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7-17-1908 Carlsbad Current and New Mexico Sun, 07-17-1908 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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OJlit CEarlsbafc (Smtttft AND NEW MEXICO SUN


i no aon' little giria wire tii.sos wa called for nominal Cma, The reading derk, when he came Irene, Ada Smith, all ttidl of Catherine and cul'.cil !!ir to Arkansas, pronounced the nnme of "Alabama." DEMOCRATS AI like Kansas, and there Im llenver Tbe chairman of that delegation rose the atate In hla apeech Hon. II l Clavton mediately came a about protest and whs reeognln d New sanitary of of A In l!i ma. permanent liairmaii of from the delegation, whose member 'Know lug thut Nebraskn will mnk Our " convention, declared tbat thin l a i llit For ahouted buck, "Arkaii saw ! no mistake In nominating tbe rlnht soda fountain doing Nominate Standard Rearers Iiemorratlc year. Demi i talic Idea Ne- Amid luughter the clerk corrected man," he said, "Alabama yield to s now popu'ur. ?Hi ti mes, It plc-air- Coming Campaign. hi profimirlHllon. lire alwav braska." tWinm. taught by our party and at by j "." culled the clerk "I. .1. Hiitin of Omaha will speak for it our opponents, are now urged a n fverylnidy, give Territory There n no re- Nebraska delegation," announced "Indlnn goapel of their own. Measure and pnl the BRYAN AND KERN NAMED. ponso. nnil the clerk railed the name the chairman of that state, while the a chance lo li lea ot liemocratlc irgln nie now i cheeking which fnllowid the first state. a third time. pretendedly advocated by "She married." yelled a delegate the leader ment from Alabama continued iinahat-,- j to t'loasr. of the Republican pnrtv It Ih no long- - ' Gathering l Colorado Capital Ono of "I mean Oklahoma." said the clerk, sWu.-a- H er anarchistic, to decla e private mo-- , In History and the list went up to the chairman' THicn Mr. Putin declared tbat tbl the Moil Noteworthy 'the nnMily to be Indefensible, or Ihnt the' stand am Id much laughter. tandldH'e waa th i holce of the mil- of Iho Parly, Having Quito a Numbor great companies Hhould After appointment of the com-- transportation lion of of the country of the ' public !ienmirny Stirring Scents. on credential). resolution be controlled by law Former' the convention lueke In with wild nilttee (iietotilng of the decision by a bare cnndl-lat- e on of or ever ready flags Were The convention to nominate rommlttee, committee rule supreme rheera. Tbe der and on pi'rmaticnt organization majority of the court in the tossed aloft nnd a roar of applause THE STAR PHARMACY for president and vice president Income tax case cannot now Hon I. J. Putin of Nebraska ottered be heard swept through the ball. While the because the great of vehe- I UK til- TV SitlltK, of the Ih'iuoi Tutlr party wa called revolution of ympnthy over the death of noise the cheering wa at Its height n w bite dove ill ment denunciation of Judl- to . dor In th" magnificent uudltcl-ur- the late eg Tresbti lit Cleveland, Indues and wa loose from the gnl'ery and Hi lul nets that have shockid the conn-try- . bt ce provld"d adjournment convention bull, while -- Hi at Iionvrr lu Hip prca-n- of over which for until A flew acrosi the North luikotu van. noon next day an a mark demand for the revision of the delegates hailed it with great en- (iMahonia Ik 2,0(i(i .lemon, by Cliiilrnian Tapgiirt the further tariff Is no longer a threat to destroy the Kllmin. of reaped. Hon Alton H I'arker of thusiasm and thecred us long a It I ihlo - IK van. 4H tit national rom tnlt After our Industrial system the (e. New York rend ome reaolutlona along was In sight. (iieum - Hrvan. S prayer ty Hlshop Koene Hon. Theo- the aame line, but second) d Mr Mr Clayton asserted that tbe flepuh Mr Dunn tt. n brourbt out the name North Carolina llrvan party, having in- i dore Hell of fa'lfornln. temporary Ihinn resolution, whhh prevailed. llcan bad full control of "Wlllium Jennings llryan" with I'. hum U nun I i in. I l ?, John- chairman, was Introduced by Mr. Taa After the announcement by the if the government fur mote than a tense dtamatlc force, nnd tbe response son, 3 I'.r.iv. '.I I ? riot VlitlllK '.' gurt and made a well received ad meeting placea of the varloua commit derail., must give ail ai fount of it from the great throng was electilc l Island Hrv an ' .lidiiisou, 3 dreF. teea. all of which were ordered to f tewnrdshlp The delegate sprang up; the gallerb South I'u ollnii llri all I Temporary Chairman Tlrll, among at 6 o'tlock p. m. Tbe con-- Mr Itoosevelt, he snld. bus Identi followed suit and the demonstration Soi, Hi I hi I ot. i -, N 1 fied hll Mr Mr i prom- Temporary chairman, Mr. . anion itelf with Tuft Tuft was under way In a manner that T. l,nese. - llryan. T4 l lloo-vcl- t other thing, declared that It in the ventlon adjourned until 12 o'iIih as Idi '..fled himself with Mr ised to rival Wednesday exhibition of - Hrvan. .'Hi ".Up Teas- reign of monopoly that ' emptying Wedneaday In reaped to the memory Republican patty has Insep-- enthusiasm t trill llrvan, il eur achoolbniisea and tilling the sweat-ahop- e f Mr. Cleveland in! ly identified the two together To The opimrtuiilty of the Johnson up-- j Vermont - Itryan. 7. not voting, I j you with rhlld labor, and thin same piulre one, must praise the other: porter came when the roll call reach- Virginia -- 14 The early meeting of the convention - flrvan. . ... I , I . I M n.. n I. I. .1 Wedoeidav waa productive of little rTr".- " vou iniiat criticise ed Connecticut, and thut s'ate gave Wisconsin llryan. Ifi. the uppnrtunltlea for Independent live- way to Minnesota. Wltifleld S Ham- Wyoming llryan, t r," lihood among those who are forced mond of the intter state took the aturul Alaska-- - Hrvan, Into the Industrial field and thua It amid a considerable volume or a p Arizona - Hrvan, 6 1 doubly blighting that hope of youth plauae to place In nomination (Jovernor district of Columbia llryan. t growth opened an avenue of honor DIAMONDS John A Johnson of Minnesota Hawaii - llryan. ti which In former stages of our nation Drugs - - Jewelry New Mexico - llr yan. 6 and Independence to every blld rear- I'orlo klco Hrvan. C. 4 ed upon our aoll. Continuing. Mr. Hell aayi In regard Kern For Second Place. to Injunction: Are you correct? pr are you in careless the I At I Krlday "The moat palpable Inatance of the o'llixk afternoon the Insincerity of tbe Chicago platform last session convened la found In Ita declaration respecting KIND OF STATIONARY YOU I NK John W. Kern of Indiana was nom- inated for vice president by A well on paper no ai'rlama written letter cheap flimsy has weight tlon after the namea of C A Tnwne whatever, while on the other hand, a tew written words on - I U . j . jaw- v i I of New York. Clark Howell of Oeorgla and Archibald McNeill ef Connecticut GOOD IIHtll OK AI) I : STA T I ON K II Y were withdrawn. 5hows a mark of refinement, and is hound to Tne Gentle Rebuff. be recognized were ever the letter may go. : : "lfhmeaminhle are the rebuffs the het)ra of the oor. the Wli ARli RIGHT. LET US SHOW YOU. after charity for their aurTerlng broth-e- undergo." said a New York charity tirgaiilaiitloii orllclal "A frleiid of mine, a Melhisllst uiliiisier in a -- iii.iii Eddy Drug Company town, told me the other diy Largest Drug Store in Southwest nf his last rebuff, a uo unkind one. Holering the olllce of the bs-a- l the minister said to tbe editor BOOKS. DRUGS STATIONARY "'I n in soliciting aid for a gentleman Byes Examined Free of Charge. of rucnt and liiti'lllgeit. e who Is In dire mi-- . I of a little ready iimuei hut who is far tisi proud a item i.i practical progreaa, its tne principal pursuing annflow make bis sufTerlngs known' the " rommlttee were not ready to report. It ha been made evident In the 'Why.' exclulmeil the editor, pm-- Hut It had the effect of the exploaloa landing rompnlgii. the sneaker said lug up hli eyeahnde. Tin the only chi.i of the long pent up Itryan enthusiasm, the Itenubllcat s will to con In the vllluge who answers do that seek JOHN W KEH.N. which took the signal from Senator Jure with the name of Koosevelt and I acrlptbiti What a this gentleman s (Jore a eloquent reference to the Ne-- will rely upon the president policies Mr Hammond, although he waa name?" barska leader and Into a whirl-- A of delegates who hurst a a prized asset distinguished Kc speaking to a mass " 'I regret." said tbe minister, 'tbat I wind of enthuali-itt- lasting one conclusively prefer tribute publican, a former cabinet officer, had shown their am not at tllierty to iIIm Pse It.' A hour and nineteen minute, with eight once publi' ly proi ence for another candidate, made a WTUJAM J PUT 5. lalmed the president "'Why. It must Is- - me.' said the eil minute more of the expiring echoea j greatest Impression on the con- to be the exponent of the art most favorable Itor la ma the laauanee of Inlunrtlona. tt would of clamor, establishing the convention fur candidate 'It Ita me. sine Heaven of adveitlslng the world has ever vention himself and bis r - prnsH-- yit.i, parson. have been entitled to more respect record of one hour and twenty-Bi- t mill- known The speaker, who Is a powerful. rtly In your gmsl ' w ' " If It had omitted all mention of it. At Ute In eicea of the ftooaove t dem- In speaking of Injunction. Mr Clay- man ami with no surplus of hair, easi- ork aeaalon after aeaalon of congress, la- onslratlon at Chicago, which held the1 ton slated there had not been a se ly sent liN voice lo the remotest part bor baa pleaded for relief from the record heretofore It waa a declalve congress of mid speech was An Unburied Picture. t, alon of in twelve years at the ball his heard , abuse of Injunctions, but ita apnea exhlbtlon of (he overmastering which the Kepuhllr an party could lint with marked attention ItusHetfl In Ihi-.'i- have fallen on deaf ear, and there strength of the Hrvan column and one; have passed a law prescribing, defin- The (iray nomination, IV . , 1 it it tu reopen II Illii of his ulle in order , ha been no Indication that remedial of the most dramatic convention pie-- ing and retaliating the Issuance of In dv. also le.eiviil lis full share of to secure the Imitiusi rlpts of somel legislation of any character would be tures ever as the standard JiictiotiK and provlillna for fair trial enthusiast!!' approval poems wtih h be bail burled with her In enacted. The oligarchy hone and of tbe slate were torn from their In contempt cases "The meaningless Scenes nf fieiil. d enthii'dasni enme aeven s nothing shall mooring! through i senate ha decided that and borne the hall generalities of Its Injunction plank nr. after mi all nlflit s"Hlun. win. wa Some siiili liicldeut might have tie done to weakin any advantage thut until they were stood together on the kepi In nf up an Intuit to the intelligence of those constant state turmoil In eiiitneclhiii with J M W nr oration have gained In labor dis- platform. to i iilniliiatttig wh n who demand reasonable and substan the inonierit the Turner If hi desire to be putes prm lit d burled wrae tlnl legislation to prevent (be armltted Nebraskati wa" in the diolc" m , u;i lu bis own paliitltig of t ii r "Tbe fact la that all our rltlren, Crtdtntlala Comrmttc Not Ready. abuse of the Judicial process" of the ' nnvellt lull lis the I leliuir I at le thage" bad Iss-- out I without respect to atatlon or occupa- When the second day's session wa He declared the Miuutry "will not standard bear, r The nominal Ion was iiirrleil here, was some dltlli'iilty lu tion In life, have a genuine respect for called 10 order It stated the cre- again be deceived by HepubllcHii prom- luiide on flii--t and only ballot th. vol.. selling the pitiitl 'a - , the court and desire to maintain their dentials commute., wa not ready to ises to revise Hie tariff after the elec- standing W I Hi van s'i'.' '.' i.nv In.- niel the artlsl kept the canv.i-- l,v . - Integrity. report. tion " ernor .lohiiMin. I'l luiU-- !ray, V.i I 3 llllli lie nlvviivs said lo- Would charge be- - "Tbe that the court are The committee on If thirty of tbe llepublii an In the Klgbl delegates dtd not vol.- wr.ipp.-- In It when be was bur.ed an. I I lesn'utlon! ing assailed simply made for the (iovernor Haskell of Oklahoma present house, he snid. had Joined with even wenl so far a tu ask I'baiitre.t if purpose of diverting attention from a ( hnlrman. the democrats In support of measures Vote In Detail. as bis executor he would fti:ii:i bis the real Issue Heretofore It ha not Adjournment was finally taken un- proposed by President Itoosevelt a fair A'libnma Hryati. 22 w ishes on Hint point. been ronsldertd treason or an unwar- til 8 o'clock at night trial In all asea of direct or upon construct- Aikansns llrvan. IH "No ibnibt." answered the aculptor rantable attack the honor of the ive contempt of court would now be - court to define Jurisdiction. pr California I'.i van. I'd. "I ahull bury you rolled up lu your p ' their Third Dgy'l Proceeding!. possible by law. I.alior would have - crlhe procedure, restrict their Colorado- Hrvan. in. ture If It la one of the conditions ..' their Owing aeKslon pre- been exempt from tbe prohibition of the tli ut - llryan, ft, JohiiHon, 5. proresaen and generally to fig the to tbe late of the iaiiiie your will, but I would take you ii Hbeitnan law against combination H bounds within which Judicial function ceding night tbe d' legates were slow Iielaware - Drav, next day ami unroll you!" In busi- Wood pulp and print paper would be nryiiu. Khali be exercised arriving for the third day' Klorlda lu on the free list To Issue an Injunc- John-ion- . make no dlference whether ness (leorgla Jray, 2u, Rryan, t, "It the tion order three Judge would have 2 The Maeter'e Title. Mn The committee recommended Hon. rourta are acting eicea of their to act together A law requiring I'rofeKHiir Key when bead muster ..f or otrlctly within their H I). Clayton of Alabama for pernian Idaho- - Hrvan. Jurisdiction be'ore eleitlon of campaign - r,4 a large London nclusd was one or thel deli-gate- ent chairman. I'rey Woodson of Ken- Illinois- Hrvan. power. In either case the pas-e- I contribution would huve been d , Uioel genial getilleiiieu a right to throw tucky for secretary and John Martin Indiana llrvan 30 that ever tllleil people have additional Adjournment wus finally taken un- safeguard around human liberty. of Missouri a sergeant at arm. In all Kansas- - llryan, '.'u thut position He wa fond of elicotir til 7 clock - jirvaii. be the other repei ts the temporary organiza- Ketiluckv- ?1 aging fun In hi Isiya and waa not un There can no reflection iiKin The night session waw a memorable - honesty of the court In the passage tion wa made permanent. l.oulsliria- Itryan I! willing tu recount during one. an. cf a measure that will confine tbe Three little girls. In red. white and Maine-llry- lu, Johnson, 1; not rlasH tluib w hen an) tiling iruuiptiHl u blue, were to be- Mr. Clayton called out first applause voting, I equity powers of the Federal Judiciary bellied the platform tbe nintiners and cusloina of counirii-- he fore Mr Clayton began to speak. In when, after thanking the convention Maryland Hrvan. 7; Johnson, 9. within such hound a the people ot for the privilege of presiding over its hud tlalled Oil one occualon Io legla-latlv- e their arm were large bum he of Massai husettes llryan. 32. the (.'lilted Htates through the deliberations, he dei lared with wa telling hi clasa about Hpaln ami of government American beautle that almost smoth- Mb hiiiati Hmhii, :k hranchr their "Thia Is a democratic year" - said: may determine. Thia Democratic con- ered the little Iota The rose were Mllilieoia- .lohnsoti. 22. Mr. Clayton'! severe arraignment of Mississippi 20. "do you know. Isya, that when a formally and unequlv-(xa'l- prevented lo the permanent chairman lit van vention niuat the Republican party brought forth man tu Is pledge Itself to such legislation amid much cheering and then, one by Mis.ouri - Hi tan, .'IH. attain emluelne there be one. the children were lifted to the demoiistratlona of wild enthusiasm. Montana Hrvan, li But called 'sir,' but I given the title a will prevent the writ of Injunction mention of Mr.van evoked great Inatru-men- desk and Mr Clayton kissed them In Hit Nebraska llrvan', 11 of 'donT " from being converted Into an t applause. of oppression." turn. Nevada-- Hrvan. ti One of the boy here culled out: - John-ion- . The favored tariff revision, Cheering and laughter continued New Hampshire llryan, 7; 'Then, uihmu, llr, tbey would apcker Bryan en Flrat Billot. I publicity In election, election of during the pretty little ceremony and rail you I)on Keyr Ml 8 40 Krlday Jersev-flra- y. t'nlted State aenatom by the people a gale of merlnient swept the hall o'clock niom nt W. New 24 Tbe gravity of tbe class was com when some une In tbe of J. Bryan waa nominated for president New York-llry- an. mill: and Diaintenance of majority of midst tbe 7. rule. plelely upaet for tbe remainder of Ute kissing lal'ed out: "llubsuji.' Hob Tkere waa but one ballot. North Carolina llryan, 18 off Pacific coast afternoon.-Ht-ra- ud alagatlue. in republicans can net them in Wash-- f t ia I journal the Victoria Colonist Carlsbad city southeastern PROTECTING SHADE TREES. Tho Current New Mexico we to their city Iriaton. Such a disrlav of inzor. and are as follows: and New Mexico Sun. and t hi'inseh cs, individually ance and falsehood is certainly I Some of our folio Work of Commimoni Appointed For to show cer.y courtesy to the PurpoM. lamentable even ai:.on the feeders who hail from the L ruted States Tht l I n.i.iv 7. I "18 I rW...d. . governor an delega'' to com "' Nt'" '"r"-- nml r,,nn' . at the Comparisons celebrated the Fourth of Julv at gres, alt hough Imtli arc republi-car- a banquet last evening, to which .vivUniu nre i.y statute now ena l to in political faith. .re odious, yes let us see what thev invited some Canadian appoint M.n.le tr. to ink In I.oswell iitinfi invitation, it other states and territories have citizens. It is one of the charac- - r"re "' ,l,t' ",""K' ,r'''"' "" ""'ir 'nfet net new tree mul - (. '(irlsbml 'lrintmit Co., I'uhli.licr ;m an iriiilt to flaunt the name gotten at the hands of democrat!' teristies of the Canadian Deonle They run out a.- of derl,ocrae.V,S New Mexico idol congressmen. ami in this they are like the tout eii the .r..erty IxMietlteil. Win I I. Mill.inr. IV v tie In- in faces of the city s guests, , . Tlir? trim trws, iimiift tliem from the m. ... people of Knglatid, that they ,. ., -- imply l.ecas,. they are of the jury, eleiili out ileeii.veil Irilis inul fill ,or VK raise no objection when people, republican administration. The a new building at T of owing to allegiance to another the boll' with mid wane wnr agnlliHt the Insect peotit Milleluil ol County . I""iple of I.oswell are too hospi- - Mr. Fulton, who had only been in tlawr. observe holi- Ihc Otliil.ll I'dplf IJJy their national (lenerllie the inelh.iiN of table nndsensib'.e to have l.een congress two months. Mr. Fulton days in such n manner as seems KimliniTlnu - work of the hnu tree eiiiiitillon of I'.ll, ,. i i i 'i guilt v of such a reee h of court- - to them fitting. It is pleasing t.-. .,, ,.. i,,)!!, f ,1' ' t ' nr the democratic congressman had to t:o it Ornnge. V J . mid ulioxvs n hnt '...I l. .. I ,.mi esy and good bleeding, i't more special pensions granted In "'""V:" can lie done. The Ruweil Record looked at the bors are becoming a little more In the trliutiilnit of trees great three months in his district, than er matter different and said, "that the ,.atnojc jn this respect. The In taken to rut off nil lliiiln clote to have been granted to New Mexico time has past when there were and even with ttt tnmk. All near nr , distribution of the Larrazolo badges in a year. any over the tourth pninleil with a of thh k tur. was no mort' a hreaih of etiquette ot July, it All tree on n mreet 11 re. pruned to $ jS Mr. Hitchock, the democratic rrooably the inci height, ninl (is n 1cyJT s than the exhibition of the original dents preceding 177J hail to be uniform fur m.III congressman from Omaha, and that height In iinule ten feet, to lear "Bull" Andrews himself" the visit done over again, they would be II troet llghnt. editor of the World-Heral- got of whom was undoubtedly (or done differently; but there is no Tho rniiiinlgn ngnlnitt the Insect In- more appropriations for his town use in lamenting things took festing uliailt' one the express purpose of boosting that treitu forum of lh and district in one session than place a centuy ami a third ago. chief tusks of the coiiiiulssioti Th the republicans on the eve of elec- Andrews has gotten for New Mex- Our neighbors have abundant control of the Injurloun lneetit not tion under the j;uise of a "social reason to feel proud of their only preserve tint follngp of the tree ico in all the tune he has been in fur the hut nialntnln their tall." The hypocracy of such a nation, and hence to celebrate niinin. congress. its natal day. We publish in health ninl vitality. lint eim he tlonn sim i ll visit was too transparent. S persStent Wurk In this line Is Senator Gore, ot Oklahoma, the full a speech made at the ban- - As if tb old "Hull,, would travel hown hy tin? result w ith the woolly blind senator, got more special Uet by Mr. A. A. Freeman in liuiplv Ki'lile 1'seiiil.K'iieeii to Noswell not he expected mevlsi. werrit pennons through, more private wmVn h, makes a strong ense willed nit;!' k tin- - Ninrnr neiple. uther to make votes. ot ini- - pest the tuss.u k mollis, lulls, more in iirainst the growing idea lire nttaeklni applanations three - Hit? The following from the l.ake-wi.o- d tierialism. which is now so iiotiu- Ainerl.nn elm mid linden, tin I Or 1'ieniili'iit. months than Andrews has i'l j w hite maple iin.l the liore ; 1'rogrrs.i shows how F.ditor two'ar t)e L'nited States. lie elietlint Will I AM J. UK VAN years, am her.' let the lurtain scents dancer in the air. Hi the p..!'