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Bicycle & Pedestrian Prioritization 2.0 - BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN Project Data and Final Scores January 31, 2012 Inclusion in Name of Specific Name of 3 or More Access to Transit/School/CBD/High Describe Access to Connection to Larger System of Describe Connection to Larger Total Improvement Construction Right-of-Way % Right-of-Way Adopted Adopted Inclusion in Other Specific Crashes ROW Access Connection In Plan Crash Density MPO/RPO Total SPOT ID Goal Tier TIP # Municipality Route Name From To Description MPO/RPO Division(s) County(s) Total Cost Density Residential/Commercial Transit/School/CBD/High Density Interconnected System of Interconnected Quantitative Type Cost Cost Acquired Bicycle/Pedestr Bicycle/Pedestiran Plan? Adopted within Last 5 Score Score Score Score Score Score Points Score Area/Park? Residential/Commercial Area/Park Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities? Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Score ian Plan? Plan Other Plan Years? Direct connection to WAVE Transit bus routes 105,105,202 & 205. Also connects to the New Construct a multi-use path along 17th Connects to the Gary Shell Cross- Walk Wilmington: A Cape Fear Bicycle/Multiuse South 17th Street Multi- Independence Wilmington Urban Hanover Regional Medical Center which is the Long Range 2013 Mobility Subregional Wilmington Hospital Plaza Street from Hospital Plaza Drive to 03 New Hanover $1,079,544 $0 $1,079,544 100% Yes Yes City Trail ( at Pedestrian Comprehensive Commutes Yes 18 10 5 15 5 12 65 35 100 Facility Use Path Boulevard Area MPO largest employer in the Wilmington Transportation Plan Independence Boulevard Independence Boulevard. Pedestrian Plan 2035 Metropolitan Urban Area (over 4700 employees) Approximately 6,500 linear feet of ten Bicycle and pedestrian connectivity through Will connect with the Downtown (10') foot wide multi-use path designed the heart of downtown Winston-Salem Strollway and proposed bike lanes on WSMPO Greenway Bicycle/Multiuse Business 40 Multi-Use Winston-Salem Urban Multiuse/Greenw 2039 Mobility Subregional Winston-Salem Liberty Street Lockland Avenue as part of the Business 40 redesign and 09 Forsyth $3,000,000 $0 $3,000,000 100% Yes connecting Wake Forest Baptist Hospital, Yes Liberty Street and Main Street, as Plan (pending None N/A Yes 18 10 5 15 5 12 65 35 100 Facility Path Area MPO ay reconstruction project scheduled for BB&T Ballpark, residential areas, downtown well as sidewalks throughout the adoption) 2018 businesses, and transit. neighborhoods it connects University Parkway is one of the most heavily Approximately 16,000 linear feet of five traveled roadways in Winston-Salem, serving Winston-Salem (5') foot wide sidewalk along one side of Connects to sidewalks along many North Wake Forest Winston-Salem Urban high density residential areas, commercial Urban Area Sidewalk 2050 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Winston-Salem University Parkway Mercantile Drive the road to be located within the existing 09 Forsyth $700,000 $0 $700,000 100% Yes Yes of the side streets leading to Pedestrian Comprehensive Plan Suburban Yes 18 10 5 15 5 12 65 35 100 Road Area MPO areas, parks, and Wake Forest University, and Pedestrian right-of-way connecting existing University Parkway. Area Plan while also serving as a primary transit corridor Facilities Plan sidewalk segments into, and out of, downtown Winston-Salem FAMPO Connects residential and commercial FAMPO Bicycle and Construct sidewalk on north side of Along transit line. Along dense Long Range Bicycle and 1543 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Fayetteville Cliffdale Road Reilly Road Raeford Road Fayetteville Area MPO 06 Cumberland $500,000 $0 $500,000 100% Yes Yes properties to existing pedestrian Pedestrian Pedestrian Yes 18 10 5 15 5 10 63 35 98 Cliffdale Road neighborhoods. Transportation Plan Pedestrian facilities Connectivity Report Plan Existing network of sidewalks in This is a high priority transit corridor; GoodWill West Asheville-has gaps; the Asheville-Patton Ave pedestrian at Old Haywood Rd serves as a job training stretch from Regents Dr to New FBRMPO Patton Ave - Asheville- Westgate crossing improvements from Westgate French Broad River center; a variety of grocery stores and other Leicester Hwy has sidewalks Asheville Ped Plan Long Range LRTP (Tier I 1555 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Asheville pedestrian Old Haywood Rd 13 Buncombe $740,000 $0 $740,000 100% Yes Yes Pedestrian No 18 10 5 15 5 10 63 35 98 Parkway Pkwy to Old Haywood Rd, sidewalks MPO retail along Patton Ave; safe crossings would installed on one side; the segment 2005 Transportation Plan Bike Ped improvements gap closure where needed ensure access to Haywood Road-West west of Haywood Rd has sidewalks projects) Asheville commercial corridor; etc. on both sides; planned