NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS Mission United Nations Interim d’Administration Administration Mission Intérimaire des Nations In Field Operations Unit Returns Section Unies au Kosovo Field Operations Unit Consolidated Report on Communities and Returns Weekly Report from 25 February – 3 March 2006

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA REGION  Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje “Pink Building reconnected after two weeks due to Municipal/FOU actions  Six Ashkali families visited their properties in Podujeve/o Town

Pertinent Events/Developments in the Region After receiving information regarding the electrical disconnection of 6 K/Serb families from Kosovo Polje/Fushë Kosovë, FOU, accompanied by MCO Kosovo Polje/Fushë Kosovë visited the families in order to assess their situation. Since 1999, the families had not paid their electricity bills and their debts accrued into a few thousands euros. All the families were displaced during the 2004 riots, but returned soon after. The KEK authorities disconnected them in May 2004, upon return to the “Pink” building. After the intervention of MCR, KEK reconnected. From this the families refused to sign an agreement with KEK, the families were disconnected again on 21 February 06. All families are disabled with additional health problems. The most difficult case, one person is blind and dependent on is his aged wife. Mostly, these families receive income through Kosovo pensions which is not enough to cover the debts with KEK. Although these families are not fulfilling criteria for Social Assistance Scheme, they should be considered as social cases. The families were also contemplating to sign the KEK agreement and settle their 2005 debts. From that, KEK reconnected the families on Friday 03 March at 1800hrs. However, the issue of agreeing to pay debts is still to be solved between the customers and KEK.

Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings Shtime/Stimlje MWG met on 3rd March, to discuss the Municipal Returns Strategy and the Concept Document of Muzeqinë/Muzecane village. Municipal Vice President stressed the importance of the MRS for 2006 and urged the participants to give their comments in order to approve this document since it is a good base for the implementation of returns process. Regarding Muzeqinë/Muzeqane Concept Document, IDP representatives were informed that the funding issue is still pending.

Go&Inform Visits/Go&See Visits On February 27, six Ashkalia IDPs participated to a GSV facilitated by DRC and UNHCR. IDPs visited their properties in Podujevë/Podujevo town. All three properties were visited. The site visit took place without any incident. A GSV will be followed by a debriefing session which will be held on February 28, where the IDPs will have the chance to address their concerns to the municipal authorities. De-briefing session with regard to a GSV was attended by KFOR, KPS, Ashkalia Representative, MROs, FOU, Mercy Corps, OSCE, UNDP, DRC and UNHCR. This was an opportunity for IDPs to raise concrete questions related their concerns for the living conditions if they would return. The questions raised were related to reconstruction process, access to public services and economic opportunities. UNDP Representative informed the IDPs on reconstruction process.

On 3 March at the GSV Coordination meeting in Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje, participants were informed about GSV to Gornje Dobrevo/Miradi e Eperme scheduled for 16/17 March. So far, this is a third GSV to this village. Totally 12 beneficaries are pre-selected for the visit and they are coming for the first time. Out of 12 potential visitors, 4 of them have claims with HPD but there is no information about status of their property (destroyed or occupied). Beneficiaries are going to visit their property, graveyards and church in Batuse village. Kosovo Nansen Dialogue representative informed that they already made contacts with leaders of receiving community and efforts will be made in order to organize inter-ethnic dialogue with potential returnees.


GJILAN/GNJILANE REGION  Talinoc/Talinovac Task Force discussed illegal occupation and plans for the reconstruction

Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings At 27 February Novo Brdo/ Novobërdë MWG the MAP inquired about the status of CP submitted by the municipality to CRM. MRC representatives at the meeting informed that the projects are being considered and final answer is expected in April 2006. MAP and representatives of NGO Voice of Kosovo (VOK) urged for a greater support of Klobukar/Kllobukar.

Bostane/Bostan, Prekovce/Prekoc and Izvor Task Force took place on 27 February. UNDP/RRRF representative presented detailed report on house assessment in three villages and reported that out of 27 assessed cases only one has been approved for construction, while four are pending and 21 were rejected. The MAP requested a meeting with UNDP Head to discuss the eligibility criteria, which he thought, were too strict, and inquired whether it could be changed. The MAP and VoK representatives suggested flexibility.