.. n 10 it'le n.'iiIo. nttail.lng the Woods, u ho wolf a lt.ul igc I ight White 111:1 Hie elm teif lieetle. t !l" be drawn, the inan'Ie ut charity be v iews are of much interest, anl (:. I sprlllC ehn e.'llerplllar. tin- i or Vu IVcmiI ot. up a.iiiKt the nl. "It ill's" t to: lie has had an experience in con- h:lu''.."tl over sm.ill Mr. Andrews. ninl the f.lll Welnv.iflll i n run. ' if 'lie JOHN W. Kl N. i Indiana. looked a' l hi' it. r ei nection w ith the toilili.: life of hi inln.l Hut 1; .s a fait ; tlv repiibli- - stanlly l...nie t to desip.y tle Iih i oiint rv tl at mai;es what be hlse-i- Pi a i ( i - :is ce ".sv;i,,., r ,:i j, i.. i,, I, a I.I c v-- s : t . ongl will .hi just to ei'.ti'led lo 'AoL'hl. Mas' pi minimi;'!' I...'h ;ei;e';;,t .if !,. , .1 o;t-- i, 'lie v..rk u :i a el.e people or te::r. i v uiih-s- it is 'ac i'i"i.iiid hini that a bet. tiiylit ll"llhe in tl eiltluellt illl'l the luhirT .'it we ;,.i,. il'e I'li'i We ' Hie a. keil Ii v a i o fell at I.n'i'K I. me, it waj aoi ll.'lle l.l trees in iif'l II" itie ri pi;lil ican. t he ll.l.? of ! he I 'ni'e.l States Imt Apfa ... mat l.'l' " hit' it he ..,,1 Will New Mt.x- !lot "t slate- - 1'iiion .1 u k of 1'iiit.iin CLEANING UP .III I the that SCHEMI. .h'ii'. ..fe hood unie s it n,n:!, lloated to the btveye over the ! .1,'.' i !' i, .ail i. ii:iu - t Tr.-.- t "ler !'. Wi'.l apprupl l.ilin.1 not Lie mail'.- hotly contested lleio '.' Ho Girl- Melpe-- to Cleur 11 : in- - lapel- - .,: i, iVi I'nii! III - rcp'ibt:-li- Tsr f.e. Park. - !'i bi.ildn.i: u'ih ate ll Mi.- p i .I'l.i V,.' i;.' '.ii .,,,K If tiny tt" ul n I In j. nr api'topvia-riM.,- 'l i.- I . ' an? Look arl !;..' the I,,, oer Queen Items. Hi eils ilellnli.' up. irv the 'fell cis Ih-'l- i,e people V e:c II. c l lions and see 11 s'.ates ll.elhed il. I M.1.1I hy the miiy..r of 11 Miss Klioda a'l.i iiis-i- e i'uik ' h: i r: M!s..iirl f J hi hei ii! and h:u. and d' linn a atK 1.0II111. .:.t; . s do .,01 P'ii I In- are iittny n lepes at Carlsbad P'.ery h....i'.'!il Pi Alt..n. Mo. I.e. lollowing is aa extract from get ;,s large appi i.pi lot ion , and till- - Week. I'.iiai' ;i l.l V i::;.t I !ie other 1! IV I. lit a tiom Mi Lari wi'-- l lettri aoln. promptly, too, a et... r o.nmuni-- t 'l .'f M "lne:i,; .M sweet vll hay" 11 1 : i up ! r visit-in- .; hlie Ill- - out l..c Vr .late if s. s,tii h talk ni)i y belittles Miss Fannie Plowman is r.'ll.e.l tile sixty live Here trail. billing : k Sprhiit park. i..nnlei julv 12: r ii; 1 at the huiiie ul Mr, and Mrs. ti the pubhi ails migrej-.- who Alton fer fiiii.M.' piirpoxe ol "So you had t'.i' ate a broader and type than W. I'. Montsoinery. M ivi.r lleail hemleil the park ml, In? di.-.t- e s fet He .m Ing.'.-- t ibutini; tho bad lor ue the r a. I' rrei.ta of New We have good 'here vlth the iiid several nt' 111 111 1 r 'lie all 'I n'e t!n gre:itet mi the 4th," '." am g'.ad to Mexico. 1 IKUIII. hi .' Sun. sh iwers. utid mass is looking of feverl-- h Inilnsli i. say tlie St. Louts bun that tin-r- does exut real t tine. st"'d: is I.i.d;i?'.g well, ar.d l''.l til pal. Il Ali tin. eltlzniH nf The in for out laiise down in people are lookinu crlad. l.nvti were lm tn help, ninl must of The wool market has been going thela All the k. Ii h.I vniit m: n t y . i wo years ago I h. oft steadily for some months and Mr. Ilatn is building a small ipeh were Invite I. ninl nil of them re told v. 111 gen'lt'inen ol the I'eins ti.'ii.h"l I'iwi tniiisportiitlon win pri sheep have dei lined ill Value resesvoir at tie' ranger quarters. I mite l to le Va'h'V that we would a sinn- rl mi street enr line to the mrl; re K. lay I lor class tti-- John PlosMiian. is also ami .v.:il iir were run for tho in Drlegnlr to Cong rem ing blow to the repul li. 111 machine s,J5 tusl ee being is.ono on the market ut this a I'ipe line from the reservoir A l.AKKAOI.O. tight here 111 their own strongbolds; figure in I the house. A distance of one ;oumus! have believed me to be a ddy county. With the't" 4:;Z:;;TZ!Z 2 - and lilty yarns. May..r li. aii r'e.l to n we did star.ger them, for tariff at cents and wool sell- h'mdtvii Z. nit I dreamer: T'ie lesii!; nrpainml his rxpeetntlon. )ciu(k i ing S to 1 republican1 at County from the Mo'i Means, who has lieen ill I ic all that, nay, we whipped them to no. imIiIiIhIi and leave ill vipis'ninl 41.1 sheep owner should be satisfied for; tf hy m.igle.' Ticket. a tiiinlstill. 1 trust you will tie with Mountain fever for so long, i v e now I mi miio sun on even u uoi is m improving Hiowiy. now. me il sav we will re Billing by Fraud. ott. , peat the pertoi maiue this vear, llocK Ueeil lias returned, to Ills line of the atalo.'iie hoiee. other I wise I Is .1 I inn. order More. ehllig for $S u.ilv mi gianlit siale Hut we home on lark Cann t . having nil i lei'linil il"i wnt. h "liieli it repro. srivA i 11 ,i:r tniist have a s s s t a c e - n the Carlshndite in Victoria. left his Hock of goats mi .lourna- heiits having irol.l II l,. ease. 11 ml l.'l; ii u i KK o: out tinii.U 011 that sale of the in the of Pick Ham. the h "ise ;.rriin1 the timepiece for I can car.' i; ' i M In Victoria, l'.ntisii "niiiiiilii i. t nii'iiili mis, we in i'.t it, we wish to elite lens IVeeiselv the K.iiinr u; I K I. i; h l :1 nt. i!:'it sb s n t b,. h v as a' s.i, ,n .r,,.ii ,y iiumj '. in i'sc o dei lo .n.'! ' Ml Ui 11 NT this tiiiii.ili as Reward, f..- he eai' ni.ler eoneern lelebrati.l I,.. li f t y-- ! o'l r ladies' $5.00 'pllll ( I I - h .:; Il ;:,,,, i in n' out otlllllNston loi whl. for Ss m n ,.ast f, and gentlemen Kmpress! hy I I I at the 'or the return of a hay mare :.'.n ill, III, hi l.'l ale l.l ll.l Vet :"ii u. i i : i i: e on v hope that w hi 11 I .in. I iimotii 'Ihuii were .lud.'e hranded C. K. on left hip, also m ini as tlir nu'eeti the eonmry I "I. 'in Im.K. visit your lou'iiiv, 111 v inettiiigs nr. I. ui litis tiineitie.-- i .1. ,nj hist Ihsmosi riecmaii an (). Cameron, a light colored young burro. 01' v u i ai;i;i Mtici; w i'.l In tli n.i..(:!il advertlsid in tii in (ears i anai.t nn. thtt Mr. K. '1 I Abraham Smith, the not hranded. The two were g.i.l a aim Na'iii'a'ly a I I ,1:1 ,'.(' mar I.O! . Ii l III li l - tuiit' and will have lug W ho h: I a Aiiot ican 1'"' acted as ch:iir-- : of cem-- nt '"en "h li'iiioii" will . I. II 1 t I last heard at the plant towd talk la fi that II'. I 1,1' 'I. ' ' .fill ll III 'I - k.ii:i; ,s; 1. .I' loan and to master and the c'oing .Inly - I . I I'teju-d.n- " south to l.e I .e ..,. ,,,, .,, Pel. l. i i i; an. not ali.iid ul the "K.i e I" ,as l'.ii'isli and llags were :M-2- W. K. Pl.t M, very 'I ! a , to op- American .iii.ia;nr Hi, M.i I'NNINtlll AM Imgahoo, wliuli our ' siisp,.n,p.,i of I' ' 'ii t.i ..; :,;, f.iey I oer the chairman New Mexico. l or'ti i.'i . r n I L' ponents pin then taitb to secure laton, - '! t'li'.v w bile eai II iviesl's seat was nd-- t '.T I' i: II i.KAII AM votes in that si'iliiiii. Let them Ii. vo il.igs. l.l.',-'- , R.iilvsnyl. l I iiriiid smaller Call at our store and see the i t .1. It pas- ' '..r tt i. ii, ru No lelv upon and appeal to tin I it ht tin leading O. wonderful I'' i r e I e s s Cooker, Me l" - " I'il-- II p pre. I I I talkers J. U and ptejiidues. 111" 1,1 I.MAN. sions will rely Verv simple in construction, hut .1, "l eaieir I.elllllll V intelll-geiuean- ameron as eonspicusoiis and ' I' upon and appeal to their d ...... 11..,.., ,., ...... ,,l.o 'I' ., Lie .'j'lwnys in". .Mi,, ait iimv III.. I l I I I.IU.- - Ill I -I l IS, I I ill - a. piiul.t l exiected Judge ,.,,..,., lis ' I I"'! lai .r an ninler U ioOiij I p.ltilotism. us all n,w Co. v a. bote Bitdge I'reeiiiaii ii'i Hie i iti eoasi p.,,.i steam ninl wjik v was the chiet orator of Hie Algus last week uiulef the tiigethei and vii toi is sure." ele. r u s In I.. Anueles no. en. h the occasion. His speech which, .. - Your ! 1 v t...o - .1...- .... year in;- the limner more (line ninl head el "A (.1 lend, 1 mil inns.- laifl lilt- neni. ti atuitous Insult" pio tuif It I O. A. LAHKAZOLO, was priiUed in lull m the Haily at City Stables. iittentlmi a highly contagion teetled to siuit.ll tile illsli ibutol s uork. foi It hihmiltite l.oih towns tin, I Colonist, from which is gleaned . . ol the hadi;en Koswell The tacts are that the badges rural distrletH 10 eleuu up nu.l plant l.aiiaolo at facts, gem wis- - these was a of j poii SALly top Mi'eet 11ml hlgtiuiiy well im to hi), the I. mi III. and weie distributed by the ilenuurats Single iu in its windings doni (lood provf private pluee. W'u rIiiiII yet ol I'.n lsbad, who were a iiimb and eloiiuence that will he Imirirv. as new. See It. give vi ut I j the tol low nig: preserved so that some future 11. Armslronur at National Hank ,1,u ,1,,.v 'l''" railway einhimk- - guests ms was the old "Hull" who 1h' plunKsl . at ofCarltthad n"'"u l'rmain?utly isnur the ceietiratioii in day it may appear in these col- with shruliliery koMWeil Sutiirdnv .'..ui. I M.o with hts Irieiuls Is long on "cirt- - umns. Jielp wondering whether the esy" when it touches republicans, His text: "We hold these " ia.'uli " badgi s eiicnuiiU rcd but cares nothing for the feeling truths to he self evident that all even w men en-,.- 7 net. were intended as a o( ,her, even as was proved by ari' c'td eipial and rettect ion upon l,"Wl"l.y their Creator with cer- - guests UV. '''..'""Ihis diabolical act when he drove , iHllsI.eil ol tain inaiienatile rignis; among ADMIRAL DEWEY CtiM i tioi c urry and delegate ,he 'hier of the Knterprise Bank life, pur-- Andrews or were '.he work uf to suicide. It was impossible to them liberty, and the j j It a Fine Stallion, Owners of Ambi- onie iriesKinsdile idiot with Insult uch a specimen as "Bull" suit of happiness." more ,s.l,t,cs in From than polilenes Andrew.. He could not take an the text the judge Ins makeup. easily drifted to hi favorite tious Mares Should visit him at the a- -. 1... - ...11 t 1. . .. lusuit and the Creole of Nr Mm. hdia'd .iL:-- iVtT V." ,3 t .li-- m and his re-- democratic territorial conventionZ they care tor him this fall marks were so strong against VINEYARD STOCK FARM U HtHVl'MS ' I'll llll U MtltrilltUllIlt ill' .m. the idea of holding our insular . . "J ' "'. l.M, ... u,. ...l.l,u,u A I hohjntulity and gi h kI fcllohhii, possessions as todraw forth corn- - no get "appropriation.; Jul the democratic citizen of tan that only nwnt from that old and inlluen- - I. . vInii'i n flio r..rt' "fill, ma of tlii tni'rri. rornmlaalnn. Rlvliii: t It tl.r Inltl.-i-tit.- innltit .ln a. at it- - g .v. rmti..nt !.I ,. t , irit im, flit- 1. t ,. t ro'iMf Il".iil.i. .in .irtv tin r with u,t tr.iri,- tt o f.itor III.- III 111. .1 rt f ,,f . r. . I . iiilu,,..ii NATIONAL flu ..! ,.r imr-li- "iii. nl Unit ill. Initrf' a iut I'll 1. I t th.-- i (lira.- aa n,. In t tut ii I .r nf ,, slit... LIVES AS A HERMIT iitrll.'ilioii ..f tr. it iilioinl ,',.ft,. ml. an i" t u.iltn.a: th" tcrli-ajtium- l , , ana) laaiil, ,.l eutna .f tn. .ti. v tAl.. ,tli I.. 'ii, h,,,.. ml' r," otniii, i iii.i,, ti n Ha tin :itnraiitm. . I. I I" ' .1 , ,,, , ti..t:, ti,.., i n. ll , i ltl'"-- tl Hi i ,,f s t ,',., ..ft, ihltl.ltlt t" .l.' 1,1. t.ti-i'.- n - i ..r ,1 ,1 tit,. ,if.,t ar tn unrtioi. ,t. in ti,. tr f an, aa I. Inif I11.T" '..-- .,.ul I... atri.'iili ni tr. luiiii. 1,1 I . tt. .In. . DEMOCRATIC 't', t.. itt ,,.i,, i, i,j n,,. riKMN f for an. h l.i I' ,t 11. III it 1.11 t ih. .,. I. tit" t.,. .r tl,- - . ,1 .,, ,f . , l. " nt itt r iiinit Ih. ri io t, o, 1. , it. t,., In ,t ii,!,,,,. ,1,,, ISAAC C M'CIRR. MAS- ,, . II '1 ,,u t FORMER lt f. i," .1,..,. it a !,,. ,M-- f. of tin- f,t. tl, ' tn-- it, alili.-.- I', i"ti t,t,i'. a. on .1.11 t I 1. "ti". f tin, r il ion im, I,, ,.n f,,r t . "it in- ti " . "infill,, Mil i,ii',--'- , iti ullu- il ,t,. tt,, ,,!, ,1 TER OF PEN ANO VIOLIN, I II," "II. , 111 I li. ,, 1 . ., t. , PLATFORM I., HMortl .'!ltlt... of uit-- to ll or Int 11 until ..tu-l ,i , . , , '.,," Mlllllli. Hi Hi,. ,s,ir,l." Illl.H- Hit ti.i, t". n In nl.- to r 11 ,ii... r I'lipalttr I tl.. nf oainra N. Vork. l il,.- w .1". ,1: , i. liit.tion in mi ,i,. fultli. r" tl. im :.i Wi' f it. r il... i". 11 .! ,.f nit. .1 itii,ion tin.'liuM'Mi". t.v tl,.- It.-- ' ,ui f Iriitth or ollur 11, n ii..i, .it t.iu-t- St. 1, a a. In. lot, I.i ,1; t .. .( P'Memg Declining Veart Alone In 1,1,1 iiiil' .inn, III f ii aliitl,. mil, i it iiff... tlim t it. a, I I'l" tltl. I r. Kll. I tt, a t.f..t- ,1, I;., I'lHl 1,111 . If , I, , -- l ' .i.iii" ,,, Farmhoute in Penntyl-- I. ,t "I,,, ,,l..l ,,f M.. ,,tt. all li .ill !.. tinlatt xat. tt i I.. ..ii,. r ,1 r.f t n,a Home tli" Ii. ni, ., I. ii, f. t ll.,. .i.-- f il "i'l III. .1 ttl'h at ,;.f . 0 l.y I. it, r I . vjrtia Civea Nature Cred Principles Party ii,. ,,Mr it in nl. r of i tin tl ' lllt",' ll" .Otlltll.t-- t.lllN.l. , at , of the Til" ,1 u Ii..n )..!!.irri I., I m ,t.,-.- . . ., I, nit--l- ll.l hill, ul ..I .). if,.) f, l.i ii,. h iihi,. ill" im- ttt i it for . hi. .f I'll I' h if !; t ,1 f ,, 11. j Hit Gre.itnfit Iitilnt tin- l..,,,t I,, .ui, ..f ii,,. ,,,t I . Hi.- Int. . in. r ... it ritnl" mini, ' ' I 1 t ' itni n In r. I. r 1. ii I t tn.- , lliN,-t.-- . I I' l"tl '" " " Hit u..'U ',. lit 'n, ,i..fl r l.i r nl I,li la of ,,, ,.,,, ,,,, - Enunciated by ill I" ,t..... f,.r i,ii lin... . .1, . i.i liitifT a a. I,. , h. f,.r- - v ol,,, lol.sf 'lilni:ti,ii. I'a Vaslilni;t"ii cntin the , as i.r ih. I I t a ,011, tl s 111, , . ,, mill, tin- of ii 1.I1 ill I., I.. . 1111. 1. f " 'i,ll i nt ty lllia t n, tN.tti. ,,lil.'.. 0. I. i" ui"l i ,1 .,1 1, ,, , i'iiuu-- Hit illatuiKlllnht'it it. x t .urn,. " it .list..,,. ,,r ,,,, with uni is nt "iv! r of ii I.. I.. iinr. .,, t.i I' il" an it'1.1 i,l- lin- 'tl-ot I" "l-l- ..f "I ,1. , r. ., 11 III il ,l,,. I, .t 1,, r ..til nl. ui.. itn til th. f.'..f I'," ,i, It linn 1'iiiiiit ati'l a 'inartiT nf Convention I" I, 1' tt In. h an, h I, 11 .it- I., ,( t .in iii, at 'ii of "t ui,. n i,,. llanklnti it. li''i lilainrt Hi.' ti.'talili. .ii lili.t ,'ini-li- I. Ull. .It lit . ,,. , ,,,, ,,f ,,,, ni oil. v Mm f T1 l:'7. m ti v trr Unit. nf litiint-rii'i- i f I111 a. 't Ii titc ..f t I., I... m I'ltil. t ttltliunt I., a s 'tis nrltti'ii i,.. fittn.r it- 11,' . h. 11 W'lt.r tl,. .1,. ,t in. ai" '- ' l i.. r- tiiui tt ul.l'. .,11 , "i - ' ' ' ' t til r l1, ,1 , t In .. Denver. "it "f 'ui. vt.... .1 1. f. r .1". .1.1. 111 ii.iii. n.i,'. la. Mm,, I I a n ,.it.'s nth. t. tit of tut- .1 St ,t. , lll!. '" . t . It Itt . I. 1; i.. th. or ..f .nu- 11 .1 f f. .(. lit 111, 11, tl " ml tit, . i.r ill, ll,, h i., i ..f i r. s it,, lu r tlltll' I'll ' 1 w tl t . - . .1 fit in , .1 11, .n,. iiiial . t in,',. III I. il j f il 11 1, ' r , I. li'.-r- I I U - llh. to II,. t ul 1. - t I" iliMIn, I1.1t o I.. " ...ii ..f ih.. :i r a ' ' u .1 t 11,. Moii .11 I'Ul.lh .n I: It, . . .,. intt t im I 1 t II, 1. t il It n if ,,tii I. no J ui'- r. ..f 11. il 1. ,.. "I I ' 1, 1." t .1. I l ,t, tl k. ll ti.i, . It I . f, - ,,i, " n tun. tit l il .1 . r ti til t l.iik. t ill ..fn. tin K .. - ! ,: . I .'...inn th it t I.i. f ..; ill'il- is, I',. mi lu in . 11 'r..l tt V'r i",,.,. FOR REFORM OF TARIFF it i,.li If .1 . r..t tnt ni it. t I" 1.1,1 1 - ,, ,,,,,, i ,1,. it. ,ln of ul 't .tt 1.1 oi ,.,,', 1, st an.-i-- n i .j...ii in.- tt h..l. ! Wlill-o'- n union tthil, tin ,ii, ,ii r,..ii.!isl. it i,.i, ,,f th. n , .f Mr, I. r- - i n a . ,ni. nl ... . ointn- n.i I.. il n.i ,i t , .. 1.11,1,.,. ut- .r,. 1. . ' I. . Ih. in, ui ti .ii t t it ir in tt f 11 . n t f ill' ll'lt at 111. ill, I,; ,, 11 i ,,,,, (!,, 1 I f "li'i'i-'t- tt 1.. - f .. i ,. . , ,, in ,( '!.. ,t k 1. .11 'in. I, ivl I, 1, 11... ,f in, ' 1.1 ,.: 1,1 I1""t . , in, 1. r, 11. ,J.. ill if ' l t lit. ir it itl,.,, it,,-- , t litni lu n 1 1 1 . t s ,.,( 1, . .. ,1 , oi.'ii I, II - f Is f Reduction of Import Duties I't mi I. ti irr, ii ,n, ,,,sl,. ill in llo M v... , In 'li" I.H'.-- n t;. .1 1 .1 t, Iklim I..,. im.., tt il h .tit Im. ..,1 at,, tt 11, Ihi.oith ' 1" .' in'.' till. ft , li- ,il'l. lin. ti.lin. ut to I. ,il th.- .,,.,it'-- , 11111 tt 1, f tt Mr-ilr- f . In f ,.t. .1 I. ll I ,1 ,n . 11,. iii.i. .1 nl In In ..1,1. ilnlliili loll A" ti r l l. .ink, .1 11, il- .1 1. "o furth. in ..f -- "- until. tt It, it . t tt hi. h II I' t , on Many Articles Is tl" if i.lioii t .ii i i il,, ,. la s. .,!,. I. f 11, tl at'-- In mil ,11 I l"l ,ni. t 1' . int is tn ii.l i ii. it list an. mti.. . , f ll 01, 1 '1,1 h 11, 1'iiK'l in tl until.' ,1 f. t tint 1'. 1. - ,1 I k . nil', l 11 n it nl Will iiiiii 11 "f iiion.., ii n, .,. th. of h.itik ,1111 u int It ' lli tut ii,ii. In . iti.i.. in in it .1 11 u I., - f .1 I intl . iik. nl. 1, Demanded. k ...i it tt ..I lion V" I., ,r II 1, Iniiiil.l" ,.111 ;, nt ion 'itt. I., ill. 1. .,,,1 ri.ii.iti' ,t din to Hi" l.i. t . i. n tit. !',... Ih. r. t.i in l'-- I .11 , . t II 111 1.. " I" "I l.lll'l. If'tllll 111.' 'i ill, ,. "I'll t 1, .11 Il"l It mil. till..!, ,,i . t tt 11 t, , ,. h. I" t I. ul III ,., :. . ' ti II,. k t r. ;,. ii t .- I Mll.if "I ai; Itti-- f r . ' " '- i,,.t al.niti !H" 1 , i t.1,. h .i ,. 1, , ..tut',, a' - ,,lr. II " ' ti 1. 1., H" l ,.r I t I , ti ,11, li V i'iat.1,1 an. INCOME TAX N I'l- !" " It, I url "in I. I, ..1 11 , iiii' M.'lin IS FAVORED ,,,. . ,, ii I., ,1 t h. n t . , , null , oi,l,u!, ,v nl Tin. o in. M ,,f i ,,ii i ,,t i ,m .i't tun. .,11, 11, f a .,i:n a' i!,.- It'll,- .,.ti.i..,. ... i in, i",- n ,i l, ,! ' ".t ill ui ',,, n l i .u .III t" -- ' ' 1. 11 in n.'itii tl.-l- ,- ,. 'H I..I i , t il tn, I, M,i;itt tt.uil.l IHi.. mn 'l not .tnv in. lit nl fi .inn'.-"- ,!,, . ... 'r .t. . .,i . , I. 111, . f Int. ,.f il- ... , li I.. tt-- l ill. In.- .1 I 1, of nt 'I I' " ilinl Ih.. at. In unit I, a. 1. I. 11 atvav Modification Exiattng Ltwt Relat i ' . ft. I.. t Ill u.l nil t II., .nil link, hill I I, , (tin .nil nt U f. .1 11. 11. III 11 , - '. .1 1,11 f l ' ' Ills ...ik, iln Ing to Injunction! .tl tl ' . ,. .11 t nt i it' ' si. iv i;.;ii,Ii., wild Declared Necet i ' "!!,!.. ",, .1. ui- - , I. lit "f I'.. ,1 J. 111 '"ii .i r. u. ii, ni ,s.f,,, I, 1, 11 f t - , a n, "I Iim liaii.ll ary For Economy m "ti t. nl. 1,.. r i" in Adminiatra inn k t . ll 11 It, tt 1. ', l! I,. I Mttil I', tt in.,, I,,. 1. 'i!" :n ,111 at ti I - ,if thr Mnira. .' .,i lric rntiti "'1 t" tion Publicity of Con- 'i,-- Campaign in t :l 1, 11, it , i I, II. Ii- i i .: I, .1 i , ,., ink t ui i'"' nf Aiiu n .1 in, nun I I it il n. I., p. . , t. at nil! U I r , , t it . I t th- -- t I , ii at. ,1 nl ,, tribution! and the Forbidding of ""I i inn- n ' I' ss II,. tt t . , i ' iii. tin .mn, 1. t,, ),a' im ' I ir i s , t . i i i"i ink Corporation! it ,it,,. t. nl '. 11 ', .1 to Contribute le One . . l ' ., .t ul. ..11.1. I'T M I.. I 1:1 i til .,. si i ' 'la ii!.i! '!., - I i 111 ' !!. ."iio t it t i i, , u i . of the Plankt Stringent '.- lui i 1,. ' . , , , "I l .1 Liwl II- .t ,111,1 '!'" t" 'it 11 lullt u it iti '"I I' I'" ' ' t i I. n .. - 11 tn ni in II" I, i of l , Againet Truata Urged Railroad ''-- i ' 'i t u. i 111" l ut'lll III " ' i t .i u ,1. ,1 .1 , ''"I If, t uito i.i I'. Is i, it- n lot Htiirnl '. Regulation Popular of ..lit ! I'l. tt ' I.. in. I.,. I, !,,, II,,. Election l ',- - V ' ' i t !' "' " at" ilt ,1. II f I it I,- no ,i , t t .'. I.. Hi" l.i In lialu il, Senator Againtt At.atic Immigra- ,!,!, ,; - an in in ih,. 1' "s- t I. .' ' n t U ' t -' - ft. 1.1 tin i"ii.' tion. II"- .: 1. - t. it lt t, t in . si II I I in i't- . l t i tint tl" 1'. la. 1. ' ' I'l Ii Mi in r tt a.-- In 11 In ll.. ,.',.11, II I,- ."t .1 . ,,, of 1., i'l. '.I ", il ...I. li I'tt 111 l.i- - t.i II,. K.- Hi" t. ' ttlilrli mitt In Ii' livi r. ( i.l - riii- - "'ft- h- nt i.ii'. l.i'f inn nf (lie . . u i it tl,, ' l nl n,, i,t- in , I I iiii-- . 'tftlttlf Iii ruili- l ii ii i ,y hi h i t .... i U . ariy, tt u Ml nut ml. 11 r In. . in. i l Ut" " I. il, i,,l ,i . ,,. s - iii.iiiiiiiicnis nf tin- iK-i- Ih in n. ii loti, f. .1 i ! i 'I' fiit fi. in. l ..II -- I t nt l.ill.iws t I Is. I tt , s ,. ,1 ' , tis'i'iit. II. t 'Mi " 1: Ill It II,. t t ,.. .i'l " t '.. li 11. M. n. I - .'. i s. , ,1 ,,, .1, us" ' II.- - r- ... .. ,, "it, tl,, in pi- nl .i'.i. ,.f tl,.. . I I. . -- ins,- It ,,t t in II.. , Si .i- - In iMti-m- it .nit ' " ii ..i. t 1 i nflu ,. .,, ill nt. si, tun. .nl f il.. mi. ,i.s. ii .iiitu, It t.. f in t!,. i . i, , t t . lu ,..i. t ii, i'1 pi- Ik.- -- r .;i I... ii,. i ii., i, I.. i, i ,t ... ii. it hill ,,,,i s,,i,-i- I .1 ii.. i ,n lot Hi , 1, I. in. ,1,. . ftlmr nml lnini.-it..n- l i"i ;it l! In r, in.: ..U'iih ..f in Ills ,.f ,.,, , ail tk. MMf tt.l ,ilk'',. "il I! Tl., Turin. i.ntii W. tt ',, ,1 ,. ... '"' llli..ll.-l- .1 ,io l.,;, ,,r ,f tl,, ,f IT t I :,i T . r ' i. ;, I ' .1 .1 .11 I.. , l.i, in, '"I 'I . I . f ,(,.,, ,. ..Hi I,.. "i un. I" In II ...n .. ' .. t j ,, ,. I Ih.- i .ss 'it's, i i! .,,s i t .... ., v, i. . tl, itl.t. to ,,i ... ,t , ,i t ;, , ' ! -. I lu, t ., i. i v. .1 , II . ih ' t ni-- ii n. I. ss i .ti, "I'l" t, ti:, .1 I.. u n. I i 1, ! I.I Ill- - I, III . ,. llus ,1 .III' r t I, I, . I . . . it I. i ,1 as. I.. ,1,1 n i ' .';,.,. t. l"'t' 1, t t t . . i .,, 'I'1 1. I ,, " l.i i 1. ii II II" I. ,11.. II Is ; ' I i n it, i t . ' i ,! I ' tt it. ni u,i I... it i.ii. II II.,. ii- ' u. ii i tt,, , ,,,,, ,i I1" I,, i I. II , ,,, nt r' .'j. "I ' it ... lot,,. I" . I t III I I'. I .. (.. " l t i 1 ; .Ol I, il I. .1 "Ii . - 1 ' t I.. I 'll I t i ll ii. I ho. nisi, I j.i I' - ! . ii M t l.i,.: t .1. i i I.. I,. 'I t , . " 'ii in Mill I vi ,' i .l.i, , I s . in nf l"i'l ll ii mm IHI. ,'li..l.l.-r- . I , i'. It i I ,.. , t ,i. In. t -. pit . .. In .in ir. i Iik, ,..... i,, ,,. (.. i' ii n I, ,lt,lM-- . I,, i i ,1 III. s i Mi H . ,, m ' : . i. ., 1' t !"- -' - "' "- " l: ! IM.,. '' . , l ,1 Ii- '! " in ' ii. tru, "i, I' r .1,1 ' I t.,l If. ! ., x tl ... I, ll. ,M. t 1, ,! ' "II I,,, I., ,, .. ,,,,,, t " tt.lsst it 't "'I'l ''I,. I, rtlllll(ti-- . . v ,,. in nil i i i ii 1 I'l t ' tn - .it .!.,l "I I. I" '. n . v ,! tiii i'l!',. f..