TheJohns Hopkins University

Conferring of Degrees At the Close of the

1 1 5th Academic Year

MAY 23, 1991 Digitized by the

in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation Contents

Order of Procession 1

Order of Events 2

Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars 10

Honorary Degree Citations 12

Academic Regalia 15

Awards 17

Honor Societies 21

Student Honors 23

Degree Candidates 25

As final action cannot always be taken by the time the program is printed, the lists of candidates, recipients of awards and prizes, and designees for honors are tentative only. The University reserves the right to withdraw or add names.

Order ofProcession


Sara Castro-Klaren Peter B. Petersen Eliot A. Cohen Martin R. Ramirez Bernard Guyer Trina Schroer Lynn Taylor Hebden Stella M. Shiber Franklin H. Herlong Dianne H. Tobin Jean Eichelberger Ivey James W. Wagner Joseph L. Katz Steven Yantis




Grace S. Brush Warner E. Love




Lucien M. Brush, Jr. Stewart Hulse, Jr.



Noel R. Rose


1 Order ofEvents

William (.. Richardson President of the University, presiding

* * «


Suite from the American Brass Band Journal G.W.E. Friederich (1821-1885)

Suite from Funff— stimmigte blasenda Music JohannPezel (1639-1694)



The audience is requested to stand as the Academic Procession moves into the area and to remain standing after the Invocation.


FESTIVAL MARCHES from "Belshazzar, Flioridante, Ezio, Saint Cecilia's Day, Rinaldo, Scipione and Judas Maccabaeus" Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759)



Fanfare Walter Piston (1894-1976)

Grand Entree from "Alceste" Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759)


Van H. Gardner Dean The Cathedral of the Incarnation





Morris W. Offit Chairman of the Board of Trustees



Jill Leukhardt Vice President, TheJohns Hopkins University Alumni Association



James C. Allen Antonia C. Novello Camilla Persson Benbow Gary A. Prinz Morgan Berthrong Emil Reisler David Grob Michael J.A. Robert-Nicoud Lewis H. Kuller James B. Snow, Jr. Michel F. Lechat Katepalli R. Sreenivasan

George W. Mitchell, Jr. G. Rainey Williams Edward Ming-Yang Wu

Scholars Presented by M. Gordon Wolman Interim Provost of the University THE FESTIVAL BRASS

Ellery B. Woodworth, Conducting

Domine Salvum Fac Patriam Americam Domine Salvum Fac Praesidem Nostrum

( iharles Gounod (1818-1893)



Thomas B. Turner C. Vann Woodward Thomas R. Odhiambo



Thomas R. Odhiambo Director of the International Centre ofInsect and Ecology, \airobi,Kenya


Conferring ofDegrees on Candidates


Presented by

Lloyd Armstrong, Jr. Dean, School of Arts and Sciences


Presented by

V. David VandeLinde Dean, G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

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Presented by

Robert O. Pierce Director, Peabody Conservatory ofMusic


Presented by

Carol J. Gray Dean, School ofNursing


Presented by

Stanley C. Gabor Dean, School of Continuing Studies


Presented by

Stanley C. (labor Dean, School of Continuing Studies

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Presented by

Carol J. Gray Dean, School ofNursing

* * 4


Presented by

Robert O. Pierce Director, Peabody Conservatory ofMusic

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Presented by

Alfred Sommer Dean, School of Hygiene and Public Health

* * *


Presented by

George R. Packard Dean. Paul H. Xitze School ofAdvanced International Studies MASTERS OF ARTS

Presented by

Michael E.Johns Dean, School ofMedicine

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Presented by

V. David VandeLinde Dean, G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

**< *»- *•>


Presented by

Lloyd Armstrong, Jr. Dean, School ofArts and Sciences

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Presented by

Stanley C. Gabor Dean, School of Continuing Studies

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Presented by

Robert O. Pierce Director, Peabody Conservatory of Music 4*4


Presented by

Alfred Sommer Dean, School of Hygiene and Public Health

» M. »


Presented by

George R. Packard Dean, Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

4 * 4


Presented by

Michael E.Johns Dean, School of Medicine

4 4 4


Presented by

V. David VandeLinde Dean, G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

4 4 4


Presented by

Lloyd Armstrong, Jr. Dean, School of Arts and Sciences


William C. Richardson President of the University



Gretchen van Utt Chaplain TheJohns Hopkins University


March C.P.E. Bach (1714-1788)

March from LeNozze di Figaro Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

The audience is requested to remain standing after the Benediction until the principals, officials, members of the

faculties, and the graduates have left the area. TheJohns Hopkins Society of Scholars

TheJohns Hopkins Society of Scholars was created by the University's Board ofTrustees on May 1. 1967, on the recommendation of President Milton S. Eisenhower. The society'—the first of its kind in the nation — inducts former Johns Hopkins postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty, or visiting faculty who have gone on to marked distinction in scholarship or professional achievement in the physical, biological, medical, social, or engineering sciences or the humanities. At least five years must have elapsed since their formal association with die University. The Committee of theJohns Hopkins Society of Scholars, whose members are drawn in equal numbers from among all the academic divisions of the University, elects the inductees from candidates nominated by the divisions having programs for postdoctoral fellows. New members of the Society' ofScholars are invested annuallv at the time ofCommemoration Day, Commencement, or some similar occasion. Thev are presented with a certificate and a medallion with a black and gold ribbon. Today, we honor 15 new inductees, invested at a ceremony last evening, who bring the society's membership to 267. They are: Dr. James C. Allen, chairman of the Department of Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina. A distinguished clinician and investigator, he made seminal observations as a postdoctoral fellow that led to the finding of the CM allotypes on immunoglobulin heavy chains. Later, in collaboration with Dr. Michael Apicella, he demonstrated the immunopathogenesis of pleural effusions in . Dr. Camilla Persson Benbow, professor of psvchology at Iowa State University. A productive and creative investigator, she received four Hopkins degrees, including a doctorate, by age 24 and was promoted to full professor at Iowa Suite at 33. She is widely published in educational development and psvchology. Formerly a co-director of the Study of Mathematically Prec< >t i< >us Youth at Hopkins, she now directs the study's Iowa State location. Dr. Morgan Berthrong pathologist at Penrose Hospitals in Colorado Springs. Colo., and clinical professor of pathology at the University of Colorado and University ofNew Mexico schools of medicine. Widely known for his definitive published studies of radiation injury, he is regarded as an expert diagnostic pathologist and as an inspiring teacher. Dr. David Grob, director emeritus of medicine and medical education at Maimonides Medical Center in New York and medical director of the Maimonides Research and Development Foundation. He has long been interested bi the physiology and pathophysiology of neuromuscular transmission and in the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis. In 1982, this research won him the achievement award of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. Dr. Lewis H. Kuller, chairman of die Department of Epidemiol ogv at die University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Healdi. He is one of die nation's leaders in clinical and chronic disease epidemiology, and has applied epidemiological mediods to a wide variety of public health and clinical problems. His publications plav a significant role in bridging the gap between epidemiology and clinical medicine.

10 Dr. Michel F. Lechat, dean of tlie School of Public Health at Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He has served as president of the International Leprosy

Association and the International Leprosy Union, and is also director of the Research Center on Disaster Epidemiology at Catholic University ofLouvain. He was one ofthe first to suggest that epidemiologic principles could be applied to improving disaster preparedness and response. He has served as a World Health Organization consultant or - adviser in two dozen nations.

Dr. George W. Mitchell Jr., professor of obstetrics and gynecology' at the University of Health Science Center at San . An expert in gynecologic oncology and gynecological surgery, he has set standards and policy at every level within the field of obstetrics and gynecology. His contributions have been recognized by the establishment of a chair in his name at die Tufts University School of Medicine, where he is a former department chairman and now an emeritus professor. Dr. Antonia C. Novello, surgeon general of the U. S. Public Health Service. She is the author or co-author of more than 75 articles and chapters on public health policy, nephrology, and pediatrics. She is an unflagging advocate of public health training and the need to attract more women and minorities into the field. She continues the tradition of using the office of surgeon general as a platform from which to make important contributions to public knowledge of health issues, including AIDS, smoking, , and, recently, alcohol abuse by college-age students. Dr. Gary A. Prinz, head of the Magnetic Multilayers Section of the Naval Research

Laboratory in . As a postdoctoral fellow, he was the first to observe evidence for coupling between rare-earth ions in an insulating host crystal structure using high resolution spectroscopic measurements. At the Naval Research Laboratory, he was the first to use pulsed molecular gas lasers as sources to carry out magnetic resonance experiments in the far infrared. He was elected a fellow of the American Phvsical Society in 1984. Dr. Emil Reisler, chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at

UCLA. He is internationally known for insightful work on the biochemical and biophysical properties of the contractile proteins of muscle. He is considered a world leader in using biochemical approaches to clarify the molecular processes in muscle movement and force generation.

Dr. Michel J.A. Robert-Nicoud, professor of cell biology and director of the laboratory of microstructure and nuclear physiology at Joseph Fourier University in

Grenoble, France. He is known for pioneering contributions to the study of the cell nucleus, and chromosomes in particular. He is also highly regarded for his application of novel microtechniques to the study and manipulation ofchromosomes, and especially for single chromosome microsurgery and confocal microscopy.

Dr. James B. Snow Jr., director of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. His publications cover the entire range of otolaryngology, including taste and smell, head and neck cancer, and auditory' research. His studies on die blood flow of the inner ear, done nearly 20 years ago, are still quoted in the clinical literature. He ha been director of the National Institutes of Health's new institute on deafness since 1990. Dr. Katepalli R. Sreenivasan, chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and professor of mechanical engineering and physics at Yale. An established authority in the field of turbulence, he has, in the past five years, pioneered the application of the new techniques of chaos and fractals to the study of turbulence, opening a new field of research. Dr. G. Rainey Williams, chairman of the Department ofSurgery at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. One of the outstanding cardiothoracic surgeons trained by Dr. Alfred Blalock in the 1940s and 1950s, he is one of the few surgeons in the nation who have remained broadly based, performing general as well as thoracic, cardiac, and vascular surgery. He was among the first to successfully perform limb reimplantation.

11 Dr. Edward Ming Vang Wu, director general ofwater quality protection in Taiwan. I [e has, since 1989, supervised raiwan's water pollution prevention and control efforts .ukI research, I le also has done extensive research in mathematical modeling ofwatei quality, environmental systems analysis, water and waste water engineering, and water resources engineering and systems analysis.

Citatum Read by Samuel P. Asper in Presenting Thomas B. Turner for tfie Degree of Doctor ofHumane letters May 23, 1991

living today are rooted in Johns Hopkins medicine as deeply as you, or, Fewlike you, have personal memories ofany of" the founding Four Doctors. And no one else can look back on six decades of medical progress and educatk >n at this institution from your singular perspective. "Tommy," as you are known to friends and colleagues worldwide, you have spent almost your entire career—nearly 65 years— at Johns Hopkins. You earned the Hopkins name to the Caribbean for research on indigenous diseases. As chairman of the Department of Microbiology' in the School of Hygiene and Public Health, you continued your distinguished research and teaching. Then, in 1957, you became dean of the School of Medicine, the school to which you had not even applied 37 years before, concerned, ironically, that your science background was not strong enough. During 11 years as dean, you guided the school through the greatest expansion in its history, at the same time preserving its tradition

( >f quality and innovative education. On stepping down as dean, you did not step aside. You established the Medical Institutions' Archives; in Hetitage ofExcellence, you published a definitive history of Hopkins medicine. You continued to spur progress in the health sciences by serving on several foundations and commissions. Now in your 90th year and in vigorous good health, your contentment with life is summed up in words from your autobiography: "Medicine as a career is soul stretching in its human demands, mind boggling in its potentialities, and peace giving in its satisfactions." Thomas B. Turner, with warm affection and in grateful recognition of your unparalleled service toJohns Hopkins and to medicine as physician, scientist, educator. and administrator, The [ohns Hopkins University confers upon you the degree ofDoctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.

12 Citation Read by Grace Goodell in Presenting Thomas R. Odhiambo for tlxe Degree ofDoctor of Humane letters May 23, 1991

Since 1970, you have been known throughout the world as one of the leading scientists and educators in Africa, serving your colleagues, your students, and your countrymen as the founder and first director of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology in Nairobi, Kenya. Scientists from outstanding universities throughout the world have chosen to work by your side, and have made major breakthroughs while studying insect borne diseases that ravage human, plant, and animal health in the tropics. You personally are known internationally for your research on tropical entomology, but were never content merely to work in your laboratory. You believe that scientists should serve the world, and you have supported mat belief with action. A founder of the International Commission on Food and Peace, chairman of the African Neuroscience Task Force, a trustee of the World Wildlife Fund in Kenya, you are also an inspiration and driving force behind the developing African scientific community. This is evident in your role as founder and first president of the African Academy of Sciences. Your contributions were recognized by UNESCO in 1979 when you received the Albert Einstein Medal. The United Nations has sought you out repeatedly over the years for advice on education, the environment, pest control, and the impact of scientific change on society. You even have introduced science to children through your books. Your accomplishments exemplify the excellence and commiunent of the world's finest scientists and hold forth for young people everywhere the highest ideals of intellectual dedication and service. Thomas R. Odhiambo, in gratitude for your scientific leadership, your tireless service, and your inspiring example as a visionary, humane educator, TheJohns Hopkins University confers upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.

13 ( .itatiun Read by

Jofin Iligham in Presenting

(.. Vemn Woodward

for the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters May 23, 1991

For more than half a century, your writing and teaching—and that of your students—have defined the history ofthe American South for every serious

scholar in this country and overseas. When you began, Southern history still centered in a golden age before the Civil War, and still t( )ld a story of progress and valor on the part of an indomitable, united white race. You turned Southern historv into a story of conflict and upheaval, in which all races and classes participated, and even triumph was edged with defeat All this you shaped into powerful narratives, in language

free from pedanm , taut with energy, and flecked with humor and irony. No other book written in the middle decades of the 20th century on any phase of this country's past has survived into the final years of the century so undamaged bv subsequent research and criticism as your master work, Origins oftlie New South, 1877-1913, produced (to our everlasting pride) while you taught at Johns Hopkins from 1946 to 1961. We honor you also for moral engagement in the problems of the present and most particularly for making your vision of a new Southern history a vital force in the civil rights revolution of our time. Your little book of lectures, The Career ofJim Crow, offered a whole generation ofAmerican youth a persuasively empirical basis for believing that discrimination and segregation could be overcome. Martin Luther King

Jr. was not exaggerating when he called The Strange Career "the historical Bible of the civil rights movement" This, too, you accomplished from a chair at Johns Hopkins.

Over the succeeding years, your involvement simultaneously in the work of \ our profession and the wider issues of American culaire has never faltered. C. Vann Woodward, in gratitude for your creative scholarship, dedicated teaching, and enduring advocacy of the principles of equality and freedom. The Johns Hopkins University confers upon vou the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.

14 The University Mace

The University Mace carried by the Chief Marshal, Dr. Noel R. Rose, was first used at the 1954 Commemoration Day Exercises. Eight symbols are handwroughl in sterling silver on an ebony staff. The symbols represent our cultural development from ancient times, through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,to the modern era.

The Presidential Insignia

University President William C. Richardson is wearing the Presidential Insignia signifying the authority vested in the President by the Board ofTrustees. It is a chain of sterling silver links worn around the neck. Portraits of each of the eleven Johns Hopkins University Presidents are engraved on the faces of eleven of the links. On the reverse are engraved the names and dates of office ofeach President. Five blank links for future use are included. The University Seal completes the design.

Academic Dress

The custom of wearing academic dress stems from the Middle Ages, when scholars were also clerics and wore the costume of their monastic order. The hood was originally a cowl attached to the gown, which could be slipped over the head for warmth. The cap was originally round, but has changed to the varieties that we see today.

The gown varies for the respective degrees. The Bachelor's gown is worn closed and can be distinguished by its long, pointed sleeves. The Master's gown is designed to be open with the arms worn through the slits in the elbows of the sleeves. The Doctor's gown, also worn open, has full, bellshaped sleeves with three horizontal bars stitched across the upper arm. There is a velvet panel draped around the neck and stitched down the front edges. This velvet trimming may be either black or the same color as the velvet border of the hood. The hood also varies for the respective degrees. The Bachelor's and Master's hoods are of the same design, pointed at the base. The Bachelor's hood is three feet long; the Master's hood is three and one half feet long. The Doctor's hood is four feet long, of fuller shape and rounded at the base. The hood is bordered with velvet, the color of which indicates the field of study in which the degree was earned:

Dark blue—Philosophy Gold-yellow—Science Light blue—Education White—Arts and Letters Green—Medicine Pink—Music Salmon pink—Public Health Purple—Laws Orange—Engineering Apricot—Nursing

15 I he silk lining ofthe hood represents the institution which granted the degree.

If more I han one degree is held, the gown and hood of the higher or highest degree is won), rheJohns Hopkins Universit) has adopted an alternative costume to be usedbj .ill holdingjohns Hopkins doctoral degrees, both earned and honorary. The costume consists of a gold robe with front and side panels in sable velvet and a six- sidedDutch academic cap with gold sweatband and tassel. The linings seen in today's academic procession may include:

Black, old nold ( lieu on — Johns Hopkins Purple—New York Universit)

I ,ighi blue, while < hevron — ( Columbia Bright red — Wisconsin Dark blue—Yale Plum, with scarlet —

Blue with white < hevron—Duke Maroon —Chicago Dark blue, two orange chevrons—Illinois (i mison — Harvaid Light blue, two white chevrons North Carolina — ( lamelian, two white < hevrons — Cornell ( )ld i;old, in. noon i hew on — Minnesota Cardinal — Stanford Gold gold — Iowa Cardinal red and gray—Massachusetts Institute of

Gold, blue chevron — Universit) ol ( lalifornia at I ei hnologv Berkele) Red. tri-Chevron in center — Heidelberg Gold — Virginia Dandelion yellow —Michigan Purple, gold chevron — Northwestern Maize, azure blue chevron —Sot bonne ( .u ncgie Tartan —Carnegie-Mellon Yellow and white — Rochester

« 4 4

The University Motto

Veritas vos liberabit.

The truth shall make you free.

St. John 8:32

US Awards

In the Schools ofArts and Sciences, Engineering and Medicine

Louis Sudler Prize in the Arts for Excellence in the Creative Arts Awarded to Joel Thorp Katz

In the Schools ofArts and Sciences and Engineering

Roberto R. Arellano Award The Max Hochschild Fund for outstanding achievement in the junior year by a Writing The prize is awarded annually u > the undergraduate student in Business Seminars major and Industrial Management who has shown the greatest promise and Awarded to Mikos Grieco proficiency in this field and is Awarded to David Schwartz AT&T Outstanding Senior Award in Computer Science Awarded to Todd Mancini The Jacob H. Hollander Prize for excellence in writing by a Writing Seminars junior Louis Azrael Fellowship in Communications Awarded to Timothy Donnelly for demonstrated excellence in a field of mass communications Awarded to Amy Melissa Parker The 3 Arts Club of Homeland Award Jack Joseph Lipkm for outstanding achievement in the Writing Seminars Evelyn Ann Jerome Awarded to Craig Bernardini Noel Marie LaVallee Harry Milling William H. Huggins Award Larry Hochberg for outstanding service and achievement by senior and junior in Electrical and Computer Engineering Biomedical Engineering Award Awarded to Choon Kiat Goh (Class of '91) research in Biomedical Engineering for outstanding effort in Howard G. Stephan (Class of '92) Awarded to Mary Kalherine Horner (undergraduate) Zahi Adel Fayad (master's cand.) IBM Outstanding Undergraduate Award in Computer Science David O'Shaughnessy (master's cand.) Awarded to Aaron David Redish Kamal Vij (master's cand.) Adolf Katzenellenbogen Memorial Prize Alexander Butler Prize for outstanding work in Art History for the best research paper by a first year graduate student in History Awarded to Maria Elizabeth Gough Awarded to Douglas Rossinow Stanko Kokole

Mary Farrell Camerer Award Donald E. Kerr Memorial Medal for outstanding achievement in the junior year by a Writing to the outstanding undergraduate major in Physics and Astronomy

Seminars major Awarded to Martin B. Stemmler Awarded to Elm Hildeibrand Arthur Kouguell Prize Eugenio and Patricia Castillo Award to the outstanding undergraduate major in History to the best first or second year graduate student in Economics Awarded to Jonathan Missner Awarded to Alain D'Hoore Jonathan Roberts

Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Research Award Ernest M. Marks Award lor demonstrated contributions to research in Chemical Engineering in recognition of excellence in instruction and research in Chemistry

Awarded to Kevin J. Ledger, Jr. Awarded to Susan T. Arnold Sandra Song Civil Engineering Award for outstanding achievement by a senior in Civil Engineering Mathematical Sciences Achievement Award Awarded to Bennett Scott May for outstanding achievement bv an undergraduate

Awarded to Noah Estrin G. Stanley Hall Prize for outstanding achievement bv an undergraduate in Psychology Paul A. McCoy Prize Awarded to Jennifer Peverly for the most distinguished masters essay in Political Science Awarded to James Wiley

17 I

ize I h, William D McElro) Vward Roulston Pi in th< i. ii meritorious research conducted b) an undergraduate lot outstanding ai hievemeni and e» ellenc ein German bii >logi< al 5( i< in es [warded to I In, mas Sebastian

rded to \ndrt w < hien

1 1 1 . ( I knurl We< 1 1 1 1 > Stanley Award foi the undergraduate psychology majoi who most dosely Eliezei \. idddi Postdoctoral Fellowship approximates l)i Stanley's personal and professional standards ol in .1 graduating I'll I > student in Mathematii al S< ien( es with an excelli outstanding record in resean h andsuperioi promise [warded to Susan Stonei

I ii anacademit careei in research and graduate teaching

1991 92 Fellow Inn \ Trenk I Sylvestei Prize he [J. foi outstanding ac hievemeni by .i senioi in Mathematii s

Robert B, Pond, Sr., \< hievemeni Award Awarded to David Andrew Schwartz

to the graduating senioi in Materials S( ien< e and I ngineering who ihm IkiI.uK best exemplifies Professoi Pond's commitment andhumane Robert W. I u< kci Award values Iih the most distinguished senioi thesis in International Studies

{warded to Jacob Friedman Awarded tojennifet Ii 1)1 'rso

President's ( ommendation foi Ac hievemeni in the Arts [ulius 1 in nei Pi ize S< foi outstanding contributions to the Arts in the Johns Hopkins foi the most distinguished senioi thesis in Political iencc

( ommunit] In graduating seniors [warded to Matthew Bosworth [warded tojeremy Blynn

I he John Boswcll Whitehead Award

undergraduate in FJecti ic al I he Curt I'. Ri< htei Award in Behavioral Biology foi outstanding ai hievements by an

in recognition of outstanding ai hievemeni in the Behavioral Biology and ( omputei Engineei ing c Program Awarded to Thomas S. Sosnowski (Class of Jl)

[warded to Cathy Lomelino Loy Wilkinson Award leadership, and Sarah .<.' Adolph Roseman Achievement Award Idi .i demonstrated record ol academic excellence,

m recognition ol outstanding accomplishment in Chemistr) sen ice in ( Jhemic al Engineering

[warded to Min Li Awarded to Laura E Balog Harry W. Sarkas Slum H Zuskiu

In the Peabody Conservatory of Music

The Irving Low ens Prize in Music Criticism i he Baltimore Music Club Award in Accompanying to Peter Krask Awarded to Sandra Murray Awarded

State leathers Assoc iation Award The Rose and Lou Becker Prize in Violin I he Maryland Musk to Philip Hale Awarded to Christian Colberg Awarded

Prize The Rose Marie l'i ize in Piano I he Martha and William Bill Memorial in Clarinet to Claudia Chen and Ivana Svarx Awarded to Charlene Critcher Awarded

I he Ada Arens Moraweu Prize in Composition I he P. Bruce Blait \\\.u d in Composition to Christopher Mandra [warded to PaulJ. Zduneh Awarded

I he ( )tto Ortmann Prize in ( (imposition rhe < >e< it ge < lastelle Prize in Voice Awarded to <«vn Michael Brown Awarded to Kelly Hijleh, Allison ( homey and Steven Marking

rhe Christophei Percj Award 1 he I si ael Dorman l'i ize in Strings Awarded to George < olligan [warded to Szi I ong Wong

Pi ize in Performance ( rhe Harold Randolph 1 he \mi.i I rdman Pi ize in )pera to Elizabeth Lawrence [warded to Melinda Zagarino Awarded

The Randolph S. Rothschild Award in ( (imposition I he Pauline Favin Prize in l'i. mo to Fim berg Awarded to Xak Bjerken Awarded Joshua

\ I he \liie and I e.u l.nloi Prize in Performance 1 he Lillian < >utman Pi ize in Piano to Deborah Boldin [warded to I ori Kaufman Awarded

I I I ize in Voic e ( he Zaidee homas Pi I he I los \\\.iid m .ini.n Bourgvignon [warded to Matthew Gould Awarded to Robin Performance I he /.nder 1 I homas Prize in I Ik |osct|).n Pi ize in Violin Awarded to Kuljit Rehncy and Michael Center [warded to I \ Qing

1 he \nnie \\ entz Pi ize m Voice I he ( lusta\ Klemm Award Awarded to Rebecca Bi - I li arded to St< i n lilmx

18 In the School of Medicine

I he I lenry Strong Denison Scholarship Mil hael V Shanoff Resean It Award

The 1 1cm v Strong Denison Fund for Medical Research in memory ol The aw .it c I is made annuall) l<> a student foi significant icm'.iiiIi

I I enry Strong Denison, M.D., 1908. is used for the specific purpose ol contribution in the medical s< ien< es. I he award is made possible b)

aiding in the training foi resean h of young people deemed l>\ the a bequest from the family and ft iendsoi the late Dr. Michael A Shanoff,

Medical Facult) to be especiall) gifted for .i careei in medical who earned his undergraduate degree and MD. and PhD. degrees from investigation. The Johns Hopkins University.

Awarded to Laura Joan Baker— 1989-90 Awarded to Philip Arthur Cole—1989-90 LeslieJohn Bissau—1990-91 Tamara Lea Doering—1990-91 Leonidas George Koniaris — 1990-91 William lianas Landschulz— 1 988-89 Jane Auoush (hki— 1988-89

Dante Joseph Pieramici— 1 990-91 I he David Israel Macht Memorial Prize The David Israel Macht Memorial Prize was established in 1983 b) the Sandoz Award family of Dr. Macht to commemorate the centenary of his birth. Dr.

This award provided by the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company recognizes Macht was a member ofthe faculty < >f the Departments ofPharmacol >gv

excellence m i lie field oj Pharmacology. and Medicine in the early part of this century and was a pioneer Awarded to Barbara Stanch Slasher— 1990-91 investigator in the field of opiate alkaloids. The prize is intended to recognize excellence in investigation l>\ a student in the School ol Laurel and Clarence H. Koennecke Award Medicine. The Laurel and Clarence H. Koennecke Award was established to Awarded to Nikola P. Pavletich— 1990-91 recognize those students showing most promise in the surgical Held

< 't ( lynecology. Harold Lamport Biomedical Research Prize Awarded to Cecilia Mary King— 1990-91 The memory of Dr. Harold Lamport, a distinguished investigator, is honored by this prize established by the Lamport Foundation. The prize I he Franklin Paine Mall Prize In Anatomy recognizes research contributions. The Franklin Paine Mall Prize in Anatomy established by Dr. Miley B. Awarded to Michael Patrick Boyle— 1990-91 Weston, an alumnus of the School of Medicine, is given in the name Adrienne Laura Richards — 1990-91 of Franklin Paine Mall, the first professor of Anatomy in the School of Medicine. CIBA Award for Outstanding Community Service Awarded to Leslie John Bisson— 1987-88 The CIBA Pharmaceutical Company makes a yearly award to that Jennifer Bupp Meko— 1987-88 in School of is Masako Shimamura— 1987-88 student the second year of the Medicine who judged by classmates to have made the greatest contribution to our community. Awarded to Susan Dona Cummings — 1987-88 The Paul Ehrlich Awards Edward PaulJunkins,Jr.— 1988-89 The Paul Ehrlich Awards were established to honor Dr. Paul Ehrlich with funding originally granted by Dr. Emmanuel Libman. The awards, which recognize student research contributions, are presented each year at Young Investigators' Day.

The Paul Ehrlich Graduate Student Award Awarded to Kan Liao— 1990-91

The Paul Ehrlich Research Award

Awarded to Robert Steven Sikorski- -1990-91

In the School of Hygiene and Public Health

Alumni Association Scholarship Award to students of outstanding John C. Hume Masters of Public Health Award promise to a graduate for academic excellence and professional promise

Awarded to Alison Snow fines (1985) Awarded to Ellen M. Hutchins Gianfranco Pezzino Erwin Shayne Benjamin Award lot outstanding student research in the field of congenital birth defects Cornelius W. Kruse Award and/or childhood disabilities for scholarly excellence in Environmental Health Sciences Awarded to Christina August Hecht (1990) Awarded to Lorraine Evelyn Gathers Twerdok

Ruth B. Freeman Award Harry D. kruse Award to a graduating doctoral nurse to recogni/e academic performance and for outstanding doctoral research in the field of nutrition and public an outstanding thesis health Awarded to Mary Lou Rorabaugh Awarded to Silt Norazah Zulkijli (1988)

Paul A. Harper Award Long and Widmont Memorial Foundation Award to degree candidates in the Department of Population Dynamics for outstanding dissertation research and professional promise to recognize both achievement and promise of contributions to the field Awarded to Alexander F. Ross (1989) of population

L L Awarded to Dileep Vishnu Mavalankar (1 ) )0) John P. Young Memorial Prize Karungari Kiragu for the best student paper in the field of health finance economics XiYan Zhao Awarded to Charles Brace Reuland (1990) jane Harriet Forman John C. Hume Doctoral Award

t< > a graduate for significant research in the Department ofHealth Policy and Management Awarded to Alison SnowJones 19 /// the School ofNursing

I nun. i |ones Be< ku nh ( lullen Award \> mm Sutton Award in recognition "l the highest standards "I nursing practice and in ,1 student demonstrating a strong dedic anon to professional hum- .il>ilii\ ex« nursing, clinical exc ellen< e and interdisciplinar) pnu tice to Suzie Blevins {warded Ann and Susanna Elizabeth Hathaway \,i aided to Margaret Mary McLaughlin

I Ic.llll Pi \\ ,l(l( ( USUI \w.llfl \i ademic E ki ellence Award i" .1 student who most successfull) combines co litmeni to the

i<> ,i student whose has nursing profession with sensitive it) to one's fellowman academic performance been judged to be {warded to Becky Lynn Ross outstanding {warded to Ellen Waffand Paula Wnuk Bett) Cuthben Award Resean h Award to a student who demonstrates outstanding « ommitment and sen kc to .i student demonstrating intellectual curiosit) and in to nursing and the I Iniversit) creativit) mil lese.iK h {warded to Susanna Elizabeth Hathaway sing Awarded to Nancy Elizabeth Rohm Mar) andGraingei Marburg Award I he ( .hurc h Home and Hospital Nursing Alumnae Award in recognition ofa student who consistentl) exhibits outstanding clinical recognizes a student who best exemplifies a humanistic approach urn sing expertise to nursing while integrating the art, k ience and the spirit of nursing {warded to Ruth Henry Geisslei Awaided In Lisa Mai u- Shook

Robert (. Merri< k Award The Johns Hopkins Nurses' Alumni Assoc lation Award to a student demonstrating outstanding leadership in the Held ol in ognizes a student whose leadership abilit) is combined with nui sing clinic al competence and an inquiring mind Awarded to Sime Ann Blevins Awarded to Heather Marie Spooner

Ruth DaleOgilb) Award Sinai Nurses' Alumnae Association of Sinai Hospital, Inc. recognizes in recognition <>l exceptional academic performance in the a student who exhibits enthusiasm, compassion and a positive approach Master's program to problem solving in nursing

Awarded to Laura Sheely end Man Ann White Awarded to Rosanna Lynn Raton

I (In, i S< hoen Memot Award to a student demonstrating excellence in clinical prac til e

Awarded to Kim Elizabeth Mudd

In the School of Continuing Studies

Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Ke\ Wall Street foumal Student Achievement Award m the Division ol Administration and Business for the highest in the Division ol Administration and Business for outstanding

average in the undergraduate programs si holarship in the undergraduate programs and exceptional promise Awarded to Kathleen Alice Kovaly ol future success

Awarded to Phyllis B.Jensen

Edward ). Stegman, C.P.A., Memorial Award in the Division of Administration and Business for exc ellence in the stud) ol Administrative Sc the graduate level {warded to Linda Droter Bailn Pamela Jayne tin k Mark Alheri Bassett Eugenia Klikna-Kokes Christine Ann Fondei Braccio Stefanie M. Light Carol Stephenson Rullork Robert Edward Lintmer Mk hail George Chaconas fames Lynn Mallark

Lewis I.. Cox, Jr. Kelly Poi in Mobley fames Thomas (rider Morgan! McCarthy Murphy (den Davis Man Alice Robinson Maria focelissa Barbara Slaueh Slasher

Tan-Gaiue del Rosario I ressa Bailey Springmann

Robert Jeffrey Ivans Tracey Anne Steinberg Kenneth E Fahnestoch Laura Marie Lillman

John William Ferkany / Faith Yam i I). Danielle Ferris Brian M Varney Robert Milton Geldmacher Patricia deLorenzo Wafer

Michael I llaas Lisa Ann Wetzel Adrienne Townes I laden Diane Wqjcuchowski Louise II. Hanson MichelleJudith Wright

20 In the Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

William (.'.. Foster Award ( In istian A. I [erter Fellowship to ,i second w.u student foi sound scholarship and a record ol to the member ol the second year class with the most outstanding record leadership and distinguished service to SALS exemplary of the high dui mg the liisi yeai qualities of integrity, lovaltv and ahilitv admired in Mr. Foster Awarded to Anuria' Jessen Awarded to John Kremer IV Todd I nmei Schneidei

Jeffrey Beall I. din Edith P. Quintrell

Honor Societies Phi Beta Kappa

From theJunior Class in the School ofArts and Sciences

William Harold Aaronson Craig Henrv Bassing DavidJoseph Istvan Daniel Louis Abrams Jeanne Marie Grunwell Jeffrey Scott Morgheim Eric Arends Misop Han Jay Hong Park

From the Senior Class in the School ofArts and Sciences

Elected in 1989-90

Vincent Paul Briscuso Paul Alexander Kramer David Michael Shaw Jonathan Allan Clark David Edward Liss Martin B. Stemmler Matthew Edward Cunningham Alison Michele Samitt Thomas Hyunsop Woo Michael Bradlev Datto

Elected in 1990-91

Max Ahn Jason Michael Fisher Kek Khee Loo

Russell Tod Alexander Lori Sue Fleming Michael William Morris, Jr. All Bahadori Mark Joseph Friedman Tamara Susan Paragino Clay Elliott Beveridge John Anthony Gillespie Jennifer Rose Peverly Prakash K. Bhuyan Allen Tracy Grisson Yuri Ann Saito Matthew Herrick Bosworth Jeff rev Curtis Grossman David Andrew Schwartz Kenneth Brock Bowman James Delos Hadlev Laura Isabelle Smith Stephen Douglas Brown Edith Emily Haritatos Paris Spanolios Joseph Patrick Buffington Klin Ruth Hilderbrand Cristian Roberto Tampe Thomas Bamett Cleary David Jav Hirsch Drew Avedis Torigian Norvin Aaron Clontz II Everett Hsu Jennifer Ejen Tseng Jennifer Rebecca D'Urso Cecily Meredith Hurst Peter Joseph Lddo

Elisabeth Morrison Dahl Jill Marie Kress Karen Ann Wendel Nellie Bernadette DeShetler David Sunjin Lee Demark Lee Winget Ron Cooke Dicker Jin Sung Lim Judith Wood Thomas Dreyfus Dretler Jon Christopher Driscoll

From the Doctor ofPhilosophy Candidates in the School ofArts and Sciences

Carole Jean Spangler Michimasa Tanabe

From the School of Medicine

Leslie John Bisson Kristin Lynn Weber

From the School of Hygiene and Public Health

Kanta Alvi Alison Snow Jones Xin-HuaLiu

21 From the Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

Ei in Kcown Russell Lawren< e Stein

Pink and blue ribbons worn on candidates' robes indicate theii induction in Phi I4

Tau Beta Pi

National Engineering Honor Society

From theJunior Class in the G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Steven Bierei David M Hall Pankaj Men hia ( .ci .lid Brann [ason Heth Sandeep K smghal Raymond < lhan Sachiko Hirosue Howard Stephan f In istophei ( Inn Sandeep [ain ) Stratakos

\\ ( end) Ihiu Jean I. in |(ihii H Wang ( rist Clark (onathan Lowthen Jefl Wolbach

From the Senior Class in the G. W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Elected in 1988-89

Manish Arvind Shah

From the Senior Class in the G. W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Elected in 1989-90

Subrat Biswal Richard Bradle) Dause Bennett Scotl Ma\ Robin Valerie Blasberg Edward Pettet Da\ is Joseph Daren Nell Alberto Miguel Cairo Choon Kiat Goh Eve Parojcic

James Chang Gary Evan Hsich ( ynthia Am\ Quan Daryl Ming Chen kristie Lee Kantowski Glenn H. Sabin Stephen Chong Peter Junghan Kim Robert Paul Siherman l).i\id Yongsik Chung Danielle Joanne Marchione Thomas Staubsach Sosnowski

Elected in 1990-91

Hal Bowman Edwards Susan Ellen Moyher Kloyd Andrew Billiard JeflErey Alan Hertz Sus.ui I.\nn Roweton Dennis Hawkon Chang

From the Part-Time Engineering Program

Alan D. Chiarito John S. Fitzhugh.Jr. Douglas T. Yoesi Robert S. Rider Alue F. Lium

Alpha Omega Alpha

Honor Medical Society

Lisa Shoshana Abrams Tony Wei-hsiu Ho Jeanne Marie Santoli

Katun. i Alison Armstrong William lianas I.andschulz Margol Anne Schwartz Leslie John BisSOn I odd Michael Lasner Mark Alan Silberman

I I U |.1S()I1 ( (lluil Mar) Robertazzi Mailloux Aj.n Verma Kathy Sue Durham Jennifei Bupp Meko Kristin Lynn Wehei Martin ( >.u\ Edwards Melissa Sue Pessm Karl Arthur Wolff IV John Mic had Kane III Dante Joseph Pieramici Belinda Yun-Mae \\\u

99 Delta Omega

National Public Health Honor Society

Sandro Accorsi Barnett Sheldon Kramer Pan ii ia Robbins Robui k Rulhinoski Kama Alvi Xin I (ua Liu John ( ierald Stephen s< holl Shams 11 Arifeen Proscovia Lubega Ross Joseph Brechner Theodore George MacKinney William (. Sciarillo Mai |ean Cismowski Susan Belli Manolf Nu ole Sharon Simmons j Susan K. Coffin Fokke Meima Allies Laure Bernadette Sou* al Ana Victoria Die/ Roux Mark Allen Melanson Ei ic Stewart Starbuc k |ane Harriet Forman Pascal Claude 0rti2 Robert Milton Stephens Paul Alan Gaist Theresa Jeanne Reinhart Lorraine Evelyn Cathers I werdok Brace Joan L Valentine Sai ah ( llaudette Hay-ward Charles Reuland nuts Riddle Xiaobin Wang John David Hundl J. Richard Alison Snow Jones Virginia Marie Weaver Elizabeth A. Zenger

Pi Kappa Lambda

National Music Honor Society

Charles Ronald Ellis Mark Marcham


Baccalaureate Candidates in the School ofArts and Sciences Graduating with General Honors

Max Ahn Jon Christopher Driscoll Jill Marie Kress Amit Pratim Saha Natalie Jae Albert Jennifer R.M. D'Urso Richard Chin-Hung Kuo Yuri Ann Saito Russell Tod Alexander Lisa Feldmann David Matthew Laser Alison Michele Samitt Ali Bahadori Sharon Rebecca Fine David Jung An Lee David Andrew Schwartz Clay Elliott Beveridge Jason Michael Fisher David Sunjin Lee David Michael Shaw Molina Bhatnagar Mark Joseph Friedman Olivia Lerner Russell Matthew Silber Prakash K. Bhuyan John A. Gillespie Jin Sung Lim Laura Isabelle Smith Matthew H. Bosworth Kathleen Louise Green David Edward Liss Paris Spanolios Vincent Paul Briscuso Allen Tracy Grisson Kek Khee Loo Martin Bernard Stemmler Stephen Douglas Brown Jeffrey Curtis Grossman Mark Darius Robert Maneche Olivia Wai-Wen Suan Joseph Patrick BuffIngton Erica Evette Gum Shoshana Miriam Miller Cristian Roberto Tampe Thomas Barnett Cleary David Henry Hackos Michael William Morris, Jr. Drew Avedis Torigian

Norvin Aaron Clontz II James Delos Hadley Tamra Lynn Myers Jennifer Ejen Tseng S. Charles Francis Connolly Fariba Makarehchian Hamedani Shane Pak Peter J. Uddo Matthew Edward Cunningham Edith Emily Haritatos Jennifer Rose Peverly Jennifer Beth LT nger Elisabeth Morrison Dahl Elin Ruth Hilderbrand Robert Francis Porcarelli Ravi Kumar Veeraswamv Michael Bradley Datto David Jay Hirsch Geetha Shiva Rao Karen Ann Wendel Samuel Kang-Nien Dawn Alicejiayi Ho Adrienne Rencic Laurell Lynda Wiersma Nellie Bernadette DeSheder Sharyn Elise Horowitz Andrew Chamber! in Rieser Demark Lee Winget Rory Cooke Dicker Everett Hsu Jonathan Abram Roberts Thomas Hvunsop Woo James Rov Diener Stephen Eahl Kim Bess Allison Rose Judith Wood Thomas Dreyfus Dretler Arthur Chiakaj Young

Baccalaureate Candidates in the G.W.C Whiting School of Engineering Graduating with General Honors

Gi n rick Ahn Richard Bradley Dause Peter Junghan Kim Cynthia Ann Quan Subrat Biswal Edward Pettet Davis Sean S.H. Kim Aaron David Redish

Robin Valerie Blasberg Sean Michael DiGiovanna Kevin John Ledger, Jr. Susan Lynn Roweton Hal Bowman Noah Gabriel Estrin Jonathan Edward Lowthert Glenn H. Sabin

Floyd Andrew Billiard Choon Kiat Goh Geir Magnusson, Jr. Manish Arvind Shah Alberto Miguel Cairo David Michael Hall Daniellejoanne Marchione Saurabh Narendra Shah Dennis Hawkon Chang Jon Uric Hastings Bennett Scott May Robert Paul Silverman Daryl Ming Chen Jellies Alan Hertz Susan Ellen Moyher Monique Louise Slater Stephen Chong Gar) Evan Hsich Josepli Daren Neff Thomas Staubsach Sosnowski David Yongsik Chung Toby Haruki Inoue Eve Parojcic Melody Ann Swartz Debra Lee Cook Kristie Lee Kantowski John Cheng Kang Pui

23 1

Baccalaureate Candidates in the School ofArts and Sciences Graduating with Departmental Honors

Kell\ Ann in Prakish K. Bhuyam Gebo | Sung Inn Richard Wingfield Quaries m

Matthew 1 1 Bosworth Roben Edward Cl.n/ \ln hael Loren Lisak \. null I)a\ id Rcdish

Stephen William Bretz \\ illi.mi Mai k ( loodwin I\' l).i\ id Edward I .iss Andrew Chamberiin Riesei

Stephen Douglas Brown Kathleen Edwards ( ireen Mai k I), ii ins Robei i Manet he Jonathan Abram Rubens

|oseph Pan i< k Buffington Allen ["racy ( >i isson [ohn Bennetl Martin ie Matthew Randall Rosengan

I Ik Jin. is \ Bai mil ( lleai |cllit'\ ( urns ( >rossman ( athai ine Elizabeth Mayoi \.iik \ Elizabeth Schnall

( h.ii les 1 i.tiH is < onnolly Ei K .i Evette ( >um \il.mi Vrshag Mazmanian l),i\ id Andrew

Matthew Edward Cunningham l).i\ id I leni \ I l.n kos |ason Ring M< Namara Russell Matthew Silbei

Mk hael Bradle) Datto Edith Emil) I lai itatos Shush. in. i Mn i. mi Millet M.n lin Bern. nd Sleniinlei

[ennifei KM D'Urso Ihii Ruth Hilderbrand |onathan Ei i< Missnei 1 )i tw Avedis 1 oi igian

I c > i \lu V ngi|tust I odd is. |i 1 in hael Franklin |a< kson Mn had William Moi i |ennifei Ejen seng isa 1 Feldman Edward Pati i< k Johnson Noam Mordei hai Menai hem |ennifei Beth I iigei Michelle Dil Fellnei Kirsten Rac [ohnson Neusner Daniel ( a\ in \\ea\ei

Albert |ames Fesslei Rn hard < Inn I lung Kuo |ulia ( lathei ine Pelagatti Kaieii Ann W'endel

1- <( |ason \Ih hael ishei I).i\ id Si 1 1 1 1 1 1 I [ennifei Rust- Peverlj Demark Lee U ingel 1

( iregoi \ William Foi ts( li ( )li\ ia lei nei Dyanna Lea Phillips Allien Louis Zambone

Mai k [oseph Fi iedman Daniel ). Planner

Graduatesfrom the Humanistic Studies Honors Program

Paul Alexander Kramer

Aravinda Pillalamai i

Baccalaureate Candidates in the G.W.C. Wliiting School ofEngineering Graduating with Departmental Honors

( ..n i u k Ann Debra Lee Cook Knstie Lee Kantowski Joseph Daren NefT Suhi ai Biswal Rh hard Bradle) Dause Peter Junghan Kim Eve Parojcic Rohm Valerie Blasberg Edward Pettet Davis Sean S.H. Kim John Cheng Rang Pui

1 la] Bowman Thomas Gram Edwards Anne Korin Cynthia Amy Quan

Floyd Andrew Bullard Noah Gabriel Estrin Ke\ in [ohn Ledger, Jr. Aaron David Redish

Alberto Miguel ( ia.ii 1 Choon Kiai Goh [onathan Edward Lowthert Susan Lynn Roweton

D.unel Mark Carroll David Michael Hall Ceir Magnusson. Jr. Glenn H. Sabin

Dennis l [awkon Chang Jon Eric Hastings Todd Anthony Mancini Monique Louise Slatei (.lines Chant; Jeffrey Alan Hertz Daniele Joanne Marchione Manisli Arvind Shah Daryl Ming Chen Gary Evan Hsich Bennett Scotl Ma) Thomas Staubsach Sosnowski

Stephen ( Ihong fob) Haruki Inoue Susan Ellen Movher Melod) Ann Swanz David Yongsik Chung Marc Masayuki Takeno

Baccalaureate Candidates in the School of Continuing Studies Graduating with Honors

Mai k I imoth) Dole ( lonstance Vaughan Oliver Kell) Lynn Raab Sharon Mane Thompson

\\ i 1 iblich Andrea Michelle Passaro Kathleen P. Reasinger Frances Stephanie Vitrano

Phyllis B. Jensen Maria Porretti Vim \ |ane Rock Saul I. E. Weinreb Kathleen Alice Ko\al\

Baccalaureate Candidates in the Part-Time Engineering Programs Graduating with Honors

Elizabeth Ann Bi isi oe \\ illi.nn F. ( iangiei Daniel Cunnington Phillips HI 1 high A. Thompson

Dash 1).1\ 1(1 I 11 |.II\ is Roben Stephen Rider Douglas Thomas Yoesl Richard J.

2-4 Candidatesfor Degrees

asoj May I, 1991

A number ofstudents included in the lists which follow

completed tlieir degree requirements earlier in the academic year arul could not be present today

to receive their degree in person

Bachelors ofArts in The School ofArts and Sciences

Andrew David Abrams, of New York, N.Y. PhoChan Chen, of New City, N.Y. Max Ahn, of Gibsonia, Pa. Sharon Shi-an Cheung, of Vestavia Hills, Ala. Reiko Akasofu, of Fairbanks, Alaska. Abhinav Chhabra, of Alexandria, Va. Natalie Jae Albert of Warren, NJ. Michael Chider, of Bamswick, Maine. Bellevue, Russell Tod Alexander, of Tenafly, NJ. Andy J. Chien, of Wash. Relly Jeanne Andrews, of Ambler, Pa. Allyson Childs, of Dallas, Texas. Frantz Remi Atwell, ofJamaica, N.Y. Steve Yoon-Ho Cho, of Bayside, N.Y. Jobn Robert Austin, of Tewksbury, Mass. Theresa Lynn Cho, of Baldwin Park, Calif.

William Converse Bacon, Jr., of Granville, Mass. Eugene Anthony Choe, of Newark, N.Y. Ali Bahadori, of Margate, NJ. Dick Choi, of Iselin, NJ. Lesley Ellen Balch, of East Northport, N.Y. Stephen S. Choi, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Pamela Michelle Becker, of Latham, N.Y. Wonjae Choi, of Mableton, Ga. William Michael Berger, of Aberdeen, NJ. Jennifer Jihyun Chun, of Budd Lake, NJ. Craig Jorge Bemardini, of Summit, NJ. Walter Jliong-Wha Chun, of Fredericksburg, Va. Clay Elliott Beveridge, of Fairfax, Va. Sung Ho Chung, of St Louis, Mo. Molina Bhatnagar, of Gaithersburg, Md. Adam Christopher Clark, of Del Mar, Calif. Parakash R. Bhuyan, of Old Tappan, NJ. Jonathan Allan Clark, of Sanford, Maine. Gunther Paul Birznieks, of Bethesda, Md. Thomas Bamett Cleary, of New Orleans, La. Jennifer Anne Blank, of Broomall, Pa. Norvin Aaron Clontz n, of Tryon, N.C. Stephen Eliot Blank, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. John Boyd Coates IV, of Montpelier, Vt. Meredith Amanda Blitz, of Westbury, N.Y. Lauren Stephanie Cobbs, of Philadelphia, Pa.

Jonathan Andrew Blum, of Cherry Hill, NJ. Beth Ann Coglianese, of Matteson, 111. Ciaran Robin Blumenfeld, of Metuchen, NJ. Alice Elizabeth Cohen, of St. Louis, Mo. Glen H. Blustein, of Middleton, N.Y. Jonah H. Cohen, of Bloomfield, Conn. Jeremy Moms Blynn, of North Miami, Fla. Charles Francis Connolly, of Newington, Conn. Wilhelm Christopher Bohn, of Oslo, Norway- Frederick Michael Conroy, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Caroline Bonte, of New York, N.Y. Brian Vincent Cooke, of Miller Place, N.Y. Matthew H. Bosworth, of Stillwater, Okla. Michael Alexander Cormack, of Littleton, Colo. Lana Boter, of Forest Hills, N.Y. Matthew Edward Cunningham, of West Allenhurst, NJ. David Bowyer, of Montville, Thomas NJ. John J. Curtin, of Smithtown, N.Y. David Harrison Boxenbaum, of Larchmont, N.Y. Elisabeth Morrison Dahl, of Baltimore. Md. Terri Ann Bradley, of Eldersburg, Md. Glynis Claudia Dales, of Baltimore, Md. Alisa Brandes, of Cumberland, Md. Michael Bradley Datto, of Cherry Hill, NJ. Stephen William Bretz, of Kettering, Ohio Gary Brian Davenport, of St Augustine, Fla. Melissa Elaine Brice, of Hartsdale, N.Y. Karen Lynn Davis, of Chaptico, Md. Vincent Paul Briscuso, of Commack, N.Y. Samuel Kang-Nien Dawn, of Conshocken, Pa. Helen Anna Broder, of Shorthills, NJ. Kerry Elizabeth DeBay, of West Palm Beach, Fla. Kenneth Ross Brodkowitz, of Bronx, N.Y. Maureen Catherine Deger, of Bellingham, W.Va. Richard John Bronshvag, of Kentfield, Calif. Paul H. DelGrosso, of Scituate, Mass. Geoffrey Fiske Brown, of Arlington, Va. Nellie Bernadette DeShetler, of Ellicott City, Md. Stephen Douglas Brown, of Rockville, Md. Anne Courtney DeVries, of Annapolis, Md. Ellen Patricia Buckley, of Sea Girt, NJ. Donald James Dewitt of Houston, Texas. Joseph Patrick Buffington, of Parkersburg, W.Va. Rory Cooke Dicker, of Bedford, N.Y. Jacquelyn R. Burton, of Baltimore, Md. James Roy Diener, of New York, N.Y. Melissa Beth Cantwell, of Riverhead, N.Y. Ned Norbert Dobner, of Greendale, Wis. Nicole Monica Carr, of Edgewood, Md. Timothy B. Donnelly, of Granitville, R.I.

Rex T. Chang, of Honolulu, Hawaii. Pauljasan Dorio, of Highland Park, 111. Elizabeth Alison Chapman, of Brookline, Mass. Mark Christopher Dressel, of Baltimore. Md. Melanie Ruth Chellman, North Huntingdon, Pa. Thomas Dreyfus Dretler, of Wayland, Mass. Kathryn Belle Chen, of Endicott, N.Y. Jon Christopher Driscoll, of Groton, Mass.

