H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 1

H. COLLEEN SINCLAIR JULY 23RD, 2019 CONTACT INFORMATION: Mississippi State University Social Science Research Center 1 Research Park, Suite 178 Starkville, MS 39759 [email protected] Cell: (662) 684-9905 SSRC: (662) 325-9166

SOCIAL MEDIA CONTACTS: Twitter: @MSUSocialPsy Lab Website: http://www.socialrelationslab.com/ Lab Facebook: www.facebook.com/SocialRelationsLab LinkedIN: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/h-colleen-sinclair/14/299/41b Academia.edu: https://msstate.academia.edu/HColleenSinclair ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/H_Colleen_Sinclair?ev=hdr_xprf

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Mississippi State University Position(s): Director of the Social Relations Lab September 2015 to present Associate Professor August 2012 to present SSRC Research Fellow (Crime and Justice February 2008 to present Research Unit) Assistant Professor August 2005 to July 2012

University of Missouri – Columbia Position(s): Visiting Assistant Professor August 2003–August 2005

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Position(s): Graduate Fellow September 1998–May 1999, 2002–2003 Instructor May-August 1999, Jan–August, 2002

Carnegie Mellon University Position(s): Research Associate August 1996–August 1998

EDUCATION: University of Minnesota – Twin Cities September 1998 –June 2004 Degree: Ph.D. in Social Psychology, with minor in Interpersonal Relationships, and supporting programs in Law and Quantitative Methods.

University of Colorado - Boulder August 1992–May 1996 Degree: Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Women's Studies, and English - Creative Writing.

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ORGANIZATIONAL AFFILIATIONS: ➢ American Academy for the Advancement of Science ➢ American Psychology and Law Society ➢ Association for Psychological Science ➢ Association for Women in Psychology ➢ International Association for Relationships Research • Mentor 2015-present • Associate Editor of Relationships Research News 2009-2012 • Future Conferences Committee Member 2009-2012 ➢ Psi Chi honor society • Faculty sponsor 2007-2014 ➢ Sigma Xi honor society ➢ Society of Personality and Social Psychology • Twitter team ➢ Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues • Chair: Otto Kleinberg Award Committee 2012-2013 • Chair: SPSSI Early Career Scholars Task Force 2008-2009 • Liaison: For the APA Early Career Psychologist Network 2007 ➢ Society for Southeastern Social Psychologists ➢ Southeastern Psychological Association

RECOGNITIONS &AWARDS: ➢ Admitted to the 2019 class at The Olga Lenyel Institute for Holocaust Studies summer program. ➢ Society of Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Committee student-selected “Most Admired Scholar,” 2019 ➢ Society of Personality and Social Psychology Scholars Travel Award, 2018 ➢ Selected for the Office of the Vice President for Research Faculty Leadership program, 2012- 2013. ➢ State Pride Award for Outstanding Faculty Achievements recipient, 2011 ➢ MSU College of Arts and Sciences Researcher of the Month, October 2010. ➢ Oldham Outstanding Mentorship Award, 2010. ➢ MSU Most Influential Teacher Award, 2010. ➢ MSU Student Association College of Arts and Sciences Professor Recognition Award, 2010. ➢ Social Science Research Center Researcher of the Month, February 2010. ➢ Mississippi State University College of Arts & Sciences Academic Excellence travel award recipient, 2005-2008/2010-2012. ➢ Nominated for the Southeastern Psychological Association Outstanding Professional Paper Award, 2006. ➢ International Congress of Mental Health and Law scholarship recipient, 2006. ➢ University of Missouri Student Nominated for Psi Chi Best Professor Award, 2005. ➢ Office of University Women Special Grants, 2003. ➢ University of Minnesota Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2002-2003. ➢ American Psychology and Law Society Student Travel Award, 2002. ➢ CIC Women in Science and Engineering travel grant recipient, 2001. ➢ University of Minnesota Harrison Gough Travel Award recipient, 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2002. H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 3

➢ University of Minnesota Department of Psychology Graduate Fellowship recipient, 1998-1999. ➢ Honorary Mention in APA Division 35: Student Research Award 1998. ➢ University of Colorado Undergraduate Research Opportunities Grant recipient, 1996.

GRANT ACTIVITY: (Role: PI for all unless otherwise specified, only funded proposals listed – others submitted available upon request) ➢ U.S. Army Natick Soldier Systems Center, RDNS-SEW-DDS, 2020 (funded: $2,858,322.00, Co- PI Role: theory and methods for identifying antisocial actors and violence escalation threat assessment). • Project: Providing actionable intelligence to increase warfighter capabilities by use of MSU Open Source Exploitation System (MOSES). ➢ National Institute of Justice School Safety Initiative OMB No. 1121-0329, 2016-2019 Category 2 (funded: $1,619,644.00) • Project: When does rejection trigger aggression? A multi-method examination of a multimotive model ➢ Society of Personality and Social Psychology Small Grants Program, 2016 (funded: $1,500) • Project: Swipe White: Examining if Implicit Biases Predict Racial Preferences in Online Dating ➢ Office of Research and Development Cross-College Research Grant, 2015 (funded $2,000) • Project: Understanding Advice: Examining how social networks maintain and threaten romantic relationship stability. ➢ Association for Psychological Science Registered Replication Reports, 2015 (funded: $1702.80, Co-PI) • Project: Replication of “Dealing with betrayal in close relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness?” by Finkel, Rusbult, Kumashiro, & Hannon (JPSP 82(6), Study 1). ➢ Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Research award, 2014 (funded $500, Co-PI Role: Adviser, PI: Mallorie Miller) • Project: Don’t Break the Rules: Disapproval of Violations in Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships ➢ Center for Open Science Registered Replication award, 2014 (funded $4843) • Project: Balancing Connectedness and Self-Protection Goals ➢ Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Clara Mayo Award, 2013 (funded $500, Co- PI/Adviser: Colleen Sinclair, PI: Rachael Carroll) • Project: The Tolerant Social Norm Effect ➢ Office of Research and Development Cross-College Research Grant, 2013 (funded $2,000, Co- PI) & Psi Chi Adviser Grant awarded, 2013 (funded: $2,000) • Project: Revising & ➢ Center for Open Science Registered Replication awarded, 2013 (funded: $2,000) • Project: Revisiting Romeo & Juliet ➢ Mississippi State University Office of Research Small Grants, 2008 (funded: $2,000) & University of Missouri Research Council Grant, 2005 (funded: $7,500) • Project: Conditions of conformity: Examining the effect of conformity pressures on pre- existing intergroup attitudes in a computer-mediated context o Lead to 2011 Hunter Henry Family Grant (funded: $4,855) Standing up vs. standing by: The egalitarian optimist and confronting prejudice. ➢ Mississippi State University Office of Research Small Grants, 2007 (funded: $2,000) H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 4

• Project: Coding media portrayals of stalking ➢ University of Missouri Summer Grant Institute Fund, 2004 (funded: $8,000) • Project: Examining social network influences on dyadic relationship dynamics ➢ University of Minnesota Graduate Research Partnership Program Grant, 2001 (funded: $5,000) • Project: Classifying crimes by classifying victims: Examining lay conceptions of hate crimes o Lead to 2001 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Clara Mayo Grant application (funded: $2,000): Classifying crimes by classifying victims: Examining lay conceptions of hate crimes

PUBLICATIONS: (*Denotes Undergraduate Student Collaborator, **Graduate Student) Sinclair, H. C., Szkody, E. M.**, Goldberg, R., & Ellithorpe, C. E. (under review). Are all networks created equal? Gender differences in the social network effect. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Sinclair, H. C., Utley, J. W.**, Nelson, S.**, Ellithorpe, C. E., & Stubbs-Richardson, M. (under review). Behavioral and psychological consequences of identity-based aggression in high school. Self & Identity

Felmlee, D. & Sinclair, H. C. (2018). Social networks and personal relationships. Invited chapter for A. Vangelisti & D. Perlman (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. London, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 467-480.

Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, Sinclair, H. C., Goldberg, R., Ellithorpe, C., & Amadi, S.** (2018). Reaching out versus lashing out: Examining gender differences in experiences with and responses to bullying in high school. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 39-66. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12103-017-9408-4

Cheung, I., Campbell, L., LeBel, E.,… Sinclair, H. C.,…Yong, J. C. (2016). Registered Replication Report: Study 1 from Finkel, Rusbult, Kumashiro, & Hannon (2002). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 750-764. http://www.psychologicalscience.org/pdf/Finkel_RRR_FINAL.pdf Goldberg, R., Sinclair, H. C., Ritchey, T. E.*, & Ellithorpe, C. N.** (2016). Replication of “Dealing with betrayal in close relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness?” by Finkel, Rusbult, Kumashiro, & Hannon (2002, JPSP 82(6), Exp. 1). Retrieved from osf.io/cij64/. Participated as part of the Association for Psychological Science Registered Replication Reports program. Details retrievable from: osf.io/s3hfr/

Open Science Collaboration. (2015, August 28). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349(6251). doi: 10.1126/science.aac4716 Sinclair, H. C., Goldberg, R., Wu, S.**, & Miller, M. A.* (2015, March 20). Replication of SL Murray, JL Derrick, S Leder, JG Holmes (2008, JPSP 94(3), Exp. 8). Retrieved from osf.io/cxmf6. Invited as part of the Open Science Collaboration. Reproducibility Project: Psychology. Retrieved from osf.io/ezcuj.

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Sinclair, H. C., Felmlee, D. H., Sprecher, S., & Wright, B.** (2015). Don’t tell me who I can’t love: The role of reactance in moderating the effects of social network disapproval on romantic relationships. Social Psychology Quarterly, 78, 77-99.

Walker, B. H.**, Sinclair, H.C., & MacArthur, J. R.** (2015). Social norms vs. social motives: The effects of social influence and motivation to control prejudiced reactions on the expression of symbolic sexual prejudice. Social Influence, 10, 55-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15534510.2014.904247

Sinclair, H. C. & Ellithorpe, C. N.** (2014). The new story of . (pp. 148-170). In C. R. Agnew (Ed.) Social Influences on Close Relationships: Beyond the Dyad. London, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Wright, B. L.**, Sinclair, H. C., & Hood, K. B. (2014). In search of Romeo and Juliet. Social Psychology, 45(4), 313-314.

Sinclair, H. C., Hood, K. B., & Wright, B. L.** (2014). Revisiting the Romeo and Juliet effect (Driscoll, Davis, and Lipetz, 1972): Reexamining the links between social network opinions and romantic relationship outcomes. Social Psychology, 45(3), pg. 170-178.

Taras, V., Sarala, R., Muchinsky, P., Kemmelmeir, M., Avsec, A., Aygun, Z. K.,…Sinclair, H. C. (2014). Opposite ends of the same stick? Multi-Method test of the dimensionality of individualism and collectivism. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 213-245. DOI: 10.1177/0022022113509132

Blaney, A. D.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Defining concepts and new directions: A commentary on stigma surrounding non-normative romantic relationships. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, DOI: 10.1111/asap.12000.

Wright, B. L.** & Sinclair, H.C. (2012). Pulling the strings: Effects of parent and friends opinions on dating choices. Personal Relationships, 19, 743-748.

Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Still connected: in America since 1970, a review. Journal of Social Psychology, 152, 524-527.

Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Stalking myth-attributions: Examining the role of individual, cultural, and contextual variables on judgments of unwanted pursuit scenarios. Sex Roles, 66, 378-391.

Sinclair, H. C. & Lyndon, A. (2012). (Eds.) Issues of gender in stalking research. Special Issue for Sex Roles, vol. 66 (5-6).

Felmlee, D. H., Sweet, E.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Gender rules: Cross-gender and same-gender friendship norms. Sex Roles, 66, 518-529. (Top 2% of most-downloaded articles on Academia.edu.)

Lyndon, A. E., Sinclair, H. C., MacArthur, J. R.**, Fay, B. A.**, Ratajack, E.**, & Collier, K. E.** (2012). An introduction to issues of gender in stalking research. Sex Roles, 66, 299-310. (Top 5% of most-downloaded articles on Academia.edu.)

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Sinclair, H. C., Ladny, R. T.**, & Lyndon, A. (2011). Adding insult to injury: Effects of Self- regulation, Rejection Sensitivity, and Rejection Type on Obsessive Relational Intrusion. Aggressive Behavior, 37, 503-520.

Sinclair, H. C. & Hertl, J. T.** (2010). Gender-motivated bias crimes: Examining why situational variables are important in the labeling of hate crimes (pp. 1-34). In C. T. Lockhardt, Psychology of Hate. Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers. (Top 3% of most-downloaded articles on Academia.edu.)

Sinclair, H. C. (2009). Stalking, threatening, and attacking public figures: A review. Journal of Police & Criminal Psychology, 24, 139-140.

Sinclair, H. C. & Wright, B. L.** (2009). Social networks: Effects on developed relationships. In H. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, vol. 3 (pp. 1543-1548). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Top 1% of most-downloaded articles on Academia.edu.)

Sinclair, H. C. (2007). Searching for the psychology in Women, Psychology, and the Law. Sex Roles, 57, 467-469.

Williams, S, Frieze, I. H., & Sinclair, H. C. (2007). Stalking and intimate violence. In J. Hamel & T. Nicholls (Eds.), Family Therapy for Domestic Violence: A practitioner’s guide to gender-inclusive research and treatment (pp. 109-123). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Sinclair, H. C. & Frieze, I. H. (2005). When courtship persistence becomes intrusive pursuit: A comparison of rejecter and pursuer perspectives of unrequited attraction. Sex Roles, 52, 839- 852.

Sinclair, H. C. & Frieze, I. H. (2002). Initial courtship behavior and stalking. In K. E. Davis, I. H. Frieze & R. D. Maiuro (Eds.) Stalking: Perspectives on victims and perpetrators (pp. 186-211). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Sinclair, H. C. & Frieze, I. H. (2000). Initial courtship behavior and stalking: How should we draw the line? Violence and Victims, 15(1), 23-40.

Ryan, K. M., Frieze, I. H., & Sinclair, H. C. (1999). Physical violence in dating relationships. M. A. Paludi (ed.) The psychology of sexual victimization: A handbook (pp. 33-54) Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.

Sinclair, H. C. & Bourne, L. E. (1998). The cycle of blame or just world: Effects of legal verdicts on gender patterns in rape myth acceptance and victim-empathy. The Psychology of Women Quarterly, 22(4): 575-588.

Aleven, V., Koedinger, K. R., Sinclair, H. C., & Snyder, J. (1998). Combating shallow learning in a tutor for geometry problem solving. In B. P. Goettl, H. M. Halff, C. L. Redfield, and V. J. Shute (Eds.) Proceedings from the 1998 Intelligent Tutoring Systems Symposium (pp. 364-373). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

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PRESENTATIONS: (*Denotes Undergraduate Student Collaborator, **Graduate Student) 1. Sinclair, H. C., Penniman, G.*, Utley, J. W.** (2020). Partners in crime: Comparing dyadic vs. individual prosocial and antisocial responses to a Cyberball paradigm. Poster submitted to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

2. Mauldin, W., Sinclair, H.C., & Utley, J. W. (2019). Replicating Replication Rates: An archival approach to estimating reproducibility. Paper accepted to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference in Portland, OR. Symposium title: Advancements in Replication Science.

3. Sinclair, H. C. (2018). Outcasts Don’t Just Lash Out nor is it Just Outcasts who Lash Out. Part of panel on “Findings from the Reasons for Retaliation Project: Individual, Dyadic, and Contextual Factors that Contribute to Responses toward Bullying” presented at the International Association of Relationships Research conference, Fort Collins, CO.

