National Aeronautics and Space Administration, , Moffett Field, CA

April 2006 NASA Ames spacecraft to look for ice at lunar south pole NASA announced April 10 that a the lunar vicinity independent of the the . The Shepherding Spacecraft small, 'secondary payload' spacecraft, LRO satellite. On the way to the moon, will fly through the plume, and instru- the LCROSS spacecraft's two main parts, ments on the spacecraft will analyze the the Shepherding Spacecraft (S-S/C) and cloud to look for signs of water and other the Earth Departure Upper Stage compounds. Additional space and Earth- (EDUS), will remain coupled. based instruments also will study the As the spacecraft approaches the 2.2-million-pound (1000-metric-ton) moon's south pole, the upper stage will plume. separate, and then will impact a crater Then, the Shepherding Spacecraft in the south pole area. A plume from the itself will become an impactor, creating upper stage crash will develop as the a second plume visible to lunar-orbiting Shepherding Spacecraft heads in toward continued on page 2 Worden named Ames center director Artist’s concept of the LCROSS upper stage NASA Administrator Michael rector level positions with the Air Force (appears smaller) followed by the ‘sheparding Griffin announced on April 21 that Space Command, where he was respon- satellite,’ before they both impact the moon in Simon P. "Pete" Worden will be the next sible for developing new programs, in- January 2009. cluding next generation launch concepts. He was commander of the , U.S. . to be developed by a team at NASA He also served as 2nd deputy for tech- Ames, has been selected for launch in nology with the Strategic Defense Initia- October 2008 to begin a trip to the moon tive Organization, where he received to look for precious water ice. Prior to the NASA Outstanding Leadership impacting the moon, the spacecraft will Medal for directing the 1994 orbit Earth twice for about 80 days, and lunar probe mission. then will strike the lunar south pole in Worden holds a bachelor's degree in January 2009. astronomy from the University of Michi- The smaller secondary payload gan, Ann Arbor, and a doctorate in as- spacecraft will begin its trip to the moon tronomy from the . He authored or co-authored more than with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter 150 scientific technical papers in astro- (LRO) satellite on the same rocket, the physics, space sciences and strategic Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle studies and was a co-investigator for (EELV), to be launched from Kennedy two NASA space science missions. Space Center, Florida. The secondary BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY payload mission spacecraft is called the Photo courtesy US Air Force Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Simon P. “Pete” Worden was recently Satellite (LCROSS). appointed the tenth director of NASA Ames by On the Inside . . . "The LCROSS mission gives the NASA’s tenth administrator Michael Griffin. agency an excellent to an- Page 3 - Christensen delivers all- hands talk swer the question about water ice on the director of NASA's Ames Research Cen- moon," said Daniel Andrews of NASA ter. Page 5 - Ames’ Mark Leon receives Ames, whose team proposed the Worden, a retired U.S. Air Force prestigious Hispanic award LCROSS mission. "We think we have brigadier general, is a research profes- Page 9 - Upcoming events assembled a very creative, highly inno- sor of astronomy at the University of Page 10 - NASA scientists study vative mission, turning the upper stage Arizona, Tucson. Worden is expected health benefits of exercise of the rocket that brought us to the moon to assume his new duties at Ames in May. for into a substantial impactor on the moon." Page 11-Implementation of new After launch, the secondary pay- During his Air Force service, NASA training form load LCROSS spacecraft will arrive in Worden held director and deputy di- NASA Ames spacecraft to look for ice at lunar south pole continued from front page spacecraft and Earth-based observato- inside the dark craters of the south pole "An exploration science program ries. may well be different from what we with a sustained human presence on the "The LCROSS mission will help us found during ," Colaprete ob- moon gives us the opportunity to con- determine if there is water hidden in the served. duct fundamental science in lunar geol- ogy, history of the solar system, physics and the biological response to partial (Earth) gravity," said Christopher McKay, lunar exploration program sci- entist at Ames. The space agency specified that the winning proposal must demonstrate an affordable concept beneficial to RLEP, according to the document that asked NASA centers to submit suggestions for the secondary payload. NASA specified that the secondary payload mission should cost no more than $80 million. NASA also required that the payload mass not exceed 2,205 pounds (1,000 kilograms). NASA encouraged its field centers to team with industry to develop pro- posals. On Jan. 10, NASA issued a re- quest for information to industry to al- low businesses to provide secondary payload concepts to NASA. Each NASA NASA photo by Renee Bouchard center reviewed ideas from industry as During the NASA news conference on April 10, agency officials unveiled the Lunar CRater well as secondary payload concepts de- Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) which will launch piggyback with the Lunar veloped internally. The LCROSS prime Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft in October 2008. On the panel during the conference were (left to contractor for the spacecraft and the right) Scott Horowitz, associate administrator, Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, NASA HQ; spacecraft integration is Northrop Daniel Andrews of Ames, the LCROSS-project manager; and Butler Hine of Ames, deputy program Grumman. manager, Robotic Lunar Exploration Program (RLEP). NASA asked that the concepts ad- vance the Vision for to include missions that evolve lunar permanently dark craters of the moon's Earlier, NASA had requested pro- science, characterize the lunar environ- south pole," said Marvin (Chris) posals internally from its NASA field ment and support identification sites for Christensen, Robotic Lunar Exploration centers for existing or reasonably ma- future human missions as well as the Program (RLEP) manager, and acting tured concepts for secondary payloads utility of those sites. director of NASA Ames. "If we find that would offer cost-effective contribu- The space agency said that it was substantial amounts of water ice there, it tions to RLEP. looking for missions that demonstrate could be used by astronauts who later To prepare for the return of astro- technology that could enhance future visit the moon to make rocket fuel," nauts to the moon, NASA will conduct exploration, that show operational Christensen added. various RLEP robotic missions from 2008 schemes to support exploration, that "We'll be able distinguish between to potentially 2016 to study, to map and develop or emplace infrastructure in water vapor, water ice and hydrated to learn about the lunar surface. These support of exploration, that advance minerals like salts or clays that contain early missions will help determine lu- commercial opportunities and those molecularly-bound water," said Tony nar landing sites and whether resources, missions that would collect engineering Colaprete, LCROSS principal investiga- such as oxygen, hydrogen and metals, data to support the Constellation pro- tor, and a planetary scientist at NASA are available for use in NASA's long- gram. That program is developing Ames. "We'll be able to compare the term lunar exploration objectives. NASA's new spaceship, the Crew Ex- moon dirt from the permanently shad- "Establishing research stations on ploration Vehicle. owed regions of craters at the lunar south the moon will give us the experience BY JOHN BLUCK pole with moon soil samples collected and capabilities to extend to Mars and during the Apollo mission at much lower beyond," noted robotics deputy program latitudes, near the equator. The stuff manager Butler Hine of Ames.