At Talinoc/Talinovac Task Force on 02 March in Ferizaj/Urosevac, the illegal occupation of the houses came out as the main concern of the IDPs. The assessment of 45 houses was completed. Nine houses were found in category-3, remaining in category-5. Out of the 24 illegally occupied houses 2 were sold and 13 are still illegally occupied while remainder has been damaged. The issue of 3 illegal occupants from Suhareke/ was referred to the Municipal Housing Commission. The provision of piped water network as an alternative of wells was stressed by IDPs. For the preliminary ground water analysis KFOR offered their assistance

On 3 March, at MWG meeting Ferizaj/Urosevac NGO European Perspective (EP) informed on the interethnic dialogue and GSV to Srbski Babus/Babush. Overall 35 IDPs from participated in the GSVs in February. The IDPs also visited the Bablak/Babljak return site. The EP is in the process of launching the tenders for the water test analysis and electric system design network following the UNMIK standards and specifications. EP is exploring additional funds for community projects and strategy for IG component will be shared shortly. IDPs from Srbski Babus/Babushi did not participate in the meeting. MRO announced that Returns Strategy 2006 will be shared within week’s time for the comments by all the stakeholders.

Viti/Vitina MWG was held on 28 February 2006. Participants discussed potential return site of Novo Selo/Novo Sellë where a recent GSV was conducted. The IDPs have shown interest to return. The Task Force will be established to support further activities to ensure genuine interest both – IDPs and receiving community prior to preparation of the concept paper. As agreed at the meeting, the village will be included as potential site for in the 2006 MRS. Representative of IDPs asked for clarification on whether seven properties used by US KFOR for drilling purposes are going to be released or municipality will allocate other properties.

RCRU Meetings As part of its strategy in sustaining the return in Bablak/Babljak, RCRU met on 1 March, with the manager of one the most prominent (wild*) mushroom farms in Kosovo, Mr. Avni Shabani, to explore feasibility of mushroom farming in the area of Bablak/Babljak village. The meeting took place in the premises of Shabani’s Agroprodukt Commerce in the village of Peran/e, 3 kilometers northwest Podujevë/Podujevo town. Mr. Shabani noted that given the characteristics of vegetation in Bablak/Babljak area, expectations in mushroom growing and quality should not be high. Furthermore, he said, mushroom market has become very competitive with liberalization of markets in Southeastern Europe and Asia. He recommended building of a collection center in the village, and pledged to pay in cash for mushrooms stocked in the collection center. Also, he expressed readiness to meet residents of Bablak/Babljak and brief them about mushroom growing, collection techniques and farming. Agroprodukt Commerce is one of the largest mushroom farms in Kosovo capacitating 600 to 800 tones a year. During the peak seasons (beginning of May to mid July; late August to beginning of November), the company employs some 400 people mostly (70%) women. The wild-mushroom price is very unstable and varies from Euro 1.50 up to Euro 7.00 depending on quality and supply-demand discrepancies. According to manager the demand in Kosovo for mushrooms is very low.


MITROVICË/MITROVICA REGION  Vushtrri/Vucitrn MWG discussed a Concept Paper for return of Serbian families to Samadrexhe/Samodreza  UNMIK and Kosovo Cadastre Agency discussed process of confirming the cadastral records regarding Roma Mahalla based on records provided by National Survey Institute of Serbia

Pertinent Events/Developments in the Region Regional Police staff and Representatives of Community Police met with IDPs from Svinjare (southern part of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality) to inform them on actions planned to increase security in the village since the closure of the Community Police Station. The plan includes vehicle checkpoints, Serb/Albanian KPS 24-hour patrol and the deployment of six Serbian officers to the village. These are being instituted in response to concerns raised frequently by the villagers about the lack of trust in K-Albanian KPS officers, and the fact that no-one has been apprehended for any crimes in Svinjare since the March 2004 events. UNMIK Police appealed for Svinjare people to assist them in order to improve the safety of their village. It has been reported that through last week seven break-ins to the houses took place.

Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings Vushtrri/Vucitrn MWG discussed a Concept Paper prepared by CARE for return of 13 Serbian IDP families to Samadrexhe/Samodreza. The proposal foresees reconstruction of 17 houses (including four for recieving Albanian community), an interethnic park and school support. CARE, supported by the Municipality, has established an inter-ethnic village council and visited IDPs who expressed their willingness to return at that time. Nonetheless, UNHCR and other participants requested that the CP should be adapted to specifics of Samadrexhe/Samodreza instead of applied general analysis. IDPs involvement in the return process was also not adequately articulated.

