arXiv:2103.15940v2 [cs.AI] 6 Apr 2021 otde erigtann sdn sn Psado CPUs, and/or GPUs IEEE-754 using support arithmeti done which is machine training up learning with speed deep responded Most can has that Industry processors trained. specialized be to computation more mixed-precision. standard to parity a esgicnl atrta rtmtcwt longer with arithmetic than faster significantly be can es erlntoktraining network neural bers, i ubr.Since numbers. bit ul once n ovltoa erlntok ncompu in processing, networks language o natural neural number incurs and convolutional a vision that for and eliminate And, hardware connected altogether. or numbers fully on operations denormal training for denormal need up on the slowdown speed performance to a able is training rcso ehd htpromsm ftewr in work the of some mixed- perform use to that tried methods have community precision research the and industry GPUs) n h etin rest the and 6 ag-rcso rdof eso that show We tradeoff. range-precision ucs,mil eas its because mainly success, hsrie usin fhwmc xoetrnei needed, between is format range a exponent is much there how whether of bi of questions exponent raises of number This the as range changes; representation and cision olyr n a oeie hf stann progresses. training as layer shift from sometimes greatly can vary and range tensors layer, network the to the and of magnitudes magnitudes the of because challenging is formats o ie-rcso riig n epooea propose necessary. we and are training, denormals mixed-precision for not or whether and them, of either is and bits) other eoepopular. become ead nde erighsbotditrs nfse,low faster, in interest boosted combin 754 has that training learning Mixed-precision training. IEEE precision deep using in trained demands been ap have real-world networks 754 of neural range While wide cations. a across performance of-the-art btepnn and exponent -bit 1 [email protected] agradmr aal erlntok eadever demand networks neural capable more and Larger Terms Index rtmtcadla/tr ntutoswith instructions load/store and Arithmetic nti effort, this In ntecretpprw td h edfrdnra numbers denormal for need the study we paper current the In nflaigpitaihei hr sataef ewe pre between tradeoff a is there arithmetic floating-point In Abstract st binary16 binary32 eersSystems Cerebras aetn Popescu Valentina 16 binary16 btfras o xml Google’s example for formats, -bit ersnainrnenesfr1-i neural 16-bit for needs range Representation denormal bfloat16 De erighsgonrpdytak oisstate- its to thanks rapidly grown has learning —Deep flaigpit eplann,dnra num- denormal learning, deep —floating-point, ihIEEE-754 with 32 rtmtc h ai rwho computational of growth rapid the arithmetic, binary16 ( half bt riignua ewrsusing networks neural Training -bit. ubr xedterpeetto range. representation the extend numbers 9 32 btepii atsa htofr better a offers that mantissa, explicit -bit .I I. ( 8 -precision). bti xesv o ag workloads, large for expensive is -bit xoetbt)ta ok etrthan better works that bits) exponent NTRODUCTION binary32 a o rvdt ea unqualified an be to proved not has * okdn hl tCrba Systems Cerebras at while done work [email protected] 5 binary32 1 xoetbt fe narrow a offer bits exponent st bia Venigalla Abhinav ( single 1 binary16 / 6 1 / / 9 6 peiin n (for and -precision) a entid and tried, been has / ewr training network civsnumerical achieves 9 1 bfloat16 / 16 mixed-precision 6 / btnumbers -bit 9 ( omt i.e., format, 5 exponent sIEEE- es have , 16 16 -bit -bit 32 pli- ter c. ts s - f - - nvriyo Wisconsin–Madison of University * okdn hl tCrba Systems Cerebras at while done work snwas nlddi vdaslts rhtcue Amper architecture, but both latest that clouds, Nvidia’s shown TPU have in on Experiments included available also only now was is recently until which antd oterpeetto ag,aeue.Therefore of used. orders are three the range, of add allocations representation different which the III), to Section magnitude in definition formal rae ersnainrne aebe re.Ms notabl Most tried. the been introduced have Google range, representation greater omlzdflaigpitnmes(or de numbers when point even values, floating representable normalized of range representation nalternative an edd raeecutrdmc esotn hnmr than more when often, a they less whether much 5 of encountered question are the or raises o This needed, handling [2]. and [1], encoding Unfortunately, range operation special the every range. to with due denormal suffers denormals, the involving performance machines in many falling on like values models the distribution of public range the representation on the by that here offered training show data study The during BERT. are and we ResNet elements numbers gap, tensor denormal of this whether range of fill and determined the To performed been of necessary. been not width has has the training it on during study in encountered no values values knowledge, of our To range the control help techniques with that conjunction software. in scaling or loss box the like of out either work, and erae h rqec fdnras hc ilimprove will which machines. denormals, some dramaticall on of format performance this frequency that the demonstrate decreases We it. without and eur eomlnmes u tlssa re fmagnitude of vis-a-vis order accuracy an t loses numerical appear it in not but does numbers; and denormal support require not does range, representation n,fial,w ocuei eto VI. Section Sections in in conclude