National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

June 2006 Worden foresees significant role for Ames in space exploration Ames Research Center Director S. gram, Worden said Ames was given the program, both of which he hailed as Pete Worden brought some “very good two key areas of responsibility: thermal “very good news” for the center. news” to Ames employees this “I'm proud to say we're go- month, predicting there won't ing to play a major role,” be a workforce reduction and Worden declared. that Ames will play a signifi- Although Ames no longer cant role in NASA's future space will be managing the Robotic exploration activities. Lander Exploration Program Following on the heels of (RLEP), Worden said Ames will the June 5 announcement from continue to lead the develop- NASA Headquarters outlining ment of the Lunar Crater Ob- new work assignments for servation and Sensing Satellite

Ames to support the Constella- NASA photo by Tom Trower (LCROSS), scheduled to launch tion program, Worden ad- in 2008. dressed several areas of inter- “That's quite a challenge est to Ames employees. During and it's up to us to make sure a June 8 all hands meeting with that mission succeeds,” Worden Ames employees, his second asserted. He called on every- such meeting since being one at the center to work to- named center director in April, gether to ensure the center's suc- Worden continued his upbeat cess in that and in other future assessment of the center's fu- exploration projects. Worden ture. Ames Research Center Director S. Pete Worden during the recent said he has set up a new projects “This is the coolest place at upbeat all hands meeting held in June. During the meeting, Worden office in the basement of Bldg. NASA and I'm really pumped expressed cautious optimism about the center’s overall future. N-200 to work on small, fast- to be here,” Worden declared. paced missions that cost less While he couldn't provide specifics on protection systems and the overall inte- than $100 million, an area where he be- budget or workforce impacts for the gration of information technology for lieves Ames will do very well, based on various programs, saying those details continued on page 6 would be forthcoming in the next sev- eral weeks, Worden expressed cautious optimism about the center's overall fu- NASA reveals new tasks for Ames ture. “I don't anticipate the necessity of a NASA officials announced in June the exploration effort that will take us RIF (reduction in force)” Worden as- that NASA Ames will support explora- back to the ," said NASA Ames serted. He said he believes that with the tion in several key areas, including soft- Director S. Pete Worden. "Our history of new work assigned to Ames and addi- ware, mission operations and thermal innovation and our prime location in tional future projects he hopes to bring protection for the development of Silicon Valley will enhance our ability to to the center, there won't be a need to lay NASA's new spaceship. deliver the cutting-edge technology off employees. Worden said he believes NASA Ames will be the lead for NASA needs to implement the Vision that NASA leadership prefers not to development of thermal protection sys- for Space Exploration," Worden added. have a RIF and is working to avoid tems and information technology for continued on page 6 having to implement a workforce re- NASA's exploration effort. This respon- duction. He promised to keep Ames sibility includes developing the heat employees informed about the current shield and aeroshell for the new space- status of the workforce. ship called the Crew Exploration Ve- On the Inside . . . “The name of the game for me is to hicle (CEV). Responsibilities for infor- Page 2 - Cruikshank receives communicate as much as possible with mation technology and computing in- Kuiper Prize you,” Worden said. Regarding commu- clude a focus on collaborative environ- nicating with employees, Worden noted ments for exploration, as well as the Page 3 - NASA sends flies into space that his new blog has gotten quite a bit of development of cost-effective software Page 4 - American Red Cross attention from people outside NASA. that will play a role in operations for Honors NASA Ames exploration. He said he has learned a lot from the Page 5 - Ames Presidential Rank experience. "I am delighted that Ames is man- “I've been here all of a month, and I aging development of the CEV's heat and Honor Awards feel like I've been at NASA for 10 years shield and aeroshell for the new space- Page 7 - Ames’ HACE represents now, so I'm an expert,” Worden joked. craft and will lead the effort to develop Ames at NHU career fair Concerning the Constellation pro- the essential information technology for Ames’ Dale Cruikshank receives Kuiper Prize in Planetary Science Dale Cruikshank has been selected lent in the outer solar system. His spec- Voyager missions to the outer solar sys- as the 2006 recipient of the Gerard P. troscopic observations and models gave tem and is an interdisciplinary scientist Kuiper Prize in Planetary Science. This the first firm evidence for complex or- on the Spitzer Space Telescope and a prestigious award was established by ganic solids on a planetary body science team member on both the (Saturn's satellite Iapetus) and provided mission at Saturn and the New Hori- the basis for work in progress on the zons mission en route to Pluto. He has identification of such materials on trans- more than 300 professional publica- Neptunian bodies and related bodies in tions in his full bibliography. the outer solar system. Cruikshank's "Ames is extremely pleased with infrared spectroscopic work was the first Dale's achievements and special recog- to identify specific near-Earth asteroids nition with the Kuiper Prize,"said Steve as sources of basaltic meteorites, and Zornetzer. "This prestigious award to specific main-belt asteroids as sources one of our own is further evidence of the of other classes of differentiated meteor- rich scientific heritage and deep exper- ites. tise in research that Ames and the agency NASA photo by Dominic Hart Back on Earth, in 1972 he and Ames’ should be very proud of." David Morrison discovered hydrogen Michael Bicay also expressed his combustion in burning volcanic gases at admiration for Cruikshank. "By grant- Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano by spectros- ing its most prestigious award to Dr. copy, solving a century-old puzzle of Cruikshank, the AAS/DPS has recog- what kind of gasses were burning. nized what we at Ames and his peers Cruikshank received his doctorate throughout the science community have Dale Cruikshank, selected recently as the at the University of Arizona in 1968. He long appreciated. The rare trifecta of recipient of the Gerard P. Kuiper Prize in was an astronomer and faculty member being a science team member on three Planetary Science. The award recognizes and at the University of Hawaii from 1970 current NASA missions (Cassini, New honors outstanding contributors to planetary through 1987 and has been at NASA Horizons and Spitzer) is a testament to science. since that time. He participated in the Dr. Cruikshank's accomplishments." the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society to Ames joins in BTWD events recognize and honor outstanding con- tributors to planetary science. It is to be May was National Bike Month, an Ames Protective Services docu- awarded to scientists whose achieve- annual recognition of bicycling as a con- mented 116 bicyclists entered the gates ments have most advanced our under- venient, fun form of transportation. May and 45 stopped by the Ames energizer standing of the planetary system. 