Astrogram 2 April 2006 Christensen upbeat about Ames' future -- Provides frank assessment; lays out blueprint for success “The one constant in life is change,” for FY 07 is $533 million, he said, a sion support organizations, all of which began Marvin 'Chris' Christensen in his further reduction. are pitching in to help the program of- April 20 all-hands address to a stand- Exploration is where most of the fice save SOFIA and prepare Ames for ing-room only crowd in the main Ames funding currently is, and exploration is future mission management responsi- “where we're bilities. However, there's still a lot of going to go” work to be done, he said. We must en- to increase sure that Ames' existing processes are Ames' budget, streamlined to ensure timely comple- Christensen tion of mission tasks or “we'll just have added, noting to get other processes,” he observed to that Ames must enthusiastic applause. Indeed, at establish a role in Christensen's urging, NASA headquar- core NASA pro- ters recently ran a pilot workshop at NASA photo by Tom Trower grams. Given Ames designed to perform a joint 'insti- all of the changes tutional readiness review' of Ames' mis- in the agency, sion support organizations. The objec- Ames' Explora- tive is to determine ways to strengthen tion Technology Ames' support organizations to enhance directorate the center's capabilities in project and was “unravel- mission management. ing” in 2005, Christensen said. But, by finding a “The future is ours to way back into the shape and to capture.” “mainstream of Ames' acting director, Marvin "Chris" Christensen, gave a frank but upbeat NASA . . . in '06, talk at a recent ‘all-hands’ meeting. this organization Christensen laid out a strategy for has done a Ames' recovery and future strength that yeoman's job of includes developing a 'skunk works' to auditorium. In fact, 'change, challenge getting back on track.” build satellites, attracting more work and opportunity' were the recurring Next, Christensen addressed the packages, winning more competitive themes of his candid, but upbeat, assess- budget cuts facing Ames' science pro- proposals, and restoring our reputation ment of the status and future of Ames. grams, the fundamental changes ongo- for project management and job comple- “Ames is in a major transition,” ing in aeronautics, and the status of tion. Christensen observed, “and change is several key Ames projects, including With regard to the skunk works con- still coming.” While the changes we have Kepler, the Robotic Lunar Exploration cept, Christensen said Ames will con- undergone have been challenging and Program (RLEP), and the Stratospheric struct a 'satellite center' in building N240 those remaining are “going to be dra- Observatory for Infrared Astronomy to develop small satellites that cost less matic,” he noted, “if we embrace them, (SOFIA). than $250 million. He reported that they can be positive and improve the Funding for SOFIA was zeroed out NASA Administrator Michael Griffin center. We have a great opportunity,” for '07 and was reduced by 30 percent not only expressed approval of the skunk he concluded. for '06, he said. However, Joel Kearns, works concept, but also opened the door NASA is more fortunate than most Carol Carroll and their team did an out- to the prospect of Ames taking on even government agencies, Christensen standing job during the independent larger projects. pointed out. The president's budget for assessment, he reported. “Reviewers “But we are going to have to do NASA is $16.8 billion in FY '07, a 3.2 were impressed with the team,” he said, things differently, or we'll go out of busi- percent increase over the previous year. and SOFIA has a chance to come back ness,” Christensen declared. “I think “It's not that there's not support for and be whole. Similarly, Christensen everybody's getting that message.” Cen- NASA,” he said, the issue is “how will observed that RLEP passed a December ter Operations Director Lewis Braxton the pie be divvied up?” Ames is facing '05 review of their readiness and prepa- and his group have done a great job, its third year of budget challenges, he ration to serve as a program office “with reducing institutional costs by 14 per- noted. In FY '06, Ames' budget is down flying colors.” cent, he said. The sale of Camp Parks $65 million to $657 million, and over 250 And the program offices were not provides potentially $6 million to fund civil servants remain without program- the only groups Christensen singled out matic funding. Ames' budget projection for praise. He also cited the center's mis- continued on page 4 Astrogram 3 April 2006 Christensen upbeat about Ames' future -- Provides frank assessment; lays out blueprint for success continued from page 3 other facilities, he added. The lease of portunities with other agencies that bring In closing, Christensen observed that the National Full-scale Aerodynamics both near-term funding and could re- Ames has made a lot of progress. “We Complex (NFAC) to the Department of sult in future contributions to the NASA have managed our way through an ex- Defense will also reduce institutional mission. Christensen also said that Ames' tremely difficult period. We have a costs while maintaining capabilities, he new Space Portal activity will create strong approach to solve our unfunded noted. innovative opportunities in NASA com- problems going into FY '07,” he con- Administrator Griffin has repeat- mercialization, and relationships cluded. edly stated his commitment to NASA with industry, particularly the entre- The take-away messages, he said, having “ten healthy centers,” preneurial space industry, that will con- are that “we see light at the end of the Christensen said. One way that this is tribute to our small satellite work. tunnel and that we are fundamentally being addressed is through a concept Christensen warned, however, that sound. Institutionally, we will be smaller, called 'shared capabilities.' This means the notion of what constitutes a “healthy but Ames will be more NASA main- that NASA headquarters will support center” has never been precisely defined, stream. Once we have stabilized, growth facilities that have 'national-level capa- observing that, depending upon who will follow. We will earn our way into bilities,' he said, noting that high-end you talk to, “healthy” for Ames might program and project management. We computing at Ames is already funded mean a total complement of as few as will become a satellite builder for NASA, through this mechanism. The Ames arc 1,200 people. In that case, retraining as we did with Pioneer and Lunar Pros- jets, 20-G centrifuge, Vertical Motion would be the best available option, he pector.” Simulator and other facilities are cur- said, but we may have to accept the fact “The future is ours to shape and to rently under consideration for funding that, no matter what we do, some people capture,” he concluded, to strong ap- by Headquarters through this avenue, might not fit. plause. BY JOHN BLUCK AND DAVID MORSE he added. With regards to new work packages and projects at Ames, Christensen said Local media visit 11-foot wind tunnel that it is not only important to get new work for the center, it is also vitally important that we meet our commit- ments and deliver. “If we get new work and we don't get the job done, we'll be in trouble,” he said. Ames is not perceived as having “very strong project and pro- gram management . . . we've got to change that,” he added.

