VOL. LXIX, ISSUE NO. 42 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD Tuesday, April 20, 1971 Committee to Propose Tntercultural Studies' by Susami;ah Heschel The Joint Educational Polich Committee Black Studies program by September, 1971, will present a proposal for an "Intercultural and recommended that Black students play Studies" program at the Faculty meeting a significant role in the preparation of the this afternoon. budget and selection of the Faculty for the The proposed will include in- program. terdisciplinary programs such as Non- The TCC refused to endorse the specific Western Studies, Black Studies and Latin proposals, of Gaston and White that called American Studies. The "initial emphasis" for a Black Studies director and additional of a program will be to establish "an Faculty for the program, and for a series of adequate set of courses dealing with the "core" Black Studies courses. The Council history and culture of Blacks, especially in felt that such specific aspects should be Africa and the Americas," according to the worked out by the Curriculum Committee. report of the faculty-trustee committee. Barthwell said in an interview Sunday, The proposal will be presented to the "We hope that part of their (the Faculty's) Faculty for discussion at the'meeting this discussion will be addressed to us. Other- afternoon. The Faculty will vote on the wise, we will deal with them at their level." proposal at its meeting in May. Barthwell said that no members of TCB had The committee, which consists of 5 been invited by the Educational Policy faculty, (i trustees, President Lockwood, and committee to work on the report. He said, Dean Nye, did not consult with students in "We will look over the recommendation and preparing the report. Members of the comment at a later date." Trinity Coalition of Blacks (TCB) will at- Robert C. Stewart, professor of tend the Faculty meeting this afternoon to mathematics and chairman of the com- participate in the discussion, according to mittee, said, "We have not met with TCB" David Barthwell, '74 co-chairman of TCB. because TCB "communicated to the TCC" The TCB presented a list of seven and not to the Educational Policy com- demands to the TCC last month. One of the mittee. demands was that "the suggested Black The emphasis of the program, the report Studies Program submitted by John Gaston continues, "is primarily upon comparative and Marvin White last spring be im- studies and only secondarily upon separate plemented by September, 1971. TCB studies of discrete areas." Earth Rally demands the right to direct funding for the Under the Committee's proposal the In- Thousands rallied in Colt Park Saturday to ciieer on "Earth Action Week" to the tune of program and hiring of teachers." tercultural Studies program "would seek to folk singer,Pete Seeger. The young people gathered in the park after a three-pronged The TCC, in its consideration of the TCB arrange for its majors and other students march beginning in Wcthersfield, West Hartford, and Newington. demands, endorsed the implementation of a courses of study which encompass present See story Page !). or proposed programs with such titles as. Non-Western Studies, Black Studies, Latin American Studies, and the like." Course News From offerings at any given time "will depend on the supporting courses available from other 4elony Panel to Hear departments' offerings" and on the The Outside "competence of the Director of the program INTERNATIONAL and others "more closely involved." All students in the program will par- Another Readmission Plea Sino-American relations began to thaw An administration-faculty panel will mission under Lockwood's recently issued last week after Peking invited a U.S. ping- ticipate in junior and senior seminars "to integrate and guarantee the coherence of recommend Tuesday whether a student policy statement on students charged with pong team to visit their country. Almost suspended last month after his arrest on or convicted of violating the drug laws. immediately after the team's arrival in the the material covered in the supporting courses." drug charges should be readmitted to the Lockwood met with members of the Communist country, President Nixon an- College. Charges against the student have Trinity College Council and the adjudicative nounced a relaxation of a 20-year-old trade The director of the program must be professor in one of the following depart- been dropped by the Connecticut Attorney system Thursday and Friday to discuss his embargo with Red China and other moves to General's office. new policy. The meetings were closed to improve relations. Soon after, Peking ments: the arts, economics, English, history, modern languages, philosophy, President Theodore Lockwood will make TRIPOD reporters and to the public. granted a U.S. reporter a month-long visa the final decision on the student's read- In a TRIPOD interview Sunday night, the with the promise of entry for more repor- political science, religion, of sociology. He will teach "at least one course each term" in mission. Last week, Lockwood said that he student said that he had spoken to Dean of ters. expected to approved the recommendations Community Life Marc S. Salisch asking for The Pakistan army is winning the 3-week that department. He will also teach "at least one seminar each term for Intercultural of administration and administration- readmission to the College. The student said old war against East Pakistani rebels. faculty drug felony panels. that he would give Salisch a written request Meanwhile, Indian and Pakistan troops Studies majors." (Continued on P. 7) The student is the third to seek read- for readmission Monday. faced each other across the East Pakistan Lockwood, interviewed Sunday night, said boarder last week as tensions between the that he had not been told that the student two countries increased. was1 seeking readmission. Lockwood said NATIONAL Monetary Strain that he assumed that Salisch or College Vice The Federal Bureau of Investigation may President Thomas A. Smith had arranged soon be under investigation itself. On April 6 the hearing. House majority leader Hale Boggs of The members of the panel will be chosen Louisiana charged that FBI Director J. Budget Indicates Future by Smith and Salisch, according to Lock- Edgar Hoover use tactics like those of Hitler wood. Lockwood said that he would like the and Stalin and that the FBI is tapping membership of the panels which recom- congressmen's phones and keeping the mend suspension and readmission of lawmakers under surveillance. Last week Aid Cuts, Tuition Hikes students to remain as constant as possible. Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine said he by Matthew Moloshok The panel might be composed of different has been watched and presented proof that The new budget which was announced director of financial aid. The College's administrators or faculty then those who the FBI kept close surveillance on the Earth by President Theodore Lockwood la£t policy is to base its award solely on the recommended the readmission of two Day activities a year ago. President Nixon week will not have a great impact on the basis of need. Unless the student's need students last week if some of that panel's defended Hoover before newsmen Friday school immediately, but does point to changes, the award remains the same members are unavailable, Lockwood said. saying the 70 year old FBI chief was some long-term changes at the College. each year. Under Lockwood's new policy, panel of "nonpartisan and nonpolitical." Financial aid to students, the price of a Maintaining the level of financial aid administrators recommends to ' the LOCAL meal ticket, and the size of the faculty for those already admitted and in- President whether a student charged with Hartford changed mayors last week and will all be affected by the budgetary creasing tuitions have forced down the violation of state or federal drug laws should the city's manager quit. Former Republican contraints. number of students being admitted for be suspended. Any student convicted of Mavor Ann Uecello left Hartford to accept a As was announced earlier this year by next year with financial aid. "It has violating the drug laws is automatically post with the Department of Transportation the President, the budget counts on an already influenced us tremendously," "separated from the College." A panel of in Washington as Director of Passenger and McKune said. He observed that in the administrators and faculty recommends Consumer Affairs. Hartford's new mayor is present sophomore class nearly 30% of whether a student should be readmitted to Democrat George Athanson. In a surprise News Analysis the students are on financial aid. He the College. announcement, city manager Ehsha estimates that only 18-20% of the in- Freedman handed his resignation to the City increase in tuition of two-hundred dollars coming freshmen will receive aid. Council The city presently has a council- each year "for the foreseeable future," As tuition increases, of course, manager government, but there is growing in order to raise revenues. This means financial aid will be more and more Republican support to strengthen the position of mayor. that in five years the cost of tuition will strained. Either minority students who \n estimated 5,000 anti-pollutionists be increased by a thousand dollars. need aid to come to the College will have Kevin Phillips, author of "The nuirched to Hartford's Colt Park Saturday The strain is already apparent in to excluded, or else the College will have to raise money for the Connecticut Earth Emerging Republican Majority", Financial aid students will be given an to discriminate .against non-minority will give a talk in Life Sciences Action Group. The CEAG plans to establish appropriate increase in aid to meet the students in order to mee the needs of an ecology action agency in the state which increased costs if their need remains the economically deprived students. Auditorium Thursday evening at would furnish lawyers to bring pollution same, according to Thomas McKune, (continued on p. i>> 8:15 p.m. cases to court. Page TRINITY TRIPOD Tuesday, April 20, 1971

'Godot' At Sheridan Square

Straightforward and Ironic --a by Matthew Moloshok Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett has comes to say that his master, Mister Godot, been among the most influential and con- will not be able to make it that day, but he troversial plays of the century. Say the would surely come the next day. Suddenly, name Godot, and wait for the thousand darkness descends. They sleep their reactions. Oh, it's death. No he's a Christ troubled sleep. symbol. You're both wrong: he's God The next day, Estragon remembers realization. nothing of the day before. Is it the next day, Beckett is a nobel laureate now. Before he and the same place? Vladimir says so. He won it, he was considered a crackpot and a shows Estragon the shoes which he had left degenerate. there the day before. Only now, the tree is in Under the direction of Alan Schneider, brilliant bloom. Pozzo and Lucky return, Godot receives a competent production at Pozzo blinded and unable to recognize them, the Sheridan Square Playhouse in New and Lucky unable to speak and, thus, in- York. He directed the first American capable of thinking. Meanwhile a boy comes production of the play in 1956. and tells them that Mister Godot cannot The "plot" goes like this. Two men are on come that day but will surely come the next. a country road in the evening. As Estragon Vladimir wonders if he is not the same boy stops to take off his shoes, his companion, as had come the day before. No, claims the Vladimir, tells him that this is the place they boy. have been looking for, where they will meet In their desperation, Estragon and (he man Godot. ... • Vladimir try to hang themselves from the The two have no homes, and no roots. fertile tree. Having forgotten the rope, they They have wandered together for nearly try to use Estragon's belt, but that breaks. fifty years. Everywhere they go they are They are forced to wait again. beaten down. Even when they try to sleep, Certainly Godot is everything that has [hey are assaulted by anonymous forces of been said about him, and to say, yes he is a the night. definite Christ symbol and an avenue into In the few moments of sleep they wrest to realization of some great unknown which themselves they are tortured and enticed by will give us all freedom and maybe death is their dreams. Neither wants to hear the the same thing as all of these, serves little dreams of the other. In their waking hours purpose. they dream of what their lives might have Schneider does not emphasize one been if they were separate. Neither is an meaning of Godot over another. To some individual, though. people this undoubtedly destroys some (Thompson Photo) The pain in the groin and the itching scalp, coherent thought processes by which they the shoes too small and the road so long,--all deduce that a play is about a particular Button Down Guitars these troubles of human existence combine thing. Godot, however, is not coherent - if Little Brother Davy and the Grand Wizard, believed operating in the area under the to distract them and make them babies in there is an absurdity it is in that incoherent names of David Waltos (left) and John Spezialc, will perform at the Button Down Sounds the hands of the universe as they wait for power of a reasonless universe and our concert Friday night in the Washington Room. Admission $1.00. Godot. weakness before it. Its power stems from a At the side of the road, on land in- sense of incoherency. It is not a play to distinguishable from the road is a dead tree. appall or exhaust or lay you in the aisles. It A perfect tree to hang oneself on, comments is a play to leave you waiting for something, listragon. He asks Vladimir to remember to even as you leave the theater in silence. At Hartford Stage bring some rope when they come back the The cast was expert. Henderson Forsythe next day. impressed me tremendously as Vladimir, They meet a pompous rich man, Pozzo, for.he gave the role a kind of anti-spiritual who leads a slave on a string. He talks to bent, leading the babyish Estragon, played them of the value of life even as he leads the with an appropriate pout by Oliver Clark. 