18, 2006 was the 18th anniversary of station; six were first-time riders. Local Cruikshank is receiving the award National Bike to Work Day (BTWD), news reported that throughout the Bay "in recognition of his pioneering work in the application of infrared spectros- copy to solar system bodies, his devel- opment of laboratory techniques that Bicyclists at the Ames Bicycling Club have become tools for interpreting ob- energizer station take a brief rest from servations and his leadership in the de- their morning commute on May 18, sign of instruments for remote sensing National Bike to Work Day. Visitors observations from deep space planetary were treated to refreshments and given exploration probes." In the award's 22 bicycle gear during their visit. year history, Cruikshank is only the third Literature for commuting through local NASA person to win this award. This neighborhoods was also available. award is especially notable, since NASA photo by Tom Trower Cruikshank was Gerard Kuiper's last graduate student. Cruikshank's contributions are nu- created to inspire first-time and casual Area 100,000 people participated in the merous. He has pioneered the applica- riders to experience the benefits of bicy- one-day event. tion of infrared spectroscopy to small cling to work, to school, for running organized a team bicycle bodies in the outer solar system. errands or just for play. Cyclists chose to challenge as part of the effort to encour- Cruikshank co-discovered the various commute that day, pocketing their gas age bicycling as an alternative to auto- ices of the outer solar system, including money, improving personal health (a mobiles. Five teams represented Ames, those on satellites of the giant planets, as bicycle commute burns 700 calories/ second only to Stanford's six teams. Each well as comets and bodies in the region hour) and reducing air pollution associ- team of five included two new or leisure beyond Neptune - including Pluto and ated with driving a car. cyclists and could accumulate bonuses its . Ames’ Bicycling Club organized if a ‘big wheeler’ (elected official, CEO, He co-discovered bands in Io's spec- one of over 170 'Energizer stations' in journalist, etc.) was included. Team trum, later identified as volcanic sulfur nine Bay area counties. Volunteers members registered and tracked every dioxide, the source of that object's vari- handed out donated tote bags (courtesy day they made a trip by bike. Ames able atmosphere. Cruikshank pioneered of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition), teams, of 34 within Santa Clara County, thermal infrared determinations of the coffee cake (courtesy of Hobbee's res- were credited with 488 trips; 16/day. albedos of small bodies beyond the as- taurant), water (courtesy of Ames Envi- All Santa Clara County teams logged teroid main belt, leading to the recogni- ronmental Services Division) and inner 3,413 total trips; about 110/day. tion that low-albedo material is preva- tubes (courtesy of Performance Bikes). BY TED ROUSH Astrogram 2 June 2006 NASA sends flies into space to test changes in immune system Thousands of tiny fruit flies soon the level of protein peptides after the entirely in a microgravity environment. will journey into space to help NASA flight and compare them with a control As adults, they will make the descent to scientists better understand changes in group maintained on Earth. Earth, and a crew of scientists will begin the human immune system caused by The STS-121 mission is scheduled to space flight. last 12 days, and each day's progress Despite differences in size and com- will provide valuable information to help plexity, the Drosophila melanogaster, scientists understand space biology or common fruit fly, may help scientists and how various biological systems from NASA Ames unlock the secrets of work. Characteristics that make the fruit why astronauts often develop changes fly an ideal specimen are its ability to in their immune system during space reproduce quickly; its short life span flight. The experiment will be part of and resulting accelerated maturity rate; photo by J.A.L. Cooke the STS-121 space shuttle mission tenta- and a minimal resource requirement to tively scheduled for launch on July 1. support a large number of specimens in “Understanding the immune sys- space. This allows for thousands of flies A fruit fly, the same type of fly that will be tem using fruit flies will be similar to the to be bred under space conditions. aboard the STS-121 space shuttle mission. process we used to understand and build During pre-flight operations, geneti- The flies will be flown into space to assist complex machines,” explained Sharmila cally identical fruit flies will be divided NASA scientists in the better understanding of Bhattacharya, the experiment's princi- into two groups: a control group kept on changes that transpire in the human immune system caused by space flight. pal investigator at NASA Ames. “We Earth and a space flight group. External start small and simple, and progress to conditions for both groups will be kept more complicated and advanced con- identical in terms of temperature, hu- a comparative analysis with their cous- cepts, thus extending our understand- midity, food source and living quarters. ins. ing in the future to helping optimize This will allow a direct comparison of Immediate post-flight operations are human performance in space.” the space-bred flies with the Earth-bred critical, due to the rate of biological Bhattacharya is leading the NASA Fun- control flies to determine changes in- changes of these insects. Once in the lab, gal Pathogenesis, Tumorigenesis and Ef- duced by prolonged spaceflight. both sets of flies will be exposed to bac- fects of Host Immunity in Space (FIT) Over the course of the experiment, teria to test their immune system experiment that will compare fruit flies these flies will undergo a complete meta- responses. Post-flight analyses will grown in space with a genetically iden- morphosis and produce a second gen- include blood cell count, blood level of tical control sample grown in a NASA eration. The second generation will have antimicrobial peptides, phagocytosis, Kennedy Space Center laboratory. matured from embryo to larva to adult and blood clotting ability. Past experiments with organisms BY RUTH MARLAIRE indicate that biological changes occur in microgravity, or the near-weightlessness of orbital space flight. The immune sys- Synthetic brain power may design tem may become suppressed and some bacteria may become more virulent more than space antennas when exposed to weightlessness. A Synthetic brainpower working on orbit in March of this year. suppressed immune system and more 80 NASA personal computers designed In the future, computers equipped virulent bacteria create a hazardous situ- with artificial intelligence, according to ation and is reason for further investiga- NASA scientists, also may design cell tion. phone and other antennas. Meanwhile, Scientists agree that the immune the ST5 satellites' 'artificially evolved' system has the ability to recognize po- antennas continue to work superbly as tential pathogens or disease-causing NASA photo organisms in the body. Although there they orbit Earth. are two types of immune responses, this "This is the first time an artificially experiment focuses on the innate re- evolved object (has) flown in space," sponse, because of similarities between observed Jason Lohn, who led the project human and Drosophila innate immune to design the antennas at Ames. Engi- system functions. The innate response neers also note that the computer-de- produces blood cells, called hemoctyes, signed antennas are operating in space which can engulf the foreign invaders better than original plans specified. or produce chemicals to neutralize them. An ST5 artificially evolved space antenna, which Well before the ST5 launch, in prepa- "When the phagocytes are activated, is slightly larger than a quarter, as shown here. ration for the satellites' mission, 80 per- the body produces a higher blood cell This type of antenna was used in three small ST5 satellites launched into Earth orbit in sonal computers, using artificial intelli- count or increased levels of peptide March, now currently orbiting Earth. gence , had combined their silicon brains proteins in the blood," Bhattacharya ex- to quickly design a tiny, advanced ST5 plained. To test the effects of space flight antennas for use on three small ST5 sat- space antenna, which looks like a bent on the Drosophila immune system, sci- ellites that were launched into Earth continued on page 4 entists will quantify the blood count and

