AFGHANews Vol 9, No 1, 4r January 1, 1993, page AfghanistanBook ReviewCompiledPriceClio Press, £43.95 by SchuylerOxford, pp281 England 1992Jones interpretedlications,Unfortunately,articlesing considerable a policywith due though,which attention licence, the this authorto biasalso books hasgiv- has and re in English by Afghans. bookditionSeries benefits published greatly by from Clio the Press. author'so TheThis new reference book is an ad-to the World Bibliographical grail Russiancontributionsstilted in and omissions other from languages. French,of many German,valuableThus the of some ..... _ ...... ,.,.. wealthpletespiredpassion suchthe for heavy ,a project. work required which to has com- in- of information Containing a on Afghan CentlivresEuropeancontributionshere.Demont, This and apparent Micheline defect, Centlivres- though, is risk scholars, appearing such outstandingunder -ratedas Pierre ...Ilï. w.4a$043,K-:11$NàwttlepotGëïk;, entirelyamanypointingthemes, gat varietybooks restrictedit to will furtherand of be topics.other mainlyto research Afghanistan, publications These valuable through are notbut foron compendium,nationalremedied bibliographies. in a butspecial can atsection times onbe inter-sharp This is not simply a bland or dry broug areputedtake1,000 naturally in Pushtun also, items asconcise. included,itborderlands. should, 'sthe Withdescriptions over dis- chaptertravelJonesKingin its comments, acidly,book on 'Nuristan, interesting as on the a bookmainly home by of forPeter the a (of 1966), is, "an undistinguished which, comments 4itewere*way tdent travelling. the ty carof the on killers,which whothe took T is no information ' about victims dueaSchuyler certainals to from difficulties Jonesimbalance libraries. himself in The obtainingin frankly certainstated bias materi-admits areas, of theAs to the selection of items, journeyAryans'fact.' to Nuristanwhich a wholly fictional Anthony Hyman is presented as girl,a truckdied when their car rammed into Ten Afghans, including a young in Islamabad on December series is towards English language pub- Zain Noorani, á former for- fatal mistake. The deal created seriousCourtesy: ARIN at(NWFP)ce.scd25. the Faisal we, to e offer Mosque,coming their from Friday Nawshera prayers According to police all the de- theeignAdiedsigned communist signatoryminister the Geneva of regime Pakistan Accord in ofKabul, who withGeneva doubts on December 18 in UN special 'smistakestance about committed the fear UN about peace by the UN mission. subsequent peace The ef- in the mind of the Afghan resis- envoys deepened dies the Afghandecided torefugees cancel armsstarting licences December of the The Government of Pakistan has the,facilitatingKarachi. SovietGovernment troopsHe the was phased within of 65 Pakistan years onewithdrawal year. inold. 1988 of He signed the accord on behalf of terforts.failure signing This of of wasSevan's the theGeneva missionroot accords. cause two ofyears the af-The Mujahideen also started to re- governmentasked31. to hand of Pakistan. over their arms to the Afghan; refugees have been Corodvez,Specialthe Envoy on Afghanistan, Diego The Geneva Accords,then mediated by ignoredUN Secretary- General'sthe Mujahideen. successnationalonlyalize dothat andthose the the friendlythings collapse which countries of theserved commu- would their interest. The Mujahideen's liveofcarrying the in MujahideenPeshawar,,oris arms applies parties' justto the for who leaders the still or- It is not clear wither the ban on Whileformersigned the theSoviet Kabul agreement, Unionregime acted andthe USPakistanas guaran- and the concern.nistforts regime to create in Kabul a neutral was not government their main in As the UN accelerated its peace ef- merdinary refugees. The mother and sister rulerof the for- of Afghanistan, Dr. diplomacy.majorwithlors of a thebandaged accord. hand, and called it a Zain Noorani signed the accords achievement for Pakistan's tweengimewarKabul, efforts bythe the military UN Mujahideen to peaceget meals.rid efforts, of increased the The supportKabul race their be- re-by (Swat)NajibullahBegtunwith Khan Nasimarc Abdul on aWalt visit'' Wall Khan, to Khan Madmn ANP's and nowadays.The, family 0i met mentKabulalAccords reconciliation would regime would stop thought bring in foreign Afghanistan. peace that aid andthe nation-agree- TheThe UN believed that the Geneva to the overtookandtheall supportersMujahideenneck. Benon of Sevan'swarthe Mujahideen,efforts "peace ran train"neck and The Mujahideenimarch --ctionmayassemblyparliamentary settle of Wali inin PeshawarPeshawar leader Khan. in recently.underthe provincial the They pro troopsofagreementMujahideen. isolation would would and encourage the bring absence the many regime of Sovietcoun- out It also hoped that the onlyLeaguesucceeded.Kabul in regime and had fell, served and thehis Mujahideencountry as a Noorani was a member of Muslim the List week of April. The suescommentary,Russian between Federation that rtghanistan there that were could and no not theis- be Radio Moscow has said, O0 in a thepressedagainsttries Mujahideen, to dealthetheir Genevawith anger Kabul. the openly. agreement UN committed By ignoring and ex- a The Mujahideen felt strongly Pakistan.PakistanHemember had emigratedof parliament from and India a journalist. to the during the creation of warsolvedAfghan through leaders, negotiations. could be negotiated. The radio saidreparations, that the issue of raised by some AFGHANews Vol 9, No 1, January 1, 1993, page Kabul witnessed a strange and dra- sented Dostum in Bagramiembraces denied a dealtalks. UN The UN special rapporteur says Kabul Dr. Felix on hu- Hikmatyarmatic political- military development Gulbuddin with Hezb, and Dostum's men have Hezb has not reacted to gainsErmacora,man rights has said in Afghanistan,stability that the situation in 'communistHikmatyaronforces December of formed General an 20, when Dostum against the alliance with the the allegations publicly. militia'But there is plenty of evidence to Kabul has improved To file his latest report since last summer. he visited Islamic government. Hezb forces took up positions andprove reported. it. the sight Associated Press in of armed Hezb Kabul saw in AfghanistanPakistan and some other unknown parts of than Kabul. has closetoplowedGovernment tooverlooking Balahisar.them to establish forces strengthened a post the center of the city. Dostum forces al- on a hill- their andtweenKarte DostumDostum Nau,the twopeople once a no followers hostile forces.admitted Some evacuating -man's -land be- mingling to Hezb. RegardingreliedAfghantalking on the reportsgroups by to refugeessituation in Kabul hein Pakistan. His journalistsand and dissident the UN main defensesimminent.cated thatin the a city,military According to dealand betweenDefense all signs HezbMinistry indi- showdown was someMembersand- closeof added Dostumof Guard Hezb their allies -- confirmedthe Defensehadpositions given Ministry themunits in Bala Hisar - food this sourceofficedisinformationvolved of in Kabulin spreading recently. His summer report information may be which . has been anti government about human it Islami,sources,beenHikmatyar Dostum a tripartite had met còncluded and Hezb Wandat the and with representa- night Wandat before. had in supplies,hadbringingDec. cutof sincethe 8them mutiny. off Hezb to in the wake of Dostum units southtrucks were seen their negative.rightstionparties inin AfghanistanKabulHis opposed description echoed to the government. the accusations of was extremely of the situa- To tivesBagrami Textile of Dostum - Factory, southeast of An Afghan reporter of the BBC file his report, he . had visited Pakistan, Jalalabad. theforces city.tack ofgovernment the three positions According to factions wereIslami to at- fromtheir east of in Kabulagreement, si- sawthem similarer'sBBCthreatened forfamily on thingssecurity espionage tois intry