![Wwf-Hong Kong Annual Review](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
世界自然基金會 香港分會年度報告 ѐಡ WWF-HONG KONG REVIEW ANNUAL REVIEW HK 2013 保育 CONSERVATION 生態足印 FOOTPRINT 教育 EDUCATION 年月累積的保育成就 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES MARKED BY YEARS OF DEDICATION 封面 : 地圖版權屬香港特區政府, 經地政總署准許複印,版權特許編號 53/2014。 Cover: The map reproduced with permission of the Director of Lands. © The Government of Hong Kong SAR. Licence No. 53/2014. 刊物在 2014 年 4 月由世界自然基金會香港分會出版。 任何全部或部分複印,必須引述出版機構為版權持有人。 © 文本和圖片 :2014 年世界自然基金會香港分會保留所有版權 Published in April 2014 by WWF-Hong Kong. Any reproduction in full or in part must mention the title and credit the above publisher as the copyright owner. © Text and graphics: 2014 WWF-Hong Kong All rights reserved 目錄 CONTENTS 關於本會 02 重點數字 世界自然基金會——締造生生不息的地球 WWF by the Numbers 世界自然基金會(WWF)是全球最備受尊重的環保組織 之一,成立於 1961 年,總部設於瑞士。分會及項目遍布全 04 年度大事表 球超過 100 個國家。本會的使命是透過以下途徑,建立人 Highlights of the Year 類與大自然和諧共存的未來: 06 主席的話 • 保護全球生物多樣性 Chairman’s Message • 確保以可持續方式使用可再生天然能源 • 推廣減少污染和浪費的行為 07 行政總裁的話 世界自然基金會香港分會於 1981 年成立,透過保育、生 Chief Executive Officer’s Message 態足印及環境教育項目,締造生生不息的地球。為響應我 們在全球的使命,世界自然基金會香港分會的願景是透 08 全球保育足跡 過保育自然環境,減少碳排放造成的污染,市民「惜」用 Global Conservation Successes 資源,推動香港成為亞洲最可持續發展的城市。 10 保育 Conservation About WWF WWF – Solutions for a living planet 16 生態足印 WWF is one of the world’s most respected Footprint conservation organizations, with a network active in more than 100 countries. Founded in 1961 with 22 教育 headquarters based in Switzerland, WWF’s mission is Education to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by : 26 您的參與 • Conserving the world's biological diversity Get Involved • Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable 28 財務摘要 • Promoting the reduction of pollution and Financials wasteful consumption 30 環保舉措 WWF-Hong Kong has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through Green Initiatives Conservation, Footprint and Education programmes. 31 機構管治 In support of our global mission, WWF-Hong Kong’s vision is to transform Hong Kong into Asia’s Corporate Governance most sustainable city where nature is conserved, carbon pollution is reduced, and consumption is 32 衷心感謝 environmentally responsible. Our Thanks 締造 生生不息 的地球 個人的生活習慣作出微小改變,加起來就能 PROVIDING 令地球生生不息。 person making small lifestyle changes is all SOLUTIONS 1 it takes to make our planet sustainable. FOR 0 本港不再有拖網捕魚。 A LIVING 經過多年倡議,禁止拖網捕 魚法例正式生效。 trawling in Hong Kong since PLANET the ban came into effect, after years of advocacy. 世界自然基金會香港分會繼續不遺餘 力地推動保育工作,成績有目共睹。 以下數字是今年的重點。 WWF-Hong Kong had a busy year, successfully hitting a number of conservation targets, and enjoying growth in various areas. The following figures showcase a few of the year’s highlights. 17,151 464,343 本會義工和實習人士協助保育和教育工作的時數。 名市民支持本會保育工作。 service hours donated by volunteers, people support WWF’s conservation interns and mentees initiatives. 2 WWF Annual Review 2013 2,726 為現時全球黑臉琵鷺的數量, 較 20 年前增加近 10 倍。 current population of Black- faced spoonbills globally, almost a ten-fold increase in 20 years 37,000 29 間參加低碳製造計劃的製造商累積 減少的碳排放(公噸)。 tonnes of emissions were avoided from 29 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme-accredited companies. 間食肆參加本會的無翅宴會菜單選擇計劃。 caterers have participated in WWF’s 115 Alternative Shark Free Menu programme. 間公司和團體支持本會工作。 