Astrogram 3 June 2006 Synthetic brain power may design more than space antennas continued from page 3 paperclip, yet is highly efficient. "The underlying technology also is ap- In addition, the NASA Ames team To design the ST5 space antenna, plicable to many other types of antennas is working to develop backup omnidi- the computers started with random an- for use on Earth, from cell phones to rectional spacecraft antennas, which tenna designs, and through the evolu- radio frequency identification devices send out signals in all directions at once. tionary process, refined them. The com- (RFIDs). RFIDs are little tags that may "In case a spacecraft goes out of control, puter system took about 10 hours to well be attached - like bar codes - to you can still maintain contact," Lohn complete the initial antenna design pro- products for sale in stores. explained. cess. "The NASA Ames team is currently "The software also may invent de- "The artificial intelligence software evolving antenna designs that could be signs that no human designer would examined millions of potential antenna used in a future lunar mission as well as ever think of," Lohn asserted. The soft- designs before settling on a final one," a global positioning system application," ware can plan devices that are smaller, said Lohn. The software did this much Lohn said, commenting about how arti- lighter, consume less power, are stron- faster than any human being could do so ficial intelligence used by the group of ger and more robust, among many other under the same circumstances, accord- NASA PC computers is continuing to things - characteristics that spaceflight ing to Lohn. "Through a process pat- design more devices. requires, according to Lohn. terned after 's 'survival of the "We also are doing micro-electro- The Exploration Systems Mission fittest,' the strongest designs survive and mechanical systems (MEMS) design us- Directorate and the Science Mission Di- the less capable do not." ing the cluster of PCs," said Lohn. "MEMS rectorate at NASA Headquarters, Wash- "[The ST5] antennas enable the are little chips that do mechanical things," ington, funded development of NASA spacecraft to communicate with ground Lohn explained. evolutionary software. Detailed infor- stations," Lohn said. The ST5 antennas "The airbag in your car has a MEMS mation is on the Internet at: http:// are sending magnetic-field science data chip that detects acceleration changes. Space related to space weather measurements It knows when to deploy the airbag Technology 5 satellite details are on the and satellite health data to Earth. when there is a collision," he said. A Internet at: Each of the three ST5 'microsats' is micron is one-millionth of a meter. A st5 Publication-size images and an no bigger than a typical TV and weighs meter is about 3.3 feet. on-line video are available on the only about 25 kilograms (55 pounds). "What we're shooting for in five World Wide Web at: http:// Slightly bigger than a quarter, each an- years is an improved MEMS space gyro- tenna, able to fit into a one-inch space scope," Lohn said. "There already are 2004/antenna/antenna.html (2.5 by 2.5 centimeters), can receive MEMS gyroscopes, but they are not pre- commands and send data to Earth from cise enough for space flight use," he BY JOHN BLUCK the satellites. Together, the spacecraft noted. are helping scientists study magnetic fields in Earth's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is a region en- veloping the Earth. Charged particles are trapped in the region, which is influ- American Red Cross honors Ames enced by Earth's magnetic field. "Because of the orientation of the The Palo Alto chapter of the The Ames team trained 494 people spacecraft, the evolved antennas 'talk' to American Red Cross has awarded its last fiscal year, and doubled its in- only ground stations in the southern Health and Safety Partnership Award structor pool to four instructors in hemisphere (McMurdo in Antarctica, to NASA Ames. order to train even more employees the Deep Space Network (DSN) in The award was presented to Tami in these life-saving skills. Canberra, Australia). Conventionally Williams, Lynn Bala, Mark Washing- Williams (PAI Corporation) is ton and Robert at the chapter's training administrator; Clark (PAI) designed antennas on the spacecraft are annual meeting and volunteer awards and Bala (NASA) are instructors; and communicating with stations in the evening on June 1 at the Mountain Washington (NASA) is occupational northern hemisphere," Lohn noted. View City Hall. safety and health training program Scientists planned the ST5 mission Ames was recognized for being a manager in Code Q. to last 90 days. "We expect the evolved Red Cross-authorized provider of To sign up for Red Cross training antennas to perform well for the entire safety and health training since 1996 at Ames, go to: http:// time," Lohn said. "We are gathering per- and for training 267 people so far this and formance data on both antennnas (the fiscal year in first aid, CPR and auto- click on 'training'. artificially evolved and the conventional matic external defibrillator (AED) use. antennas), and we will produce a study," BY ANN SULLIVAN he added. "Longer term, we expect to see more evolved antennas used in demanding space applications," Lohn predicted.

Astrogram 4 June 2006 2006 Presidential Rank and NASA Honor Awards ceremony held The 2006 Presidential Rank and NASA Honor Awards Ceremony for NASA Ames was held in May at Ames. Presidential Rank and NASA Honor Awards were presented to the 25 em- ployees who had been selected for indi- vidual awards and to the managers of the 12 groups which had been selected for the NASA Group Achievement

Award. NASA photo by Tom Trower In addition, the One NASA Peer Award was presented in the category of ‘Center Best.’ The One NASA Peer Award Program was created to encour- age One-NASA-like behaviors across the agency.

Presidential Rank of Distinguished Senior Professional Heinz Erzberger Ames Chief Counsel Sally Mauldin is seen here at the 2006 Presidential Rank and NASA Honor Awards Ceremony held in May standing with Ames Deputy Center Director Marv Christensen (left) and Ames senior advisor to the center director Jack Boyd (right). Mauldin is holding the ‘Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive’ award that she was presented with at the awards event. Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive Sally O. Mauldin Stan C. Newberry Exceptional Engineering Group Achievement Award Achievement Medal Ames Integrated Asset Russell A. Paielli Management Team C-17 Noise Mitigation Flight Exceptional Bravery Medal Research Team Mark L. Tangney Collaborative Decision Systems Exceptional Public Service Medal (CDS) Team Bob Bishop Exploration Systems Paul Otellini Architecture Study (ESAS) Outstanding Leadership Medal Leigh Ann Tanner Aero/Aerothermal Team Michael W. George Galina J. Tverskaya Foton M-2 Payload Team Mars Analog Research and Technology Experiment Exceptional Achievement Medal (MARTE) Team Steven D. Beard Exceptional Service Medal NASA FutureFlight Rupak Biswas George M. Alger Central COURSE Project Karen E. Bunn Thomas J. Davis ST-5 Evolved Antenna Michael T. Gaunce Kevin L. Jones Development Team Christopher E. Henze Paul A. Pinaula STS-114 Aerothermal Gary C. Jahns Support Team Ronald J. Liang System Level Integrated Concept Bernadette Luna (SLIC) Development Team Daniel J. Rasky One NASA Peer Award - Tropical Cloud Systems and James J. Reuther Center Best Award Processes Project Team Serdar Uckun C-17 Noise Mitigation Unitary 11-Foot Wind Tunnel Flight Research Team STS-114 Test Team

Astrogram 5 June 2006 Worden foresees significant role for Ames in space exploration continued from front page cials at Loral regard- probably play a key role during the ing the development aircraft's flight tests. of a small satellite in- Regarding the Kepler mission, tegration facility. He Worden said although there were some noted that Silicon potential cost overruns. Ames is on the Valley companies right track towards solving the prob- present good oppor- lem. He said he was very impressed tunities for collabo- with members of both the SOFIA and ration. Kepler project teams and vowed to press “These compa- to complete their missions.