-f- ' In.- , ,, ' ' i II. t. i.. ii, l Km f !,r, in t. at I i III l',i'l i'l" u l.i. I. " ''."li ' I'.. II .' ,, 'f ,,,, n Iii -- i .1 . ., .. ,,. M nl. w .UN. 1. ...i.i - . I'' "I" ll," I' hi- :it "! I .u mi: ii, -, I. 111. .1 ll.llli h" In ' ' i, ,n,i- - . :. - t iti .ih l. i . j. !.. I" n.i.' 1.1, in I.. II... in - tt .1 il- - .. - I, nl l.m ImI. - 11. I" I.. ,., " ,'l. in ii I'll ' i III I,. !1 ':' ". u.l .1.:, 1. ' 1,1 ' ' II" . III, nils! i .1 I. " '' li" 'l, tt ;'. . . n I .in Mm ' 'I" "I. .1 111 ll .11 i Ii v t r Hi I.H' t I. ". .. I. i 1,, i. in i, ., ii,. 1,. i: ,,,.. it. It '! '"'I '..I .111,.. "- - I ,. , ., l ' I. nil- ,11 - iii, S ..jt. " " ' ''" ' hi', ,'!i Ih .1. il I'.i . i, . . no i. a "' hi ii .t,n W.i I. 1, ' 01 .11, , l ' ' t I - ,, iim .'!. III, I It " m,i. II t .ti I.. ' "f I .,1 II. I.,. ii in. Mi'- ',10:. t ,iii, w ii .!. n ,! ,1 J 11. .1, '..'.' IV.initinii lu tiltiiliilairnf Inn. .ti, ..f li.tln.' III 1" ,:, ,, " t t ;'T ,:i I j. ;.. f ,.;, iiiot,i, I - ii 'I., h. i,.fi !! '" " '" " I" I, s, a , .,, ,, I"!' "H "I h't I'l ... 1. till. ,!,'!, n,,,, II. "I" ,J. I, t 'i'l 'I .11 .tt,.',.,s " " "I lli.'l ..I ll. 1 1, a Mini tt It ' '" I" " . n 'l.i It. 1'i.rtit A S,i in I'll 1, t , , .hut I .III. fl" i .la .,,!. ' M " '. IH I" II" ' IN. ,, V. ninu. Itl f 1' 11 ' ' "i-i- 'I .1 I"'''''I " ll"l l.'HV ill.; , .. f. ..f til"). I t ti. !. .. irnl' ' ip .,!,. li" a t '. t HI t Im- I ' II I I II" - ..I .11 'I'l "t. U ,r "I tl" a ' ' Ml. .111 hi;, II, , ,. t. . h I" I.- ,.r ,,. .; - ..1 . ' I i" 'I '!! as u.,si, in. ! .'i I',. m . ' i. W t ' , , till l.i ,tl' n 1., ,t .. ,,,., I,' w I, i .im i. .nil. i in n I'l'! h t Ill t 11, ,i it. .1 II i, ,, ... ,, , ,,, , III- .iii-- ll i. ' M .l,U i, ,i. frn. if I'll 1" Ih. .1, III!" Ii .i. .i . n, , ,, tl 1. 1! , - y ill u.l. nl lin .ii, ,.( B..., "t villi I'.tt in . ' ., ., . i I k Ml' II,, .I,...,.,. II" If ss llm .int. ii ll, It Ht I.,. f I..', ,, t ' .1 ,J ., t ,.. ' I ll'll'l tin ,1, tlii-- ,in "li, n li,,in ' Ii.i.i, .... t ', ..r tn.:. raii'iKiii final I. ' Mam !n in ii ,i, h ,, ,,.,t '"-- . - ' ., ( SI',.t, .Ml' ll .,. ' nil. t I." 1 I. w.. 11 I; , ' t " u . f If. " :i I'l ai III ' .tl p. -l I.. v 1, lit.. I11.I t II,. '"I.f f . ' t,l .; .1 t I ! ml. I,, i in ii i. 'I .III t ilii'.l,"' ' 'Ii .1 .' 1: In i t!i" 1, ,,.-- , i ,. .s.i.i ' I' f,, .1 i l .... im ,, 11. ll. 'i t 'i:,, iti.lii", in. li i,..i . '.i.i: .li. ill' ..til Iv U - . i. t,, . - il. lMli- tiit'rl tt llrlallnita) , '. II, U I, II- f ,. . ., I I, ' 'i it im u u i t 'till, '. III III Ll, , (.. Ml,, 1,1 . t . , ! I'l t. :i. i, ..f t .1 t t' 1. 1. 11. I" I'Ul'll. Kll I'l.l'l III if 'i'l .1 .:i '. I 1.1. m. I, I. I, .1 I. ' t l"t, It - Mu'M t I.' li.ih.s i' ti" I. i. mi, ,i liiimi,tt "'l 'I't.,.'.. II .1 ' ;.- .11 ' .1 f ItTt-liiii- i '... h .HI.. .!.il ' I... II. i l l ll,, ,,( 1,. ,i "i U"i .1,1 t l , it,,,, i. in ,i ri' .li nrliir. I.!,...1 ., ' a '..'ti . l".-.'- - 1. 1. , l , i ,., I".',.: .'1 il r,.iK,- ,.f '. . ni. I.. it i, 1,1,11 h it'. hurl- '.., " I" t I.. ... 11 .1. . . - i , :" f t. i t .11,1 I ,, .,, in r in .ii., .1 it " in, I, i! tr. ' ' ; . ' 'It t I'll. in ' In , 111 . . y ,1 .'! ,U .'I ll i. ' f '.- .1. If. 'Mi. hi Hi. ."I..ltl "il ... ' W ' ' ' . II. ,111. 1" ' li.- ., ' f Will, triljill nil I .III, I, HI .,1 'in If I.I.. ..ii ! .i it t 1. 1 f t '!" M 1:. I:- - .'.I h 'in ,:' i.i, 1,1 hiiiiii.1 r it I. n l it .tin II 1" - l - iiiril' lit ' I' ' ' ' - ii.ii- !i .1.-- j .. t ..f t ,.. '" '" Ill Ho :i.. l,,;,"ll ' I N '' trlillrnri t lie a 'i,irr if "llinkrr. '"I HI It t t l 1.. I H, . , ,1. ll' .'.!' li" " i ll! .;. In In I,. ,,f (.r. v, ,h I ( ; i" 'I'' t;itl Ih. .' .ti, t t I ... li 'I' " it .; .11 1, II,. I .1 . . l lt''t. ''t'H Hit I" .,f ,,v!, ,, n t t , . .. .t I..-- U.l I H t III Ill ' 'I s. t ,;: ' .1.-- ti h II. ...:i in,. In ' ' . t I. ,. " " tn H I" ".l., l.i m. ...,i 1, t t ' .1 ... t", "f IH ' .til i.f in. v 1 I, .1 I 11 I. III. ,. tl,,. ,,.t .11 Ih m.i N. V i ,1 ,.,."M I..H.I,, 'I. tltl I "I ,t. 'l .f, MM, ,r in l.'.I.S' f .t , ., ,., ,,m i.i, li.. 'I'l" h. ttl I, m 1 til ' 1. r I ill t i hi Hi- 111 ml: rut lit 11. Ii "Ii"' I In r. nl v ,i l v I;. llttl' Mia in. .,ii,;i, 'I U I, t ,( ,Mi t. ,, t, -. IH "tll" "I. l' u J, nl .. f. ,si I llllM ' .1 I.. .,. ,. 11 V'..i It Mi M t ii t l' ,.,IU, ,Hl, r m II . ii .. . ,11 t.. ' ,. It. "iititiii", I. .. ill 'i: 'Ut "t ',. n tul.itl, j...ti,i i., tl,. f . t f' I will t Is tilt Ill ft, 1'.. II t, , 11.. f h, li 111 1" hi ll li I "im,. ho i .i ..f ... i s, i. u.l ah. iiiii'..ii' in. in ui n.i, r nitt k k i ' u (ni .,, t I t illt "f .. l I ! 1.1 l,o I, 'Hi" illl'l' Hi" ltl.""til.- ,l,,iillr,lt,,n ,,f t t tti Ml,, what I." I."ln 1. it I. r.i hM.i I . ..If "I'l 1'. IH lit" r I'.i It lit I .. . it rill I.. ..f iu Mn II run il II lit I lll r.r. n .r 111,11. l . Ill - u .,li' III" in . ,i 1. I ill it M t! I'l.. r. HI. ti, .in ,..w, r, ..f I. I. .ii run hill. l M tl, ill. life,. '.. tin..!.' ttlll, .'if .t . I. .iv. il, "f .nir.-a- i I' I.. M M' .11 s ,,n ti' h Ii 11,1: ,1 ho, I i.,.r.. utili inn in.. tiuht U .f . . ' ' n n . I. .. . ll' .1 t It! i r in. h f ! I,. w. 'tti t nt l 11, t r f.ll' .1 t.. It,. f.. Ir ."ir x rn i. 1- 111 ii.-- . ltt- ' .ill.) 11, .iti'l in in ' ami ii'lt .iii'i'l Hun ..ii in. hi It ' j I' t.. ..I.l.iin ill., r tl,,' 1. ht iillUlii I' .if tt ti t Sli I,, ..ti. , liht tl U Ml, n I. lit ,1 " I I "! 11,1 I ' I t t -- I I IK.- I l t , i t i'l. n .,r i. i. in. til ..f rn- is. ir. ,J, ,1 tn ll,. ..Vi ..Mi- it tl f IH n ' th.ti Hi.' Wi K'lh in a,f ,ii W t .1. t i't I I .1 f , , ll, IT III tl It" I" .f " r . f t . I inu ,.rll it iii. tnti. t t.i. Im it Itt t Hrrlitn l'Mfnl. In 1I1. Ii il", linitii- s ,1,1 U i .. in. I ii . ii, .ri'i-M- f Mj, i,r llii'fn ii at hi .' Ill t K'.v.'llitti. nl II f.ill nl in., -t . IVnwlnti. t t - t in- uh, ti ,ii.' tt, ti,l r in Hi is,. ii ,,f .if tl,. int. il tttii. t. .m n. i,t Mi tta. In 'I hat f.iiin ha., !. I., f tv-.- a i ., ain." i r. in in .ti .is n ti hhImii ...t, IK ii.fl.I. IL 't M II, ,f tl.. ,".ik.r in. it'll il, .ui il,, It 'triin I f .nl lli.llll'-'- l.l.-- ll"MI" li.M l r I I 11 ! i n, i .t t II" ii"i, .... .". ill m.i. H j t' ih. ' s a 1,, I lit .1 it 'if.- ml Hlllt" . t rn .r. l IIIK V. 1. .1, ft( -- 1., ,. i .l. iniiii.l llwl Hi, tion,,- i,f r. pr.-- nt nt im. 'ml nl .li. nin- fit. in. 'll i,,,!, i "It ti. 'ill ,i I'l M.i liirli i k In Nit V"ik ami llm h li" l n . r- 1. . . k" l , th it t ,. It Ii f r. f H. lll till I ,l..ll It II II ,. hi,. ii'l ki"iii.iii ..t," tl. ... 11 li . - ..," f Hi- tt: rwo-tt- i.f .s t . f Ills mailt it lit i....l .i iii.ij.,rn i.f Wi iv. r ifit '!).. it,.) ..ifiti id. ii. nf n.,11 i.i uh; n "' tiiui- n't.'ii. r I fi r f V ! r t Willi' f tilt ..t li I l.Xttf "I I i . I '" I I'l' Hi nt,", im, n,i v it. till fi iMti'liialoti. Mi ill tin- l.. t ill' la 1 Tii im. in .i". ' tt "1 I ' .1 It I l I.t KIN Hi" ,i M.l y. 1. III Itl' 'I h 'ft.. ttlll' I II tt f m t H'. uk.r." ..uta. Iv.k (I'l Until HiirfiiH. ('ll f!l Is'i'i ll." iniiihi r In-- mi. h itil", hi,. I Mr.'IIKIt' t'lf wil ihI'mIi 'f 11, I In ft.i f. Ii at, ha .Ii .1 ti l.iisliainl a.... rk', t.. jr,,. l. V.' ftvt.,it.. 11,. .f if,, i.f all it'll- linn, ,,f t , nliMaili tl.i Int.' ii. i. ' ., . if 1. a I t .. u ,i 1,1 lin- 'l',i tin- ,, I il... r. nl.tin. iim mi!I 1 ri tt ill ii.i t I; all is ariM'M'r nl iii. '! iti- ran. n ,,( ,, ' "I1 lliNMi'll mi- It .t I'l i'l I. t t 11 il., itn.ii i.s an' inl.l" iiii,j..rlt tin in. nil.. ,, ,n. tia t T' f I ' tt'-- , l. .t r tl,,- into .'t'I: tilt, M. A" m I. ft r. t I, HI., i t r 1'ii'n ti.. vsi .il .tltii v . '. in.- - n ft'. t In- I. 1. ft ii:if Il"'li in lull, .ui ami ,ii r.'l I. um h h t h r t tt nil y It.. tat I. tl...... I ...i,l: f j . i 'I ,111. t -, '..'I(V. Ilall'itl .( if .f- li Miifit .1 1, r t ,i 1. n r ii lU'M'i tt. if tuniti.-- I., .til 'III- Mxl't-- 'Ih In it Mr . 111. r hi.- .m t. tiilfi tin th. 'ih'l 'ill iiiH ii.iit ; I:, p ,l. MlvMar I'atroNtifj, t. t l t i, tin (.,irt Id. nf tin- I 'I'l ni ..iti. 'If i. (.if. Mm,. Miilii-I- a). .1,0 will rt ml. r ul'i.iti.n fair an. I l t 'I Im i.llr Ion l:t.. W" "nil. tun. im h li.l,ili,,i ii..i. hi ji n mm a it tit n t in- ) J in lit. i. ..f ih,. i" .1 t f li- lin- 1 i.f .,ur jiitt oil. II t. 'u I ,,. ii,'" uh i. if. .I't ,' Within in ttt., iiimiIIm I,,, I." in lnsllliii..ii, in.. in ll..n fa-- HU' h I' itfi ..f ft in. t.i', uill .f lilt ul! I r.i ' .it. ' '.! .. H .y Hi.- hi f t.-i iiiiv,- Kl1't'l"n t" n. it 1, t ,v t f t Ih. "'it aft ing' l.r.'Klt'Ni t'riN"tit in tiNinij ih,. Iii liit t from fiKitcint; lit inl' f' " i. -- J.'.lltl "f l'K" ..( Ii hf railr'a'ti t'ttfttt-illllt- (a ,M an. ti,. nt f ll. .iiuti.' Iik!. i.i in,. UN ll Kt.'ft I'llMl- lit illth '. .tits ' ..,,,!. tilislrif Mill' Hit Itil" "Itlpf ' 1 IIII-- Ii"tiiliiiiil"n nf t,ni ,,r Ma uliin, t ..ftl.-.-r- l.tltlH UK n tin, it. h l,sill- his ll'll llll'i'.l 4 llU titiMti ir I'll,-.-i.ii.:.. 1. A l ,1.1. th' Htii4i'iM, ulao tt t,t m,i.. t a iv r v wl. f..,-- mi", n in Hi.. r. ii. i, It r lkUIMiii. iifnii'.'il im II'ii. I". Mr Mitilii IV 1,'MN whl will nii.tur- mi. 'lu' ti"ii in r ti.- t" II' In r i.f t m v it, t, ttt I fit U far IT"! IO I'ljl'lli N" n I V t U itn f t.'ill4IIHlt I ii ti it ("ti alt a iiii'liiiitm will wit. .m. t'. "Ut. r A . .. .. I.- ,. ni'-n- in lif.- fii. '.tlllnili in. ll. th. all. n f f 'IIhs.i'I .ll.'.l l,U h, (,,, Ihiiti t,nuri. In UimI ..ftl. ! li'fttl if ' ttl'h t, ti. imit. liiC t.ik ri t.i lilts ,it ita'lilv ntLTiit'i t 11 J1. s f t . N t: I Itit.'iitlon on ih- tntrt Ih,- nitr t..t1 r . iii l"in ."l!t. a afflli til Mil-- I Ik '."1( sum, of fi. inai m .111 j a r .In. lal. lit "it iijH,h mum lt'Kit,nni,f nf . mill iii in i,.(,i iiii-- . that "til M"ii i.f r i.iM ih n n vwtu r 1.1 no vlrim- In tli n.. l, l . . aiititi r t ut itil.- I KTi'liI r,ir r .ii , JUMIlV M'tiiin, .4 rvi. ..r .in I'h m a u " ri.iii.-n- .f lf HvtH tl. 'H.' I'l halm", l.i .1 tli,iroiiKli run lllf nf u iiiv.-t- rt 1 k (... nthiiti.f nf 4 Hit uri-- f. r 'ht- vt Tin- .,f Hi,. frct,-l- li . frlata ttleo. If nut hi I. , rlvnany rlirlil ,,i,m to law rt ,. , ".. ' Hu ill ali'l Inilii t. 11 I , In, up.r. li rihltttti,ir Th 11.1t l rt. t r ' I i M v li.i f .r nut I, .tn ut tt,.- ii;.rilil l.i la in.ili, I I. aft-- i n tti'.rt K'.t .!. tlor anil rt til,. w. i m I . .1, .1 nul. tttf I'tttii ait f.if fk'tr f .r thi- im id ft i, f .r ti.. an vttll inttaft- an lar hiinmti m il n tlii'af In iiinsi a tin. ui-- ,'iintiot I.' l.'H'it. , r- -. inimtit mi uii furth. r m IftfiMiiHitn t f i ., II, It till intttMi tn Ant tri.i an M. Vtlnl.tlli 'ill, nt a. 'ItllMl KltHll ilnw ,"iiila a,s f.i, I'nhllrllr ipl f Mtrlkatluaa. iritln, nni nrh t'i-- i fiftrnti. .f ( l ijiii f u ' mull tln tnil,ui.,i,iii liu Wt ' f'r-.'- thr rnl .it. r..iti ri'Miiil fiinmfniuru'f il.niHii,l f.'J'inl Wt r I' I iiaii..n aa win ri" "M'i;M'K f i h a m lo im, I. W fn. ani '.at f".s..ti, utth or.trii'tjtii'ii lu ih nf r.ilnist altli J ii. iul I'hi avlcut rimnullim tlu rit.Jt. "hli.ti ti.i ' r i inu luu-ratt- .urn- a(i I ui'. lfr i.nni l,u tir hi i li mtf jn C'HlJlU.'U V

CURRENT I'i: V I;, v Alfr- II' ' SUMMARY THE CARLSBAD I ,i i....;. ..f v i.. i.l i" NEW MEXICO NEWS LATEST NEWS .!. i:i i iii Hi. ' i. Hi., lrii fatt-.e-r Jubilee. ' M ' (".inn. I I If '"" Ralltrre'i . i '. ii. Government Irrigation Project. :,, ..i. .!. t"t!i ,'"1' "' ,, ra'l'.ti "I tl'" fif'I' tl. ""l ". .!l-'- "" 1I. EPITOMIZED ",. ' w ' - i A II" l'rl"t"li'""l I'Y . ' ' vi nt Mi t'ii'li' ... : M.i-i- it M llil-- t II, ll It..' illl-'-l I'''" tlll'l' t i,. nl. f !'. Mil t I. It. .lit"'" t f . .. i 1,1 It. I . ' .. I .. ,!,.i. I.l I." I" I. .IH llt:i.-VI"l- !'t")' "l't"'-- A 1'iti'i ' a. fM.Hi.'lii t.tin- it - Ii i li'in li. i.t f tl' I.i- r .Iii-i- i'. II"! 'I'lrl'iX In Mh ii' ti ;i. I., il ' ll. M, xlni :.' . I. till- ' n HI i. Hi'' nn W.'lm uliiy lit. FROM TELEGRAPHIC RE II I'f W ll' l. litMll I" li- - .ii. ' Al.'Xnti t "ii' Wltll ti' f Hi" v.Mi.'raM'! n.i MUM ii'i-- t mi ami .it Hi" i.'sul. i I k i ll In iiiinitil 1 ME i "it ii i i In. nf t' llf 11 vi'i'V nusil PORTS THAT COVER 'mil iii. mnl ii .iiiiiiiiv -- Ii"l il"M. wilt .1 ' Ii.- Hi-- tii'ii'"'-. ami i"s.". I,. w.iri.'iri . 'I -- nt m "f ' ""' Hi" Ni" ...I. I'lina.-,- was rr i "f Iif'liii" i iiiiiH aiiJ Mili um "v. nt. ' WEEK'S EVENTS. .h tt'-- 1. 1. .liKln.ii. :,l . l't i ' A - i Ai i .If liirtnltu . -- r I ' H'. Ii. Int.! i' "f raii" I M. f July il .' t Ii.' xlrnii '' ( l"--- i W. I'., til l Ii In ti"' "f I"' I tlMllop H. in:' is .i- rs i lit: "" Itllllt It.k.HII.I J iwn'. I.i'iai.i nm- """' T. Mr All mimI'T Ii.iwi'fi': "' tW.-llt- ITll'HtKClf It,.' hi in iii Ml.m'li .'i'i fix. I1 llll'l Htll ' It rillivnl . '. 1,1 -- l r in iH'tt"'in i.M'i.filit Tli.- vi 'l r "I II." " lias liln-i.- lt tun I. til" :! mi fiitlu.llt- nrilnll'".'s.' '.f Salitii iT' l '" HMiinliint , , ,,,, I ... . I .l:, III OF MOST INTEREST Ilii' 'I tv''l i'f ,,! Ill'' A ula-- s nuiil'iit,-- "' I'lttsl'iitK nn r i'f Hi" In mt. ti. lanif nii'l nuny liiiiulrmli t. r Miiii'lv .l iiiiiU Hi'' tiiiii'i'l' r'."1"'1 in,, in. . - Mini n I, - i H'.l ti nil 4 ft"" ""' I'.' ' 'H'' "I '.. 11 . - t n MH 1' many mil"" nt tum.t an-- will :ii "ii' I" I"I1V till Italli. t.' nii'l fr .; I f I' '111.. ItllllllTH Will' ll'""'" Hi'iitl-i- .. I.l. '' K E E PING TH E READER POST- tin ii.t.. liisntMiiiti. t. ( i.i ' nmiK tvi.rk at in" kkii" .r.s"iit t.i .'MiL's: tln'lr .!. ' timiitli m Hi" .1. v.''a'.iii.'iit ,' i,. I,.. i' a' I. I" s A imliii, it. ii- ' I Mi.- tH nf ami l"t" t.i tli" M'lf I h"l tits titt'iit ED ON MOST IMPORTANT n il.i.u I'.' Tim liif ."' rim I. tlllSllltl- I 'nil. I, lull. Will - 'I :ll 'In 'I '" I"' I.l ill... ..'I tl,,. 1111!' w M i" Hi" '"'' '"' """" "' TOPICS. l.lnwn Iii 111. ulat-- a ii"'1 Ii "I tin' i'i'.'l'iimiiii i"r iii.ttiy ".iiH rnitiitniiy CURRENT .nil 11 ' ' nm .1111 M'"ti !'' 'I""'l"l "I"" llu-'- i .- .!. I ' II M 'I 'i I ' iimi win in "'Ii. i ' ami sin Win. i ililn tti.ik w i"ti" "'1 f. I fi.iin. r.- i l .1 .t Kail ". Italll. r.' ami II I'. f...'. II" 'I' " 'I w.i i ..rrliiK. M f...l t" 'In' I" ' n M- " int. w mnl trail. Itu , llii.ll . l W.T" .I.'l ' ' WESTERN NEWS. I'n.-lil- .. I A "11 I'. N' i lit I. I' I.' I uk. M.-- n iifl.-- Hi" inllii'it tu ntiluiitl-- I - ' -- t tin- ll.'M'i'i'ii.l . '1 v Ii li:l tlmt tlmi.'iiH' r Htflit ...... kiil.-.l- nt .I'lh.'t tun h l.i ii!' i,... I, r,.tiHlll"."l '' 'I" liri'l.'i'l ' (..,.., i I , - ami I't Kattmr Ti'itn. I I. " ' ' .,' I an I. ft f I: I.1, ' lark fi". Lull - I'l' l.ll.l Ill .In .ll '' , w.i. f it. Inn mis .tins t,.,ni tin- Kl IM- -' ''' ''in''' "'" fJ;';1"' : ' i 1, Hint 11I..11 i I Imrl I. i Mm.'.- In lir I I' ,:f I.. "i i'i I',., - .v.i.l. I'r. ""' K.. H I't '"tl HI' ' ""'' - I llis'.ltir.' n v linirt- uiii. ii K In r His', r Kai In r Kallinri' inii'l.' "t I .. .. i I : ' ,,' A nan. w. M;b ' all I I'M In if.! !. j j ,., i, ..) a Hi.- in f Kh i.. TIiim will l't'"l' il'l.v '"' '""'I'1, '"' I.- i".i r. It i nn lilni! tliiiiilntm , . . I I i' 1. - Mm.', li.i li.i'l mnl ,. . i ,,i ...... i, i Mil ,i in lit i.n in .if ''ii '". tli- - I'li'ii'ln mi.; It.'Vi. in ill. il'iritii; iiii'iitiin M." i ami Hi'" , i M'1-- i'iHy I" r ti.- - r.itli.'lii- i,,'. liii'.'l. lr,,iii N.w '". l r iln- .1 .In. ini"ti tin', ii.l. -- 1 . ,11, 1. HI - I fin' til" lu.ll- ! H'l.-l- III.1 I. ii r at .'I I'I" - I .1 i i i.l I In mi , .... ,.,.. .: I. Hull' I'll'' in! ,, lu.-r.'.- In i.inrlir-- Xlni- II ii,.,..,. i inalrr.'.T li'iaiit"',. ., 'I'lliii: Ins tml'l.'H Jul'll"" m I I I ' i't' Ii ,. v., :i ' -- 'I III In. r .! :iT'. I ImH- ,. l. It' Hit- - ' It T Iii"" lm Mi I'niiaiil rr In M'i "if '"' '" l t .I". lit It... HI. ' '' I In In 1"- '.n "f liH "lit. It.t" ha:- - I., n i 'I ' ' f i 'Inrlni: 'ai i'i V. . I . I. i '. j I, t - limit h. "' !. ,.r .1 Tii. '' I'"" II ill. II i' i.'l '" in lli" r.iMn.; '. .ii. s I Ii . II - i i 'I ii. :i li' I - I"- I I it" ti "' iin'tilli t' 'ti'"' I. l.i i' it. ti,.. fi.tit.. "' Kalln - - t"-- l " "as- r" , 1 I'f K.iili'i . ,1 a: .1 l!,. II i in ,ii.,. I. mi. ii i' "ii I' If'l ll mi still :ii"" I l"ll w.l! mi " ,s."x Ik.-. vi ll- -- 11 "- -t an w ' 1. itli li".nt'"l' t, .1 I,.- I i: V ' In . A ..',... in. ii Inn. iii "tk ti. 1, 111 '!i. Mill- t r 'I" ..iti" "' '., ' -- tl putln t .1 mnl it wan - ' .... I. I " ' t . M ll.- -f tin- l.i- '"' "'"" '.' I I,,. nn tin "'ill "I I" H v:i Tli"i,s t.i '"l un' ,1, I. in, .in Ii..'" Unit Ii" "lij. A "'1 , .. I I ll.'l HWII I' I ll' "I "... v 11 vi a 'I tlmt.' ti. i" ., M .1. . ill '"I lilll I" I.I-- - l'iit!-!.i"- ii M ,,.,1 I I I"- - t "I ,,.:. t tl,. lm. in.. li.'l . :i..-.- ' ' i II- - - I'I r 1. I I' ' tt.1'1 ' '. M ... s. "I HI I ',. ,il ' a I ' is " .mil . - ai-- 1 tl." I" "f V'i! mh "I I i i" ' il- t in I 11 . ' I'1 .ii r .in - ' Innl " ti' H ',1 I. .1 ill.' I" ul,;.' n!tli..iu'!i t.. 'In I ili'irr.-i- I'..' f U II ".nii.ti ri.'ii'. .. !., a Ii' ' I"!' II In. HI lit I'll I..., I, a Illi-:.- I.T 1'. ll ' l, ,: Mn liiaiiv t.iw."l mi . . 1. t -. .1 ., :.. a I II I. i n H, ,: 'Ii- - ' ' t' i" 111 'I ' . ,, ' ' I.. .i ill if ., ii .'..1.1 f ', h. i" . Mi . 11 ll- il in 'I ' 'I I'" "f "ii i i H- i- i. '. l'1 tin I' i M- - Mm 1. "s- - i . i, ,ni " In Mi. nl ill. nf v III , . -- "Ii It ,:il"'i ... .. 1, i al .,!! 1,,. i, up .Inn. 't I i inn, .in. I'H ' I, K- i - S.m'. - ... ';',' I Willi.' . ' 't- I"-- " ' ' ' - .'I-- ,.'' HI f' '" .. - ,i " it i 'I "- i nn t ' f I. .!. I li.illu " T.'til" I'f I ' ,. n n "1 .! ,i i ,,. 'I, 111 "I ll." !' i.i :, '... i'! II..- al In ii,..,.. mi 'I..' '" ,,. 11" li,'- - nli i'Ii. r - ii- - ii,.,,. " '. ' ' ' ' n.a "I ;i .1 a ..; ri "i in1'' ll. I" li' 1,1 I, li:- - i'i' I i M t.i tl." I..'.imiil ' ii i i I , i. i "i I'l . lilnl !' ill .a ' i l If! ' Coming. ii. ..I :..: In can Bind - .in raniou Mrt ,1 it. - I'f" t" tl - - i " 11 fi i" 1' . n , 1:1- .. -- ' I ' t I... .. ,1 , I ' 'In 11'-- , 1,1,1 I, air! "I - "l-- !." ...',.,.,,: -- M' ' ' I .. I' " k 1! 1.1 ' .. .. a "I. l"' ll r il I:'- -- '.- " ' " '. it, l!i. :l' - " "! "It I. ' ' ' ' ' ,.''. ,,, I I' I tl .: 'I'' , Iln- - I". '1 - ' I. .11- - I.. 1. i .1 I,. ,,,- ..,.1. r futi i..- t. ' -- ' ' ' ' . - n- ' - t ,i - ii I' " ,. 11, Ill I'H "I i" I'm .. ... l"t H- l.i. ' . i... !" it' '' " ;" .. In I' 'I t. U - - I I" an ' M. a tin,! lia "i - " ,,' l "I t'n i .'ii- 11 I . t I.l'' " , ... 1 IT ll t a 'I -- i a '" "' III. ,, ii I. 'n I". 'in '11 .lalif"! all .I'i": H- i- .l - - ,, . I Mn M In V u tl. t 11," "I In n "ai- ami . i,. ,,',, V. .ri '" .li.rir I. ... ' ti'. i'. i " "I II In- ' 1- - 1, I 1. la I' l ' ... ,. ma ', .llf. li" .1- .1 '., '.'. I' ' "'I lirll ,' Ii i.l . ll.-- .... i.i nr. I, . ... I HI'-- 'II- ,! l.i . '.- I.:- - 'itlt.-l- ami ' I. Ll. :.. f '' n ,;,.; :.! , " ... ' ll- I' I. '!,.. i. ',' n. ..ill u ' ' ill, " a- -l l' lt. ami ' I" - 'I ""'i'i' I' I. ,, aii ' !''''.' ''I' ts ,t i .1 11 I' 'I . ' ' ' ' ' ' nl I - a r. it in I ,' 'i .1,;. 1,' a ai's iin ai " 1.,.,, llf-- Mi. !,. . Ii n ai m .: Ml 1:1- - ' M ' ' ' ' ' a - "t in i' 1... I.l lltlL ' '' ' I ' . l, a ' a a .'" , .. 'I I.. ' " ' ' I.'-- ' i't- I I,, i . In.- tt lm ". v ' ' Ml 1, !; I,. l,i Ml' ' at I"! nf Am M ' ' ' . N' .'. ' ' .. i". n I i a 'I ' ".. la ii i:. it Mam,,, -- . ii'. tt - .' f tin V"ini i I- I- It. 'I. w.i, in !i a I.'l l. . I' , . ' t in I1.1 ' l'1 t t. t . u la. Kl illl' r I,.. " ' I;- ' I'i .. 'In I'" rail." fr.'lll "t i.'l. i i " - I '! -- t ' ana II - i ' lm-- i'f I . I, ' l '. 1, 11 mt- I, I m ' I. ti i at - at lim I". 'f III, I'll. I' I' a - I. ' t. i ' - i. Mi 'nil, " i"" I'.ll i I,, nn I.' f II I .1 11. ' ' ' , "I. .1! I"' 11. A. 'I lllrllUslllli, ll i ii, " . ' .1 a, nm .,11 :,,i in ill lulu t" II. li, i. VI' I'i I., I, itl,, i mi an I'll! . 11 n- - ' ' ' ... ' hi a'll- - ' ' !.:,mt It 'i a a, - 11 H - ,11'. a. .1 iii it .i ii il. in S.'l'i-tu,- , I. hull' I nf II. m. . I Mi. In In nn rlii. "'tl Tl," li.ittiilm: Ii i, '" ,, ,i in. in ' .ill..! at'. I . I" . .. il.- - ' '' I- I- 11' .'l'.ll,' n una in- "I t!i" H"" n'"' I,..:, a I. I ' "I. HI'' 'I u ' i -- ii I til..'. '.I IV ill 11'. mil. Iln I l w M. liii'l i ii l . (. 1.1 . I.. n lis "f N. vlr... I ., a a - :l "i . I Ii:i .,1.1 l'" .1 ". lnli,.llk!. lia':. li'ii 1 Lm i- t- ,,f tin- tit. nt nf Hi" I ' I :,- -i II 1. U 1!" IN Ii - !l ' "l itmiiii'i mi,' In at In hah a .1' " ."' 11 I: 'I I .11.1 ,.i t, I" l'u W M Il l.i '' " !' al t 'I. -- I. lii'miulit -- K" Mn 111. ti Ml timiiiMiiiiM nm ts. Mix una ),f . Hi ,. ' ! l ' . i I'i in h ui.i. it hi .in l -- I l i In l ' v- - k. all. ...i tint, i.'l'..- ," all .li w Mi I,, I'l.M ..Mn-- s.m 1. I a K"' r r "' mnl I ' I ' ' . . i sin-m- mnl" in tin tit.. i :,l. w a. ' ' i' . 1. i i i i i..-i- r s a" in. .in- i ,....i ti ti,.. ii a,.-- I -l -- tin- t if. .1. M 11 I in-- - an, ..i..k us ..t .laititn . ' S. ni. I'll "ii HI 'I il.. j, n i.i II ;. ;.. i," I.; i - Wl'la.'ll nil. i:i. lit'. ' lrl- ;m 111 111. at I'l.iin liiiu in s it 'A i.f Ml. ::'.'! "II i ' . M . i i ,. , !.-- I ' ' fa'l,, t I'. I. "I ,. ,.. i K 'i V i. mi . II, .ai , t I, :!,, - Mm J"llv I'.it.l. ' a ,l. III, 11. a I" "lia li ai. til. il Ii, . .' ill ' - I'' ' ,i ,. Ml n - " in Il '" I,, i... ', Will la "' in ..a:'. Mi' i Mm 11 t was 'il''! .1 1 t!',-- u. la'k" rlllli. ' .. ' .11 !' all .! I,'.. ill! it' a ...... a, II ... ii :. ii "a m, i!..i '!. .1 i li'l-..- t" ... n 'n n h .I.i . an I Mi!"" til' ' M 1. a. ti. ,,, ,. . . I Mi. :. "' t , .. I). 11 . V ,. f I)., a. I" ,u. ,lli. in i. ai " ' I til" I' ul' l. ". 'II II.'.. l ""l.i- lll'I's ' .1, - I' " Coal Indictment Cuashtd. 1..- i t . . !. a Ii I I.l I.l'. T W I iii ' "' "II. fan ',. "1 at til". llil'll la I't snl."l ii II i," .11.1 f 1.1' M- ' , K i i. u . ll a- - - III I In. II I tli'- Sin'" All". N'mi'.-ntiti- , ,l, Il ,:: H . It." ' ,i ii ,n i a :,ll mn In Mt". M.iti'i'Mi. MIL' . . ... il ... " III Ml" ll . ... w.i ,,l n. ,i a', II. k I., all I'I Ik'.