Book Review AFGHANews Vol 9, No4r 1,January 1, 1993, page AfghanistanCompiledPriceClio Press, £43.95 by Oxford, pp281Schuyler England1992 Jones interpretedlications,Unfortunately,articlesing considerable ain policywithEnglish though, dueattention which licence, this theby to bias authorbooks alsoAfghans. has giv- hasand re ditionSeriesoThis publishedto new the referenceWorld by BibliographicalClio book Press. grailis an The ad-Russiancontributionsstilted in and omissions other from languages. French,of many German,valuableThus the ....._ ............. ..,.,.. bookpletespiredpassion benefits suchthe for heavy Afghanistan,a greatlyproject. work from required Containingwhich the author'sto has com- in- aCentlivresEuropeancontributionsrisk andscholars, ofMichelinesomesuch Centlivres-outstandingunderas Pierre-rated ...Ilï.w.4a$043,K-:11$NàwttlepotGëïk;, amanypointingthemes,wealth gat varietybooks itof to will furtherinformationand of be topics.other mainly research publications These valuableon through areAfghan not foronnationalremediedhere.Demont,This This bibliographies. isin apparent nota special appearingsimply defect, section a bland though, on or inter- dry is broug entirelyputedtake1,000 in Pushtun itemsalso, restricted asincluded, itborderlands. should, to Afghanistan, the Pakistan's descriptions With over dis-butcompendium,travelJonesKingin its comments, acidly,(ofbook1966), interesting butis, as can"an onwhich, atundistinguished a times bookmainly comments beby sharpforPeter a4ite*way tdentT the tycaris of noon the information which killers, the who 'victims about took dueaSchuylerare certain naturally toAs difficulties toJonesimbalance concise.the himself selectionin obtainingin franklycertainof materi-admitsitems, areas,journeyAryans'chapterfact.' onto 'Nuristan,Nuristanwhich a wholly theis presentedhome fictional of the as girl,werea truck Tendied travelling. Afghans,inwhen Islamabad their including car on rammed December a young into Aseriesals fromZain signatoryis towardslibraries. Noorani, English The statedá formerlanguage bias of of for-pub- theGenevafatalCourtesy:Anthony mistake. Hyman ARINThe deal createddies serious(NWFP)ce.scd25.According we, to e offer coming to their police from Friday allNawshera theprayers de- theeigndiedsigned communist minister onthe GenevaDecember of regime Pakistan Accord in 18Kabul, whowithin doubts UNMujahideen'smistakestance special aboutin committedthe the mind fear envoysUN aboutof peace by the thedeepened UNAfghan mission. subsequent peace resis- The ef-the atAfghandecided theThe Faisal to refugeesGovernment cancel Mosque, armsstarting of licences Pakistan December of hasthe the,facilitatingKarachi. SovietGovernmentHe signed troopsHe the wasthe phased within of accord 65 Pakistan years onewithdrawal on year. behalfinold. 1988 ofterforts.failure signingThe This of Mujahideen Sevan's of was the theGeneva mission root also accords. causestartedtwo years of to the re-af- governmentasked31.Afghan; to hand of refugeesPakistan.over their havearms tobeen the Corodvez,SpecialtheThethen Envoy GenevaignoredUN on Accords, Afghanistan,Secretary-the mediatedMujahideen. General's Diego bysuccessnationalonlyalize dothat andthose interest.the the friendlythings collapse Thewhich countries of Mujahideen's theserved commu- would their liveofcarrying the Itin isMujahideenPeshawar,,oris notarms clear applies wither parties' justto thethe for who leaders banthe still or-on Whileformersigned the theSoviet Kabul agreement, Union regime acted the and USas Pakistan guaran- and theconcern.nistforts regimeAs to thecreate UNin Kabul a accelerated neutral was government not its their peace main ef- in merdinaryThe rulerrefugees. motherof0i andAfghanistan, sister of the for-Dr. diplomacy.majorwithlors ofZain a thebandagedachievement Nooraniaccord. hand, signed forand the calledPakistan's accords it atweengimewarKabul, efforts bythe the military UN Mujahideen to peaceget meals.rid efforts, of increased the The supportKabul race their be- re-by (Swat)NajibullahBegtunwith Khan nowadays.The,Nasim arc Abdul on Walt a Wall visit'' Khan, family Khan to Madmn ANP's andmet mentKabulalAccords reconciliationThe would regime UNwould believedstop thought bring in foreign Afghanistan. peace that that theaid andthe Geneva nation-agree-to Thetheovertookandtheall supportersMujahideenneck.The Mujahideenimarch Benon of Sevan'swarthe Mujahideen,efforts "peace ran train"neck and --ctionmayassemblyparliamentary settle of Wali inin PeshawarPeshawar leader Khan.O0 in recently.underthe provincial the They pro troopsofagreementMujahideen. isolation would would and Itencourage thealso bring absence hoped the many regime ofthat Sovietcoun- outtheonlyLeaguesucceeded.KabulNoorani in regime andthe had Listwas fell, served aweek andmember thehis of