NASA photo by Tom Trower nies recognize that Concerning the airfield and NASA NASA has the Research Park, Worden pointed out that coolest missions,” although the area has a “considerable Worden observed. environmental liability that could cost “NASA folks here up to a couple hundred million to miti- are damn good and gate,” he said the continued operation our NASA facilities of the Ames Moffett complex is “essen- are world class.” tial to our future.” Turning to the Worden said he was excited about Ames employees enjoyed the free lunch, consisting of hot dogs, chips, status of the Strato- the future potential for astrobiology and soda and water, provided by the Ames Exchange Office following the spheric Observatory that he hoped agency leaders would all hands meeting on June 8. for Infrared As- restore funding to the program. He also tronomy (SOFIA), was hopeful that the Astrobiology Acad- its employees' expertise and the poten- Worden ventured that he was “hopeful emy could be restarted to bring young tial for partnering with the private sec- and optimistic that the program will people into the program. tor. continue.” He said some “critical deci- Worden also noted he was im- Worden said he wants Ames to be- sions” regarding the future of the SOFIA pressed with the role that come involved in new partnerships with program will be made during an up- nanotechnology could play in future private industry, such as the existing coming meeting at NASA Kennedy space exploration if funding is allocated, agreement with Google, Inc., to collabo- Space Center. However, Worden said and also the capabilities of the Colum- rate on future projects. He said discus- that if the program is allowed to con- bia supercomputer for future projects. sions are currently underway with offi- tinue, NASA Flight Center will BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY NASA reveals new tasks for Ames continued from front page In addition to its lead role in thermal across the nation will play during devel- of fault-detection software; and compu- protection systems and information tech- opment of the CEV, and its supporting tational fluid dynamics analysis for risk nology, NASA Ames will support ex- spacecraft and facilities for the Constel- assessment and abort scenarios. ploration and the Lunar Precursor and lation Program, NASA's effort to imple- In the mission operations area, ment the nation's Vi- NASA Ames will provide computer sion for Space Explo- tools for flight controllers and develop ration to return hu- new software applications for the Con- mans to the moon and stellation training program. Ames will later travel to Mars. design, develop, test and evaluate multi- Extending the hu- center command and control software man presence beyond systems. Ames also will develop col- low-Earth orbit is an laborative environment software to sup- exciting and challeng- port project planning, management and ing task, which re- documentation systems. quires a balanced Other work assigned to Ames in- NASA photo by Tom Trower workforce skill mix cludes development of problem report- Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden (left) meeting on June 5 with and productive NASA ing, corrective action and safety and representatives from Bay Area news media during a recent media field centers, accord- mission assurance information systems roundtable discussion of the Constellation Program and Ames’ role. ing to NASA officials. for the program. Ames will provide pro- NASA is distributing gram support in system engineering and work assignments to integration of human factors and hu- Robotic Program. In this role, Ames will its centers to ensure that the agency can man rating systems; flight performance; establish a new lunar projects office to meet the challenges of exploration. thermal and environmental control and develop small robotic spacecraft for ex- Additional computer-related work life support; command, control, com- ploration. The center also will continue assigned to NASA Ames includes sev- munications and information; extrave- to lead the development of the Lunar eral components of the Crew Launch hicular activity (spacewalk) systems; and Crater Observation and Sensing Satel- Vehicle (CLV), which will be used to ground/mission operations systems in- lite. launch the CEV into space. Included in tegration groups. During a NASA television broad- the work is development of integrated BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY cast from Washington on June 5, NASA systems health monitoring and analysis revealed the roles each of its centers for the CLV; validation and verification Astrogram 6 June 2006 Ames’ HACE represents Ames at NHU career fair On May 4, the Hispanic Advisory will continue on through Committee for Employees (HACE) was the staff and students of the given the opportunity to attend a career NHU. fair at the National Hispanic University On May 5, HACE hosted an event during the lunch- time hour at the Mega Bytes Café at Ames. HACE in- vited the Ballet Folklorico Infantil photo by Amanda Dunham. de South San Fran- cisco to come out to

Photo by Elizabeth Ipong Ames and perform various dances from the Hispanic culture. In return, Left to right: Ballet Folklorico director Rosa Perez; HACE co- chair Eric Kristich; HACE treasurer Vivian Torres; and HACE the group received co-chair Mark Leon. a tour of one of the wind tunnels and visited the to enjoy the performances. HACE would Exploration Center just outside also like to thank the Mega Bytes Café, the gate. Beyond Galileo and the wind tunnel President of the National Hispanic University (NHU) and Exploration Center tour guides Dr. David Lopez (left) and HACE co-chair Eric Kristich The event was a great suc- of Ames during the recent career fair held at NHU. cess and HACE would like to along with everyone who helped with thank everyone who came out the event. BY ERIC KRISTICH SATERN'S ‘go-live’ date arrives NASA's new learning management learning management system, we en- system is now operational. System for courage all employees to access the Administration, Training and Educa- SATERN informational Web site at tional Resources for NASA (SATERN) to get in-