detailed (S we are finally, network gathered and, tested we each results The for IV-B). settings tion training methodolo testing the our details presents and IV define w Section and use. III arithmetic we Section floating-point notations of In notions training. basic network recall neural in used previously xoetbt r tlzd Indeed, utilized. are bits exponent u nesadn fteeise ed ob deepened. be to needs issues these of understanding Our nScinI ediscuss we II Section In [email protected] 9 xlctmnis is ohwt h eomlrange denormal the with both bits, mantissa explicit 2 nd binary16 iWu Di 1 / 6 / 9 sflyuiie,wt ihpercentage high a with utilized, fully is omt .. n having one i.e., format, bfloat16 15 isbyn h inbt oallow to bit, sign the beyond bits 16 omt with format, btfrasta aebeen have that formats -bit binary16 [email protected] 3 binary16 rd eersSystems Cerebras bfloat16 oetSchreiber Robert denormals hs econsider we Thus, . and 8 6 ihislarge its with , xoetbits, exponent xoetbits exponent bfloat16 e a see — can ec- the gy re V e. y, o y e f - , II. RELATED WORK by single-precision operations whose results are then rounded to values that are also representable in bfloat16. The results There have been several 16-bit floating-point (FP) formats suggest that bfloat16 requires no denormal support and no loss proposed for mixed-precision training of neural networks, scaling, and therefore, decreases complexity in the context including half -precision [3]–[5], Google’s bfloat16 [6], [7], of mixed-precision training. Recently, Nvidia also made it IBM’s DLFloat [8] and ’s Flexpoint [9], each with dedi- available in its latest architecture, Ampere [14]. cated configurations for the exponent and mantissa bits. IBM’s DLFloat [8] is a preliminary study of the 1/6/9 Mixed-precision training using half -precision was first ex- format that we also examine. DLFloat was tested on convo- plored by Baidu and Nvidia in [3]. Using half -precision for lutional neural networks, LSTMs [15] and transformers [16] all training data reduces final accuracy, because the formats of small sizes, implying the potential for minimal or even no fail to cover a wide enough representation range, i.e., small accuracy loss. The studied format did not support a denormal values in half -precision might fall into the denormal range range. The authors briefly discuss the factors contributing to or even become zero.To mitigate this issue, the authors of [3] the hardware saving, without providing statistics on how they proposed a mixed-precision training scheme. Three techniques actually influence the training results. were introduced to maintain SOTA accuracy (comparable to Flexpoint [9] is a blocked floating-point format proposed by single-precision): Intel. It is different from the previously mentioned formats by • ”master weights”, i.e., a single-precision copy of the that it uses 16 bits for mantissa and shares a 5-bit exponent weights, is maintained in memory and updated with the across each layer. Flexpoint was proposed together with an products of the unscaled half -precision weight gradients exponent management algorithm, called Autoflex, aiming to and the learning rate. This ensures that small gradients predict tensor exponents based on gathered statistics from for each minibatch are not discarded as rounding error previous iterations. The format allowed for un-normalized during weight updates; values to be stored, which invalidated the possibility of a • during the forward and backward pass, matrix multiplica- denormal range. For this reason we are not going to study tions take half -precision inputs and compute reductions it further in this work. using single-precision addition (using FMACS instruc- For all these studies, single-precision training accuracy was tions as described in Section III). For that activations and achieved. But there is no mention of whether denormals, which gradients are kept in half -precision, halving the required significantly impact hardware area and compute speed, are storage and bandwidth, while weights are downcasted on encountered; neither is it tested whether or not they must be the fly; supported to achieve that accuracy. • ”loss scaling”, which empirically rescales the loss before backpropagation in order to prevent small activation gra- III. FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC dients that would otherwise underflow in half-precision. Weight gradients must then be unscaled by the same Formally defined in Def.3.1, a floating-point (FP) number amount before performing weight updates. is most often used in computing as an approximation of a Loss scale factors were initially chosen on a model to real number. Given a fixed bit width for representation, it model basis, empirically. Automated methods like dynamic offers a trade-off between representation range and numerical loss scaling (DLS) [4], [5], and adaptive loss scale [10] accuracy. were later developed. These methods allow for the scale to Definition 3.1: A real number X is approximated in a be computed according to the gradient distribution. Using machine by a nearby floating-point number: the above techniques has become the standard workflow for E−p+1 mixed-precision training. It is reported to be 2 to 11× faster x = M · 2 , (1) than single-precision training [3]–[5], while also being able to where, achieve SOTA accuracy on widely used