4. Sinclair, H. C. (2018). When Groups Alienate: Conceptualizing Bullying as Intergroup Conflict. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

5. Ellithorpe, C. E. & Sinclair, H. C. (2018). Say Something vs. Say Nothing: Assessing Costs of Voicing Disapproval for Romantic Relationships vs. Friendships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

6. Sinclair, H. C. & Stubbs-Richardson, M.** (2017, May). Initial Findings from the Reasons for Retaliation Project. Invited talk for the National Institute of Justice Comprehensive School Safety Initiative Conference in Washington, D. C.

7. Sinclair, H. C., (2017, April). The Bias Challenge: Do This not That. Invited talk for the MSU Interfaith Council on Reducing Prejudice on Campus.

8. Sinclair, H. C., Goldberg, R., Wu, S.**, Krallman, A. **, & Ellithorpe, C. (2016, July). Advice & Attributions: Examining the relationship sense-making process between friends. Invited talk for symposium titled “The Influence of Family and Friends on Relationship Processes and Outcomes” at the International Association of Relationships Research conference in Toronto, Canada.

9. Goldberg, R. M., Adams, H.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2016, June). Relational aggression in clinical settings. Contracted professional and paraprofessional staff training for Community Counseling Services, Region VII Mental Health/Mental Retardation Commission, West Point MS

10. Goldberg, R. M., Sinclair, H. C., Adams, H.**, & Hess-Holden, C.** (2016, March). Replication of “Balancing connectedness and self-protection goals in close relationships: A levels-of- processing perspective on risk regulation” by SL Murray, JL Derrick, S Leder, & JG Holmes (2008, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). Paper presented at the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors World Conference, New Orleans LA.

11. Sinclair, H. C. (2016, March). The true story of Romeo & Juliet. Invited talk presented for TED talks at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. https://youtu.be/an8OJQDeXYo

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12. Sinclair, H. C. (2013). The new story of Romeo & Juliet. Symposium presented to the Tulane Department of Psychology as part of their invited speaker series. Also presented by invitation at the University of Alabama in 2012 as part of their social psychology area brownbag series.

13. Lyndon, A., Sinclair, H. C., & Ladny, R. T. (2012). Adding insult to injury: Effects of Self- regulation, Rejection Sensitivity, and Rejection Type on Obsessive Relational Intrusion. Paper presented at the International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

14. Sinclair, H. C. (Chair, 2012). The new story of Romeo & Juliet. Symposium presented at the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL. (Discussant: Dr. Diane Felmlee.)

15. Lyndon, A., Sinclair, H. C., & Martin, S.** (2012) Validation of the Stalking Myths Survey – Revised. Poster presented at the 2012 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA.

16. Sinclair, H. C., Blaney, A.**, Felmlee, D., & Sprecher, S. (2012). Defying or Disregarding Disapproval?: Reactance and the Romeo and Juliet effect. Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA. Also submitted as a paper (“Is it really about defiance? Reactance and the Romeo & Juliet effect”) to the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

17. Fitzpatrick, J. & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). The role of family support and interference in homesickness among undergraduate students. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for the Study of Human Development conference in Providence, RI.

18. Fitzpatrick, J. & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Dimensions of social competence and personal factors in homesickness among undergraduates. Poster presented at the 2011 Southwestern Psychological Association conference in San Antonio, TX.

19. Sinclair, H. C., Denson, J. K.**, Felmlee, D., & Sprecher, S. (2011). Searching for the Romeo & Juliet effect: The role of source, trust, and disapproval type. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX.

20. Sinclair, H. C. & Wright, B. L.** (2009). Balancing relationships: What happens to one's relationships with friends and family when they disapprove of one's romantic partner? Poster presented at the 2009 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Tampa, FL.

21. Sinclair, H. C. (2008/2010). Stalking in the media: The romantic comedy of popular portrayals of unwanted pursuit. Invited presentation to the Literary and Civic club of Baton Rouge, LA. Also presented in April 2010 as part of the joint University of Central Missouri and Mississippi State University Meridian campus Distance Talks series in the Psychology department.

22. Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Why source matters: Consequences of self-construal for source differences in the association between social network opinion and romantic relationship dynamics. Paper presented at the 2008 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Providence, R.I. Part of panel titled: "Social Network Influences on Romantic Relationships." H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 9

23. Sinclair, H. C. (2007). Source matters: Investigating effects of social opinion on romantic relationships. Paper presented at the 2007 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA. Nominated for SEPA’s Outstanding Professional Paper Award.

24. Sinclair, H. C. (2007). Culture, courtship, and consequences: How Western beliefs about romance influence the minimization of stalking. Invited presentation to the International Congress on Law and Mental Health in Padua, Italy. Part of three-part panel on stalking research, in symposium titled “Social, Cultural, and Psychological Constructions of Stalking.” Panel coordinator Dr. R. Purcell.

25. Sinclair, H. C. & Walker, A.** (2007). For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo: Examining gender differences in the impact of peer and family disapproval of one’s romantic relationship. Poster presented at the 2007 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Memphis, TN.

26. Sinclair, H. C. (2006). Stalking myth-conceptions: Consequences of myth endorsement for the perception of stalking cases. Paper presented as part of symposium titled Advances in Research on Stalking (H. C. Sinclair, Symposium chair) in the American Psychology-Law Society 2006 conference in St. Petersburg, FL.

27. Sinclair, H. C. & Chawla, M.* (2006) Appetite for affiliation: Examining variables important for determining when one's need to belong is satiated. Poster presented at the 2006 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Palm Springs, CA.

28. Sinclair, H. C. (2005). Attribution Facilitation: Examining social influences on attributions in romantic relationships. Paper presented at the 2005 IARR New Scholars Workshop in Indianapolis, IN.

29. Sinclair, H. C. (2004). Never, never, never give up: Theory and research on persistence in relational pursuits. Invited presentation for the Social Psychology Brownbag series at the University of Missouri – Columbia.

30. Sinclair, H. C. & Chan, A.* (2003). The thin blue line between love and hate: Stalking myths, romanticism and legal outcomes. Paper presented as part of invitation to participate in stalking research symposium at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

31. Sinclair, H. C., Borgida, E., & Collins, W. A. (2002). Exploring the antecedents and consequences of courtship persistence. Paper presented as part of invitation to participate in a symposium on "Stalking and Courtship: Classifications and Social-Personality Predictors" at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference, Toronto, Canada.

32. Sinclair, H. C. & Borgida, E. (2002). Classifying crimes by classifying victims: Investigating lay conceptions of hate crime. Paper presented at the American Psychology and Law Society annual conference, Austin, TX.

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33. Borgida, E. & Sinclair, H. C. (2002). Courtship persistence: Social antecedents, legal consequences. Paper presented as part of invitation to participate in a symposium at the American Psychology and Law Society annual conference, Austin, TX.

34. Sinclair, H. C. & Frieze, I. H. (2001). When courtship persistence becomes intrusive pursuit: Comparing victim perceptions and perceptions of the victims of unwanted “romantic” attention. Paper presented as part of an invitation to participate in the symposium titled “Stalking: Another form of violence against women?” at the 26th annual Association for Women in Psychology conference in Los Angeles, CA.

35. Borgida, E. & Sinclair, H. C. (2001). The nature and measurement of courtship persistence: Implications for understanding sexual harassment. Poster presented at the 2nd annual Society of Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX.

36. Sinclair, H. C., Borgida, E., Polovitz, J.,* & Tichauer, J.* (2000). ‘Special relationships:’ On what basis are anti-stalking statutes being applied? Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference, Minneapolis, MN.

37. Sinclair, H. C., Borgida, E., & Henly, C. M.* (2000). A new measure of courtship persistence: Psychometrics and a research agenda. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Minneapolis, MN.

