Alumni Newsletter a Joint Publication of the Piner High School Foundation and Hall of Fame Volume 11, Issue 2 January 2020

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Alumni Newsletter a Joint Publication of the Piner High School Foundation and Hall of Fame Volume 11, Issue 2 January 2020 Piner High School Alumni Newsletter A joint publication of the Piner High School Foundation and Hall of Fame Volume 11, Issue 2 January 2020 ALBERT F. BIELLA WAS PINER HIGH’S FIRST PRINCIPAL Back in the 1960s, Santa Rosa met his wife, Ellen who taught in Richmond, and a Training was booming and another high at the same school. After five Officer for the Veterans Admin- school was needed, istration in Oakland. particularly for the fast- The Biella’s moved growing west side of to Santa Rosa and in town. By 1965, plans 1947, he returned to were made for Santa Ro- his teaching career at sa’s third high school and Santa Rosa High School before the new school as an English, science, even had a name, Albert and driver’s training F. Biella was selected as instructor, and the Pan- its first principal. While ther baseball coach. the physical structure During that same pe- was under construction, riod of time he was Principal Biella was also also the Principal at busy constructing a plan Santa Rosa High Night to give the new school School. With his teach- its “grand opening” in ing experience and the fall of 1966, with education, including a everything it needed to Master’s Degree in Ed- succeed. Principal Bi- ucation Administration ella did his job by open- from the University of ing the school on time California, Berkeley, with his all of his teach- and his innate leader- ers, staff and students in ship talents, his career place, even with portions shifted to school prin- of the school still being cipal first at Doyle Park built. years teaching chemistry and Elementary in 1950, math, performing administra- then was moved to be principal Albert F. Biella was born in Colo- tive duties as Vice Principal, at Slater Junior High from 1957 rado. He graduated from Louis- and coaching all the sports from to 1966. It was at Slater where ville High School, in Louisville, 1937 to 1942, he enlisted and he teamed up with Robert (Bob) Colorado and attended the Uni- served as a Lieutenant in the Zeni as the Principal/Vice Prin- versity of Colorado, graduating U.S. Navy, stationed in the South cipal dynamic duo who were in 1937 with a Bachelors of Sci- Pacific during World War II. eventually charged with open- ence degree in chemistry. That ing the new high school on Ful- same year he began his teaching After returning to civilian life, he ton Road. career at Roy Public High School, worked as a chemist for Stan- in Roy, New Mexico where he dard Oil Company of California Cont’d. on page 3 PinerPiner HHighigh School’sSchool's 1414th Annual Crab FeedFeed DinnerDinner SaturdaySaturday:: January 25, 2020 Friedman Event Center - 4676 Mayette AvenueAvenue RafflesRaff/es- – AuctionsAuctions - Dessert Auction Join in on our dessert auction and finish the night with one or more of the many specially prepared treats Reserved seatingseating with purchases of 10 or more tickets. 5:005:00 p.m. p.m. No HostNo Host Bar BarBeer/Wine Beer/Wine—Raffle & Silent & Silent Auction Auction 7:00 p.m. Dinner - $55.00$55.00 Per Person LimitedLimited seating seating so get so your order tickets early early Pick up your tickets at any Oliver'sOliver’s Market or Mail in your order with payment For information call (707) 571-7420571-7420 Crab Feed and Silent Auction Dinner 20192020 Menu Items:Items: Appetizers - Sa/ad-Salad – Bread-Bread – Pasta - Crab-Crab – Dessert-Dessert – Coffee/TeaCoffee / Tea Name ------------------________________________________________________ PleasePI ease print name Mailing AddrAddressess ________________________________________--------------- Phone Phone NumberNumber ---------------________________________________________ Make all checks payable to:to: PinerPiner High Hall Hall of Fameof Fame PO Box 1228412284 Santa Rosa, CA 95406 □ Please reserreserveve _ ______ ttickets,ickets, Check Check enclosed enclosed □ I amam unableunable toto attenattend,d, b butut have have enclosed enclosed a a t axtax- deductibledeductible contribution inin supportsupport ofof PinerPiner HighHigh School. School. ALBERT F. BIELLA WAS PINER HIGH’S FIRST PRINCIPAL (Cont’d.) Opening a new high school was no easy task requiring a significant amount of coordination and planning. The first year would have 9th, 10th and 11th graders, with the second year having 9th thru 12th. In addition to the selection and hiring of the administrative staff, and an enthusiastic and knowledgeable faculty, Principal Biella also helped students who were reluctant to leave Santa Rosa High. He worked to motivate and inspire Piner’s “firsts” to make the new school their own by let- ting them establish traditions