世界自然基金會 香港分會年度報告 ѐಡ WWF- REVIEW ANNUAL REVIEW HK 2013


年月累積的保育成就 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES MARKED BY YEARS OF DEDICATION 封面 : 地圖版權屬香港特區政府, 經地政總署准許複印,版權特許編號 53/2014。 Cover: The map reproduced with permission of the Director of Lands. © The Government of Hong Kong SAR. Licence No. 53/2014. 刊物在 2014 年 4 月由世界自然基金會香港分會出版。 任何全部或部分複印,必須引述出版機構為版權持有人。 © 文本和圖片 :2014 年世界自然基金會香港分會保留所有版權 Published in April 2014 by WWF-Hong Kong. Any reproduction in full or in part must mention the title and credit the above publisher as the copyright owner. © Text and graphics: 2014 WWF-Hong Kong All rights reserved 目錄 CONTENTS

關於本會 02 重點數字 世界自然基金會——締造生生不息的地球 WWF by the Numbers 世界自然基金會(WWF)是全球最備受尊重的環保組織 之一,成立於 1961 年,總部設於瑞士。分會及項目遍布全 04 年度大事表 球超過 100 個國家。本會的使命是透過以下途徑,建立人 Highlights of the Year 類與大自然和諧共存的未來: 06 主席的話 • 保護全球生物多樣性 Chairman’s Message • 確保以可持續方式使用可再生天然能源 • 推廣減少污染和浪費的行為 07 行政總裁的話 世界自然基金會香港分會於 1981 年成立,透過保育、生 Chief Executive Officer’s Message 態足印及環境教育項目,締造生生不息的地球。為響應我 們在全球的使命,世界自然基金會香港分會的願景是透 08 全球保育足跡 過保育自然環境,減少碳排放造成的污染,市民「惜」用 Global Conservation Successes 資源,推動香港成為亞洲最可持續發展的城市。 10 保育 Conservation About WWF WWF – Solutions for a living planet 16 生態足印 WWF is one of the world’s most respected Footprint conservation organizations, with a network active in more than 100 countries. Founded in 1961 with 22 教育 headquarters based in Switzerland, WWF’s mission is Education to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by : 26 您的參與 • Conserving the world's biological diversity Get Involved • Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable 28 財務摘要 • Promoting the reduction of pollution and Financials wasteful consumption 30 環保舉措 WWF-Hong Kong has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through Green Initiatives Conservation, Footprint and Education programmes. 31 機構管治 In support of our global mission, WWF-Hong Kong’s vision is to transform Hong Kong into Asia’s Corporate Governance most sustainable city where nature is conserved, carbon pollution is reduced, and consumption is 32 衷心感謝 environmentally responsible. Our Thanks 締造 生生不息 的地球

個人的生活習慣作出微小改變,加起來就能 PROVIDING 令地球生生不息。 person making small lifestyle changes is all SOLUTIONS 1 it takes to make our planet sustainable. FOR 0 本港不再有拖網捕魚。 A LIVING 經過多年倡議,禁止拖網捕 魚法例正式生效。 trawling in Hong Kong since PLANET the ban came into effect, after years of advocacy.

世界自然基金會香港分會繼續不遺餘 力地推動保育工作,成績有目共睹。 以下數字是今年的重點。

WWF-Hong Kong had a busy year, successfully hitting a number of conservation targets, and enjoying growth in various areas. The following figures showcase a few of the year’s highlights.

17,151 464,343 本會義工和實習人士協助保育和教育工作的時數。 名市民支持本會保育工作。 service hours donated by volunteers, people support WWF’s conservation interns and mentees initiatives.

2 WWF Annual Review 2013 2,726 為現時全球黑臉琵鷺的數量, 較 20 年前增加近 10 倍。 current population of Black- faced spoonbills globally, almost a ten-fold increase in 20 years 37,000 29 間參加低碳製造計劃的製造商累積 減少的碳排放(公噸)。 tonnes of emissions were avoided from 29 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme-accredited companies.

間食肆參加本會的無翅宴會菜單選擇計劃。 caterers have participated in WWF’s 115 Alternative Shark Free Menu programme.

間公司和團體支持本會工作。 corporations and organizations 385 support our work. 30 世界自然基金會管 理米埔自然保護區 , 已有 30 年。 56 000+ WWF has been 人透過參觀本會中心及參加外展教育項目學習保育資訊 managing Mai Po people learned about conservation during visits to Nature Reserve WWF’s centres and outreach education programmes. for 30 years.


July - Aug 2012 Nov 2012 強颱風韋森特襲港,貨船上六個貨櫃 本會旗艦籌款活動步走大自然吸引 3,000 人及逾 40 支企業隊伍參 共 150 噸膠粒跌入大海,沖上沿海岸 與,為本會保育工作籌得逾 230 萬港元。 邊及海灘。本會專家前往不同地方視 3,000 participants and more than 40 corporate teams participated 察膠粒散布的情況,並協調義工清理 in our signature fundraising event Walk for Nature, raising over 膠粒。 HK$2.3 million for WWF’s conservation work. WWF took action after the infamous plastic pellet spill, which occurred after six containers fell off a vessel, spilling millions of plastic nurdles across Hong Kong’s coastlines and beaches. Our experts visited different places to assess the extent of the spill and coordinated the clean-up with volunteers. Sep 2012 推出香港首個互動「海寶圖」, 讓公 眾探索本港海洋生境,認識海洋瑰寶。 Dec 2012 WWF’s online Marine Biodiversity 經過本會多年倡議,本港禁止拖網捕魚的法例終於生效,標誌被過 Map was launched to help the 度捕撈的海洋生態有望恢復。 public explore Hong Kong’s marine After years of advocacy by WWF, the trawling ban officially came habitats and learn about the into effect in Hong Kong, marking the beginning of a new phase in diversity of sea life. the recovery of Hong Kong’s over-fished marine environment.

集結全球海產業、保育界、政府和非政府組織代表的國際海產峰會 首度在港舉行。 The International Seafood Summit, sponsored by WWF and held Jan 2013 in Hong Kong for the first time, was attended by hundreds of 本會一直提倡保護生物多樣性。新一屆特區政府在首份施政報告提 seafood business leaders, representatives from governments and 及即將落實《生物多樣性公約》,就《生物多樣性策略和行動計劃》 NGOs around the world. 諮詢公眾;以及將撥款 5 億元成立「漁業持續發展基金」。 WWF has long been promoting the importance of preserving biodiversity. Hong Kong’s new administration committed itself in its first Policy Address to taking forward the Convention on Biological Diversity and setting up a HK$500 million sustainable fisheries fund.

4 WWF Annual Review 2013 Feb 2013 Mar 2013 舉行香港觀鳥大賽,喚醒公眾對東亞地區沿海濕地流失的關注, 地球一小時在全球 153 個國家、超過 7,000 個城市舉行。3 月 23 活動為本會保育工作籌得近 100 萬港元。 日晚上 8 時半,全港超過 3,800 間公司及大廈、所有大學和逾 370 The Big Bird Race was held, highlighting the alarming loss of 間學校一同熄燈響應。 coastal wetlands in East Asia and raising close to HK$1 million Earth Hour took place in over 7,000 cities in 153 countries across for conservation work. the globe. In Hong Kong over 3,800 companies and buildings, all universities, and over 370 schools switched off their lights at 8:30pm on 23 March.

Jun 2013 推出香港首個海岸實地考察流動應用程式「探索海下」,讓師生認 識香港豐富的海洋資源及生境。 發起「齊撐 Ruby」活動,提升公眾關注中華白海豚在香港水域面 對的困境。 Hong Kong’s first coastal field study mobile app – Explore Hoi Ha – was launched, giving students and teachers access to a The “Vote Ruby” campaign was launched to raise public awareness wealth of information about Hong Kong’s coastal environments. of the plight of Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong waters.

世界自然基金會香港分會及米埔管理委員會獲國際鳥盟頒發保育成 就獎,肯定其保護瀕危黑臉琵鷺的努力。 WWF-Hong Kong and the Mai Po Management Committee received the BirdLife International Conservation Achievement Award for our efforts in protecting the endangered Black- faced spoonbill.


對世界自然基金會香港分會來說,2013 年絕對是值得 For WWF-Hong Kong, 2013 was a year of celebration and transformation; 慶祝和紀念的一年,除了經歷革新,我們的努力亦贏 of anniversaries and accolades.

得各方認同,獲得國際肯定。 2013 marked the 30th year of WWF’s management of Mai Po Nature 2013 年是本會管理米埔自然保護區的 30 周年紀念。 Reserve. Marked by years of hard work and dedication, our conservation 本會多年來在米埔保育工作上不遺餘力,致力保護這 efforts have helped protect the unique ecology of this Wetland of International Importance. As the example of wetland conservation 片「國際重要濕地」的獨特生態。米埔是區內濕地保 excellence in the region, Mai Po plays a vital role in maintaining the 育的典範,在維持東亞—澳大拉西亞飛行航道完整性 integrity of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. 方面擔當重要角色。 WWF was also given cause to celebrate in June 2013, when we received 2013 年 6 月,本會獲全球最大的生態保育伙伴聯盟國 the prestigious BirdLife International Conservation Achievement Award 際鳥盟(BirdLife International)頒發保育成就獎,肯 for our decades of conservation work with the endangered Black-faced 定我們過去數十年間積極保育瀕危黑臉琵鷺的貢獻, spoonbill. Bringing these birds back from the edge of extinction has been 實在令人鼓舞。黑臉琵鷺的數目從瀕臨絕種邊緣逐步 one of our greatest achievements, and we look forward to welcoming them 回升,是本會引以自豪的一大成就。我們期望每年能吸 back to Hong Kong in greater numbers with every passing year. 引更多黑臉琵鷺重臨本港越冬。 WWF also spent much of 2013 further extending our influence beyond our 本會繼續提升在地區保育議題上的影響力,當中包括 borders, playing a leading role in driving the Asian Migratory Shorebird 領導實行亞洲遷徒水鳥保育項目,以及管理亞洲水鳥 Conservation Plan and managing the Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund, 保育基金。另外,本會的低碳製造計劃獲深圳市政府 helping the Shenzhen government model their Low Carbon Management 作為編寫《低碳管理及評審指南》的參考。我們亦逐 and Assessment Guidelines on our Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme, and extending our Live Reef Food Fish project’s influence to 步在中國推展活食用珊瑚魚保育項目。我深信,本會未 the mainland. I am confident we will witness further gains like these in the 來將在更多不同的保育項目上再創佳績。 coming years. 本會將繼續竭盡所能,務要推動本港成為亞洲最可持 Finally, we are aiming high with our mission statement, looking to do 續發展的城市。透過社會各界攜手協力,我們定能成 nothing less than transform Hong Kong into Asia’s most sustainable city. 功。 With the help and support of all sectors of Hong Kong, I know we will succeed.

