“1 EDERAL \ 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 20 NUMBER 47 * Wa N T E D ^ Washington, Wednesday, March 9, 1955
\ utteba\ I SCRIPTA I { fc “1 EDERAL \ 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 20 NUMBER 47 * Wa n t e d ^ Washington, Wednesday, March 9, 1955 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE material disclosure: § 3.1845 Composi CONTENTS tion: Wool Products Labeling Act; PERSONNEL § 3.1900 Source or origin: Wool Products Agricultural Marketing Service PaS0 Labeling Act. Subpart—Offering unfair, Proposed rule making: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission improper and deceptive inducements to Milk handling in Wichita, Kans_ 1405 Part 6—Exceptions P rom the purchase or deal: § 3.1982 Guarantee— Agricultural Research Service Competitive S ervice statutory: Wool Products Labeling Act. Proposed rule making: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Subpart—V sing misleading nam e— Foreign quarantine notices; for Goods: § 3.2280 Composition. I. In con eign cotton and covers______ 1407 Effective upon publication in the F ed nection with the introduction or manu eral R egister, paragraph (j) is added facture for introduction into commerce, Agriculture Department to § 6.104 as set out below. or the offering for sale, sale, transporta See Agricultural Marketing Serv ice; Agricultural Research Serv § 6.104 Department of Defense. * * * tion or distribution in commerce, of sweaters or other “wool products” as such ice; Rural Electrification Ad (j) Office of Legislative Programs. ministration. (1) Until December 31,1955, one Direc products are defined in and subject to the tor of Legislative Programs, GS-301-17. Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, Bonneville Power Administra (2) Until December 31, 1955, two Su which products contain, purport to con tion pervisory Legislative Analysts, GS- tain or in any way are represented as Notices: 301-15.
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