- Mi I'll- in I".!"l M,iiii,-a,i- ' I'linv.--- I !. I II ' ' ' ' ' l.i. 11, f Aniii'l" f. I' I..I. I.l. a ,. . , ,1 ;, in ' i ." a. al ll IV Ii Mn TM. Ill si 'll 'I ' a, III.' t'.l Suit 11, nm li Tun nut T.'i r.' i.'.'itii H.i.i.l ' ' -- ,', ,,. -- :. 'I li-- lll " " ' ' " '" li:l"' I Mn- Muni.. ' in in t.i ,..'.111: . - ' 'I Ml In. ' ... I" '" il. '"ll "ia '1 ami K' In i'iih S.'illll'i. 'In " I t i'. .. , . "."-""- " I il I" 11 ' W ., i I'll. I.K. '.. !.'" '" "n '""'1 I . . t - I'I In In. Iian I'.istiiii iiiiv,' w,, i III ll'l ! . t ' V .!- - i.:- "Mn ! "T ' I , I, , mill iln it' i' i'i 'l' I'll.ill. - S, -l :s 11 .lain-.- It was ilv .Inn i a iitl'l ail "illi I"' '' ''"' Wail I!.. . I t s iln-m- ..ii M,.;. am " r i t" t'nn an. iln- n.-l- 1. .11,1 . -.- II. til ' ' , .... wiitm a: .tltt 1 !' . .1 . I in "1,. nn. S ."it "I "nl in I, :i. li'-- '' ' . , ' II ', I"- II ' l.i il I' '", V," f.i ... K:. ,tv '...... 1 M' .rli--l- San In. m .'in.' V it tl' " 1. 11 1111: Ut" all. rm.,.11 Hi" . . .. .1 . .!;,,. l' II II" I .lilt ll.'''l lain, " lilt. St I'm. ""l ll' la Innl mi ai.'iil'l" Mill" rnn.iliiK. lump t. . a I "... V'1;' ' - Mn- - III i .' tf - V Ii.t hi ' l ' Mini lart- 'In 'll li"' mil- ami lit. lui: I'Hil' H" s If t" ' v''' '" "' ,, . . ,,, ,,, al,..,',li'!llL' 1.'. I" . 11 lui 'In I'I. nt!. w..,. all I.1.11. .in-.- iii.iii- I.'l ill" Mm". ., II I , I - I. It I l"'V t, 11- '- - r.uu-- ' I M I' il "' ' It, n ll,,. ill. "tin it. Tla-li- M"l" F. k' till liuiuli-.'.- ' "fl" I l Il"!"' '' ,S una!,!'. II -- II. . . l II IMl Iln I, la- - -'' 1" -- ,.. i 'l 1 "..III, I til Wi II I.l I' 'HI -' I. ill Muk ' al. a l"li "ti ,r. t mnl rr. ,nly I I , il,.. it, .In, nl' tlm i -. I ..III I III. I'. " !' "H ' ' ' ' ...mi ,.f hull si if t, iviti.- l,lH '"'t '" . I "' ', , , In. I" . N- . V.-t- t I' t N" tt . . 1 nan. .'.I -l Ill iv I I, It.' - I'1' 'tl'-- '' -- I" I" ' I'"' .' , ., li,. lllK. '." itn ;1,;,'' . 11 ' "li " i M. vi. mnl ', rii"!'-- I' i, i ti 'I,.. " ' '. New Mr'CO School Statistic!. Mam In 11 .1 1' ' "'- -' .111 .',.,!, "'i' l"l' 'In I., n.-- t'n- - M CI I'll 'i . . ''ii ' . .'H in "I .' i . ... .1 i ""I n n - f - ' . I Ii- ii "' 1, Hi .1 .limn i T.Mi S in. m!i "f I'ul I. iii it. Ml. "I S. , rn t11ln.1v ami "I ii.i iu'i ft 11, it- i ' iiiliu i.'l'l" .1. , -: Ii. a ,., ,; . .11 11 n. - v. man , t .1 t I'll nl r iliu' n l ia: Ii in li ' am in il ri'i' irt .: .i.i, III it - .1 ml in l"'Mi nf Mm I. 'nn. ' Mn. U. linn, i . I 11 M. ' 1. 1 11 i i ., 1.1 it n 1! in. ' 11 In 1,, i ir Hi ii tlmt Hi" H'till IV , I I, . ,1 .11 I '.1 Ml-- ll'i . I- ft, I. I'll . ..11 ' it !''. Milu.. "I li "1 ll "W Mi imI.i "i.i II Ml s - .1 Hi I"' ,ti,,"l . , S;u. '' ' II'1 .1 11 n '" - kk I , . ,l I" l .hi,.' nil.'i. II. tut. II" "II" lli. I I'f In. ll ?l'i.'i.!i;! Is III' " II'. ." I. an .'. 1' "ii t .!.'. i' i'.- '" is .. 1, ' . .1 lull.,:.' li"" -- l Hiil--s I i ' I"1 V -' M- I. k.ilu,. iif ii Innl Tin. I,, i.. '., ..i.l a , I..-- - f Ml . n n "I I'" If i'',i .. ,1 " . I' n I" WASHINGTON. 'll,-,- III. -- S ,,f SI .... a n,a NEWS FROM 1.1 I ,S -,- II II. II I!..- l'''l" ;,.' ,!., . "I " ., , "I.. "I '!' 1.- - ' I S, I "11-- ' tl a is I ...! Tim lllst H I ' ' '"I .1 .. Ma -- ' ' ' '' ' lui III.. .a'.'l ' "I '"II al i li ..ii a lit !,ai s is . Il'ilin It' s I.'l I.' s. 11 - "f , ,,. ,. II,. . 1. Iii I. la I'"' " li'l M , il'lt .f W In I t ii I,, III . ,u, t nun. i.l - ,.f I'. ""lit ' ' I. sixt i ' t 11 .1 I i " . In It II' I" I ll- - ii inn-t- ' I I 1: " '".' ',' II. 1, .la- ,.,i',. New Socorro Smrllrr. II. II. 'I In Mi" ill al si H,s M ' -- if.. ... , ,'. Ll. , , u a .1 u. ' ' - a ' . a I. - II 1 .ll I't't I'i" "''' in I' i, m.' ii. a- . S. -- . ' Hi. V!l ll a. 'a " "I l. " , , i,i lit iii'. li. a I ' . -. . i ' '"t.. I'i 11 II n - :.i.- .ll.i'Ht . II, : I 111 Ml" I I'V ': 111 in! .1 I': m- -. ! k in .ilk I. a limli'll , . I il a 11I- .-I f i" "''1 "t I'l ,. l! M i. .1 a'la . ,: Ii t i a I. 1,1 U i, :.. t'j it. '"'." i , t,,. tl.. Sail ii, Mil t'. I't In. Cntli-l- i an.) '.',T" Si'.ui I ' ' Ml,, l. ',, H !:! a' sr.? ,,,. n ii il I i .. . n tl..- . , !. ii an " S, M v. ." a' l.i ml ' I. l, I ik. ii I" ' h i ii m . .11. '. l"l. 1, 1. 'I nr. ami in ' I,, v Mm m !' Minitm I 11 t t ' ' ' !' I' , i, it ii - " ' I'I ,l.v I' "III S.l'v I - Il'i.tli-- tl i.'l 111. .I"H '1 11. . an t .'In. I" s. "'.. .'"I ' ' ' Sin. f ' nil I'." an , ,. i , , ' I ' m H , 11 'I "', 'I ,, It ll Ii . ., in ."i i" ll ( .1 lia . I li al. i iMt n .c t); it Mi, .111,. alii 11 ill a I I" S;..ini .ni' ' I I . a ': m l it ' . - l , I, n in- i nl ii ". n ill" "it i' .1'. it' -- 11 , li, .11, a 1,'"! ' -- n ' i.ta. li 1. - " . - ' ' - I '1 I "I ,. I ' . ' mini- -- -- I ' . 1' .1 7 .,:,1,:., I, '" ' t III. I'.' a ,.t, . Mi, , I'i 1,. .: ti ll a l'- a' K. f ni. r nil '. ll i n II ,i i. a .1. . -. II I . ' . n I: Ma. I, -l vi I'll a- -- n n i t.i'V ' f Mn N. w i . i ' ',. III.' ;.ii!.' hi ..!.,' l In r t - ' , ' il, ... .1 II, a. I. I.. It a, ' - M. M. .. i '. a! r iilw ik w Itl-- li - i Si", ' i I'll H',,, l.:n lm i ,i :i. ,1 ..- ll.un i ... . .11 t an. I -, . 1. .11 i Hi I ' 4 1 In' I' li.i tn.t ,! 1" t'n .. 'u-- i.l S' 'I1 .it;. ll I. in. .' I 'a S Hit l I'- - Ii M III il 111 ,! :l ' i . J '" Ml i 'I'll .it.. ,! 1. " i ;..! II t I' ,,,,,, ll.,' " I" l'"l ' all -- n! -- . ' tk 'I.11 - it..- tin ;!,'!. 'i u. ll r ik at s in .'.V .... , M I Hi, ' in " iitli'l is'. llli-- u t' l- i- I. ,1 nl I I 1,1 a.; t ' ' ' I !. Hit, Wl in ,; ;.-.- t ll 11 111.1,- 1- 'I ll" Ml.l-- tu Mr l.a.v li-.- i. IMIll " lull , .. I ' "'t sin !l Iln S" ami . I 111 ..i - 'I - ' I 'Ii-- - .1 11 11 11 an ' ' ,!, !! 11 I f' "li ti T.,: i f Inn u, II. .. .I111 la - mi nl. S- In..- - '!:" !.,' m li "II "S !' ,ini Tin al . - in.i" . i n n ' ' in- ' ! ! ' .. "" H.I.U. an I K it 'I'- -' n I', nn-- - It 'I l.i i is .,!H..- a I" "' l .1 -- I ....i!.'i,.i it liaii" ,.,.,1,, II'I. "I, . a:.. , ' ..: , ,,. 1.1 ' . ' . 1. kk t - a 11 ..I - ' - .. i i.'ir I'll , (Ti'i IH - In I,""' "'I- al him I . . I. llir ri mt ni lii' in. ltM I' i in Ii I I , ., ' l! .I'- - ".I li- . I ' -- -, ' la'. -- 1. . t - in tl..- '.. Mn ir. A K: n n I.- - '1' '"- ,.' h.u '. lir. I ii" f ,, -- lu-- l. . . t .1 a ,l,i. a!, ami II- I - '.- I ' - I - 1.1 I" :.. all II." a' . - III "Mti l all f"i Hi" sIM.-- ii'li 11 '! I.t l"l It." .' N.-- ' , l I I. a I' Mi - I.. t ti'.-- .i M. :is 'I." 'li N' ' ,,...-.- 11. '. , ti I, II I. ll In 'I, "' vi." It iii ii n i.i ''" In I "' Mn ' ': "I' . ' ' r "' 1. 1 l i li. a , 1 -'' " " fi. .'' a A11 il S' "l " I,- -- III, 1 " lilllll ''' " iii i' In ml,, Inis ti i'i HI.'. l ii,in i,ii. i. 1, 1. - f. ' li" -- 1.1. 111 an iln- Inn t n, h iv .' It" Ki'iiu. 'i. .i ,.n- k V S il I, ..i.l. "' " ' -l rli. in iiiini H"i. w i I' ll li'l - - I' I" 1. r I.'. 1.11:1 mi- 'In S", ml inn. I M , l.i. ' it l.l N r W 8 II, i" in. s. i i I w it I, '. b(NUUL . 'ai it i: uriii. i.r iif a" ' I I in ma' i. ii f' 'r w 11 li n- tin ' at t'! vi ill .1" in -' 'Illi:, I ' I ' '" - al i t "Ml i.l a! lu inl'I'IIM ' S ill, I mtli " '"" ' ' v . W i iiui .. I ' ' a' t i in Itiim . 'In t, ll I. ' I" si lllij "I lata "I kk," a i, Mi" li- -i II In ' tttl. :' III" t... nlllli: r ill lias ,11. wti.i lii ti '''I "'I'' "'"'' , In !. at tl"' I" t. u ii lklim- - Mm . n nc ut . ' r K'H inl -- . ... i is' lik. mil II, tiu-- .'iil.nnnl '".' Mil- - . I..' li. ll .a., ii. r S t. 'in n in. I . - I. iti-- s ih. ' 'I"'1 .. I Ii li ai. ami M'i.,imj in lli.-M- I 1.1' 'I" ''ii I. ai i ., m li i 1. i ntli I' ' Law Succ'edi Torranc. nl "'' ik. 'rail t.. t Inuisiimls cf n. w -- i'ii.. is ami . v I I.i-- ll. r lt'H. lililli-fi- "t ' a a. nn .'. II.. S. I', '"!' Tl nun. mm i m. lit It nun!" :at I'( tlll'.nli--i"U- h '' lai i'l ,,, I., , ,. ,iii, S. !'' ml'i I " I'. I"'" I in'- '"li nl"'i iil'.ii "' H. ilnit nn. ilk kl..- I'l.sil.iit t In hi ii -. In- "' "'' I la- S. r '.'tli. ' It w i lull-i- It will .' '" "' I,, m. nl. u a - i.i. a tin i. Ill in!, i;, an Inn. t, 'li. fl. nl" i.f Mi. r.'l'ta,!" "l s'. it . I ' :(" l1' ,v ., , I M M 't:t i I 111. III: .1. ill. ,'.iiiiik.-iiiii-i- i ' " ""I "' ,r i . wl.i; In i I., i ami It'll S.' hi, I nf r.i'.,,t iilm kn.'ikn .is lli" 'Swit Illilall. l'y ...'ti I'i " ! I..- , ; .11 .1 ' . I l . I" r . In . will Hi,, ii in, "in "t lii..:. .lm II, i ,,W.ll.t! -' '"" ii.. I..II I. 'M. tl. .1 ''III til It'll I'uif" !"i rliiinl 'I i ail mul". Ii.ih ii t". "'''' i -- i IH - . i.- -.- -- i K.- iinl!;.i !'.. iinii ,'iuf ni. liiik.i Tr.' '.!' "f '"' '"' - , iu.,1. -l 1 i.;;h.i..:i. IMfKnl. in i.t tlm Snniii r. mini is I. .!).,- "" ii .'I''' .1 -'f .1 v M. i.i M. n . 111 li - '' s' I mi.-.-.- I'tiit 'I'm in tut " ii nf Sun Inn. u". ,1, H li'H'iii-- l 1'r. t " (.., in, nn ti..'.. .'ft -.. iiilii.a "is II, I'ul f.'"" I'f i"'. '"', t. .1 m .,....,...-- . Klllllll ',,.i ID tlm Wi ll I' .l.ilii'.-- ;..,'. ,,, ,....-m...- .1- m.m,,. nun'.' i, ii alnm .l Mr. " stl'l ll! i't I, lie In I'lilmn" l '"" tlm ia. !. r wil'l ntilmiils klllt"l. k li ..!, m," ... ."I-.- I. ii'in. in ii I'. iiv. i iiiiiii nn'... 11 inii. .... vm.ii.ii' ti... . II. Kll'l wi'ini'ii 't'I' -' Allm M'' M.'i.i lain.. Into V,luiiiu.-riiii- in Hmi I" 11m Sni, tn Ki' mil r ami tH tntm .1 t"'"' ' " ; I,. i ii M III,, (if t. ai" I :...... i .nl w a w ill i'i liritiKllikt (mils " .1,. ii,.t -- 1." .1.". .';I';t Hiiiniui' I' lst. n ntKi.'in.nt I t Mlv I'luU' I'll'. wailvoH ami 11'Wi'f. kk.a-l,.'- I HI' iiliinli- ri!.-.- nn .lm.- tlm N'"W f'lllur.iwu i t..lii.l"li "il tl.flli" in. al iarl Inti llli.'ly iii t' 'liat i - ii la tint .'' ii'iitlif" ',,....'., a.r.. iii..- nt M'...'i ' Muli-.- i r.'iiirnl. at wlili-l- Wtm- work ni iK.tu'.i Mr M..rn U" i i a .'... f",..,.i.i.. w. - iiu tviiii m I -- . Mi. tl M""'Zl K'li. t'!- - Al- hiui.l f .r I'Ht'li tin- wUvia and A tin- ,ri'tilt'lil'i !! ,,.i, ..xri l't nb. u tiiuui ut. illis t.v. .a .'.'"".'Ut. ..". mil tip m.irti.l nil n'MtiWU tu tl liiimir iru.aili- - In UHimln' ,,i, "'t' I'T M'I' I iiiuvriiie and Hi'nwiil. In a. I fur i hf ink nt.-- AvitO. V nr.- - further n ' f1 il t.. tt if u Mil in WHOLE TOWN BETTERMENT. Illl!' Hr H ( JMMI t II II Hi ,tnl HI on M' lt i Mri liM ;it lrt .l ' ii , ikUmiiM Urnp concirriM: t,v ui t..- r. tn r. aiuwwi .m m PUa For Beautifying B th Rtudtnc c. . itti'i h inn . in 1,1, nut n j - and Dulintu Stit oni. irndo put r rrtf.MM cnn if nl- ...... tinni w m h. t m. n . . Finlay-Pra- n,, - W tt T' ,1 liKliiiniimli ol Arm !.. . i I f" . J I f I ''' "H m ft nn- r. l'lf. Ul i .uuv Liu I. 1 HI u'i v.muimi u' t. i. Mo, irlm if t ivl ! I.V llll- ill i U ii Nru Mrxtro, una .il Vi ..W "tut- ' tvnnr r ti n. h ii .h, ii lllli'o IT t ill. li.'l i. tli.l i r;Vr m'-'- . urn n tlr u iillima viluntad y r .V v-J- i j , t,!. Kiiiimih ' bIioiiIcI . 'riiiiiiiii I Ii i , Ik 1 in iuH"irtl ll;-'-- t t. iukI ! .tip llir il vn'. ii ls U .unify Mr iu ic!i inr mo ia u.iuuia .ntv ,u i C - I. t,ii - 1T-- Hardware Co. .Jim lllk' till1 I'll- Ol'l tilth, i Imam ;e da avno con I. Ihilu ttr,.. I It to till' t () I. .1.. prrnrntri iUe rl dia dr Julio 11. II. I( t....n, il fit, .!.;. III Mtiiliim lii Irwn i K.iiiv .. A. I). I9UH, pst.'i - " " ilfitd.ado para pio- "It j Slur ii'iioftiT l.f in;. ii. f..;:..w - Farming - Implements bar dirho tritamrnto. A trxJ.u per- Notice of Suit. IllK t'i.'. f iolM f'.l I'm .'in. I." 1) nf lull li tonas tiir conciernr la pruiba dr du ho In ti, fli t ' .nr. I .1,1, nuti'v, N vv .i"vi".. "Tlif IVii I.I.H--'ti i, I'lf' I lo. trt.inirntu r avua rjur rntnparcra con 1 in- m.ii .mi I ,m.i ,v lmi,i,.. mm: i ,, man-ff- r mii.tin. I'loi U rl 1111 Ii' llll. Illli' I". '1! 'l III fin rl di mrmmnadn la dc n v. a 10 ( In -- l l hi.' li lllti'tit. nml t! llOlll'l I , .ry fl ink. ami .ill niiknnw n .iaim nit 1 l I i t il .... - ., - t i la manana rn paitiO on .v ritiann i. .n .n i.. m. mi. i., ,u folloM ...I y Mtuiliir cfToi I'.r :l u I Royal Hay -- I I H'l' T ll' ' I'll to (....till 111, Presses i - H' au.'l .,' - I .lift tl Ii tH dr rurtia. ur t.orlr, Condadn 1.. i. u.i.iiii. fin tin' rrslili'iHi- Of III.' 'aa n . ilrlrndiitit-t- an-- ", I l l T i vt tn tlm si eet t'lM A l ll'lltl llll II il i ui'i.uuv,f i rrntorio ar ,m'w Alcxirn.ii ihk lltllH iii'- t III llll- - ! i : i I. fp ..'l Ink.' ll'.lM I' thill lll.Tl' t'.l'l lrli-- flinulil en tul In ml wl'li .hi F.n df lo rual hr pu-'- mi mano y I'l-t- 1' n1tr:n-- .. In th.' film null, mi i 1. .it ui.' .'.irit..r' vi ii.:rtloii of lii Hay Stackers and All Kinds of wllo de dicha rnrlp- - dia N ' 'a I ' i lr Iftdr itinn ii ii. lir iti. .'"iii.ti "i ttii-- l.tlhlli. -- i ini'll 11I11I . r liiti in '' "I V H Klllt liV I If Mlllllllll Mil. I llli.r.'iV'. - liVIV 'I'lll- - IIIU -- I..- Juniodo I9CI8. ini'iit i inn tmli V, in ii in i Ili't.'iu Ml .ii .'.llllll III". Ii.uii.l u,i liiiir.-ni.'ii- i -. in.' viai. i.Htiil nii v I i 11 t In K1111- - i ii- - - . iiitiii' It), W. R OWKN Ihmii hi Hti.Mf .ii Il k ml iiti-- . .tut III ( kiiottu i.ilitiiitit- - iiiti-r)'-- in ini'i tn linn l.'. 'Iitiil, I'hllinl' hl.i. H1...1U FARMING TOOLS ' iti. dp Condado de inlv.-r-.- ' .. Prurlia. (ir'iii ij.'i riii..( I) 11 ntul I'tlu r rl i. - ra p HI II i".ft I'lisicrn s.'vi uri. ili'li'iiil.itili. mill niiiiil,iT..,l - Npw I -- . III.- U.IIIII'H'H i;1I F.ddy. Mexico. tin 'I." k. ..I hi. nun Tliiil -- ml )llll't. tl:i' lil: nf tl.l -- . t j n. iw III Hill ..tll-- Maiiilfin tnri'tH lilul M1T1I .11 -' hi I' t In If ' "I -- - tl,rll i.lij.'.'t llt't lilt I.. - -- tin- -- Finlay-Pra- luii l II..- till.- ..I in. I inn. I, ii.'iiiu .I'.-i- 'i it.. ,i lion tn"k iii ittiitliT iiii.'ii run tt NOTICE j tl.-- l.itli.w It lali-;i- - City In Ii ... v I n'ii'li' in,; tl." II1 II "11 tl H f I'f 'II.' .IlltlW t'- -t , ( t ', I I I -- . -- n l y III. l.'lt il I'M I. Ill .'J, ...,', (, I'll . Ill'l'i lillllll nf llmlr s 'I I' .1 . Itll.ll.'il III . "Illtl' .. lloWITM To Whom May Concern-Ther- e . plillltllll,' nf llllll tin llllprol ilikf it Ml All-i- all. I'lMllitlll llll. - lllHl II l till- -- of IT.'H'iI "W in r in I'.- iiiiiii- nt in., .tiii'v.' ii... I tlii'ir liin. ri'lzi'.t nn . f - Ihii.i-- in 'I tlial II," ..'f'- - linm ...iin. liliil Hit- "iii'i'i'M nf Hi,, i; .., . ni'l. r n- -t Mini .,,.it Co. unt nr n. Hardware nil.' int. in ti,. .mif .u - nlilnt-pri'i- havinit tiled with -- ..Mil. i.itttlili ItH'rcnt. niti'il tlii- Int. n- -t takrii 111 I - la n lift .rii Unit pin hum' :nir m ami It. With till' lllii.lltlnll nf tlin ;i i ui the -- I .ilill-lii"! " I'mliate Clerk of Kliy I" ,i- - lint i.t. 'tii.". ui.i ri.n - -. h' HI". IT. llll- .11. , I 11. t" Ui h inv. mii.1 runt uu- ti IlliHI'llll'tit mi. County, New Mexico pur- .liuit-at.- il - ". what .... h nf in. ii' l.t- Inn I...I ni'l '. nni' Iin- - -- taiti'il It iicalii " .. -- I in luivitiu . la in u i.' n ii v nt i - a nui im k am .....,." in. '.r Mr n- - ., ntul lit l."ii vani- n'1' i.u.iiu mi ports to he the last will awl test- rnilil, nr inti'ii'-- l in ami t.. ti,. Mi.. ltiirrii'tni till" ..nil iit :t f-- i. llilli'l' In I 11 Hh a .i',- . .' In t lit- - tll nt nf a mil It" ll. ,iu mil nun y, tn Hi" inintii1 ami i.,,i Ii'inli rs lininc " .'i ii ni nru '.ilirt'.' ament of Mary K. (Mnllie) iini'i ll'-- n' t I -- Hi" 11:111111111- '- tltli' I'T.-v.-- f'iriii 11 :. l h r,,i i'I. an. ami .1 limn f Imik Is Im h 11 t" .t.i'"' ntul Im n r 1- l. in; s.r iiihI nt i"-- t. ti., 11' ntill U'lli'v. in u u ami tti" I'laihlirt -- ISii r- 1.11.I hy a -- deceased, is hereby -- kMlni urnr ali..'ltl"ii it, .I mi Urn Inn notice r viTiiml. "I .iit ,111.1 li,iv m il I'lii. ftltn. I ; nuly Utiiiih' nf I'm- irt'i.n..l ..' nri-'- i In- .. n:-i..- I - hi l r.'lli't til" inav I'titnii il . llll nl.s'i u.'l n.iis im. K'r liali Kiven that the It'xh day of July In ..vhH (irexi'iitiil In ti,,' i;. .inns .tfti-t- i. . 'l lm I I In a . I 1- inall.s. iniirn n ami inh nilaurx Iin. l.mii.l I). l'.MW Vim nr.. Iiirllii'rn.'lilli'il Mint it tail nl 1- a H'hhI itlwii milk, r ami 1a1 A. is set for the proving ln,'iiii-- ...-- ts I'lirn 111:1 111 a- v.nii arnlii" in L' llk'hl nm ..ih r pnMu- ii'illln nm main hr I ,,r hii - I III. itm, ,,''"ri' ' ' s r.- juitu - in'.-- hr-- t. of snid will All ion-- 1 ,,, ""''"' l','tn'",r - n- I'ti.-r.- sin-- tltnl thi'ir.. ! lalim persons ., ,i..rllllti wm i... r. .i t 'Till- nf Howi ami .IiiiiIi-lH kltnati'.l in ii'I'iiil' iii ri u.iinv -- h.i.t. tlt I'lanliliK i'. v.iii III HHI i iiu-- i' tlH- .1ll11f11tl1.11. 111 lilul .iil. n'jiT-- . I1' I tn 1I1 , - lo ami II 11 !lr ri'tf ilatlmi nl hill tiellliu ml. cerned in the of said I'lalntin-""lii.lMi- lint lllnlin mi llll tlik'i' t.. tin- proving it ill Ii" tak.'ti a- - inn-- ! lll !. I.'K-.'- .I lioiiril for llir HII'io-- l of thi ll' il linitr Kp.ii'i. f..r llllllrllltl rr w Iiitiiiihi' nf tin- 11 ,.., l.nallt) i l'T ill are notified he rn - 11 to present on I'l 11, .'nr A im iiiii. s..,.:tn in th,. n- -l 'pilivil. thlnl. illvismn ..f they Kh'f lii lilx propiM !.v .'' In- nni.). illiiilna' r.iial Mrtr. rtlul i - I 't N. A - paid date 10 thi'ir ili'in tltnl tiM. Unlit, an.l. font th. a 11 11 111 Inn- at o'clock a. m., "tllt It k'lVI'K IllHtrtlrtinll tn Ins LT".VIIU r illviriits. ni'im rrfi'i ur iimir Witt Ih" linn H - prill I ll Nil purity nf nttnn-l'lmr- r, anil in office William ',.,", a ,' ilillilri'ti. livery 1I1II1I I rillll!rllli'llt nf htlri'f llllll Iin This nil' the of the Prohate Clerk lii- -t u .il.r.-liu- l 1. l.iiiiiit,.. .) tin niirt Hi" n vrry Itn laxl, I nl tml li ;i!--l. a rmin l l.iitn is tlm I V.' M.. I. . .. ami lu.iii.- nl n... a kiiuu nf .In 11 llf. 1,.- - , rrvlrvv nf at the court house in Eddy in mil) l Kmii Imlu inl i' t '"nun tiu n ni. nu.i iin- clillilmti Irani tun lit r priivcitii nt ni iiN. 'nil' that Im tiailn proof county, territory New al 1.1 in. l.i.tru't "iirt tin- - 1(111 ili, i.t I vtniilit ,',l-- i' any mm of Mexico I II I A t 1. uhn inn l I'l Imlalilrlll furls. Ily tlin it .11 nf ROUND BAr.fJS. I "K .iiiM;i.i a i'"iiinl I 1,1 Ml (( no. ll 11 -,. i iii for such purpose. il . i.ik. Mu llinvi iiiriit tin- s,'i. s si Iii-"- - fi Ily i S ania. : I. nrr llm 1. n ..I a I In- v if I'll)' life It I... rr t'"" 'll!. Witness my hand and seal of llln ri'tlinvi'il Information About Tvao Sat .Kt ji-- lii:iui;iir.'i;n. ,as!t a I'.mii.l lam l,i,.i ulili Hit!,. ti.,.ti.,. aril Onis Now U&o. said Ii wlio Is tatni 1. 11 l,,i:lu.r I court this Kith day of June No Comi l it- -, .nii in 1.' Back. niiri' Hltirti'.l It untilil k.i-- .t ..r f v I Im it 1... 1: y l.ii-i- n, s Wi'-- f.11 fm iniiiirs a 'l I., i; l'.HiK. Siiini' nf tlin I In. hall iHlnmlnr- - No nun, l n ti ll MN 11. .. .in..i. l.'ir.liini .r Imai: 'i.-- nllii' yr it- - it.-- 111 I rtuti as a u nlet Sinlth, ui. buvv Unit hIh ii a tlfylni,' ami up 1,1- - l..,.s ian) Seal W. l. rlnmlim - I I Owen. .i,,.. in tin- h i.. t'i..t in. vt i.v. 11. I mail IiiIhIh'Iiiivi'H mi thrlr slinrnH ll Ih U'llnr wltlinitt try Inc to en 11 In . t , via him . l'rolmte Clerk, Eddy County, rai-r- .l in-.- ;,v, i' to KiifTiT III Kll.'tirn III. ill to in. 'In .11:1 rlty liri il, ami ..ill.,. ,.'..iiin'i,t, in thn vallry ami New Mexico. pilliiHliiiit'lit lit tin. rink a i tune i.l Lit nl, Pattnr. W.thnut Cam. nf ii'iu! n.lll.l umatiy umnIsI In tlm l.' ) " "i..a in At MI-- I. I thr II. St. I Kntil.nat from tlie ihIhitimih'r nathr rmn,. !!ln,. .r.i.ntty nwin s 1.. of fiirnilii.' ut Im,' .!.,!. I, , a lilt 1'.. "I rllt .," , III In A 111 - III .1 tlon airl I. r rn" tn iiiiul. JUi lire lltili;, Iniwrwr, rr til ill. nni- i nl In. tun al ami mi a liiln nr. riiiiirrtilni: - Notice of Sale of tri'-i- l Irtri -- u I ri'iitly took iH'Pnsliui to pay off n I In am t i lni. a:t :r. mine Ihr lain- "I alfalfa l.t. rl -, m I without i tin loi I,..- 'iL.- - School Building Bondi nrnii an tn rrilri iii Ms wif rnspm nr I. llll. hi Mini I'.ul.l m.ihr I. ilij lanlinf Trade Philoiophy. l ' III r la- I- . In an t a . till' rase of ail nlTi'lnli-- lirnlU'liI I 'I I- nr tn lake II i. t a ak'r llm to nt four'.il ViiiuUt .if Kvni) a ii n "llll lo rl". nf SivIisii. KM who i, arni'i liiollDn I n an. 1'i.lll.lV . M.'M.'... fnrn him. i"Uiii Lain thai i ... t m m. ,,. Ini.r llm lr I. III.' .111. 1. III, hiiitm n Iiiii' im:) a .i n! -- Hit- .1., Ti.H"U.T "I t his llr- -t iili-t- nii o'ar sn I ' of ir.n-- .oil, show al '.ii . I'.'iiun In iih to thn iia'l in So unit in a..fl, .( .nl,. - l,.i ' thai 'I .Trtiiii nl . ..' M.'.i.-..- 11, r. Ii. ti nt im. In'fori. Is a lirnrfa. ..r lo h.- - tail a Is III.... I' Mi a in ii e h..i.l 11, Miv '.. i"U I' ll 'l ..f th" 1.. Ullt.V nf tlm !lrrlsi..l till' llllrl lU'i'li'l li;. i.i.v ti.) ir.vti ami tiir. u.iikin.'ii I.) Hi" olr in mil. in. . I. .II.I...1 '.I'll', .if ,,.ii- 1..,,, r ll i hon- - Hi" al ,(,,. iiiisuiii.l that th,. pi'N.Mi.-- uiih fin I'lrllty of Iiini u a' tin iili'l I '. a I. I ration for .iu miiIuiui r.iin - IiimiI I ,. I III..' .nml ..rn In. ia. h. - in t V, I' ,.r r,.v '.inn,. ' - III. ;, , , t Sa s ai tor- ".. 'i a Hn'iim'h' ilnit. ,.f .lal, Svvlii'iiuiil nilll ulirli Ih, ',.,, ,, il.ii! .hi a - n !n!:-i.i- ". "I til" ,miis i.irn ,, . -- ' a f .. m ',1 . mi - f .1.,'" .111.. .,1.. i ,. 'i I'.'.l .. .1 III .v -- "nit ".in "S itzi'tlami:" alil thr Jinln. "Mi'' nation nf t i i,. u .i '.- - hl.i ll'.l.l is up ..' ii. S .la.. l'i r' v v.. fi iu a.. I., ia 1O1 1, it cmmi iirr Ui l. I 11.1 " plellmll' I ll" l"''"i-.- I .,. ' S Itm in. h.iH M l.t' ,1 in: i.l '.illi Ii to 'i ll II" III.' "f " I" r iiiiiii-i, .i. . has if till l.lrallz.ltinll nl tl In I.) ; a fo tint "I ,. . . i in. I. " ,'uin lull. .11 Ol. hr-- t .1 . .11.1 "Nil "ii--t- ' ' -- ill!-, J I'l III "I I' .' 'it ,.,.;s Jul. n.'in ymir hniinr." i'.'.:.i.. It' i n l.- -i .1 ", of thr I. .. I, 1,11.1 , , 'Im :' mail h iusi s u nl I" r ,.f ,. .. uit.'i ' III ..I'.,-- ;; I, ' tlm Inti t l ' '"HI nl' lll. 'l I.. . .1 11. I .1 nri'iiT. try In . ' 'r up th" i.iisiiii- -s nl . li. llr ',. I ...I i .1. h nli" ..f'' ill 1. .11,1. I f ., i,,., "An. I i n havy," riititiiitii, th,. ..) ' . ..'. p. .1 i'l I It Inn r ,".. ' "i.l.'r I'.i'i'i ha'. J ." .1 i..l " .it v. ill ..I ..,..1 l.i ., -- "Ami :m navy, th. I I . 