Mujahideen countryApril. of Muslim Theas a suescommentary,RussianRadio between Federation Moscow that rtghanistan there that has couldwere said, and nonotin the is-bea thepressedagainsttries Mujahideen, Theto dealthetheir Mujahideen Genevawith anger Kabul. the openly. agreement UNfelt committed By ignoring stronglyand ex- aPakistan.PakistanHemember had emigratedof duringparliament fromthe and Indiacreation a journalist. to theof warsolvedAfghanThereparations, through leaders, radio negotiations.said could raisedthat be thenegotiated.by issuesome of Hikmatyarembracesmilitia'AFGHANews Vol 9,No UN1,Januarysaysstability 1, 1993,Kabul page 'communistand dra-sented Dostum in Bagramitalks. gains on hu- Hikmatyaronmatic DecemberKabulpolitical- witnessedformed 20,military an when a alliancestrangedevelopmentGulbuddin with thewiththe allegationsDostum's ButHezb, there and menispublicly.Hezb plenty have hasof deniednot evidence reacted a deal totoKabulErmacora,manThe Torights has fileUN improvedhas inhisspecial Afghanistan,said latestthat rapporteursince report the last situationheDr. summer. visited Felixin forcesIslamiccloselowedHezb to ofthem government. Balahisar.General forces to establishDostumtookDostum a up post against positionsforceson a hill- theal-andproveandKarte reported.Dostum it. Nau,Associated once thefollowers sight a Press no-man'sof in armedminglingKabul -land Hezb saw be-inRegardingAfghanistanPakistanrelied on and thereports somesituationother byunknown injournaliststhan Kabul parts Kabul.he andhas of topdefensesGovernment overlooking in the forces city,the strengthenedcenterandshowdown all of signs the indi-city.their wastweensomeDostumMembers ofthe people of twotheir Guardhostileadmittedpositionsunits forces.in Balaevacuatingto HisarSomeHezb. -Afghantalkingsourceoffice inof groupsto Kabulinformationrefugeesinwhich Pakistan. mayand . has be His dissidentbeenthemain UNit imminent.catedsources,According that a tripartitea militaryandtodeal DefenseHezb between Wandat Ministry Hezbhadsupplies,and-had close addedcut Dostum them since Hezb offalliesthehadin Defense the--given confirmed wake them Ministry offoodtheirthisdisinformationvolvedrightsHis in in summer Afghanistan spreading recently. reportantiwasabout government extremely human Islami,beentivesHikmatyarBagrami còncludedofDostum TextileDostum had metFactory,theandwithnight southeast Wandatrepresenta-before.ofinbringingDec.of the An8 city. mutiny. Afghansupplies Hezb reportertoDostumtrucksof unitswere the BBCsouthseennegative.tionfileparties hisin Kabul opposedreport, His echoeddescription heto hadthethe government.visited accusationsof the Pakistan, situa- Toof the city. - saw similar thingsbut refusedHezb to report hadErmacoraaswell hasas .notMazarvisited and KabulJalalabad. since forcesmultaneously:tackAccording government of the three Nezb topositionsfactionsIslamitheir infromwereagreement, Kabul east to at-si- ofthemer'sBBCthreatened family onfor espionage security tois intryPeshawar PeshawarAfghans reasons.charges. andworkingandThe he report-Kabul trav- forernmenttherefused establishmentIt is tolastunclear come April. whytoofKabul theDr. Islamic,Ermacora to hold gov- talks has andthefromised city, atto the thesupply Dostum west. airport, armsHezbforcesandandIslamiKabul fromammunitionHezb had forcesthe Wandat prom-south are toelshadthroughlet- riddledsomebetween Hezb years body allegedlyterritory. agohiswitnessed formerThiskilled reporter theboss bul-byinwithhisthesituation. situation reportsgovernment about byhimselfauthoritiesthe human before and right:; filing see generallyHezbpreventreinforcement.The Wandat, the purposeisolated,convening whose offromthis ofresupply dealthe wasHal and -o-toPeshawar,nessesHikmatyar'sstationedHezbThe and to people daily southforces hit men. .artilleryof ofKabulofthe General duels cityhad beensince Dostumbetween wit- theEditorial Aqdeastbut WandatHezbCouncil.during launched theandHezb nightDostum attack anofattack December forceswas fromrepulsed did 21,thenotMujahideenthetaken Bagrami place between victory. meetingtheNothat two-- fighting some thesides most sort since has' ofemment.AfghanReconstruction lifeFrom Success is a majorpagein ofthis task all(4) field ofaspects thewill goy- re-of joinbyDefense. in.theForces Theforces of Prof. of the SayyafsMinistryfrom Ittihadreach- ofdealstraightforwardmer 'archWarmhas takenenemies. relations placeproofbetweenwhen theDostumthe rela-for- . quiredestructionPolitical security of groupsand their precise country must planning. stopby wagingfurtherhas bitteringIslamitimes Hezb enemies, inprevented KabulWandat. having suppliessince The twotheclashed fallparties ofmanyaretheandMinistrytionsforce Hikmatyar between by DostumgrewDefense Dostum begantense,
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