'Blithe Spirit' a Letdown slave. Although he was a stand-in, Dan Stone Hungry and suffering, Estragon asks was an adequate Lucky. Perhaps he gave by Tom Regnier Pozzo if they can have some bones. He tells the role a bit too much pathos and not After the Hartford Stage Company's cidents occur when Charles, who is the only him to ask Lucky, the slave, for the bones enough stoicism. outstanding production of Long Day^s one who can see or hear Elvira, speaks to belong to him. The suffering and pathetic Larry Bryggman's Pozzo did not seem Journey Into Night, almost any play they her in the presence of other people. Lucky still manages to kick Estragon and that spectacular in the first act, when he could do would be a letdown. Noel Coward's Director Nagle Jackson's well chosen cast send him howling. should have been even more pompous and Blithe Spirit, which runs through May 9, is handles the play with great skill. Darthy Vladimir in the meantime asks Lucky to foolish than he was. Come the second act, certainly that. This -exceedingly light Blair, as Madame Arcati, the medium, show them that he can really "Think." His Bryggman was a blinded Samson. Brought comedy is about a man named Charles steals the show with an amazingly energetic monologue, speaking of some personal god down by his own pomposity he curses the Condomine, who inadvertently summons performance. Peter Duncan, as Charles, with a white beard, confuses and disturbs human condition and filled me with a the ghost of his first wife, Elvira, back from starts out with a rather bland charac- the listeners. Finally Pozzo and Lucky greater terror than any other figure in the dead. This of course causes considerable terization but picks up as the play leave, headed for the market where Lucky Godot. discomfort for his second wife Ruth. The progresses. Lois de Banzie plays Ruth with will be sold after many a year of diligent The production at the Sheridan Square, in humor is based on Elvira's attempts to win just the right amount of bitchiness, and her service. its straightforwardness, heightens the story. her husband back, and several funny in- reaction when she realizes that Elvira has No sooner are they gone than a young boy really come back is very well executed. Charlotte Moore gives a spirited per- formance as Elvira. Tana Hicken is given the role of the maid for the second time this Band Winds season, and she does a fine job with it. It is a shame, however, that she has not been given more demanding parts, since she is quite Percussion capable of them. At the performance I saw, the actors occasionally had some trouble saying their Play Wed. lines. 1 do not think this is because they have The Trinity College Band will present not memorized them well enough, but contemporary and traditional works for because Coward's language is often so winds and percussion in concert Wed- artificial that it is difficult to speak it nesday, April 21, at 8-: L5 p.m. in the Goodwin rapidly-as one must do to keep the pace up. Theater. On the whole, however, the cast succeeds in 'The Trinity College Concert.Band, con- presenting Coward's play with style. The ducted by John C. Weskine, will offer a Stage Company also does a good job in "program that incorporates a variety of .handling-.}the speciaL supernatural effects musical styles, periods and composers. which accompany the seance and the ap- \ Three contemporary works will be pearance of Elvira. featured: "Pageant" by Vincent Per- Blithe Spirit is an amusing play, iargely sichetti; "Fantasia for Band" by Vittorio because of what has been called Coward's Giannini; and "Chorale" by Vaclav "inspired inconsequentiality." He does not Nelhybel. pretend that there is any profound meaning Music of the 17th and 19th centuries will be in his plays, and there isn't. As Cowardhas represented respectively by the tran- said, "I have had no great causes. Do I have scriptions of "Toccata" by Girolamo to? I can't think of any offhand. If I did, Frescobaldi, and "Zueignung" Op. 10, No. \ they'd be very offhand." Director Jackson, by Ricard Strauss. however, insists that there really is The Trinity Band will salute music in the something important underlying the British band tradition with the three frivolity of Blithe Spirit. As he says"in the movement "Folk Song Suite" by Ralph program notes, "Beneath the riotous Vaughan Williams and it will recall behavior of Madame Arcati...and the traditional band music of America with beautifully urbane bickering of the marital ."Hands Across the Sea March" by John combatants, there is a real love story and a Philip Sousa. in Concert sonorous.chord of truth." If this is so, the Other works on the program are "Sum- love story and the sonorous chord of truth .: mer Day Suite" by Sergei Prokofieff and The wind and percussion sections of the college band are brilliantly hidden from us. Although we selections -from the musical, "Funny Girl" perform a program of con The public is invited to attend. Admission may find the play funny and even charming ;;; • will :be free. as we watch it, it does not stay with us,for very long. Instead, its lack of substance leaves us rather flat; Tuesday, April 20, 1!)71 TRINITY TRIPOD Page ;! Hartford Symphony Mahler 's Time Has Come at Last by Walter Thompson Little Artie Winograd and his "Hardy greatest success, the apex of his career for displayed in the awesome array of in- Boys" (indeed, the Hartford Symphony he died only eight months later at the age of struments and voices. Only Hector Berlioz, Orchestra is renowned as the fastest or- fifty. or Nicolai Rimski- chestra, in the east gave a performance of "It is the greatest work I have yet com- the Eighth Symphony of on Korsakov come anywhere close to his or- posed and it is so different in content and in chestrational genius. the night of April 14, at the Bushnell form that I cannot even write about it," Memorial. Having been asked my opinion of As a Mahler fanatic and as a biased ob- Mahler wrote upon finishing the Eighth in server of Winograd's "Hardy Boys", I this concert several times, I publicly an- August, 1906. "Imagine that the universe nounce that it was the most abominable, cannot apologize for my severe opinion of bursts into song. We hear no longer human the performance. This is due mostly to the sacriligious performance I have yet to at- voices, but those of planets and suns circling tend in my transient existence on this fallability of Little Arthur's ear, the in- terrestrial brimstone. Winograd did his best in their orbits...All of my earlier sym- competence of the Hartford Symphony and at giving the proper beat but the brass phonies are but preludes to this one. My the pitiful acoustics of the Bushnell. (In any ford Symphony plans to repeat their per- section simply wouldn't submit to him. The other works are all tragic and subjective. case I was told that the "Hardy Boys" were formance of Mahler's Eighth Symphony, in choirs at least had a stablizing effect on the This one is a great dispenser of joy." much better that night than during their , back in my home town, on brashness of the brass and the greatest The Eighth is composed in two parts, the other concert!) The audience went berserk lA-iday, April 23. I must admit, though, that surprise of all was that the strings actually first of which is based on a medieval Latin with a standing ovation. In defense of his at least Winograd and his boys are trying to carried the themes! The "Hardy Boys" hymn, "Veni, Creator Spiritus" ("Come unique music, Mahler always replied to his do their best (besides the fact that the were assisted by the Hartford Symphony Thou, Creator Infinite), originally written critics, "My time will come"; and after audience loved them that- night), and I Chorale, the Worcester Chorus, the Wor- for the liturgy of Pentacost. Part II is based having observed the chronicaliy apathetic heartily thank them for their attempt to cester Youth Concert Choir, and the Wor- upon the Redemption scene of Goethe's Hartford audience go bananas over perform a very rare and difficult work for cester All Saints Boys Choir. Giving credit . Here, the subtle and blatant traits Mahler's work, I proclaim that his time has any orchestra's repetoire. PAX DOMINI where it is due, the eight soloists were Uta of Mahler's music are simultaneously finally arrived. As a post-script, the Hart- SIT SEMPER VOBISCUM. Grad, Barbara Blanchard and Janis Peri as the sopranos, Corinne Curry and Jean Kraft as the altos, with James Clarke, tenor, Thomas Jamerson, baritone, and David RoriHon, base. This grand Ensemble totalled three hundred and sixty participants. Oscars: Ironically enough, this unorthodox bat- talion is only one third of the original regiment prescribed by Mahler's or- chestration. "The Symphony of a Thousand" is justly subtitled because its multiple orchestral and vocal requirements Sentimental Favorites Triumph of male, female and children's choirs, in addition to the extra brass and regular by Chris Seining orchestra, demand about a thousand per- Ever since 1927, the American Academy Awards ceremony proved my point. doubtedly deserved), and that Love Story sons for its performance. This is why this of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has For most viewers outside the movie in- only won the Award for the best musical particular symphony is so rarely per- been distributing merit prizes to the film dustry, the only interesting moments in the score. I was afraid that Love Story was formed. ••.••• industry in an event which has come down to show come when the Best Actor, Best Ac- going to sweep the awards - even win the Mahler is a colossus who,-at.the turn of the being called the Academy Awards. In the cress, and Best Picture Awards are given. Best Actor and Actress categories - but the centry, had one foot in the .Romantic Era thirties - the Golden Age of the motion This year, with such incredible members of the Academy showed sane and the other in the new period of modern picture - the Academy Awards were the big abominations as Airport up for awards, I judgment in presenting Story with the only problematic chamber composition. event in Hollywood. It was a great, solemn was sure that everyone whom I thought Award it could legitimately content for. Mahler's genius as a conductor is ritual which could elevate an actor or a deserved to win would not. When Helen (I'm afraid too many people equate quality legendary. His soul would immediately director, to immediate stardom. Un- Hayes, who had already won an award back with box office success. Love Story and perceive' the central theme of the work fortunately, due to the grave troubles facing in 1932 for The Sin of Madeleine Claudel, Airport, probably the two biggest grossers before him and he truly expressed the music today's film industry, the Awards ceremony won the Best Supporting Actress Award, I of the year, were not 'great' movies, and with all its dramatic appeal. He was a (now shown throughout the country on felt my suspicions were confirmed. Her The Sound of Music, one of the greatest perfectionist who demanded supreme television) and the Awards themselves appearance in Airport was nothing more money grossers of all time, was one of the devotion to the performance' of music from . mean relatively little to the- serious film- than the badly overplayed role of an old worst films I have ever seen.) The best part those around him, Only the recorded per- goer. Instead of changing with the times, the woman who sneaks aboard airplanes for •• in the entire Awards ceremony was the pre- formances of Wilheim Furtwangler and judges look at today's films in terms of free transportation. -She didn't deserve to recorded acceptance speech of Orson Welles Arturo Toscannican give us any conceivable movie styles of twenty or thirty years ago. win the Best Supporting Actress Award. It as he hammed it up, thanking the Academy idea of the immortal spirit of Mahler. Sentimental favorites and wholesome, was just a case of favoritism. for the special Award it had just presented "ihirties-type" films get the nod over films to him. Welles is finally recognized by the Mahler personally conducted the first However, I was surprised that the Best with newer and sometimes more creative Actress Award went to Glenda Jackson for Academy for the genius he is. I truly think performance of his Eighth Symphony, in actors and directors. Last week's Academy Orson Welles couldn't care less. , on September 12, 1910. It was his Women In, Love (which I felt she un- Thompson's Troupe Shows Talent, Promise For a college which can promise its Here the two sides of Woman — mother by William .1. O'Reilly, Jr. student artists nothing more than a and lover.