Fall 2009 Morsels & Tidbits
VOLUMEVOLUME XVI, XXV, NUMBER NUMBER 4 4 FALL FALL 2000 2009 Quarterly Publication of the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor Welcome for Coffee Finnish- and Scandinavian- American Traditions of Food and Hospitality This rulltårta (Swedish cake roll), created and photographed by Kerstin Trowbridge of Grand Rapids, MI, is decorated with fresh fruit and whipped cream. The recipe accompanies Kerstin’s article on Swedish coffee and hospitality (see page 3). REPAST VOLUME XXV, NUMBER 4 FALL 2009 MORSELS & TIDBITS “How We Used to Eat” was the title of a recent article A member of the Longone Archive’s Honorary in the University of Michigan’s LS&A Magazine (Fall 2009). Committee, well-known food historian Andrew F. Smith, The piece, written by well-known writer and UM alumnus has a new book out this Fall, Eating History: Thirty Turning James Tobin, focused on the Janice Bluestein Longone Points in the Making of American Cuisine (New York: Culinary Archive at the UM’s William L. Clements Library, Columbia University Press, 2009; 392 pp, $29.95 cloth). In a citing examples from the collection as evidence “that before series of 30 essays, Smith explores key episodes that helped the food-processing revolution, we had our own culture of shape the modern American diet, such as the establishment real food.” Collection curator and CHAA founder Jan of Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York, the building of the Longone commented in the article about several aspects of Erie Canal, the publication of Fannie Farmer’s cookbook, the historic American diet and lifestyle, including their the advent of frozen seafood and TV dinners, the first healthfulness relative to those of today.
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