世界自然基金會香港分會董事委員會主席 楊子信 Trevor Yang Chairman, Executive Council of WWF-Hong Kong


世界自然基金會香港分會的願景十分簡單 :透過保育 WWF-Hong Kong’s vision is simple: to transform Hong Kong into Asia’s 自然環境,減少碳排放造成的污染,市民「惜」用資源, most sustainable city where nature is conserved, carbon pollution is 推動香港成為亞洲最可持續發展的城市。不過,將願 reduced, and consumption is environmentally responsible. Translating this 景化為現實並非易事,保育工作所需的時間及量度成 vision into reality is less simple, however. The timelines and metrics involved 果的指標均與商業社會有很大的差别,保育成果一般 in conservation work are vastly different to those of the business world, as outcomes often take years, even decades to occur. 要以年計、甚至以十年計才會浮現。 This year WWF achieved several positive and measurable conservation 過去一年,世界自然基金會取得不少正面及顯著的保 outcomes, all of which indicate that our city is beginning to turn towards a 育成果,顯示香港正開始朝可持續發展的方向邁進。 more sustainable direction. 自 1983 年起,本會管理米埔自然保護區。米埔為多 Since 1983, WWF has been managing Mai Po Nature Reserve which supports 元化的濕地動植物種提供棲身之所,當中包括全球瀕 a huge diversity of wetland species, including the globally endangered Black- 危的黑臉琵鷺。有賴本會職員及一眾大自然愛好者的 faced spoonbill. Thanks to the efforts of our staff and nature lovers, we are 努力,我們欣然見證黑臉琵鷺的數量在 20 年間增加 pleased to report that the spoonbill’s population increased almost ten-fold in 接近十倍。 20 years.

要讓米埔繼續生機處處,本會需要大家更多的幫助, But, to ensure Mai Po continues to thrive, increased support is urgently 為完善設備的工作、提升生境地生態價值的大型項目、 needed. Resources are required for infrastructure enhancement, large scale 濕地培訓項目等提供資源。 habitat improvement works, wetland training programme among others.

除此以外,因應聯合國《生物多樣性公約》的要求, In addition, as part of our obligation to the UN’s Convention on Biological 香港已展開《生物多樣性策略及行動計劃》的制定工 Diversity, Hong Kong has finally begun to work on the formulation of a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP). WWF is formally involved 作。我們加入了政府成立的督導委員會、工作小組及 in the government’s advisory body preparing the BSAP. We believe the 專題小組。我們相信制定的行動計劃能切合本地需要, plan that is being developed will be locally relevant; preserving our 保護奇妙但受威脅的生物多樣性,並確保它的組成部 amazing and threatened biodiversity as well as ensuring its components 分可獲持久使用。 are sustainably used.

環境教育是維繫社會對大自然關愛不可或缺的一環。 Education is vital to sustaining society’s appreciation of nature. This year, 本會教育部這一年善用科技,推出兩個手機應用程式: our Education Department increased its digital portfolio and launched two 「探索海下」是一個海岸實地考察的教育程式,讓學 mobile apps: Explore Hoi Ha is a coastal field study education app which 生搖身一變成為海岸生態學家 ;另一程式「NEED : allows students to explore nature like seasoned ecologists; while our NEED 香港生態熱點流動學習平台」則鼓勵公眾對參與環境 programme app promotes public engagement in environmental issues. 保育議題。 Our achievements this past year would not have been possible without the 以上成果,全賴本會職員、贊助夥伴及大自然愛好者 loyal and concerted efforts of our staff, the support of our corporate sponsors 等對本會的支持方能成事。 and the continuous encouragement of nature lovers across Hong Kong. We look forward to another great year for conservation in Hong Kong in 在此,本會期望 2014 年繼續為保育工作收獲豐盛的 2014! 一年!

世界自然基金會香港分會行政總裁 Adam Koo 顧志翔 Chief Executive Officer, WWF-Hong Kong

7 全球保育足跡 GLOBAL CONSERVATION SUCCESSES 1,000 加強保護北極熊生境地 在本會支援下,俄羅斯將在北極新增兩個合計逾 180 萬公頃的 保護區。新增區域能保障北極熊等受威脅物種以及逾 1,000 種 植物的棲息地。

Increased protection of polar bear habitat With WWF support, Russia has established two new protected areas in the Arctic covering a total of 1.8 million hectares. The new areas help secure habitats of threatened species including polar bears, and a rich flora with over 1,000 plant species.

1 million ha 重點森林的可持續管理 中非喀麥隆再有森林獲森林管理委員會(FSC)認證,令全國符合 FSC 標準的森林面積增 至超過 100 萬公頃。整體來說,剛果流域一帶獲認可的森林則總計達 500 萬公頃。

Sustainable management of priority forests increases New areas of forest certified to meet the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards in Cameroon in central Africa take the country’s FSC-certified forest area to over 1 million hectares and 5 million hectares in the Congo River basin as a whole.


大型企業轉用清潔能源 接近三分之二全球最大型企業承諾減少排放溫室氣體,應對氣 候變化,並增加使用可再生能源。

World’s largest companies shifting to clean energy Nearly two-thirds of the world’s largest companies have committed to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases causing climate change and increasing their use of renewable energy.

8 WWF Annual Review 2013 中國發布環境保護指南 中國政府發布《對外投資合作環境保護指南》, 協助中國企業減低 其境外投資對環境帶來負面影響,並履行環境保護的社會責任。該 指南鼓勵企業實行環保採購,如採購木材時選擇符合可持續發展原 則的認證產品,以及為其海外生產的商品取得認證。

China issues environmental protection guidelines The Chinese government has issued guidelines to help Chinese businesses operating in foreign countries avoid creating environmental risk and fulfil their social responsibility of environmental protection. The guidelines encourage green procurement – purchasing sustainably-certified products such as timber and seeking such certification for commodities produced in foreign countries.

50 拯救遠東豹 最新統計顯示,現時在俄羅斯出沒的遠東豹最少有 50 隻,與上一次統計比較,數量在五年內明顯增多, 出沒區域亦延伸至中國邊境。本會期望現時保護區 能夠擴大,並沿中俄邊境新增總面積達 60 萬公頃 的跨境保護區,為更多遠東豹提供棲息地。

Boost for Asian big cats 840,000 ha A recent census of the Far East leopard in Russia showed at least 50 individuals – a significant 增加國際重要濕地數目 increase in five years since the last census – and that the leopard is extending its range to the China 數個具有高保育價值的淡水濕地根 border. WWF seeks a transboundary leopard 據《拉姆薩爾公約》被列入國際重 reserve along the China-Russia border linking 要濕地,這些濕地分別位於肯亞、 existing protection areas and covering 600,000 羅馬尼亞、突尼西亞及津巴布韋, hectares to sustain much larger populations. 覆蓋面積超過 84 萬公頃。

Further wetland sites with high priority protected Several freshwater areas in conservation zones of high priority have been designated under the Ramsar Convention as Wetlands of International 30,000 Importance. These areas include Kenya, Romania, Tunisia and 泰國終止象牙貿易 Zimbabwe, totally covering over 世界自然基金會和網站 Avaaz 就反對象牙貿易向泰國遞交近 840,000 hectares. 160 萬個簽名,泰國總理宣布將採取措施中止國內象牙貿易。 據估計,現時每年約有 30,000 隻非洲象被殺害。泰國此承諾 將為保護非洲象踏出重要一步。

Ivory trade in Thailand to close Following 1.6 million signatures having been collected by WWF and Avaaz, the Thai Prime Minister announced that the country would take steps to close down its ivory trade. The commitment is a major step toward protecting Africa’s elephants – an estimated 30,000 are killed every year.


© Adam Minu / WWF-Hong Kong 保育 CONSERVATION

保育野生動植物和保存生物多樣性是世界自然基金會的核心工 作。本會一直致力保護本港豐富的生物多樣性和獨特的野生棲息 地。我們期望透過推行不同項目,能加強保護華南及其他地區的 豐富生態系統,進一步提高其生態保育價值,並促使公眾在保育 上有正面的行為和態度轉變,攜手協力保存珍貴的大自然。

Conserving the world’s wildlife and biodiversity lies at the heart of everything WWF stands for. We are committed to conserving Hong Kong’s rich biodiversity and unique wildlife habitats. Each of our programmes is designed to maximize the protection and conservation value of the rich ecosystems of South China and beyond, while generating a transformation in behaviour and attitudes to drive people to understand that we must all work together to preserve the natural world. 本地生物多樣性 LOCAL BIODIVERSITY © Chan Yin Fai / WWF-Hong Kong

零 恢復海洋生機 Healing our marine environment ZERO 過度捕撈、頻繁的海上交通和填 Over-fishing, busy marine traffic and land 拖網捕魚 海等均對海洋環境造成巨大破 reclamation are causing tremendous damage to TRAWLING IN 壞,本會拯救海洋大行動旨在扭 our marine environment. These are what WWF’s 轉這個局面。經過本會多年倡 Save Our Seas campaign aims to change. After HONG KONG 議,本港禁止拖網捕魚法例終在 years of advocacy, the trawling ban came into effect in Hong Kong on 31 December 2012. Scientists 2012 年 12 月 31 日生效。專家 predict that in five years, populations of marine 預期黃花魚及海斑等海魚數量 fish like croakers and groupers will increase by 20 將在 5 年內增加 20% 至 30%, to 30 per cent. There is no doubt that this ban will 本港海洋生態有望得以恢復。 improve the health of our marine environment in 海洋保育工作仍未結束,現時本 the long term.