— are shown with stages of healthy serving of dilettantism, Trinity youth and adulthood in Man. The has somehow managed to foster a sequence of choreographical styles reputable dance department. It sur- gravitates from Ailey, to Graham, then prised me for the longest time that the to a well-tempered mixture of the two: a James L. Goodwin epitaph and bequest final scene where the symbols of should explicitly mention dance without mankind join in procession. Thompson's even a facsimile of a dance department skillful transitions shape the piece into a on the premises. In general the arts have successful whole. indeed been a long time in coming here. Of the three other pieces, Confession is ". . . There There seems to be a renaissance in the by far the most interesting. With a works. choreographic flavor distinctly Ailey, it Under the skilled direction of Chve is a commentary upon the sometimes Thompson, our very own neophyte horrid, reality behind success in seems to company of dancers gave its spring American Black society. The music of concert at the Goodwin this past Laura Nyro and Letta Mbuhi captures weekend. The performance included a both: the misery of the ghetto and the lecture-demonstration of the Graham spendor of opening night at the Copa. It is be a technique, a revival of one piece a confession humanizing a top-flight presented last year, and three newly- celebrity.,,: identifying: ;,her with the choreographed pieces, costumed and miserable lives which drive an audience directed by Mr. Thompson. to, the,.theatre for temporary asylum in Renaissance To discover an artist of Thompson's . the .fantasy.world of show-business. talent at Trinity is about as likely as. to find a Renoir in Boardman's basement. Trinity's Contemporary Dance Troupe in the He has excelled in his own right in both composed primarily of beginners per- classical and very contemporary modern formed, very .well.Sunder the yoke of dance, which allows him a very unique amateurism. Indeed I could go into a advantage in teaching the dance, both to systematic rating of their dancing, but I works." beginners and to trained dancers. There won't. Young dancers deserve their are elements of the classic Graham proper share of exhaltation and angularity and the living rhythms of criticism, but it is unjust for any critic, Alvin Ailey in his choreography. His regardless of his credentials, to influence approach to teaching reflects the varied a young artist's self-image. I'd leave the influences of his own teachers, for the evaluation to the individual performer Graham technique was timed for the and his artistic director who are much student-dancers by African drums and closer to the process of rehearsal and performance than any one-night spec- flute. ., . ., tator. At any rate, the troupe comprises a Untitled '70 is further evidence of the healthy nucleus, which could very likely mixed influences upon him. The piece metamorphose into a reputable company opens with a chaotic street scene, the in the next few years. Congratulations dancers attired in street clothes, all very and gratitude for an inexpensive and Lawson Phot' contemporary and familiar; then it very enjoyable performance are their moves to a timeless sequence where All due. Men are depicted by four characters. Clive B. Thompson Page 4 TRINITY TRIPOD Tuesday, April 20, 1971

Skimming Pipes Platter: Contemporary Arrangements by John Speziale Pleasure Principle is not an album that outstanding in any style number, and the - right in line with the supposed "rock this does not occur very often. can be bought in a record store. It was made instrumentation is surprisingly superb. revival" our country is enjoying these Well, I was pleasantly surprised. But don't independently and can only be purchased There is literally something for everyone days). get me wrong. This isn't a rock album or from members of the Pipes. So I got a hold on this album, from the contemporary But the album is not all light. "Marat- even a contemporary folk album. It is of a copy from a Pipe I knew. I took it to my Gordon Lightfoot tune, "Early Morning Sade", in fact, is almost too heavy. It's a bit somewhat slick and sophisticated - often room, not expecting much in the way of Rain" (which really moves along nicely), to too dramatic for my taste, but it is well very pretty. But what is admirable is the excitement. Pretty, sugary renditions of the classic "Had My Way" (which is sung. "That's All", an old standard, is ex- way the Pipes have taken contemporary ancient songs. I remembered reading a delivered with as much vigor as this cellently performed a capella, and Buffy material and worked it within their element. description of the group in the Trinity spiritual ever received). I particularly Ste. Marie's "Until It's Time For You To They haven't really changed their style, Handbook. "Quasi-religious" it had said. enjoy the "fun songs" like "Day-O" (yes, Go", is performed as well as any other they've just updated some of the material, Well, what the hell, I thought, maybe some the Pipes can even do calypso!), "Hap- version I have ever heard. to include the tastes of a larger audience. A quasi-religion wouldn't hurt me. After all, it piness Runs" (another Donovan number, There are low points. But these come group like this deserves to be listened to was Lent. sung and arranged by Adair), and mainly when the group's sophistication because of such artistic concern. And in But then I looked at the back cover. Wait a "Runaround Sue'' (this is the old Dion song - lapses into slightly syrupy prettiness. And their element they perform splendidly. If minute! These songs weren't all that old. they can produce such beautiful in- Someof them I even recognized! "Don'tSlip strumentation and precise harmonies in a Away" -- wasn't that recorded by the Jef- concert situation, they are to be com- ferson Airplane? And "Catch the Wind" -- mended. Button Down Sounds will be a good that's a Donovan song! I ran to my album opportunity for Pipes fans and any other collection in order to verify these facts. Sure music lovers to find out. enough, I was right. But how could the Pipes play a song that was recorded by the Jef- ferson Airplane? I mean, I'd never seen Trinity Pipes them in concert or anything, but I'd caught glimpses of them when they assembled outside Mather Hall before leaving for their statewide appearances. These guys wore To Perform suits! With vests! Oh my God, 1 said to myself as the sudden April 23' realization hit me -- A bunch of straight guys . tackling a Jefferson Airplane song. It must The Trinity Pipes will present their 13th be pathetic. Maybe even funny. This could • annual "Button-Down Sounds" Concert on be the comedy album of the year! I quickly April 23rd at 8 p.m. in the Washington put it on the turntable, smiling in an- Room. ticipation. The Pipes, composed of eight male and Guess what? \ was wrong. "Don't Slip two co-ed voices, combine renditions of Away" really excited me. The acoustic "oldies," folk songs, contemporary tunes, guitar riffs are fine and Dave Sutherland's with stand-up comedy according to group voice carries the song smoothly. And the leader Cliff Hauser, '71. harmony build up is tremendous. All those The Pipes,were formed in 1938, and is voices! Whew. That song broke the ice for Trinity's oniy active folk-singing group, said me. And from then on 1 sat back and listened Hauser. Since its institution the group has to the Pipes' sophisticated blend of pretty sung at engagements from Florida to the harmonies and soft accompaniment in song Hartford Bushnell and Carnegie Hall, after song. Hauser said. Earlier this year they played There are seventeen songs on Pleasure at the state Capitol and at other Connecticut Principle, so just on present economic dates, and Hauser reported that the group standards alone it's worth four dollars. But has just finished cutting an album with the music is worth considerably more. The Minus One Capitol Records in New York. highpoints of the album are definitely The upcoming concert, which is the only contained in the newer numbers, but, Nell Smith will take her seat with the rest of the Trinity Pipes this Friday night in the Trinity show of the year for the Pipes, will contrary to my previous speculations, the Washington Room at 8:00 p.m. Neil Goff, second from the right, wanted his name in this also feature John Speziale, '72, and Dave old ones are not bad at all. The vocal talents caption as well, but the editor decided against it. Waltos, '74, with acoustic folk and country of Mark Adair and Dave Sutherland are music. Admission is one dollar.

This Week in the Arts 'Woyzeck' & Tlay' at Yale : Intriguing and Fascinating bv William Harris The Yale Repertory Theatre is currently as a experimental guinea pig for a doctor. Band 'Laundry' . presenting two very intriguing but difficult He is a man haunted by continual visions of A program of traditional and con- France, a laundry, and a minotaur set the productions. George Buchner's Woyzeck destruction. Woyzeck loves a town whore temporary pieces for wind and percusssion pace in the UConn - Hartford Branch spring and Samuel Beckett's Play. This is the fifth named Marie and has an illegitimate son by will be performed by the college Band production, The Laundry. The play, by presentation of the Yale season and they her. It does not matter that they are not tomorrow night at 8:15 in the Goodwin David Guerdon, has appeared only once should be congratulated on their selections. married for his love of her is pure. Yet Theater. Admission is free. before in the United States. The plays will be running through April 24 Marie will not let him touch her. She Under the direction of Assistant Professor and I wholeheartedly recommend seeing proceeds to seduce a Drum Major. Woyzeck Adam Lazarre, The Laundry will be them. cannot stand the torment of her adultery. He presented April 23, 24, and 25 at 8:15 at the Buchner's work which was finally stabs her to death and the play ends. Yale Drama Hartford Insurance Group Auditorium. deciphered in 1879 has a strange pathetic Alvin Epstein as the tense, tortured For generations Englishmen have snuck Tickets at the door are $2.00, and advanced quality. It's a fragmentary piece that Woyzeck was excellent. The role is ex- into the neighborhood peep shows to catch a tickets, which are available at the UConn- predicts the dehumanization of the in- tremely difficult to play convincingly for the glimpse of what the butler saw... .And what Hartford Branch cafeteria, are $1.50. For dividual in a society that is rigid and im- author does not' develop Woyzeck in the did the butler see? You don't have .to go to reservations call 523-5112. personal. Woyzeck is a creature caught in traditional sense but only reveals his 'England to find out! this world. He strives to act and be character through quick flashes. Mr. Ep- For eight performances only the Yale "natural", . As a carnival barker an- stein's every gesture was well calculated Drarnat will offer theater goers a chance to Poetry nounces: "man, be natural. You were and very expressive. I was particularly discover for themselves just what it was created from, dust, sand, dirt. Do you want impressed by his enactment of the murder that the butler saw. Beginning April 29 and The 1971 University of Massachusetts to be more than dust, sand, dirt?"Woyzeck. which was horrifying. I also enjoyed the running through May 2 and again June 10 Spring Poetry Festival will be held Tuesday, does not want.to be more and yet he can't performances of Charlene Bletson as Marie, through 13, Joe Orton's savage farce, WHAT April 20 through Saturday, April 24 at the even be this. David Ackroyd as the captain who responds THE BUTLER SAW will be presented on the Amherst campus. More than 40 poets will be The play was written in separate scenes. only to orders, and the very clinical doctor stage of the Yale University Theatre, 222 appearing three and four at a time in 15 . The order in which these scenes appear is (Jeremy Geidt) who delivered each line York St., New Haven. readings-three a day; for five days. All left up to the discreation of the director. The with the perfect conciseness and crispness. WHAT THE BUTLER SAW is the final readings are.free; all those interested in rapid scenes help to emphasize Woy-zeck's The set was a beautiful wooden structure production of the 71st season of the Yale contemporary poetry are invited. madness, following him through night- which reminded me of Woyzeck's line: ^ Dramatic Association, the oldest theatrical The guest poets, in the approximate order :" marish confrontations. As Robert Brustein "Cap'n, the good Lord isn't going to look at a' organization at Yale. Phone reservations of appearance, are: C. K. Williams, Sonia noted in the program he is a ,man poor worm only because amen was said over and additional information can be obtained Sanchez, Michael Harper, William Stafford, "manipulated by a cold blooded society and it before it was created". The set appeared by calling 865-4300. George Starbuck, Alan Dugan, Thomas buffeted by his own uncontrollable im- to be an endless tunnel created by a Kinsella, John Ashberry, David Kherdian, pulses. Woyzeck seems human only in his burrowing animal yet the set did not really Bill Knott, J. D. Reed, Seamus Heaney, capacity to suffer." I would agree with this work well. It was forced to convey too many Mary Ellen Solt, Robert Creeley, Robert and carry it further. Woyzeck is human in locals and the actors had only one entrance Bly, Richard Murphy, Richard Wilbur, his capacity to love and reason out his love. and exit to use, I tired of their running back WRTC Denise Levertov, William Pitt Root, JoHari He poses a threat to the men around him and forth past each other for the scene Amini, Jackson MacLow