News No. 331 July & August 2017


Hognaston First Forget all talk of Hognaston second. HN can report that Hognaston (as represented by Hogweed) is now officially first – as judged by the Royal Horticultural Society in their Perfect for Pollinators category at last month’s Chatsworth Flower Show. Pictured above are the trophy and plaque that Liz, Lynda, Carolyn and Nicola received from Steve Porter, the head gardener at Chatsworth. The judges commended the Hogweed container’s mix of planting, designed to encourage a wide range of pollinators, the quality of the plants, the structures that provided homes for insect-life and the fact that what was presented in the container closely adhered the design ‘as drawn’ in the original submission. Well done to all involved. More details and a picture of the winning entry are on page 3.

Hogfest2017 from Ian Cousins Hogfest returns to the Village Hall on Saturday 8 th July 2017. Tickets are selling fast and are now on general sale (so you can buy tickets for family and friends from outside the village); to avoid disappointment make sure you get yours now from Jayne (The Old Post Office, 372824), Darcie (Bank Side, 370446) or Claire (The Chapel, 07970 299316). There are two sessions – day and evening. Under-16s can attend the day session at no charge, otherwise tickets cost £7.50 per person per session. This year’s exciting daytime line-up of musical acts, playing between 2.00 and 7.00pm is: • Derby Youth Musical Theatre, cast of West Side Story . Some of the best youth talent in the region (including Hognaston's own Mia Mitchell) will be singing songs from their show, which will be at the Derby Guildhall from 6th to 9th September 2017. • Corey Hind (aka The Lone Stranger). An acoustic singer/songwriter from Ilkeston playing some stripped back cover versions of popular tunes and some original songs. • Hessian Throw (because they cover anything). An acoustic duo performing a variety of songs ranging from The Beatles to Taylor Swift. • The Foxgloves. Closing the afternoon session with songs from the 40s and 50s. As before, a full bar will be open all day and we will also be serving teas, coffees and cakes throughout the afternoon. This year we’ve added Mick & Rick’s Cocktail Bar to accompany the Foxgloves’ performance. The evening session (7.30pm till late) features music from: • Woodstone. A local Ashbourne band with a mix of rock covers by bands such as Dire Straits, The Rolling Stones and Queen. [email protected] 1 Hognaston News No. 331 July & August 2017

• Dogs On Bees. The local favourites return to end the night with their eclectic mix of popular tunes. Again, the full bar will be open and food will be available. Donations of cakes to be sold during the daytime event would be most welcome; please drop them down to the Village Hall on the morning of the Hogfest. To help create a festive atmosphere, we are hoping that scarecrows around a musical theme will again decorate the village in the lead up to Hogfest. The idea is that all the scarecrows will then ‘gather’ around the Millennium Hogstone on the day of the festival – please bring yours along/drop it off on the day. Hogfest promises to be a great fun day out (though perfect weather cannot be promised – this is ). Profits from this year’s event will be shared between the Village Hall fund and a breast cancer charity (TBD). Please help us make this event a success again; we hope to see you there.

… and, in more ‘Fest’ news …

2017 Hognaston Winter Festival from Alan Cribbens The Hognaston Winter Festival AGM and a further planning meeting took place on 16 th June. Subject to PCC approval, there will be more trees in the church this year to give the display a more balanced look. Most of the additional trees will just need decorating with lights and it is hoped that volunteers will come forward to help set up the display. All the members of last year's choir have been invited to express an interest in performing some choral pieces in this year's concert; the initial response has been encouraging. Whether or not you were involved last year, if you are interested in taking part this time please let me know. A date for the next planning meeting has yet to be fixed but is likely to be during w/c 31 st July.