Christensen noted that the NASA photo by Dominic Hart workforce level is still a major concern for 2007, with 280 to 300 uncovered people projected for that year. We're not going to survive if we don't find produc- tive, funded work for these people, Christensen said. It is imperative that Ames' James Strong of Code AOO Ames, wind tunnel tests of the model “healthy centers . . . re-delegate work to shows local television cameramen were conducted with and without the Glenn, Langley and Ames.” There are where the Protuberance Air Load PAL ramps. Tests of modified ice preliminary work packages under dis- (PAL) ramps were located on a 3 per- ramps on the model also were com- cussion that could bring about 150 'new- cent scale model of the pleted Friday, March 24. work' positions to Ames from Kennedy, that was tested in the center's Unitary NASA will not draw immediate Wind Tunnel Complex. Reporters conclusions from the Ames PAL ramp Marshall, and Johnson, Christensen viewed and photographed the model testing on the model. The agency plans noted. Headquarters is also evaluating a in the 11-foot-by-11-foot transonic to analyze Ames' wind tunnel data number of other Ames proposals for wind tunnel on March 27. together with results from tests at new work, he said. Wind tunnel tests of the model NASA , Cleve- In addition, Ames' New Business completed at NASA Ames will help land; and data from wind tunnel tests Council is helping the center to strategize the agency decide if the PAL ramps completed earlier at Arnold Engineer- its marketing efforts with respect to pro- may be removed from the space ing Development Center in Telahoma, shuttle's external tank before the next Tenn. posals and other areas. This includes launch, now scheduled for July. At BY JOHN BLUCK actively seeking out reimbursable op- Astrogram 4 April 2006 Ames’ Mark Leon receives prestigious Hispanic award The editors of Hispanic Engineer & to young people as role models, and the Information Technology magazine honorees' accomplishments are upheld ( recently as examples of the important, often un- released their list of the '100 Most Im- recognized contributions made on a portant Hispanics in Technology and daily basis by the thousands of Hispan- Business for 2006.' Ames' Mark Leon, ics in technology-related jobs. acting chief of the Education Divison, The 100 Most Important Exemplars has been selected as one of the recipients will gather this year for a colloquium for this honor. and awards dinner where increasing This year's honorees represent the minority entrepreneurship, executive

nation's highest-achieving Hispanic ex- NASA photo by Pamela Sheets development, and educational readiness ecutives, managers and researchers in for the 'digital economy' will be dis- industry, government and academia. cussed. The 100 Most Important His- They were chosen for their outstanding panics in Technology and Business rec- work in the field of technology and dem- ognition dinner will be held on Sept. 15, onstrated leadership, both at the work- 2006 at the Baltimore Convention Cen- place and in their communities. The ter, highlighting the Minorities in Re- honorees will be featured in the spring search Sciences Conference, the premier 2006 edition of Hispanic Engineer & IT NASA Ames’ Mark Leon, recent recipient of career development and employee rec- magazine. During the year that the list the ‘100 Most Important Hispanics in ognition event for minorities in the ar- Technology and Business for 2006’ honor. is publicized, its members are presented continued on page 8 Ames celebrates STS-1 anniversary Ames hosted a variety of events scribed some of his work as a scien- on April 12 for students, media, em- tist at Ames prior to and during the ployees and the public to help cel- STS-1 mission. In addition, news media toured research facilities at Ames that have supported the

and continue to sup- NASA photo by Tom Trower port development of the Crew Exploration Vehicle. Special exhib-

NASA photo by Ann Sullivan its and videos were Employees enjoyed the chance to chat with Robinson added to the NASA Ex- (second from right) during the reception that followed ploration Center. his talk at Ames.

Members of the public lined up for the chance to get an autograph from Stephen Robinson (seated) following his public lecture on April 12. Students at Edenvale ebrate the 25th anniversary of the STS- Elementary School 1 mission, the first flight of the space took full shuttle and the boldest test flight in advantage of history. Robinson’s visit by The events included a visit to asking dozens of Edenvale Elementary School in San questions Jose, an address to Ames employees following his talk describing what it and a public lecture by former Ames is like to live and employee and current astronaut work in space. Stephen Robinson. In his talks, Robinson shared his experiences dur- ing his mission last summer, STS-114 the 'Return to Flight' mission, and de- NASA photo by Tom Trower

Astrogram 5 April 2006 UCSC launches Technology and Information Management Program at Silicon Valley Campus University of California, Santa Cruz demic year. The (UCSC), a long-time planning partner School of Engineer- at NASA Research Park (NRP), has re- ing is looking to ex- cently expanded, moving from Build- pand both its re- search and teaching activi- ties in Silicon Valley, and they see the NRP has an ideal location for view the fall course offerings catalog

NASA photo by Dominic Hart building on UCSC's existing under ‘concurrent enrollment/exten- partnership with NASA and sion courses.’ To enroll in the TIM de- potential expansion and de- gree program, prospective students need velopment in the NRP." to apply directly to UCSC for admis- Ames staff who are in- sion. The new space in building 19 (pictured above) will allow the terested in enrolling in a TIM To showcase its new program, UCSC UCSC Silicon Valley Center to offer more classes at the NRP. class under UCSC's non-de- plans to host a TIM open house in Bldg. gree-granting concurrent en- 19. The date will be announced in the ing 555 to Building 19 in the NRP his- rollment program should visit UCSC's Astrogram. Longer term, UCSC and toric district and virtually doubling its Web site located on the Internet at NRP are plannning for construction of a leased space. BIN (Bio-Info-Nano) lab, with Foothill After several years in Bldg. 555, the and De Anza Community College. move provides more space to accom- BY KATHLEEN BURTON modate the faculty, students and administrative staff of UC's Technology and Information Management ('TIM') program. TIM is a UCSC School of Engineering program, with classes held VPP annual report submitted to OSHA at UC's main campus and the Silicon Valley Center location. TIM integrates On Feb. 13, G. Scott Hubbard, evaluation. It was prepared using computer science, engineering, business then Ames center director, and Paul input from each directorate, the chair- and economics and prepares students Davis, the Ames Federal Employee person of each centerwide safety com- for careers in technology and manage- mittee, the Ames Federal Employee ment. Union, and the Safety, Health and The Silicon Valley Center classes, Medical Services Division. which started on April 3, include a mix- The Ames VPP annual report ture of undergraduate and graduate highlights the center's continuous im- course work, with more class offerings provement in all areas of the health and faculty hires planned for fall. and safety program. It describes many "UC Santa Cruz is excited to be ex- of the programs that promote em- panding its physical presence in the ployee participation as well as the NASA Research Park by occupying of- Union president for safety, approved program that was developed and fice and classroom space in Building 19," said UCSC Provost Carl Walsh. "Our the center's annual Voluntary Protec- implemented to recognize contrac- new facilities will provide increased of- tion Program (VPP) report. The an- tors for exemplary health and safety fice space for faculty from our Baskin nual report was submitted to OSHA in performance. It examines the accom- School of Engineering's Technology and Feb. plishments of the center-wide safety Information Management program, as This report, which all VPP partici- committees during the past year. The well as for other UCSC faculty who are pants are required to submit, includes Ames Annual Safety and Health Pro- interested in developing research and the goals and accomplishments for the gram evaluation report can be viewed academic programs in Silicon Valley." continuous improvement of the safety on the VPP Web page at http:// The additional space in Building 19, and health program, injury and illness according to Walsh, "will allow UCSC to numbers and rates and results of the activitiesnew.html. offer TIM courses at the NRP and we safety and health management system BY SHELLEEN LOMAS plan to expand the set of courses offered at the NRP during the 2006-2007 aca-