and James Tate (the military) because he tries to explain his changes. i7u?o^ bfa mandatory meeting of Appearing with the guests will be some 15 predicament. His life is not neat and or- all WRTC staff Wednesday at 9 p.m in young piets from the Amherst area who dered. He is always moving trying to escape \yean Lounge, All staff members must have been associated with UMass during the being trapped. Woyzeck is a very disturbing play. H, ; attend. past year. continues to haunt you long after the per-" The story of Woyzeck is very sim- formance is over. George Buchner was far t For further information, call the UMass 'ple.Woyzeck works in the army doing English Office at 545-2328 or 545-0978. ahead of his time. His play is very relevant menial tasks. He shaves the captain; is used yet depressing. Tuesday, April 20, 1970 TRINITY TRIPOD Page 5 Not to Appear: Budget Shows Financial Constraints.,. Steve Miller, (from P. 1) Tuition increases may also drive away slower than expected rate in increases $315,000 dollars for next year, an increast many prospective, but poor, applicants. meanslhat Trinity will not approach the of $10,000 over this year, or about 3%. Beach Boys McKune expects changes in the way" level of salaries paid by the highest Donald Engley, the College librarian, The Steve Miller Band has cancelled their financial aid will be distributed, too. He" paying universities in the near future. said that the increases will allow the Trinity concert slated for May 2, and high sees an increase in job aid and loans to The cost of a meal ticket will be in- library to maintain all postions on the overhead has forced the cancellation of their students and cut-back in grants. McKune creased by forty dollars. $20 will go staff. This he observes puts it in a con- replacement, the Beach Boys. anticipates receiving federal money towards the rennovatiori of eating and siderably better position than some other A concert with Sha Na Na is scheduled for under the National Defense Education kitchen facilities in Mather Hall, ac- institutions, Yale, he said, was cutting May'9.. Act to fund a loan program. "I hope to cording to the President. The other $20 back on positions. Steve Miller has cancelled his Northeast have each upper-classman on an $800 job- will go towards rebuilding the reserve Engley said the major impact of the block-booked tour because he lost bookings loan package," he said. McKune added fund, according to Robert Pedemonti, small increase in the library's - at several colleges in this area, according to that "our job-loan packages are smaller associate comptroller. He said that the allocations will be that it will buy fewer a Mather Hall Board of Governors than most of our competitors'". purchase of an $18,000 dishwasher had books. Next year the library will have spokesman. The MHBOG was sponsoring a The President, in his budget message, completely depleted the utilities reserve. $60,000 dollars to buy books, about 7% concert which was included in Miller's said the size of the faculty would stay the In addition, he said that there may be more than this year. Engley said book planned tour. same. more "feeding days'* in the calender next prices are rising "at least 10% a year." The cost would have been prohibitive to Although the size of the total faculty year. Even if there is no increase in what Also, the periodical fund will remain at have Miller come to Trinity under a single will remain constant, the size of each SAGA Foods charges the College for each $30,000 despite the rising costs of concert arrangement instead of being department may not. Lockwood said that meal, an increase in the number of meals periodicals. According to the librarian, "block-booked" in the region, the vacancies in existing departments may would increase the College's cost per- some periodicals will have to be cut. spokesman said. not be filled, such as black studies, so student. The Miller concert was to have been that new programs may hire instructors. Pedemonti said that he had not yet In order to accomodate the budgetary financed by Music Productions, Inc., a With the size of the faculty constant, the seen SAGA'S contract with the College restraints, the library will review its talent agency. Music Productions replaced increase in enrollment which the College for next year, so that he does not know existing allocations to departments for Miller with a Beach Boys and Sea Train has projected will slightly raise the what its cost will be. book purchases Engley said. He said that concert for the same date. The MHBOG student-faculty ratio. In his Tripod - According to Jerry Lithway, SAGA'S those departments whose enrollments go agreed with the substitution. article on the budget last week, Lock- manager at the College, SAGA will not be .down may have their allocations cut. Music Productions then cancelled the wood said that the College would con- raising its costs this year. 'Decisions will be made by the Library Beach Boys concert because of the high tinue to raise faculty salaries. As far The library received a budget of Advisory Board and the Library staff. overhead incurred from a Sunday concert, back as February, Edwin P. Nye, Dean MMBaai^ii^ifeiafeaiMiMBBii according to the MHBOG spokesman. of the Faculty, said that the College could College employees would have to be paid not increase salaries at the same rate as POEMS WANTED double time for work on Sunday, he said. it had in the past. He stated at that time No alternate date was possible because that there would be a five-percent in- BRADLEY HOUSE PUBLISHING CO. is either the campus facilities or the Beach crease in the allocations for faculty Boys were not free. salaries. compiling a book of poems on a you PAY The faculty raises are at a slower rate than the President said the College would FEE BASIS. For complete free information follow in order to reach the American ABC PIZZA HOUSE Association of University Professors "A- on how you can become a published poet Across from Trinity College scale" by 1975. The financial problems of 287 New Britain Ave., the College had led Nye to comment in send your poems to Hartford February that the AAUP figure was "Call before you leave unrealistic. Nevertheless, the College's position is better than some other in- the Campus" stitutions in the area. Yale, for example, Phone 247-0234 will not hire any new faculty members — P.O. Box 401 Mon. - Thur. It «jn.~12 pjn. not even to fill vacancies. Other colleges Frl. and Sat. 11 ajn.-I «.m. are putting freezes on salaries. Raymond, Maine 04071 Sun.-12a.rn.-ll p.m. Although the College is increasing faculty salaries at a time when many Colleges and universities are not, the i^^ Phillips At last/i Ashop /n the Hat-Wfcrd axea where qou car, cf&t iJhose necessary thinds thaJr iffe rrvws ejojo^cxtoie. Apvil r7tb and -tinare To Speak qou haOC "to irxxo<&X -to Hcua Lfo*-K B -fbv- sudh t)r>ir><£& as head <£ea*; , jujelrt^, \eoJJc\e)c goods, unique Thursday modern -Rjumifcure, d ^ift Kevin Phillips, political scientist, will speak Thursday night at 8:15 in Life Sciences Auditorium. Phillips will participate in a panel discussion at ;i p.m. Thursday in Wean Lounge. Gary Jacobson, instructor in political science, will be moderator. Phillips is the author.of "The Emerging Republican Majority," in which he proposes that the emerging political era will be increasingly conservative and Republican-oriented. The book describes voting trends to support its thesis, and offers insights on the rationale behind the American voter, Phillips served as an administrative assistant to U.S. Representative Paul A. Fino, Republican from New York, from 77 Heath Street, Hartford^ Cohn.-off fhrh St., Z streets before Weh Hartford line. 1964-1968. SALE! SALE! SALE! BOOKSTORE TWO DAYS ONLY Thursday, April 22 and Friday, April 23

ianyF Many Selected Items Below Cost!! More Items Greatly Reduced Large Assortment of Books Included Page 6 TRINITY TRIPOD Tuesday, April 20, 1971 vMastering the Draft The Draft Board Clerk EDITORIAL SECTION -Copyright 1971 by John Striker and Andrew Shapiro- this pase and sees only a pending doom with (Editor's Note: From time to time editorials will be written by members of the staff other Are you afraid of your draft board clerk? Do you give her your real name when you losing her son. than the editor. When the editorial is not written by the editor, it will be signed with the telephone the board? Is the information she "I have placed her on tranquilizers in an initials of the writer.) begrudges you believable or simply in- attempt to calm her but I am convinced that timidating? if (her son) is inducted she will require Such doubts have long weakened the hospitalization for mental illness. She is relationship — "contest" may be a better definitely on the verge of a complete ner- A Question of Values word — that pits a registrant against his vouse breakdown.... A few political realities have become apparent in the past week. draft board clerk.,Lately, registrants are - "It is my opinion that the induction of (her On Monday President Lockwood released the new drug policy to the beginning to gain ground. son) would be a distinct hardship if not a Theoretically, clerks are petty func- tragedy for this woman." . Hartford press; on Tuesday he released it to the campus com- tionaries. They are low paygrade civil The draft board never decided whether munity. On Wednesday in conversations with members of the servants hired to perform purely clerical the letters called for a reopening and Tripod staff, he made it clear that any change in the policy was chores. A clerk is not a federal official, not a reclassification into III-A (hardship quite unlikely, on Thursday, he passed the same message on to member of the draft board, not a trier of fact deferment). This dereliction was not en- members of the Adjudicative System in a luncheon meeting. At the or law empowered to decide your draft tirely the board's fault, because the clerk end of the week. President Lockwood met with the TCC in executive status. failed to notify the board members of the In practice, however, the clerk may be the newly submitted evidence. Consequently, session to discuss the whole matter, and needless to say, the TCC most powerful person in your draft board. that evidence was never even considered, didn't make any fuss. Generally, she is the only one in the office let alone evaluated, by the board members; Now what this all means is really not too hard to figure out. who has even the vaguest comprehension of they, like most board members, were not in During this week, another Trinity political crisis came to a head, the draft law — not that you should blindly the practice of boring themselves with trust her advice. Draft board members registrants' files until forced to do so at an and most of us didn't even know about it. During this week, the understandably look to the clerk as their occasional meeting. administration opened a new phase of its campaign to take full Moses. At Warwick's trial, the judge based his control of the decision-making process at the College. The student A clerk is also most familiar (compared to decision upon the cleric's egregious body and the faculty have been pushed out of any significant role in the board members) with registrants' files. ' assumption'of authority: "The Selective decisions concerning students arrested on felony charges. What this One of her chief tasks is to keep these files Service System has placed important • means is that the administration will make these decisions, and we up to date with all information submitted so responsibilities on the members of Local that the board can act upon each case: Boards for evaluating the status of can be sure that their decisions will reflect the political pressures "Although the board itself does the registrants in • light of the particular placed on them by Trustees, alumni, etc. classifying," reported a 1967 Presidential characteristics of each registrant and the The almost complete silence of the students and faculty in this commission on the draft, "a good clerk can needs of the registrant's family and the local matter shows how concerned they are with protecting their own make the board's job considerably easier. community. The sensitive and difficult - Perhaps the most important of her tasks — responsibilities involved in classifying basic rights. By letting the administration get away with this move, certainly from the registrant's point of view registrants cannot be delegated to, or students and faculty have given up their voice in determining who' the most critical — is the routine assumed by, the-clerks of the Local Board- does, and who does not remain oh this campus. That is, we gave preparation of cases for board review and s....Because the members of the Local them control over who we are. And that's not very intelligent, decision, which in practical effect amounts Board did not consider the registrant's considering the political influence that extremely conservative to an initial classification." (emphasis request for reopening and the evidence added) submitted to support the request, the order Trustees and alumni exercise over the administration. These to report for induction was invalid...." A people, we ought to remember, are not committed to the same Sometimes, unwarranted decisions made writ of habeas corpus was issued freeing values that we are. by a clerk can amount to the denial of any Warwick from the army. A few people have expressed their concern over these develop- classification action whatsoever by the draft The clerk's gross distortion of elemental