Davar Looks at Jarring Talks • Fi1l11luies Cleaneil Aq4 ~~ Appropriate
-" .. -, - ----. .. - _._---_......-- ,..---- _. -·-~I··l·h· . I ff":';:-:,. - ., " Page Six~-elSh,~ THE Jl!1.~IS:1J, POaT Thursday, May 2, HI68 . ,. ",_.' Cordial ....- ....In ... ,,_._. '. 'Gre&"--:-. premiership will on<;e lIIIajn be given C L IIB N iIJf. ,., E' S Branch of the National Council of ~1'-"""" ........ "- to' Wasfi ~ wh~ is !;he' most pro- " '" ... .lEJJ' Jewish Women at $12 per couple A~,IJ;e''s '.' "'Western, ~iid:'~~J,"Cefiil o~ the men STUDY GROUP OF PARENTS' HARM9NY C$\J.'TER, ORDER (which Inhludes $'SO,Ooo. of', play who ):lad h<iad~ the Jordanian Gov- Association of the ,I. L. Peretz-Folk of 'Eas star 'U'h Id Moth' money), Proceeds are m ald of a Ch:mft.-'iSlteehs e~~t dunl1g, the ~ast few ~ears. School will meet Frida IMa 3 at Pay Pft:':':. w~d :ale of ho':t: ~obeinAed'Bofro'x. · TI!Mrs·clte. tsHymay aJes~_~ '" .. ,.~ JI.j'...... :' .. ;. .,... 1'1iese rumors have been cU"cu- . y, y, =- ""." ~ m Dash V<>A:> Affiliated 'Witha>;retro ;HeII.tIDg . lilted with' the apparent purpose of ~ p.m. ~t the home of Mr.~d ~. baking and handicraft JrOm 2 pm. (phone 489-4112), or Mrs. Allan ~................. m('OO BUrlier '~d"o' "_ri t· . tho '''al ti . h' L Victor, 32 Mortimer ce.. to 4.:3Q, ~m. Sa~rdI,lX, ~y 4, in, FeLdman (phone 832-""""). E av""........ u "'~~ , . ..... 1C8-.. 0 e:.- es mans w 0 J B El '11 1 d th dis' • Ea' As bl Hall Mrs it. '-_ ____ u"""' -~ ..... Heater'Servke . li "b' I 1..-1 d .
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