港只有 1.5% 水域受法例保護, Right now, only 1.5 per cent of Hong Kong waters 本會現提倡政府制定全面的漁 are protected by law. Building on the success of 業管理措施,並將海洋保護區 the ban, WWF is advocating that the government 面積擴大至香港水域的 10%。 develop holistic fisheries management measures and expand the network of Marine Protected Areas to 10 per cent of Hong Kong waters.

12 WWF Annual Review 2013 Rob Young / CC BY 2.0 © Ray Zheng

一條也不能少 Working to save the last of their kind

本會竭力保育本港水域內數量不 WWF puts much effort into conserving the 斷減少的中華白海豚。就海豚保 declining population of Hong Kong’s Chinese 護工作,本會透過與其他保育團 white dolphins. By working closely with other 體緊密合作,發表我們的意見。 conservation groups, we maximize our voice in regard to the dolphin protection work. We have 我們向路政署建議,修訂港珠澳 also been lobbying the Highway Department to 大橋工程中監測中華白海豚的行 revise the Event and Action Plan for Chinese white 動計劃,務求更準確評估工程範 dolphin monitoring in the Hong Kong-Zhuhai- 圍內的中華白海豚數目。 Macao Bridge project to more accurately assess 本會發起「齊撐 Ruby」,提升公 the dolphin numbers in the work areas.

眾對中華白海豚的關注。現時本 Kicking off the “Vote Ruby” campaign, we drew 港水域的中華白海豚僅餘 61 條, public attention to the fact that only 61 Chinese 本會期望透過簽名運動促請政府 white dolphins remain in Hong Kong waters. A 闢建海岸公園,讓中華白海豚享 petition to expand the network of Marine Parks to 有安全的居住環境。 offer the dolphins more protection was launched.

平衡發展與保育 Keeping an eye on nature

71 過去一年,本會環境監察團隊審 In the past year, WWF’s Environmental 審視的發展項目 視了 71 個發展項目和 14 個土地 Watchdog team proactively made comments and DEVELOPMENT 用途規劃建議,並提交意見,以 offered advice on 71 development projects and 14 避免或減低發展項目對生態的影 land use planning proposals to avoid or mitigate the PROJECTS REVIEWED 響以及推行保育。本會曾針對一 ecological impacts of development, and to promote 些主要發展項目的技術性環境問 conservation. We have been tackling technical environmental issues of major development projects. 題,例如將東涌西的建議填海面 For example, the proposed reclamation area at Tung 積大幅減少,以保存原有天然海 Chung West has been largely reduced to preserve 岸;本會亦指出了昂坪雨水排放 the natural shoreline and WWF has pointed out 系統改善工程環評報告內幾項主 the major faults in the Environmental Impact 要失誤。這些意見其後獲有關當 Assessment report of the Ngong Ping Drainage 局採納。 Improvement Work. Our comments were addressed subsequently by the government.

13 地區濕地 REGIONAL WETLANDS © Neil Fifer / WWF-Hong Kong

管理雀鳥天堂 Managing Hong Kong’s bird paradise

2,726 2013 年是本會管理米埔自然保護 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of WWF’s 黑臉琵鷺最新數字 區 30 周年。米埔為多元化的濕 management of Mai Po Nature Reserve, which CURRENT POPULATION 地動植物種提供棲身之所,當中 supports a huge diversity of wetland species, 包括瀕危的黑臉琵鷺,其數量由 including the endangered Black-faced spoonbill. The spoonbill’s population increased from a low of 288 OF BLACK-FACED 1990 年全球僅餘 288 隻,回升 birds in 1990 to the current population of 2,726. Our SPOONBILLS 至最近的 2,726 隻。我們付出的 effort in its conservation is recognized worldwide 努力獲國際認同,本會和米埔管 – the Mai Po Management Committee was 理委員會獲頒發國際鳥盟保育成 awarded the BirdLife International Conservation 就獎。 Achievement Award.

本年度逾 26,000 學生及巿民參 More than 26,000 students and members of the 加學校及公眾導賞團,到訪米埔 public also learned about wetland wildlife and 了解濕地生態和保育知識。米埔 conservation through participation in public tours 亦在 U-Magazine「您想綠色生 and school visits to the Reserve, while Mai Po was 活大獎」選舉中獲公眾投票評選 awarded Hong Kong’s “Most beloved Nature Scenic 為「最喜愛香港之大自然景點」。 Spot 2012-3” by U-Magazine.

14 WWF Annual Review 2013 保護亞洲水鳥 Protecting Asia’s threatened 4 waterbirds 本會在 2012 年初推出遷徒濱鳥 個保育項目獲 保育項目,引領政府、保育人士、 Since early 2012, WWF has been developing a 亞洲水鳥保育基金 非政府環保組織及研究員,在各 Migratory Shorebird Conservation Plan 資助 個重要範疇採取行動,以保育東 to implement priority action areas which will 亞—澳大拉西亞飛行航道上受威 guide governments, conservationists, ENGOs and PROJECTS WERE researchers across the East Asian-Australasian 脅的遷徙濱鳥。 COMPLETED UNDER Flyway (EAAF) to conserve threatened and near- ASIAN WATERBIRD 今年我們草擬首份評估報告,從 threatened migratory shorebird populations. 使用該航道的 52 個物種和 63 個 This year, we produced a first draft of the CONSERVATION FUND 潛在種群中,確定保育價值最高 prioritization report on EAAF shorebirds to 的物種。 determine the species of highest conservation 本會管理的亞洲水鳥保育基金, priority, after an assessment of 52 species and 63 為各地水鳥保育項目提供資助, populations along the flyway. 特別是一些與當地社區合作的項 The Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund, 目。本年度完成的 4 個項目,其 administered by us, provides financial support to 中 2 個在內蒙古推行,包括在圖 waterbird conservation projects, particularly in 牧吉國家級自然保護區推行可持 partnership with local communities. Four projects 續種植及牧羊模式培訓,減少過 were completed this year including planting and 度放牧對濕地生態環境的影響; sheep breeding training at Tumuji National Nature Reserve in Inner Mongolia, China, which will reduce 以及在輝河國家級自然保護區內 the impact of overgrazing in the wetland area; and 向居民宣傳水鳥保育,以針對非 waterbird conservation education – focusing on 法檢拾鳥蛋的行為。 illegal egg poaching prevention – at the Hui River National Nature Reserve, also in Inner Mongolia.

改善區內濕地管理 Guiding regional wetlands towards sustainability 福建閩江河口位於東亞—澳大拉 西亞飛行航道上,為逾 50,000 隻 The Minjiang Estuary is an important site in the 遷徙水鳥的重要棲息濕地,包括 EAAF for over 50,000 migratory waterbirds, 屬於極危的中華鳳頭燕鷗(全球 including the critically endangered Chinese crested tern (world population less than 50) and Spoon- 數目少於 50 隻)及勺嘴鷸(全球 billed sandpiper (world population less than 數目少於 400 隻)。 本會華南濕 400). Through the launch of our China Wetland 地發展項目為當地濕地管理人員 Development Project in July 2012, WWF teams 提供持續指導和支援,令濕地達 provide ongoing guidance and support to the local 到可持續管理和發展,並提升公 management authority, with the aim to sustainably 眾對保護河口生境的意識。 manage the site and raise public awareness of the 在 2013 年度, 本會在米埔為福 need to protect the estuary. 建、香港、台灣濕地保育舉行座 Highlights of FY13 include organizing the Wildlife 談會,以及為閩江口自然保護區 Conservation Symposium between Fujian, Hong 的管理人員提供為期 8 天的培訓 Kong and Taiwan, and an eight-day wetland 課程。課程結束後,他們為閩江 management training course for staff of Minjiang 河口擬定管理計劃,收集持分者 Estuary Nature Reserve in Mai Po. Upon their 意見,並開始在保護區內進行進 return, a management plan for the Minjiang Estuary was drafted and workshops were held 行定期水鳥調查。 to collect comments from stakeholders. Regular waterbird survey work conducted by reserve staff has also been started.


© Global Warming Images / WWF 生態足印 FOOTPRINT

根據《香港生態足印報告 2013》, 若全球以港人模式生活,我們將 需要 2.6 個地球的資源才能滿足所需。與此同時,空氣中的二氧化 碳濃度達到歷史新高的 400 ppm ( 百萬分之 400)。我們是時候要 檢討自己的消費習慣。

本會致力與各方合作,鼓勵市民減少對天然資源的需求,從而減低 人類的生態足印,旨在推動香港成為全亞洲最可持續發展的城市, 並利用香港在亞洲的優勢,影響鄰近地區。

According to the Hong Kong Ecological Footprint Report 2013, if everyone on Earth lived the Hong Kong lifestyle, we would need 2.6 planets to meet our need for resources. In addition, atmospheric carbon level has reached 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in human history. It is time for us to review our consumption practices.