Funding raising for our churches from Alix Compton A reminder that the five villages of , Bradley, Hognaston, Hulland and are joining together on Sunday,16 th July for a fete at Carsington Water. There will be stalls, games and competitions. All proceeds are for the upkeep of our churches. Donations of plants and items for the tombola and white elephant stalls should be left in the church meeting room on or before Monday 10 th July and cakes and home produce on or before Saturday 15 th July. I will contact those who have offered to help in the week preceding the event. Raffle tickets (first prize £200) are now available from PCC members and will also be sold on the day of the fete. So please, please turn out your cupboards, dig up your plants and get baking and make Hognaston’s contribution to this joint event really count. If you are baking for us, please could all cakes be labelled and packaged to take away. A late addition to the event – an inter-village Tug of War competition is scheduled for 2.30pm. We need a team of eight to uphold the honour of the village. If you are interested let me know.

Hoglit – Hognaston’s book club from Stephanie Taylor Last month most members of the book group who came to talk about The Trouble with Goats and Sheep by Joanne Cannon claimed not to have enjoyed it. Despite this we had a long and interesting discussion about its many nostalgic references to the long, hot summer of [email protected] 2 Hognaston News No. 331 July & August 2017

1976. The story had its amusing moments too and by the end of the evening we had agreed it was a very enjoyable read. When we meet on Tuesday 11 th July (7.00pm in the Red Lion) we will be talking about The Tobacconist by Robert Seethaler. Franz Huchel, a young Austrian, is sent from his home in the mountains to work in lively, pre-war Vienna as a tobacconist’s assistant. He falls in love there but subsequently finds himself in urgent need of quality time on a psychiatrist’s couch. As luck would have it a regular customer at the tobacconist’s shop is a certain Professor Sigmund Freud. If you want to read this novel (or have already read it) and want to join us for the discussion you will be very welcome. Our next book for discussion on Tuesday 8 th August will be Exposure by Helen Dunmore with Ashbourne library suppling copies for our use. This is a story set in 1960s London during the cold war when an innocent employee of the war office becomes entangled with a colleague who turns out to be a spy. The fears, hopes, frustrations and changing emotions of the characters are examined and there is a thrilling ending. It would be great to have the views of more male members of the Hognaston community. Do join us if you can. For more information on Hoglit contact me on 370293.

Editor’s comment. Whilst on matters literary, it would be remiss not to note the two hundredth anniversary of Jane Austen’s death. Already author of, IMHO, one of the finest pieces of literature penned in the English language, Emma , one can only imagine what else she would have gone on to produce had she not died on 17 th July 1817 at the age of only forty-one. To mark the occasion, on 18 th July at Winchester Cathedral (where she is buried) the Bank of will unveil its new ‘polymer tenner’, which will feature Austen.

Hogweed Garden Club from Nicola Mosley June’s Club activities First things first, as reported on the front page, the Club’s entry was awarded first place in the Perfect for Pollinators container gardening competition at the 2017 RHS Chatsworth Show. Liz and Carolyn potted our container up on a wet, windy and wild 5 th June (the picture opposite shows how they left it – you can probably tell that at that point the wind was from the right). The following day the show was closed for safety reasons as the weather worsened; judging was deferred to Wednesday. The containers survived the deluge and late in the afternoon Carolyn received the call – we had won. On Thursday, 8 th Liz, Lynda, Carolyn and I were at the show to accept the award from the head gardener at Chatsworth, Steve Porter – a wonderful trophy and a plaque (which we will have to find more permanent homes for) and £200 in RHS vouchers (which will provide a welcome boost to Club funds). Many thanks to all those who contributed. We are already wondering what we might do for next year. Back to the Club calendar, the speaker for our June meeting was Lynne Tann-Watson, of The Witch’s Garden herbary in North West Leicestershire. Lynne, who was an excellent speaker, shared her wealth of knowledge about herbs – not just how to grow them but also how to use them across a range of everyday uses from treating minor ailments to using them in cooking recipes, plus a bit of history about how they got here (something else the Romans did for us apparently). Lynne brought along examples of the herbs that she grows together [email protected] 3 Hognaston News No. 331 July & August 2017 with several books she has written – both were bought in numbers by Club members after the talk. The consensus was that Lynne was one of the best speakers we have had. On the afternoon of 26 th June, a dozen or so Club members were to be found in June Mazzotti’s garden developing, with help from some line drawings provided by Liz, some new design ideas for it. There was a general view that the patio area needed extending to provide more outside space for seating and eating and some interesting suggestions for planting schemes for the borders. Plenty for June to think about – though I am fairly certain that an infinity pool will not make the final cut. Hogweed events in July Our July meeting is a ‘members only’ event – the annual Pimms night. After two years at John and Anne Wilkins’, this year we are at Steph and Alan’s at High Barn. Members are very much looking forward to exploring High Barn’s gardens and having the opportunity to see all the hard work Steph and Alan have been putting in to make the garden their own, since moving in three years ago. There is lots to see – personal highlights for me are the wonderful roses, a new wildlife pond and the lovely views of Carsington Water from the arbour at the top of the garden. Pimms and light refreshments will be provided – BYO wine, beer etc. After last year, some decent weather on July 25 th would also be good. For more information on Hogweed please contact me (370406 or [email protected] ).