Photo by Vivian Torres went live in May and can be accessed formation about how to log onto online at SATERN and to take the Web-based The new SATERN system is de- tutorial to learn about SATERN's many signed to support the development of features. the NASA workforce through a simpli- SATERN is available for use by Pictured are the dancers ranging from ages fied and one-stop access to high qual- both civil service and contractor em- 5 to 13 dressed in various costumes and ity training products and processes to ployees. SATERN provides you with accessories and dancing to the sounds from support learning and development. An one-stop access to a robust learning different cultural regions of Mexico. e-Training initiative, SATERN supports and development environment where the President's Management Agenda you can view course catalogs (check by providing effective management of often for new courses), self-register for (NHU) in San Jose. HACE members training and career development ac- courses, view your individual learn- Eric Kristich (co-chair) and Elizabeth tivities. It increases efficiencies and ing history and launch online courses Ipong (secretary) attended the career reduces costs through standardized from your desktop. fair to represent NASA Ames as well as processes, consolidation and replace- For those who have not yet com- the Hispanic Advisory Committee. pleted their IT security training, it may The career fair turned out to be a ment of three NASA legacy systems. great experience and a chance to con- With SATERN, the NASA be completed through SATERN. verse with students and other compa- workforce has Web-based access to For up-to-date Ames SATERN nies/organizations on recruitment en- training and career development re- project information, visit the Internet deavors. sources. Supervisors can work with at NHU is well known for providing their direct reports to assign and track satern.html At this site, you will find accessible and affordable educational required training and develop and information on the new NF 1735 train- opportunities for Hispanics and other manage individual learning plans. In ing request form, FAQ's, the SATERN undeserved students. future phases, NASA will build upon log on link, a Web form for submitting Established only 24 years ago and this functionality and enable employ- your questions and feedback and more. starting out with just two classrooms ees and supervisors to use SATERN as If you have any questions or con- and 64 students, NHU has grown to be a tool for career planning, competency cerns, you may contact Susan Kalb at 18 classrooms, two computer labs and management and individual develop- ext. 4-5624 or send an e-mail has the capacity for 1,200 students. The ment planning. [email protected]. vision to help the Hispanic community As NASA begins to use this new that started 24 years ago is growing and Astrogram 7 June 2006 NRP Industry Partner ‘Apprion, Inc.’ expands Apprion, Inc., signed their first lease tiwavelength structured light illumina- cilities Engineering Branch. with the NASA Research Park in No- tion systems. Near-term demonstra- In parallel with these efforts are the vember 2004 with three employees in tions of this work involve micron-fea- integrated wireless infrastructure activi- three offices in building ties with the goal of 19, with office space to- having the commu- talling 885 square feet in nication delivery size. Since then, in just mechanisms in place 18 months, Apprion’s for the secure trans- office size has expanded mission of informa- to 6,010 square feet with tion that may be gen- approximately 20 em- erated by sensors ployees. such as those just Apprion is develop- mentioned. This ing integrated wireless wireless expertise is infrastructure elements Photo courtesy of Apprion, Inc. also being applied to for the secure manage- other industrial mis- ment of critical systems. sion critical systems. The biophotonics and “We have found photonic-based sensor the NASA Ames Re- activities that Apprion search Park environ- has underway with Apprion, Inc. employees outside their offices in Building 19, NASA Research Park. Aprion ment to be perfectly Ames are focused on develops integrated wireless infrastructure elements for the secure management of critical suited for our re- systems and compo- systems. Since November 2004, the company has expanded from three employees with search and develop- nents that are dual-use 885 square feet of office space in Building 19 to a total of 20 employees with 6,010 square ment efforts. The in the sense of potential feet of office space. campus-like setting deployment in space as coupled with the un- well as more pedestrian uses including ture sizes with a goal of integration with matched access to world class technol- nuclear, biological and chemical detec- tapered optical fibers. Such work is ogy and facilities has certainly helped tion with wireless connectivity. exemplified by joint NASA-Apprion pat- us as our company expands,” said Dr. Past joint efforts have involved the ents and technical presentations. Peter Fuhr, Apprion, Inc., chief technol- development of sensors that are suitable "Apprion's presence at NASA Re- ogy officer. for measuring structural deformation of search Park has contributed to new tech- For more information contact via e- air- and spaceframes. nology innovations. We hope this type mail at [email protected], visit Current activities include an in- of collaboration will continue to further the Web at, creased emphasis on biophotonic sys- the exploration goals of NASA," said or call (650) 964-4321. tems using temporally-modulated, mul- Stevan Spremo, of the Payloads and Fa- BY BOB LOPEZ

NASA Research Park welcomes new tenants! California Space Grant Foundation (CSGF) Building 555 - June 1, 2006 United Negro College Fund Special Programs CSGF works to advance the commercial Corporation (UNCFSP) development of low Earth-orbit environment Building 19 - June 1, 2006 for all users (scientific, technological and UNCFSP delivers programs to federal agencies commercial). that address education and research infrastructure that include science, technology, engineering and Inovamar mathematics competencies. Building 19 - April 1, 2006 Inovamar LLC works with NASA to develop Zenpire Corporaton and market astrobionics life support systems. Building 19 - July 1, 2006 Zenpire provides yield enhancement and Telebrowse, Inc. automation software and systems for semiconductor Building 19 - June 15, 2006 and flat panel manufacturing industries. TeleBrowse, Inc., a software product developer, has developed a social networking product, Telebrowse, that allows people to co-browse the Internet by adding a toolbar to their browser.

Astrogram 8 June 2006 NASA Research Park - June partner of the month -- ‘Honeybee Robotics, Inc.’ Manhattan-based Honeybee Robot- are committed to supporting robotic ex- "Honeybee is a medium-sized, ics has been collaborating with NASA ploration of our solar system, Zacny nimble and innovative company and a since 1993. Best known as the creator of said." valued partner on current lunar and the Rock Abrasion Tool on the Mars With proximity to Ames, Honeybee Mars drilling prototypes and proposals. Exploration Rovers, Honeybee is an in- hopes to strengthen and continue its Given their flight experience base with novator in the design, development and long-standing partnership with NASA. the MER RAT drilling tool and others, production of robotic mechanisms, flight Honeybee's experience in sub-surface it's great to have them so close by," said access for plan- Brian Glass of the Intelligent Systems etary explora- Division. I can just pop over with ideas tion is a natur-al or questions, and still see what new match for twists... so to speak... they have in their NASA Ames. NASA Research Park Lab, Glass said." The princi- In its first few months in NRP, Hon- pal investiga- eybee has planted more seeds for pos-

photo by Bob Lopez tors on two of sible collaboration with Ames' research- Honeybee's ers. Honeybee has partnered with a Mars drilling group, led by P.I. Chris McKay, propos- projects, Carol ing a 2011 Mars Scout Mission called the Stoker with Mars polar drill. Honeybee is also pur- MARTE and suing a joint project with the Intelligent Brian Glass with Robotics Group to provide hardware DAME, are that would be tested on their K-10 rover. Ames' scien- "Having Honeybee located here at Honeybee Robotics, Inc., senior scientist Kris Zacny (left) with design engineer tists. Honeybee Ames makes it easier for us to work David Glaser. Honeybee is best known as the creator of the Rock Abrasion also is partici- together and merge the science and tech- Tool on the Mars Exploration Rovers. Mechanisms from Honeybee will also fly pating in the nology needed for future missions," said on the 2007 Phoenix Scout and 2009 Mars Science Laboratory missions. recently formed Chris McKay of the Planetary Systems Ames-based In- Branch. subsystems and automated drills for stitute for Subsurface Exploration. Honeybee Robotics joined the both terrestrial and extraterrestrial ap- "I expect that having Honeybee Ro- NASA Research Park on June 15, 2005. plications. botics on site at Ames will create syn- For more information, contact Kris "Honeybee mechanisms will fly on ergy leading to important robotic sys- Zacny or David Glaser at (650) 938-8884 the 2007 Phoenix Scout and 2009 Mars tems development and exciting new or visit their Web site at http:// Science Laboratory missions," said Kris mission opportunities," said Stoker of Zacny, senior scientist of Honeybee. "We the Planetary Systems Branch. BY BOB LOPEZ AND DIANE FARRAR Thousands visit Ames exhibit at Sunnyvale Festival Thousands of Bay Area residents stration, and infor- took the opportunity to learn more about mation on a variety the exciting programs at NASA Ames of Ames programs