models. • E is the exponent, a signed integer Emin ≤ E ≤ Emax; Another mixed-precision format available in specialized − • M · 2 p+1 is the significand (sometimes improperly hardware is Google’s bfloat16 [6]. It was first reported as a referred to as the mantissa), where M is also a signed technique to accelerate large-batch training on TPUs (Tensor integer represented on p bits. Processing Units) [11], with minimal or no loss in model accuracy. The results presented in [6] reported only the convo- From an engineering standpoint, the exponent is stored as lutional layers in the forward pass being computed in bfloat16, an unsigned integer and offset from the actual value by the leading to no accuracy loss on ResNet-50 [12] trained on . In the current work we only consider “vanilla” Imagenet [13]. bias, i.e., equal range around 0, and for this reason we do not In subsequent work [7], Intel and Facebook studied the add a bias to our definition. For details on the implementation effectiveness of bfloat16 on convolutional and recurrent neu- we refer the reader to the IEEE-754 standard [17]. ral networks, as well as on generative adversarial networks To avoid representation redundancy the finite nonzero FP and industrial recommendation systems. The experiments are numbers are normalized. This is done by choosing the repre- based on simulations in which bfloat16 arithmetic is modeled sentation for which the exponent is minimum. However, this results in an abrupt convergence towards zero. For this reason, TABLE I the IEEE-754 standard [17] defined the denormal range, that Characteristics of 16-bit FP formats used for mixed-precision training. allows for gradual underflow towards 0. Following the notation of Def. 3.2. The two different types of representations are as follows: Emin • when the number is greater than or equal to 2 and e p Emin Emax min. denormal p−1 p its representation satisfies 2 ≤ |Mx|≤ 2 −1, we say 1/5/10/d 5 10 -14 15 ±2−24 that it is a normal number; −39 1/6/9/d 6 9 -30 31 ±2 • otherwise, one necessarily has , and the signif- E = Emin 1 8 7 p−1 / / /n 8 7 -126 127 — icand adjusted according to that, with |Mx|≤ 2 − 1; the corresponding FP number is called a subnormal / denormal number. From a numerical perspective, supporting denormal num- Thanks to its 8-bit exponent, its normal range is already bers offers a wider range of representation, which is desirable. wider than the full range, including denormals, of 1/5/10/d However, traditional hardware implementation of denormals or 1/6/9/d, respectively. Also, it is public knowledge that is generally slower, requiring more clock cycles. Moreover, Google TPU’s [11] implementation does not offer any support a denormal number is represented with fewer significant bits for denormal numbers, and their models are able to converge and with a resulting loss of precision. without issues. This implies that 1/8/7/n mixed-precision The normalized numbers are implemented using the implicit training of neural networks does not rely on denormals to bit convention, in which a binary 1 is appended to the most achieve SOTA accuracy and for this reason we are not going significant bit (MSB) of the significand, yielding a p + 1 to discuss this format in what follows. precision. That bit is also called a hidden bit since it isn’t In comparison, 1/5/10/d offers a much narrower represen- stored in the machine word. In such a system, some data tation range, with only 5 exponent bits. Although it has been (e.g. number 0) cannot be expressed as a normal or denormal adopted as the “standard” mixed-precision in the community, number. For this reason, in order to achieve a “closed” FP this is largely due to its availability as part of the IEEE-745 system in which any operation is well specified, the standard standard. As we will show in Section V, its full range is being allows for non-numeric data to be encoded as follows: used during training, which may lead to execution slowdown, • E =0 and M =0 is reserved to representing ±0; depending on the hardware platform. For this reason, in this • E = Emax and M =0 represents ±∞; work we introduce 1/6/9/d, which by extending the exponent • E = Emax and M 6=0 represents NaN (Not a Number). range by one bit, is able to almost completely avoid denormal Considering all the implementation details, a formal defi- numbers. nition of a FP system is given in Def. 3.2. For more details on FP systems and their implementation we refer the reader to [17], [18]. B. Mixed-precision instructions Definition 3.2: A floating-point number system is charac- terized by a quadruple: Neural network training relies heavily on matrix multipli- s/e/p/d, (2) cation, which is performed using multiply and accumulate where, operations. The IEEE-754 standard only defines instructions • s is the number of sign bits (1 in every case considered on one numerical format at a time, i.e., the input and output here); variables are represented in the same FP system. In the context • e the number of exponent bits; of mixed-precision, operations that allow for higher precision • p the number of mantissa bits outputs have become available. The final result accuracy also • d is either the letter “d” or “n” depending on whether depends on the number of rounding operations used, weather denormals are allowed or not. or not the instructions is fused. We introduce four possible instructions:

