\ utteba\ I SCRIPTA I { fc “1 EDERAL \ 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 20 NUMBER 47 * Wa n t e d ^ Washington, Wednesday, March 9, 1955 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE material disclosure: § 3.1845 Composi­ CONTENTS tion: Wool Products Labeling Act; PERSONNEL § 3.1900 Source or origin: Wool Products Agricultural Marketing Service PaS0 Labeling Act. Subpart—Offering unfair, Proposed rule making: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission improper and deceptive inducements to Milk handling in Wichita, Kans_ 1405 Part 6—Exceptions P rom the purchase or deal: § 3.1982 Guarantee— Agricultural Research Service Competitive S ervice statutory: Wool Products Labeling Act. Proposed rule making: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Subpart—V sing misleading nam e— Foreign quarantine notices; for­ Goods: § 3.2280 Composition. I. In con­ eign cotton and covers______ 1407 Effective upon publication in the F ed­ nection with the introduction or manu­ eral R egister, paragraph (j) is added facture for introduction into commerce, Agriculture Department to § 6.104 as set out below. or the offering for sale, sale, transporta­ See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ ice; Agricultural Research Serv­ § 6.104 Department of Defense. * * * tion or distribution in commerce, of sweaters or other “wool products” as such ice; Rural Electrification Ad­ (j) Office of Legislative Programs. ministration. (1) Until December 31,1955, one Direc­ products are defined in and subject to the tor of Legislative Programs, GS-301-17. Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, Bonneville Power Administra­ (2) Until December 31, 1955, two Su­ which products contain, purport to con­ tion pervisory Legislative Analysts, GS- tain or in any way are represented as Notices: 301-15. containing “wool”, “reprocessed wool”, Assistant Administrator et al.; (3) Until December 31, 1955, two or “reused wool”, as those terms are de­ redelegations of authority___ 1412 fined in said act, misbranding or mis­ Legislative Analysts, GS-301-13; two Civil Aeronautics Board Legislative Analysts, GS-301-12; two representing such products by: (1) Falsely or deceptively stamping, tagging, Notices: Legislative Analysts, GS-301-11; and K. L. M. Royal Dutch Airlines; two Legislative Analysts, GS-301-9. labeling or otherwise identifying such products as to the character or amount foreign permit renewal case; (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. O. of the constituent fibers therein; (2) prehearing conference______ 1416 631, 633; E. O. 10440, 18 F. R. 1823, 3 CFR, failing to securely affix or to place on Civil Service Commission 1953 Supp.) each such product a stamp, tag, label, or Rules and regulations: U nited S tates Civil S erv­ other means of identification showing in Competitive service, exceptions ice Commission, a clear and conspicuous manner: (a) from; Department of De­ [seal] W m. C. H ull, The percentage of the total fiber weight fense_________ 1389 • Executive Assistant. of such wool products, exclusive of Commerce Department ornamentation not exceeding five per [F. R. Doc. 55-2031; Filed, Mar. 8, 1955; See Federal Maritime Board. 8:59 a. m.] centum of said total fiber weight of (1) wool, (2) reprocessed wool, (3) reused Federal Communications Com­ wool, (4) each fiber other than wool mission TITLE 16— COMMERCIAL »where said percentages by weight of such Notices : fiber is five per centum or more and (5) Stanislaus County Broadcasters, PRACTICES the aggregate of all other fibers; (b) the Inc., and McClatchy Broad­ maximum percentage of the total weight casting Co. ; order designating Chapter I— Federal Trade Commission of such wool product of any non-fibrous application for hearing on [Docket 6171] loading, filling, or adulterating matter; stated issues_______________ 1417 (c) the name or the registered identifi­ Proposed rule making: Part 3—D igest of Cease and D esist cation number of the manufacturer of Aviation services ; types of emis­ Orders such wool product or of one or more per­ sion___________.___________ 1412 NOVELTY KNITTING MILLS, INC., ET AL. sons engaged in introducing such wool Class B FM broadcast stations; Subpart—Advertising falsely or mis­ product into commerce or in the offering revised tentative allocation leadingly: § 3.30 Composition of goods. for sale, sale, transportation, distribu­ plan_________________ 1410 Subpart—Furnishing means and instru­ tion, or delivering for shipment thereof Radio broadcast stations ; exten­ mentalities of misrepresentation or de­ in commerce, as “commerce” is defined sion of time for filing com­ ception: § 3.1055 Furnishing means and in the Wool Products Labeling Act of ments_____________________ 1411 instrumentalities of misrepresentation 1939; and (3) furnishing false guaran­ Television broadcast stations; or deception. Subpart—Misbranding or ties when there is reason