WWF is working to reduce humanity’s Ecological Footprint by working with the public and private sectors to reduce our demand for natural resources. We aim at transforming Hong Kong into Asia’s most sustainable city, and thanks to our leading role in Asia, influencing the region. 生態足印 FOOTPRINT © Cat Holloway / WWF-Canon

無翅呼聲愈演愈烈 Shouting for Sharks

163 本會的鯊魚保育行動今年再取得進 This year WWF saw further gains in the Shark 間企業承諾 展。《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易 Fin Initiative. A historic and precedent-setting 向魚翅說不 公約》締約國大會通過將五個鯊魚 CITES vote has initiated regulation of trade in 物種列入嚴格貿易規管,是鯊魚保 five shark species. We continue our calls on the COMPANIES SAY NO SAR government to collect and release full trade 育界的喜訊。本會繼續呼籲港府搜 statistics on shark fin, including the species, TO SHARK FIN 集及公布全面的魚翅貿易數據,包 volumes and country of origin. 括物種、數量及原產地。 115 caterers have participated in our Alternative 至今已有 115 間食肆參加本會的無 Shark Free Menu programme. We had also 翅宴會菜單選擇計劃,而 163 間 recruited 163 companies to join the No Shark 企業則承諾向魚翅說不,並讓超過 Fin Corporate Pledge, in which over 86,000 86,000 名員工透過本會了解鯊魚 staff members have learned about the shark 保育信息。本會亦與其他保育團體 conservation. WWF also partners with other 合作,發起一翅都唔食行動,透過 conservation groups in I’m FINished with Fins 名人呼籲,動員更多公眾支持全球 campaign, galvanizing further public support. 鯊魚保育工作。 These measures are having the desired effect on 這些保育項目帶來正面果效。 the market. According to the Hong Kong Census 根據香港統計處的數字, 本港 and Statistics Department, around 8,285 tonnes of shark fin products were imported into Hong Kong 在 2012 年進口約8,285 公噸魚 in 2012. This marks a decline when compared with 翅產品, 數字少於2011 年的約 2011, when the figure was around 10,000 tonnes. 1 萬公噸。( 統計處更改貨物 (These figures may also be the result of changes in 編號可能輕微影響數據。) how the SAR government documents its trade.)

18 WWF Annual Review 2013 © National Geographic Stock / Paul Nicklen WWF-Canada

58 精明海產消費者 Helping consumers choose wisely As the second-largest per capita consumers 間餐飲食肆提供 香港是全亞洲人均消秏海鮮量第 二多的地區,平均每人每年消秏 of seafood in Asia, Hong Kong people have an 環保海鮮菜單 71.6 公斤的海產。香港從逾 150 enormous “seafood footprint” – every person CATERERS SUPPORT 個國家及地區進口海產,為本地 consumes 71.6kg of seafood each year. We import seafood from over 150 countries and territories, 和海外的漁業構成沉重壓力。本 OCEAN FRIENDLY MENUS placing great pressure on both local and overseas 會的海鮮選擇大行動,積極向海 fisheries. WWF’s Seafood Choice Initiative 產供應鏈每一階層,包括漁民、 actively engages different sectors along the supply 買家、食肆、消費者等,推廣環 chain: from the fishers, buyers and suppliers down 保海鮮。 to retailers, caterers and consumers to promote the 目前有 58 間來自酒店、會所和 concept of sustainable seafood. 主題公園的餐飲食肆,採納本會 Fifty-eight different caterers – including hotels, 的環保海鮮菜單。而逾 30 間企 clubhouses, exhibition centres, theme parks and 業則參考本會建議,在日常營運 restaurants were actively supporting our Ocean 中採購環保海鮮。 Friendly Menu campaign. An additional 30 plus businesses sought WWF’s advice to source 集結全球海產業、保育界、政府 sustainable seafood in their daily operations. 和非政府組織代表的國際海產峰 會首度在港舉行,亦為亞洲區的 International Seafood Summit, sponsored by WWF, took place in Hong Kong, marking the 首次。來自各國及不同界別的代 first time the event took place in Asia. The event 表,就漁業面對的挑戰和發展方 attracted hundreds of seafood business leaders, 向提出意見。此外,本會亦舉辦 government representatives and NGOs around the 環保海鮮座談會,讓 123 名飲食 world to discuss the pressing fisheries challenges 業和服務行業界代表探討在香港 and the road ahead. Alongside with this, WWF- 採購和推廣環保海鮮的新趨勢。 Hong Kong organized the 3rd Sustainable Seafood 與此同時,本會與中國辦事處和 Business Seminar and attracted 123 key players 珊瑚大三角全球保育行動合作, from the catering and hospitality industries to share and discuss the latest trend and development 首次對中國內地活食用珊瑚魚貿 in sourcing and promoting sustainable seafood in 易進行研究,收集貿易動態、路 Hong Kong. 線和規模等資料。這旨在向中國 政府和貿易組織推廣有關行業的 At the same time, our CTGI – Live Reef Food Fish 可持續性發展。 Project, worked with WWF-China and WWF-CTGI, to conduct a study in mainland China to understand for the first time the trade dynamics, trade route and the scale of the live reef food fish trade. This aims to stimulate major change towards sustainability in this trade, by engaging the relevant Chinese government departments and trade associations.

19 氣候變化 CLIMATE © Adam Oswell / WWF-Canon

領導珠三角製造業減排 Leading manufacturers in reducing 公噸 TONNES emissions 37,000 本會的低碳製造計劃反應理想, 累積減少碳排放量 其中 15 間內地製造商在減少碳 Fifteen of the participating factories in mainland EMISSIONS AVOIDED 排放成效上取得可觀的進展。而 China showed big improvement in carbon 29 間通過計劃認證的製造商, reduction through joining WWF’s pioneering Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme 今年累積減少逾 37,000 公噸碳 (LCMP) labelling scheme. Over 37,000 tonnes of 排放,相當於節省 6 千萬港元 emissions were avoided from 29 LCMP-accredited 電費。同時,來自 62 間製造廠 companies, equivalent of HK$60million electricity 的逾 85,000 名員工透過本會獲 cost savings. Over 85,000 workers in 62 factories 得應對氣候變化的資訊。 were educated on the challenges of climate change.

深圳市於 2012 年 10 月實施《低 Also, the new Shenzhen Low Carbon Management 碳管理及評審指南》。該指南參 and Assessment Guidelines, issued by the 考本會的低碳製造計劃編寫,適 Shenzhen Municipality, was launched in October 用於 635 間公司,共佔全市總 2012. These guidelines are modeled on our LCMP, 碳排放量百分之 38。此舉打開 and will apply to 635 companies which account for 了由政府層面實施減排的空間。 38 per cent of the city’s emissions. It has opened up the possibility to leverage greater impact to city and provincial governments.

20 WWF Annual Review 2013 © WWF-Hong Kong / Arbiser Photography © Earth Hour Global

辦公室減碳 Cutting carbon in your office

低碳辦公室計劃透過低碳管理和 In FY13, 28 offices participated in third-party 技術最佳實踐、員工參與和標籤 verification of the WWF’s Low-carbon Office 制度,推動辦公室減碳。本年度 Operations Programme (LOOP). The verified 有 28 間公司參與第三方認證, annual carbon emissions per employee of these companies was 3.47 tonnes, 21 per cent lower 員工人均碳排放量為 3.47 公噸, than last year. On average, LOOP offices reduced 較去年少百分之21。 所有參與 their carbon intensity (the carbon emission per 辦公室的首年員工人均碳排量, employee) by 6.0 per cent in the first year of their 平均比基準年減少百分之 6.0。 participation in the LOOP. Offices’ emissions reduction was made possible through adoption of low-carbon managerial and technological best practices, staff participation, and a labelling scheme as a benchmark.

地球一小時廣受支持 Making every hour Earth Hour 小時 HOUR 1 全球最大型的集體環保行動地球 The largest environmental action in the world 象徵對可持續生活 一小時,無論在本港還是全球, continues to grow in popularity, both in Hong 的關注 繼續為人認識和深受支持。2013 Kong and abroad. On 23 March 2013, the annual 年 3 月 23 日晚上,全球 153 個國 “Lights Out” event, which took place across over RAISES AWARENESS 7,000 cities in 153 countries around the world, 家、逾 7,000 個城市參與這項全 saw overwhelming support. In Hong Kong’s ABOUT SUSTAINABLE 球熄燈活動。香港有 3,800 間公 Earth Hour, all universities, 370 primary and LIFESTYLES 司和大廈、所有大學及 370 間中 secondary schools and over 3,800 companies and 小學亦響應活動,象徵對節能、 buildings switched off their lights and committed 減碳和實踐可持續生活的關注。 to this symbolic act to raise awareness about energy saving, carbon reduction and the need to start living a sustainable lifestyle.

氣候變化 Climate 21

© WWF-Hong Kong 教育 EDUCATION

世界自然基金會香港分會向來重視教育工作。我們致力透過趣味 活動、親身參與和體驗,推動社區對保育作出貢獻。本會藉著不 同教育項目,接觸各個年齡群組及培訓區內保育人士,重點教育 和推動本會的核心保育工作——濕地、生物多樣性、氣候及生態 足印。我們矢志發展成為區內的「卓越中心」,並進一步專注於 把教育和培訓項目擴展至亞太地區。

Education has always been the heart and soul of WWF-Hong Kong. Our mission is to promote stronger commitment from the community to conservation through fun, engagement and real life experiences. Reaching out to children and adults across Hong Kong and training conservationists from the region, the Education Department focuses on our core areas of wetland, biodiversity, climate and footprint. Aiming to become a regional Centre of Excellence, we are beginning to focus further on the education and training of multipliers across the Asia-Pacific. © WWF-Hong Kong “ 我會呼籲人們不要傷害大自然的動物和植物, 讓我們的後代也能見到這美麗的大自然。 I will encourage people not to harm the environment and living organisms. I hope the next generation can see the beautiful nature that I saw here. ”

一名參加米埔導賞團的小學生 A primary school student, participant of a Mai Po school visit

一 App 在手隨時考察 Apping the balance between nature and development 本會的 NEED 可持續發展移動學 習計劃推出「香港生態熱點流動 Under the NEED – Education for Sustainable 學習平台」應用程式,覆蓋本港 Development Mobile Learning Programme, 4 個生態熱點,包括塱原、汀角 we developed the “Hong Kong Ecological Hotspots Mobile Apparatus”, which is a mobile app 路、南生圍及流浮山,讓學生認 developed to increase students’ understanding of 識可持續發展的槪念。簡單易用 the concept of sustainable development through 的程式不但令用家關注當地的發 the lens of Hong Kong’s “ecological hotspots” – 展議題,還可鼓勵公眾參與更多 Long Valley, Ting Kok, Nam Sang Wai and Lau Fau 環境及生態活動。 Shan. The easy-to-use app creates awareness about development issues and encourages participation in environmental and public engagement activities.