25 [ennifei R.M. I) I im>. ol W illiamsport, Pa Roben Eugene Halm III. ol Hockessin, Del.

ill 1. 1! 1 1 \\ 1 Edward Dwan, [r., ol \ orktown I (eights, N.Y. Douglas Alan 1. ill. ol Old I.vme. Conn. \U in Kqji Egerer, ol rhousand Oaks, Calif Fariba Makarehc hian Hamedaiii. of Potomac, Md

1).i\kI John Eikenberg, ol Bel Air, Md [ulie Yeh-i bung I Ian. ol Arlington, 1 exas. siis.hi Ellen Elitzky, ol Villanova, Pa Matthew Paul Hannon,ol Spokane. Wash Susan Elizabeth Ellis, <>l Baltimore, Md. Yellotl Fitzhugh Hank asde, of Granby, Conn.

i.i I'.ui u \ini Endres, ol ( ireenlawn, N.Y. Edith linilv I l.u liaios. ol 11 ( ci i ito, ( lalif

Vndrew William Enfield ol Shippensburg Pa James Ki< hard 1 laikin. of Sclaukel. N.Y,

Gretchen Engel, ol New Canaan, Conn. Mu had < hades 1 larlow, ol Aberdeen, s.D

Christophei Anthony Engle, ol Philadelphia, Pa Frin Elizabeth I larshberger, ol New York, N.Y. l.dim Michael Engquist, ol Brooklyn, N.Y. David Jonathan I Ian. of I lanover, Pa

David Charles Erfle, ol Wesl Chester, Pa Kellv Anne- Heh. of ( amp Hill. Pa

>>\ Brooke Alison Ettle, ol ( ington, 1 a Ian Andrew Held, of Reisterstown, Md

I is.i Feldmann, ol Derwood Md. Douglas Ross Henshaw, ol Waccabuc, N.Y.

Michelle Ilit Fellner, ol Livingston, NJ. Frederu k ( lharles Herberich, of Akron, Ohio.

Wend) Elaine Fenstamaker, ol Williamsport, Pa Bradle) John I lerman, ol ( linnaminson, N.J.

David Marshall Ferris, ol Cranston. R.l. ( >abi icl Jacob I lermann, ol Forest I (ills, \ A

Vlben J. mics Fessler, ol Wesl I renton, NJ. Katharine Ruth I [en ing ol Prim eton, N.J.

( lharles Morgan Fife, III. ol Ferriday, La Seth [onathan Hcttcna. ol New York, N.Y. ryrone David Fillyaw, of Central blip, N.Y. llin Ruth Hilderbrand, of Collegev ille. Pa.

Sharon Rebe< < a Fine, ol ( Ihev) ( lhase, Md Man Kristine Hillebrand. ol Janesville. W is. fason Michael Fisher, ol Millers, Md David Jav 1 1 ii scb. of Potomac, Md Roben K. Fitzgerald ol Northfield 01- Alice Jiavi Ho. of Columbia Md Kevin John Fitzpatrick, ol Bronxville, N.Y. Dennis T. Hoban, ol Longwood, Fla Deirdre Kathleen Flaherty, ol Massapequa N.Y. Rodnev Milton Holder, of Roc kv ille. Md Lori Sue Fleming, of Bel Air, Md Adrienne Juliet Holmes, of Brooklvn. N.Y. Corliss Elizabeth Flynn, ofKennetl Square, Pa. Sharyn Flise Horowitz, ofYardley, Pa

Gregory William Fortsch, of Bemardsville, NJ. I imothv Caron Horton, of Rve Brook N.Y. Solomon David Fox, ofPrinceton, NJ. Tracy Jean Hourigan, ofElbridge, N.Y.

I ai. i Kathleen Frame, of Annapolis, Md. John Blanch Howell IV. ofMobUe, Ala

Joanne Rochelle Frank, of Rydal, Pa. David Murray I lowland. Jr.. of Sherbom, Mass. Daniel Bruce Freeman, ol l'hoenixville. Pa. Everett Hsu. of Houston. Texas. Howard Steven Fried, of Forest Hills, N.Y. I.i-Su Huang of Angleton, Texas.

I leather Michelle Friedman, of Baltimore, Md I.i Wen Huang ol Citv. Iowa Mark Joseph Friedman, of Silver Spring Md. Steven Mm Yang Huang, ol Kaohshing, Taiwan. Dana Arlyne Fuqua, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Scott Michael Huber, of Pittsburgh, Pa Coleen Ann Furey, ofBemardsvUle, NJ. M. Kevin Hurlev. ofTampa Fla.

( ireg Gagnon, of Springfield Mass. Cecily Meredith Hurst, of Chew Chase. Md Francis Leonard Gangemi, ofPottsville, Pa. Paul Scott Intlekofer. ol "Severn a Park. Md. Alyssa Ann Gardner, of Nudey, NJ. Nelson David Iiia of Kings Park. N.Y. Kellv Anne Gebo, of Scotia, N.Y. Todd FranklinJackson, ofNashville, Tenn. Sara Geelan, of New York N.Y. Mathew KatzJacobs, ol Quincy, Mass. Barry Geller, of Flushing N.Y. Shamina ShamshudinJaffer, ol Adanta Ga

of New N.Y. Andrew Alan is, of Mattituck. N.Y. Steven J. Gerber, York Jan Frederick Robert Gcrson, of Wayne, NJ. Catharine Elizabeth Johnson, of Fairfax, Va Sudeshna Serena Ghosh, of Matawan, NJ. Christopher ToddJohnson, of Cascade, Colo.

|< ihn A. ( lillespie, of Hammonton, NJ. Edward Patrick Johnson, of Mum sv ille. Pa. fames Douglas Girardy, of Gladstone, N.J. Erik Michael Johnson, of Moline. 111. Robert Edward Glatz, of Piano, Texas. Kirsten Rae Johnson, of Ejiglewood Colo. William Mark Goodwin I^'. of Miami, Fla. Kadijah Jones, of S.dlev. S.C. Andrew Philip Gordon, of Short Hills, NJ. Warren Chester [ones, of Randolph, NJ. Scan Patrick Graham, ofPaxton, Mass. Kiisien Aim Kaiser, of Rockport. Mass Michael Paul Gray, of Lexington Park, Md. [onathan Harold Kalla. of South St. Paul. Minn. Kathleen Edwards Green, of Spartanburg S.C. Paul Byungkuk Kang of Hagerstown, Md

Kathleen Louise Green, of [oliet, 111. Andrew Mark Kanter. ol N.Y.

Fain F. Greenberg ol Dallas, I exas. Julia Valerie Kasperski, of Boca Raton. Fla led rumer Greenberg, ol Baltimore. Md. Jason Harris Kau. ofDobbs Ferry, N.Y. Danielle Marie Grieco, of Manhasset. N.Y. Marek Marys Katzman, of Woodland Hills. Calif Mien li.uv Grisson, ol Florence, Ala Paula Annette Kea. of Chester, l'a. Robert William (.role, of Philadelphia Pa Michael Crawford Keenan. of Baltimore. Md

Jclficv ( miis ( Irossman, ol Evanston, 111. Erin Keown, of Eugene, Ore.

( In istopher Jennings Gulledge, ol ( iolumbia S.C. James Edwin Kiehl, ofLititz, Pa

I i ica Evette Gum (, f Beaver* reek. ( )hio. Sarah Sohee Kim. of Kansas ( uv. Kan.

Jc'iiiiifer Fee I label leu. of Ligonier, Pa Stephen Eahl Kim. of Wichita Kan.

David Hcnn 1 lackos. of Littleton, Colo. Sunn) Kim. ol Fairfax. Va

James Delos I ladley, ol I luntington, N.Y. Su/v Kim. of Downington. Pa

1 [yun-Dong Steven 1 lahn. of Des Plaincs, III. Charles fhomas Kinskv. of Worcester, Pa

26 Gabrielle Kirsch, of Cedar Grove, NJ. Matthew Steven Meyers, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Knights, of Wyoming Ohio Laura Ann Middleton, Garden City, N.Y. J. Edward Kathleen Susan Korbuly, of Minneapolis, Minn. Jacob Paul Miller, of Upper* o, Md Michael Valer) Koss, ofBridgewater, NJ. Shoshana Miriam Miller, ol Baltimore, Md.

Rupal Oil ish Kothari, ol Pittsburgh. Pa. S. I ownsend MillerJones, ol London. England Miki Koyama, ofTokyo,Japan Stephen Scott Milt, of Plymouth, Mass. Paul Alexander Kramer, ol Silvei Spring, Md [ocelyn Mini, of Newton, Mass.

Jill Marie Kress. ofPenfield, N.Y. Jonathan Ei i< Missnei. ol Highland Park, 111. Kenneth Anthony Kroczenski, of Clifton. NJ. ( lerald ( Ihristopher Moczynski, ol Phoenix. Ariz. Ramanathan Cidambi Kumar, ol EUicol City, Md Erik Kristoffer Mont, of Ileniington. N.J. Richard Chin-Hung Kuo, of Fremont, Calif. Jennifer Ann Morgan, of Avon Lake, Ohio.

Peter Oscar Kwiterovich III. ol Baltimore, Md. Michael William Morris, Jr., of Andover, Mass. Raymond Tze Lain, of Jacksonville. Fla. Michael Kane Morrissey, ol Massapequa, N.Y. Mark D. hamster, of New York, N.Y. Cathleen Diann Moskal, of Avon, Conn. Anne Sharon Langlev, of Colorado Springs, N.Y. Suzanne Marie Muller, of Princeton, NJ. Ariann Lisa Langsam, of Melville, N.Y. Jocelyn Annette Myers, of Queens Village, N.Y.

David Matthew Laser, of Furlong, Pa. I aim a Lynn Myers, of Berwyn Heights. Md

Charles Alfred Lawson III, of Linthicum, Md Asma Jasmine Naeem, of low son, Md. David Jung An Lee. of , Calif. Devarshi Nadi, of Simsbury, Conn. David Sunjin Lee. of Weston, Mass. Dawn Marie Nee, of Upper Darby, Pa Janet So-Jung Lee, of McLean. Va. Robert H. Nelson, of Smyrna, Del. John Jangwhan Lee, of Bethesda. Md. Michael Joshua Neufeld, of New York, N.Y.

Mate Steven Lee, of Northfield. 111. Noam Mordechai Menachem Neusner, of St. Petersburg. Fla Carohn Laura Leonard, of Tiverton, R.I. Jane Nguven, of Rockville. Md.

Olivia Lemer, ofEvanston, 111. Astrid Nielsen, of Columbia, Md. Rachel Deborah Lewis, of Columbia, Md. Richard Chapman Nurse, of New York. N.Y. Vicki Lynn Lewis, of Trumbull, Conn. Brendan Patrick O'Brien, of Wodburn, Mass. Jonathan Philip Liba, of Westport. Conn. Matthew James O'Brien, of Lynn, Mass. Brian Douglas Liddicoat, of Watsonville, Calif. Charalambos C. Opsimos, of Athens, Greece. Jin Sung Lini, of Annandale, \'a. Shane S. Pak, of Malvern, Pa.

Stephen Lih-Min Lin, of Libertyville, 111. Matthew Raymond Panetta. of Holtsville, N.Y. Matthew Wendell Lindsay, of Vienna, Va. Tamara Susan Paragino, of Effort, Pa.

foe-Mark Lippert, of Cape Town, South Africa AnthonyJ. Park, of Roanoke, Va Michael Loren Lisak, of BloomFteld Hills, Mich. John Shik Park, of Livingston, NJ. David Edward Liss, of Ardmore, Pa. Amy Lynn Parke-Cantilina, of Apollo, Pa. Bernard Liu. of Peace Dale, R.I. .Andrew Arthur Parsley, of Colorado Springs, Colo. Susan Elise Llewelhn. of Fort Smith, Ark. Ketul Jagdish Patel, ofJohnstown, Pa.

Michele Saint Fran Lo, of East Brunswick, N J. Anissa Inez Selene Pavne. of Newport News, Va. Cathv Ann Lomelino, of Riverton, 111. Julia Catherine Pelagatti, of Gladwyne, Pa. Kek Khee Loo, of Singapore. Jeffrey Mark Perlstein, of Livingston. NJ. Sherri Lenette Lovitt, of North Babylon, N.Y. Jennifer Rose Peverly, of Timonium, Md. Philip Lu, of Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Dana Christine Phelan, of Ardsley, N.Y. Jennifer Ann Luzietti, of Shelton, Conn. Sneha Anne Philip, of Hopewell Junction. N.Y. Sandra Jane Macan. of Strafford, Pa Dyanna Lea Phillips, of Columbia, S.C. Man Jennifer MacKav, of New York, N.Y. Andrzej Wiktor Zvgmunt Piasecki, of Silver Spring, Md. Abdollah Philip Maghsoudloo, of New York, N.Y. Alavinda Pillalamari. of Bel Air, Md. Mark Darius Robert Maneche, of Nashua, N.H. Michele Daphne Pineda of Fort Washington, Md. Geoffrey Hunt Manning, of , Colo. Patricia Ann Pippen. of Port Orange, Fla. Kelly A. Mansfield, of Morristown, NJ. Luciene Marie Pisa of East Hampton, Conn. Lauren Jeanette Marcus, of Newton, Mass. Gregory Lome Piatt, of Rve. N.Y.

J. Lisa Hamilton Marino, of Plainsboro, N Daniel J. Planner, of Bethesda Md. Scott Christopher Marr, of Yorktown Heights, N.Y. Jason Arthur Pointe, of East Providence, R.I. Andrea Lynne Marsh, of Charlotte, N.C. Naomi R. Poling, of Lancaster, Pa. Todd Adam Marshall, of Los Angeles, Calif. Jerome Vincent Ponder, of Wichita. Kan. John Bennett Martinie, of Exton, Pa Stuart David Poppel. of Philadelphia Pa. Cadiarine Elizabeth Mayor, of Hanover, Pa. Robert Francis Porcarelli, of Sidney, N.Y. Annabelle Diana Mayr. of Vineland, NJ. Charles Alexander Portes, of Lincoln, Neb. Adam Arshag Mazmanian, of Brookline. Mass. Matthew .Andrew Prior, of Rising Sun, Md. Kathleen Blake McCabe, of Bedford. N.Y. Robert Seth Promise!, of Marblehead, Mass. Robert Neil McLay, of Clearwater, Fla. Scott Christopher Pugh, of Chevy Chase. Md. Jason Ring McNamara, of Framingham, Mass. Joshua David Puttennan, of Hamden, Conn. Michael McNamara, of Andover, Mass. J. David Pyles. of Orono. Maine. James Christopher McNeaJey. of Sevema Park. Md. Avesha Qayyum, of Baltimore. Md. Arturo Norberto Medina, of Pawtucket, RI. Richard Wingfield Quarles HI, of Parkersburg. W.Va Mark Richard Melia. of Arlington, Va Susan Gay Queen, of Favetteville, N.C. Eric Barrie Meltzer, of Bronx. N.Y. Firas Raad. of Amman, Jordan. Sara Kimberly Rabinowitz, of Waterbury, Conn.

27 A

is I hum. |o!m Raley, Ji .. ol Baltimore, Md Susan Ann Stonei. ol Altoona. Pa.

( leetha sln\.i Rao, of Murphy, N ( D.urvl Evan St i ui ton. ol Wading River. N.Y.

( firistophei DrueReichart,of Orangeville, Pa Wilbui ( hun 1 e Su. of I owson, Md

Reginald Reid, ol Silvei Spring, Md Olivia Wai-Wen Suan, of I ustin, Calif.

u < >l \di ienne Ren< . Berlin, NJ. Gregory 1). Sub. of Wilmington, Del.

I homas Robert ( In istian Reutter III. <>f Woodbur) N Marina Svedov, ol Brunswick. | North N.J.

Ji-Yeun Rha,ol New Canaan, Conn. ( nstian Roberto I ampe, of Satiago, Chile

II. of Edward Rhew, West Orange, N.J. Dafna Rai hel I a|)ieio. of Prince-ton. N.J.

'.. \iulirw ( hamberlin Rieser, ol Bedford, \ \iithonv ( I assi. of Baltimore, Md

Ellen Moore Rigsby.ol Philadelphia, Pa Panic ia Laurel I assler, of New Hyde Park. N.Y. Julia (.. Ro, ol Frederick, Md Tabitha Eastbum Teller. ofBratdeboro, Vt.

[onathan Abram Roberts, <>f New York, N.Y. Vibha 1 hakral, ol Vienna, \'a.

Suzanne Roberts, of Somerset, NJ. Joel Phillip ( hi istian I hames, ol St Louis. Mo.

Paul Samuel Robinson,Jr., ol Baltimore, Md Steven Mark I hompson. of Alameda, Calif

Petei fbmlinson Roe,Jr., of Fayetteville, N.Y. Setli Brad I icmev. of W'antagh. N.Y.

[uliane Rolapp, of Damestown, Md Kara Lynn I ipton, of Abingdon, Md. Anthonv John Roman, ofjoppatowne, Md Michael Steven Topiel, of Fort Fee. NJ. Bess Allison Rose, of Baltimore, Md Drew Avedis Torigian, of Paramus, N.J.

Matthew Randall Roscngart. of Savannah. Ga. Benjamin David Townsend oi Canaan, NJ I

Ei i< ( liailcs Rottenberg, of Port Washington, N.Y. Timothy David Train, of Newtown Sejuare, Pa

1 ma Marie Roulier, of Cine innati, Ohio. Jennifer Fjen Tseng, of Shreveport, La Mark Francis Rubin, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Michelle Asantewa Tyson, ol Pasedena Calif. I)a\id Howard Russel. of Baltimore, Md. ol Peter J. Uddo, Byram, NJ. Francesco Aldo Saccone, of Baltimore, Md Jennifer Beth linger, of Evergreen, Colo.

\iul Kumar Sachdev, of Piano, Texas 1 heodore Waldemar I'roskie. Jr., of darks Summit, Pa.

( hatles Adlai Sadoff, ol Washington, D.C. Alexander Thomas Varon, ol La Jolla. Calif. Atnit Pratini Saha, of Pittsford N.Y. Sangita Yatave. of La Habra, Calif Yuri Ann Saito, of Allison Park. Pa. Ravi Kumar Yeeraswamv. of Columbia S. C.

Allene Faye Salcedo, ol 1 amuning Guam. Rolando Rex Velasquez, of Buffalo, N.Y.

\hson Michele Samitt, ofParsippany, X.J. Sheldon Lvnn Yickers. of Garland, Texas. Sanjay Anantha Samy, of Miami, Fla Brian Lawrence Yoelker. of Baltimore, Md. Michael Sandler, of East Brunswick, N.J. Barbara Fvnne Walker, of Princeton. NJ. Nalinee Sangrujee, of Pittsburgh. Pa. Victoria Warivonchik, of North Arlington. N.J. Ellen Mind) Schatz, of Carmel, Calif. EricJonathan Wasserman, of Riverdale, N.Y.

Ingeborg Yvonne Schlate, of Closter, X.J. Daniel Cavin Weaver, of Knoxville, Tenn. Hugh Russell Schmidt, ol Coconut Grove, Fla. Heather Dawn Webb, of Daretown, NJ. Nancy Elizabeth Schnall, of East Brunswick, NJ. Jessica Amy Weiss, of Ardsley, N.Y. Man Robertson Schoen, of Spartanburg S.C. Michael Weissman, of Fssexville. Mich. David Andrew Schwartz, of Silver Spring. Md Karen .\nn Wendel, of Aurora, Colo. [onathon H. Schwartz, of Huntingdin Valley, Pa. James John Wesolowski. of Cheektowaga N.Y. Vernon Franklin Sechrist IF of Birmingham Ala Laurell Lynda Wiersma, of ML Vernon, N.Y. Vikram Kami! Shah, of Baltimore, Md Bmce F. Wietham, of Kansas City, Mo.

Kevin Edward Shake, of Oak Park, 111. Gabrielle Qaretha Williams, of Detroit, Mich. David Michael Shaw, of Tampa Fla. Philip William Wills, of Livingston. NJ. John MarrSheehan, of fbwson, Md. Demark Fee Winget, of , Okla. Brian Shin, of The Bergen Record, NJ. Jeffrey Howard Withey, ofJackson, Mich. Russell Matthew Silher. of Manalapan. NJ. Michele Lynn Wolf, of Cincinnati. Ohio. Alexandre F, Simkin. of London, England Ken Yi Wong, of Fnglewood ( lifTs. NJ.

Elizabeth Ann Singer, of Chapel Hill, N.C. Philip Wong, of Bristol. ( 'a >nn. Daniel E. Smith, of Narberth. Pa Thomas Hyunsop Woo. of Pepper Pike. Ohio. Laura Isabelle Smith. ofHavertown, Pa Judith Wood, of North Versailles, Pa Stephanie Anne Sneddon, of Santa Barbara, Calif Michela Fee Worthington, of McLean, Va Louis Leonard Sobol, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Dion Vallen Wright, of Baltimore. Md. AndrewJoseph Sohn, of Sudbury, Mass. Jay Kurtis Wright, ol Littleton. Colo. latik Bob Soliman, ofHackensack, NJ. Fes Sean Wright, of Coram, N.Y. Jennifer Jo Sosnowski, ol Wayland Mass. jean W'u. of Catonsv ille. Md. Patis Spanolios, of Queens, N.Y. Frika Kristiha Wuorinen, of North Reading. Mass.

1 onya Ann Spencer, of Overland Park, Kan. Yoram Steven Wurmser, ofTowson, Md. Sherry Tonya Stallings, ol Scotch Plains. NJ. Takashi Yokovama. of Palisades Park. NJ.

1 leathei Anne Stark, ol Baltimore. Md Arthur Rho Yoon, of Buffalo. N.Y. Melinda Beth Stege, of Shaker Heights. Ohio. Andrea Sharon Young of Bronx, N.Y.

Russell Lawrence Stein, ol Sharon. Mass. Arthur ( hia-kai Young of Miami. Fla. Martin Bernard Stemmler, of Potomac, Md William Morgan /aim. of East Brunswick, NJ. Brooke Griffith Stevens, of Bethesda. Md Albeit Louis /.unbone, of Greenwich NJ. Charles Eaton Stewart, of Dallas, Texas. Jonathan Fohr Zipp, of l.utherville. Md. Adrienne Yvette Stith. ol West Point. N.Y. Christine Noelle /ubrod. of Camp Hill. Pa Dawn Elaine Stoner, of Glastonbury, Conn.

J- Bachelors of Science in Biomedical Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Ricardo Agustin Bello, of Miami, Fla. Stephen Thomas Lobo, of Albany, N.Y. Vivek Chaturvedi, of Wassenaar, The Netherlands. Vedang Arun Londhe, of Palo Alto, Calif. Dennis Havvkon Chang, of Calabasas, Calif. Danielle Joanne Marchioiie. of West Chester, Pa.

J, lines Chang, of Longmeadow, Mass. Sanchayeeta Mitra, of Orange, Conn. Dai vl Ming Chen, of Kings Mountain, N.C. Susan Ellen Movhcr, of Shelton, Conn.

David Yongsik Chung, ofjoppa, Md. Joseph Daren Neff, of Cherry Hill, N.J.

Maha Ghazi Damaj, of Freidis, Lebanon. 1 ime Husnu Noteroglu, of West Nyack, N.Y. Richard Bradley Dause, of Bel Air, Md. GaurangC. Paid, of Baltimore, Md. Joshua Adam Donis, of Pleasantville, N.Y. Jayson Everett Rome, of Bloomingdale, N.J. Marc Mesrop Egazarian, of Blauvelt, N.Y. Susan Lynn Roweton, of Chadron, Neb. Jacob Friedman, of Creat Neck, N.Y. John David Scala, of Augusta, Ga. Patrick Henry Gorman III, of Little Silver, NJ. Manish Arvind Shah, of Gaithersburg, Md. David Michael Hall, of Morgantown, W.Va. Vidal Ty Sheen, of Lexington, Ky. Stephanie April Hayes, of Dothan, Ala. Daichi Shimbo, of Bethesda, Md. Jeffrey Alan Hertz, of Miami, Fla. Marc Masayuki Takeno, of Kaneohe, Hawaii. Mary Katherine Horner, of Baltimore, Md. Kamaryn Tracey Tanner, of San Clemente, Calif. Toby Haruki Inoue, of Matteson, 111. Helen Marie Wilfehrt, of Westfield, NJ. Weiyuan John Edward Kao, of Taipei, Taiwan. Valerie Dawn Wilson, of Madison, Conn. Peter Junghan Kim, of Los Angeles, Calif. Eugene Lin, of Elmhurst, N.Y. Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Laura Elizabeth Balog, ofJarrettsville, Md. Kevin John Ledger, Jr., of Norristown, Pa. Nels Adam Dumin, of Clemson, S.C. Kimberly Kathleen Roberts, of Plymouth, N.H. Lan-Sin Hsieh, of Columbia, S.C. Douglas Stephen Schmidt, of New Fairfield, Conn.

Miki Itoh, of Scarsdale, N.Y. (Diploma dated May 24, 1990) Melody Ann Swartz, of Glen Ellyn, 111. David Lvle Kiskis, of Baltimore, Md. Shari Heather Zuskin, of Commack, N.Y.

Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

of Baltimore, Christopher J. Halpin, of Valley Stream, N.Y. Bonnie Joy Smelkinson, Md. Bennett Scott May, of Boone, N.C. Adrian Carlton Velthuis, of Lanham, Md. Donald Jesse Robbins, of Bloomsburg, Pa.

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Gunther William Anderson, of Fairfax, Va. Aaron David Redish, of Bethesda, Md. Anne Korin, of Weston, Conn. David Levendel Sifry, of Oceanside, N.Y. Todd Anthony Mancini, of Lvnnfield, Mass. Michael John Silano, of Scarsdale, N.Y. Joseph T. McKee. of Stamford, Conn. Randy M. Staudinger, of Lloyd Harbor, N.Y. Julio Cesar Navas, of Ocean, NJ. John F. Tigue, of Larchmont, N.Y.

29 Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering m TheG.W.C. W'h/ ting School of Engineering

Garrick Ahn, ofEasi Brunswu k. N.J. I horn G.Johnson, ol Auburn, Wash. Steven Matthew Baker, ol Pasadena, \I

Subrat Biswal, oi Randallstown, Md. Edward Frani is Kerekes, ol South Eu< lid, Ohio.

Robin Valei ie Blasberg, of Rot k\ ille, Md. Sean S.H. Kim. ol I ulsa, < )kla.

Robert Bruce Bi iggs, ol Fargo, NJD. Mai i in Ying Wai Lai, ol Hong Kong.

Vlberto Miguel Cairo, oi Vienna, Vustria Benjamin I heodore Lonske, ol Sudbury, Mass Daniel Mark Can oil. of Clinton, Md Jonaihan Edward Low then, oi Greenwk h. Conn.

Michael John Carter, ol Milford. Nil. ( .in Magnusson.Jr., of Me< hani< sburg, Pa Anthony Phillip Caruso, oi Ft Lauderdale, Fla. Brian Maso. of Springfield, \ a.

Christina Lok-sze Chan, <>f Hong Kong. Roslan Md-zaki, ol Penang, Malaysia

( hristian James < iooke, ol Columbia. Md. ( )mai Aziz Mian, of Wilmington, Del. limoiln Fenton Edalatpour, Jr., oi Erdanheim, I'a Monica Mar) Mingioni, ofFemdale, Md.

I homas ( Irani Edwards, oi Silvei Spi ing. Md. Mohd Rosdi MohamedZain, oi Kelantan, Malaysia

Entner, ol' ( Jonathan Todd Malvern, Pa John ( Iheng Rang Put, ol

( In istopherJames Gadbois, of Bethlehem, I'a. Saurabh Narendra Shah, ol Paramus, N.J.

of I Philip Alan (.arrant, [anover, Md. Jennifer Deborah Shai p, ol Dai ien, ( lonn.

Steven I imoth) Giangrandi, ofEllicotl City, Md. I homas Staubsai h Sosnowski, oi Wayland, Mass.

( lit )on Ki.u Goh, ol Kuala I.unipur. Malaysia. Juan 1 urk Sums, of , ( alif. Paul Pa. Eric John Goida, of Lansford, Ralph J. Tufano, of Selden, N.Y. Steven Edward Grantham, of Westminster, Md. Felix Kenbum Watson, of Si. Croix. U.S. Virgin Islands. Leonard l'ito Guzman, ofParsippany, N.J. Jon Eric Hastings, ofPerry Hall. Md. Norazman M. Isa. ofPahang, Malaysia. Bachelors of Science in Engineering Mechanics in TheG.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Richard McDonald Anderson, of Silver Spring. Md.

Pamela Sue Maxwell, of Northbrook. 111. Daniel Ainslee Iavlor. of Portland. Maine.

Bachelors of Science in Materials Science and Engineering in TheG.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Adam 1'rederich Benedict Bertuch, of Higganum. Conn. Peter Chin-Chuan Liu. of Fresh Meadows. \ \ Esther Sun A Chang, of Bensalem. Pa. Yana Milligan Maria Nicks, ofHolliston, Mass Laura Elliott, of Woodbury, NJ. Claire Allison Rutiser, of Brandywine, Md. Sehra Eusufzai, ofDewitt, N.Y. Monique Louise Slater, of Atlanta Ga

( luian (Jpendrakumar Kharod, of San Pedro. Calif.

Bachelors of Science in Mathematical Sciences in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Floyd Andrew Bui lard, of Wilson. N.C. Kristie Lee Kaniowski. of l.llicoti City, Md

Ki isim Elizabeth Cole, oi Boothwyn, Pa Eve Parojcic, of Mount Prospe< i. 111.

Debra Lee ( look, ol Baltimore, Md. Glenn 1 1. Sabin, of Bound Brook. N.J.

Michael Paliii k Dante, of ( hurclnille. Md. Robert Paul Silverman, oi Baltimore. Md.

Sharon Samantha Darone. of Fairfax. \ a. ( Catherine Lleonor Troelstra, of Oklahoma City, Okla

Erika L. Francis, of Chatham, N.J.

30 Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Mohd Fauzi Abd Aziz, of Terengganu, Malaysia. Douglas Wayne Krebs, ofTowson, Md. Stephen Chong, of Vernon N.J. Alexander V. Motamed, of Great Neck. N.Y. Michael Garrett Daniels, of Newton, N.J. Steven Mark Muchow, of Sever na Park, Md. Edward Pettel Davis, ofReston, Va. John Matthew Weber, of Baltimore, Md.

Bachelors ofArts in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Hal Bowman, of Jacobus, Pa. John Brecht McGready, of Ambler, Pa. Thomas Anthony Chiari, of South Burlington, Vt. Divyang Dolat Mehta, of Damestown, Md. Ajay Choudhri, of (Chester, N.J. John Arthur Naused, of Bel Air, Md. Sean Michael DiGiovanna, of Princeton Junction. N.J. Nana Nicole Nkrumah, of Accra, Ghana. Noah Gabriel Estrin, of Owings Mills, Md. Wilson H. Ouyang, of Salem, Ore.

Leonard Elliot Fensterheim, of Riverdale, N.Y. Cynthia Amy Quan, of Edison, N.J. Erika Lynne Francis, of Chatham, N.J. George Sykes, of Darien, Conn. Gary Evan Hsich, ofMaybeny, N.C. David Brian Weiss, of Silver Spring, Md. Eugene Kim, of Seoul, Korea. Daniel Ong Wu, of Palos Verdes, Calif.

Marc Alan Lebeau, of Jenkintown, Pa. Mohammed Firdos Ziauddin, of Bolingbrook, 111.

Bachelors of Civil Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Leonard Harry Addison, of Baltimore, Md. Alan Douglas Chiarito, of Baltimore, Md. Joseph Anthony Baranoski, ofTowson, Md. Sarah Elizabeth Pilcher, of Bel Air Md. Kenneth Timothy Belt, of Baltimore, Md.

Bachelors ofElectrical Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Nicholas Robert Bachur, Jr., ofTowson, Md. Goerge Henry Backert,Jr., of Baltimore, Md. David Edward Larkin, of Pasadena, Md. Dennis Vaughn Blevins, of Baltimore, Md. Carl August Letwinsky.Jr., of Pasadena, Md. Christopher Alan Brown, of Catonsville, Md. David Maurice Nelson, of Baltimore, Md. Richard Dash, of Hampstead, Md. J. Lloyd John Olson, of Severna Park, Md. Anna Maria Patricia de Freitas, of Laurel, Md. Timothy Lewis Salerno, of Damascus, Md. John Edward Downs, of Baltimore, Md. Michael Robert Schmidt, of Dundalk, Md. Edward Joseph Emery, III, of Baltimore, Md. Hugh A. Thompson, of Baltimore, Md. John Spencer Fitzhugh, Jr., of Glen Burnie, Md. William Jay L'lrich III, of Baltimore, Md. William F. Gangler, of Baltimore, Md. Mark David Wecht, of Baltimore, Md. Joseph Philip Garber, of Glenwood, Md. Ronald Jacobs Welsh, of York, Pa. Barn B. Geiger, of Tamaqua, Pa. Sean Lamont Westley, of Baltimore, Md. Glen Raymond Harnish, of Frederick, Md. Michael Milton Williams, of Perryhall, Md. David Leejarvis, of Pasadena, Md. Jr., Dean A. Wilson, of Baltimore. Md. Douglas Thomas Yoest, of Crofton, Md.

31 Bachelors in Mechanical Engirieeiirig in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

John \\ illiam Appling, ol I lampstead, Md., (mi Edward Metzbower, ol Fallston, Md.

\ \ ( atonsville Community College, 1979. I homas Ke\ in Phelan, ol Baltimore, Md.; Mark Hugh Baker, ol Baltimore, Md. A A. Essex Community College, 1983.

1 lizabeth Ami Briscoe, ol Baltimore, MA; Daniel Cunnington Phillips III. ol Gambrills, Md. U.S. rowson State University, 1979. Ann Marie- Ru klc. ol Catonsville, Md Vlice Fussell Lium, ol Baltimore, Md.; Robert Stephen Rider, ol Annapolis, Md. B.A. Universit) ol Montana, 1966; MA. Universit) ol Minnesota, 1977.

Performer's Certificates in The Peabody Conservatory of Music

Brynn Albanese, ol Los Angeles, Calif. Violin. Philip Rainbow Hale, of Northampton, Mass. Violin.

( In istina Marie Chute, ofBaltimore, Md. Violoncello. Li Qing, ol Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. Violin.

( ihristopher Charles Claytor, of Indianapolis, Ind. Bassoon. Alicia Celeste Mc.Mahan. of Arlington. Va. Oboe. George H. Colligan IV. of Columbia, Mel. Trumpet Heidi Anne Palalav. of Newark, Del. Oboe. Charlene Marie Critcher, of Baltimore, Md. Clarinet. Timothy Reinhard Viets. of Millersville, Md. Clarinet.

Benita 1 lope (.old. of Rockville, Md. Saxophone.

Bachelors ofMusic in The Peabody Conservatory of Music

[effery Stannard Beyers, ofBaltimore. Md. Piano. Alicia Celeste McMahan. of Arlington. Ya. Music Deborah Anne Boldin. of Cudahy, Wis. Flute. Education.

John Michael Bolen. of Glen Ridge. N.J. Saxophone and William J. McQuayJr., ofBaltimore. Md. Composition. Recording Arts and Sciences. Lorraine M. Min. of Vancouver. British Columbia, Walter Frank Bostian, of Blackburg, Va. Trombone. Canada. Piano. fuliette Rose Buchanan, of Dallas, Texas. Harp. Man Agnes Mitchell. ofBurtonsville, Maryland Voice. Katherine Calvey, ofFairview Park, Ohio. Flute. Patricia Lee Myers, ofBaltimore. Md. Organ.

( ilaudia SiFang Chen, of Denver, Colo. Piano. Heidi Anne Palalav, of Newark. Del. Music Education. Sun Myung Choi, of Annandale, Va. Piano. Marc Alan Ramirez, ofArlington, Va. Violin. George H. Colligan IV, of Columbia, Md. Music kuljit Rehncv, ofBaltimore. Md. Percussion. Education. Predrag Rogic. of Belgrade. Yugoslavia. Guitar. Charlene Marie Critcher. ofBaltimore, Md. Music TingWen Shao, of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of Education. China. Piano. Donald Francis Dawson, of West Palm Beach. Fla. Jachi NgaLin Shiu. of Hong Rong. Violin. Guitar. Anthony Gwynn Simmons, of Fdgewood. Md. \'iolin. Joshua Nathan Fineberg, of Indianapolis, Ind. Jozef Surowiec, of Glen Burnie, Md. Voice.

( (imposition. Ivana Svarc, of Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Piano. Benita Hope Cold, of Rockville, Md. Music Education. Janet Louise Taggart. of Vestal, N.Y. Violoncello. Matthew Albert Gould, ofBaltimore, Md. Guitar. Atau Tanaka, of Hamden, Conn. Recording Arts and Darren R. Guzzone, of Germantown, Md. Guitar. Sciences. Sharon Fli/abeth Haik. of Salinas, Calif. Percussion. Teo Tetel. of Edmonton. Alberta. Canada. Violin. Philip Rainbow Hale, of Northampton, Mass. Music Rupert Anthon) Thompson, ol Annapolis. Md. Education. Violoncello.

kellev Ruth Hijleh, of Baltimore. Md. Voice. Kent Brian I rostel. of Sun City, Ariz. Oboe.

Kimberh Ann Jones, of Napcrville. 111. Flute. Gudula B. Urban, of Vienna, Austria. Violoncello.

I leidi Julien, ofjonesboro, Ark. Flute. 1 imoth) Reinhard Viets, of Millersville, Md. Music J. Seljuk Kardan, of Richmond, Va. Viola. Education. Sumi Kay, ol Potomac, Md. Piano. Manahara Virasinha, of Lancaster, Pa Piano.

Nan< \ Akiko Kilo, of Woodside, N.Y. ( >rgan. Felix HengMao Wang of Okemos, Mich. Violoncello.

( Iheryl D. Landry, of Port Angeles. Wash. Viola. Mark Fan/ Weiser, of Springtown, Pa. Piano. Nicole Fli/abeth I.ePera. ofGorham, Nil. Recording SzeLong Aaron Wong, of Fanling. Hong Kong. \ns and Sciem es. Violoncello.

Denis Pan ie k Malloy, of Ridley Park. Pa. Clarinet Melinda Zagarino, ofCrofton, Md Voice. Paul (an Zdunek. of Baltimore, Md. Composition.

32 Bachelors of Science School of Nursing

Rosanna Lynn Bacon, of Kent, Washington. Elizabeth Anne Lund, of Reisterstown, Maryland.

Barbara Anne Biedrzycki, of (lien Burnie. Maryland. Joanne- 1 leak \k Auliffe, of Westminster, Maryland. Patricia M. Bladek, of"Middletown, Connecticut. Margaret Mary McLaughlin, of Birmingham, Michigan, Suzie Ann Blevins, of Havre de Grace, Maryland. Agues Mayer, of Annville, Pennsylvania. Thola Alinda Bennecoff, of Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Kim Elizabeth Mudd, of Baltimore, Maryland. Nancy Elizabeth Bolan, of Mt. Vernon, New York. Barbara Christine Mueller, of Albuquerque, New Mexi< o. Cathleen Elizabeth Brant, of Columbia, Man land. Kelly Eileen O'Hagan, of Lake Worth, . Kimberly Ann Brookes, of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Kim Stroud Perez, of Manchester, Mai viand. BarbaraJoann Bryant-Schmitt, ofEllicott City, Maryland. Edward Samuel Pujol. Ill, of Perry Hall, Maryland. Faye Marie Burgin, of Baltimore, Maryland. Joy Celeste Reineck, of Baltimore, Maryland. Michele Cellai, of Putnam Valley, New York. Becky Lynn Ross, of El Paso, Texas. Andrea Robin Frye, of Silver Spring, Maryland. Joy Nelson Saams, of Arnold, Maryland. Holly Haddock Gasull, of Elliottsburg, Pennsylvania. Julie L. Shamberger, of Westminster, Maryland. Ruth Henry Geissler, of Baltimore, Maryland. Lisa Marie Shook, of Nicktown, Pennsylvania. Susanna Elizabeth Hathaway, of Encino. . Any Lynn Snyder, of Dauphin, Pennsylvania. Alva Veronica Hunt, of Baltimore, Maryland. Heather Marie Spooner, of Shelby, North Carolina. Pamela Nanci Klein, of Columbia, Maryland. Ellen Coutts Waff, of Savage, Maryland. Donald Thomas Lato, of Milton, Massachusetts. Paula Ann Winik, of Frederick, Maryland. Patricia Ellen Ledden, of Stevensville, Maryland. Dawn Woodie, of Kingsville, Maryland. Man Michele Lewis, of Adelphi, Maryland.

Associates of Science in The School of Continuing Studies

Ray Gordon Bagwell, of Timonimum, Md. Wayne Alexander Kookogey, of Towson, Md. N. Emily Chin, of Bethpage, N.Y. Mark E. Nypaver, of Baltimore, Md. Glenn Lawrence Cooper, of Pasadena, Md. Marcia Jean Riley, of Camillus, N.Y. John A. Crow, of Columbia, Md. John W. Roeder, of Glen Burnie, Md. Ambrose Edward Gmeiner II, of Westminster, Md. Douglas Shuck, of Glen Burnie, Md. Jeffrey W. Goldsmith, of Baltimore, Md. Steven Michael Sullivan, of Bel Air, Md. Elizabeth Sherrard Hamberry, of Baltimore, Md. Harriett A. Telljohann, of Baltimore, Md.

Wendy Lee Jackson, of Baltimore, Md. Ralph Redman Warren, Jr., of Dundalk, Md. Edward Thomas Johnson, of Baltimore, Md. James Wallis Wright, of Baltimore, Md. Brian Theodore Jones, of Cockeysville, Md. Michael Alan Zeuch, of Baltimore. Md.

William Michael Kirlin III, of Baltimore, Md.

Bachelors of Liberal Arts in The School of Continuing Studies

Kathryn Evelyn Clay, of Baltimore, Md. Martha Sue Hanson, of Edgewood, Md. Mark Timothy Dole, of Sao Paulo, Brazi Avi Dov Hyman, of Augusta, Ga.

Kevin J. Gardner, of Elma, Iowa. Saul J. E. Weinreb, of Baltimore, Md.

Bachelors of Science in The School of Continuing Studies

George C. Barth.Jr., of Severna Park, Md. Diana Lynn O'Neil, of Baltimore, Md. Robert Macgregor Burn, of Owings Mills, Md. Andrea Michelle Passaro, of Dallas, Texas. Rodney Kenneth Caslow, of Baltimore, Md. Maria Antoinette Porretti, of Baltimore, Md.

James Holdred Cole, Jr., of Columbia, Md. Kelly L. Raab, of Baltimore, Md. Linda Ann Couch, of Severn, Md. Chervl R. Rauh. of Baltimore. Md. Patricia Maureen Cullen, of Baltimore, Md. Kathleen P. Reasinger, of Baltimore, Md. Avi Erblich, of Los Angeles, Calif. Nancy June Rock, of Baltimore, Md. Tracey Robyn Hamburg, of Baltimore, Md. Karen Lee Schaefer, of Baltimore, Md. Bobbie Lee Helms, of Columbia, Md. Donna Lynn Suresch, of Glen Burnie. Md. Phyllis B.Jensen, of Exmore, Va. Robert Ray Strickler.Jr., of Pasadena, Md.

Sharron Carol Kellam-Bryant, of Baltimore, Md. Ossie Tate, Jr., of Randallstown, Md. Kathleen Alice Kovaly, Reisterstown, of Md. Donna J. Taylor, of Baltimore, Md. George Larry Lazarides, of Baltimore, Md. Sharon Marie Thompson, of Baltimore, Md. Stephny Luce, of Baltimore, Md. Frances Stephanie Vitrano, of Baltimore, Md.

Walter Lee McGinn, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. Patricia Ann Zeller. of Baltimore, Md. Constance Vaughan Oliver, of Baltimore, Md. 33 Masters oj Science in The School of Continuing Studies

l).i\ul ( lhandlei Anderson,

1 (Ik ia Monique Anderson, ol Los Angeles, Calif.; B5. Howard I niversity, 1986. Edu< ation. Augusta Lynne Bumgarnei Bryant, of [oppa, Md.; B.S.

( larson Newman College, 1986. Edu< ation. Aman) Shalab) Audi, oi Gaithersburg, Md; IV A. Howard l niversity, 1988. Education. Susan Myers Burbage, of Potomac, Md Education.

Hope ( handle] Baier, ol La Plata, B.S. Md; rowson State Bam Neil Burke, of Gaithersburg, Md; B.S. I fniversit) of University, 1989. Edu< adon. Maryland 197 1. Education.

Kathryn rrimyei Baker, oi Laurel, B.S. low son Md; State Ellen [Catherine Burke, of I imonium, Md; B.S State University, 1986. Applied Behavioral Science. University of New York at Cortland 1977. Education.

Vnne Kennedy Bardelli, of Glen Bumie, Md.; B.A. Ri\ici David Brian Clement Burn, of 'Vienna. Va.: B.A. Florida College, 1971 ;M.BA Suffolk University, 1973. Education. Atlantic University, 1981. Education.

Christine Strahan Barker, oi Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Bradford Samuel Caldwell. Jr.. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan State Junior College, 1969; B.S. Universit) of Maryland, 1971. University, 1970; MS., 1978. Education. Edu< ation.

Annette Louise Cameron, of Kansas City, Kan.; B.S.B.A. Colleen Doughert) Barlow, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson Rockhurst College. 1972. Applied Behavioral Science. State University, 19X.5. Education.

Karen K. Campbell. ofYork l'a .; B.S. Indiana Universit) of Rol)\n Suzanne Barringer, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. Bans Pennsylvania, 1986. Education. University, 1982. Education.

GloriaJ. Canonico, ol Olney, Md.: B.S. Temple University, Shari Jo) Baruth, of Pittsburgh, l'a.; B.A. University of 1965. Education. Delaware, 1987. Applied Behavioral Science. Lynn Bern Canterbury, of Westfield Mass.; B.S. Westfield Deborah Roberts Bates, of Baltimore, Md.; A. A. Essex State College. 1982. Education. Communit) College. 1981; B.S. Trenton State College, 1983. Education. KatherineG. Case, of Baltimore. Md; B.A. Cabin College. 1984: M.A. St. Mary's Seminar) and University, 1988 Colleen Brink Bell, of Gambrills, Md.; B.S. Northern State Education. College South Dakota, 197(5. Education. Alice Baker Cassman. of Bethesda. Md.; B.S. Boston Susan Ruth Benner. of Norristown, Pa.; B.S. University of University, 1962. Education. Delaware, 1988. Education. Maria Lourdes Castillo, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. Universidad Philippe M.J. Beuzelin, of Bethesda, Md.: B.A. Universit) of de Costa Rica. 1985. Education. Montreal, 1957; M.A.. 1959; M.A. Columbia University, 1966. Education. Roseman Catalana. of Baltimore, Md; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Education. Cheryl Mary Bevan, of Laurel. Md.; B.S. Rochester Institute of lechnologv. 1982. Education. Si ott Joseph Chapman, of Annapolis. Md.: A. A. Anne Arundel Communit) College. 1966; B.A. Universit) of Bradle) Charles Beyer, of Baltimore. Md.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Maryland 1969. Applied Behavioral Science. Rabbinical College, 1988. Education. Wayne George Ching, of Baltimore. Md; M.A. West Michael Hugh Blaine, of Laurel. Md.; B.S. Towson State Virginia University, 1969; C.A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Education. University, 1981. Education.

William Lawrence Boston III. of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. I.orena Altair Clanton. of Arnold. Md.; B.S. Salisbur) Si.ue ( ioppin State College. 1973. Education. College, 1979. Education.

Dawn Marie Bradford, of Lake ( it\. l'a.; B.S. Baptist Bible- College. 1987. Education.

34 H. Susie Coddington, of ( Columbia, Md.; A. A. Potomac State Curt Harold Doerr, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. Old Dominion

Colk-gc, 1967; B.S. WestVirginia University, 1969; M.S., 1971; I fniversity, 197"). Education. Ph.D. Texas Woman's University, l975.AppliedBehavioral

Science. George Roger Drummond, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. 1 owson State University, 1969; Mid. 1978. Education. Deborah Ruth Cohen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1986. Education. Ray E. Easlcv, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Central Missouri State

University , 1957; M.S., 1958. Education. Cynthia Louise Cole, ofReisterstown,Md.;BA. Loyola College, 1984. Education. Doroth) Thomas Eckhardt, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Tufts Universitv, 1986. Education. Cassandra Leigh Coleman, ofAnnapolis, Md.; B.S. Universit) of Maryland, 1985. Applied Behavioral Science. Susan McCurdyEnglehart, of'German town, Md; B.A. Wilson College, 1964. Education.

Kenna McCutcheon Colley, of Mahwah, N.J.; B.S. State University of New York at Ceneseo, 1986. Education. Lawrence Richard Epp. of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. Universit) of Pennsylvania, 1988. Education. Allison Croft, of College Park, Md.; B.S. University of Mai viand, 1979. Education. Scott Daniel Espenscheid, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Maryland College, 1990. Education. Jeanne Marie Croker, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.Ed. Shippensburg University, 1983. Education. Brooke ThayneEstes, ofEllicott City, Md.; B.S. Salisbury State University, 1976. Economic Education. Linda Ann Crosslin, of Rockville, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1974. Education. John Scott Fansler, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1973. Education. Mark Howard Cytryn, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rabbinical College, 1986. Education. Elsa Lauer Fawcett, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1971; M.Ed., 1976. Education. Janet D'Agostino, of Upperco, Md.; B.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1979; M.A. St. Mary's Seminary and University, Irene Sarah Ferguson, of Frederick, Md.; A. A. Suffolk County 1986. Applied Behavioral Science. Community College, 1983; B.S.James Madison University, 1986. Education. Carl Anthony Dahlstrom, of The Canal Zone, Panama; B.S.

University of'Florida, 1 983; M.S. University ofWest Florida, Foose, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher College. 1984. Applied Behavioral Science. 1979. Education.

Kathy M. Davidheiser, of Springfield, Va.; B.S. Loch Haven Mary Lynn Forte, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola College, 1978. University, 1970; M.Ed. Temple University, 1975. Education. Education.

John Samuel Davis, ofCenterport, N.Y.; A.A.S. Suffolk County Colleen Ann Fox, of Lutherville, Md.; B.A. Seton Hill

Community College, 1 987; B.A. State University ofNew York College, 1974. Education. at Stony Brook, 1987. Applied Behavioral Science. Laura Lee Garner, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. Wilson College, Leslie Gale Davis, of York, Pa.; B.A. York College of Pennsyl- 1989. Applied Behavioral Science. vania, 1985. Education. Steven Payne Garrison, of Catonsville, Md.; B.A. Western Karen Ehrhardt DeFeo, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. Kutztown State Maryland College, 1973. Education. College, 1981. Education. Gayle Marie George, of Burtonsville, Md.; B.S. Mount Saint Pamelajean Dello-Russo, ofNorth White Plains, NY.; B.S. Pace Mary's College, 1985. Education. University, 1975. Education. Michelle Blake Giangrandi, of Towson, Md.; B.A. Western Donald D. Dellone, ofBaltimore, Md.; A.A. Essex Community Maryland College, 1989. Applied Behavioral Science. College, 1983; B.S. Towson State University, 1986; M.A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Applied Behavioral Cheryl Blessing Gideon, of Annapolis, Md.; A.A. Anne Science. Arundel Community College. 1977; B.S. University of Maryland, 1984. Applied Behavioral Science. Lisa Wise DeNicola, ofGermantown, Md.; B.S. Evangel College, 1985. Education. Norman William Giguere, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Concordia Teachers College, 1965. Education. Leslie Ann Deriso, ofMiami, Fla.; B.A. Mount Vernon College, 1989. Education.

Miriam Tiana Diaz, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1985. Education.

35 Evelyn R. Golley, ol Street, Md.; B.S. rowson State Univer- Norma G.Karp, ofRockville,Md;BA. Hunter College, 1965.

sity. 1985 1 dm .Hum Education.

Padd) Mai ie Gordon, ol ( lolumbia, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Sondra Klein Kasoff, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Universit) ol

\di ill Carolina al Greensboro, 1979. Edu< ation. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1985. Edu< at ion.

Pearl A Green, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Oral Robins (oyce Abelman Katze, ol Rockville, Md.; B.A. Adelphi

University, 1986. Education. I Iniversity, 1959; MA. George Washington University, 1973. Education.

|eane ( amille (>u\. ol Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Morgan State

1 University, 1 >TT. Applied Behavioral S< ience. Susan Lane Kan fin. in. of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. University oi Mankind. 1983. Education. Carol Fung Haddaway, ol Columbia, Md.; B.A Universit) of Maryland, 1965. Education. [err) Allen Kaufrman,of Lititz,Pa.;B5.Millersvillel Iniversity, 1968. Education. Martha Silcox Ilankins. of Hampstead. Md.; B.A. Hood

( iollege, 1969. Edu< adon. Sheila Ann Kelly, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.A. D'Youville College,

1965; Mid. 1 em pie University, 197m. Applied Behavioral Sharon H. Hansen-Dreijer, of Odenton, Md.; B.S. Auburn Sc ience. University, 1978; M.S. University ol Alabama, 1982. Education. Sharon Lee Kennev. of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. L'niversitv of Maryland, 1972. Education.

Jeanne Jo Harrison, of Newington, ( )onn.; B.A. Trinity (Col- lege, 1987. Education. Kimberly Ann Kerr, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. iowson State University, 1985. Applied Behavioral Science.

Jan Louise I lartman Mader, ol Easton, Pa.; B.S. Bloomsburg State University, 1985. Education. Man Helm Ketcham. of Baltimore. Md. Applied Behavioral Science. Karen Elaine Haynes, of Gowanda, N.Y.; B.S. State

University of New York at Geneseo, 1981. Education. Molly Patricia Ketterer. ofMarriottsx ille. Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1982. Education. Lora Janice Head, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1974. Applied Behavioral Science. Michelle Jean Kirkpatrick. of Derwood, Md.; B.A. Flagler College. 1981. Education. Susan Heller, ofSilver Spring, Md.;B.S. University ofMaryland 1985. Education. Man Katherine Kirwin, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.A. Trinity College. 1984. Education. Lei Arrin Hoffarth, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. Mount Holyoke

College. 1984. Education. ( irace Knuckles Knox, of Lanham. Md.; B.A. Benedict College, 1967. Economic Education.

