Istanbul Policy Center


Istanbul Policy Center 2018-19 ACTIVITY REPORT Istanbul Policy Center Karakoy Headquarters Sabanci University Office Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han Orhanli Tuzla 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul 34956 / Istanbul - TURKEY +90 212 292 49 39 +90 216 483 91 16 +90 212 292 49 57 +90 216 483 91 14 @ [email protected] Istanbul Policy Center

2018-19 ACTIVITY REPORT Prepared by ISTANBUL POLICY CENTER This report was prepared by Cana Tülüş Türk, edited by Megan Gisclon, assisted by Ecem Vuruşkaner and Mirkan Rodi Mutlu.

Design Myra Coordination Engin Doğan Publication Design Alper San Page Layout Serhan Baykara

Printed by İmak Ofset Basım Yayın San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Akçaburgaz Mah. 137. Sok. No: 12 Esenyurt / Istanbul - Turkey Tel: 444 62 18

Istanbul, MARCH 2020 CONTENTS










Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) is a global policy research institution that specializes in key social and political issues ranging from democratization to climate change, transatlantic relations to conflict resolution and mediation. IPC organizes and conducts its research under six main clusters:

• The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative

• Climate Change

• Democratization and Institutional Reform

• SHURA Energy Transition Center

• Urbanization and Local Governance

• Conflict Resolution and Mediation

Since 2001, IPC has provided decision makers, opinion leaders, and other major stakeholders with objective analyses and innovative policy recommendations.


Istanbul Policy Center was established Center–Sabancı University–Stiftung at Sabancı University in November 2001 Mercator Initiative was launched. with the intent to conduct research in Since then, the Initiative has multiple policy areas. Since then, IPC produced a wide array of research and has strived to create a bridge between outreach activities in EU/German- NGOs and academia in both Turkey Turkish relations and climate change. and the world without losing its focus Through this collaboration, both on applied academic research and institutions seek to strengthen the public policy. Between 2001 and 2010, academic, political, and social ties IPC accomplished noteworthy projects between Turkey and , as well in the areas of education reform, as between Turkey and Europe. good governance, conflict resolution, Turkey-EU relations, and globalization. Since the beginning of the Initiative, Furthermore, the “Turkey-U.S. 51 visiting researchers and 14 senior Relations” program was introduced as fellows have worked at IPC and one of the Center’s principal research Sabancı University. From 2012 to programs during this period. In its early 2018, the Initiative, democratization years, IPC’s Education Reform Initiative and institutional reform, and conflict also became one of its significant resolution and mediation were IPC’s projects and increased the Center’s three core research clusters. public visibility. Within the last two years, IPC has expanded its research into six As climate studies have been one of IPC’s most visible clusters. On May 9, 2018, the SHURA research areas for the last six years, Climate Change was Energy Transition Center was added as a main research cluster. Urbanization and Local officially launched to contribute to the Governance was added as another research area. debate on energy transformation in Turkey. As climate studies have been one of IPC’s most visible research In August 2010, Fuat Keyman, Professor areas for the last six years, Climate of International Relations at Sabancı Change was added as a main research University, took over as the Director cluster. Urbanization and Local of IPC. Under Professor Keyman’s Governance was added as another leadership, IPC has generated research area. IPC’s studies in this outstanding programs, publications, field focus on economic, social, and and events. Following the transition, democratic change, development, Democratization and Institutional and globalization in important urban Reform as well as Conflict Resolution centers in Anatolia. and Mediation were added to IPC’s key research areas. In 2011, IPC partnered IPC supports the Sabancı University with Stiftung Mercator to establish Faculty of Arts and Social Science’s one of the most comprehensive academic and student projects, cooperations between a Turkish including SU Gender, Cultural Studies, research institution and a German and “Özgür Proje,” with financial, foundation. In 2012, the Istanbul Policy technical, and intellectual assistance.


to conflict resolution. In the last two years, members of the IPC family have worked hard to produce high-quality, evidence- based research to address key questions in these policy fields. With their success, IPC has become a platform for discussion and debate for academics, experts, NGOs, and students, producing quality and independent research to inform society and decision makers with robust policy recommendations. We offer a forum for our community to come together to analyze problems and exchange ideas supported by academic research.

With a team of 40 people, six research clusters, and 13 research programs, we have organized more than 300 events in Turkey and abroad in various formats such as panels, conferences, Our globalizing world is presently in talks, workshops, and book launches. In a state of what Zbigniew Brzezinski addition, we have published nearly 200 has referred to as “global turmoil.” reports, policy briefs, and op-eds that have From economic crises to security been circulated among key stakeholders challenges, from climate change to across the globe. At the beginning of 2019, increasing inequality and poverty, thanks to our expanding research fields, and from violence to terror, to name we added Climate Change, Urbanization a few, globalization is confronted by and Local Governance, and SHURA Energy not one but multiple crises, occurring Transition Center to our existing research simultaneously and with devastating clusters, the Mercator-IPC Initiative, and severe consequences. Risk, Democratization and Institutional Reform, uncertainty, and insecurity are the and Conflict Resolution and Mediation. terms that we use to describe the present crisis—that is, the multiple This year, we are celebrating the eighth crises of globalization—accelerating year of the IPC-Sabancı University- this global turmoil, which is gaining Stiftung Mercator Initiative. I believe that an enduring quality as it shapes global, the consolidated and strong bond that regional, national, and local affairs and the Initiative has built between Germany developments. and Turkey will continue. In the course of these eight years, we have hosted 51 Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) plays a Fellows and 14 Senior Fellows at IPC, unique role in addressing these multiple cooperated with over 30 national and crises of globalization. The complex international institutions, organized more issues that we tackle range from climate than 250 events, and published around change to polarization, from migration 100 publications. We have also continued

6 to organize annual alumni retreats in area, which concerns enhancing Istanbul to bring together the fellows democratization and good governance to exchange ideas and build lasting in Turkey. Today, under the leadership of friendships. IPC, the Checks and Balances Network is responsible for programs that promote In the field of the EU/German-Turkish deliberative democratic processes and relations, we have emphasized the participatory citizenship with 298 CSOs European Union’s role as an anchor for all around Turkey. the democratization of Turkey’s political transformation. Our focus in the past two Our work on urbanization and local years has mainly been on Customs Union governance covers the economic, social, modernization, migration, and security- and environmental transformation related issues in the context of their that Turkey’s cities have undergone implications for EU/German-Turkish throughout the process of globalization. relations. In the past two years, we have initiated a panel series on Istanbul, one of the largest In the field of Climate Change, we have metropolises not only in Turkey but also become the nexus between the policy in the world, under the title of “Istanbul field and academic research in Turkey by Perspectives,” which examines the supporting and organizing activities that cultural changes that the city has been are geared toward strengthening capacity, going through as a result of urbanization. building networks and policy, and raising Since October 2018, we have been public awareness. IPC/Sabancı University conducting interviews with researchers has been officially represented in the last who investigate the transformation of six COPs, in Warsaw, Lima, Paris, , Istanbul’s urban space. Katowice, and Madrid, and has been Our Conflict Resolution and Mediation recognized as a major communicator in Stream focuses on migration and COP meetings by Turkish academia and refugees, the role of women in conflict the media. We have initiated monthly resolution and mediation, the Kurdish events such as Nature and Climate and question, peace and reconciliation, Climate Café Talks; and we have initiated and dialogue and conflict resolution in the Right to A Future Program to ensure Turkey’s democratization. a rights-based discussion on climate action, support works toward this end, With its groundbreaking and independent and strengthen the discourse of human research and expertise in the fields of rights and the rights of nature for climate public policy and social sciences, IPC is action. Energy politics, as an integral one of the most influential, respected, part of climate policies, has also been and fastest-growing think tanks in integrated into our climate policy agenda, Turkey. Our strength comes from our including low-carbon development, five trademark characteristics: academic Turkey’s regional role in energy politics, rigor, creativity, relevance, teamwork, and Turkey’s coal policies. In cooperation and a friendly office environment. I with the European Climate Foundation would like to thank everyone in the IPC (ECF) and Agora Energiewende, we team for their hard work in sustaining launched SHURA Energy Transition this quality and success. The 2018-19 Center on May 9, 2018 to support the Activity Report is a selection of some of debate on Turkey’s transition to a low- the most important projects, events, and carbon energy system. publications of the last two years.

Democratization and Institutional Prof. Dr. Fuat Keyman Reform constitutes IPC’s fourth research Director, Istanbul Policy Center

7 IPC IN NUMBERS (2012-2019)

40 researchers and administrative personnel

research clusters 6 In the last two years, members of the IPC family have worked hard to produce high-quality, evidence-based research to address key questions in these policy fields. 13 effective and up-to-date research programs

303 workshops, conferences, and panels

8 With their success, IPC has become a platform for discussion and debate for academics, experts, NGOs, and publications students, producing quality 185 and independent research to inform society and decision- makers with robust policy recommendations. We offer a forum for our community to come together to analyze Support for more than joint problems and exchange 20 ideas supported by academic research projects with Sabancı University research. professors

78 Sabancı University student interns and project assistants


IPC works closely with Innovative research and successful play a vital role in improving political, a diverse community public policy programs thrive on economic, and academic cooperation between Turkey, Europe, the United of policymakers, strong partnerships built over time, across sectors and borders. Committed States, and other strategic actors. journalists, scholars, entirely to this principle, IPC works IPC works closely with a diverse and civil society with a broad network of think tanks community of policymakers, activists. The Center from Turkey, Europe, the United States, journalists, scholars, and civil society and different regions from around also cooperates with activists. The Center also cooperates the world. IPC’s collaboration with universities, think with universities, think tanks, these institutions contributes to its tanks, foundations, foundations, as well as central and local multi-vectored, diverse, objective, government agencies. as well as central and and expansive policy research and local government analysis. These strong ties with leading IPC has cooperated with the following agencies. global public policy institutions also institutions:

Abdullah Gül University Youth Factory (AGU Youth Center for European Security Studies (CESS) Factory) Centre for Turkey and European Union Studies Academic-Activist Co-Produced Knowledge for (CEFTUS) Environmental Justice (ACKnowl-EJ) Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Açık Radyo Affairs

Agence Française de Développement (AGD) Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe

Agora Energiewende Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Asociacion Nuestra Europa Economic Development Foundation (IKV) The Aspen Institute The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Atlantic Council of the United States Turkey (TEPAV)

Bilkent University Ege University

Blickwechsel: Contemporary Turkey Studies Elcano Royal Institute

BMWi - Renewable Energy Working Group Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Europe Boğaziçi University (BOUN) (Spain)

Brookings Institution European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Bruegel European Climate Foundation (ECF) Business Council for Sustainable Development Turkey (BCSD Turkey) European Commission (EC)

Center for American Progress (CAP) European Parliament (EP)

Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) The Foreign Policy Centre (FPC)

10 Foundation for European Progressive Studies Nilüfer Innovation Center (NLL) (FEPS) Nilüfer Youth Assembly Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage (CEKUL) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Freie Universität Berlin Öğretmen Ağı - ERG

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Turkey Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) (PIK)

German-Turkish Chamber of Industry and Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Commerce (AHK) Humanitarian Law (RWI)

Global and Local Thought Institution (KUYEREL) Renewables Academy (RENAC)

Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Environment Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Green Europe Foundation (GEF) of Canada (SSHRC)

Green Thought Association Stiftung Mercator

Greenpeace Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

Hacettepe University Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) Heinrich Böll Stiftung Syrian Economic Forum (SEF) Hrant Dink Foundation TOBB University of Economics and Technology Human Development Foundation (INGEV) Department of Political Science and International Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) Relations

Ifo Institute at the University of Munich The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Habitats (TEMA)

The International Council on Clean Transportation Türk Girişim ve İş Dünyası Konfederasyonu (ICCT) (TURKONFED)

International Energy Agency (IEA) Türk Sanayicileri ve İş İnsanları Derneği (TUSİAD)

Istanbul Bilgi University UK British Consulate

Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)

Kadir Has University Université de Genéve (UNIGE)

Lokomotif Cooperation University of Cologne (UoC)

Marmara University Research Center for University of Glasgow International Relations (MURCIR) University of Oxford Middle East Technical University (METU) World Bank Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) National Democratic Institute (NDI) YERELİZ Association (NAT GEO) Yıldız Technical University (YTU) The Netherlands Consulate in Turkey Youth Organizations Forum (Go-For) Newcastle University


The Istanbul Policy Center–Sabancı University–Stiftung Mercator Initiative aims to strengthen the academic, political, and social ties between Turkey and Germany as well as between Turkey and Europe.


The Istanbul Policy Center-Sabancı The Initiative focuses on two areas of University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative cooperation that are essential for the aims to strengthen the academic, future of Turkey and Germany within political, and social ties between a larger European and global context. Turkey and Germany as well as Turkey These areas are: and Europe. The Initiative is based on EU/German-Turkish relations the premise that the acquisition of Climate change knowledge and the exchange of people and ideas are preconditions for meeting The Initiative was launched on the challenges of an increasingly July 5, 2011 upon the signing of the globalized world in the 21st century. “Memorandum of Understanding” by the presidents of Sabancı University and Stiftung Mercator. It officially Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program Alumni Retreat 2019, initiated its activities on January 1, Istanbul 2012.

14 In the course of eight years, the Initiative has

hosted 51 Fellows and 14 Senior Fellows at IPC, all of whom are experienced and prominent researchers, journalists, and professionals

organized close to

250 events in Turkey and abroad including panels, conferences, talks, workshops, and book launches

cooperated with over 30 national and international institutions

published around 100 publications that have been circulated among key stakeholders across the globe


The Initiative’s cornerstone is the Mercator-IPC Fellowships are granted Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program, to outstanding young academics, which allows international journalists, and professionals who have scholars and civil society activists significant prior work experience. Each predominantly, but not exclusively, year the fellowship program opens a from Germany to work on academic call for applications to select a new and practical projects at IPC. Fellows cycle of fellows. Selected fellows are work on projects within the fields of invited for interviews conducted by an EU/German-Turkish relations and international jury consisting of eminent climate change. There are two types of experts from the two thematic areas. positions available: Mercator-IPC Senior Fellowships are granted to internationally renowned scholars and highly respected representatives of civil society or politics who have already made a significant contribution to German- Turkish or European-Turkish relations. LIST OF MERCATOR-IPC FELLOWS 2019/20 EU/German-Turkish Relations Ellen Kollender Voices of Civil Society Actors on Inclusive Education in Times of Forced Migration: Case Studies in Germany and Turkey

Gökçe Uysal Refugees’ Integration into the Labor Market: What Can Turkey and Germany Learn from Each Other?