reasons. Afghans charges. Peshawar and hebut trav- refused to report working forThe report-Hezb had Ermacoraasernmentthe establishment haslast notApril. well It is unclear why as Mazar and of visitedthe Islamic Kabul gov- since Dr. ,Ermacora has multaneously:andthefrom city, atised the theDostum to airport, west.Nezbsupply Hezb arms forces from the south andand Hezb ammunition WandatIslami to had prom- elshadthroughlet- some riddled Hezb years body territory. ago between Peshawar his formerwitnessed boss the bul- This reporterand Kabul in withrefusedhisthe government situation to come by to reports about himself beforeauthorities filingKabul and to seeholdthe humantalks right:; generallyHezbreinforcement. Wandat, isolated, whose The purpose of from resupply and thisKabul deal forces was are to the Hal -o- Peshawar,nessesHikmatyar's to daily hit men. The people of allegedly .artillery duels Kabulof General had been Dostum wit- killed between by situation. preventAqdeast Council. the during the night Hezb launched an convening of of December 21,attack from the stationedHezbMujahideentaken and southforcesplace victory. betweenof thethe city two since sides thesinceNo fighting has' -- Reconstruction of all From page (4) aspects of Dostum forces did not the most . Editorial major task of the goy- joinbutby Wandat in. The and the forces of the Hezb attack was repulsed Ministry of thedealstraightforward Bagrami has taken meeting placeproof betweenthat some the sort for- of emment.Afghanquire securitylife Success is a and precise planning. in this field will re- Defense.bitteringIslami Hezb enemies, prevented having supplies Forces of Prof. Sayyafs Wandat. The two parties clashed many from reach- Ittihad are merand 'archMinistrytions Hikmatyar between grew beganDostum tense, Warm relations enemies. between Dostumand the whenDefenseafter the show rela- of destructionshownmeaninglesscontinue that of theirto therewars. indulge country are Political groups must stop But experience in violence. someThe who by waging further willhas timescommunisttaking in Kabul part reg.+nc in last Why did the attack?Dostum abstained since the fall of April. from the rulesMinistryforcemission insisting by ofDostum before on Defense afterward Dostum supplyDefense planes Ministry per- December 8. The enforced i withgovernment a firm hand. should deal with them DostumDostum.tary and They Hezb expressed angered The news of theofficers working withand made it clear alliance between their opposi-many General mili- that couldmissionforcesnow land being ofat bringing Kabulthat ministry. airport arms searched to stop and ammunitionThe planes are to prior per- Dostum's Help usAFGHANews! publish theytionand towouldfrom airthe joining ideano the The opposition by force officers kept take part in it. attack. Dostum prominent army Dostum told to Kabul.hisstoppedlonger forces blasting demanding "militia," Hezb publications Dostum and callingthe withdrawaland Hezb is no suddenly of Please send your Account No. to: donations55008 themwouldmandervolved hewas was punish recalledin ofnot it. Dostum any awareGeneral to Mazar. He had repre- of his officers forces in Fauzi,Kabul, the com- of a deal and in- I has playedDostum'sHikmatyar forces close from to It is believe that a key Dostum. Haz.ratKabul.role Mujaddidi in bringing Wazir AkberBank Millie Afghan Khan Br. AFGHANews Vol 9, No 3, February 1, 1993, page embassiesoccupied by Hezb representatives. though victory of the Mujahideen Last April, after thé triumphant and the es- From our special reporter They continued to operate even should in Southeast Asia Despite the fall of the ghan communist andHikmatyar later the turned AIG. against The same the alliance mission tablishmentin Kabul, unfortunately,pf an Islamic governmentHikmatyar op- regime, last April, and the the establish- was upgraded to an embassy. fttfgña.nLciqn claredposed theopen Islamic war against government it. He accused and de- speakforIslamicment of government in Kabul, some Afghan Mujahideen's around the of sentatives of Hezb Islami operated Similarly, in Australia two repre- for ingthe Islamicwith the government militia of collaborat- forces of the com- thepartyworld Mujahideen lines. still continue offices to operate along eightIslamic years alliance under of the Afghan name Mujahideen of the Kabulmunist withregime. thousands of Beside bombarding /ockets, delegatestionsmain wereAfghan being Mujahideen represented organiza- by Before April 1992 some of the in some countries their of andvisa.extentthe the Australian interim government. government In 1990, however, after an inquirythe.Hezb Islami representatives'. refused to Hikmatyareventsnationalto confuse in community launchedAfghanistan. the Afghan massive about people the pourse campaignand inter- of operate the Mujahideen on a semi- representatives A few countries however official basis on had al- all stryctedEuropevoys of andto the the Middle Other introduceallianceHezb themselves and AIG, as en- or direc- representatives -East were in- in camecalledcampaign out envoys fromworldwide. ofthe all cover the At Mujahideen His representatives reflected and revealedlast the so- his MujahideentherecognitionThese condition countries groups thatto the theyhad and Islamic given representednot one alliancesemi- (lat- Mujahideen, officialor two. ThistorsMujahideenTo ofwas stop Afghan mainly the overseasorganizations for three activities reasons: (1) information . centers. and channel of other organizations,truethestill identities: world. have some This men of isof because theirHikmatyar. offices the Unfortunately too including Jami'at, other Mujahideen staff aroundof theer formedPakistancoalition) umbrellathe alliance in 1982. of organization Afghan was The on chairmanship a rotational of seven basis, based Mujahideen parties of allandsupport theMujahideen international to Hezb; groups, (2)moral aand negative confrontations With all the fights with material image other- In someleaders'workState, of alonginsteadthe lines. embassies their of serving respected Afghanistan, parties' or of the Islamic properthreeeachmassive leadermonths preoccupation heading only. Due the to alliancewith the the armed administrative management and lack of for blesomeof around(3)Hezb to countries Naturallywork wasthe under world developed it the was thewereMuslim virtually name very abroad. communitiesmuch in fa- of Hezb.impossi- sidefusionsIslamic andState embarrassment. will generate further con-The existence of thethese offices official embassies of the be- Jehad,overseas.setunablea policies couplemembers to makeIn for ofa few members ofsendinga collective theoccasions, of Hezbrepresentatives Islamialliance were decision to however, dence.oneallvor the ofperson MujahideenHezb in had successfully tounity. be represented capital- by their country of resi- They wanted Stateandrepresentstaff should itsof peopleembassies themove as fast aaround wholeand the The foreign ministry of the interests of Afghanistan instructrather the than world to Islamic atedidandThe receiveas soon'thealliance, alliance'slettersHezb's however, of policy authority of was power to oper- mon- representatives. misused ofized advisedawarethe on Mujahideen,this of Hikmatyar sincereoverseas feeling. while to coordinate generally Throughout the years, other misrepresentations, leaders his thattheirfast. the leaders And world theor ofpolitical Islamic diplomacy parties.State is is moving The foreign ministry should in desper- realise opolyuedtheerally missions. overshadowedto represent in the spirit their of parties, the In other countries delegates the objectives of alliance. but gen- contin- happenrestoverseassilent of theand for delegates' Mujahideen. the leaderssake of Mujahideen unity activities with the either remained This did not ategovernment,are needthe not ofmailers achieved international - they on the floorrecognition. of the