Astrogram 6 April 2006 From the South Pacific Ocean to Space Station -- Changene, a ‘pearl’ of a company, NRP partner of the month “I went to Tahiti for adventure,” exploration. Long-duration flights on Changene collaborated with the reminisces Frank Chang, CEO of the Russian Mir and the International NASA Advanced Supercomputing di- Changene, Inc., a NASA Research Park Space Station have produced much data vision on molecular dynamic simula- partner since 2003. tions. “Biotech research takes “I chose a remote atoll and many years,” Chang said. “It is a landed on an 800-yard runway, at great advantage using an airport with a bungalow ter- supercomputers to speed up the minal. On this tiny atoll in the processes; gratefully, Ames Re- middle of nowhere in the South search Center has the best Pacific Ocean, I saw, for the first supercomputer among NASA time, a pearl farm and the Milky centers.” Way galaxy with my naked eyes.” “With R&D moving forward, “Trained in biomedicine, I we have scheduled a clinical trial realized the oyster must have on this PinctaÆ product in FY07”, molecule(s) able to regulate cal- Chang said. “It could be of great cium crystals, like bricks, the way benefit to astronauts in we build a wall. This mechanism microgravity and to 50 percent is similar to bone formation, so I of the world's senior population wondered - could this molecular with osteoporosis.” process act as a possible counter- For more information, measure for bone mass loss in contact Frank Chang at (650) microgravity?” Frank Chang, CEO of Changene, presented the Pincta product rollout at a conference in March 2006. 641-3181 or e-mail him at In 2002, Changene officials [email protected] filed a patent for a proprietary Changene is located in Bldg. 566, molecule supposedly responsible for about the impact of prolonged exposure Room 106B, NASAResearch Park pearl formation -- in short, a pearl gene. to microgravity, but no solution exists. Bone mass loss is a major challenge NASA is still seeking effective counter- BY DIANE FARRAR AND BOB LOPEZ for NASA's planned lunar and Mars measures for bone mass loss. Prehistoric Native American remains discovered at Ames A construction crew working on an The crew discovered the skeletal mains even thousands of years old, posi- Army project on Berry Court, just inside remains on April 4 while excavating a tively identified the bones as human. the Ames main gate, has unearthed the site in an area of military housing. They The dogs and their handlers are part of were buried ap- Ames' Disaster Assistance and Rescue proximately 43 Team. After examining the remains, a inches deep. The forensic anthropologist concluded that construction the remains are most likely those of a crew immedi- prehistoric Native American. The re- ately stopped mains were respectfully returned to digging and no- their burial site, which was secured tified Ames Dis- until a Native American representative patch, which could be notified. contacted the A few days after the initial discov- Santa Clara ery, two archeologists, one of whom

NASA photo by Lynne Engelbert County Sheriff's works for the Army and the other a Office. Officers Native American representative, fin- from Ames' Pro- ished excavating the remains and re- tective Services moved them from the site. They esti- and from the mated the remains to be between 4,000 Sheriff's Office and 5,000 years old. The Army has sub- responded. mitted a proposal for continuing the Nessie, a human remains detection dog, sits, indicating that there is Human re- construction. A decision is pending. human scent in the excavation where prehistoric Native American remains mains detection “NASA is committed to cooperat- were found by an Army construction crew. dog teams were ing fully with Native American leaders brought in to and treating these remains with the ut- verify that the most respect,” said Bob Dolci, director skeletal remains of a prehistoric Native bones are human. All three dogs, which of Protective Services at Ames. American. have been trained to detect human re- BY ANN SULLIVAN