sidewalks on New Leicester Hwy (in the STIP) Access to Jacksonville Transit, provides Jacksonville This is a primary bicycle and connectivity among high-density housing, MPO Long- Lejeune Jacksonville Urban pedestrian corridor for Jacksonville Multiuse/Greenw Jacksonville Bicycle Long Range 1742 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Jacksonville Western Boulevard Huff Drive Sidewalks (west side) and crosswalks 03 Onslow $96,840 $0 $96,840 100% Yes commercial areas, Coastal Carolina Yes Range Yes 18 10 5 15 5 10 63 35 98 Boulevard Area MPO connecting to other existing/planned ay and Pedestrian Plan Transportation Plan Community College and Onslow Memorial Transportatio facilities Hospital n Plan Griffith Street has bike lanes and Griffith Street (Exit 30-I 77 overpass) is the sidewalks along the length of the only access connecting a high-density corridor with the exception fo the Exit Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements at residential neighborhood on Lake Davidson to Exit 30 Bike/Ped Mecklenburg-Union 30/I-77 crossing; portions of Davidson Bicycle Comprehensi 1790 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Davidson Exit 30 Griffith St Bridge Exit 30 (I-77) in Davidson to Griffith 10 Mecklenburg $500,000 $0 $500,000 100% Yes the downtown and other commercial centers Yes Bicycle Comprehensive Plan Yes 18 10 5 15 5 10 63 35 98 Improvements MPO Davidson-Gateway and Jetton Street Master Plan ve Plan Street Bridge over I-77. in the town; 2 large schools are located on which intersect with Griffith via Griffith Street less than 1/2 mile from the Exit roundabouts within 1/2 mile of I-77 30 interchange; etc. have bike lanes and sidewalks Provides primary connection Greensboro Urban between Latham Greenway and Road diet from 4 lanes with turn lanes Area Bicycle, Bicycle/Multiuse Battleground Greensboro Urban provides primary connection between Latham Lake Daniel Greenway. Will provide Multiuse/Greenw Comprehensive 1694 Mobility Subregional Greensboro Hill Street Connector Mendenhall to 2 lanes with turn lanes and sidepath 07 Guilford $190,000 $0 $190,000 100% Yes Yes Pedestrian and No 18 10 5 15 0 12 60 35 95 Facility Avenue Area MPO Park and Lake Daniel Park primary connection between the ay Transportation Plan on north side. Greenway Master future A&Y Greenway extension and Plan the future Downtown Greenway Extension of signed Bicycle Route 10 Matheson Av from Statesville Avenue to Pinckney Project connects existing neighborhoods, Extenstion of existing local Bicycle Bicycle/Multiuse Statesville Parkwood Mecklenburg-Union Charlotte Bicycle 1779 Mobility Subregional Charlotte Conversion & Bicycle Street, with a street conversion to 10 Mecklenburg $400,000 $0 $400,000 100% Yes including multi family, to commercial areas Yes Route 10 with connections to Bicycle None No 18 10 5 15 0 12 60 35 95 Facility Avenue Avenue MPO Plan Route 10 Extension include bicycle lanes from Tryon Street and parks. existing local Bicycle Route 7 to Parkwood Road Provide Pedestrian countdown signals and/or high-visibility crosswalks at the following intersections: Evans St/Arlington Blvd 14th St/Charles Blvd Greenville Blvd/Arlington Blvd 10th St/Greenville Blvd Greenville Blvd/Charles Blvd Pedestrian countdown signals will Greenville Blvd/Elm St Safe crossing of these major intersections will provide connection across major Pedestrian Countdown Bicycle and allow and encourage pedestrian use. intersections with heavy vehicular Signal Heads and high Pedestrian Master 14th St/Evans St Greenville Urban Area Countdown pedestrian signals will be located traffic. All intersections and Multiuse/Greenw 1714 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Greenville visibility crosswalk 02 Pitt $650,000 $650,000 100% Yes Yes Plan for the None No 18 10 5 15 0 12 60 35 95 MPO along heavily developed corridors with direct movements have existing sidewalk. ay markings at 15 Greenville Urban 14th St/Dickinson Ave access to commercial, transit facilities, Installation of pedestrian signals will intersections Area MPO schools, parks, and residential areas. encourage use of existing NC 43/Arlington Blvd infrastructure. NC 43/Moye Blvd Greenville/Evans Greenville/Landmark Greenville/Bismark Memorial/Arlington Dickinson/Arlington Connects to existing sidewalks along Connects directly to Tower Park. Direct Walk Wilmington: A Cape Fear Construct a Sidewalk along Wooster Wilmington Urban Wooster Street & larger, mature grid Long Range 2025 Pedestrian Mobility Subregional Wilmington Wooster Street Sidewalk 8th Street Oleander Drive 03 New Hanover $159,793 $0 $159,793 100% Yes connection to WAVE Transit bus routes 106 & Yes Pedestrian Comprehensive Commutes No 18 10 5 15 0 12 60 35 95 Street from 8th Street to Oleander Drive Area MPO sidewalk system in the historic Transportation Plan 205 Pedestrian Plan 2035 downtown Bicycle/Multiuse
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