Richard Lawrence Hotaling, Jr.. of Hampstead, Md.; A.A. Essex Community College, 1971; B.S. University of Baltimore, MicheleLynn Korus,oi Buffalo. N.Y.; B.A. State Universit) of 1976. Applied Behavioral Science. New York at Geneseo, 1989. Applied Behavioral Science.

Rodrigo Ibieta, of Santiago, Chile; B.A. Universit) of Chile. Jacqueline Margaret Langdon. of Lutherville. Md.; B.S. 1984. Education. Washington College. 198S. Interdiscplinan Science Studies.

Janet Carol James, of Silver Spring, Md.; M.A. Rutgers Jeana Carol Lawrence. ofBelcamp. Md.; A.A. \ ilia Julie College. University, 1987. Education. 1986; B.S. Towson State University, 1988. Education.

of Ralph Beckford Jenkins. Jr.. ofColumbia. Md.. B.S. University William Eric Lawrence, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Universit) of Maryland, 1987. Applied Behavioral Science. Maryland Baltimore County, 1978. Education.

Linda Beals Jensen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Universit) of Carol Lynn Leach, of Annapolis. Md.: B.S. Universit) of Mankind. Baltimore County, 1987. Education. Colorado. 1966. Education.

Lisette Marie Johnson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. 1 owson State Leona Pauline Lee. of Baltimore. Md. Economic Education. University, 1988. Applied Behavioral Science. Elizabeth Scott Lcik.ofYork. Pa.; B.A. Kern on College. 1986. [ud) Moore [ones, ofRiverdale, Md.; B.S. Fayetteville State Education. University, 1971. M.Ed. Universit) of Maryland, 1983.

Economic Education. Mar) Ph\ 11 is l.eonardi. of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. Salisburv State University, 1988. Education. Donna Etheldajoy, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Iowson State University, 1989. Education. Maria Kutson Letras, ol Baltimore, Md.: B.A. Iowson State University, 1968. Education. Martha Sue Kaltsukis, ofSilver Spring, Md.; B.S. University ol Maryland 1982. Education. Judith A. Lewis, of Pittsburgh, Pa.: B.S. Cleveland State University, 1981. Applied Behavioral Science.

36 Jennifer Ellen Lister, ofPrinceton, N.J.; B.A. Mc( iill I niversity, Si i/ai me Louise Parlette, of Sykesville, Md.;B.S. Universit) of 1986. Applied Behavioral Science. Maryland, 1978. Education.

. of B.S. Pavlik, of St. Paul, Minn.; B.A. I fniversit) of Nina Belli I.oncliai Bel Air. Md.; Indiana University of Sarah J. Minnesota, Pennsylvania, 1988. Education. 1981. Education.

Norman Lowenthal, of Cedarhurst, N.Y.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Laurie Ann Perry, of Stevensville, Md.; A.S. Goldey Beacom Rabbinical College, 1989. Education. College, 1983; B.S. Universit) ol Maryland, 1987. Applied Behavioral Science.

Kathleen |ill Madei , of Naples, Fla.; B.S. University of Southern Mississippi, 1985. Education. Claudia Perry-Sconion, of Ahoskie, N.C.; B.S. St. Augustine's College, 1970; M.B.A. Morgan State University, 1975. Gail Lynn Main, of Bethesda, Md.; B.S. Texas Christian Economic Education. University, 1973. Education. Barbara Vescio Pichler, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. Temple Rachel Leah Maltinsky, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of University, 1976;M.A.Brvn Mawr College. 1978. Education. Cincinnati, 1984. Education. Lila Lisa Pniewski, of Baltimore, Md.; A. A. Dundalk RoseTherese Manning, of Baltimore, Md. Education. Community College, 1982; B.A. University of Baltimore, 1985. Applied Behavioral Science. Kendell Delores Matthews, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Coppin State University, 1970. Education. Marcus Evin Pollock, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Coppin State College, 1975; M.A. Antioch University, 1981. Applied Candy DarlingMaxwell. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Tovvson State Behavioral Science. University, 1984. Education. Joan S. Portanova, of Edgewood, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State Martha Zimmerman May, of Lancaster, Pa.; B.A. Princeton University, 1983. Education. University, 1985. Education. Tracy Hopkins Porter, of Severna Park, Md.; B.S. Towson State- Teresa Irene McCassell, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.S. Morgan State University, 1985. Applied Behavioral Science. University, 1988. Applied Behavioral Science. Anita Louise Pringle, of Monkton, Md.; B.A. Loyola College, Sandra Ann McCombe-Waller, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. 1983. Applied Behavioral Science. University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1985. Education. Mary Catherine Quigg, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S. Universit) Dolores McGill, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.N. University of Notre College, Galway, Ireland, 1981. Interdisciplinary Science- Dame, 1981. Applied Behavioral Science. Studies.

Jo Ellen Herr McLaughlin, ofEllicott City; Md.; B.S. University Esther Veise Quinn, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Community of Maryland, 1972. Applied Behavioral Science. College of Baltimore, 1970; B.S. Towson State University, 1972. Education. Kathleen Helen McNally.ofDrexel Hill, Pa.; B.S. University of Scranton, 1987. Education. James Patrick Quinn, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Dundalk Community College, 1982; B.A. University of Baltimore, Paula B. Micka, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Hood College, 1963. 1988. Applied Behavioral Science. Education. Brian Edward Radcliffe, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Joan S. Miller, of Maryland Line, Md.; B.S. University of University, 1978. Education. Maryland, 1964. Education.

Robert Lee Ragin, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Morris College, 196( i. Teri Lynn Musy, ofWheaton, Md.; B.S. University ofMaryland, Economic Education. 1983. Education. Susan Clark Rapelyea, of York, Pa.; B.S. Adelphi University, Stacey Lynn Newbern, of Chesapeake, Va.; B.A. The Johns 1980. Education. Hopkins University, 1988. Education. Mary Carol Ridder, of Alexandria, Va.; B.S.N. Georgetown Jane Eyre Nykiel, of Severn, Md.; B.S. College of Notre Dame University, 1989. Education. of Maryland, 1981. Applied Behavioral Science. Pamela Ann Rizzuti, ofCerman town, Md.; B.S. Bowling Green Ellen Therese Oesterle, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of State College, 1985. Education. Vermont, 1983. Education. P. Robinson, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Community College Deborah Scheidt Parker, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. Tow son State of Baltimore, 1987; B.S. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. University, 1966. Education. Applied Behavioral Science.

37 ii.n.i Bat I \ n Ross, <>l Federalsburg, Md.;B.S.Frostburg State Emil) Ionise Stanley, ol Columbiana Ohio; HA Earlham l niversity, 1987. Edu< ation. College, 1982. Edu< ation.

\nn Margaret Roth, <>t Va.; Springfield, HA Franklin & |anice Lee Staples, ol Baltimore, Md.;BA I heJohns Hopkins

Marshall College, 1987. Education. I niversity, 1983; M.A., 1983; M.L.A., 1990. Applied

Hdi.n ioral S< ien< e.

Vmi \ Barbara Sa< hs, ol Ellicotl City, Md.; U.S. Universit) ol Maryland, 1974; MJEd., 1977. Education. Sharyn Rosenberg Stein, ol Owings Mills. Md.; B.S. low son Si aic University, 1987. Education.

\iinc Marie Salander, ol Baltimore, Md.; 15. A. Brooklyn

( ollege, 1968. Applied Behavioral Science. Rebecca Ann Stephens, ol Severn, Md.; H.S. Western MarylandCollege, 1964. Education. Sandra K.Saville,oi Westminster, Md; \.A. Villa Julie College, 1968; B.S. Universit) ofBaltimore, 1980. Applied Behavioral \nn M.Stevens, ol Augusta, Maine. H.S. Libert) University, S< ience. 1975; MJEd. rhe Citadel, 1986. Education.

( .mil Ann Eads Schexnayder, ol Baltimore, Md.; M.S. The Laura Hosman Stevens, ofWesl Pittston,Pa;B.S.Elizabethtown

Johns Hopkins University, 1986. Education. College, 198 1. Education.

( ,ii In Ann Schneider, of Columbia, Md.; HA. Universit) of Debra Stevenson, ofBaltimore, Md.; HA. WinstonSalem State

Maryland, Baltimore ( iounty, 1979. Education. I fniversity, 1985. Edu« ation.

Jaqueline Ann Dunn Schultz, of Pasadena Md.; A. A. Anne Jack Lester Stotsky, ol Baltimore, Md.: A. A. Universit) of Arundel ( lommunit) College, 1982; B.A. ( iollege ol Notre Morula. 1900:B.S.. 1963. Applied Behavioral Science Dameol Maryland, 1985. Education. John Lawrence Sullh an. ol Washington, DC: A.P.S. St. John's

James Peter Seeberger.Jr., ofBaltimore, Md.;B.S. 1 owson State Universit) ol New York City, 1969; H.S.. 1971. Applied University, 1975. Applied Heha\ ioral Sc ience. Behavioral Science.

Elizabeth Butcher Shaffer, ofBurtonsville, Md.; H.S. Universit) Alma Hope Suter, ol Baltimore. Md.: B.A. Susquehanna of Maryland, 1985. Education. University, 1980. Education.

Jonathan Mitchell Shapiro, ofNewport, R.I.; H.I I.. N'er Israel Donna Lee Sutherland, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.S. Duquesne Rabbinical College, 1987. Education University, 1982. Education.

JoAnne Bonafair Shartle, of Mt Airy, Md.; H.A. Immaculata Robin Ann Sutton, of , ; B.S. Universit) of College. 1976. Education. Nevada Las Vegas, 1983. Education.

Vicki Lynn Shockey, of Lonaconing, Md.; A. A. Essex NancyFrost Tate, ofCovington, Pa; B5. Mansfield University, Community College, 1 977; B.S.N. College ofNotre Dame of 1979. Applied Behavioral Science. Maryland, 1981. Applied Behavioral Science. Pamela Ann Thompson, ofDarien, Conn.; B.S. Universit) ol Elizabeth Rawleigh Simons. ofBaltimore. Md.; H.A. Hollins Man land. 1983. Education. College, 1968. Applied Behavioral Science. Natalie A. Treece,ofHershey,Pa;B.S. Lebanon Valley College,

( lharlotte Robinson Smith. ofBaltimore, Md.; H.A. Agnes Scott 1972. Education. College, 1973. Education. Janice Dee Vanisko, of Columbia Md.; B.S.N. Universit) of Diana Teresa Smith, of Street. Md.; H.S. Towson State Oregon, 1963. Education. University, 1984. Education. Nancy Hanlon Varelli, of Forest Hill, Md.; B.S. Towson State Ronald Edward Smith. ofBeaverdam, Va; H.S. The Johns University, 1969. Education. Hopkins University, 1989. Applied Behavioral Science.

1 isajoy Vezzi, ofEldersburg, Md. Education. Shirley Turner Smith, of Upper Marlboro. Md.; H.A. Saint Augustine's College, 1965. Economic Education. Barton Fellows Walker HI, ofBaltimore, Md.: B.A. Universit]

of Mankind. 1970; J. D. Universit) of Baltimore. 1974. Karen Abraham Snyder, ofGaithersburg, Md.; B.A. Universit) Applied Behavioral Science. of Virginia, 1983. Applied Behavioral Science.

Sharon Merchant Ward, ol Baltimore, Md.; A. A. 1 he Johns Susan Beth Sowbel, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Notre Dame Hopkins University, 1985; B.S., 1989. Applied Behavioral University, 1987. Education. Science.

I ol I it Dixie ee Speare, Baltimore. Md.; B.S. The Johns lopkins Judith Webei 1 xu as. i ( k>lumbia,Mcl; B.A. Western Michigan University, 1970. Edu< ation. University, 1969. Applied Behavioral Science-.

Mary Waters Spounagle, ol Brandywine, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Man land. 197:5. Education.

38 Kathleen A. Weeks, ofYorktown, Va.; B.A. TheJohns Hopkins Deborah Ann Win slow, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University "I University, 1989. Education. Maryland, 1988. Education.

Jennifer LorettaWeymont, ofSacramento, Calif.; BA. Georgia ( larol Jackson Winstead, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Pine Manor State University, 1981. Education. College, 1967; B.A. Goucher College, 1969. Education.

Claudia A. White, ofCharlotte, N.C.; A.A. Howard Community EliseRichels Wolf, ofBaltimore, Md;BA Touro College, 1988. College. 1978; B.S. University of Maryland, 1980; M.Cert., Education. 1987. Education. Fran G. Zarubick, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Immaculate Hem

( Iheryl Robinson Wieker, ofEllicott City, Md.; B.A. New York College, 1978. Applied Behavioral Science. University, 197"). Applied Behavioral Science. Hayim Eliezer Zeif, of Baltimore, Md. Education. Davidjay Wiener, ofBaltimore, Md.;BA. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1981. Education. Jeana Y< >ung Zeiler, of Frederick, Md.; B.S. East Tennessee State University, 1969; M.L.S. George Peabody College for Amy V. Wilcox, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, Teachers, 1971. Education. 1974. Applied Behavioral Science. Jian (Jane) Zhang, of Peoples Republic of China. Education. Carl C. Wilkinsjr., of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Essex Community College, 1980; B.S. Towson State University, 1984. Applied Ellen Durkin Zielinski, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. Marywood Behvioral Science. College, 1979. Education.

Gelbert Lee Wilson, of Uniontown, Pa.; B.A. Marshall Diana Frey Zilahy, of Glastonbury, Conn.; B.S. New York University, 1973; M.Div. Wesley Theological Seminary, 1976. University, 1968; M.S. Millersville University, 1970. Economic Education. Education.

Cathryn Spivey Wingate, of Pasadena, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland College, 1985. Education.

Masters ofLiberal Arts in The School of Continuing Studies

Christine Elizabeth Amiss, ofLondon, England; B.Ed. London Mary Helen Lis, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1985. University, 1986.

Stephen Joseph Amrhein, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Towson State Melodie Marie Mabanta, ofJoppatowne, Md. University, 1975. Scott Carv MacLauchlan, of Davidsonville, Md.; B.A. University Linda Susan Belosevic, of Baltimore, Md. of Maryland, 1981.

J.Joseph Clarke, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A.S. TheJohns Hopkins John Kenneth MacLean, of Baltimore, Md.; M.Ed. Towson State University, 1976. University, 1977.

James Roderick Crook, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola Lisa Anne Mix, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher College, 1 984.

College, 1942; J. D. Georgetown University, 1948. Michael Dean Mover, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Kalamazoo Sohayla Raja Eberl, ofEllicott City, Md.; B.S.N. University of College, 1979. Maryland, 1986. Mark Francis O'Connor, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Gretchen Ann Garman, of Baltimore, Md.; M.A. Towson State University, 1978. University. 1981. Andrew Neville Parlour, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Citadel, Daniel Gordon, ofOwings Mills, Md.; B.S. Thejohns Hopkins 1989. University, 1945; J.D. University of Maryland, 1953. Paul Joseph Parmigiani, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Syracuse Susan Elliott Huerta, ofBaltimore, Md.; A.A. Villajulie College, University, 1989. 1984; B.S. University of Baltimore, 1986. Michael Patrick Patterson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. New York Roxie Johnson, of Delta, Pa.; B.S. York College of Pennsylvania, University, 1987. 1980. Lee Ann Ware Peck, ofTanetown, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland JoanneJennings Kahn, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. College ofNotre College, 1985. Dame of Mai viand, 1973. Ellen McDonald Perry, of Lutherville. Md. Jennifer Mary Lindsay, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Alderson Broaddus College, 1977.

39 Marjorie ( hristine Kameen, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N Richard Gordon Puller, ol Haiti more-. Md.

l iii\cisii\ cii Maryland, 1979.

Lawrence ( alvertPutgenter, ofColumbia, Md;BA I niversity

< »-^* - >1 1 | 1 XikIicw La Magna III, of Kettering, Ohio; Bis. United of Maryland, Baltimore ( lounty, 1987. si. lies \n inn c \( ademy, 1985.

Joseph Christophei Schaub, <>1 Baltimore, Md.; A. \ |eanette Fishei Reid, oi rimonium, Md.; BA. Mar) Baldwin Community College ol Baltimore, 1984; BA. University ol

( lollege, 1956, Baltimore, 1986.

Laura Burton Rice, ol Baltimore, Md.; A. A. Columbus Diana Campuzano Schramm, ol Baltimore, M<1.; HA. Bryn

International ( lollege, Se\ ille, Spain. 1978; BA. Goucher Mawr College, 1962,

( ollege, 1981.

Joanne Fen bland Sc hruefer.ol I aneytown, Md.;BA Loyola Daniel Jerome Ripienski, ol Chippewa Falls, Wis.; B.B.A. College, 1981. University ol Wis< onsin, 1972.

Robert Alan Seidel. of Baltimore-. M<1.: BA. University ol Monica Elaine Robbins, ofColumbia, Md.; B.A. Universit) oi Michigan, 1968. Maryland 1983. Barney Sellers, ofColumbia,Md.;BA Community College of Andrew Barry Rusnak, fr.,ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S.I owson State New York, 1963; MA Syracuse University, 1972.

l niversity, 1982. Constance Mary Tsakiris, of Baltimore, Md.; BA. Goucher rod Nathan Rutstein, oi Baltimore, Md.; BA Connecticut College. 1973; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1983. College, 1983. Sarah Knox White, of Columbia. Md.; B.S. University ol Judith Strouse Sandler, of Baltimore, Md.; BA. University ol Virginia, 1983. Pennsylvania, 1981.

Masters ofArts in Teaching in The School of Continuing Studies

Linda Stuntz Adamson, ofAnnapolis, Md.;BA. University ol ZoeMcMeekin Heinemau.of"Baltimore. Md.: B.S. Georgetown North Carolina, 1971. University, 1987.

fay Allison Fogleman, oi Columbia. Md.; B.S. University ol Alan Keith Meeker, of Skvron. Wis.; B.S. Florida Institute of Maryland, 1984. Technology. 1982.

Mary Elizabeth ( iavigan, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State German Guillermo Tampe. of Baltimore, Md.: B.S. Catholic University, 1987. University of America, 1988.

Masters ofAdministrative Science in The School of Continuing Studies

Elizabeth Ann Adams, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S.N. Salisbury State Robin Lynn Appel, ofPhiladelphia, Pa.: B.B.A. University of University, 1981. Management. Pennsylvania, 1988. Management.

Pamela Alison Ainsworth, of Frederick, Md.; B.S. Univei sity Charles Howard Amett, of Tayiorsville, Md. Information ol Maryland, 1986. Financial Management. Technology.

Terence Michael Almon, oi LuthervUle, Md.; BA St. Marx's Lisa Cavanaugh Auld. ol Pasadena, Md.; B.s. Universit] ol

Seminary and I fniversity, 1973: MA. Universit) ofLouvain, Maryland 1988. Information Technology. 1977. Management. Oscar Noble Ayub, of Chihuahua. Mexico: B.S. Monterey [effrey Eugene Andrews, ofColumbia, Md.;BA Shippensburg Institute of Technology, 1984. Financial Management. University, 1976. Management

Id .

ScottEdward Bachik, ofJohnstown, Pa.; B.S. Carnegie Mellon Edith Pettwa) Brown, of Mobile. Ala.; B.S. Alabama State University, 1985. Information Technology. University, 1980. Information Technology

James Thomas Baily, Jr., of Owings, Md.; B.S. University ol Gary Walter Brown, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S.CE. Universit) ol Maryland, 1987. Management Maryland. 1985. Management.

Linda Droter Baily, ofOwings, Md.;B.S. University ol Maryland, Kristen Meyer Brown, ol Silver Spring, Md.;B.S.Towson State Baltimore County, 1985. Management. University, 1984. Management

Kathleen R. Baker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University ol [acquelyn Ann Bruce, ol Columbia. Md.; U.S. Virginia Connecticut, 1972. Human Resource/Behavioi al Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986. Information Management. Technology.

Frank Adrian Barksdale. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan State Carol Stephenson Bullock, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. B.A. Ohio University, 1982. Financial Management. State University, 1983. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. Mark Albert Bassett, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.S.N. University of

Maryland, 1985. Information Technology. Linda Kave Burks-Barbour, ofAkron, Ohio; A.A. ( lommunity College of Baltimore, 1978; B.A, University of Baltimore, FranLynn Baum, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Dickinson College, 1983. Management. 1976. Management. Kathryn Lenhard Byrd, of Baltimore. Md.; B.M. American Evelyn Taylor Beasley, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Coppin State University, 1976. Management. College, 1954. Management. Pamela Martin Bythrow, of Dallas, Texas; A.S. El Centro, 1971 Marvin R. Bell, of Pikesville, Md.; A.A. Community College of B.S. University of Texas at Dallas, 1978. Management. Baltimore, 1974; B.S. University of Baltimore, 1979. Information Technology. Susan Gudiness Campbell, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1973. Information Betsy Ann Bender, of Pasadena, Md.; B.A. Elizabethtown Technology. College, 1986. Management. Cynthia Canu, ofWaterbury, Conn.; B.S. Central Connecticut Carol Cecelia Bennett, ofStony Brook, N.Y.; B.S. State University, 1982. Management. Coast Guard Academy, 1981. Financial Management. Alfred William Caponti, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Villanova Deborah Lynn Bieber, of York, Pa.; B.S.C.S. The Pennsylvania University, 1965. Information Technology. State University, 1986. Information Technology. Michael Goerge Chaconas, ofWashington, D.C; B.S. University Patrick Henry Birmingham, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Duquesne of Maryland, 1979. Financial Management. University, 1965. Management. Laurie Ann Chalk, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Cynthia Ann Black, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Salisbury State University, 1985. Management. University, 1979. Management. Jeannne Parker Chambers, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. Notre Mary-Rita Elizabeth Blute, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Harvard Dame University 1983. Management. University, 1980; M.S. Simmons College, 1983. Information Technology. Mark Carl Charitonuk, of Towson, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1986. Management.

Ralph Harold Bourquin, Jr.. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.M.E. CarnegieMellon University, 1972. Financial Management. Leslie R. Chase, of Portland, Maine; B.A. Connecticut College, 1978. Management. Christine Ann Fonder Braccio, of Greenwich, Conn.; B.S. University of Connecticut, 1983. Human Resource/ Chin-Sung Chen, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Taiwan Normal Behavioral Management. University, 1966; M.M. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1972.

1 Information Technology . Steven Mark Brannan, of Bel Air, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland College, 1984. Financial Management. Melinda Chiu, ofWilmington, Del.; B.S. University ofDelaware, 1986. Information Technology. Gayle Ann Bremer, of Severna Park, Md.; A.A.S. Community College of the Air Force, 1983; B.S. Trenton State College, Min-Li Chung, of Potomac. Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1985. Management. 1982. Information Technology.

Maureen Xoonan Brooks, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Frostburg Gregory David Church, of York, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania State State University, 1984. Financial Management. University, 1983;M.S.TheJohnsHopkinsL"niversity, 1988. Management.

41 I' Edward Lero) Collins HI, ofPittsburgh, Pa.; BS. United States \ilcne Samson I)e Vera, ol Ashbuin. Va.; B.S 1' Sti.i\ei \.i\,il Academy, 1984. Financial Management College, 1987. Information technology.

Rii hard M ( onroy, ol Laurel, Md. Management Ronald Payuran De Villa, ol Manila, Philippines; B.A Ateneo

De Manila I mwisits. 1982. Management.

\i idics [oyce( iooke.ol ( Columbia, Md.; B.S.N. < roerge Mason

I 'niversity, 198 I Management Edgai Daniel Draper, Jr., of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Lincoln University, 19«l.Infonn.iiion rechnology.

Marietta Coon, n] Mt Prospect, [11.; B.S. Illinois State f.

I nivei mis. 1982. Management Sheryl Lynn Dollarhide, ofGermantown, M. Universit) of Maryland, 1986. Human Resource/Behavioral Denise( iallahanCopperthite, ofBaltimore, Md.;B.S. Salisbury Management

State l niversity, 1986. Management Judith Ann Dumrauf. ol Baltimore, Md.: B.S. Universit) of Brennan Marie Corbett, ofAlexandria, Va.; B.E.T. Universit) Maryland, 1988. Management of South Florida, 1984. Financial Management

Sharon Kenee Dunn, of Ellicotl ( !ity, Md.; B.A. I fniversit) ol

I'.m i< iaHogan( !ossart,ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S.B.A. Universit) Maryland, 1986. Management ol Delaware, 1986. Information Technology. Dennis!.. Fhen. of Baltimore. Md.. B.S. Universit) of Maryland,

Lewis L. Cox, Jr., ol New Port Richey, Fla; B.S. Auburn 1976. Management.

I niversity, 1979. Information lechnology. Annemarie Brigitte Eckhardt, of Washington. DC.

Karen E. ( Irews, <>l Columbia, Md.; A. A. Howard Community Management. College, 1969; B.A. Universit) of South Carolina, 1984. Robert Louis Edwards, of Ellicotl City, Md.; B.A. Western ( |, mics I homas '.ri< ler, < >f ( iaithersburg, Md.; B.S. Towson State Maryland College. 1977. Information 1 e< hnology. University, 1982. Information Technology. Robert Jeffrey Evans, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Leah Lorraine Cromwell, ofEdgewood, Md.; A.A. Harford University, 1981. Management

Community College, 1 987; B.S. University ofMaryland, 1989. Information Technology. John Thomas Everett, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Universit) ol Maryland, Baltimore County, 1970. Management Regina Cutrone Crowell, of North Bellmore, N.Y.; B.S.N. Duquesne University, 1984. Management. Heather Anne Fagan, ol Bel Air, Md.; B.S. James Madison University, 1988. Management. Barbara Anne Daily, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Universit) ol

Delaware. 1984. Management. Kenneth F. Fahnstock, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. I owson State University, 1978. Management.

1 ileen Gillan Davidson, of Baltimore, Md. Management. Mark Stephen Fanto. of Timonium, Md.; A. A. Essex Glen Davis.ofLexington. Ky.; B.S. Universit v of , 1977. Communit) College. 1983: B.S. Universit) of Baltimore, liii.uu i.d Management 1985. Management

[anice M. Davis, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. Loyola College, 1978. Andrew E. Federkeil. ofColumbia, Md.; B.S.M.E. West Virginia Management University, 198.1. Management.

|anel Marie Decker, ofBaltimore,Md.;A.A. Essex Communit) John William Ferkanv. of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. Universit) of College, 1976; B.S.N. University ofMaryland, 1982. Human Michigan. 1976; PhJO. Universit) ofTexasal Houston. [980. Resource/Behavioral Management. Management. feffre) Noel Deel, of Eldersburg, Md.; B.S. York College of D.Danielle Ferris, ofClinton hid.; B.S. Indiana State University, Pennsylvania, 1986. Financial Management. 1986. Financial Management.

MariaJocelissa Tan-( iatue del Rosario, of La Plata, Md.; B.A. Kenneth L. Fischbach, of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. Universit) ol Universit) of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1987. Baltimore. 1986. Financial Management Management Leonard George Fischer, of Elkridge, Md. Information S.mdra Eilene Denefield, of Jacksonville, Fla. Human Technologv. Resource/Behavioral Management. Laura Leigh Flanigan. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Universit) of

[oseph M. DiTommaso, of Mt. I. .unci. N.J.; B.S. Rutgers Virginia, 1981. Management University, 1985. Management.

42 .

Gale M.Fleisch, ofBaltimore, Md.;B.S. Towson State University, Teresa Ann Gray, ol Waldorf, Md.; A .A. Charles Count)

1973. Management Community College, 1983; B.S. I (niversit) of Maryland, 1985. Financial Management.

Donald Charles Fleming, Jr., of Chestei field, Va.; B.S. I fnion

College, 1 970; MA. Syracuse University, l973;Ph.D., 1970. Michael Richard Greaney, ol Silver Spring, Md.;BA. Universit) Human Resource/Behavioral Management. ol Maryland, 1984. Management.

Edward Paul Fletcher, ofUpper Darby, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania Donna Sue Greenberg, ol Owings MilK. Md.; B.S.R.N. State University, 1986. Financial Management. Universit) <>l Maryland, 1978. Management.

Kathryn Marie Foegen, of Laurel, Md. Management. Joel Sander Greenberg, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. The Johns

I [opkins Univei sits. 1983. Management Robert James lord, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University ol Baltimore, 1982. Financial Management. Marjorie Clarisa Greene, of Severn, Md.; B.A. Princeton University, 1988. Financial Management. Rose Ann Fornario, ofEllicotl City, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1983. Financial Management. Pamela E. Griffin, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Universit) ol

Maryland Baltimore County, 1 977. Information Technology. Preston Michael Frazier, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Western Connecticut State College. 1982. Management. Ronna S. Grossman, of Butler, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania State Universit). 1982. Management.

I . Talmage Funk, ofElkton, Md.; B.B.A. College ol William and Mary, 198:$. Financial Management. Guarino, Annapolis, Md.; Long Island Thomas J. of BA. UniversityC.W. Post College, 1986. Management. John Joseph Caeng, of Towson, Md.: B.S. Towson State

University, 1986. Management. Michael I. Haas, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Universit) of Man land, 1982. Information Technology. Paul Dillon Gallagher, of Glendale, Calif.; A.A. Glendale College, 1985: B.S. University of Redlands, 19SS. AdrienneTownes Haden. of Gaithersburg, Md.: B.A. University Management. of Virginia. 1977. Information Technology.

Robert Milton Geldmacher, ofTaylorsville, Md.; B.S.E.E. The Elaine Denise Hall, of Pasadena. Md.; B.S.C.S. Towson State Johns Hopkins University. 1975. Information Technology. University, 1985. Management.

Anita Teresa Germershausen, of Pasadena. Md.; A.A. University Margaret Brill Hall, of Babylon, N.Y.; B.S.X. Catholic Universit) of Baltimore. 1982; B.S., 1984. Financial Management. of America. 1970. Management. I

Leslie Gadow Gettier, of Arnold, Md.; B.S. University of Mary Elizabeth Stone Hall, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. University

Man land, 1 974; M.Fd. The Johns Hopkins University, 1 981 of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1981$. Management. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. Thomas Robert Hancock, of Highland, Md. Management. Susan Lee GiacomaGlavach, of Corry, Pa.; B.S. California University of Pennsylvania, 1984. Financial Management. Louise H. Hanson, of Rockville. Md.; B.A. Northern Illinois University, 1971. Information Technology. Martin Goldberg, of Baltimore. Md.; B.T.L. Ner Isreal Rabbinical College, 1988. Financial Management. David Joseph Harold, of Lansdowne, Md.; A.A. Catonsville Community College. 1984; B.S. University of Man land. Elizabeth Rastetter Golla, of Stewartstown, Pa.; B.S. Lewis Baltimore County, 1988. Information Technology. University, 1962. Information Technology. Shery Lester Harper, of Jessup. Md.; B.S. North Carolina Alma Noble Goodwin, of Columbia, Md.; A.A. Howard Agricultural & Technical State University, 1985. Information Community College. 1985; B.S. Bennett College, 1972. Technology. Information Technology. Joseph H. Hartman, of Whitehall. Md. Management.

Booker T. Coodwin. Jr.. of Asheville, X.C.; B.S. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 1970. Jeffrey Lynn Harvey, ofReisterstown, Md.; B.S. Fairmont State Management. College, 1984. Information Technology.

Shanon Lynn Graves, of Baltimore. Md.; A.A. Dundalk Germaine Lynn Hawkins, of Petersburg. W.Va.; B.S. West Community College, 1980; B.S. Towson State University. Virginia University, 1985. Management. 1982. Management. PamelaJavneHeck, of Camphill. Pa.; BA. Gettysburg College, 1985. Management.

43 Rosa Renna Heckle, oi Columbia, Md.; B.S. Virginia Ien\ Lee Jones, of Baltimore, Md; B.S. IF. University of ( ommonwealth University, 1986. Management Maryland, 1987. Financial Management

( hi 1st l lie 1) l. II I I ell 1 1 i< li. ol . B.S. me Butlei Pa.; I'niwi \it\ of Joan BonnieJoy, of I imonium, Md.; B.A. Goucher College, Pittsburgh, 1986. Management 1983. Human Resource/Behavioral Management

I .ii.imeS. I lein h.ii.oi Dei wood, Md.;B.S. Pennsylvania State David Allen K.u vnski, ol Peoria, 111.; B.S. Bradley University, l ni\eisit\, 1976. Management 1979. Management

( .lend. i Renee I Ii< ks, <>f Baltimore, Md. Management 1 lienJoyce Kaplan, of Waltham, Mass.; B.S. Boston University, 1982. Management. Maureen Hunt! [inkle, ofSharon, Pa; BA Men yhurst College,

1974. Information I ec hnolog) Christopher SayreKaris, ol Germantown, Md.; AAOakloosa Walton Junior College. 1983; B.S. University of West Florida.

Joanne Theresa Hiss, of Monkton, Md.; B.S. Southern 1986. I- ii i. u ic Management.

( lonne< ticul State College, 1980; M.S., 1982. Management.

Ronald Barn Karpel, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. I ni\ersit\ of Laurriejean Hoffman, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Longwood Maryland, 1973. Management College, 197'). Management.

Michael 1.. kaipou/ie. of Baltimore, Md.: B.S. lowson State

1 'i mot I iv Holt, Jr.. of Severn, Md.; B.S. Bowie State University, University, 1985. Financial Management. 1987. Management. Flizabeth Ann Rasper, of Baltimore. Md.: A. A. Villa Julie Robert Reese Hooks, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. Cornell University, College, 1985; B.S. University of Baltimore. 1987. 1983. Financial Management. Management.

Vicki Lynn Hop. of Hudsonville, Mich.. B.A. Hope College, Andrea Nikie Katz, of York. Pa.: B.S. PennsylvaniaStateCollege, 1987. Management. 1985. Management.

Thomas Michael Howser, Arbutus, Md.; B.A. Tow son State Cathy C. Keagle, of F.llicott City, Md.: B.S.F.F. L'niversitv of University, 1976. Management. Delaware, 1982. Management.

Ronald William Huffman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University Jillian Heayn Kellv, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. L'niversitv of of Pittsburgh, 1982. Financial Management. Baltimore, 1973. Information Technology.

Don R. Hullinger, Jr., of , Utah; B.S. Brigham David Keyman. of Olney, Md.: B.S. L'niversitv of Maryland. Young University, 1985. Management. 1974. Information Technology.

James Andrew Hunter, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. College of Deveshwari Prasad Khare, of Baltimore, Md.; Ph.D. Lucknow William and Mary, 1982; M.B.A., 1986. Information University, India. 1989. Information Technology. Technology. Barbara Ann Kimsey, ofAbingdon, Md.: B.S. College of Notre Nachum I. Hurvitz, of Flushing, N.Y.; B.T.L. \er Israel Dame of Maryland, J983. Human Resource/Behavioral Rabbinical College, 1988. Information Technology. Management.

Jaquelyn SmithJablonski, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Brenda Lea Klamut. of Harrisonburg. Va.; B.S. West Virginia University, 1985. Management. L'niversitv, 1984. Management.

Joseph B.Jennings, ofSevern, Md;BA University ofMaryland, Melissa L. Kleinert, of Baltimore. Md.; B.B.A. Loyola College, 1983. Information Technology. 1985. Information Technology.

Ingrid Jensen, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic F.ugina Klikna-kokes. of Vacaville, Calif.; B.S.N. Creishton Institute and State University, 1983. Management. University, 1976; M.N. University of Washington. 1980. Management. Madelyn FriedaJohannesen, ofBaltimore, Md.; AA. Dundalk Community College, 1979; B.A. Loyola College. 1983. Irene D. Knott, of Baltimore. Md.: B.C.E. University of Management. Delaware. 1985. Management.

Barbara SusanJohnson, ofWestminster, Md.;B.A. University Helen Linda Kolesar. of Sewicklcv. Pa.: B.S.N. Duquesne of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1980. Management. University, 1984. Management.

Brenda Jordan [ones, oi West Point, Va.; A. A. Prince George's Stacy Leigh Korbelak, of F.llicott City, Md.: B.A. L'niversitv of Community College, 1977; B.S. University of Man land. 1979. Michigan. 1987. Management. Financial Management. Valerie Anne Krauss. of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. The Johns Elizabeth Snyder Jones, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Western Hopkins University, 1987 Management. Ken tuck) University, 1981; M.A., 1983. Information

1 ec hnology.

44 Erundina Azcueta Krenzischek, of Cabugao, Ilocossur, Vincent R. Marinelli, of Greensburg, Pa.; B.S 1.1 . Pennsylvania

Philippines; B.S.N. St. Paul College, 1971. Management. Suite University, 198 1. Management.

Joanne Waddington Kyriacopoulos, of Parkville, Md.; B.S. Jeffrey Lee Man |u in a, ol Columbia, Md.; A.A. Columbia Union Drexel University, 1982. Management. College, 1985; B.S., 1985. Management.

Rudolph B, Lamy, ofCatonsville, Md. Management. Susan Mary Mar/ullo.of Reisterstown, Md.; B. A. I owson State University, 1982. Financial Management Kathyjean Landau, of Elkridge. Md.; B. A. Cornell University,

1978. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. ( larrye Elizabeth Massey, ol Kllicoti ( iity, Md.; B.S. Yoi k ( College of Pennsylvania, 1985. Management. Monica E. Larson, of Baltimore, Md.; M.F.A. Syracuse University, 1985. Management. James Lynn Madack, of Wilmington, Del. Management.

Mary Beth Leatherbarrow, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S. State Sarah Samantha May, of Alexandria, Va.; B.A. American University of New York at Buffalo, 1965. Information University, 1982. Management. Technology. Michael Christopher Xavier Mc< »eady, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. John Francis Lennon, of Baltimore, Md.; A. A. Essex Denison University, 1984. Human Resource/Behavioral Community College, 1983; B.M.E. The Johns Hopkins Management. University, 1986. Management. Mark Kevin McGill, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.S.E. University ol Richard James Leppert, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1984. Management. Massachusetts, 1981. Management. Jerry William McGinnis, ofCatonsville, Md.; B.A. University

Gerald Thomas Lester, Jr., of Kinston, N.C.; B.S.C.R.E. North of Delayvare, 1974. Management. Carolina State University, 1965; M.B.A. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970. Information Technology. Janet Louden McGlynn, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1975. Management. Stefanie M. Light, of Sykesville, Md.; B.A.Troy State University, 1973. Information Technology. Curtis Ralph McKnight, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Massachusetts, 1983. Management. Robert Edward Limmer, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State

University, 1979. Thomas Meier, ofLehighton, Pa.; B.S. Kutztown State ( '.( >llege, Management. J. 1977. Management. YouJyh Lin, ofTaiwan, Republic ofChina; M.S. Yale University, 1984; M.Phil., 1985; Ph.D., 1987. Management. John Charles Donald Meise, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1979. Information David Christopher Little, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. B.A. The Technology. University of Richmond, 1987. Management. Karen Ann Metzgar, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. I.E. Pennsylvania Susanjoan Locker, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State State University, 1986. Management. University, 1978. Management. Karen A. Meyer, of Dayton, Ohio; B.S. University of Dayton. Marilyn Gottlieb Loux, ofOwings Mills, Md.; B.S. Towson State 1981. Management. University, 1979. Management. Onyewuchi Charles Mezu. ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Morgan State Gary N. Loveland, of Triangle, Va.; B.A. George Mason University, 1981; M.B.A., 1983. Information Technology. University, 1984. Information Technology. Dagmarjoeres Miller, of Baltimore, Md. Management. Sharon Ann Lucich, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Essex Community

College, 1983; B.S. Towson State University, 1986. June I. Miller, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Kings College, 1978. Management. Management.

Davidjames Luksik, of St. Cloud, Minn.; B.S. Purdue University, Sherri Lynn Miller-Smith, of York, Pa.; B.S. Millersy ilk- 1987. Financial Management. University, 1983. Information Technology.

Andrew Scott Mackenzie, of Holmdel, N.J.; B.A. University of Timothy Ian Miller, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Lycoming College, Richmond, 1987. Management. 1983. Management.

Janet A. Macon, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Morgan State James Anthony Mirable, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel University, 1976. Information Technology. University, 1987. Management.

Teresa Marie Magness, of Belcamp, Md.; A.A. Harford Fred M. Mitzner, of Piscatayvay. X.J.; B.S. University of Community College, 1980; B.S. University ofMaryland, 1982. Massechusetts at Amherst, 1986. Management. Management. Kelly Potter Mobley, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Toyvson State Robertajean Marie, ofFrederick, Md.; B.S. University Maryland University, 1984. Financial Management. ' 1982; M.A. Hood College. 1982. Management.

45 Marci Jem Montesi, ol Hanover, Md.; B.S. Universit) oi |ason Edward Parrott,oi Allen town. Pa.; H.s North Carolina

( !onne< ti< ut, 1986. Management State I University, 1986. Management

DebraSlocum Morehouse, oi ( olumbia, Md. Management Amu June Parsons, ol Laurel, Md.; B.S. University oi Maryland, 1988. Management Michael Earl Morlock, <>l Baltimore, Md.; A. A Essex

( College, B.S. State I niversity, it ommunit) 1982; rowson \ in ( 1 1. in du I', n el. of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University oi

<•< 1985. Infoi mation I hnology. Bombay, India, 1985; B.S University ol Maryland, 1987. Management Kohcii Louis Moss, ol Silvei Spring, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Maryland, 1986. Management Susann Lunsford Patton, of Eugene, Ore.; B.S. Oregon State University, 1981. Management. [ohanne Koback Moyes, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University ol

Baltimore, 1981. Management James Anthony Pavik, ol Dove Canyon, Calif.; B.S. Old Dominion University, 1979. Management Margarel Adele Mullin, oi New Orleans. La.; A. A. Harford

( lommunity ( lollege, 1982;B.S. I fniversity ol Maryland 1987. Sharon Cowan Pearson, ofAbingdon,Md;B5. State University Information Technology. of New York at Buffalo. 1973. Information Technology.

Dorothy Nehrling Murphy, oi Baltimore, Md.;B.A. College of Cars David Pensinger.oi Glen Bumie.Md.; B.S. University of Notre Dame Maryland, 1984. Human Resource/Behavioral Maryland, 1985. Management Management

Michelle Mallev Pienta. ol Southfield. Mich.; B.S.N. ( )akland Margarel McCarth) Murphy, oi Brookland,N.Y.; EdD. Rutgers University, 1981. Management.

University, 1 '.)7M. Information Technology. Shalom Judah Polen, of Boston. Mass.: B.T.I.. Nei Israel Patricia Ann Murphy, of Catonsville, Md.; A. A. Catonsville Rabbinical College. 1980; MIL., 1984. Management. Community College, 1976; B.S.Frostburg State University, 1978. Management. Keith Thomas Porter, oi Abingdon. Md: A.A.S. University of

Toledo, 1984; B.E/1 .. 1986. Information Technology. Gregory Kent Myers, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1986. Management. Mark Anthony Prego, of Auburn. N.Y.; B.S. York College of Pennsylvania. 198,?. Management.

Helen Dianne Neighbors, ofRockville, Md.; B.A. University < >f Texas, 1985. Management. Mary Catherine Prisbe. of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Towson State University, 1983. Management. Tracy Anne Newman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of

Delaware, 1982. Management. Sharon Hasena Pugh, of Silver Spring. Md.; B.S. I.E. Purdue University, 1977. Financial Management. Mildred M. Nohe, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S. Trenton State College, 1979. Information Technology. Kimberley Ann Pyles, ofSykesvUle, Md.; B.S. Lebanon Valley College. 1979. Information Technology. Linda Noone, of Laurel, Md; B.S. University ofMaryland 1985. Information Technology. Yvonne Cecelia Queen, of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. Morgan State University, 1982. Management. Sarah Ann Noone, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S.N. Uni\ersit\ of Man land, 1983. Management. Tate Oliver Redding, of Redding. Pa.: B.A. Dakota Weslevan University, 1978. Information Technology. Risa Leigh Nuetzel, of Fallston, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1985. Management. Raymondjoseph Reed. Jr.. of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1981. Management. Sharon Swann O'Brien, of Crofton, Md.; B.A.S.W. Salisbury State University, 1979. Information Technology. Michael William Reed, of Kokomo, hid.: B.S.h.K. L Ohio Institute ofTechnology, 1982. Financial Management. Karen Gail Oldham, of Towson, Md.; B.S. Tufts University,

1966. Management. Kathcrine AlmcdaRchmann.ol B.iiliinorc. McLB.S.N. I OWSOn Slate University, 1981. Management. Linda K. Olson, of Kldersburg, Md.; B.A. Southern Illinois University, 1964. Management. Charlotte Dawn Reppy, of Rockville, Md.; B.A. West Virginia University, 1972. Information Technology. Rusalinda Gail Orgill, of Oceana, W.Va.; B.A. Fairmont State

( lollege. 1985. Human Resource/Beha\ ioral Management John William Rich, oi Arlington, \ a.; B.A. St. Bonaventure University, 1975. MLS. Georgetown University, 1982.

Linda Lou Ormsby, oi ( Hen Arm. Md.; B.A. College ol Notre Financial Management Dameol Maryland, 1986. Financial Management. Anita Fay Richardson, of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. Indiana

Sandra |. Parker, oi Denver, Colo.; B.S. Colorado State University of Pennsylvania, 1982. Management. University, 1979; M.S.. 1982. Information Technology

46 Ulrike Linda Richardson, of Annapolis, Md; B.A. Syracuse William David Samuels, of Sparks, Md.; B.A Si. Lawrence University, 1976; MJL Catholic University of America. 1980. University, 1976. Financial Management. Management. Nora B. Sarkahian, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel Jean MiekoRieg,ofEllicott City, Md.;BA. University ofHawaii, University, 1987. Management. 1968. Information Technology. Robert Michael Sarnecki, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. Mount Saint Norbert Edwin Rieg, of F.llicott City, Md.; B.A. University of Mary's College, 1984. Information Technology. Man land, 1975. Information Technology. Christopher John Sawicki, of Towson, Md.; B.A. Western Kimberly Barbara Ripley, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Tovvson State Maryland College, 1988. Information Technology. University, 1983. Management. Carol Lee Schulte, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. University of Miguel A. Rivera, of San Juan. Puerto Rico; B.S. Purdue Maryland, 1973. Management. University, 1985. Management.

Ruth MeisenhelderSeaby, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. 1 owson State Mary Alice Robinson, of Silver Spring, Md.; A.A. Montgomery University, 1976. Management. Community College, 1980; B.A. University of Maryland, 1983; Information Technology. Nancy Patricia Seifert, of Baltimore, Md.; A.A. Essex Community College, 1979; B.S.N. University of Maryland, Ruth Ann Fedorchuk Robust, of Pern Hall, Md.; B.A. Goucher 1986. Management. College, 1982. Financial Management. Madeleine Ann Shea, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Trinity College, John Michael Roche, of Pompano Beach, Florida; B.B.A. St. 1982. Management. Bonaventure University, 1981. Information Technology. Herbert Louis Shemer, of Owings Mills, Md.; B.A. Western Marguerite Beniel Rodden, ofSilver Spring, Md.; B.A. Catholic Maryland College, 1985; M.P.A. University of Baltimore, University of America, 1982. Financial Management. 1987. Information Technology.

Belinda Roebuck, ofNew York, N.Y.; A.A.S. Harriman College, Caroline Teubert Shepherd, of Parkville, Md.; B.S. West 1981; B.S. Fordham University, 1989. Management. Virginia University, 1977. Management.

Christopher Watson Rogers, of Winnetka, 111.; B.A. Southern Kathleen Tewey Sheridan, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. St. Mary's Methodist University, 1985. Management. College of Maryland, 1982. Management.

Julie Ann Roling, of Laurel, Md. Management. Juliana Marie Shiminski, of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; B.S. University of Puerto Rico, 1987. Management. Stephen Goerge Romey, of Pasadena, Md.; B.A. Duke University, 1980. Information Technology. Cynthia Regina Shipley, of Washington, D.C.; B.S. Tuskegee University, 1977. Management. Laurence Rosenberg, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Maryland, 1987. Management. Glennor Loy Shirley, of Columbia, Md. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. Michael Allan Rovinskv, of Baltimore, Md.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rabbinical College, 1986; M.T.L., 1989. Management. Charlene Fleming Sibler, of Baltimore, Md.; B.B.A. Loyola College, 1984. Management. Patricia M. Rowan, of Luthenille, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1978. Management. Robert Lee Sinclair, of Baltimore, Md. Information Technology. Linda Kay Roydhouse, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S.N. University of Maryland, 1985. Management. ArthurJ. Slusark, of Fallston. Md.; B.A. Duquesne University. 1978. Management. Timothy Peter Rubalcaba, of Butler, Ind.; B.A. Purdue University, 1985. Management. Barbara Stauch Slusher, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Dickinson College, 1986. Management. Carol Ann Rubino, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1979. Management. Charles Samuel Smith, of Columbia, Md. Information Technology. Patricia Ann Rubino, of Towson, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1984. Management. Dorothy McGee Smith, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, 1973. Management. Martha Jane Rudzki, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.A. Hood College. 1986. Management.

47 I .

Roberi Louis Smith, Jr., <>l Randallstown, Md. Public I heresa Bemadette 1 homas, ol Silvei Spring, Md.; B.M.Ld. Administration. Shenandoah (.ollege and Conservator) ol Music. 1975. Management Sandra Lee Smith, ofBaltimore, Md;BA. Western Maryland

( ollege, 1987. Information rechnology. Steven Scott I brush, of Bel An. MA; B B. \ I ovola College. 198"). Management. Sharon Lene Smith Bell, <>i Randallstown, Md Management

Laura Marie I illman. of Pasadena. Md.; B.S.E.E. Virginia

I Michael Snyder, oi Silvei Spring. Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Polytechnu Institute and State University, 1984. Maryland, 1978. Information Technology. Management.

Michele Marie Spaulding, ofCatonsville,Md; B.S. Rhode Island ( .olleen Patric ia I resslet. of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. Univcrsitv of College, 1983. Information rechnology. Mai viand. 1983. Management.

Nanc) Doyle Spicer, oi Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Loyola College. Peter Paul Tridone IV ol Baltimore, Md.: B.S. I owson State 1983. Management University, 1987. Management.

( I ess. i Baile) Springmann, <>f ( lolumbia, Md.; B.A. St. Mary's .ikk huan I sai.ol Hsinchu. I aivvan; Ml). National VangMing

( ollege oi Maryland 1985. Information rechnology. Medical College, Taipei, 1984. Management.

Vimal K. Srivastava, ol Germantown, Md.; M.S. St. Johns Ri( hardJohn Tucci, ol New York, N.Y.; B.L.C.F. Citv College University, 1986, Management of New York, 1972; M.F.C.F... 197"). Management.

lr.Ki\ Anne Steinberg, of Edgewater, Md.; B.S. Virginia Michael Douglas Tucker, of Baltimore. Md.: B.B.A. Howard .Technical Institute and State University, 1988. Financial University, 1978. Management Management

1 .an v Evans Tune, ofRi( hmond Va.; B.A. ( lorneU Universit) Roberi Oran Stephenson, of Bel Air, Md.; A. A. Harford 1971; M.D. University ofVirginia, 197"). Management. Community College. 1983; B.S. Universit) of Baltimore, 1985. Financial Management. David Ralph Urech. ofEllicotl Citv. Md.: B.S. Universit) of Maryland, 1985. Management. Kenneth David Sterner, of Dundalk, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland College, 1978. Information Technology. Dianna A. Usi. of Baltimore. Md.: BA. Universit) of Maryland. Baltimore County, 1986. Human Resource/Behavioral Joseph Edward Stevenson, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Management. Westminster College, 1986. Management. Patricia Lemmon van Deursen, of Baltimore, Md.; A A Joanne Marie Stine, of Columbia, Met; B.S. Universit) of Community College of Baltimore, 1972: B.S. The Johns Maryland 1987. Management. Hopkins University, 1986.

Kathleen Scott Stover, of Falls Church. Va.; B.A. College of ( .uv Jack Van Tiggelen. ofYork, Pa.; B.A. Loyola College. 1 983. William and Man. 1976. Management. Management.

David Cerard Strappelli, of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. low son State F. Faith Vance, of Caithersburg. Md.: B.A. Queens Universit) University, 1987. Management. 1966. Information Technology.

L Elaine Stricklett, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Sterling College. Brian M.Vamev. of Baltimore. Md.; B.B.A. L'niversitv ofNotre 1965. Information Technology. Dame. 1980. Financial Management.

Debra Stevens Strucko, of Sparks, Md.; B.S. University of Jean Ann Varrato, ofLaurel, Md.. B.S. Marywood College, 1982. Maryland. 1970. Management. Human Resource/Behavioral Management.

Joan Marie Sullivan, of ( ilen Burnie, Md.; A. A. Anne Arundel Vicki killbv Via, of Laurel. Md.; A.S.J. Sargent Reynolds

Communit) College. 1 976; B.S.N. College ofNotre Dame of Community College, 1 98 LB.S.W est Virginia State College. Maryland 1988. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. 1985. Management.

Koset Surakomol, of Bloomfield Hills. Mi.; B.A. Kalamazoo David Vicars. Jr.. of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. The Johns Hopkins College. 1987. Management. University, 1990. Information Technology.

Deborah Ann Szrom, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Jodv Lynn Vilensky, of Wilkes Bane. Pa.: B.S. Universit) of University, 1979. Management. Pittsburgh, 1986. Information Technology.

Mark Joseph Tabisz, ol Baltimore. Md; B.S. Iowson State Patricia DeLoren/o Wafer, of Columbia. MD.: B.A. Loyola University, 1986. Information rechnology. College. 1985. Management.

