Minerals Localities
MINERALS and their LOCALITIES This book is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Dr. John Sinkankas for his kind initiative and support to publish this book in English version. MINERALS and their LOCALITIES Jan H. Bernard and Jaroslav Hyršl Edited by Vandall T. King © 2004 by Granit, s.r.o. © 2004 Text by Jan H. Bernard and Jaroslav Hyršl © 2004 Photos by Jaroslav Hyršl (463), Studio Granit (534), Jaromír Tvrdý (34), Petr Zajíček (4) The photographed specimens are from the collections of both authors as well as from many other collections. The autors are grateful to all institutions and persons who allowed to photograph their specimens for this book. Front cover photos: Turquoise, polished, 55 mm, Zhilandy, Kazakhstan, G Galena, 45 mm, Madan, Bulgaria, G Sphalerite, xx 12 mm, Morococha, Peru, H Gypsum, xx 40 mm, Las Salinas, Peru, H Variscite, xx 5 mm, Itumbiara, Brazil, H Rhodochrosite, polished, 50 mm, Capillitas, Argentina, H Back cover photo: Wolframite, 45 mm, Yaogangxian, China, H Page 1: Muscovite, 45 mm, Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 2: Vivianite, 100 mm, Huanzala, Bolivia, H Page 3: Liddicoatite, polished, 70 mm, Anjanabonoina, Madagaskar, G Page 5: Opal - fire, polished, 50 mm, Mezezo, Ethiopia, G Page 12: Brazilianite, 35 mm, Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm, Eagle's Nest Mine, California, G Published by Granit, s.r.o. Štefánikova 43, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic e-mail: info@granit-publishing.cz www.granit-publishing.cz Composition and reproduction by Studio VVG, Prague Printed in Czech Republic by Finidr, s.r.o., Český Těšín 14/02/03/01 All rights reserved.
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