such as school colors and a mascot, as they would be the first graduating class in 1968. It was the Biella/Zeni team that was instrumen- tal in breathing life into Piner’s newly formed “lungs” and giving the brand-new school its beating heart. Principal Biella was well respected and loved by his staff and students during his 13-years at Piner. At the time of his retirement in 1979, some of his colleagues shared their feelings – “It has been one of the high- lights of my professional career to have worked with and for Mr. Biella. He has always been an honest and just man. He has been a fine example to model one’s own career and life.” (Bob Zeni). “ Mr. Biella is an out- standing person. He has the unique ability to relate to people and programs, thereby creating a special at- mosphere among students and staff.” (Jim Underhill); “Best boss I’ve ever had. He has a marvelous sense of control over situations that would fell lesser men.” (Lee Torliatt); “His special gifts are kindness and thoughtful- Albert F. Biella devoted his life work to youth and edu- ness, he loved sports.” (Marie Spedick). Piner students cation. He was instrumental in building the founda- had shared sentiments regarding his kindness and tion that continues to support Piner High School over helpfulness, and wishing he remained their principal. 50-years later. In 1979, he was named Educator of the Albert F. Biella was also a dedicated family man, hus- Year by the Santa Rosa Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, the band and father. As well as an ardent SF 49er and SF national education fraternity. Sadly, Mr. Biella passed Giants fan. His wife Ellen, was an educator in Healds- away in 1985, at the age of 67. In his honor, the Santa burg. Their daughter, Jan went on to become a Pro- Rosa School District, in 1989, named its newest ele- fessor of Archeology in New Mexico. Their son, Scott, mentary school the Alfred F. Biella Elementary School. served in the United States Army, tragically he was He was definitely a product of the “Greatest Genera- killed in an auto accident in France after his discharge. tion” and is fondly remembered. Will Rogers was quite the cowboy, with all the wisdom of simple, honest folk. His words still ring with common sense today... Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable. Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf. 3 PINER HIGH FOUNDATION Thank you to all the Foundation members who have Piner supporters, etc. Membership includes two News- supported Piner High over the 16 years since the Foun- letters during the school year. dation was started by retired Piner staff, parents and alumni. We have done a lot over the years raising over If don’t want to join you can always make a donation $74,000 for classroom equipment and supplies that to the Piner High Foundation. Your $20 membership the teachers and students wouldn’t have otherwise or any donations are tax deductible to the extent of received due to limited district funding. These items the law under our 501(c) (3) non-profit status. If you helped enhance our students leaning and our teach- are interested in helping please call 571-7420. ers teaching abilities. Over the years the items have Thank you to those who recently renewed their included many computers, art supplies, text books membership for this school year: Edna Gaddie, in French, Spanish and English, projectors, cameras, Maureen Latimer, Izzy Derkos, Larry Olenberg- calculators, environmental items, and many different er, Ann and Merle Rossman, Jeanette Wilson, science items and supplies. But we have less than 200 Robert and Wendy Maccario, Jake Fitzpatrick, Foundation members, when there have been literally Martha Messana, Ursula Juricich, Dennis McCar- many thousands of Piner graduates since opened over thy, Tina Murray, Marilyn Reiss, Patty Michiels, 50 years ago. We can do so much more with your help. Steve Templeman, Kathy Denner, Kathy Perez In the last several years the Foundation has been Penrose, Cathy Slack and new member Mary working with a bare minimum of board members Montague. who are getting older and need new members to build An Extra Thank you to those who renewed and the Foundation to where it should be. So many more gave an extra generous donation: Chris Garcia, things can be done to help our students succeed in Joan Fleck, Arne Hoel, Larry Schalich, Charlie life. Piner High School has one of the best Science Albright, Rosemarie Cartier, Jill Thach, programs in the area with a state-of-the-art plane- Margaret Nelson, Casey Hillman, Jim Lanz and tarium that is nationally recognized, an observatory, Lisa Tiedeman. AND Thank You to the Class of and a variety of exceptional pathways—Geospatial 1979 who held there 40th reunion and afterwards Technology; Health, Science & Biotechnology; Culi- donated $265 to the PHS Foundation.
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