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To P^ovJd^ ^

tA//) ^ 6



Kindly refer to the reference received from Hon'ble Governor Haryana. Submit complete factual report of the site and also redress the

I problem and submit the reply within 7 days.

(Shashi Gulati) FC Archaeology & Museums 04.07.2011

Direc aeology & Museums

Go\Lr^^f'riL air Mary^r-s . 31 FoToiro - 3TR0 TTo -JLoll fq II

m.. fS-Hiqcw t?g TOFT ^rfeg, '.W^TT^iq^ gfr?n^ T7^g)R.

f^: _\S\ >'1"'/ 5bW 'kV"

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-e5- I ,^wii n-iiti;?! f ., ^N^PTt^, ^Rij|U|i ^ f_ T^oTOTT A 3Tmw

1 7 JUN 2011

^: ^M4ld. ^RiJIuil cf> ^tRtcII

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gtrni^ ^^ ^ 1 dt ^5515 ^^ 5m ^ 11^ ^Ti*r t ^ ?t dt5^1: t ST^^ ^ STeT^ t ferei^ ^it SIS^ t H2jr SRt^^ eftdr ^^35^ dt^ otiwt^iiu i I ^tsn^dt ^cra sr?t^ ^9PPI^ ^ td^ n^osr <5^ Gife ^site ^^ ^ 12ff^ §?fr 5iit it^t cTt ^rrit 9^5T it^ te it ?T^nr 11 ^t3cr5];dt ^ sioir^ ^ it-ik sr^^ fd^ cjoMrei^ fte^^ ^ qre t ferer^ ^ gfegsr^ te 5i^33icr 95^51^50^ A dfter si5t ^5!^ gi^sdTH 3io^(5^ Sirgi^ar^% I STcT: ^tsil^dt ^folte5r% ^5I^33TcT co'^ciico^; m oF^cl 5?^^ ^lir^ £r?t^ ^ ^3ite q^ it^ Site ^^^^THTT un^ I cirfc straf ?r-^rffcT y 9Tr^ =qr?r^5n"?ii sirq^sifd^qritirti


4t^^rardor, ^sdrar


Slater g5r ofdt? 9sfi^ ST dt^e^,^teloT^ si^ ■ ^oT.5, iqoiHr#c^ cm^- fdwdgTT^(Hf^o) ll' Tech 364

^^icicq OTT^Tera" f^aTRn", xjCT.^sft.sft'. 9j ^^cfersT—5^'crwcRcTr i

cT^vlcnci-d, dlci^l cjDJ-licb 1 2/1 85-20 1 1 ^ I^CTlicO fcnSRT:- CIT^ "cftz ^ ^V5(Rs^ cf5j- cT cp

unsra" ^ ^ tfh? ^ f^3TT^ zrT55T ^ dig^di % i jdl^d cTlcjil ^ uid^ii^Hci^ erjt^ tt? c^oidi gsir % I STr'- 3f;T-'^ STT^sr % f^ 3^^ ^ c]^ ^ ci5^i> 'T^rft 7T^ ^ f^rarr^T ^ ^n^i'^cb jsjt ycni^T oiioi^i ci r crirf)- ^iiciosr c^xicii.^ ^ c^tii i

C^: f^^TcJo, i^-ildccj 12^ "H^T^ToT^ f%aTRTT, ^ ^fem^TT, Udc^cdl ■g^: cpcMicfj j^dich) TT'^ ^ 3iiGit^ TT^^T ^T5T5T^ ^ xJ-iddief/STTcT^^ro ^ ClBld I

STfgjchl c^: i^-ildcci -dH4161crld' i%3TRyT^ 6l4d|U||^ Lirjclg^cdl

/ Tech 298


i^-ildccl H^T^ncRT f^a-TT^JT, ^fermr, tTCT.^.sft. 9, ^chl^-S^Mtjcbdl I

cT5^ftcT^!T?j cfTcT^ ^ fuTcTT (?lcmcl ct)tHlch> 1 2/1 8 5-20 1 1-;5?T I ^j ^1 ff ^J,"1C t1l(^ f^vPT aicj^^ Xl\i1t<1 >dHelstj |

31-i-^lchi l^nsra" ^ ^ ^ fe dici^ fteicT

Mvjflcb-dur 37li:|cbl-^l c^: ^dldrcl Ucf dH4J^MdJ

TJ: cb^diaf/3ncr2^3ra5- cbi^cji^ ^ Pl^id ^ i

Moflcbdui ^xiictccj TJcT ■^JT^rFTcTSr ^ 1ya-TT3T,Fl^^TT^, i-i^ct^dl I . I ^ ^ v.«^ ^ 3^^T175f 3^ -SA^^vSTj |»i->i\:s5

^ • T«rRV- ■5n5v^1 iX^vS '^oVa^ ' q\'2i wz ■ ^ .■■i\—^ \jiy tjv^ ^ ^rrh-X- fJl ,1^ btz^ cxri_ ^vrrj'^^, ,a|f/,,^ 3ru^ TU?l=^ ^cwo-:^

lU^/' 7'

ttR: tn^ -t- 64- 1^:MEWAtr 2003-2004'

^ . . :2r-.,- i3.v.-.-.,2. r VL.V - ['.4.-:.; :,:2- i ..K--. " Ji.;.. --. ,.i- ,.7- 6':.- ^..v-., -I-.- . .. i...:..:'.». .■:, . '. ~ .9.-:.-.•.• . .'-■ lO/v... ;.: n-. ..

■ - _ ' . • «iin\Tl 2 ■ 'Tt'B ■ j' _ • •• _ '. ...-_1ywr.^ifW2._L 1 -. " \ - ' ;: ■: ■TO7"TOT[,'' • • "', . Wyi..-,,. , \. Tt'3ik-^TO .155^.'T., _ .•.tmr .aftr.. . "i" "; j,. ... f ■' , ■'

- ■ •H. " Hirti


1885 2081 ^4)1^1 93// WSIROT

II HM<^H 41 1-3 M^dl t^<^d ^2271 , 1799 ^.1 "^TM

3/35 ^ <=y^ 4'

3/35-m /3-^T

2/35 tTFT '

6/35 "m

1/5 TTFT ^Rf%' Q &£ Mutations.& 77 /9 Aad Ralians Updated upto I/ (H:§a MCqK) 1^:MEWATr. 2003^2004 •'W''^i^:"-"-.2"''

>' ■ •'•• • ■ ii. i~-'--- -TV.2.^;-. . I..:>:....-5;,.-.. . .■■j.;i . .. -,■-;* • . ;^ „ .i 9'.:.:-; . ' •-.^;1.0..v.:: .. ;-:.V.'1U "A vv .12.. i,::?;:,,;.'.: -■ ^ V. j"'. , ••• " J.S^ "-q,'" •-.ir:: W wT .' -"~" Hiln« ^nt -' <+l*d*U 'fttii?- ^ • "n gfoi - ."-Jfk. ai"

li'iTj'O apt ^iwi ak aw «1'U-* ^ "ftt al^

1. ai tJvUKl %T f ara 'ai "if ata

1886 2082 93// ^37RnT- // HM4>M 39 1-10 H^ai <^c(c 112271 1800 ■^plrTFfc =T.l elT^ ^TTTRT- 1/4 -890^ iin-yHK^ -9033-^

3/56'm Of^

3/56 nFT


3^28 qiTT

1/2 ^

Mutations & VO Aad Rahans Updated upto - ^

«1MN'<0 (M4<:I 4

• • . T 1 • - • • • - - - -., • > 1 ' .- ; I...... _v--p. -- --- •.. >V.. . I 4.- . .r,-.... . •.„? ',• .' .:..6 ;.':: ..' _.;..7j.;.=..:: 8„ , "., ....'._■ .9.-.- ; •v. JO' :•■ -:-3#ftV,_ ^'.■.■_ ^ tiH .jmr ", ..'.-.^''...,'^'i. - ' ;.t^ : " ■JIT ' -" ' ."Ti. ."". . -'Jir' •T JTT6t«F TR ' . »Hd*K ' ' - . ■ . 'Jli "5?^ ■ ak ' . ' " xzik '^'■." iT^kra Jpi "- .. -TIJIli

3RJ ^TTtR ftTFT TTTJT cl'iti 'sfi ^*11^ sftr Ttfel

H. ^ TOT Jjyiul ^ ^ ■mij ^ 'it'I

1887 2083 93// «««^i 8903^ // q-S'HM ^ 38 1-4 ^.^5^ 20337^ 1801 ^.1 1/5 IWJ X =5',^ •hhP^vw ^ 3/70 WT 4)r<«4K

3/70 ^rrr

TTt^dW ^ 1/35 W]

3/35 wi 3/5 -m y a O 9/0^ /4^y>^

Mutations &. Aad Rahons Updated upto li ?isill i (n-^n Hcqi-i)',: TM: •' "^T. 64 .''i' ' ^ ' tTT^:-:' :"fflT^'MEWAT' -2003-2004 TO Ti^: - 4 '■'" '