38. Sinclair, H. C. & Borgida, E. (2000). Assessing legal gate-keeping of psychological science in sexual harassment cases. Poster presented at the 1st annual Society of Personality and Social Psychology conference, Nashville, TN.

39. Sinclair, H. C. & Bourne, L. E. (1999). The cycle of blame or just world. Invited paper presented as part of the AWP Student Research Award panel, at the 24th annual Association for Women in Psychology conference, Providence, RI. Honorable mention for AWP Student Research Award.

40. Sinclair, H. C. & Frieze, I. H. (1999). I’m trying to court you, not stalk you. Paper presented as part of an invitation to participate in a symposium titled “Drawing the line on Unacceptable Courtship Behaviors” at the 24th annual Association for Women in Psychology conference, Providence, RI.

41. Sinclair, H. C. & Frieze, I. H. (1998). Loving when your partner does not love back: Stalking and unrequited love. Paper presented as part of an invitation to participate in a symposium titled "Cognition and emotions in acquaintance rape and courtship violence" at the 23rd annual Association for Women in Psychology conference, Baltimore, MD.

42. Sinclair, H. C. & Bourne, L. E. (1997). The effects of legal verdicts on gender patterns in rape myth acceptance and victim-empathy. Paper presented at the 22nd annual Association for Women in Psychology conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Graduate Student Collaborative Presentations 1. Utley, J. W.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2020). “Better to be in the Plastics, hating life, than to not be in at all:” Comparing intergroup and intragroup bullying among cliques. Poster submitted to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA. H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 11

2. Giron-Legarda, J.** May, D. C., Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2018). Examining the Relationship between Offline Bullying and Cyberbullying in an Impoverished Rural High School. Poster presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in New Orleans, Louisiana.

3. Nelson, S.**, Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2018). The Frenemy Online is Still a Friend Offline: Examining Responses to Relational Aggression in Cyber Contexts. Poster accepted for presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

4. Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, Sinclair, H.C., Goldberg, R., & Ellithorpe, C. E. (2018). Not such mean girls after all: Comparing teens’ experiences with and responses to bullying. Poster submitted for presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

5. Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, May, D. C., Wells, M.**, Sinclair, H. C., Sellers, J.**, McCleon, T., & Goldberg, R. (2017). Examining Responses to Rejection among Students in a High School Setting. Presented at the National Institute of Justice School Safety Panel, “Exploring the Individual, School-, and Community-Level Factors and the Interactions Between Them That Contribute to School Safety” at the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

6. Giron-Legarda, J.**, Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, May, D. C., & Sinclair, H. C. (2017). Predicting Cyberbullying in Mississippi: The Impact of Alienation, Belonging, and Social Media. Presented at the Mid-South Sociological Association in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

7. Nelson, S.**, Sinclair, H.C., Stubbs-Richardson, M.**, May, D. C., Goldberg, R., & McCleon, T. (2017) “Us Against the World”: An Overview of Groups and Bullying using Findings from the Reasons for Retaliation Project. Presented at the Mid-South Sociological Association in Chattanooga, Tennessee

8. Amadi, S.**, Sinclair, H. C., & Krallman, A.** (2017). Repair, retreat, or retaliate: An initial test of the full Multimotive Model linking rejection and aggression. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX. (*Winner of SPSP Student Travel Award.)

9. Ellithorpe, C. ** & Sinclair, H. C. (2016). To replicate or not to replicate? This is no longer the question regarding the Romeo & Juliet effect. Invited talk for symposium titled “The Influence of Family and Friends on Relationship Processes and Outcomes” at the International Association of Relationships Research conference in Toronto, Canada.

10. Ellithorpe, C.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2015). Revising Romeo & Juliet: Examining the Roles of Defiance, Destiny and Disapproval in Romantic Relationships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Long Beach, CA.

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11. Wu, S.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2015). It’s Complicated: Explaining the Romeo and Juliet Effect. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Long Beach, CA.

12. Carroll, R.**, Walker, B. H.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2014). The Power of Tolerant Social Norms: Social norm effects on policy attitudes. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

13. Cockrell, W. T.**, Walker, B. H.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2014). Do Social Norms or Self-Interest Rule? Comparing the Power of Social Norms and Targets of Prejudice on Symbolic Prejudice in a Group Discussion. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

14. Ellithorpe, C.**, Wu, S.**, Sinclair, H. C. (2014). Dependent or Interdependent? It depends on your social network’s opinions about your romantic relationship. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

15. Johnson, J. E.**, Carroll, R.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2014). Maintaining Self-Concept Clarity through Maintaining Political Attitudes. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

16. Patev, A. J.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2014). His and Hers: Whose social network’s opinion matters for romantic relationship outcomes? Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

17. Patuszak, A. L.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2014). The Reasons for Obsession: Applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to Understanding Unwanted Pursuits Post-breakup. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

18. Wu, S.**, Blaney, A. D.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2014). Distance from the Margins: How social distance affects the attributions people make for marginalized relationship outcomes. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

19. Patev, A.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). It’s a Woman’s World: Gender Differences in Social Network Opinions & Their Effects on Romantic Relationship Quality. Poster presented at the Society for Southeastern Social Psychology in Augusta, GA.

20. Wu, S.**, Blaney, A. D.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). “It’s all your fault!” Predicting failure in interracial vs. intraracial relationships. Poster presented at the Society for Southeastern Social Psychology in Augusta, GA.

21. Walker, B. H.**, Ellithorpe, C.**, & Sinclair, H.C. (2013). I heard it through the grapevine: Overheard information and the social network effect. Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research mini-conference in Louisville, KY.

22. Blaney, A.** & Sinclair, H.C. (2013). Who are Romeo and Juliet? Identifying individual differences among those who exhibit the Romeo & Juliet effect. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA. H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 13

23. Carroll, R.**, McLean, D.*, Sinclair, H.C., & Sparks, C.** (2013). Policy and prejudice: Establishing a new scale of prejudice towards Mexican immigrants. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

24. Cockrell, W. T.**, Finnegan, A.*, Novotny, A.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). The power of one: How a single prejudiced or tolerant person can affect the endorsement of symbolic prejudice. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

25. Ellithorpe, C.**, Bruce, S. B.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Chivalry or sexism? Non-egalitarian dating scripts persistent, thanks in part to chivalry norms. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

26. Fay, B.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Reconciliation or revenge?: Motivations for post-breakup behavior. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

27. Howell, A. L.**, Perko, L.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Passionately obsessed: Love styles and the likelihood to stalk a romantic partner after a rejection. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

28. Johnson, J.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Egalitarian optimist or social vigilante: Who confronts prejudice? Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

29. Perko, L.**, Howell, A.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Differentiating rejection: A continued analysis of the threats of rejection types. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

30. Walker, B. H.**, Johnson, J.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2013). Motivating tolerance: Internal and external motivations to resist prejudicial norms. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

31. Colvin, L. W.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Is it really about destiny? How Implicit Theories and social network opinions can influence commitment. Paper presented as part of symposium titled “The new story of Romeo & Juliet” to the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

32. Ellithorpe, C.** & Sinclair, H.C. (2012). Who's got the love?: Examining Relational Interdependent Self-Construal as a buffer to social network disapproval. Paper presented to the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

33. Howell, A.**, Sinclair, H. C., & Chambers, C. (2012). What love has to do with it: Love styles and stalking behavior. Paper presented to the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

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34. Wright, B. L.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Is it really about disapproval? Comparing the consequences of social network approval and disapproval on relationship initiation. Paper presented as part of symposium titled “The new story of Romeo & Juliet” to the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

35. Walker, B. H.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Asserting independence: Examining how reactance moderates the effects of social network opinions on romantic relationship initiation. Paper presented to the 2012 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Chicago, IL.

