“1 EDERAL \ 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 20 NUMBER 47 * Wa N T E D ^ Washington, Wednesday, March 9, 1955
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\ utteba\ I SCRIPTA I { fc “1 EDERAL \ 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 20 NUMBER 47 * Wa n t e d ^ Washington, Wednesday, March 9, 1955 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE material disclosure: § 3.1845 Composi CONTENTS tion: Wool Products Labeling Act; PERSONNEL § 3.1900 Source or origin: Wool Products Agricultural Marketing Service PaS0 Labeling Act. Subpart—Offering unfair, Proposed rule making: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission improper and deceptive inducements to Milk handling in Wichita, Kans_ 1405 Part 6—Exceptions P rom the purchase or deal: § 3.1982 Guarantee— Agricultural Research Service Competitive S ervice statutory: Wool Products Labeling Act. Proposed rule making: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Subpart—V sing misleading nam e— Foreign quarantine notices; for Goods: § 3.2280 Composition. I. In con eign cotton and covers______ 1407 Effective upon publication in the F ed nection with the introduction or manu eral R egister, paragraph (j) is added facture for introduction into commerce, Agriculture Department to § 6.104 as set out below. or the offering for sale, sale, transporta See Agricultural Marketing Serv ice; Agricultural Research Serv § 6.104 Department of Defense. * * * tion or distribution in commerce, of sweaters or other “wool products” as such ice; Rural Electrification Ad (j) Office of Legislative Programs. ministration. (1) Until December 31,1955, one Direc products are defined in and subject to the tor of Legislative Programs, GS-301-17. Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, Bonneville Power Administra (2) Until December 31, 1955, two Su which products contain, purport to con tion pervisory Legislative Analysts, GS- tain or in any way are represented as Notices: 301-15. containing “wool”, “reprocessed wool”, Assistant Administrator et al.; (3) Until December 31, 1955, two or “reused wool”, as those terms are de redelegations of authority___ 1412 fined in said act, misbranding or mis Legislative Analysts, GS-301-13; two Civil Aeronautics Board Legislative Analysts, GS-301-12; two representing such products by: (1) Falsely or deceptively stamping, tagging, Notices: Legislative Analysts, GS-301-11; and K. L. M. Royal Dutch Airlines; two Legislative Analysts, GS-301-9. labeling or otherwise identifying such products as to the character or amount foreign permit renewal case; (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. O. of the constituent fibers therein; (2) prehearing conference______ 1416 631, 633; E. O. 10440, 18 F. R. 1823, 3 CFR, failing to securely affix or to place on Civil Service Commission 1953 Supp.) each such product a stamp, tag, label, or Rules and regulations: U nited S tates Civil S erv other means of identification showing in Competitive service, exceptions ice Commission, a clear and conspicuous manner: (a) from; Department of De [seal] W m. C. H ull, The percentage of the total fiber weight fense_________ 1389 • Executive Assistant. of such wool products, exclusive of Commerce Department ornamentation not exceeding five per [F. R. Doc. 55-2031; Filed, Mar. 8, 1955; See Federal Maritime Board. 8:59 a. m.] centum of said total fiber weight of (1) wool, (2) reprocessed wool, (3) reused Federal Communications Com wool, (4) each fiber other than wool mission TITLE 16— COMMERCIAL »where said percentages by weight of such Notices : fiber is five per centum or more and (5) Stanislaus County Broadcasters, PRACTICES the aggregate of all other fibers; (b) the Inc., and McClatchy Broad maximum percentage of the total weight casting Co. ; order designating Chapter I— Federal Trade Commission of such wool product of any non-fibrous application for hearing on [Docket 6171] loading, filling, or adulterating matter; stated issues_______________ 1417 (c) the name or the registered identifi Proposed rule making: Part 3—D igest of Cease and D esist cation number of the manufacturer of Aviation services ; types of emis Orders such wool product or of one or more per sion___________.