interimIf the political parties' objectives shouldwithin try the to debateexisting es wasMujahideenwere born driven in Pakistan.interim out government (AIG) In 1989, after the then Soviet forc- of AfghanistanAIG a was recog- countries.or fromtionalfound the itoffices difficult start, wereas to offices established, of MA. rightThis In contrast, Jami'at Islami interna- convince the host the up embassiesan another They internal should office of issue the keepoverseas Islamicrather thannext their dif- State, nizedKualatothem sendopen by Sudan an embassiesleast ambassador and four AIG, Malaysia countries. in however, to Khartoomassisted Among failed to Khartoom and AIG and Jami'atwasMujahideeningwas unpleasant atried reflection to participate into differentsome of people, in establish- true single representations the sad realities. countries. It of thebut it andtheshouldularly confuse foreign the establish the closeministry world friendsdirect community.of the relations of Islamic our withCountries around the world, partic- Jehad, State Hikmatyar'sintothe mission Hezbin Kuala Islami. Lumpur In the early 1980's, upon thea re- propaganda center turned for Jami'atMujahideensiblewas officesinnegative the avoidedspirit groups propaganda of as during much" against as pos- these efforts that factional other Pakistan'spoliticaldentand avoidoffices decisioncontacts or envoys, towith expel affiliated the indepen- to parties. In this offices of regard terri- the FromopenedMujahideen,quest ofthe tothe beginning operate Islamic an Afghan in the mission was alliance of Afghan Kuala Lumpur. mission was disputes.policies.andthe main in Insteaddoing objectives so they remained of the Afghan modest concentrated on Jihad in policy.countriestorythe Afghan is welcomed. too rebel would groups follow from the its same , It is hoped other AFGHANews Vol 9, No 3, February 1, 1993, page forciblyIslamic expels republic Pahlawan, an Iranian Afghancountry.triationconfirmedscholar andof refugeestheAfghan expert reports on refugees Afghanistan,of forcible from repa- that has Changiz l Editorial themgeesderingauthorities in Afghanistan, groups.special in Khurasan centers detained Province., the bor- In an interview with BBC, he said and deported refu- meanttiallyCleanu to successful. destroy their heavy weaponsTheHezb .January Islami 19had cleanup resumed operation rocket attacks against on p ó around Kabul, was par- Kabul when the Hezb Islami, hehave said. no personal papers and money," He"The said deported the number of Afghan ref- refugees usualty Hal30Dec. -o innocent -Aqd30 in councilKabul. people officials and wounding were counting hundredsIn the next 15 days, Hezb fired 210 peration rockets into Kabul, killing votes the afternoonof others. ofThe attacks workthanugees other toliving support parts in ofthemselves . The andrefugees they Khurasan were larger inflictedsouththe people, and heavy east was losses of forcedKabul. on public by public and privateopinionThe government, property. to which should protect the life and propertyattack of Hezb positions of rocket attacks goodedeven takingthe havepeople, Iranians place a market. he in properlysaid. accordance The refugeesand theywith treat- werethe tri- He said the repatriation was not pretedofby citizens. theHikmatyar government it as the had government's createdto counter these attacks.The restraint shown by government for 20 days doubt among the public about the ability indifference to the suffering of its Some circles even inter- partiteupontwelveAfghanistan had member not beenand commission UN. The proposed Prof. Pahlawan advised the gov- agreement formed yet. between agreed Iran, theAqdhis government new Council, allies --butand Wandat Hezb pave was theand way theDostum. only for groundoneThereHikmatyar's were someaim in other launching Mujahideen these parties which attacks was towhch undermine reacted the with authority rocket attacksof on the attacks on Kabul with the help of opposed the Hal -o- ernmenttrytheythe. voluntarily, Afghanwere of Iran ready refugeesnot adding to create return thatin problems toIran their because coun-for the problem putcity.Hezb the blame Wandat, on but the government was clo:.rThe enoughHezb leader, to however, denied firing* -ockets Hezb Wandat. He wante to provoke the government against into Kabul, in an attempt to recognize the party re; createdIran-Iraqwelcomedsolved by within 13 war byyears shouldonethe of peopleyear. war not couldbeof expelledIran not during be by He said the refugees who were ofweaponssponsible importantfighting of for in Hezb Hezbtheeastern inhumane positions sector attackswere and encouraging. on The aim of the government's cleanup operation was to stationed around Kabul. The seized many of its heavy weapons. They also civilian targets. Government troops captured some of the first few destroydays the heavy partsAfghanforcework now.of Iran.refugeesto support Afghan themselves. refugees They doThere are around living two in different millióiiin Iran Chelsitoon,threatenedtack on theHezb's south government ofsupply Kabul, lines. positions and intensified west ofInA radical faction of Hezb Wandat, reactionheaded by to the government attacks, Hezb launched an Kabul.rocket The attacks reaction on the to city. Hezb Wandat Ali Mazari, also joined the at- attack on arethe reluctantlow -paid to jobs do. that Iranian workers trouhtoprovocations other ?v parts-maker wasof theinside defensive: city. the Dostum city, Inc forced government forces the remained governmentBut the presence to assign of a largeWandat as an active enemy, and Dostum as a potential wanted to prevent the spread of war neutral. number of hadcomeremainedClashes campaigned to assume in Pakistan. hard his jobto Whetherwin after the the post,he war will is From page (1) Hezb,withits troops Hikìnatyar. and as on reserves some day, to deal more with 200 problems heavy rockets ThistheyThe mighthampered rocket hit create. attacks the government's on Kabul intensified ability to after deploy the start sufficient of the operation against the city. These attacks and forces to deal merfinishedturnedisters offensive, iswent tonot assume known.toat leastbPeshawar theirDuring 10 cabinet jobsand the only whensum-min- re- a driveningfighting the from problem south their homesand through east in negotiations.theof the middle city ofresulted the harshWhile winter. the government launched the attack, it had,not closed If the heavy weapons of Hezb are removed in several thousand families being the door to solv- againstceasefirerockets,Bagram agreement butAir it Base was was neverwas signed. attacked closed. Hezbwith Hikmatyar tried the government in to open a front Shamali. keepobjectivesfrom fighting.their ofpresent the operation positions will so have that beenthe city is Butno longer experience within has shown that the leader of Hczb does not achieved- and there will be no reason to To page (8) have an appetitetheir range, the poundedrockets.alsoheavy attacked weapons. the thepositions city of ofCharikar Hezb withwith The government in reply I Tat' *,4 ilv Atám-1(,1t'1'1' A1.1 At1 AFGHANews Vol 9, No 5, Women allowed March 1, 1993, page Q Kabul hasto been stage recently witnesspolitical to two processions taken out by women The demonstrationsfirst demonstration was held by aboutnomicwho protested 20difficulties. women against in front war of and the eco- UN withdrawal from Afghanistan.Editorial It wasFebruary a 15 marked th third anniversary of the historic achievement for the S wiet troop They criticized the office.ingAfghanistan. They also blamed ifir- to stop UN for not interven- the fighting in regimepeopleMujahideen'sto keep ofand Afghanistan,in place a paving The invaded Afghanistan establishment of an Islamic government. communist regime which was facing a the way for the -fall ofhistoric the communist victory on December 27, 1979, popular cigntheysalariesKabul. countries