Andrea Weiss -Tbilisi-Kars Railroad: Geopolitical Imagery and Turkey’s Role in the EU’s Europe-Asia Connectivity

16 Welcoming of the 2019/20 Climate Change Joanna Krzemińska Mercator-IPC Fellows, October 21, 2019, Istanbul Sinan Erensü Refugees and Elementary School in When Locals Generate: Limits and Istanbul - Inclusion of Young Refugees Potentials of Energy Cooperatives for a through Cultural Education Democratic Energy Transition Maissam Nimer Akgün İlhan Access of Syrian Refugee Adults to Tracing Possibilities of Urban Water Language Instruction Demand Management in the Climate Change Age in Turkey: Deriving Jannes Tessmann Lessons from Istanbul and Berlin Multi-scalar Labor Governance in EU-Turkey Garment Value Chains: 2018/19 Challenges and Potentials for EU/German-Turkish Relations Workplace Integration of Refugees Yohanan Benhaim Annegret Warth Turkish Business People and the War Municipalities as Actors of Youth in Iraq: Impacts and Prospects in Trade Exchange?! An Exemplary Case and Construction Sectors Analysis of Youth Work and Local Governance Structures in Turkey

17 Climate Change Cem İskender Aydın Assessing Multi-level Governance Using Participatory Multi-criteria Evaluation Frameworks: The Case of Windfarm Conflicts in Turkey

Ender Peker Producing Actionable Knowledge to Achieve Climate Responsive Urban Development in Turkey

2017/18 EU/German-Turkish Relations Banu Karaca Turkish Cultural Foreign Policy at the Crossroads: Potentials and Challenges

Souad Osserian Syrian Healthcare and Education Professionals’ Integration in Turkey: Altering Formulations of Turkish Citizenship

Gabriele Cloeters The Gender Aspect of Syrian Migration in Turkey: Approaches of Non- Governmental Organizations Towards Syrian Female Refugees

Simon Waldman Beyond the European Union: The Future of Turkish-United Kingdom Relations

Climate Change Barış Karapınar Climate Change and Land: Leveraging the Synergies between Adaptation and Mitigation through Sustainable Land Welcoming of the 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellows, Management in Turkey October 8, 2018, Istanbul Pınar Ertör-Akyazı Carbon Pricing Options and EU Harmonization in Turkey: A Behavioral Economics Approach

18 Welcoming of the 2019/20 The Mercator-IPC Fellowship Program Mercator-IPC Fellows, LIST OF MERCATOR-IPC October 21, 2019, Istanbul team convenes annual Advisory SENIOR FELLOWS Council and Executive Board meetings Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, 2019 Mercator-IPC to assess the Initiative’s role in Turkish- Senior Fellow; Former Journalist European relations and its strategic outlook as well as take administrative Atila Eralp, 2018/19 Mercator-IPC decisions. The fellowship kicks off Senior Fellow; Senior Fellow at the with an orientation program and an Center for European Studies and official high-level welcoming event. Emeritus Professor in the Department Throughout their fellowship, fellows of International Relations at the Middle get together with the coordination East Technical University, Ankara team at regular monthly working group meetings. The program also organizes Özcan Mutlu, 2018/19 Mercator-IPC monthly brown bag lunches where Senior Fellow; Former Member of the IPC staff and the fellows present their German Parliament (2013–2017), the research. Green Party As part of the sustainability of the Michael Thumann, 2019 Mercator- fellowship network, since 2015, IPC Senior Fellow; Diplomatic Mercator-IPC Alumni have reunited Correspondent of Die Zeit, Berlin each year at an Alumni Retreat, which allows the fellows to tap into Wolfgang Wessels, 2019 Mercator-IPC the expertise of prominent scholars/ Visiting Senior Fellow; Director of the experts under an overarching theme Centre for Turkey and European Union and conduct in-depth discussions with Studies (CETEUS) at the University of the group and join hands-on training Cologne workshops.


EU/GERMAN-TURKISH Hub or Spoke? NATO’s Role in Allied Projecting Stability Efforts RELATIONS on the Southern Flank EVENTS 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Magdalena Kirchner organized a conference titled Revitalizing Turkey-EU Relations “Hub or Spoke? NATO’s Role in Allied in Regional and Global Turmoil Projecting Stability Efforts on the The Initiative, in cooperation with Southern Flank” at Stiftung Wissenschaft Blickwechsel, convened a panel und Politik (SWP), Berlin, with the discussion on “Revitalizing Turkey- support of NATO’s Public Diplomacy EU Relations in Regional and Global Division, on March 15–16, 2018. Turmoil” on January 11, 2018 at Turkey-EU Summit: The Aftermath Humboldt University, Berlin, with the participation of Director Fuat The panel “Turkey-EU Summit: The Keyman, 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Senior Aftermath,” convened by the Initiative, Fellow Atila Eralp, Senior Scholar in partnership with the Economic and Research and Academic Affairs Development Foundation, took place Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and on March 27, 2018 at The Vault, House Head of the ECFR Berlin Office Josef Hotel, Karaköy, and brought together Janning as panelists and Humboldt prominent scholars on Turkey-EU “Turkey-EU Summit: relations to discuss the aftermath of the The Aftermath,” University Faculty Member Ertuğ March 27, 2018, Istanbul Tombuş as chair. Turkey-EU summit and its immediate implications.

EU-Turkey Relations in Times of Global and Regional Turmoil The joint panel discussion “EU-Turkey Relations in Times of Global and Regional Turmoil,” convened by the Initiative, the Centre for Turkey and European Studies (CETEUS), University of Cologne, and Stiftung Mercator, took place on April 19, 2018 at the University of Cologne.

‘Community Centers’ in Turkey: Histories, Practices and Visions in a Migration Context 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Kristen Biehl’s workshop titled “‘Community Centers’ in Turkey: Histories, Practices and Visions in a Migration Context” took place on April 27–28, 2018 in the Cezayir Meeting Rooms.

20 Keyman, followed by an Inspiring Speech by Dilek Ertükel from the Checks and Balances Network. The retreat included a “Critical Thinking” workshop by Leilani van Rheenen, a “Theatre in Social Research” workshop by Pieter Verstraete, a “Non-Violent Communication” workshop by Burak Ülman, and a café talk by Tonguç Çoban on the “Turkey Barometer.”

Book Launch: Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City The book Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City, co-edited by Fuat Keyman, Nora Fisher Onar, and Susan C. Pearce, was launched at IPC “Young Scholars and Early Healthcare Access for Syrian Karaköy on June 21, 2018. Fuat Keyman, Career Academics Conference: Nora Fisher Onar, Feyzi Baban, Çağlar Migration, Social Transformation Refugees: A Gender-Sensitive Keyder, İlay Romain Örs, and Hande and Differential Inclusion in Turkey,” October 5-6, Istanbul Perspective Paker participated as speakers. The roundtable discussion “Healthcare Access for Syrian Refugees: A Gender- Young Scholars and Early Sensitive Perspective,” convened by Career Academics Conference: 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellows Souad Migration, Social Transformation Osseiran and Gabriele Cloeters, took and Differential Inclusion in place on May 4, 2018 at IPC Karaköy. Turkey Mercator-IPC Alumni Retreat 2018 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellows Gabriele Cloeters & Souad Osseiran convened The third Mercator-IPC Alumni Retreat a conference titled “Migration, Social took place on May 18-20, 2018 at Village Launch event for Transformation and Differential Park Polonezköy. The event started “Syrians in Turkey” booklet on Inclusion in Turkey” on October 5-6, October 8, 2018, Istanbul with a Welcoming Speech by Fuat 2018 at SALT Galata.

The keynote speech of the conference on “Anonymous Black and Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of Europe’s Deadly Border” was given by Prof. Nicholas De Genova from the University of Houston on October 5, 2018 at IPC Karaköy.

Syrians in Turkey The booklet “Syrians in Turkey” authored by 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellows Souad Osseiran and Gabriele Cloeters, 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellows Emre Üçkardeşler, Kristen Biehl, and Wiebke Hohberger, and 2015/16

21 Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande Paker, EU-Turkey Relations in a was launched with the moderation Turbulent World – Cooperation or of IPC Senior Scholar and Research Conflict? and Academic Affairs Coordinator The joint panel discussion “EU-Turkey Senem Aydın-Düzgit on Monday, Relations in a Turbulent World – October 8, 2018 at Salon IKSV. Cooperation or Conflict?”, convened Welcoming of the 2018/19 by the Initiative, Asociacion Nuestra Europa, and Universidad Carlos III de Mercator-IPC Fellows Madrid, took place on October 18, 2018 The Welcoming of the 2018/19 at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Mercator-IPC Fellows was held on October 8, 2018 at Salon IKSV. The Strategic Partners or Drifting event marked the seventh cycle Apart? British-Turkish Relations of the Mercator-IPC Fellowship and Brexit Program of the IPC-Sabancı The Initiative and the Foreign Policy University-Stiftung Mercator Centre organized the panel “Strategic Initiative. Partners or Drifting Apart? British- The event began with welcoming Turkish Relations and Brexit” on remarks by IPC Director Fuat November 27, 2018 at the British Keyman, followed by remarks from Parliament, London. The panel the Chairman of the Advisory Board brought together prominent scholars at Stiftung Mercator, Rüdiger Frohn. and policymakers to focus on the challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls The welcoming remarks were on the road ahead in British-Turkish followed by a movie screening that relations. introduced 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellows Atila Eralp and Özcan British-Turkish Relations after Mutlu and the 2018/19 Mercator- IPC Fellows Annegret Warth, Cem Brexit: Strategic Partners? İskender Aydın, Ender Peker, Jannes The Initiative and St Antony’s College Tessmann, Joanna Krzemińska, at the University of Oxford organized Maissam Nimer, and Yohanan the panel “British-Turkish Relations Benhaim. after Brexit: Strategic Partners?” on November 28, 2018 at the European EU-Turkey Relations in Studies Centre, Oxford University. The Times of Global and Regional panel brought together prominent scholars to focus on the challenges, Turmoil opportunities, and pitfalls on the road The roundtable discussion ahead in British-Turkish relations. “EU-Turkey Relations in Times of Global and Regional Turmoil,” Panel Discussion on “Syrians in convened by the Initiative and Turkey” & Report Launch of “The Elcano Royal Institute, took place Role of Civil Society in Fostering on October 18, 2018 at Elcano Royal Institute. Pluralism” The Initiative organized a panel IPC and Elcano Royal Institute discussion on “Syrians in Turkey” and signed an agreement to foster the report launch of “The Role of Civil cooperation between the two Society in Fostering Pluralism” on institutions. December 21, 2018 at IPC Karaköy.

22 Britain, Turkey and the EU: Mapping the Future of Differentiated Integration The Initiative, Centre for European Reform, and Economic Development Foundation (İKV) organized the conference “Britain, Turkey and the EU: Mapping the Future of Differentiated Integration” on April 4, 2019 at the Centre for European Reform in London.

Turkey, Britain and Europe in Global Turmoil: Historical Representations and Contemporary Repercussions The Initiative and the University of Cambridge organized the roundtable discussion “Turkey, Britain and “Populist Tendencies and Turkey’s Refugee Dilemma and Turkish Immigrants in Germany,” Europe in Global Turmoil: Historical April 16, 2019, Istanbul Foreign Policy Amidst Regional Representations and Contemporary Turmoil Repercussions” with the participation of Director Fuat Keyman, Senior Scholar The Initiative and the Center for and Research and Academic Affairs American Progress organized the Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and roundtable discussion “Turkey’s 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Refugee Dilemma and Foreign Policy Eralp on April 5, 2019 at the University of Amidst Regional Turmoil” with Cambridge. Director Fuat Keyman, Senior Scholar and Research and Academic Affairs Populist Tendencies and Turkish Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Center for American Progress Senior Immigrants in Germany Fellow Alan Makovsky, and Brookings The Initiative organized the panel Institution Center Nonresident titled “Populist Tendencies and Turkish Fellow Galip Dalay on January 10, Immigrants in Germany” with 2018/19 2019 at Center for American Progress, Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Özcan Washington, DC. Mutlu and Director Fuat Keyman on April 16, 2019 at Cezayir Restaurant. Turkey and the West The Initiative and the Brookings Mercator-IPC Alumni Retreat 2019 Institution organized the roundtable The fourth Mercator-IPC Alumni discussion “Turkey and the West” with Retreat took place on May 3-5, 2019 Director Fuat Keyman, Senior Scholar at Ağva Robin’s Nest Eco Resort. The and Research and Academic Affairs event began with speeches from Senior Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Scholar & Research and Academic Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp, Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın- Brookings Institution Doha Center Düzgit, Mercator-IPC Fellowship Nonresident Fellow Galip Dalay, and Program Coordinator Pelin Oğuz, and 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Fellow İlke Toygür Stiftung Mercator Head of Project on January 14, 2019 in Washington, DC. Management Office Daniel Grütjen.

23 The retreat included a fishbowl Input was given from Burcu Meltem session on “Artificial Intelligence and Arık from Education Reform Initiative, Governance” by Ofer Engel and Taha Ebru Kılıç Arguç from Selim Sırrı Yasseri, moderated by Çiğdem Bozdağ; Tarcan Primary School, and Zülal an “Audiovisuals in Science” workshop Fazlıoğlu Akın from Tulane University. by Ricardo Leizaola; a “New Methods for New Challenges: Hybrid Mapping Presentations on best practices in of Local Environmental Knowledge the field were given by İKSV Alt Kat: in the Time of the Anthropocene” Learning and Interaction Space, Small workshop by Christian Reichel; a yoga Projects Istanbul, Koç University Global session with Tuygun Oruç; a café talk Aid Volunteers, Nezahat Gökyiğit on “Media and Activism” by Haluk Mert Botanical Garden, Contemporary Drama Bal; and a coffee talk on “The Right Association, Yuva Association/Goethe to the City in the Turkish Context: Institute, and Maya Foundation. Urban Movements, Neighborhoods and the Gezi Uprising” by Cihan Baysal EU and Turkey in the Wake Uzunçarşılı. of Elections: Challenges and Primary Schools and Refugee Opportunities Inclusion: Improving Social The Initiative, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey Cohesion in Schools with Art, (TEPAV), and Economic Development Cultural & Civil Partners in the Foundation (İKV) organized the Community panel “EU and Turkey in the Wake 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Joanna of Elections: Challenges and Krzeminska’s workshop titled “Primary Opportunities” with the participation of Schools and Refugee Inclusion: Director Fuat Keyman, Senior Scholar Improving Social Cohesion in Schools and Research and Academic Affairs with Art, Cultural & Civil Partners in the Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and Community” took place on June 19, 2019 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow at İKSV Alt Kat. Atila Eralp on July 4, 2019 in Ankara.