board. The dangers of such an illegal procedural fairness was alone sufficient to ments, but only three or four individuals have tried to change Lock- usurpation by a civil servant reached void the outstanding induction order. If you wood's mind. The" TCC, whose recommendations on the drug disgraceful proportions in the recent case of believe .that,your own.clerk has in. any way problem were ignored by the President has apparently decided to be Warwick v. Volatile (Eastern District misinformed' you to your • detriment, 'or polite and swallow a policy which ignores all their recom- Court, Pennsylvania). During the week refused to supply you with necessary forms mendations. They justify their silence by noting that the TCC is just preceding young Warwick's scheduled in- to fill out, or declined to file any new an advisory body, and that the President is not obliged to take their duction, he, and his attorney, and his evidence you have submitted, or denied you mother's osteopath bombarded the draft access to your Government Appeal Agent,... advice. That's true of course, but its hardly the point. The point is board office with letters attesting to the ill or failed to notify you of damaging evidence that they aren't willing to take a stand on an issue that they thought health of Warwick's mother. The slipped into your file, or in any other way, was right just a few weeks before. If they had any faith in them- osteophat's letter, for example, reported prejudiced your case, seek counsel im- selves, the TCC members would have made a further effort to speak that the mother "recently presented herself mediately to determine the legal, gravity ot out against a stupid, punitive policy. Their failure amounts to at my office in a, state of utter panic at the the clerk's misconduct. The consequences of impending induction order of her son...This her action may be as critical as they were timidity, or cowardice. is not just an ordinary type of nervousness lor young Warwick. The student body has been even less active, despite the fact that associated with a son entering the service. We welcome your questions and com- the National Student Association statement on the rights of students Her husband died of a malignancy about 18 ments: Send them to "Mastering the was violated by the President's policy. Giving in to this sort of years ago, an event preceded by the death of Draft," Suite 1202, 60 East 42nd Street, New her mother and father. She is dwelling' on move by the administration is oniy going to make the next move York, N.Y. 10017. easier. Who knows, maybe next time the Trustees will decide that student financial aid is a commitment we can't afford to maintain. If this week is any indication, that would hardly be a surprise. Letter to the editor Students and faculty should begin to realize that Trustees, 'apathetic' alumni, and parents have a much greater voice in our affairs than To the Editor: performing the tasks necessary to clean up we do, Both segments of the community should be wary of policies, I am hesitant in submitting this, my first our surroundings. like the new drug policy, which obviously give in to pressures from letter to the Editor because, like countless I am often impressed with the calibre of many of my fellow students ideas. Un- those sources. All of Lockwood's explanations cannot mitigate the previous critical letters, it will probably fall on deaf ears. Nevertheless I feel compelled fortunately I am very unimpressed with fact that he admitted the new drug policy would increase the to admonish my fellow students. Before their inconsistencies in putting their ideas general distrust and bad feeling on campus, especially when it's doing so I wish to express my hopes that my into action. I think that the Trinity com- used to expel students before their "crimes" are proved in a court of fellow students enjoyed their late Saturday munity would greatly benefit.if more Trinity law. That the President accepted that consequence shows where his morning slumber this past week. students were to observe the adage "Actions A frequent subject of Tripod articles and speak louder than words." values stand; that all of us let it happen shows even more about our letters has been the accusation that Trinity Well, as I said initially, this letter will values. students are apathetic. I have tended to almost assuredly bring little change. I A.J.M. dislike this type of article mainly because I would only ask that, in the future, some of (apparently naively) thought that most you good talkers refrain from criticizing the Trinity students were concerned in- B & G's performance in keeping the campus dividuals. This past Saturday - Earth Action clean. You had your chance to show what Day - has helped to change my mind. Here you could do and you failed miserably. {Trinity at Trinity many activities had been planned Incidentally I found the B & G workers with by the B & G, in coordination with other whom I worked to be very dedicated to their EDITOR campus organizations, to help clean up and job. Richard B. Klibaner beautify Trinity. Since this was a non- Possibly next time when a rare request for political project which would directly student volunteers for a worthwhile project SPORTS EDITORS benefit us and since it had ideal weather is heard, more people will favorably MANAGING EDITOR ARTS EDITOR conditions under which to work, I felt sure Richard V. Vane Robert F. Shapiro Catherine L. Harris respond. Until then I hope that my fellow Joel B. Strogoff NEWS EDITOR that hundreds of students would come out students receive a lot of rest so that they will H. Susannah Heschel ready to help pitch in. But alas my hopes be able to contunue offering their noble were not to be realized. I guess four hours of PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR INSIDE EDITOR ideas (but little more!) on various problems :.. William M.Whetzel volunteer work is too much to ask for. While currently facing us. Steven R. Pearlstein some people certainly had good excuses for BUSINESS BOARD not participating (e.g. the talented dance Sincerely, BUSINESS MANAGER _..'.• John F. Luby '73 A. Jerome Connolly performers, those involved in team athletic activities on Saturday, and those few who Published twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays during the academic vear participated in other forms of Earth Action ""*""-• ^- —-its of Trinity College. Published by The Stafford Press, Route 190 Day programs), I can find little excuse for Phi Beta Kappa the great majority of students' apathy and/or laziness on this occasion. While Vaugh Keith, Jay Schaefer, Joseph many students admire Ralph Nader's work, Ewbank, Ken Winkler, Michael Trigg, most seem unwilling to follow up on what he and Peter Bennet are the most recently advocates by getting their hands dirty in elected members to Phi Beta Kappa. Tuesday, April 20, 1971 TRINITY TRIPOD Page 7 Committee Reports Text of Proposal for Intercultural Studies The following is a proposal for a program to be known as Intercultural Studies. A student's major will carry this designation, no matter how his work may be specialized in one II. The Director or more of the ways discussed below, The Director of the Intercultural Studies program shall hold an appointment in one of the following departments: The Arts, Economics, English, History, Modern Languages, Philosophy, I. Rationale Political Science, Religion, or Sociology. His teaching duties in This proposal acknowledges the need of students to un- that department shall be one course each term. He shall also derstand cultures other than their own and their desire to teach at least one seminar each term for Intercultural Studies comprehend the subcultures within their society and within majors, and shall administer the program. In his capacity as other societies as well. One of the marks of a liberally educated Director, the faculty member shall be appointed and serve in man today is his awareness and understanding of cultural the same manner as the department chairmen. His duties in pluralism. Thus a college should encourage students to think of this regard will include such matters as preparation of a budget their lives and public careers in a global context, just as and evaluation of Assisting Instructors (see III below) for colleges long prepared students in the liberal arts, which merit salary increases, reappointment, or promotion. The helped meet their need to exercise their political freedom responsibilities of the Director with regard to appointments are within the narrower context of a single country and a single discussed in detail in IV. culture. Provision for this need requires vigilance to assure quality education and to offer a major which presupposes study in depth. Our immediate task should be to implement such a III. Assisting Instructors program by relying on and making the fullest use of those The Director shall have the authority to arrange four resources presently available to the College. seminars each year, taught by as many as four people from The Intercultural Studies program would seek to arrange for among the departments named. These people, designated its majors and other students courses of study which en- Assisting Instructors, will therefore be assigned to their home compass present or proposed programs with such titles as Non- departments for 5/6 of their yearly load, and to the In- Western Studies, Black Studies, Latin American Studies, and tercultural Studies program for 1/6 of their yearly load. For the the like. The particular possibilities open at a given time will remainder of the courses (supporting courses) needed by a depend on the supporting courses available from other student to complete his program of study, the Director shall departments' offerings and on the competence of the Director rely on the help of all the departments in offering courses that and the people more closely involved with the program. It is not could be suitably taken by students in the program. (Many such to be supposed that the College intends to offer majors with courses are at the present time offered at the College). these more specific titles. The titles indicate only a possible focus of the student's primary effort. All students in the program must take part in the junior and senior seminars. A principal function of these seminars covered in the supporting IV. Initial Emphasis courses. The emphasis of the Intercultural Studies program is The initial emphasis of the program should be to develop an primarily upon comparative studies and only secondarily upon adequate set of courses dealing with the history and culture of separate studies of discrete areas. Blacks, especially in Africa and the Americas, To accomplish this, Black faculty members should, as vacancies develop, severally be named to one of the departments listed above, and at least one of the seminars in the program should be taught by "One of the marks of a a Black faculty member. The next three appointments within the listed departments that are made with the purpose of partially staffing the liberally educated man today program must have the consent of the Director. The presump- tion shall be that this purpose can be fulfilled by the first three vacancies that occur. If the Chairman of an affected depart- is his awareness and understanding ment does not believe that a prospective appointment should serve this purpose, he must state his case to the Dean of the Faculty, who, with the advice of the Educational Policy of cultural pluralism." Committee, shall resolve the matter. ':'As' "other vacancies develop in these departments, and assuming that no member of a given department is either an Assisting Instructor or is offering supporting courses, then the Chairman of that department and the Director should consult intercultural Studies . . on the matter of their respective needs. If they are unable to agree on how to fill the vacancy in the case of an Instructor or (from P. 1) Assitant Professor, the Dean of the Faculty shall resolve the The director will "serve in the same The next three appointments within the issue; and in the case of an appointment of an Associate manner as the department chairmen. The listed departments "that are made with the Professor or Professor the Appointments and Promotion director will prepare the budget and purpose of partially staffing the program committee shall resolve the issue. evaluate the instructors in the Program for must have the consent of the Director." If Beyond this, the Director shall keep the Dean of the Faculty, "merit salary increases, reappointment, or any conflict arises, Dean Nye, "with the the Educational Policy Committee, and interested Chairman advice of the Educational Policy Com- well informed of his needs and plans, in regard both to per- promotion." sonnel and programs. Four seminars will be offered each year, mittee", will resolve the matter. Professors taught by four members of the departments participating in the Program are to be titled listed above. For the remainder of the "Assistant Instructors." courses needed by a student to complete the As other vacancies open up in these V. Admission of Students major, he will rely on "(he help of all the departments,-* those having no members Students who wish to major in Intercultural Studies must departments in offering courses that could participating in the program "should petition the Director who, together with the Assisting In- be suitably taken by students in the consult" with the Director "on the matter of structors, shall accept or reject the petition. program." their respective needs."


