achieved enough in New York light, on first base is lit, showing there rf Los Angeles. game Kelly, lb Aleusel, San Francisco at for Boston, in first inning of at to be recognized as a good manager. is a runner on that base. If lie contin- Ub Oakland. green light Stengel, of Wnril, Vernon at Boston, October 17, 1912. Huggins was born in Cincinnati, ues to second, the at that undcd •Snyder, e Scott, ss * Sacramento at Seattle. First time two runs bv player one in and he got his base is light, and his course around the Ohio, March 1880, Neff or Scott, p Dusb, p Salt Lake at 27. diamond MOTOR OIL Portland. one inning—Frisch, Ne wYork Nation- big league start with the Reds in 1908 is followed by moans of the als, in seventh inning of third game, in the Amer- green light. If the fans remember, iii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiin iii iiiii in iiiiiiiMiiilWHiiißiiWiiiiwaiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiww after he had spent a season ii mm Friday, October 7. ican Association witti the HI. Paul “green light for the baserunner and light for First time triple and double by one Club. He-played second base for the white the will liavu player in one inning—By Young of the Reds until 1910, when he was sold to very little difficuty in following the New York Nationals, seventh inning of Ist. Louis Cards. When Roger Bresna various plays. As stated above, the “‘ball”, lights third game, Frodny, October 7. han was relieved of the management, “strike” and out are Take a can along with Best batting average ever made for Huggins was named in his place in off tiie playing field, and cannot bo con- first, with and three games —Frisch of New York When Colonels Ruppert and Hus fused the ball players. Nationals, .700. .ton bought the Yankees, , Shows Lineup Least number of hits by both clubs president of the league recommended The lineup of each team is shown you on your TRIP (three against on cards end the i none game—Five N'elif Huggins for malinger and he was trails placed at either of of the New York Nationals and two ferred out of the league. scoreboard, and there is also u place to against lloyt of the New York Ameri- leader is regarded a show the name of the particular player The Yankee «s in cans) in second game, Thursday, Octo- smart baseball man—-one of the smart at bat. A record of the runs made ber 0. Previous record, six (four against est in the business, but even his friends each inning is shown in the lower right, Pfiester of the Chicago Nationals and admit that he does not rank with some hand corner of the board, thus euabing too two against Walsh of the Chicago Amer- of the best managers in handling pitch fans who arrive late to see the stars of the tell icans) in third game of series at Chi- ers. He lias had a lot of misfortune game to the score at a glance. cago, October 11, 1906. with It is pitchers and he has displayed It is expected that the game willstart games a shortly II a. m. as game »*• First time three without a lot of bad niisjiidgment in handling here after the <¦» is called in New at 2 base on balls —, in first, some of the priina donnas for which York p. m. Once started, fourth and seventh games. Previous the team is noted. plays will bo received over the Eliminates record, games, "Tnitcd Press closed wire continuously ns one base on balls in three made by in first, third and they are made, so there should be very 'x Matthewson fifth gunies against Amer- Pittsburg—Earl (Greasy) Neale, little difference from the time of the What Game icans in 1907. Washington and Jefferson coach, has actual play on the field until it is First series two players stole home, declined a contract for 1928, he an produced on the Press scoreboard. Carbon same club- McNally in first game and here, lie said lie had been The Press wishes to express thanks aounced Going Robert Meusel in second game, for New hampered and annoyed at his work and to the Hones Lumber Company who con- Are Yon After? York Americans. that he had to be the boss. tributed the material of which the board is made; C, R. Collins for labor in mak- .. you start out hunting the next ing the board, and Otto Jeancii of the Troubles Southern Electrical Company, who not CAVT XIRA BEFOREtime, drop in to our store —Sportsmen’s only donated the wiring for )he score- Headquarters —and us you hoard, but lias given much of his time let show the and assistance in getting it ready for latest development in shells. the games, You can now get exactly the right shell have matured. No athlete under tha Uanning^ age of seventeen should lie permitted for the kind of game you are going after to go into training for auy strenuous without least uncertainty or doubt. sport like rowing, long distance running or hurdling. They may not show the Remington has put 6C years of experience effects of the strain for years but event- ually it is bound to c.ome out." — Larrelm SUNOCO MOTOR OIL in the scientific development ofammunition intimacy By HENRY L. FARRELL l>e Forest trained Dempsey for most 60 years of with sportsmen all of bis big fights. He didn't handle the CAN BE PURCHASED AT YORK, O.t. 3.—Enlarging the mistakes are made iu tiie train- when lie was