“Primary Schools and Refugee Inclusion: Improving Social Cohesion in Schools with Art, Cultural & Civil Partners in the Community,” June 19, 2019

24 2019 at the German Embassy in Ankara with the participation of Fuat Keyman, Visiting Senior Fellow Wolfgang Wessels, and German Ambassador to Turkey Martin Erdmann.

The Welcoming of the 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellows The Welcoming of the 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellows was held on October 21, 2019 at Soho Istanbul. The event began with welcoming remarks by Fuat Keyman, followed by remarks from Michael Schwarz, Senem Aydın- Exploring the Dimensions Language Education for Adult of Refugee Inclusion: Social Düzgit, Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, Atila Eralp, Structures, Institutions and Refugees in Turkey and Michael Thumann. The welcoming Strategies Conference Maissam Nimer convened the panel remarks were followed by a movie “Language Education for Adult Refugees screening that introduced the 2019/20 in Turkey” on September 27, 2019 at IPC Mercator-IPC Fellows: Akgün İlhan, Karaköy. The event brought together Andrea Weiss, Ellen Kollender, Gökçe practitioners and scholars for a set of Uysal, and Sinan Erensü. panels and moderated conversations about the situation of language Exploring Potential at the Local education for adult refugees in Turkey. Level: Fostering Local Youth Policy in Turkey EU-Turkey Relations: State of A three-day workshop “Exploring Play and Future Perspectives Potential at the Local Level: Fostering Exploring Potential at the The Initiative organized the meeting Local Youth Policy in Turkey” was Local Level: Fostering Local Youth Policy in Turkey,” “EU-Turkey Relations: State of Play and convened by 2018/19 Mercator-IPC November 2-4, 2019, Istanbul Future Perspectives” on October 15, Fellow Annegret Warth in cooperation

25 with Youth Organizations Forum and Exploring the Dimensions with the support of the Friedrich Ebert of Refugee Inclusion: Social Foundation on November 2-4, 2019 in Structures, Institutions and Ankara. Strategies Conference This workshop is the result of a joint 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellows Maissam initiative of the AGU Youth Factory, Nimer and Jannes Tessmann convened Lokomotif Cooperation, Nilüfer an international conference on Youth Assembly, Nilüfer Innovation “Exploring the Dimensions of Refugee Center, Yereliz Association, and Youth Inclusion” on November 28-29, 2019 Organizations Forum, coordinated by at the Consulate General of the 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow Annegret Netherlands, Istanbul. Warth. The first keynote speech of the How to Write for Media conference “Shifting the Gaze: Beyond Inclusion and Social Cohesion toward Mercator-IPC Senior Fellows Aslı Refugee-Refugee Relationality” was Aydıntaşbaş and Michael Thumann given by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh convened the workshop “How to Write from University College London on for Media” for the Mercator-IPC Fellows November 28 at the Consulate-General on November 14, 2019 at Adahan of the Netherlands. The second keynote Istanbul Hotel. speech of the conference “Rethinking Power Asymmetries, Divergent ‘Inclusion’: Coloniality, Patriarchy and the Administrator’s Gaze in ‘Refugee Values and Alternative Facts: Inclusion’ Projects” was given by Prem Prospects for Building Public Kumar Rajaram from Central European Deliberation under Conditions of University on November 29, 2019 at the Violence, Confusion and Stress Consulate-General of the Netherlands. 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Cem Problems and Prospects for İskender Aydın convened the talk “Power Asymmetries, Divergent Values EU-Germany-Turkey Relations and Alternative Facts: Prospects for under New EU Leadership Building Public Deliberation under The Initiative organized the meeting Conditions of Violence, Confusion “Problems and Prospects for EU- and Stress” by Martin O’Connor from Germany-Turkey Relations under New University of Paris-Saclay on November EU Leadership” on December 3, 2019 at 19, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. the Galata Hotel by SOFITEL with the participation of Visiting Senior Fellow Turkey and the West in Global Wolfgang Wessels as the keynote Turmoil speaker, Senior Fellow Atila Eralp as The Initiative convened the panel the discussant, and Senior Scholar “Turkey and the West in Global Turmoil” and Research and Academic Affairs moderated by IPC Senior Scholar and Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit as the Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem chair. Aydın-Düzgit with the participation of Mercator-IPC Senior Fellows Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, Atila Eralp, and Michael Thumann on November 25, 2019 at IPC Karaköy.

26 The Protests in Lebanon: PESCO and Security Cooperation Perspectives on Context, between the EU and Turkey Dynamics and Future “PESCO and Security Cooperation 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Maissam between the EU and Turkey,” written Nimer organized a panel on “The by IPC Senior Scholar & Research and Protests in Lebanon: Perspectives on Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Context, Dynamics and Future” on Aydın-Düzgit and Alessandro Marrone, December 10, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. Raja was published in Global Turkey in Abillama and Mert Arslanalp from Europe in September 2018. Boğaziçi University and Freelance Journalist Bissane El Cheikh Healthcare Access for Syrian participated as speakers. Refugees in Istanbul: A Gender- Sensitive Perspective PUBLICATIONS 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellows Gabriele Revitalizing Turkey-EU Relations? Cloeters and Souad Osseiran’s report Healthcare Access for Syrian Refugees Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp’s in Istanbul: A Gender-Sensitive policy brief titled “Revitalizing Turkey- Perspective was published in January EU Relations?” was published in March 2019. 2018. Sustainable Approaches to Strengthening EU-Turkey Humanitarian Assistance in the Economic Relations: Can Services Field of Language Education for Revitalize the Customs Union? Adult Refugees in Turkey The report Strengthening EU-Turkey 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Maissam Economic Relations: Can Services Nimer and IPC Intern Tuygun Oruç’s Revitalize the Customs Union? was policy brief, “Sustainable Approaches to published in March 2018. It was Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of authored by a research team at the Language Education for Adult Refugees Centre for European Policy Studies in Turkey” was published in March 2019. (CEPS), Director Daniel Gros, Senior Research Fellow Jacques Pelkmans, Between Rapprochement and Research Fellow Mehtap Akgüç, Researcher Matthias Busse, and Rejection: Identity and Cultural Research Assistant Mattia Di Salvo. Drivers in Europe-Turkey Relations Opportunities in Higher Education Between Rapprochement and Rejection: for Syrians in Turkey Identity and Cultural Drivers in Europe- 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Wiebke Turkey Relations was published in April Hohberger’s report titled Opportunities 2019. It was authored by Senem Aydın- in Higher Education for Syrians in Düzgit, Senior Scholar and Research Turkey: The Perspective of Syrian and Academic Affairs Coordinator; University Students on the Educational Romana Königsbrun, the Director of Conditions, Needs and Possible Austrian Cultural Forum; Bahar Rumelili, Solutions for Improvement was Associate Professor and Jean Monnet published in March 2018. Chair at the Department of International Relations at Koç University; and Johanna Chovanec, Doctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna.

27 Multilateralism Matters: Toward was published in September 2019. The a Rules-Based Turkey-EU Turkish translation was published in Relationship November 2019. 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Institutional Structures and Eralp’s policy brief titled “Multilateralism Matters: Toward a Rules-Based Turkey- Refugees’ Experiences with EU Relationship” was published in May Turkish Language Education in 2019. Turkey 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Maissam Practicing Coexistence in Civil Nimer’s report Institutional Structures Society: Syrian Refugees in and Refugees’ Experiences with Turkish Turkey Language Education in Turkey was 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande published in October 2019. Paker’s report Practicing Coexistence in Civil Society: Syrian Refugees in Turkey Changing Parameters of was published in June 2019. Migration Cooperation: Beyond the EU-Turkey Deal? Urban Community Centers Director Fuat Keyman, Senior Scholar in Turkey: Understanding the and Research and Academic Affairs Diversity of Contemporary Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, and Practices 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Kristen 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Kristen Biehl’s report Changing Parameters Sarah Biehl’s report Urban Community of Migration Cooperation: Beyond the Centers in Turkey: Understanding the EU-Turkey Deal? was published in Diversity of Contemporary Practices December 2019.


Developing models for integrating refugees into IPC Fellows Emre Üçkardeşler, Kristen Biehl, and society is one of the subtopics under the EU/ Wiebke Hohberger, and 2015/16 Mercator-IPC German-Turkish relations cluster of the Mercator- Fellow Hande Paker and published in October IPC Fellowship Program. To this end, the “Syrians 2018. in Turkey” booklet presents a snapshot of the current situation of Syrians in Turkey and the policy responses that have been implemented since the start of their arrival. The contributing Mercator-IPC Fellows bring the issue into focus through six policy areas: healthcare, education, labor, gender- based aspects, civil society, and social cohesion.

The booklet was authored by 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellows Souad Osseiran and Gabriele Cloeters, 2016/17 Mercator-

28 PROJECTS FUNDED BY THE In 2017 the GTE V project was launched and extended until the end of 2019. INITIATIVE GTE V aims to mobilize European Global Turkey in Europe and Turkish actors from politics, academia, businesses, and civil Since 2012, IPC has partnered with society to explore ways to transform the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) the currently strained debates in key under the Global Turkey in Europe areas of Turkey-EU relations, such as (GTE) project to strengthen Turkey-EU the future of Turkey’s EU accession relations through the development negotiations; the modernization of of policy recommendations that are the Customs Union; cooperation based on in-depth academic research in migration management; energy and enhanced by practical advice from cooperation; security cooperation; and professionals and decision makers. the strengthening of civil society.

ACTIVITIES UNDER “GTE V” GTE V: PESCO and Security roundtable discussion on “EU- Cooperation between EU and Turkey Turkey Cooperation on Migration Management: Going Beyond Ad As part of the Global Turkey in Hoc Short-Termism” on May 6, 2019 Europe V program, IAI, IPC, and in Kos, Greece. Stiftung Mercator convened the roundtable discussion on “PESCO GTE V: From Findings to Market – and Security Cooperation between Perspectives and Challenges for the EU and Turkey” on May 14, 2018, at Development of Gas Resources in Mercator Centre Berlin. the East Med GTE V: Engaging Civil Societies in As part of Global Turkey in Turkey and the EU: Can They Break Europe V, IAI, IPC, and Stiftung Through the Deadlock? Mercator convened the roundtable discussion on “From Findings As part of the Global Turkey in to Market – Perspectives and Europe V project, IAI, IPC, and Challenges for the Development of Stiftung Mercator convened Gas Resources in the East Med” on the roundtable discussion on July 1 in Nicosia, Cyprus. “Engaging Civil Societies in Turkey and the EU: Can They Break GTE V: Turkey-EU Relations in a Through the Deadlock?” that took Changing Era? Domestic Dynamics place on February 1, 2019 at IPC and International Constraints Karaköy. As part of Global Turkey in GTE V: EU-Turkey Cooperation Europe V, IAI, IPC, and Stiftung on Migration Management: Going Mercator convened the roundtable Beyond Ad Hoc Short-Termism discussion on “Turkey-EU Relations in a Changing Era? Domestic As part of Global Turkey in Dynamics and International Europe V, IAI, IPC, and Stiftung Constraints” on November 6, 2019 Mercator convened the in , Belgium.

29 Revitalizing Turkey-EU/Germany on the future of Turkey-EU/Germany Relations relations and work collectively on The project “Revitalizing Turkey-EU/ revitalizing relations. The first meeting Germany Relations” aims to contribute took place in Istanbul. Given the to the revitalization of the Turkey-EU/ trilateral partnership of the Initiative, Germany relationship through two high-level meetings were held in Berlin complementary courses of action. and Brussels over the course of 2018.

The first pillar of the project, with its Humanitarian Policy Responses particular focus on publications, aims to the Refugee Issue to create a knowledge base in order The project “Humanitarian Policy to intensify cooperation and practical Responses to the Refugee Issue” by policy making in two key policy areas 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande between the two sides, namely the Paker, analyzed the instances of refugee crisis and the upgrading of the encounters between refugees and Customs Union agreement. hosts in which hostility, exclusion, and The second pillar of the project focuses fear are overcome. Data was collected on networking events and established to address the question of whether a Track II diplomacy working group. and how interactions that strengthen The group’s aim is to create a platform common political and social spaces can by bringing together academics, be supported. Out of this data, policy professionals, and public servants suggestions for an alternative, inclusive from Turkish, German, and European response to the refugee issue were institutions to feed into the debate formulated.


Track II Diplomacy Working Group II Track II Diplomacy Working Group III

Under the scope of the project The final meeting of the Track “Revitalizing Turkey-EU/Germany II diplomacy working group, Relations” funded by the IPC- under the scope of the project Sabancı University-Stiftung “Revitalizing Turkey-EU/Germany Mercator Initiative, the second Relations,” funded by the IPC- meeting of the Track II diplomacy Sabancı University-Stiftung working group took place in Mercator Initiative, took place on Mercator Centre Berlin on January December 14, 2018, in the European 12, 2018, with the participation of Parliament, Brussels. The meeting IPC Director Fuat Keyman, IPC was held with the participation of Senior Scholar and Research and IPC Senior Scholar and Research Academic Affairs Coordinator and Academic Affairs Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit, 2017/18 Senem Aydın-Düzgit, 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Atila Eralp, and Sabancı University Eralp, and Sabancı University Faculty Member Meltem Müftüler- Faculty Member Meltem Müftüler- Baç. Baç.

30 Living with Others: Fostering Berlin on March 16, 2018. The forum Cultural Pluralism through brought together academics and Citizenship Politics civil society groups interested in issues around fostering diversity A workshop on “Living with Others: and pluralism and opening up Fostering Cultural Pluralism communities to newcomers. through Citizenship Politics” was conducted at Humboldt University Promises and Challenges of on March 15, 2018. The workshop Diversity: The Role of Civil Society brought together academics and Initiatives in Fostering Pluralism civil society groups interested in issues around fostering diversity The report titled Promises and and pluralism and opening up Challenges of Diversity: The Role of Civil Society Initiatives in communities to newcomers. Fostering Pluralism was published Challenges and Promises of in October 2018. It was authored Diversity: Refugee Policies and by Assoc. Prof. Feyzi Baban from Citizenship Politics Trent University, the Director of IPC Prof. Fuat Keyman, 2015/16 A public forum titled “Challenges Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande Paker, and Promises of Diversity: Refugee and the Associate Director of the Policies and Citizenship Politics” International Migration Research was convened at Mercator Centre Centre Assoc. Prof. Kim Rygiel.