AFTER THAT- THAT- CAHBOPfA ATlOfO- Page 8 TRINITY TRIPOD Tuesday, April 20, 1971 Officers For 1971-72 Cerberus Announced I * On Wednesday April 24, 1971 the following high sehoolday in the fall for all those were elected officers of Cerberus for the students who can't ordinarily come up for a 1971-72 academic year: President: Andrew tour, and a possible scholarship-fund raising Wolf, Vice President: Michael Mitchell, drive. Wolf hopes to involve the 1 «>, V Secretary: Jo-Ann Epps. organization in other areas of the college Cerberus is Trinity's official hosting honor such as development, community life and society. This yeat every effort was made to alumni affairs, in an attempt to orient or re- accept most of the 70 freshmen and orient perspective students and alumni to sophomores who showed an interest in Trinity's new programs achievements. "'V giving tours, etc. This years decision to increase membership follows several years * Pi of 'change' according to new President According to Trinity archives Cerberus ' ,7 Andy Wolf who cited future plans en- (which was a three-headed monster of compassing freshmen orientation week, a mythological lore who guarded the gates of V hell) it was found that in the latter part of the last century the original Cerberus Club was a drinking and hell-raising organization of sorts. Perhaps by becoming involved in LUCKY'S PIZZA other areas of the college besides ad- 168 Hillside Ave. missions it's not to late to maintain that image. . . Hartford, Conn. zr 'ots /AMCC.' FOLK GUITAR Fifteen week course Where the elite In your own home. Starts from SUMMER STORAGE Bantams meet the beginning. Well known folk song with each new strum. Hear to eat what you are learning on ac- Gem-Mayflower movers are storing companying 12-inch long play students belongings this summer: listening guide record. Very reasonable cost includes pick- Notices Homemade 18.95 Complete up and delivery from campus. Keep Italian Dinner FOR INFORMATION WRITE: your stereo, radio, clothes and books Folk Guitar Giant Grinders- Pizzas New York Folk Studios See Vic Haas Box 511 or call 247- F.O. Box 104i) 7598 Economics White Plains, New York 10602 Dr. Ronald F. Wippern, associate OPENING SOON professor at the Amos Tuck School of JUST LIKE MOM'S BAKING EUROPE Business at Dartmouth College, will Year round student charters, A short walk down DECORATED CAKE $4.00 deliver the annual Ferris Lecture in tours, employment opportunities, Corporation Finance and Investments on Bonner St. to Lucky's WILL DELIVER TO CAMPUS discounts. Tuesday, April 20. Dr. Wippern, a Anglo America Assoc. specialist in managerial economics and 522-0422 Mrs. R. H. Gilpin Telephone 529-4911 P. O. Box 36 financial management, will speak at 7:45 19 Fairview Drive Wethersfield, Conn. Nahant, MA. 01908 in the Auditorium of the Life Science Center on "Finance and Investment Analysis in Graduate Management Education." Philippines An Open Semester doing independent research is available in the Philippines for 1 or 2 interested students for the Christmas Term 1971-1972. Financial aid from Trinity may be used in this program. See Dean Winslow as soon as possible. Student Budget Any student organization which desires to receive money from the Student Ac- tivities Fund for the academic year 1971- 1972 must submit applications in triplicate to Box 685 on or before Wed- nesday, April 28, 1971. Conference An existential-phenomenological conference on "Science vs Scientism: Can the Human Sciences Offer Any Fresh and Radical Approaches to the Technological Problems of Today?" will be held here on April 23 and 24. Congress Congressman Robert F. Drinian, the first Jesuit priest to be elected to Congress, will speak on "The Problems and Dilemmas Confronting the 92nd Congress" at Trinity College on Monday, When was the last time April 26 at 8 p.m. you slept out In the woods? Writing You can win prizes for your writing If you're a backpacking or ability. Deliver poems to Hugh Ogden, mountaineering enthusiast, it stories to Steven Minot, Essays to Paul wasn't long ago. And it was great. Smith, plays to David Eliet, and taped If you're not, maybe now is the speeches to John Dando. time to begin. Clapp & Treat's Camp Shop is one of the most complete in • .. • Susskind New England, David Susskind, television personality, Featuring The North Face. film innovator and theater producer, will give an address at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday America's Alpine Equipment Specialists. evening, April 27 at the University of Also, Kelty, Gerry, Alpine Designs, Hartford. Susskind will recount the Camp Trails, Mountain Master, highlights of his public career, in a talk Eiger, Blacks, White Stag, and entitled "And Then I Met," at the Eureka equipment and clothing. Physical Education Center. Rich-Moor, Chuck Wagon, and Wilson freeze-dried foods, ilClapp&Treat Tutors » B Outfitters to Sportsmen since 1887 Lowa, Bass, and Voyager boots. The Hartford Public High School needs 672 Farmington Ave. West Hartford college volunteers to tutor high school students. The time required is one to Open Thursday & Friday until 9 p.m. three days a week from 1:30 to 2:25. Please contact Johnny. Di Benedetto at ,525-1971. ••••••. • • Tuesday, April 20, 1971 TRINITY TRIPOD Page !> Students Campus I For'Earth Action Day As thousands of young people marched to Jones, and Elton dorms. Colt Park in Hartford Saturday to kick off Wolf said the idea for the day of "Earth Action Week," a contingent of beautification stemmed from a speech by Trinity students kicked off "Earth Action Donald K. Ross, one of "Nader's Raiders," Day" with clean-up and seeding campaigns who spoke here during vacation. The around campus. Mather Hall Board of Governors and the The Colt Park rally, which followed a Mather Hall Contingency Fund provided march to raise funds for Ralph Nader's $300 for plants, trees, and seeds, Wolf said, Connecticut Earth Action Group (CEAG), while Buildings and Grounds lent tools and featured folk singer Pete Seeger, several supervision. Hartford bands and a quintet of speakers Wolf predicted that another clean-up day that included Hartford Mayor George might be held in the fall, to capitalize on the Athanson, the Rev. Joseph Duffey and interest shown Saturday by the students. Secretary of the State Gloria Schaffer. A "Raider's Dance" Saturday night ended The three-pronged march of students Earth Action Day. A crowd that peaked at converged on the park from Wethersfield, about 100 bopped energetically to '50's tunes West Hartford, and Newington. Each until after midnight. marcher was asked to sell a $1 ticket for At Colt Park, Rev. Duffey said the march every mile he marched. The crowd picked and rally "represents one of the best efforts up litter as it went along. to save the environment and to try to make So did the Trinity clean-up crew of 45 democracy work." students. They worked from 9:30 to 1:30 "We are seeking an end to pollution. . .an p.m. to "get the campus in shape for end to the unfair tax system. . .an end to spring," according to Andrew Wolf, '73, government agencies that favor big Chief organizer of the day's activities. business. . .most people would favor these Wolf termed "Earth Action Day" a changes.. .the said thing is that most people success. "It was hard work but the kids did a don't think we can change them." good job," he said. Ross, a Washington attorney, said, "This Wolf said that all of the planned projects is fun and this is beautiful, but if you go were completed, including a general clean- home and forget about it, then you just won't Hizzoner up of papers around campus, a raking and have many more days like this." llurtlord Mayor (Jeorge Athanson speaks with organizers of the Earth Day rally in Colt re-seeding of the Quad and the areas around The CEAG hopes to raise $250,000 by April Park Saturday. The rally raised $15,000 for the newly formed Connecticut Earth Action the Austin Arts Center, and a cleaning out of 23, the end of Earth Week. CEAG Group. Athanson told organizers of the group that he hoped to work with them to solve litter from the bushes around the tennis representatives estimated that $15,000 was pollution problems on a state and local level. courts, the Long Walk, and the Wheaton, raised Saturday. Plans Finalized For Washington March An anti-war demonstration is planned for Representatives Bella Abzug and Herman the oficial rally sponsored in Washington by Spring Washington, D.C. next Saturday. Sponsors Badillo from ; David the National Peace Action Committee. of the rally expect it to draw more than the Dellinger, one of the Chicago Seven, Senator Green claimed that the abolition of 250,000 who came to Washington November Vance Hartke of Indiana, and Coretta Scott capitalism is the only way to end the war in 15, 1969 in the largest anti-war' demon- King. Vietnam and prevent future "imperialist" Offensive stration ever held in the United States. The Hartford Area Peace Coalition has wars. chartered buses which will leave for The coalition of groups which is planning Marchers will assemble at the ellipse at 11 Washington on the morning of the 24th. the "official" rally and march on the 24th a.m. and march along Pennsylvania Avenue Tickets are available at the Peace Action include the National Peace Action Coalition, to a three-hour rally at the Capitol. Coalition Headquarters on Quaker Street in the Student Mobilization Committee, and Demonstration leaders wanted to march West Hartford. the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice. along Pennsylvania Avenue past the White A number of actions are planned in The following activities are planned to House, but officials did not agree to that Buses have also been chartered by the- Washington from April 19 to May 16 as part protest the war during April and May. route. Last Thursday Vice President Spiro Worker's League. Several students from the of a "Spring Offensive" protesting the Agnew, as president of the Senate, gave College will attend a separate Worker's Vietnam War. Groups sponsoring the permission for the rally to be held by the League rally in Washington on the 24th. Bus "Spring Offensive" also plan demon- April l!)-2l! Dewey Canyon III strations by Vietnam veterans during the A protest by Vietnam Veterans Against West front of the Capitol. tickets can be obtained by calling 549-0304. The demonstrators' principal demand will According to David Green '71, the week proceeding the April 24th rally, mass the War will begin April 19 with Vietnam non-violent disobedience including veterans, active G.I.'s, reservists, and be for the complete withdrawal of American Worker's League feels that the anti-war troops from Southeast Asia. movement should be part of a general demonstrations, at the Congress, the Justice veterans of other wars encamping at Department, and the Pentagon, and a Georgetown University. Speakers at the rally will include Ralph movement to develop a working class party Abernathy, president of the Southern in the United States. At a anti-war rally in "cultural festival" in Rock Creek park in There will be "incursions" into the Washington on May 1st. Supreme Court to 'demand an immediate Christian Leadership Conference; Bushnell Park on Saturday, Green criticized ruling on the constitutionality of the Vietnam War and an "incursion",into the l-'ourlh Estate demanding "that the media begin covering war crimes." A "war crimes investigation" will convene on the steps of the Capitol.

April 21-March to End the War People will assemble at the Ellipse at 11:0(1 a.m. Starting at noon they will inarch down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the White Mouse, and to the steps of the Capitol. April 2li-May 4-People's Lobby Individuals will meet with congressmen urging them to support demands that a date be set for the im- mediate withdrawal of.all American troops from Southeast Asia, that a guaranteed annual income of $6500 be established, and that all "political prisoners" be released. May l-Cclebration of Peace Marchers will converge on Rock Creek Park in Washington. Workshops on non- violence and a cultural festival with rock bands and folk singers is scheduled.