A. Mixed-precision training formats • MAC: a16 = ◦(a16 + ◦(x16 · y16)); • MACS: a = ◦(a + ◦(x · y )); As noted in Section II the two 16-bit mixed-precision 32 32 16 16 • FMAC: a = ◦(a + x · y ); formats already used in the deep learning community are 16 16 16 16 • FMACS: a = ◦(a + x · y ), half -precision (1/5/10/d) and bfloat16 (1/8/7/n). To these 32 32 16 16 we add our 1/6/9 format. Following the notation introduced where, ◦ represents any rounding operation performed and the in Def. 3.2 we present the specific details in Table I and a subscript number gives the bit-width. In the following sections representation range visualization in Fig.1. we will discuss the effects of FMAC and FMACS on denormal As observed in Fig.1, 1/8/7/n offers a very wide rep- frequency. resentation range, the same as IEEE-754 single-precision. Denormal values Normal values 1/5/10/d -24 15 1/6/9/d -39 31 1/8/7/n -126 127

-128 -96 -64 -32 0 32 64 96 128 log2|x|

Fig. 1. Visual representation of the representation range of 1/5/10/d, 1/6/9/d and 1/8/7/n, respectively.

IV. EXPERIMENTS Algorithm 1 FMAC-8. Dot product of half-precision input vectors w and x with half-precision output using FMAC A. Testing methodology instructions. Superscript number represents the bit width of the variable, + denotes single-precision addition, and R(.) is All experiments were carried out using the PyTorch the roundfp operation. framework with handwritten CUDA extensions to handle 1: A(32) = 0; a(16) =0 custom floating-point formats. In particular, we define a 2: for i ∈ [0,n) do roundfp (X, e, p, d) kernel that takes a tensor X of single- 3: if i mod 8=0 then precision FP values and rounds each element to the nearest- 4: A(32) = A(32) + a(16) representable FP value with e exponent bits and p mantissa 5: a(16) =0 bits, where e<=8, p<= 23 and d specifies if the denormal 6: end if (16) (16) range is allowed. We bind this kernel to a custom PyTorch 7: a = FMAC(a , wi, xi) function roundfp(X, e, p, d) which performs rounding on both 8: end for the forward and backward pass. 9: A(32) = A(32) + a(16) When defining a neural network model for our experiments, 10: return R(A(32)) we insert roundfp operations at the inputs and outputs of every layer, forcing all activations and activation gradients to be cast to the modeled FP format. The weight updates computation B. Training details is kept in single-precision. The inner matrix multiplies (or We evaluated the importance of denormal numbers to neural convolutions) on both the forward and backward pass are network training on four different models. performed using FMAC or FMACS instructions, meaning we do not round the products. ResNet [12] is considered a classic convolutional neural net- As a concrete example, when quantizing a torch.nn.Linear work (CNN), primarily used for computer vision applications such as image classification and object detection. We trained layer with input X, weight W and bias B, the forward pass two similar model depths, but using different datasets, with is computed as: one significantly bigger than the other: Y = R(R(R(W T ) · R(X)) + R(B)), • ResNet20 on Cifar10 dataset [19], trained for 250 epochs with batch size 512 and an initial learning rate 0.1, where R(.) is the roundfp function. Inside the matrix multi- decayed by 0.1× at epochs [100, 150, 200]. T plication, W · X, FMAC or FMACS instructions are used. • ResNet18 on ImageNet dataset [13] with 1000 classes, Accumulating sums of products using FMAC operations trained for 90 epochs with batch size 256 and initial leads to significant loss in final accuracy due to reduced learning rate 0.1, decayed by 0.1× at epochs [30, 60, 80]. accumulator precision [3]. For this reason, we only perform 8 BERT [20] is a state of the art transformer-based [16] consecutive FMAC instructions before adding it to a single- model for natural language processing (NLP). Its training precision master accumulator, and resetting the 16-bit accu- consists of two stages, pre-training and fine-tuning. For our mulator to 0. Algorithm 1 details a fast and accurate dot scope we focused only on pre-training, since it is the more product of half-precision vectors, returning a half-precision computationally demanding part. We studied two variations result, using this technique. We note here that the number 8 of of the model: half-precision accumulations was empirically chosen; we did • BERT-Tiny [21], a shallow model with only two encoder not investigate whether or not it can be greater than 8 without layers; affecting accuracy. In what follows we will be using FMAC- • BERT-Base, one of the variants described in the original 8 to mean either this algorithm or a matrix multiplication paper [20], with 12 encoder layers. or convolution in which such sums are accumulated in this manner. Training was done using the OpenWebText dataset for 900k steps with sequence length 128 and batch size 256. We used a learning rate of 5e − 5 for BERT-Tiny and 1e − 4 for BERT- TABLE II Base, respectively. The learning rate was scheduled to linearly Maximum denormal fraction over the entire course of training of ResNet20, ramp up at the beginning and then decay over the course of BERT-Tiny, LSTM and CVAE using FMAC-8 accumulation. pre-training.