ImadeWiracita 1 antra, of ElmhurstN.Y.; B.A. State Universit) Mark Thomas Wajer. of Pern Hall. Md.: B.S. Lcnola College. of New York at Binghamton. 1987. Financial Management 1970. Management.

48 William Emory Wallace, ofEllicott City, Md.; B.S. Towson Stale Bradley Ford Winslow, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Salisbury State University, 1985. Management. University, 1988. Management.

Martina Marie Waluk-Gaertner, of New York, NY.; B.A. The Catherine Mary Wirts, ofColumbia, Md, U.S. Wheeling Jesuit Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Management. College, 1988. Management.

Loren A. Wasson, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. Auburn University, fa) Timothy Wissmann, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. I owson State 1978. Financial Management. University, 1983. Information Technology.

Beverly SchleinWelty, ofEllicott City, Md.;B.S. George Mason Diane Wojciechowski, of Bloomington, Ind.; B.A. Indiana University, 1982. Management. University, 1978. Management.

Douglas Oregon Wernecke, ofTowson, Md.; B.S. Towson State William Barry Wood.Jr., of Middletown, Md.; A.A. Hagerstown University, 1981. Management. Junior College, 1984; B.S. Towson State University, 1987. Management. Lisa Ann Wetzel, ofTimonium, Md.; B.A. Franklin and Marshall College, 1985. Information Technology. Beth A. Woodring, of Lattimer, Pa.; B.A. Bucknell University, 1983. Information Technology. Michael Howard Whelan, of Hunt Valley, Md.; A.A. Catonsville Community College, 1977; B.S. Towson State University, MichelleJudith Wright, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University ol 1980. Information Technology. Maryland, 1986. Financial Management.

Cindy D. White, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Susan Klein Wright, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1982. Management. University, 1988. Management.

Jeffrey Charles White, of Bowie, Md.; B.S. West Virginia Christine Louise Wruck, of Columhia, Md.; B.A. College of University, 1985. Management. William and Mary, 1984. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. Amy Marie Wilcox, of Avon, N.Y.; A.S. Paul Smiths College,

1982; B.S. Michigan State University, 1988. Management. Donald M. Wynne, ofLyndhurst, N.J.; B.A. Rutgers University, 1986. Human Resource/Behavioral Management.

Paula J. Wilde, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Duquesne University, 1987. Management. Sherry Lynn Young, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.Ed. South West Missouri State College, 1980. Management. Jeffrey Alan Wilhide, ofFinksburg, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland College, 1978. Information Technology. David A. Zajac, of Lititz, Pa.; B.A. St. Charles Seminary College, 1985. Financial Management. Emily Lewis Wilkinson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Virginia, 1981. Management. Frankjohn Zariembajr., of Abingdon, Md.; B.S.C.E. University of Delaware, 1986. Management. Joan H. Williams, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Pennsylvania State University, 1983. Human Resource/Behavioral Management. Da-Ning Zhang, of Germantown, Md.; B.S. Beijing Normal University, 1981; M.S. University of Maryland, 1984. Terry Lovis Williams, of Jacksonville, Fla.; B.S. Indiana Financial Management. University, 1974. Information Technology. William Joseph Ziegler,Jr., ofColumbia, Md.; B.A. St. Mary's Thea N. Williams, of Baltimore, Md. Management. College of Maryland, 1985. Management.

Diane Freeman Wilson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Goucher RobertJay Zoerman,Jr., of Grand Rapids, Mich.; B.S. Thejohns College, 1980. Information Technology. Hopkins University. Management.

Certificates ofAdvanced Study in The School of Continuing Studies

Thelma Lee Carter, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S. The Johns Thomas Mark Fredricksen, of Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.; M.S. Hopkins University, 1981. Shippensburg University, 1988.

Robert G. Eliason, of Chestertown, Md.; B.A. High Point Marlene Porter-Blair, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. University of College, 1980; M.S. Wilmington College, 1987. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1977; M.S. Thejohns Hopkins L'niversitv, 1983.

49 . .

Masters of Science in The School ofNursing

Sandra Armella Pezzoli, ol Ellicotl City, Maryland; H.S.N.

Stella Vguinaga, ol Rio De [aneiro, Brazil; B.S.N . Federal Indiana I 'niversity, L985. CongruenceBetween Self-Rated Health

l niversity ol Rio DeJaneiro, 1986. Knowledge ofandAttitudes and Objective Health Measures m Hl\ '+ Patients

I ward Smoking Cessation Among I 'rban A/man Americans

Lisa ( arroll Radebaugh, of Towson, Maryland; B.S.N. Martha Sandra Alvaran, ol Ellicotl City, Maryland; B.s.V. University ol Maryland al Baltimore, [983. PsychosocialAspects University «>t Maryland al Baltimore, [988.InfectionControlin ofPracticing (lean Intermittent Sel/( sithetei izfltum Longterm Care Facilities

1. .mi, i Sheely, ofGlenBumie, Maryland; H.s.N . Georgetown

Alice M. Dunphy, ol Lutherville, Maryland; B.S.N., I 'niversity University, 198 [.Fat tin i Affecting Sleep m Hospitalized Oncolog) of Delaware, 1986. Differences m Nursing Care Seeds Patients Between III\ '+ Homosexuals-Bisexuals and HI\'+

Users in the Inpatient Selling Mar) Ann While, of Raleigh North ( .ami in a: B.S.N.. University of North Carolina, 1984. Breast Self-examination m Elderbs, \ \ 'omen: Attitudes, Knowledge and Barriers

Graduate Performance Diplomas in The Peabody Conservatory of Music

( Iheryl Lynn Johnson, of Crystal Lake, 111.; H.M. University of Sandra Murray, of Chicoutimi, Quebec. Canada; Dipl. Illinois, 1986; M.M. University of Illinois, 1987. Voice.' Conservatoire de Musique du Quebec. 1987. Piano.

I uiii XavierJohnson, ofClinton, Md;B.M. 1 heJohns Hopkins Bryan Russell Verhoye, of San Diego, Calif.; B.M. University University, 1989. Organ. of Southern California. 1983. Piano.

Masters of Music in The Peabody Conservatory of Musk

Xak Bjerken, ofEugene, Ore.; B.A. University ofCalifornia at YunSooCho. of Seoul. Korea: H.M. Seoul National University, Los Angeles, 1989. Piano. 1989. Piano.

Robin Renee Bourguignon, of New Gretna, N.J.; B.M. Hea-Soon Chung, of Seoul. Korea; B.M. Ewha Womans Westminster Choir College, 1986. Voice. University, 1983. Harp.

( Catherine Edmonds Bradford, ofEllicott City, Md.; HA. Man Christian Colberg Hecerra. of San Juan. Puerto Rico; H.M. The Washington College. 1986. Music Education. Johns Hopkins University, 1989. Violin.

Rebe< c a Jane Broberg, ofSwarthmore, Pa.; B.A. Unh ersity i >f Charles Michael Jay Demuynck, ol Dawson Creek, British Pennsylvania, 1988. Voice. Columbia, Canada; B.M. University of Toronto. 1989. Conducting. Brigitte Capdeville, of Los Angeles, Calif.; H.M. University ol

Mulligan. 19S9. Piano. Genevieve Marie Eichman. of Trempealeau. Wis; H.M I rinity

University al . 1989. Flute. Lisa Maria Cella. of Holliston, Mass.; B.A. Syracuse University, 1988. Flute. Xiao-Xing Geng, ofShanghai, Peoples Republic ot China: B.M. University of Texas at Austin. 1989. Piano. Michael Joseph Center, of . Wash.; H.M. New England Conservatory, 1989. Violoncello. Jennifer Leigh Her\e\. of Gresham, Ore.; H.M. University of Oregon, 1989. Percussion.

Allison Beth ( hamey, ol Los Angeles. Calif; HA. Harvard University, 1989. Voice. Steven Campbell Hilmy, ol Aberdeen, : H.A.Ceorge

Washington University, 1984. ( Composition and Electronic

and ( Computer Music

:*) Kerri Lyn Hyatt, of " Grantsburg, Wis.; B.M. Oberlin Con Julia Maiti Ojala, <>l Oulu, Finland; Dipl. Municipal

servatory, 1 988; M.M. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. ( lonservatory in Oulu, 1 985 ;M.M. Sibelius Academy, 1988. Ensemble Arts. Piano.

Elizabeth Hart In inKolker, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.M. Eastman Andrew Edward Palmer, of Annandale, Va.; B.M. [ames School of Music, 1968. Voice. Madison University, 1989. Double bass

Patricia Anne Johnson, of Richland Center, Wis.; B.M. ClaraJooyoung Park, ofAthens, Ga.; B.M. I he Johns Hopkins Lawrence University, 1986. Percussion. University, 1989. Piano.

Lori Anne Kaufman, of Franklin, Mich.; B.M. University of Sukhan Poon, ofTai Wai Shatin, Hong Kong; B.M. Universit) Southern California, 1989. Piano. ofPordand, 1989. Music Education.

Amv Frances Klosterman, of Fargo, N.D.; B.M. Michigan State, Junghye Ra, of Seoul, Korea; B.M. The Johns Hopkins 1988. Piano. University, 1988. Piano.

Lynn F. Kowal. of Baltimore, Md.; B.M. Virginia Angela Lee Raspa, of Lexington Park. Md.; A.B. Gouchei Commonwealth University School of the Arts, 1989. College, 1981). Electronic and Computer Music. Electronic and Computer Music.

Lisa L. Rehwoldt, ofSan ta Barbara, Calif.; B.M. ( ) College,

Man Elizabeth Kraalz, of St. Catherine, ( )ntario, Canada; B.M. 1987. Piano. The Johns Hopkins University. 1989. Flute. Shari Allison Rosen, of Old Bethpage. N.Y.; B.M. The Johns Peter Michael Krask, of Frederick, Md.; B.A. University of Hopkins University, 1988. Voice. Maryland, 1988. Music Criticism. Richard Steven Roth, of Phoenix, Ariz.; B.M. State. Hea Kyung Lee, of Seoul, Korea; B.F.A. United States 1984; M.M. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. Electronic International University, 1983. Voice. and Computer Music.

Jennifer Leshnower, of Odessa, Texas; B.M. Rice University, Keh-Shu Shen, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China: B.A. 1989. Violin. National Taiwan University, 1988. Violin.

Colleen Marie Cincinnati, Ohio; B.M. MacDonald, of WilliamJ. Simms, of Bethesda, Md.; B.M. College of Wooster. Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, 1988. Trombone. 1988. Guitar.

Mark Mandarano, of New Rochelle, N.Y.; B.A. Cornell JenHsiu Su, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic ofChina; B.A. Chinese University, 1987. Conducting. Culture University, 1987. Piano.

Steven L. Marking, of La Crosse, Wis.; B.M. Viterbo College, Laura Ellen Teeple, of Niles, Mich.; B.S. Western Michigan 1986. Voice. University, 1988. Voice.

Rachel Matthews, of WinstonSalem. N.C.; B.M. Oberlin Bonnie Louise Viens, of Stafford Springs, Conn.; B.A. Consenatory, 1989. Piano. University of Notre Dame, 1988; M.M. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. Music History. Mark Mazullo, ofDoy lestown, Pa.; B.M. Catholic University of America, 1989. Music History. Helen Rachel Weems, of Newtonia, Mo.; B.A. School of the Ozarks, 1986. Music History. Barbara Ann Mountain, of Rockville, Md.; B.A. Case Western Resene University, 1986. Voice. Stephen Kent Wilber. of Salisbury Center, N.Y.; B.M. Oberlin Conservatory, 1989. Piano. Nam Yeung, of Tsuen Wr an, Hong Kong; Dipl. Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 1988. Piano. Meejung Yoo, of Richmond, Va.; B.M. The Johns Hopkins University. 1989. Piano. Louis Heinz Nemec, ofMiami, Fla.; B.S. Geneva College, 1988; B.A. Geneva College, 1988. Music Education.

51 ,

Artist Diplomas in The Peabody (jmservatory of Musk

Bat teld Douwe Bosnia, <>l Utre< In. I he Netherlands; akte B. ( IhoongMoKang.ol ( IninAn City, Korea; BA, Seoul National Amhem Conservator) ol Musk. 1984; M.M. [Tie fohns University, 1983;MM,San Franc isco Conservatory of Musk,

1 1 I c >j >k in v 'niversity, 1987. Guitar. L986. Piano.

Jeffrey Lynn Fahnestock, <>f Mi. II<>IK Springs, Pa.; B.M. Kihoou Sung, ol Daegu, Korea; BAI. Seoul National University, Eastman School ol Mush. 1988; MM. Eastman School of 1983; MAI. Seoul National University, 1985. Voice < Musk . 1987. V*oi(

Pin Fei I ang,oi I ianjin, Peoples Republk of ( ihina; B.M. Fine Deborah Amu- Fleisher, ol New York, N.Y.; Dipl. Curtis Aits College of Peking. 1985; M.M. University of Illinois at

Institute ol Music 1976. Harp. I rbanaChampaign, 1988. Violoncello.

Masters of Science in The School of Hygiene and Public Health

Abbas Mohammed Hawwari, of Sabastia-Nablus, Jordan; Doreen Doi Ling Tarn, of Hacienda Heights, Calif.; B.S. B5. University of Arizona, 1985. and Infectious University of California at Irvine, 1987. Biostatistics. Diseases. Human Papillomavirus Infections in a Sexually Identifying Subtypes of Schizophrenia by Assessing the Rish for Transmitted Disease Clinic Population in Baltimore. Psychopathology in the Relatives: An Application of the Cox Regression Model on Dependent Data. Jenniferjinot, of 'Sudbury, Canada: B.A. University ofWaterloo,

1 985. Environmental Health Sciences. An Investigation of the Zhen Nora Tu, ofDavis, Calif.; B.S. University ofCalifornia at Potential Involvement ofInterleukin-1 in Ozone-Induced Airway Davis, 1988. Biostatistics. iMgistic Discriminant Test as Applied to Hypenesponsiveness and Inflammation. Censored Data.

Proscovia Lubega, of Tanzania. Fast Africa; M.B.Ch.B. Joan L. Valentine, of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. Pennsylvania State

Makerere University, 1984. Immunology and Infectious L'n iversitv. 1 979. Immunology and Infectious Diseases. Detection of Diseases. Cloning a Plasmodium berghei Gene Encoding a Helicobacter pylori Using DXA Hybridization Techniques. Heat-Shock Related Stress Protein. Mingwei Xu, of Shanghai, People's Republic ofChina; B.S. East China Normal University, 1987. Population Dynamics. Kinship Dynamics m Xonstable Population Models.

Masters of Health Science in the School of Hygiene and Public Health

Laura Bani Cesano. of Buenos Aires. Argentina; B.S. Westmont Steven Eugene Benner. ofBaltimore. Md.: B.A. The University College. 1988. International Health. of Chicago, 1981; M.D. The University ol Missouri, 1985. Epidemiology. Clinical Epidemiology. Katherine Miller Bass, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Duke University 1979; M.D.. 1983. Epidemiology. Chronic Disease Debt a Susan Bernstein, of Hatboro. Pa.: B.S. The George Epidemiology. Washington University, 1986. Health Policy and Management. Health Finance and Management.

Nancy Montgomery Baum, of Alexandria, Va.; B.S.N. I he

University of Michigan. 1987. Health Policy and Catherine Elizabeth Cartw right, ofGlen Ellyn, 111.: B.A. Central Management. Health Finance and Management. University of Iowa. 1986. Environmental Health Sciences.

52 Marion Ceraso, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Rutgers University, John David Hundi, of Lindsay, Texas; B.B.A. Texas A&M 1 984. 1 lealth Polity and Management. Behavioral Sciences University, 1985. Health Policy and Management. Health and Health Education. Finance and Management.

Chase, (lien Ridge, B.A. Brown Chere Monique of N.J.; Lenna Babigianjanick, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. I fniversit) <>l University, 1988. Health Policy and Management. Health Rochester, 1987. Menial Hygiene. Finance and Management. Aim Martha Kraczkowsky, of New Britain. Conn.; B.A. Wen-Nuan Cheng, ofTaipei, Republic ofChina; B.S. National Skidmore College, 1989. Health Policy and Management. Taiwan University, 1987. Mental Hygiene. I lealth Finance' and Management.

Howard Douglas Chilcoat, of Bel Air, Md.; B.A. Harverford Joshua Norman Liberman, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. TheJohns College, 1980; M.S. The Hopkins University, 1986. Johns I lopkins University, 1989. Epidemiology. Occupational and Biostatistics. Environmental Epidemiology.

Md.; B.A. (College, Demetra Vasilios Collia, of Bowie, Hope Marialena Lupcrini, of Tow son. Md.; B.S. Universit) <>l 1978; M.S. Western Michigan University, 1983. Biostatistics. Delaware, 1987. Health Policy and Management. Health Finance and Management. Mauricio Concha, of Medellin, Colombia; M.D. Institute of Health Sciences, 1986. Epidemiology. Infectious Disease Ninan Ajoy Mathew, of Cincinnati, Ohio; B.A. Carleton Epidemiology. College, 1988. International Health.

Deanna Mae Crouse, of Silver Spring, Md.; A.S. Graham Elizabeth Alice Matthews, ofNewton Center, Mass.; B.S. Boston College, 1974; B.A. University of Maryland, 1985. College, 1982. International Health. International Health.

Mark Allen Melanson, ofjoppa, Md.; B.S. Dickinson College, Rosa Maria Crum, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Barnard College, 1983. Environmental Health Sciences. 1979; M.D. Han aid University, 1985. Epidemiology. Clinical

Epidemiology. Sandra Miscovich, of San Diego, Calif.; B.A. University of California at San Diego, 1988. International Health. Jane Harriet Forman, of Cambridge, Mass.; B.A. Harvard University, 1985. Health Policy and Management. Health Mira Mitra, of Mirpur, Bangladesh; B.A. Dhaka University, Finance and Management. 1975; M.A., 1977. Population Dynamics.

Francisco Franco-Marina, of Tuxtla, Mexico; M.D. National Alfredo Morabia, of Geneva, Switzerland; M.D. Geneva Autonomous University of Mexico, 1984; M.P.H. School of University, 1978; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, Public Health of Mexico, 1985; M.Sc, 1988. Epidemiology. 1987; Ph.D., 1989. Biostatistics. Clinical Epidemiology. Carles Muntaner, of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain; M.D. Deborah Anne Galaska, of Prattville, Ala.; B.S.C.E. University ofBarcelona, 1981; Ph.D. Autonomous University Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981; M.P.A. of Barcelona, 1985. Mental Hygiene. University of Oklahoma, 1984. Environmental Health Sciences. Margaret Jessemin Nagel, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Cornell University, 1985. Health Policy and Management. Health Shannon Marie Gallivan, of Bergen, N.Y.; B.S. Cornell Finance and Management. University, 1989. Health Policy and Management. Health Finance and Management. Emily Shapiro Navetta, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1989. Health Policy and Management. Health Kathleen Ann Graham, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. L'niversity of Finance and Management. Pittsburgh, 1 980; M.S.W. The University ofMichigan, 1988.

Maternal and Child Health. Robert Edward Patterson, III, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Dartmouth College, 1985. M.A. The Johns Hopkins Kate Hanley, of Providence, R.I.; B.A. Brown University, 1987. University, 1990. International Health. Environmental Health Sciences. Thomas V. Pemeger, of Geneva, Switzerland; M.D. University Teti Herawati, of Jakarta, Indonesia; Sarjana, Bogor of Geneva, 1983. Biostatistics. Agricultural University, 1983. Population Dynamics. Charles Brace Reuland, of Cincinnati, Ohio; B.A. The Dana Michelle Hotra, of Downey, Calif.; B.A. University of University of Michigan, 1988. Health Policy and California at Santa Barbara, 1986. Maternal and Child Management. Health Finance and Management. Health.

John Ruthinoski, of Aquebogue, N.V.; B.S. Cornell University, 1989. Health Policy and Management. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education.

53 .

Ann Rainc\ Sherpick, ill Farmington, Conn.; HA. Inlis slicivl A Si. lines, of Denver, N.( ... B.A. Universit) of North

I niversity, 1986. Population Dynamics. Carolina, 1988. International Health,

Nicole Sharon Simmons, of Chevy Chase, Md.; B.A. Harvard Noi iko ] akahashi, ol Yokohama, Japan: MA I suda College,

University, 1983. I lealth Poli< \ and Management Health 1989. Population Dynamit s. Poliq Jingyan Vang, ol Chengdu, People's Republic ol China; IV \

1 1 cue Sharon Speizer, ofCambi idge, Mass.; B.A. Washington Su Institute ol Foreign Languages, 198 1. Population

l niversity, 1987. Population Dynamics. I)\nanii( s

Masters of Public Health in The School of Hygiene and Public Health

Neil Meier Abel, of Roc kville, Md.; B.S.P. Kansas University, Pegg\ Riple) Barker, ol Rockville, Md.; B.A. Berea College, 1<)7:V. MJB.A. St John's University, 1981; M.S. The George 1969. Washington University, 198"). Robert William Beardall. of Alexandria. Va.: B.S. (College of Damiano Dante CesareAbeni, of Rome, Italy; M.I). Universit) Charleston. 1979; MD. Medical Universit) ofSouth Carolina, of Milan, 1987. 1983.

SandroAccorsi, ofBologna, Italy; M.D. University ofBologna, Susan Ellen Beekmann, ol Baltimore, Md.; U.S. Albright 1981. College, 1986.

[ngrid Aija Adamsons, of New York, N.Y.; B.A., Brown Christopher Charles Bevrer. of East [slip, N.Y.; B.A. Hobart

University, 1981; M.I). , 1984. College, 1981; M.D. State Universitv of New York at Brooklvn, 1988. Faruque Ahmed, of Dhaka, Bangladesh; M.B.B.S., Dhaka Medical College, 1982. Penny Ellen Borenstein. of North Bellmore, N.Y.; B.S. Cornell

University, 1 982; MD. State University ofNewYork Health Douglas Ray Akin, of Pueblo, Colo.; B.S. Southern Colorado Science Center. 1988. State College, 1968. Manon Antoinette Boudreault. of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. Central Barbara Ellyn Aliza, of Chevy Chase, Md.; B.A. Universitv ol Michigan Universitv. 1983.

( laliforniaatLos Angeles, 1967; M.A. The Catholic University of America, 1975. Ronaldjustin Bowerman, ol Alameda. Calif.; B.S. University of California at Davis. 1973: M.D. Oral Roberts University, Lucia Alonso, ofMadrid, Spain; M.D. Universitv C< >mplutense 1987. at Madrid. 1986. Ross Joseph Brechner. of Evergreen, Colo.: B.A. Princeton Tatsuva Aoki, of Masuda,Japan; M.D. Yamaguchi University, Universitv, 1962: M.S. Tulane University 1967: M.D.. 1969.. 1984. Aumphorpun Buavirat, of Bangkok. Thailand: B.Ed. Sri Shams El Arifeen, of Dhaka. Bangladesh; M.B.B.S. Dhaka Nakharinwiraot University, 1977: M.Ed. Chulalongkorn University, 1983. Universitv, 1979.

Dorte Arnbjerg, of Aarhus, Denmark; D.D.S. Royal Dental Patricia Owen Buehler, ofPark Forest, D1.;BA rhe Universit)

College at Aarhus, 1985: Ph.D., 1990. of Chicago. 1986; M.D. Thejohns Hopkins Universit) . 1990.

Enias Baganizi, of Kibuye, Rwanda; B.A. National Universitv Earl James Campazzi, of Water Mill. NY.: B.A. The Johns

of Ruanda, 1985; M.D. . 1988. Hopkins University, 1984; MJH.S., 1986; MJ). University ol Pittsburgh. 1989. Byron Paul Bailev, of Sacramento. Calif.: B.S. Wright State

Universitv. 1982. Luis Hern an ( ai is. ofSantiago, Chile; M.D. Uni\ ersit) of ( hile. 1979.

( lynthia Mario Baird, of Moorestown, N.J.; B.A. Mid America Nazarene College, 1981; M.D. Texas A&M University, 1988. Richard Myron Carter, of Phoenix, Ariz.: B.S. Arizona State

( ( University, 1975; D.O. North Texas State University, 1 . S1

Lewellys Franklin Barker, ofChev) ( )hase,Md.;BA. Princeton University, 1955; MJD. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1959.

54 Susan Ann Carter, of Margate, Fla.; B.S.N. Olivet Nazarene Faye Drummond, of Bethesda, Md.; IV. \ California State

University. 1977. College at Los Angeles, 1969; M.A. I he< leorge Washington University, 1977. Frank Edward Cefali, of Washington, D.C.; B.S.N. Gwynedd

Mercy College, 198"). Cherry E, Faile, ofNalerigu, ( lhana; B.S.N. Medi< al ( tollegeol Georgia. 1978. Karen Rossi Charron, of Bel Air, M<1.; B.S.N. Towson State

University, 1985. fohn Joseph Farley, Jr., ofVerona, N.J.; B.A. Drew I fniversity,

1977; M.D The George Washington I Iniversity, 1981. Carol Cistola, of Juneau, Alaska; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1969; M.l). Medical College of Pennsylvania, Brian Hershel Feighner, of Houston. Texas; B.A. University of 1975. Virginia, 1979; M.D. Baylor College of Medicine, 1983.

Marianne Cloeren, ofHavre de Grace, Md.; B.A. University oi Violet Daphne Forsythe-Duke, of Port of Spain, Trinidad; Pennsylvania, 1980; M.D. Temple University, 1987. M.B.B.S. University of the West Indies, 1968.

Susan E. Coffin, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. Williams College, 1983; Ciro Franco, of Frcolano, Italy; M.D. University ofNaples, 1980. M.D. University of Vermont, 1987. Paula Catherine Franklin, of Washington, D.C.; M.B.B.S. The Barbara Ann Collins, of Wellington, New Zealand; B.A. Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1983. University of Canterbury, 1980. Robert Paul Friedlaender, of Gainesville, Fla.; B.S. The Karen Scott Collins, of Commack, N.Y.; B.A. Harvard University of Michigan, 1970; M.D. Wayne State University, University, 1982; M.D. Cornell University, 1986. 1973.

Carolyn Ann Contee-Lassiter, ofWatchung, N.J.; B.A. Howard Paul Alan Caist, of North Potomac, Md.; B.A. University of University, 1969; M.Ed., 1974; D.D.S., 1981. California at Berkeley, 1980; B.A., 1980.

Peter Cowley, of Austin, Texas; B.A. University' ofTexas, 1 983; Joseph John Gallo, of New Rochelle, N.Y.; B.S. Fordham M.D. Bavlor College of Medicine, 1988. University, 1978;M.D.PennsylvaniaStateUniversity. 1982.

Maria Teresa Cuchi, of Zaragoza, Spain; M.D. University of Paula Gordinier Gardner, of Portland, Ore.; B.A. Lawrence Zaragoza, 1981. University, 1975.

Paloma Cuchi, of Washington, D.C.; M.D. University of Yves Meriadec Marie Genevier, of Poitiers, France; M.D. Tours Zaragoza, 1986. University, 1981.

Susan Dona Cummings, of Owings Mills, Md.; B.S.N. Duke Grace Maria Gianturco, of Falls Church, Va.; B.S.N. University University, 1981. of Virginia, 1984.

Emmett Thomas Cunningham, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. Stephen Charles Gieser, of East Haven, Conn.; B.S. Wheaton The Johns Hopkins University, 1983; Ph.D. University of College, 1982; M.D. University of Illinois, 1986. California at San Diego, 1989; M.D. The Johns Hopkins

University, 1990. Irene Driscol Goepp, ofBoston, Mass.; B.S. Lesley College, 1 985.

Sally M. D'Angelo, of Denver, Colo.; B.S.N. Arizona State Gary Bruce Green, of New York, N.Y.; B.S. State University of

University, 1977; M.D. University of Colorado, 1987. New York atStonvbrook , 1983; M.D. New York University, 1987. Laura Setliff Davidson, of Marion, Va.; B.S. Virginia Commonwealth University, 1978; M.S. 1978. Richard David Guerin, ofSan Antonio, Texas; B.E.S. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1970; D.D.S. University of Maryland. Andrea Maria Demont, of Heidelberg, Germany; M.D. 1976; M.S. The George Washington University, 1982. University of Ulm, 1985. David Kevin Gustavison, of Alma, Mich.; B.S. Ferris State Janice Gwen Derrickson, of Towson, Md.; B.S. University of College, 1981; D.O. Michigan State University, 1986. Florida, 1980; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1985; Ed.D., 1989. Marlene Elizabeth Haffner, of Rockville. Md.; M.D. The George Washington University, 1965. Margaret Mary Diebel, of St. Paul, Minn.; B.A. Metropolitan State University. 1990. Sherry C. Hammond, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S.N. College ofNotre Dame, 1982. Ana Victoria Diez Roux. of Buenos Aires, Argentina; M.D. University of Buenos Aires, 1985. Jeanne Marie Hand, of Portsmouth, R.I.; B.S. Northeastern University, 1986. Michele Lynn Drevfuss, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Stanford 1987'. University, Susan Marie Harrington, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.S. University i if Pittsburgh. 1984.'

55 ' .

s. ii. ill Claudette Hayward, ol Exmouth, England; B.S.N. \Iilue Kim. of Cheltenham, Pa.; B.S.N. Universit) of

Queen's I iu\eisil\. 198 1 Pennsylvania, 1988.

1'eiei Herzig, ol Krefeld, West Germany; MD. University of Ant. u iksha Ku i. of New Delhi. India: M.B.B.S. University of Duesseldorf, 1973. Delhi, 1987.

Judith Derkash Hollander, ofPordand, Ore.; B5. Mary Baldwin Mai j Zeita Kles< hen. of K\ anston. 111.; B.A. Indiana Universit] College, 1970; B.S.N. Vancouver City College, 1976. 1979; MD.. 1983.

( haur-Dong Hsu, of raipei, Republic of China; M.D. Baniett Sheldon Kramer, of Gaithershurg. Md.: M.D. University Kaohsiung Medical College, 1982. of Maryland, 1973.

of (lung Chaw C. Huang, Bethesda. Md.; B.S.N. National Deirdre Ann La Fin. ( >f I ,ou is\ ille. K\ .: B.A. Agnes Scott College,

I aiwan University, 1966; MA. New York University, 1976. 1967; M.A. University of Wisconsin. 1971: Ph.D., 1977

Peter Sheng-HsiongHuang, ofWilmington, Del.; MD. Taipei Karim LaouabdiaSellami, of Aubagne, France: M.D. Lyon Medical College. 1967. University, 1977.

Ellen M. Hutchins, of Gaithershurg, Md.; B.A. Framingham Jordan Laub, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Rutgers College. 1971: MS StateCollege, 1975;M.S.W. University ofConnecticut, 1978. University of"California at Berkeley. 1978; MD. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. 1983.

Kenneth Craig I hams, of Rockville, Md.: B.A. University of Texas, 1972; M.D., 1978. John Charles LePore. of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. Boston College, 1986. Caroltis Bemardus IJsselmuiden, of Johannesburg, South Africa; M.D. Erasmus University of Rotterdam. 1980. Marc Edward Letter, of Bel Air. Md.: B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1981: M.D. Mount Sinai School of .Medicine. ' Michael Pullar Johnson, of New York. NY.; B.A. Clark 1985. University, 1979: M.D. Tufts University, 1983. Ernest Lynn I.eporini, of Gaithershurg. Md.; B.S. California

Walter LeonardJones, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. Andrews State University, 1977. University, 1983. Lagsana Leuprasert. of Bangkok. Thailand: B.Sc. Malcolm Nathaniel Joseph, III, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Holy Chulalongkora University, 1975. Cross College, 1971; M.D. Boston University, 1976. Ching-Chuan Liu, ofTaipei, Republic of China: M.B. National Lavanva Devesh Kanjarpane, of Silver Spring, Md.; M.B.B.S. Taiwan University, 1981. Kasturba Medical College, 1985. Peilong Liu. of Beijing. People's Republic of China: B.A.

( \ nthia Joyce Kapphahn, of Birmingham, Mich.: B.A. Oberlin University of Rennes. 1968. College, 1981; M.D. Yale University, 1987. Sven Knudsen Ljaamo. ofTacoma. Wash.. B.S. United States

Jordan Seth Kassalow, of Scarsdale, N.Y.; B.A. University of Coast Guard Academy, 1 977; M.D. University ofColorado, Vermont, 1983; O.D. New England College of 1987. Optometry, 1988. Melvyn Albert Lobo, of Karachi. Pakistan: M.B.B.S. University Mariana Kastrinakis, of Kensington, Md.; B.A. Harvard of Karachi, 1984. University, 1976; M.D., 1980. Keith Eustace Loring, of Fruita, Colo.: B.A. University of Justus Bhendson Katungu, of Kampala, Uganda; M.B.Ch.B. Colorado, 1986. Kampala University, 1977. Elizabeth Clare Lovoy, of Birmingham. Ala.: B.A. University

Upendrakumarjayendralal Kharod, of Somerset. N.J.; M.B.B.S. ofTennessee. 1975: B.A.. 1976; MA. University ofMaryland, Gujarat University, 1963. 1985.

Lynn Sandar Khoo, of Baltimore, Md.; M.B.B.S. Institute of Rajiv I .uthra. of ( Chandigarh. India: M.B.B.S. Panjab University. Medic inc. Rangoon. 1980. 1989.

LynndaKay Kiess, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Purdue University, Sheila Mae Lutjens.ofGaitbersburg. Md.: B.S. Central Michigan 1981. University. 1972: B.S.N. Saginaw Valley State University. 1981: M.S.N. The Catholic University of America. 1987. l).i\id Kihwele. of DarEsSalaam, Tanzania; M.D. University of DarEs Salaam, 1977; M.M.. 1984. Theodore George MacKinney, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. Wheaton College. 1980; MD. Medical College of Wisconsin. 1985.

I Dc-tle\ Kili.m. of Berlin, Germany; M.D. University of Hamburg. 1988.

56 .

Susan Beth Manoff, of Broomall, Pa.; B.A. Princeton Pem Namgyal.oi I ongsa, Bhutan; M.BJB.S. All India Institute University, 1977; M.D. Yale University, 1981. of Medical Sciences, 1986.

Charles Khakali Maringo, of Nairobi, Kenya; M.B.Ch.B. Gabriella Miriam Newes, of Newton, Mass.; B.A. Oberlin

University of Nairobi, 1 98 1 College, 1987.

Alison Jean Markwick, of Melbourne, Australia; B.Sc. Monash William 1.. Novakoski, <>l Robinson, 111.; B.S. Indiana State University, 1984; M.Sc., 1987. University, 1981; D.O. College ofOsteopathic Medicine and Surgery, 1987. Charles M. Maynard, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.S. University ol Maryland, 1986. Njideka Ekene Okonjo, of OgwashiUku, Nigeria; M.B.B.S. University of Nigeria, 1988. Raquel Mazer-Gurmendi, of Birmingham, Al.; D.D.S. University of Sao Paulo at Preto, 1983; M.S. University of Alabama at Roland Stephen Tewogbola Onawola, of Offa, Nigeria; B.S. Birmingham, 1988. Ahmadu Bello University, 1969; M.Ed. University of Pittsburgh, 1980; Ph.D., 1984. Reuben Loxin Mboge, of Banjul, Gambia; M.B.B.Ch. Cairo

University, 1978. Pascal Claude ( )rtiz, ofParis, France; M.D. University of Paris, 1985. Farshid Meidany, of Malabo, Equatorial Guinea; M.D.Tehran University, 1978. Maria Jose Ortuno, of Madrid, Spain; M.D. University Complutense at Madrid, 1978. Elisabeth Wubbe Meima, of Fribourg, Switzerland; M.D. Basel University, 1975. Katharine Marie Pabst, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. University of Maryland, 1977; M.S., 1985. Fokke Meima, of Rotterdam, The Netherlands; M.D. Erasmus University, 1975. David Peyton Page.Jr., of Fernandina Beach, Fla.; B.A. Mercer University, 1979; M.D. University of South Florida, 1982. Prosper Adjei Mensah, of Denu, Ghana; M.D. Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, 1981. Patricia A. Paluzzi, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. College of Notre Dame, 1981. Gail Hebden Merenyi, of Hampstead, Md.; B.S. The Johns

Hopkins University, 1980. David Grange Pattison, of Barrington, 111.; B.A. University of Chicago, 1985; M.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Alida Merrill, of Rochester, N.Y.; B.S. Rochester Institute of Technology, 1981; B.S.N. University of Rochester, 1988. Phyllis Abramczyk Payne, ofArlington, Va.; B.A. Vassar College, i985. Gary Dean Meyer, ofJunction City, Kan.; B.S. Kansas State University, 1983; D.V.M., 1985. Gianfranco Pezzino, of Baltimore, Md.; M.D. University of Bologna, 1979. Joan Dorothea Millsap, of Brantford, Canada; B.A. Queen's University, 1980. Owen Alexander Prowse, of Toronto, Canada; B.A. McGill University, 1986; B.Sc. University of Toronto, 1988. CliffordSeth Mitchell, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. Williams College, 1979; S.M. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology-, 1981; M.D. Jean Rena Foiani Rabenau, of Downingtown, Pa.; B.S.N. Case Western Reserve University, 1987. University of Denver, 1960.

Romanus Njani Saidi Mkerenga, of Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania; Niaz Rahman, of Barisal, Bangladesh; M.B.B.S. University of M.D. University of Dar Es Salaam, 1977; D.P.H., 1982. Dhaka, 1982; D.O., 1986.

Cynthia Carol Mobley, of Riverview, Mich.; B.S.E. The Lawrence David Ramunno, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.S. Rensselaer University of Michigan, 1982; M.D., 1986. Polytechnic Institute, 1983; M.D. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1987. Randall Jay Moore, of Kansas City, Mo.; B.A. University of Missouri, 1976; M.D., 1978. Elizabeth Gray Raymond, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. Swarthmore College, 1980; M.D. Columbia University, 1984. William Jarrett Morris, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of

California at Davis, 1983; M.D. University of California at Theresa Jeanne Reinhart, of Barrington, 111.; B.S. Boston San Diego, 1989. College, 1984.

John Charles Scott Murray, of Adelaide, South Australia; Waverlv Rennie, of Richmond. Va.; B.A. University ofVirginia, B.M.B.S. Flinders University, 1986. 1984.

Robert Ngolo Mwadime, of Nairobi, Kenya; B.Sc. University of Nairobi, 1986.

57 shcil.i Rhodes, l ( lerald Stephen Sc boll, of Dayton, Ohio; B5. Emory I niversity,

Pittsburgh, 1977; Ml) l niversit) (-1 Maryland 1981. 1980; Ml) Universit) ol Kentucky, 1984

Donald L. Rice, ofWashington, D.C.;B.S. Georgia Institute ol Stefan Franz Seeba< her, ol Nuziders, Austria; Ml). Universit) rechnology, 1970; Ms. 1974; PhD., 1979. ol Innsbruck, 1984. fames Richard Riddle, ol Knoxville, Ienn.;D.V.M.I niversit] BeyeneSeiletsion.ol Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; B5c Addis Ababa

ot I ennessee, 198 1. University, 1982.

\i i ion ins Henricus Rijsemus, <>l Ede, I lie Netherlands; B.B.A. Richard David Semba. ol Minneapolis, Minn.. B.S. Yale

1 In- Netherlands School ol Business, 1975; MI) Free University, 1978; MA Stanford University, 1983;MJD., 1983

l niversity, 1985. D,i\ id M Serwadda,ol Kampala, Uganda; MJB.ChJB. Makere Christopher Hans Rittmeyer, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Cornell University, 1982; M.Sc. Newcastle upon Tyne University,

University, 1985; Ml). I heJohns Hopkins University, 1989. 1987; M Med. Makere I niversity, 1990

I'. ml Robinson, ofChittagong, Bangladesh; MB. B.S. Universit) Shahid Shah, of Karachi. Pakistan; MB B.S. Aj^a Khan

ol ( hittagong, 1983; M.I S.Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, University, 1988. 1990.

( :iiarlotte Jean Hopkins Shandle) . ol Des Moines, Iowa; B.A.

Patrk i.i Robbins Robuc k,ol Gambrills, Md.; B.S.N. I fniversit) Simpson College, 1986 ol Maryland 1984. Bernhard H. Singsen, of Wilmington, Del.; B.A. Obeilin

B.uh. ii. i Rojnik, ofLjubljana, Yugoslavia; MJD.EdvardKardelj College. 1964; M.D. New York University, 1968. Universit) ol Ljubljana, 1982; M.Sc, 1989. LukeJ.B. Siyame, of Mbeya, Tanzania; Ml). University of Dai Magdalena Isabel Rosell-Murphy, of Barcelona, Spain; M.D. Es Salaam, 1977; M.Med., 1984. Autonomous University ot Ban dona. 1985. Kli/abeth Moncure Smith, of Arlington. Ya.: B.S.N.Yanderbilt hit Rosenblatt, ol Beer-Sheva, Israel; MJD. Tel Aviv University, University, 1972. 1978. Richard John Snow, ofColumbus, Ohio; B.S. Denison

Steven Robert Rosenthal, of Ann Arbor. Mi< h.; B.A. Cornell Universit) . 1 978; D.O. Philadelphia ( College ol ( )steopathic University, 1982; M.D. Boston University, 1987. Medicine. 1983.

Francesco Rosmini, of Rome, Italy; M.D. University of Rome, Meta Ann Snyder, of Linthicum. Md.; A. A. Catonsville 1973. Communit) (College. 1976; B5.N. Universit) of Marvlandat Baltimore, 1980; M.S.N., 1985. Jean Marie Rwangabwoba, ofButare, Rwanda; M.D. Naticjnal Universit) of Rwanda, 1988. Agnes Laure Bernadette Soucat, of Reims. France: M.D. University of Nancy, 1990. Isaac Obirim Saigoe, of Accra. C.hana; M.D. Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy atjassy, 1981. Christophei Ldw arc! S|)iiters, of Alto. Calif'.: B.S. Universit) ofCaliforniaatDavis, 1985; MD. Stanford University, 1989. Dominique Bouchereau Saliba. of Petionville. Haiti; Ml). Sc boo] of Medicine of Haiti. 1984. Kai Spratt. ofSilver Spring. Md.; B.S.N. The Catholic Unh ersit) of America, 1988. Manuel tiduardo Salinas, of Los Ancles. Chile; M.D. University ol Chile. 1976. Mar) Allen Staat. of Erlanger, Kv.: B.S. C.eorge Williams College. 1981: M.D. Universit) of Kentucky, 1986. Mania Regina IssaSalomao, of Belo Hori/oute, Brazil; M.D. Federal Universit) of Minas Gerais, 1986. F.ric Stewart Starbuck, of Watertown, Mass.: B.A. Brandeis University, 1981. Judith Sheila Sanders, of Washington, D.C.; B.S. Howard University, 1974; D.D.S., 197s. Stephanie Blenda Strauss, of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. Universit) of Pennsylvania, 1985; M.D.C.M. McGill University, 1989 Sunil Sa/awal. ol New Delhi. India; M.B.B.S. Medical College Si inauar, 198"). Mai ian roth Sullivan, ofSUver Spring, Md.B.S. Universit) of u Notre Dame, l 77: M.S. Clemson University, 1981.

Anita Louise Sc hill, of Scoic h Plains. N.J.; B.S. Russell Sage

College, Li; I; MA. New York University, 1979. VngelaAnthon) Swinson,ol Washington, DC: B.A. I heJohns Hopkins University, 1983; MJD. Georgetown University, 1987.

:»s |< )hn Raymond Talley, ofTeec Nos l'< »s, Ariz.; B.U.S. University Cesar S. Vicencio Tapia, oi Santiago de Chile, Chile; Ml). of , 1978; M.D., 1982. University ol Chile. 1985.

Roxanne Claire Thompson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Yale SyedOmarWasim, of Dhaka, Bangladesh; M.B. B.S. University University, 1986. of Dhaka, 1988.

Ruth Ann Thomson, of Gaitherburg, Md.; B.A. The George Jill Midori Watanabe, ofSeattle, Wash.; B.A. Reed College, 1985; Washington University, 1978. M.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990.

Virginia Elena Toledo, of Santiago, Chile; M.D. University of Virginia Marie Weaver, ol Savannah, N.Y.; B.A. University of Chile, 1981. Rochester, 1980; M.D. New York University, 1984.

Mary Margaret Torchia, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Coleen Baird Weese, of New York, N.Y.; B.S. York College of Notre Dame, 1982; M.D. The Johns Hopkins University, the City University of New York, 1982; M.D. University of 1987. Southern California, 1986.

Charles Valmadrid, of Metro Manila, Philippines; B.S. Judith Ann Weinstein, of Baltimore, Md.: A.B. Brvn Mawr University of the Philippines, 1984; M.D., 1989. College, 1985; M.A. New York University, 1987.

Frederik Philip Uouis Van Loon, of Amsterdam, The Mark C. Wilson, ofAmarillo, Texas; B.A. Westminster College, Netherlands; B.Sc. University of Amsterdam, 1972; M.Sc., 1981; M.D. Texas Technological University, 1985. 1977; M.D., 1977.

Anna Christine Witte, of Rastede, German v; Ph.D. University Petja Ivanova Vassileva, of Sofia, Bulgaria; Ph.D. Medical of Basel, 1988. Academy of Sofia, 1970; D.M.Sc, 1987. Alan Thompson Wright, of Cockeyesville, Md.; B.S. David Wesley Vaughn, of Ren ton, Wash.; B.A. Seattle Pacific Pennsylvania State University, 1978; M.D., 1982. University, 1979; M.D. St. Louis University, 1983.

Arthur Henry Yancey, II, of Brandywine, Md.; B.A. The Matthias Johannes Paul Vennemann, of Munster, Germany; University of Michigan, 1970; M.D., 1975. M.D. Free University of Berlin, 1984. Marty Johnson Yeager, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Vincent Oswald Vercruysse, of Brussels, Belgium; M.D. Missouri, 1972. University of Louvain, 1981.

59 .

Masters of International Public Policy in The Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

( laudia( levenini.oi Barcelona, Spain; B.B.A.,M.BA. ESADE Brian Edward Kline, oi Washington, D.C: B.s.i-.s. Georgetown Barcelona, 1975. University, l'JTL'.

Haagen Pedei Cumlet, of Copenhagen, Denmark; Danish NingLLol Nanjing China; Beijing Foreign 'I radelnstitute.Li S( hool ofjournalism, 1908. Yaping, of Shanghai, China; School of Agriculture.

Leslie A Delagran, ofToronto, Ontario, ( Canada: B.Sc. London William John McKeever, of Hicksville, N.Y.; B.S. Marquette School of Economics, 1979; MA. University of Toronto, University, L974; MBA. Universit) of West Florida, 1980; ' 1981. M.I' A Harvard University, 1987.

Bi in e Edward Elliptic, of Buffalo, NY.; B.A. CanisillS College, Rolando Men. i ( »uci i ero, of El Salvador; M.I.. Universit) oi 11 1980; MA. Webster University, 1987. Salvador, 1977.

Steven Anthony Fillipow, of Long Beach, Calif.; B.S. United Randall Purcell. of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Northeastern States Naval Academy, 1979. University, 1979; M.l.A. Columbia University, 1982.

Carlos Mario Foradori, of McLean, Va.; B.S. University of El Montsenat Radigales ijornet, of Barcelona, Spain; Licenciada Salvador, 1980; Ph.D., 1987. Ciencias de la Informacion. Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, 1980. David Michael Frank, of Alexandria, Va.; B.S. United States Military Academy, 1978. Man Carol Rose, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University ofVirginia, 1976. kathrvn L. Gauthier, of King of , Penna.; B.S. The Catholic University of America, 1980; B.S.E.E. Air Force Robert Stephen Silberman, of Bethesda. Md.; A.B. Dartmouth Institute of Technology, 1983; MA Universidad Simn College, 1980. Bolvar, 1990. Torn Takama, ofTokyo.Japan; B.S. University ofTokyo. 1981; Elizabeth A. Hogan, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. Stonehill College, B.A. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1984; MBA. The 1975. George Washington University. 1989.

Haruko Horigome, of Tokyo, Japan; B.A. Sacred Heart Thomas C. Woodrow, of Billings, Mont.; B.A. Universit) of University, 1971. Maryland, 1986.

Sara VV. Kane, of Washington, D.C.; B.Mus. Boston University, Zhixiang Zhang, of Beijing. China; Diploma Beijing Foreign 1965; M.A.. 1968; Ph.D., 1979. Language Institute, 1964.

M \ ( mgjin Kim, of Seoul, Korea; B.A. Seoul National Universit) 1978.

Master ofArts in International Affairs in The Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

\ ens Arques Salvador, of Barcelona, Spain; Dipl. Universidad Cristina Maria Valeria Rotondaro, of Rome, Italy; B.A.John AutonomaDe Barcelona, 1983; Lie. 1989. Cabot International College, 1987.

Ester Janosiova, of Bratislava, Czechoslovakia; Dipl. Ing. Slawomir M. Solarz, of Krakow, : MA. Acadenn ol University of Economics Bratislava, 1987. Economics, Krakow. 1985.

Bengt Ljung, of Sollentuna, Sweden; B.A.. B.S.J. University of MarekWolskLofKrakow, Poland, BA.Jagiellonian University, Kansas, 1986. 1987.

60 .

Master ofArts in The Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

Paal Aasmundrud, of Grebbestad, Sweden; B.Sc. London Douglas Covell Bayley, oi Eau Claire. \\is(.; B.A. Carleton School of Economics, 1986. College, 1986.

Audrey MacGaffey Abraham, of Chew Chase, Md.; B.S. Michael Leslie Beeman, of Dallas, Texas; B.A. Southern Georgetown University, 1987. Methodist University, 1988.

Ron David Abrams. of College Park, Md.; B.A. The Johns Cyrus M. Behhehani, of Alexandria, Va.; B.S. Universit) of Hopkins University, 1989. Texas, 1985.

HalaSelim AlAzar, ofAmioun, Lebanon; B.A. The American Christopher Walker Benning, of Marblehead, Mass.; B.A. University of Beirut, 1988. Amherst College, 1988.

Ellen Lee Alderton, of 'The Plains, Va.; B.A. Wellesley College, Susan H. Berger, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of 1987. Pennsylvania, 1982.

George P. Allard II, of Lewisport, Ky.; B.A. University of Jonathan David Berman, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Brandeis Kentuckv, 1989. University, 1986.

Rosa Maria Alonso Terme, of Manresa (Barcelona), Spain; John Anderson Berry IV, of Elizabethtown, Ky.; B.A. The Licenciatura, Central University of Barcelona, 1988. American University, 1985.

Pablo Alonso y Lopez, of Madrid, Spain; Licenciado en Gretchen A. Birkle, of Groton, Conn.; B.A. Pennsylvania State Derecho Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 1983; M.A. University, 1986. University of Kansas, 1989. Gary Bland, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. College of William and Magdi Mutwakil Ahmed Amin, of Anaheim Hills, Calif.; A.B. Mary, 1984. Princeton University, 1988. Beth E. Blosser, of Kent, Ohio; B.A. Chatham College, 1981. Robert G. Angevine, of Appleton, Wise; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Paul R. Bouchard, of Frenchville, Maine; B.A. University of Maine, 1989. Robin C. Anthony, of Philadelphia, Penna.; B.A. Duke University, 1988. Bruce Russell Bowers, of Media. Penna.; B.S.E.E. Carnegie-Mellon University, 1983. Sandra Nunes Aresta, of Naugatuck, Conn.; A.B. Mount Holyoke College, 1988. Megan Jane Bowman, of Seatde, Wash.; B.A. Yale Universit\ 1982.

Matthew Baylor Arnold, of Barrington, R.I.; B.A. Harvard University, 1983;M.BA. 1988. Kyle L. Brandon, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Cornell University, 1986. Michael S. Ashford, of Ithaca, N.Y.; B.A. University of

Pittsburgh, 1986. Denise Ellen Brennan, of Essex Fells, N.J.; B.A. Smith College. 1986.

Jon Avins, of Kendall Park, N.J.; B.A. Sarah Lawrence College, 1986. Mary Sharman Bristow, of Belvedere, Calif.; B.A. Clark University, 1988. MichaelJoseph Baks, ofGrosse Pointe Farms, Mich.; B.A. The

Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Davide V. Brocato, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. State University < >f New York Stony Brook, 1986. RichardJean Balmadier, ofNew York, N.Y.; B.S.E.E. Columbia University, 1985. Bernard Brunet, ofLa Brede, France; Diplome Institut D'etudes Politiques de Paris, 1988; D.E.A. 1989. Laura Barrington, of Corona del Mar, Calif.; B.A. Claremont McKenna College, 1984. Martha Ann Burke, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. St. Michael's College, 1982. Pamela Marie David Bates, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio; A.B. Bowdoin College, 1989.

61 >

Susan BrandeisCahn.ofW ashington.DX . ;B.A University ol

i s, ii 1 1 1,1 I .11 id. it ( Pennsylvania, 1987. s !airo, ; BA I heAmei u an Universit) in Cairo, 1967; MA Webstei Universit) Vienna, 198S.

Paul loseph Carroll, <>l Quincy, Mass.; HA University <>t

Massai husetts, 1987. Karen Caspei Feldstein, <>f Chev) Chase, Md.; H.A. tufts

University, 198 1. CarloGuglielmoCavagn a, ofSilver Spring, Md.;BA. Columbia College, 1989. Samuel Christian Fiore,ol Milan, Italy; BA Wheaton College, IMS').

William \ ( lifford, oi Bridgewater, Mass.; B.A. lulls

University, 1983. lodd Andrew Fisher, ol Cherr) Hill. N.J.; H.A Brown University, 19S7. Veerle Coignez, ol Brugge, Belgium; Licentiate Katholieke

UniversiteitLeuven, 1988; Diploma College ol Km ope. 1989. I imoth) Andrews Fitzgerald, oi Denver, Colo.; BA. Colorado (.ollc-oc-. 1985.