36. Cockrell, W. T.,** Sinclair, H. C., Walker, B. H.**, & Johnson, J.** (2012). Attitude Ambivalence, Extremity, and Valence and Susceptibility to Social Influence. Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

37. Collier, K.E. ** & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Invested or invasive: Applying the investment model to understanding obsessive relational intrusion. Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

38. Ellithorpe, C.**, Colvin, L. W.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Explaining away inter-racial relationships: The ultimate attribution error in inter-racial relationships. Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

39. Howell, A. ** & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Love on the margins: Whose opinion affects the state and fate of marginalized relationships? Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA. Also a paper to be presented at the 2012 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA.

40. Perko, L. & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Not all rejections are created equal: Examining the threats of rejection types. Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

41. Walker, B. H.**, Sinclair, H. C., & Cockrell, W. T.** (2012). Could cognitive dissonance explain how publicly conforming to social norms leads to attitude change? Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

42. Cockrell, W. T.**, Walker, B. H.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Social norms vs. social motives: The effects of social influence and motivation to control prejudiced responding on the expression of sexual prejudice. Poster presented at the 2011 Association for Psychological Science conference in Washington D. C.

43. Perko, L.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Rejection sensitivity, self-regulation, and rejection: A demonstration of the I3 model with regards to aggressive obsessive relational intrusion. Poster presented at the 2011 Association for Psychological Science conference in Washington D. C.

44. Collier, K. E.**, MacArthur, J. R.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Stalking myth-attributions: The role of individual and contextual variables on judgments of unwanted pursuit scenarios. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX. H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 15

45. Colvin, L. W.**, Denson, J. K.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Is it fate?: How destiny and growth beliefs moderate network influence on romantic relationship commitment. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX.

46. Fay, B. A.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). The I3 model and stalking: Examining effects of rejection, self-regulation, and narcissism on stalking perpetration. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX.

47. MacArthur, J. R.**, Collier, K. E.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Scripting the scriptless: Media portrayals of the rejecter’s side of unrequited love. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX.

48. Walker, B. H.**, Colvin, L. W.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). The role of religious fundamentalism in predicting conformity and attitude change in a political discussion. Poster presented at the 2011 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Antonio, TX.

49. Collier, K. E.**, Sinclair, H. C., & Sheridan, L. (2010). A tangled web: Social network involvement in stalking incidents. Paper presented as part of K.E. Collier’s & R. T. Ladny’s (Chairs) symposium on “Stalking perpetration: Who stalks and why” at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

50. Denson, J. K.**, Colvin, L.W.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Individuals and Social Networks Determine the Maintenance of Romantic Attachments. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

51. Fay, B.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). The Likelihood to Stalk Scale: Development and testing. Paper presented as part of K.E. Collier’s & R. T. Ladny’s (Chairs) symposium on “Stalking perpetration: Who stalks and why” at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

52. Ladny, R. T.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). To stalk or not to stalk: Effects of rejection and self- regulation depletion on obsessive relational intrusion. Paper presented as part of K.E. Collier’s & R. T. Ladny’s (Chairs) symposium on “Stalking perpetration: Who stalks and why” at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

53. MacArthur, J. R.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Stalking in the media. Paper presented as part of K.E. Collier’s & R. T. Ladny’s (Chairs) symposium on “Stalking perpetration: Who stalks and why” at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

54. Saxon, C. R.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Antipathies and attribution: Effects on self-esteem, self- efficacy, and task persistence. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

55. Walker, B. H.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Moral strength, political beliefs, and resistance to conformity. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 16

56. Colvin, L. W.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Does parental opinion matter?: How self-construal and social network opinions can influence romantic relationship dynamics. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Las Vegas, NV

57. Ladny, R. T.**, Sinclair, H. C., & Collier, K. E.** (2010). Stalking and self-regulation: Effects on Obsessive Relational Intrusion. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Las Vegas, NV.

58. MacArthur, J. R.**, Weiss, J. L.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Scripting stalking: Examining the portrayal of unwanted pursuit behaviors in the media. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Las Vegas, NV.

59. Wright, B. L.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Conflicting opinions: Examining the effects of multiple third party opinions on romantic relationship initiation. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Las Vegas, NV.

60. Hertl, J. T.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Application of Prototype Theory to Perceptions of Gender-motivated Bias Crimes. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in Chicago, IL. Also presented at the 2008 Gender Research Forum at MSU (October, 2008).

61. Gilbert, B. Q.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Facing the opposition: Examining conformity on pre- existing political beliefs in real world and computer mediated contexts. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM.

62. Walker, A.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Honor thy mother and thy father: Examining the importance of commitment status in mediating the social network influence of parents on romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM.

63. Wright, B.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Weighing parental opinion: Exploring the security of parental attachment as a mediator of the relationship between parental approval and romantic relationship strength. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM. Also presented at the 1st annual Mississippi State Psi Chi Research Forum (winner of the Psi Chi graduate student presentation award).

64. Walker, A.**, Sinclair, H. C., Johnson T.*, & Johnson, C.* (2007). Source Matters: Examining the social network influence of friends and parents on dating choices. Poster presented at the 2007 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Memphis, TN.

65. Walker, A.** & Sinclair, H. C. (2006). Conditions of conformity: Examining the effect of conformity pressures on pre-existing intergroup attitudes in a computer-mediated context. Poster presented at the 2006 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Palm Springs, CA.

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Undergraduate Student Collaborative Presentations 1. Mims, R*, Sinclair, H. C., & Utley, J. W. (2020). Just friends? Examining the effects of norm violations on same- and cross-sex friendships among individuals in dating relationships. Poster submitted to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

2. Mims, R.*, Utley, J. W., & Sinclair, H. C. (2019). Culture of Honor: Not just for boys anymore. Poster presented at the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association conference, Starkville, MS.

3. Payne , M. G.*, Ellithorpe, C., & Sinclair, H. C. (2019). Dear Diary: A daily diary study of high school bullying. Poster presented at the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association conference, Starkville, MS. Winner of the Undergraduate Poster Contest.

4. Shumate, C.*, Utley, J. W., Ellithorpe, C., & Sinclair, H. C. (2019). Lunchtable legacies: Identity- based bullying in high school. Poster presented at the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association conference, Starkville, MS.

5. Utley, J. W.* & Sinclair, H.C. (2018). Attachment & Aggression: Examining peer attachment and bullying in a longitudinal survey of high school students. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

6. Giron-Legarda, J.*, Ellithorpe, C., & Sinclair, H. C. (2017). Bullying for position: Understanding cyberbullying in high school. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS.

7. Middleton, C.*, Ellithorpe, C. E.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2017). Prejudice predicts preference: An examination of sexual racism in the south. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS.

8. Miller, M.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Goldberg, R. (2016). Your friend or mine? Differences in perceived acceptability of violations in opposite-sex friendships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

9. Miller, M.*, Felmlee, D., Sinclair, H. C. (2015). Don’t Break the Rules: Disapproval of Violations in Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Long Beach, CA.

10. McLean, D.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2013/2014). Wherefore art thou Romeo? Addressing issues of measurement in the search for the Romeo and Juliet effect. Poster presented at the International Association in Relationships Research mini-conference in Louisville, KY and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Austin, TX.

11. Finnegan, A.*, Cockrell, W.**, & Sinclair, H.C. (2013). Self-interest rules: Assessing the persuasiveness of gay rights arguments from likely and unlikely sources. Poster presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

12. Hairfield, K.*, Walker, B. H.**, & Sinclair, H.C. (2013). Maintaining intolerance: The role of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in resisting tolerant norms. Poster H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 18

presented at the 2013 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

13. Sparks, C.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2012). Passion or prejudice: Understanding prototypes of gender- bias crimes. Poster presented at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego, CA.

14. Shaw, R.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Denson, J.** (2011). The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Examining the negative and positive effects of enemies. Poster presented at the 2011 Undergraduate Research Symposium at Mississippi State, MS.

15. Sparks, C.*, Denson, J.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Is it hate or is it love? Examining the influence of prototypes on lay perceptions of hate crimes. Poster presented at the 2011 Undergraduate Research Symposium at Mississippi State, MS. 2nd place winner for “Best in Show” at symposium.