31 CLIMATE CHANGE and Newsweek, and 2017/18 Mercator- IPC Fellow Barış Karapınar, climate EVENTS change expert from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate National Geographic On Campus! Change. The panelists discussed the Climate Change and Our World effects of climate change on food For the first event of the “National security and poverty. Geographic on Campus!” series, National Geographic photographer EU-Turkey Energy and Climate Reza Deghati and 2017/18 Mercator- Dialogues IPC Fellow Barış Karapınar shared Bruegel and the IPC-Sabancı their views on the impacts of climate University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative change. The event was moderated by organized the panel discussion titled Onur Kumbaracıbaşı from National “EU-Turkey Energy and Climate Geographic. The event took place on Dialogues” on January 17, 2019 at IPC April 17, 2018 at Sabancı University Karaköy. The event was based on the Cinema Hall. paper “What is the cost of capital for wind energy investments in Turkey?” National Geographic On Campus! written by Gustav Fredriksson, Simone Climate Change and Our World II Tagliapietra, and Georg Zachmann. The second event in the “National Geographic on Campus!” series took From the Ground Up: place on May 7, 2018 at Boğaziçi Environmental Struggles and University. The joint event by Sabancı Transformations to Sustainability University, IPC, Boğaziçi University The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Agricultural Platform, and National Mercator Initiative and ACKnowl-EJ Geographic brought together network convened the discussion photographer and author Reza Deghati, “From the Ground Up: Environmental “National Geographic On whose photographs have appeared Campus! Climate Change and Struggles and Transformations to Our World,” on the covers of various magazines Sustainability” under the initiative April 17, 2018, Istanbul such as National Geographic, Time, of 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Cem İskender Aydın on April 26, 2019 at Studio-X Istanbul.

Should We Rely on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies?: The Critical Role of Energy Cost and Scalability The IPC-Sabancı University-Stiftung Mercator Initiative organized the panel titled “Should We Rely on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies?: The Critical Role of Energy Cost and Scalability” with Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment Research Fellow Oytun Babacan and Climate Studies Coordinator Ümit Şahin on May 16, 2019 at IPC Karaköy.

32 “Production of Climate Responsive Heatwaves: Increasing Threat with Urban Built Environments” Climate Change and Heat-Health Conference Action Plans 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Ender Peker The launch event and assessment convened a conference titled “Production meeting for Climate Change Studies of Climate Responsive Urban Built Coordinator and Public Health Expert Environments” on May 22-24, 2019 at IPC Ümit Şahin’s new report Heatwaves: Karaköy and the Netherlands Consulate. Increasing Threat With Climate Change and Heat-Health Action Plans took place The first public lecture of the conference on “Urban and Global Scale Climate on July 2, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. Science” was given by Prof. Gerald Mills from the University College Dublin on May Challenges of Retrofitting Existing

22, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. Housing Stock to Achieve CO2 Reduction Targets The second public lecture of the conference on “Evolutionary Resilience, 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Ender Relational Space and Adaptive Planning” Peker co-organized a workshop on the was given by Prof. Simin Davoudi from “Challenges of Retrofitting Existing

Newcastle University on May 23, 2019 at Housing Stock to Achieve CO2 Reduction IPC Karaköy. Targets” with Kadıköy Municipality on October 10, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. Book Talk: Climate Change and the Voiceless: Protecting Future Co-creating Solutions for the Generations, Wildlife, and Natural Challenges of Municipal Level Resources Climate Action in Turkey IPC hosted Randall Abate for a book talk Ender Peker convened a workshop for on his latest book, Climate Change and the “Co-creating Solutions for the Challenges Voiceless: Protecting Future Generations, of Municipal Level Climate Action Wildlife, and Natural Resources, on June in Turkey” on October 17, 2019 at IPC 11, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. Karaköy.

“Production of Climate Responsive Urban Built Environments” Conference, May 22-24, 2019, Istanbul

33 PUBLICATIONS PROJECTS FUNDED Water and Food Security in Turkey BY THE INITIATIVE in a Changing Climate Climate Change Policy Building 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Tuğba in Turkey Ağaçayak and Director Fuat Keyman’s Initiated by Climate Change Studies policy brief titled “Water and Food Coordinator Ümit Şahin, this project Security in Turkey in a Changing aims to coordinate different policy- Climate” was published in March 2018. relevant works under IPC’s climate Heatwaves: Increasing Threat change cluster with regard to three areas: climate governance, with Climate Change and Heat- climate-related energy policies, and Health Action Plans international negotiations. IPC Senior Scholar and Climate Studies As an initial step, the project aims to Coordinator Ümit Şahin’s policy brief facilitate the dialogue between different “Heatwaves: Increasing Threat with climate policy actors in Turkey. As part Climate Change and Heat-Health of the international negotiations area, Action Plans” was published in July IPC has been officially represented at 2019. both Conference of the Parties (COP) Cities in a Changing Climate: meetings in 2018 and 2019. Reduction and Adaptation Introducing an Emissions-Based Policies for Local Governance Vehicle Taxation Scheme in 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellows Cem Turkey İskender Aydın and Ender Peker’s 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Fellow and policy brief “Cities in a Changing International Council on Clean Climate: Reduction and Adaptation Transportation (ICCT) EU Managing Policies for Local Governance” was Director Peter Mock initiated the published in September 2019. project “Introducing an Emissions- based Vehicle Taxation Scheme in Turkey,” which aims to develop concrete policy pathways for switching to an emissions-based vehicle taxation scheme in Turkey and exchanging knowledge and experience between a broad range of stakeholders in Turkey and Germany.

Two workshops were convened titled “Reducing Emissions from Passenger Cars in Turkey: The Role of Taxation Policies for Incentivizing Zero- and Low-Emission Vehicles.” The first workshop was convened in cooperation with the German Embassy on April 2 in Ankara, while the second was held on April 3, 2019 at IPC Karaköy.


Carbon Pricing: Carbon Tax and Emissions 2018 Katowice Climate Summit – Trade Impressions from COP24 The fourth Climate Policies Roundtable titled The Initiative convened the panel titled “2018 “Carbon Pricing: Carbon Tax and Emissions Katowice Climate Summit – Impressions Trade” was held at IPC Karaköy on April from COP24,” with the participation of 18, 2018, with Climate Studies Coordinator Climate Change Studies Coordinator Ümit and Senior Scholar Ümit Şahin and 2017/18 Şahin, 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Cem Mercator-IPC Fellow Pınar Ertör Akyazı as İskender Aydın, 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellow facilitators. Pınar Ertör-Akyazı, and Semra Cerit Mazlum from Marmara University on December 18, Nature Conservation and Protection of 2018 at IPC Karaköy. Biodiversity Subject to Climate Change Impacts COP25 Madrid – Social and Economic Co- Climate Studies Coordinator and Senior Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Scholar Ümit Şahin and 2017/18 Mercator- Employment, Industrial Development, and IPC Fellow Pınar Ertör Akyazı convened Energy Transition a roundtable meeting titled “Nature The Initiative, SHURA Energy Transition conservation and protection of biodiversity Centre, and the Institute of Advanced subject to climate change impacts” on June Sustainability Studies (IASS) organized 25, 2019 in Ankara. the side-event titled “Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Employment, Industrial Development, and Energy Transition” on December 6, 2019 at COP25 Madrid.

2019 Madrid Climate Summit – Impressions from COP25 The Initiative convened the panel titled “2019 Madrid Climate Summit – Impressions from COP25,” with the participation of Climate Change Studies Coordinator Ümit Şahin, COP24 Katowice – Opportunities of Energy 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow Sinan Erensü, Transition in an Emerging Economy and Semra Cerit Mazlum from Marmara SHURA Energy Transition Center held University, on December 19, 2019 at IPC a panel titled “Opportunities of Energy Karaköy. Transition in an Emerging Economy” as a side event on December 6, 2018 in the Turkey Pavilion at COP 24 Katowice, Poland.

COP24 Katowice – Mobilizing the Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Renewable Energy “Mobilizing the Social and Economic Co- Benefits of Renewable Energy: Turkey & Emerging Economies” side event was convened on December 10, 2018 in the Turkey Pavilion at COP 24 Katowice, Poland.


IPC organized bimonthly gatherings where Perspective” took place on October 3, 2018 at IPC researchers and academics working on various Karaköy. subjects related to climate change—from politics to environmental sciences, economy to psychology— Climate Café Talks 6 – Does Economic Growth came together in an interdisciplinary setting. Bring Happiness? The Economy of Happiness As the sixth event in the Climate Café Talks series, Climate Café Talks 2 – How Do Farmers Adapt to Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı’s talk on “Does Economic Growth Climate Change? Bring Happiness? The Economy of Happiness” took As the second event in the Climate Café Talks place on January 9, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. series, 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellow Barış Karapınar’s talk on “How Do Farmers Adapt to Climate Café Talks 7 – Global Climate Change and Climate Change? Survey Results with 700 Farmers” Emissions Trade: Suggestions for a Green Economy took place on February 6, 2018 at IPC Karaköy. Design As the seventh event in the Climate Café Talks Climate Café Talks 3 – Climate Movements in series, Ayşe Uyduranoğlu’s talk on “Global Climate Turkey and the World Change and Emissions Trade: Suggestions for a As the third event in the Climate Café Talks series, Green Economy Design” took place on March 6, 2019 2016/17 Mercator-IPC Fellow Hande Paker and Baran at IPC Karaköy. Alp Uncu’s talks on “Climate Movements in Turkey and the World” took place on April 4, 2018 at IPC Climate Café Talks 8 – An Urban Development Karaköy. Problem: Providing Urban Thermal Comfort As the eighth event in the Climate Café Talks series, Climate Café Talks 4 – Behavioral Economics 2018/19 Mercator-IPC Fellow Ender Peker’s talk on Experiments for Climate Change and the Commons “An Urban Development Problem: Providing Urban As the fourth event in the Climate Café Talks series, Thermal Comfort” took place on May 8, 2019 at IPC 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Fellow Pınar Ertör Akyazı’s Karaköy. talk on “Behavioral Economics Experiments for Climate Change and Commons” took place on June Climate Café Talks 9 – On the Trail of Energy 6, 2018 at IPC Karaköy. Justice: Understanding the Opposition against Wind Energy in Turkey Climate Café Talks 5 – The Science of the Human As the ninth event in the Climate Café Talks series, Sources of Climate Change: A Historical Perspective Cem İskender Aydın’s talk on “On the Trail of Energy As the fifth event in the Climate Café Talks series, Justice: Understanding the Opposition against Wind Prof. Dr. H. Nüzhet Dalfes’ talk on “The Science of Energy in Turkey” took place on October 2, 2019 at the Human Sources of Climate Change: A Historical IPC Karaköy.

36 5 4 3


MODERATÖR: ÜMİT ŞAHİN - İSTANBUL POLİTİKALAR MERKEZİ 28 Mayıs 2019, Salı 18:00-20:00 İstanbul Poltkalar Merkez, 20 Kasım 2018, Salı 18:00-20:00 İstanbul Pol t kalar Merkez , Mnerva Han, Karaköy 4 Kasım 2019, Pazartes 18:00-20:00 İstanbul Pol t kalar Merkez , M nerva Han, Karaköy M nerva Han, Karaköy İstanbul Poltkalar Merkez, Mnerva Han, Karaköy


IPC organized bimonthly gatherings where experts Nature and Climate Talks 3 – Our Changing World: from the field of conservation of nature and climate Through the Bird’s Eye change came together in an interdisciplinary The third in the Nature and Climate Talks series setting. took place with expert ecologist and bird watcher Kerem Ali Boyla’s talk on “Our Changing World: Nature and Climate Talks 1 – From Bird Paradise to Through the Bird’s Eye” on April 3, 2019 at IPC Biosphere: Years with Nature Karaköy. The first in the Nature and Climate Talks series took place with nature conservationist Tansu Gürpınar’s Nature and Climate Talks 4 – The History of talk on “From Bird Paradise to Biosphere: Years with Environmental (Non-) Conservation Nature” on November 20, 2018 at IPC Karaköy. The fourth in the Nature and Climate Talks series took place with Prof. Nesrin Algan’s talk on “The Nature and Climate Talks 2 – The Future of History of Environmental (Non-) Conservation” on Anthropocene: Genes, Species, and Ecosystems May 28, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. during Climate Change The second in the Nature and Climate Talks series Nature and Climate Talks 5 – Land Ethics and took place with nature scientist Emrah Çoraman’s Ecological Citizenship in the Age of Climate Change talk on “The Future of Anthropocene: Genes, The fifth in the Nature and Climate Talks series Species, and Ecosystems During Climate Change” took place with Ufuk Özdağ’s talk on “Land Ethics on February 18, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. and Ecological Citizenship in the Age of Climate Change” on November 4, 2019 at IPC Karaköy.


Climate studies has been one of IPC’s most visible research areas for the last six years. In the field of Climate Change, IPC has become the nexus in the policy field in Turkey by supporting and organizing activities that are geared toward strengthening capacity, building networks and policy, and raising public awareness.


The Right to A Future Program was RIGHT TO A FUTURE jointly established by Istanbul Policy Center at Sabancı University and the CONFERENCE: RIGHTS- Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Lund BASED CLIMATE ACTION University in order to ensure a rights- based discussion on climate action, “Right to A Future Conference: Rights- to support work toward this end, and Based Climate Action” was organized to strengthen the discourse of human on October 31, 2019 at IPC Karaköy rights and the rights of nature for to introduce the Right to A Future climate action. The objectives of the Program, initiated by IPC and the Raoul program are to support academic Wallenberg Institute at Lund University. studies on rights-based climate action, The keynote speech of the event was to publish research on this topic, to delivered by Matthew Scott from Raoul improve the capacity of academia and Wallenberg Institute at Lund University. civil society on the subject through activities such as conferences and workshops, and to implement a rights- based perspective in the process of climate policies through projects and cooperation with local governments and public institutions.


COBENEFITS: MOBILIZING The project is coordinated by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability THE SOCIAL AND Studies (IASS, lead) in partnership with the Renewables Academy ECONOMIC CO-BENEFITS (RENAC), the Independent Institute OF CLIMATE ACTION AND for Environmental Issues (UfU), International Energy Transition GmbH RENEWABLE ENERGY (IET) and, in Turkey, Sabanci University- Istanbul Policy Center (IPC). The COBENEFITS project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) IPC coordinates scientific co-benefits and supported by the German Federal assessments on four COBENEFITS Ministry for the Environment, Nature priority areas in Turkey (employment, Conservation and Nuclear Safety industrial development, air quality, and (BMU). COBENEFITS cooperates with energy supply security), online and national authorities and knowledge face-to-face COBENEFITS trainings, and partners in Germany, India, South policy dialogue sessions on enabling Africa, Vietnam, and Turkey to help political environments and overcoming them mobilize the co-benefits of barriers to seize co-benefits. climate action and renewable energy in their countries.