米埔同樂 Mai Po for the masses! 12,000 本會的標誌性教育項目—— 米埔 Our signature Mai Po School Education 學生參加 學校教育項目,為近 12,000 名中 Programme hosted 366 school visits, with nearly 米埔導賞團 小學生舉辦 366 次學校導賞團。 12,000 primary and secondary school students 在 2012/13 學年,7 成受訪學生認 joining the programmes. In the 2012-13 school STUDENTS VISITED year students’ pre- and post-programme survey 同在參加導賞團後對濕地議題有 revealed that 70 per cent of the participants had MAI PO 更多了解,近 9 成學生表示會在 gained knowledge on wetland issues after the visit, 活動後實踐保育行動,支持在日 while almost 90 per cent said that they would take 常生活中自然資源的可持續使用。 conservation action and support the sustainable use of natural resources in people’s daily lives.

區內濕地模範 Leadership for wetland management and education across the region 我們在米埔自然保護區進行的濕 地管理培訓項目,展示如何改善東 Our Wetland Management Training 亞─澳大拉西亞飛行航道(EAAF) Programme uses the Mai Po Nature Reserve 的濕地管理和環境教育。項目吸引 to demonstrate how wetland management and environmental education can be improved across 293 名來自內蒙古、吉林、西藏、遼 the EAAF. The programme welcomed 293 eager 寧、黑龍江、武漢及廣東的人士參 participants from all across China: Inner Mongolia, 加。大部份參加者來自 EAAF 覆蓋 Jilin, Tibet, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Wuhan and 的地區,並從事與濕地管理息息相 . The majority of participants were from 關的工作,例如濕地自然保護區管 regions along the EAAF, performing jobs highly 理人員、省級濕地管理中心官員、 related to wetland management – wetland nature 濕地公園職員等。 reserve managers, provincial wetland management centre officials and staff of wetland parks.

24 WWF Annual Review 2013 28 可持續生活模式深入校園 Sustainability in schools 我們透過精心設計的可持續生活模 We continue to deliver excellence in outreach 間學校參與 STEP 式教育計劃(STEP),繼續為學生 with our well-established Sustainable lifestyle 教育活動週 提供多元化的教育活動。至今已有 Target Education Programme (STEP). Over 28 間本地小學、逾 14,500 名學生 14,500 students from 28 schools participated SCHOOLS in this intensive week-long programme focusing 參與為期一星期的 STEP 主題式教 on climate change and sustainable living. PARTICIPATED IN STEP 育活動,學習有關氣候變化和可持 The evaluation results showed that 62 per cent of 續生活的議題。課後評估結果顯示, the participants gained knowledge through the 62% 參加者透過計劃增長知識,超 programme. Over 90 per cent of teachers agreed 過 9 成教師認同 STEP 能配合本港 that STEP matched Hong Kong’s primary school 小學課程,並能加強學生對氣候變 curriculum and enriched students’ understanding 化的了解。 of climate change

這種環境教育模式逐漸成為趨勢。 This type of environmental education is becoming STEP 在一個由本港教育局舉辦的教 the norm in Hong Kong. STEP was presented as a 師研討會中被選為教學範例。本會在 best practice example of the genre during a teacher 2013/14 學年推出新階段的 STEP, seminar held by the Education Bureau. The new 除了繼續灌輸氣候變化的知識外, phase of STEP has been launched in the 2013-14 亦加入大量有關生態足印的內容。 school year, with significant increase of coverage of the ecological footprint on top of climate change .

海洋教育先鋒 Leading the way in marine education 96% 在 2012/13 學年,233 個團體、 Two hundred and thirty-three groups totalling 參加者表明支持 超過 7,400 人參加海下灣海洋中 over 7,400 visitors joined our Hoi Ha Centre- 海洋保育 心舉辦的海洋教育項目。絕大部 based Marine Education Programmes in 份參加者認同活動能提高他們的 the 2012-2013 school year. The vast majority of VISITORS SAID THEY visitors reported that their awareness of marine 海洋保育意識,96% 人士表明願 conservation increased as a result, while 96 per SUPPORTED MARINE 意實踐可持續生活模式,支持海 cent said that they were willing to support marine CONSERVATION 洋保育。 conservation by adopting a sustainable lifestyle. 為擴展海洋教育,本會推行海洋 Designed to multiply learning beyond the centre, 保育領袖培訓計劃,於去年培訓 our Marine Conservation Leadership 21 名大學生成為校園保育領袖。 Programme trained 21 university students 他們的服務時數超過 1,100 小時, who went on to perform over 1,100 volunteer 並在不同教育及保育活動中,向 service hours and to build networks on campuses. 逾 8,300 人推廣本會的保育訊息。 Altogether the leaders reached over 8,300 people and helped promote WWF’s conservation message. © Ellen Shek / WWF-Hong Kong

活動能加深我對課本內容的知識,而導師介紹香港獨特的 “ 生態環境時既生動又專業。我很訝異原來這個石屎森林裡 有這麼貼近大自然的生態及多樣生物。 The school tour reinforced what I have learned from the textbook. WWF staff introduced a lot of information about the unique habitats in Mai Po, in a very lively way. I am amazed that there’s such a bio-diverse place in this concrete jungle.” 一名參加米埔導賞團的中學生 A secondary school student, participant of Mai Po school visit

25 世界自然基金會香港分會的收入,大部分來自熱心環境保育的個人和公 司捐款。你們的支持讓我們可以致力保護本港自然環境,為下一代締造 您的參與 可持續發展生活環境。

WWF-Hong Kong is almost entirely dependent on the support of individual and corporate donors for our funding. Without this GET INVOLVED support, our ability to protect Hong Kong’s natural heritage and create a sustainable city for future generations would be hindered.

在 2013 年度,本會個人捐款者超 In FY 13, over 25,000 individuals supported 個人籌款 過 2 萬 5 千人,當中 20,376 人透 us financially, with 20,376 of them being active 過經常性捐款,積極支持我們的 supporters who make recurring donations. INDIVIDUAL 工作。 This year, we continued to encourage more people to 我們會繼續在街頭、商場及透過本 join our monthly membership programme or “adopt” an iconic species. We approached people through GIVING 會活動接觸公眾,鼓勵他們參與每 street recruitment, in shopping centres and at 月捐款會員計劃及助養野生動物。 events. We also used television appeals, direct mail 我們亦會藉著電視推廣、信件、網 and online communications to welcome new donors 上傳訊等方式吸納新會員。每名捐 to the organization. Each donor helps provide us 款者的善款為本會帶來穩定及可靠 with regular and reliable income, allowing us to plan 的收入,讓我們可以策劃更長遠、 the development of our conservation work in a more 更前瞻的保育工作。 coordinated way and with a longer-term vision.

本會透過公司會員計劃,與本港 Through our Corporate Membership Programme 公司夥伴 及跨國企業建立夥伴關係,協助 (CMP), WWF partners with a number of Hong Kong- 他們在天然資源有限的情況下仍 based companies and multinational enterprises to OUR 能持續發展業務。此計劃不但為 help develop their businesses sustainably. The CMP 公司提供一個交流環保方針的平 provides not only a platform to companies to share their green practices, but also a chance to make an CORPORATE 台,亦讓他們有機會為本會保育 effort in WWF’s conservation works. 工作出一分力。 PARTNERS Outside the CMP, we work with numerous corporate 與此同時,我們與多間企業展開 partners and receive great support, not only 合作項目,除了獲得財政上的支 financially, but through their assistance in delivering 持,更重要的是讓本會的保育訊 our message on nature conservation to the public 息能傳遞給公眾及商界。 and other businesses.

大自然不會發聲,我視世界自然基金會為 “ 大自然發聲的渠道。 Nature doesn’t have a voice. I look at WWF as being one of nature’s voices. ”

Helmut Schwarting, 本會長期支持者 Helmut Schwarting, long-term supporter of WWF-Hong Kong

26 WWF Annual Review 2013 © WWF-Hong Kong

回想 60 年代,我還能與家人在深水灣暢泳和釣魚。如今時光飛逝, “ 物換星移,如果沒有世界自然基金會的工作,又有誰替我們保護 珍貴的海洋資源呢? When I was growing up in Hong Kong in the 60s, I used to swim with my grandfather and fish in Deep Water Bay with my grandmothers. How times have changed! If we don't take care of our marine resources, through WWF-Hong Kong, who will? ” 唐裕年先生,世界自然基金會香港分會理事 Martin Tang, WWF-Hong Kong's trustee

2012 年 11 月舉行的步走大自然, At Walk for Nature in November 2012, more than 旗艦籌款 吸引近 3,000 名市民和逾 40 支公 40 corporate teams and around 3,000 individuals 司隊伍參加,籌得超過 230 萬港 participated, raising over HK$2.3 million. The 活動 元善款。至於 2013 年 2 月舉行的 Big Bird Race, held in February 2013, raised close 香港觀鳥大賽,亦為米埔自然保 to HK$1 million for conservation projects in Mai Po Nature Reserve. FLAGSHIP 護區的保育項目籌得接近 100 萬 FUNDRAISING 港元。 EVENTS

本會強大的義工隊伍,讓我們的 WWF’s workload is made more manageable thanks 義工 工作更順利推行。這年度有超過 to our strong base of volunteers. This year, over 500 500 人參與本會義務工作、實習 volunteers, interns and mentees helped in a myriad OUR 生及師徒計劃,協助舉辦大型活 of ways, including assisting with large events like 動 ( 例如地球一小時、步走大自 Earth Hour and Walk for Nature; answering urgent calls for help, as with the plastic pellet spill cleanup VOLUNTEERS 然 )、突發膠粒事件的清理工作、 effort; and with general clerical and other work in 回應公眾查詢、文書處理等等。 our office. 本會在此感謝各位的支持。 Huge thanks to all of you!