16. Steele, L.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Reacting with reactance: The influence of reactive responses to social network opinions on romantic decisions. Poster presented at the 2011 Undergraduate Research Symposium at Mississippi State, MS. 2nd place winner for “Best in Show” at symposium.

17. Talley, K.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2011). Going along to get along: A new measure of Susceptibility to Normative Social Influence. Poster presented at the 2011 Undergraduate Research Symposium at Mississippi State, MS.

18. Koufonikos, S. *, Missel, A.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Denson, J.** (2011). Disregarding disapproval: The role of reactance in determining the effects of social network opinions on romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 2011 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in Jacksonville, FL.

19. Dunn, M. M.*, Ladny, R. T.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Stalking in the courts: An archival examination of legal outcomes in stalking cases. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA. Winner of the Social Sciences undergraduate poster award at the MSU Honors Research Symposium.

20. Mason, K.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Hertl, J. T.** (2010). Perceptions of gender-motivated bias crimes. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

21. Payne, J.L.*, Pitman, E.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). Third-party effects on attributions in romantic relationships. Poster to be presented at the 2010 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in New Orleans, LA.

22. Mauldin, W. K.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2010). What about after they conform?: Examining conformity and attitude change in a political discussion. Poster presented at the 2010 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Las Vegas, NV.

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23. Collier, K. E.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Smith, A. G.** (2009). Gender differences in enemy impact depending on enemy type. Paper presented at the 2009 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA.

24. Hinton, B. A.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Smith, A. G.** (2009). How social acceptance moderates the impact of mutual antipathies. Poster presented at the 2009 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA.

25. MacArthur, J. R.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2009). When networks collide: The consequences of network disagreement on approval for one's romantic relationship. Poster presented at the 2009 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Tampa, FL. Also presented at the Mississippi State University First Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium (April, 2009). Winner of the SPSP Undergraduate Travel award and the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Research Award.

26. Collier, K. E.*, Sinclair, H. C. & Smith, A. G.** (2008). Enemyships: Positive and negative effects on basic needs. Poster presented at the 2008 International Association of Relationships Research conference in Providence, R.I. as well as at the 2008 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in Chicago, IL, and the 2008 MSU Psi Chi research forum.

27. Colvin, L. W.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Examining the relationship between preference for consistency and the likelihood to conform. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in Chicago, IL. Also presented at the 1st annual 2008 Mississippi State Psi Chi Research Forum.

28. MacArthur, J.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Cultural differences on the effects of social network opinion on romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in Chicago, IL. Also presented at the 1st annual 2008 Mississippi State Psi Chi Research Forum.

29. Simms, A.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). The femme fatale?: Examining attributions for men and women’s stalking behavior. Paper presented at the 2008 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference in Chicago, IL. Also converted to poster form and presented at the 2008 Gender Research Forum at MSU (October, 2008).

30. Mason, K.*, Walker, A.**, & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). The effects of perceptions of race: Implicit Association Tests and racial exemplars. Poster presented at the 1st annual Mississippi State Psi Chi Research Forum.

31. Orr, E.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Who will they listen to?: Self-construals, social networks, and their effects on relationship formation. Poster presented at the 1st annual Mississippi State Psi Chi Research Forum.

32. Woodall, D. L.*, Bishop, M.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Motivation to control prejudiced responses: Examining the relationship between motivation to control prejudiced responding and the likelihood to conform to a majority opinion in a political discussion. Poster presented at the 1st annual Mississippi State Psi Chi Research Forum.

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33. Catlin, J. R.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Wright, B.L.** (2008). Momma’s boys or daddy’s girls: The difference between the influence of mother approval and father approval amongst sons’ and daughters’ romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM.

34. Fleming, J. F.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Social Dominance vs. Social Influence: Examining the relationship between social dominance orientation and the likelihood to conform to majority opinion in a political discussion. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM.

35. Lucas, D. L.*, Kossman, G.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Standing up for your beliefs: An examination of the mediating role of attitude strength on conformity in a group political discussion. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM.

36. Marcinkiewicz, E.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2008). Conform to Belong? Exploring the role of individual differences in affiliation needs in predicting conformity. Poster presented at the 2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Albuquerque, NM.

37. Brewster, J.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Howard, J. L. R.* (2007). Cultural differences in the influence of third-parties on dating choices. Poster presented at the 2007 Southeastern Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA.

38. Howard, J. L. R.*, Brewster, J.*, & Sinclair, H. C. (2007). Does mother know best?: Examining cultural orientation differences in the effects of 3rd-party opinion on dating choices. Poster presented at the 2007 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Memphis, TN.

39. Cloyd, A.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2006). The influence of acceptance of stalking myths on lay conceptions of stalking scenarios. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society 2006 conference in St. Petersburg, FL.

40. Reeves, R.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2006). Advances in Stalking Research: What you don’t know could hurt you. Opening paper presented as part of symposium titled Advances in Research on Stalking (H. C. Sinclair, Symposium chair) in the American Psychology-Law Society 2006 conference in St. Petersburg, FL.

41. Jaeger, C.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2006) Our little obsessions: Need to Belong and the development of fixations. Poster presented at the 2006 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Palm Springs, CA. Winner of the University of Missouri Undergraduate Research Opportunities Grant.

42. Rathert, J.*, Sinclair, H. C., Wall, D.* & Means, A* (2006). Does jealousy help or hurt romantic relationships?: It depends on the person and the situation. Poster presented at the 2006 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Palm Springs, CA.

43. Wall, D.*, Sinclair, H. C., Rathert, J.* & Means, A,* (2006). Gotta have style: Examining the predictive utility of love styles and attachment styles for romantic relationship satisfaction, H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 21

closeness, and love. Poster presented at the 2006 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in Palm Springs, CA.

44. Barkley, T.*, Sinclair, H. C., & Mitchell, H.* (2005). Intimate opposition: Perceived closeness as a moderator of the impact of third-party opposition to romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 2005 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA. Also presented at the May 2005 Midwestern Psychological Association conference in Chicago, IL. Winner of the University of Missouri Louis Stokes Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation in Research grant.

45. Mitchell, H.*., Sinclair, H. C., & Barkley, T.* (2005). The Romeo & Juliet effect revisited: Re- examining the influence of familial versus peer (dis)approval on romantic relationship quality. Poster presented at the 2005 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA. Also presented at the May 2005 Midwestern Psychological Association conference in Chicago, IL. Winner of the University of Missouri Undergraduate Research Opportunities Grant.

46. Walker, A. A.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2005). The Black Hat Phenomenon: Examining the effects of dark apparel on social perceptions. Poster presented at the 2005 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in New Orleans, LA.

47. Burkhardt, T.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2004). Getting in with the in-crowd: Examining the use of self- presentation and aggression tactics to gain social status. Poster presented at the 2004 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference.

48. Gitter, S.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2004). With enemies like those, who needs friends: A comparison of the relative impact of best friends versus worst enemies on psychosocial outcomes. Poster presented at the 2004 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference.

49. Kedrowski, N.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2004). All acceptance is not created equal: Examining differences among ‘popular’ adolescents in satiation of belongingness needs and self-monitoring strategies. Poster presented at the 2004 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference.

50. Kunstman, J.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2004). Beyond the classroom: Developing a social psychological method for determining sociometric status. Poster presented at the 2004 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference.

51. Henly, C. M.* & Sinclair, H. C. (2000). Scripting courtship: Courtship persistence in the media. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference, Minneapolis, MN.

52. Polovitz, J.*, Sinclair, H. C., Borgida, E., & Tichauer, J.* (2000). Stalking definitions: Social and legal implications. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference, Minneapolis, MN.