had They were not complainedbeen.fornot thepaid receiving on time.that their and trouble in food resistancebutuprising. this prove but 1 turned to be ainto a national TheMoscow Soviets thought poured its inintervention more troops and miscalculation. The invasion not only liberation war under ofthe Afghanistan banner of would be of short introduced new and deadly weapons failed to weaken the Islam. duration The second demonstration begin in couponswasMacrorayan more' for months. political. section The of the demonstra- city and the sympathyto situation.crush the of Each resistance,the world new communityleader in Moscow, includingThe longer the war become, the more helpless but failed. The Mujahideen succeeded for their cause. Gorbachev, tried a militaryMoscow op- felt to deal with the in winning .the Most of the residents of Macrorayan Islami.Islamictors raised government slogans against and Hezb the oftion. the TheMujahideen war. year 1986 was was not a possible, he adoptedWhen Gorbachev realized that an outright difficult year for the Mujahideen due to a new policy which can military victory against the escalation be called the `-the defunct Watan Party.communistareis civil alsoThis underarea regime control and members of Dostum's servants of the former and'Afghanization' in the meantime of the help war. the He Kabul wanted regime toThis required a new leader in for the job. The Geneva talks, which were ignored Kabul. Najibullah, Babrak Karmal's withdrawto shoulder the Soviet the burdentroops ofin war.phases chief of by These were the first open political dem- Islamicforces, government whose relations are tense. with the drawalbothsecretbacks Moscow police, of of Soviet the wasand Mujahideen, troopschosenWashington, from Afghanistan. was facilitated the Sovietsolution troop withdrawal to the problem. chosen as a vehicle for the 'honorable' The agreement, signed behind the but failed to with- andPresidentonstrationsAfghanistan. made Daud himscli toppledIn Februarythe president Zahir of Shah 1980, of since 1973 when bringsistmunist about Najib regime ain comprehensive his in war Kabul, efforts they against NotMoscow only were sped the up Soviets military allowed and to also kept hundreds of their advisors the Mujahideen.economic aid to the Kabul regime after the send arms and ammunition to the com- in Kabul to as- demonstrationKabulis,crushedpeacefulinvasion mainly by students,'staged protest Dozens the Soviet of dem- a of demonstration Afghanistan. This was signingmation ofof ofthethe a accord.Genevanational government From Moscow's point of view, Accords. SCUD missiles were giving to in Kabul and return of peace in Afghanistan,the accord was not intended to the regime after resúk in for- but The third procession was taken out onstratorsed,front and hundredsofwere the killedUN were office and imprisoned. wound- in Kabul by in consolidationmoreforeign years supporters ofafter the theregime helped Soviet through troops massive supplyThis policy and mistakes committed by the communist regime in Kabul to survive withdrawal. the Mujahideen and some of their of arms and money. for three a grouptiestheyHezb against claimed Wandat, of women their had They family beenbelonging protested war members. whatto atroci- Theregime pressure to its by knees the Mujahideen less combinedWhen the 'Soviet Union disintegrated, than one year ago. occasion for the Afghan people, which deserve to the Kabulwith regime internal became differences an orphan. brought the be defametheA government protest the asource political dismissed ploy to celebrated.retreatof Afghanistan from But Afghanistan. due did to not the have turmoil the in chance Kabul toFebruary 15 is a happy the political leaders, must be blamed after the fallcelebrate of the regime, the day the of peoplethe Red Army's for the The world media reported the events, Whatpeopleemphasizing they with failed the the situation todiscontent mention in Kabul. orof thedid andinstabilitycurrent then strife the caused nakedin the first country,invasion by the theof the current country AlthoughbyDespite Afghans, the current especially difficulties, Moscow -sponsored communist revolution which do not allow the Mujahideenproblems to cele- in Afghanistan are the the Red Army in 1979. resultof 1978 of notplacelowedthe emphasize fact these.ven that demonstrationswhile inthe their government- it reportswas fighting towas take al- and Hezb blebratenistthe achievement. their cause-bloc victory, countries. of democracy Itthe led to andthe freedomfall of defeat of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan was a remarka- thein communist the Soviet regimeUnion and at home, the rest and of s"-commu- _u mentshowingWandat. towards Thistolerançeo.mst theis a Hezbopposition. positive of the Islami govern- change AFGHANews Vol 9, No 8 &9, May 1, 1993, page Insurgentstary operations by the opponents of the intensifyWith the arrival of the spring, mili- opponents,and Uzbe forces. the communists After defeating unleashed their a derfled.governmentattacks of Russian Tajikistan of troops, Tajikistan guarding has theintensi-in bor- Taiikistan with Afghanistan, theforcingreign Amu of around terror river againstinto90,000 Afghanistan. ordinarypeople .to people cross The k lledont March 15 by narai Abdtil unknown gunmen in Kabul: U1oorrti was! clashedTajikistaninsurgentshave claimedwith borderhave that recently guards.two groups crossedThey of also armed into communist burned the houses of those from Afghanistan and edhelpwho to the hadMazar. refugees left UNtheir stoppedbut homes. the aid helpingUN was began limit Tajik to - communistttie.atmy regime who still served in UloomiHe was wasa Get a member of the for of former claimedhandedTajikistaning armed that over andTajik four trained insurgents letters in toAfghanistan. Afghan were be- con- A government said his government had spokesman in geesArabonerefugees ofin relief Kunduz.its in convoys organizationsKunduz inafter Kunduz. anhelped attack Some refu- on securityservedmer communist ois the gove tnor of Kandahar. Faheem, service. the h said' hat efforts areparty of the;national' and once Afghanistancrossingsulate to Tajikistan. Reacting to these accusations,in a Doshanbe protestingof over insurgents from aroundrefugeestown 450of Sahair areTajik worried refugeesKhan aboutrecently. from reprisal border A lot at-ofThe UN supervised repatriation of deaththoseunderway involver!of the [o leader recognize in the inurdet. and capture Presidt nt Rabbani of!Muslim! condoled the' League! theAfghanistancommunique ofrejected the foreign involvemem ministry of government of Afghanistan in andcommunistThesetacks tens by refugees ofcommunist themwhile had were fleeing beenafter drowned followedtheir homesreturn. while by Presidentand1 a former Ghulam Primie Ishaq Khan. ista!n Mohammad'Khan Junejo to Mijtister of'. overthatarmedinc' the the venous activities problems presence nature. in in ofTajikistan Tajikistan Russian addinghadforces an The communiq expressed worry rafts.crossingvisited TajikistanAmu River to discusson improvised repatriationA delegation of General Dostum thegcAf'tnnistan, withdrawal n r ent of of Soviet troops from'. The Geneva Accort, facilitating was signed Mr,dining June the. o. Tajikistanrecentlyborderalong security has visited given to thethe the Russian border charge -troops. area of its be- The, foreign minister of Russiathe has borders of Afghanistan. riedof mightUzbekistanDostumrefugees. that duebe encouraged Theto and close Mujahideen Tajikistan relations to return the arebetween refugees withoutwor- and the governments of government,Veryofsolved; soot by after eta the was dissilutìan killed in a of plane the' corruptionlutejn's goverment was dis ! dentand :> incompetence.'. Zia on charges. tweenAsia.ofwhere Islamic he expressed fundamentalism worry over in Central spread Tajikistan and Afghanistan Safarov,Tajikistansufficient a authorities.proguarantees -government of safety Tajik from war- In a related development, Sangak , , Afghanistan'sunknown.