我是一名修讀金融的學生,本身對環境保育認識 “ 不多。但我知道氣候變化的影響迫在眉睫,因此 希望能為世界自然基金會這個大型環保組織出一 分力。我很享受在這裡工作和學習的點滴。 © WWF-Hong Kong I am a finance student without any knowledge of the environment originally. However, climate change is becoming much more severe. Thus, I would like to do volunteer work for a well-known conservation organization like WWF. I really enjoy working and learning here. ” Wilson Yeung, 本會義工 Wilson Yeung, WWF-Hong Kong’s volunteer

27 以下是世界自然基金會香港分會截止 2013 年 6 月 30 日止的財務摘要 及分析,由香港立信德豪會計師事務所有限公司審核,並按香港財務報 財務摘要 告準則編製。

The following highlights provide managerial analysis of the financial statements of WWF-Hong Kong for the year ended 30 June 2013. FINANCIALS The financial statements have been audited by BDO Limited and are prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards.

感謝所有捐款者一直以來對本會 A big thank you to all our individual supporters 主要收入 的支持。個人捐款繼續是本會最主 over the years. Individual donations continue to be 要的收入來源,捐款總額為 3,000 our major source of income. Our total individual OUR MAJOR 萬港元,佔全部收入 48%。本會 donations for the year were HK$30 million, 第二大收入來源是公司捐款,總 representing 48% of our total income. The second largest revenue component is corporate donations, INCOME 額為 1,400 萬港元,當中包括來 totalling HK$14 million, including unrestricted 自公司會員的無規限用途捐款, donations from our corporate members and 以及作為指定保育工作及濕地項 restricted donations from corporations for our 目經費的有規限用途捐款。 conservation initiatives and wetland project.

本會一年一度的主要籌款活動「步 Our annual major fundraising event Walk for Nature 走大自然」,以及銷售所得收入, and the trading income contribute significant 為本會帶來可觀的無規限用途捐 unrestricted funds to the organization. Government 款。此外,政府撥款、信託及基 grants and trusts and foundations, such as 金,其中包括太古集團慈善信託 The Swire Group Charitable Trust, continue to be 基金,繼續為本會保育及教育項 our major sources of restricted income to support 目提供重要的有規限用途捐款。 our conservation and education programmes.

本財政年度的總支出為 6,400 萬 Total spending for the year was HK$64 million. 本會支出 港元。我們主要將經費用於保育 Conservation is our major investment and we 工作,繼續集中在氣候、本地生 continue to focus on climate, local biodiversity, OUR SPENDING 物多樣性、生態足印和地區濕地 footprint and regional wetlands. Our investment 項目。我們亦在社區教育投放相 in community education is also significant with the goal of educating our next generation on 當的資源,以教育下一代。 conservation issues. Supporter base development is 將經費用於支持者網絡拓展,有助 an essential component for extending our messages 本會向支持者傳遞保育信息,培育 to avid conservationists and to recruit supporters of 他們成為熱心保育人士,並為保育 our conservation and education programmes. As in 及教育項目招募新支持者。一如既 previous years, a portion of our donated income has 往,部分捐款收入用於協助世界自 been contributed to the WWF network to achieve 然基金會總會推行全球項目。 WWF global objectives.

28 WWF Annual Review 2013 公司捐款 Corporate donations 22% HK$13,567k

2013 財政年度的收入來源 個人捐款 SOURCE OF INCOME FOR FY2013 信託及基金 Individual Trusts and donations 48% 6% foundations HK$30,049k HK$62.538M HK$3,829k 5% 政府撥款 Government grants HK$3,434k 9% 籌款活動及銷售 Fundraising events 10% and trading HK$5,318k

其他收入 Other income HK$6,341k

社區教育 Community education 18% HK$11,568k

2013 財政年度的支出分配 保育 EXPENDITURE ALLOCATION FOR FY2013 Conservation 51% HK$32,407k 支持者網絡拓展 21% Supporter base development HK$64.243M HK$13,311k

3% 4% 3% 活動及銷售成本 Events and trading HK$2,208k 行政 世界自然基金會網絡 Administration WWF network HK$2,784k HK$1,965k


世界自然基金會香港分會決心做到言行一致。我們推 WWF-Hong Kong is determined to “practise what we preach”. Given that we 行與企業相關的可持續發展項目之同時,在機構及個 run several leading business-related sustainability programmes, it is vital 人層面上,我們能以身作則,對展現本會的領導和激 that we show leadership and inspire other businesses by being as sustainable 勵其他企業是至關重要。 as possible ourselves at both the organizational and personal levels. We took a huge step forward in FY13 with the successful completion of 在 2013 年度,本會踏出重大一步,過往分散在不同 our One Office project – an ambitious move which saw us consolidate 辦公室的各個部門,搬往位於葵興萬泰中心的新辦公 our numerous offices under one roof at our new home in Kwai Hing’s 室,在同一屋簷下工作。 Manhattan Centre. 推動這次大規模搬遷的理念是要塑造低碳辦公室的典 The driving force behind the project was the creation of a model low- 範。我們的新辦公室採用多項環保措施,例如使用高 carbon office, with numerous green features like energy-efficient appliances 能源效益的電器和設備、LED 照明系統等。另外,我 and devices and a state-of-the-art LED lighting system. A smart metering 們將辦公室劃分為七個區域,以智能電錶定期檢查各 system divides the office into seven zones and the electricity consumption 個區域的用電量,檢討用電習慣,提升節能效果。 in each is regularly checked and adjusted to optimize efficiency.

我們的影響力更超出辦公室範圍,連大廈管理亦在許 Our influence is having a positive effect, with the Manhattan Centre 多方面採納我們提出的環保建議,為我們提供更節能 building management following our suggestions on a number of fronts. 的空調型號,並在落實廢物分類回收方面達成共識。 The building, as we suggested, provided us with a more energy-efficient 同時,大廈管理也應我們建議在整幢大廈的洗手間, air conditioner model and waste separation agreement. The building 安裝二段式慳水坐廁和水龍頭感應器。 management was also persuaded to install water-saving dual flush toilets and water tap sensors in washrooms throughout the building. 此外,由本會員工組成的綠色委員會,積極在辦公室 In the office, our robust Green Committee promotes green concepts and 推廣環保理念,由下而上推動各部門實踐綠色生活。 drives the adoption of green habits from the bottom up. The committee 委員會舉辦有趣和具教育意義的低碳辦公室活動,並 organizes fun and informative low-carbon office activities, suggests ways 就辦公室運作提出節能建議,例如在冬季關掉使用量 to create and augment green practices – like switching off unused fridges 低的雪櫃、拆除不必要的光管,以此鼓勵所有員工主 in the winter and removing unnecessary light tubes – and generally 動為節能作出改變。 encourages all staff to “think green and act green”.

2014 年度,我們期望將碳排放量減少百分之一。以身 We also have an ongoing carbon reduction initiative, and in FY14 we 作則,營造改變,這是世界自然基金會致力使香港邁 are aiming to reduce our carbon emissions by one per cent. Leading by 向可持續發展的方法。 example and inspiring through change, this is how WWF aims to make Hong Kong more sustainable.

2013 財政年度通過認證的辦公室碳排放量 FY13 verified office carbon emissions

5.93 1.88 © WWF-Hong Kong 中環 元洲仔自然環境保護研究中心 Central Island House Conservation Studies Centre 1.64 4.19 葵興 海下灣海洋生物中心 Kwai Hing Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre

總排放量(包括員工及訪客)/公噸 Total emissions (including emissions from staff and visitors) per staff member (tonnes)

30 WWF Annual Review 2013 機構管治 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

作為具領導地位的非牟利環保組織,世界自然基金會 As a leading conservation non-profit, WWF-Hong Kong commands a high 香港分會透過專業、誠信和透明度,取得公眾的信任。 degree of public trust due to our professionalism, integrity and transparency.

本會由董事委員會專責管治。委員會成員來自保育 WWF-Hong Kong’s governing body is the Executive Council. Its members, 界、科學界和商界,全部均為對自然保育有抱負的專 professionals from conservation, scientific and business fields, are strongly 業人士,以義務性質參與,並利用其專業知識提供意 committed to nature conservation. They serve on a voluntary basis, providing advice from their professional perspectives, approving strategic 見、訂立策略性方向、通過保育項目和每年的財政預 direction, conservation programmes and annual budget, and monitoring the 算案,以及監察本會的營運。 operations of WWF-Hong Kong. 董事委員會的成員必須為世界自然基金會香港分會的 Members of the Executive Council must be trustee members of WWF-Hong 理事,並於周年大會上獲選為委員會成員。委員會成 Kong and are elected by trustee members at the Annual General Meeting 員的任期為三年,並可競逐連任另一個三年任期。由 (AGM). Each Council member shall hold office until the third AGM next 2012 年 12 月起,除獲董事委員會准許,委員會成員 following his or her election when he or she shall retire, but shall be eligible 任期上限為六年。 for re-election for one further term of three years. From December 2012, members may serve a maximum of six years, unless decided otherwise by 為擴展及深化董事委員會的職能,委員會下設多個由 the Executive Council. 專家組成的附屬委員會,就保育、發展、教育、財政 及米埔管理等範疇之相關議題提供專業意見。 A number of sub-committees composed of experts enhance the breadth and depth of the Executive Council’s work. Each sub-committee provides 本會深明自願披露資訊對建立公眾信心至關重要。為 professional advice on relevant issues in the areas of conservation, 確保財政資源用得其所,我們提供清晰準確的財政資 development, education, finance and the management of Mai Po. 訊讓公眾監察。我們的財務帳目乃根據《香港財務匯 WWF-Hong Kong understands that voluntary disclosure is essential in 報準則》預備,由香港立信德豪會計師事務所有限公 establishing public confidence. To ensure that our financial resources are 司獨立核數,並刊載於每年的年報內。 spent appropriately, we are committed to providing clear and accurate financial information for public scrutiny. Our financial accounts, prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, are independently audited by BDO Limited and published yearly in our annual report.

