195 Academic Economics, 26 Addiction, 4–6, 123–24, 163N. 7; Gambling, 125–26, 127 Addicts, 28–29, 35, 78 Advertiser
Index Academic economics, 26 Business Week (magazine), 65 Addiction, 4–6, 123–24, 163n. 7; gambling, 125–26, 127 Capitalism, 1, 7, 26, 143, 158; and sex- Addicts, 28–29, 35, 78 ual inhibition, 116 Advertiser, 106 Catholics, 100 Advertising, 56–57. See also Chase, 133–36 Marketing Choice, 21, 24–25, 120, 160, 174n. 15; Af›uent Society, The (Galbraith), 6 of action vs. preference, 120; Agriculturalism, 97–98 informed, 112; lifestyle, 146; and AIDS, 118 smoking example, 67–68. See also Albert, Michael, 57–62 Free choice; Rational choice; Sexual Alcoholics, 21–22, 33–34, 87, 153 choice Anarchists, 100 Choice set, 9, 22, 30, 79, 84, 152; dis- Anderson, Elizabeth, 67 satisfaction with, 115–16; and free Anonymity, 130–32 will, 15, 16, 19; and sour grapes phe- Antitrust efforts, 97, 99 nomenon, 88 Aristotle, 26, 70–72, 75, 138 Cigars, 49. See also Smoking example Arts, 157. See also Television Clark, John Maurice, 26–27 Assiter, Alison, 123 Clinton Democrats, 97 Autonomy, 75–79 Clotfelter, Charles T., 126, 135 Collins, Jim, 102 Bake sale example, 126–27 Commentary (periodical), 3 Bankruptcies, 145–46, 149. See also Commercial banks, 142 Debt Communists, 100 Bauman, Bill, 108 Community, 156, 157–58 Bell, Daniel, 92, 101, 102 Competition, 58, 60, 62–66, 96, 148; Bentham, Jeremy, 25 ef‹ciency of, 26; in television, 108 Better Business Bureau, 130 Complex element example, 80–85 Biological makeup, 41 Compulsive shopping, 98 Boland, Lawrence, 37 Con›ict, 73, 117–18, 132 Bowles, Samuel, 41 Con›icted agents, 31 Brennan, Timothy, 33, 87–88 Congress, U.S., 130 Brokering style, 105–6, 156 Conservatives, 13, 99, 117, 137; and Bronfenbrenner, Martin, 31–32 free markets, 159–60; political Budget constraint, 47–48 Right, 1–2 195 196 Index Consumer credit, 137–54; and debt, Deregulation, 97.
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