LSTM [15] is a long short-term memory network with maximum denormal ratio 2 layers. Similar to the BERT model, we focused on a Model 1/5/10/d 1/6/9/d pretraining task. Training was done using the WikiText dataset 1/5/10/d 1/6/9/d w/ DLS w/ DLS with batch size 128 and learning rate 1e−3, for a total of 10k 0 95 0 05 0 25 0 steps. ResNet20 . . . BERT-Tiny 0.9 0.25 0.1 0.0005 CVAE [22] is a convolutional variational autoencoder model 0 9 0 6 0 6 0 001 trained on a protein modeling task [23], using a private protein LSTM . . . . structure dataset. The model was trained for 3k steps with CVAE 0.8 0.15 0.3 0.1 batch size of 512 and learning rate 1e − 4.

V. RESULTS Fig.2 shows tensorboard screenshots from our CVAE runs, that showcase different behaviour for different tensors. Taking Matrix multiplications, at the core of fully connected and a closer look at one of the convolution layers (Fig. 2(a)), convolution layers, account for over 90 percent of the arith- we see that it is more than 80% denormal for 1/5/10/d metic in neural network training. For this reason, we monitor training. Applying DLS reduces the fraction to 10%. During tensor elements in fully connected layers and convolutions. the same run, one of the deconvolution layers (showcased in During simulations we log the denormal fraction of each Fig. 2(b)) does not exhibit the same reduction when using layer’s activations, weights, and activation gradients as they DLS, the denormal ratio being approximately the same for are computed and propagated through the network. From there both 1/5/10/d runs (w/ and w/o DLS). For these particular we extract the highest denormal fraction observed across all layers, 1/6/9/d is able to fully represent the values using only of the tensors in the model. Most often, activation gradients its normal range. have smallest magnitudes, since they become smaller with 1 training . This problem is partially solved by dynamic loss B. Using FMACS accumulation scaling (DLS). In addition, denormals may occur during the forward pass of training, as we will show. Some specialized hardware architectures offer instructions We used each of the 16-bit floating-point formats in two such as FMACS, which allows for accumulation to happen training scenarios: in higher precision. Empirically, this avoids any denormal • 16-bit mixed-precision training without dynamic loss intermediate computation. This instruction can be found in scaling (w/o DLS), i.e., none of the tensors are scaled Nvidia’s GPU architecture, based on TensorCores [24]. When in order to better fit the representation range; testing this setting we were able to take advantage of GPU • mixed-precision training with dynamic loss scaling (w/ architecture and gained speed up, which allowed us to col- DLS) [4], which is a common practice in the community. lect statistics on even bigger models like BERT-Base and ResNet18-ImageNet. In Table III, one can observe that using single precision A. Using FMAC-8 accumulation additions in the matrix multiplies reduces the maximum In Table II we document the maximum denormal fraction denormal fraction for some networks, like BERT-Tiny. The observed over the entire length of training on hardware that reason likely is that the threshold for denormals is much only offers FMAC instructions. For this we applied our lower in single precision. But for CVAE, the use of FMACS FMAC-8 algorithm (Algo. 1). This fraction can be very high instructions doesn’t reduce denormals much, without DSL, and for 1/5/10/d-precision. With DLS enabled, that fraction is not at all with DLS. The data do suggest that when FMACS reduced, but for LSTM it is still high, notably 60% denormals is used in conjunction with the 1/6/9/d format, the use of in a single tensor at some point during training. This shows DLS is not needed to make the denormal fraction negligible that denormals can be predominant in the forward pass as well, or at least acceptable. (Note that we cannot compare the which is not scaled by the DLS technique. The situation is ResNet20 with the ResNet18 results, because the datasets used better with 1/6/9/d-precision. Without DLS there is strong are different, with Imagenet being much larger.) reduction from the fractions seen with 1/5/9/d, but for LSTM the fraction remains high. Finally, the combination of C. Training with flushed formats 1/6/9/d-precision and DLS effectively solves the problem of slowdown due to the prevalence of denormals. The data we have presented thus far show that using the 1/6/9/d format reduces the frequency of denormal values 1This is known as the vanishing gradient problem. enough that it can speed up training on hardware that suffers 1/5/10/d