董事委員會成員 The members of the Executive Council

主席 Chairman 楊子信先生 Mr Trevor Yang

董事委員會 Executive Council 白丹尼先生 義務法律顧問 何聞達先生 薛綺雯教授 Mr Daniel R. Bradshaw Hon. Legal Advisor Mr Edward M. Ho Professor Yvonne Sadovy 張肇昌醫生 李瑞霞女士 義務司庫 唐裕年先生 Dr Steve Cheung Ms Sarah Legg Hon. Treasurer Mr Martin Tang 周維正先生 龍德先生 吳宗權先生 Mr Oscar Chow Mr Frederick J. Long Mr Douglas Woo 杜德俊教授 黃永光先生 Professor David Dudgeon Mr Daryl W.K. Ng 范文志先生 彭敬慈博士 , MH Mr William W. Flanz Dr K.C. Pang, MH

31 地球資源愈來愈罕有,對所有生態系統和生物構成愈來愈大的壓力,令本 會的保育工作更刻不容緩。在這環境下,我們需要時間、決心和持續的捐 衷心感謝 款才可有效運作。如果沒有個人及各大企業的慷慨支持,我們就不可能繼 續保育和教育項目。

我們在此衷心感謝大家讓本會能繼續堅守保育使命,創造一個人類與大自 OUR THANKS 然和諧共處的未來。由於版面所限,我們不能向所有支持者逐一致謝,但 希望您仍能感受我們由衷的謝意。

As our planet’s resources become more and more scarce, the pressures on the world’s ecosystems and everything living within them are growing ever greater. This fact makes WWF’s conservation work an urgent and vital task.

Working effectively in this high-pressure environment takes time, dedication and sustained financing. Without the encouragement and great generosity of our corporate and individual members, it would be impossible to continue our conservation and education projects.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for allowing us to fulfill our mission, and for helping to create a better future where humans can live in harmony with nature. Sadly due to space limitations, we cannot name every one of you. But you know who you are, and we thank you.

世界自然基金會香港分會公司會員 2012-2013 WWF-Hong Kong corporate members 2012-2013

雙鑽石會員 Double Diamond members 黃金會員 Gold members 晶苑集團 Crystal Group 佳飛有限公司 Carthy Limited 捷成集團 Jebsen Group 其士集團 Chevalier Group 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited 華人置業集團 Chinese Estates Holdings Limited 捷成馬國際有限公司 MF Jebsen International Limited 恆生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 兆亞投資集團 Search Investment Group 恒基兆業地產集團 Henderson Land Group 渣打銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Standard Chartered Bank 香港國際機場 Hong Kong International Airport (Hong Kong) Limited 合和實業有限公司 Hopewell Holdings Limited 九龍倉集團有限公司 The Wharf (Holdings) Limited 九龍建業有限公司 Kowloon Development Company Limited 歷峰亞太有限公司 Richemont Asia Pacific Limited 鑽石會員 Diamond members 新鴻基地產 Sun Hung Kai Properties 佳能香港有限公司 Canon Hongkong Company Limited 太古地產 Swire Properties Limited 花旗集團 Citi Hong Kong 擇善基金會 ZeShan Foundation 中華電力有限公司 CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

廣興管理有限公司 KHI Management Limited 珍珠會員 Pearl members 新濠集團 Melco Group 國泰航空公司 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 來寶集團有限公司 Noble Group Limited 清水灣鄉村俱樂部 The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club Pacific Tiger Group Limited Pacific Tiger Group Limited 鱷魚恤有限公司 Crocodile Garments Ltd 電能實業有限公司 Power Assets Holdings Limited 大昌行集團有限公司 Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd PPG Coating (Hong Kong) PPG Coating (Hong Kong) 馮氏 (1906) 慈善基金有限公司 Fung (1906) Foundation Limited Company Limited Company Limited 銀河娛樂集團 Galaxy Entertainment Group 羅兵咸永道有限公司 PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. 鷹君集團有限公司 Great Eagle Holdings Limited 美國莊臣有限公司 S.C. Johnson Ltd Hayco Group Hayco Group 興華拓展有限公司 Schmidt Marketing (H.K.) Ltd 香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 邵氏父子有限公司 Shaw & Sons Limited 利安顧問有限公司 Leigh & Orange Limited

32 WWF Annual Review 2013 利奧紙品集團 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Leo Paper Group (Hong Kong) Limited 領先工業有限公司 Linkz Industries Limited 年利達律師事務所 Linklaters 羅祖儒投資管理 ( 香港 ) Lloyd George Management 無印良品 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 MUJI (Hong Kong) Company Limited 有限公司 (Hong Kong) Limited 新瑪德集團 Simatelex Group 能益有限公司 Long Data Technology Limited 信和集團 Sino Group 義生洋行 Lorence & Company O/B Total Chance Limited 宏利人壽保險 ( 國際 ) 有限公司 Manulife (International) Limited 純銀會員 Silver members 沛基實業有限公司 Max Base Industrial Limited AECOM AECOM 麥當勞有限公司 McDonald's Restaurants 永旺 ( 香港 ) 百貨有限公司 AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd (Hong Kong) Limited 香港航煤營運有限公司 AFSC Operations Limited 邁進顧問工程師事務所 Meinhardt Consulting Engineers 安理國際律師事務所 Allen & Overy 日本命力健康食品有限公司 Meiriki Japan Company Limited 美國安利 ( 香港 ) 日用品有限公司 Amway Hong Kong Limited 現代貨箱碼頭有限公司 Modern Terminals Limited 奧雅納工程顧問 Arup 港鐵公司 MTR Corporation 亞洲資本再保險集團私人有限公司 Asia Capital Reinsurance Group 華昌工程有限公司 M. Y. Cheng & Co. (Engineering) Ltd Pte. Ltd. 南華精機製品有限公司 Nam Wah Precision Product Ltd AXA 安盛 AXA Hong Kong 利安電光源 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Neonlite Electronic & Lighting (H.K.) 交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 Bank of Communications Co., Ltd Limited Hong Kong Branch 新世界發展有限公司 New World Development Company 東亞銀行 The Bank of East Asia Limited 百通亞洲 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Belden Asia (Hong Kong) Limited Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited The Body Shop The Body Shop Oliver's Super Sandwiches Oliver's Super Sandwiches 寶馬汽車 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 BMW Concessionaries (HK) Limited Olympus Capital Asia Olympus Capital Asia 普利司通飛機輪胎 ( 亞洲 ) Bridgestone Aircraft Tire Company 東方海外貨櫃航運有限公司 Orient Overseas Container Line Limited 有限公司 (Asia) Limited 理光 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Ricoh Hong Kong Limited 俊和發展集團 Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited 洛希尔 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Rothschild (Hong Kong) Limited 信達國際控股有限公司 Cinda International Holdings Limited 莎莎國際控股有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Ltd Como Como Como Como 精工表 SEIKO 瑞士信貸香港 ) 有限公司 Credit Suisse AG 蓆夢思床褥傢具 ( 香港 ) Simmons Bedding and Furniture 有限公司 (HK) Ltd 科銳香港有限公司 Cree Hong Kong Ltd 德永佳集團 Texwinca Holdings Limited 香港移動通訊有限公司 CSL Limited 捷榮國際控股有限公司 Tsit Wing International Holdings DP World DP World Limited 藝康化工有限公司 EcoLab Limited 永亨銀行 Wing Hang Bank 溢達企業有限公司 Esquel Enterprises Limited 第一上海投資有限公司 First Shanghai Investments Limited 第一上海證券有限公司 First Shanghai Securities Limited Freeplay Energy Ltd Freeplay Energy Ltd 富昌金融集團 Fulbright Financial Group 日本珍寶冷氣 General 環球資源 Global Sources 豪馬 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Hallmark Cards (HK) Limited 香港航空發動機維修服務 Hong Kong Aero Engine Services 有限公司 Limited 香港會議展覽中心 ( 管理 ) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition 有限公司 Centre (Management) Ltd. 香港中華煤氣有限公司 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited 香港廸士尼樂園度假區 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 希慎興業有限公司 Company Limited 英之傑香港 Inchcape Hong Kong 日本城 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Japan Home Centre (HK) Ltd 莊信萬豐太平洋有限公司 Johnson Matthey Pacific Limited 高絲香港有限公司 KOSE (Hong Kong) Company Limited 元暉光電有限公司 Light Engine Limited 截至 2013 年 6 月 30 日 as of 30 June 2013

33 本會感謝以下曾於 2012-2013 年,以各種方式支持本會的機構和人士 We would also like to thank the following for their contributions