'Ir.i ,,,!! t', .i it ' i" I" t.i" 'i.jl... I".).1. ..r it I. .1 ymir hmi'ir." was I'., I'lll. i ii iv im i". .tl..r nir I' in- - .'I I. i'l .1 IK n .'.- .1. n l'". In I. .1 ll,,. f. "- is !...! i. .1 .!.' - tour ., .. ll... ..1 i,- II 'ii iv - " . l i t ,, Ihrii." Mii'l tlm !.: . Inn: hi in! II. ' a.'l . ...1 ..I I i. nr'l. J" I;i tar ., ' ' ..I I. V ..f .... Ji-a- i, ti. 1.' .'.. I'll. "t'lif I'"" "im al h.itil - ' u ti." ': ..' lu, ."III to Us h tl" ..I'.... i. 11,. a .'.. ', 'I .! ,1.11 .1"! .,11 I", Val t llo i". I'.'l II. ' .' .llllll A V. I I. ha- nni III. ll.lll .. Ho s - no i, II.,. . . ' .. T! - I I I" a Othar R. ason. !!"-- I'l' I. .1 i...,'i I" .i I'l'" ll .- - iin A tril l slrl' I'.'lll, s ,i !, II::" t'lW 'I !l I.. w l' Mi. ha iiiiirl It Ii a in .'iinin .1 I.v ilai' tl I'l I" i"i It.- -- a. n v. in s .. - . t: . n .i'l ll'l Notici tit "i-- t Sou r - , ,, lll'.l"! ij Fc.-i- i ; ii.iii.i H.iy. , i"i.,- know h"'-- r. "ii., ,. - -- i t ,i ,,' h.i I." 'i- -i h i", " ..'.. a in. tutl.'ll .111 SI'.' il , i"K, ih.. 1, .' ,',. ll'l"!!',. tn r '..'I' .: ll' i... . l. hr !,.. . r In i. ' i .. I, .i . ..I rrr irrrl'nl ai. rr till'" :i". I.; !' ...... S'.' il.iy ll II Ii llr not a II.' livr.l .,1, tl.r '.l l ', - In a "o- ll '. '"' ,' ' in .' .. a .lay 11I tin- - Ii a , . I.. l!r miv .lilt. n. r I,, I'l "'.I lulu llll r 'i. ,' Vol-;- .", ' il ill ill Nrrt on rrnls ,i .1 i;. ; , the ill. .':. n.o r I... I. s .1.1 .1 ,. , .1 I.. iirai'!) si iti iiilhs ami wa.s ,n '., I'.'l'.. l .,1 I" :..'.. il "nil - , -1 i "l.t raVll So U" .i .iilr rat In ., Toin F,i i. .1 i ll. l...... II, M. .. S.,1,1 .v I,. .. I. I,. , i -- ' ll.iii.l. iilll. l'S I , i v .' r.ll As Ihr ii,, h ;i ." Ill a. .'l'i- - .1 r Ih' '; a' 0 ' ,i,..ii.ii 11. 11. ', ,n , all - r. n:i,.,s I'll, Ir-i- ", ' lli N" v M. ., 11,.. I'l I, I... I i ll In,.,'; 'I i. ' ,. t ,. lor ai.l thr sun Illll il U It II .1.1,. :nv. ine t". lo 'till in ,', .,. 's in n '. ..I' i. II. .,.,1 !' .., ,. ' I.. "I h" .. iloi'H n V" than i '.' ., ni.i, ,iy I'li; , -- ... ..: 1. , Week-- . . ... !. i In V.. M.m ' .tif a f "I I. i I " 'I " ..I H i, V: v.'. M. I .1 lllli r hr hilllk'l ') the ".' i'i-..- : ,. j. . Alt I'.l Mak,s r In i:i Ik. I illtl ..f i'.n "III so, .I 'w "No. Imm's in tl ,.t.. i. ' ' aii.'thrr rraxiin." '. "I I.- - .1 ,. ..v,"i J Ii I.IVI 'll " I n - to t '. I ,. , "Whin's itn. I'lirl. t'l'i'i n:i'ii.. 'I'l. f III" Tow "f n: sl,.l. t, ilat ' I' " '. a - l'i i, . - a i .. i a ' "Hi- t i a Iin.,' thrlr limit ..ii to lir .ia ,a t ivani.s imtl.i. of lilm ' I" '" .1." " .," Notice of Suit. rlf rv Vnrk ITi-- h. itn n i nl in- - rai 'im' iinin o i irn I a h.l.' ' 111' I" lill V their ri.m - ami r.m r o'i a m i! ''.'.t'li'' In il.. .. 111 K.I l ..nni. N. M. ,i.... ".' ". ' ll." ,'.', I..M ...... ,l Li' v M.ll.nta .V or ..ih. r ini'ioi' ii; ,i li. lll'l lll'l'l' 'Vi'Ul. lit;. i,,, Sam Wfjlltr. iiini ',.!'. 'i .in I.. i la, ...j , ii I'l.nntitti. It was Sam NVImr who M l. liah'iai'i ..r upon k'.n. rlraiiiiL' i.' l u ' te I." I'1' .'' il' i "I o .; 4 n. u w ,, , fa Mrrri ami th.. i: i Ilaiivi. it. 4, itn ml . vi. rti.s in. ins. "Phkulik r.iiris" v..f. uii'iatiins, if ain .. ... 1. :, ,, -- Ii.'l'l Hiaxt.'ii, ,n.i nf i - Iin III. I I SI I li.v . ui iiii.n"Ati lina, a . that thr lo" I'l- - Ule-ill- . , .. - I.I i I,, 1,1 1.. 11 .. ,. rini'ilrti. fallnrr liiiiinrla,l.'. until f.i le.l I.v u- ' II llll it. r -' .1.- : i'h-.- ... . tlimuijli Ihrnr v In n inall. -1 ,iuvr:si' ,ia,ini t, " " ''t'"' rlltir.irtrr :m llitr Inrr.l Pi. nllhrrs ii.;.i" r i'.. l mis Ui " -. rit"iuiiintM prenii witii all hut iitiiiiiinmiiH In .ra:s pllalluiis IN ,i. n!- I thai m .1 i.' s. i Ill" r.'ii'i.iiit . Ill" . uu It, Wisely I.V ma MHiiivai as an entire:) nr em i will lll.uu'il I i "Hl, 1.' ii V U ll '.IS. II I." tilt III" I' llll- - ll l.s. eliaraeter vvlinin initie hut a ufeal u nut plan, f'.l iii town I, , A,l . jf C I. I.j .,1 ll.- .1 Ilk' III .1 .1. Ill f. I t if I. l l! -- I ' th" Ins Ill have rreate.l inl,"lis f inn " in liliil Mats Im) I,,, al. J ; t n, i,i ,. ,. , .1 I'l. Ill -t Il l "I Ii rnmry "I N'.'W iv I. Is- II n Ml' li .l. H It ' II. Illl'l f'l 111" ."iiiilv f relvisl over ltl.mai f..r "1'lrkwl. k I'l tlmfe .list .rally Idler ill thr I. an ,,,,1'. rn,- ii i t..i Ih., '" ... I ' i i v a nil i i ma l ,v Ih. airl Imi'f pern." ntul at the iiife of twenty l lie llinv rlui nl "uhn Is hln' rim "fli in cra-!- i an -- II"' .:: :h 'I .. l III. II I lltlll.lll l in ii w ti.'-.- 'i a i nin ' t ' 1 Ii" ttiil.i.,1 t .V hum 'V. tii 'tit i i.anv iv." t. null at .i I'ly tlm in.i- -t i. nm: ii til" whole ioli''i .' ion anl prrsi-lri- " nl .1 ., li ... T ... I.. , r, I - v - malum! ami ttiinv viri'.- , .in-- author nf hi -- I'lintn:'! to Iiiii. I fa- n ! -- . , ,a) l.innlou Stainl li.l uui nilii I.' .. " n i " ". ,i i ,ii", a, I '''I nr ..'. ,iki i". in It - vi w " ', kilo n "Itn ma n ' - l"-- l .a until ell uu Irr ay 'l ll'.t "l I'.l-- lo .1" s in'' a'i'l lo in.' H s( IK I 'I 'll I' IN I' n.. i'"lll-"- - h. "- I'll.l'll ll'IVI i .1 I ' ' r.'lll'll'l .1- I.l' Your liieiuis wlf sa. r,ii. lll'l tr.'it nt hi lie. llll, I,. II,. it t " ,1. I ... ur . ii r.- l Tmt Rattletnk. .f i. I! I' ,., i s I'liiniliil lam. mi itti-- ' -- IliT" four im-.I- . -- i niltlr-ual.- lillt till II Is of ( t Hi i.u "t ,,ni mi rimt siini -- mi A taine " U'lutmliiu tn an uir i.'.nrral a;i In .;i .in. i.i vv i"; ,' if , ,r ' in i' It li.l i.'ih i. rn. tr i ; priniil, nml liappily nli.iust rvety liivvn r....r. ii.. .si i". n i,v i,., t it.i. I ' r .' .1 ,V!;:t,:.!:;.,x,;,,:,.;'s , ,. ... r,n""r - N'"'i "i, ll.,i. II... v Ii I. tin-- t eoiitaliis sin a -- II ... en ... I iui.. ll" lu lli. ,nnl ii.- - riii. ii in r. in front Kilt., uf Its ow iirr's nar.lrn inlrr Wall ami tlm in mi "iHnT thr -- rinlnl li'lils ,,n !'" ll f ' , . iom!'n"inUVm" .!r"!lit'.a'' Jj' 'alm'in' r"" "u lll";s"lf llm jatr ninl nl ll o.,'-- . ami Hie ll, n. M.M.r Is il' I'l ll . I, .' n - . I In a - v. .ami- rn ."ui" rii'.it Hi"!. ami tui KtiteiMmt. mi a UN'k ami rhal'i t. Studying a Town's or City't Nr. da. ill.- I'.v ii r.s. ami slln I !..,. I." I'.l Iih mo. I.. .:J'v,..n;:--n.::11;j,- v.,l W 'l II .I ;rj;;,..;;:..v.,r ;v,'.vr ' Tlm Miiiili'ii'.il J i in i i pu, is (hit "lr lnv a a.linil lijhl "ni'l .' I. t: il' ,"""'"-p . Mtl-lu- I i ' I I .. - i: v'.iuii!.. Nrvv nml .arii. llrh Kpiiklltle Ii ti."' ni i. '. in i,- ,- Inlll'.h- "f r ..I th e - tile of rolinni r.'.' is nl a- -- , ' ill loll. .Us, nr until of, I an. , ,,r .1 ' " III. n. .el i!il. I" fr,, i t I of s, 21 " Illlllllie.l the follow Iin; l.ltv h".n i.t Ih" ll"l lt".i ' tnlilril fur .lis ; ', '".'Hull I -- -- of i ins-.-- N l l i i. 'v s an Itii.ri- - tin- - I. 'l lo' If Ii.el. I. i ninl niitli r. i lit . nt a.ii al the ai 'In. nr., . Kt i. Ilhll.' llir tlitifs Tile ' I'l.iiutitt thin ni.un ift In ami prr-rt- it "i i I'll.- - -- ii'l an a Il lll "I ,s. il Ii anl ir..ii-"- - l.r "lniiu-li"- i a- - ri,,i Pulp 'UU of sllllil" I rem ll'r l..' :,. ui. Ottt For Coltf. nil lelilellre ! vv , ''- - .11,1 t' -- e . nit-- strrrl. '!l 'J vv s I.I.U'rrt Well l.lll uu tll'll ailvrr-- il.lllll-- Hllil til" 't.."li'l. l !' hill lei nl,, all inr. ml u nr r . ll t.itel that for several - lin. their iiaimr, ..( ...' I. nl lorev.-- yinr luaaili , ami eii''i tin iiai'tfl hihI v.llli In. I. e .,. vv I.. .1. lot- toi a s stoma, t, li.iv or . any '''I eell. 1.. ealf li.nnril truii inn lauiui.ix riiclit '' 'sen alluvveil nrri'ss In sllif lirtlstlr st) lr- - n :l.i 1k t , I'l'" :i, w hi. 'h it o - In .t n m It llll" nr liilrr. in mil to tl." sunt .i"iiu I..,.. i ... ,. ... , ,, .. , . make. u' the nil nni ...oi to I,.i I..'I- - . t II ...... a II I - - 'i''- Jak itiiY.'ri.r nt i nt- it nil i lift t in 1, n .'ill ill' ..'It, nil III I' i' 'H' lies, I" llllll llllll I). Ill Nl'tll'llir- -- -- rr-- (uaintii ' Iin; ) t.'iii. i"'lv at.'l re.Ulres t rallirr than the ' la- - lenrile.l. hanli linprnv r,r".t"',Hti'." 'l .r.""!)'1'",' "" '"''"I""' i en for river riimtil. I III- - I ni'itr'ii 'r l ow s lite pi I e lli eil' llllll lull' loie'tiot, ,,f iliyrsllnu Mi I'l HiiiV'aii'.l ""v.-"-- 'il'!"ii'.'r 'r.'.ilrl'a'l Vi'r'u'," b' tmithlit nrlseli frtuu It. titel sup.Tvl ,ioti .,f fuuntiilii-tireiiu-- ' filing Hatuar). llll Hie ln i.l- I n I,.-- . ai.niiil l.ani with - nj '"isiruitis it may ii.iil.'.l lo nml oilier wurks ,u itr;. till Gnrlsbad, New Mexico, Project United States Reclamation Service FARMS in the Famous PECOS VALLEY

t ... .! j I. i ii it N'l i in . in l.ifiiu i.. Iiyn-i"- n..r'h, in i In- - tent hfiist SOLD on the INSTALLMENT PLAN 11,1 r N.A Mi'Xii'n, I . in; Ikiiiii ! I nfi t In' sunt Ii pii'l east liv Tixas - plan' inm" Alioit !. i a. res are patf toil, the fill j lliil """"'"I xaluai mi. 'it w tin !; I 7...'., ""I ami iiiiprnvettii'iii.-- uliuut 'lill Hi .i, mil hu.-- itii ti nii"! sit, ri- - IsiJ-f- r irn than .'.ml t.. I - ' over 'i .i'li' In- iiliilii'li' iii thf valley alofiK thf 1 iK nviT in admit ;(. Hill li'i'i. In tin' we-- t, I In- - i .u inlalnpe iimiiiitains - to '.' l I ii the runt mi I ri'Tt Ii ink nunre "I lull, ami low tuoutituilii iTf I'tually shut ltu( out . mw this opportunity to invest in New Mexico tlir mi l i it n nf wiiitt-r- y)S'T I rriK'ii' I" '.fail li'Ti'. in ii -- until wax, ml.., wlena III t Ii', till ,h was farms. When you buy one of these farms you are not taken mil ill' u fexv iiiili'i iiIkivi' tin' in n t Avalm, ilani. ami water wan prospecting with your money for veins of Kohl will tiirrii"! iil.i. ul iiini' inili'M I" irrigate a .r 1. iti nf l,al mm known as l.u Hihtih that Mini II.-- ' iri'i--i ul'Hik' tin- -- :!!- "f 'In- pn u nt i wn .if I'ailsl.uil Kmrii this m.. never le foumi or iorinr a hole for oil or ras that will ymiuiii; k'lH'luailv inxx I (if it i'x ii'i.-n- i' s.. fill, In. Ii was .ul out uf Iiuhi- - Hess . I lif .lest rm tioli "I ff "I A v. iii li .lam Hi f ", I'.mi, .y the innst never lurn. hut you are huyin? a farm at the lowest price - v 1 M I i It.- v, ,,. iii.i fwr k i wi. .in that irriaMe land ever sells for. I l.f -- I'" kl I.ts "1 'In- I'iv.i. Irrix'at ii. n "itipany. Ilii'li nwlliT nf tin' ir ll'Htl"ll Wnlks. Wflf Iflilil.llit ! I'iTIiI-- Ii t tie uintn-- to if LuiLI thf iiii-ii,- a- 1 Kvery paper that you read tells you that ilani. aliil uillillli'll i an i.ppi a! - lliailf l' Ill lers In I (iii I mte, ' Mali " Kfi liiiiia' ...ii f I v i. i ii, I., i l.f ,r if I lif irox eminent pminptlx l.i fii.ei-i-- . .tir.. Ki n' in I if i n l.if r.l. ami mailf a raif (ill I'Xiiiniiia'i'ii' ..I tin.' ..I'l xxmk i lif lamK lif waler supply, in il II. v m;ri ui'utal Men are Making Fortunes in Real Estate. - w . r. -- x I , ii...Milnliiif- lif." in in ai t.n a in ln K. riniif lit ae.pnre.1 t lif -. , i n ,n k- l,i, I, ,,l 1 ll ileal a i' i i, I,, M'iall ii In I o.'i u,- , iiiumh- i -- n, , ! tin. In win ai n. .ii iiii.lfi, iiii'i.f'iii, .Mil an o ' ,. .. A ii-- - UK (.oilxhad Piop.t I.. r .n u e IV. rixer tin' lir-- t ul Mf- - i . -- vor? Mil..,i,. i,,,i .ii i..,, I. I 1, n.ii. i a.a. ity a. ri' (. an., it al Ax l i, 1, ' . li'i-- W HY ix i'ii .i "I ai 4i.i. HX itrri' . a tn'al st, r.u it., .'.un NOT? lleeause you are Imyinf none. Kvery person a I '.' if '' I.'', in I'.i aL'f aim if ..un a. if - i 'f lain I. I in I i f- - l - I : liuys "i' H'f "ii n i alia: uml its r- - who one of these farms prepares fur old ane. tl h l I, I. in 1.' I In l.f in airi i,.,., the v i I,, Ii III a- - ".' inii.aiix l,inll at a lll.l "'i' ul I in kin .11., ,1 I ' iw a'ooiit our Five acre tract and lot proposi- " fi 'i'i ,:",' an f xlNinlf.l A Lath town .11. . .!.. "' " I' !"' -- ix I ii. it ai""i' ii a.-- I '' tion'.' If you do not and k ,'. tin- i.i..t ..I ! . .in-atn. ii ,n ,,i,iii.L' arc interested us ' ' " ' ' II"' m- -' ,:.,i:. a' m ' ' to tell Vuil ill nit it. ' i ' ' .ii !, l I, ' " ' ' ' ' ' !l"' I In ! l ,i ; .. f ...... :,,.,(. i, '. ' - x I'.. A.I If. I I. I. il ' "1 - .1 .1 ,: t,.i .1 'I 'II, il ." ruin-- I ' ' . I VX.lll-- -i- . I '" If -I ..I'l .i- - ., .I,,,) , f... ' .11. ft. MALAGA LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. -- h n.'i. .. - ,. il., ' ifirai' - . - I' In. r i i,l .ii i

VAat.i'l Siiil - a nut iiiuv Dairy i.nryiiir in'fi-is- i is a "invi- .if fiTtani an, lariri- iftnir-- . w. ..u a !. . ,,; itft ll us if r.-- -- hli-n- l VI .1' 1.. A.talfa. katlu :;,.i ff.l. simill uiatn aii'l i".it rrnp.. iihim' an ilairy , i fii i t.e - a:.. 1,1 i n ' i tm it'. I" tit- i."ttn- - in, L' ' alt f fl i' it fan iiriiiliu'c tiiarkft at - i ' 'i In t.f f a I I . II it Hi..!- - a i I. Mill' at t.i ,l' i a i" Hi, rniiinl. ..,i it .11 I ,! n t.T tf i'iits tin' jfar Tl.lf mil.l 'If. u nil.- - ,n-k. IAN AM Sl'KfiKoN I I. .11 I rt I, i i Inn ilii'ii; tnr tin- lif I... . i,. 11,1 I ri'.inii ali. an .iiii,i, an, l - i , . I'1' laiM-.- lf- ' ' .i ll i, ,i I Poultry- " ' !1 '"" vim lutmr uinl lit Imiait mst tliun at tim-.- .;,. :.i .1.1- I'l i t i all ;, ! Huililinic ( t t h Kirn.-xxi- ll , In- kin, a i .it 1,, i i. , i , ... iir.v I'lu, f tti thf ,.f fast. iiiiiaf .'flit I.lmn st'l. inir I ,n . .1 oifti-.- im. n trm-- l I I i"xx J, .'. His. Sin tin, ri'ii.lx r ....'ii. I'hun iindx x'lidfi i jilbd iwr ii li ,i In! Mi ll,-,'! ll,, salfatl PiOt l. s I in1 li ..t' url-- l Hff-ki'i'- ' ,11 I, 1 I I !, ' - t allulfu 'tiry i l a.l as xvnti a luitiif. til llil- tl ri tin t.t if. tf, Si i.i i in a. ri'.--n ... t iti t uml s, ari-il- 1" ii .1.. - hi a - x it h iiiir is I'Xiff.liiix' in iti il. mi,, wl.ii .i' itin ni'ariy all tt.flr titnr - "a I'i- if tif i r tii t t.iiii-- ul . - th- invi-.ti'- i I null. ,. In- II. . I, a v t. .ii,.! ,x.i- - ti. ui-- ma Hi' muff I'mm-- un - raji tut nan in any nth.'r'liiif nt Inislni'.ss i in i,.. ii ti,is,., tit.lllifil t.i a iift-ii..- ,i. M,i Pv k rat.-iii- i; Al Hi. i ,. I, i Stock Industry. St... is mill mil' nf tin. Ifinliiiir in, lust of ' .ei i: 4"' I'ft "I Mai- - Iii in.- .f ir in j ., .'.i..r id,. rii'S . ' K.l Iv iitm I npi'ii tl i' i .i.--t uml xxwt nf thf l arlsila.l I'mji-i- t if. v'"'" I" i"l ' i! in-- i ii.- - in f nuirff t" h.huh it iin.i-a- is slii'. i. at,. I In vxlin' I'llYSlciAN it. ill - .e..i i.i- - a. t hit i.iiti's i .if.aitif. liii'irniit mn fanniT osn:ir.TIIIi.' .inn. ilici' until in f - l -, i'i'. vx i -- a- - tin- tttai-k.'- tiinl liiiT'i -- ttn-- tin I'- i a- ti. tful fan k'ra.lf tfiTs anil lalnlis ..ti ' .,' a '.. .1 ,ti. I.j k. v IUiK"N lif I. ;n - Ii I In-- i l f rat. iri' at a ri 'lalilf .ri.v. I'li'i.- aili.y la' latnlis iv.' inai ki't li'ii. "l U I i, if, t. tnin'i 'l :T f ..t ail - I It w-- tir-- - r l.u. m t'it .ei. it ana yiar afti-- uti. t .rui- last yi-a- at ii ' .' ll, - ttlf II, 'I'i.- -- thf "I'l ffkiT If .. HI. S, I - 1., lll'r!tl.l!. .Hill st'i.k SltnlX. lilt tit. Hi; H'l'illis 'J.llll arlnliml. N i,. I.. i,.i- I "' I e i'X lilltfuti. Vfll ilil y I.l- - - ' . , Gtirdrtung i;r"Wii.i: n hainl.- t Thf Pfin.- - Val- - It,. i i, Ill I A l.f ll,., A t'i;i"alif iiiii. rr irt.s I" - I " , IfV an- n at..f.--. .'til'ii-.s- ' ; ,,- , in-- i vx I'flf'y n.'tin. tauliMuw cr. ral'luiiri' I'i i,.i i, mil r h.i l(,,-- v nil sw s i l! tfn- - ,li" .. I, umi p..' ituf ari-- tT'ttitalnf ir.i,i r r, ir inli'iu'r may (" HoMKKF. i'ARK. nit i, n in, ',. run- - 'ii.-i- .ft a'.il tin a - l ,.- n tin- t v it x tin e i ii - ( !iui i' s.'itif i' fn inarMl r nmnt in ttif Flnnfis in. ii,. ii '. ar.. I in-- ,. far. itrnw ' ,,ri. -- I - I'iumi. I i I l l N trim- iini ..riian, ftital sluulis urmx rapiilly. anil In a short un and Sir., tux. a' i.l if. i ii; a n t ,; I la in - ilf tmif .,tut,t i.mif than t ! Hi, I .1 .1.1 thf fa'tiifr a iiium' tla- farinstf ail a Inn if Inanty ll:. I' ,l . tin- - si-- oiB.-i- ir, Mull A Hm-- . Soil - I I Crlxba1 imann nf n unty. is Imatfil mi t tie Pivns ailfV Hi,lini'a i.f ' II it Ifi '..i. ill, ,.r k (i.ii,,; r,i. t i. - sv'ti Ii x.e,.-- .i - r.u way. nnw it art ft 'tif Santa in. Inn i'h it uml tli'f it. '' ll I, A M', a:, J I,, .,,ii,(. If iui,.,.,,,, s, ,n,i u,Hir N 'ft fa x , II. "h hm"' u i t. i - ...rt .ri' Mlie Owitiux at Anianlln. lif If n ntf at A l I'l- I ft-h- IIitx.t ai. utf tlif tut ,h ' U.tlX.iti .,t I H ' 11 I. ll IM I - & l i I ,1, : HI tf. i'Mi- a. ill.' at I'. i'.is in thus all'. riling railway i' ta.t. An . - . . in ii:.i' ..u i I'.-.- AUWHAI. NEW MKXICO ' nlTH'i'tl t.i tl.. fast. ...nth ai,.l -t H i' is nx. r skirls mi ' '"-- i - i. A .., 'f. fi'. a. I i I ' ( I I'.i-r- .. . ' i a i ii :t t is an, is rapully. I l.f tnwn is a ""i'i ll ,; l ' ' i .1 ll . I, :i..i asini; ' ' ' I'li'-i- ' -- t : ,. . :..'.' lultii.' i'Mi' l f what ii a'f r al.l ntfriirisi' rati in thn Anifrifiin I m d Pi trri-'- s ,ii,.-- with w Lif spi.'iiilini; shinlf risuli'iiifii, (" II. SUIVK ui and On hut odmtx. I. r.u-.-- trni's. Iiif al it a j I.- .l - I I ' IlU'ilflll Ills' t.i nslatitial pill,.!.- Imil.iiiii.'S, ruiiini.Mliui.s hntfls. ll li.-r- iwn 'I il f ,'t t,,- -. . ,,-a- . it . xxatfi- Works, x- - i, , nati'iiiul i.if.lifs. s.'W I'tai;.' sy..tfl.'. teli phniu' K.irnirly ..f ('lurmtii .14 ni.T t . f ," ll'.i, lat -- I.,.. ..! I'lt'.u licht anil pn'Af t s .! ' l. tistati.f fifftn.' t.iii, ii'r faitnrv ' " a ,i 'ii ,f h'- -p -- -- I1KI.IAII1.1 1 I ,, . p i, ar.. t w .. 1 KiilN Ml Si l., . .'.. iihrniv ti. f pai is. i' .intiif r. hhKiiN. ,1 ... a!., I Iti.-r- ' f l.i.l .1,.- - .!ii. ar 1, r 4"x. ln.:',.t ii ifll a 'iii Ifi fill nf tiruiri-- si. It st,.' r. r.n.iii..nll I. i. in i - r, ' ' mix a f .' u iwn at.,t la- - in - it ant ial an.'f , r i last tun i "I.., fars. fri-- - nil .1 in It - t tiCi-.- i ' VlfXi.-- iln'- - ..f In. h,.t 1' h..K ,.,. i i li.'iiiii."iTi Minus Kfiattiati'iii Sfivi,-.- fur Ww ... n i.-- t'f I. !., it ii',' . -- ' mi.- if i..n nr m.ii.i'y W I ...I In.. ai!n,ii,tiii..i. an. t mil nl t r.f'ni.i.. I i. I'li.'t.i- la'. I'h.,1, Ml, -t .! If ii.-- J in'x ..i' .l.'viltm-- wni t.nKf I arls'-a.- a . Cv. i II ..:ni ti.fir 'iirlsliml has at ..! ' u : "I" .c pi a' i"ii at"! in I'iumi In'inn K i - stal. tfiritnfy thf 111 XI 1, 1,1,1, . a t In Conclusion. Tl t arti.-l- w .il l i... , nipl,. tf xxithmit sayitiK mitiw- - BUJAC BRICE, '' 'V t :' a!t ' nt..-- - nt K't.l;. .' t.i,;h. .iry atni',.-,ih- f n is nf - H"' hit t,. 1..1- ir a'!!,, ,, witi ,m - un,.; .,- -t i.tna l.rnii.'liitis Attorneys and Counsellors Law. .! ,1, .1 i..n. an.l at Mm'' t'f i'li t'f-- . hm.' iif.'ii 11 ly li ... ., - l ., .iiifl rfsulfiiif tf t' i 'i lis,. ,ij! ,1 ,.,! .ii tlir,nii;ti.iut tin- - i nr. SVi-- t ' " ' fi'iirm or IXfW Ifft Me Aptjli 1 'i' in tit iii i.w atf pia. "mai.i f Malaria i unknown. Mi'ii ami Texim -- II! Il sin,,' .ist pr. n.iiif t.t ..t!:. nt tl,,. 't.itf, .1. : !.. statfs uiffi's 0 fftte In lh HullJing. I i'f-- 1.11 f'i'al .1 " to 'tis, 'T t i.f a r. 'ifl thf t'.niti - !, I I! : I'liii'i'i'i t'.f fr pfl I'ai-it'u- ' nf-.'a- li'.i i. to tf.f t'M- rfp ,itf. fn.pliatii'aiiy in favor nf pussi-- s ii" I'f ..... I thf afit.f - ,.1" fiid ..ftp.. I i.uni ,:i!,f atiil Hm-- o inii'iii'ains. w In-i- Hn mn Ix - ( J txANTH AM 1; PlIIIXXlXx ..1 "t 01 .' f, inn! vxitti iini t,. fx, f, If a mi r innii, i ,n,i p,.it IS If.t -- till I l.i-- pa-s- i litu- I I 111 fl I'll. .11 . a ttif f In' in an air arishail ami Kl '.mo. a- -- ATTl'ltNKX. AT LAW C.I - w 'l,f iii-- a.-- s ir.-i- l In Mr. i rf.-- dfC. al,. , ' .'!, 'mil iih r.'ift if s. Irntit San llu oo if! 'in pr..,! I -- I.l .11 .1 '.Is 'riT hnrtf-t hm- l.s 11 IT, If- - I 1 aiu.-hi- h ,1.-- .1 t" '" r.' tl.r Intllri.ll Kansas I'Hv in, tl.n v.i xi. . . . f '"I I iiiuj '" 11,.- f ,. '''' '.n't .' in t':lf. of Kl l'aso ( at w.,rkini; t..k.'fthfr. havf rf- Oihrr 1 uilx ' ' - I'l 'iii.-.- in,- - un.-- wuii ,11,- if-ii- n nas ai- - ...... ' piil 'll i . inaia si,rf '1 .. ,. r.-- t.' Iv (.... ,., ""u',' ' t. ha.-- .. .f t,i tfa r,s ft,,!,, iianah. t,r..Uk.'h tn Kl I'uno What ti.f hinl.l- ' t fourt limine. me ..t mi- - r 1,1 an., tin- - of thf rnniftit w..rk will to hulilvrs tm Piou.tx irmf nifun SKlTllin AllMTKACT I - , Lax . pr. . I .1 II. Ill ulfu'e. "i1 1. .,1 .,! 1111- - 10' i'i an.! ailj.ii fiit tn arlsi a t. not mphasif I'linur who i.i.i wai, .,i,,i :i,fi-l,-- - ,.Un' 1... 1 f f '1. I la.l.ii- . x trvnt imt milv ofI uwn "' ii" ii" ..t a:!.,:., ii ,i'. o.-- i,,,,., ,., tr ... xi , tnfir inv'st ntf tits, hut .f thf liilmr l.u.- 11, tn.- ,, .ii. ' t r.-s "!''" - t till u... ..,. ,.,!!, ,. !,.,-,- , ,,, ,,,, , , 'i ei of th: pi'.n.'frs whosi- patu-n- ruisti-n.-- hm Ian! tho sure I. , 1 In- ' f. 'i in. tn. xifi.i xi, ...ii..,;, , ,. i, , ,' "in hitmn straiiily iiiirfasinn an.l nt value k A N YMKVKK 1 .in..-..x.-- , ,,..- - ..,..., ,lu,' . i. t'lVIL KMllNKKIl " xoin.n, aoistium !,. k',.w . ...,, al .1 f.-- at. i it nml V H I It X' R X H " " ' ... . U , ,s.ur.,Mr I,, ' rwi' yixarayiiu-tiriu'- r !r.iii l.k.. ..nil,. a, !,t s 1, h, ,,. j,,H1 in nurvi'ya uf Kddr ,",-""- "'l '' ml ailji.imiiit I..II .o0''.". ,V"!"", !",r,l';r to a ha!.' an,! a riiuutim 111 iik! Nmllfn.-o- . I WANTED Tuu "iniimti tn '"' ,,t u.. 1, .tap.,. 1.''' oi.aalx an.1 Kra..f, ,,,,,,,,, ,h..r,. an- I , uir, arinli.l aii,i iiirrm 111 'X.-- A I. Xl.o .,,...,.,., f,f I. ,t'.. tai 1 .r.,wr, as ' ft Uxxuart OL'R R()PI;RTV TO llll' " llll.t m,I !,,.... tl... ,. ,, SliLL OR RENT. V",'," I'.'ll Wffx.l uiik-iox.- an.l iiik..,p, lh- - xnoT , '"T""'" i'" " n'MiT..Hm! II. - xC '""T W max " e have 500 live agents in all parts of the U. S. Carlsbad Dairy ', "V . "' - H ...-,-...... i. .. '"".'r llt..r rxe an.! l.rlet iiMfii i.t .i.i x am i in r, .ilioii w till mrn, n an.l . mtiifn ' 'an.l ...a .U.. .:I ixrauoH m. tuMr krt, m.n,. .rr.xt. turnip and other rout' "',,'' "v " I'l"' "I . ur lltllU llKS iri.l .tn a.iopieii tn r ,,ially thi Ualiix V' .u.-a- i.iiitent. i.f ih tx .. thflll IMS n Jmrmmy 1'ixixivia'ix hixrh nrti. We have nitfnnl hrmi. h nflU --In Pur Milk nd C r a m Dsllv- - ti.V, , ?he ,"'ilou'! the ierpeiuai .ut hatnnier, "e nuildinK formally occupied bv S. Crozier ...) ,m .eetne J. and rad to all part of 7,'";- -1 "''"."'v::: ttZ:: ';::.,r.frt?.. . ld pleased to have voucall and list your prop- -' th olty.