.l-.i2;,;r.- \,-.,x.r-: .:.e,r.:- j;.,... . 4;'. l\-. •..-U- vv:- -. ■-; 9.-::-;. '■. .;. ip:.:-i::- -:v j U;.::.- w." >.a---;'.- -.x;'~-7l2i,~x .!.w_..„ tnf • ^ fsi'ii'Ji jrffiT " [ r.I.' ^ _.^.?«ry). ._J .aAt 'Tt^; ,•.. , 'nr ■• _^jnfT atJ—. ^iK ■--A-s-'.'.-. y:.. y]^y^---y-T ' ! • TtT . •-' . 'T' -.- -,'. ',." '- ^ tR : ■; f^t4i5 ■.*'-•.- yv-"" 7^-_■ - .. y<>i{" ^.'.

ajaj 'UlUi ^?ra HtH ^iiT=n ak ■'ftt afts

=1. ^^TTT 'f •ira ^ ^ atn

1888 2084 93// H 29 1-19^.^5^ 4€<1I «1^K& 9033^

1802 * ^.1 7/32 W] " ;yx.v7 ^^7

3/32 qpT 4>r<4K ^ 4'—7 •—^ 3/32 ^

^ i#sfw 1/16^

3tfT?EK^ /^

,3/16 W\ ^' T^f') o>;P 1/8 »TR : ^ Mutations & AadRabans HALRU Updated upto ^ /!7 (5U >

Hcbd (q^"q2^) "rm: ... 64- 1^:MEWAT. w:. 2003-2004 W WT:

.. 2,-_- C..-...-,3 - :.4...... • „":. :5,.r.. ..> .6.,. , .,: .• .' . 7; :. • "i "-', 8,.,. • ,- . .. 9 _. . r. -i 10... .. 11 i. V. ■-.. ; u ... .. ■.

T3^." ';•; ' .j ^ '., . . ...' - .3^. y+iu-., ,.- ,.' --. .. .w^i... ,., ;l - . . • '• .-•. • ^ ' H.'/ in; Hlfcn 5vl '. - .^'|!(rl+K ftlii? ^ ■■ 'R ^35 - ■ sift43 Rl tRlji

«RPt^ ai=i WJ=J aiH ■R^T ci'ii-i dt ■^tptr aftr

'I. ■^il '^R RI RSR R*ft=I ■JSfRI f RB RI ^ Rn


1889 2085 93// eTM 37RI3T- // 27 3-12^.^. iJ^dl i^

1890 2086 85// 3TR«T-

// TT^^^Id MW4)H 28 5-5 Msoi <^q6 10102 1804 20/21 W] ^Wdld ^.1 MM W^-

1/21 «IFT gRf% 6r>/ Mutations & AadRahans Updated upto

uV^i"" rjctJCl 0^^ H^OIk) •. . f f ■'T." 64- V. ■mHT:MEWAT ; 2603-2004 "'/ '

1-- : --13 V ... ■ ,. • ,4. .-... ' .1 . - .5;...... ; . -6 . • . . -8 " . -9,...„. .: . 10.... : -.ll-C-.,.

.'' ^'ii... :. . . T" -.i ''. ^(^ti " "" .fd^tui ■'Sfta, ... . ^.. ' ^ ?i_, ' .. Tt '.3ik;^*'S5T.,. ' ..'HI?! .isH. '. -i. ' •>' ; ■^n. ■- ' ' ■{. ■ - _ WftT«F> ^ TPl [y^i5 ••V?q«'^"" ■ Q<»iYsri .«qi5 ^ 3^k

^ ^ t «ira ^ itH - \ 2087

// HH=bH 2-5 4.^. 4«dl 10102 1805 4/9^ «Jllel mV ^.1 ^—eild mM-

5fRF5ft'4cT?^ 1891^ 2087 srt^ ^Efl^ W- /O 5/9 "m ^

1892 2088 85// «h«ii 37RI3T- // 29 4-19^.^;^ Hso; q^i<& _10102f^TOT 1806 9/20 qrr ^.1 did -HHikl"

^InPd cflHI


gT^TWHFT 1/5 m

Mutations & Aad Rabans HALRIS ^^<0^ 3, dr) / w Updated upto 1


.' \ (M-^d 4dc(lO- - 4. •64; 1^:MEWAT. 2003-2004 TO -■y^TI: ' •7

i . l: ;"- - . - 2 „ . J • ■ " ... i 4 . •.' \ 1.. s.. 5; .. • ... 6 "' . >"'-• 7," ■ ' '- . 8;.. . .: 9, '.. 10. ■;., . . :, 11 ;.• ... .i, 12 . • ■_ - . . j.'d're'.",, - ~ ■ .HR tTTO " ' — ," - -■ ■.';— 'Jr'".' .. . ; ■ ■■'/PSR ':. _ fjwi, H; 1T3 sfit _ "." '~'. .d'lVgfeti, . , .' ♦• • ■' ^--■' - ■- • . :' ', I. ^ Wl ' IlItTTi ^ ; ■<*iivd^K " •msn?"^" ^ '5t^ ' aftr ."■ ■ Wtor '^"

- ■ 3TR aftt few WJ WITT ^ 4*irn aftt

•H. ^ T«n -ahIi i?rlT "t

1892^ 2088 ^ ^EtT^ FT'EfR WTFT 1/5^

3M3ft ^rr 37RR

3/20 w\

Mutations & Aad Rahans HALRIS Updated upto m % v7? n>/ "^'Z .'rv/ '

sr It 3" 31 n •Q

iS A1 If H IJ 3/ 31 31 •fS i LL 3? S 1 37

iiw ____—-——

ffC • ^

W K 6U^ Y L„

« vn ''^c.^Nvyi ^1 \^ X^ Cvt*A. tt. ^ w ^ ^ ^ <5M^'«''a Wa®»avN\^- /

X^kVatJL \—

<-o r^* v*^V ^VC^-^. V.^'^r\ ^►Ac-SNK ^^^v^ % --^ '*^\?^C\\-VVv ■'^CJ\ ^ .4^4 .V ^ t!:\ A^s. «.< ^ ^ _, . ^ cX|r "^4 ^ H° '^>Qr\_<4\^^\ ^ V -^Nv-\ <44 vT^ X 4vX^v \ ^ ^ V ^ ^- -4 "" C^v) v44^v.n ok^'S.V 4

XxvhS^\, X^km c^sy\\ "'^ S??S\ "bCn ^-VXfXV c^v % c^\^ ^-,o\^ %- 2[J^ ^5 ^ W^ \t.-Vg- c^tLy c^ ~^A. wv\c^^ V^NNX C\ %\ ^ \ r ^ V

j||r \ ^ V

^ _ V gv-^l.-.N^ N^«KX ^XV"^, Ak \'v. ^ ^''T^«s ^ V^NA°.\ ^cX, ix^ ^ xe^^s^ wis o-^V N^ir, ^ ^ -V L


^ ^ ^ X. «v\\ f\ OTv»^ A A ^n\

N.e\^ V ^ 7 A vv ^ 4,xk,v \:^ I ^ \o ^<7<\ =^\(k \^vX^ <1>KV "Xx Xv^i v^X sY^v ^>^o;ki\^ "^^<\ '^A: y

csv\ivvv j b-

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^Tsrg5, i^T^ldccj x^H4J6lc^il f^STTH", M-Cjcbdl 1 '

cT^^flcT^T? ciicj^ . ■" loTeTT

cjDcHic^:- 12/1 8 0-2 01 1 /^gZT/

fcTCra":- ^cKHci cTT^ xft^ cToT^te clici%^ cI5T jLlcnaEI cpnin^ cTT^ I

3i-jilclrl fcnsRT ^ ^ f^STT^ ^ 1 2/1 8 5-2 0 1 1 /^^ ^^cHicp 1 0-8-2 0 1 1 ^ ^ 1 c^OtU 1 <^cKHci cjlol cI5T TilvJlxi

MurTlcpd*-'! Slf^cPI-^ c^: 3TefTf^?T^ ^dldoJ ■dH416le1dl 1%3TTtJT, ja-. Ffernmr, orjcb^i i

■q^r cp«HicP:- 1 2/1 8 0-2 0 1 1

3Ll^chi q§t Uq5 ^ SHIdcci ycpT^T X5Tqyr^,^5T^RT^ d^T:idief/3rr^?qef yd^gd" % i'

LioflcbdurSTfyc^l-^ C^: cH^lid^dTq? ydldcd "0^ OTT^Tc^ ^aTRJT, ■^fd^nwr," Mrjcig^i I N\ X ll^ 7^

V\6\^vy^ «, ^ ^ •-

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^ Y V ^ xs^ V.«k \ ^ \\\V .* \ %.Xv \ =v^5C S >-SX ^ Ots^, cs^ Vx Asn'SiixVi "X \4 s4 "5^ % ' ■ " 'fe vg^t X5W As§ Ascx =4 j 2)^ A^\\^ "-x^x ^\^\jjX ^ X ^ 4rv ■=^s^rX. < ^yi\^

\vVv^>\VH eolof Ge 9a

Q . NO O Dl ^£1 M 4^1 ^ xl^na^ -ii jja F: g^^ijTir/r'Tf^tf^



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rf^i -1 t


Y- 15 7


c i.