St Bartholomew’s Church, Hognaston from Tony Clarke We continue to hold Ellen, and anyone else in need of prayer at this time, in our thoughts. Lights We are very pleased that we now have our new lighting installed in the Church; it is more versatile than before and, being an all LED installation. is far more economical. Thank you to the Winter Festival committee for their kind donation towards the cost of the lights. During July we will have our Quinquennial Review when the fabric of the Church is inspected. Hopefully all is in order and we shall have no unwelcome surprises. Services Our regular Sunday services over the summer are as follows: • 2nd July & 6 th August, Morning Worship at 10.30 • 9th July and 13 th August, Holy Communion at 10.30 • 23 rd July & 27 th August, Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer at 9.00 On July 16 th our service will be held at Carsington Water at 10.30 – this will be followed by the fund-raising day for our churches (see above for more details). On August 20 th we will be joining with another church for our service – details on the church noticeboard in due course.

Hognaston Parish Council from Dave Jackson, Hognaston Parish Council Clerk No meeting last month so matters to report are mainly planning-related. Approval has been given by DDDC Planning Committee to application 17/00187/FUL (Turlow Cottage - single- storey extension) and application 17/00388/FUL (Millbank - single-storey extension). A new application, 17/00489/FUL (Turlowfields Lane - Erection of temporary agricultural workers dwelling and agricultural storage building), will be considered by HPC at their July Meeting (8.00pm on Monday 10 th July 2017 in the Village Hall). Anyone is welcome to attend and any resident on the electoral roll can express an opinion, gripe or make a request in the public speaking slot at the beginning of the meeting. Full details of planning applications are at applications/ . [email protected] 4 Hognaston News No. 331 July & August 2017

Rural Residents – your views are wanted from Ros Hessian, Community Officer, DDDC Do you live in a rural area? Are you aged 15 or over? If so Rural England and the Rural Services Network want to find out what is important to you to help them as they seek to influence the rural-related policies of the new Government. To do this they have commissioned an online survey from the Countryside & Community Research Institute [CCRI] at the University of Gloucester; it is at . [Editor . I can confirm that it only takes a few minutes to complete the survey – almost all the questions only require a mouse-click.] The closing date is July 23 rd .

The Village Hall from Tony Clarke Visitors to the Village Hall will notice that the grounds have been tidied up. A small working party has trimmed hedges where appropriate, and the low hanging branches of the oak have been trimmed back for safety. Sadly our small cedar tree is diseased; we have cut the lower branches in the hope that this will help it survive. We also now have a larger mesh compost bin for our grass cuttings. Lite Bites will continue as usual on the third Tuesday of each month during the summer – i.e. on July 18 th and August 15 th . I am pleased to say that Dawn Lewis has joined our committee; we look forward to working with her.