41 CO-BENEFITS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AS DRIVERS OF SYSTEM PLANNING FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-BENEFITS CLIMATE DIPLOMACY Pınar Ertör-Akyazı co-organized face-to-face training on “Sustainable IPC Senior Scholar and Climate Studies Energy System Planning for Co- Coordinator Ümit Şahin was an invited Benefits,” in collaboration with RENAC speaker for two panel discussions, (The Renewables Academy), within “Mobilizing Opportunities, Raising the IASS-IPC COBENEFITS Project on Climate Ambition” and “ Benefits September 24-25, 2019 in Ankara. as Drivers of International Climate Diplomacy” in the Conference of Climate Opportunity 2019: Co-Benefits METHODS AND TOOLS for Just Energy Futures organized FOR THE ASSESSMENT by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (IASS) OF CO-BENEFITS OF on October 15, 2019 in Berlin. RENEWABLE ENERGY Pınar Ertör-Akyazı co-organized face- to-face training on “Methods and Tools for the Assessment of Co-benefits of Renewable Energy,” in collaboration with RENAC (The Renewables Academy), within the IASS-IPC COBENEFITS Project on October 8-9, 2019 in Ankara.

42 CO-BENEFITS OF COBENEFITS ISTANBUL RENEWABLE ENERGY CONFERENCE: WITH A FOCUS “MOBILIZING THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CO- ON EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OF RENEWABLE AND INDUSTRIAL ENERGY IN TURKEY” DEVELOPMENT IPC and IASS co-organized the OPPORTUNITIES COBENEFITS Istanbul Conference on November 13, 2019 at IPC Karaköy to share Pınar Ertör-Akyazı co-organized a the first findings of the COBENEFITS face-to-face training on “Co-benefits Studies conducted within the international of Renewable Energy with a Focus “COBENEFITS: Mobilizing the Social and on Employment and Industrial Economic Co-Benefits of Renewable Development Opportunities,” in Energy” project. The conference was collaboration with RENAC (The followed with a roundtable meeting on the Renewables Academy) within the IASS- issue on November 14, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. IPC COBENEFITS Project on October 22-23, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. REPORTS Future Skills and Job Creation through Renewable Energy in Turkey, IASS Potsdam, November 2019

Industrial Development, Trade Opportunities and Innovation with Renewable Energy in Turkey, IASS Potsdam, November 2019


Carbon Lock-In in Turkey is a research project comparing Turkey, Germany,

and Poland’s energy systems, CARBON LOCK-IN perspectives, future energy policies, IN TURKEY A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE and how each country approaches OF LOW-CARBON TRANSITION the global trend toward a low-carbon WITH GERMANY AND POLAND ÜMİT ŞAHİN transition. The research comprised visits and interviews with relevant institutions and experts in Germany, Poland, and Turkey. The project was run by Ümit Şahin and supported by European Climate Foundation. REPORT LAUNCH:

Istanbul Policy Center Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han CARBON LOCK-IN IN 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul TURKEY +90 212 292 49 39 +90 212 292 49 57 @ [email protected] TURKEY:ISBN: 978-605-2095-14-0 A COMPARATIVE w PERSPECTIVE OF LOW- CARBON TRANSITION WITH GERMANY AND POLAND The report launch for IPC Senior Scholar and Climate Studies Coordinator Ümit Şahin’s report Carbon Lock-In in Turkey: A Comparative Perspective of Low-Carbon Transition with Germany and Poland was held on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at IPC Karaköy.

The report was published in February 2018.

44 OTHER EVENTS OPPORTUNITIES OF TRANSITION TO CLIMATE- FRIENDLY DEVELOPMENT MODEL IN TURKEY IPC, TEMA Foundation, and Climate Action Network Europe organized the roundtable meeting “Opportunities of Transition to Climate-Friendly Development Model in Turkey” on December 20, 2019 at IPC Karaköy.


Under IPC’s Democratization and Institutional Reform Cluster, the Checks and Balances Network (CBN) aims to contribute to strengthening the system of checks and balances in Turkey, which is indispensable to Turkey’s democratization, by conducting monitoring, policy making, public opinion building, and advocacy activities.


WHAT IS THE CHECKS CBN’S STRUCTURE AND BALANCES The structure of the CBN is composed of the general assembly, covering all NETWORK? corporate members; reform groups, The Checks and Balances Network (CBN) operating in the seven priority areas of is a civic movement in which 295 NGOs the CBN (RG); local coordinators, who (working at the national and local level) voluntarily carry out CBN studies in and tens of thousands of supporters nine hubs in central CBN provinces and followers from different political (PC); the coordination committee, backgrounds work together to strengthen which is composed of representatives participatory and pluralistic democracy. who are selected from the reform The Network, which came together groups and the local coordinators in the in 2011 during the period of drafting a general assembly, which determines new constitution, aims to contribute to the strategy of the network (CC); the strengthening the system of checks and Monitoring Committee of the CBN’s balances in Turkey, which is indispensable internal monitoring mechanism to Turkey’s democratization, by conducting (IEG); the communication group (CG) monitoring, policy making, public opinion and professional employees, who are building, and advocacy activities. The CBN selected by the reform groups and operates through “reform groups” working are responsible for the management in seven areas where reform is needed of the CBN’s public affairs and for a functioning system of checks and implementation of the communication balances. These reform groups address strategy. the constitution, legislative, executive, judiciary, media, local governments, and civil society. WHAT DID WE DO IN 2018–2019? • Starting with 117 members in 2014, our network has increased more than 100% in two years and has become the voice of 295 organizations.

• Approximately 600 stakeholders were interviewed in 20 provinces in 2018–2019, bringing together 150 members of the Network. The CBN has thousands of supporters across Turkey.

• CBN published 14 calls, 7 policy papers, and 10 analysis reports.

48 • published more than 700 SELECTED PROJECTS alerts, summaries, and analyses. AND ACTIVITIES • Regional panels and briefings were organized in seven provinces with 2018 480 participants. January–June 2018 • Eight “democracy tables” were General Election established with the participation of The CBN conducted awareness studies 223 people. Reform proposals were during the June 24, 2018 presidential forwarded to decision-makers and and general elections: relevant institutions. • The report Toward General Elections • 152 local and national decision- on 24 June: Election Declarations makers from various political parties within the Scope of 9 Components of and institutions were interviewed. Checks and Balances was published.

• Since June 2019, voluntary • The report Guideline on Parties’ facilitators, which participated in the Pledges: What are Political Parties specially designed civic education Promising? was published. workshops focusing on active citizenship, organized ten checks and • Information on changes in the balances workshops in six districts legal framework for nominating with 138 participants. candidates seeking election, freedom of choice and freedom of expression, • The program on gender and digital content was produced mainstreaming was launched. The in order to inform citizens about process of creating a three-year candidates’ commitments to checks action plan is ongoing. and balances.

• CBN appeared in the news 101 times. • The “Meclis de Bizi Görecek mi?” campaign was launched to draw • In order to strengthen the CBN’s attention to the relationship institutional structure and capacity, between strong and accountable governance documents such as anti- parliamentarians and voters. corruption documents and complaint mechanisms have been prepared and implemented.

49 checks and balances mechanisms. CBN gathered experts with different worldviews and political perspectives at the Democracy Table Meeting in Istanbul on March 3. More than 100 experts in legislative, executive, judicial, local government, and the electoral system participated. The report was shared with the public.

April 2018 SIDA-Swedish Development Agency Cooperation CBN signed a new funding agreement to carry out its activities between 2018 January 2018 and 2020. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Imagine Turkey Advocacy Campaign (SIDA) will finance the achievement Imagine Turkey Report was shared of the objectives set out in the current with more than 120 decision makers, strategic plan of the Network, the business people, media representatives, expansion of professional staff, the and NGOs in 12 cities, including local base of the CC, RG, CBN, the Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Batman, Denizli, ROI, and the LAG over the next three Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, years. SIDA funds are purchased Kahramanmaras, Mardin, and Ordu. and distributed through Sabancı University, IPC.

May–June 2018 Reform Groups Meetings Assessment meetings were held within the framework of CBN’s Perspective and Strategy Change, and reform groups were organized within the framework of the SIDA project and financial resources. Approximately 102 CBN actors attended the meetings.

September 2018 Local Coordinators’ Capacity-Building Training March 2018 Capacity-building training was organized in Ankara with the We Met at the Democracy Table to participation of 22 local coordinators Reconcile: What Kind of Checks and of CBN from ten provinces in Turkey, Balances in the Presidential System? Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Diyarbakir, CBN believes that the legislative efforts Istanbul, Izmir, Kahramanmaras, to implement the presidential system Ordu, Batman, and Mardin, from could be structured with stronger September 21–23, 2018. The training

50 aimed to improve the capacities of local coordinators, which are one of the main components of CBN, to increase their motivation and to equalize their level of knowledge.

November–December 2018 “The Presidential System from the Perspective of Checks and Balances” in Turkey’s Six Regions and Seven Provinces CBN organized the panel “The December 2018 Presidential System from the Perspective of Checks and Balances” Meeting with Trade Union to increase participatory and active Representatives citizenship as well as citizens’ During field visits in Bursa, CBN met awareness of basic issues in Turkey, with representatives of multiple trade especially the presidential system of unions, then these meetings continued government. The panels were held in in the general assembly attended by the six regions and in seven provinces of their presidents both in Diyarbakir and Turkey, with more than 400 attendees. Bursa. As trade unions have thousands Dr. Ersoy Kontacı from Ankara of representatives as part of their University, Prof. Dr. Tanel Demirel institutional structures, they work on from Çankaya University, Prof. Fuat issues closely related to checks and Keyman from Sabancı University, balances. Assistant Professor Demirhan Burak Çelik from Galatasaray University, Prof. Tansu Tosun from Ege University, and MECLISTE.ORG Assistant Professor Didem Yılmaz from In 2018, discussed 25 Bahçeşehir University took part in the topics on the public agenda such as panels. the 2019 budget, election alliances, and the features of the new system. We prepared 195 tweets, 139 Facebook posts, 52 website content, 110 graphic cards, five videos, and four commissioned reports on these 25 topics. This content reached a total of 500,000 users. Additionally, our video series “Assembly before and after the elections”—in which we explained the new role and position of the Assembly in the new system of government after the June 24 elections and how this will change citizens’ relations with the Assembly—was viewed 34,092 times.

In order to strengthen our capacity and raise public awareness, we organized a training program in Ankara from February 15–18 with the participation of 15 civil society representatives.

51 The Legislative Reform Group considered the issue as an opportunity to make comprehensive proposals with the aim of guiding future efforts for “a bylaw to support the effective parliamentary structure,” for which it has been advocating.

January–June 2019 Beyond Elections, Reform 2019 Proposals for Participatory Local Government Strong and Effective Parliament: The Through the local government Procedural Rules in the New System reform group, proposals were In order to harmonize with the developed to contribute to the changing government system, the development of democracy at the text of the Rules of Procedure, which local level. “Democracy tables” were determines the functioning and order established in the cities of Ankara, of the parliament, must be amended. Van, and Adana within the scope of The Constitutional Commission made local elections and local government changes in October 2018, but the studies reform. Sixty participants with did not continue. differing views, backgrounds, and experiences from academia, civil society, business, and media came together to discuss how the principles within a democratic local government can balance and control the central administration and respond to problems within cities. Participants proposed suggestions concerning rule of law, local politics, democratic local governments, local governance and participation mechanisms, citizen- oriented urbanization and civil democratic culture, and the need for a comprehensive and democratic local government reform in Turkey. Evaluations and requests from these three meetings, along with suggestions from local authorities participating in the democracy table held in Istanbul on March 3, 2019, were compiled in a report.

52 the scope of the network studies and provincial strategies for the next period. In the meeting, past studies were evaluated according to each province, and feedback was collected in order to guide future studies.

April 2019 Checks and Balances in Historical and Cultural Heritage, History Talks Panel The Historical and Cultural Heritage Research Center, which traces the checks and balance mechanisms in Anatolian civilizations, brought a new series of activities to our network, “History Talks.” In this first event hosted by the Advisory Board, Prof. Dr. Levent Kayapınar, Assoc. Prof. February 2019 Eşref Küçük, and researcher Onur EU-Turkey Relations from the Perspective Kalkan examined Hittite, Roman, and of Civil Society Organizations Byzantine civilizations, which have an important place in the history CBN organized a roundtable of Anatolia, from the perspective of entitled “EU-Turkey Relations from checks and balances. Discussants the Perspective of Civil Society talked about the legal, social, and Organizations” on February 11, 2019. political factors limiting the power The purpose of the roundtable meeting of the government in these three was to address Turkey-EU relations states during different periods. The in detail from the perspective of civil discussants debated the extent to society organizations. The roundtable which we can discuss checks and was held with the participation of balances in this context. representatives of Ankara’s leading non-governmental organizations and international organizations.

March 2019 Local Coordination Meeting and City- Based Strategies CBN held a local coordination meeting with Turkey’s 16 local coordinators from nine provinces on March 14–15, 2019. Within the scope of the CBN Strategic Plan, which focuses on citizens’ views, our local coordinators came together to adopt, absorb, and embrace the February–May 2019 duties and responsibilities held as local coordinators, reviewing and evaluating Field Visits what has been done within the scope of CBN made field visits to Van, Ordu, previous field studies and coordinating Mersin, Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Adana, the activities to be carried out within and Izmir. The main purpose of these

53 Think Civil Forum (Sivil Düşün Program) Think Civil Forum was held on May 2–3, 2019 in Ankara Sheraton Hotel with the participation of over 150 NGOs and over 100 activists. During the Think Civil Forum, panels were held on topics such as the transformation of civil society and rights, new methods of activism, and civil society in the digital world. CBN took part through “Imagine Civil Society,” which is a format specifically designed for the Think Civil Forum in the Imagine Turkey workshop.