■M. :■ isipfiS <-AV

r-^-VYiV3,<7^fe' 1. ^5 p (T^5c^ MdcilO 64 cn^' 1^r^:MEWAT 2003-2004 W I

10 11 12

— -=IPT-^ -^•=3TT-— ywf- -Trf—3^-^ 3#^jir«w-

•f. ■TT ■"Tfrft Vlld4> ^ ^ ■«+>IVd«*>K fiNr? ^ zrr "5^ arh gcfilnd ^ «qii ^

■vimNiO '^nvH 3Th Pf «i"H CT'ii-1 'sfr i|hmi 3fk o'ift

■=1. ■^TT •!*<<< y-JIKI ^ ^ 'OT IPT

1885 2081 dcbi'm 93// qra^l WFT 3TR^- fin// 41 1-3 11227^

1799 H.l ^Him- 2/5 ^ 8903^ ^TWR^ 9033 ^

3/35 ^ i+iRiJK y»l^

2/35 WT ^oMM=blVl^

WlkET 6/35 qFT

1/5 WT

Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto r.

64 crraf .(^_.jy[£^^^ 2003-2004

rr iKN 10 Pt^ttit TITOiI II 12 5^-^ ^ 'Jnft afh .^re?TT "■ "TIgt 3fe~~ Hfegfeif- HilVd

3/70 9^jTT l+jR-MK

3/70 qpT



3/5 HFT

Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto ^5' H«io|K) "nr^: ?n^ H. 64 PncricMEWAT 2003-2004 ^ 1 1 10 11 12 —73^.I —^-=qT— —srk-y^—— ■~-f6«tr-^— —'IRT—3jh— -3=ri^3PHt- iri^r^ iFi «t>i

37^ ^THTT 3ih ¥1^ ■feFf illM CI'IH 'sit "inm 37^

^ 'TTR 3^Trn ^tti ^ "m® ^ ^ 'iFT 1888 2084 93// cRSTTT 8903^ 'm// HMchH 29 1-19 9033^ 1802 H.l 7/32 mr]

3/32 ^ 4)R'MK ^

3/32 WT

1/16 ^ ^riiWc+>i;JI ^

3/16 ^TFT Mci-iAtd . 1/8 ■W 7/32 qm oTrW Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto ■^. 64 niq-^ ■^iMEWAT 2003-2004 ■q^

10 11 12 ^<^1- yrr -fen''t"

'n ■?. ^Inft •urCT-^i ^ HTH ■

^ ^P?. ^ '=p®»1l dlTH 3TR^- fiT^// ■cilK-t^qd Hieiqm 27 3-12^. H'Sdi 10102 feRTrT 1803 nr^ ^-WdH R.l WRT- 13/14 q^T

3iKMl 31^l

Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto

i -Xi'

TM; ■' 5'aoh^ ■^. 64 a^^lcn: nioi^ 1^f^:MEWAT 2003-2004 W WTT:

1 10 II 12

— — — --T3#f>- -^RFRT- -^—3t1t—+ict—sftr—;

TT tnfw ^ TP? epIVdi+'n ftrai? 1T I^FktT ^ ♦iqi{ ^

■'j1HN<) 3p^ W*PT 3i1t feFT RW CI'IH ^ ^HPrr sftr

H. ■spft^T ■g^tnr ^[ar «ira ^ RPI

1867 2037 ^'=+^'41 20// «p

7H?TT 529/29-4-95 93// % fen ^-83//60 32 0-3

33 0-6 -g. ^ l^

951! 26 0-6 t1.


Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto *1=hc1 ('T^tT McicjlO "HR: rn?i 64 ^TT^ f^RTT:MEWAT W: 2003-2004

I • 9 10 11 12


T17 ■'n ■*TTfi=rar ^ HR +lvtl+l< ftNI? ^ TI '3^^ ah eqilsd 'ai »mN

H. ^ 'inT ^ 'par ■»ih1i ^-^Kl '^ttl an? aiT aPT

105// 1867^11^ 2037 ert^ 105// 28 1-2

160 0-2

162 0-8 Tt. ■^.

169fiH 0-4 chr^i-WH

13 13-4 WW 10 3

13-4 13-4-^.^.

Ih^m 40 61-8

Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto r (q>$d Mdoik)

"HT^: H. 64 ■f%i^:MEWAT 2003-2004 3

10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 M 9 — lt 3ih f

3Ri 3TN , ^rra ct'iH ^ ^*?r5T sih

tfnj '5iT ^ ■*IPT "=1. ^ Tnr ^TTTT icil "J '

fipT 24 1867^ ^TFR>3TT

2-6 59-2

2-6 ^ 59-2


Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto (.^1^■R5o[R) W WTT; "^r "^T. 64 d^^1d: cTT^ ■f^f^rMEWAT HT^: 2003-2004

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ^ HI ef^*lPw — — —— — IH- -— Iqqt'JI-'Ufeu ——-H'*t<-^^

IT 4(\fi fti'-qi? ^ . Ti "gr^ ah ^ -sqft ^ eqilsd ^ tiqil ^


■^il '^TT 114n ■gstni ^ctT ? ■qra ^ ^ trm

1890 2086 cjchT^i 85// 3J5HT ellel 3lK^- i^H// 28 5-5 M^dl4VK5 101021^^ 1804 20/21 w WTtTT^ ^.1 w^ww^-

3771^ "^T?T^^3TFn^

1/21 ^TFT

Mutations & Aad Rahans Updated upto SI

iiccn>i(M tcff^ cTg

i^^iciccj w ^H4J6iei^ ^trarnrr, ^ferWTT, U^cbcdl I

cTTcT^ foTcTF ti-lciId I

^qrf^ cl^cHicI^:- 12/18 5-2 0 1 1 /^//y/ fcT^RT:— qi(^ ifh?" dalcTlcfa fcTuRT ^cri cim^ cfaT TiJoiiici f^cfaT^ 3LJcrl

ciM^cnn fW^sRT ^ ^ 1%3Tr^ ^ tt^ cj^dnicij 1 2/1 85-20 1 1/5^/-259 1-92 f^cdicb 10-8-201 1 TZ^ "cra" cbdHicj^ 1 2/1 8 5-20 1 1 -3469-3470 fert^ 16/12/20 1 1 ^ I

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Ouflcjo^^3Tf£TW5t d-i&ir^S^Tc15 ^^ildccl 17^ ^JRT^TdRT 1%3TnJT, ^reiljujl^ Lj^dgtrl! I tT3r cpdiicfj:- 75T5T/

3xr?teT ^ yf^ -^fj- ytt mci«dief x?y 3TTy?^^iy5 cbl^cJi^ DfSjd % I

"g^TcTcy I?y -dicij^iciy fcTSTT^, r, qrjcDdi I V

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^'3 NnsO ■^"ccnfr ^0 10

ae'iflef "*1^ c Riteil

■=7TTf cIW m Tfft til&a WRtRjlY ^TFT wHTT 'Hf^cf


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y ■ 592:^ OLR—Hem No 1—H.G.P t




3< 6518 D.L.R.—JtcmNo. f^irrr

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aaMSsiBaiiSLMIiSiMigiMaligiSififiPffKixifiig}^^ 6518—D.L-R.—flem^

10 n chjw^c'^ nPf .ff 'r TV w r9 •g * iry w w 'HO -t^ 'C ft ^ I t5 1^

k ,/iCfW 3-/J t Jk (w-w

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V\tA^>^ ', r- W L^|2j \ Inch"®^-'^

Jahaj-Kothi(JahajPul)Hisar T .^■9. 'tA ^1 )

PN I c-iA/i ^ T>) I P. 1 3h"/^ ^ IV ^\XJ\ ■^\\ iAri" W'' ' A*?'' ^f''\A I fv^ o-f / ^ I

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3iV ■Jftr I %?' ^ 1^

?Vcy/ JiTF ;ny7p^ _ ^^"^=«^>.t3Tr7 ^ "I JTwri< =x- - ^fY^ ^ tT'". -T?r ST^ ;?^rrfr dt2£^ -^Sll^ ^357rc?b//- |

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^7^;?-/2. •\ I r^ , ', ^11 \^\ 7^^) "AriNaNS^**)"^ >< O ^

"§33^0 \ >'



(^M\Ao\X^ s^ J„ ^

. /^ \ M- inch"^'^

JatS"Jahaj- JlmvKothi (jahaj PuljHisar^ Wuseurfifi *• view vt tllC site to be submitted)

18" Assessment reports by Experts. If any;

19. Specific recomrnendations of Competent Authorrty; N6C (with three sets of the proposal)


Date: s. Signature of the Competent Authority

seal - — i,TX„-4

Tj-TaVJ-?^ 1^ ^/^£I1• T .—^ ^\ /nST^ jU; P' § ^ • c5 j? . i 5 jTir ^ . ■ ■ > nx _ 21 -c^!