>;;.Crash, the cause Suite Bankof which has been s still ar- The deputy NMI head of ternalofTajik fromMujahideen scholar, conflict Russians, has ininvolvement theysaidTajikistan sincehave athe originateinpropaganda reportsthe in- Dost Mohammad Moarrikh, a defeatingbyofnallord the government.dispute. and Bab his the-i- Safarovdeputy Tajik,Islamist He playedwere thewas and father killedgiven a democratic key of inthe role Tajik,inter- title in and"repeatedtrialrested statesoon, for establishments officialscomplaintsfraud and said will by on concerning the Marchbe peopleput 3. on, +G ulaga ltahimi was arrested after a The supporter of the former'craticregimenature. communist forces retook took power power towards in Tajikistan. the end A coalition of Islamic and demo- Safarovopponentsforforces.who the atrocitieshadHis was ofspentfollowers communista professional committedmost were of hisgovernment. responsible against life criminal in Sovietthe Radioanirregularities investigation Kabul said. of the mauer as a re- "The security authorities began in banking ' affairs ", of the year with the help of Russian Iran will give $300,000 for estab- jails.not prepared provide them with the radiodocumentsrestedsult of said. onwhich the regarding Gulaqabasis of Rahimitreachery," incriminating was thear- Afghan officials said he was un- Iranandlishmentwater help system ofrehabilitation ahelps refugee in the citycamp of of power near Herat.returning Herat and This was announcedrefugees after a visit crease.bordernecessaryis expected fromThe accommodation. relativeIran that into thepeace Herat number ineach the day. willprov- Itin-More than 600 refugees cross the dergoingand would questioning soon be tried. for corruption Pakistani thievesN1 Committee robbed forthe medicalreturningtoby IranIslmail where suppliesrefugees. Khan, he thediscussed to governor the hospital the of issue Herat, and of Iran had also donated 10 tonnes of increase.geesIraniansince within on theIran movement are the reasons of the refu- and restrictions imposed for the by Peshawar.NorwegianvaluablesAfghanistan of a car, cash and other The director of the committee on February 27 in clinicsproblemslargetion ofin number 400,000 Herat. because of Herat has refugees the one with government hospital. woulda popula- cause was Ismail Khan had said return of a Thereproviderefugees are tents around living in two Iran. million Afghan Ismail Khan had asked the UN to the returning refugees. Committeeofsaid Peshawar, the thieves, is were still who activecapture were in by Peshawar. residents police. He said the Norwegian AFGHANews Vol 9, No 13, August , 1993, page friendsfriendsorganizations arein indeedoperating need in KabulOnly three foreign humanitarian Government Thethreatens government of Prime Minister . dents and put an end to criticism of his while more than 100 such organization freedomrestrictions.articlesHikmatyar are also Journalists threatened writing by members critical is trying to impose press of presstheirfreedomgovernment. views to . thePresident opposition Rabbani to expressencour- The Mujahideen government gave toare (IAM),help involved the an Afghan organizationin aid refugees. work inoffering Peshawar health International Assistance Mission ofgovernment wantedHezb Islami. to -owned know who printing printed press cartoons A few days ago, a man went to the and reporting.agedwasparties journalists given to He toprint alsodifferent to theirbe allowed objective papersgroups different toinand expresstheir time hasvolunteersservicespears. been to activein the Kabul. people in KabulThis has organization 30for foreign many ofnewspapers.againstleft the before Prime the the workers Minister He security used of published menfilthy the reached. press language in buttwo It worth mention that the State onlytheirglethose partiesview against actively through denied the engagedgovernment. privilege andin armed TV. wereThe strug- ers;largestthe Redeighteen number Cross foreign (ICRC)of expatriate volunteers has the aid second work-The International Committee of work PrintingHezb'syear,paper whenstocks rocket Press most were attacks was ofset itsa on majorinmachinery the targetpast one of fire. and canpartiesattempt the is Primeto a stopnegative Minister publishing development. who papers is publish- How The threat against journalists and and is broad- of the AugustmostKabul100for ICRC. volunteers of but when theUntil theorganization worked lastforces year, forof Hikmatyarmore evacuatedICRC than in.. its staff from Kabul last directedtingInformation. permission not print any from paper the before Ministry get - ofThe State Printing Press has been fyhiscastinging tionsimposing militaryhis paper ofradio other base restrictions in and political Pakistanoutside TV programs onKabulgroups? the publica-cn fromjusti- city.launched a massive rocket attack on the Medicine Sans Frontieres (MSF) letterrectingnalist to of itthe Bakhter to Ministry find and News of punish Information Agency the jour-who di- Prime Minister Hikmatyar wrote a controlledthe press will media. discredit By curbingthe government the free- -Any step to curb the freedom of supportKabul.has four the foreign people doctors of Kabul' working in These organizations continued to its officials and while the wroteandaskedfiring radio. a theof critical rocketsradio commentary and into TV the not forcity. to the report The TV Prime Minister Hikmatyar has also thelationshipnewsdom years ofagencies press, ofwith Jehad. theto the get people world Thethe truth. turnmedia media to helpedforeignduring The Mujahideen enjoyed good re- stoppedUNthenSome palled but UN leave outofficials the,all city visit the Kabul same now day. andThe its three activities above in the capital. organizations rocketswhereHezbaides, Wandatare Qariburthe fired troops are from Rahman stationed. Hezb west Saeed,Islamiof Kabul andas a He has appointed one of its close Afghanistan,Sovietmoralstrugglethem to aggressors.and toget the political the they rest story gaveWhenof thepressure of freedom worldthey their liberated puttingheroicon to the assistancehave thaUNhonorabaleextremelyset a goodto would the difficult exampleexample needy emulate. peoplecircumstances,by all providing Afghans under wish an Information.edmemberthe the Hecommission also has been supervising appoint- as work the ofcaretaker the MinistryMinister of agetoleratedintioninternational given most in the casesto this country.the andmedianegative, government never Although to covertriedthe government sideto thethe curb wascover-situa- the Afghan refugees Information.mistpartiesAfghan' views andNews against he Agency, has otherbeen the Mujahideenrunning mouthpiece the Saeed is in- famous for his extre- estthefreedom ofinternational the of country. journalists. media Our serves country the needsinter- Maintaining working relations with Kabulnumbercreaserefugeesreturn toin of showedPakistanrecent newhome departuresweeks a hassignificant continuedwhile from thein- The repatriation of Afghan ofbringpeciallyder Hezb his the control. thefrom Ministry BakhterNews Pakistan. of Information, He Agency, is trying un-es- to Hikmatyar also has been very crit- tomobilizeinternationalsupport Afghanistan. for world its media reconstructionopinion could to give be usedandsupport the to Hikmatyar has been complaining totalAfghanistantoredto offall, 19,168 UNHCR individualsvia five reported. different were moni- borderDuring the week ending June 25,to a have crossed over into icalaskedinBBCthreatened of Afghanistan. foreignthe not foreign to to enterjournalists try journalists Sometime Afghansinto Afghanistan working working working ago Hezbfor andfor hisaircauseusedthat theirself- theby all one imposedviews.stateparties party. radio Ifare exileHikmatyar givenand and TV the assumes areabandonschance being his to is not true be- creasecrossingsrepatriation of 5,212 from overNWFP, the showingprevious in- According fo the UNHCR report, of Tajik refugees to BBCstoppedwheneverby Hikmatyar as givingspies. it suited to But curb him. Hikmatyar the freedom never of .The direct and indirect steps taken interviews to BBC outbetterresponsibilitiesHikmatyad under the controlwants in the to ofcapital bring Hezb, radiohe it willwill and getbe TV coverage, in the media. If 'moved tothatfromwasTajikistan the still someSakhi in 1,300from northernrefugees It Itreported said Afghanistan wereall refugees trans- the Tashqurghan camp had presstheHe intellectualcould rulesmust tomake be silence a circles source use the of in voiceof the the concern existing country.of dissi to -. oneenjoya disastergandawill person. andloose tool willbecause the to be the promote turned relativethe TV into one freedomand a party propa- radio they and otherbyShurtouzferred trucks. 