An interactive demonstration teaches young visitors about Kepler, NASA's first mission to find Earth-sized planets in our galaxy.

photos by Larry Lasher by visiting the Ames exhibit at the Sunny- and projects, includ- The NASA Ames exhibit tent was visited by several thousand Bay Area vale Art and Wine Festival on June 3 to ing an interactive residents at the recent festival held in Sunnyvale. 4. The 800 square foot tent featured a Kepler display. moon rock, a heat-shield tile demon-

Astrogram 9 June 2006 In Memory of . . . Arthur Cordisco Frank Gibson Arthur J. Cordisco, a former em- Former Ames employee Frank ployee at Ames for many years who L. Gibson of San Carlos died at retired in 1979, passed away in Febru- Kaiser Hospital in Redwood City on ary 2006. His funeral was held Feb. 27 NASA photo April 11 at the age of 86. at the Oakmont Memorial Cemetary Gibson was an engineer at Ames in Lafayette. He was 83 years old and for 35 years before retiring in Janu- passed away peacefully in the South ary of 1979. Shore Convalescent Hospital in He is survived by his wife, three Alameda where he spent several years children and two grandchildren." after a devastating fall in 1998, which left him paralyzed. Cordisco is survived by his wife of 58 years, Ann, six children, 13 grand- Arthur Cordisco children and one great granddaugh- ter. Vernon Rogallo Vernon Lewellyn Rogallo died of Hillside Assisted Living Center in space and medical arenas. prostate cancer on Dec. 14, 2005, in the McMinnville. He was 87. He lived with his wife in Scotts Val- Rogallo was born on March 28, 1918 ley near Santa Cruz for 30 years. They in Sanger, Calif. He graduated from moved to a cottage at the Hillside Retire- Fresno State University and the Univer- ment Center in McMinnville two years sity of California at Berkeley. He mar- ago to be near their eldest daughter.

NASA photo ried Evelyn June Taylor on March 1, Relatives said Rogallo was a won- 1939 in Reno. derful father, husband, talented oil Rogallo was a mechanical engineer painter and woodcarver. A tenor, he and was recruited out of college by loved to sing with his wife as she accom- Howard Hughes to work on the Spruce panied him on the piano or organ and he Goose at Hughes Aircraft in Culver City, also sang in church choirs and other Calif. He worked from 1942 to 1945 for vocal groups. He also loved to fish, Hughes as an aeronautical engineer, travel and work with his hands, build- handling many of the instrumentation ing canoes, toys, car replicas and other and range studies for the Goose. items. After working at Northrop for sev- In addition to his wife, he is sur- eral years, he joined NACA (later NASA) vived by three daughters, Phoebe Jean at Ames. He continued with the federal Flynn of McMinnville, Mary Jo Corwin Vernon Rogallo is seen here in 1963 at astrophysics lab until his retirement. of O'Brien and Diana Mae Clemer of Ames holding a bob-white quail taking the While working with NASA research Yorba Linda, Calif.; a brother, Francis measurement of a chick's heartbeat. teams, Rogallo earned many patents that Rogallo; eight grandchildren and 10 are still being used today in the aviation, great grandchildren.

Raymond Sargis Raymond Sargis passed away at Modesto from 1984 until his passing. He is survived by his wife, June the age of 77 on April 24 at Memorial Sargis was in the U.S. Navy from Sargis of Modesto, son Paul Raymond Medical Center in Modesto. 1946 to 1948 and later worked at NASA Sargis of San Jose, daughter Beth He was born May 12, 1928 in Ames from 1952 to 1983, first in the McCaffrey of Jackson, sister Nellie Chicago, Ill., and lived in San Jose print shop and later as a contract moni- Stoddard of Del Rey Beach, Fla., and from 1950 to 1984 and then lived in tor. 6 grandchildren.

Astrogram 10 June 2006 Charles Harper, leader of NACA/NASA Aeronautics Research, dies Charles William (Bill) Harper was division chief over low speed aerody- of the new six-degree-of-freedom simu- born Sept. 1913 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, namics and flight research in 1948, he lator. Canada. At a young age, his family chose Harper as his replacement as By the mid-1960s, NASA was fo- moved to Calgary, later moving on to branch chief of the 40-foot-by-80-foot cused on space and the program, Vancouver. They emigrated to the wind tunnel. In this position, he cham- with little attention paid to research in United States when Harper was in his pioned new research in boundary layer aeronautics. In 1964, Harper was tem- preteens, first to Seattle and eventually porarily assigned to NASA Headquar- to Berkeley when he was in junior high ters to bring a new sense of urgency to school. He attended Berkeley High, aeronautics and to organize a program graduating in 1931. for advocacy Congress. His position