r)]y-fy A iJ>V^ ) -- ' ■HTT^rGT- ■ »^- - • t- V'\ ■< «"l "^171|^ 35 ^v-il pTt .q^ X , Q _

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A^XTvT Jll cvO r-) \ < A/—1 ) rv C, , _35'X| 5^,-^ ■ "' -■ Xr >3, > -^-.^ s?T^433 437P XppIX- 3-ef3r-3 3 ■ - ■• - XT TxiTTitV 73- tVX33 X- ^ ^ w "3r ttx^ ~:3 =v ■^mpTT ^3 -pITT .3-3X3-' 3 ->7-^ "P _3T$r 33;7" iU-'^VA''^>-4- _rvA -^' ' V3pT X-1 ■ ^_JT■ ^ ^ V - ---A r' p-Xt X ^^--1 -^-HK ^ ^ -si-fiY ^ ■ iT^r ^mTt)" Q. ; ■__ ■ •— . r\ ■ -=<:;—'. ^ IVi^M-C ■ ■^) 6 21 ^ I ^^''K -3" -^ < ^^T3~^' 4'-smT ^ • SVc '

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^\( 3 I ^ _% ifer .tiTm1 . '•^ ' •^-/■i j - '(^ .)J]'H 0-1 itt-j]2j_-5i ^ ^55^ ^TTI^^TTTT ^PTTT ^ ^ ^ i" J1 ^ fv\ ttT^TTh F^TTT ^ ^ --N —N -X ___ • ^ fl' \ 3-^ ^ -^-V , ^ <■"'•>'*■? ^ TTTXry^ ^ a^<»^\i) ^ ' £r, \) I^ pr^ppTp i;^;ri" f^ATrvr P ■ «=^, ♦vN '. ^TTyT c5)d)| /, ^ - '^ ; ^ ^ ' 'c 2^ 2>v\i

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_^-<-^)^ =M 5-^ ...),^ ^.>3^1 j3r 2r^ ^ ^

•=^ e(tO -^m 37T^TT ZD.


• \ -^3yr, >Sr| HTTi:^ ^ -']P^ .r^ /v A Vl^ttir-u^Ai PP'-l

^7 i?J?./2- 40 N..,


CleH ^ft^CVTT, C^1c1

fcnSRT:— ^fcT^TT^^rcp c^ oT^ftcf TJ^ ciid 1

3L|^ch:i ^ 3TTTJ^ ^;^d oTT^ % ^ firaTTTT % indicia 10.8.201 1 ^ fcT^RT fejcT ^jcFSra" ^ yciM idu[dj ^cf57 cI5l- ^ZTo^T^ Rcbl^ cIT^ TTST fcTOTT

^JRTT I cTB^^flc^T^R: 3"4-^ck1 fel5T^ 3Mc4a£T ^ cfSTT cf5? 3T^ ■i^Hi-ict^ ^ -iiui^-c] r^cbi^ aYwf sren" i ^rra" 201 1 1^3Tn?T ^ 61^ Ct3 "^TT^T^ Sil>il ec^l MCcii-^ ^ cfD-d^ 3^ SfRT fcTuRT f^-ercT c^Jdci cI5r 3Mc4a£T ^ cTcq'^rTTcT f^TaTRIT ■gfTCT 3Tra" 2 0 1 1 ^ d^^-Tleicilxl ^ fcT5m" ^TRTT M^ct^ MCcji-Jl gfRT fcTvjRT -^cfa ^ <^d-ajc; cI^T f^cJ^T^ ^McIgET cf W^' ^ Group of Tomb ^ fei^r^ ci5^ I TT^^md" ^rrd^, 2012 ^ fdaTRR ^ th'^j^micti erRT ^3^5" ^ Rb'iii 3THTT den" 3iSdr, 2012 ^ ^ f^ I >iieyelid ^ d tiieilid^T ^ 3Tdcftd5d d5^ "d? Mien 3TdT % f^ fduTd cTTd^ feld "d3 ^3dd "ERft" d^ixTl ^ fejd %- ded df 3TT^ dTT^ dd cH lof aff df^t" % i "^TTer X2dd 19 6 4- ^ 3i 1 -i ddd ddTd ddf^ ^ dt^ oT# % I

3Td: ^lod ^ d^ fcTdT dTT dchdr % 3?fe d3 ^dSTTd "^fd d ^ d^ddTdlf^df" fd^T^ ddZ^ cpl ^ af^ cpTefdT^ ^ 3T2TcFrsf % dejT 3d3tdd f^-eifd "^d ci5ddT d^ ^ci<^i d^f ddsfdT^ ^dlcDd d^irad ^ ^2d7 d? ^ ^dda^d % I

dufld^^W STfsjcpiJ) ^^T3T 3TfErdd51" d53T 3T3T~fd^9Td5 "gddcd T?d "^Td^TcTd" fdSTTd, ddcRcd", ^f^dTdT I 53 ^ \/|4 Dtycb,

ITcf x>HciJ6Ieli4 fSTaTOT, ^f^^TTWT, TJ^T. -^Tl. 3Tt". 93 -^cni-e— 5, |

cT^^flcT^nr?, cim%^ l^cdl d^^cJlicJI I

^TTf% ^337^:- 1 2/1 8 5-20 1 1 -g^/ f^cTiicp:—

f^XSRT:- ^33T^ Tffe ^ u[c)|U| ^ l^eTcf ThHl-iict^ c^T ^|u1-^c| 1^ch>i^ T2^ 4V5r cjft Gn%i

fcpsRT ^ ^ f^an^yr ^ xra" ^^TTcp 1 2/1 85-201 1-;5^/2591-92 f%^TTc5 10.8.201 1, ^3TTc5 1 2/1 85-20 1 1-"gzr/346 9-70 fertcfS 16.12.201 1, ^37T^ 12/1 85-201 1 -"g^n"/ 1 7 1 -72 30.1.201 2 ^ "ST^af ^ 1 3^ ^ ^ 3-1 ST^^er % fifs sttt gfRT ^ ^MOlcfiT cpxiqiu ^lol-d-cj fei5ri (^fci5cT ^SToRT dc5cd vjiaHldc^l OtC.) ^ c5r 3TTCRr ^ F^eiid cp^ ^Mxiica ct^ ^ %i ^TcPct uicniGjc^l ^ ^SRRT BTO 9 3/28 ^ ^ bYstT cTSTT ^fcp^ xSRRT 93/31,32 ^ H 3Tf^5cr % oicf^cl kdtHlcJctTl ^ 85/28 93/^7 6^-Mcllol ^yRTT % I 3Tcf: FOTcTTcT cfeTT g§t gicPcd ^^ToRT ^ 3TCRT-2 CP^ crerr ^SRRT BTO 9 3/28 ^ ^TcPcT vj1tHlGjc41 ^ ^ cptse: cp^ I 3Tcr: 3imel 3T^^eT % cpRTfoRT ^ ^Ft" 3Rft^ ^^TR, PRincpR ^ ^33=r^ CTT^ ^ yioioi fejcT "SaTR^ cpf -yiuR^ F^Cpl^/f^^l |C7l CpT CpliO C|D^ [

- Sc/^ Uoficp-^ui sTfercpr^- l^-eidccj TZ^ f^aTRT, FferRTT, Urjclg^oll I IJO cb.HicW5T3T/ ^ fericp: ^7jcjj;'5__ 3TRtcfrr cf§F ucfJ wici afi" 3T§ftcp ^3TR, "ETRTqcpR' ^ Srra"?^!^ cPl-iTcji^ df^RT % I

Moflcp^ui 3Tlfe5r$t c^: ^-dlclcc) T2pr ^JRTgTcRT F^aTRT, 236

^.ildccj T2^ ^UJ6\<^^ ^^aTFTT, "^fl^TmT, dl^d cl^, 1 2 TZ, Mrj<^cdl I

d6xi.il(rlcil^ dlcj^ foT^, J^cJld I

^nf% ^cHlcb:- 1 2/1 8 5-20 1 ^ ~-^/ *7^ ^=- ////5//^ fcT^ra":— ^ctT#iq gTT^ cnjicjlcp la 01*4 Wfcp clia^ ctDl ^loa Tllol-ea g- WT%I

3TRtoT fcpsra" ^ ^ sttt "gfRj ^ f^arr^ ^ ^\yj\^

ci5ra cH^lldS^T^ i^xildcd ^OTI^ToRT t^aTHTT, ^fenwr, Udcfecii I YO cpctiicp/xncn/ ^ iac^icfj 3M^ari ^ TZ^ yf^ ST^Tty? c^*Hlxi, ci^ xi^dief XZ^

05^ 8Jcbm tue-ir^^^'ra? Y^TcTcy^ Tzy ^jrar^Tc^ f^arr^yr, --s^ :?fenTJTT, yacbcdi i 8S'l

1^ ^ (^ ciTiy^ ^{'^'tcn) H

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/I ;.923-DLR—Item No. 1—H.G.P.. Gnci.'