Hi i. m ( loleman.ol DeWitt, N.Y.; H.A. Syracuse University, 1989. Ian Fitzsimmons, of Birmingham, Mich.; H.A. Universit) of Hugo Alejandro Concha Canta, ol Mexico City, Mexico; Michigan, 1981. Licenciatura en Derecho, National Universit) of Mexico, 1989. Petei John Forster, of Washington, D.( B \ Stanford University, 1988.

K.nhi I. \nn Cordova, of Long Beach. Calif.; H.A. Stanford University, 1982. Gregory Fdniond Francis, ol New York. NY.; H.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990.

Jeanine T. Corvetto, <>l Denver, Colo.; B.A. L'niversiiv ol Colorado, 198.">. Shai An Franklin, of Bala Cynwyd Henna.: H.A. Temple University. 1989.d

M.u 1. 1 ( lostanzo, of Jersey City, N.J.; B.A. St. Peter's College,

1987. Ahmed Ihab Gamaleldin, of( lairo, Eg) pt; H.A. I he American University in Cairo. 198b; MBA. 1989.

Hi uc e |c iseph ( louitney, ofWaltham, Mass.; H.A. Framingham

State College, 1 988. Martina M. Ganzera, of Salzburg. Austria; Int. Baccalaureate, United World College of the Adriatic. 1984: Magister der

Marijan ( lyjeticanin, of Zagreb, Yugoslavia; Ll.B. University oi Rechtswissenschaften. Salzburg University. 1989. Zagreb, 1988. D. D. Willard Gardiner, of New York. NY.; B.A. Harvard

PhieKing Dai, ofUnion Cit v. N.J. ; B.A. Columbia College, 1985. College. 1986.

[acquelineV. Davis, of Kensington, Md.; B.A. B.A. Haverford Helene Genest, of Montreal. Quebec. ( Canada; B.S. University of College. 1989. Ottawa, 1988.

David Laws Decker, of Bethesda, Md.; B.A. Oberlin College, Laura Daphne Germino, of Charlottesville. Ya.: B.A. Brown 1983. University. 1984.

Jane C. Delfendahl, of Sacramento, Calif.; B.S. fohn Timothy Giles, ofCranston, RJ.;BA Stanford University, 1986. B.S.E.E. 1987. William E. Dillihunt, of Portland. Me.; B.A. Boston College, 1989. Lee Martin Goldberg, of Berkeley, Calif: B.A. Universit) of California Davis. 1984. David Adams Duckenfield. of Washington, D.C.; B.A.

Dartmouth College, 1988. Maria F. Gracheva, of New York. N.Y.; B.A. Stanfi >i cl I 'niversitv. 19S7.

David Fading. ofTitusville, N.J.; H.A. Dickinson College. 1988.

Susan Gra\ . of Shelbume, Vl; H.A. Wesleyan University, 1981: J. Todd David Ebitz, of Bethesda, Md.; H.A. Universit) <>f MA. Columbia Universit) School of Journalism. 1989. California Santa Barbara, 1984. Cinch Green, of Los Angeles. Calif.: H.A. Universit) of ( Mark ( u egory Fngman. of Durangc >. Colo.; B.A. The '.oloradc California Santa Barbara. 1988. College, 1983. Juan Pablo Guerrero Ampam, ol Mexico City, Mexico: Anita Fnsor. of Washington, DC: H.A. Universit) ol Warsaw, Licenciatura, Universidad Iberoamericana, 1986. 1980.

( I aw i cue c- 1 amben I lamlei. ofGram ille. )hio: A.B. Princeton

Siiiicl Esim, oi Izmir, furkey; H.A. Bogazu i University, 1988. University, 1989.

62 Kimberly Michele Haroz, ofAlbuquerque, N.M.; B.A. Brown Kauai, Kimio, <>l Kumamoto, [apan; B.S. Kyushu I fniversity, University, 1987. 1984.

rhomas W. Hanoi, of Gainesville, Fla.; B.A. Universit) ol Yakup Karaca, ol Ankara, rurkey; 15. A. .Ankara University, Florida, 1984. 1985.

of Abigail D. Harrison, of Lebanon, IVnna.; B.A. Universit) 1 1 ion ias M. Kearney, of Portland, Me.; B.A. Han aid University, Pennsylvania, 1986. 1987.

William Paul Harvey, ofThornton, ( lolo.; B.A., B.S. Colorado Louise M. Keefe, ofChestertown, Md.; B.A. Duke- University, State University, 1987. 1988.

Mohamud Ali Hashi, ofMogadiscio, Somalia; The American Victoria Morrill Keefe, ofNorwalk, ( lonn.; B.A. Trinity ( lollege, University. 1986.

(Syed) Adnan Hassan, of Karachi, Pakistan; B.A. Reed College, Douglas Ilchung Keh, of Montclair, N.J.; B.A. Cornell 1988. University, 1988.

Jacqueline Lucia Hayot, of Brooklyn N.Y.; B.A. Dartmouth Lee Steven Kempler, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University ol College, 1985. Pennsylvania, 1986; B.S. 1986;M.B.A. 1990.

David Phillips Heimann, of Oklahoma City, Okla.; B.A. St. Feroz Hassan Khan, of Islamabad, Pakistan; B.A. University ol John's College, 1987. Baluchistan, 1977; B.Sc. University of Karachi, 1987.

Laura Smith Henderson, of Davton. Ohio; B.A. Bennington Moazzam Ahmed Khan, of Lahore, Pakistan; M.A. Unh ersit) College, 1982. of Punjab, 1986.

Daniel W. Hildreth, of Falmouth, Me.; B.A. Bowdoin College, Hanya Marie Kim, of Baltimore, Md.: B.A. University of 1981. Maryland, 1986.

Alan Mark Hodges, of Victoria, B.C., Canada; B.A. Huron Ahmet Ihsan Kiziltan, of Izmir, Turkey; B.A. Bosphorus College, University of Western Ontario, 1987; M.A. University, 1986. University of Western Ontario, 1988. Keith David Klein, of Columbus, Ohio; B.A. University of Richard Holtzapple, of Lafayette, Calif.; B.A. Stanford Chicago, 1977; M.A. New York University, 1980. University, 1987.

Scott Howard Kleinberg, of New York, NY.; B.S. University < >f

Eric Humphrey, of Idaho Falls, Idaho; B.A. St. John's College, Florida, 1983. 1985.

J. Edward Knights, of Cincinnati, Ohio; B.A. Thejohns Hopkins Timothy James Jennison, of Louth, U.K.; B.A. Rider College, University, 1990. 1989. John Kremer IV, of Brvn Mawr, Penna.; B.A. Middleburv Annekejessen, ofAabenraa, Denmark; Cand. Mag. University College, 1986. of Copenhagen, 1987.

Dennis G. LaComb, of Port Edwards, Wise; B.A. University < >f Saritajha, of Cerritos, Calif.; B.S. California State University Wisconsin, 1989. Long Beach, 1980. Diane Lafleur, of Montreal, Quebec, Canada; B.A. Middlebun Fengji, of Shanghai, China; B.A. Shanghai University, 1978. College, 1989.

Eric Laurent Johnson, of San Luis Obispo, Calif.; B.A. Mark Stephen Lambrides. of Arlington. Va.; B.A. Kalamazoo University of California Berkeley, 1987. College, 1988.d

Freeman E.Jones, of Richmond, Va.; B.A. Washington and Lee Nathaniel Isaac Land, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. Carleton University, 1979. College, 1987.

Laura Michele Joseph, of Granville, Ohio; B.S. Georgetown Franklin L. Lavin, of Washington, D.C.; B.S.F.S. Georgetown University, 1981. University, 1979; M.S. 1985.

Anette Kaminski. of So Paulo, Brazil; B.A. Casper Libero University, 1981.

63 I). unci I cdci 111. m Horwitz, 01 Santiago, Chile; BA. Yale ( In istophei < bai Irs Mai Its, ol Pi in< eton, N.J.: B.A. Colgate

University, 1989. University, 198 1 DJLA Institul d*Etudes Politique* de Paris, 1990.

\nl \i izona, n».s7 Nathan Martin, ol San Diego, Calif.; B.A. Stanford University, 1988. Olivier Lemaigre, ofParis, France; Diplomelnstitul D'etudes Politiques de Paris, 1985. Williams Swifi Mai tin. IV. ol Washington. DC; A.B. Duke University, 1983;J.D. Vanderbill University, 1987.

Allison M. LeMoine, <>f Santa Moni< a. Calif.; II A. University ol California Los Angeles, 1988. Brenda Lee Martineau, of Biddeford, Me.; B.A. Boston University, 1985.

\iuic 1- li/.ilxili Lester, ol Washington, DC; B.A. Princeton University, 1986. Jocelyn Tunnicliffe Mason, of Bath, U.K.: M.A. Oxford University, 1981.

I fugues I. evaux. of Brussels, Belgium; Licence L'niversil Libre

de Bruxelles, 1988; Matrise 1990. Timothy James May Jr.. ol Washington. D.C.; B.A. Boston University. 1988. Joel Nathan Levin, ofSherman Oaks, Calif.; BA. University of

( .ililoi nia Berkeley, 1986. Elena McCollim Medina, of San Diego. Calif.: B.A. University of California Berkeley, 1986.

feffrey Beall Lilies . of ( Ihevy Chase, Md.; B.A. Williams College,

198(1. Brian P. McDonald, of Elizabeth, N.J.; A.B. Georgetown University, 1987. Joseph EdgarLipscomb, of Shaker Heights, Ohio; A.B. Kenyon College. 1987. Sean Randall McDonald, of Pittsburgh. Penna.: B.A. Unix ersity of Virginia, 1988.

\ ii i ile Therese Lise, of Roosevelt, X.Y.; B.A. Welleslev ( College. 1986. Alexander Andrew McPhail, of Pordand. Ore.; B.S. PorUand State University, 1985. Mathew C. Listerud, of Wolf Point, Mont.; B.A. Columbia University. 1980. Sarah Anne McStravick, of Marietta. Ga.: A.B. Smith College. 1988.d Tanya Helena Lolonis, of Redwood Valley, Calif.; B.S.F.S. Georgetown University, 1984. John Gait Metzler, of Atlantic Beach. Fla.: B.A. Cornell University, 1988. Andrew C. Luedders, of Lansing, Mich.; B.A. Kalamazoo College, 1988. Kirsten Anne Michener, ofCorte Madera. Calif; B.A. University of Pennsylvania. 1988. MauritsJ. F. Lugard, of Heemstede, The Netherlands; M.A. in Law Rijks Universiteit Leiden, 1988. MasahiroMichizoe.ofTokvo. Japan; B.A. Keio University, 1983.

Nancy K. Luke, of Huron, Ohio; B.A. Miami University. 1987. Ann Eileen Miller, of San Diego. Calif.; B.A. Smith College. 1986.

Frederic August Luyties III, of Tucson, Ariz.; B.S. University

of Arizona, 1968; J.D. 1971; LL.M. Georgetown University, Okan Misirli, ofIstanbul, Turkey B.A. Bogazii University. 1988. 1975. Mohamed Farid Mohamed. of Cairo. Egypt; B.Com. Cairo Sophia Lynn, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of Texas, University, 1980; Masters Finafrica Milano, 1987. 1986. Ramon Molina Llado. of Barcelona. Spain: Licenciate in Phil. Fdward F. MacDonald, ofWashington, D.C.; B.S. University of University of Barcelona, 1988: Licenciate in Law. 1989. Maine, 1979. Momose. Shigeru. ofTokyo, Japan; B.A. Waseda University, Jacqueline MacLeod, ofNova Scotia, Canada; B.A. University 1985. of California San Diego. 1985. Christopher Mondini. of Newport Beach. Calif.: B.S.F.S. Ro/.a Endalkachew Makonnen, of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; B.A. Georgetown University, 1988. Simmons College, 1986. Man am Jean Montague, of Welleslev. Mass.; B.A. Smith Maria Helena Maldonado Garces, of Baranquilla. Colombia; College, 1988. B.A. The American University, 1987.

Thomas Michael Moi an, of Union. N. J.: B.S. St. Peter's College. Dubravka Ana Marie, of Zagreb. Yugoslavia; B.S.F.S. 1988. Georgetown University, 1987.

M f

Ikuko Morimoto, ofNagoya, Aichi,Japan; B.Sc. London School Maxine Marie Fitter, ofRoslyn, N.Y.; B.A. Tufts University, of Economics, 1989. 1985.

Los Angeles, Calif.; B.A. Sarah Lawrence Alicia Baltimore, John J. Moss, of Melanie Posey, of MI); B.A. Amherst College. College, 1984;J.D. Stanford University, 1991. 1987; M.A. Universitv of Michigan, 1990.

W. Patrick Murphy, of Bratdeboro, Vt.; B.A. University of Ann Kennard , of Concord, N.H.; B.A. Trinity College Vermont, 1985. (Conn.), 1985; M.A. Middleburv College. 1986.

Thant MyintU, of Rangoon, Burma; A.B. Harvard University, ( handler CyleProsser, of Florence, S.C.; B.A. Rhodes College, 1987. 1989.

Joshua Paul Natkin, of West Redding, Conn.; B.A. Boston Mark E. Pruzanski, ofToronto, Ontario, Canada; B.A. McGill University, 1982. University, 1989.

Florence Navarro, ofBaccano di Areola, Italy; Diplome Institut Janet R. Purdy, of San Antonio, Texas; B.A. Yale Universit\. d'Etudes Politiques de , 1989. 1982.Edith P. Quintrell, of Cleveland, Ohio; B.A. Princeton University, 1985. GerritJ. Nicholas, ofStonington, Conn.; B.A. Harvard College, 1984.d Daniel R. Radack, of Swampscott, Mass.; B.S.M.E. University of Massachusetts, 1987. Andrea Nicolaj, of Rome, Italy; Laurea Universita La Sapienza, 1988. Charles Randolph IV, of Enfield, Conn.; B.A. University of Connecticut, 1989. Vivian Noble, of Cambridge, Mass.; B.A. University of New

Hampshire, 1977. Jurgen Reichert, of Berlin, German v; Diploma Free University of Berlin, 1987.

PyongChul Oh, of Paramus, N.J.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Mauricio Reina, of Bogota, Colombia; B.A. Universidad de los Andes, 1985; M.A., 1989.

Beth M. O'Laughlin, of Chicago, 111.; B.S. Mundelein College, 1976; M.Ed. University of Cincinnati, 1979. John Paolo Righini, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of Wisconsin Madison, 1989. Kristin Lorraine Olson, of Pasadena, Calif.; A.B. Harvard

University, 1988. John Arthur Robinson, III, of Evanston, 111.; B.A. Universitv of Notre Dame, 1986. Naoki Ono, of Yokohama,Japan; B.A. Keio University, 1975; M.A., 1978. Daniel Alan Rochman, of Omaha, Neb.; A.B. University of Michigan, 1986. Mary Harris O'Reilly, of Brookline, Mass.; A.B. Bryn Mawr College, 1985. Andreas Roelofs, of Geneva, Switzerland; B.A. The American University, 1988.

Helen J. Panaritis, of Athens, Greece; B.A. The American College of Greece, 1989. Susanne Catherine Rose, of Iowa City, Iowa; B.A. Dartmouth College, 1987.

Ronald Lynn Parker, ofEvanston, 111.; B.A. Stanford University, 1984. Daniel N. Rosenblum, of Cleveland, Ohio; B.A. Yale Universitv, 1984. Timothy Levon Parker, of of Fairless Hills, Penna.; B.A. Dartmouth College, 1987. Shane J. Rosenthal, of Durham, N.C.; B.A. The American University, 1989. Craig S. Peterson, of Minneapolis, Minn.; B.A. University of Minnesota, 1989. Brian Leonard Ross, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Brandeis University, 1987. David L. Peterson, ofWashington, D.C.; B.A. Columbia College, 1982; M.S., 1985. May Ann Roustom, of Wareham, Mass.; B.A. Assumption College, 1987. Patricia Lynn Petty, ofWashington, D.C.; B.A. Oberlin College, 1978. Neal Robert Rudge, of Washington, D.C.; B.A. University of Virginia, 1986. Joanna Marie Pineda, of , Calif; B.A. Stanford University, 1987. Adil Hirjee Rustomjee, of Madras, India; B.Comm. Universitv of Madras, 1985; M.M.S. Universitv of Bombay, 1987. PeterJ. Pintar, ofNew York, N.Y.; B.A. University ofWisconsin Madison, 1980.

65 d .

Susan B Rzemien, <>f Lancaster, Penna.; B.A. Dickinson rhorunn Sveinbjarnardottir, <>l Reykjavk, Iceland; B \

( ollege, 1986. 1 niversity ol l( eland, 1989

VrturoSarukhanCasamitjana, ofMexico City, Mexico; BA II RajendraSwamy.of Madras, India; BA. University ol Madias.

( olegiode Mexico 1988 1977.

Ronald Damen Sasine, <>t Brea, Calif.; HA. Brigham ^ < >imj; s.n ah A Swanson.ol Seattle, Wash.; B.A Kenyon ( ollege, 1980. University, 1989.

John SwensonW i ight.of Swansea. U.K.;BA Oxford University,

["nomas William Schierholz, <>i Washington, D.C.; B.A. 1987.

Pi mi ipia ( ' illege, 1985.

1 akahashi, MotokLol I okyo, japan; B.A. University of 1 okyo,

1< 1 1 1 1 i ["odd 1 • Schneider, oi Senile. Wash.. B.A. Whitman 1984; B.B.A.. 1984. College, 1988.

I akuya 1 asso. of Morioka, Japan; B.A. I Iniversity of I okyo,

Daniel A. Seligman, ofjoliet, 111.; BA. University of Chi< ago, 1988. 1980.

< hristopher |. rhomas, of W. Springfield Mass.; B.A. The

I anya Shamson, <>l Washington, D.C.; B.S.I- S. Geoi getown George Washington University, 1985. University, 1986.

Landon 1 homas, of New York, N.Y.; B.A. Middlebur) ( iollege, Ryqji Shiina, ofTokyo, [apan.BA.AoyamaGakuin University, 1987. 1984. Susan Ashton Thornton, of Boxloid. Mass.; B.A. Bowdoin

Romano James Sims, of Dumfries, Va.;B.S. State University <>l College. 1985. New York, 1986.

\ nne Marie I hurber, of New Orleans, La.; B5. Louisiana State Yassir Kami! Sindi, oi [eddah, Saudi Arabia; B.Sc. Colorado University 1983; M.B.A. Tulane University, I985.d School of Mines. 1988.

I amara Lyn Underwood, of Minneapolis. Minn.: B. V jayne Karren Smith, of St. Albans. N.Y.; B.A. Wesleyan University of California Berkelev. 1987. University, 1984. LauraEliseVasquez, ofAmherst, N.Y.;BA The Johns Hopkins Mark Donald Smith, ofLancaster, Penna.; B.A. Washington and University, 1988. Lee University, 1980.

Sophia Vassilu hi. ( >1 N it < tsia, ( \ pais: B.Sc. Reading Uni\ ersity Paul Daniel Smith, of Independence, Kan.; B.A. University ol U.K..T989. Kansas. 1989. Saskia Pepita Fransiska Yeendorp. of Amsterdam, The [eroenj. H. Smits, ofBerkelEnschot, The Netherlands; Drs in Netherlands: B.A. Clark University, 19S8. International law Leyden University, 1989.

Enrique Antonio Velasco Ibarra Ruiz, ofMexico ( ity, Mexico: Nina Manya Sonnenreich, of Washington, D.C.; A.B. Smith B.L. University of Guanajuato, 1985; Diploma Diplomatic College, 1988. School of Madrid, 1987.

Leigh Ellen Sontheimer, of Pittsburgh, Penna.; B.S. LynnM. Wagner, of S. Pasadena. Calif.; B.A. Sc ripps College, Pennsylvania State University, 1987. 1988.

Kirsten E.Speidel, ofCharlottesville. \'a.: B.A. Oberlin (ollege. Robertajeanne W'axman. of Poughkeepsie. N.Y.: B. A. W esle\ an 198b. University, 1983.

Elizabeth Lee of \ lonolulu, Hawaii: B.A. Connectu ui ( hiistiaan K. Weiland. of Mierlo. The Netherlands; MA. College. 1979. University of Amsterdam, 1991.

KatherineLovett Starr, ofBuffalo, NY.; BA.Canisius College, Sharon Louise Werning, of Sonora, Calif.; B.A. University of 1989. California Davis. 1982.

1 )a\ id C. Si if el. ( >t Princet* >n, N.J.; B.A. ( ;( >lgate Univei sity, 1988. Leopold E. Wetula. of "Lake-wood. Ohio: B.A. Miami University, 19S7. Carol Payne Stranahan, of Bethesda, Md.; B.A. Princeton University, 1986. s \.\|. Whipple. (»tMcl.ean.\a.:B.A.Oxforcirni\eisit\. 1987.

Gavin Michael Susnian. of Dallas. Texas; B.A. 1 ulane Mark William W'hitcomb. of Washington. D.C.: B.A. George University, 1987. Mason University, 1989.

6ti Ned White, ofSt Paul, Minn.; B.A. Stanford University, 1987. David Y.Wong, ofFalls Church, Va.;B.BA. College ofWilliam .ind Man. 1989.

Sheree Dovough White, of Freehold, N.J.; B.A. Amherst

University, 1987. Naohiko Yahaba, ol Sendai, Japan; BJE. I ohoku University, 1984.

Timothy Edward Wilder, ofPortland, ( )re.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1983; M.Div. Fuller Theological Seminary, KoichiYamaguchi,ofTokyo,Japan;BA. The National Defense 1987. Academy, 1986.

Stephen Charles Williams, ofAlbuquerque, N.M.; B.S. United Salman Zaheer,ofNew Delhi, India; B.S. St Stephen's College, States Military Academy, 1982. Delhi University, 1976; M. B.A. University of Louisville, 1981.

Mary Leyden Williamson, of Pawling, N.Y.; B.A. Stanford Florence Sara Namagembe Zake, of Park Forest, 111.; B.A. University. 1985. University of Illinois, 1988.

Andrea Marie Wojnar, of Cape Coral, 'Fla.; B.A. Wesleyan Arete Tina Zoumatzi, ofAthens, Greece; B.S.F.S. Georgetov n University, 1986. University. 1987.

Tobias WolnyFollath, of Hamburg, Germany; B.A. Broun University, 1988.

Masters ofArts in The School of Medicine

Benjamin Beazley Broome, of Macon, GA; B.A., Carson- Anthony LeRoy Owens, ofOxon Hill, MD; B.S., Massachusetts Newman College, 1989; Medical and Biological Illustration. Institute ofTechnology, 1988. Neuroscience./YesynajMa and Protozoan Parasites of White Perch (Morone Americana) from Postsynaptic Mechanisms which Mediate Long Term Synaptic the Chesapeake Ra\. Potentiation or Depression at Parallel Fiber Synapses in the Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus of the Guinea Pig. Carl Gene Clingman, of Baraboo, WI; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989. Medical and Biological Terry Teruko Toyama, of Bonita, CA; B.A., University of Illustration. .4 utopsy Prosector Manual arui On Site Referral Qmrts. California, San Diego, 1986. Medical and Biological Illustration. An Anatomical Study ofthe Muscles ofMasticatication James Robert Duckwall, of Roanoke, VA; B.A., Wake Forest Deglutition and Vocalization in the Cougar, Felis concolor. University, 1987. Medical and Biological Illustration.

Conversion of Illustrations to Postscript . Computer Images: An Christl Eileen Zaccagnino, of Spotsylvania, VA; A.B., Cornell Analysis of Costs and Aesthetic Considerations. University, 1986. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Program — Biological Chemistry. Sandra D. Pressman Levine, ofBethesda, MD; B.A., The George Development of an Assay for the Uridine Diphosphogalactose: Washington University, 1973. . The mannose T3Galaetosyltransferase, an Enzyme that Modifies the Development of Rehabilitation Medicine: A Product of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchor of the Trypanosome Opportunity. Imicei Variant Surface Glycoprotein.

StacyJoy Lund, of Baltimore, MD; B.A., Hood College, 1987. Medical and Biological Illustration. The Visceral Armtomy of Cyrwmys Ludovicianus.

67 Masters of Chemical Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Wayne A Gulian, <>t Newark, Del.; B.C. hi-. University of Ahmad Ra/ik. ol Chicago,. 111. B.S. Illinois Institute of

<-( Delaware, 1983. I hnology. 197'J

Masters of Civil Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

[oseph Steven Falk, of Baltimore, Ml).; B.S.A.K. University ol James Patrick Gray, ot Carmel, N.Y. ( i\ il hngineering. Maryland, 1982. Joseph Matthew Gusmano, of Baltimore. MD. Thay N. Gopalakrishnan, of Baltimore, MD.; B.E. Bangelore University, India, 197.S.

Masters ofEnvironmental Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

Marcia Ann McPartland, of Taneytown, Md.; B.S. Virginia Kenneth Lyle Small, of Silver Spring. Md.: B.A. University of Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986. Washington. 1966; B.S. Louisiana Tech University. 1973: M.S. Troy State University, 1976.

Masters of Materials Science and Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

B.S.E. Bradford Haile Parker, of Silver Spring. Md.; B.S. Virginia Michael J. DeMario, ofNew York, N.Y.; Duke University, 1983. Polytechnic Institute and State University. 1982.

Timothy Guy Farrand, of Bel Air, Md.; A. A. Harford Richard Edward Rebis. of Arnold, Md.; B.S. Pennsvlvania State

Community College, 1 980; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute University, 1987. and State University, 1982. famesJohn Kyriacopoulos, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. M.E.Lehigh University, 1983.

68 Masters of Mechanical Engineering in The G. W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Teresa May Betenbaugh, of McLean, Va.; B.S.C.K. University Gregory Scott Hinte, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S.M.E. Clemson ofVirginia, 1981.Gina Caruso, ofHastingsonHudson,N.Y.; University, 1983. B.S. Duke University, 1987. Michael Richard Nussbaum, of Mahopac, N.Y.; B.S. Lafayette Charles Ridgeway Culver III, of Akron, Ohio; B.S.M.E. College, 1986. University of Akron, 1987. Dennis Wayne Ward, of Jessup, Md.; A.A. Thames Valley State,

Thomas Allan Githens, of Pennsville, N.J.; B.S. Purdue 1979; B.S.M.E. University of Connecticut, 1982. University, 1985. MichaelJoseph Zoltoski, of Abingdon, Md.; B.S.C I.E. Bucknell

Roger Lewis Griffin III, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.M.E. Lehigh University, 1982. University, 1984.

Masters of Science in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Robert Daniel Adams, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S.E.E. Clarkson David Lee Anderson, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Michigan University, 1983. Electrical Engineering. Technological University, 1987. Computer Science.

Ryan Charles Agee, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S.E.E. University Philip John Anglin, of Dubuque, Iowa. Computer Science. of Maryland, 1988. Electrical Engineering. John Keith Antonishek, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S.C.S. Robert Aaron Akka, of San Francisco, Calif.; B.A. University University of Pittsburgh, 1987. Computer Science. of CaliforniaBerkeley, 1985. Computer Science. VincentJames Anzaldi. of Munroe Falls, Ohio; B.S. University Laurie Constance Alexander, of Arnold, Md.; B.A. St. John's of Akron, 1986. Computer Science. College, 1979. Computer Science. Mark Jordan Appel, of St. Louis, Mo.; B.S.E.E. Bradley Christine E. Allen, of Royal Oak, Mich.; B.S. Lawrence Institute University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. of Technology, 1985. Computer Science. Gregory Clark Archbold, of Salt Lake City, Utah; B.S. United David Craig Alonge, of Fairfax, Va.; B.S. West Virginia States Naval Academy, 1990. Applied Physics. University, 1985. Computer Science. Nathan Gabriel Arlington, ofPasadena, Md.; B.S.E.E. University Nancy Shinyi An, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University of of Toledo, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1986. Computer Science.

Andrew Adams Armstrong III, of Brookeville, Md.; B.S. Tulane Albert Anderson,Jr.,ofPine Hill, Ala.; B.S. University ofSouth University, 1970. Technical Management. Alabama, 1985. Computer Science.

69 Michelle Kim Armstrong, ol Atlanta, Ga.; HI I Georgia Edmund II Bam. ol Foresl Hill, Md.; B.S. University ol

Institute oi rechnology, 1987. Electrical Engineering. ( incinnati, 1982. Computet Science.

William Jack \iiim g, ol ( iaithersburg, Md.; B.S. United Mai tin Stanley Beaut/, of ( atons\ ille. Md.; B.S.K.K. I 'nisei sin

States Military Vcademy, 1973. rechnical Management of Illinois at I i hanat hanipaign. 19K7. Electrical

I ngineering. Devolyn Ann Arnold, ol Elkridge, Md.; B.S. University <>t Georgia, 1985. Computet Science. Daniel Kllioll Beedei.ol Littleton. Colo.; B.S. 11. University ol

( oloi ado. 1986. Klei u k al Engineei ing.

Lois Beth Arnold. <>l Mineola, N.Y.; B.A. Northeastern

l niversity, 1971. Compute] Science. Alem Befekadu, ol Addis Asaba, Ethiopia; B.s.l-.K. George Washington University, 1983. Computet Science.

Brad ( <>ok Astor, ol Mai ion. Iowa; B.S.E. University ol low a.

(.i.s7. I Electrical Engineering. Stephen Harold Belcher, of Reisterstown,Md;B5JEJ < omeU University, 197"). Electrical Engineering. Judith C. Atkins, ol Bel Air, Md.; A. A. Harford Community

College, 1982; B.S. University ol Maryland, Baltimore Mark Allen Belli nore. of Alpena. Mic h.; B.S. Lake Si i pel ioi Slate

( ounty, 1988. Computet Science. University, 1987. Computer Science.

Scotl I) Bachman, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State I imothy Dennis Bender, of Columbia, Md: B.S.K.K. University University, 1986. ( iomputer Science. ol Maryland, 1983. Computer Science

Roust- Rol>\ Bailey Jr., of New Park, Pa.; B.S.M.K. Virginia Margaret Ann Benite/, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. University of

Polytechnic Institute and State I University , 1979. Technical Maryland, Baltimore County, 1987. Computer Sc ien< e. Management David Michael Bersiein.of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. University of

Stewarl Dwayne Baker, of Alvin, rexas; B.S.E.E. rexas Maryland. 1986. ( Iomputer Sc ience. Agricultural and Mineral University, 1988. Electrical Engineei ing. David Betancouit, ofLaurel, Md.; B.S. University of Man land. 1984. Applied Mathematics. Mai k Everett Baldwin, of Fayetteville, N.C.; B.S.K.K. North

( Carolina State University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Petei Anthony Beyak, of Millersx ille, Md.: B.S.K.K. University of Illinois at Chicago. 1983. Electrical Engineering. Brian Barbour, ofBaltimore,Md.;B.S££. Pennsylvania State f. University, 1981. Electrical Engineering. John M. Be/, ol Ellicott Cit\. Md.; B.S. University ol North

( arolina at Greensboro, 1974. Computer Science. \liiha Lynn Barnes, of Portsmouth, Va.; B.A. Elon (College, 1973. Computer Science. Karuna D. Bhatia, of Damascus. Md.: B.S. Delhi University, 1980; M.S., 1982; M.I'h.. 1983. Computer Science. Elizabeth Hastings Bamett, ofColumbia, Md.;B.S. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1988. Computer Science. Darryl Scott Bierly, ofGermantown, Md.: B.S.K.K. University ol Virginia, 1983. Klectrical Engineering. Steven Robert Barnum, of North Berwick, Maine; B.S.E.E.T. Louisiana Tech University, 1980; B.S.C.S. University of Douglas William Billings, of Caithershurg. Md.: B.A. Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Dartmouth College, 1987. Computer Sc ience.

Ann Shawn Barry, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Hoil ins College, Susan Man , of Arnold. Md.; B.A. University ofVirginia, 1980. Computer Science. 1985. Computer Science.

George Dennis Bartko, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel Anne Maxwell Bishop, of Wichita Kails. Texas; B.S. San Jose University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. State University, 1969. Applied Mathematics.

Shivanand Basappa, of Greenbelt, Md.; B.S. Bangalore Michael Dean Black, ofSanJose, Calif.; B.S.K.K. University, 1976; M.S. Indian Institute ofScience, India, 1978. University, 1987. Computer Science. Computer Science. Annie Sipp Blac kwell. of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Tuskegee Shari Lynn Basch, ofPhiladelphia, I'a.; B.S. Duke University, University, 1973. Technical Management. 19S7. Computer Science. Bonnie Cunie Blades, of Bethesda, Md.: B.A. University of

Paul Francis Batchelor, <>l Severn, Md.; B.S.K.K. Michigan Wisconsin. 1 964; MA. American University, 1969. Computer

I c( hnologu al University, 1978. I e( hni< al Management. Sc ienc e.

Kirk Landon Bateman, ol Denver, ( !olo.; B.S.K.K. University Alston Wilcox Blount III. of Germantown, Md.: B.S.I- K.

of ( lolorado al Denver, 1986. Ele< ti ical Engineering. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1984. Electrical Engineei ing.

7ii Thomas John Bonazza, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. West Steven Mark Buswell, oi Elki idge, Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) ol Virginia University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Pittsburgh. 1983. Electrical Engineering.

Eric W. Booth, ofEdmeston, N.Y.; B.S, State I Fnivei sky ol New Dawn Marie Buttion.ol Joppatowne, Md.; B.S. Loyola( lollege, York at Oneonta, 1982. Computer Science. 1985. Computer Science.

John Leonard Border, ofCincinnati, Ohio; B.A. Universit) ol Paul Douglass Caldwell, ol Columbia. Md.; B.S.E.E. Brown Cincinnati, 1984. Computer Science. University, 1985. Computet Science.

Jerome Wayne Bost, of Pasadena, Md.; B.S.E.E. University ol Glen Eric Cameron, of Germantown, Md.; B.A. Universit) ol Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1979; M.S. George Washington University, 1987. Applied Physics. Dorothy L. Bowerman, ofLusby, Md.; B.A. Goucher College,

l985.Computer Science. Theodore Richard Campbell, Jr., of Salem, Ohio, B.S. Ohio State University, 1987. Applied Physics. Robert Russell Boye, ofColumbia Md.; B.S.E.E. Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, 1988. Electrical Engineering. M ichael John Capparelli III, of Rome, N.Y.; A.S. Mohawk Valley Community College, 1980; B.S.E.E. Virginia Polytechnic Michael Richard Boyer, ofWalkersville, Md.; B.S.E.E. The Johns Institute and State University, 1982. Electrical Engineei ing. Hopkins University, 1987. Computer Science. Jeffrey John Carlson, of Fairview, Pa.; B.S.E.E. West Virginia Michael Reaves Bracken, ofLaurel,Md.;B.S. College ofWilliam University, 1985. Computer Science. and Mary, 1986. Computer Science. Karen Louise Case, of Westminster, Md.; B.S. Loyola College. Dennis Edward Brady, ofBowie, Md.; B.S.E.E. North Carolina 1985. Computer Science. State University, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Robert Adam Case, of Farmington, Mich.; B.S. Michigan State Philip James Brainard, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S.M.E. Virginia University, 1988. Computer Science. Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1976. Computer

Science. Maureen J. Cashman, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Bucknell University, 1988. Computer Science. Kevin Bree, of New York, N.Y. Computer Science. Donald Kevin Cassatt, of Charleroi, Pa. Computer Science. William John Broemm, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. Roosevelt University, 1972. Computer Science. John Robert Centafont, of Levittown, Pa.; B.S.E.E. Drexel University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Patrick William Brown, of District Heights. Md.;B.S. University of Maryland 1985. Technical Management. Noreen Centafont, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. St. John's University, 1986. Computer Science. Robert Bruce Brown, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1983. Computer Science. In Cha, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988. Electrical Engineering. Nils Cristian Brubaker, of Germantown, Md.; B.A. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1973. Computer Science. Boon Hwee Chan, of Essex, Md.; B.S. Iowa State University, 1984; M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Judy Semin Brims, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of University, 1987. Computer Science. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1985. Computer Science. Steve Ngar Chan, of Adelphi, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, Leon S. Bryant, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.E.E. Pratt Institute, 1985. 1981. Electrical Engineering. Electrical Engineering. JyTai Chang, of Berwyn Heights, Md.; B.S. National Central Robert Buecker, ofSayville, N.Y.; B.S.E.E. University of South University, Taiwan,' 1972; M.S., 1974; Ph.D. Oregon State Carolina, 1985. Electrical Engineering. University, 1981. Computer Science.

John Leeth Bugenhagen, of Lanham, Md.; B.S.James Madison ShuHuei Huang Chang, of North Potomac, Md. Computer University, 1986. Computer Science. Science.

Dung Quang Bui, ofGaithersburg.Md.; B.S.E.E. University of RobertJohn Channas, of Pasadena, Md.; B.S.E.E. Pennsylvania Maryland, 1986. Electrical Engineering. State University, 1982. Computer Science.

Hai H. Bui, of Upper Marlboro, Md.; B.S.E.E. Drexel University, Cheng C. Chen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. National Taiwan 1985. Electrical Engineering. University, 1960; M.B.A. Morgan State University, 1975. Computer Science. Christopher Freeman Bunn. of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Colgate University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Pa.; University, Leon J. Chen, of Philadelphia, B.S.E.E. Drexel 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Nicholas Francis Busch. of Richmond, 111.; B.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

71 .

1 ip-Meng Chen, <>f Gaithersburg, \l

VIeeho Wong ( hin, ol Bethesda, Md; B.S. State I Iniversit) ol John Arnald Cristion, of Columbia. McL; B.S.E.E. Drexel

New ^ t »i k. 1973. rechnical Management University, 1986. Electrical Engineering

Sarada B. ( Ihintala, ol I [yderabad, India; B.S. Regional John Timoth) Croker, of Potomac, Md.; B.S Syracuse Engineering College, 1981. Computer Science. University, 1985. Computet Science.

Janus Michael Chios. Lutherville, McL; B.S. Universit) <>f Donna West Croll, of Glen Bumie," Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Maryland, 1987. Computer Science. Maryland, 1986. Computet Science.

David Evan Christman, <>l (anion. Ohio; B.S.E.E. University Angela Edith Cuttler, of Millersville, Md.; B.S. Universit) of ol Akron, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Mankind, Baltimore County, 19X7. Computer Science.

Michael So Chyi, of Burtonsville, McL; B.S. National Taiwan Roy David Cutis, of Gretna, La.; B.S. Louisiana Suite Universit)

University, 1977; MA. Princeton University, L981;PhD., 1984. in Shrevepoit, 1982. ( omputer S( ience. Computer Science. Robert Daniel Dahm, ofAurora, Ilk; B.S.E.E. Bradlev Universit) Lisa Bumell Clark, of North Muskegon, Mich.; B.S. Central 1985. Electrical Engineering Michigan University, 1985. Computer Science. Scott Ellis Dahne. of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Western Maryland l.ori Michelle Clarke, of ( lato, N.Y.; B.A. State Universit) of New College, 1980. Technical Management. York at Potsdam. 1987. Computer Science. Shefali P. Dalai, of Silver Spring. Md.; B.S. Elmhurst College, fames Peter Codespote, of Beaver Falls, Pa; B.S. University of 1984. Computer Science. Pittsburgh, 1987. Computer Science. Michael Kevin Daniel, of Severn. Md.; B.S.E.E. Rose-Hulrnan

Keith I). Colton. of ( lolumbia, Md; B.S. University ofEvansville, Institute ofTechnology, 1985. Electrical Engineering. 1985. Computer Science. Joanna Lynne Dann, ofjessup. Md.; B.S. Rensselaer Pohtechnic Ulster Steven J. Conard, of Sykesville, Md.; A.A. Count) Instiaite, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Community College, 1979; B.S. University of Arizona, 1981. Applied Physics. Ronald W. D'Antonio, of Liverpool. N.Y.; B.S.E.E. Ohio State University. 1987. Electrical Engineering. Brian Lawrence Connelly, of Greenbelt, Md.; B.S.E.E. Rutgers University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Mark Hugh Davey, of Westminster. Md.: B.S. Universit) of Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Joseph Andrew Consugar, of Minersville, Pa.; B.S.E.E. Bucknell University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Neil David. ofSomerville, NJ.; B.S.E.E. Rutgers University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Juan Christopher Correa, of Upper Marlboro, Md.; B.SJLE. Universit) of Maryland, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Bruce Michael Davis, of North Potomac Md.: B.S. Virginia Pohtechnic Institute and State University, 1977. Technical Kevin Charles Corriden, of Indianapolis, Ind.; B.S.E.E. Management. University of South Florida. 1987. Electrical Engineering.

I lis Javne Davis, of Gaithersburg. Md.: B.S. University of James Joseph Costabile, of Mayfield Heights, Ohio; B.SE.E. Maryland, 1979. Technical Management. University of Akron, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Kevin Joseph Davis, of Columbia. Md.: B.A. University of Kenneth B. Cox, ofjessup, Md; B.S. University of Delaware. Virginia, 1987. Applied Mathematics. 1985. Computer Science. Lee Ann Davis, of Los Alamos. X.M.: B.S. Eastern New Mexico Kevin Lee Craft, of Sevema Park, Md.; B.S. Case Western University, 1985. Computer Science. Reserve University, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Katherine Susan Degerberg, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. Yanderbilt Michael Thor Craig, of Rockville. Md.; B.S. Universit) ol University, 1985. Computer Science. Mankind, 1984. Computer Science. Angela Beth De Jong, of Leighton. Iowa: B.S. Iowa State

Robert Taylor Craig, Jr.. of Columbia. Md.; B.S.E.E. University, 1986. Computer Science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986. Electrical

Engineering. Mauricio Raul del Prado. Jr.. of Columbia. Md.: B.E.E.E. Sterens Institute of Technology, 1986. Electrical Engineering Raymond Lee Crandall. of Kalania/oo. Mich.; B.S. Western Michigan University, 1987. Computer Science. Lam Lewis DellaRocco of Richland Wash.: B.S. Universit) of Washington, 19S7. Computer Science.

(effre) Stuart Crane, Jr.. of ( lolumbia, Md; A.A. Mission College, 1983; B.S. Universit) ofRedlands, 1986. Computer Science. Henri Ruhf DeLong, of Laurel. Md.: B.S.E.E. University of Mankind. 1984. Electrical Engineering. Mil had Eri< Epperly, <>l |cssu|). Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) oi Christine Elizabeth DeMeter. of'Annapolis, Md.;B.S. Virginia Texas at Austin, 1983; M.S. TheJohns Hopkins University,

Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1975. ( lomputer 1989. Electrical Engineering. Science.

Edward LyleEri< kson, of Springfield, Va.; B.S.( ;.S. I fniversit)

Clayton Adams Dennis, ofOdessa, Texas; B.S. Abilene of Virginia, 1985. ( lomputer Science. (Christian University, 1988. Computer Science.

( Ihristopher Patrick Everich,oi I ampa, Fla.; B.S.E.E. I fniversit) William John Deveaney, of McDonald. Pa.; B.S.E.E. of South Florida, 1985. Electrical Engineering. CarnegieMellon University, 1977; M.E.S. Loyola College, 1982. Electrical Engineering. Dana Paul Falkenstine, of Bruceton Mills, W.V.i.; B.S. West Virginia University, 1986. Computer Science. Paul Edward Deveau, of Burtonsville, Md.; B.S. United States Coast Guard Academy, 1985. Computer Science. Rebecca Jane McCormick Falkenstine, of Clendale, W.Va.; B.S. West Virginia University, 1986. Computer Science. Peter Andrew DiFonzo, of New Windsor, Md.; B.S.E.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Elizabeth Ann Farrar, of Beltsville, Md.; B.S. Universit) "I Maryland, 1987. Computer Science. Louis DiStefano, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of

Maryland, 1979. Technical Management. Thomas Charles Feild,Jr., ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. E.E.Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985. Computer

John Francis Donelan, Jr., of Chevy Chase, Md.; B.A. Yale Science. University, 1973;J.D., 1977; Ph.D., 1985. Computer Science. Cynthia Anne Femano, of Solvay, N.Y.; B.A. Lemoyne College, Jonathan Devoy Douglas, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S.E.E. North 1983. Computer Science. Carolina State University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Eric Martin Eendler, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University of Ellen Carroll Dukes, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Institute and State University, 1988. Computer Science. Katherine Elizabeth Fenerty, ofColumbia, Md.; B.A. Ohio State Paul Stephen Dumm, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Rensselaer University, 1981. Computer Science. Polytechnic Institute, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

James Baker Ferguson III, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E. Duke Howard G. Dunphey.Jr., of Glen Burnie, Md.; A.S. Adantic University, 1978; M.S. University of Virginia, 1983. Electrical County Community College, 1979; B.S. Stockton State Engineering. College, 1985. Computer Science. Marino A. Fernandez, of Beltsville, Md.;B.E.E. City University Anthony Lynn Dyer, of Laurel, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of of New York, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1981. Computer Science. John Andre Fess, ofOlney, Md.; B.S.E.E. University ofMaryland, James A. Eagles, ofColumbia, Md.; B.A. State University ofNew 1985. Electrical Engineering. York at Potsdam, 1984. Computer Science. Richard Anthony Finck, of Bel Air, Md.; B.S. Loyola College, Janet Lynne Eagles, ofFonda, NY.; B.A. State University ofNew 1979; M.S.F., 1985. Computer Science. York at Potsdam, 1984. Computer Science.

Patrick Joseph Finnan, of Cinnaminson, N.J.; B.S.E.E. Harry Alan Craig Eaton, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. Colorado State University of Notre Dame, 1987. Electrical Engineering. University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Glenn Robert Finta, ofBeltsville, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Bernard Lee Edwards, of Denver, Colo.; B.S.E.E. The Johns Institute and State University, 1985. Computer Science. Hopkins University, 1989. Electrical Engineering. Nancy Marie Finta, of Beltsville, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Marian Nelson Eisinger, of Kernersville, N.C.; B.A. North Institute and State University, 1985. Computer Science. Carolina State University, 1986. Computer Science. Brian Donald Fischer, of Adamstown, Md.; B.S.E.E. Ohio Oren David Eisner, of Rockville, Md.; B.S.E.E. CarnegieMellon Institute of Technology, 1980. Technical Management. University, 1984. Computer Science. Charles Larry Fisher.Jr., of Randallstown, Md.; B.E.E. Thejohns Anna ManYee Eng, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University of Hopkins LIniversity, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1986. Computer Science. George Elwill Fisher, of Woodbine, Md.; B.S. Florida State Judy Bergmeister England, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. St. Mary's University, 1963; M.S. New York University, 1968. Computer College of Maryland, 1982. Computer Science. Science.

Mark Alan England, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. American Kenneth Paul Fittro, of Warren, Mich.; A.A. Macomb Count) University, 1978. Computer Science. Community College, 1979; B.A. Wayne State University, 1982. Computer Science. Gail Seth Ennis, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Loyola College 1987. Computer Science.

73 .

Mark Clinton Flanegan, ofGreenbelt Md.; B.A University ol (Catherine Rita Gibson, of ( latonsville, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol

Pennsylvania, 1985 ( omputei Science. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1987. Computei S< ience.

Keith Sherwood Fletcher, <>f Levittown, Pa.; B.S Antioch Elaine Main (.id. ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol

( lollege, 1980. ( lomputei S( ience. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1986. Computei Science.

ryrone Darren Floryanzia, <>l Sanford, N.C.; B.S.E.E. North Alanja) Gilbert, ol Beltsvillc. Md.:B.S. Universit) ol Delaware,

( arolina State I Iniversity, 1986. Ele< ti it al Engineering. 19x."). ( lomputei S< ienc e.

Stephen MellorFloyd, oi Fairfax, \ a; VA5. Northern Virginia John Michael (.ill a k III. ol Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. Virginia

Community College, 1 977; B5. Virginia Polyto hnk Institute Polytechnu Institute and State I niversity, 1986. Computei

.md Siaic I Iniversity, 1980. Ele< u i< al Engineei m^. S( ieiH e.

Stephen I lardingFoy.ol Kensington, Md.;B.S.( lapitol ( lollege, Robert Frank Glaessmann, ol Glen Bumie, Md; B.S. E.E.

1986. ( lomputei S< ience. Pennsylvania State I Iniversity, 1987. Ele< ti i< al Engineering.

B.S.E.E. I nivci sin Rol)cii( lraigFran< isco.ol ( Hen Burnie. Md; Sean I . (.loth, oi Columbia, Md.; B.s. I he Johns Hopkins ol Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. University, 1979. Ele< trical Engineering. l)a\ id G.Frankel, ofColumbia, Md.;BJE.S.TheJohns Hopkins Bhaiat Bliuslian Cola, ol Bowie. Md.; B.S. E.E. Universit) of University, 1967; M.S.. 1973. Technical Management Maryland, 198"). Computer Science.

Stace) Allison Franklin, ol Boston, Mass.; B.S. Howard Jo Ann I. Con/ales, of I lagerstown, Md.: H.S.I- ..E. Universit) of

University, 1982;M.S. 1 hejohns Hopkins University, 1986. Maryland, 1987. ( Iomputer S< ien< e. Technical Management. Suzanne Marie (.ore. of Bethel Park. Pa.: B.S. Pennsylvania Diane Carol Fransen, ofLaurel, Md.;B.S. Merrimack College, State University, 1987. Applied Mathematics.

1988. ( Computer Science. Jacqueline Ann Gouin, ofLanham, Md.; B.S. Universit) oi

William 1 heodore Fredenburg, of Rochester. N.Y.; B.S.EJE. Maryland, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Clarkson University, 1985. Electrical Engineering.

RobertGraham, of Stevensx ille. Md.: B.S.E. I he Johns Hopkins Timothy James Frederick, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. University, 1977. Technical Management Shippensburg University, 1987. Computer Science. Francis Paul Craves, of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. E.E. Universit) ot Deepika Gadhoke, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Mankind. 1985. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1985. Computer Science.

Michelle Sharon Graves, of Trenton, N.J.; B.S. Boston |ames Vincent Galligan, ofAnnapolis, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1978. Computer Science. University, 1982. Technical Management.

Russell J. Graves, of Springfield. \'t.: B.S. University of Louis Albert Gambino, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S. E.E. L'nivei sit \ Pittsburgh. 198b. Computer Science. of Mankind, 1980. Electrical Engineering. Gary Alan Greene, ol Orange. Conn.; B.S.E.E. Universit) oi Mic hael David (.arris, of"Pittsfield, Pa.: B.S. Clarion University Connecticut. 1982. Electrical Engineering. of Pennsylvania, 1986. Computer Science. Gretchen Raschelle Greene, ofSevern, Md. Applied Physics. Shirley Venette Gasch, of Gambrills, Md.; B.A. Nazareth College. 1966; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1983. Joseph Bernard Greene, of Alexandria. Va.; B.A. Northwestern Technical Management. University, 1981. Applied Physics.

Glenn Scott Gealy. of Gordon, Neb.. B.A. Hastings College, Andrew JavGiigor. of Annapolis. Mc L1CS. Virgin iaPohtechnic 1974. Technical Management. Institute and State University, 1983. Computer Science.

1 .eon aid E. ( .ebase, < >fVineland, NJ.; B.A. Rutgers Uni\ ersit) Edward E. (.rimes. Jr.. of Laurel. Md.; B.S. Universit) of

1972. ( Iomputer Science. Pittsburgh. 1986. Computet Science.

Anthom Wayne ( .elu.ol Westminster, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Daniel [.Gross.oi Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Lehigh University,

( Maryland, 1986. 'omputei Scien< e. 1980. Technical Management.

Steven Werner Geibel, ofLaurel, Md.;B£JEJE. Stevens Institute 1 )aniel |. ( Irzytx >w ski. i >1 Baden. Pa.; B.S.E.E. Penns) K .una State ofTechnology, 1986. Electrical Engineering. University, 1982. Electrical Engineering.

Mice Ann Ccncga. of Colesville, Md.; B.S. E.E. Virginia Robert Bi Guernsey, ofSilver Spring, Md.; B.s. Universit) l\>l\tc( hni< Institute and Stale University, 1985. Electrical of Maryland, 1986. Computer Science.

1 ngineei ing. Pamela Lynn (.undersoil, of Columbia, Md.: B.S. Universit) feffre) Paul Genega, ol Colesville, Md.; B.S. Virginia of Iowa, 1986. ( omputei Sc ience.

Polytechnk Institute and State University, 1985. ( Iomputer S< ience. .

It ic Luis Hagemann, of Columbia. Md.; B.S.E, University oi Genell Ka) Hausauer, ol Marshall, Minn.; B.A, Concordia

Central Florida, 1986. Electrical Engineering. ( lollege, 1985. ( lomputer Science.

Cornelius John Haley, ofWilmington, Del.; B.S. Universit) of Carolyn Rose I layward, ofPittsburgh, Pa.; B.E.E.E. Vanderbill Delaware. 1982. Computer Science. University, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Theresa Kilheeney Haley, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania Michael Scott Havward, of Eastlake, Ohio; B.S. Kent State State University, 1984. Computer S< ience. University, 1985. Computer S< ience.

Charles Edward Hall, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State Donald R,i\ I lee kinan, Jr., of 'Baltimore. Md.: B.S.E.E. Drexel University, 1984. Compute: Science. University, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Lawrence Ora Hall, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. Washington David Bruce Heldenbrand, of Reston, Va.; A. A. Montgomery State University, 1982. Computer Science. College, 1981; B.M.Ed. James Madison University, 1976. Computer Science. Robert Gerald Hall, of I.anham, Md.; B.S. University of

Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Chesley Kenneth I lenderson, of Harrisonburg, Va.; B.S.E.E Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1984.

