The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829

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The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829 Presented to the UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY by the ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY 1980 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Toronto littp:// THE PtUSSO-TUEKISH CAMPAIGIS OF 1828 AND 1829. — — —— ——— — — — TURKEY AND RUSSIA. The latest and best Works inMished. A YEAR WITH THE TURKS: Or, Sketches of Travel in the Europeax and Asiatic Dominions of the SvLTAN. By WaringtuQ W. Smyth, M. A. With a colored Ethnological Map of the Empire. l'2mo., cloth 75 cents. Second Edition noio ready. " Walliichia, the Danube, and other places now so prominent, are made fiimiliar by the plain, easy style of our author, -while a flood of liffht is shed upon the Turks as a people, their system of government, the policy of their rulers, and the whole internal arrangement of the Ottoman Empire." Phila. National Argus, " We advise all those who wish for clear information with regard to the condition of the Empire, and the various races that make up the population, to g(?t this book and read it." Boston Commonwealth. " This is a plain and simple history of a region invested just now with peculiar interest. The geography of the country is minutely set down, the character, habits, idiosyncrasies of its inhabitants thoroughly portrayed, its resources, wealth and wants pointedly referred to, its government, laws and provisions clearly defined." Buffalo Express. " Mr. Smyth traveled in Turkey in the fall of last year, and his descriptions of the country are therefore more recent than can be obtained elsewhere." Tro)/ Daily Times. "Mr. Smyth is just the right sort of man for a pleasant and useful travel- ing companion; good-humored, shrewd, intelligent, observant, and blessed with a good stock of common sense ; and he has given us in this small volume a graphic, attractive and instructive account of what he saw and heard and experienced during twelve mouths of travel through the wide-spread domin- ions of Sultan Mahmoud." Bo.%ton Traveller. ALSO, THE THIRD EDITION OF THE RUSSIAN SHORES OF THE BLACK SEA: With a Voyage down the Volga, and a Tour through the Country of the Don Cossacks. By Laurence Oliphant, Author of a " Journey to Nepaul." From the Third London edition. 12mo., cloth, two maps and eighteen cuts. 75 eeuts. Seven hundred copies of this work are advertised by one English Circulat- ing Library. " The volume is adorned by a number of wood-cuts and by two useful maps. It is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of Russia, and should be read by all who desire to be well informed." N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. " His book is full of exceedingly valuable information, and is written in aa attractive style." Cincinnati Christian Herald. " Mr. Oliphant is a fluent, easy, companionable writer, who tells us £>. great deal we want to know, without a particle either of pedantry or bombast. This neat little book, with its maps and illustrations, will prove a most accept- able informant to the general reader, and at the same time prove highly enter- taining." Boston Transcript. " Mr. Oliphant is an acute observer, a shrewd and intelligent man, a clear, vigorous and distinct writer, and his book embodies the best account of South- ern Russia that has ever appeared. His account of Sebastopol will find many interested readers." Boston Atlas. " This book reminds us more of Stephen's delightful Incidents of Travel than any other book with which we are acquainted. It is au extremely interesting and valuable book." Boston Traveller. — — — — THE WAR IN THE EAST. EUSSO-TURKISH CIMPAIGXS C 7 1828 AXI) 1829; WITH A TIEW OF THE PEESE.NT JsTATE OF AFFAIRS I.\ THE EAST. BY COLONEL CHESXEY^ R. A.. D. C. L., F. R. S. AUTHOE or THE EXPEDITIOX FOE THE SUBVZr OF THE BITERS ETPnEATES AKD TIGB13. With an Appendix, containing the Diplomatic C-orrespondecce and the Secret- Correspondence between the Eas-sLin and English Gorercments, 1 vol., l-2mo., Clot!: : Maps, fl." Amoxg the many works at present appearing on the Russian and Turkish aflairs. this volume demands special attention, from the high reputation of its author. Colonel Chesney. of the Royal Artillery, pro- ceeded to the seat of the last war. in 1828, "with military stores—intend- ing to give his assistance to the Turks, in their resistance to the Russian invasion. He arrived too late for active service, but he had opportunity of collecting maierials on the spot for a narrative of the campaians, and he became well acquainted with the countries which are again the theatre of warlike operations. The accotmt of the war of 1828-^1829 is a valuable record of the events of that period, and has fresh interest from the light it throws on passing events. * * * The narrative of the Campaigns of 1828 and 1829 is a valuable contribution to military