^Tei \ •10 12 \

'Xy £ I! \ I 3 % . \ 'IS-; 'fs 1i 'tfi- •I I 3P=5f^ fr ■tlCf .p F k I # I 11 ^ 15 b tx %■ 'fir fx .;jb^ ? s >' Sr £ ^ rT ■«t=- ^ r 'g ■- {V tr 6.J_- tr IS'' 'II 1& ■b-fi""-


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    bill tfemh klh

    OOWli-M^d - f- N ^ »' •»> T"^?* m » /- >yf t 1 fj BWBwafffiKmffggm

    £l 31 03 6 8 " LI 91 91 H I

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    3. ;jb ^n^^^ 1131^ /■4 ll£N2ill 2dti2t5)iC. or -C-I, IlcS JITlI-^ "iBlli 4it ^(iiel jira^j mui ' lji07. i^i b^ga)'


    00t/U"XSd --6923-DLR—Item N

    E 'IV flS 1 _ |& , -ifr-fi ■^rr Him 7 B

    ? TS Hir £ E ^ F -IV

    •str ¥ \5-'> B prJ

    W 1-4 »7 35* H77 ^TTTTa "TOT M-"'7-o5'

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    tifiQ^h'^t^ JfZfa-p

    leltc^' Jlb^JeOe,-^ M'SC^My if.'i: '~>ieifkk^ J£U^=Y (°Si 5«Po^ USI 4. ja a kU± life Mfe^fetk £ liLLife InNb^ P^l» lkJ£» ^ iilk life ifei^ P^t» InNb^ :J4h Ife thXD Itiu

    p(l»9D feik

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    INFORMATION |j!cl6lRHc>5 dlcl^ (cflcJId)

    dlcj^ Ildcll dj^^dlici ^ CTT5cI5 1 4--1 5^ ?ldlccn "^0 ^ ^ ^ ^ §U Hddci?) 3Tc^ ^OTTlfsRTt ddl^ ^ %l ^ ■iH -gRT cHcbcJ.il ^0 1 ^ RR^RT cbT^ cb.icJiiJI % I cHcbo]^ cbT ^f^RT STRT ^ cTT^ ^ % I foRT cbRur ^-ycbl Tlb^f Sfh? cTlcJR ^ ^ 3TT ^ % cTen cHcbcJ^ ci§t tjjff <^6^IgJ ^ cfl^TlId ^ 3TT % ^"231 cfsl" 3TR ^ ^ctD tMcioGj^ ^ afl" oTT -ilcb^ % I :^fdRcir1 3cd^ ^ cHcbd^ ^ ^JTU ^ afl" 3TT % I ^ .iTHRcb ^ ^2T ^ ^ f^ cTT^ sfR 4-5 ^ c^Tlci IJcf? "qTST— Gj^ii


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    X?^ f^3TRT, rJu^cJld, I /«■ ' (Tombs Complex and Garhi)

    During the reign of Emperor the great, his administrative set up was divided as Subas (provinces), Sarkars and Mahals etc. The town of Taoru In Mewat area was situated on the boundaries of and subas. Since old days it had been a Mahal of Rewari Sarkar under suba Delhi. But the detail about its ancient governors is not known as much. Taoru had been under the revenue control of Jean Baptiste during the Marathas hold over Delhi area. Then the British authorities allotted it to Raja of Bharatpur in 1803, as it was previously held by the same Rajas around 1760 for some years. In their second term of rule, the Bharatpur Rajas held the pargana of Taoru till 1826, when it was confiscated. Afterwards it was handed over to Kazi Jagirdars of Taoru and then merged with the district of Gurgaon permanently. In Taoru, there exist some remains of a Garhi and a group of fine tombs of Mughal era. The group of tombs lies in an enclosure, along remains of Garhi. No such other enclosure in Haryana state contains as much tombs like here in Taoru, except at Jhajjar. Total number of tombs here are about eight, out of which one is very grand resembling to the tomb at Lodhi Garden Delhi. Other three are somewhat less spacious, but are very beautifully built and a fine specimen of Mohammadan architecture of that period. The biggest tomb rests on 24 arches and stone masonry pillars. It was ornamented with cupolas on all corners of its flat roof, but now only two are remaining. This tomb is very elegant with stairs and vast space over its roof. All other tombs are in ruins and have their partial remains like entering gateways, walled platforms, graves and supporting walls only. Some of those are built of Kankar (sub soil) stones, while the others of usual stone boulders, got from the nearby hills. Inside the tombs complex is built a large sized well. This unique complex is a precious monument of the state but is absolutely neglected and unattended. There are also some Arabic verses on the walls. About the Garhi, all four side wails are standing with a smaller entrance towards in its east. Architectural and Cultural Significance A slight controversy exists regarding the age of these tombs. A local historian K.C. Yadav, mentions that the tombs in Taoru area belong to the Balluch chieftains possibly constructed in the 18^^ century. However, the architectural features of these tombs Indicate that there Is a strong Tughlaq Influence In the first tomb and Lodhi Influence in the rest of the tombs. Hence It can be concluded that the possible date of these tombs ranges from 1325-1525 A.D. Two of the tombs seem to belong to an even later period showing post Lodhi and early Mughal Influences. These could be possibly of the earlier Balluch chieftains who had a hold over Taoru. Due to the absence of any historical data on Taoru before eighteenth century, it is difficult to determine the names of the rulers In Taoru at the time. Some facts related to the architectural evidence that can determine the period of construction of these tombs are presented below.

    Tomb No. 1 bears a strong resemblance to the famous tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq in Delhi

    Figure 6-View of Tomb No. 1 showing Tughlaq Influence.(1350-1412 A.D.)

    This tomb shows evidence of construction techniques used In the tombs of the Tughlaq era such as thick, battered and sloping walls giving an impression of heavy and massive architecture, triangular pendentlves supporting the dome, squlnch arches, tapering buttress like support at the corners, battlemented arches and simple, conventional patterns. Considering this tomb was built after Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq's tomb, one can conclude that the construction of this tomb was probably done in the later half of 14^^ century. The tombs of Lodhi period fall In two categories - one that are based on octagonal plan and the second type based on a square plan. The three most significant tombs In the Taoru complex I.e. Tomb No. 2, 3 and 4 and the smaller tombs of minor i.e. Tomb No. 2a and 2b show resemblance with the square plan tombs of the Lodhi era.

    Figure 7- Tomb No. 2, 2a, 2b and Tomb No. 3 from the present entrance to the complex with the PIr's SamadhI on the right side and two graves besides It. (1450-1526 A.D.) ipy

    Elements of this architectural style such as the square plan with no verandah, exaggerated building height as compared to Tughlaq tombs, walled enclosure around each tomb and shallow arches sunk into rectangular panels filling the space between the main arches are all evident in these tombs.

    Presence of other Tughlaq and Lodhi tombs in the surrounding areas such as in Gurgaon, in and Narnaul in Mahedargarh also prove that these two styles were prevalent in the region.

    The remaining two tombs in the complex i.e. Tomb No. 4 and Tomb No. 5 probably belongs to the later half of the sixteenth century. Tomb No. 4 shows resemblance to the Sher Shah s tomb at Sasaram with smaller chartris at the four corners on top and an octagonal dome with turrets in the centre. Architectural features found in Lodhi tombs are again evident in the structure. So, one can possibly date this to the late sixteenth century.

    Figure 8 - Tomb No. 2 and the smaller tomb No. 2a on the right show resemblance to the Lodhi tombs with a square plan and small octagonal turrets at the corners on the roof. TAOK.U {Tombs C^omplex a'nd. Garhl ) During the reign of Emperor Akbar the great, his administrative set up was divided as Subas (provinces), Sarkars and Mahals etc. The town of Taoru in Mewat area was situated on the boundaries of Delhi and Agra subas. Since old days it had been a Mahal of Rewari Sarkar under suba Delhi. But the detail about

    its ancient governors is not known as much. Taoru had been under the revenue control of Jean Baptiste during the Marathas hold over Delhi area. Then the British authorities allotted it to Raja of Bharatpur in 1803, as it was previously held by the same Rajas around 1760 for some years. In their second term