53. Tichauer, J.*, Sinclair, H. C., Borgida, E., & Polovitz, J.* (2000). Stalking stereotypes: Examining myths and misconceptions about stalking and stalkers. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Minneapolis, MN. H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 22

ADDITIONAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Primary Current Projects • Studying influences of social networks and prejudice on romantic relationship dynamics - from attraction to termination. • Applying theoretical models to understanding rejection-triggered aggression (e.g., stalking perpetration, school violence) • Integrating intergroup conflict theories with aggression and dangerous speech research to understand dynamics of violence escalation between groups (e.g., military conflict, political tensions, hate crimes, bullying, police aggression against minorities) • Conducting replications of important findings in psychology to identify replication rates within the field.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: (* Denotes Graduate Course, +Denotes New Course Proposal, on Sabbatical Fall 2015) Associate Professor – Mississippi State University • Psychology of Evil (PSYC 4673/6673, w/ study abroad) Spring 2020 • Social Psychology (PSYC 3624) Fall 2013/2014/2016/2017/2018- 2019 • Interpersonal Relationships (PSYC 8990+) Fall 2013 • Advanced Lab in Social Psychology Research (PSYC 4624+) Fall 2012 - Spring 2014 • Advanced Social Psychology (PSYC 8613*) Fall 2012/2014, Spring 2015/16/17/19 • Honors Social Psychology (PSYC 3624.H01+) Spring 2013/2014 Spring 2013/2014/2015/2018 • Psychology and the Law (PSYC 4353/6353, in-person & on-line) Assistant Professor – Mississippi State University • Experimental Psychology Writing Workshop (PSY 8990+) Fall 2011 • Interpersonal Relationships (PSYC 8990+) Fall 2009, Spring 2012 • Directed Individual Study (PSYC 4000/7000*/8000*) Fall 2005–Spring 13 • Advanced Social Psychology (PSYC 8613*) Spring 2007, Fall 2008/10/12 • Advanced Lab in Social Psychology Research (PSYC Fall 2007- Spring 2013 6990/4624+) • Experimental Psychology (PSYC 3141 s.01 & s.02) Fall 2005/06/07/08 • Social Psychology (PSYC 3624) Spring 06/09, Fall 06/07/10/11 • Honors Social Psychology (PSYC 3624.H01+) Spring 2013 Spring 06-09/11(2 sections), Fall 09 • Psychology and the Law (PSYC 4353/6353, in-person & on-line) Visiting Assistant Professor - University of Missouri – Columbia Teaching load 3-3. • Experiments in Social Psychology Capstone (PSYC 4975) Fall 2003 - Spring 2005 (2 sections) • Research Methods in Psychology (PSYC 3010) Fall 2003 - Spring 2005 • Psychology of Close Relationships (PSYC 8040*) Spring 2004 & 2005 • Introduction to Social Psychology (PSYC 2310) Fall 2003 Instructor - University of Minnesota • Psychology of Women (PSYC 4501) Summer 2002 • Psychology of Violence (PSYC 3960) Intersession 2000 • Human Sexuality (PSYC 3666) Summer 1999 H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 23

• Major Projects in Psychology Capstone (PSYC 3902) Summer 1999, Spring 2002 Guest Lecturer - University of Minnesota • Adult Development: Self, Relationships, Work (EDHD 1907) Fall 2002 • Interpersonal Communication (COMM 3402) Spring & Summer 2002 • Human Sexuality (PSYC 3666) Fall 2001 • Social & Personality Development (CPSY 4331) Spring 2001 Teaching Assistant - University of Minnesota • Human Sexuality (PSYC 3666) Fall 2001 • Attitudes and Social Behavior (PSYC 5204*) Spring 2000 • Introduction to Social Psychology (PSYC 3201) Spring 1999 • Psychology of Women (PSYC 4501) Winter 1999 • Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1001) Fall 1998

ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Transmedia Outreach As part of our Collaborative’s endeavor to make science accessible, we introduced a multi-pronged outreach campaign that includes: • Initiated an internship program for local high school students to learn about psychological science in our lab. • Involvement in the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Summer Program for Undergraduate Research to sponsor underrepresented students from schools without labs to work in our lab. • Developing transmedia dissemination protocols: o A lab blog: http://www.socialrelationslab.com/relating-results---a-blog o A lab Twitter: https://twitter.com/SocialRelateLab o A lab Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SocialRelationsLab/ o A YouTube vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F09bM-39xpCSh8BnCcE3A o Infographs: https://magic.piktochart.com/output/14389492-friends-as-enemies https://magic.piktochart.com/output/14412802-gender-and- aggression-in-high-school https://magic.piktochart.com/output/14291805-year-1-survey- summary-school-safety https://magic.piktochart.com/output/15157327-bullying-in-groups • Adopting open science practices by registering our work with the Open Science Framework.

Advising • Academic Advisor for 35 advanced psychology majors per year, 2006-2011. 15 in 2014. • Committee Member for 5 graduate research projects in psychology at MSU, 2006-2012, one dissertation committee for a PhD candidate in Marketing at MSU, and an external member for a PhD candidate in Family Social Science at the University of Texas – Austin. • Mississippi State University Thesis/Research Adviser: 20 graduate students (2005-2014, Masters program terminated 2015), 206 undergraduate research assistants. Members of the lab have won the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Undergraduate Research Award, the Psychology Scholar award, the Outstanding Student Award, Clara Mayo grant, as well as multiple presentation awards and Travel Awards from SPSP. A number have gone onto H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 24

graduate programs in Clinical, Experimental, Developmental, Counseling, School, and Social psychology, as well as law school and Family Social Science and Sociology programs. We have a 90% acceptance rate among grad school applicants. • University of Missouri Research Adviser: Two Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program students, two Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation in Research interns, one University Research Scholar, one Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Scholar, one graduate student, two honors thesis students, three advanced directed studies, three paid undergraduate research assistants funded by the Office of Research and four directed research students. Every undergraduate research award that arose between the Spring of 2004 and my departure in the summer of 2006 was won by a member of my lab. • University of Minnesota Research Supervisor of 15 volunteer research assistants, 10 honors thesis students, 10 Directed Research students, 3 post-baccalaureate research assistants, 2 Research Experience for Undergraduates summer fellows, 1 Undergraduate Research Partnership program student and one Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program student at the University of Minnesota. The largest lab I managed involved 20 undergraduate research assistants needed for my dissertation project. The majority of these students went onto graduate programs or professional schools, including three in graduate programs in social psychology (Seth Gitter, Jonathan Kunstman, and Tiffany Burkhardt). Four went on to professional research positions or two into graduate Marketing programs, two into graduate social work, an two to law school. • Academic Adviser in the University of Minnesota Department of Psychology January 1999- June 2000 (1200+ Psychology majors)

Service: Academic and Professional • Mentor for the 2016-current Society for Personality and Social Psychology Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (http://www.spsp.org/events/SPUR/accepted-mentors) • Mentor for the International Association of Relationships Research New Scholars program, 2015-current. • Panelist for the National Science Foundation 2015-present. • Reviewer for the National Science Foundation Social Psychology Division, 2014-present. • Chair of the Otto Kleinberg Awards committee for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 2011-2013. • Lead Administrator of the Psychology Research Program subject pool 2011-2013. • Associate Editor for Relationships Research News for IARR • Articles I have authored: o “Biological clock vs. Tenure Clock: An Assistant Professor’s Perspective on Family” (Spring, 2010) o “A Push in the Right Direction: Tips for Current and Future Mentors” (Fall, 2010) o “Writing a Workshop” (Fall, 2011) o “No hard and fast rules: Multiple perspectives on the publication process” (Spring, 2012) o “From Assistant to Associate” (Fall, 2012) • Sections I have edited: o “Balancing Career and Family” (Spring, 2010) o “Meant to Mentor: Tips and Personal Experiences” (Fall, 2010) o “Digging Holes in the Sand: Finding Time to Manage in Academia” (Spring, 2011) o “Just Write” (Fall, 2011) H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 25