:;::-,- ,:;r

company opr land - . w. vorcu, ior ..- - muster sent us here DUNN NAMES BRYAN. have hetn fut Wp are here nt the summons of the OCH3OOOCOOCttOOCK3O0NCtOOCOOOt Tlii I'emoi 'Mir rarty ntnst furnish rank and file of that polltb al organl Ob'jys Mandates of Both Nebraika thi' lender ' h h t condition ration which Is the special defender Democnti and Thoie of Nation. and lie must In a mini known of the right of tin common people to tie fre from t ti Influences that Hon. In;it1iirt .1 iMiun presented the We are here representing all that Is CHEAPER LUMBER tlit Hi party. Hi must ronfol imlillriin best In the of our ; n nam of Hon. W. J. Ilryuti In thoso I" n tnnn of superior Intellect, sound feel again that the spirit tha' animated Owing to the recently reduced freight ami a -- light words: Judgment, positive ronvli tlon nt d rtes the democracy In the tiny ot .L ffeison fall In the price of lumber we are able to announce a reiiuc-tin- moral couraiK mn who will meet Mr. Chnlrmnn ami r.ontlenion of th tin .tat in the price of lumber of fiom .",u to fit a thini-nt- forrps of plntorracy with the linked and kson. f Convention fries arise In the lire of The voters have spoken, in I we The grade Is jil't as as ever, the price is less W care sword of truth one who no now I', n nation which iMiduiiger t tx-l- Institu- kiwt to give expression of iielr will able to comiete with yanls oil the T. iv ami the surrender. Ha mut have a genius for figure l tion and. nt times. Imperial tlu ad- The voice for the third tlnn ills Ne- opioriunit to with those mm the Monument locali- vance statecraft; he mnt Im a man of wide braska favorite son to he the t,md ty vvl.o havg been hauling' from these points of civilization. experience In pnlillr hp must affair: bearer of his party In th gigantic Kvery people that has left Its hav ability to formulate polities und ard ' upon history bus fined imb contest eournue lo defend them. Since began no urent. r tribute crises. But auovv all, he must have faith In time In most Instance, when arnvp dan- was ever paid to any man v a free The Groves Lumber Co. gers have threatened th surety of t' the people. He must not only nelleT people. He Is recognised todiv as the tati, inmo great diameter, poiiih In tin' right of the people to govern, most representative citizen of the tia OOKKO0OOCXMXMXKOaC master mind has ln-e- found, produced but In their rapacity to do so And tlon. the peer of any living man a It were liy the condition them- hp must lip a man whom the people KYends and foes have lei-tie- that selves, with capacity to direct arUlit know and trust. ' he was shaped In that herim mold In A Californian's Luck. ORDINANCE 85 The Democratic party ha ninny dis- which the world's great patriots, tinguished men who might lie rhosen statesmen and lenders have been i net 'The luckiest tla of my jf,. yvR t u years 1 bought Isix of a our utandard hearer: tint It has Klrst nominated when when a Hucklen's An Ordinance Amending an Or- younger than any other pi- sidentlal Arnica Salve." write Charles F. one man who nhove all other possess-e- Ordi- a i Tracy, dinance Entitled, "an the necessary qnaltlli utlons ai;d Is cnndldate ever choHcn by rominent Hudiihahn, of l alifnrnia. "Two eminently fitted for this leadership party; living In a state fin- hundred boxes cured me of an annoying nance Limiting the Number of case of itching which I a 111 ii II miles farther west than tha' in which pile, had troubled He whose nomination will Saloon Concuc-te- d any president has ever 11 v- he has tne for year and that yielded to no that may he leave no doubt us to where our party " stand on every public question. Hm grown In the nf feet Ions of t ... people other treatment. Sold under jruaruti-te- e Within the Corporate years at the Kddy lrug store. genius for statecraft Is shown by tli as the have passed Limits of of writing fro- !v on nil the Town Carls- constructive work lie has done In g Speaking and bad, and Prescribiug a Lic- reform, ami by the ability with subjects. Ms has had no secret) whic h he ha fortified his position. heart mid his friends have Incrca d In n lim- Methodist Church. ense Tax Thereupon,'' the Hut ( may go farther. becs and In confidence. same being Ordinance No. A few months situ e he d the Sunday: n Without an organization ' ' HI U'e III Suinliy school, a m. principal nations of the win II e 79 claims, without a canipalci luiid to preaching serv ices, 11 a m juiiin of the Town of Carlsbad. rani" In contact with the I .idlna circulate Uterinum In h bctl.l f leagu-i- , ; minds of Christendom, and the H;:in p m senior league, world w i single He it ordained bv the Hoard of litis-les- s ithout patronage to brll ; 7 ubroiid rei oKtil.ei hi" Kfent and in preaching services. :llo p. in I 'url.-ba- toss voter: without a predatory poi al ion of the tovvtioi' d that paid him that tribute Justly to I'diiesilay : die to coen e Its employes Ini his SUI- l'taer tlon J ot ordinance .No ,Uol thctown 11 no of IiIkIi attainment ; I Ii t port : without a subsidized -- paper p. m. choir pract ice. s p pi it ad e ti i tl id ii In the most distliiuiiisaod t I tills to Influence th" public ml- he has inii'sday Holm ' ordinance limiting the iinup.-- of that has d in opt saloon- - mav won a signal victory at th. liual lir-- t h at : that be condoled vvnluii years, he proposed a plan .! TbuiS'lnv in e.i month I' .. i h Ill the corporate limits the tow n of und lias become the free tllf i T p III ndopteil. wnnlii more choir pi art e, I i proie effective militant democracy of the mi aiislui i. und a Inei. t ti II liny arblirattiin that The a- - vv ell - the I,, tieatv ha. Forming In one iinbrok. ' p! a'an. pnsloi tiiaiity thereupon.' and the an., is In I h ll ll - . - , Vet ell llilldo, .III. lie 'lie- and ll'ip I u pali meiil it the l.earruc IllTebv lltncnie.l o a lu'l e.i or o i , lo- extending from t'.ll scoured Its approval b th pit- ' as t"ii .v s Morula, and I mm Michigan ' e and tin- Home Mi ion icietv. will be seiituiives nt Do- tw, y J I he I, i, P. ,, I t.i siv t I Pal in el aii li.) cr glades he of he I - - I 'lull to tl t W l.e i nation- there ,i n !'. of he ealiout ol Ileuses h ll II..1 Ill- Is lied bv la j I't'.N.V Vollllltt-e- I'd their services ' Is lie 1hooui;lil inlot n c, r need) . I. or -- t ram-e- l ioa ill of 'I i d the low n ol i ai . tile tile e him the pa i f y i audi iat a cnoruie il This Will tile Issili (it tli - i '.i bud - heleliv vv la. h t Jtu .ii lav ll a'mA hieo true ot .no It ha- - ll fii-- not down He 'if lent world. bei III- - s; i In s s w !: -- ii ,1 a- - 111 t and wi'in. him hie Catholic Servict'a ha.i be 'l I'd tile tllle cif the mm I' ll . It is ue l have in. id the n.r worl.l lor I went at - i !" i pai ai: i. li "I t In- - oi a ti i:i n '. Illllll l e c nf this ii publit 'o have h a He-li- clltlve lit-li- y I -- t . rtsis part ol the pol'tn Ii'. l viilai'lv rvi-r- Sutniay low h "I ,11 Pali li I. ll.l "III. to n I tiNelo aska - lonioi i acv arr it to.lav The lavor - -- 1: ,v "I l.O. t p mi l, T la -- . Halloa. be a man, hi'S anoi .ti corpoi streiiL-tb- bun. wlon voiing lit Imtli nt' the 'ittlmllf cliiii'i I I allons have llTlllill! ll l it t .poI,. the le'.ild ol Ml le. , o III Hi,- plai i s iininii.:-- led their hold upon tov , ptoiiilse. in ti.. t'iirl-liai- I aii.-ba- vv eminent now ailuiii t ... nf l. Iliv;li itiass ami o! d Nio c i! bin i: - "i p. ait they nnw d ai ol our pin ' Ill.ili until menace popu'nr Ins'it'i I li:. bad a cl ... , ll hd po I, nut s our Poo itp'l iiiialiil aid tlnii who In t I lirtlliiiL' day - 111 I in lit lit a. in. 'o litb al w oh lio- - man. si'iitum vid'-il- thai should an. In ner m The Is, gov- pioii hoi e tin- bat t h- a in- ii.'slioti whether this whose name N'el.r ,: M . t -- no every Sutulav. Instnii'luiii in f ilce llpse ol lie Pol lclioWe. ernment be to inn- I nioi i at v w it h fame as in s!ia:i restored the 'd an it'll-111- in pa raj-- a 'li one o lM- - he enter. iiotit -- ' ( I! 11). iii of III III i tldi lllv as pntle-s as the cl ' iliiitriiit.' at p. cp-- frol the people il be lid st it id otiserv as ti 'hristiaii nafii-e- then all ieldiiioiiai le e in from ai.ou I'OiMl.Jil o- - I' III old Ni hi i.u pi esetils 'if- p . o the Interest of all. or whether It londiicit Ii, ton- he was known IJi'iifilicti'iii al'tcr in.striu'tiini. lieu of PI' Ii - I' Ii. Pal iii. iv ,i an i au.--e Nebraska chums hi .!- shall remain Instrument In the He w un- :!a lapse or Pol tell. wed may lie fame. is holiest, hrae and : hands of tew place, and proudly enrolls m .icioi, -- Hoard ill-t- ,l the for li'vyinr Mimic In- !.-- Mans 7;:.n a. rvt-r- .ll'l ol s ol IPeP.Wp of yielding then. honest, brave and - at in. muni upon all the rest her i Itb- tis; but his lion,- in laiisbatl upon the proper application unyielding now iiikr davrt. In his special tnossac'c to congrosi of the p opb lurin,r wi'k being made a- - now ii.iiite,l l,v law. Honesty is Inherent In him lie was ' last winter President d I obey the command of tn ' i'e and ill ll. ,e Itoosevclt an honest lawyer belor.. he '. Cllliri'll I'a "'ellt the ell ie. the ll in n it a nf the I n iiiim d tan Mass at a. ni. at till' flared, substantially, that ci rtain politic-- lie was honest In b:s politi- i.iv nei eniai lei piovioeii lol, ami. pro wealthy who enoi-nious'- nation, when offer th. t.nne of San Jim', tin Spanish vi'lcd liirtlier, that Ii men have become cal method lieiore li s statesmanship of for an udditioiial s great N- s -- rich by oppressing the wage ognl Anietici commonei. on celise mav be h aid llolild of was ri'i 'ed by the nation and le - spi'tikintr natives or nthors. earner, -- on, William 1'riltee.s I all-b- I defrauding the public and has been honest throughout Ins politi- Kilted tinliu. lli.iu of Ihetowtlot ll poll t p,. practicing all forms of Inbpilty. have cal career Sumlavs. 'proper application inaie banded together, and bv the and apoi, Ha pav mciif t ho unlimited ( use of moiiev. etuleavor to secure free- Ills onvlctloiis have been his pollti tax hereinali-- vide I o, dom to cal cr I He has itnpr.-ise- d tin - or c:c b one t hini.s. in, inliaiiilaiit.- - in from restraint ami overthrow upon by hiiiI discredit all who honestly admin- convictions ethers, nut dicta e.xci ss of t hree t hoii-a- ister the law. tlon, but by arguments address, d to This ordinance -- hall be in force can That the methods by which these the JinUineiil and the , iiiisi-i.-i- sV and alter live davs lioin men have ip quired their great for- In the ultimate triumph n' if Hon I as-e- d t In- - Hi, tunes i an only he justified by u system the right, he has never exaitiHe-- Jk' and appr- day of 1 of morality, that would permit every questions from the standpoint if ex- WHAT A WACNFR Jill-- '.it si t1l . I I ' ' M 'VI-- form of criminality, every form of vio- pediency. He has never liPiuir Alt. Ml lence, corrupilon whether a political principle was popu Mav and fraud ,i Kor many years, and especially dur lar: It has i sufMi b in for him to f MOTOR WILL DO. ll llvuvKV. tug the last twelve years, these very believe that It was right .1 Cecoiabr i, .I nt Approved tin, tn lav "I ills men have I n In control of the H- He has been a i i hamt'biii You a Kle trie Motor a kilowalt hour I'IS, ".iv W.innor .I A M I M I'll-- publican they have financed of the ree-rv.-- lights or the states party, in The will Saw i(M) (cct ol liinlicr. Mav very campaign of that party for a lie favored the election of senators by clitlriiitv. Motor 1' or vott. of pro quarter ol a century These exploiter direct before the house It Clean i.OtlO kmvfs. ( lean pairs ol shoes, ("lip S ever acted favorably upon V.lO-.- l nf the people, whom the president has five Iioisps. Run Imurs. Iron thirty ilk yard facilities al City Sllhlect He I I il l I e- a sieve two no denounced, have given the lialllplolie lal J Stahi-ls- their enthusiastic support to the He. form when the west was the hot bed Grind 120 pound of rnlfcc. Knead eilit sat ks ol Hour publican candidates and policies They of protection r i and cm k loen I int hnttles. lump an oniinarv tabt their hands upon the trust funds He favored an Income tax hefor the v . iL. KM)... - of Insurance conn miles and other cor Income tax law was written He at cliurih orsjan l"r die service, rump gallons water twen- 4 ORDINANCE NO. 87 r I 1 pointlnns and tune l the plunder nu-- lacked tin- - w hen It- - put. In an - trusts e feet. Rim millini wheel twenty hours llin an elec- to the Hepnbllciin ohiinltt' C Tin leaders were denying that nnv tni-- u In,- .n, imi ti I ' Ihl-- c in. ii Ii ilf I iii f.'.u ii. a, jo money thus illrhed from the innocent cxiiseil He advocated railroad re.-- !" ... An Ordinance AmendiiiK Or- It'll, ui ,t ' iPC i' ,' tn Iw.-n'- '"-- I:,' ;i lie fill OH ",' iiinl helpless, to purchase Itepublb an i t at latum befiee the rusade aa.uii-- t to . p. It im n , v a,v M,.i. In,..- Ill - ' Hit ',' la il '., o .en .lm dinance No. 79 of tho Town victory, has not been npaid. bate.-- and discrimination , W.S'1 foul. I..I , ''i.'llt '., .,'!" I, i i in r ..i In I Cll' ''I 'I'll' ''"It' It And where do we find these nun lb has always :i the Irlend ol of Carlsbad, Entitled Mill,'- - ' I't .VI II AS II vMUi', "An Whe-- e 'I"- ' Il- -u ill .in ,.' ..'.tin Mi. .'iliai'to today? are t,,r labor, and was among the lli- -i 'o SKIt Mi i'l' ili- - irdinance IniiititiK the Num. tunes" of which wo have lieanl su ri ilnui betwten l.iboi and tapi .III- -! be-a- M touch'.' when- We Would till II ll to oppo-- e (.'ol ft nm, III r her of Saloons that iy he them--iipiori- ln to find the llepuli-l- In Itilun Hon a Cor-porat- more than ib" nde Conducted Within the e mi ticket ami funii-hlii- g the sinews He aiipo-i- i d hi- - opio-- ,t nm to i:n THE ITBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY of war t"i lae Hepublli an ntnliill'cc i 11 - in before aii) other man of limits of the Town of . hlm-el- i as usual piominenc had epie-.e- f on Carlshful, and PrcscrihiiiK the The platform adopted bv the la'e the Minion, und without waitinu to see convention shows vi lint the Itepublb an win tlier It Would be popular Lii ense tax Thereon." party In truth repn s. nts In ftaiuing When a Wall sir- el panu burst upoii the plat fin m en ry genuine lefoini Us a l)W iiioiiHis ago he promptly pio- l' t ., lamed I''. to- ll Mil tl.S f i which the nresldeiit has advin atod as a reineilv the guaiatit I :ASK FOR: tec-- of i in loan "I ai Pad was sioriied and repudiated The deposits so I , t tank and has his Sel l loll I Pal -- e. i I, I, l.l ee if d"lii;ailon ashed that one or plan It Is today a thai tiatuuial oidiiiani No. '.' "t to- tovv poll at - be lu th- mas-c- f two re'oitn planks placed the ami suppoit- d by - s ot liad eplltied All ol illliale e lilt, Mil. o Its pains was de- He long adv-a'-'- l platform, and for the peode has tne liuiiiPci "! aiot P- - tlaC mav as legislation , , nounced liitnociatlc The enliven which will secure publicity , oil. Pi'l ed ll lllll lie "I ol ale by to one to tlon vote of eltlll refused as to campaign contrlloilions ol I lie tow p ol I'D I. and " ' m which pres- approve thus,, policies the He believes lii peiei' -- in unlver-a- l Hie ttie llcep e lav llielcol,, l ears has been urging - ident for tour I'llllsllan peace lie believes tilt d- s I tie ainc it le rcl, an,cinled o iPal upon party The mask of hypo- his tiny of nation should In- determined JONSON & EDERLE, Makers Sllld llllee tlell a il'lii lei Will torn from the face of 1- crisy has been not bv wars hut by applying Hie prin- COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. lend 1- I. lol- - those who to favor tin reforuu ciple or Justice and humanity .1 ilia' op and after It Is "ectioii advocated by the president, mid Though these prlnc Ipliy have met elli-c- l of tin- - oruipapce. all pi l why system" ad lop.- - -- now apparent the with uncompromising tippo-liu- m from sons, 'Inns or who liiill nilros Tuft and hales the senator from the spei lal Intcfesi he lias remained sell or i.irer to sell spirililoii- - li.iiof. or compelled to il' HI Wisconsin When chooe true to the i U'ise of the people With WHICH III ipllllltltll-- less tl'. live coiisiU-ih- - between an appeal to the ch ar vision und w ith uulaltei nig tru-- t trillions at tin- Mime tune to tin- same of the nation in defense of Its plat- seeing and knowing the truth, he has The Person shull lie considered u ntml on one hand, Saloon, ii'pior pa tlie town form and candidates, the never lost faith in its final vb lory. dealer, and sliall '" and the millions that 'he special Through yeur of unparalleled polb Bank of ( arUliad it license lu of cii:M lint J may be dependent upon to con- iireii Hollars per year payaiue ipiuru-- i iy tlcal warfare, his loyalty to his " tribute on the oilier, that convention Ideal and to his fellownien ha been Drop in when in town in advance. rejected the people and continued IU to sur- Seclioii '.'. All ordit ances and parts abundantly shown His refusal t lu rewnli, are alliance with Mammon render his convictions, though subject-e- and we will convince you if ordinances in contlii iili-d- , I Ins nniiiuiiii ' If the charges made by the presi- to abuse, denuiu latlon and vindic- liereliy u p' and sl.ull tiki) I lie fori-- from dent are true and they are true we opposlton ns few public men I'llect an in tive such and on l.itli day of Septendier re Indeed face to face with a situa- In all hltory have been compelled to the 111 1 I'.MM. tion grave a any In our history. I of su- a' wlthatrnd, amide proof his Hoard of Trnsti'i-- s tins How shall It h met? The good sense perb courage. We Keep BESf Passed hy tlie action of loth day ot July, l'"'' nd patriotism and united HI career proves that successful '"; M IIVH, JAMKH people alona can remedy present suc- Attest the leadership is determined by the Mayor iif tlie town of ( arlsliad or rath- evils. cess failure of great principles .1 II lUllVKY To wage a successful fight we must er than by election to high office Hcpuhllran party, have a leader The We haie met to plan the campaign WINES, LIQUORS, Cltf ARS. Approved tins lath dav "f I'oy. by of spe lal dominated the seekers and to i ottimlssbin the commander un lilt in. He. mas-H-- AT REASONABLE RATES privileges. annot furnish him der whom the will enlist We J M M D K. publicans who really desire reform are are not here in tesiinse to the volcce Simpson d- - Co. Proprietors. - 'Phone 14 Mayor nf the t.iwti of Carls'ia'l powerless; the efforts of the presliiuut of etpedleucy; neither political bosses pur """"" " ' List your land with the OLD RELIABLE cai,al for verr. CL "F.ilil you lime a Bnm1 lime nl jronr -- uiiiHli-n- l V "Nn." nmwereil Mr. I'nmrot. "Ilv-r- FARMERS LAND LEAGUE tune the Imml lavi-'- l miytliltu I I It wasn't As Useful as Macadam Roads njiiyiil for fear CliiKHlcal to In- - thtf niolii-j'- For All Practical Purposes. We are bringing hundreds of worth -- .WuxUnirion Star. buyers valley. SIMPLE MO CHEAP TO BUILD prospective to the The World's Best Climate E. T. CARTER, Field Manager, i" not entirely free from ilisease, on Monty to Conttrurt the hii'h elevutiona fevers whiie tfuuirat Headquarters: Hotel Schlitz, Carlsbad, New on tin' levels miilHi'ia ii Lt of Road Mex. lowr Any Ithar Tpa . to a (t renter or leis extent, Ilia Earth Kind and Latt to R "jit m nltitule. To nverconu-climnt- e It Reached alTectiima, liHittnle, miliaria pair the Spot. , CIINhIIiI I ttM! A HtNli-4'I.A- IIHAIi. jiuinilii-e- liillmlsneas, fe er anil airue, Bftti-- r , I,. ..II.. . ..( ill. Ilr roml ill W .c-- pair " or hiijhwav.. Mr. E. Iluiii.)iri-y- who own a' anil ileliihty, the most effective flooil Inn.1 -- nl illiu - ( , has issue, :i InitniTs' li'll.el II. III till' ulllfl-- llf cost rlilllilt nvii larife hIoii- at irnrt-ia- lihin, 'trn-iy is Kliclnc Ki'ters. the trreat llie'.ai till' lllll'etltl - I liar. Inn I of IIll- is ir'Hiilt-n- t : unti-ilot- e vl, h ..i.'iiii,s llif loilott lhl( I (at till' (III si inn rollll ami of Hih AiIiiihh altermive ami nirit'n-- the t . - I II us in-- Iffort-- Mini If fiirtiii'ra Ti'lfihoni' I'n., an well uh of tin- Hotni--' f Imililv weak- .il.. .11 .il.i.ill III!' nlistlai I'. lllllt "It In i.f course ItnpoHkll.le In xliili Irt it for evi'ry form flu- - ilit-- - I n., l'iki-count- ( Solil - i . - iif wnfli hat- startfil of Ihin, ness, ami inaotnnia. t i I ami '.i l "i"!s tin- nf llil f'.rin nf run kfii i In- - nl' )r. Kinif's Ni-- : the "Cilily I ...v- ,1, Mil HUM I i Ik- - all roinls 'niriloii ttlll nmler ifuarantee at lrun pities ,.t Hull, li It - . tv trin ttlll riiiinil to vnr.t Huvi'tl rr.y lift- oni-c- I lionl t Tin- - IiohM "It At leant store. I'rice "i"c, I. mil ii,.. II. .1 If f'l'l.t IC.'lll.fil I.) tilt tilth tin- price of inlmr. tin' iinirui of ar.s rhanlon it - - think ilnl. It to ri'Ht'h th - nf trnili- Iiiin ofTi n il :iim In .rli- for - p., i,i (..! a llllil' t'i colne Iniui tin- it Mill of maiit:i,v anil ilcplll niI thi- very t of mv chiikIi - whi-- It iiiiaretit to the writer tl. n l 1111111' HinhI r In. ill.lilililt the . ti.i hk: lii flu form mill nature of liia'i i lal If w r assume fuiU-d- lir. Kiiik'm the tlinlrc ot the small Isiy la for slut pi.cs i - II liim-ovir- in-- . t Itl mn h ii tvnt in fXfili- linn Nt-- nf n. ill I. in ililit.' in II h ftcll lioi that tin rlay l.i' pris-im-- not only the' tt hereby tilt - ami he nl.e rtieri Mon- i irl7i- : - i f 11,1 I I Is t - - v l iy for ttill coiiirh It hi aU thi- KMitn lull. M lli in nllllllUi;. ttiitiln n null- of tin- mini ti h Ih In iiot Bore a ns-lp- for miiknm h iiiiematle Ik- - l VV w.-n- ll- - aiMin rrilw-i- II llnllar.l lias of anil lh in throat, lunira. Il N il! I. Is 111 II W' i.ll.f t IIll lx' linirot innl that tin- ciwt of luhor siiots ill liome. will collllnl e S'. il n Solil 'llifse I A lii ; frn-- lo liiii'i.'M- limit ulrrlrh of and under Kiiaranti-- llil,. 1. .mi s i , like county. I nl I t per nml I n n f.'l er l all Koiiml, smell nml also Hiifety. fn-i- tne r.d'ly atore. V c, iinil S1 iki. !.i- . - mini of i haru'i' 'f Uif council will llrtiir I':. - Ma l ll li iM't'ln hil nun iln.t. Hit- i'o--- t of il ii loiinli. I'ounlriirtliiht Iwclvn . lake ioiiml of iniicnronl, cut li.ii lilui h Trial tiottle free. tv Is I', rill. I In Mill other 'fi lm is font -- ami i lav mini on n hii ml f' in in li funilli pieces three Inches linn.', tlireatl t.'.i thrniichi.ut Ilii' AthiiiH'' iiihI pi f stntfw Hull, Iflt'l'TI'il ttllli fl y to mi IIVITIIU' hollotv i.irl tt llli cnr.l sonktsl In kei Ir tin. " nf -- ami mini- - l 'f Kit llll'lll'H. would In- - iippnixl- An exchanRe Hays: "The can- ene lo fiirm fuse, mill vniir lion 1.4. n a i,t - A Dandy for Burn ii nllii ut linfi.titf nf p rai 'initi Iv for n distance of ntii- mil didate he kissed the bahe, ami minle Biilety llrecriieki-r- are reinly I llil- lll.Ji-i- l III "f .T'. : ..t those pints lr, 1'iinu. Ill, writi-it- I hiivc he loiiiletl. l n ruohed the hemls of Sam tin luti-'- Mates t In i ltn i i onliiu to tlii' of tlil usfl I'.iillHnl'a Snow l.iniiiii-n- t iila,v andj Take the llrst i!cie of mueiiriinl t tcli.ils i ill III ipin lit It le ollln-- . Ihi- - 11 of Manila lav construe-tini- i ri'rniniiiftiili-i- l it to my fru-ial.- n.s I hiii Sue: he swore the twins were! liitciiil to loatl ami Imlil In an liiriu ' ci'iitiili-n- t thi-r- . i.i'iu-- r ' lili. I lilt IhiiI IllltlllS In llir smith li in I. it-- fniirnl Id is mi inailf. It beautiful liositloii " .tli one llnu'cr lit the lint! . I - livi-o- and wished that he had H a il.unly for lnirris, host- - liliiiliil.ini Ih I'lki Ihl.t. A.l M..I iiiiiui- fmin iin to fl.'Jim inlli'. Ill who .Vow- force il nt li ii small it-c- ht - v two- - . liirinh an- liui mini hut that doesn't He ft i. ii.l i.t II tnr f..a. r most nnuilnu from f.'lim In $snii count. Iliiil u: tri r i his ,, ami i a, u Willi a I . 'tt. iac H i l.iiriiH, liriiixfH, wlm ti 111 i I wax i."t lliniik'lit i.f nni l.iur hmik't- of Vl'tnli' lilltt' In Ih In-i- asked about the lierVfi till It linikes n at the ' ' ,.ii rnnilly wliiti ii tit r t 'h Show I.iiii-in- i cornbread that ntpi At Hii- present iiu.i. Hi. re nli'. . oliKi' nml lllln, tints in. ttllli ili'iil nt is aptilif l. It slinnlil al way h he vainly tried tolft. ' to chaw, and an- neurit I '.'ii miles "f -- ii ml mill II -- I ttmilil Ik iriiiortiimilrlf in ll,- - lioni-i'- . " .'.', .'iiir um Tl. " Now lake a tiiisiiHinfii nf Ktliiiotv Ii forthwith a of1 n-- . In Til. n.i t lil' fur nil pun lii ai thrill I lit" llifUK'X Kltt-i-i iihova" Solil ,y thi' hniK Co. hewed recipe, tier ami I'our Into a ctlli; on t nf linrpn-'f- s mi' n"itul as tarn ail.i m course that tickled maw -- hut the llmliiiiiii'r chei'se nl Iniltom i.u' I rita.lh iiihI ttlitili i est iil.i.ut one hate Solicitoua. that doesn't count. Hut just be- Uie fin,...uai.r ctnnis within u fracili nlxtli i.f tin iitiiii'itil staiclanl unf-ad.ii- Not a Quattion of of nn In. li of the t'i)i. An ol'l Imly'cusliiineil to Irniapl-Iti- Oraminar. mm he he and! .f tin iii- hi Im ttnl'li tti.'il.l irn-e- fore left stopped Take llml iit inn" sfMtisl herself In a llrxt Hie re".rti-- Innieil to Krll'or another small picie of DiIh l tlnH system - In ion With , McKeltt iiy lil Ii hIii mill I nay." lit winked and closed up his Kcr se nml .ai k on of the iil rluss i .irrlaiti-- ullhoiiiili alie only hail it then toi kui. tin- ri'limli ""t Ki'illnll nf till' country hesltatliiuly. " My Isiy potvilcr tlilr.l class llikeL Tin- - iiiaril. think asketl Henry jaw, and slipping out behind the MiHt U' ri'iii Ih'iI lul n tin- - " Y.iU will now have a lioinemaile lire, In! sin- hml iniiile a mistake. h.m-- ' t'KK on tatile?' "AI rat.- - nf linpmi barn he took a drink with paw mailt- - a shell, n tin' Ills Into the ami liniiitei, Wfll." an hi llilltor M. Keltvny Im cracker with uiacarntil Hup. u l pill. Mr r.'.i.l In I'lke you soaketl coril run int "Are ton llrst i'Iiism, ma am V" patiently, "If nnt Noinetliliiif in and that's what counts." kerosene fuse rniuitt ttlll ..iiii lie it si-- li'i-i- t'le hirh over, In s Unit klml a hen It, In the in. ! lit "Nn. sir. not aliiu.-t.iher,- ahe repileil, emtv anil of tihi.h a tiaenti I'.nili'.l ttilti Her)', let him lay It on tiilile If ami lioth cmls iliii.'i;i'il with lltnlinriri-- ttat mil "lint nun Ii hrlk'titer tlinii I wna, I hank the of c n It i tin-r- ' I'nt ay to tlr-- ami .r.n-ts-- l alt lalc ifou mat ctiiiy urn " - l.oinloti heriiiK. Otherwise have til put It TIRES SET im till ymi Mini iill'kl.l tt llfl'l-a- s It ' tin lin - Juil(e. have a siitlii lent iiiaiitily or run mit ! Uy the material-- . ..av- - . ia m i li-- l V It ll ay he well. Iiiwever, In nii,n lW (iuii'k nt Meal iasnlitu Stuves. iUii'Ni'11' tilth a from tin Loci I NO Vi s i 987 .sell iht'iii. prii'i-- $:..." to Brooks System of heallli 'j'f ire the ct II I. l t t Ml II M I . I I tHI SI I III I I. its .ti tin Il HI. Trill'V-UnliiTt- ! I , " II Iw Co. o n elorioiis with I'M - .1. I.I t I. . I nl I I i $:'. mirth i,;;' liomemailt safety tlretvorka - liny I, ; (!i to t fu City l.ivcry Stalileto Mfl'urtleil In New York Vtiirlil. The First National Bank UTi't your horsr toil. t Carlahail. Now Maaloo I A Loaing 8chama. Capital and Surplus, $125,000. "Tliey tell me that nNir .lolly Is a A li it.- it I i in ,itf iM .t:i.l al nil tunes lo care tof the Special Frm Tradtr. rlrthit of bis own fellowship" I tli .1 r I , Is nt i. ni en I he aitl i.n.ik'i nl Hie nilillc is ulU so t) Im i:li u "In. ate nltvnys "That'a u. He lost his own heit'th iio't-- l .. lit-- lifi'ii their Many ii .1 i ii- inl in.. in ill in ici titi. our itlli lillnn I'lir'i In ilrlnklnK other iieople's." Ilaltiimi" :i : - of lint lent- t n !, I ; a i Aiiicrlcnii. J i -- .1 ' "i I tra.l" i.t s, ;,, Iiu h i la s f rn;i iimlcr tin :r n n lit an n II I! tt III i Im Wira Stringing Straata. U II i 'r ill.) 'I' I'I I'll' ami riiisroiti. SKIS TICKS WAIT .lei-st-- o tin r . iiinli r i'i. .I'la'.it o' Willi. li Ynr The .Wit s'.iptfine court ha a il.-- i .nl. fruil I iu. I an Hie tr.i'l. .no ac hnmlcl ilo.ii ni ithlfh tti;. ,1,. atnp tf'fph e. ami nth. a- S3anh of CllStlll IC'I Ll s! in iii. n laiin .1 K. ChclWational i Cadsbat The 0. Shop. lie utility a s .. l.rainK III.- I'M Is f.ii it n. la, I nni. ran, I ira frotii iiinlllal.; htl-ee- ny cnttlm nut the lop-- , Ih v l.tlilv tit v .nni nf Now Mexico , mat il Ht In- i,l .a I. I'o itni lot Cm leniioiy any tin- - I ,ns ,inrei.M Times, o:i i .i' I'rnll i !.i i iinii's Wasteful. m-- t ,, I I ' I I not 'alii or fr. l .in . .Hill Villi II- - Ilnl In pnillk! lit I a I Is Utnitt'i an. k nil Ilr market. Urasper in very turefiil mam-N- o. - n : '.il M I. I conslileralloli of these companies, I: aw vt .11 Innl 'I tt ill i.t art in. t inn' i:ii"il S'a- .ii slmiilil allow my .laiiulil.r to kIiomIiI In- - uivt-- any ii a Jiiiiiiallst He always wastf s'l.'h corp'iratloiis Inai tt here Imerests cnntl,. r G o.l Cire hrcicir, c. me s,e nf Hi,. ni .it' Ami still less in it their tilth those .if the masses. Wires of a I " n c.i r is ri .iil kf i'ff- - slmiilil she ti eil a pud lie ilnesn't N- - .,. Mi in- o I'i.h- (llln i - I kiinls siriintf only nn.le tln lll'Hk. tt 'innl In lllli.'t vt lit- tillllli sliullnl I.f en n K'l lo Hi" en. of the line. s,ti, I'lPllli'l lilt three co'nlitions - viz. In alleys ..r oh Suited tin Cat. rear ln erty lilies- Urn feet al, nf Oust Hi t. to In- - put Ki'uninl. or Trtl Lain.i Malarialt. Tom- - lleie! You've t irtfil ymir note la'cr miller ' In siil.ten-m- e ss I.ti--- la it ii .liisi latum m.ili- to Dm inii.lis Sir" iace. iii i at th . Aii "ir to" '; Il Ills slll-el- .if the World (unset all .a. inp im-s- t lll Uiio.v sort of iil.l.i'i-t'liitl'i- Is vers tlveiiiiialii allies - . i Mil- a s k I . bow to iltese or uliiiliar rwtrletlona I'.Tl.l.Cl!' nml 'la J'.tt't!-- , Sin tt il nl tloteli.l'f hii k No. sir in- " Is ii H li. !i i'i.- nl III.' :n,. I f ..- 1,. ' ,... i.'. fli lias tin si; r p. an iii I'lulil III tills case lie oti-- s tile llttil i .(.nn- ai-l li. ,...s l, (In. llilll ,11 tt i in nn is. i."il.'i..i s - K in-a- s i it I ml i 'i - ' . - I I Your Liver ' I i I' .an. am i i' r i".' ai m ill i , I .n it i n , I llllpl'O i .1 '.o.l t In. ll - IS.'ll I ... f"l tills luUrf'tlM' nf l.i.liltt lit' is You In in a I, i I mil of oilier pi to all . Sn H l.'li'lii. Ill is ri Vnliied Sanie h Gold. II i. la ii,,. I....1 i nni' I. ami y Hp it II Ii hail I., flit - il taste li ai. I In .1 M h I' ll .!". ' All ;sk i II. II Sii'tinr', :i nieivliatit o I cilar in your im. u, h. Y' U want oii,ft) inn; to I 'ii ft-- . i il ' i t il 1.. Hie toi. ;!' Ni",., ppi, .sins- :' tell mv stimulate your lit er .Met try II eiaiine l. i'ii .i 'j... vv .mi ; s I,- ii, nn.. r l ii t ii.-- i In- A I'l-i- list. tt ,iit a lios ot liier in'ulatnr. cine ,.1 In. I Panntylvar.a Highway. I'.ilik ii. i. Nt-i- fin ci.nstipiiiioii, -i la nl Tin sia'e h!'.:'iia ilep.irtinci-.- ff i'i. Kiln's l.iie I'llls (hey iri-- nii'l In er ti h Mrs H . aH -- . I 'lie '.fill of that nn., K,.. in nmti,aiiit.s Worth, I'en. i i tic i.t l i t onslriit t till" i I.I i.i. i, r, s im .i !" ,h' il inMi it ii 'i constipatioii. malaria it nies: 'Have us n lli'i. l me in my a",,",M:,v . ' 1.1 h I'e Use, I In .. '.- lis!;,:::;' or l.illioi.iii..-s- S. .i iiinler nuniaiitee family for vent's. Win. Is can.t fVprcsH r .i.l .lit'.., ll III.' . ...Ill al it ' Cililt llnii store, '.'lv it hat I think nl out it ryhoilv a in my housed, hi well t ' i I'M If si .... I.I ItraiK your ll.irnt-- or Sndcllr are happy ami ami W" it P. '.Soul .y t.l II III "tic lleiliiia- the 's .l,h and havt them fixeil up at IF YOU WANT TO RtNT A HO Ktiily I'rutr Co. II I ..I I t1 iniay--:..l... i v . li it .1 ti... n in u iiaiuwnir fmil there la ii i i for nni to p. chasiiii.' ' !" i "i'i I tf i'n- - pnnv.' All kinda of Irathrr nil i.ter the en nn' i in of one. Th Coop. ,. Ills, A I' I lis ,,f II,'V w.i, come holt' ami tell lis .,l- lfiulle "This Mat Is a nien op " , t . - li t.ia t Itie l il pel nni im our lis' i" i.i itins piactaallv "Yes. .loin,.- sal, mvet f t his wife t'y. ve ,i I, I -- I, I tvorthi Inoknn; in fl. .' ai al "ami the cuok haa Just flew It."-I'l- tta I. - I I, I 'sin Matt Ills li, of llnt'SI S Hi I.I- T. bnr Tost . I Standing by Mointit. lis s i In, ,1,'v sil l,' ,i ,,. i,n ill) Oat I I The lies K it i s i ,it ,, i n ,1 s a s as flls rilllh at I HOJiDTO il will thus yoiitsi If a lot of the t..i ..f Us ntst p.ii;,. Il,,- slpllticlllit tune, troutile ami It. I" the Inl .111.1 It Is latiirue. Ami us our Watch Vacant Lota. I e I ! : I set i ices cost y iu you . i 'I I tl.nls ii. mslfr. Attllts liotlinnf, will "'.ll II tf I" II',, tt ..I II,.! nf liSt fZk (Mi vacanl lots we will soon see a i I i I -t loolish not I It,., .sii ion .ii t- to Ask Kcr to avail nut sell' of them I' i.'. a s' ll iii l i is "c fier M M.i, I,. recetnlile irrowth of u ceils that will I. ' foil- ' I'. .1 I'fs i.ais i;,sls"' l..l en sin. s,,, lililt tin cans, iiutliit.iteil Ik-- I spilmj-s- I" i -- lo the pnl. 'It- si ho., s hi tleeeustsl catH ami all lii'illlier of ev! i.f tl.- !! i.'s ...limn u Ilarnrtt and Saddles made Mclenalhen & Tracy It has oliserveil that on va 11 ' lots where the wee. Is kepi ilott ' r':.:'.1, ;v,i:', L lire yu REA ESTATE DEA LERS C A R.LS BA D.N.M fw of such olijKctn are thrown, so tint i , i.i-- i 1. Company. ..f ,i,u a a a lUniwar property owner close ulmut cnulil well In i! 'i al.l Ifssfin-.- sne,'fi,tly ot nffonl If only fnun n sanitary ataml r Modtrn Tilad hoada. indorses tna opitnnn tne nrlver I i.i up I (he t y (ak. it i.t iiit.-- Rtward For Worda. iiut t Ta ll our whole e.l point to keep the wertls out down or he Is. Ileal, e lll 11 apH'iira that is a. ttllli till !islliss III. of I' pi i'l.l K . oi in are Is- - - plowed under. - country is soon to mailt in ill:. pi lenient a lastllls' I" .'lit ttoill.l Is- offer In if a ntt aril of flisi to tin. Kali Plan to Improva . tlirouuh hi what Sanay Roadi. iritcii t.. tin. t .i v i itnn tins siui ans tor tin,, will write the Lest toils Quick Meal Gatoline Stoves ,l tci -,- In Sonic of the colludes III Oklahoma I'le ici i.f a uiliinl.le I'or n w.-r- l "' ',,,U! r,.:!?"1,,, a'snit lit rln The ttlntil,, - process law Amielea where the romls are sau It tin- p ai la'k'c pint of the ioiiiiI(') the aniyi will Is? aa n aleiraii of tat the Time A child or an untrained hired In rl.l nn o er a country a him kiech iilopttsl of linprotlnj ti roii. i is me only rtsiil ustsllile .11 V llh putillclty rnnl cliauf In I ,t Iiy cultluit the prairie hay. .thiili 'i Ifirl can use it safely. Fuel III ll.c Ka.-l- l of Hii- - nn ll tlistrli tA ll feiir ttns hi. reaiark. "I linte rnnk irrntt ili aiouu the ron tsl.le , Ct re.ii .rea lists luonci p. .ui!, than int ilnicii oter ah klmls of romla. hut that only cost 4 or centa a day. . il placliik! II on the r.cnls rti plan Micr Upe of t icept thy $100 Reward. aaussi.-i- inn. 'line r er down tlif earth an lil fn work very well, ami No kindlinifi ashes, soot dirt or rmnl nml less money In repair It Is U'l surface ever iratele.l over" the mil e are vtry satsfaetnry to farmer-I- HEAT. Cheaper than wood at simpler In Us ruction than ant l'or arrest of and convicfiui, of Jniatinc i.y the inivaL-- now umier con the i .r.s-,.s- , t.aullni: their corn other etccpl the earth roM.I nml lasts any (lerson stcvlmK niv horses or trueiion tins n tt.miii n;, eoitoii. ami tithe $:..(K) a cord. We sell them. In inuikt-- t i M'"r n,'",r"1 enl'ilc heiinitt pnslucts the Tkacy-Robekt- longer wllh the aniue amount of re eattli1. A. C. IltAKI). ""' s Hdw. Co. ROOSEVELT ON WILLIAM J. BRYAN NAMED FOR PRESIDENT-J- OHN SOCIALIST IDEA W. KERN OF INDIANA FOR VICE PRESIDENT DECLARES THE THF.ORV or 50 ClALISM 10 UE C3ISHONE0T AVilliiuii .I'liniii'-'--. I'.r.v ,'in :is ii"ih';ii:i!' .1 I'll' III.' ll.ii.! t :in. I ''Mi tli. flaiA llml w r.- lnift. .! w l.v tit. nn, m . aft. r tlm .( AND HAIIMFLL. - .,',-!..,- i -- f !' cnntllliil- r if., pi-- ,nl. m itt :! !'' I'n.lav in- i imrj. tlm i:t4i"il. .nl '..n It.... .tt ntln .;i,v urn, . .I,.- .. ... t In- . I:,-.,,- Tlm .in. nt. a. ,4t.n,.. u Tin. vnli' liv wli.rli mi I,.... n Mr. . mv ,,!,..,,.., a. tin.: ' V'J! " tlhllll-I.ISill'- l'' I'TIII. till' I'illl' nil 'li tattt ilMi'Mlnll i .1 a .1." .. '.T A m . 1. FORM OF PRIVILEGE .1.1 Imi II ,t. nrati-i- I y I .... sun I,., tii.t 1 tin' IiiMiititly ii, ina.l.- . alt. rw;ii'i tin inn if Mr. Miami u.i. iiii j.uI.Ij,- w. minium. AViiTlir.i; T ,Y V YMI.I IVii Ml'.i: E CL A L T Y OF i:tVAH3 ML'ST 'Mir tminiiirit inn u.i, : t t .it tin nl' .1 I; jlit 'I In' ' Villi, nf tin' I' I'll l In ill.' Iin II.' .M r. 11 11. OF 1 , Inn a. I. r J i i.'. s w ! O'.LY 00 WITH Eul'ALITY tint la.sti',1 . iiiMlv l.,ii. I'""" ""'" "' It , . . . v il l.v tin. Iiii. rot I In M. Int iii tin SERVICE. ! ( in i. i'.iiiiiu nil ami .l.ilmM.n Mviiivi ...s a, ..I. s: ..t.n. .1 mtit . ,1 ;i J. . Mil. U .1, .i ltl' till' il illi - . w In 11 It Was I. tn Ml, MilllH', M:i ! Kill. I. Ni w 1; Mini I.i. 1. n 11, 11.'- I , ''. ll.:in'.iim. l'itm.l ,h, ,),,. s ;ih, im ma! -' aii,; with tlm i. j I .'- t Ill t vmiiii. :l; lilinil.. Miami, imii-itim.iti'- tin ,.t, 11. Im I In la:.. Iii all. r tin' a.. la .' nf i ,t i. i. , ' . .Itlif I t I .1 i n It dray l. liiwar. . 1.. i. 2": S- .1 .. I'. nria ' ' ' 11 t' . ;t . n .l. in Win tjm mil Mat' l....mi.i tn .'l.ra,ka In. . .1 I"'L''"' III, II, L.ll .1.'. Il nil, tit, ,1 111 1, N.I vi.tir- - .. , I. ...i.. in M .ni,.' a 11. .1,. 111 V, n,.. nt. All tin' ''""' "s ," "I ..tit riainl 1. 111V Ma'' .i ;. 1:111 .,n .. ami t In- 111. tin,- ,. t Im ' r viiti .s w ni In I '.1 an. u In i ,11 .. I li n :n- v t , ' nil l I il 1, n 11 t 'I'lm rail tlm Ma!, tin- linitiniat tin n. ,i In In.' 1, 11' . I' I mi Win 11 Mi m .n a 1,, nam, W am .! nil mil". r an - .... - . " ir u. ill u. thill la. I. .1 11 .I ',i'i. !; ami I' ." I,. nn r, w .i ill f t'.r.'v 11 '. u it h I, a I. in r. a'nl ,' il, .,1 aml,--i- aii. all, nt . lraa.janl -- ' i .il , ..i .n i ,,in- In. ni- ami I h. !,- I'n' 'a a 11 ' a , mily :'l .i'-:i- ..., W. ,.la ', 'l..l;t. ..f I '' all I la,!. I all In IV.. I.l I'll..,'-- I, . ,1. 111. ral 1. 11 w I... . -' mi. li !..t, l.'i' : tin ii'imi, . '..'!', i I .ii ' a . a I, w i:i'ii V v ."i w i 'i:ii - 1; 1" i. m.t, i mi 1,, H mi i..i'i i ' .. ',, ii ii . iii ,! iii. ir ,... : n ,. I -- I ,. ml i n' 'I'i V. 'I, .1 ... ' ,,, ,! I, II. ,. ' I !. . l'l .in 1. "I', . , . Il !,... 1. .!:.., in'.. r hi.', i'tiij d.T mm t I'f M Ii' ' ' ' ' ' t ' .1 .. ..: II , ..I' ll, ' ','-, ' . .;. I' I, ,!. ..'-.- .. I. I. '. a ,i .1 u ' ,i' ' II, ,,l a i. n. ',. ';. I,' . II ,1 I',, .. i I, i'i ' .1 I:;., i. ' ", r ainl ,', ,i ! ,:. . t A, !!-- "' (,.. I. '.nil I', ! '. "l- -i ' .(...... -- ! :,! ' ' I1' ' Hi.- I. .... ' I' t.. .1 .' I. .1 " V".''' ... u.,,-

' "M IV 'l - I.I - I!'l. I' 'I W .1 I:....., ,'t I :. .. il,. ua I I' .. '. ...m...l .1. Im W K 'In- ' :,',,! ' i II V .1, II, ,i. Im ,t ,, l, Ii. Ii ' I u .' 'I In am. .1 W n ... 'I !..'! , I.' Ma'-- ' ni ' "i i., , ' li..'!.', II.. , ,. I.i I. V, v. V, ,

.1- la. .1 W ,,',li 1! r, t 1 II Ai. l,il..,. M.-V- ,. i ii .,. t. ii ,,i i;.. ,,!.,.: II V. I' tin- t!;mta I '..n- -' .' !l I,: 'n . a. i pi .1 i i'i. . k. a a. ,, a. WILLIAM BRYAN. JENNINC9 JOHN WOW III KLKN.