to believe the transmitter location and an­ mislabeling: § 3.1190 Composition: Wool wool products so guaranteed may be in­ tenna system______________ 1410 Products Labeling Act: § 3.1325 Source troduced, sold, transported, or distributed Federal Maritime Board or origin: Maker or seller etc.: Wool in commerce; and, II, in connection with Rules and regulations: Products Labeling Act. Subpart—Mis­ the offering for sale, sale, or distribution Documentation, transfer or representing oneself and goods—Goods: in commerce, of sweaters or other wool charter of vessels; citizenship § 3.1647 Guarantee—statutory: Wool products: Using the term “Cashmere” declarations by owners or Products Labeling Act. Subpart—Neg­ or any other word or words of similar mortgagees of vessels of the lecting, unfairly or deceptively, to make (Continued on next page) U. S______________________ 1399 1389 1390 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Interstate Commerce Commis- Pase Title 16 Page FEDERAL-REGISTER Chapter I: \ 193« ¿fi sion— Continued c OmitfQ ’ N otices—Continued Part 3________________________ Applications for relief—Con. Title 20 Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, Commodities, various, from Chapter III: and days following official Federal holidays, and to points in the South- Part 404___________ __________ - 1392 by the Federal Register Division, National west------------------------------ 1425 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Motor carrier applications___ _ 1418 Title 35 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Chapter I: thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Land Management Bureau Part 24 _______ ______ ______ - 1392 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Notices: Appendix (Canal Zone orders) J amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ South Dakota; proposed with­ 10 (see CZO 39) ____________-. 1392 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ drawal and reservation of 15 (see CZO 29) _. 1392 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by lands (2 documents)____ ___ 1414 25 (see CZO 39) _ 1392 the President. Distribution is made only by Proposed rule making: 39____________ ___________ the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Multiple development of min­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. eral deposits under mining Title 36 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by and mineral leasing laws___ 1401 Chapter I: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Part 20_______________________ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Maritime Administration advance. The charge for individual copies See Federal Maritime Board. Title 43 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Chapter I: the size of the issue. Remit check or money National Park Service Part 186 (proposed)_________ . 1401 order, made payable to the Superintendent Rules and regulations: of Documents, directly to the Government Katmai National Monument; Title 46 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. fishing; special regulations_1399 Chapter n : The regulatory material appearing herein Part 2 2 1 ___________ _______.. 1399 is keyed to the Code o p F ederal R egulations, Old-Age and Survivors Insur­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Title 47 ance Bureau Chapter I: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ed­ Part 2 (proposed) .. 1410 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Federal old-age and survivors Part 3 (proposed) (3 docu­ tendent of Documents. Prices of books and insurance (1950----- ) ; bene­ ments) ____ ___________ 1410,1411 pocket supplements vary. fits; lump sum death pay­ Part 9 (proposed)____________ 1412 There are no restrictions on the re­ ments_____________________ 1392 publication of material appearing in the Panama Canal F ederal R egister, or the C ode o p F ederal import and meaning, either alone or in R egulations. Rules and regulations: Sanitation, health and quaran­ connection or conjunction with any tine; miscellaneous amend­ other word or words to designate, ments____ - __ ___________ - 1392 describe or refer to any product which CFR SUPPLEMENTS ds not composed entirely of the hair of Rural Electrification Adminis­ the Cashmere goat; prohibited, subject (For use during 1955) tration to the proviso, however, that the fore­ The following Supplements are now Notices: going provisions concerning misbrand­ Allocation of funds for loans ing in part one of the aforesaid order available: (2 documents)_____________ 1415 shall not be construed to prohibit acts Loan announcements (23 docu­ permitted by Paragraphs (a) and (b) of Title 3, 1954 Supp. ($1.75) ments)________________ 1414-1416 section 3 of the Wool Products Labeling Titles 30-31 ($1.25) Securities and Exchange Com­ Act of 1939, and that nothing contained in the
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