corporations and organizations 385 support our work. 30 世界自然基金會管 理米埔自然保護區 , 已有 30 年。 56 000+ WWF has been 人透過參觀本會中心及參加外展教育項目學習保育資訊 managing Mai Po people learned about conservation during visits to Nature Reserve WWF’s centres and outreach education programmes. for 30 years. 3 世界自然基金會 年度大事表 WWF HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR July - Aug 2012 Nov 2012 強颱風韋森特襲港,貨船上六個貨櫃 本會旗艦籌款活動步走大自然吸引 3,000 人及逾 40 支企業隊伍參 共 150 噸膠粒跌入大海,沖上沿海岸 與,為本會保育工作籌得逾 230 萬港元。 邊及海灘。本會專家前往不同地方視 3,000 participants and more than 40 corporate teams participated 察膠粒散布的情況,並協調義工清理 in our signature fundraising event Walk for Nature, raising over 膠粒。 HK$2.3 million for WWF’s conservation work. WWF took action after the infamous plastic pellet spill, which occurred after six containers fell off a vessel, spilling millions of plastic nurdles across Hong Kong’s coastlines and beaches. Our experts visited different places to assess the extent of the spill and coordinated the clean-up with volunteers. Sep 2012 推出香港首個互動「海寶圖」, 讓公 眾探索本港海洋生境,認識海洋瑰寶。 Dec 2012 WWF’s online Marine Biodiversity 經過本會多年倡議,本港禁止拖網捕魚的法例終於生效,標誌被過 Map was launched to help the 度捕撈的海洋生態有望恢復。 public explore Hong Kong’s marine After years of advocacy by WWF, the trawling ban officially came habitats and learn about the into effect in Hong Kong, marking the beginning of a new phase in diversity of sea life. the recovery of Hong Kong’s over-fished marine environment. 集結全球海產業、保育界、政府和非政府組織代表的國際海產峰會 首度在港舉行。 The International Seafood Summit, sponsored by WWF and held Jan 2013 in Hong Kong for the first time, was attended by hundreds of 本會一直提倡保護生物多樣性。新一屆特區政府在首份施政報告提 seafood business leaders, representatives from governments and 及即將落實《生物多樣性公約》,就《生物多樣性策略和行動計劃》 NGOs around the world. 諮詢公眾;以及將撥款 5 億元成立「漁業持續發展基金」。 WWF has long been promoting the importance of preserving biodiversity. Hong Kong’s new administration committed itself in its first Policy Address to taking forward the Convention on Biological Diversity and setting up a HK$500 million sustainable fisheries fund. 4 WWF Annual Review 2013 Feb 2013 Mar 2013 舉行香港觀鳥大賽,喚醒公眾對東亞地區沿海濕地流失的關注, 地球一小時在全球 153 個國家、超過 7,000 個城市舉行。3 月 23 活動為本會保育工作籌得近 100 萬港元。 日晚上 8 時半,全港超過 3,800 間公司及大廈、所有大學和逾 370 The Big Bird Race was held, highlighting the alarming loss of 間學校一同熄燈響應。 coastal wetlands in East Asia and raising close to HK$1 million Earth Hour took place in over 7,000 cities in 153 countries across for conservation work. the globe. In Hong Kong over 3,800 companies and buildings, all universities, and over 370 schools switched off their lights at 8:30pm on 23 March. Jun 2013 推出香港首個海岸實地考察流動應用程式「探索海下」,讓師生認 識香港豐富的海洋資源及生境。 發起「齊撐 Ruby」活動,提升公眾關注中華白海豚在香港水域面 對的困境。 Hong Kong’s first coastal field study mobile app – Explore Hoi Ha – was launched, giving students and teachers access to a The “Vote Ruby” campaign was launched to raise public awareness wealth of information about Hong Kong’s coastal environments. of the plight of Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong waters. 世界自然基金會香港分會及米埔管理委員會獲國際鳥盟頒發保育成 就獎,肯定其保護瀕危黑臉琵鷺的努力。 WWF-Hong Kong and the Mai Po Management Committee received the BirdLife International Conservation Achievement Award for our efforts in protecting the endangered Black- faced spoonbill. 