[oseph( harles Hamel, of Middletown, N.J.; B.S. Loyola College, Computer Science-. 1986. Computer Science. Joseph Leslie Henry, ofElkridge, Md.; B.S.E.E. Louisiana State David Eugene Hamm, of Severn. Md.; B.S.E.E. Virginia University, 1960. Technical Management. Polytechnic Institute and State L-niversity, 1978. Electrical Engineering. Joseph Richard Hereau, ofGladstone, Mich.; B.S.E.E. Michigan Technological Universit), 1986. Electrical Engineering. Peter Allen Hammer, of Frederick, Md.; B.S. Millersville University, 1985. Computer Science. Daniel Richard Herlihy, of Edmonds, Wash.; B.S. University ofNew Hampshire, 1977; M.M.A. University of Washington, Gale LeRoy Hammond, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of 1985. Technical Management. Utah, 1980. Applied Mathematics. Catherine Lynn Hettinger, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of Chienyung Han, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. University of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1986. Applied Mathematics. Maryland, 1983. Computer Science. Randall H. Hilling, ofGlen Burnie, Md.; B.S. Mary Washington Katherine Sunhwa Han, of Seoul, Korea; B.S.E. E. University College, 1986. Computer Science. of Maryland, 1982. Electrical Engineering. Brian Lee Hillmar, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S. Universit) of Sarah Lynn Hand, of Huntingtown, Md.; B.SJLE. University Richmond, 1981;M.S. TheJohnsHopkins University, 1984. of Maryland, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Electrical Engineering.

Gary Steven Hansen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E. E. University of Brian Edward Hirsch, of Phoenix, Ariz.; B.S. Universit) ol Maryland, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Arizona, 1986. Applied Mathematics.

William Joseph Harker, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. John Alexander Hoegy, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. University Pennsylvania State University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. of WisconsinMadison. 1986. Computer Science.

Alan J. Harmon, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. University of Texas Thomas Wesley Holcombe, Jr., of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.E.E. at Austin, 1983. Computer Science. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1978. Computer Science. Timothy Paul Harmon, of Florala, Ala.; B.S.E.E. RoseHulman Institute of Technology, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Jean Theresa Holdi idge, ofGonzales, La.; B.S. Louisiana State University, 1986. Computer Science.

Phillip G Harnden. of Rockford, 111.; B.S. Illinois State University, 1981. Computer Science. Kathy L. Holland, of Columbia. Md.: B.S. University of Connecticut, 1982. Computer Science. Elizabeth Mary Harrington, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S.E.E. Western New England College, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Howard Dow Holm, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Iowa State University, 1987. Computer Science. William Shepard Harrington, of Crownsville, Md.; B.S.E.E.

T Drexel L niversity, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Brent William Holmes, of Rome, N.Y.; B.S. Clarkson Universin 1986. Electrical Engineering. Bernard T. Harris, of Columbia, Md.; A. A. Allegany

Community College, 1 98 1 ; B.S. University ofMaryland, 1 984. Brett Randel Holt, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Rice University. 1986. Computer Science. Computer Science.

Gay Anna Hart, of Woodbine, Md.; B.S. Towson State Jongweon Hong, ofChicago, 111.; B.S.E.E. University of Illinois. University, 1968. Applied Mathematics. David Eugene 1987. Electrical Engineering. Haupt, of Severna Park, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins

University, 1972, M.A.S., 1979. Computer Science. James David Hoover, Jr., of Baltimore. Md.; B.S. RandolphMacon College, 1987. Computer Science.

75 Francis Patrick Horan, ol Drexel Mill. Pa.; B.s l l Drexel ( iraigE.Jones, ol St. Louis, Mo.; lis 1 I Duke l fniversity, 1985

l fniversity, 1987. Electrical Engineering. 1 le< ti H al Engineering.

Daniel I homas Hotopp, oi Dayton, Ohio; B.s II .University RobertJa< ksonJones, ol ( lermantown,Md;B, V. Southwestern

ol Dayton, 1985. Ele< n i< .il E ngineei ing. University, 1986. Computei Science.

Paul Samuel Houston, i>( Phoenix, Md.; B.S rowson State Song KiJung, ol Silvei Spring, Md. B.S. Universit) ol Maryland, University, l981.Computei Science. 1987 Electrical Engineering

William Scotl Houston, ol Union, N.J.; B.S.E.E. Rutgers Ranch I odd Just, ol McMinm ille. ( )ie; B.S. ( hegon Institute University, 1985. Computei Science. ol technology, 1980. Computet Science.

1 iangPing Hsu, of Taipei, l.iiu.m: B.S. National ["aiwan Sean S. Kae, of Gaithersburg, Md; B.A. Cornell University, University, 1982. Computei Science. 1986. Computer S< ience.

[ohn Stuart Hull, ol Catonsville, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Janet Lee Kaminkow. ol Berlin, Conn.; B.S KI I nisei sit\ ol Maryland, Baltimore County, 1984. Computer Science, Connecticut, 1983. Computei Science.

[ohn Morgan Hunt, ofRo< kville,Md.;BA. GeorgeWashington 1). n ins Kanga. of Rockville, Md.; B.S.K.K. CamegieMellon

University, 1981. ( lomputer S< ien< e. l niversity, 1981. Computei Science.

KellieAnn Hunt, of l fppei Marlboro, Md.;B.S.James Madison Anil Kapilashiami. of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol

University, 1987. ( iomputer Science. Maryland, 1987. Computer Science.

Paula Renee Ichniowski, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Loyola Michel Lynn Kareis, ol Arlington, Va.; B.S. Pennsylvania State College, 1988. Computer Science. University, 1985. Technical Management.

Bryan Thomas Ingram, ofDuQuoin, 111.; B.S.K.K. Universit) of Robert ( ieorge karoh, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S.K.K. Pennsylvania Illinois. 1986. Electrical Engineering. State University, 1983. Electrical Engineering.

Nadeem [qbal, of Clinton, Md.; B.S.K.K. N.K.D. University of Mark Eugene Kasinger, of Columbia. Md.: B.A. Northwest

Engineering and Technology, 1 980. Electrical Engineering. Nazarene College. 1984. Applied Mathematics.

R. Dale Irons,Jr., ofColumbia, Md.;B.S. Duke University, 1986. HeatherLee KasinskLofLeRoy,N.Y.;A5. Genesee Community Computer Science. ( College, 1985; B.A. State University ofNew York at Buffalo. 1987. Computer Science.

Eyo Eyo Ita. ofLas Vegas, Nev. Applied Physicsjohn Michael [taliano, ofStaten Island. N.Y.; B.A. New York University, Paul Steven Kasinski. of Batavia. N.Y.; A.S. Genesee

1985. ( iomputer Science. Community College. 1 985; BA State University ofNe* York at Buffalo. 1985. Computer Science. Donald Scott Jackson, of Jarrettsville, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985. Technical Shahir KassamAdams. of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. F.ninn Management. University, 1979; MJBA. Universit) of Pennsylvania, 1991. Computer Science. James Mat shall Jackson, of Baltimore. Md.; B.S.K.K. Universit) of Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Arthur Kaupe.ofGermantown, Md.; B.S. Saint Vincent College, 1980. M.S. CamegieMellon University, 1983. Computer

John Jadik. Jr.. of CIarks Summit. Pa.; B.S.K. University of Science. Pennsylvania, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Karen Michelle KeadleC !alvert, ofLaurel, Md.. B.S. University

Nasir Ahmad Jamil, of Bel An. Md.; B.C. Heilley College ol of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1982. ( iomputer Science. Commerce. 1980. Computer Science. Kevin Patrick Kehl. of Baltimore. Md.; B.M.K. C.M.I. Frank Milton Johnson, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Louisiana Tech Engineering and Management Institute. 1984. Electrical University, 1980. Electrical Engineering. Engineering.

Juan R. Johnson, ol Washington. 1).( '.:. B.S. University of the Joseph William Keller, of Keyser, W.Va.; A. A. Potomac State District of Columbia, 1979. Technical Management. College. 1984; B5. WestVirginia University, 1986. Computer Science.

Kern Johnson. of'Maveli >ck, \ .('..; B.S.K.K. Not th Carolina St. ite University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Kimberl) Ann Kellman, of Wisconsin Rapids. Wis.; B.S. Universit) ol WisconsinStevens Point. 1986. Applied Robert Dale Johnson, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S.K.K. West Mathematics. Virginia University, 1986. Applied Physics. Vincent Paul Kijowski, ofSilver Spring, Md.:B.T. Pennsylvania

fei aid fames Johnston, oi Baltimore, Md.; B.S. State I Iniversit) State University. 1978. Electrical Engineering. ol New Yoi k at Binghamton, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

76 Pamela Sue kimininau, of EllicottCitv, Md.. B.S. Colorado Slate David Wayne Lanczynski, ot Columbia, Md.; B.S Michigan University, 1988. Computer Science. State University, 1986. Computet Science

Brian Wayne Kind, of Waukesha, Wis.; B.S.E.E. Walla Walla Allan C. Lane, of Bethesda, Md.; B.S I .1 CarnegieMellon College. 1982. Electrical Engineering. University, 1983. Computer Science.

Gregory Alan Kirk, ofBowie, Md.; B.S. University ofMaryland, 1'aul Robert I.aPoinle. of Beltsville-. Md.; B.S. Universit) c>f 1982. Applied Physics.Scott Walker Kirvan, of Concord, Virginia, 1988. Computet Science. Mass.; B.S. Columbia University, 1986. Computer Science. Maria Louise LaRosa, of Laurel, Md.; B.EJE.E. Manhattan Kama Kitazawa, ofTokyo,Japan; B.S. Northeastern University, College, 1985. Electrical Engineering. 1987. Computer Science.

Pauljoseph Laskowski, of ( Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. University Artlmi Charles Klaiss, of ClenBurnie.Md.; A.A. Pennsylvania ofMaryland, 1985; M.S.TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. State University, 1982; B.S., 1984. Electrical Engineering. Computer Science.

Jeffrey Thomas Klessig, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. Carroll College, Lois Elizabeth Damewood Laughlin, of Princeton. W.Va.;

L 980; M.S. Indiana State University, 1983. Computer Science. B.S.C.S. Marshall University, 1986. Computet Science.

Daniel Patrick Knaul, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Rochester Timothy James Laughlin, of Grand Island, N.Y.; B.S.E.E. Institute of Technology, 1985. Computer Science. Clarkson University, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

Richard Frank Koen, of College Park, Md.; B.S. Purdue Andrew Peter Lazzaro, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Polytechnic UniversityCalumet, 1986. Computer Science. University, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Kenneth Gerald Kosiorek, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. TriState Francis HungLe, ofGermantown, Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) of University, 1984. Computer Science. South Florida, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

Christopher T. Kostick, of Keyser, W.Va.; A.A. Potomac State Hien Khac Le, of Hue, Vietnam; B.S. Ohio State University, College, 1985; B.S. Marshall University. 1988. Computer 1972; M.S., 1982. Computer Science. Science. Si C. Le, of Silver Spring, Md. Applied Physics. Thang Quoc HallieKostrinsky, ofWashington, D.C.;B.S.E. Duke University, Le, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S.E.E. George Washington 1985. Applied Mathematics. University, 1988. Electrical Engineering.

CharlesJoseph Kresch.Jr., of Rockville, Md.; B.S.E.T. University Walter Harrison Leach, ofWaldorf, Md.; B.S. United States Air of Houston, 1972. Technical Management. Force Academy, 1982. Applied Mathematics.

Jeffrey Allan Kriese, of Suffern, N.Y.; B.S. Vanderbilt University, Deborah Ann Lebair, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. College Misericordia, 1987. Computer Science. 1983. Computer Science.

Kevin John Kuehn, of Rockville, Md.; A.A. Rockland Titus Basil Ledbetter, Jr., of Charlotte, N.C.; B.S. Howard Community College, 1978; B.S. Potsdam College, 1980. University, 1983. Computer Science. Technical Management. John Charles Lee, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) ol Paul Timothy Kuhn, ofCockeysville, Md.; B.S.E.E. Pennsylvania Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. State University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. David Scott Lehnus, of Silver Spring, Md.: B.S.E.E. Virginia Eric Irwin Kuritzky, of Beltsville, Md.; B.S. University of Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1984. Electrical Maryland, 1980. Computer Science. Engineering.

of'Railway, Darius Marian Kwiedorowicz, N J.; B.S.E. Princeton Maja Melton Lehnus, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.E.E. Virginia University, 1982. Technical Management. Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Marcelle Elaine Colton Ladd, of Germantown, Md.; B.S. Brigham Young University, 1986. Applied Mathematics. LengSiongLewi, ofNorth Potomac, Md.; B.S. Essex University, 1978. Computer Science. Susan Ots LaEortune, of Winchendon, Mass.; B.S. Fitchburg State College, 1986. Computer Science. Noga M. Lewin, ofjerusalem, Israel; M.A. Hebrew Universit) 1980. Computer Science. Leslee Louise LaFountain, of"Knoxville, Tenn.; B.A. University of Tennessee, 1983. Computer Science. Craig Martin Lewis, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1987. Computer Science. Theodore S. Laks, of Baltimore, Md.; B.T.L. Ner Israel Rabbinical College, 1987. Computer Science. Todd Leyba, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. University ofMaryland, 1981. Computer Science. Charles Gregory Lampe, of Silver Spring, Md. Technical Management. Edgar Glenn Lightsey, of Columbia, S.C.: B.S. Princeton University, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

77 1).i\kI ( hing-Shang Lin, ol Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S.M.I Robet t Emer) Manners, ol Walkersville, Md.; B.A. California

National ChungHsing University, 1'iT'J: M. S.M.I-.. North siatc I niversitvNorthridge, I'»7'J lee hnical Management

( arolina State University, 1980. Compute) Science. Mi( h.ul Joseph Manos. of Bethesda, Md.; A. A Montgomer)

Mineshyong Lin, <>i Keelung, raiwan; B.S. ChungHsing ( lollege, 1983; B.S. University ol Maryland, 1986. Computet

National University, 1978; \l S I niversit) «>t rexas, 1985 Sc icik c

( omputet S< Kin e. Daniel Mark Mantik.ol Norton, Ohio; BS. University ol Vkron,

I).i\ id 1 ,ing,ol New poll News, Va.;B.S.EJE. Virginia Polyte< hni< 1986. Computer S< ien< e.

Institute and State University, 1988. 1-Ut n i< .il Engineei ing.

David Carroll Marcellas,ol ( lermantown, Md.. B.S.E.E. Virginia

Ron. ild David Lipps, [r.,ol AJexandi ia,Va.; B.S.I- .1- Universit) Polytechnit Institute and State University, 1987. Ele< u u .il ol Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Engineering.

( v in Ilia Jean Little, ol Chillicothe, 111.: B.S. Michigan David Anthon) Marchese, ol Ellicotl City, Md Electrical

I c( hnological University, 1986. Compute] S< ience. Engineering.

1- fanel S< heeleLitde.ol Bethesda, Md.;BA StJohn's University, [amesM. Margida, ol Ellicotl City, Md; B.S I . Universit) of

197 I. ( lomputet S< ience. Akron, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

I <>1 I t ZongCiLiu.ol Shanghai, China; B.S. 'niversit) Maryland, lei bet Philip Marshall, of Laurel. Md.: B.S. M.I- . West Virginia

1980. trical F.ngineering. Institute of Technology, 1983. Technical Management.

Scotl William Lo< kwoodoi Sandy, Utah; B.S. Brigham Young Carl Mart mean, ol Lansdowne, Md; B.S. I ftah State University,

University, 1987, Electrical Engineering. 19K7. ( lomputer Science.

Richard Karl Loeffler, <>f St. Cloud. 11a.: B.S. LeTourneau Frank Edward Masse) . |i .. < >fPensacola, 11a: B.S. Florida State

( lollege, 1986. Computer Science. University, 1970. Computet Science.

Triet Anh Lu, <>f Falls ( Ihurch, Va.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Brian Michael Masierson. of Pasadena. Md. Computer Science.

Institute and State I Iniversity, 1987. ( lomputer Science. Michele Denise Matthews, of Baltimore, Md; B.S. Frostburg

Michael Charles Lukaszczyk, of Arbutus, Md.; B.S.E.E. The State University, 1986. ( lomputei S( ience. Johns Hopkins University, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Robert Michael May.ol Bergton,Va.;BS. Universit) of Virginia. Philadelphia. Pa.; B.S.E.E. Drexel 1985. Science. Christopher J. Ly, of Computer University, HIST. Electrical Engineering. Catherine Marie Mazur, ofAlexandria, Va.;B5. Pennsylvania Robert Carl Lydic, of Erie. Pa.: B.S.E.E. Brigham Young State University, 1981: M. A.. 1982. Computet Science. University, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Timothy Scott Mc( )lay, ofSevema Park, Md; B.S. I Inited States Roman L. Machan, ofSevema Park. Md.; B.S.E.E. Rutgers Naval Academy, 1973. Technical Management University, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

fames Ignatius McCloskey, of Baltimore, Md.: B.S 1 I Kenneth R. Mac hoi. of Mt. Airy, Md.: B.S. Shippensburg Universit) of Maryland. 1984. Electric al Engineering.

University, 1987. ( lomputer Science. Cheryl Harmon Mcknight, of Beltsville, Md; B.S.James David Vincent Madonia, ofColumbia, Md.; B.SJEJE. Universit) Madison University, 1983. Computer Science. of Florida, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Maureen Patricia McLaren, ol 01ney,Md;B5.( larnegieMellon fuan Fernando Madrid, of New York, N.Y.;BJEJEJE. City College University, 1983. Computer Si ience. of New York, 1987. Electrical Engineering. rim Lewis McVey, ofAshland Ohio; B.S. Universit) ol Akron.

Ei i( James Magnusson, of 1 orrance, Calif.; B.S.E.E. Brigham 1986. Computer Sc ience. Young University, 1988. ( lomputer S< ience. RobertJames Mem ad. ofPasadena, Md.; B.A. Rider College.

John 1 toward Milliard III, of Millei s\ ille, Md; B.S.E.E. I awrence 1982.Computer Science. Universit) ol rechnology, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Karen Christine Mergler, of Havre de Grace, Md; B.S.

Suzanne Elizabeth Malone, ofEllicotl ( lity, Md.; B.S. Virginia Universit) ol Maryland 1984. Computer Science. Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1983. Computet

s< ien< e. Ellen ( I. Meseke. of 11 lu oit ( lity, Md.: B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 198S. Computer Science.

\luli. ul Vnthon) Mancuso, of Manchester, N.H.: B.S.M 1

Universit) ol New I lamps! me. 1982. Electrical Engineering. 1 lu ! esc Robin Mete all. of Gardiner, N.Y.: B.S. Universit) ol Maryland 1987. Technical Management.

( harles K. Mandeville, ol Matawan, N.J.; B. A. Universit) <>f Maine. 1971 Electrical Engineering. Mat k Robert Me\ er. of Raleigh. X.C.: B.S.E.E. North Carolina State University, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

78 Nathan C. Meyer, <>l Germantown, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol Leslie Willis Munnelyn, ol Largo, Md.; B.S. North Carolina

Minnesota, 1978. ( lomputer Scien< e. Agricultural and rechnicalStatel fniversity, 1984. Computet S( ieiH e. Susan Michele Meyer, ol Columbia, Md.; B.E.E.E. State University of New York al Ston) Brook, 1985. Electrical James Edward Muse III, ol Kentwood, La.; B.S. Clemson Engineering. University, 1987. Compute! Science.

David Shields Micol, ofHillsborough, N.C.;B.S. North Carolina Kenneth Scott Myers, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Universit) ol State University, 1987. Computer Science. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1986. Computei S< ience.

Louise Ann Miles, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University of Sanjay Nagdev, of Silver Spring, Md. Electric al Engineei ing. Florida. 1974. Electrical Engineering. Harinderpal Singh Nagi, of Clin ton, Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) Steven Harold Milhiser, ofRockville, Md.; B.A. University ol of Maryland, 1988. Electrical Engineering. Virginia, 1981;M.S. Universit) of Southern California, 1986.

Computer Science. DayHwanN'am.ofFayetteville. N.C.; B. S.K.I . North ( Carolina State- University, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Simon Franclin Militaru, ofConstantta, Ro. Computer Science. Maureen Cecilia Nash, of Columbia. Md.; B.S. Wheel ingjesuil Andrew Norman Miller, ofArnold, Md.; B.A. Duke University, College, 19S5. Computer Science. 1981. Computer Science. David Alan Neiss. of New Canaan, Conn.; B.S.E.E. Universit) Douglas William Miller, ofYork, Pa.; B.S.E.E. Pennsylvania State of Maryland, 1988. Electrical Engineering. University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Daren Alan Nelson, of Virginia Beach, Va.; B.S. Virginia fames M.Miller, ofColumbia, Md.;B.S. University ofPittsburgh, Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987. Computer 1987. Computer Science. Science.

Jerome Miller, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland. Paul Edward Nelson, of Kailua, Hawaii; B.E.E. Universit) ol 1969. Electrical Engineering. Delaware, 1984. Computer Science.

Eric Lee Milne, of Millersville, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of John Chung Quoc Nguyen, ol Towson, Md.; B.A. LaSalle Mankind. 1987. Electrical Engineering. University, 1985. Applied Physics.

Fred Albert Ninetto III, of Temple Hills, Md.; B.S. University M ichael Emil Niezelski, ofCatonsville, Md.; B.S.E.E. L'niversity of Maryland. 1983. Computer Science. of Pittsburgh. 1985. Electrical Engineering.

Danita Kay Mitchell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Susan Duane Noble, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. Universit) < >1 Hopkins L'niversity. 1981. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1985. Computer Science.

Mohsen Moini, of Germantown. Md.; B.S. L'niversitv of Peter Wilson Norman, of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. Western Maryland, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Maryland College, 1983. Computer Science.

Steven Anthony Molina, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S.E.E. Dennis Edward Norris. of Mt. Airy, Md.; B.S.E.E. Ohio State Pennsylvania State University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. University, 1983. Computer Science.

Beth Cheshire Moran, of Buffalo. N.Y.; B.S. State L'niversity of Patrick James O'Brien, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State New York at Buffalo. 1986. Computer Science. University, 1986. Computer Science.

Wendv Marie Morgan, ofActon, Mass.; B.S. University ofNew Gary Robert O'Bryan, of Owensboro. Ky.; B.S. Western Hampshire, 1986. Computer Science. Kentucky University, 1986. Computer Science.

Kim D. Morgenstern, of Roscommon, Mich.; B.S. Central Neil Hyunki Oh, of Columbia, Md.; B.E.E. Georgia Institute of Michigan University, 1985. Computer Science. Technology, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Cathi L. Morris, of Gaithersburg. Md. Computer Science. Kevin Walter ( ) Mallev. of Chicago, 111.; B.S. Loyola Universit) of Chicago. 1983. Computer Science. John Couper Morrison III, ofColumbia, Md.; B.A. University of South Florida. 1980. Computer Science. John Thomas O'Masta. of Mt. Airy, Md.; A.A.S. Youngstown State L'niversity, 1982; B.S., 1984. Computer Science. A. Norman Mortensen. of Manhattan, Kan.; B.S.E.E. Kansas State L'niversitv. 1986; M.S.E.E., 1988. Applied Phvsics. David M. Opalenik. ofWoodbridge, Va.; B.S. PennsylvaniaState L'niversity, 1982. Computer Science. James Michael Mosley, ofMount Airy, N.C. Computer Science. Paul Anthony Ostrowski. of Bel Air. Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) Sandra Thomas Mosley, of Pasadena. Md.: B.S. North Carolina of Michigan-Dearborn, 1985. Electrical Engineering. State L'niversity. 1986. Computer Science.

79 Henr) fames Ozaki, oi Bck Raton, 1 la.: B.S \l l Clemson Richard Ralph Pingor, of Hampstead, Md.; B.S. New ferse)

l diversity, 1985. Computet Science. Institute of I c( hnology, 1985. Computer Science.

Siddharth Pant,ol Pittsburgh, Pa.;B. fech. Indian Institute ol Mark Michael Piwowarski, ol West Seneca. N.Y.; B.S.K.F.. technology, 1980; M.S. State Universit) <>t New York al Columbia University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Buffalo, 1982 Electrical Engineering.

I mi John Plessing. of Columbia, Md.; B.S. ME. I Fniversit) of

Gregor) fames Parker, ol Sandpoint, Idaho; B.S. I 'nited States Nebraska, 1982; B.S. 1985. Computet Science.

\.i\.il Ac adcmv. 1990. Applied Physil S. Anthon) rhomas Polignone, of Altoona, Pa.; B.S.E.E.

Kevin Earle Parker, <>l Columbia, Md.; B.S.I- .1-.. \'ii t^in i.i Pennsylvania State University, 1987. Eta m< al Engineering Polyte* hnk Institute and State University, 1980. Ele< u u al Engineei ing. Carol Ann Politi. of Bethesda, Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) of Maryland, 1986. Electrical Kngineering. William James Parker, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Universit) ol Delaware, 1976; M.S. Drexel University, 1984. Electri< al Ann Friese Pollack, of Baltimore, Md.; B.E.S. The Johns Engineei ing Hopkins University, 1988; M.S.E., 1988. Electrical Engineering.

I imoth) fohn Paulin, ofEscanaba, Mich.; AA. ArizonaWestern College, 1 979; BA University oi Michigan. 1982. Electrical Matthew Wayne Pollack, of Columbia. Md.: B.S. Carnegie- Engineering. Mellon University. 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Kenneth Joseph Pavao, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Providence Luis R. Portela-Arraiza, of Vega Baja, Puerto Rico; College, 1982. Electrical Engineering. B.S.E.E. University of Puerto Rico. 1988. Electrical Engineering. Nancy Rose Pax, ofLaurel, Md.;B.S. University ofMaryland, Baltimore County, 1986. Computer Science. Shari L. Portzen, of Knoxville, Tenn.: B.S. University of Tennessee, 1986. Computer Science. Douglas AnthonyPaynter, ofPainesville, Ohio; B.S. Ohio State University, 1985. Computer Science. Margaret Ann Powell, of Greenbelt, Md.; B.S. Memphis State University, 1977. Computer Science.

R< )hert ( lharles Pencek, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981. Computer Science. William Myers Powell, of Millersville. Md.; A.A. Anne Arundel Community College, 1985; B5. Universit) of Mankind. 1986. Cindy Katherine Pepersack, of Keyser, W.Va.; A.A. Anne Electrical Engineering. Arundel Community College, 197(i; B.S. Capitol College. 1984. Technical Management. Mary Elizabeth Predenkoski, of Middle River, Md.: B.S. University of Scranton, 1987. Computer Science. JamesJoseph Peter, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Catholic University of America, 1975; M.S. Loyola College, 1985. Technical Daniel M. Pressel, of Havre de Grace, Md.: B.S. Universit) of Management. Michigan. 1980. Computer Science.

Barbara Boothman Pfarr.ofSeabrook, Md.;B.A. Smith College, Henry Reid Prewitt IV. of Laurel. Md.: B.S.E.E. University of 1981. Computer Science. Maryland. 1986. Electrical Engineering.

Dungjoseph Pham, of Hemdon, Va.; B.S.E.E. Ceorge Mason Julia Lynn Ehman Prisekin. of Laurel. Md. Computer Science.

University, 1 985; M.S.TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. Computer Science. Ann Morrison Proctor. ofOlney, Md.: B.S.E.E. University of Maryland. 1986. Computer Science. Dung Anh Phan, ofSilver Spring Md.; A.S. Northern Virginia Community College, 1983; B.S.E.E. University of Mary land. Laura Harper Prvor. ofSilver Spring, Md.: B.A. Universit) of 198ti. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1980. Computer Science.

Lee John Phelps, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Kenneth Joseph Pyle. Jr.. of Phocnixville. Pa.; B.S.E.E. Spring Maryland, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Garden College. 1984. Computer Science.

Scott Howard Phillips, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Oakland Colleen Erin Rafferty, of Ellicott City, Md.: B.S.E.E. Universit)

University, 1982. ( Computer Science. of Michigan, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

William Conrad Phillips, ofElkridge,Md.;B.SJE£. Universit) Finn C. Ramsland, of Baltimore. Md.: B.S. Towson State of Maryland, 1987. Electrical Engineering. University, 1986. Computer Science.

Laura English Philpott, of Odenton, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and.State University, 1985. Computer Science. Todd Keith Rauch, of Sheperdstown, W.Va.; B.S. Shepherd John Oren Rutemiller, of Annapolis. Md.; B.S. University of College, 1987. Computer Science. Maryland, 1985. Computer Sc ience,

Peggy Annette Read, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State- Jonathan A. Sakellariou, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S.F.E. College. 1985. Computer Science. University of Utah, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Steven Wayne Reeves, of Nashville, Term.; B.S.E.E. Rice Nicholas Scott Sanidas, of Baltimore. Md.. B.S. Loyola College, University, 1986. Computer Science. 1985. Computer Science.

Amelia Clare Regan, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A.S. University of Kenneth Sarkady, of Annapolis, Md.; B.S.E.E. Virginia Pennsylvania, 1987. Applied Mathematics. Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Raymond Windfield Reichard, of Allentown, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1983. Computer Science. Paul Louis Schapiro, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Case Western Reserve University, 1977; M.B.A. University of Baltimore, John William Reichert, ofFremont, Ohio; B.S. BowlingGreen 1982. Computer Science. State University, 1986. Computer Science. StevenJay Schifris, of Queens, N.Y.; B.S. Stockton State College, Mark Christopher Reilly, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. University of 1988. Computer Science. Delaware, 1985; M.S. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1990. Applied Mathematics. Barbara Thompson Schmidt, ofNew Freedom, Pa.; B.S. College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1970. Computer Science. Timothy Neil Reynolds, of Lanham, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1983. Electrical Engineering. Diana Schmidt, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University ofMaryland, Baltimore County, 1986. Computer Science. Bradleyjames Rhone, of Burtonsville, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1987. Computer Science. Steven John Schmidt, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1986. Computer Science. Tiziano R. Ricci, of Pescara, Italy; B.S. Loyola College, 1985.

Electrical Engineering. John Edward Schmiedeskamp, of Champaign, 111.; B.S. University of Illinois, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Gerald F. Ricciardi, of Thornwood, N.Y.; B.S.E.E. Columbia University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Anthonyjoseph Schmitt, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Towson State University, 1985. Computer Science. Lynn Ann Rich, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Clarkson University, 1987. Computer Science. Robertjoseph Schmucki, of Elkridge, Md.; B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986. Computer Science. Thomas Michael Richards, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. George Washington University, 1982. Electrical Engineering. Mayer Stephen Schofer, ofGerman town, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Rodneyjames Ripley, of Elmira, N.Y.; B.S. Rochester Institute of Technology, 1984. Computer Science. Deborah Perkins Schuman, of Crofton, Md.; B.S. Memphis State University, 1986. Computer Science. Karen Chemelewski Roberts, of Lancaster, Pa.; B.S. Shippensburg University, 1987. Computer Science. Martin Andrew Schulman, of Altoona, Pa.; B.S. Case Western Reserve University, 1985; M.S. Carnegie-Mellon University, Paul John Roberts, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S. University of 1987. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Bruce Ralph Schupler, ofOlney, Md.; B.S. California Institute Francisco Antonio Rodriguez, of Ponce, Puerto Rico; B.S.E.E. of Technology, 1975; M.A. University of Texas at Austin, University of Puerto Rico, 1985. Electrical Engineering. 1977. Technical Management.

David Vincent Rose, ofArlington, Va.; BA. Temple University, John Jeffrey Schveibinz, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. University 1986. Applied Physics. of Akron, 1985. Electrical Engineering.

Shawn M. Rovansek, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State Howard E. Scott, of Phyllis, Ky.; B.A. Pikeville College, 1985. University, 1988. Computer Science. Computer Science.

Edward Rudman, of Monroeville, Pa.; B.S California Institute Mark Stephen Scott, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.S.E.E. University of of Technology, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Rochester, 1985. Applied Mathematics.

John Anthony Ruffa, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S.E.E. University Michael Robert Scott, of Pittburgh, Pa.; B.S. University of of Maryland, 1984. Electrical Engineering. Pittsburgh, 1987. Computer Science.

Deborah Whidby Russell, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University Todd Allan Seeman, of Warminster, Pa.; B.S. Virginia of Maryland, 1977. Computer Science. Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986. Computer Science.

81 Kevin (.cue- Smith, <>l [ohnstown, Pa.; B.S. University of Barbara Louise Seewer, ofColumbia, Md.; B.A. University of Pittsburgh, 1986 Computei Science.

Michigan, 1985. ( omputei Science.

Richard Deleal Smith, of ( iaithersburg, Md.; AS. I he Johns

Science. I Vnne rheresa Sefcik, ol Baltimore, Md. Computei lopkins University, 1'iTT; B.S . 1985. Computei Sc ience.

Cheryl Ann Sellers, ol Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S. rowson State Robert Douglas Snelic k.ol Kersey, Pa.; B5. Clarion Universit) University, 1986. Computei Science. ol Pennsylvania, 1986. Computei Science.

Kyungsil Heesue Seo, <>t Fredericksburg, Va.; B.S. Mar) Paul Rowland Snow, ofColumbia, Md; B.S.I P. ( bloradoState

Washington College, 1986. Computei Science. I Iniversity, 1986. Ele< u u al Engineei ing.

\i miii Sepehri, <>t Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S.E.E. Universit) "I Scot! Edward Snowberger, ol Chambersburg, Pa.; B.S. Maryland, 1985. Computei Science. Shippensburg University, 1985. Computei Science.

Edward (-hi Ming Seto, <>l Pasadena, Md.; B.S. Universit) <>l Raymond Mi< hael Sova,ol \ an tic oke, Pa.; B5. Pennsylvania

Maryland, 1986. Computer S( ience. State University, 1986. Applied Physi< s.

|. mies Mark Shannon, ofOlney, Md.; Computer S< ience. Christopher Lawrence Spathelf, <>t Scranton, Pa.; B.S.

Universit) ol Scranton, 1982: M.S. I lie Johns Hopkins Will) Seymour Shapiro, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S. Universit) <>l University, 198N. Electrical Engineering. M.u\ land. 1981; M.A. Boston University, 1984. Computer

S< ience. H.P.Srirangarajan.ol Shimoga, India; B. I ech. Indian Institute of Technology, 1976; M.S. Universit) of South Carolina, Sigrun Kirstin Sharp, of Olney, Md. Computer Science. 1979; M.S. Universit) ol Pittsburgh. 1981. Computer Science.

( iregi ii fames Sharpe, ofjohnstown, Pa.; B.S. University of James Crest on Stafford, ofWilmington, Del.; B.A Gettysburg j Pittsburgh al [ohnstown, 1982. Technical Management ( ollegc. 1984. Computer Sc ience.

Isaac Shefer.ol rel Aviv, Israel; BA. Bar-Dan University, 1987. Fric H. Steidl. of Fort Walton Beach. Fla.; B.S.F.F. Marquette

( iomputei Science. University, 1985. Electrical Engineering.

( hen Pier Shen. ot 1 ainan. Taiwan. Computer Science. Martin John Vianne) Stic h. of Kensington. Md.; B.S. Virginia Commonwealth University, 1986. Computer Science. Paul H. Shepherd, of"Baltimore. Md.: B. F.A.Man land Institute College ol An. 1974. Computer Science. Deborah Lynn Stokes, ot Pooles\ ille. Md.; B.S. University of California -Los Angeles, 1987. Computer Science.

( ..n \ Joseph Sikora, ofColumbia, Md.; B.A.E.E. Pennsylvania

Stale University, 1983. Electrical Engineering. William D. Stokes. Jr.. of Baltimore. Md.: M.S.F.F. Universit) of Mississippi. 1983. Electrical Engineering. [ames Terry Simpson, ol Simpsonville,S.C.;B.SJE.E.Clemson University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Richard Thomas Streifel, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. L'niversit\ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987. Computer Science. Rajiv Singh, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Indian School of Mines,

1980; M.S. Southern Illinois University, 1982; M.A.S. The So >tt Edward Sn cut. of ( lolumbia, Md.: A.A. Los Angeles Vallev Johns Hopkins University, 1986. Computer Science. College. 1981: B.S. California State University. 1985. Computer Science. Sharad Kumar Singh, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E. University ol Arbor, Computer Science. Strohecker. Md.: A.A.S. Paul Smith's Michigan Ann 1985. J. William of Laurel, College. 1974: B.S. State Universit) of New York. 1978. [aideep Sirkar, of Columbia, Md.; B.Tech. Indian Institute ol Computer Science. rechnology, 1981; M.S.F. University of Michigan, 1982. Computer Science. Bryan Terrence Strong, ofOlympia, Wash.; B.S. United States Merc ham Marine Academy, 1984. Computer Science. Bretl (ail Sivo, of Columbia, Md. Electrical Engineering. Donna Jean Stuedemann, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Universit)

Michael Patrick Slattery, of Catonsville, Md.; B.S.E.E. of Iowa. 1986. ( Computer Science. Pennsylvania State University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. John David Sunt/, of Finksburg, Md.: B.S.F.F. Universit) of

Charles Flint Smith, ol 1 afayette, Ind.; B.S. Purdue University, Maryland, 1983. Electrical Engineering.

198 1. ( lomputer Sc ience. James Brian Suesse, ol Pasadena. Md.: B.S. Universit) of [ennifei Lynn Smith, ol Ellicott City, Md.; B.S.F.F. Universit) Marx land. Baltimore County, 1987. Computer Science. ol \kron. 1986. Electrical Engineering. [oseph David Suever, ol Delphos, Ohio; B.S. Ohio State Kathryn Sc huh/ Smith, ol Westminster, Md.; B.A. (.one hei University, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

( !ollege, 1987. ( Computer Science.

82 Christine Marie Sullivan, ofGlen Bumie,Md.;B.S. St Michael's Douglas Ward ["rainer, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.S. University College, 1988. Computei Science, ol Maryland, 1979. Compute] Science.

Stephen Thomas Sullivan, ol Laurel. Md.; B.A. University

David Neil Sultan, of Germantown, Md.; B.S. University <>l

Maryland, 1985. Computer Science. Roland Morris Travis, of Ell icolt ( !ity, Md.; B.A. Mississippi Stale

University, 1964; M.Div. Reformed Theological Seminal \. Mark .Alan Summerfield, of Bowie, Md.; A. A. Howard 1975; I). Min. Vanderbilt University, 1978. Technical Community College, 1983; M.A. University of Mai viand, Management. 1985. Applied Mathematics.

Theodore J. Trela, of Bethesda, Md.; B.A. University of Steven Joseph Surdock, ofWestland, Mich.; B.S.E.E. Lawrence Massachusetts, 1985. Computer Science. Technological University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Antonio Trujillo-Gerboles, oi Laurel, Md.; B.S.C.E. John Andrew Svrjcek, of Abingdon, Md.; B.S. University ol University of Puerto Rico, 1986. Computer Science. Maryland, Baltimore County; M.A.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Computer Science. Richard David Tschiegg, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S. M.E. University of Akron, 1983. Applied Physics.

Scott Robert Swanson, of Rochester, Minn.; B.A. University < >t Minnesota-Duluth, 1985. Computer Science. Lisa Karen Tucker, of Crofton, Md.; B.S. Michigan State- University at Buffalo, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Susan Clemens Swanson, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S.N. University

of Maryland at Baltimore, 1982. Computer Science. John Lee Tucker, Jr., of Shady Side, Md.; B.S.A.E. Univei sin of Maryland, 1967; M.B.A. State University of New York. Michael Charles Tarquinio, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. University 1971. Electrical Engineering. of Maryland, 1986. Computer Science. Gregory Eugene Turner, of Gambrills, Md.; B.S. Mary Samuel Aaron Tarshish, of Baltimore, Md. Computer Science. Washington College, 1985. Applied Mathmatics.

Anthony Taylor, ofLaurel, Md.; B.S. University ofConnecticut, Gregory Alan Turner, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio; B.S. Bowling Green 1982. Computer Science. State University, 1986. Computer Science.

Bruce Edward Taylor, of Potomac, Md.; B.A.C.S. Brown Kevin Ross Turpie, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of University, 1986. Computer Science. Maryland, 1986. Applied Mathmatics.

Christopher Arthur Taylor, ofWest Chester, Pa.; B.S. Villanova Christopher Stephen Turton, of Buffalo, NY.; B.S.E.E. State University, 1986. Computer Science. University of New York, 1988. Electrical Engineering.

Frederick Douglas Taylor, Jr., of Richmond, Va.; B.S. Bowie Ronald Eugene Twist, of Linthicum, Md.; B.S.E.E. Marquette State University, 1985. Computer Science. University, 1973. Electrical Engineering.

Michelle Stevenson Thomas, ofTuscaloosa, Ala.; B.S. Stillman Marian Saben Ulman, of Burtonsville, Md.; B.S. Virginia College, 1985. Computer Science. Technological Institute and State University, 1984. Electrical Engineering. JeananneThoreson, ofLaurel, Md.; B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987. Computer Science. Glenn Leonard Unger, of Burtonsville, Md.; A.A. Catonsville

Community College, 1981 ; B.S.E.E. University of Maryland, Michael Joseph Tierney, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. University of 1985. Electrical Engineering. Maryland, 1988. Computer Science. John Thomas L'nkenholz, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. George

: Bunny J. Tjaden, of Rockville, Md.; B.A. Cedar Crest College, Washington L niversity, 1986. Electrical Enginering. 1967; M.S. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1970. Computei Science. Aaron David Valdivia, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Southern Illinois Univesity, 1981. Electrical Engineering. Barbara Mae Tobias, of Baltimore, Md.; A.S.C.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1983; B.S.E.E., 1986. Electrical Engineering. Alan Cole Van Ness, ofTowanda, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1987. Computer Science. Stephanie R. Toms, of Pasadena, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. Daniel Eric Vaughan, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.S. University of Pittsburgh, 1985. Computer Science. Daryl Charles Torgeson, ofjoplin, Mo.; B.S. Capitol College, 1987. Applied Mathematics. Mary Ellen Verona, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. University ofDayton, 1968; M.Ed. University of Maryland, 1986. Computer Tracey, WilliamJ. ofYonkers, N.Y.; B.S.E.E. Rochester Institute Science. of Technology, 1987. Computer Science.

83 ,

B.S.E.E. s . Steven Ira\ inner, ofSilvei Spring Md.; University of Mi< hael ]. West. of M. niton. N.J.: B A. Rul^e-i I niw-i sit\ i

Maryland, 1983. Ellec trical Engineei in^. Computet Sc ien< e.

[ohn Kenneth Vlahakis, ol Rockville, Md; BA Bucknell Laura Ucsion. of Bristol, RE. B.S.E.E. Pennsylvania State-

University, 1975. Computei Science. I niversity, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Kenneth Khiem-Du( Vu, <>f Faifax, Va.; B.S I 1 Virginia Kenneth Paul West tie k. of Hastings, Pa.; B.A. Sainl Fran< is

Polytec In i ii institute and State 1 niversity, 1988. Ek-i trical College, 1986. ( Omputei Science.

I ngineei ing,

I in R. White, ol Sumtei S.C/.B.A. University of Virginia, 198:5;

Elizabeth Biebei Wade, oi Buckeystown, Md.; U.S. I niversity M.B.A. College ol William and Mary, 1985. Computer

|oseph Donald Wagner, ol Cockeysville.Md.; B.S.E.E. Virginia David Lyle Whitmore, ol Pasadena, Md; B.S. University of

Polvtechnic Institute and State University, 1987. Electrical Akron. 198 1. ( Computer Sc ience. Engineei in^. Keith Lee Wihle, of Jesup, Md; B.S. Pennsylvania State Natalie Maria Wallace, of New Freedom, Pa.; B.S. Loyola University, 1983. Computer Science. College ol Maryland, 1985. Electrical Engineering. David Ira Wilens. of Herndon. Va.; AS. Pennsylvania State- Dale Louis Walters, of Damas( us, Md.; B.S. Xavier University, University. 1981; K.S.. 1982. Electrical Engineering. 1964. rechnical Management. R.Allen Wilkinson, ofLewisville, Pa.; B.S. Clarion University,

( hee-Hsien Wan, of Dallas. 1 exas;B.A. State University of.New- 1986. Computer Science. York, 1985. Computer Science. Stephen Allan Williams, Walkersville, Md; A.S. Midlands Gary Lei Wang, of Toronto, Ontario. Canada; B.S.E.E. Technical College, 1979; B.S. Clemson University, 1981. University of Maryland. 1981. Computer Science. Computer Science.

Sherry Denise Ware, of Suffolk, Va.; B.S. Norfolk State Xane Vincent Wingard, of Birmangham, Ala.; B.S.E.E. Auburn University, 1985. Computer Science. University, 1987. Electrical Engineering.

Ronald Carlos Warehime, ofMassillon, Ohio; B.S. University Wendy Ann Winner, of Concordville, Pa.; B.A. Franklin and of Akron, 1985. Computer Science. Marshall College. 1984. Computer Science.

Robert Douglas Warthen, ofEmmitsburg, Md.; B.S. Virginia Carl Brian Wischhusen, ofjarrettsville. Md.; B.S.E.E. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988. Computer Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987. Electrical Science. Engineering.

John Francis Waters, Jr., of Hagerstown, Md.; B.S.E.E. West Robert Francis Wittman. of Apopka. Ela.: B.S.E. Tulane Virginia University, 1987. Electrical Engineering. University, 1984. Computer Science.

Ralph Watson, of Baltimore. Md; B.S. Loyola ( lollege, 1987. DianeM. Wolfe, of Oerman town. Md.; B.S. Pennsylvania State Applied Mathematics. University, 1988. Computer Science.

Barryjay Weber, ofColumbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. Tufts University, George John Scott Wolter, of Iselin. N.J.: B.S.E.E. Rensselaer 1987. Electrical Engineering. Polytechnic Institute, 1985. Electrical Engineering.

Todd W. Wegman, of Woodville, Ohio; B.S.E.E. University of Andrew Won, of Beltsville. Md.; B.S.E.E. George Washington Toledo. 1985. Electrical Engineering. University, 1984. Electrical Engineering.

Timothy Robert Weil, ofTakoma Park, Md.; B.A. Immaculate Kwok To Wong. < >f ( Columbia, Md.: B.S.E.E. Temple University Heart College, 1976. Computer Science. Technical Management.

Stephen Patrick Welbv. of Garnerville, N.V.; B.S. Cooper Andrew David Wood, of Glen Bumie, Md; B.S.E.E. Georgia Union, 1987; M.S. B.A. East Texas State University, 1988. Institute of Technology. 1986. Electrical Engineering. Applied Mathematics.

Carmel Anne Wood, of Bow ie, Md.: B.E.S. TheJohns Hopkins

Vanoy ( Welch, ofPasadena, Md.; B.S.E.E. New Mexico State University, 1985. Electrical Engineering. University, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Donald Woodburv. of Jessup. Md. Technical Management. Randall William Welfley, of Germantown, Md. Computei

Sc ic-ni e. Cynthia Leigh Woods, of Elkridge. Md; A. A. Anne Arundel Community College. 1981; B.S. University ol Baltimore. Daniel Herman Wen/lick, of Einthicum. Md.; B.S.E.E. Ohio 1986. Computer Science. Northern University, 1986. Electrical Engineering.

84 Yveite Cordelia Woods, of Glen Burnie, Md.; B.S. Clemson Paula Jean Young, of Sterling, Va. ( iompuler S< icih e. University, 1985. Computer Science. SimoneMai iaYoungblood,ofEllicott City, Md.;BA. Fib hburg

Alan Robert Wright, ofNewark, N.J.; B.S. Kean College, 1985. State College, 1984. Computer Scieiu e, Computer Science. Choor C. Yu, of Bel Air, Md. Computer St ience. Brian Keith Wright, of Columbia, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Maryand, 1986. Electrical Engineering. Yiwei Yu, of New Canolton. Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Maryland, 1987. Computer Science. Gregory Lynn Wright, of Columbia, Md; B.S.E.E. University of Notre Dame, 1987. Electrical Engineering. Susan Zammit, of Wheaton, Md.; B.S.E.E. University of Maryland, 1987. Electrical Science. Edward Voting Wu, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S University of Maryland, 1986. Computer Science. Richard Joseph Zebrowski, of Coliumbia. Md.; B.S.M.E.

Marquette University, 198 1. Computer Science. Kevin Wayne Yant, of Odenton, Md.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1982. Computer Science. Tracy Sue Zimmerman, ofLongmeadow, Mass.; B.A. Goucher College, 1984; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1987. TiengKim Yap. of Springfield, Va.; B.S.E.E. Illinois Institute Technical Management. of Technology, 1988. Electrical Engineering. Paul John Zohorsky III, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. United States Denise Elbert Yarema, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Drexel Naval Academy, 1980. Technical Management. University, 1985. Computer Science.

Por-Wun Yeh, of Columbia, Md.; Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984. Computer Science.

85 Masters oj Science in Engineering in The G.W.C. Whiting School ofEngineering

s. miii. i Abbasi, <»l Dhaka, Bangladesh. Geography and Angela Ka\ Eleazer, c>| Stockton. Calif.; B.S. University of

1- I n\ iron mental ngineei ing. CalifomiaDavis, 1989. Computet Science.

( k k of ( Aim. East Brunswick, N.J. Electrical and lomputei \Ih hael Lawrence Falk, ol Massapequa, V> ,;B . \ I he- [ohns

I ngineei m;^. Hopkins University, 1990. Computei Science.

<>l B.S Baha Aydin Akbora, Istanbul, rurkey; Bogazici Ruqiang Feng, ol Shanghai, Peoples Republic of ( :hina: B 1

Universitesi, rurkey, 1988. < ivil Engineering. Computational Shanghai University ol Science- and rechnology, 198'2; Methods in Optimization ofStructural Frames imdei Multiple Stress Certificate, 1986. Mechanical Engineering. The Dynamic

( onstraints. Compressibility of Elastohydrodynamii Lubricants.

I is. I i \li( lirllr ( iolumbia, Md.;B.S. toward University, Sreenivasa Rao( lorti, ofBombay, India. Civil Engineei in^. A

1988. ( iomputei S< iciic c. Graphical Surface-Na\ igation I ee hnique for Multi-objective Programming Problems.

Sarah Ellen Bobbin, ol Ellicott< !ity,Md.;B.S. Lafayette < lollege,

L981. M .it 1 1 ials S< ience and Engineei ing. Determination of Michael Alan Guttman, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. The Johns

the Flexural Mo/lulus oj Thin Films From Lasei I Itrasonic 1 lopkins I fniversity, 198."). Biomedical Engineering. Contour Measurement oj the First Arrival of the Symmetric Lamb Estimation m Tagged Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images, Wave. \ .in Hua David He, ofGuang/hou. China: M.S. Oklahoma Stale

Kingshuk Hose, c il Wesl Bengal, India. Mechanical Engineering. University, 1988. Mathematical Sciences. Crack Growth under Mixed Mode Conditions. Vincent Ray Hill, of Towson, Md. Geography and |ames Joseph Canig,Jr.,ofRome,N.Y.;B.S. Syracuse University, Environmental Engineering. 1990. Electrical and Computer Engineering. Darren Lee Hitt, ofPerry Hall, Md Mechanical Engineering. Yingbin Chen, ol Baltimore, Md. Electrical and Computer Thin-Layer Thermocapillary Flows Driven b\ Thermal Engineering. Radiation.

Dominic Dough-Ming Cheung, <>f Alhambra, C -

Engineering. Automated Image Analysis <>/ Cochlear Nerve Fibers. Jonathan Simon Kay, ofGaithersburg, Md. Computer Science. In Empirical Study of Using Certification Trials to Achieve Software

Man Harry ( lohen.of Baltimore. Md. Biomedical Engineering. Fault Tolerance. Analog VLSI Implementation oj an AutoAdaptive Synthetic Xenial Network for RealTime Separation oj Independent ParooDolar kova. of Baltimore. Md. Biomedical Engineering. Signal Sources.

Nagendra Kumar, ofMeerut, India. Electrical and ( lomputer Debra L. Cook, of Baltimore, Md. Mathematical Sciences. Engineering.

Man A. Cordaro, of Flushing, N.Y.; B.F.. The Cooper Union Murray Lantner, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; B.S. TheJohns Hopkins School of Engineering, 1986. Biomedical Engineering. A University, 1990. Geography and Personal Computer-Based Display of Three-Dimensional Engineering. Tongue Surface Dynamics. Seung-Joon Lee, ofSeoul, Korea; B.S. Brown University, 1989. Richard Scott Cost, ofNutley, N.J.; B.A. Colgate University, Electrical and Computer Engineering. 1988. Computer Science. An Instance Based Approach to Learning Classes with Symbolic Features. Matthew [erome Lesho, ofEllicott City, Md.; B.S. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1989. Biomedical Engineering.Dynamic William Bradford Cross, oi Annapolis, Md.; B.S. University ol Diameter Responses oj Rat Intestinal \ 'envies to Prolonged, Maryland, 1984. Civil Engineering. Perturbations in Yenular Pressure.

Hristos Anthanasios Davatzikos, of Kifissia, ( .recce. Electrical Robert Scott l.ilkud. of Lutherville, Md: B.S. University of and ( lomputer Engineering. Maryland, 1986. Materials Science and Engineering.A Novel Method for Generating Loral Electrochemical Impedance Robexl P. Dobrow, ofBrookline, Mass. Mathematical Scienc es. Spectroscopy.

( ihristoforos E. Economakos, ofKifissia, < >ree< e. Electric aland

( omputer Enginei ing.

86 Neil Edward Lofgren, ofBerwyri Heights, M<1. Electrical and Veljko Rosk.ii. i>i Zagreb, Yugoslav ia. Chemical Engineering.

Computer Engineering. Dielectric Behavioi of Mixtures m the Liquid and Critical Regions.

Dennis C. Lu, of Columbus, Ohio; B.S. The Johns Hopkins Jason Seth Rothman, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Washington University, 195)0. Materials Science and Engineering. Universit) of St Louis. 1988. Biomedical Engineering.