Astrogram 7 April 2006 Ames’ HACE group remembers the legacy of Cesar Chavez Once again, the NASA Ames His- In the panic Advisory Committee for Employ- spring of 1966, ees (HACE) supported a commemora- growers negoti- tive breakfast honoring Cesar Chavez ated an agree- on March 31, 2006. The Mexican Heri- ment with the tage Corporation and Honorary Coun- NFWA. This cil members hosted the ‘Breakfast for agreement was Cesar Chavez’ in honor of recognizing the first genu- his life and work. Also, on March 25, ine union con- HACE joined the annual Cesar Chavez tract between a March Festival, which was sponsored grower and by the Chavez Family Vision and held in farm workers in downtown San Jose. U.S. History. Born on March 31, 1927, the second Chavez also child of six and oldest son, Chavez be- fasted three came noted by Robert F. Kennedy as separate times ‘one of the heroic figures of our time’ in (totaling 86 1968. Chavez grew up in the Arizona days between desert near the town of Yuma. At an early age, Chavez joined lives. March 31 is now known as Cesar thousands of mi- Chavez Day of Service and Learning grant farmers to and considered a holiday in seven states work in the and dozens of cities and counties fields in Califor- throughout the nation. nia. He returned BY ERIC KRISTICH home from the military and settled in the East Side Barrio Leon receives of ‘Sal Si Puedes,’ (‘Get prestigious award out if you can’); continued from page 5 the name of the neighborhood eas of research science and technology. was later Hispanic Engineer and Information changed to ‘Si Se The annual Cesar Chavez March Festival parade held on March 25 in San Technology magazine is distributed to Puede’ (‘It can be Jose, in which Ames HACE members took part. engineering colleges and universities with high Hispanic enrollments; His- done’). panic engineering; IT and science pro- fessionals; and high-level government In 1952, a man named Fred Ross 1968 and 1988) to dedicate his move- and industry policy makers and execu- from the Community Service Organiza- ment of nonviolence, to protest a law tives across the country. tion (CSO) asked Chavez to join the that denied farm workers the right to Published by Career Communica- organization to help inform migrant strike/boycott and to call attention to tions Group, Inc. (CCG), a minority- farm workers of their rights. Chavez farm workers and their children stricken owned media services and career devel- was uneasy about the idea but decided by pesticides. opment company, Hispanic Engineer & to join. He picked apricots during the On April 23, 1993, Chavez died Information Technology magazine, day and organized workers in the peacefully while sleeping at the home of along with CCG's US Black Engineer & evening to register to vote. a retired San Luis, Ariz. farm worker. Information Technology magazine, Sci- After working full time at the CSO Six days after his death, thousands of ence Spectrum, and Women of Color for 10 years, Chavez founded the Na- mourners attended and marched behind Conference magazine, recognizes sig- tional Farm Workers Association his casket during his funeral services in nificant minority achievement, while (NFWA), which later became known as Delano. promoting career and educational op- the United Farm Workers of America Later in 1993, Chavez's family and portunities for minority professionals (UFW). Between the years of 1962 and friends established the Cesar E. Chavez and students in engineering, technol- 1993, Chavez organized many boycotts Foundation. Thirteen years after his ogy and science. and strikes against farm owners. passing, Chavez's service to others still

Astrogram 8 April 2006 Upcoming events . . . Ames Bicycle Club to hold bike safety clinic in May May is National Bike Month. To bring it for a safety check, plus helmet, about cycling in Mountain View. celebrate National Bike Month the eye protection and gloves. Contact Julie Nottage at e-mail Ames Bicycle Club is hosting a free The instructor is Herman Wadler, [email protected] if you plan to Bike Safety Clinic on May 11, from who is a League of American Bicy- attend so we will have enough hand- clists instructor, the dean of in- structors of the Almaden Cycle Touring Club Academy, board member of the Silicon Valley Bi- cycle Coalition, vice chair of the Bicycle and Pe- 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. It will be at the destrian Advi- parking lot of the old Moffett Recre- sory Committee ation center on Edquiba road across of Santa Clara from the Navy Exchange Garden Cen- Valley Transpor- Join more than 100,000 Californians by riding your bike to work during the ter. Biking to work or just around the tation Authority 12th annual California Bike to Work Day, May 18. Stop by the Ames center is a great way to fit an exercise (VTA) and on the ‘energizer station’ (above) in the small picnic area by building 25 located workout into your schedule, save city of along McCord Avenue between South Akron and Wascoat Road between money on car maintenance and gas, Bicycle Advisory 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. to refuel on food and beverages and pick up local and have fun! Committee. city bike maps and other bike information. This bike safety clinic is for all Jerri-Ann levels of cyclists. The clinic will cover Meyer, the chair bike fit, rules of the road, how to avoid of the Mountain View Bicycle/Pedes- outs, etc. If you do not have a bike, typical hazards, correct lane position trian Advisory Committee, will be at there will be a few for you to use and and emergency maneuvers. This will the clinic to provide local Mountain extra helmets. be about a half hour lecture and a half View cycling information, and also to BY JULIE NOTTAGE hour on your bike. If you have a bike, gather any feedback folks may have

NRP announces May Exploration lecture SVALS presents The NASA Research Park Explo- The Silicon Valley Astronomy ration Lecture Series presents ‘Life Out Lecture Series presents: There: What Happens If We Find It?’ This is a lecture and panel discussion Topic: Gamma-Ray Bursts: Nature's Biggest Booms featuring a team from the SETI Insti- Speaker: Astronomer Dr. Josh tute including Dr. Seth Shostak, senior Bloom of UC Berkeley will astronomer, Dr. Cynthia Phillips, prin- give a non-technical, illustrated talk cipal investigator and Dr. Douglas Vakoch, director, Interstellar Message Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 Composition. Time: 7 p.m. Place: Smithwick Theater Foothill College Date: May 24, 2006 El Monte Road and Time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Freeway 280, Place: Bldg. 943/Eagle Room in Los Altos Hills Cost: Free admission Open to the public Cost: Free and open to the public. Seth Shostak Parking on campus costs $2. The SETI team will discuss the ners Collaborative and co-spon- Call the series hot-line at cultural, societal, technological and sored by the SETI Institute. (650) 949-7888 for more other issues that might arise if life is For more information about information and driving directions. found elsewhere in the universe. the event, visit the Internet at The lecture is presented by Plan-

Astrogram 9 April 2006 NASA scientists study health benefits of exercise for astronauts NASA has teamed up with two uni- tinue to produce a wealth of knowledge nauts experience are very similar to those versities to study ways to reduce the concerning astronaut and civilian health seen in people who are less active or adverse effects of space travel on astro- issues," she added. frequently confined to bed rest, such as nauts' physical heath. The research is expected to help individuals in our rapidly growing se- determine what combinations of exercise and ex- posure to in- creased gravity ef- fectively counter the changes that occur during space travel.