Displacement / Reconstruction A joint meeting between Mitrovicë/Mitrovica Municipal, UNMIK Administration Mitrovica (UAM) cadastre office and the Executive Director of the Kosovo Cadastre Agency (KCA) took place in Prishtine/Pristina. The purpose of the meeting was to present the 1999 survey documents that UAM was able to obtain from the National Survey Institute of Serbia covering the Roma Mahala and request the official recognition of those records. These records are necessary for the demarcation of private plots.KCA executive promised to process the records in terms of scanning, vectoring and transformation of data to Kosovo adopted scales.

Dialogue Initiatives Leposavic/Leposaviq MR and the LCO visited minority KBC villages as part of the regular monthly visits. The main issues brought to the attention of the MR were the need to upgrade the electricity network in the villages as the transformer being used currently is very old. They stressed that this is especially important with the planned reconstruction of additional houses during 2006. The village leaders also stressed that due to budget cuts, the MCO is not functioning as it should and that additional staff were needed for the office to function properly.

Mitrovicë/Mitrovica Acting MR and LCO met with members of the Council of Citizens of North Mitrovicë/Mitrovica representing different minority areas of northern Mitrovicë/Mitrovica. They complained about the lack of progress with return for K- to the North, whilst Serbs are purchasing flats and other property, and lack of freedom of movement for K-Albanians in the northern part of the city. Parallel institutions allegedly are creating obstacles, constructing new buildings without any documents whereas K-Albanians are asked many documents for reconstructing their burned houses. The representatives expressed willingness for a meeting with UAM Advisory Board members which CA is trying to facilitate.


SOUTH WEST REGION - PRIZREN AND PEJË/PEĆ  Suhareke/Suva Reka Municipality declares employment opportunities and mulitiethnic school for potential returnees to Mohlan/Movljane and Reçan/Recane villages  IOM ready to participate in returns project to Lug/Ljug and Bllagac/ Blagace in Istog/k with Economic Sustainability program  Successful GSVs to Llazoviq/Lazović quarter and Patriarchate Street in Peje/Pec Town

Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings At Pejë/Pec MWG, the MRO provided update on activities since the last meeting. During this period Peje/Pec Municipality prepared the MRS 2006, proposing two weeks for comments and suggestions. The MRO mentioned 6 locations selected for the Mercy Corps MISI program, including four Serbian communities: Brestovik, Cigë/Siga, Levoshe/Ljevosa and Belopolje and two Albanian comunities: Zahaq/Zahac and Rusuja. The DRC representative gave an update on the ‘7 Shtatori project’. He stated 9 of March as a date for a beneficiary selection meeting. DRC also expressed interest to prepare a CP for Lazovic/i suburb. IOM informed the MWG, that the 2nd phase of the Sige/a/ Brestovik/ Levoshe/Ljevosa will be implemented this year and will include reconstruction of 40 houses for the three villages, infrastructure, community projects, IG, and inter-ethnic dialogue.

On 2nd March, TF meeting for Lug/Ljug and Bllagac/Blagace was held in Istog/k municipality. After the removal of 3 potential beneficiaries by local authority, the list consisting of 47 IDP families from Lug/Ljug and 23 from Bllagac/Blagace was endorsed. IOM, as a potential partner participated and provided information on their program. IOM may support the economic sustainability part of the project, but all this will depend on the project speed, as their deadline for submission of proposals ends by mid May. THW provided updates on the reconstruction and infrastructure works on transit houses, as well as electricity, water and sewage systems. The DMAP emphasized the importance of additional funds needed for other components of the project.

Displacement/Reconstruction On March 2, 2006, RCRU visited the ARC project site. NGO has started the reconstruction of six houses in Suhareka/Suva Reka town. ARC has requested for additional 19,400 Euro from the UNDP under GAR funds. The amount will be spent on the installation of main water supply pipeline connection for the reconstructed houses and additional cost for the reconstruction of one Roma family’s house. Municipality has agreed to pay €2,000 and the receiving community €6,900.

Go&Inform Visits/Go&See Visits On February 27, a GSV for six IDPs from Mohlan/Movljane and Reçan/Recane villages of Suharekë/Suva Reka municipality took place. IDPs expressed their desire to return, raising issues pertaining security, education, employment and reconstruction of houses. The D/MAP stated that security has improved and the receiving community is willing to welcome them. He added that Serb and Albanian children would attend the same school in the village (teacher to be recruited among returnees). Eventually he informed that there would be employment opportunities in the recently privatized Balkan Factory. RCRU asked IDPs representative to compile a list of people interested to return and forward to the MRO. Municipality and NGOs would prepare a CP for the reconstruction of houses.