May 2019 Active Citizenship (Checks and Balances) Training Trainer Training The Checks and Balances Education Project was initiated within the visits was to prepare the ground for scope of active citizenship studies the CBN’s activities in the regions to encourage all segments of society and to clarify and finalize the content to adopt the concept of checks and and scope of the studies planned for balances and provide insight into the the future. During the field visits, the principles of checks and balances not general points of attention were the only within legal mechanisms but in general evaluation of the provinces, as all areas of society. From 13 different well as observations and analyses of cities of Turkey, 20 trainers, with two their potential for CBN. observers from each respective city,

54 Adana, Ankara, Batman, Bingol, Van, all sectors of society adopt checks and Bursa, Edirne, Mersin, Istanbul, Izmir, balances. One hundred thirty-eight Kahramanmaras, Trabzon, and Mardin, people participated in the workshops were together on May 3–5 to learn how held between June and November 2019. to play a game teaching checks and balances. July 2019 Judicial Reform Strategy from the After discussions with working Perspective of Checks and Balances groups and experts, it was agreed that a board game would be created Experts from all over Turkey met at to teach the academic study of the “democracy tables” moderated by checks and balances, questioning Professor Dr. Osman Can and spoke the mechanisms and analyzing and about the Judicial Reform Strategy reviewing them. It was decided to Paper announced by the president in use the game as an exciting and May. During three 1.5-hour sessions, 15 immersive method for active learning. participants presented their findings The checks and balances workshops and recommendations on the judicial will be conducted in different cities reform strategy. Our group also visited in Turkey using this gaming method, the Ministry of Justice officials who which reflects the pluralistic and could not attend the meeting. Assoc. Dr. innovative structure of the network. Didem Yılmaz prepared the results and In addition to the implementation suggestions of the meeting and shared of the game in these workshops, the them with the public. workshops will also provide a checks and balances presentation that will July 2019 explain the features of CBN and its aim Summer Visit to Politicians before the and purpose in case it is not explained New Legislative Period during the game or if the trainer needs CBN was one of the first organizations the information. Thanks to instructor to prepare content for the revision of training, 20 instructors and two the government system, which will observers had the opportunity to apply take place when parliament opens in what they had learned. October. While reminiscent of the new June–December 2019 era, it also held one-on-one meetings with decision-makers to ensure that Checks and Balances Workshops the possible revision would create Within the scope of the active checks and balances as well as a more citizenship activities, trainers democratic system. Eight deputies from implemented “checks and balances all political parties in parliament were workshops” with the aim to see that interviewed.

55 September 2019 In addition, we compiled the promises Second CBN’s General Assembly of the political parties that are in The general assembly of CBN was held the parliament on the issues of on September 21–22 in Ankara. Ninety- environment, health, and women and six delegates from thirty provinces in prepared three reports evaluating their Turkey joined the general assembly. work in the parliament in line with New members of the decision- these promises. making mechanism CC, internal audit We conducted the second of the mechanism IDG, and local coordinators monitoring training with representatives of CC were elected. 19 participants from 12 different cities. The first monitoring PUBLICATIONS training was conducted last year. 2018–2019 CALLS MECLISTE.ORG • Call to TVs and Radios: Give Equal published 441 alerts, Rights to Every Candidate! ­­– May 27, summaries, and analyses on 39 2018 topics such as local elections, online publishing, and how much the • All Political Parties Should Act on legislature has worked this legislative their Commitments– July 5, 2018 year. Twenty-one of these were • While the State of Emergency Is summaries of legal proposals that Ending: The Main Aim Should will be debated in parliament. In the Assembly, followed up Be Empowered Democracy and with 27 of the 38 proposals that were Normalization That Citizens Can enacted. In total, this information has Embrace – July 19, 2018 reached close to 600,000 people. • CBN Salutes the New Parliament of the New System: Remember Pledges, Work Together – October 2018

• On the Eve of Elections, Four Calls to “See Local”: Who, Why, How? – March 2019

• A Message for After the Election: The Election Is Over, It Is Time for Reform of Local Administrations – April 2019

56 • Press Release: To Censure the Attack REPORTS Against the Opposition Party! – • Imagine Turkey: Dreams, Ideas and April 2019 Values Mapping for Turkey, January/ • Press Release: All Parties Should February 2018 Come Together and Reach a • Toward 24 June: Election Bulletins Consensus to Initiate a New in Regard to Nine Benchmarks of the Democratic Constitution – June Check and Balances System, June 2019 2018 • The Unjust Appointment of Trustees • Reform Recommendations for the Is a Barrier for Checks and Balances! Presidential System with Checks and –September 2019 Balances, September 2018

POLICY PAPERS • 3 March Democracy Table Meeting – How to Establish Checks and • “Representation and Reliability Balances in the Presidential System?, Should Be Prioritized in Every Phase January 2019 of the Elections,” March 19, 2018 • Van and Adana Democracy Table • “Access to Information is Essential Meeting Report | Think About to Participatory Democracy,” April Principles of Participatory Local 2018 Administrations in Urbanized Turkey, • “After the State of Emergency: The March 2019 Fight Against Terror Should be • Needs and Demands for Undertaken with Respect to Checks Democratic and Participatory Local and Balances and the Will of the Administrations As Strong Checks People,” July 2018 and Balances Actors, October 2019 • “Recommendations for a Strong & • Judicial Reform Strategy from the Effective Parliament: Bylaws Under Perspective of Checks and Balances, the New System,” October 2018 September 2019 • “Disproportionate Detention Without Cause: Why Is This Happening? How BENCHMARKS Can It Be Overcome?” December 2018 • Under a Presidential System with • “Critical Evaluations of the Checks and Balances: Executive Provisions in the Turkish Penal Code Branch Benchmarks, October 2019 on the Defamation of the President • Toward an Independent Judiciary: within the Scope of Political Rights Benchmarks for Checks and and Freedoms,” February 2019 Balances, July 2018

• Transparency, Participation and Accountability in Local Government Benchmarks, February 2019

• Under a Presidential System with Checks and Balances: Legislative Branch Benchmarks, October 2018


SHURA Energy Transition Center contributes to decarbonization of the energy sector via an innovative energy transition platform.

58 59 SHURA Energy Transition Center transition to a low-carbon energy contributes to decarbonization of the system through energy efficiency and energy sector via an innovative energy renewable energy, fact-based analysis transition platform. It caters to the and the best available data. need for a sustainable and broadly recognized platform for discussions On May 9, 2018, SHURA Energy on policy, technological, and economic Transition Center was officially aspects of Turkey’s energy sector. launched in Istanbul, with Founded by European Climate representatives from industry, public Foundation (ECF), Agora Energiewende, sector, civil society, and universities and Sabancı University (SU) Istanbul attending, in order to contribute to the Policy Center (IPC), SHURA’s mission debate on energy transformation in is to support the debate on Turkey’s Turkey.


Energy transition means enabling the energy system to be more secure, affordable, and sustainable. Renewable energy, energy efficiency, distributed generation, electrification, smart grids, and innovation are at the center of the energy transition. By accelerating the implementation of these solutions, it is possible to transition to a low-carbon energy system that will have a central role in climate change mitigation.

60 200 bilateral meetings with national and international stakeholders

150 presentations, keynote speeches, moderations, panel discussions, workshops, and webinars in national and international events

2018–2019: 25 reports, proceedings, and working papers

“SHURA is named after Shu, the mythological god of wind, and Ra, the sun god in the Middle East. The center is the first think tank that operates on the energy transition in Turkey.”


Taking into account all relevant perspectives from a multitude of stakeholders, SHURA produces fact- based analyses on how to achieve energy transition in Turkey. These studies cover renewables, energy efficiency, and electrification technologies, their costs and benefits, and the policies needed to enable them across three thematic areas: Investments, Policy, Technology & Innovation power system. There has been tremendous growth in installed SELECTED EVENTS AND renewable electricity generation capacity in recent years, and Turkey set PUBLICATIONS a new record for solar PV installations in 2017. As deployment of renewable INCREASING THE SHARE OF electricity generation technologies is RENEWABLES IN TURKEY’S on the cusp of acceleration, there is a need to better understand how the POWER SYSTEM: OPTIONS rising share of wind and solar will FOR TRANSMISSION affect Turkey’s power system. EXPANSION AND FLEXIBILITY OPPORTUNITIES TO

Increasing the Share of May 2018 STRENGTHEN THE Renewables in Turkey’s The use of renewable energy resources, Power System: Options for YEKA AUCTION MODEL Transmission Expansion and primarily wind and solar, is expected Flexibility to grow significantly within Turkey’s FOR ENHANCING THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OF TURKEY’S POWER SYSTEM TRANSFORMATION January 2019 Turkey is on the verge of transitioning its energy system, and today’s investment choices will determine tomorrow’s energy landscape. Turkey’s urgent policy priority is to reduce its current account deficit, which is largely impacted by growing energy imports. Energy efficiency and local renewable energy resources have paramount importance in eliminating

62 the dependency on imported gas and the planned wind and solar capacity coal. To accelerate the adoption of local to 60 GW by 2026 (supplying 30% of renewable energy resources, Turkey Turkey’s total electricity demand and has implemented a mix of policy half of the total demand including other mechanisms, including the Renewable renewables) is possible, but integrating Energy Resource Areas (YEKA) this capacity would require a more auctions, which have lowered costs. flexible power system by introducing It is necessary to understand how the options such as more flexible coal-fired YEKA auctions can be more effective as power plants, demand response, or they are expected to play a crucial role energy storage. in raising Turkey’s renewable energy share. FINANCING THE ENERGY TRANSITION IN TURKEY COSTS AND BENEFITS OF OPTIONS TO INCREASE October 2019 The world is rapidly moving toward SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY an energy transition that involves renewable energy and energy April 2019 efficiency, on the one hand, and By the end of 2018, in total, more distributed production technologies than 5 gigawatts (GW) of solar and digitalization, on the other. The photovoltaic (PV) and around 7 GW critical factor all over the world onshore wind capacity were installed is the urgent need for action to in Turkey, representing around 14% prevent climate change. The goal of of Turkey’s total installed electricity energy security and reducing import generation capacity. The combined dependency makes climate action electricity generation from solar PV indispensable for Turkey in addition to and onshore wind supplied just below environmental and climate concerns. 10% of Turkey’s total annual demand In this context, it is important to Financing the Energy for electricity in 2018. SHURA’s grid provide the necessary financing and Transition in Turkey integration study shows that tripling adapt the financial sector.


SELECTED EVENTS THE IMPACT OF INCENTIVES, ORGANIZED BY SHURA SUPPORT AND SUBSIDIES ON THE ENERGY SECTOR IN PANEL: R&D AND INNOVATION TURKEY IN TRANSITION TO VALUE- SHURA Energy Transition Center ADDED GENERATION FOR organized a panel on “The Impact of Incentives, Support and Subsidies RENEWABLE ENERGY on the Energy Sector in Turkey” on December 18, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. SHURA Energy Transition Center organized a panel on R&D and innovation activities in solar NATIONAL ROAD TOUR: GRID production equipment during Solarex INTEGRATION STUDY Istanbul 2019 Fair, which took place on As part of the road tour to present the April 4-6, 2019. Grid Integration Study, SHURA Energy Transition Center met with civil society LAUNCH EVENT: FINANCING representatives on June 20, 2018 and THE ENERGY TRANSITION IN with private sector representatives on June 21, 2018 at IPC. TURKEY TH On October 3, 2019, SHURA Energy 9 TURKISH ENERGY SUMMIT Transition Center launched its new SHURA Energy Transition Center held report titled Financing Turkey’s Energy two major events at the 9th Turkish Transition. More than 100 guests from Energy Summit, which was organized Financing the Energy the public sector, private sector, and the by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transition in Turkey press participated in the event. Energy and Natural Resources and Energy Market Regulatory Authority in Antalya on October 9–10,­ 2018. In the first event, SHURA made a presentation on the integration of renewable energy resources into Turkey’s electricity grid. It also moderated the event titled “Investments and Financing for Renewable Energy: YEKA Model.” 7TH TURKISH WIND ENERGY CONGRESS SHURA Energy Transition Center organized and moderated the panel “How can Turkey ensure a successful energy transition?” during the 7th Turkish Wind Energy Congress, which took place on November 5–6, 2018.

64 Investing in a Low-Emission, Resilient Future: Opportunities for Turkey

jointly organized with the OECD on January 22, 2019 in Istanbul. LONG-TERM PROSPECTS FOR ACCELERATING SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT IN TURKEY’S ENERGY TRANSITION EVENT SHURA Energy Transition Center JOINT EVENTS and Bloomberg NEF jointly organized the event “Long-Term Prospects for INVESTING IN A LOW- Accelerating Short-Term Investment in Turkey’s Energy Transition” on EMISSION, RESILIENT FUTURE: February 13, 2019 to discuss the long- OPPORTUNITIES FOR TURKEY term potential of renewables and MEETING what planning for this could mean Long-Term Prospects for in the scope of the current progress Accelerating Short-Term “Investing in a Low-Emission, Resilient and market situation for energy Investment in Turkey’s Energy Transition Event Future: Opportunities for Turkey” was transition in Turkey.

65 IRENA & SHURA Innovation Day 2019 Event

Energy Efficiency Roundtable Meeting ENERGY EFFICIENCY IRENA & SHURA INNOVATION ROUNDTABLE MEETING DAY 2019 EVENT SHURA Energy Transition Center SHURA Energy Transition Center co- and CDP Turkey jointly organized organized the Innovation Day 2019 the “Energy Efficiency Roundtable event with IRENA, receiving support Meeting” on March 26, 2019, in which from the Ministry of Energy and participants from a variety of sectors Natural Resources of Turkey, which IRENA & SHURA Innovation discussed the role of the private sector took place in Ankara on November 27, Day 2019 Event in energy transition. 2019.

66 Stakeholder Engagement Meeting: Integrating the Electricity Demand of Electric Vehicles in the Distribution Grid

PUBLIC SECTOR STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT MEETING: INTEGRATING THE NATIONAL ROAD TOUR: GRID ELECTRICITY DEMAND OF INTEGRATION STUDY ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN THE As part of the road tour to present the Grid Integration Study, SHURA Energy DISTRIBUTION GRID Transition Center held stakeholder SHURA Energy Transition Center engagement meetings with public organized a stakeholder consultation sector representatives from EPDK meeting together with the Ministry (Energy Market Regulatory Authority) of Energy & Natural Resources titled on May 11, 2018, the Directorate General “Integrating the Electricity Demand of for Renewable Energy on May 15, 2018, Electric Vehicles in the Distribution and Turkish Electricity Transmission Grid” on August 8, 2019. More than 100 Corporation (TEIAŞ) on May 17, 2018 in experts from the public and private Ankara. sectors as well as civil society attended the meeting.

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT MEETING: BATTERY STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES SHURA Energy Transition Center presented information on the newly released report The Role of Battery Technologies in the Transition of Energy and Transport Sectors at the Electricity Producers Association on December 12, 2019.