5 主席的話 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 對世界自然基金會香港分會來說,2013 年絕對是值得 For WWF-Hong Kong, 2013 was a year of celebration and transformation; 慶祝和紀念的一年,除了經歷革新,我們的努力亦贏 of anniversaries and accolades. 得各方認同,獲得國際肯定。 2013 marked the 30th year of WWF’s management of Mai Po Nature 2013 年是本會管理米埔自然保護區的 30 周年紀念。 Reserve. Marked by years of hard work and dedication, our conservation 本會多年來在米埔保育工作上不遺餘力,致力保護這 efforts have helped protect the unique ecology of this Wetland of International Importance. As the example of wetland conservation 片「國際重要濕地」的獨特生態。米埔是區內濕地保 excellence in the region, Mai Po plays a vital role in maintaining the 育的典範,在維持東亞—澳大拉西亞飛行航道完整性 integrity of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. 方面擔當重要角色。 WWF was also given cause to celebrate in June 2013, when we received 2013 年 6 月,本會獲全球最大的生態保育伙伴聯盟國 the prestigious BirdLife International Conservation Achievement Award 際鳥盟(BirdLife International)頒發保育成就獎,肯 for our decades of conservation work with the endangered Black-faced 定我們過去數十年間積極保育瀕危黑臉琵鷺的貢獻, spoonbill. Bringing these birds back from the edge of extinction has been 實在令人鼓舞。黑臉琵鷺的數目從瀕臨絕種邊緣逐步 one of our greatest achievements, and we look forward to welcoming them 回升,是本會引以自豪的一大成就。我們期望每年能吸 back to Hong Kong in greater numbers with every passing year. 引更多黑臉琵鷺重臨本港越冬。 WWF also spent much of 2013 further extending our influence beyond our 本會繼續提升在地區保育議題上的影響力,當中包括 borders, playing a leading role in driving the Asian Migratory Shorebird 領導實行亞洲遷徒水鳥保育項目,以及管理亞洲水鳥 Conservation Plan and managing the Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund, 保育基金。另外,本會的低碳製造計劃獲深圳市政府 helping the Shenzhen government model their Low Carbon Management 作為編寫《低碳管理及評審指南》的參考。我們亦逐 and Assessment Guidelines on our Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme, and extending our Live Reef Food Fish project’s influence to 步在中國推展活食用珊瑚魚保育項目。我深信,本會未 the mainland. I am confident we will witness further gains like these in the 來將在更多不同的保育項目上再創佳績。 coming years. 本會將繼續竭盡所能,務要推動本港成為亞洲最可持 Finally, we are aiming high with our mission statement, looking to do 續發展的城市。透過社會各界攜手協力,我們定能成 nothing less than transform Hong Kong into Asia’s most sustainable city. 功。 With the help and support of all sectors of Hong Kong, I know we will succeed. 世界自然基金會香港分會董事委員會主席 楊子信 Trevor Yang Chairman, Executive Council of WWF-Hong Kong 6 WWF Annual Review 2013 行政總裁的話 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S MESSAGE 世界自然基金會香港分會的願景十分簡單 :透過保育 WWF-Hong Kong’s vision is simple: to transform Hong Kong into Asia’s 自然環境,減少碳排放造成的污染,市民「惜」用資源, most sustainable city where nature is conserved, carbon pollution is 推動香港成為亞洲最可持續發展的城市。不過,將願 reduced, and consumption is environmentally responsible. Translating this 景化為現實並非易事,保育工作所需的時間及量度成 vision into reality is less simple, however. The timelines and metrics involved 果的指標均與商業社會有很大的差别,保育成果一般 in conservation work are vastly different to those of the business world, as outcomes often take years, even decades to occur. 要以年計、甚至以十年計才會浮現。 This year WWF achieved several positive and measurable conservation 過去一年,世界自然基金會取得不少正面及顯著的保 outcomes, all of which indicate that our city is beginning to turn towards a 育成果,顯示香港正開始朝可持續發展的方向邁進。 more sustainable direction. 自 1983 年起,本會管理米埔自然保護區。米埔為多 Since 1983, WWF has been managing Mai Po Nature Reserve which supports 元化的濕地動植物種提供棲身之所,當中包括全球瀕
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