On 2nd March 2006, the Srbobran GSV debriefing session (Istog/k Municipality) took place with presence of five IDPs, interested to return. The intention of this GSV was actually the house assessments of these 5 individuals, successfully completed by UNDP SPARK Regional Officer, and SPARK program details were provided during the debriefing session. The only problem partners may face is one occupant family that requests the house reconstruction prior to vacating the property. RCRU does not see any potential risk, as mentioned family already benefited from GOAL program for reconstruction, as well as some additional material provided by DRC last year.

On 2nd/3rd March, GSV debriefings were held in Pejë/Pec, by UNDP for (5) K-Serb IDPs from Peje/Pec town, Patriarchate Street, currently displaced in Montenegro and DRC for (7) IDPs from Llazoviq/Lazović quarter of Pejë/Pec town. DRC informed the participants about the Concept Paper for Llazoviq/Lazovic return which is prepared for 40 families, and mentioned the fact that MWG discussed about it. DRC also mentioned the second phase of project for Cigë/Siga, Brestovik and Levoshe/Ljevosa, as well as the project proposal for Vitomirice/a, which was approved in the last MWG. IDPs expressed strong interest to return and pointed out concerns, including property occupation, employment and security. Forthcoming activities: 06 March 06 1100hrs MWG Zubin Potok (Mitrovicë/Mitrovica Region) 06 March 06 UNHCR's Cross Boundary Meeting Gjilan/Gnjilane 06 March 06 MROs monthly meeting Gjilan/Gnjilane 06 March 06 1000hrs JCC meeting Istog/Istok (SouthWest Region) 07 March 06 1400hrs MWG Kamenicë/Kamenica (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 07 March 06 1400hrs GSV Pejë/Peć (SouthWest Region) 08 March 06 1100hrs TF Babush/Babuš, Ferizaj/Uroševac (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 08 March 06 GSV Talinovac/Talinovc (only female beneficaries) (Gnjilane/Gjilan Region) 08 March 06 0930hrs GSV Debriefing Pejë/Peć (SouthWest Region) 08 March 06 1100hrs Task Force Meeting Babush/Srpski Babus (Gnjilane/Gjilan Region) 09 March 06 1300hrs GSV Maja e Zezë/Crni Vrh (SouthWest Region) 10 March 06 0930hrs GSV Debriefing Maja e Zezë/Crni Vrh (SouthWest Region) 13 March 06 1000hrs GSV Coordination Mtg Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje (Prishtinë/Priština Region) 14 March 06 RWG Mitrovicë/Mitrovica 14 March 06 Podkalaja TF Meeting, Prizren (SouthWest Region) 15 March 06 1100hrs TF Bablak/Babljak, Ferizaj/Uroševac (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 15 March 06 1400hrs MWG Gjilan/Gnjilane (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 16 March 06 1000hrs MWG Lipjan/Lipljan (Prishtinë/Priština Region) 16 March 06 1400hrs TF on urban returns Prishtine/Pristina (Prishtinë/Priština Region) 16 March 06 GSV to Miradi e Eperme/Gornje Dobrevo, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje (Prishtinë/Priština Region) 16 March 06 GSV Debriefing for Miradi e Eperme/Gornje Dobrevo, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje (Prishtinë/Priština Region) 17 March 06 1000hrs MWG Ferizaj/Uroševac (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 22 March 06 MWG Rahovec/Orahovac (SouthWest Region) 22 March 06 1100hrs TF Babush/Babuš, Ferizaj/Uroševac (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 23 March 06 1000hrs TF Klobukar/Kllobukar, Novobërdë/Novo Brdo (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 23 March 06 1100hrs MWG Novobërdë/Novo Brdo (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 24 March 06 1300hrs MWG Shtërpcë/Štrpce (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region) 28 March 06 1400hrs MWG Viti/Vitina (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region)

For more information please contact: Head/Field 038 504 604 Mr Cornelius Nolen [email protected] Operations Unit ext. 7613 038 504 604 Gjilan/Gnjilane Mr Robert Ngangue [email protected] Region ext. 7625

Prishtinë/Priština 038 504 604 Ms Aleksandra Witkowska [email protected] Region ext. 6414 038 504 604 Prizren Region Mr Muhammad Hayat [email protected] ext. 8009

038 504 604 Pejë/Peć Region Mr Denis Begolli [email protected] ext. 3071 Mitrovicë/Mitrovica 038 504 604 Ms Karin Oliver [email protected] Region ext. 7359