67 INTERNATIONAL EBRD ANNUAL MEETING EVENTS PANEL SHURA Energy Transition Center WORKSHOPS AT THE participated at the EBRD Annual EUROPEAN COMMISSION Meeting 2019 with its own booth and “Just Transition” panel on May 8–9, SHURA Energy Transition Center 2019. organized a system integration workshop with the European UNESCAP 10TH Commission’s ENTSO-E (Europe Network of Transmission System INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON Operators for Electricity), DG ENER, and ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DG NEAR in Brussels on June 29, 2018. DEVELOPMENT IRENA INNOVATION WEEK SHURA Energy Transition Center 2018 PANEL participated as a speaker in the 10th International Forum on Energy for SHURA Energy Transition Center was Sustainable Development hosted by the a panelist at IRENA’s (International United Nations Economic and Social Renewable Energy Agency) Innovation Commission for Asia and the Pacific Week 2018 in Bonn during the special (UNESCAP) in Bangkok on October 7–8, session “Electrification of Heat” on 2019. September 5–7, 2018. UN HABITAT WORLD CITIES UNECE, 27TH SESSION OF THE DAY 2019 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ON SUSTAINABLE SHURA Energy Transition Center spoke ENERGY on the panel “Opportunities for Urban SHURA Energy Transition Center Renewable Energy Generation and presented its Grid Integration Study Urban Renewable Energy Generation” at UNECE (United Nations Economic at the World Cities Day 2019 organized Commission for Europe) 27th Session of by UN Habitat and held on October 31, the Committee on Sustainable Energy 2019 in Ekaterinburg, Russia. in Geneva at the special session “Deep Transformation of the Energy System through Electricity” on September 27, 2018.


SHURASTAT aims to draw attention reports, SHURASTAT’s issues have to issues related to energy transition so far covered topics such as low- with selected figures and data from carbon infrastructure investments in national and internationally recognized developing countries, the increasing sources. Published on a monthly basis, share of solar energy in Turkey’s SHURASTAT stimulates interest and electricity generation, the increase curiosity for further research and in global greenhouse gas emissions, contributes to the debate through the contribution of energy storage short reviews and examples from to energy transition, the share of Turkey and the world. The first issue of renewables in G20 countries and SHURASTAT was released in February Turkey’s status under Sustainable 2019. Development Goal 7, green bonds and Utilizing the data from the World other green debt instruments, trends Bank, IRENA, TUIK (TURKSTAT), and in innovation, and patents for energy EMRA (EPDK) as well as SHURA’s own transition and electric vehicles.


Increasing the Share of Renewables Turkey through Solar and Wind Power, in Turkey’s Power System: Options December 2018 for Transmission Expansion and Flexibility, May 2018 Circular Economy for the Energy Transition, January 2019 Global Industrial Carbon Dioxide Emissions Mitigation: Investigation Investing in a Low-Carbon and of the Role of Renewable Energy and Resilient Future: Opportunities for Other Technologies until 2060, June Turkey, January 2019 (in Turkish) 2018 Opportunities to Strengthen the YEKA How Turkey Can Ensure a Successful Auction Model for Enhancing the Energy Transition, July 2018 Regulatory Framework of Turkey’s Power System Transformation, January Balancing the Location of Wind and 2019 Solar PV Investments, October 2018 Long-term Solutions to Accelerate Ensuring the Sustainability of Short-term Investments for Energy Financing for the Transition to a Low- Transition in Turkey, February 2019 (in carbon Economy in Turkey, October Turkish) 2018 (in Turkish) Energy Transition in Turkey and the Renewable Energy Integration and Role of the Private Sector, February 2019 Priorities for Energy Transition in (in Turkish) Turkey, November 2018 (in Turkish) Energy Efficiency Business Models of Lessons from Global Experiences for the Private Sector for Sustainability, Accelerating Energy Transition in March 2019 (in Turkish)

70 On the Way to Efficiently Supplying and Transport Sectors: Trends, More Than Half of Turkey’s Electricity Opportunities and Innovative Practices, from Renewables: Costs and Benefits November 2019 Options to Increase System Flexibility, April 2019 International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and SHURA Energy R&D and Innovation in Transition to Transition Center “Innovation Day” Value-Added Production for Renewable Event Summary Report, November 2019 Energy, April 2019 (in Turkish) Trends in Innovation and Patents for Energy Pricing and Non-Market Flows Energy Transition in Turkey, December in Turkey’s Energy Sector, May 2019 2019 (in Turkish)

ICCI 2019 SHURA Special Session “The Impact of Incentives, Support Summary Report: Financing the Energy and Subsidies on the Energy Sector Transition in Turkey, May 2019 (in in Turkey” Presentation and Panel Turkish) Summary Report, December 2019

Enhancing Turkey’s Policy Framework Transport Sector Transformation: for Energy Efficiency of Buildings, and Integrating Electric Vehicles into Recommendations for the Way Forward Turkey’s Distribution Grids, December Based on International Experiences, 2019 June 2019

Financing the Energy Transition in Turkey, October 2019

The Role of Battery Technologies in the Transformation of the Energy


The newly established Urbanization and Local Governance cluster of Istanbul Policy Center aims to address the economic, social, and environmental governance transformations that Turkey’s cities have undergone throughout the process of globalization.

73 Although the Urbanization and study, and a new report was prepared Local Governance cluster is newly focusing on four cities. City-Region: established within IPC, studies on this New Dynamics in Local Government issue have been ongoing since 2015. Report was shared with academicians, As we are now living in a new “urban local governments, and decision- age,” as announced by the United makers working in this field in May Nations (UN), IPC has decided to 2019. In 2017, the study “Analysis of the incorporate urbanization studies into Effects of the Events in Sur on the City’s its research. Anatolian cities, on which Economy” investigated the impacts of IPC focuses, underwent an economic, conflict processes on urban life and the social, and urban transformation urban economy. coinciding with various processes of globalization after 1980 and have In 2018, in line with TUBITAK 1003 shifted their focus on local governance. Program of Supporting the R&D Projects According to their location, Anatolian for Priority Areas, IPC’s “Sustainable cities also encounter phenomena such Urban Policies: Quality of Life in Terms as immigration or socio-economic of City-regions in Turkey” project was inequality. The move of the center of supported under the program subtheme social life to cities has brought about “Living Environment and Intramural a different urbanization process than Affairs.” in the past. In this framework, IPC’s Under this cluster IPC conducts urban studies aim to conduct in- “Istanbul Perspectives,” a panel series depth research assessing the political, on Istanbul that examines urbanization economic, and societal impacts of and cultural change in the city, which globalization on Anatolian cities on a is one of the largest metropolises not comparative basis, which would give only in Turkey but also in the world. every city the chance to tell its own We initiated this monthly event story. series in October 2018, and in 2019/20, Under this cluster, IPC has collaborated we continue to conduct interviews with many non-governmental with researchers investigating the organizations, especially with transformation of Istanbul’s urban TURKONFED, to closely examine space. Anatolian cities with different With its studies in urbanization historical backgrounds within the and local governance, IPC aims to context of the city-region, publishing contribute to the academic literature multiple reports. In this context, our and aid local governance actors first report, City-Region: New Dynamics through sharing scientific research in Local Development – From Turkey’s and proposals with decision makers, Cities to Cities’ Turkey, was published central/local governments, and local in April 2017. This report, which covers actors. 12 cities, was deepened in a second


their report City-Region: New Dynamics in Local Governance on September 4, 2019 in Izmir. In the meeting, moderated by Ayşe Köse Badur, Fuat Keyman, General Manager of KONDA Bekir Ağırdır, and Koray Velibeyoğlu from Izmir High Technology Institute discussed the report and the city of Izmir. DIGITAL GOVERNANCE & SOLUTIONS - STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING AND WORKSHOP June 23, 2019, Istanbul’s JUNE 23, 2019, ISTANBUL’S Re-run Elections: An Assessment IPC, Human Development Foundation on Voter Behavior RE-RUN ELECTIONS: AN (INGEV), and University of Oxford ASSESSMENT ON VOTER organized the steering committee BEHAVIOR and workshop “ActHuman - Digital Governance and Solutions in IPC and Infakto organized the panel Municipalities” on September 24, 2019 titled “June 23, 2019, Istanbul’s at Marmara Municipalities Union. Re-run Elections: An Assessment on Voter Behavior” on July 5, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. CITY-REGION: NEW DYNAMICS IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE IPC Director Fuat Keyman and Local Democracy and Governance Project Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur presented

City-Region: New Dynamics in Local Governance


Istanbul Perspectives Series 1 – “Istanbul, Wide Angle” The first meeting in the Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with Murat Germen’s talk on “Istanbul, Wide Angle,” moderated by Asuman Suner, on October 25, 2018 at IPC Karaköy.

Istanbul Perspectives Series 2 – “Istanbul, Close Up: Architecture and the City over the Last Ten Years” The second meeting in the Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with (1983–2006) Hülya Uçansu’s talk on “The architect, architectural historian, and Festival Mood of the City” moderated by lecturer Uğur Tanyeli’s talk on “Istanbul, Asuman Suner, on January 24, 2019 at IPC Close Up: Architecture and the City over Karaköy. the Last Ten Years,” moderated by Asuman Istanbul Perspectives Series 5 – “Hong Kong Suner, on November 29, 2018 at IPC Karaköy. – Istanbul: Personalizing the City” The fifth meeting in the Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with academic and writer Asuman Suner’s talk on “Hong Kong – Istanbul: Personalizing the City.” IPC Director Fuat Keyman gave the opening speech at the event on February 21, 2019 at IPC Karaköy.

Istanbul Perspectives Series 6 – “City, Women, Freedom” The sixth meeting in the Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with academic and writer Fatmagül Berktay’s talk on “City, Women, Freedom,” moderated Istanbul Perspectives Series 3 – “Art, Street, by Asuman Suner, on March 28, 2019 at IPC Corporeality” Karaköy. The third meeting of the Istanbul Istanbul Perspectives Series 7 – “Istanbul’s Perspectives Talks took place with Canan, Transformation from the Perspective of the the artist, on “Art, Street, Corporeality,” Performing Arts” moderated by Asuman Suner, on December 20, 2018 at IPC Karaköy. The seventh meeting in the Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with Istanbul Perspectives Series 4 – “The director, actor, and academic Mehmet Festival Mood of the City” Birkiye’s talk on “Istanbul’s Transformation The fourth meeting in the Istanbul from the Perspective of the Performing Arts,” Perspectives Talks series took place with moderated by Asuman Suner, on April 25, former director of the Istanbul Film Festival 2019 at IPC Karaköy.

76 İstanbul İstanbul İstanbul İstanbul Perspektİflerİ Perspektİflerİ Perspektİflerİ Perspektİflerİ Söylesİ Serİsİ Söylesİ Serİsİ Söylesİ Serİsİ Söylesİ Serİsİ

"İstanbul'da Çağdaş Sanat: Sürdürülebilirlik Perspektifinden "Sahne Sanatları Perspektifinden "Sanat Piyasası Yapılar, Süreçler" İstanbul İstanbul'un Dönüşümü" Perspektifinden İstanbul" Alİ AKAY Asu Aksoy Mehmet B Haldun Dostoglu Sosyolog, Küratör Akademisyen, Araştırmacı Yönetmen, Oyuncu, Akademisyenİrkİye Sanat Galerisi Kurucusu ve Yöneticisi

Moderatör Asuman Suner Moderatör Asuman Suner Moderatör Asuman Suner Moderatör Asuman Suner

Tarih 21 Kasım 2019, Perşembe Tarih 26 Aralık 2019, Perşembe Tarih 25 Nisan 2019, Perşembe Tarih 30 Mayıs 2019, Perşembe

Saat 17:00-19:00 Saat 17:00-19:00 Saat 17:00-19:00 Saat 17:00-19:00

Yer İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, Yer İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, Yer İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, Yer İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi,

Minerva Han, Karaköy Minerva Han, Karaköy Minerva Han, Karaköy Minerva Han, Karaköy

Istanbul Perspectives Series 8 – “Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with from the Perspective of the Art Market” sociologist and curator Ali Akay’s talk on The eighth meeting in the Istanbul “Modern Art in Istanbul: Structures, Processes,” Perspectives Talks series took place with moderated by Asuman Suner, on November 21, founder and director of Gallery Nev Istanbul 2019 at IPC Karaköy. Haldun Dostoğlu’s talk on “Istanbul from the Istanbul Perspectives Series 10 – “Istanbul Perspective of the Art Market,” moderated From the Perspective of Non-Sustainability” by Asuman Suner, on May 30, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. The tenth meeting in the Istanbul Perspectives Talks series took place with academic and Istanbul Perspectives Series 9 – researcher Asu Aksoy’s talk on “Istanbul “Contemporary Art in Istanbul: Structures, from the Perspective of Non-Sustainability,” Processes” moderated by Asuman Suner, on December 26, The ninth meeting in the Istanbul 2019 at IPC Karaköy.

77 PUBLICATIONS JUNE 23, 2019, ISTANBUL’S RE-RUN ELECTIONS: AN ASSESSMENT ON VOTER BEHAVIOR Emre Erdoğan, Özge Kemahlıoğlu, Mert Moral, Emre Toros, and IPC Senior Fellow Ersin Kalaycıoğlu’s report, June 23, 2019, Istanbul’s Re-run Elections: An Assessment on Voter Behavior, was published in October 2019.

5 TEMMUZ 2019 Cuma 11:00-13:00

ISTANBUL: LIVING WITH İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, Minerva Han, Karaköy DIFFERENCE IN A GLOBAL CITY PANEL IPC Director Fuat Keyman’s edited 23 Haziran 2019 volume Istanbul: Living with Difference İstanbul Tekrar Seçimleri: Seçmen Davranışı Açısından Bir Değerlendirme in a Global City, co-edited with Nora KONUŞMACILAR Emre Erdoğan, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Fisher-Onar and Susan C. Pearce, was Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, Sabancı Üniversitesi Özge Kemahlıoğlu, Sabancı Üniversitesi Mert Moral, Sabancı Üniversitesi published in January 2018. Emre Toros, Hacettepe Üniversitesi LOCAL DYNAMICS IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE: FROM THE CITIES OF TURKEY TO A TURKEY OF CITIES Director Fuat Keyman’s report Local Dynamics in Local Governance: From the Cities of Turkey to a Turkey of Cities, co-authored with Local Democracy and Governance Project Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur, 2015/16 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow Çağlar Keyder, and Istanbul Bilgi University Lecturer Fırat Genç, was published by TURKONFED and IPC in May 2019.