May :i-5-May Day Acts of civil disobedience and attempts to non-violently disrupt government agencies are planned for the first week in May. An attempt to block the main routes into Washington will begin at 6 a.m. May 3rd. Mav 5-No More Business as Usual A national moratorium is planned on Marching Again the anniversary of the student strike which followed the Cambodia invasion Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to show up for an anti-war rally in Washington next Saturday. Organizers of the and the killing of students at Kent State protest have predicted that the demonstration will draw a larger crowd that the 250,000 who attended an anti-war demonstration and Jackson State last year. in Washington in November, 1969, when this picture was taken. Tuesday, April 20. 1971 Page 10 TRINITY TRIPOD

TUESDAY, April 20 book on Emerging Republican Majority of the 11)72 Elections sponsored by Young 1 :l)0 p.m. - Golf - UofH and R.I. - Home Republicans, T.C. - L.S.C. Audit. 2:00 p.m. - Tennis - Williams - Home. 1O;3O p.m. - The Eucharist - Chapel. 2:00 p.m. - Freshman Baseball - Wesleyan FRIDAY, April 23 ••yr - Away. 1:00 p. m. - Golf - Wesleyan and Bowdoin at 3:00 p.m. - Varsity Baseball - Williams - Wesleyan. Home. 7:45 p.m. - Ferris Lecture in Corporation 2:30 p.m. - V. Baseball - Bowdoin - Away. Finance and Investments . Dean Ronald F. 3:00 p.m. - Tennis - Yale - Away. Wippern, Amos Tuck School of Business 5:00 p.m. - Shabbat Service and Kiddush Administration, Dartmouth College - sponsored by Hillel - Goodwin Lounge. "Finance and Investment Analysis in (i:U0 and 10:15 p.m. - Film: "Brewster Graduate Management Education" - Life McCloud" - Cinestudio. Sciences Center Auditorium. 8:30 p.m. and 12 Midnight - Film: "Point 10:30-p.m. - Compline - Chapel. Blank" - Cinestudio. 7:U0and 9:45 p.m. -Film: "Citizen Kane" 7:30 p.m. - Concert: Button Down Sound - - Cinestudio. Washington Room. Admission Charge $1.50. WEDNESDAY, April 21 B:00 p.m. - Committee for Noon - The Eucharist - Chapel. Phenomenological Research Symposium - 2:l)(» p.m. - F. Golf - Post Jr. College - "Can the human sciences offer any fresh Home. and radical approaches' to the technological ;i:00 p.m. - F. Tennis - Trinity-Pawling - problems of today?" by Dr. A. Giorgi, Home. Duquesne, Dr. Joseph Kockelmans, Penn :S:00 p.m. - V. & F. Track - Union - Away. State, Dr. William Sadler, Jr., Bates - L. S. :i:00 p.m. - V. Lacrosse - Amherst - Home. C. Auditorium. :s.-:«l p.m. - F. Lacrosse - Trinity-Pawling - Home. SATUKDAY. April 24 4:00 p.m. - Annual Pi Gamma Mu Sym- H:i)u a.m.-5:00 p.m. - Graduate Record posium. "Slavery and The Slave Trade In Examinations - McCook Auditorium and The Americas" Paper by: Rosemary Life Sciences Center Audit. Morante '71 - "The Abolition of the Slave 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. - Program on Trade in Rhode Island" Peter Jenkelunas Phenomenological Research (continued) Leaning to the Left '71 - "The Maroons of Jamaica". Com- Workshops - Rms. 134, 131, 137, 209, 213, mentators: Prof. H. M. Feinberg, SCSC and L.S.C. .Joseph Duffey, former Democratic candidate for U.S. Senator, his son Michael and Kevin B. Sullivan '71 - Wean Lounge. 11:00 a.m. - Tennis - UConn - Home. dog Suki participate in the Earth Action Day rally in Colt Park last Saturday. 7:HO and 9:15 p.m. - Films: "Brewster 1:30 p.m. - Track - RPI - Home. iVleCloud" and "Point Blank" - Cinestudio. 2:00 p.m. - Lacrosse - Tufts - Home. »:15 p.m. - Trinity College Band Concert - 2:00 p.m. - Crew - Kerr Cup at Drexel. Contemporary and Traditional Works for 2:00 p.m. - V. Baseball - Boston College - Winds and Percussions - Directed by John C. Away. Erskine - Goodwin T., A.A.C. 8:30 p.m. - National Theatre Institute, Bus THURSDAY, April 22 Company "The Disintegration of James :i:'M) p.m. - Lecture by Dr. Bradley Perry Cherry" - Goodwin Theatre, A.A.C. fSxl "Community and Regional Planning: 7:30 p.m. - Film: "Brewster McCloud" - What? For Whom? How?" sponsored by T. Cinestudio. C. Physics Dept. - McCook Auditorium. 9:20 p.m. - Film: "Point Blank" - 3:30 p.m. - Women's Tennis - Wesleyan - Cinestudio. Away. 10:00 a.m. - Hike - starting from Mather 7:30 and 9:15 p.m. - Films (as Wed- Campus Center to Reservoir, W. H. Spon- nesday). sored by Human Relations Committee - Sue H: 15 p.m. - Kevin Phillips will discuss his Hoffman '73 in charge of arrangements. New York City.S and how to swing it. Support The Biltmore puts it together. With our Special STUDENT Rates, Your own pad, right in the mid- dle of everything that makes Fun City everything it is. And everything going on the East Side, West Side and Village is1 all about 15 minutes away. For students, $15 single, $21 twin. $26 triple. For faculty, $23 single. $29 twin. for reuroatlont, call FREE From anywhere In the Continental U.S.A... .800-221-2690 In New York State 800-522-6449 New York City (local) 340-2776

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11 heath street, hartford, Connecticut 06106 (203)523-0869 Tuesday, April 20, 1971 TRINITY TRIPOD Page 11 Trinity Harriers Top Middlebury Last Saturday the combined varsity and freshman track team gained its first victory of the season by defeating Middlebury, 91- 03. The victory left the Bantams with a 1-0-1 record entering tomorrow's meet with Union. Double winners in the Middlebury meet were Hon Duckett (100-yard dash and 220- • yard dash); John Durland (880-yard run and mile run); and Tom Buchenau (120-yard high hurdles and long jump). Coach Dave Buran also cited Glenn Ryer and Gary Czajkowski for their outstanding per- formances in the high jump and triple jump, respectively. Coach Buran was especially happy over the fact that a total of 21 Trinity runners scored points in Saturday's meet. "We were pretty pleased," said Buran, "It certainly is encouraging to see so many boys doing well. The depth will certainly help us once we start facing tougher competition, Satur- day's meet was Middlebury's first of the season; we expect that future opponents will be stronger so we will need help from as many people as possible." Coach Buran felt that the team's biggest improvement came in the running events, where the Bantams won six of ten contests. In its opening tie with Amherst, Trinity was able to cop only one of the ten events in the running competition. One of the day's unsung heroes against (Lawson Photo) Middlebury has to be Ray Perkins. Perkins, DUCKing In who runs the first leg for the Bantams' 440- yard relay team, was changing his shoes Lunging across the tape in the time of 10.0 in the hundred yard dash is freshman sprinter Ron Duckett. Following the when all of a sudden the gun went off to start " Phlash" to come in third is Trinity's Tony Loney left. At far right is the Bantam's Ken Stone. the race. Perkins, caught completely off guard, dropped his shoes and started run- ning with only socks on his feet. Un- fortunately, the Bantams did not win the race. Adrift on the Connecticut The Results: 100 yard dash: 1. Duckett (T); 2. Wilburn (M); 3. Loney (T); T. 10.0 220-yard dash: 1. Duckett (T); 2. An- derson (M); 3. Wilburn ,(M); T. :22.8 440-yard dash: 1. Anderson (M); 2 Stabler The Saga of Lightweight Crew (T); 3. Geiser (T); T. :52.0 880-yard dash: 1. Durland (T); 2. Buckley by Christopher Robin's Bear (M); 3. Sullivan (T); T. 2.01.9 "What is a lightweigh crew?" you may ago been ruled out as a serious threat to vicinity of Poughkeepsie next Saturday. Mile run: 1. Durland (T) 2. Hass (T) 3. well ask. A lightweight oarsman, it says anyone's position. Added to this was Bill come on down. The race should be a four Johson (M) T. 4:29.2. here, is someone who commits near-suicide Howze, an ex-Yale lightweight who was way battle among Trinity, UMass, Marist, Two-mile run: 1, Johnson (M) 2. Hass (T) to make the light boat because he is too light coaching his first season. and St. Joseph's. Also alleged to be showing 3. Holland (M) T. 9:55.0 for the heavy boat. The rules, you see, Thus it was that the lightweight boat up will be WPI and the Merchant Marine. 120 high hurdles: 1", Buchenau (T); 2. stipulate that no oarsman can weigh over prepared to take on Columbia and Marist Bow, John Gatsos; 2, Joe Pratt; 3, John Taussig (T); 3. Lovington (M); T. ,-15.7 160, and the boat average cannot be more on March 27. Practice progresse, and other Mattus; 4, Ed Potter; 5, Dave Galiafiey; 6, 440 intermediate hurdles: 1. Lovington than 155. So that creates a situation whereby warm bodies showed up to compete (!) for Dave Banash; 7, John Tyner; Stroke, Steve (M); 2. Whittakes (M); 3. Curwen (T); T. oarsmen who were too ligfit at 180 have to seats on the boat. The fateful day ap- Prudden; Cox, Hank Fried. :59.4 slim down a bit. It ain't easy. proached, and Coach Howze and his 440-yard relay: 1. Middlebury (Pope, Lightweight boats, at the biggies; Har- assistant 'Dapper Dan1 Drury set out for the Anderson, Wilburn, Whittaker); T. :46.3 vard, Yale, Penn, Pivnik Tech, are already Big Town. Long jump: l. Buchenau (T); 2 Whittaker part of the main stream, (oh well) But at What happened would have amazed even Heinlein Brilliant (M); U. Ryer (T); Dist. 21—6-174 Trinity the lightweight crew is only in its the most experienced observer. Right at the High jump: 1. Ryer (T) 2. Krug (M) 3. third year. And although many had picked start, Columbia gained over two lengths Shepard (T) Hgt. 6-2 Trinity to be a leader in this class, it was not over the Battlin' Bants, as Trinity sat at the Pole vault: l. Bianchetti (M); 2. Tong In linkster Loss to be. There have been problems. The lights starting line, which isn't the most enjoyable The Trinity golfers opened their 15-match (T); 3. Johanson (T); Hgt. 12-0 have, in the past, had no position in the of experiences to a rower. But, surprisingly, Shot put: 1. Krug (M); 2. Morini (T); 3. schedule at Worcester last Thursday by boathouse. Also, most of the upperclassmen Marist was soon one length behind dropping a 4-1/2—2-1/2 decision to the Naab (T); Dist. 51-3-1/2 who would have made the lightweight boat everyone. Then Stroke Steve Prudden led Javelin: I. Shearer (M); 2. Rowe (T); 3. W.F.I. Engineers. The Bantam linkstnen decided that it was too much trouble making his crew in one of the most amazing middle return to action at the Goodwin Park course Naab (T); Dist. 179-8 weight, or that ther,e was no future in thousands in anyone's memory. By the 1500 Discus: 1. Raws (T); 2. Krug (M); 3. this afternoon in a triangular match against lightweight crew, or were declared meter mark, Columbia was shaken and the University of Hartford and the Morini (T); Dist. 142-3 ineligible. That left the lights with just one their lead had dwindled to a meager boat Triple jump: Czajkowski (T); 2. Swacus University of Rhode Island. Tee-off time is member of an eight man boat. And on the length, with Marist 4-1/2 lengths behind. 1:00 p.m.* (M): 3. Buchenau (T); Dist. 44-4-1/2 first day of indoor practice, only seven Unfortunately, the lights had neglected to Hammer throw: 1. Clememts (T); 2. 'oarsmen' showed up, including one person practice their sprint, so they didn't. Against the Engineers Trinity received Morini (T); 3. Haws (T); Dist. 135—8-1/2 who had never seen a shell, a freshman who Columbia and Marist did. Columbia won by solid performances from captain Fete Mile relay: 1. Trinity (Perkins, Geiser, didn't know what an oar was, and a duck. 4-1/2, by the Battlin' Bants surprised Went?., who won his match by a 4 and 2 Durland, Stabler); T. 3:39.8 margin, and sophomore Dave Heinlein, a Not to mention one coxswain who had long everyone, even themselves, and came in one-up victor. However, overall team second. strength was lacking as W.P.I, swept wins in So it was that the lights took their enviable four matches, with one tie result. 