Nondestructive Examination of Case Hardened Layers by .\ lean s oj

Eddy Currents. K.msik Sarkar, of Calcutta, India. Mechanical Engineering. .4 Numerical Study oj The GinzburgLandau Equation In Jen-Jen Lung, of Elmhurst, N.Y.; B.S. The Johns Hopkins Thet mocapillary Flow. University, 1990. Computer Science. Dinesh Srivastava, of Allahabad. India. Mechanical

Kenneth Stewart Macturk, ofBerwyn Heights, Md.; B.S. The Engineering. Production of Fluorescent Particles for Flow Johns Hopkins University, 19S7. Materials Science and Visualization. Engineering. The Characterization of Compressive Properties of High Performance Fibers. Lisa Carol Sword, of Davidson ville, Md.;B.M.E. Universit) oi Delaware. 1985. Biomedical Engineering..! Methodologyfor the Donna Jean Mayton, of Petersburg, Va; B.A. University of Dynamic Characterization ofCollagen Morphologyin Tissue Derived Virginia, 1986. Materials Science and Engineering. Optical Biomaterials.

Beam Deflection Studies of Microwave Absorption and Field Distribution in Dipolar Fluids. Chen Chia Wang, of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Republic of China; B.S. National Taiwan University, 1988. Electrical and

Robert Lenard Moore III. < if Westminster. Md.; B.S. University ( Computer Engineering. of Maryland. Baltimore County. 1989. Mathematical Sciences. Todd Mark Wilson, of Dubois, Pa.; B.S. Case Western Reserve University, 1987. Chemical Engineering. Elect rodepositurn of Ramaswamy Murali, of Bangalore, India. Electrical and Aluminum from Supercritical Organic Electrolytes. Computer Engineering. Tsung Chih Winston Woo, of New York. N.Y. Biomedical Osamu Nakagome, ofTokyo.Japan; B.E. Hokkaido University, Engineering. Fractals in AuditoryNerve Spike Trains. 1984. Geography and Environmental Engineering. Chihsien Wu, ofChangwa Hsien, Peoples Republic of China. George John Papamichail, of Athens, Greece. Mathematical Geography and Environmental Engineering. Sciences. Kewei Yang, of Beijing, Peoples Republic of China; B.S.E. Wai-Tat Peter Poon, of Hong Kong; B.S. University of Calgary. Tsinghua University, 1986. Electrical and Computer 1988. Biomedical Engineering. Adaptive Filtering of Engineering. TimeVarying Evoked Potentials. Xin Yu, of Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. Electrical and

Mark Richards, of Tinton Falls, N.J.; B.S. The Johns Hopkins Computer Engineering. University, 1988. Biomedical Engineering. The Development of Poly(phosphoesters) for Biomedical Applications. Lihui Zhang, of Changsha, Peoples Republic of China. Mathematical Sciences.

Michael Rooney, of Clifton Park, N.J. Materials Science and Engineering. Nondestructive Evaluation ofStructural Bondsfor Large Solid Rocket Motor Applications.

87 A

Masters ofArts in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

ll,ni\ \ Bowman, <>f facobus, Pa. Geograph) and David Voung Parker.Jr., of ML Juliet, I enn. Geography and

I' n\ ironmental Engineei ing. Environmental Engineering. Removal oj Trihalomethane Precursors By Microfiltration.

\ikIic.i Maria Buckley, <>l Ludwigshafen, Germany. A. DaytonaBeach( immunity College, 1979; B.S. University ol Franc ineMithraSteininger.oi Washington, D.C4BA. Barnard Florida. 1981. Geograph) and Environmental Engineering. College, 1984. Geograph) and Environmental Engineering.

inalysis oj a Sediment Core from a Cypress Swam/) in Male-Specific Coliphage as Indicators of had Contamination Delaware with a Description oj Habitat Succession. in Chesapeake Btn Soft Shell (.hum.

Robert Lincoln Humphreys, <>l Salem, Va, Geograph) and Environmental Engineering. Accumulation, Regulation and

the Political Economy oj Third World I -rban Housing.

Masters ofArts in The School ofArts and Sciences

Susan Aaronson, of Great Neck, N.Y.; B.A. State University of William Joseph Astore. of Brockton. Md.; B.S. Worcester New York at Binghamton, 1976; MIA. Columbia University, PolvtechnicaJ Institute, 198."). History of Science. American 1978. History. (/itliolic Responses to Evolutionary Theories, 1845-75.

Christine Mane Adams, of Mankato, Minn.; B.A. University of Christopher McNeil Bailey, of Charlottesville, Ya; BA. College Minnesota, 1985; MA. George Washington University, 1987. of William and Man. 1989. Earth and Planetary Sciences. History. Jennifer Marie Bauman. of Salt Lake City, L'tah; B.A. University Stephen Bernard Adams, of Palo Alto, Calif.; B.A. University of Utah, 1987. Histon of Art. of CalifomiaDavis, 1977; M.B.A. University of Michigan, 1982. Historv. Samuel Davidson Bedinger, of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. California State UniversitvXordiridge, 1987. Sociology. Kamran Asdar Ali, of Karachi, Pakistan; B.A. Universit) ol

Karachi, 1987. Anthropology. Judv Alice Bieber, of Ken il worth. N.J.; B.A. Rutgers University, 1987. Histon. Madeleine Stein Allen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1985. Writing Seminars. Tfw Girl in the Joannne Biletta, ofSilver Spring. Md.: B.A. George Washington Minor and Other Stories. University, 1987. Philosophy.

Patrick Paul Kaduma Asea, of Kampala, Uganda; B.A. Jeffrey Seth Blitz, of Ridgewood. NJ.; B.A. TheJohns Hopkins M.ikerere Univesity, Uganda, 1986; M.A. Bocconi University, 1990. Writing Seminars. No One Mas Touch the University, Italy, 1988. Economics. King of Chorea.

88 Stephen Brock Blomberg, ofMonroe, N.C.; B.S. Universit) of /.. In. ol ( Iholon, Viel Nam.; B.A. I fnivei sit) <>l Nevada, Tampa, 1989. Economics. 1986; M.A. Northwestern University, 1988. Philosophy.

Judit Bodnar, of Budapest, Hungary; M.A. Kail Marx Qingfen Gan, of Tianjin, Peoples Republic ol China. University, 1986. Sociology. Chemistry.

Jozsef Martha Borocz, of Budapest, Hungary. Sociology. Carmen GarciaRasilla, ol Valladolid. Spain. Hispanic and Italian Studies. Claudia Desantis Bowe, of Ruxton, Md.; B.A. Yale University, 1979. Writing Seminars. Relative Losses. MariaElizabeth Gough, ofMelbourne, Australia. History ofArt

David Bresch, of Briarcliff, N.Y.; B.A. Columbia University, Lei Guang, of Anhui, Peoples Republic of ( China.; ( Certificate,

1 988. Political Science. Physics and Qhmntitative Internatiorml Huanghe University, 1987; M.A. Luoyang Foreign Relations Research. Languages University, 1988. Political Science. The Makingof a Rei'ersed Representation System. JoyceS. Brown, of Baltimore, Md.;B.A. Oberlin College, 1961;

MAT. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1 962; MA. St. Mary's Patricia Welsh Gucer, of Lutherville, Md; B.A. Dumbarton Seminary and University, 1971. Writing Seminars. Raised. College of Holy Cross, 1963; M.S. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1979. Sociology. Teresa Marie Buerkle, of Rochester, N.Y.; B.A. New York University, 1984. Writing Seminars. Where We Start From. Roberto Gutierrez, of Bogota, Columbia; Diploma De Inqiniero, Universidad De Los Andes, 1986. Sociology. DanielaCemmaCapra, of San thia, Italy. Hispanic and Italian Studies. Patrick Hagopian. of London, England; B.A. University of Sussex, 1982; MA. University of Pennsylvania, 1989. History. Annalisa Castaldo, of Newtown Square, Pa.; B.A. Wellesley College, 1988. English. Laura Vinson Harper, of Annapolis, Md.; B.A. University of Rochester, 1985. Chemistry.

Iris ShunRu Chang, of Urbana, 111.; B.S. University of Illinois, 1989. Writing Seminars. The Poetry of Science. DeSales Harrison, of West Palm Beach, Fla.; B.A. Yale University, 1990. Writing Seminars. Heads of Wild Indigo. Wenjyh Chiu, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.; B.B.A. National Taiwan University, 1987. Economics. Peter Harry Henderson, of Glenwood, Md.; B.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1982; M.P.P. Harvard University, 1984. YoungKeun Chung, of Seoul, Korea; B.Econ. Korea University, History. 1983. Economics. Igor Fedor Herbut, of Beograd, Yugoslavia. Physics and

Susan Lynn Dauber, ofOakland, N.J.; B.A. Thejohns Hopkins Astronomy. University, 1986. Sociology. Anne Patricia Hillstrom. of Rockville, Md.; B.S. Virginia Samuel Robert Davis, of Towson, Md.; B.S. University of Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1983. Psychology. CalifomiaLos Angeles, 1985. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Tatsuyoshi Hirano, of Niiza Saitama,Japan; B.A. Hitotsubashi Michael Patrick Dee, ofManchester, Mo.; B.A. Amherst College, University, 1984. Economics. 1981. English. Mary Anne Hoppe, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. College of Notre Alexandra Draganescu, of San Jose, Calif.; B.S. University of Dame of Maryland, 1988. Mathematics. CaliforniaBerklev, 1988. Chemistry. Sharyn Elise Horowitz, of Yardley, Pa. Writing Seminars. Sasa Dukan, of Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Physics and Astronomy. Evolution.

Ian Michael Fried, of Highland Park, 111. Political Science. Tomohike Inui. ofTokyo.Japan; B.E. Hitotsubashi University, 1985. Economics. Wage Rigidity and Sectoral Adjustment. David Paul Friedlander, of Silver Spring. Md.; B.A. Washington University of St. Louis, 1986. Physics and Astronomy. An Jose Iehezkel Itzigsohn, ofJerusalem, Israel. Sociology. Examination of Comet Halley's Albedo at Varying Heliocentric Distances. Elizabeth Margaret Jones, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; B.A. McMaster University. 1988. Psychology. MarkJoseph Friedman, of Silver Spring, Md. History. Magnolias and Mayhem: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi Howard Gistjones III, of Tucson. Ariz.; B.S. United States Air Remembered. Force Academy, 1985. History.

Norman Philip Friesen, of Winnipeg, Canada. German. John Seebergjorgensen, of Gaithersburg, Md. Near Eastern Studies. Annette Frisch.ofLudwigshafen, Germany. Political Science. Environmental Degradation in Developing Countries: Causes Matthew Isaac Joslyn. of Grand Junction. Colo.; B.S. Friends and Policy Approaches. University, 1990. Writing Seminars. Scientific Perspectives in Health. Sociology, and History.

89 .

|unling Ma, ofLingchuan, Peoples Republic ofChina. Political

Han-Yung [ung, oi Seoul, Korea; B.E. Sung Kyun Kwan Si ience 1 he SinoBritish Negotiation Ovei du- Future of

l niversity, Korea, 1981 It onomi< s Hong kuii^ and tfie Inline ol Hong Kon^ Aftcl the Agreement David (olin Keavney, oi Norwalk, Conn. Physics and

Vstronomy. I a\ ( heng Ma, ol raipei, raiwan, Republic ol China; B.A

Chinese ( ultural University, 1979; MA. Sock how I Iniversity,

|oshua ( hristophei Kind. ill. oi New \<>ik. N.Y.; BA. Yale 1981. !< ononiK s.

l nivei sii\, 198 I I lumanities.

Jennifei l'auleite Mat ke. ol ( inc innali. ( )hio; B.A. ( lollege oi

Richard Lewis Campbell Keyser II, ofCrozet,Va.; B.S. College Wooster, 1984. Bi< d«.^\ oi William and Mary, 1982. History.

Mohammad Mali iool' I aim. ol Pal audi l. Pakistan ( hen list i \ Kathleen [ane Kingma, ol Marietta, Ohio.; B.S. Marietta College, 1984; M.A. Ohio State University, l989.Earthand [ennifei Collins Man ion. of Windsor, Conn.; BA Wellesle)

Planetai j S( ien< es. College, 1987. Philosophy.

[ames ( lordon Kirklin, oi 1 iffin, ( )hio. Earth and Planetar) Curtis Mi< hael Masiello, oi Woodsto< k, Conn.; BA Universit) S< line cs. of Connecticut, 1982. Political Science. 1 he Past as Prelude:

I In' Defense Debate m the Cold War.

Kim M.nic Klein, ol Elgin, Neb.; B.A. ( Ireighton University, 1987. History. MarkJoseph May, ol Roc k\ River, Ohio; B5. Purdue University,

1989. Physi< s and Astronomy.

Anthoula Komninou, <>t Athens, Greece.; Diploma. Aristotle Universit) of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1982. Earth and Anne Laura Mi CI an an. ol Virginia Beach, Va.; BA Columbia Planetar) S( iences. University, 1989. Histor) ol Art

Rutli Katheryn Krekeler.oi ( ledai Rapids, Iowa. B.A. ( lomell Bonnie Sue M< Elhinny, of Evans City, Pa.; B.Phil. Universit) University, 1988. German. of Pittsburgh, 1987. English. The Rational Romantic? Hit

Imperatives <>/. and Analytical Categories in, Literary Belli Alls n Krizek, ofSilver Spring, Md.;B.S. Duke University, Criticism and Man Wollstonecraft's Letters Written During

1988. Chemistry. a Slim I Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

Ashok Kumar, ol Ranchi, India. Physics and Astronomy. Frederick Charles Merkel, of Ambler. Pa.; B.A. Universit) of Delaware, 1989; B.S., 1989. Psychology. David Alan Kyle, ol Naples. Kla.: B.A. Loyola University oi Chicago, 1984. Sociology. L'hike Barbara Moetzel, of Hilzingen. Germany. Political Science.Budget Politics: The Background and Development Edward H. Sparrow, of Detroit, Mich.; B.A. Princeton of the Balanced Budget and Emerging Deficit Control Act of

University, 1 987. Writing Seminars. \ ampire Deer and Muffed 1985. Elephants. Christopher Anthony Moffatt, of Toronto. Canada; B.S.

( .nenho Lee. oflncheon, Korea; B.S. Yonsei University, Korea. Universit) of Toronto. 1989. Psychology. 1986; M.S.. 1988. Physics and Astronomy. Francesco Paolo Mongelli, of Rome. Italy; Certificato Libera, Seunghun Lee, oflrijeonbuk, Korea; B.S. Korea University, Universita Intemazionale, 1984. Economics. 1985; Ml... 1987. Physics and Astronomy. Hideaki Mori, ofNagasaki,Japan; BA. Keio University, 1983:

Seyong Lee, of Seoul. Korea; B.A. Seoul National University, MA. International ( Ihristian University, 1987. Economics. 1982; MA, 1985. Sociology. Dean Mo/ei ic of Koper. Yugoslavia Physics and Astronomy.

1 aekYu of Seoul. Korea; B.S. Rogei Williams College, 1988. Chemistry. Douglas Patrick Munro, ofSalisbury, England; MA Universit) of Edinburgh, Scotland. 198b. Political Science. The

( IhiaJyiLiu.ofChiaYi, laiw an. Republic ofChina; B.S. National Nationalization of Southern Politics: Southern Democratic Taiwan University, 1984. Chemistry. Senators, from Eisenhower to Bush.

Kenneth [ohn 1 aylor Livi, ofFranklin Square. N.Y.; B.S. State Muslehuddin, ol Islamabad. Pakistan. Economics. Universit) ol Nev. York at Stonybrook, 1980; M.S.. 198.1. Earth and Planetar) S( iences. Bemadette Russell Naden,oi Uniontown, Pa.; B.A. Dickinson College. 1980. Writing Seminars. Selected Hardwoods, A

Ming l.u. ol Beijing, Peoples Republic ol China. Chemistry. Collection of Poems.

Richard E. Ludwick,Jr., ofLibertytown, Md.; B.A. Gettysburg Paul Neave Nelles, of Vancouver, British Columbia. Canada:

( lollege, 1973. Economics. BA. University ol British Columbia, 1987. 1 lumanities.

Phillip Bruce Lund, of Bristol, bid.; B.A. Indiana University, 1985. Writing Seminars. [Tie Order oi Forgetting.

w .

Gerard Anthony O'Donovan, <>l Galway, Ireland. B.A. Richard Young S( handler, of Washington, D.( .;B.A. Universit) Universit) College Galway, 1983; MA. [988. Writing of California-Berkeley, 1976. So< iology. Seminars. Columbus Rides Again,

( larlos Rezende Seligo, oi ( lorte Medera, ( lalif.; B.A. Universit) Dawn O'Rourke, ofBrooklyn, N.Y.;B.S. State University ofNew of< lalifomia-Berkeley, l989.WritingSeminars.Mn£jD?afA5. York ai Albany, 1989. Chemistry. Julia Smith Scnsenbrenner. of Neeiiah. Wis.; B.A. Pi in< eton Kathleen RoseannaOToole, ofWilmington, Del.; BA. Catholic University, 1983. Sociology University ofAmerica, 1974. Writing Seminars. Canticles in Ordinary Time. Marc Bernard Setterlund, of Arlington. Wis.; B.A. Gustavus Adolphus College, 1989. Psychology. John Frederick Packham, of Oklahoma City, Okla.; B.A.

University of ( )klahoma, 1982. Sociology. Mar) M.irgaiet Shaffer, of Lexington, Va.; B.A. I 'niversit) of Virginia. 1986. Hispanic and Italian Studies. |oi)Ho Park, of Seoul, Korea; B.A. Seoul National University,

1988. Economics. EmmettJoseph Sharkey, of Yuba City, ( !alif.; B.A. Universit) of Notre Dame, 1990. Writing Seminars. Storiesfin a Thesis. Alison Marie Parker, of Los Angeles, Calif. History. Ravi Sharma, of Arlington, Va. Economics. Thomas Cant/on Paul, of Cocoa Beach, Fla.; B.S. Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989. Physics and Astronomy. Shwujane Shieh, of Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.B.A. National Taiwan University, 1984; MB. A., 1986.

James Ellis Porter, of Hamilton Square, N.J.; B.A. Rider College, Economics. 1986. Political Science. Collaboration, The Supression of

Man Man and the Establishment of 'Moderate Rule' in I [yungsoo Shim, ofSeoul, Korea; B.A. Seoul University, 1976; Kenya, 19531973. M.A., 1985. Economics.

David Michael Rajnes, of Johnson City, N.Y.; B.A. University Jean Lara Silver, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Wesleyan University,

of Pennsylvania, 1 973; M.M. Catholic University ofAmerica, 1990. Writing Seminars. Wars On and With Disease: A Look 1980; M.A. American University, 1985. Economics. at the Marketing of Condoms and at Forms oj Biological War/are. Catherine Anna Rhodes, ofSanta Cruz, Calif.; B.A. University of California Santa Cruz, 1978. Anthropology. Lynn Kerrell Simmons, of LakeTahoe, Calif; B.A. Universit) of CaliforniaBerkeley, 1987. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Andrew Chamberlin Rieser, of Bedford, Mass. History. Discourse and the 'Loss' of China: The Owen Lattimore John Carl Francis Siman, of Baltimore, Md. Classics. Debates. Laura Marie SingelHenderson, of Owings Mills, Md.; B.S. Jonathan Abram Roberts, of New York, N.Y. History. Voices Juniata College, 1987. Chemistry. of an Antiwar Movement: Baltimore during the Vietnam War. Eugene A. Smelik, of Morehead City, N.C.; B.S. Cleveland State University, 1982. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Susan Louise Rogers, of Los Angeles, Calif.; B.A. Princeton

University, 1982. Writing Seminars. Shining with Violets. Carl Edward Smith, Jr., of Charleston, W.Va. Near Eastern Studies.

Jill Dana Rothstein, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A. Adelphi University, 1990. Writing Seminars. The Green Start. Laura Isabelle Smith, of Havertown, Pa. Psychology. Self Concept Discrepancy and Recovery From Sexual Deirdre Alexia Royster, of Arlington, Va.; B.A. Virginia Assault. Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987. Sociology.

Judith Ann Smrha, ofOakland. Calif.: B.A. Mills College. 1 987. Susan Elizabeth Sakimoto, of Walla Walla, Wash.; B.A. Economics. Whitman College, 1989. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Anil Sookdeo, of Natal, South Africa. History. Amalia Sapag. of Santiago, Chile. Chemistry. Edward H. Sparrow, of Detroit, Mich.; B.A. Princeton StevenJames Sarson. of Leicestershire, England; B.A. University University, 1987. Writing Seminars. Vampire Deer and Muffled of East Anglia, England, 1987. History. Elephants.

Steven Boyd Saum, ofCoronado, Calif.; B.A. Emory University, Alan Richard Spies, of Carriere, Miss. Physics and Astronomy 1989; M.A., 1989. Writing Seminars. Wreckage.

Diana Lvnne Steele, of Princeton, N.J.; B.A. Colgate University, Thomas Klaus Schaller, of Gerbrunn, Germany. Political 1985. Chemistry. Science. International Press Coverage of Recent Changes in East Germany. Brooke Charles Stevens, ofNew York, N.Y. Writing Seminars. The Actor Prepares.

91 1

\It I iss.i Aimc Sicw. u i. oi Uexandria, Va.; B.A. Hamilton sin. m Alan Weinstein, <>l North Bellmore, N.Y.; B.S. State

( ollege, 1981; MA Duke I niversity, 1986. Hispanii and Universit) ol New York at Binghamton, 1983. Earth and

Italian Studies. Planetai v S< iences.

\\ illi.mi Kellehei Storey,Jr.,ol Mount Sinai, N.Y.;BA. Harvard Wesley Marshak Weinberg, ol New York, N.Y.;BA. Universit) University, 1987. listens. ot CaliforniaBerkeley, 1987. Writing Seminars. WlmtlfThes

\ii You Too. \l.u\ |ane Sundius, ol Monkton, Md.; BA. Vale University, 1978. Six iology. I'll ikeWeissenberger.ol Dogem, Germany. Political Science. The Struggle Over the Wat Powers Act Undei the Reagan

( iregorj 1 lawkes Symmes, oi North Plainfield, N.J. Earth and and Bush Administrations. Planetai \ S< ien< es. Helen Wheadey, ol Portland. Ore.; B.A. Universit) ol

Istvan Szapudi, "l Siofok, I lungary. Physics and Astronomy. California-Santa Cruz, 1983. History.

Soheyla I air I el nam. ol 1 chran, Iran; BA. 1 el nan I'niversitv, I orre) Stephen Whitman, ol Millersville, Md.; B.A. Michigan [987. Sociology. State University, 1971; MA. Drexel University, 1973. History.

Roderick S.C. Tang, ofSarawak, Malaysia; B.A. College ofSanta James Scott Wiley, ofVienna. Va.; B.A. Si I.awrenc el niversity,

He, 1987. Chemistry. 1978. Politic; il Science, Tlie Transformation of Empiricism: David Hume and tlw Problem of Theory arul Practice. Helen Fletcher Thompson, of Bangor, Maine; BA. Amherst

College. 1989. Writing Seminars. Science and I: A Collection ( leorge Wilson, ofSpring Valle) ,N.Y.; B.A. State Unh ei sin of of Essays. New York, 1978; MA. Brown University, 1983. Sociology.

Henry Charles Topper, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Celia Marshall Wren, of Fairlee. \'t.; B.A. Radcliffe College. Notre Dame, 1967. Political Science. Lenin on Party 1989. The Bat Flew. Leadership. Karin Anne Wulf, of Chev) Chase. Md.; B.A. American

Drew Avedis Torigian, ol Paramus, N.J. Mathematics. University, 1985. History.

Shwu Chen Tsay, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.S. Yiki Zavales, of Bergan field, N.J. Hispanic and Italian Studies. National Taiwan University, 1985. Chemistry.

Chen Zhu, of Jiangsu. Peoples Republic of ( ;hina: B.K. Chengdu Jeffrey ClumLee Tseng, of Los Altos, Calif. Physics and College of Geology, 1982. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Astronomy. Min Zhu. of Shanghai. Peoples Republic ofChina. Economics. Ruiqian Wan, ofXian, Peoples Republic ofChina. Psychology. Jonathan Lurie Zimmerman, of Baltimore. Md.: B.A. Columbia Stefan Weiler, ofFussgoenheim, Germany. Political Science. University. 1983. History. President Bush and the Polish and Hungarian Initiative of 1989.

92 Doctors ofEducation in The School of Continuing Studies

BarbaraGrace( bottom, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.S.Shippensburg Linda Mary Loughrey, of Severna Park, Md. The Effects of University, 1969;M.S.TheJohns Hopkins University, 1980. Multisensory Reading Techniques upon the Recognition and

The Effects of Multisensory Authoring Computer System (MACS) I 'tilization of Function Words by AphaSU Stroke Patients. with and without Voice Accompaniment on the Word Recognition of Students with Learning Disabilities. Sarah Jane McPherson, of Griffin, Ca.; B.A. University of Arkansas, 1969; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. Evelyn M. Dailey, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Frostburg State The Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Training Using Computet University, 1973; MJEdTowson State University, 197 1;C.A.S. Assisted Instruction for Vocabulary Acquisition by Students with

The Johns I lopkins University, 1 986. The Relative Efficacy of Learning Disabilities. CooperativeLearning Versus Individualized Inaming"" the Writing

Performance of Adolescents with Writing Problems. Alan G. Nemerofsky, of Plainfield, N.J.; M.S. West Virginia

University, 1971; M.A. Loyola College, 1 976. Child Sexucd A base Marjorie Ann Fessler, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.A. Brooklyn Prevention: Teacher and Child Variables Affecting the learning of College. 1968; M.S. University of Wisconsin, 1971; M.S.E., Concepts and Skills in Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs.

1 98 1 . The Effects ofSelf-Monitoring on the Academic Performance and On-Task Behavior of Children with Head Injuries. Mary Curley O'Melia, of Timonium, Md.; B.A. Universit) ol North Carolina, 1972; M.S. TheJohns Hopkins University,

Ellen Flood Gaske, of Rockville, Md. The Effects ofa Predictable 1 98 1 . The Effects ofCooperative Homework Teams on theAquisition Book Writing Strategy on the Spontaneous Writing ofStudents with of Basic Mathematics Skills by Secondary Students with Mild Mild Handicaps. Handicaps.

Elizabeth I. Legenhausen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Catholic Dorothy Ann Wood, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A.B.S. College of University of America, 1968; MA. Towson State University, Notre Dame of Maryland, 1953; M.Ed. Loyola College, 1972.

1982. The Effectiveness of Instruction Using a Microcomputer The Effects of Tape-Recorded Self-Instruction Cues on theAcademic Equipped with LOGO Microworlds on the Acquisition of School Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities. Readiness Skills by Preschool Children.

Doctors of Musical Arts in The Peabody Conservatory of Music

Gary Michael Brown, of Benton, Ark.; B.M. Ouachita Baptist Dolores A. Leffingwell, of Baltimore, MD.; A.B. Mount Saint University, 1984; M.M. University of Colorado at Boulder, Joseph's College, 1962; M.M. Syracuse University. 1986. 1986. Composition. Voice.

Charles Ronald Ellis, of Boston, Mass.; B.M.E. Indiana Mark Markham, of Pensacola, Fla.; B.M. The Johns Hopkins

University, 1970; M.M. New England Conservatory of Music, University, 1984; M.M. The Johns Hopkins University, 1 986, 1975. Conducting. Piano.

James Spencer Fay, ofCroom, Md; B.M. Philadelphia Musical Louis Stewart, of Elma, Wash.; B.M. Whitman College, 1966; Academy, 1966; M.M. Catholic University ofAmerica, 1970. M.M. New England Conservatory, 1968. Conducting. Music

Clarinet. The Clarinet and Its Use as a Solo Instrument in the Composed for Martlia Graham: A Discussion of Musical and Chamber Music of Brahms. Choreographic Collaborations.

Cyrus Ginwala. ofBaltimore, Md.; B.M. Boston University, 1984: Lois Svard, of Lewisburg, Pa.; B.M. Concordia College, 1969;

M.M. The Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Conducting. M.M. University ofColorado at Boulder, 1 971 . Piano. Illusion in Selected Keyboard Works ofGyorgy Ligeti Mark Daniel Hijleh, of Raymore, Mo.; B.S. William Jewell College, 1985; M.M. Ithaca College, 1987. Composition.

Elizabeth Leach Lawrence, of McLean, Va.; B.M. University of North Carolina, 1977; M.M. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1979. Voice.

93 .

Doctors of Science in The School of Hygiene and Public Health

\iih.iii Achadi, ul Jakarta, Indonesia; Ml). University <>f Louis Walter Reedt. of Chestei town. Md.; B.A. Washington Indonesia, 1972; M.P.H., 1974. International Health. The College, 1973; M.A., 1977. Mental Hygiene. Marijuana Coping

Determinants <>j Immunization Services Utilization in a and Abstinence Symptoms. Rural AreaoJ WestJava, Indonesia.

Alexandei 1 Ross, of Washington, DC: B.A. State University Petei Geoffrey Barss, <>l Wolfville, Canada; B.Sc. Acadia of New York at Albany, 1981. Health Policy and

University, 1967; M.l). University <>l Chicago, L971; M.P.I 1. Management. Malpractice (Jaims in Maryland Emergency

I In- )<>lms Hopkins University, 1986. Health Policy and Departments 19781987: Implicationsfor Risk Management.

Management. Health Impact <>/ Injuries in the Highlands oj Papua New Guinea: A Verbal Autopsy Study. Kathy Salaita. of Reston.Va.; B.A. University of Virginia, 1979; M.S. University oi rexas, 1981. Health Policy and Yong-Yuan Chang, oi Kaohsiung, Republic of China; B.S. Management Spousal Concordancefor Systolu and Diastolic Blood

National Taiwan University, 1972; M.P.I 1.. 1974. Mental Pressure.

I [ygiene. International Comparisons ofSchizophrenic Risk.

William (.. Sciarillo. of Baltimore. Md.; B.A. I emple University, fohn-Paul Clark, of Titusville, Pa.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins 1974; B.S.N. University of Pennsylvania, 1976; M.S.N. University, 1984; M.H.S., 1985; M.Sc. London School of University of Colorado, 1979. Maternal and Child Health. Economics, 1986. International Health. Economic Impact of The Influence ofLead Exposureon Maternal-ReportedBehavior in for Onchocerciasis on Productivity oj West Young Children. African Rubber Tree Tappers. Xiaobin Wang, of Beijing. Republic of China; M.D. Beijing James Carl Coleman, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Knoxville College, Medical University, 1983; Mi»H. Tulane University, 1987. 1951; B.S. Ohio State University, 1957; M.S. Wayne State Maternal and Child Health. Differences in Intrauterine Growth

University, 1970. Health Policy and Management Patterns <>/ and In/ant Mortality amongCliinese.Japanese, and Wlute Americans. Drug Therapy Regimens for High Blood Pressure Control

among Black and White Hypertensives in Central Maryland. Daniel William Webster, of ( arrollton. R\ .; B.A. L'ni\ ei sit\ of Northern Colorado, 1982; M.P.H. The University of

Polly Jacquelin I loppin, ofTakoma Park, Md.; B.A. Princeton Michigan, 1985. Health Policy and Management. University, 1981. Health Policy and Management. Pesticide Determinants ofPediatricians 'Firearm Injury Prevention Counseling Use on Four Son- Traditional Crops in Guatemala: Policy and Practices.

Program Implied t ions Siswanto Agus Wilopo. of Yogvakarta. Indonesia: M.D. Cadjah Jean Ann Langlois, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University ofRhode Mada University, 1979; M.Sc, 1983: M.Sc. McMaster

Island. 1979; M.S. Purdue I niversitv, 1982; M.P.H. Thejohns University, 1985. Population Dynamics. Assessing the Impact

I lopkins University, 1986. Health Policy and Management. of Child Survival Interventions inIndonesia:A Xew Index of Health Dependence in Activities of Daily Living and tlie Risk of Fall Status. Injury Events among Community-Dwelling Elderly. Siti Nora/ah Zulkifli. of Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia: B.Sc.

Barbara Luke, ofChicago, 111.; B.S. Columbia University, 1972; University ofLondon, 1982: M.Sc. 1983. Maternal andChild M.A. New York University, 1974; M.P.H. Columbia Health. The Relationship Between Dietary Factors and Blood University, 1978. Maternal and Child Health. TheAssociation Pressure among African-American Adolescents in Baltimore: With between Maternal Weight (rain and the Birthweight of Twins. Special Emphasis on Calcium.

Cameron Alexander Mustard, of St.John's, Canada; B.A. Brown University, 1975. Behavioral Sciences and Healtii Education. Maternal Education and the Incidence and Treatment of Diarrheal Disease in Young Children: Honduras 1981-1983.

94 Doctors of Public Health in The School of Hygiene and Public Health

Ahmed S.Aboraya, of Cairo, Egypt; MJJ.B.Ch. Cairo University, [man Adel Nuwayhid, of Beirut, Lebanon; B.S. American 1977; M.P.H. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1987. Mental University of Beirut, 1980; M.D., 1984; M.P.H. The Johns Hygiene. Determinants of Disabling Injuries. Hopkins University, 1985. Environmental Health Sciences. Recent Work-Related Activities and the Onset ofFirst-Time Urw Baek Abdullah-Hel Baqui, of Dhaka, Bangladesh; M.B.B.S. Dhaka Pain: A Case-Control Study of the Neiu York City Firefighters. Medical College, 1977; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, 1985. International Health. Epidemiology of Armando PerugaUrrea, of Zaragoza, Spain; M.D. Zaragoza Persistent Diarrhea in Bangladeshi Children. University, 1979; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University,

1 98 1 . Health Policy and Management. Determinants of AIDS Robyn R.M. Cershon, of Columbia, Md.; B.S. Quinnipiac Knowledge about Transmission Modes, Preventive Measures and College, 1976; M.H.S., 1981. Environmental Health Sciences. Risk Groups in a Sample of the General Population of Madrid. Barriers to Precaution Adoption among Health (/ire Workers at Risk of Occupational Exposure to HIVI. Mary Lou Rorabaugh, of Clermont, Fla.; B.S. Nyack College, 1963; M.S.N. University of Virginia, 1979; M.P.H. TheJohns Jane Hal pern, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University ofWisconsin, Hopkins University, 1984. Maternal and Child Health. Catch- 1968; M.D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1972; M.P.H. Up Growth in Young Hmong Refugee Children. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978. Health Policy and Management. Variations in Rates and Appropriateness ofCoronary Karen Adelson Strauss, of Memphis, Tenn.; B.A. Sweet Briar Bypass Surgery in Maryland. College, 1976; M.H.S.TheJohns Hopkins University, 1983. Environmental Health Sciences. Perceived Environmental Dwip Kitayaporn, of Bangkok, Thailand; B.Sc. Mahidol Threat and Hazard Awareness among Residents in Six (immunities University, 1977; M.D., 1979; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins in the United States. University, 1987. Epidemiology. Reappraisal of G-6-PD Deficiency and Falciparum . Virginia Marie Regis Turner, of Newton, Mass.; B.S. Boston College, 1968; M.P.H. Harvard University, 1980. Soewarta Kosen, of Jakarta, Indonesia; M.D. University of International Health. Risk Factors for Trichiasis in Women, Indonesia, 1976; M.P.H. University of the Philippines, 1982. Kongwa, Tanzania: A Case Control Study. International Health. Performance ofHealth Centers in Delivery of Immunization Services in Timor, Indonesia.

Dileep Vishnu Mavalankar, of Ahmedabad, India; M.B.B.S. Gujarat University, 1982; M.P.H. The Johns Hopkins University, 1983; M.D. Gujarat University, 1987. Population Dynamics. Quantification ofRisk Factorsfor Perinatal Mortality and Low Birth Weight in Ahmedabad, India.

Doctors ofPhilosophy in The School of Hygiene and Public Health

Drew- Kanta Alvi, of Dhaka, Bangladesh; B.S. University of Dhaka, Marycatherine Augustyn, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. 1981. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education. 1 978; M.A. DePaul University, 1 980. Population Dynamics. University, the Theory Income Aspirations and Migrant Women's Motivation to Work The Condom Use in an Urban Population: An Application of Case of Malaysia. of Planned Behavior.

Annette Eiko Ashizawa, of Sacramento, Calif; B.A. San Julie A. Baldwin, of Boulder, Colo.; B.A. University ofColorado, Francisco State University, 1976; M.P.H. TheJohns Hopkins 1984. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education. Preventing University, 1981. Environmental Health Sciences. Coal HPv'/AIDS Among Adolescents: The Role of Self-Efficacy Enhancing Workers' Respiratory Disease Program Evaluation. Approaches.

95 Mi< h.ul Edward Baser, <>l Los Angeles, Calif.; BA. Universit) Gerard Frederic LeBloncLol Portland, Maine; B.Sc .StFram is

il ( alifomia al s.m Diego, 197 I; M S. 1 larvard I fniversity, JCaviei University, 1978; Ms Universit) ol Maine, 1983.

]' »7 7 . Environmental Health Sciences. Distribution oj Bioc hcmisii \ New Method-, fm Studying theDNA ofCompiex and

\ entilation m the \ging lung. Simple Genomes.

Mark Lloyd Chemaik, of Eugene, Ore.; B.S Universitj of Xin-Hua Liu, of Shanghai. People's Republic of China; M \

Massachusetts, 1984. Biochemistry. The Contribution oj Shanghai liisi Medical College, 1982. Biostatistit s. Estimating

Iiuln idiuil ( ysteineResidues to the Cadmium Detoxification I urn Hon Functions m Regression Models with Errorln-Covariates. n) Metallothionein.

( ai ol Magee Mast hal.ol I emplel fills. Md.; B.S.N. Universit)

\l.u \ [ean ( lismowski, ol ( Ihula Vista, ( lalif.; B.A. ( )< < idental of Maryland, 1964; M.P.H. I he- [ohns Hopkins University, College, 1983. Biochemistry. Structural Characterization of 1978. Environmental Health Sciences. Ouupational and Chinese Hamstei Metallothionein awl Metallothionein Mutants. Environmental Factors m CongenitalExtrahepatu Biliaty Atresia.

Lark AureliaClaassen, ofSeattle, Wash.; B.S. I fniversity of Puget F.Javier Nieto Garcia, of Ponferrada, Spain; M.D. Sound. 1982. Biochemistry. Structure-Function Analysis of the University of Valencia, 1978. MP II Institute of Public Es< herichia coli I krrA DNA Repair Protein. Health. 1985: M.H.S. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1989 Epidemiology. Childhood Weight and Growth Rate as I.. . Gdovin, ol Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Shippensburg Predit tOl I of \dult Mortality and Hypertension. University, 1980. Immunolog) and Infectious Diseases Molecular Mechanisms ofAction of the Visna Virus Tat Protein. Christina Han Park, of Laurel, Md.: B.A. Goucher College, 1982; M.H.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1984. GordonJonathan Harris, ofChappaqua, N.Y.; B.S. Lafayette Epidemiology. Etiologic Heterogeneity of Anencephalus College. 1986. Environmental Health Sciences. Objective and Spina Bifida.

Quantification of the Regional Distribution of Radioactivity in Cerebral Emission Computed Tomography. Mar) M. Prince, of Syracuse, N.Y.. B.S. Syracuse University,

1982; MS. University ofRochester, 1 984. Epidemiology. The Michael A. Hauser, of [vy,Va.;BA. University ofPennsylvania, Effects of Noise and Smoking on Hearing Loss in an l98$.T£iochemistxy. FunctionalAnatoinyofthe SubstratesjbrHpl Occupational Cohort Study. Integration. Mizanur Rahman, of Dhaka, Bangladesh; B.S. Ohaka Christina August Hecht, of Berkeley, Calif.; B.A. Stanford L'niveristy. 1973; M.S.. 1974: MA Vrije University, 1983. University, 1978. Population Dynamics. Amniocentesis and Population Dynamics. Gender Preference, Fertilit\. and Down Syndrome: The Impact ofa Public Health Intervention. Excess Female Child Mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh.

Allan Hildesheim. of Sao Paulo, Brazil; B.A. Washington Nancy Knowles Russell, of La Jolla. Calif.: B.A. Stanford University, 198"). Epidemiology. Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2: Universit)', 1985. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education. Independent, Synergistic, or No Effect on Risk of Invasive Cervical Health Promotion Practices of Primary Care Physicians: Direct

Cancer. Observation of Lifestyle Discussion in Routine Visits.

of Alison Snow Jones, Baltimore, Md.: B.A. Millersville State P.SankaraSarma. of Pirappancode. India: B.Sc . Universit) of College, 1979. Health Polio and Management. The Effects of Kerala. 1979; M.Sc. Universit) ol Calicut. 1981. M.H.S .The Surgeon Supply on the Demand for Surgery. Johns Hopkins University, 1989. Population Dynamics. A Study of Population Momentum L'nder Changing Vital Rates. Mohammad Rezaul Karim, ofDhaka, Bangladesh; B.Sc. Dhaka University, 1979; M.Sc, 1981; Sc.M. The Johns Hopkins Amanda Benedict Sonnega. of Brooklyn, N.V.; B.A. Drew University, 1986. Biostatistics. Generalized Linear Models with University, 1984. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education.

Random Effects. Psychosocial Factors and Immune Status in HIVI Infection.

Karungari Kiragu, ofNakuru, Kenya; B.A. College of'St. Teresa, Kathryn MaryStephens, ofLafayette, Calif.; B.S. University of

1 98 i ;MP.H. University of South Carolina, 1984. Population California at Davis, 1984. Biochemistry. Properties of Dynamics. The Determinants of Premarital Sexual Activity and Escherichia coli DnaB Helicase in Bacteriophage Lambda DXA Contraceptive Use Among In-School Adolescents in Kenya. Replication.

Ann ( larroll Klassen, ofBaltimore, Md.; B.A. Oberlin College, Robert Milton Stephens, of Middletown. Md.: B.S. University 1978. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education. The Impact of Maine. 1978: M.S., 1979. Immunolog) and Infectious of Chronic Disease on Preventive Screeningfor Cervical Cancer in Diseases. Cloning and Characterization ofcDNA Clones Encoding

' ' Oliler Women. the EIA \ TA T and REA Genes.

Chun-Chung Law, of Kowloon, Hong Kong; M.S. State James Edward Swauger.Jr., of Boston. Mass.; B.S. Northeastern Universit) ofNew York at Stonybrook, 1985. Biostatistics. University, 1985. Environmental Heal th Sciences. RoleofFree

Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Interval Censored Data. Radical Metabolites in Tumor Promotion and Progression by Benzoyl Peroxide.

96 Chun-Ming Tseng, ofMiaoli, Republic ofChina; M.D. Taipei Elizabeth A. Zenger, ofChicago, Dl.;B.A.Beloit College, 1979; Medical College, 1981; M.H.S. The Johns Hopkins MA. Arizona State University, 1981; M.H.S. The Johns University, 1985. Environmental Health Sciences. Hypoxic Hopkins University, 1989. Population Dynamics. Pulmonary Vasoconstriction in Normal and Pathologic Hamsters. Heterogeneity amongFamilies in Infant Mortality and Reproducing Patterns in Matlab, Bangladesh. Lorraine Evelyn Gathers Twerdok, of Rockville, Md.; B.S. University of Pittsburgh, 1980; M.S. University ofWisconsin, Xi-Yan Zhao, of Chengdu, People's Republic of China; B.A. 1982. Environmental Health Sciences. Target Organ Sichuan University, 1982. Population Dynamics. The

Determinants in Chemically-Induced Bone Marrow Toxicity. Demographic Change and Women 's Economic Status in Rural China.

Dean Foster Wong, of Lutherville, Md.; B.Sc. University of Western Ontario, 1972; M.D. University of Toronto, 1977. Environmental Health Sciences. The Imaging and Quantification oj D2 Dopamine Receptors in Living Human Brain.

Doctors ofPhilosophy in The Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies

Ronald D. Asmus, of Mequon, Wise; B.A. University of Xiaofang Shen, of Nanking, China; B.A. Smith College, 1983;

Wisconsin, 1 979; M.A. The Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced M.A. The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International

International Studies, TheJohns Hopkins Universitv, 1981. Studies, Thejohns Hopkins University, 1 985. Direct Foreign Bonn and East Berlin: The Politics of German Unity and Investment and Economic Development: A Study of the Partition. Chinese Experience, 1979-1988.

Michael Thomas Clark, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. Harvard Juan Gabriel Tokadian, of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Bachellor University, 1979; M.A. The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced University of Belgrano, 1978; M.A. The Paul H. Nitze School International Studies, TheJohns Hopkins University, 1986. of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins The Tragic Science of Political Realism: Power, Necessity and University, 1981. The Political Economy of Colombian-V.S. Deliberation in Thucydides. Narcodiplomacy.

Philip Howard Gordon, of Fairfax, Va.; B.A. Ohio University, Scott David Tollefson, ofLacey, Wash.; B.A. Westmont College,

1984; M.A. The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced 1 979; M.A. University ofCalifornia Santa Barbara, 1980; M.A. International Studies, Thejohns Hopkins University, 1987. The Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies, Struggling to Adapt: French National Security Policy and the Gaullist Thejohns Hopkins University, 1984. Brazilian Arms Transfers, Legacy, from the 1960s to the End of the Cold War. Ballistic Missiles, and Foreign Policy: The Search for Autonomy. Christopher Robert Rossi, ofIowa City, Iowa; B.A. Washington University, 1980; J.D. 1982; LL.M. University of London, 1983; M.A. The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Thejohns Hopkins University, 1985. Equity as a Source ofInternational Law? A Legal Realist Approach to the Process of International Decisionmaking.

97 .

Doctors of Medicine in The School of Medicine

Lisa Shush. m. i Ahi.mix. <>l Baltimore, Ml); A.B.. Harvard ( ihristophei Vat-< ihuenChow.oi [slip, NY. B S.. Massachusetts College, 1987. Institute of Technology. 1986.

Raya U-Mufti, ofLafayette, CA;BA, Wellesley College, 1987. Martin Jason (u.ii di.ot New Roc hello. \Y. B.A.Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Perry William Alexion, ofSeabrook, Ml): B.S., Universit) ol Maryland (College Park), 1987. Mic hael Edward Coghl an. of Birmingham. AL.B.S.. Universit) ol Alabama (Birmingham). 1987. llh. mi A. Algaved, of Alexandria, VA; B. A. .Johns Hopkins University, 1987 Kric Jason Cohen, of Dix Hills, NY; B.S.. Union College, 1987.

Katrina Alison Armstrong, of Northport, AL; B.A.. Yale James Dwight Cole, of Decatur, IL: B.S.. University of Illinois, University, 1986. 1982.

LauraJoan Balcer.of'Timonium, MD;B.S., College ofWilliam Philip Arthur Cole, of Ridgewood. NJ; B.S.. Yale University, and Mary, 1987. 1984.

Tamara Dale Ball, of Stevensville, MI: B.S., University of Sarah Streett Corn vn. of Baltimore. MI); B.A.. Sarah Lawrence Michigan (Ann Arbor), 1985. College. 1987.

Christina Ann Bandera, ofAmbler, PA; B.S., Harvard College, Susan Dona Cummings, of Owings Mills. MD; B.S., Duke 1987. University 1981.

Beverly Anne Banks, of Baltimore, MD; B.S., Duke University. LawrenceJav Davis, of Bethesda, MD; A.B., Harvard College, 1984. 1985.

University, Carole Annelisa Baraldi, ofHouston, TX; B.A.. Rice Laurie J. del Hierro, of Wilmington. DE; B.A.. 1987. Welleslev College. 1986.

Brock Allen Beamer, of Arcadia, OH; B.A., Kent State Tamara Lea Doering. of Lutherville, MD; B.A.. Johns Hopkins University, 1986. University, 1983.

Imnasz M. Beer, of Rockville, MD; B.A., Johns Hopkins Kathy Sue Durham, of Napoleon. OH; B.S.. University of University, 1986. Miami, 1986.

Lesliejohn Bisson, of Edina, MX; B.S., University of Minnesota Timothy Scott Eckel, of Reading. PA; B.S.. Pennsylvania State (Twin Cities), 1987. University, 1986; M.S., 1990."

Arthur Dewavne Black, ofLos Angeles, CA; B.S., University of Martin Can' Edwards, of Xew Fairfield, CT; B.S., Brown California (Los Angeles), 1987. University. 1987.

Lauren Rae Boglioli. of Xorth Bellmore. XY; B.S., Adelphi Joseph Dominic Femino. ofPasadena. ( IA; B.S.. Yale Universit) University, 1987. 1987.

Brenda Lynn Bouchard, of St. Albans. VT; B.A., University of Anne Crowe Fischer, of Chapel Hill. NC; B.A., University of Vermont, 1987. Xorth Carolina (Chapel Hill). 1983.

William Matthew Bowling, of East Windsor, XJ; B.A, M.A., Avrim Brett Fishkind. of Adelphi. MD; B.S.. University of Washington University in St. Louis, 1987. Maryland (College Park). 1986.

Mi< hael Patrick Boyle, of Caithersburg, MD; B.S.. University Kathryn Marian Franu. of State College. PA: B.A.. Pennsylvania of Maryland (College Park), 1986. State University, 1986.

Malcolm Vernon Brock, of Hamilton, Bermuda: B.A., Xatalie Wavne Gearv, of Xew York, NY; B.A.. Han aid College. Princeton University, 1985; MJLitt, University of 1985. Oxford, 1988. Maura Lianne Gillison, of Waite Hill Village. OH: B.S.. Duke Knute Carl Buehler. of Roseburg, OR; B.S.. Oregon State University, 1987. University, 1986. Andrea Marie Girman-Ratan, of Avoca. PA:B.S.. Universit) of

Leon Albert Bynoe, <•! Bronx. NY; Sc.B., Brown University, Scran ton. 1985. 1987

98 Wendyjessica Hawkins, of Austin, TX; B.A., Un iversity ofTexas William John Marks, Jr., of Milwaukee, WI; Honors B.S., (Austin), 1987. Marquette University, 1987.

Stephen Robert Hays, of Syracuse, NY; B.S., M.S., Yale Zacharias Vasilios Mavrophilipos, of Baltimore, MI); B.A.. M.A., University, 1987. Johns Hopkins University, 1987.

Stephen Leif Helgemo.Jr., of Fort Myers, FL; B.S., Florida State Richard John McCarthy, of Warren ton, VA; B.A., University University, 1986. of Virginia, 1987.

Tony Wei-hsiu Ho, of Anaheim, CA; B.S., University of Pearline Veronica McKenzie, of Brooklyn, NY; B.S., United California (Los Angeles), 1987. States Military Academy, 1987.

Vivian Ying Hou, ofGlendale, CA; B.A., University ofCalifornia Jennifer Bupp Meko, of Wyndmoor, PA; A.B., Princeton (Berkeley), 1987. University, 1987.

Allen Hsieh, of Fdison, NJ; B.A., Columbia University, 1987. AyesaNazneen Mian, ofWilmington, DE; B.S.Johns Hopkins University, 1987. I-ChowJoe Hsu, ofTallahassee, FL; B.S., University of Florida, 1987. Thomas Andrew Minor, of Rochester, NY; B.S., Syracuse University, 1987. Fdward Paul Junkinsjr., of Coralville, IA; B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1987." Crystal Arenal Mullen, ofAnnapolis, MD; B.A.Johns Hopkins University, 1987. David Mark Kalainov, of Des Moines, IA; B.A., Stanford University, 1986. Fletcher Mark Munter, of Rockville, MD; B.S., United States Military Academy, 1987. John Michael Kane III, of Pittsburgh, PA; B.S., Allegheny College, 1987. Neal Jamison Naff, of Boones Mill, VA; B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1987. Joel Thorp Katz, of Glencoe, IL; B.A., Earlham College, 1981; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1986. DanielJoseph Nigrin, of Staten Island, NY; B.A.Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Cecilia Mary King, of Holmdel, NJ; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1987. James Caldwell Oates, of Nashville, TN; B.S., Bates College. 1986. Paul Michel Kirshbom, of Metairie, LA; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Jane Anoush Oski, ofBaltimore, MD; B.A., Middleburv College, 1982. Leonidas George Koniaris, of Brookline, MA; B.S., University of Massachusetts (Amherst), 1986. Paula Yvette Paradis, of North Smithfield, RI; B.S., Duke University, 1986. Mark Solon Krasnoff, of St. Louis, MO; B.A., Amherst College, 1987. Gail Denise Pearson, of Columbia, MD; A.B., University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), 1973; M.P.A., American University, Rachelle Marie LaForce, of Syracuse, NY; B.A.,Johns Hopkins 1978; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1990. University, 1987. Melissa Sue Pessin, ofFairview, PA; B.S.E., Princeton University, William Harras Landschulz, of Dubuque, IA; B.A., M.S., 1984. University of Chicago, 1982. DanteJoseph Pieramici, of Hudson, OH; B.A., Northwestern Robert Louis Lapidus, of Fort Lee, NJ; B.A., Clark University, University, 1987. 1987. Nina Pierpont, ofDarien,CT;B.A., Yale University, 1977; M.A., Todd Michael Lasner, ofGreenburg, PA: B.S., Duke University, Ph.D., Princeton University, 1981; 1986. 1987. Peter John Pronovost, of Waterburv, CT; B.S., Fairfield John Raymond Leahy, of Holmdel, NJ; B.A., University of University, 1987. Virginia, 1986. Thomas Christopher Randall, of Sparks, MD; B.A.. Bowdoin Keith Eustace Loring, of Fruita, CO; B.A., University of College, 1985. Colorado (Boulder), 1986. Carol Ann Rauch, ofCherry Hill, NJ; A.B., Dartmouth College, Thomas George Lundquist, of Upper Montclair, NJ; B.S., 1982. Pennsylvania State University, 1987. Charles Haskell Redfern, of Lajolla, CA; B.A., University of Mary Robertazzi Mailloux, of Pembroke Pines, FL; A.A., California (Berkeley), 1985. Broward Community College, 1985; B.A., University of Miami, 1987.