o “Navigating the Route to Publication” (Spring, 2012) o “Tracking Tenure and Promotion” (Fall, 2012) • Lead Guest Editor for the Sex Roles Special Issue on Gender and Stalking. • Faculty Advisor: For MSU Psi Chi and Psychology Club 2007-2014. • Chair of the Early Career Scholars Committee for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Responsibilities including conference planning, judging and awarding Michelle Alexander early career award and conference poster awards, attending planning meetings, and making new proposals for the advancement of new scholars (e.g. editorship on the Journal of Social Issues). • SPSSI New Scholars Workshop – Based on my experiences in the IARR New Scholars workshop, I proposed that SPSSI initiate its own new scholars workshop to help junior scholars network with senior scholars and learn about applying science to policy. The summer of 2010 was the first year the workshop came into fruition preceding the bi-annual conference. Feedback was positive, and thus SPSSI plans to implement the workshop as a regular part of its conference. • Liaison for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues to the American Psychological Association Early Career Psychologists Network. • SSRC Affiliations: The Innovative Data Lab (2014-present), Creating a Culture of Data Documentation & Research Replication group (2014-present) • Committees: College of Arts & Sciences Research Development Committee (2008-present), Psychology Website development committee (Chair, 2006-2007) and Psychology undergraduate curriculum committee (2005-2007), search committee (2013-2014), distance learning committee (2014-present), prospective student outreach (2014-present). • Reviewer for the NSF-sponsored infrastructure project called Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS). • Reviewer for the journals Psychology of Women Quarterly, Sex Roles, Law & Human Behavior , Emerging Adulthood, Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Psychology of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Family Issues, Personal Relationships, Aggressive Behavior, and Violence & Victims, as well as for the Association for Women in Psychology conference, Southeastern Psychological Association, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, and the American Psychology-Law Society conferences, and Consultant for Violence & Victims 2000: Special Issue on Stalking. • Developer of 200-page instructional resource manual for University of Minnesota Capstone course - Major Projects in Psychology, Spring 2001.

Service: Consulting and Community Outreach • Interviewed by New York City Lens on gender-motivated hate crime March 2019. http://nycitylens.com/2019/03/is-this-a-hate-crime/ • Instructor for “Bullying in Schools” continuing education seminar series for the MSU Center for Continuing Education. • Interviewed by Vision magazine on the harm of bullying, fall 2018, issue forthcoming in spring. • Interviewed by WCBI Sunrise show on social media, July 2018 • Interviewed by Vision magazine on the School Safety project, spring 2018: https://issuu.com/msu-artssciences/docs/17-373visionmagazinepage_web • Interviewed by CNN on interracial relationships and intraracial dating preferences. http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/13/living/where-white-people-meet-feat/index.html H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 26

• Interviewed by Psychology Today on stalking, love, and obsession. https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201501/obsessed • Interviewed by multiple sources for Domestic Violence awareness month (e.g., MSU Public Relations, The Starkville Daily News, WCBI news: http://www.wcbi.com/wordpress/msu-expert- offers-tips-on-violence-misconceptions-solutions) (October, 2014). • Blogger for Psychology Today (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/unpacking-social- relations/201509/getting-the-source) • Blogger for Science of Relationships.com. • Interviewed by leading German science magazine Bild der Wissenschaft on Romeo & Juliet effect and the science of replication (August 2014: http://www.wissenschaft.de/archiv/- /journal_content/56/12054/4771209/Forscher-fordern-die/) • Interviewed by the Starkville Daily News on “online dating” (article published November, 2013: http://starkvilledailynews.com/node/15661) • Interviewed by Psychologie magazine in March, 2013 (Dutch “Psychology Today:” http://www.psychologiemagazine.nl/web/Artikelpagina/Als-uw-ouders-uw-partner-niet- accepteren-deel-1.htm) • Interviewed by Men’s Health magazine July, 2012, article published February, 2013 (http://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/whos-sinking-your-love-life) • Interviewed for Roadtrip Nation on finding a career path (November, 2011) • Interviewed for student documentary on “Hooking Up” (October, 2011) • Consultant on pamphlet for stalking victims for the Mississippi State Attorney General’s Office (2010). • Interviewed by Psychology Today on Stalking in the Media (Interviewed: April, 2010, Article: “Fictional Attraction” July/August: http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201008/insights- news). • Interviewed by The Minnesota Daily on Cybermonitoring (Feburary, 2010). • Interviewed by WMSV for Stalking Awareness month (January, 2009). • Presenter for the Baton Rouge Literary and Civic Club on "Media Portrayals of Stalking" (July, 2008). • Consultant for the development of the first national stalking survey in Portugal (Spring, 2008). • Interviewed by the Clarion Ledger on magical thinking (August, 2007). • Consultant for Dr. Nicole Rader on campus-wide victimization survey (Spring, 2007). • Interviewed for the MSU Reflector on stalking awareness (February, 2006). • Presenter for the Mississippi State University Residence Hall (Sessums) on Interpersonal Relationships (a session the students labeled “Talk to Dr. Hitch about how to get hitched and stay that way” – February, 2006). • Interviewed by Jackson’s local ABC network for National Stalking Awareness month (January, 2006). • In-service provider for the Mississippi State Attorney General’s Office on Stalking Awareness (January, 2006). • Co-founder and, peer-nominated, first President of the University of Minnesota Women's Organization for Graduate and Professional Students - a resource and mentoring group, a graduate student division of the Office for University Women (2003). H. Colleen Sinclair, VITA, Page 27

• Consultant on courtship stalking case of City of Brooklyn Park v. Barlow with the Battered Women’s Legal Advocacy Center (2001). • In-service Consultant providing an information session on stalking (laws, perpetrators and victims) and training to counselors at Chrysalis Center for Women (January, 2001). • Primary Consultant for the New England Research Institute project to develop software to educate legal professionals about the realities of stalking, 1999. • Supervisor for high school student's International Baccalaureate dating violence project, 1997 • Paraprofessional Counselor and High School Informational Speaker for Boulder County Rape Crisis Center, August 1995-June 1996. • Counselor and Legal Advocate for the Boulder County Battered Women’s Shelter, August 1993-June 1994.

Additional Professional Development ➢ Attended the Cambridge University “Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling” workshop, Cambridge, England, July 8th-14th. ➢ Completed, via competitive application process, an all-expense paid, multi-week, deep-dive, workshop on Holocaust Studies at The Olga Lenyel Institute in New York City, June 10th-27th 2019. ➢ Attended the University of Maastricht “Meta-analysis in R” workshop December 3-5th, 2018 ➢ Attended the SPSP “Longitudinal Dyadic Data Analysis” workshop on March 3rd, 2018 ➢ Completed the John Hopkins University “Introduction to Systematic Review & Meta-analysis” April 20th, 2017. ➢ Attended the SPSP “How to build a psychophysiology lab” workshop on January 21st, 2017. ➢ Attended the SPSSI and APAGS webinar “Measuring true change over time: An autoregressive latent trajectory analysis” July 13, 2016. ➢ Attended the Temple University Social Network analysis training workshop April 29 & 30, 2016. ➢ Attended Social Science Research Center training workshop on Systems Thinking and Dynamics led by Dr. Rod MacDonald of the Initiative for Systems Dynamics in Public Sector (SUNY- Albany) in Summer 2011. ➢ Attended Dr. Stephanie Doane's Developing fMRI Experiments course at the Institute of Neurocognitive Science and Technology in the Spring of 2007 ➢ Attended the Summer Educational Technology Institute at the University of Missouri - Columbia (Summer 2005) to get acquainted with new developments in educational technology (course websites, podcasting, etc.) ➢ Attended the International Association of Relationships Research New Scholars Workshop in the Summer of 2005. ➢ Attended the University of Missouri Grant Writing workshop (campus-wide competitive-entry workshop) in the Summer of 2004.