NASA photos by Tom Trower "While in space, astronauts experience heart The 20-G centrifuge at NASA Ames is a machine that creates artificial and blood vessel gravity forces by spinning and that can simulate up to 20 times the changes, de- normal forces of gravity we experience on Earth. creased bone strength, loss of muscle mass, and shifts nior population. It is very likely that in fluids within their bodies," said Ames' and geriatric medicine exercise physiologist and study scien- will interact and help us understand the Shown in the 20-G centrifuge control room are tist, Fritz Moore. "This does not immedi- best ways to arrive home from space, as Fritz Moore (sitting) medical monitor and ately harm the astronauts, but it may well as the best ways to grow old." Jeffrey Smith (standing) operations manager. complicate longer space travel and make Additional research is needed to the return to Earth difficult." understand the health effects of Scientists will examine the effects of transitioning between different gravita- Scientists are conducting a pilot exercise on the test subjects while spin- tional environments. This type of re- study at NASA Ames on the 20-G centri- ning on the centrifuge. Helping astro- search benefits current and future astro- fuge, a machine that creates artificial nauts counter the changes to their bod- nauts supporting the Vision for Space gravity forces by spinning and that can ies also may further the development of Exploration to return to the moon and simulate up to 20 times the normal forces health benefits for the general public. continue on to Mars. of gravity we experience on Earth. "The knowledge we gain here helps For more information about Ames’ "The 20-G centrifuge is our largest us understand everyday health issues centrifuge facilities, visit: http:// facility certified for use by humans," such as high or low blood pressure." said Jeff Smith, a manager in the Life Moore said. "The changes that astro- BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY Sciences Division at Ames. "Its capabili- ties make it a unique NASA resource and a very versatile research tool that is ideal for developing health-maintenance Pop-rock group Spring finally activities for astronauts." Research conducted using the 20-G visits Ames arrives at Ames centrifuge helps scientists understand how astronauts cope with long-term exposure to the low gravity of space or other planets and readjust to Earth's gravity when they return home. Scien- tists at NASA, the University of Ken- tucky in Lexington and Vanderbilt Uni- versity in Nashville, Tenn., will study the effects of exercise and artificial grav- ity on cardiovascular responses and fluid

NASA photo by Tom Trower shifts within the body. NASA photo by Pauline Navarro "At Ames Research Center, the ex- isting facilities we use to learn how space affects humans have a long history of productivity that includes work done from Mercury to space station and space The Oklahoma-based, pop-rock group 'All shuttle programs," said Dr. Yvonne American Rejects,' who were recently on tour Cagle, NASA astronaut-scientist liaison, in San Jose, visited Ames' Exploration Center and project study scientist. "Research- while they were in the Bay Area. ers and collaborating investigators con- Astrogram 10 April 2006 New NASA training form replaces former version The ARC 301 training application part of the offsite training process in NF1735 form and complete it manually form is being replaced with NASA Form SATERN, we must replace the current until it is available in June 2006 as an 1735 (NF-1735). In the past, a variety of form with the new form as soon as pos- automated form in the SATERN system forms and procedures has been used to The NF1735 is now available in PDF support the request and approval pro- and Informed Filler. Both versions can cess for external training. The SATERN be found on the Internet at: https:// (System for Administration, Training and Educational Resources for NASA) form_details.cfm?chart_id=823 It will learning management system requires be the PDF document found at: ftp:// that one standard form and process be used across the agency. With the imple- For Informed Filler, the location is http:/ mentation of SATERN, NASA Form 1735 sible in order to familiarize employees / will be the standard form that all NASA with the new form prior to the SATERN AEFS/ARC_DCData/NF1735.IFM employees will use for offsite training implementation. Employees should be- The SATERN Web site and SATERN requests. gin using the NF1735 for their next train- Web-based tutorial (WBT) is now avail- Implementation of the NF1735 is an ing request. After April 28, the NF1735 able. You can access the Web site and important transformation effort. Be- will be the only training request form WBT at cause the NF1735 form is an essential accepted. Employees must use the BY BARBARA CHENIER NASA Automated Awards System to ‘go live’ in June Soon every NASA supervisor will awards/NAAS.html. vided for NAAS via Astrogram articles, have the ability to nominate their high- Updates on supervisory and em- human resources and training Web sites performing employees, check the status ployee training information will be pro- and centerwide announcements. of their award submissions and obtain BY BARBARA CHENIER reliable awards data -- all online and all in one system. The new NASA Auto- mated Awards System (NAAS) will streamline the awards nomination pro- Bush, Schwarzenegger in Bay Area cess and provide critical data to NASA managers regarding the incentive awards program. Key features and benefits of NAAS include the following: • a standard process across the agency for nomination, approval and processing of awards; • easy, Web-based access for mak- ing awards nominations; • ability to review the status of award nominations; • protection of confidential em- ployee data; • streamlined and standardized awards processes across the agency; and • user guide and user training This new system is scheduled to 'go live' June 26. Training for supervisors and the awards contacts within each NASA photo by Tom Trower directorate will begin in late May. For more information, contact Ames Acting Center Director “Chris” Christensen shakes hands with President George W. Bush project lead Christiana Woodward at shortly after the president landed April 21 at Moffett Field for a brief visit to Silicon Valley. At far ext. 4-1599 or deputy project lead Lynette right, is California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Congressman Norm Minetta Forsman at ext. 4-5267. Or you can visit (second from right). the Web at

Astrogram 11 April 2006 Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each Ames Contractor Council Mtg, first Wednesday Ames Sailing Club Mtg, second Thursday of ea. month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: each month, 11 a.m., N-200, Comm. Rm. POC: Linda month (Feb through Nov), from 12:00 p.m. -1:00 Michael Wright, KG6BFK, at ext. 4-6262. McCahon, ext. 4-1891. p.m. in Bldg. N-262, Rm 100. URL: http:// POC: Becky Hooey, ext. 4-2399. Ames Ballroom Dance Club. Classes on Tuesdays. Ames Diabetics (AAD), 1st & 3rd Weds, 12 Beginning classes meet at 5:15 p.m. Higher-level class noon to 1 p.m., at Ames Mega Bites, Sun room. Environmental Forum, first Thursday of each meets at 5:50 p.m. Held in Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. Support group discusses news affecting diabetics. month, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Bldg. 221/Rm 155. POC: Helen Hwang at [email protected], ext. 4- POC: Bob Mohlenhoff, ext. 4-2523/e-mail at: URL: 1368. [email protected]. POC: Stacy St. Louis at ext. 4-6810. Ames Bicycling Club Every 3rd Wednesday of the Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg, The Hispanic Advisory Committee for month 11:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m. in Building 245 third Wednesday of ea. month, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Excellence (HACE) Mtg, first Thurs of month in auditorium. POC: Julie Nottage at Bldg. 221, Rm 104. Guests welcome. Info at: http:// N255 room 101C from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. [email protected] or ext. 4-3711. By-laws of POC: Marianne Mosher, ext. 4-4055. POC: Eric Kristich at ext. 4-5137 and Mark Leon at Ames Bicycling Club can be found at: http:// ext. 4-6498. Ames Mac Support Group Mtg, third Tuesday of, the link is under the picture. ea. month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N262, Rm 180. Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 p.m. to 1 Ames Bowling League, Palo Alto Bowl on Tuesday POC: Tony ext. 4-0340. p.m., N-269/Rm.179. POC: Bob Hilton at ext. 4-2909, nights. Seeking full-time bowlers and substitutes. [email protected]. Ames Model Aircraft Club, flying radio- Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. controlled aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on Native American Advisory Committee Mtg, Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg, weekend mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193. fourth Tues each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Bldg. 19, every other Thursday (check Web site for meeting dates: Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132., 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., N-210, Rm. 205. POC: Cheryl Quinn, ext 4-5793.