history. It is an important and well-timed publication. Literary Gazftte. CoLOXEL Chesxet has peculiar claims on our notice. Few men possess more extensive knowledge, personal and other, of the geography and statistics of the East. * * * His work is written throughout in a fine, manly spirit. We cordially recommend it to ottr readers as the best his- torical companion they can possess during the campaigns which are about to open. Athtnceum. CoLOXXL Chxsxet here supplies us with full information respecting this important period of European History, and with an accurate description, from a military point of view, of the countries which form at the present moment the theatre of war. Examiner. A coxDEXSED detail of facts, and the results of personal observation, it is replete with instructive maner : a record of one of the most strikmg events in modem hi.story : a guide to the formation of correct judgment on the future. Good maps, and minute descriptions of the principal seats of the past and present war : a statistical account of the military resources of Turkey; its present state and prospects: its political and commercial value—occupy an interesting portion of the work, which we heartilv recommend to the attention of our readers. Land. Critic. THE exisso-ttjeivIsh campaigns OF 1828 AXD 1829 WITH A YIEW OF THE PRESENT STATE OF AFFAIRS IX THE EAST BY COLONEL CHESXEY, R.A., D.C.L., E.R.S. AUTHOR OK " THB EXPEDITIOS FOE THB SURVBT OF THB RITEBS EDPHRATB3 ASD TIGRI3 ' WITH AX APPEXDIX COXTATXIXG THE DIPLOilATIC CORRESPOXDEXCE BETWEEN THE FOUR POWERS, AXD THE SECRET CORRESPOXDEXCE BETWEEN THE KCS3IAX AXD EXGLISU GOTERXMEXTS iintlj 3Ha|i.^ REDFIELD 110 AND 112 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK 1854 1 AVAIIABIE ^, HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY THE SULTAN ABDUL MEDJID KHAN, EM'PEROR OF THE OTTOMANS, &c. &c. &c. SlEE, The belief entertained by Eamik Pasha, j'our Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary at the Court of St. James's, that such a request would not be quite unacceptable, if there were time under present circum- stances to make it, induces me to venture to solicit your Majesty to be graciously pleased to accept the present dedication of my work on the invasions of the Ottoman dominions by Russia in 1828 and 1829. I feel the more anxious to be permitted to do myself this honour, since it affords me an opportunity of expressing my grateful acknow- ledgments for the uniform kindness I received, when journeying as a traveller through your Majesty's dominions in Eui-ope and Asia ; as well as the furtherance experienced at a later period by me, in a public capacity. I allude to the expedition, carried out under my command, to survey the rivers Euphrates and Tigris ; which undertaking, as I expected then and still expect, must ultimately be the means of extending the commerce of Turkey with the rest of Europe, and also Xiy DEDICATION. of nniting more closely, by the bonds of mutual advantage, the Turkish and British Empires. Nearly seven years have been passed by me in your Majesty's dominions, partly at the head of the preceding undertaking, and partly as an ordinary traveller to gain information ; and a high estimate has been formed in consequence, of the fidelity and straight- forward character of the Turkish people. Nor can I doubt for a moment, that increasing intercoxarse will at length remov^e existing prejudices, and produce throughout Europe, the same impressions of the loyal character of the Turk, which are now entertained by Your Majesty's most obedient and very humble servant, F. R. CHESXEY, Colonel^ Eoyal Artillery. PacTcoleU near Kllkeel, Irdand. 31st Jan. 1854. PPiEFACE. A VISIT which I made to the seat of the Eusso-Turkish war in European Turkey towards the close of 1829, and to that in Asia shortly afterwards, has furnished the principal part of the materials for the following account of the campaigns of that and the preceding year. Although not personally present during the whole of the cam-' paigns, I had the advantage of collecting materials on the spots where the struggle had taken place between the Russian and Tui-kish forces, and also of conversing with officers of both sides, fresh from the scenes of action, and full of reminiscences of the contest, which was then drawing towards its close. The narrative of the campaigns of 1828-29, both in European and Asiatic Turkey, will be found in the first nine chapters of this work. In Chapter X., some notice has been given of the principal circum- stances which have occurred lately in connection Avith tho Eastern question, so as to present a connected view of the interval between the past and present wars of Eussia against Turkey. A mere abstract of these occurrences, which have been so recently before the public as to have been read of by almost every individual, might have been more acceptable in some respects to the generality of readers.
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