99 .

I nomas Kevin Re id. ol Norman, ()K; B.S.. Oklahoma State Brian Anthony Smith, ol Poway,( V.B.S.. University ofArizona,

I niversity, 1987. 1986.

Daniel Scott Reuland, of Cincinnati, OH; B.A.. University ol Ahmed Mohamed Soliman. of Floral Park, NY; B.A.. Queens

\lu higan (Ann Arboi ). 1986. College, 1987.

Vdrienne lama Richards, ol Morristown, NJ; B.A.. Drew Douglas James Spegman. of Carrboro, NC; A.B.. (Colgate University, 1986. University, 1979; M.SJP.H., University ol North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 1985.

|<>\ \ . Roberts, ol Rockville, MI); B.A., Andrews University,

1987. Alan Gordon Stein, of Madison. WI; B.S . University ol Wisconsin (Madison). 1986. Andrew Leon Rosenberg, ol Huntington Wood, MI; B.S., University ol Michigan (Ann Arbor), 1986. Doris Adelheid Stoffers, ofBayside, NY; B.A.. [ohns Hopkins University, 1984. Nathan Jeffrey Rudin, ol Stoughton, MA; B.A.. M.A.. Boston

University, 1986; 1987. Karen I ee Swartz,ofCi anbury, NJ; B.A., Princeton University, 1987. Diana Fcrtsch Ruggio, of Baltimore, MI); B.A., University of Maryland (Baltimore County), 1982; Ph.D.. Jorge Alberto Tavel. of Tucker, GA; B.S.. Emory University, Uniformed Services University ol the Health Sciences. 1989. 1987.

Jeanne Marie Santoli. of Dunwoodv, GA; B.A., Princeton Roxanne Claire Thompson, of Baltimore. MD; B.A.. Yale University, 1987. University, 1986.

)< >seph Stephen Schoeniger, ofCridersvUle, OH; B.S., M.S., Yale Ajay Verma, of Bethesda. MI); B.S., University of Maryland University, 1983. (College Park), 1984.

Joseph M. Schwartz, of Great Neck, NY; B. A. .Johns Hopkins Janice Elizabeth Wallace, of Detroit, MI; B.A.. Cornell University, 1987. University. 1985.

Mai got Anne Schwartz, of Chappaqua, XV; B.A.. Weslevan Beth Anne Rose W alien, of Short Hills. NJ; B.A.. Johns Hopkins University, 1985. University, 1986; M.P.H., 1987.

Deborah Elaine Selhnever, of St. Louis, MO; B.A.. Central Kristin Lynn W'eber, of St. Louis. MO; B.S.. University of Methodist College, 1987. Missouri, 1987.

Helen Xwanganga Shields, of Bethesda, MD; B.A., Brown William Roy Welder, of Greenville, WV; B.S.. University ol University, 1987. North Carolina (Greensboro), 1986; M. PH. .Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Masako Shimamura, of Piscatawav, NJ; A.B., Cornell University, 1987. James Frederick Wenz. of Somerville. NJ: B.S.. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1987. Robert Steven Sikorski, of Nanticoke, PA; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1984. Karl Arthur Wolff IV. of Newport Beach, CA; B.S.. University of California (Los Angeles), 1987. Mark Alan Silberman, of Leesburg, VA; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987. Belinda Yun Mae Vim. of Ambler. PA; B.A., Cornell Universin 1987. Rajesh Singal, of Lititz, PA; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1987. Leslie Tatsuya Yonemoto. of Sunnyvale. CA; B.S.. University of California (Berkeley). 1979; MB. A.. Arizona State

Edward William Skorpinski, ofHuntingdon Valley, PA; B.A.. University, 1984 . LaSalle University, 1987. Richard Cedric Zellars. ofWest Orange. NJ; A.B.. Bowdoin College. 1986.

1(X) Doctors ofPhilosophy in The School of Medicine

Alessandro Alessandrini, of Yonkers, NY; A.B., Harvard Sandra L. HoUowayGerring, of Groningen, The Netherlands; College, 1983. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State I 'niversitv, 1984. Training Program — Molecular Biology and Genetics. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Program Molecular Biology and Genetics. Role CHL1 in Coordination of Immunoglobulin Dfu Transcription and I) — of Chromosome Transmission Fidelity and Cell Cycle taJH Rearrangement by Promoter-Enhancer Approximation H in the Ha-ras Transformed Lymphoid Progenitor Cell Line, Progression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. HAITI. Steven Shih-ting Hsiao, of Baltimore, MI); B.S.E., Duke

Linda Mary Arterbum, of Ellicott City, MD; B.S., University of University, 1976; M.S., 1978. Biomedical Engineering, lire Wisconsin (Madison), 1984. Pharmacology and Molecular Representation and Transformation of Scanned Embossed letters in the Monkey Somatosensory System. Sciences. The Structure and Trafficking of Lysosomal Membrane Glycoprotein I. William Harras Landschulz, of Dubuque, IA; B.A., M.S., Lesa Jean Beamer, of Uniontown, OH; B.S., Kent State University of Chicago, 1982. Biochemistry, Cellular and University, 1984. Biochemisuy, Cellular and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology Training Program—Biological Chemistry. Training Program—Molecular Biology and Genetics. Protein- Characterization of a Rat Liver Transcriptional Activator, Recognition a Binding the Leucine DNA Recognition at High Resolution: Refined Structure of the C/EBP: of New DNA Motif, Lambda Repressor-Operator Complex. Zipper.

Linzhao Cheng, of Baltimore, MD; B.S., University of Science Edward B. Lankford, of Pocomoke City, MD; B.S., Virginia and Technology of China, 1985. Biochemistry, Cellular and Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1980; M.D., Molecular Biology Training Program—Molecular Biology and University of Maryland, 1984. Biomedical Engineering. Tfie Heart on Ventricular Genetics. Stimulation of the Replication ofSV40 Mmichromosomes Effects of Right Loading Left by Transcriptional Activators: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies. Performance of in situ Ejecting Hearts.

Li, of Baltimore, B.S., National University of Defense Philip Arthur Cole, of Ridgewood, NJ; B.S., Yale University, June MD; 1984. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Technology, 1982; M.S., Old Dominion University, 1985. Program—Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences. A Chemical Biomedical Engineering. Estimation of tire Recovery ofDischarge Probability in Cat Auditory Nerve Fivers and Computer Simulations. Portrait of and Inhibitor Development for Cytochrome P-450 Aromatase. Min Li, of Wuhan, China; B.S., Wuhan University, 1984. Tamara Lea Doering, of Lutherville, MD; B.A., Johns Hopkins Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training University, 1983. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program—Molecular Biology and Genetics. Purification and Training Program — Biological Chemistry. Glycosyl Oiaracterization of NBP, a Protein that Specifically Binds an Enhancer Immunoglobidin Gene Rearrangement. Phosplmtidyiinositol Protein Anchors of African Trypanosomes: of Biosynthesis and Implications for Chemotherapy. Kan Liao, of Baltimore, MD; B.S., University of Science and Anne Crowe Fischer, of Baltimore, MD; B.A., University of Technology of China, 1984. Biochemistry, Cellular and North Carolina (Chapel HOI), 1983. Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Training Program—Biological Chemistry. Turnover in Insulin Signaling: Characterization Genetics-Program in Immunology. The Immunobiology of Phosphotyrosyl Syngeneic Graft-VersusHost Disease. of Two Membrane-Bound ppl5 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases from 3T3-L1 Adipocytes*. Harry R. Goldberg, of Baltimore, MD; B.A., Franklin and Marshall College, 1978; M.S.Johns Hopkins University, 1983. Anne Elizabeth Luebke, of Miami, FL; BA., B.S., Oklahoma State Dependence Biophysics-Molecular Biophysics Program. Site Specific University, 1984. Biomedical Engineering. The of Recognition by DNA Binding Proteins: Analysis and Design the Plasticity of the Vestibulo-ocular Reflex on Climbing-fiber of KRepressor-Operator C/mtacts. Activity.

Eileen Bernadette Haase, of Silver Spring, MD; B.S., Virginia Chalapathy V. Neti, of Boca Raton, FL; M.S. Washington State Neural Network Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1983; M.S., Johns University, 1983. Biomedical Engineering. Hopkins University, 1985. Biomedical Engineering. The Role Models of Sound Localization Based on Directional Filtering of of the Microcirculation in Total Body Capacitance Changes the Pinna. During .Activation of tire Baroreceptor Reflex System. WilliamJames Pavan, of Yorktown Heights, NY; B.S., University Amy Beth Hahn, of BelAir, MD; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon of Massachusetts/Amherst, 1985. Biochemistry, Cellular and University, 1985. Molecular Biology and Genetics—Program Molecular Biology Training Program—Physiology. Strategies in Immunology. The Murine Class I Qa-2 Molecule and T for the Isolation and Analysis of Disease Loci Using Yeast Activation. Artificial Chromosomes.

101 ( (•(•((•; ( Nikola I' Pa\leli< li. of Alliens. ,1 B S , aliloima Institute Dons Adelheid Stoffers, of Bayside, NY; B. v. Johns Hopkins of rechnology, 1988. Biochemistry, ( ellulai and Moleculai University, 1984. Neuroscience St rut tun- awl Regulation of tlw

Biolog) training Program — Moleculai Biolog) and ( ienetics. Gene Encoding Peptidylglycine alpha-Amidating Mono- ° Crystal Structure of a Zim Finger/DNA Complex at 2.1 oxygenase.

Resolution: \ Frameworkfoi Understanding How Ziru Fingers

Recognize DA \ Huan Tian, of Greenville, NC; lis, Wuhan University, 1984 Biochemistry, (ellulai and Molecular Biolog) Training

Melissa Sue I'essin.of 1- am leu. I' A: li si ... Princeton University, Program Moleculai Biolog) and Genetics. Molecular and 1981. \euios( icnce. Diglycerule Moleculai Species mut Sources Biochemical Studies of tlw \ twine NonQassical Cltiw IMHC MiAecule

111 Signal Transduction. (Ja-2.

Marie ( atherine fiaomo, of LaMirada, (A; H.A.. Whittiei ( .uochuan E. I sai. of Hsinchu. I aiwan: MB.. National Yang-Ming

( ollege, 1985. Biochemistry, ( ellulai and Moleculai Biolog) Medical College. 1984. Neuroscience. Anatomy, Physiology, and

I raining Program — Pharmacolog) and Molecular Sciences. Patliophysiolog, of XActylttsftartylglutamate. Regulation of Gene Expression by the Imnwdiate-Early Gene I*rodu

1 982. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Chemistry. DNA Damage Responses in Mammalian Cells. Program—Biological Chemistry. The Topology of Kirwtoplast DXA Xetworks. Carol Virginia Ward of Hinsdale, LL B.S.. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986. Cell Biologv and Anatomy. Vw Functional Carol A. Renfrew, of Coatesville, PA: B.S., University ofDelaware, Anatomy of the Lower Back aiul Pelvis of the miocerw Homhwid 1984. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Proconsul Nyanzaefrom Mfangano Island, Kenvi. Program—Cell Biology and Anatomy. The Degradation of Epidermal Growth Factor and its Receptor by the Isolated Ora Weisz, of Baltimore, MD; B.S., Yale College, 1984. Perfused Rat Liver. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Pn igram—Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences. Cxrtbohydrate- Ruth Norine Russo, of Walla Walla, \VA:B.S.,Conzaga University, Mediated Hepatocyte Adhesion: Rat Hepatic Lectin Topography 1985. Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences. Two Forms of and Gytoskeletal Associations. Bl-:>4-Galacytosyltransferase: Analysis of Membrane Mentation and Golgi Retention. John Andrew White, of Monroe. LA; B.S.. Louisiana Tech University, 1984. Biomedical Engineering. Electrotonw Models [ane Eliot Sewell, of Baltimore. MD; B.Sc. University College- if Stellate Oils of the Ventral Cochlear Xucleus. London, 1982; MAJohns Hopkins University, 1985. History of Bodies: Medicine. Bountiful Spencer Wells, Lawson Tait, and Elizabeth J. Wolffe. of Columbia. MD; B.Sc. Universit) of

tlw Birth of British Gynaecology. Birmingham (England), 1 980; MSc. Chelsea College. University of London, 1984. Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences. Robert Steven Sikorski, of Nanticoke, PA; B.S., Pennsvh ania State Bioclwmical and Structural Studies of Pgp-1(CD44): A Xovel University, 1984. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Adhesion Molecule with Properties of a Hyaluronic Acid-Binding Training Program — Molecular Biology and Genetics. Proteoglycan. Molecular Genetics of the TPR Gene Family. Hui Zhang, of Hangzhou. Zhejiang Province, China; B.S.. Peking

BarbaraStauch Slusher, of Baltimore, .\fD; B.S.. Dickinson College. University, 1 982. Biochemistry. Cellular and Molecular Biologv 198(>. Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences. Purification, Training Program— Biological Chemistry. Studies of DXA Production, and Immunocytochemical Localization Conformation Dynamics in Eukaryotw Cells. of Rat Brain N- Acetylated Alpha-Linked Acidic Dipeptidase (NAALADase). Jie Zhang, of Shanghai, The People's Republic of China; B.S.. Fudan University, 1985. Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular

Bi( )1< >g) Training Program—Molecular Biology and Genetics. Phosphorylation of the Carboxyitermmal Domain of the RXA Polymerase II Ijirgest Submit.

102 .

Doctors of Philosophy in The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering

Martin Jay Appel, of Milwaukee, Wis.; B.S. University of Ruth Ellen I ler/og, of Plantation, Fla.; B.A. Bryn Mawr College, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1985; M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins 1984. Chemical Engineering. Inhibiting Calcium Carbmmte University, 1987. Mathematical Sciences. AB Percolation. Scale Formation.

Dorota Monika Artymowicz, of Warsaw, Poland. Materials David Earl Hess, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Loyola College, 1 982. Science and Engineering. Structural and Magnetic Behavior Mechanical Engineering. An Experimental Investigation of Alloys. 'Turbulent Layer. oj Melt-Spun PrFe2 a Compliant Surface Beneath a Boundary

Use Ilene Blumentals, of Santa Fe, Caracas, Venezuela; Murad Hi/.lan, of Istanbul, Turkey; B.S. Bogazici University, Licentiate in Biology, Simon Bolivar University, 1984. 1985; M.S.E. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1987. Electrical Chemical Engineering. Characterization of Growth and Computer Engineering. Optimal Raruhm Modulation Physiology, Cell-Sulfur Interaction and SDS-Resistant for Robust Communication. Proteolytic Activity in the Hyperthermophilic A rchaebacteiiu m Pyrococcus fu rios us Ronald Alan Holser, of Sarasota, Fla.; B.S. University of Maryland, 1980; M.S., 1982. Chemical Engineering. Leonidas Boutsikaris, of Athens, Greece; Diploma, National Modeling of Cathodic Protection Systems by the Finite and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 1981; M.S. Element Method. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1982; M.S.E. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1987. Electrical and Computer Jie Huang, of Fuzhou, Peoples Republic of China; M.A. East Engineering. Homodyne Detection using Photorefractive China Institute of Technology, 1982; M.S.E. The Johns Materials as Beam Splitters. Hopkins University, 1990. Electrical and Computer Engineering. On the Servomechanism and Noninteracting Kathleen Ruth Breen, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. University of Control Problems for Nonlinear Systems. Rochester, 1976; M.S.E. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1985. Materials Science and Engineering. Interfacial Dislocation Sivakolunthunathan Kesavanathan, of Chulipuram, Sri Lanka;

Structures in In xGa, v As/GaAs Mismatched Epitaxy. B.S. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1981; M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Civil Engineering. Ingrid Karin Busch, of Baltimore, Md.; M.S.E. The Johns Radiation Boundary for Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Hopkins University, 1988. Mathematical Sciences. Vehicle Analysis in Time Domain. Routing on Acyclic Networks. Xuan Kong, ofChengdu, Peoples Republic of China, Va.; B.S. Harold Edward Conn, of Columbia, Md.; B.A. Western Sichuan University, 1984; M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins Maryland College, 1971; M.S. Thejohns Hopkins University, University, 1989. Electrical and Computer Engineering. 1976. Computer Science. Some Polygon Decomposition Averaging Analysis ofAdaptive Algorithms. Problems. .ManJed Kosansky, ofPenn Wynne, Pa.; B.S. Rutgers University, John Broddus Deaton.Jr., of Manakin, Va.; B.E.S. Thejohns 1985; M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Hopkins University, 1983; M.S.E., 1986. Materials Science Mathematical Sciences. Preparation Cost Structures in and Engineering. A Long-Cavity Mode-Locked Laser for Inspection Games. Noncontact Generation of Narrowband Ultrasound. Adriano Maria Lezzi, of Milan, Italy; Laurea, Universita Degli Matthew Galen Diaz, ofDallas, Texas; B.E.S. Thejohns Hopkins Studi di Milano, 1985. Mechanical Engineering. Topics in University, 1982; M.S.E., 1982. Computer Science. Free-Surface Flows. Algorithms for Balanced Partitioning Polygons and Point Sets. Xuyong Liu, of Sichuan, Peoples Republic of China; B.S. Sichuan University, 1984; M.S.E. University of Michigan.

Ronald Anthony Dombro, Jr., of Calumet City, 111.; B.S. 1986. Electrical and Computer Engineering. Trap vs. University of Illinois, 1982. Chemical Engineering. Absorber Modelfor Semiconductor Laser Dynamics. Electrochemistry in Supercritical Organic Mixtures. Nan Qian Lu, of New York, N.Y.; M.S.E. Thejohns Hopkins Ramani Duraiswami, of Bombay, India. Mechanical University, 1986. Mechanical Engineering. Bubble Clouds as

Engineering. /. Effective equations for sound propagation in Sources and Scatterers of Underwater Sound. fogs. II. Orthogonal mapping in two dimensions. NingLu, of Fuzhou, Fujian, Peoples Republic of China; B.S. Judith Ann Giannini, of Laurel, Md.; B.S. Drexel Institute of Wuhan Institute of Building Materials, 1982; M.S., 1984; Technology, 1971; M.S., 1976. Electrical and Computer M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Civil Engineering. The Propagation of Bright and Dark Spatial Engineering. Numerical Study of the Electrical Double-Layer and Temporal Solitons in Nonlinear Optical Materials. Repulsion Between Nonparallel Clay Particles of Finite Length. Stephen Lee Golledge, of Wichita, Kan.; B.S. Wichita State

University, 1982. Materials Science and Engineering. Effect Gregory Leo Makar, of Ellicott City, Md.; B.S. Virginia of Oxide Film Properties on the Corrosion Behavior of Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985; M.S.E. The SiC/Al Composites. Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Materials Science and Engineering. Stress Corrosion Cracking of Rapidly Solidified Magnesium-Aluminum Alloys.

103 .

|ennifer Mary O'Connor, ofCroton-on-Hudson,N.Y.;B5. The James Brian Spicer,of( lolumbia, Md.;H.S. Southern Methodisl Johns Hopkins University, 1984; M.S.! 1986. Civil University, 1985. Materials S< ience and Engineering, Laser Engineering. Analysis of Site-dependent Effects on the Ultrasonics m Finite Structures: Comprehensive Modelling Nonlineai Response of Structural Systems subjected to with Supporting Experiment. Seismu Loading. Steven Ja) Steinsaltz, of Coral Springs, Fla.; B.S. The Johns Ueksandra Dimitrijevu Pavasovic, oi Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Hopkins University, 1985; M.A.. 1985. Mathematical

M.S.E. I lie Johns Hopkins l ni\eisii\, 1989. Elec trie al .in (I Sciences. Sequencing Jobs for a Machine Subject to Computer Engineering. Subthreshold Region m MOSFET Weardovm. Mismatch Analysis and Modelingf01 Analog VLSI Systems.

( rrovei Arthur Swart/lander .Jr.. of I oledo. Ohio. Ek( ni(;iland

Erica Ra\ Petersen, oi 1.11 icon City,Md.;B.S.< lollegeofWilliam Computer Engineering. Observations of ( .out inuous Wave

.md Mary, 1980; MA. 1 heJohns 1 lopkins l rniversity, 1 982. Self-Deflection and Spatial Dark Solitary Waves in Sonlinear Materials Science and Engineering. Electromagnetic Media. Attenuation by Solid Particle Aerosols. Erik Achille Swvngedouw. of I^euven, Belgium. Geography and \.u ayan Rangaraj, ol Bombay, India; B.Tech. Indian Institute Environmental Engineering. The Production 0/ Xm Spaces.

<>l I echnology, 1986. Mathematical Sciences. Xonsmooth Optimization: Algorithms and Applications. Tony George Thomas, of Bangalore, India; M.S.E. The Johns Hopkins L'niversity, 1989. Electrical and Computer David Victor Rosowsky, of Needham, Mass.; B.S. Tufts Engineering. Random Modulation for Arbitrarily Varying University, 1985; M.S., 1987. Civil Engineering. Stochastic Channels. Damage Accumulation and Probabilistic Codified Design for Wood. Ann Natalie Trenk, ofNew York. N.V.; B.A. Harvard University, 1985. Mathematical Sciences, (ieneralized Perfect Graphs.

Dan Schonf eld, ofN'orthridge. ( lalif; M.S. E. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Electrical and Computer Engineering. Zhiping Wang, of Hunan. Peoples Republic of China; B.S.E. Optimal Morphological Representation and Restoration of Beijing Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics. 1982;.M.S. Binary Images: Theory and Applications. Columbia University, 1984. Mathematical Sciences. Continuation Methods for Solving the Variational Inequality Xuning Shan, of Beijing, Peoples Republic of China; B.Eng. and Complementarity Problems. Daqing Petroleum Institute, 1982. Chemical Engineering. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of the Zinc/KOH Tsunemi Watanabe, of Sapporo, Japan; B.A. Hokkaido System. University. 1983; M.S.E. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1986. Geography and Environmental Engineering. New Stochastic Harry Wroth Shenton III, of Phoenix, Md.; B.C.E. L'niversity Programming Models for Environmental Decision Making of Delaware, 1982; M.C.E., 1984. Civil Engineering. Response Under Uncertainty. of Rigid Bodies to Base Excitation. Jamesjoseph Zimmerman, of Houston, Texas; B.S. Texas A 8c [hih-ShyangShih, of Panchiao, Taiwan, Republic ofChina; B.S. M University, 1980; M.S. Rice University, 1983. Civil National Cheng Rung University, 1981; M.S., 1983. Engineering. Analysis of Structural System Reliability with Geography and Environmental Engineering. Water Supply Stochastic Programming. Operations During Drought

104 ,

Doctors ofPhilosophy in The School ofArts and Sciences

Margaret Kate Aisenberg, of Boston, Mass.; M.A. The Johns Lawrence C.Brody, ofHavertown, Pa.; B.S. Pennsylvania State Hopkins University, 1986. English. The Exploded Image: University, 1982. Biology. Functional Consequences of Ekphrasis in the Poetry and Prose of William Wordsworth, Mutations at the Ornithine-delta-Aminotransferase Locus. W. H. Auden, and Philip Larkin.

Rebecca Williams Carmody, of Trenton, N.J.; B.S. University Sved Farid Alatas, of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; B.S. University of Connecticut, 1984; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins Univei sit\ ' ofOregon, 1983; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1988. 1986. Earth and Planetary Sciences. The slaufrudcdur Stork Sociology. The rise of democratic and authoritarian of Southeast Iceland: Geology, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis. post-colonial states: the case ofIndonesia and Malaysia. Kun-Ming Chen, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.A. Robin Stacey Avner, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; B.A. Amherst College, National Taiwan University, 1975; M.A., 1980; M.A. The 1982. Humanities. Literature as Leaven: George Eliot on Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Economics. The Fiction, Figurative Language, and Culture. Determinants of Mergers: A Comparative Study of Postwar Merger Activity in Japan and the United States. Suzanne Jean Baker, of Worthington, Ohio; B.A. Miami University, 1986. Biology. Identification of p53 Gene as a Roger Duane Congdon, of Vancouver, Wash.; A.S. Mt. Hood Tumor Suppressor Gene in Colorectal Carcinoma. Community College, 1980; B.S. Pordand State University, 1983. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Solidification of the Kalpana Balakrishnan, of New Delhi, India; B.S. All India Shonkin Sag Laccolith: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Experimental Institute of Medical Sciences, 1983. Biophysics. Sulfliydryl Phase Equilibria. Reagents Regidate and Modulate the LightlcGMPDependent Cation Channel of Bovine Rod Photoreceptors. Thomas Ernest Abell Dale, of London, Ontario, Canada; B.A. University of Toronto, 1984; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins Jillian Fiona Banfield, of Enmore, Australia; B.S. Australian University, 1985. History of Art. The Crypt of the Basilica National University, 1982; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Patriarcale at Aquileia: Its Place in the Art and History of the University, 1989. Earth and Planetary Sciences. HREM Upper Adriatic. studies of subsolidus alteration, weathering, and subsequent diagenetic and lowgrade metamorphic reactions. Stacie Ann Dalrymple, of Palo Alto, Calif; B.A. Occidental College, 1986. Biology. BK virus T induce kidney Rebecca Belle Bateman, of Joplin, Mo.; B.A. University of carcinomas and thynwproliferative disorders in transgenic mice. Oklahoma, 1978; M.A., 1980; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1989. Anthropology. We're Still Here: History, Carolyn Jeanne Decker, of Phoenix, Ariz.; B.A. Colorado Kinship, and Group Identity Among the College, 1982. Biology. RNA Editing: Characterization of Freedmen of Oklahoma. Partially Edited RNAs and Initial Recognition of Editing Domains. Andreas Demetrios Baxevanis, of Baldwin, N.Y.; B.S. Cornell University, 1984. Biology. A Physicochemical Characterization Joan Patterson Del Pozzo, of Piermont, N.H.; M.A. of the Core Histone Octamer and its Subunits. Middlebury College, 1972; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1989. Hispanic and Italian Studies. Speaking in Rebecca Lynn Bernat, of Baltimore, Md.; B.S. Portland State Imagery, Speaking in Ecstacy: A Discussion of Saint Catherine of

University, 1982. Biology. The Human Centromere Proteins Siena 's Language and Style. CENPs A,B, and C: An in vivo Analysis of Centromere Structure and Function. Michael Aaron Dennis, of Silver Spring, Md.; B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 1982. History of Science. A Cliange ofState: Susan Zeldes Bernstein, ofProvidence, R.I.; M.A. University of The Political Cultures of Technical Practice at the MIT California-Berkeley, 1983. Humanities. Virtuosity of the Instrumentation Laboratory and The Johns Hopkins Nineteenth-Century: Music and Language in Heine, Liszt University Applied Physics Laboratory, 1930-1945. and Baudelaire. Bill Michael Donovan, of Odessa, Texas; B.A. University of Richard Francis Braaten, of Starkville, Miss.; B.A. Duke Texas at Austin, 1975; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University. University, 1982; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1988. 1981. History. Commercial Enterprise and Luso-Brazilian Psychology. Auditory Perceptual Organization by a Society during the Brazilian : the Mercantile Songbird, the European Starling (Sturnus Vulgaris). House of Francisco Pinheiro and the Lisbon to Brazil Trade, 16951750. MauriceJoseph Brie, of Cahirciveen, Ireland; B.A. University College, Cork, Ireland, 1974; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins David Charles Drewer, of Dundalk, Md.; B.A. The Johns

University, 1 979. History. Ireland, Irishmen and the Broadening Hopkins University, 1983; M.A., 1985. Physics and of the Late Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia Polity. Astronomy. Measurement of the Michel Parameter for Leptonic Tau Decay.

105 ( .ImialiM-i Philadelphia, Pa. BY remplel 'niversity, Todd Lamar Graybill, of Manheim, Pa.; B.S. Juniata College. ( i7 l l ); MA, 1982. Earth and Planetary Sciences. Structural 1984; MA Thejohns Hopkins University, 1988. Chemistry. Evaluation oj the Innuitian Fold and Thrust Belt, Central The Application of Silyl Triflate-Mediated Rearrangements EUesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands, Arctii Canada. and Cyclizations for the Preparation oj Dihydro- and Tetrahydrobisjuran-Containing Intermediates m Aflatoxin

John Fredei i< Engelhardt, ol Hoc kessin, Del.; B.s. Iowa State Biosynthesis. University, 1985. Biology. Transcriptional Regulation of the Ornithine Aminotransferase Gene: Evidence for Specific Cis Lora Marie Green, of Auburn, \.Y. Chemistry. Metal Buuling

and Transacting Factors fin I rea Cycle Related Genes. Studies oj a Retroviral Nucleocapsid Protein and Related Peptides. Andrea Erdas.ol Cagliari, Italy; Laurea, University ofCaglieri,

1 983; MA TheJohns Hopkins I fniversity, 1 986. Physics and Carlos Jesus Gutierrez, ofSan Antonio, Texas; B.S. University Astronomy. Magnetic Field Effects on Lagrangians and of Dallas, 1983; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1987. Neutrino Self-Energies in the Salam- Weinberg Theory in Physics and Astronomy. The Magnetic Properties of Arbitrary Ganges. Iron-Silver and Iron-Nickel Multilayers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Charles Christopher Euchner, of Worcester, Mass.; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Political Science. The Sports Alexandra YVoltjer Halasz, of West Braintree, Yt.: B.A. Reed

University, 1979; MA Thejohns Hopkins University, 1984. Richard John Harknett. of Fair Lawn. N.J.; B.A. Yillanova History. Liberalism and the Ride of Ijiw: Protest Movements, Universitv. 1985; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins Universitv, 1989. Public Order, and the Liberal Government, 190514. Political Science. Conventional Deterrents and Strategic Cfiange. Marcie Andrea Frank, of Hampstead, Quebec, Canada; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1986. English. The Critical Walter Sims Harley, of Peninsula, Ohio; B.A. The Johns Stage: The Essays ofJohn Dryden, 1660- 1685. Hopkins University, 1986; M.A, 1988. Psychology. Associative Memory in Mental Arithmetic. Julie Anna Fulcher, of Morehead City, N.C.; B.S. Pennsylvania State University, 1987; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, Brian David Harral, of Bedford, Texas; B.A. Rice Universitv.

1989. Psychology. Modeling Romantic Jealousy: From 1 985; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1 986. Physics and Description to Causal Analysis. Astronomy. Measurement of the Z Boson Resonance Parameters. Masaaki Furusawa, ofTokyo.Japan; B.S. University ofTokyo, 1981; M.S. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1983. Douglas Allan Harrison, of Clifton Springs, N.Y. Biology. Mathematics. On Fourier coefficients of Eisentein series on Analysis of the suppressor of Hairy wing locus, a gene GO(5,2). encoding a putative transcription factor of Drosophila.

Eric Craham Garberson, of Edmonds, Wash.; B.A. Pomona Takehiko Hashimoto, of Tokyo. Japan; B.L.A. Universitv of College, 1983; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1984. Tokyo, 1980; M.S., 1982. History of Science. Theory, History of Art. Places for Books: Monastic Libraries of the Experiment and Design Practice: the Formation of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in South Germany. Aeronautical Research, 1909-1930.

Brvant Anthony Gilbert, of Boston, Mass. Chemistry. Total Albert Isteero-Farag, ofCairo, Egypt; B.D. Hartford Seminary

Synthesis of a Prostaglandin I2 Analog and New Foundation, 1961; M.A. . 1961; Th.M. Princeton Universitv. Silicon-Directed Organic Reactions. 1978; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University. 1980. Near Eastern Studies. Abdullah Muslim Ibn Qutayba's Biblical Dennis A. Gilbert, of Frederick, Md.; B.A. University of Quotations and their Source. An Inquiry into the Earliest Existing California-San Diego, 1983. Biology. Application of DNA Arabic Bible Translations. Fingerprinting to Measure the Genetic Structure of Populations. Elizabeth Annejames, of Bellevxie. Wash.; B.A. Pacific Lutheran University, 1978. Biology. Fluorescence Characterization Marc Joseph Gotlieb, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, B.A. and Energy Transfer Studies of Staphylococcal Nuclease. University of Toronto, 1980; M.Phil. Universitv of Oxford, England, 1982; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1985. Jeremy Alan Johnson, of Greenbush, Ya.: B.A. University of History of Art. From Genre to Decoration: Studies in the Virginia, 1984. Biology. Studies on an Intermediate Ligation

Theory and Criticism of French Salon Painting. Species of Human Hemoglobin Using Kinetics and Cryoisoelectric Focusing Methods. Jane Louise Gray, ofSligO, Ireland; B.A. University of Dublin.

1 984; MA. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1990. Sociology. Jan Hoist Keppler. of Schoenaich. Germany; MA Thejohns Rural Industry and Uneven Development In Ireland: Hopkins University, 1988. Economics. Monopolistic Region. Class and Gender. 1780-1840. Competition Theory 19261941.

106 HyoSukKim, of Philadelphia, Pa.; B.A.Princeton University, Chiajyi Liu, of ( hia I, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.S. National 1984. Biology. Transcriptional Regulation oj Hydrogenase Taiwan University, 1984; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Synthesis in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. University, 1990. Chemistry. Synthesis and Characterization of Complex Meted Oxides with Perovskite-Rclated Structures. Amy Sarah Kimball, of San Diego, Calif. Biology. Cmiforma- tionally-Defined Holliday Structures and Flp-Mediated Margaret Thair Mangan, ofAnnandale, Va.; B.S. University of Recombination. Maryland, 1980; M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1983. Earth Richard Lynn Kramer, of Dubuque, Iowa; M.A. The Johns & Planetary Science. Crystallization and Differentiation in magmas. Hopkins University, 1987. Mathematics. The Periodic Hopf mafic Ring of Connective Morava KTheory. Nicholas Joseph Marini, of Lajolla, Calif.; B.S. Ceorgetown University, 1983. Biology. Fate and Replication Plasmid WaiPing Lam, of Hong Kong; B.S. University of Hong Kong, of DNA Microinjected into Early Embryos ofXenopus laevis. 1983; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1984. Physics and Astronomy. Neutrino Physics in the Majoron Model. John William Marshall, of London, England; B.A. Churchill KatherineTallmanLandschulz, ofLos Alamos, N.M. Biology. College-Cambridge, 1983; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1985. History.John iMcke in Context: Religion, Ethics In Vitro Maturation of Murine Erythroid Colony-Forming and Politics. Units: Studies of Cell Surface Cell Cycle and Erythropoietin Action. Nicos Martys, of Canandaigua, N.Y.; B.A. State University of New York College at Geneseo, 1976; M.A., 1982; M.A. Laurie Buonanno Lanze, of Buffalo, N.Y.; B.S. State University The Johns Hopkins University, 1984. Physics & Astronomy. ofNew York at Buffalo, 1979;M.BA., 1982. Political Science. Critical Plienomena in Fluid Invasion Porous Media. Employee Ownership in the United States, the United of Kingdom, and Italy: A Cross-National Comparison of Public Policy, Support Organizations and Labor Unions. Russell Lee McCally, ofColumbia, Md.; M.S. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1973; M.A., 1982. Physics & Astronomy. Michael Saul Lapp, of Santa Rosa, Calif.; B.A. University of Magnetism in Amorphous Iron Based Alloys: The Iron- California-Berkeley, 1980; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins Phosphorous and Iron-Aluminum-Boron Systems. University, 1982. History. Managing Migration: The Migration Division Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans in New of Denise Lynn Merkle, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of York City, 1948-1968. Maryland, Baltimore County, 1982; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1990. Chemistry. Metal Binding Studies of Zinc Barbara Ellen Kerr Larcom, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. Ohio State Finger Peptides. University, 1967; M.A., 1971. Sociology. Sex Differences in Worker Autonomy. Alice Mary O'Connor, of New York, N.Y.; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1982. History. From Lower Class to Margaretjoan Leahey, of Winooski, Vt.; B.A. Trinity College, Underclass: The Poor in American Social Science, 1930-1970. 1962; M.A. University of Virginia, 1964. Humanities. "To Hear with My Eyes"; The Native Languages in the Jesuit Robert Anthony Olwell, of Sussex, Wis.; B.A. University of Relations. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1983; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1987. History. Authority and Resistance: Social Annette Irene Leduc, of Burlington, Vt.; B.A. Smith College, Order in a Colonial Slave Society: The South Carolina 1981; MA. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1983. History of Lowcountry, 1739-1782. Art. Gavarni: The London Years (1847-1851).

Partha Pratim Paul, ofNew Delhi, India. Chemistry. Interaction Chin Jung Lee, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.A. of Dioxygen, Nitrogen Oxides and Other Small Molecules National Taiwan University, 1974; M.A. Tamkang University, with Mono-and Dinuclear Copper (I) Complexes. 1985. Political Science. The Coordination of U.S. Trade Policy-Making: The Role of the United States Trade Brenda Ann Peculis, ofChicago, 111.; B.A. Loyola University of Representative (USTR). Chicago, 1984. Biology. Localization of the Nucleolar Protein N038 in Amphibian Oocytes. Albert Leger, of Caraquet, N.B., Canada; B.A. Harvard University, 1984; M.S. University of New Brunswick, 1987; Yi-Chuan Pei, ofXian, Shanghim, Peoples Republic of China; MA. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1988. Earth & Planetary B.S. University ofScience & Technology ofChina, 1 982; M.A. Sciences. Regional Metamorphism of the Waits River Thejohns Hopkins University, 1984. Physics & Astronomy. Formation, Northeastern Vermont. Search for Cosmological Dust.

Suiwah Edna Leung, of New South , Australia; B.A. University ofNew South Wales, 1969;M.A., 1977; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1986. Economics. A Portfolio Balance Model ofa Managed Exchange Rate— The Australian Case.

Vincentjerry Licata, ofOrlando, Fla.; B.A. University of Florida,

7 1983. Biology . Resolving Pathways of Functional Coupling in Human Hemoglobin Using Quantitative Low-Temperature Isoelectric Focusing ofAsymmetric Midant Hybrids.

107 \ David Phillips, ol Hebron, Conn. Biology. Analysis of Patricia Clare Ryan, ol Arlington, V.i : BA Universit) of

polycombeotii and defective dorsal discs, I wo Genes Virginia, 198."); M.A. 1 heJohns Hopkins University, 1989. Involved m Fundamental Growth Processes oj Drosophila Chemistry. Characterization of the Interaction Between

melanogaster, Escherichia (

I odd 1 Jouglas I'ihl. of Nonh ( ).ikv Winn.; BA St < Hal ( lollege, 1984. Biology. Aspects of Hydrogen Metabolism in the Karen Sanchez Fpplei. ol CioionOnHudson. N.Y.: B.A.

Hyperthermophilu Archaebacterium Pyrodicthtm brockii. Williams College, 1981; M.A. 1 hejohns Hopkins University, 198"). English. Touching Liberty: Abolition. Feminism and

Zi-qiangQiu,oi Beijing, Peoples Republic of China; B.S. Peking the Piilit u s oj lite Body from the Sentimental to the Lyric.

University, 1984;MA 1 hejohns Hopkins University, 1986. Physics & Astronomy. Investigations of Magnetu Thin Films Deborah Gibbs Sauder. of Kredricksburg, \'a.; B.S. College of and High 1) Superconductivity. William and Man. 197

Deoxyguanosine Triphosphate Triphosphohydrolase: from Melinda Wilcox Sthlitt. of ( )ssining. NY.: B.A. Stale Universit) Gene to Enzyme. of New York, 1981; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1982. History of Art Francesco Salviati and the Rhetoric of Richard Michael Rambuss, ol Buffalo. N.Y.; BA. Amherst Style. College, 1983; MA. HieJohns Hopkins University, 1986. English. The Secretary's Closet: Spenser's Poetics of Secrecy. Davidjoseph Shide. of Laramie, N'.l).; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1988. Psychology. Opioid and Nonopioid Brenda Rapp. of Tamarac, Fla.; B.S. Universit) of Modulation of Affect and Antmocurption in Infant Rats: Maryland. 1 979; MA. TheJohns Hopkins University, 1987. Influences ofGustatory and Tactile Stimulation. Psychology. Sublexical orthographic structure in reading. James Sidburv of Bethesda, Md.; B.A. The Johns Hopkins Steven Anthony Reeves, of San Rafael, Calif.; B.S. University University, 1980; MA, 1987. History. Gabriel's World: Race of California, 1985; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Relations in Richmond. Virginia, 17 50- 1810. 1987. Biology. A Molecular Approach to the Study oj Astrocyte-specific gene expression in normal and neoplastic Pamela Helen Smith, of Bishop. Calif.; B.A. Universit) ol tissues. Wollongong-Australia. 1979. History of Science. Alchemy, Credit and the Commerce of Words and Things: Johann Jane .Anne Reiland.of Menasha, Wis.; B.S. Marquette University, Joachim Becher at the Courts of the Holy Roman Empire,

1 982. Biology. Studies ofthe Molecular Association ofClass I MHC 1635-82. Antigens with Insulin Receptors in the Plasma Membrane ofHLA Mutant B Eymphoblasts. Carl Spana, of Mt. Vernon, N.V. Biology. Interaction of the suppressor of Hairywing protein with the gypsy transposable

Karen Jane Renaud, of Long Valley, N'.J.; B.S. Massachusetts element. Institute of Technology, 1984. Biology. Molecular Analysis ofNaJC-ATPase Subunit Assembly. Carole Jean Spangler. of Tacoma. Wash. Biology. The Role of the Zinc Atoms and Suljtiydryl Croups in the Maintenance of Seung Keun Rhee. ofJoongGu Taegu, Korea; B.S. Veungnam the Quaternary Structure of Horse Liver Alchohol University, 1982. Biology. Immunoaffinity Purification of Dehydrogenase: A Fluorescence Study. Connexm32 and its Functional Reconstitution into Single Phospholipid Membranes. Philip Calhoun Speros, of Painesville. Ohio. Biology. Molecular Switching in Human Hemoglobin: Probing Cooperativity Kevin Christopher Robbins. of Pordand, Ore.; B.A. Reed with the Dimer-Tetramer Assembly Energetics of Cobalt (III College, 1981; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1987. Hemoglobin and Cobalt (II)/Iron (H)-Carbon Monoxide History. The Families and Politics of La Rochelle, 15501650. Hybrid Tetramers.

Elizabeth Ellen Roettger, of Chardon, Ohio; B.A. Hiram Malina Stefanovska, of Beograd. Yugoslavia; B.A. Universit) College, 1983; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1986. des Langues at Lettres-de Grenoble. France. 1973: M.A. Physics and Astronomy. Comparison of Cometary Comae University of Oregon. 1984; M.A. The Johns Hopkins Using Ultraviolet Spectroscopy: Composition and Univesity, 1986. French. Le Portrait et la Ceremonie: Variation. Saint-Simon historien des "mutations funestes".

Charles C. Ruthheiser, of Rockville Center. N.Y.; B.A. New Michimasa Tanabe. of Higashimatsuvama shi. Japan; B.S. College, 1983; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1986. Kyoto University, 1987; M.S.. 1989. Mathematics. On certain Anthropology. Culture. Schooling and Neocolonialism in periodic cohomologies ofChevalley groups. Belize.

108 Huan Tang, ofZhejiang, Peoples Republic ofChina; M.A. The Jenn-Hwa Tu, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.S. Johns Hopkins University, 1984. Physics and Astronomy. National Taiwan University, 1977; M.A. Thammasat

Investigations of High-Tc Superconductors and Magnetic University, 1 98 1 ; M.A. Thejohns 1 lopkins University, 1 985. Thin Films. Economics. Direct Foreign Investment and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Taiwan.

Joseph Paul Taormino, of Mantoloking, N.J.; B.A. Cornell University, 1984. Biology. Expression and Regulation of the Thomas Paul Urbach, ofPortola Valley, Calif.; B.A. University Na, KATPase mRNAs in Chicken Skeletal Muscle and Rat of California, 1983; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University,

Liver Cells. 1 987. Philosophy. Qjwstunus ofMeaning: A Discourse oj'Theoretic Alternative to Truth Conditional Semantics for the Rafael Alberto Tenorio, of Lima, Peru; B.A. Universidadde Interrogative Mood. Lima, Peru, 1984; M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1986. Economics. Multiple Unit Auctions with an Application to Martine Carmen Voiret, of Paris, Trance; Licence, Amiens Foreign Exctumge Markets. University, 1978; M.A. Duke University, 1982; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1986. French. Inceste au siecle des ThomasJoseph Thomas, ofOrange, Calif; B.A. California State Lumieres: un cas d exception, Restifde la Bretonne. University-Fullerton, 1984; M.A. The Johns Hopkins

University, 1989. Psychology. QnnpiUerBased Adaptive Mastery Neal Hugh Walls, Jr., of Wooster, Ohio; B.A. The College of Testing in Multiple Content Areas: New Procedures for Mastery William and Mary, 1984; M.A. University of Virginia, 1986. Testing. Near Eastern Studies. The Goddess Anat in Ugaritic Myth.

Peter Alan Thompson, of Farmington, Conn.; B.S. Stanford Naelong Wang, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.S.

University, 1 985; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1986. National HuaTsingHua University, 1980; M.A. Thejohns Physics and Astronomy. Dynamics of Fluids Near Solid Hopkins University, 1989. Chemistry. Development of Interfaces. Organosilicon Compounds as Counterattack Reagents and Studies on Fundamental Properties of Silicon. Anthony Eugene Ting, of Potomac, Md.; B.A. Amherst College, 1984. Biology. A Phosphatidylinositol-specific Phospholipase Jennifer Welchman, of Brooklyn, Conn.; B.A. University of C at the Surface of Density dependanent Cells and its Potential Massachusetts, 1981; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, Role in the Regulation of a Cell Growth. 1984. Philosophy. The Development of John Dewey's Moral Epistemology. Michael Carlton Tolley, of Brookline, Mass.; B.A. Swarthmore College, 1984; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1987. Xufeng Wu, of Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China; B.S. Political Science. State Constitutionalism in Maryland. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1982. Biophysics. A Quasi-elastic Light Scattering Study of Smooth Muscle Henry Charles Topper, of Baltimore, Md.; B.A. University of Myosin. Notre Dame, 1967. Political Science. From the Commune to the Cultural Revolution: A Discussion of Party Leadership and Dongyuan Yao, of Suzhou, Peoples Republic of China; M.A. Democracy in Lenin and Mao. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1990. Mathematics. Higher algebraic Ktheory of admissable abelian categories and Mary Elizabeth Treadway, of Delmar, N.Y.; B.A. Hamilton localization theorems. College, 1985; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1988. Psychology. An investigation of juror comprehension of Qien Zhou, ofShanghai, Peoples Republic of China; B.S. East statistical proof of causation. China Normal University, 1982; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1989. Mathematics. The Homology of the Double Jay Corell Tribby, of Winston-Salem, N.C.; B.W. Wesleyan Loop Space of the Thorn Space MU(2). University, 1981. Humanities. Eloquence and Experiment: The Civil Gestures of Inquiry in 1 7th Century France and England. Nurith Zmora, of Herzlya, Israel; B.A. Hebrew Universitv of Jerusalem, 1975; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins University, 1985. Shwu-Chen Tsay, of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; B.S. History. Orphanages in Baltimore at the Turn of the National Taiwan University, 1985; M.A. Thejohns Hopkins Century: A Comparative Study. University, 1990. Chemistry. Efficient Organic Reactions and Polymerizations by Use of Organosilicon Reagents.


The Johns Hopkins University • Homewood Campus • Baltimore Maryland 21218

Office of The Registrar August 1, 1991 75 Garland Hall

For those who use the Commencement Program as an official record of the awarding of degrees, please note the following changes to the 1991 Commencement Program:

1. Bachelor of Arts (Arts and Sciences) pages 25-28

Add: Inzune Kim Hwang, of Olney, Md. Meredith Alix Jacobson, of Columbia, Md. Jeremiah Michael Wolsk, of Westport, Conn.

Delete: Ah Bahadori Matthew Raymond Panetta Wonjae Choi Ketul Jagdish Patel Charles Morgan Fife III Gregory Lome Piatt Dennis T. Hoban Sherry Tonya Stallings Kadijah Jones James John Wesolowski Adam Arshag Mazmanian Ken Yi Wong Stephen Scott Milt

2. Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (Engineering) page 29

Add: Richard Allen Ortt, Jr., of Parkville, Md. Eljim Patrick Tesoro, of San Diego, Calif.

Delete: Stephanie April Hayes

3. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Engineering) page 29

Add: Hal Joshua Eisen, of Dix Hills, N.Y.

4. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Engineering) page 30

Delete: Anthony Phillip Caruso Brian Maso

5. Bachelor of Arts (Engineering) page 31

Delete: Erika Lynne Francis Nana Nicole Nkrumah

6. Bachelor of Music (Peabody) page 32

Delete: Sun Myung Choi Sharon Elizabeth Hack Sumi Kay -2-

7. Associate of Science (Continuing Studies) page 33

Delete: Ambrose Edward Gmeiner II

8. Bachelor of LiberaJ Arts (Continuing Studies) page 33

Delete: Kevin J. Gardner

9. Master of Science (Continuing Studies) pages 34-39

Add: Mary Patricia , of Hanover, Pa.; B.S. Millersville University, 1984. Education.

Delete: Lorena Altair Clanton Barton Fellows Walker III Teresa Irene McCassell Diana Frey Zilahy

10. Master of Liberal Arts (Continuing Studies) pages 39-40

Delete: Linda Susan Belosevic Roxie Johnson

11. Master of Administrative Science (Continuing Studies) pages 40-49

Delete: Marjorie Clarisa Greene Monica E. Larson

Richard James Leppert Thomas J. Meier Patricia Ann Murphy Carol Ann Rubino

12. Master of Music (Peabody) pages 50-51

Delete: Angela Lee Raspa Richard Steven Roth

13. Artist Diploma (Peabody) page 52

Delete: Deborah Anne Fleisher

14. Master of Public Health (Hygiene and Public Health) pages 54-59

Delete: Malcom Nathaniel Joseph III Jordan Laub Roland Stephen Tewogbola Onawola

15. Master of International Public Policy (Advanced International Studies) page 60

Delete: Elizabeth A. Hogan Rolando Mena Guerrero •»

16. Master of Arts (Advanced International Studies) pages 61-67

Add: Pamela S. Chasek, of New Providence, NJ.; BA Middlebury College, 1983; MA University of Miami, 1986.

Kenneth John Conboy, of Arlington, Va.; B.S. Georgetown University, 1986.

Christopher Bradley Donnega, of Weston, Mass.; BA. Boston College, 1986.

Bruce Walter Hammond, of Westport, Conn.; BA. Amherst College, 1986.

Laura A. Hastings, of Cambridge, Mass.; BA. Harvard College, 1982.

Alastair Gideon Rodd, of Rye, E. Sussex, England; B.Sc. Bristol University, 1987.

Alexander J. Skora, of Mountain Lakes, N J.; BA. Bucknell University, 1988.

Brian Paul Wynne, of Vestal, N.Y.; BA. University of Scranton, 1980.

Delete: Paal Aasmundrud Franklin L. Lavin Hala Selim AlAzar Daniel Lederman Horwitz Cyrus M. Behbehani Andrew Paul Leff Denise Ellen Brcnnan Timothy James May, Jr. Davide V. Brocato Sarah Anne McStravick William A. Clifford Kirsten Anne Michener Marta Costanzo Masahiro Michizoe PhieKing Dai Mohamed Farid Mohamed

William E. Dillihunt John J. Moss Shai Ari Franklin Joshua Paul Natkin Lee Martin Goldberg PyongChul Oh Lawrence Lambert Hamlet Timothy Levon Parker William Paul Harvey Chandler Cyle Prosser Mohamud Ali Hashi Nina Manya Sonnenreich (Syed) Adnan Hassan Thorunn Sveinbjarnardottir Daniel W. Hildreth Mark William Whitcomb Anette Kaminski Ned White Moazzam Ahmed Khan Timothy Edward Wilder Dennis G. LaComb Koichi Yamaguchi

17. Master of Mechanical Engineering (Engineering) page 69

Add: Gina Caruso, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.; B.S.E. Duke University, 1987. -4-

18. Master of Science (Engineering) pages 69-85

Add: David Eugene Haupt, of Severna Park, Md.; BA. The Johns Hopkins University, 1972; MA.S., 1979. Computer Science.

John Michael Italiano, of Staten Island, N.Y.; BA. New York University, 1985. Computer Science.

Scott Walker Kirvan, of Concord, Mass.; B.S. Columbia University, 1986. Computer Science.

Thang Quoc Le, of Gaithersburg, Md.; B.S.E.E. George Washington University, 1988. Electrical Engineering.

Wayne Elton Smith, Jr., of Columbia, Md.; B.S. University of Oklahoma, 1968; M.S. University of Maryland, 1973; M.S. The Johns Hopkins University, 1983. Applied Mathematics.

Delete: Shivanand Basappa Louis DiStefano Paul Francis Batchelor Ellen Carroll Dukes Dung Quang Bui Kana Kitazawa Robert Daniel Dahm

19. Master of Science in Engineering (Engineering) pages 86-87

Add: Kristen D. Farrow, of Rochester, N.Y.; BA. Bowdoin College, 1984. Mathematical

Sciences. Neural Network Modeling and Nonlinear Optimization .

Delete: Paroo Dolar Koya Jason Seth Rothman

20. Master of Arts (Arts and Sciences) pages 88-92

Add: Edward Charles Larson, of Charlottesville, Va.; BA. University of Chicago, 1989. Physics and Astronomy. Design and Preparation of the SVX Silicon Microstrip Detector for the

1991 Top Quark Search at Fermilab .

Delete: Edward H. Sparrow

21. Doctor of Philosphy (Advanced International Studies) page 97

Delete: Ronald D. Asmus

22. Doctor of Philosophy (Arts and Sciences) pages 105-109

Add: Mohamad Elhage, of Beirut, Lebanon; MA. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988. Economics. Monetary Policy and the Financial Sector's Role in Economic Development:

A Case Study of Saudi Arabia .