ISTANBUL: LIVING WITH LOCAL DYNAMICS IN LOCAL DIFFERENCE IN A GLOBAL CITY GOVERNANCE – FROM THE Two book launches for IPC Director CITIES OF TURKEY TO A Fuat Keyman’s edited volume Istanbul: TURKEY OF CITIES Living with Difference in a Global City, co-edited with Nora Fisher Onar IPC, TURKONFED, ÇUKUROVASIFED, and Susan C. Pearce, took place, at and MESIAD organized the launch of University of California, Berkeley, on the report Local Dynamics in Local April 5, 2018 and at IPC, Minerva Han, Governance – From the Cities of Turkey on June 21, 2018. to a Turkey of Cities on May 10, 2019 at Mersin Divan Hotel.


The Conflict Resolution and Mediation (CRM) program is a joint initiative by Sabancı University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and Istanbul Policy Center. It aims to conduct research, provide education and training, contribute to the enhancement of civilian capacity, and become involved in joint projects with national and international institutions. The program focuses on the Middle East and the Arab Spring, peacebuilding, migration and refugees, mediation, the Kurdish question, and the role of conflict resolution in Turkey’s democratization.

80 81 EVENTS

THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN for peacebuilding, and new feminist CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND strategies were among the topics discussed in this workshop. RECONCILIATION Sabancı University Faculty Member 21 YEARS AFTER THE GOOD Ayşe Betül Çelik, IPC Conflict FRIDAY AGREEMENT, N. Resolution and Mediation Stream Project Manager Pınar Akpınar, IRELAND STILL WRESTLES and Project Officer Efe Doğuş Selvi WITH PEACE AND convened the workshop “The Role of RECONCILIATION Women in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation” on January 11, 2018 at The screening and discussion of three IPC. short films under the theme “21 Years after the Good Friday Agreement, N. This workshop discussed the Ireland Still Wrestles with Peace and potential role of women in decreasing Reconciliation” took place on May polarization and peaceful resolution 27, 2019 at IPC Karaköy. The panel of the Kurdish Question in Turkey. hosted the producers of the movies, Women are known to have various Quintin Oliver and Fiona MacMillan, roles in building societal peace. The who discussed how the ‘yes’ campaign role of women in peacebuilding, for the peace agreement won the the factors that strengthen and referendum and what still remains as weaken cooperation among women the major difficulties in implementing in reconciliation, the urgent need the peace process in N. Ireland.

21 Years after the Good Friday Agreement, N. Ireland Still Wrestles with Peace and Reconciliation

82 Understanding and Fostering and Mardin with the aim to promote the Role of Women in Mediation UNDERSTANDING AND FOSTERING THE ROLE OF mediation as a non-violent means of conflict resolution and empower WOMEN IN MEDIATION women as agents of peace. In the framework of the activities of the Mediterranean Women Mediators LAUNCHES Network (MWMN), IPC, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DIALOGUE AND SUSTAINABLE International Cooperation, the EU CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN Delegation in Ankara, and the Turkish Women Mediators under the leadership THE KURDISH QUESTION AND of Sabancı University faculty POLARIZATION IN TURKEY member Ayşe Betül Çelik organized the workshop “Understanding and The press conference of the Dialogue Fostering the Role of Women in and Sustainable Conflict Resolution in Mediation” on June 29–30, 2019 at IPC the Kurdish Question and Polarization Karaköy. in Turkey Project, where IPC Director Fuat Keyman and Conflict Resolution In October 2019, the Turkish Women and Mediation Stream Scholar and Mediators Network also gave trainings Project Manager Pınar Akpınar on gender-sensitive conflict resolution launched the final report, took place at and mediation to women opinion Vault Karaköy – The House Hotel on leaders in Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, May 11, 2018.


ARTS AND SPORTS ON THE AXIS OF SOCIAL POLARIZATION Istanbul Technical University Faculty Member Asuman Suner and IPC Researcher Altay Atlı’s report titled Arts and Sports on the Axis of Social Polarization was published in March 2018.

THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN RECONCILIATION AND STATE CAPACITY, FOREIGN/SECURITY POLICY AND POLITICAL CRISIS IN TURKEY: CONFLICT RESOLUTION THE PROMISE OF ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM Sabancı University Faculty Member Istanbul Policy Center Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 BÜLENT ARAS Karaköy, İstanbul TURKEY Ayşe Betül Çelik’s report The Role of +90 212 292 49 39 +90 212 292 49 57 @ [email protected] Women in Reconciliation and Conflict ISBN: 978-605-2095-15-7 w Resolution was published in March 2018. STATE CAPACITY, FOREIGN/ SECURITY POLICY AND POLITICAL CRISIS IN TURKEY: THE PROMISE OF ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM IPC Senior Scholar & Conflict Resolution and Mediation Stream Coordinator Bülent Aras’ report State Capacity, Foreign/Security Policy and Political Crisis in Turkey: The Promise of Administrative Reform was published in February 2018.


AYŞE BETÜL ÇELİK Istanbul Policy Center Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul TURKEY +90 212 292 49 39 +90 212 292 49 57 @ [email protected] ISBN: 978-605-2095-17-1 w


PINAR AKPINAR EFE DOĞUŞ SELVİ of the Conflict Resolution and Mediation Bülent Aras (together with Emirhan Yorulmazlar) published the article “State, Institutions and Reform in Turkey after July 15” in New Perspectives on Turkey on November 25, 2018.


Istanbul Policy Center RESOLUTION Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul TURKEY +90 212 292 49 39 +90 212 292 49 57 Fuat Keyman and Ayşe Köse Badur @ [email protected] ISBN: 978-605-2095-24-9 w published the book Kurdish Issue: Local Dynamics and Conflict Resolution with Ayrıntı Yayınları in October 2019. DIALOGUE AND SUSTAINABLE CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN THE KURDISH QUESTION AND POLARIZATION IN TURKEY The final project report of the Dialogue and Sustainable Conflict Resolution in the Kurdish Question and Polarization in Turkey project, prepared by Conflict Resolution and Mediation Stream Scholar and Project Manager Pınar Akpınar and Project Officer Efe Doğuş Selvi, was published in May 2018.

THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AS A SOFT POWER TOOL IPC Senior Scholar and Coordinator of the Conflict Resolution and Mediation cluster Bülent Aras (together with Zulkarnain Mohammed) published the article “The Turkish Government Scholarship Program as a Soft Power Tool” in Turkish Studies on November 25, 2018.



CENTER FOR ASIA HUMAN RIGHTS AND ILL LEADERSHIP – IPC VISIT TREATMENT IN THE 21ST Founded by Harvard alumni, Boston- CENTURY based Center for Asia Leadership IPC and the Küyerel Global and Local visited IPC on June 7, 2018. The Thought Institution organized the 19-person delegation consisting of conference “Human Rights and Ill Harvard, MIT and Fletcher School Treatment in the 21st Century,” which alumni met with IPC Senior Scholar took place at Taksim Divan Hotel on & Research and Academic Affairs November 24, 2018. Coordinator Senem Aydın-Düzgit and IPC Senior Scholar Bahri Yılmaz, who gave talks on economics, Turkey- THE TURKISH HERITAGE EU relations, Turkey’s elections, and ORGANIZATION’S NON- current issues. RESIDENT FELLOWSHIP EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PROGRAM VISIT – IPC VISIT The Turkish Heritage Organization’s Non-Resident Fellowship program IPC and the Economic Development visited IPC on July 4, 2019. They Foundation (IKV) hosted parliamentary discussed recent issues on Turkey, consultants from the European Turkey-US relations, Syrian refugees in Parliament to discuss contemporary Turkey, and the economy with Maissam Turkish politics, Turkey’s foreign policy, Nimer, Ersin Kalaycioğlu, Bahri Yılmaz, and EU-Turkey Relations on October 31 and Cana Tülüş Türk. at IPC Karaköy. NEOLIBERALISM, STATE, GLOBAL CRISIS IPC organized the conference “Neoliberalism, State, Global Crisis” in the honor of Galip Yalman at IPC Karaköy on November 23, 2018.

88 EURASIA AND CHINA’S BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE The IPC–Sabancı University–Stiftung Mercator Initiative, together with Columbia University’s Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies, Harriman Institute, ISERP, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, and Columbia Global Centers in Istanbul, organized the panel discussion “Eurasia and China’s Belt and Road Initiative” on September Eurasia and China’s Belt and 19, 2019 at Columbia University Sakıp Road Initiative Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies. Ahmet Evin and Megan Gisclon attended the panel discussion.


A TALK WITH PROF. DR. ZAFER Age of Discontent: Essays on Violence, TOPRAK: NEW LIFE IN TURKEY Politics and Belonging by Evren Balta, Democracies Divided: The Global A talk with Prof. Dr. Zafer Toprak on his Challenge of Political Polarization, book New Life in Turkey was held on which was edited by Andrew February 15, 2018 at IPC. O’Donohue and Thomas Carothers and includes a section by Senem THE CRISIS OF DEMOCRATIC Aydın-Düzgit, and Kurdish Issue: Local Dynamics and Conflict Resolution by GOVERNANCE IN TURKEY AND Fuat Keyman and Ayşe Köse Badur. THE WORLD IPC organized the panel “The Crisis of Democratic Governance in Turkey and the World” on November 8, 2019 at IPC Karaköy to introduce three new books:


CITIZEN-STATE INTERFACE IN THE ROLE OF EURASIA IN A TURKEY: A STUDY FROM THE M U LT I - P O L A R W O R L D COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE Senior Scholar Ahmet Evin and Managing Editor and Researcher IPC Senior Scholar Ersin Kalaycıoğlu Megan Gisclon’s report The Role of and Koç University Faculty Member Eurasia in a Multi-Polar World was Ali Çarkoğlu’s ISSP report Citizen-State published in March 2019. Interface in Turkey: A Study from the Comparative Perspective was published in February 2018.


AHMET EVIN AT TURKEY’S WORK MEGAN GISCLON ORIENTATION IPC Senior Scholar Ersin Kalaycıoğlu and Koç University Faculty Member Ali Çarkoğlu’s report A Comparative Look at Turkey’s Work Orientation was published in February 2018. Istanbul Policy Center Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul TURKEY +90 212 292 49 39 +90 212 292 49 57 @ [email protected] ISBN: 978-605-2095-47-8 w SOCIAL COHESION IN TURKEY INGEV Researchers Aysen Ataseven WHICH WAY NOW FOR THE and Çağla Bakış’s report Social Cohesion in Turkey was published EU? in June 2018. The report includes an Kemal Derviş published the IPC executive summary by Fuat Keyman Analysis “Which Way Now for the EU?” and focuses on the current state of on July 25, 2019. social cohesion in Turkey. DEMOCRACIES DIVIDED: THE WHY HAS CHINA SUCCEEDED? GLOBAL CHALLENGE OF DOES CHINA’S SUCCESS POLITICAL POLARIZATION CONTRADICT ACEMOĞLU AND Andrew O’Donohue’s edited volume, ROBINSON’S THESIS IN “WHY co-edited with Thomas Carothers, NATIONS FAIL?” Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization IPC Senior Scholar Bahri Yılmaz’s was published on September 24, 2019 working paper “Why Has China with the Brookings Institution Press. Succeeded? Does China’s Success The book featured a chapter by Senem Contradict Acemoğlu and Robinson’s Aydın-Düzgit, titled “The Islamist- Thesis in Why Nations Fail?” was Secularist Divide and Turkey’s Descent published in June 2018. into Severe Polarization.”

91 IPC TEAM (December 2019)

• Fuat Keyman, Director, Executive Board Mediation Stream Scholar Member • Ahmet Acar, IPC - SHURA Energy Analyst • Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Senior Scholar & • Hasan Aksoy, IPC - SHURA Power System Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator Analyst • Kemal Derviş, Senior Advisor • Nesrin Beyer, IPC - SHURA Program Officer • Bülent Aras, Senior Scholar • Ayşe Ceren Sarı, IPC - SHURA Energy • İzak Atiyas, Senior Scholar Analyst • Evren Balta, Senior Scholar and Researcher • Değer Saygın, IPC - SHURA Project • Nakiye A. Boyacıgiller, Senior Scholar Coordinator • Ahmet Evin, Senior Scholar • Yael Taranto, IPC - SHURA Senior Energy • Korel Göymen, Senior Scholar Analyst • Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Senior Scholar • Hayriye Ataş, Checks and Balances Project • Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, Senior Scholar Manager • Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Senior Scholar • Barış Coşkun, Checks and Balances Project • Bahri Yılmaz, Senior Scholar Specialist • Gülcihan Çiğdem Okan, Mercator-IPC • Yasemin Bingöl, Checks and Balances Fellowship Program Associate Project Administrative Affairs Officer • Megan Gisclon, Managing Editor and Researcher • İlhan Mahir Kalaylıoğlu, Checks and Balances Project Specialist • Özgül Kızıldağ, Administrative Affairs Officer • Yeşim Özgel, Checks and Balances Project • Meryem Kösehasanoğulları, Finance and Logistics and Financial Affairs Officer Administrative Affairs Manager • Cennet Özlalek, Checks and Balances Project • Sıla Pelin Oğuz, Mercator-IPC Fellowship Administrative Affairs Officer Program Coordinator • Atila Eralp, 2017/18 Mercator-IPC Senior • İnci Ünal, Administrative Affairs & Mercator- Fellow IPC Fellowship Program Officer • Sinan Erensü, 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow • Cana Tülüş Türk, Researcher and • Akgün İlhan, 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow Administrative Affairs Coordinator • Damla Yazar, Project Finance and • Ellen Kollender, 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow Administrative Affairs Asst. Specialist • Gökçe Uysal Kolaşin, 2019/20 Mercator-IPC • Ümit Şahin, Climate Studies Coordinator and Fellow Senior Scholar • Andrea Weiss, 2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow • Pınar Ertör Akyazı, Co-Benefits Project We would like to thank Mustafa Özgür Berke, Specialist Ali Beştaş, Şafak Ceren, Yağmur Çalışkan, Ayşe • Ayşe Köse Badur, Local Democracy and Çamkıran, Dilek Ertükel, Nesrin Köseler, Çağıl Governance Project Coordinator Öcal, Tuba Özgel, Çiğdem Tongal, Derin Tufan, • Andrew O’Donohue, Researcher Neslihan Uras, and Nilgün Yılmaz for their • Pınar Akpınar, Conflict Resolution and contributions to IPC within the past two years.

92 Istanbul Policy Center


Istanbul Policy Center 2018-19 ACTIVITY REPORT Istanbul Policy Center Karakoy Headquarters Sabanci University Office Bankalar Caddesi No: 2 Minerva Han Orhanli Tuzla 34420 Karaköy, İstanbul TURKEY 34956 / Istanbul - TURKEY +90 212 292 49 39 +90 216 483 91 16 +90 212 292 49 57 +90 216 483 91 14 @ [email protected]