1,800 districts Later,refugees onthrough were July repatriated.4 Uzbekistan and 7, an- on June 28 to Kabodian/ AFGHANews Vol 9, No 13, August , 1993, page UN convoys transparting urgent.; of the Internet Computer Network? It IDear was editor, wondering if you have heard phoriationthe general over the mood seems to be frustra- from last April/May The eu- has 'Kul fornouncedofly the :;neededApril, first in thetimeIslamabad. United since the Nations end an- relief supplies reached cansendwell.Unitedlinks read eachUsing states messages other that and electronic networkin that other have countriespeople beenmail, post- canand as many computers around the withpeoplechangedtion continued of see intolaw only anddisappointment fighting ordera very in and bleakthe deteriora- ruraland future mostareas. For my own part, I have been tak- 20,000tonnesconvoys litersof ofwheat of27 fuel trucksand for wheat UNcarried program'sflour, 373 10 During the first half of June two of medical supplies and ed arereadThere toon Afghan using is one computers affairs. such bulletin I assume at American board that devot-it uni-is mostly by Afghan studentselectronic who "bulletin boards ". inggoodcontexttiondigest in a also lotto it itmeetalthough andis would one will you of certainlyneed myto frustration. hearimmediate some your have time Inviews. reac-been tothat decidedannouncementto aid disP*Opersons to provide said. $ 11.42in Kabul, mill The Government ' of Japan has lb** the postversities. a news Occasionally story about Afghanistan. someone will If you think it is a good idea, I timebackI'll write please in Addis you write. a Ababa.longer letterIf you once have I theam Programrefugeesworth of food(WI-1'). assistance An agreement for Afghan: through World Food: liketime.AFGHANewswould that Please and let what articleme knowstatement if you (if would any) be happy to from type time in about anto questionAfghanistan.myseems plans to ofto be comefindingHowever, some backpossibilities: a itjob andis aboveand work Mythere all for con- a For the future, I have not given up Japan and WFP. Twoeffect men was have signed been recently on June betweenex- 7 the Government of youAFGHANews. would TimurNorthampton,Best wishes MA - U.S.A.. like me include havedifficultaftertract yourinthat Ethiopia to heartI'll live make in in runsanother. one a serious to country April try. 94and Itand tois lvictedWatch!muted of murdering a commander of 5 Isla in Province,mt. after being con Maidanshar, capital of ThankThis you paper for contributed sending AFGHANews a great deal in PleaseDear editor, accept my warm greetings. andyouto are my"watandars"do trying moreheart thantoare the withto wishbest you ofyou and, luck and Insh in your whatIt is also frustrating not being able achieve. My thoughts HezbtionMaidanshar Wanda of Hezb ìsIslaini controlled of Hikmatyar by a coali- and They were killed by firing squad. peoplepartiesyearsdescribing of ofwork Jehad. Afghanistan. together I hope to help the poor the situation the Mujahideen during the Allah,everlems nextyou whatsoever are.time there to will be no prob- May God be with you and all your visit you where NationalbeenMasood appointed Guard, in Panjshjr;, the commander in 1979 of and the has GadaGada, Mohammad 50, joined Khalid Ahniad Shah has JamaluddingDearPeshawarSending editor, - Jahed Pakistan you this letter with the friends. DearPeshawarAnders editor, Fange - Pakistan. inunitsserved againstalmost of as Shona the allthe conúiiiander the -Soviet major troops operaations of different and play; ízar, He took part arcsincere in good hope health. that you and your family I have -came to Peshawar from hadsomewhere, been sending perhaps me were in Pakistan. all, held Nowup Probably the AFGHANews you regime.sincean active role in the fall of defense of Kabul the communist afterEthiopia.toldAfghan me I thathadand the plansexpatriate road to betweengo to Jalalabad taking the advice friends, who from Kabul but both beenmightthemsuddenly sending reachedhave about happened you. me ten together. daysto the backmail The Iallsame have of kilogramsturingHerat province 956 kilogramsof heroin has succeeded andof opium, 395 in kilo cap-- 117 - The anti- narcotic office of the childrenwhomhadaand "Farangi" Kabul I not was travelling to takenot safe,any alone risk,especially and I decided since for promised left in Addis Ababa with the Hanneke (my wife) I haveroleconfirmeding helped tragedyof Hikmatyar. me my of to Afghanistanunderstandmisgivings the aboutand ongo- have the Your writings in AFGHANews thegrams current hashish Afghan since year the (Marchbeginning 21). of The Intemat*Aii.Committee of. onhasizenot its tothatthe travelway tendencya feather to to Peshawar Kabul. toin becomeAfghanistan Of butcourse, neverthe-a big I real- stillhen viewAmericans.)ten. of (Remember The Bear We Trap. will Very publish well excerpts writ- I especially enjoyed the book re- I teach English to makemilneshpit41the Red artificial for Cross the victimslimbs '(''has for of theopened the victims land a- in Herat_ The hospital will N. lessoldthe I had situationfriends, to be inandcareful. Afghanistan a few new with ones, all andmy Anyway, I have been talking about of your review KaukabMayMaryland Allah Siddique keep - U.S.A. you safe. New Trend. of peopleforgovernorthe its minefields. humanitarianof ofAfghansitan. Herat, Ismail assistance Khan, tothe the thanked the ICRC J AFGHANews Vol 9, No 14, September, 1993, page TalksPartytween has called for holdinginitiated talks be- to solve Tajikthe From page issue (1) opposition parties and troopswasgents. put inThe Tajikistan.on Defense charge Minister of that country'sof Russia backAfghanistan.insurgents the name operate of Afghanistan from their bases and the in Clashes along the border brought problemoverthethroughMoscow. Dushanbe the of affairs talksTajikistanHimmatzada regime withof that couldMoscow hasrepublic. believes littlebe solved because controlthat the closekilledritory to 25 the Russian Afghan soldiersborder on in July an 13.area RussiansThe Russian launched attack artillery on Afghan andbegan ter- air after Tajik insurgents thanwithworldMujahideen withthe media. Russians, the Afghans, But thetheir aggressor,the sympathies victims. rather The lie to the attention of the Tajikistanformationforced out ofof apower neutral last government year demand in The opposition parties who were and holding general long.incesKunduz,attacks Morein on anTakhar villages thanarea 300andabout along peopleBadakhshan 200 the kilometerswere border eitherprov- in Asiatothatoutside export the and Afghanworld RussiaIslamic hasMujahideenis revolution fighting wrongly to toare stopbelieved Central trying that. Pakistan,elections.leave that was country. asked byHis Islamabad expúlsion tookto Himmatzada, who lived in Theofwerekilled harvested offensive destroyed or wounded. wheat forced and Dozens scoreswere more set of