1-1 record into combat against Yale and In freshman competition the Trinity Foster . . . MIT. As related last week, the Bants came yearlings also fell in their opener to a in a. close third, tiring due to the grueling powerful Taft squad, 7-0. The frosh face Post pace they set for themselves in the first half Jr. College tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p.m. (From P. 12) of the race. But last Saturday the Bants were looking First Gam» TRINITY COAST OUARD lor Victory, if not for Long Island, where Coast Guard bulge but fell one run shy in the ab i* h rbi ab r h rbi they were racing C.W. Post and URL The 4 112 Nichols, cf Howe, 3b 3 0 1 0 final stanza. Joe McCabe and Bob Ghazey 4 0 0 0 Vlering, c Gilbert, Jb 3 1 1 0 Bants had practiced all week rowing up- Postponed had two and three safeties, respectively. 2 111 Foster, p Frlrti, cf 4 0 2 0 4 110 MeCbe, lb Hamn, rf 4 0 1 1 stream, starting, middle 1000's and finding , ,Roy bath's tennis teams, varsity and John Neuner delivered m clutch situations ,3 2 2,2 Ghzv, If Meyer, lb 4 0 1 0 the river. After several indignities on the 2 10 0 Thmsn, rf Cornell, c 4 0 0 0 freshmen, once again were ready for in both games, for five RBI's on the day. 3 12 3 Nevner, 3b Glmr, ss 2 10 0 island, the boat finally made it to the 3 0 0 0 Jms, ss Andersn, If 2 0 0 0 action last Friday afternoon, but once 2 10 0 Smith, 2b Sether, p 3 0 1 1 starting line. They started rowing a 47, and again Mother Nature had other ideas — Goud, p 0 0 0 0 took a 1-1/2 length lead over Rhode Island 28 S 7 t TOTALS 27 2 7 2 and for the second straight time the TRINITY 413 000 K—8 and 2-1/4 lengths over Post. Despite allowing fifty-one runs in six COAST GUARD , 000 001 1—2 Bantams' match against Amherst was E_Tr!nltv 2, Coast Guard 5; 2b— At the halfway point, the race changed. A games, it would 0-3 would be appreciated, as the total number of TRINITY CiO 041 1—7 Saturday, will instead open its season liveliest ball club in years hosts Williams at E—Coast Guard 2, T-i-.ity 2; 3B— Trinity rooters at three races has numbered home today before going on an extended Howe; HR—Foster; 51—Nevner; SAC— li. not counting the cluck. So if you are in the this afternoon at Weslevan. road trip Nevner. Page 12 TRINITY TRIPOD Tuesday, April 20, 1971 Rowers Edge Cadets; Win Mason-Downs Cup by Jim Hall Today The Varsity Bantam eight successfully Rowing the body of the race between a VARSITY BASEBALL vs. Williams (H) — 3:00 p.m. secured the Mason-Downs Cup again last thirty-seven and a thirty eight, the Trinity VARSITY TENNIS vs. Williams (H) — 2:00 p.m. Saturday in the only home regatta of the boat, stroked by Dave Brown, held a one- VARSITY GOLF vs. Univ. of Hartford & Rhode Island (H) — 1:00 p.m. season as they crossed the finish line almost half to three quaters of a length lead on the Wednesday, April 21 —. a boat length ahead of Coast Guard Coast Guard squad, stroking lower in the VARSITYAND FRESHMAN TRACK vs. Union (A)—3:00p.m. Academy's boat and nine lengths in advance last downstream current at a 36. In VARSITY LACROSSE vs. Amherst (H) — 3:00 p.m. of the W.P.I. Varsity. the final five-hundred meters the Coast FRESHMAN TENNIS vs. Trinity-Pawling — 3:30 p.m. Guard eight began their sprint before the FRESHMAN GOLF vs. Post Jr. College (H) — 2:00 p.m. Bantams and started to close the lead, but Thursday, April 22 - — the Trinity boat took the stroke up to about a NO GAMES 43 and ripped away from the "Coasties", Friday, April 23 •• — finishing in 6:52. VARSITY BASEBALL vs. Bowdoin WA) — 2:30 p.m. Laxmen Bow To As the wild Connecticut is rising almost VARSITY TENNIS vs. Yale (A) — 3:00 p.m. daily, and the current mounts in surging VARSITY GOLF vs. Wesleyan & Bowdoin (A) (Wesleyan)-1:00 p.m. heaves of wet power, the time normally Saturday, April 24 . . ... Loomis Stickers consumed in rowing two thousand meters is VARSITY BASEBALL vs. Boston College (A) —2:00 p.m. greatly reduced. For this reason, the race VARSITY AND FRESHMAN TRACK vs. R.P.I. (H) — 1:30 p.m. "We had them on the ropes," said fresh- course was lengthened for Saturday, to 2600 VARSITY TENNIS vs. Univ. of Connecticut (H) —11:00 a.m. man lacrosse coach Bill Sferro, "but they meters and the times ranged around 6:52- VARSITY LACROSSE vs. Tufts (H) — 2:00 p.m. just outnumbered us." Sferro was com- 7:40. CREW—-Kerr Cup at Drexel —2:00 p.m. menting on the Bantam yearlings' 10-3 loss The Bantam J.V. was victorious in. their LIGHTWEIGHT CREW — Presidents Cup at Poughkeepsie to Loomis, here, Saturday. Like those great event in much the same fashion as the FRESHMAN BASEBALL vs. Yale (H) — 2:30 p.m. Americans from the past, the fighting men varsity squad, with Coasties second and FRESHMAN TENNIS vs. Kent (H) — 2:30 p.m. of the Alamo, the frosh "stickers" fought W.P.I, (whoppie tech) somewhere behind. FRESHMAN LACROSSE vs. Wesleyan (A)-2:00 p.m. valiantly as long as they could, but as there The Trinity boat took and early one quarter were no reinforcements forthcoming, they length lead in the first five hundred meters finally fell to the fresh enemy troops and and opened the distance to three quarters of were massacres. But they are a young a length on the charging Coastie boat by the team, these freshmen, and maybe as they time they reached the Founder's Bridge. make their charge at the end of the season Underneath the bridge the Bantam eight their war cry at the end of the season will be experienced a "strong wash" reportedly set '•Remember the Loomis game!" up by a motor boat which is said to have Laxmen-Defeat Holy Cross; The baby Bantams trailed by only 5-2 at been a Coast Guard unit in pursuit of a Helco the half and with only one period to go had tanker misten for a Russian Trawler. The cut that deficit to 5-3. However, Loomis had J.V.'s floundered long enough for the Cadets tour groups of midfielders to the frosh's two to regain lost ground and enter the final 500 Set Shots-on-Goal Record and their numbers advantage proved three seats ahead of the Bantam squad, by Albert M. Donsky decisive in the final period as they scored W.P.I, trailing at third position. Two "We played very well up there," said the action in the Holy Cross end. Holy Cross five goals while shutting out the Bantams. strokes after Coast Guard began their Coach Chet McPhee, in something of an seemed unable to bring the play to the Each of the starting attackmen, Frank sprint, Trinity's J.V.'s took the stroke up to understatement, as the Trinity lacrosse Bantams and McPhee said they were Chase, John Westermann and Jack Cowles, a 41 and then a 43 to defeat the Coast Guard team did indeed play very well and routed "overpowered." scored a goal against Loomis. Chase's was squad by 1.10 seconds. Holy Cross 17-5, Saturday. Bob Atwater led the scoring with four his second of the season. Westermann and Trinity Freshmen again got a raw deal as The laxmen played well throughout the goals, while Spencer Knapp added three. Cowles scored their goals when the team they were compelled to face the Coast first half, as they moved to a 4-1 lead. The Jack Nelson had two goals and four assists. played their zone ride, a system which the Guard Varsity lightweights (reportedly game was broken open, however, in the Harvey Dann also added two tallies. Porier, varsity uses and which the freshman had their second Varsity boat), Coast Guard's third period when the Bantams scored nine Birmingham, Crosby, Follensby, Funston, .„, only practiced for one day. 4th varsity, and the forsh from W.P.I. At the times. They added four more goals in the and Stevenson had a goal each with Porier "I think we have definitely improved," end of the starting 500, the event was ob- last period to ice the cake. picking up three assists. Birmingham, said Sl'evro. "We're more aggressive now viously two races: Bantam frosh vs. Coast In the first half Trinity managed 53 shots Crosby, and Follensby had one assist and we kept out cool under pressure. We Guard lights, and behind, W.P.I, vs. C.G. 4th on goal while Holy Cross only got off three. apiece. have to improve our defense (the frosh have varsity. The freshman boat, stroked by C. Coach McPhee said Holy Cross played Spike Birmingham and Bob Atwater now surrendered 19 goals in two games) but on Putnam, which seemed to hold it own well in strong defense for the first half" and the key lead the scoring race with five goals apiece. the whole I'm very pleased with the team." the first 500, sagged in the "middle to that defense had to be Holy Cross goalie Coach McPhee said that Trinity was "just Wesleyan was unable to field a freshmen thousand", and ultimately finished two and Bob Wall. He blocked 49 shots in the first too strong in every phase of the game." lacrosse team this year and with only 16 one-half lengths down of the Coast Guard's half and it was only his play that kept Holy There were no injuries and McPhee called players available at this point many won- Varsity lights, and the Coast Guard 4th Cross in the game at all. the game a "nice tune-up" for Wednesday's dered whether Trinity's fro^h team would varsity, six lengths back, defeated W.P.I, by The Bantams fired 86 shots at the goal in home game against Amherst. If Trinity can fold or not. Sferro dispelled rumors about a length. the game. By doing so, they set a new play the type of game they played Saturday the team's having to fold. "Our players have Bantam eights will face the "Coasties" College record. Holy Cross only managed 16 against Holy Cross, they should be able to decided that we'll stick with it," said the again in two weeks in Worcester for the shots in the game. McPhee called this a sign add another victory to the two they have Bantam coach. Rusty Callow Regatta. This coming of the great ball control that the Bants already. However, Amherst is said to have The frosh played UConn in a scrimmage weekend Trinity Boats will face at exhibited McPhee said the teams' one of the strongest squads in New England, yesterday and meet Trinity-Pawling here, Philadelphia in theKerr Cup, a regatta last rides and clears were "almost so it looks like a tight contest. Game time is tomorrow at 3 p.m. year swept by all three Bantam boats. laultless" as the Bantams managed to keep 3:00. Foster Powers Bants'First Win by Shawn O'Donnell The Trinity baseball team lost a chance to pull one of the major upsets of the young sesaon against UConn but came back two days later to split a doubleheader with Coast Guard, Against the best team in the state, ^ Trinity played well until a six run inning late * in the game gave the Huskies a 10-2 victory- Starter John Suroviak pitched strongly for the second straight time and sophomores Joe McCabe and Bob Ghazey continued ,,, their productive hitting. Two days later, Bill Foster led the Bantams to their first victory of the regular season by holding the Coast Guard to two runs on seven hits. Trinity scored eight times in the first three frames as Dave Nichols, Ghazey and John (High) Neuner drove in seven base runners. Foster pushed across a run himself with a base hit. Defensively, Trinity committed two errors in each contest, but.showed, signs of coming excellence in that facet of the game. In the second game, it was the Coast--' Guard's turn to break away fast. The Cadets kept pace in each inning, scoring once in the lirst, twice in the second and thrice in the third. They were held to one run in each of the next two innings and that was all they needed barely. Down 8-1 going into the ^^ bottom of the fifth, Trinity rallied for four runs in that inning. Bill Foster, relieving Captain Tom Thomson in right field, sent High Neuner two runs home with his second roundtripper of the year. He is currently ten Sophomore third baseman John Neuner is shown r games ahead of Brian Titus' record home,-; W win. Neuner, drive scored Bob Gha.ey from run pace. The Bantams pecked away at the " (continued on p. 11)