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    ^ * of rule, the Bharatpur Rajas held the pargana of Taoru.tiil 1826, when it was confiscated. Afterwa ; was handed over to Kazi Jagirdars of Taoru and then merged with the district of Gurgaon permanf '^In Taoru, there exist some remains of a Garhi and a group of fine tombs of Mughal era. The gro tombs lies in an enclosure, along the remains of Garfii. No such other enclosure in Haryana state cor as much tombs like here in Taoru, except at Jhajjar. Total number of tombs here are about eigh

    of which one is very grand resembling to the tomb at Lodhi Garden Delhi. Other three are somewhat less spacious, but are very beautifully built and a fine specimen of Mohommadan architecture of that f period. The biggest tomb rests on 24 arches and stone masonry pillars. It was ornamented fi\r with cupolas on all l?r# comers of its flat roof, but now only two are remaining. This tomb is very elegant with stairs and vast space- over its roof. All other tombs are in ruins and have their partial remains like entering gateways, walled platforms, graves and supporting walls only. Some of those ui' -a L are built of Kankar (sub soil) stones, X - while the others of usual stone boulders, got from the nearby hills. Inside the tombs ; k i complex is built a large sized well. This unique complex is a precious monument

    of the state but is >0

    absolutely neglected £:< and unattended. There are also some Arabic verses on the walls. About the Garhi, all four side walls are standing with a smaller entrance towards in its east. Win MirziB ^ An olJsarai is existing in the village Sarai Mirza on Taoru -NaurangpurRoad. The sarai, as already men tioned, means a resting /halting shelter for the travellers and'the military troops as well. It has an inscnp-

    rrfp?rtr' -v

    .d., <1.

    tion on its gateway which describes its year of construction as 1000 Hizri or about 1592 AD. It is said to have been built by some Khan Feroz during the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb and was named as Saria Laskarabad, which indicates its purpose of construction for shelters to moving Laskars. Laskar is a Persian word known as Military convoys. The sarai building has a high walled enclosure built of stone masonry. The stmcture appears like a fortress. It has octagonal shaped pillared towers on its comers. Its entering gateway has cabins for watchmen and all along its inner side of enclosing walls is a continuous row of arched masonry shelters. The roof of that row of arched rooms acts as a path along the inner side of ram- pait for watch and ward purposes. It is now a monument of later Mughals era in this area. A small mosque was built close to its entrance. The habitation seems to have grown later on around the Sarai, as the present village appears to be named after this Sarai, The building is situated on the boundaries of Dehi and Agra Subas of Mughals reign.

    •• >/■

    urn £

    m 57 ^9 4r Dr. Shikha Jain, Director, Development and Research

    Organisation for Nature, Arts and Heritage (Dronah) and also State convener

    of INTACH Haryana Chapter met me on 28-04-2015 and informed me that

    the Taoru Tombs have been restored by INTACH and the monuments may M \ JT be protected under the State Act No. 20 of 1964. Please examine & put up. 4


    M (Ashok Khemka,l^) ^ ^ ^ f/1 Secretary & Director General, Haryana, Archaeology & Museums Department.

    Dy. Director, Archaeology & Museums. / 4-M-n T

    ^ ^ 'I


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    Ociici'aiL'cl bv !! WrEl-' bifiii h:n];;;•(! iii; TAi ';'r-SF.H\'ER (n-JAEjIC'-JDSH.r / dlivcr 1 0 0 '>8 !-:<:> 2\ (i: iiiis- .'s 3: fm ss'i ns ox 2015 -• :-'• w: 1. \ r;- li.s 211:5 in .'(> -12 am i-(OS'2(:!5 ;i;28•;; -w; From Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana, Archaeology and Museums Department, Chandigarh.

    To Deputy Commissioner, Mewat at .

    Memo No. 12/185-2011-Pura/9q3 Dated: I'^JuIy, 2015.

    Subject: Removal of unauthorized construction around the ancient Tomb at Taoru town

    On 18^ June, 2015, the Director General, Archaeology and Museums, Haryana visited the Tomb of Islamic architecture belonging to c. 14-15 century AD in Taoru town, district Mewat. A single tomb is located near Vijay Chowk. During the visit, it came to notice the above said single Tomb is encroached on all sides by residential buildings. The road leading to the tomb was said to be encroached recently by a local resident, who extended his residential house covering the entire road leading to the tomb, completely blocking access to it.

    In view of the above, you are requested to check the status of constructions around the tomb and remove all unauthorized constructions from public property blocking passage to the ancient tomb.

    Joint Secretary, N ] For: Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana, q Archaeology and Museums Department, Chandigarh. L/

    d T

    ^ wwRi f¥m, wRwtt, ' ■ 3^1^ f%uTT^ f^fQ^M,'?lTC>i—10, xf#rr?

    1. ^ ^i'ilvJl crt^K, O

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    ) n'W^ I ^ c^W:~ 12/l85-2011-g^/|^6H^ f^^:- ?IT^ ^ ^ efi^!

    ^ cTT^ ^5^ cpr ^^rr ferr ^jtrt # i ^ ^ ^fei^lRict> H^tclUl ^?p^psjt viPWT^ 11 3T^; ^ ^ci.mel f^, WRPP cCT ^ f%, wmw^ ^ ^ i\t^ tw?:^ ^ i

    sisitapp ^x*lcl(^ ^ ^fiWToPT fimFi, ^ ^fWtJTT, T^u^JIci ! ''~ )h -f-lS vd4'<^i

    ■^: ^ fcpTPT, FfWw, ^F#P^| Rfjferences

    Gurgaon District Gazetteer- 1910.

    Gurgaon District Gazetteer - 1883-84.

    Hamilton, Walter. The East Gazetteer -1828.

    Mohan, Lalit. The timeless tombs of Tauru, The turbine, 23 feb 2002.

    Gurgaon District Gazetteer'19^3. History of Tauru Tombs Groups

    Tauru is a medieval town in the District Mewat of Haryana State. This town is situated at about 40 km from Gurgaon. Taudu is known for a group of five medieval tombs. The remains of the tombs spread in the 4-acre complex. But ■tnr- nobody knows about the accurate history of these structures. One more opinion that the complex was not any kind of J. permanent headquarters, but a camp site. Next to the tombs is a walled-in area for rest, prayers and ablutions. A part of this }rS has exchanged hands several times as private property. In 1828, the compiler of the East India Gazetteer, Walter Hamilton^, wrote about Tauru, tehsil headquarters in the Mewat region of Haryana: It is also occasionally named, but it does not appear why, the Lesser Baloochistan. The region was arid and the climate harsh. This region roughly corresponds to the ancient kingdom of Matsya, founded in the 5th century BCE. In the medieval period tauru falls under the Mewat. During the ruled of the Qutb-ud-din-Aibak, Mewat came under the Delhi saltant. Tugalk and lodi were also ruled on the Mewat. Khanzada Hasan Khan Mewati was a well-known chieftain of Mewat. He fought against Babur in the in 1527.This region is situated near the Delhi which was the capital of India. So Mewat lived in the influence of Delhi darbar. It may be possible these tombs were built by the above ruler and region chieftain. a \r

    However, the proximity to the seat of the empire ensured that the cultural and architectural influence of the capital be reflected in the life and buildings of this region. The structures that stand in the 4-acre complex in

    V ► Tauru exhibit styles ranging from Tughlaq to 7ir*f^^';

    Mughal. According to the Scholars "One of the _ j .. r j,o Ts tombs has a flat dome," they explained, "which 1. ' * I /. I i/tf probably dates it to the Tughlaq times. Some of the others could belong to thee Lodi or early v'-'^ '' Mughal period. Tlie largest onele, according to the locals, belonged to a Baluchii chieftainchiftftflin nfof thpthe -f" Zvt '. . '' Lodi era. Unfortunately, the mscnptions on the graves have all but disappeared—»-•—— and aj-ft., more thorough study by experts would be required to learn what they are about."


    This group of tombs is the remarkable specimen of medieval architecture. These tombs are representing A-.l- the Saltant (Tuglaq), Lodi and early Mugals !»!■ f period architectural style. Present structure of tombs shows the mixture of Mushlim and Hindu architectural style. These tombs are built on the high square plinth. A tomb built in the tuglaq Style with flat dome. Sanctum of the tomb has a square pillar Veranda on IT t _ three sides with arch style entries. A railing is built on the roof which has the niches. F Some tomb has the characteristics of Lodi lA': architecture style. Lodi style tomb has the Square sanctum with pillared veranda and arch type entries. A pointed dome is on the top. It is bearing kangura and small chhaja and chhatri on the each corner; it is the «ir r-jX' hiudu impact on muslim architecture. Niches on the pillared also represented the Hundu impact. Some examples of early Mugals architecture are also exiting here. All of these tombs are fortified by a wall. A water body also exists in the compound which called bauli. It is very rare muslim architecture. Bricks, Red sand stone and Chunna were used for constriction. CQnclusion

    On the above fact, we can say that these tombs are the unique example of medieval architecture which represents the mixture of two cultures architecture. These are corresponds the history of ruling class, their architectural dilettantism and faith of after the death. It is very important monuments from the historical and architectural point.


    Gurgaon District Gazetteer- 1910.

    Gurgaon District Gazetteer - 1883-84.

    Hamilton, Walter. The East India Gazetteer -1828.

    Mohan, Lalit. The timeless tombs of Tauru, The turbine^ 23 feb 2002.