___________ 1412 NOVELTY KNITTING MILLS, INC., ET AL. sons engaged in introducing such wool Class B FM broadcast stations; Subpart—Advertising falsely or mis product into commerce or in the offering revised tentative allocation leadingly: § 3.30 Composition of goods. for sale, sale, transportation, distribu plan_________________ 1410 Subpart—Furnishing means and instru tion, or delivering for shipment thereof Radio broadcast stations ; exten mentalities of misrepresentation or de in commerce, as “commerce” is defined sion of time for filing com ception: § 3.1055 Furnishing means and in the Wool Products Labeling Act of ments_____________________ 1411 instrumentalities of misrepresentation 1939; and (3) furnishing false guaran Television broadcast stations; or deception. Subpart—Misbranding or ties when there is reason to believe the transmitter location and an mislabeling: § 3.1190 Composition: Wool wool products so guaranteed may be in tenna system______________ 1410 Products Labeling Act: § 3.1325 Source troduced, sold, transported, or distributed Federal Maritime Board or origin: Maker or seller etc.: Wool in commerce; and, II, in connection with Rules and regulations: Products Labeling Act. Subpart—Mis the offering for sale, sale, or distribution Documentation, transfer or representing oneself and goods—Goods: in commerce, of sweaters or other wool charter of vessels; citizenship § 3.1647 Guarantee—statutory: Wool products: Using the term “Cashmere” declarations by owners or Products Labeling Act. Subpart—Neg or any other word or words of similar mortgagees of vessels of the lecting, unfairly or deceptively, to make (Continued on next page) U. S______________________ 1399 1389 1390 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Interstate Commerce Commis- Pase Title 16 Page FEDERAL-REGISTER Chapter I: \ 193« ¿fi sion— Continued c OmitfQ ’ N otices—Continued Part 3________________________ Applications for relief—Con. Title 20 Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, Commodities, various, from Chapter III: and days following official Federal holidays, and to points in the South- Part 404___________ __________ - 1392 by the Federal Register Division, National west------------------------------ 1425 Archives and Records Service, General Serv Motor carrier applications___ _ 1418 Title 35 ices Administration, pursuant to the au Chapter I: thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Land Management Bureau Part 24 _______ ______ ______ - 1392 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Notices: Appendix (Canal Zone orders) J amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula South Dakota; proposed with 10 (see CZO 39) ____________-. 1392 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com drawal and reservation of 15 (see CZO 29) _. 1392 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by lands (2 documents)____ ___ 1414 25 (see CZO 39) _ 1392 the President. Distribution is made only by Proposed rule making: 39____________ ___________ the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Multiple development of min ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. eral deposits under mining Title 36 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by and mineral leasing laws___ 1401 Chapter I: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Part 20_______________________ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Maritime Administration advance. The charge for individual copies See Federal Maritime Board. Title 43 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Chapter I: the size of the issue. Remit check or money National Park Service Part 186 (proposed)_________ . 1401 order, made payable to the Superintendent Rules and regulations: of Documents, directly to the Government Katmai National Monument; Title 46 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. fishing; special regulations_1399 Chapter n : The regulatory material appearing herein Part 2 2 1 ___________ _______.. 1399 is keyed to the Code o p F ederal R egulations, Old-Age and Survivors Insur which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Title 47 ance Bureau Chapter I: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ed Part 2 (proposed) .. 1410 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin Federal old-age and survivors Part 3 (proposed) (3 docu tendent of Documents. Prices of books and insurance (1950----- ) ; bene ments) ____ ___________ 1410,1411 pocket supplements vary. fits; lump sum death pay Part 9 (proposed)____________ 1412 There are no restrictions on the re ments_____________________ 1392 publication of material appearing in the Panama Canal F ederal R egister, or the C ode o p F ederal import and meaning, either alone or in R egulations. Rules and regulations: Sanitation, health and quaran connection or conjunction with any tine; miscellaneous amend other word or words to designate, ments____ - __ ___________ - 1392 describe or refer to any product which CFR SUPPLEMENTS ds not composed entirely of the hair of Rural Electrification Adminis the Cashmere goat; prohibited, subject (For use during 1955) tration to the proviso, however, that the fore The following Supplements are now Notices: going provisions concerning misbrand Allocation of funds for loans ing in part one of the aforesaid order available: (2 documents)_____________ 1415 shall not be construed to prohibit acts Loan announcements (23 docu permitted by Paragraphs (a) and (b) of Title 3, 1954 Supp. ($1.75) ments)________________ 1414-1416 section 3 of the Wool Products Labeling Titles 30-31 ($1.25) Securities and Exchange Com Act of 1939, and that nothing contained in the