Harper developed an interest in NASA photo was deputy associate administrator for aviation watching airplanes fly from research and technology for aeronau- Oakland airport. He recalled seeing tics. Initially intended to last only 18 Charles Lindbergh land there in the early months, this assignment stretched to six 1930s. This interest led him to enter the years. In this time, he was able to help Boeing School of Aeronautics at Oak- form research organizations for aero- land airport in 1936. There he was ex- nautics and space technology. He won posed to early airline operations, air- approval for the NASA/Army agree- craft maintenance and to his first taste of ment for collocation of Army research aerodynamics. A technical report of the staff at the NASA aeronautics centers National Advisory Committee for Aero- and a collaborative research effort in nautics (NACA) was the principal text rotary-wing aircraft aeromechanics, pro- for the course and it planted a seed in pulsion, and structures that would ben- Harper's mind that would influence his efit Army and civil aviation. He also career. After a year at Boeing, he was initiated advocacy for a similar agree- encouraged by its faculty to apply to the ment with the FAA, resulting in a pro- University of California at Berkeley in gram to develop certification criteria for 1937 as a special student in mechanical new classes of aircraft, such as super- engineering. He found his niche at Cal Charles William (Bill) Harper sonic transports and short takeoff and and concentrated his studies on the aero- landing aircraft, that would begin after nautics option in the department, gradu- control, powered-lift STOL and V/STOL his departure from headquarters. While ating in June 1941. aircraft, and began to instigate a part- at headquarters, Harper was honored Harper had aspirations to work at nership with Army aviation. It was at by the AIAA to present the Wright Broth- the newly formed NACA Ames Aero- this time that he encouraged two tal- ers Lecture in 1968. In it, he anticipated nautical Laboratory in Mountain View. ented Ames aerodynamicists, Dean the coming developments in computa- He was interviewed at Berkeley by Russ and Harvey Lomax to pursue tional fluid dynamics and flight simula- Robinson, who was involved in the de- analytical prediction of aerodynamic tion and the way they would comple- velopment of the Ames Laboratory and characteristics observed on the models ment research in the wind tunnels and who went on to lead the aeronautics tested in the 40-foot-by-80-foot wind tun- in flight. program there. A position at Ames was nel. In 1970, Harper returned to Ames contingent on his receiving citizenship, In 1959, Harry Goett was chosen to and retired from NASA in 1971. He which was granted that year in the be director of the newly formed Goddard continued to consult for the FAA for months leading to World War II. Harper Space Flight Center, and once again, several years after leaving NASA. In embarked on his career at Ames imme- Harper followed in Goett's footsteps to recent times, he lamented once again the diately after becoming a naturalized citi- become division chief. During his time drift in NASA's attention away from zen. in this position, he expanded the V/ aeronautics. Harper began working in the 7-foot- STOL research program in the 40-foot- In addition to a stellar career in by-10-foot low-speed wind tunnel, un- by-80-foot wind tunnel and in flight. On NACA/NASA aeronautics, Harper was der the leadership of Harry Goett. He the day Harper took over the division, married to Eleanor Vickers for 47 years. vividly remembered Goett giving him he was directed by NASA Headquar- Vickie was an Ames mathematician, well blunt counsel as a mentor to use his ters to move all Ames flight research to known in her own right, and a great common sense in interpreting data from NASA's Flight Research Facility at companion. They were both enthusiasts tests in the tunnel. His first project was Edwards Air Force Base. His prompt of car racing, sailing, wine and food, and a powered model test of the Douglas action to establish the necessity of flight jazz music. XSB2D-1 fighter prototype, with the research closely linked to the theoretical BY JAMES objective of understanding the effects of and experimental research in the 40- power on directional stability. He pro- foot-by-80-foot wind tunnel preserved gressed in his assignments and moved a role in flight at Ames. He also was an on with Goett to the new large-scale early proponent of flight simulation and facility, the 40-foot-by-80-foot low-speed solidified and expanded that capability, tunnel. When Goett was selected to be most importantly with the development

Astrogram 11 June 2006 Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar

Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each Ames Contractor Council Mtg, first Wednesday Ames Sailing Club Mtg, second Thursday of ea. month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: each month, 11 a.m., N-200, Comm. Rm. POC: Linda month (Feb through Nov), from 12:00 p.m. -1:00 Michael Wright, KG6BFK, at ext. 4-6262. McCahon, ext. 4-1891. p.m. in Bldg. N-262, Rm 100. URL: http:// POC: Becky Hooey, ext. 4-2399. Ames Ballroom Dance Club. Classes on Tuesdays. Ames Diabetics (AAD), 1st & 3rd Weds, 12 Beginning classes meet at 5:15 p.m. Higher-level class noon to 1 p.m., at Ames Mega Bites, Sun room. Environmental Forum, first Thursday of each meets at 5:50 p.m. Held in Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. Support group discusses news affecting diabetics. month, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Bldg. 221/Rm 155. POC: Helen Hwang at [email protected], ext. 4- POC: Bob Mohlenhoff, ext. 4-2523/e-mail at: URL: 1368. [email protected]. POC: Stacy St. Louis at ext. 4-6810. Ames Bicycling Club Every 3rd Wednesday of the Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg, The Hispanic Advisory Committee for month 11:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m. in Building 245 third Wednesday of ea. month, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Excellence (HACE) Mtg, first Thurs of month in auditorium. POC: Julie Nottage at Bldg. 221, Rm 104. Guests welcome. Info at: http:// N255 room 101C from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. [email protected] or ext. 4-3711. By-laws of POC: Marianne Mosher, ext. 4-4055. POC: Eric Kristich at ext. 4-5137 and Mark Leon at Ames Bicycling Club can be found at: http:// ext. 4-6498., the link is under the picture. Ames Mac Support Group Mtg, third Tuesday of ea. month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N262, Rm 180. Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 p.m. to 1 Ames Bowling League, Palo Alto Bowl on Tuesday POC: Tony ext. 4-0340. p.m., N-269/Rm.179. POC: Bob Hilton at ext. 4-2909, nights. Seeking full-time bowlers and substitutes. [email protected]. Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. Ames Model Aircraft Club, flying radio- controlled aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on Native American Advisory Committee Mtg, Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg, weekend mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193. fourth Tues each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Bldg. 19, every other Thursday (check Web site for meeting dates: Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132., 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., N-210, Rm. 205. POC: Cheryl Quinn, ext 4-5793.

Free NRP lecture ‘Revolutionizing space for all humanity’

On June 27, from 7 to 9 p.m., the NASA Research Park Exploration Lec- ture Series will present a lecture featuring Jim Benson, founder, chairman and CTO of SpaceDev Inc. The event will take place in Bldg. 943, the Eagle Room, at NASA Ames. Benson will discuss opening the space frontier using small, low-cost missions to Earth orbit and beyond. For more information, call ext. 4- 2677 or visit the Internet at http://

Moffett Fire Department holds pancake fundraiser breakfast

The Moffett Field Fire Department recently held a fundraiser pancake breakfast, which included bacon, sausage, mixed fruit, apple sauce and beverages, for the Alissa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation. The event raised $820 for the foundation. The foundation derived its name and inspiration from an eight-year- old child, Alisa Ann, who was fatally burned in a common backyard barbecue accident. Founded in 1971, The foundation works in partnership with firefighters, educators and burn care professionals to develop innovative programs and services.