    Gurgaon District Gazetteer-\9^3. V e / 'V \3 iln ^vricc! ^c/ ^iyrp-^^h/TTTfy^i', . Tfifhrr I

    \ C\ %» 517777^ /cy cj' V, 4\ i'i ^ ^ ^ ;)r^ V /?^ Xttt 777^^ /3xr yrtjT ] /T^ ^ V YT^w' V TtHV^ AtTT thTT) ^h V7J" ;-^4)wf ,7^ -^7137^ TTW^/" WfT^ »J1) ^Z "75" 57-7^ 'H^r^ri^ crT'i/i JnTT ^ wr4^ ^ ^"57^^ ^r-7>r:?rTnr[ v^^h" 4yl '3/?//ir ^ 7^777^ <;r75~ \V I " »/ /|-/bri?r /4r^ 1 Vl .T^-MTwT?^ (np V«!, pw i4 >/l stj^^tt^ irJ AT^hr ^ P} ITPpp /{^^s_Z> 3yon^^r ) ^r/; '37^§7r JVttt f9r Tutf^ 57<^X X7 /r^^<^TV\ i.7iW ^ jf^rfTYi t\Y\' ^FF{^ Pri^ vrtT^/// "iT^/^y^ ^ch yj^ ^ „ „ 3 \<^cUo/ ^*P~fTTpT ^rf XF^ 57r ^ V^5^ ^ ?f7w ^7^;7r 3-;7i<7^&^ snfY^' iff ^^tttttt h^TTT^iRT ^7#^';^ ^7^// <,' <7 /f''j^7 ^'i^afX v;7^ ■i?^ ^1 9jaf} XilXv/^^^ WF •fy/^r ?' ^hr ^ # >/75?y^ a ' pf;^' ^;?r^ i-jwjT^ -xtztutPPx' rfm^wC yt^ ^ 7?"^ utt^ I-^i^rX^r 4^ ^ ^ ^ FFtT ^"7^ 7: jTi^TFu^ ^'\i)7)° "^r jT^Tpqw ^7^^'V J Y'^t HT 7^ "^^hw> '^"1 T

    /■Xr'^FF- y,n^FnfrFV Fw{ l%)fl/J (ii) the means of access to, and convenient inspection of, the area but docs not include any archaeological site or remains declared by or unc,-^, law made by Parliament to be of national importance. (e) ^Director' means the Director of Archaeology the Government to exercise the powers and perform the functtons of the Director under this Act; 'Government' means the '[Government of Haryana); (0 'maintain', with its grammatical variations and cognate expression. ^ ^ J (g) covering in repairing, restoring and sleansing of a protected monument, and the d^g of any act which may be necessaiy for the purpose of preserving a protected mon or of securing convenient access thereto, oo r^^a":cr invested with powers of management on h^alf of him.lf and other joint owners and the successor-in-title of any such owner an (ii) any manager or tustee exercising powers of management and tlte success - in-office of any such manager of trustee; (i) G)

    (k) •prccmfmrumlt^nrans'an anlnt or historical monument which is declared to be a protected monument by or under this Act. protection of ancient monuments and archaeological sites and remains

    3. A„ ancient and historical monuments and all archaeological shes re-ins have been declared by the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 19 ( VU of 1904). to be protected monuments or protected areas respectively, but whi^ IL not been declared by or under the law made by Parliament to be of n ^ importance, shall be deemed to be ancient and historical monuments or archaeolog sites and rerhains declared to be protected monuments or areas for the purpose Where the Government is of opinion that any ancient and historical monument 0^ arL!lgical site and remains, which has not been declared by or under the w made by Parliament to be of national importance and which is not included m se

    iirchaLlogical site and remains may, within two months after the issue of the notification under sub-section (1) object to the declaration of the monumen or the archaeological site and remains, to be a protected monument (3) oTtlmljiJof the said period of two ntonths the Government may, after '' eonsiderlngl objections, if any. received by it. declare by notification the

    31 ancient and historical monument or the archaeological site and remains, as the case may be, t be a protected monument or a protected area. ^ A notification published under sub-section (3) shall, unless and until it k- withdrawn, be conclusive evidence of the fact that the ancient and historical monument or the archaeological site and remains to which it relates is a protected monument or a protected area for the purposes of this Act.

    PROTECTED MONUMENTS (1) The Director may, with the sanction of the Government purchase, or take a lease of, or accept a gift or bequest of, any protected monument. (2) Where a protected monument is without an owner, the Director may be notification assume the guardianship of the monument. (3) The owner of any protected monument may, by written instrument, constitute the Director the guardian of the monument, and the Director may, with the sanction of the Government, accept such guardianship. (4) When the Director has accepted the guardianship of a monument under sub section (3), the owner shall, except as expressly provided in this Act, have the same estate, right, title and interest in and to the monument as if the Director had not been constituted a guardian thereof; and the provisions of this Act relating to agreements executed under section 6 shall apply to the written instruments executed under sub-section (3). (5) Nothing in this section shall affect the use of any protected monument for customary religious observances. (1) The Director, when so directed by the Government, shall propose to the owner of a protected monument to enter into an agreement with the Government within a specified period for the maintenance of the monument. (2) An agreement under this section may provide for all or any of the following mailers, namely :- (a) The maintenance of the monument; (b) The custody of the monument and the duties of any person who may be employed to watch it; (c) The restriction of the owner's right - (i) To use the monument for any purpose; (ii) To charge any fee for entry into, or inspection of the monument; (iii) To destroy, remove, alter or deface the monument; or (iv) To build on or near the site of the monument; (d) The facilities of access to be permitted to the public or any section thereof or to archaeological officers or to persons deputed by the owner or any archaeological officer or other officer or authority authorized by the Government to inspect or maintain the monuments (c) The notice to be given to the Government in case the land on which the monument is situated or any adjoining land is offered for sale by the owner, and the right to be reserved to the Government to purchase such land, or any specified portion of such land, at its market value; (0 The payment of any expenses incurred by the owner or by the Government in connection with the maintenance of the monument;

    32 a\<^ \ \ imi

    3TT^ rS\Jll5'1 ferfc^S^.'^^cFSy—10, xT^TOl

    vdHl^cm, Q^ zrrf^-^jwi- i2/Ka^97-5^/c?«$'Ml f^^--

    f^:- Olci'^ MI'^l'l ^ 3TRT—'TRT tjjsjil gci"^ ^I

    vjM^lcKi ^ ^ TTprihj ^ H^<.^ fRttmt ^?r?^ c^ ott^ ^ ^Ti ^EjpifT t f^wT ^?n^ ^r teRT ^ wi ;n^''^ ^ ^RRT ^§n" ^T 11 am: ^ ^ ^ 3TRT-mm a#j "EfWf ct?r m

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    ^ fWr, fR^tmt, 3TT^ fllfc^.^te^-10, I


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    vjMxilchi f?I^ f?r^TFr ^ ^qt^12/110-97-^/2847 R-ll'cf^ 28.12.15 ^ '"^ H6]c;ij eRqi^ii ^TRcpR c^ ail^^ll 7T?f Mlel-ll I "^^ncn t f^lTTPT gTTT cTT^ ^ ^ f^-9T?T cfft W[ ^STT f^ 11 am: 1^ T-smi c[?r fRqt:^ arRT-m^ aT%4 q?r ^fTsr ^ ^ I

    aTtframi : H6iRi'i?i<^ 5^mm "^T^mreR ftmpr, ^Riii^ii, Tpj^hm I 3TT^ f^vTT^ RlR^MRWc>i-10, ■Cl'^-'ICp 1

    W^, ^ciia 1 TTTf^^Tff^;- 12/185-2011-g^/^^^^ [^i^lcp:— 1-1 f^:_ ^5^^^ cTT^"^ 3rm-^ 3r^ ^ ^'

    ^ I^THFT ^ ^ 12/185-2011-^^/2847 28.12.15 ^ ^ 3223 03.02.2016 ^ ^ 1 ^ ft'Prn" ^TTT wi-c51-i "5^ fciwf wr^ ^

    ^ Tf ^ ^ ^ ^ "R^ ^ pfp "^t 11 3r5^ t R' crff^ ^g^HT ^ny PPjpn^ ^


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    /Archaeo^"y!^A../.u» 8i-Sfinrendent Department 0^=rvana, Chandigarh \ < > W") A\> \ I r^ at-

    LcSVUi ,..^*^1. .!*■ . ^ 3Tto?r^ ^ csS-WlS^ TtTO-^i a s KOV 531 I CA*f *ri) ^^'Ici"^ fcmPT,bR^I^II Bju.^J|(i-|^yU-X ';./_r t-r-mie-i

    Transfer of Application under section 6(3) of the R.T.I. Act 2005. .

    wter ^ ■hi >H^>!|c|d ^ TTW^ ^ ^0 13 n vt^cttst ^Rten ^ ^ artoR 2005 ct?h "^trt 3ti%^ 16-10-2015 ^ srteR srf^rTm. 2005 ^ 0(3) ^ ct?ct ^ ^ ^etPTRRR uTRTT 11 ^ ^ Rt^TTI^ 3m^ ^ PliiHI^^iHK wh Trt f[ viMd^ ch^cll^ ^ ^cqj ^| ^kCHo'&jQy N _