thanof moundson houses 6,000 fire. Russian-TheyDushanbe.freedomin Tajikistan fail backedto realize The have communistcrises that better in the Tajikistan credentials insurgents regime isof anin and democracy than the placewagingtheTajikRussian press one leader Jehaddelegation inday which had toafter topple given heto the thathad the interviewsvisit country.talked by about Thea to communist refugepeoplealonghad inwarnedliving thesafer Afghan close areas. to side the borderof the toborder take toThe Defense Minister of Russia civilian population triesernment.hasmostinternal nothing toof retainthe problem formerto theits influence with whichSoviet the republics hasAfghan in affectedthe gov-area and Russian government which likeernmentHimmatzadalivesregime tens in of Kabul. ofspokesman Tajikistan. thousands into Regarding Afghanistan, Himmatzada ofsaid Tajik hethe can refugeesentry a gov-nowstay óf peatedlyingIslamicleave the the Tajikstate area.denied ofinsurgents, Afghanistan by the government of support- of Moscow and Dushanbe accuse the a charge rw againstforfundamentalismplays on itsthe people Western to cover-- fear the ofuprepetition theits supportIslamic of an undemocratic government secutionwhoTajikistanButrous have in escaped thatQhali to country.exercise asked the communists Afghanistanrestraint to per- pre and - The UN Secretary General Tajikistan,willtreatyAfghanistan. be withvalid around' Dushanbeuntil Moscow 1999. 100,000 signed in May peoplea defense which of As a result of the power struggle in Afghanistan.what happened one decade ago in gettopointedvent meet their escalation withaview special the on ofconcerned theenvoy the situation. crisis. for partiesTajikistan TheHe ap-UN to andhasAfghanistan.that homelessness resulted country inThe took killingof civil 500,000 refuge ofwar 20,000 Tajikistannorthern people askedfollowers. Pakistan,EditorialTo gain publicity, HikmatyarFrom page (4)) Iran and Saudi demands.geesState.talksspecial in withHe Afghanistanenvoy will the meet officialsvisited with to Kabuldetermine ofthe the Tajik and Islamic refu-theirheld Afghanistan.taryder area activity have by not the seen Tajik any fighters sign of inside mili-WesternThe cabinet reporters of Hikmatyarvisiting the bor-which ArabianizingAfghanvisit. toThey his invite foreign trip did himthrough so. ministry forHe bypassedan his official byoffice orga- the in - - General.troops have He worried offered the his OIC services Secretary for Border violations by the Russian border.cussedmeets in theThe Charasyab, situation Minister alongoutsideof Frontier the Kabul, northern Affairs dis- ArianathoughIslamabad. aircraft He fromdrove Kabul to Peshawar, airport. his entourage flew by Afghanistan.mediationfind Parallel to the apolitical solution efforts to between to the problemTajikistan of and andtionwas reportassignedto the it area to to the tolead cabinet.assess a ranking the situation delega- The Russian aggression on the bor- thetrip:Afghanistan's country he described as "unstable"interests the situation during and pub- his in Hikmatyar did not defend Tajikistan,creasedTheup it militarynumber from Moscow presence 3,500of Russian continued to 22,000in that troops to beef and in- derDemonstrationAfghanistan_ountry of were the occupation held in some of cities their is reminding by Soviet the people Union. of thatAfghanistanwastoldlicly country! criticizedPakistan's due the president toIslamic State. that Hehe unable to invite instability him into tensalaryTajikistanin.more times tanks of more 80,000are and volunteers than airplanes rubles the monthly whoper wire month receive brought salary -- a The Russian troops brought to RussiandefendprovincesMujahideento protest attacks. the have commanders Russian made aggression.preparations of the border The to their areas against further countriesaccordanceand cooperate can with onlywith his reply: Afghanistanrequests? "Go Host and in Who can be expected to assist willvolunteerof Ministeryoung be'compensated menis of killed the working Russianin financially. action, on Federation farms. his family If afor Yeltsin sacked the Security Taweelclashesnorthment betweentroopsDaraof Dushanbe. with in insurgents Pamir the ReportersPanjshir and and Taweel govern- Valley compare Dara,The news media have reported fightingJalalabadthensort askout forandyour accords help." remove problems will threats prevent first, to more andpo- The full implementation of the alsoofTajikistanRussianmishandling 25 Russian for thefailing solders border to by prevent situation. Tajik killinginsur- He dismissed troops inthe border commander of area of claimsduringterritoryAfghanistan. of Moscow Fighting and Dushanbe deep inside that the the of Tajikistan disproves Soviet occupation the of same.andtedlitical to expects implementstability..Jami'at other the parties accords is tocommit- do fully, the AFGHANews Vol 9, No 15, October, 1993, page Q officialSaudiHikmatyar's Arabia, the purpose of whichPrime Minister Hikmatyar foreign paid an visit tour to Pakistan, Iran and roadstional are use. created mainly by armed men The security problems along the wasKhaliligation, designed inwho addition to also appease belongs to Finance Teheran. to Wandat, Minster Íran theseofwas wascostlyAfghanistan. countries described Hefor to claimsthe seek reconstruction thethat support hispropaganda visit of successful ploy in its toHikmatyarbelonging gain political has been concessions blocking thefrom roads the to Hikmatyar's party. andofhas the beenhas Shia chosen vocal community Wandat,in defending ina partyAfghanistan the created rights objectives. achieving thisIslamic policy State, yet. and has not abandoned picesfrom of eight Teheran, Shia asfactions the sole under represen- the aus- realityciesprime and aimin minister themustering of internalthe visitwho support waspowerhas gettingbeen forstruggle. responsi-his public- poli- A It is believed, however, that the SuchproducehydroPakistanis ambitious-power energy the plant possibility programsfor in le anar, of can buildingwhich only will be a Hikmatyar also discussed with the. both countries. andWandatproveditarytative rulers ofand relationsShiasof Hezb the in Islamic hasAfghanistan. between resulted Republic Hikmatyar in The im-4 ofmil- alliance of necessity between cannotblethemunistself forcapital unableargue theregime, destructionconvincinglyasince to enterand the still intofallof majorreckonsfor ofthe the capital,parts for-corn him- of - ofsesdiscussed General have been when Ziá stabilized. thes death current anniversary political cri- in He also took part in the ceremony ofAfghanistanbeen Iran.interference a vocal and in longAfghanistan. accused Teheran Until tecently, Hikmatyar hascritic of Iran's role iii eigncountry.countries"government" aid Moreover, towould the reconstruction beappears theunderstandably life limited. -span of ofForeign hishisre- countryimpressionhisIslamabad. visit in thewere ofnear peacenot future. helpful and He stability in was giving quot- in the Hikmatyar's statements throughout betweenmaticingof Afghan of fields, Afghans the refugees andtwo in economiccountries. medicalfrom Iran, cooperation Hikmatyarand the diplo- train- The two sides discussed the return luctantbyMinistryin Islamabad his toparty ofinvest Afghanistan. arrangedrather heavily than the in Hezb's thetrip,its future. Foreign bypass- office Hikmatyar's visit was organized electionsthated Afghanistanas he saying was would tounable duePresident be to held instabilityto inviteinWasim November, himthere. Sajjad to He assured journalists that general promisedtryhelpploration.asked Afghans for toIran's But give reconstruction thehelp a creditpromise in gas of andtheir 50of millionIranoil coun- ex- to is not new. Last year, Teheran ingcountriesRabbani even aboutin the Kabul. embassies his visit. When of the journal- host He also failed to consult President commanderswhybut failed