1/5/10/d w/DLS


(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Tensorboard visualization of CVAE training. The curves show the denormal fraction during backward propagation over 3k steps. Values logged from (a) 4th convolution layer and (b) 2nd deconvolution layer. The three runs utilized 1/5/10/d, 1/5/10/d with DLS, and 1/6/9/d (in green, at the bottom). Denormals occur frequently, with or without DLS, when using the 1/5/10/d format.


Maximum denormal ratio over the entire course of training of ResNet18, Convergence results for training with a s/e/m/n scheme, with and without BERT-Tiny, BERT-Base, LSTM and CVAE on hardware that supports DLS. ✓ indicates SOTA convergence, ✗ indicates fail to converge and D FMACS instructions. indicates a degradation in the final loss.

maximum denormal ratio 1/5/10/n 1/6/9/n Model 1/5/10/n 1/6/9/n Model 1/5/10/d 1/6/9/d DLS DLS 1/5/10/d 1/6/9/d w/ DLS w/ DLS ResNet20 ✗ D ✓ ✓ ResNet18 0.98 0.36 0.5 0.003 ResNet18 ✗ D D ✓ BERT-Tiny 0.6 0.25 0.009 0.0003 BERT-Tiny ✗ ✗ D ✓ BERT-Base — 0.2 — 0.003 BERT-Base ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓ LSTM 0.3 0.23 0.05 0.004 LSTM ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ CVAE 0.7 0.15 0.2 0.1 CVAE ✗ D ✓ ✓

a slowdown whenever a denormal value is created. Guided be observed on the Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) training by the very low denormal ratios reported on 1/6/9/d with accuracy in Fig.3(b). DLS, we also trained using an s/e/p/n FP system (Def. 3.2), in which denormals are flushed to 0, with no slowdown. The VI. CONCLUSIONS question then is whether training speed or accuracy suffers. We studied the occurrence of denormal numbers during The convergence results are detailed in Table IV. All the mixed-precision training of neural networks. We analyzed two networks achieved SOTA accuracy using our proposed format, 16-bit formats: 1/5/10/d, which is the same as the IEEE-754 1/6/9/n with DLS. The same cannot be stated about training half -precision and a novel 1/6/9/d format that has one more with 1/5/10/n, where we observed a significant decrease 2 exponent bit and one fewer significand bit. in final model accuracy . Note also that the smallest tested Our data suggests that the 1/6/9 format suppress most models, which are ResNet20, LSTM and CVAE, converge in denormals because it significantly expands the representation 1/6/9/n without DLS. range of normalized numbers. This can speed up training on Fig.3 contains tensorboard screenshots for training BERT- many machines, those that slow down on any computation Tiny in mixed-precision with DLS vs. single-precision. For involving denormals. Despite the loss of one bit in the signif- reference we include the single-precision training curves, cand, we observed no loss of training speed or final accuracy despite that they are underlying and barely visible. The loss compared with 1/5/10, or for that matter with single-precision curves in Fig.3(a) show that 1/5/10/n is the only run that (1/8/23) training. diverges after 200k training steps, while all others converge We observed other advantages. No re-tuning of hyperpa- as expected and achieve SOTA final accuracy. This can also rameters like the batch size or learning rate was needed. We saw that the 1/5/10/d format can achieve SOTA as 2No hyperparameter tuning was performed for these tests. well, though 1/5/10/n cannot. We did not see any difference 1/6/9/n


¤ ¥ ¦§ ¨ © / ¢ £ 1 ¡ /d single

(a) (b)

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