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    i-T- 1 f^'Hl'l/ Ul^irclil Wl "11*1 : JdHl'^'tvl ^lel <^'4 Rjlell ^^WTcT ! /

    1. arrt^ ^ ^ ^ 2. W : ■^. 13, vjicqi-si Tjt^creJI l^j/ojx^l^ f^rar (^?) ^Rijiuii-122105 3. : 9812199222 .; / V., 4. srrt^ VFTT ^ 1%f^ : 05.10.2015 5, I^TTFT ^ ^ f^WT (^(;)> ^ &- ^ 31-^ ; 15 ^ 3P^ f ", -

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    5^TcT?^r "^nrwr^ IcIttft, 3T1^^ fevTll^-i Rfo^^l, ^^^-10, TP#rT^I

    1^1 12/185-2011-^/ ^ ^ 9 7 f^:- tT ^ STRT-Wr 3T^ cfj^ cf>t ^|

    Wto fWr T=f^ 12/185-97-5^/2847 28/12/2015, 12/185-2011-5^/3223 03.02.2016, 12/185-2011-5^/3543 02.03.2016 ^ 12/185-97-5^/4315 25.04.2016 ^ "^TI fciTTFT ^ cfm^ ^ ^^ 5^ ^ State Protection ^ ^^ ^ viJMi^civi l^iTT^ %g T^rRn 1%^ t 3T^: 3T5^ % HItJI-I 57^ ^ "^Tf^ cItT^ ^ vi'l'i '^n^RT % 3ncR^Tcf) Rqici vjHd^ ci^T ^ dlRh Hpnft^ 5^ ^ ^^1 ^^ ^ 28/12/2015 ^ ftr?^

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    From The Director General, Archaeology and Museums, Haryana, Art-Design Building, Sector-10, Chandigarh. To Deputy Commissioner, Nuh.

    Memo No. 12/185-2011-Pura/g^-jt^ Dated:

    Subject: Regarding encroachment on Gumbads situated in Taoru.

    Kindly reference to your letter No. 6886/M.A. dated 28.02.2017 on the subject cited above. The Department needs a report regarding encroachment of various Gumbad situated in Taoru. Kindly provide the detail of encroachment report and present status of various Gumbad in around especially Vijay chowk and Gumbad, situated in Govt. Hospital premises

    Deputy Director ^for Director General Archaeology & Museums, Haryana, Chandigarh. (U

    ^ f¥m, ^R

    A C16^e1 ■^, cilcj^l R^ell ^ I ^ Wcjj 12/185-2011- ^/ SfoP^'~e59 ■- osjo^ |\^ cp*<^^cKi cTT^ cJjT ftcfjT^ ^ I

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    ^ fcFTPT ^ 12/185—2011—'5^/3211 R^ThP 20. 08.2018 ^STT ira 5674 11.04.2019 7^ 375^ t ■hm-^14) ^ ^ cira^ ^ wq^Tm cftt ^ 7T^ tl 3m: ^ ^ qsqto IjqOT ^t^qWl^7[7r c,Kc5^| crrt^1^^ 3rl^icpr5t/Tmkr^ ^-sra q^ tr Prim^^ ^ TpRfcn^ Tjjf qr7 1

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    ITtR 12/185-2011- 5?T/

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    ■fn ft^TFT 12/185-2011-^^/3211 20.08.2019 clSTr ^ 5675, R-1IC6 11.04.2019, m 8134 R-1|ch 28.08.2019 (^ TTc^) I ^ ^ Tre#cT5T? TTR^ ^f?r TfRT 78^ ^ sr ST^t clcf^ cf^ ift uiTjR ^ f3TT t cian ^rrwR ctr^ ^[pR" cRq^cf^ wi ^arr ^ ^ 3TTt?T rRcT Rpi? ^ f I WRr srg^ t R? ^ TRq^TRT rTTRI, 7[?f f^RlH t#f ^STT ^TtTeRJ cfrRi^ cT ^ ^ c5^ cp^, htR) fctirm' ^ 3Tter$t/cf)4^ ^farer TTfer ^ RRTRtSt Tf^t 75T*n^ T^yf ^ I

    fc' Y "x viMPl^^lcb 1^: IR WRcR ftrrFT, ^RtTFTT, TR^tRS 4J1I45 /im/ " R-iicf);— ■^q^tcRT ^ 1R7 ■Rf^ cIF#ef RR, ail-S, Ricii ^ RR 45"lei4X1 rTR^ c[5t Rwr t#t RTi 3ncR7T45 wfmfi df^ 11

    VJhPi^^I4> I'c^: RRfR, 4,XlclR Rcf xiueielR fcTRFT, fRrRTT, TfETH 'dftq

    1 srj^r^WTR, ^ • VeAQS OP CEtEBRATlNG TKQ MAHATMA Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana Archives, Archaeology & Museums Department ASHOK KHEMKA, IAS D.O. No.^5*4-f-K/c:? ^gj 1^6 Date

    .M>>- ■ A 4-acre land belonging to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited X located outside the Taoru village on way to Firozpur Jhirka in holds the exquisite 7-tomb complex built over time dating back to C. 14^^- 15th centuries AD. It exhibits the architectural style of Tughlaq to Mughal period and delineates the grandeur of that era. The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Haryana aims to undertake protection and conservation of the tombs demarcating the vibrant culture of Mewat region in their present form. Keeping the significance and historical importance of the structures, you are requested to transfer the ownership of the land comprising the tomb complex in favour of the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government Haryana. The Department contemplates to protect the site under the Punjab Act No. 20 of 1964 and to undertake conservation and maintenance work to restore its resplendent glory.

    In anticipation of a positive reply.


    (Ashok Khemka)

    Shri K. Sreekant, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016. oy-—^ .•> ^

    Room No. 403, 4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Sector-17. Chandigarh-160017 ue Tel. No.: 0172-2711964 Asliok Khemka,IAS Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Archaeology and Museums Department, Mini Secretariat, Haryana, Sector 17, Chandigarh. Tel No.: 0172-271 1964 (0)


    Subject: Regarding Transfer of land of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited holding tomb complex at, Taoru, District Nub, Haryana

    This is to apprise you that the 4 acre land(Tomb complex at Taoru) of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, outside the Taoru village, on the way to Firozpur Jhirka of Nuh district holds the exquisite example of 7 tomb complex built over time to time dating back to 14^ _ 15'-'' century AD. It exhibits the architectural style of Tughlaq to Mughal period which delineates the grandeur of that era. The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Haryana is aiming forward to undertake the protection and conservation of the tombs which also demarcate the vibrant culture of Mewat region in its form.

    Keepmgme significance and utter importance of the structures, you are requested to kindly mrward jhe ownership of the land related to tomb complex in the name of Archaeotegy^ Museums Department, Haryana. Subsequently, department can proceed to undertake the state protection procedure and safeguard the site under its jurisdiction.

    Considering the importance of the matter 1 would request you to take immediate step and necessary action. I anticipate a positive reply from your side soon in this matter.

    (Ashok Khemka,IAS)

    Sh. K. Sreekant CMD,Power Grid Corporation of India Limited B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 ,,21,2020 G-ail - Transfer of land hdcfing Ihs tomb complex at Taoro, District Not,(Haryana) to the Government If Haryana. ! fc ..-. -I Principal Secretary

    Transfer of land holding the tomb complex at Taoru, District Nuh (Haryana) to the Government of Haryana. 1 message ^ Tue, Jan 21. 2020 at 11:55 AM Principal Secretary To; [email protected]

    Kindly see the attachment.

    DOCMD Powergrid.pdf ^ 620K

    .com/mail/u/0?ik=3b8f6fab2a8,view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-72012556039027086l5&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-7l995... 1/1 https://mail.google I ^Riiiuii f m Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana vrH Archives, Archaeology & Museums Department

    ASHOKKHEMKA, IAS "D.O. l-4o. /Q6 Date c? i — o}"

    Subject: Transfer of land holding the tomb complex at Taoru, District Nuh (Haryana) to the Government of Haryana.

    A 4-acrc land belonging to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited located outside the Taoru village on way to Firozpur Jhirka in Nuh district holds the exquisite 7-tomb complex built over time dating back to C. 14^ 15^ centuries AD. It exhibits the architectural style of Tughlaq to Mughal period and delineates the grandeur of that era. The Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Haryana aims to undertake protection and conservation of the tombs demarcating the vibrant culture of Mewat region in their present form.

    Keeping the significance and historical importance of the structures, you are requested to transfer the ownership of the land comprising the tomb complex in favour of the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government Haryana. The Department contemplates to protect the site under the Punjab Act No. 20 of 1964 and to undertake conservation and maintenance work to restore its resplendent glory.

    In anticipation of a positive reply,

    -i Sincerely,

    (Ashok Khemka)

    Shri K. Sreekant, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016.

    Room No. 403.4th Floor, New Haryana Civil Secretariat, Secior-17, Chandigarh-160017 Tel. No..0172-2711964 V-.»

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