NASA’s DC-8 to help study transport of pollutants

NASA photo by Dominic Hart NASA's DC-8 aircraft took off from Ames on April 17 to fly to the Hawaiian Islands to take part in the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment (INTEX). Project scientist Dr. Hanwant Singh of the Ames Earth Science Division designed INTEX to study the transport of pollutants from Asia as they cross the Pacific and impact air quality in North America. The Ames Earth Science Project Office is managing the campaign under project manager Mike Gaunce. Several Ames Earth scientists also are participating. For more information, visit the Web at http://

Protective Services monthly activity A statistical summary of activi- ment and Fire Protection Services units ties of the Protective Services for the month of March 2006 is shown Division's Security/Law Enforce- below.

Security/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection Activity

Astrogram 12 April 2006 Ames Classifieds Exchange Information Ads for the next issue should be sent to Information about products, services and Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to golf, [email protected] and must be resubmitted for opportunities provided to the employee and contractor tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk to each issue. Ads must involve personal needs or items; (no community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night. Call commercial/third-party ads) and will run on a space- web site at: (408) 799-4052 or (831) 623-4054. available basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads Incline Village, Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo, 3 must include home phone numbers; Ames extensions and Beyond Galileo N-235 (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) bdrms/2 ba, sleeps 8, fireplace, TVs/VCR/DVD, w/ email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and ext. 4-6873 CD player, microwv, W/D, jacuzzi, sauna, outdoor pool. found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, Walk to lake. Close to ski areas. Visit web site for we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements Ask about NASA customized gifts for special pictures: $135/night made in the ads. Caveat emptor! occasions. spring and fall, $173/night summer and winter Mega Bites N-235 (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (holidays higher) plus $125 cleaning fee and 12 percent Nevada room tax. Charlie (650) 743-8990. Housing ext. 4-5969 Disneyland area vacation rental home, 2 bd/1ba. Room available for rent in house in mid town Palo Alto, See daily menu at: Nearing completion completely remodeled w/new with kitchen, laundry and pool. $500 plus $50 toward utils, furniture. Sleeps 6 (queen bed, bunk beds, sleeper for a quiet, neat, stable and conscientious person or couple. Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 sofa). Air hockey and football tables. Introductory rate E-mail [email protected]; ham call wb6yoy. (10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) ext. 4-5412 $600/wk, once completed rate will be $1000/wk. Security deposit and $100 cleaning fee required. Call Seeking midweek renter, beautiful room available NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and Monday-Friday. Perfect for commuter. Near Hwy 880/101/ educational items. (925) 846-2781. 87 Rent $500/month incl. utilities. If interested contact New York, 5th Ave. One fully furnished bedroom in Patricia (408) 483-1111. Tickets, etc...(N-235, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) 24 hour security bldg. overlooking Washington Square ext. 4-6873 Park, $1,000/wk or $3,000/mo. negotiable. Call (650) 349-0238. Check web site for discounts to local attractions, Paris/France: Fully furnished studio, 5th Arr, Latin and click on tickets. Miscellaneous Quarter, Notre Dame and Lie-St. Louis., $1,400/wk. negotiable. Call (650) 349-0238. The Ames Cat Network needs help finding homes for NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 Santa Cruz townhouse, 2 bedrooms plus study, 2 cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to baths, decks, totally furnished, 3 blocks from beach, abandoned/lost pets. Tested, altered and inoculated. Call Open 7 days a week, 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rates available July, August, September; $1,600 per month. Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are from $40 - $50. Call (831) 423-5777 (H) or (831) 277-8476 (C). interested in fostering or adopting a cat. Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 Vacation rental. Ferndale - The Victorian Village. 19" Likom color monitor and Canon Bubble Jet color Victorian home on Main Street a short stroll to the printer $60 or B/O. Both items in excellent condition. Jon Ames Swim Center, 25 meter swimming pool open Village which has been designated as a state historical (408) 448-6118. and heated year round. (80-82 degrees) Lap swim: Mon, landmark. Enjoy the many holiday activities which Weds, Fri, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3-6 Tues to Thurs 10 Great looking futon, unfolds into queen bed with very include a Christmas parade and lighting of America's good mattress. Cover and pillows included. Can e-mail a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Seasonal recreation tallest living Christmas tree. Four bedrooms (sleeps swim; swim lessons. Locker rooms w/sauna and shower photos. $150. Call (831) 419-6043. approx. six), two full baths, large kitchen, dining room, facility. Open to all civil servants and contractors. parlor w/fireplace, enclosed desk w/hot tub. For info call Solid oak coffee table. Very well maintained. Can Location: Bldg. 109 across the street from the tennis (707) 983-9514. email photos. $80. Call (831) 419-6043. courts. Fees vary depending on activity. POC: Tana Monterey Bay vacation rental at Pajaro Dunes, 20 Desk, L-shaped, walnut finish, 5 drawers, 60" L x 30" Windhorst, ext. 3-8025; e-mail: [email protected] miles south of Santa Cruz, 3bd/2ba beach house with deep x 29" H with extension 46" L x 24" deep x 26" H. distinctive architecture. Beautiful ocean and valley Good condition. $100 or B/O. Helen (650) 948-1407. Vacation Opportunities views, only 150 ft from the beach, first-class tennis Wood entertainment center - $10 - make an offer, I Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhouse, 3bd/2ba. courts. $500/wkend, $200/addl night, including might just give it to you. Barry Cunningham (510) 793- View of slopes, close to lifts. Per night: $250, plus $145 cleaning by the maid service when you depart. Call 4457, [email protected] cleaning fee. Two night minimum. Includes linens, (408) 252-7260. propane fireplace, fully equipped. Call (650) 968-4155, Lake Tahoe cabin rental in Agate Bay, North Shore. [email protected] 4bd/3ba tri-level, AEK, cable TVs, fireplace, BBQ, deck, South Lake Tahoe cottage w/wood fireplace, hot sleeps 10. Closest skiing is Northstar, Alpine and Squaw. Automotive tub. Rates $50 to $130 per night. Call (650) 967-7659. Rates are $375 a weekend, $1,000 a week. Call (408) 867-4656. ‘96 Chevy Blazer LT - 4WD, all pwr, very good Vacation rental, Bass Lake, 4 mls south of Yosemite. condition, 103K miles. Asking $4000 or B/O. Call (408) 3bd/1.5 ba, TV, VCR, MW, frplc, BBQ, priv. boat dock. Florida west coast vacation in St. Petersburg, 448-6118. Sleeps 8. $1,050/wk. Call (559) 642-3600 or (650) beautiful 2bd/2ba condo, fully equipped kitchen and 390-9668. furnished, sunset views, 1/4 mile from St. Pete Beach, ‘98 Suzuki GSXR 750cc SRAD Very Clean, Garage monthly or 2 week minimum rentals only. Call (703) Kept, Runs Strong, Red/Black, Yoshimura Slip-on, Factory Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba house in 299-8889 or e-mail: [email protected] manual, LOW Miles 19,500 Miles, $4800 OBO Call or canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access to priv. email Damon Flansburg 831-630-0716. beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between Carmel and West Maui vacation condo at Kahana Falls, across Big Sur. $175/night for 2; $225 for 4 and $250 for street from beach. One week, 7/30 - 8/6, for $700. 2 ‘97 FORD MUSTANG SVT Cobra, LOW miles 56K, air more, plus $150 cleaning dep. Call (650) 328-4427. bd/2 ba, W/D, fk. Call (650) 962-1314. bag, abs, ac, lthr, p/seats, p/windows, tint, Bose am/fm/ CD stereo, p/mirrors, $9,500 OBO Call or email Damon Tahoe Donner vacation home, 2 bd/2ba. trees, Flansburg 831-630-0716. deck. Access to pools, spa, golf, horseback riding, $280 wkend, $650 week. Call (408) 739-9134. ‘92 Harley Davidson Softail Custom - $8500, OBO - Barry Cunningham (510) 793-4457, [email protected] 1/2 share in Skylane C182A, $24,000. New paint and recent annual. New fuel bladders. Good condition. Basic IFR panel. Can base at LVK, 4Q5, TCY, possibly elsewhere. Key Dismukes. Call (408) 938-0455. Astrogram deadlines Please submit articles, calendar Ames emergency and classified advertisements to [email protected] no announcements later than the 10th of each month. If To hear the centerwide status this falls on the weekend or holiday, recording, call (650) 604-9999 for in- then the following business day be- formation announcements and emer- comes the deadline. gency instructions for Ames employ- For Astrogram questions, con- ees. You can also listen to 1700 KHz tact Astrid Terlep at the aforemen- AM radio for the same information. tioned e-mail address or ext. 4-3347.