Bulk oil order from Chris Stait Final call for orders please. I have enough on order for a medium tanker but often order a second small tanker too for best price. Domestic heating oil has been reducing in price recently (back down to 35p per litre) and may drop some more – I am aiming to catch the summer dip sometime in the next two months. Do call me if you want the best priced oil around. Remember that bulk deliveries to a single village after seeking competitive quotes from a number of suppliers has consistently achieved very good value. Call me on 370111 if you want your tank filled up before the autumn.

Hogfoot from Nick Stapley Hogfoot continues – every Thursday evening (8.00 to 9.00) on the MUGA at Anthony Gell School in Wirksworth. Over time the age profile of the players has fallen as we have become increasingly dependent on our younger parishioners and their friends from QEGS – this has been great and is much appreciated. However, at some point in the near future they will be moving on to uni. etc.: this means we really need some new players for Hogfoot to continue. Coming back to the village after a spell in Hulland Ward, I am aware that there have been a few ‘comings and goings’ – if any newcomers (or anyone else – any age or gender) fancies a not too competitive game of footie on Thursday evening, generally followed by a beer or two in the Red Lion to undo all the good it has done us, speak to Tony or Jason at the pub. We are not quite at the ‘use it or lose it’ stage yet but, if new players do not come forward, unfortunately we soon will be.

Parish notices Jo, Chris, Robin and Toby Wigham would like to thank all friends and neighbours for their kind sentiments, cards and flowers following the loss of Jo's mother. [email protected] 5 Hognaston News No. 331 July & August 2017

Ashbourne and District 50+ Forum from John Dick A reminder of our open public forum on Friday July 14 th at the Elim Church, Ashbourne from 10.00am to 12.30pm. We will have Andrew Lewer MEP, former Chair of Derbyshire County Council [DCC] and former District Councillor on the platform. Representatives from Churchill Retirement Living will outline their proposals for a new development in the vicinity of Ashbourne Bus Station and DCC Adult Care will outline the work of the Derbyshire Older Peoples Advisory Group.

And that is all the summer news … all of which means there is no space for me to comment on the events of June 8 th or run my Spot the loser photo competition (basically everyone but Scottish Tory leader, Ruth Davidson). Shame. I fear things and people will have moved on too much by the time HN returns in September to run it then (some have already gone).

Regular information and dates for your diary To hire the Village Hall please contact Tony Clarke on 372748. Hourly rates are £8 for residents and £15 for non-residents – bookings must include your time for setting-up before and clearing away after your event. Discounts for regular users may be available. Regular Hognaston-based events are as follows:

Most Thursday Hogfoot . An informal, friendly and not overly competitive evenings game of (usually) 5- to 6-a-side football. Outdoors at Wirksworth (meet 7.45pm at the Red Lion or 8.00pm at the Sports Centre by Anthony Gell School). Thursday evenings Bowls . In the village hall at 7.00pm. Last Friday of most Ladies that Lunch . 12.30 for 1.00pm in the Red Lion, months Hognaston. Contact Jenny Waterall at the Red Lion. The second Tuesday Hoglit. An informal discussion of the month’s book. In the of most months Red Lion at 7.00pm. The third Tuesday of Lite Bites in the Village Hall from 12noon to 14.00pm. most months Midday meditation in the Church at 12noon. Hogweed . Meetings usually @ the Village Hall 7.00 for 7.15. Sundays Boules at the Red Lion, Hognaston (or another local pub).

If you are not currently registered with me to receive HN (and occasional updates on other matters) by email but would like to be please contact The Editor at [email protected] .

Summary of key dates in this edition of HN [see the related HN article for details]

8th July Hogfest2017. Tickets now on general sale.

10 th July (8.00) Parish Council meeting @ the Village Hall

14 th July (10.00) Ashbourne 50+ Forum @ The Elim Church, Ashbourne 16 th July Fund-raising for churches in our benefice @ Carsington Water

25 th July (7.00) Hogweed @ High Barn (members only) 27 th August Deadline for copy for next HN

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