the elections to give a convincingfor the council answer of - mandated by the commoditiesdollars for the but purchase it was never of honored.essential Iran seeks more than a fair share Mawlawiistssultedhad questioned the president,Mohammadi him hewhether repliedto discuss he that con- the he met with Prof. Sayyaf and dayspecialheldJalalabad visit.on Iraniantime Heagreement (ifleft airlines ever). behind - plane officials for a offour the - Hikmatyar flew to Teheran by a could not be theprovidingfor Wandat substantial in the government aid. before Sayyedambassador Mohammad Khair Khwah, of Afghanistan in provisionalmosthis entourage of his constitution politics, left Kabul was of thestrange. by country! an Ariana While Hikmatyar's trip to Pakistan, like Culture,theministerforeign ministryhimself)on the pretext and(except the that press the there foreignteam were of Ministry of Information and twoof ofwereTeheran,Hikmatyar's countries. the not talks toldnew, earlier talksreporters but withonly held that the between the Iranians contents the continuation plane,sidePakistan, Kabul he left in ahis convoy Charasyab of vehicles. base out- During he his held tree -day discussions visit with to menhisno seatsson working -in for -law them in and on Islamabad. dozensthe plane. of hisA pressparty But he took along two of his sons, lateKhomayni's Iranian leader. tomb to pay homage to the HeHikmatyar then paid a visit to Ayatullah flew to Jeddah from PakistaniQurishi,caredifferencesSajjad -taker and care leaders betweenother -taker Pakistanienquired thePresident Islamabad about Wasim andthe Prime Minister officials. Moeen onArabia.himteam Pakistani in of Somethe Hezb visitspassports. of was his alsofollowers accompanied travelled to Iran and Saudi withMinisterwasTeheran received King onSultan. Fandthe at lastthe Heand airportleg held other of discussionshisby officials. Defensetour. He MinistryJalalabadit of Pakistan,agreements. showing thewas deep a briefingThe most important part of his vis- in the Transport eignRepublic.HabibiPresident affairs, and TheRafsanjani, other finance Afghan officials and ministers Vice of refugees the President Islamic of for- ac- In Teheran, Hikmatyar met with expressedfromleaders,theThere details reliable is but no of AFGHANnewspublic hissources talks information thatwith Kinghas the learned Saudi aboutFehd his displeasure with interestcureCentralof the passage roads, Asia.of the lack throughPakistanis of security Afghanistan in having is a major se- to In addition to the poor condition companiedlinkedHezb Wandat Hikratyar party on which this visit. is closely Ayatullah Fazil, a to Iran, also leaderaccompanied of the HikmatyarAfghanistan.lishmentHikmatyar's of and the policiesClose Teheran Islamic relations since mightgovernment the betweenalso estab- be in a transportroadscuritythese roads needsituation problem majorare fitmust in repairsfor Afghanistan. improve heavy and interna- thebefore These- IslamiclianceforgedHikmatyar State a close of in Afghanistan. political and military al-The inclusion of Fazil in the dele-with Hikmatyar his tour. Wandat has against the visitgovernmentSaudisource but Arabia. ofthis concern torequest invite washimfor turnedthefor anrulers down.official of Hikmatyar also asked the Turkish AFGHANews Vol 9, No 16, November, 1993, page by Afghanistan'sAnthony Arnold Role' in the Fall of the Soviet EmpireBook Review Soviet forces were engaged since the pp219SanPublishedPrice1340,The Marin USA$ 30 Drive,by PresidioFateful Novato, Press, CA 94945- 505 B Pebble: believedandsubjectend massacres,of Worldof in rumors the WarUSSR,for ofthe Two, deaths, mostthough became part casualties often widely theex- Afghanistan.writtenofficer andtwo previousSoviet In this specialist booksdetailed on whostudy modern has of Anthony Arnold is a retired CIA singlescribedcontingent"manceaggerated. factor ofwas theThe clearlyascausing Soviet far from the the"limited gloriousmost steady important military declineperfor- it was officially de- cannotpayaThe neighbor, the rolemeet debt his "Iofof am obligations."a poorman collecting to "Brother," said Nasruddin to man who collapsecasefromthebreak Soviet that1978, -up itof experience served Arnoldtheinto Soviet as makes a in catalystUnion Afghanistan a plausible andfor theits fifteen republics. The Pravdaandthroughtic pride public journalist the in 1980s in the 1990, reminded armedin public the forces.Soviet theconfidence domes- soldierAs a isother this andperson gave ?" him a coins "Who "Very laudable," said the wasersfailure that notone in workingthe clear Afghanistan, Soviet proof well. communist among argues many Arnold,system oth- beforethety,fended, dignitymilitarypopulation, the was war and manthe began, courage.very waswas theepitomethe"in country'boy'sOnlythe eyesof idol."recently nobili- 's of de- thehurried door away. again.. A"Me," few saidweeks Nasruddin, later he was as he at CinstitutionssetRussian 'rnmunist the scene. and PartySoviet The apparat,morale history of theand three military society key Incisive introductory chapters on of the USSR the militaryheavythe war's in equipmenteconomictotal through costs and steady lives,for the lossestogether USSR, of"This book deals only briefly with cynicalabout a neighbor. debt," "I am."suppose you are calling said the now - damagedestablishmenttheAfghan decade bypeople theandfrom failure' into the militarysubmission to batter invasion the over I': GB - was badly governmentwithAfghanfrom expenditure Soviet people, and Central onbringing of backing course, Asia. in the whichsuppli( It Kabuwas paid the - debt, add you want a contribution ?" "That is so." suppose someone can't pay a ' thenesseswarin December KGB, did affecting not it didin 1979. itselfreveal the While CP,create starkly the the thearmy their Afghan weak- andde- Afghanistan.riblemillionSovietinfinitely -backeddead, higher Arnold mostly regime, costs ends civilians, in with hisresisting book,with over and ter-onethe destruction throughout money ?" "Not"I suppose this time." it is you who owe the yearsMoscow's"astheseficiencies. the 1978three chief -91." Arnoldinstitutions'rule instrument on shows Kabul served for how during imposing eachin turn, the of allyalongtoa plea recognize in with forthe the politicalwhat theseinternational flowed stainsterrible from and community sacrifices, itfinal eventu- col- this contribution." Nasruddin"Well, I am pocketed glad to the hear money. it. Take reducednucleardramatic disaster,public incidents confidence gradually like the altered inChemobyl these and in- Their failure, combined with other helpingGorbachev,lapse reconstruction by giving aidfor generouslyAfghanistan. in Anthony Hyman of the Soviet Union under promptsin this yourparticular humanitarian case ?" sentiments "Ah,"Just you one see thins, ... Nasruddin. What I am th creditor!" Revelationspowerful,stitutions.secret invincible about the party, army and police The was image badly long warof an dented. all - in r Courtesy: ARIN mesticpapers,lytheAfghanistan, came more media. notfrom damaging the WesternarguesArnold heavily because Arnold,elaborates radio -controlled theyand were newsausual- deep do- all - Sovietthebelieveirony, Afghan thatpublic in itsthe war, ownbecame KGB while disinformation eventually much the Russian more came aboutscep- and to light)...... uaiiti ..:::...... of ïlifaith hav ...... :.. pn to vh+anl Allah Afghanistanofdia.objectivitytical Amongat long of last thewere reporting aboutinsidious drug the inaddiction, accuracytheside state -effects cor-me-and the Soviet involvement in anythingantlhe lovesHis Apostle else; him whlonly forI Ines Allah'scornes a person sakedarer and and than eignSovietinruption the warparty war and in inand general which Afghanistan, regime. losslarge of numbee,the confidence first for- of The undeclared and under -reported ?who hates to revert to as he hates to be thrown atheism