Rosh Hashanah Begins September 6 Grandparent’s Day Is September 8 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 5, 2002 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 112th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 52-112 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] FIFTY CENTS Council Hears JIF Report; Road Projects Completed By LAUREN S. PASS ability (MEL). He added that the work. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader town receives $250 in return for each Second Ward Republican Coun- At Tuesday night’s conference ses- member that attends. cilman Rafael Betancourt suggested sion, the Westfield Town Council The class will explain the chal- that since there was money left over, received a report from the town’s lenges of insurance coverage and Kimball Avenue between Wychwood Joint Insurance Fund (JIF) represen- allow the governing body to be better Road and Woodland Avenue should tative, Jim Gruba, and the town’s informed on how the JIF works. be paved because residents are re- Risk Manager, Ray Vaughn, on the After five years of participating in questing work to be done. status of the fund. the JIF, the town receives dividends Mayor McDermott mentioned that The JIF allows towns to purchase back. Westfield is participating in its residents on Birch and Colonial Av- insurance together, thus at a lower sixth year with the JIF. The town’s enues have also been requesting pav- cost. The JIF makes no profits, and membership to the JIF expires on ing. First Ward Republican Council- Mr. Vaughn is paid a 6 percent com- December 31 of this year.