I . .1 Ilm i III.' v. m . ll I.;n.' I. Villi tin- limn Ilia! .mi. Int.- i,ii t nr..' II'. I . I'.i ! . ! 1,.' t 1. 1. It- T call nl' tlm ,.iti , .1. . !.... m i.n tillniM.iMii Im- V. In.., La. lln- Inn 1. 1' Ilm nn. m r. ami Int.- alt. r ,!al. tin- Hi.- In tin- ..(In 111.' ilirn.,.- I' In afll.n ,.- I..-- I I'.i I. 'I.V tin . "Ii. Ill t i'lm'. i. At ... 'WT! I irV.'lll ttll . 'l,l.'. III ll'.lltlll.ll n at ,' it . -t ..'.'innk 1 .'Halms .1 I him. Tin- In aiiiiiat n ni u... 'a ,t . S,iatl ...... t . . . . . t . .. 1, a rm . a m ', n a i i ' ' n i ' i '' ' ' t t u.. I .laiiii-,- A n- -i . ill a- r ir- in l. i.''i.-- . ami u.: a. Tin nna,. . . M . , JiL J.;a III IT i I.n '.'.' 'Ml a II I' I" i' inn,-- .i.i...I.Iii, y . . . . .1 .. t .. rr I ' n. . . . II ' ' 11 ..... I n - ' . t HI. II n'll '.. I It It nn " it.til' if V . In ; ' n 'n.-l- ' I h- - I'.mi.liiil "I ." ! .1 .! ' l ,"ii ' .1 'i i. t Ila'iimnml. ami ..' I,.-- lii.iy . I I I I Il.n,.! ff-WW,- I , ( ' '. It'.nl mil ,,,,(,. t,-- ,. . I' t i 1'. - .I.n la n ,i limit, It it .at- - In!'.. M I ll ii'- va.' vf I.i'pt i, ' I'" r I w it I'.'." li m.: alii.-l- I la i I"i, . i ,la.'il ,lmv. .1 1.1, .1 ,.. ,i,iiv v h w ,. in, 'I I.. an a". n.. I.- Ma li ii I. Ill li lit .' ni I I. a '.. a ', !, an " -! ! n 1. la. r. a - t I I. .Inialn ii A '. r t !,. m ,'n nn! n ai . I' I'.rx an Im l n m I ,n-- it n n f. In- n a I .. Iii .i- - I.-- I !' lln . ..! I !.!., i n ni'.' 'nil "il '.lay im .' I I v: , !. I. ., . t , t t . t r. ." ai am. lit. '! il; '.'.in . a m I.: In ir i. la iii'fai'.v , I' a I. r, Th,. a!' il 1. 1. l' T.m nam I.n ' n ' v 'i'' at . r in tin- yv ' im k l. I 'liar!. , Mil pi, v. il . nl n (. w la.. I . i. .. tn - i v ,, ,. S'nl-!- tlm V.'U .. . ml U.i. ral!. il. IH.II.-- ''i I V.-- V. a s, tit.. in. f.ii! V. u V.. i !; 'n ,nl. .. 'a, ra.t III. I I. .. O-Miv- - li, linitiiT. ami .Ini'ii.' tin n t, ral n i: i iiatn-- a" If rlalltat n'll Ta nailllX l",l-- III.' i.tll" I4 . 1' I. J a I , III .....- ...... 4nl. Ik. M' . K i i N I w A.nli.f,, uv i; n!i ai. i i. vn-'ou- i" 'i'i i:i ) ) r rfl 1 v, 4i.)' t. t A ITi r til t v .., ii In ,, a' a' aiai- - la' .r. i im t a. l.v film V t t .. i ' a , . 'I !, t, i,i-I- i! Ofmotralic Candirirft for (f prst(4nt. ' MltVl lit nit ami . !. 'In a aia, ,tt, r., la a. a ' i - ',.1 t ., . , .at .1 tlm f i.i i:i li William , ,, . I. ,1 A- - II riiii,rtni Ilm .t atnai ulinli .I.n j.,.hi.. ,k i..' I.n M.t. ln - tin i ...n. i'i. r. .1 In .',.,,1 l'l' ... ' ta .I M I,. , I I a I. a I.- I I ! . 'III' a, Tlm Ilm v .1 r- . !..-- lull'.', try Mi "HI Mm. J in ll.. in In, i. :i ami ,i., 'I,. it tin ' Mt.lnll :, a. ll, .1 I nf .. a . l i a 'H' . . . I t . t . "' ..ti4ty. "I'm oati.ti. tin r.i.ln a;, a'nl tlm lalmr a.. t h .., n ., ml,i,- - -- " ta .(,. .1 na t!a r"ti.tin . ' i a , !'.-.- i . I ' ." I , nil', , . .1' . ' . it,.,, mini, its la nn ti a. In t ml th i., r at t .. n I In- r .lat, ,,.,an .lit,,. I an ,,, ' . . ' M a. Mai lanl tlm t'till . . ,,. I, ,t ,, a 1. 'Mm I' ".rl n' tl nimilt'i lllnililli .. ,a'm . t. r; a.i, t. in i,i..s. if !,, miviti:': in I. l' l' ' I. t , vv i a ,ni an h i i ,, a tin- I., u Im ... t ; . i tinli nl' Ui'Viii. party ..tamlni-i- art r n wit Inn a 44i,.in,t i ni..t a nr. , a I. ai m a fit. J,,r ,i,. t.aiim t. t a- ,t4 1, ;. M K. n ln . n i 1. 1' tlm iiiln mil tlm ilatl..rm. Hi. mr .r. ,nl. v. .... , . . In. nr. nf iiti.n tail nn. ..r . iiinl.r Im ,r niiiMar ', m t ill' il In ir- - I.. . I :v, plat t'ni li.i'l i,., ii a..-..- tl - ... , " l ,. , .t- ry Imr tliat int.. tlir in that .. rrn il a.. t,,. at ,.n ni, li, li,, :,i, t i ,iit lit, (. I . Jirrvinllslx I'.v lli,ail va, ma. t him n'i4 Ilm Iniu .i.,tann,- .n .m. St, niMiy ,'a!.', tnl.'.l tlm ta m mat am .f Mr K.-rt- , tlint it w .w 'Iniii ..' I., il I...M..IH I ill. ii - H t. .1 . a.l.-- - I ,1' In. I) t (Tiam.'rN U.I4.' , If .'i-- hy tin " In h- Im if ilm ...nn nt tliat I... '.n'ii. I..' tin nln Mi'l til l' irh it.. if ,.l I 11 ! t t .mm- - , CDiuiiiit I ir ilnl m unit .th ln ii'i', as vii tin4 hi many nt ..,.r., it,'m.-- i,, ;,t. m-- (.. u itlnli aw ,n l,i., I.avit. frcl riallanl ami Innlli y Mnylirlt tiad t wltiii'HKi'il Ha- Hlitmitiir". Knuii M a l.rli s tin- - itilnlntt'r Ornvn liiwiinl U st S.t liiktlirnnk. Aithm Hic KniiBiiB iralti'i, wIhii' tin- - nun WHEN CUPID Kli'anif.l with an Inti'iKlty that was T ar frmii pi' aiaiii, tin v Hn il It wan i i It'll llllt'lltt .. t'.l-- t III III, .lt III.'.' f..UU...I va imt: I ilii' H I' M triii k which tnarki'il i A in tin' (Uliui liitwiih ih" two SprliiK-lirixik- SAO CASE. RONDEAU. ' Why. yon Tli r'ittii,t run. net lotiir nua. lly .M. rT .nl rt watrti anil hy Fnti'l Mother mv pet 11 tho 'I', ul I" l,i, .'.im.. 1,1 I... mv lieaii. I By LUCIUS L. WITTICH - Klnnihl not Ino'lier walcli i.f It. v M Slniii- It was Just I'n stilke mir lil'h' I,.. si,.n.k Ha li. an. I that wny i;.i.i. ir .els lalk1 IlllllU'CK rj ii clnck w ln ti tin v II ..ii a H ,1.1. a'h "',! II. H.ilk..l - I Ml"W. ilri-w- t li lii fnrc Hie liiiini' nf Went Snille. C'.ilhl will! If he touches Ami tliieiiKii tlie Imrkwiiys anilil.-- l my ilnll ii it ii i n III I. leak aiiolliiT hail 1 S,ilni;liii,.ik i. n ,ith.'r.l rlllni'ti, Kuril v I. von ' over his so lin i'lii'i'ilu ." sal. know. lluclik't. Mi heail n.' I 1. .1 ' ' k' ' I S; I In, I. I .. . llni likliis. Mm '.a. kll.'H Hilt If he In,, he ll". I'nti'l Mother lint, my ilt'ar mi I III III"", lanl, ami the nm MNs k Mallaril wit" Xll'l lll"'lh:ll II"' .,HSIpN kl'll. M. I ( klmw t ..!: t.i r. (.. r. .ft. t l' s.Vnii.1 in his !i.mi. tln'io hi n. a 1,1a ciittiihwiiiiil it Isn l.nli like for ll'lle Kills Tin ituii'il tun. a'h tti.. ' IVIM' . !v . t; t !' inn. I' ' 'I .It Ihe li'i'll spcc I - t'" In wcliniii.. the ritIviiIh. ninl It way st nn I al. ai... f..r mi i I'l i ' .it ii Spnlle.1 - Y.ill If yr.u 'ill 'I', li'i 1'." inuniiiii ii Micr In tl " nf the tree that Ciii- Ret nuf T..I..C " ii,..k.. mil II t., l,... ' '1 In sav I'll-I- 'll the V.. . r. ,.f . I, ii, Mlsi Hail. ml nut ii ii al, U v Mr Sti'ii" iei fiiriiieil the wcil another wonl tell is or lil" li f.irlh he r". beii. ' ' 'I I,.. I 1. :, , i t, Is Pat.', tlie In l.i. ,' i' ... H u.'l'l:nn I'li-iii- cither HtiK cen ti,ii. a few iiillilstcr what ynii sahl ah ill hlti wlle.s r.'"ii. ..r k... minutes later. l no i nt. in iii.iii.y's lew. H ' IM . , ,' . ',, I .. Ii"l I'l l.ill..- III." new iltess i.. "Hi 'In. nth Mr ll.ii I, mi,. was In an ecstasy nf 'I ii.- r ' i....iii. ran' '., '.''t . ,, I. i j ,... . . i l '. I, II f ' At, II..- M',1 ..I I' lelluht. Mother some years aftct An iia l .. In IlI'lK" I v Ii It II ' a, i I lo My ' I! t . Mils .mi i' it.ii' i' lit in I knew I w i, ui, I . In," he kept re. seems nie eimac" i i I w I -- in r i .! i i i .i iitm' a. i I I Illl lit til Ml I.OOllsillll IS Illl I' ll. PUNISHED. '. ii.. ...t peiitliiK ..hi iii,f that I until. Mil ' I - i I " I in '! I. i i! Ai- i,i iii'lli s I .SpiiHcl liaiiulitci Then, nn' v in ;.' III P""l I'I'I. ll'IW I fuel ., him . ' . ' .1 A I .... M . fT ! ) knew I." s'nilt. mil tin' 'l rt Mils lltin l.n.v, haw. haw Wmi'l lie yoii woiilil Alw.ns cinlin; . I'll'- 1,.' i i i 'ween me ami my happiness. Vmi i an .!!. - V i,.!..: while li" mail tli,,'ii'h? Whiinpce .lest wait I I II. I litnili-- yell your nht If '! 'II W." in W. "Ii .s'wiim to Mil M I' Her hears the news heail off .urn want to. ami I In. .i ' ' . ' i I i t hut II i y i'' i i, ii i'l In.. us any Ihar'll he M.itieMilir il .ln' " mat him all the same In I i n , ... ., it A. IV W" fix It I tt l,,.'SM I 1'otnl Moihei Hut. my ilea'. It may le.k'ill The ii, I r, ti'leinairs hilarity was as- I".- I' lu'l milk" mi HIV h 'lill'-l- II' . win III he thai your illsposlilntis - II.', mil' Jllllllllk' III 'lillii; II.IIIH when ',. ,, , , .. 1. I ,i .. i,.'"l Spoil. il I I'l "I j' A 'I u in. ii sunup ..r . lianifhiei Huh' If ran itet .ii" M. n. .I ll Kil. l Hlerl Unit I, IS hrlll" lie I" II ' I, i.. ..I, I i: I. It .,11 il,. .iin. t i in". alotii; wph such an iinreasiuialile al" 'Inrse the i !i. i li. ' " t t,e time limit I1" ' I. 'I,. 'I' I.' ! as vmi. I can uet aloiiif. wlih !'. I" 'In hail empli' .I ci..itnie ' ' .1 . '. 'I any lu-- hut- v"l l"ti I' I'l ' ' one Now. i stop ymir ' W i V ' i hy. J.'f u'atcil the h""t il I,", v i ii let', allll See altpllt Slipper. lle'H ,e hi'" iilii'i'il. l il il piirlv i ai f..ri;.il iihi.iit Hie check in i'i in' t" l,i f' t .i ml .' t Lit tnliii; llt'te t,, lllltht ' .I,-,- . iii... , - lint I re. k..ii t li il..- ' I..- w .iuse li'i'l'. M,irle. yea-- s ii in 1. 'i;, ii i, .ii ' alk ' I'i. ml M"M.ei- itw.i aficrwai'.l. . . plank I ,, , i nine with ii,. ate lie hast. n. .1 I 'I," III M.I ln to Vis, II Is ton line, too '' ,.,,' I I I' li,'. N ' . Int'i the t'i in'ii ni" pen ami Ink w. li !! i. " ' all t I, II. i t tine I l M. it i La -- Mis wai i:uat i.e. '"' ''Mi. i in u .1 .1. I .i k pnlei Visit, r Vml so your ilaiuihter ami I'i'i . r I,, i nli-.i- man-aue.- l v i, ' hut. hy a, sh" '' ' i" ,. II 1, her have att .1 ? 'I'd lit. ' tea'lv sepal i i ' Pi hi" it fi' in m. ii ;ii, I viv l.x Hi" wav. ."a!ii askliii! I'.'ml Mother Yes. pmu stilcki'ti V I M it ' . lUestlnlls 'I'.'ll she all. .fT.'. W.'le " ' t ' t at, ii,. t. tin she tame home last nlnlil oh. i. n . ilili. lil. .. I I, s..i., h. in ii,. ami Kpln ' .ii,. .n;v I., t that he sh lllll I ver IlllVe lliat tle.l !'. k I',. t tilliL' tnw a' S; in in n. I', i 'i im !! ' air.' li. i , ui li a hi ilii'' She was s so ten i,. .I ala Mr. i li ' . hy, ii lalnii .I Mis eii i, ymi at. your ' ' III.' .1 I," l t, A , it."." c, the ih'i so affectionate, s.i tlmi.t I'mir cvei ,il In an a. 'i t.i h'T linsliai .1 flu im; " It. elite li'iiinln .pieiv. "have illllfel' He -t have ahuseil her tei invs-t,.- lM) Mrs Hiowii . ti"t inn ihe n, Vis, iince II. nil i' l i ,i. k. xx. r. sM!l '"'.l ill .) New Vmk W'ceklv ' ' ,, Mis. Hii 'A ' ' jlllt I' simple, that tllere en h.ii ilrl xoii ilu tn " l ii- I:.. uli. ii l; I'. ill i'. - .illv in ,il., It ,. POOR III lit . ,, 1,. n invstc'i .ui FELLOW. i'. " 1' "I l'i! Mrs t - ., i'n.l rli i'i tun,, wlii ti w.. i liiiwn .Marileil him 'hlca r. in ii t i u in,- I,. if in w.'.i'iim: 1,'s. tile I'. I' A l i:o News I'ks lis I'l nlie I" .il. I' "I II!..' Ill" v ..( la. in eai ii tl.-- ui,. M an it is '.', i, i. i' !.. l. in 'li. i .il,. !l I ' tl:- I' e. lli ii- III" Carti of the Lryitimatr, ' ' -- I,, " ii an alt '"lll Is I n k ' tl"U I! Il.i li in t!i" ,l.s' .in,'.' "What tl,.. must .litli. ult ihltii; " V. ! m!,. M "" "III1 l' . ale mt 'I Si .in".. I1. i I' I,, r i, .,u- - ninl. i iliai'.aiie ait !; in i I.' i Mi " ai'Ii ' ' has m. i. :il!"i II" " il'a' tie " pis' a i 'It Illl illtliillll les." atiswerf.l Mr Ini'lf lat.'l "' s, hi, I. han m Slut tiiiuuioii Lames in f ilii' i; " ,, Ma- I'. ;l v., ill . lllnst p, ,e U ' Spin " i. it will I," petpl," of ". I., il'iv- ".,' I., k"i Im; i. hi l" r M ii u , "'"I n ;ii lour hint, mi itil'ai..'oii-- l on M- H I. . I i. .p. M :l .1 :i ' I'll.- l.iMe a ,1,,!" k ,, I..-- Illl. W A .1 :' 1. WI.I.IC v,.::ii e ' ' ' . !l" . " '.. a Uil Ml in . . in. nt ami t.i "He II" ... hi ' I. t'. sia'. the .n,ia. nf Hie i I'l. i ' ' ii, u la i"l I" i I ii, P.- i " ..LI t. I'" I I,"'. I'. ',.;., !),, " l"Hn mil Im. ;. lini: r. . i i .ti ' settle II W . "I I' s ,. II t'i S'. ii 'I'MII'l ll'll ' l' ' ' W'tll M 'J,. M r i, .. I'..' i.,. Ten Tall. I"" illil I. "' ' l,e ,11.111 " ' I . il .1 a ' t, ii a s... ,H Sim- - h if s x I'll t, I III .,1 III t thai mi oiii hotii "!.:. m I .l'l. 'Il ', 'I HI .' "ii : I ;. i 1:..- a ill man " I. ,., M 'a I' i, .I, .ii.,.. D.irAin a Poor L ljiar lie Ah.. in p i A hi s. Win ai. fa ' " A II, ' . 'le I nil k ll" .'I I .'I' ". "1 n lie III "I I,.,. I. 4 V II. . I ' A U ' ' SI" c.i Ill tl a' i a shall " a I ' WW'' I. I 1. ' a I," I . ax e ii. "in, m s it a!!,'" t.i '.. I. i. . i,' .Inl im. in he ' ' . II. sh. II Iin i il M 'I.l Ill l "II', I. ati'l ', I'l. ' , l,i-- '"p ma l,i . '1 I! " I I." ,1 l"."" '.. A I", I', I, IV, .. I 1, . - I -- DILEMMA. I'll.'' I,,. a i II" in .i .i ii Inn inu ' , , III ...". 11,1 ,, ' ' OX . I al !, III W II II 'i . In, il, i;, She Will, I.' ill Jill sllpp, ': I' !i I I.l. III'- - ". .lllll', II w I. nf ". lit M ,v i n " .,.. '' I.l! I!. A i. ix,. ,. r '! ,. ,1", . ' The Limit. I.., "I Hi. ' ti p'l'"' I',: '..lli I, r.Pi- ' i , .1 it. .'i.,': K I.. ' ' ,. Mil i" "... .it..! ,,:. ' .: ' ' ' .' . I, ilili 'I' "', , . I ,. 'I' il' t... a .': a' .h ' . ii,' ' i M i I. l ' - i' nl :nal .1 a a . . i .. I ' ' ..' .' . I. all . I'" I. Illl ' a. 'li- "I 'I," I:'. .: ,. '. I il ! " It. I I, a' I'l, a: IK u ' I p. I.., e il The D suse of t e CM&dci. I. I ,' 'a ii ,' 'I,, ii, i: ai l t . I' I' l.i III' III'. l.i. la al ii, I al inn a In t as i. ' I'll"-- . II l'-- ,1 ii' ,'. k , 111 ' '. ,1 li '!'. 'I' a'i ..' I'. HI I"" !:. .';. t.'ii .mi hi e, i ..a' ' i.i'.n - a .1 i ' "i,f " a, ii., . ' .11 .1,1 r i' '. "ii. ll.llle.l II '!,. II ' ' .1 ll .", to he ' ' ' II, f I'' "I i i,t,l"! ml rli l. l' !i aps ,.f pap. i a'.l pi:,. ' ". all ix. S iia'or So' In ..i, II" . I. ii,il,". I'l. la pail. I'n.i.ks a! I' I. a! I ,. ' ale "ll.'!i i a t,,, . !, '. l I l. ill ..i.l '"! ni ilii" hat I, w ' ti .," ti M t it, I Par 'I ii .I It h a i pie rapher ixh'i will k"". xoi.i l M Ii ,, lull Ii. II t i. Hi, Ill' I'l.lfnlr.ll lllll Illl' Xll'hoill eVpeclltli; ' "' i'i .. i a t w. lit WiTk of Ayncultursl Depai tmpnt I'll i'i ami i; k a Into-- ii Si,,t n il. a i k '" i :.i I',, i . tak.. Siii. ' s . ta li iii.-li- ' 1,, ,, a: ii I. i la I I I..- la. i, li ,.f l. nu n' t aui ICIlltllti. l is . .' tie I nl Not Too Loud. ' I, II.. an Ia n Si ,' s tn.'i e han f J It M.e I r S ii l i "i ''I'i I."..- ,"i' hai ifix en an " . I.l ,. i i 'i empl.n im til ft a I. I t: i". fl.. l.i ' ai .' "lil alalia wh. that ..I. miiu.: He rii'inl Ymi llml xoiir wmk sn chip . I. ,, w I, . l ;. . 1. ' " " ii '. nun p. ai,, .i x,.l - i ,! A A i t '. li". i's "I.'sm'i .;! luslni;, il xoii'' '' ii.. .1 M Mai I.. a'-l- e . Ta pilh li al ,. ,1 II. I. i "i ml 'lis l.llllill. .iellill! ell ,, tii W.a'hei' I'liieia.-te- r Ye-; when my ' eli her I. A III'.- M l. Iltllle cah lllaliiins ih'tln'e line l:i"'li"i Mitt Ii It tiiii-- i have we.nher at a tun" xv In n nn emus I. II hUT IT WAS NOT '"e" a Mill al.iini l alnmoie Attiei-I- . i i" H Is lininii to ram I'hil.iilelphla l:TIII:L an I'lesS. t M Hi' .l.ieo r r a V itnn to .1 Wily . It ' CI. Ill l ,., !,,1,1 WILLING TO EXTEND i I' lis, l,.',e SYMPATHY. Hutory. l ' , , ' Y' '11 ,. ' . I'l.'ir. lar it" in. al;. a hem In.,, l"ll't seelll I,, e W hilt Ills. .'!.... A "I eal i 'Vi e lltlllil,.'! at,. il a- - .,',,, it max -- i, I ' .. . II !' I ' '"i: '., in" ai xnii"" . riwwt"' ' Ill M." I !! Hello HI' I' ll .in Ihe pl I." it I,, Yes, .in," reil Sor-cli'i- . Ii. I. III''.'..! l.e laik f Jf J aiisix. Senator ' t' ' ' "1 ll, II, e ..- mr " I'. "I ' - k M M lleXt 'I'"" liell he a It Hut the Jin lament nf hlsimy ' ' ... ". " .'!.. '' ' "I Ale Ul i. t kll.'H II li.ll XI is Is m I al .xiix s com inclni; I list, n y ' t i' ,'.-.- w ,i k.", - l -- II II. III Mill,! ami n! he ll'.a.le I,, M.e ,.n.l A iiai: i otiiproiiils. s In saxlim a man ' I, ,, I. .' i. '! - I In .. Ink i.l i'. lll'lii wash as l.a, as i, pi, I hy Ins " I ... t ll,. . I,. . k Ml- - I' i n I i I II" I n a .I..II ll ...I.l I'.-i- xi ha! w a- - -- ai.l Imii s re . in iiih s p. ,r as i;.,, as n.vertwi hy ' ' I - ' I, S, l ii,. k i v a , s, n,. In I"-- li I n : his - I'l' I'm IIP ei ' P'n ti- .e. .Pii kiit iliiit liiemls 'ashiti.'ioii siar. I . l " I Inl, a! at at, I I. .i' i. .it 'In ' " ' I. 'lies '. p, H'e.l I, Is II. ll.. col i for two inoii lis t . - . ' An I'll! i .' I"', n IP V x. i'i! ii in a. li hit an. e Iii- - Unrefined Palate. M ' M .. Im! . I, . I.. . . ex. lanii.-.- - ' '. '" I" ' A!., i miiu. in,. i. ami in m. -i ii For Fithing. Think." the pure fon. M, ft . ' ' "i i . w li . ami p i m t h ti i ailvocaie. "i.f the lliniisaliils nf peo V, li' Ihe etilil! i. Main .Inhn Sinitmitis ha-- heeti xx ' 1, pie Im In, . I'-- " l a,.,-- " h .u l. 1, .s i 'i.i ate lecelv.,1 with HtnraKe .ii'. I'l i"..; ilili.". ap i ." .its al'siaini i hut ti ll fmni the cull I enus," ,.f A . I . II f ll Ills A . i nil. a '".it he. 11 I. II.'A ami .lelies : I. iin "ii- - of if.iie ami woishlpc.l the . T ciiti'i I, Mi ... I. I I I !: Mil' the t Ihe In- -' t i up any sympathy fi, j 'a' i. "i'i,", let en!.. i in - n.'.l w Uli all the let xo nf a for , l I. w ! ll!.'l,t tliein," I, il ;.. i "I !.. It. In, t, I. a pen. It answeri'il the epicure ". mail I Who he ll 11 , .1 Mil . his II if ,,f l can .lecelv.'ll Wi col. I ,. ll i!l '. .'!"! I'll the tin m.e ..n, kit inn: Ihe iici'.l i f recuperation. Iih htor ' i. IIH" " . - ' ,enev.'S to he W i P. k lit"- " " ' "''-,'- .nl w :"' a ' - hex ti an ii.lj.i.eiil h.'Siehy llhtilimti a ... k K I I I 1! I ., I "Yes." he explaining to ,., 11,,'ln I'i ill' It I'" I. i iili in, lot Poll le ..( hlkx sanl after .I -- M l. tl,. tiii- u ' Im . ami n li, I hU wile that ihe lo.Ue iiiectlnn ha. I ii ...i in in ail I'n' ('lie, the hotel !" ll. lnr, A I n a Pom! Worth Coni.dering. It wa- - a p H I ' l - vcty linpoi t.tnt ami a some in, im mhiiI.i ...In.' el na ti k' la. he of s let yon I. ' ' 'Uoiihl live with u lm Ml Ihe "I ' - il l s .1 m what proirai'tel one. thus uiakitiK It II. t" "I"' I'l.'l lltlil! .1'IC " wen. an I' mi lather." sahl tin- .,,x sii-iu- Imp ymi with his t ami III It .l.ff.'ic.l f"i Mr I" S Yi isslhle for llllll to net h"lll" a knuke.J mi., .l.'tall li.wi'ei lis. use iii r father is a total Mm i la'!. ninl Miss Hall.ii'l A'I I al'-- t inlnut" earlier than he ilhl. "ami there fenle iimii III. ,",'!- np. lie, ipth-kl- llllci ami has h. en. to my I tlllnlit If tie i'l.-ll,- were happilieil tn f... it Mie .l.'lall III 'li I , "!.-- ' two fellows Mure xxh.i niH'l" ihe lemtnsl an a ::i nun p. han.le.l I'l Inimer cllis llllltl Xetl O man who woul l k. p III.. ' wntht fools uf you t still when flieii. Is .Hie Ihllli! null." she tones 4 we, I i llle. theiuselx es cnuhl l.lll lelies Pell,, attain Uiu-nr- ' I wiinte.l In talk kwo Mial tnii-- up. I linanliie Yotl foul. tu'l fllnl two worse ri'it.l t Insist in Mat hill l.e pal. Ihe The la! W'll at Illl IXetltS. Ill' sent till", Herulil. . k I ulltit.r iliuinps In a n( tnrti' The lie. must it.. l.c lmh: sc.) t. lt. t , f for it low cvuntl)' ilear mi I al lie the (e:k a he " - It, ' net ess this state ul. 'II afti't .'.l"k sin. ef .lull I. I' W I it i.h-- he want It A Futurt Po for" ' 1 b'li.. Knll" in Mils w nn a.- supsise not." he replle.l ' Win! ' Mow ninth is 8.n Was 4 fntlln ttilliij h.lp. I'" ht nu Int. i a necret. the hoy il you Ket heri' luao?" lili. ' 1 uli I u the other ufif-- .1 t.i ymp ' t'OIII't nf till' IH' llll l.' I.' Itinlllhs pen,. trip, in,, initio hitmh. h,i Hill ashatticl to tell the tiuth. "hri like tn my airship " iM'fnie 4H.1 nls" I li'ipiesl If tin- thlre Willi III wife UuorrJ tht "in 'I HI IK IH' I'TTU'C 01 .,,lisj i: 'Im; flsliiim. ami he the uurk "Ki'8'l KooJ" In In L Ul'lAlJ. "Oluuily ' 4'rol'. tl'' iimii tlif .i: iut. A ft II, lalt.c u Il.i akej j In use for a float." ooooonoooooooooooooooooooo H. W. Hawkinson. of Spring-- 1 intendent of Water Service Fos-fiel- Knowles with Mrs. Thurmond. LOCAL XKWS. Illinois, pu rchased the ter. the cotton acreage under r foriy Carls- - The breaking up of the drouth Mrs. Klebold and Mr. I. ve-jo- y, pemorest smith of h hj wjl 6 rnv THBV IOMI WNBJtr five miles, being ' is hailed with a shout. The of Ft. Worth, are the' mething over 1i(ni acres. visitor southwest fortv of the old count!) is as green as a wheat their son and brother, Fd. Kle- O0OOOOOO OOO0O0OU Rodgers section. The deal was There Hre about IW acres of ,tj(J(j bold. made through the Knoblauch cotton on the Hatrernmn farm Harry Gait her, Luther Heech Mr. Land Co., one of the most pro-- wrijcn will bring the total acre- - The barbecue, given by the and Mrs. P. Holebeke are and Mr. lhuiley, tdieepmen from t s i trrttlivo rant firma in ha sni-eei- u.t'itu age 2HK)...... 1 vns -a - in overv visiting in Fl Paso. the Plains were in town Tuesday valley. Mr. Hawkinson will to over Allowing tne , particular especially in the num-- 1 "Mr. and Mrs. P.itTle gone Reynold! drill a deen well to irood water. bad stands and all damage . have The Bros., sheep her 01 otes polie.l.hi men from the Plains loaded a nnil.l n fin roi,l.,n..u ami .r PnrlslKid ahonl.1 urodne.v :.t i. to Iturstow. Joyce-Pruit'- the in alfalfa, after-Thi- big supply wagon at a tract fruit and most conservative estimate. The game of ball Fridav s Carl Aycock, of rla. Texas, ) Tuesday. is one of the most desirable rm bae!, of cotton tnifl y a n ,on ul.eW),cn 0asis and Need- - ana spent several days visiting his tracts in tne valley even in lat- Mr- - Polk re-- more resulted in favor of the and Mrs. Emmett ! its present condition brought a1 Who improved mother. a wants 40 acres ter. joice in the advent of nine good figure, $.oiM. After it is an,, foP pound boy, who arrived last, noar twni fine ,iajrviK About the middle of August, improved the way the present truck farming, bees or chickens, The game on Saturday morn- Wednesday morning. owner contemplates $400 per Knowles will "do herself proud" at a bargain or will trade, ing N'eedmore Semi- acre will be a between and in the way of an all around pic- Rev. B. M. Shive, of Joplin, reasonable price. Hollowav Land ( ... Parties wishing to sell will do1 nole was a good one, Needniore nic- Missouri, will preach at the " particulars later. well to seethe Knoblauch Land again winning. Score was to Presbyterian church Sunday Birdt of ,he Vaey Mrs. Thomas, of Pig Springs morning at eleven o'clock. 7. Cl RRKNT: is visiting her sister. Mrs. Pen Allen C. Heard Mon- -' Etlmm . Yancy Kemp was in from his returned The prettiest game was Sat- Warren. Mex-- 1 Knowing your interest in 0 Monday his day evening from a trip to urday ranch to take little ico, going everything pertaining afternoon when boy, who Has been attending to Chihuaha. thence to the Fred Robison has a job in S. the Pwi-iii- and Oasis crossed bats. P.oth to San Louis. Obislio and Tam- - i Vallev nml thmkinir iitli..ra School, for the; Dakota and writes a glowing nt Sister's home. Pico. He prospected for ,, I" played to a finish The summer vacation. some r,,i f(, ,.f of that country. tsvo looking . . , , J H in or three weeks for, , ... ,...... , score was to favor of 1 " ' Mr. and Mrs. C. II. McLena-- i a suitable ranch, but comes back ?'" ' "V"T : o ISIS. At Seminole, the 4th. Mrs. thnn.ntrhlv - to be lound in the immediate vi- - then are expected home next ronvini.l Jack Heard, in ascending the week via Galveston, having nothing in Mexico he cares for .cinity of Carlsbad. The horsemen were not con- - hotel stairway stumbled and let taken a trip along the Hudson and that the I'nited States is' I am convinced that this list tent unless they had a hand, so ami good enough for him. Mrs. her ( months old babe fall. The Atlantic coast. u S uvhmwiii-.. V. f..r me - was hastily dragged I .... 1 I I I mt - w...... uir- a track aim tiaugnicrs little one was severely hurt Mr. Fall, of Florence finished iiearu reiurneu suit of the subject has not been down. Several races were last week from their F.I Paso about the head cutting eight acres of alfalfa last visit. extensive. matched. "Friday, the secoNd cutting for Ifk-- tt if t Illicit U I 1. t1l t J 4'ionv wi iu .11. riM viiih 111 ion v John Townseiid. Jack Hivm this season that yielded sixteen Another destructive lire i,,'t . .. my Gnrfirld to be Here Auguxt K. tons or two tuns per acre. visited Portales last week Wed- - "'""'"l rm :ront and I low Woods were wuinrsui' nesday destroying the Portales gallery. It would be inter. The follow ing which explains I ! the day. Walker ish, one of the erst- li- lf Herald owned' Sy K. A. Pnent to know just how long tin- - -t as r reived last Monday: while residents here was a visi- - The 1'ridav III was Son, Fd J. Neer drug store, could be bv to- - liali i'ec.w I and made a real or'., Water 'sers' 7 tor Tuesday Wednesday. J. Wilsford sksnting r;nk highly eliioveil and as call- - J' and ologist with ail 1:1. hot N M Walker is a traveling 115:111 how the strength Carlsbad. contents loss was wjth ed o:V A .our-- , guilds necessary follow V hill the ee ( leiitleinen: silling fur an eastern olilv S'.'t.lHIO iiis.lfiiiu e I Irs time to Alter vai-- fa the ina-- v vliiri luilise. Patterson and Vat.dever lost k il Cnpv of the propo-e- d inner- - began again and emit hue 1. nt ;i There are one thn'isatid acre s'it'i) in to. 1 he list lodows: arv of Secietarv (iarliell was ;:,ld l.igl.t. All d. parte. Mocking bird, s n: to o on , me e feet ill' water in Lake Aval in W. McArthar was in Mon- meadow loth. ti. be - i 11 I' that it nugii' tl a. , - rauyhl rum the recent rains. day from '.Monument, lie says turtledove, sung sparrow, w ere tie, by i:n' t le murii-i- i This w and rwerv candidate mi 'hi tl.-i- measurement is taken the people on the plains in the ipiail, sea. lei tanger. wi in g the program ba- - been m Tues lav when the water of , , ty eastern portion the county him grus-ibeak- bullock 01 . seet forward two week-- ceased rising. are very inuignant that the mail will canary, yellow hammer. ur town is but s.iivly hav ing am d 111 Port laud Jell" Still, Kemp. ...,.t.. l,. .,.1.1 11. , .,l...e. L...I 1... of Kaufman t in-t.- 'a I t 'he.e I ll"W. ash throated fly cat h growing. We how have four on he unit n of he . fi unit v and Mr. iivhbs eanie in tween an and the 11th. on lite north bound petitions are being nuinerou dv 'r. Arizona ily utcher, Mexican mercantile houses, two black 'ery t ruK y.mrs signed to es- - sparrow a .1. A train and left tne l.'itli fur FI have the route iv catcher, western lark smith millinery depart- C. Ll.W'i II Kl . . .ablished to Knowle-- Wi- Stati.-ticia- Paso county to clme up a ileal "I rwill" (Chuck Will's ment and a hotel, A dru.r store n.