NASA photo by Tom Trower

Astrogram 12 June 2006 Ames Classifieds Exchange Information Ads for the next issue should be sent to Information about products, services and Tahoe Donner vacation home, 2 bd/2ba. trees, [email protected] and must be resubmitted for opportunities provided to the employee and contractor deck. Access to pools, spa, golf, horseback riding, $280 each issue. Ads must involve personal needs or items; (no community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the wkend, $650 week. Call (408) 739-9134. commercial/third-party ads) and will run on a space- web site at: available basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to golf, must include home phone numbers; Ames extensions and Beyond Galileo N-235 (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk to beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night. Call email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and ext. 4-6873 found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, (408) 799-4052 or (831) 623-4054. we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements Ask about NASA customized gifts for special Incline Village, Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo, 3 made in the ads. Caveat emptor! occasions. bdrms/2 ba, sleeps 8, fireplace, TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo w/ CD player, microwv, W/D, jacuzzi, sauna, outdoor pool. N-235 (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Housing Mega Bites N-235 (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Walk to lake. Close to ski areas. Visit web site for Room available for rent in house in mid town Palo Alto, ext. 4-5969 pictures: $135/night with kitchen, laundry, and pool, $500 plus $50 toward See daily menu at: spring and fall, $173/night summer and winter utils, for a quiet, neat, stable and conscientious person or (holidays higher) plus $125 cleaning fee and 12 percent couple. E-mail [email protected]; ham call wb6yoy. Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 Nevada room tax. Charlie (650) 743-8990. Unfurnished room in house in San Jose, close to light (10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) ext. 4-5412 New York, 5th Ave. One fully furnished bedroom in rail and Caltrain. $525 incl utils. and WiFi. Available to 24 hour security bldg. overlooking Washington Square NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and quiet, mature, non-smoking female student or professional. Park, $1,000/wk or $3,000/mo. negotiable. Call (650) educational items. E-mail:[email protected]; Call (408) 578-9580. 349-0238. House, 3bd/ 2ba, pool, large rec area for rent, 2,000 Tickets, etc...(N-235, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Paris/France: Fully furnished studio, 5th Arr, Latin per mo. /2,000 dep. 12.5 miles from Moffett N. San Jose. ext. 4-6873 Quarter, Notre Dame and Lie-St. Louis., $1,400/wk. Paul (808) 264-8848. negotiable. Call (650) 349-0238. Check web site for discounts to local attractions, Completely remodeled 2 bd/1 ba upstairs apartment Santa Cruz townhouse, 2 bedrooms plus study, 2 and click on tickets. (duplex). Unit includes new cabinets, new tile counter baths, decks, totally furnished, 3 blocks from beach, tops, new stove, new refrigerator, microwave, storage area. available July, August, September; $1,600 per month. Great location near downtown Sunnyvale, $1,250. Call NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 Call (831) 423-5777 (H) or (831) 277-8476 (C). (650) 279-4432. Open 7 days a week, 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rates Monterey Bay vacation rental at Pajaro Dunes, 20 from $45 - $50. miles south of Santa Cruz, 3bd/2ba beach house with Miscellaneous distinctive architecture. Beautiful ocean and valley views, only 150 ft from the beach, first-class tennis The Ames Cat Network needs help finding homes for Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 Ames Swim Center courts. $600/wkend, $2,100/wk, including cleaning by cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to the maid service when you depart. Call (408) 252- abandoned/lost pets. Tested, altered and inoculated. Call Ames Swim Center, 25 meter swimming pool open 7260. Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are and heated year round. (80-82 degrees) Lap swim: Mon, interested in fostering or adopting a cat. Weds, Fri, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3-6 Tues to Thurs 10 Lake Tahoe cabin rental in Agate Bay, North Shore. a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Seasonal recreation 4bd/3ba tri-level, AEK, cable TVs, fireplace, BBQ, deck, Looking for treadmill at reasonable price. E-mail: swim; swim lessons. Locker rooms w/sauna and shower sleeps 10. Closest skiing is Northstar, Alpine and Squaw. [email protected] facility. Open to all civil servants and contractors. Rates are $375 a weekend, $1,000 a week. Call (408) Amana washer and dryer set, with energy saver Location: Bldg. 109 across the street from the tennis 867-4656. features, both work fine. $375 for both. E-mail: courts. Fees vary depending on activity. POC: Tana Florida west coast vacation in St. Petersburg, [email protected] Windhorst, ext. 3-8025; e-mail: [email protected] beautiful 2bd/2ba condo, fully equipped kitchen and HP8250 photo printer. New, package never opened. Vacation Opportunities furnished, sunset views, 1/4 mile from St. Pete Beach, $100. Cahit (831)461-1403, after 6 p.m. Vacation Opportunities monthly or 2 week minimum rentals only. Call (703) Wine glasses, set of 12 Apollo Flights, 3D see through Lake Tahoe Squaw Valley townhouse, 3bd/2ba- 299-8889 or e-mail: [email protected] in full color. Free delivery to Ames. Call Fred Truck, equipped, balcony view, horseback riding, hiking, Maui luxury oceanfront resort one-bedroom condo Graham, Washington (253) 846-3236. biking, golf, river rafting, tennis, ice skating and more. available one week. Rents for $345/night now, $495/ Summer rates $100 per night, 2 night minimum. Call night in the summer. We will rent to an Ames family for Exercise equipment: AB Lounge by Fitness Quest, Inc., (650) 968-4155, e-mail [email protected] like new, incl. video, program guide, eating plan. $60 or B/ $1,750 for the week. See the condo at http:// O. Call (650) 625-1196 eves or e-mail [email protected] South Lake Tahoe cottage w/wood fireplace, hot tub. Rates $50 to $130 per night. Call (650) 967-7659. villafeatures.jsp?resortID=12 Call (650) 572-8877 for availabilty and questions. Vacation rental, Bass Lake, 4 mls south of Yosemite. Protective Services 3bd/1.5 ba, TV, VCR, MW, frplc, BBQ, priv. boat dock. Sleeps 8. $1,050/wk. Call (559) 642-3600 or (650) 390-9668. monthly activity Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba house in A statistical summary of activities of canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access to priv. the Protective Services Division's Secu- beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between Carmel and Big Sur. $175/night for 2; $225 for 4 and $250 for rity/Law Enforcement and Fire Protec- more, plus $150 cleaning dep. Call (650) 328-4427. tion Services units for the month of May 2006 is shown below. Security/Law Enforcement Activity

Astrogram deadlines Ames emergency Please submit articles, calendar announcements and classified advertisements to [email protected] no Fire Protection Activity later than the 10th of each month. If To hear the centerwide status this falls on the weekend or holiday, recording, call (650) 604-9999 for in- then the following business day be- formation announcements and emer- gency instructions for Ames employ- comes the deadline. ees. You can also listen to 1700 KHz For Astrogram questions, con- AM radio for the same information. tact Astrid Terlep at the aforemen- tioned e-mail address or ext. 4-3347.

Astrogram 13 June 2006 Shostak reviews SETI strategies for finding ET

Seth Shostak reviewed SETI's ‘Strategies for Finding Extraterrestrial Life’ during a lecture at Ames in May. Shostak is the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, science editor of ‘The Explorer’ and host of the SETI Institute's weekly radio program ‘Are we alone?’ He has written hundreds of articles for newspapers, magazines and the Web site as well as three books.

NASA photo by Tom Trower

Shorebirds nest in Ames parking lot

A ‘Killdeer’ bird with her chick at NASA Ames. Killdeer birds, the most widespread of California shore birds, have been recently nesting outside of Ames’ building N-201 in the parking lot of N-200 at Ames. Center photo - a Killdeer egg at the NASA photos by Tom Trower same site at Ames hatches.

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The Ames Astrogram is an official publication of Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Editor-in-Chief...... Laura Lewis Managing Editor...... Ann Sullivan Editor, Layout and Design...... Astrid Olson

You can reach the Astrogram Office at: [email protected] or by phone at (650) 604-3347. Astrogram Web site: http:// PLEASE RECYCLE 2006/06astrograms.html Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.

Astrogram 14 June 2006