Astrogram 13 April 2006 Ames employees receive prestigious Silver Snoopy Award Three Ames employees recently cess for delivering high-fidelity simula- rarely presented; less than 1 percent of received the prestigious Silver Snoopy tion of damaged orbiter re-entry heat- NASA employees have received it. As- award for their professionalism, dedi- ing environments.” tronaut Megan McArthur presented the cation and outstanding support that Prabhu was honored for his out- Silver Snoopy award April 17 to the greatly enhanced space flight safety and standing support of NASA's space pro- three Ames employees. mission success. grams and for his “extraordinary com- The award, also known as the ‘as- James Reuther, an aerospace engi- mitment to the Return to Flight effort as tronauts’ personal award for profes- neer in code TSA and Dinesh sional excellence,’ is awarded to Prabhu, a senior research scien- individuals for outstanding ef- tist with Eloret Corporation, were forts that contribute to the suc- honored for their outstanding cess of human space flight mis- work in NASA's Return to Flight sions. This recognition focuses efforts. Terry Sandke, a system on efforts that enhance the prob- safety and mission assurance/ ability of mission success, such safety engineer with Hernandez as improvements in design, ad- Engineering, was honored for his ministration, technology, pro- work on the Space Station Bio- duction techniques, business sys- logical Research Project (SSBRP). tems, flight and/or system safety,

“We are very pleased that NASA photo by Dominic Hart or error identification, correction these three outstanding employ- or prevention. All job classifica- ees have been recognized by tions and task assignments are NASA with the Silver Snoopy eligible for this honor. award,” said Marvin (Chris) Left to right: Astronaut Megan McArthur after presenting Dinesh This coveted award is a ster- Christensen, acting center direc- Prabhu and James Reuther with their Silver Snoopy awards. Not ling silver pin, which has flown tor. “This distinguished award shown is Terry Sandke, who also received a Silver Snoopy award. aboard the space shuttle, in the is only presented to a few em- form of Snoopy wearing a space ployees and is given in recognition of a member off the inter-center aerother- helmet and space suit. Recipients are their exemplary work. Congratulations modynamics team performing analysis also given a certificate and a letter of to each of the three recipients for their and developing methodologies to char- commendation, personally signed by an well-deserved honor.” acterize the heating environment of astronaut, citing the astronauts' appre- Reuther, the technical lead for com- nominal and damaged tile. ciation of their outstanding performance. putational modeling in the inter-center Sandke was recognized for his com- To meet the criteria for this award, aerothermodynamics Return to Flight mitment and contributions to safety, par- the individual's work must relate to flight team, was cited as the “driving force in ticularly during flight safety reviews of safety or mission success. Job perfor- developing methodologies, processes the SSBRP payloads. Sandke was hon- mance must be outstanding to distin- and standard for applying modern com- ored for his “dedication to safety, atten- guish the individual in his or her par- putational fluid dynamic methods to tion to detail and that led ticular area of responsibility and it must characterize nominal and damaged or- to the discovery and resolution of this make a meaningful contribution to flight biter heating environments. He estab- previously unidentified risk, resulting safety or mission success. lished the vision and challenged the in a safer ISS.” community to develop a 24-hour pro- The Silver Snoopy award is only BY KELLY GARCIA

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The Ames Astrogram is an official publication of Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Editor-in-Chief...... Laura Lewis Managing Editor...... Ann Sullivan Editor, Layout and Design...... Astrid Terlep

You can reach the Astrogram Office at: [email protected] or by phone at (650) 604-3347. Astrogram Web site: http:// PLEASE RECYCLE 2006/06astrograms.html Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.

Astrogram 14 April 2006