fur Markley ii?ht bu-ine- ss the Charles F. T. Carter, of the Farmers dow), cardinal, chaparal c u k. will soon be doing and This w ill' bring the v.rr. taty sectiuns in FI I'aso county Texas. Land League has sold to Ir. black phoebe, raven, black b.r.l. Dr. Deard ill', of Monument will heie August in-le- of Harry Irwin, I!. K. Stuutemyer, the legal of Fncanipmeht, more than one stieciinen, west- take Up his residence here. the j:;. 21 as scheduled in the t - Wyoming, eighty acres of ad viser fur in- reclamation ser- the ern chipping sparrow, butcher lii'st place. vice of tin? t'arlslmd and Hondo John Nvmever turm Mr-- . N. F. Thurmond has been n:ir ''i'-'1- - wi1,1 jirojects, returned Monday from Florence.' Dr. Irwin will move ''"ck. several varieties appointed postmistress and the his vacation of a month and an on his farm in the near fut .re sand hill cranes, brant, heron. moved Toole HOW TO MAKE GOOD ROADS. - office will be into extended trip on the Pacific and make extensive improve- than one varr.-iv- . divers. - . 11. .. .:o .. . - . mrt. and Heard'.-- coast. ' ' fisher, Suggillmni by SKIr Enjmw Couler 1 . l'.t king waders, more than "f.111 '.!'lui rm v 111,111" Li 1 li spent cf M,nneota iiivi one variety, gulls, killdeer. owls, The glorious was Horace .lames and Mrs. Alice Si:iiii i;tii;liii-.-- i;,.,..s, y ,,f M. C. Stewart, who was reap- I (i away from home, some going to Austin were married Wednesday to ll specimens, haw ks. to Mll.lli'.'lji. uli, r.M in.., I pointed mounted police July 1st, Lovington, some to Midway and .,i at the home ut' Mr. James by spetiniens. buxard, Fnglish spar, Ih.'H ;i.I.oii r iii.l- - i!lli tin- T-- tf Judge. by (iovemor Curry, was out at tin- nn, ,11 ih,. Cunningham and they row, Mexican black eagle, rain others to Seminole. hii.l.: in khavf commenced house keeping MoiiuniiMit last week during M I"' o. I. .I,-.- .1 Hi,. ,.., Semi- ', u- -- . 1. ... in reside. mi Main which time Jack Marrin gave crow, bob white and Mexican Our team played against li. ii - 1: i .unit I, the ice street - recently vacated by A. S. Wil- up and furnished bund in the oriole nole. To say our boys wer" iiti'l k- tin- t.i. in I'- nt t iniii u 1 1, - case wherein he is charged with p. s;. - j lei' i.iiii.ii..' hi M" son. j,iiv,, not given the scien treated in an unfriendly manner -- . . a I ii, i;., i !' hi. .1,1 1, ..,iii: v gun piay anu a noi.i up 01 - titic of these birds, as is putting it lightly, ('onversa- if In n ;i'l.i,:i 1.1 ' - 111 ' I,. T. J. Stokes, of Lamar. Mis- McArt hur Monument last names i;i at , r In- l.i -- i , souri, who resided her' for some season. I thought they' would be better tion was overheard between Hint"-- t,;it 1,,..., iV ii.i .i ". Ml if. 1I1 inn h i. I II:. years, leaving in P.H." returned appreciated in boys Needmore and - understood and of the M III. It .1 1 III Monday look his old A petition to (rovernor Curry H..l I'MI .l to over plain Fnglish. nolo teams, say ing t lint by fair Is II I' ..'1l lll In. 1,1,1 III. to pradon John McAnincli from haunts ami to visit for a time lll'l, I Ml Ulli'l'-.l-- Very sincerely, means or foul, Knowles inu-- t be life .'i son-in-la- the pen was w eek with his and daughter circulated this h :i'l.i h, 'i. 1,1 i't " My deci- - signed - C. I.. the unfa r -- Mr. and Mrs. L. Ryan and his and numerously in Curls- Iloil'mann. "snowed S I. ti ii.i In. Ml,., h I ,M. rrand children. bad. Mac was sent up a year -- ions of the umpire i -- I" ' Mil 11, -t I,., . .ill .lit or more ago I,, ll.i- . i for wife beating and What have vou to trade for N'eedlllore's team I tlley ac pew .1 The altar for St Fdward's his tune has nearly expired Ml im. 1:, 1.i 111 t t and j.;.(sl T,.xas f:ln,H'.' -( complished Ihev out to t - . donated by J. II. James arrived what fn.. .nt ii.nti - li.' i,lt,k- I l ie paiuon is 10 save ms citizen- - Hollowav Land Co. last Saturday and was put in ship. do. Not a drop of waier was ..l.N HI In- I I l -- In, ill, I In. iijIiHv place Monday. The altar is jro- - furnished during the nine in- 'Inn lllli'.l unit irtnii'i hably the finest in New Mexico Pedro Fteheverry yesterday For Sale: Four room l.oune, ,,1 :,i ii hi, h s ,11 1, nings, tlio' the boys called time ' and will endure always. The closed a deal with iV P.rice one year old. Verv cheno if III! I Mil til MitL-hel-l and for a It was ll'lt l'.t' li 1,4 I't Ml. v li. I, dedication will occcur at 10 for the P. M sheep about ,Qj in next few day- (iood again drink. 1',I,IM'. III.. - It: ' ... I11IA 1 1,1 '1 I..' 1 .! .' ; "ol head he sheep are out on i learl.i liow n a slight and ir o'clock next Sunday. ocaity and large lot. -- .1 tin- - I, ,, tl,.- - ,,, the Plains about seventy miles IM li.i'l si. Knoblauch Land Co. was intended, for in the after I'll' th- I1..1 ml. III! -- Ii.i'i , Kl il! R. i. Hardgrave. of the Sher- east of Carlsbad. The price is ill noon game between Seminole fi 1I11 .ill In III nil. I 111:1,," wood iSr llardgrave real estate lil said to be $'2.2 for ewes and lll'-- l ' 11, Li t il -, .1 .! .1 Me-- Simpson Tues- - and lemonade New Jim r 't urned Needmore and - linn, of lucumcari. i $l.rin for lambs. HtU-l- ' :i c I.. I'M. tin- .;l.l was day night from South Dakota. .1 . . t ico, in town luesday the S1a p,lt were freelv served, is fi I'M hi t... 1. nr Flder C. C. Hill of Roswell for nearly . - guest of Mr. J. F. Rackley. Mr. laving been absent ,Vi. h ,., a,,,.,. d..i..i-n,i- hi-- ni' r isin'.i in, .i n,,, nn will till his regular appointment a load of I .1 .1' r4V.irdgrave says Tucumcari has four weeks with train hi' h In. ,it i ll "in.. I'mi ii 111 ( Ml i nation to down Knowles. our in n filinri-l- in uft. .! 'I -- m , grown in the last year to double tlu rial thi II.. ullii. In. .'I Iti 1. '' l. r city Sunday! Subject loss of a buys played a good game. N ore 1111. h, ii inii I In- - .1 - , , its former si.e and now contains next for cessful trip without ' about 1000 people. 11 a. in., "The Way of Least single steer i to '.. iiii-ii- .i .il iliu-i- In, In- -. ,.l 11. ,1 r l,:i. I Resistance hvening at the - HIiiiii- - tl:l.'i II, Mil' -- ;i lit.- ii.ll mil A newspaper is pos- l.l Ll I', I Dan Sullivan, the man who union service, "The Name that Married, an assured 'lull l'l ..t fl ll.'l lillt llil nil got his eye shot out, by a man is Above Fvery Name." sibility. The press has been or- - III ll .1. , named Weddell near Dayton, Mr. Miles Thomas Stone and irerctl. Ml' t.i nil till' III it. H . I l.i s in. ., nml nniliiiit: in fall, in Monday. K ( last was town Louise Clark were i h. tin- - 1..1 I.m-i- i (In. Jc,1Vl?TmX'nef ' tln i.r niilrii. , After July 27th; the Knowles Mr. Sullivan recently returned -- . . I,.' orchard the first shipment being .married in Denver July 8. at the (flllVl'l .l ill's 'm,, II,,, from an extended trip through mail will conn three times a I -- In- ii wm'.liil II111I made on Tuesday. Mr. Tracy home of the sister of the bride, I'nlil lie Imillil ill - llllll Oil- - .Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa in ' week via Seminole, shutting the I'M'Ilt k'IIM'1 I'll f has nn excellent crop and Mrs. Duncan Miller, i l - rjiie the Walcott j f llll'll In ullt ll llil- UII.V interest of his real estate route the route oil from Monti-Full- y l.l of . ! Yusiness at Artesia. fruit is fine size and (jualitv. ;xhe happy couple returned to till 0 ti tin- ', ntlil. tnr lijilri- five hundred call for M II I Carlsbad Monday of this week their III K11 f'T tlllM II,IH The T X Pool were busy dip- Cotton ProtpecU. mail ut this place. lllllklliK nil ilil.HlKl'iiiMil viltli an, are now residing at the Ii l Ih ping TioO and V yesterday. tl III Smi .III ill l.otK.'IIK-ll- Unlilil announcing i preparatory to shipping. The The prospects are very bright pleasant home of the groom Cards are out the fur liino' iiiiiiiiih'iiI Hiau tu tin Puchun-an- , to tl" "it wllli uiiHiiil-f- n. tm y i KteVm are all in fine condition. for a fine cotton crop under south of town where ho is the marriage of Sallie (iray the Umlrrlnln In lliln h lliu bonnl iiiicl t uleob nml umiwitli huf thn .lift. of Snyder, to Top Heard., Carlsbad project. F. 0. Tracy, owner of a large ranch. control (In B.Miirm of j I y nml imtli ping process must go on just the who has been practically all over also Miss Alice (Jraham to Nat liitf wiinl.l iw lift tu tbu film nf tlm same. No doubt some of the riiiitrni'lnr the valley looking crop, j We have customers who want Houston. The many friends of owners who know the steers at the Mr. I n,, 1,1 IllHil wi ll! llllll till- - illi money mort- - these young people wish j have no sign of mange or itch snva that thn must nf it won to borrow on first for tloll nf llinlliirlilin. il nf rmiiln, w lilrli tut lan,U- - have money i 11 11 would like to nut the man that struck by the hail a few ?a?e If '"" them all the best in life. rnlmlili ill ,Ulti. h liiimrllilit rim 10 man oil cnLttie, net.-- tnn-l..i- i I hi-- i . Im mil, I. for the order to dip, in ago, is looking Ac- koou rftti weeks welt. Mr. and Mrs. MacArthur of In- - i the vat with the steers. the llolloway Land Company, uliuiilil to n man uu cording to the figures of Super-- Carlsbad, N. M. Monument have been camping tin- - mini fnr twu wivkit nftiT lit com-- . i In l.x.k out for t STATE ROAD IMPROVEMENT. ThP Story ofa Modlr Inf. t. rnaie "t.olden Medical liiacoverr Radical Chang. R.ecmm.nd.d to WS" "uiito' d I y tn f i ' in. r t tn rt - New York Legislature. at.! ai d valuaLle iiikhhIu nl - l.iuUi u t. luiim Rmllrnl chntigo In the method f Nu OF .. iirf forty yenr airo. I)r. Pierre ilia. J count main- COURSE ruction. iiiervlliig and t. !! H iie l oulil. eoveretl Unit the of (Hire. taining highway In New York xtnta trlpli-ri'Hii- glycerine, anlnl l.y a cer- arc recommended In tlio retain recent-l- tain d i;r- - n( ri.n-tunt- niuliitulicil 1 1 the aid of und tninmlttel to the legislature ly Lnit anl with upparatiia 10 ai'iiiliincea th n,cned fnrtliut purHi, ex- to the Scial lcgllntlve highway Investi- tract from our nint vulualiln ruitivn gating committee npHlnted ty the leg. roots their curitlvn proiiertlca nun h U'tter than by the uw of alcohol. Hut 11 re. Mi employed. So now world-fame- d recommends-tloti- generally the The mora Importnnt -- (.olden Medical Jlcovery." for Now let us help you to be COMFORTABLE. ore: the cure of weak atomach, Indignation, or The crentlon of a department ol dvtrpla. torpid liver, or blllnusneas and b Wiil r'-- d daranarmcnu was Hrt made, as That Is partly what we are here for blgha)e. to tohslst of three iihiiiIhtk It ever alnse has barn, w itbuut a particle appointed l.T the governor, to have of alcohol 1V1 Its mal-up- . HOW ABOUT A of highway, now In the A glance VyvlVuM list of Its Ingred- ient. prlnlT imvi-- r bnttle-wrapiie- I111111U of the atnte engineer. will show tbat It Is lanV from the moat 'I he reciHllflcntlori of oil existing valuable medlclnsl rvVAfound growing hlgliwnv lav. Into one statute and the In our American foretwAII thee In- - rerlirnt have received the 'iuct i .V rctival of all existing lawa on thla sub- j Tineni trorn tl.e k.i.a inidirrf - QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE? ject. tik The establishment of four system lllimLVli. r.n.1111111.1.11 Hiam as llifiqjt la Ll.llil .1.1 B L 111 lll.eaae li.r ulnrti of highway count ruction. representing luf two now unknown In thlH state uml AuiiUTUkiK ol tlieae enduraemeuu Dsa Style, single at prices ranging continuing In force the present lllglile-Armstron- comj'ilod hy Tr. U. v. Pierce, tif We have the Junior and double burner tn l Puller-Plan- Idiffulo, N. V.. and will mailed .'rn to und eyicni stiv one a.tikln nine by card, i.r from $2. 50 to $5.00 each) these can be used with an oven and make Of the four ayatema of construction It tt.r addrenwKl to the IKHli.r a ulmvn, proposed perhaps the most radlcul in Kmm tlieae) eniloremriitii, copied Iron a We the first, which provide for the con. rtandurd mHlcal all (he differ- cooking in hot weather almost pleasure. also have the ent cliii nl practice.likofIt will he found ft ruction of thIrty-Bv- e trunk highway, that the liittriilientacuniuoeiiig Ihn'ttnld-e- n connecting the larger locolltlea if the Medical IHcovery " are advlutl not atnte and to I luillt entirely nt the only for the cure of theative nientioiied dtseawM, hut ulo for the cur of all ca- ex tense of the atute. At present the tarrh!, bronchial and throat affection, QUICK MEAL RANGES, atnte doe not undertake the coiimI ruc- accon.palned with catarrhal dlM'harge. tion of any roads unle the county boare'iice. wire throat, lingering, or ay a and all thow wailing and town iroHrtlnmite share. aMitlon winch, if riot promptly and These thirty-liv- trunk route would iirorly treated are hul.le to termlnutn extend to all part of the atute. In coiifun.iilon. Take Iir Pierce' Elegant stoves, some as high 00 each. None can equal them In $35. The aecond and a.vHtema are fnvery in and j.revere ll thlnl until you givn It n fair trial and It I in t, for style, comfort, economy and satisfaction. Let us sell you one, you will the present IIIgble-Armstmu- g and likely to Tik. much niul in.t fuller ayatema. which have long leea la- - of it. It will not never regret it. Id 1 be fourth la whnt la miracle It will not cure roiimimpiii.ti ieratloii. In lie No medicine will. ayatem pro- advanced lave. known aa the Krcnch and It uiil cure the erWtloti that lead U(i Iu a look our line of ICE CREAM FREEZERS, ICE BOXES, vide for the construction of purely lo-- eonsumpuou, ly luxen tn lira. Take at eal roada. the expense to I born, by BALL GOODS and FISHING the eountle and town, the ante tak- REFRIGERATORS, HAMOCKS, BASE ing no ahure of the burden. A Happy Mother A hill acconiaulea the report hut re- All and at prices are correct. will iee that tier bahy ia pro-rl- TACKLE. first class that n late, only to the highway code carer for to do thla a good purgative ia la mad for tbe Itnrwailtlnn of a neceary Mnliy babies suffer from provisional tat on automobile to de- worms und tl sir umthera don't know fray the coat of maintenance. it if vonr I. any ia fevi riali and (loeaii t sleep nt mghla, it ia troubled with worm. White a Cream Veruiit age will SETTLING OUST NUISANCE. cleau nnl theae wornia In a mild pleae-an- t way. (luce tried alwaya ui-e- V4 at an Aulemobila (five it a trial Price 8.1 eenia. at Faatary That Imprava Ktmi. Kddy Drug ('oinpany. HDW. At an automobile factory In Toledo. TRACY' CO. O., lielleve they Ensign ROBERTS tbe manufacturer Commlaaloner spoke In the aaee settled Uie duat aolaanee and morning. Tbe audlenre eontalued men pointed a way to a phase of road Im- from all tbe aurroundlog eountle. provement The plaot cover large tome of wboru came seventy-fiv- e mllea area. At the rear of tbe factory build- Tbe hoard of trade raised fl.OfK) lo All the latest books of fiction, ing la a circular apcedway. wblle be- gold for good road prise. romance and adventure at the tween the building are driveways. subjected very se- CRYSTAL ICE. Eddy DruK Co. Tbeae roada are to tautifylng Stead wis). vere use from testing car constantly Tbe Women's Plate federation of re- Presbyterian Church. paaalng over theru. going out and Delaware has begun the work of plant-lo- g With June romr. the long hoi rummer Jays, but the turning to the factory, generally at tree for tbe purpoe of beautifying Sunday School 10 a. m. blgb speed: heavy traffic of large tbe road leading from tbe fork In tbe disconifitutr will not be o great if you use CRYSTAL Divine Service - - 11a.m. truc ks heavily loaded, touring cars and New Castle rauaeway to Karnburst Chrimian Endeaver - 7 p. m. other vehicle. Naturally these drives It la announced tbat the federation wff IC F "Its made Irom Distilled water". Evening Service 7:150 p. m. and the created lota of duat ettend I. work to otber parts of at and required conatant repair. state. Abraham Lincoln Much experimenting baa been done. II ha-- ask nrighliort. they f to HaeaVali you not to know your wan a man wh'i againat all twill, at- and the factory ieople aay tbey have lan frmr tuild tained the highest honor a man could Anally bit upon a g'd treatment which A numlvr nf prominent fanner , will tell you we ate the dependable ICE. F EED. FUEL t in the I mtcd State. Hullard'a gives excellent reaulla and la very eco- fharleatown townablp, In t'lark coun- llirehtiurill Svrun hu attained u nliir.- - nomical. The factory ha It own teel ty, have originated a plan for tbe and BO'ITLING MEN. never equalled I'y any other like reme treating furnace. ome oil heated, and bolldlng of free gravel roada proponed dy. 11 i a aure cure for ( oti";h. Cold It la the aedlutent front tbe crude oil In tbat townablp. aaya a Jefferaonvllle llronrhitia .Influenza ami all Pulmon need In the baiter, aprlnkled with aji (Ind.l corTeepotident of tbe Kt. Iitila and arc nil ready crvc you, ary Uiat-a-- Kvrry Our tetvnc u the lict f al lime I" mother should ordinary over of The blda auhmltted for seen Mupplictl with wnntlerrul rough ran the surface tbe nelgbtior-noo- d were an high the fann- rnciii'iiie. Hold tiy the Kddy Drug Co, roada tbat baa Improved the the work that of the plant. Three treatments a er derided to have the work done tin- See A. J. Crawford. eaaaon. It la aaid. make the roadheda der their own eupervlKlon. time laying MATHESON & LITTLE. aaaured It wm:'d lay done aarlafae-torll- For two uhaetonn nnn ilonMo waterproof, lava the duat and prevent that ruta and breaking of em tank men ta. and save to tbemnelve the profit The ICE. FEED, FUEL & BOTTLING MEN. buiwy. harness, Raddle, ensilage that ordinarily goe to tbe contractor. cutter, hay rake and fanning mill Ooed Work In Illinois. Rbould thla plan work out suecesafulty, anu linest home in town. Prealdent Miller of the Uatv (111 i as It la believed It will, the realdent nf A 2 Dot. case ol our Jersey Cream Soda will make you glad Ooial UtNida aaaoclatlnn atated recently other townahl In Dark county will e adopt Aa aa la known at Jeffer- Notice of that over twenty-liv- mllea of rond had It far Bond Sale aonvllle. this will he the first time such 10 beeu gruded and a much dragited un- Hrh... IM.trtrt Nn f Kd.l County. New a to ha laaUMi $I.Mi of ttftli.L ftir th. pureta. of der the aiiMplce of that orgunlaatlon plan waa ever tried Indiana. ni. the rlrhtatl II. .um- - in anl a. h.a.l Ilia, I II aald further: "We have epeclniene tri.t. hM. honda are in of I Itai . run i voara from July I .1 road where the waa complet- . l'n. ... nf irrode annual th. dialrit-- t r.ti-r- i in- - Ihr ed In thla manner mid drolntlle laud A ri.hl to rMlrvm at an lint, after III vm I Iim. Dollar Saved I..,l. arv iu.w idlernl for rMlr lif n. al where the water Hue was within one arl.lw.1. N M W II Mhh. hikt foot of the surfuce and through whlrb Trewurvr of hMr lit. N. M Corn fed BEEF for many years waded hub deep Is a Dollar Earned In mud Iu the spring and aometlme In Ml'TTON U.S. ami Notice of Sale by Special Master the full when It rained. Hut these por- AlkaH. tion of the rodd are now firm und a fH ul In th Hialrii-- Court of Mil (uiintr. Nr. M. giaid a any we have." He nlo elated V. You Hill r . Kmeraon. V ainlllt. that the highway coiiimlaMoucra bad always sate money PORK, SAUSAGE, vm So. NhU lareo making contract with the fann- Market. t I J and Kolwrla Knicrnon. by dealing ith people you D MODUCTa W'hrrcaB on Ihr Ilrtttlav of January. U'- - lit. er for drugging their roada it In I hiMtru-- i'uurt within and for thr r.,unlyof Flil. mile and that the ayatem of road ufoi.aHl in that ti.liriH. iah rank therein working la heartily by ran trust. I'llOSK No II risM an rnntlnl and numtwtl an alaive. by iu judgment approved both ovsTcns sa ao.l mail, an I enlrreii of tvntrj in mI the taxpayer and road user. mum,dn . vntenai julirtnent in fatorof waul lainliA JOHN LOWI-MiMUCK- - Prop V. K Ktoerwn ami a.aint thw ilrf.Tt.lan. J I. Kmvrwin fiu- th. mim f XJ40' 12. with internal Head Maintenance Schtm. ami r.tftta of auit. atHt, Countv Knglneer Ceorge F llnrton The Old Reliable W hmu, II mm further prmHlxl in anl hvaanl JiMlnuienl and aWrw tliat in .ae .mJ luilirutent. of lloiiatnn. Tex., haa Introduced tbe CARLSBAD w II h mtenrat ami ttmtm of .ult he not taitl In aaut atltcb In time ayatem on tbe road un- t'laiittitt within tiara from .he tat if um! Is at .!ie same stand that J. rw. then ami in thai raan. th. itrvmiaea der hi lnector are em- he as years ago, and iiiid in Mid dr.ree. to WII-- IHa 7 and in ployed by the mouth w biate duty It la other points on h. Hi. vena A iM It ion to th. town of will e there when you r ln..w ralletl arlaltaali K.I.I. I'mnttr. N. M to patrol the road at regular Intervale wa X clothes atwl all th. riaht. till, intereat ami euuity ttf and reulr all damaged place and care if rawl .lefwtdanfa ami at! ur.marlallii-n- i U(4MD' MPaKID OR MAW ID f II PECOS VALLEY LINES naul itreintaea by. throuirhor umler them for the dltcbe and culverts Stations at putdM aurtK. tit th. hi.heat ami tntat are along tbe highways hald.r. hy th. ulMllirne.l MiHvtal Maater ht etabllhed store.) 1 eXex-t-e- JACOB SMITI Best reached by direct connection with the A.T.&S.F.Ry waa aeiMMnteil in a'td by aaMl tl.t ree for th. ur-n- where supplies are It J. uf ntahinaT aurh aale. and. that thla method of maintenance Wliaw.. mttr than ninety daya haa .latat will prove lea expenalv and keep im-- ih remlilMm of aaitt det'rve, and aatd jmte far BE SURE '.nt, lnlera.1 an. axiata of autt remain wholly un the roada In better condition than tbe ur ticket reads via l e IhimI old way of leaving them until they re- Carlsbad Co. Santa 1 Furniture all the way. Full N.iw, thrfoea. untie, ia Intrehy atv.n 1 al th. umt.ntietied Hiterial Maft.r will, on Hatuntay. thr quire almost entire rebuilding. information rtfjtnrdinn lath day of July. IW. Iwtween th. houra of l rate, etc, cheerfully furnished u a A at ami . orkH'k P M I day. of hat (..Id Fee Deed Road eViaee. al ta. fnanl ikaar of th. t'.mrt Huua. In th. UNDERTAKERS Irninty of rdtly, Taterit.ary of New M.lwo. aal at Tne King drag road meeting held I). L. iiubltr au.MMtn. ftar hand, hltrhawl MKYEKS, raab in to th. recently at Wllllaineport Pa., waa ad and beat barfd.r. th. rami aetata In aaaa deeraw R. .reaerihed. aa r.4luwa. ta wit a'i ttrvrn (71 and tbat could be dealred. Eight hundred M.THORNE Trnflk MunatT, Pecos Kim t.l In Mkark Twrnly-eay- in th. Hlr-.n- a voters wedged Into the auditorium Valley Lines, Addilwci ta the tow t labtell I now railed at LICENSED EMBALMER t arlabadl County. N.w M.iira, for In. tbe court houae to bear II. Ward King IturiHta. ni aaiMftin aaal uiter. of Mlanourl apeak on "Good Amarillo, Texas. and emta of auit. Roada A'. J l Wai aaa rtperial Maoter. Right Now" lieputy Mat Highway Telephone70