機構 Corporate 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank A Man & A Plot A Man & A Plot 杭州達茲進出口有限公司 Hangzhou Doz Import & Export Co., Ltd AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. Haworth Inc Haworth Inc 永旺 ( 香港 ) 百貨有限公司 AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. 健康工房 ( 涼茶 ) 有限公司 HealthWorks (Herbal Tea) Co. Ltd 亞太發展保育策略 Asia Pacific Growth Strategy 恒基兆業地產有限公司 Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. 安樂工程有限公司 ATAL Engineering Ltd 香港交易及結算所有限公司 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing 柏訊科技有限公司 Autovision Technology Ltd Limited AXA 安盛 AXA Hong Kong 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 天職香港會計師事務所 Baker Tilly Hong Kong 香港國際機場 Hong Kong International Airport 香港立信德豪會計師事務所 BDO Limited 香島纖維工業有限公司 Hong Kong Non-Woven Fabric Ind. 有限公司 Co., Ltd 浙江貝特日用品有限公司 Better Home Products (Zhejiang) Hong Kong Sky Deck Limited Hong Kong Sky Deck Limited Co., Ltd. 香港置地集團公司 Hongkong Land Limited 寶馬汽車 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 BMW Concessionaries (HK) Limited 合和實業有限公司 Hopewell Holdings Limited 英國總領事館 British Consulate-General 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 HSBC 英國文化協會 British Council Hutchison DBS Card Limited Hutchison DBS Card Limited 峰景餐廳集團 Cafe Deco Group 和記電訊 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Hutchison Telecommunications 佳能香港有限公司 Canon Hongkong Company Limited (Hong Kong) Limited 家得路美國天然健康食品有限公司 Catalo Natural Health Foods Ltd. 希慎興業有限公司 Hysan Development Co Ltd 長江實業 ( 集團 ) 有限公司 Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited Interface Asia-Pacific (HK) Ltd Interface Asia-Pacific (HK) Ltd 大銘燈飾有限公司 Cima Lighting Industrial Limited 捷成洋行有限公司 Jebsen & Co. Ltd 慈溪宏一電子有限公司 Cixi Hongyi Electronics Co., Ltd. 捷成集團 Jebsen Group 中華電力有限公司 CLP Power Hong Kong Limited 開平威技電器有限公司 New Widetech Electric Co., Ltd. 利亞零售有限公司 Convenience Retail Asia Limited 花王 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 KAO (Hong Kong) Ltd 可持續發展委員會 Council for Sustainable Development 嘉里控股有限公司 Kerry Holdings Limited 肇基科技香港有限公司 Creative Technology HK Ltd 可耐福香港有限公司 Knauf Hong Kong Ltd 皇冠汽車有限公司 Crown Motors Ltd 萊坊測計師行有限公司 Knight Frank Petty Limited 晶苑集團 Crystal Group 高絲香港有限公司 KOSE (Hong Kong) Company Limited 香港移動通訊有限公司 CSL Limited 畢馬威會計師事務所 KPMG 大昌行集團有限公司 Dah Chong Hong Holdings Limited 利希慎基金 Lee Hysan Foundation DHR International Asia Limited DHR International Asia Limited 立達信綠色照明股份有限公司 Leedarson Lighting Co., Ltd. DP World DP World 永維織造廠有限公司 LITA Ltd. 藝康化工有限公司 Ecolab Limited 領袖訓練協會 LTA (Leadership Training Association) 教育局—德育及公民教育 Education Bureau - Curriculum 匯賢亞洲有限公司 Media Power Network Limited Development Moral and Civic Ed 曼佳美 ( 香港 ) 照明電氣設備 Megaman (HK) Electrical & 開元信德會計師事務所有限公司 Elite Partners CPA Limited 有限公司 Lighting Ltd 環境及自然保育基金 Environment and Conservation Fund 新濠集團 Melco Group 環境保護署 Environmental Protection Department 美高域有限公司 Microware Limited 安永會計師事務所 Ernst & Young Hong Kong Group Milk Magazine Milk Magazine Limited 現代貨箱碼頭有限公司 Modern Terminals Limited 第一上海證券有限公司 First Shanghai Securities Limited 無印良品 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 MUJI (Hong Kong) Company Limited Fluid HK Limited Fluid HK Limited 南生圍建業有限公司 Nam Sang Wai Development Co Ltd 福臨門酒家 Fook Lam Moon Restaurant Ltd. 新世界發展有限公司 New World Development Company 幸福醫藥有限公司 Fortune Pharmacal Co. Ltd Limited 福田實業 ( 集團 ) 有限公司 Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited 寧波大葉園林設備有限公司 Ningbo Daye Garden Machinery Co., Ltd 富士施樂 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Limited 寧波凱耀電器製造有限公司 Ningbo Klite Electric Manufacture 豐樂圍濕地自然保護區 Fung Lok Wai Wetland Nature Reserve Co., Ltd. 嘉希傳訊有限公司 Grebstad Hicks Communications Ltd 來寶集團有限公司 Noble Group Ltd 廣業燈飾有限公司 Guang Ye Lighting Company Limited 美國泰山投資亞洲控股 ( 香港 ) Olympus Capital Holdings Asia 有限公司 廣東奧特龍電器製造有限公司 Guangdong Atlan Electronic Appliance Manufacture Co., Ltd. 愛心聖誕大行動 Operation Santa Claus

34 WWF Annual Review 2013 奧的亮照明國際有限公司 OptiLED Lighting International 環球海產有限公司 Worldwide Seafood Limited Limited 浙江利歐股份有限公司 Zhejiang Leo Co., Ltd. OTTO International (Hong Kong) OTTO International (Hong Kong) Limited Limited 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong 個人 Individual Limited 白丹尼先生 Mr Daniel Bradshaw 太平洋咖啡有限公司 Pacific Coffee Company Limited 周維正先生 Mr Oscar Chow 寶時得 ( 澳門離岸商業服務 ) Positec (Macau commercial offshore) Mr Ip Wai Hung Mr Ip Wai Hung 有限公司 Limited 捷成漢先生 Mr Hans Michael Jebsen 電能實業有限公司 Power Assets Holdings Limited Mr & Mrs Anto & Elaine Marden Mr & Mrs Anto & Elaine Marden PPG Coatings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. PPG Coatings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Mr & Mrs Robert W. Miller Mr & Mrs Robert W. Miller 鵬威 ( 廈門 ) 工業有限公司 PPI Xiamen Industry Co., Ltd. Ms Leslie Tang Schilling Ms Leslie Tang Schilling Random Art Workshop Limited Random Art Workshop Limited 唐裕年先生 Mr Martin Tang 路訊通媒體有限公司 RoadShow Media Limited Mr Pieter van der Schaft Mr Pieter van der Schaft 加拿大皇家銀行 Royal Bank of Canada Mr Wong Bun Ngar Eric Mr Wong Bun Ngar Eric 美國莊臣有限公司 S.C. Johnson Ltd. 徐健先生 Mr Xu Jian Ken 莎莎國際控股有限公司 Sa Sa International Holdings Limited 楊子信先生 Mr Trevor Yang 三星電子香港有限公司 Samsung Electronics H.K. Co., Ltd. 葉維義先生 Mr V-Nee Yeh 世寶企業 Selbo Enterprises 興華拓展有限公司 Schmidt Marketing (H.K.) Limited 施耐德電氣 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Schneider Electric(Hong Kong)Limited 兆亞投資集團有限公司 Search Investment Group Limited 香港通用公證行有限公司 SGS Hong Kong Ltd. 資生堂麗源化妝品有限公司 Shiseido Liyuan Cosmetics Co., Ltd 信興教育及慈善基金有限公司 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ltd. 信和集團 Sino Group Smart Drop Limited Smart Drop Limited 南島中學 South Island School SPEAK Asia SPEAK Asia 事必達精密有限公司 Spintec Precision Limited 渣打銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited 新聯鋼鐵貿易有限公司 Steelco Pacific Trading Limited 可持續發展基金 Sustainable Development Fund 太古地產有限公司 Swire Properties Limited 思緯市場資訊有限公司 Synovate Ltd 淘 Tao Tao Magazine 達明牆紙有限公司 Tat Ming Wallpaper Co Ltd The Body Shop The Body Shop 香港中華煤氣有限公司 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited 香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 滙豐銀行慈善基金 The Hongkong Bank Foundation 香港律師會 The Law Society of Hong Kong 太古集團慈善信託基金 The Swire Group Charitable Trust 東京海上火災保險 ( 香港 ) The Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance 有限公司 CO. (HK) Ltd 通城鐘錶有限公司 Thong Sia Watch Co.,Ltd TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd U Magazine U Magazine UBS AG UBS AG 永義 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 United Italian Corporation (H.K.) Ltd 會德豐地產 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Wheelock Properties Limited 永亨銀行 Wing Hang Bank, Limited 永隆銀行 Wing Lung Bank Limited 永泰地產有限公司 Wing Tai Properties Limited



WWF-HONG KONG 世界自然基金會香港分會年度報告 |


為現時黑臉琵鷺全球數量,較 20 年前增加近 10 倍。 Current population of Black-faced spoonbills globally, 56,000+ almost a ten-fold increase in 20 years.

人透過參觀本會中心及參加外 展教育項目學習保育資訊 people learned about conservation during visits to WWF’s centres and outreach education programmes. Annual Review 2013


世界自然基金會 管理米埔自然保 7,000+ 護區已有 30 年。 WWF has been 地球一小時是全球最大型的集體環保行動,2013 年 managing Mai Po 獲得 153 個國家、逾 7,000 個城市響應。 Nature Reserve Earth Hour 2013, the largest environmental action for 30 years. in the world, was supported by over 7,000 cities in 153 countries. HK WWF.ORG.HK

我們在這裡 Why we are here

© 1986 熊貓標誌 WWF,® “WWF” 是世界自然基金會的註冊商標 © 1986 Panda symbol WWF ® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark 香港中環纜車徑一號世界自然基金會香港分會 WWF-Hong Kong, 1 Tramway Path, Central, Hong Kong. 電話 Tel:(852) 2526 1011 傳真 Fax:(852) 2845 2734 電郵 Email:[email protected]