A Continuing Study of the Presence of African Descent Members Within the Various Lutheran Denominations Part 1, Let Me Get Started…
A Continuing Study of the Presence of African Descent Members within the various Lutheran Denominations Part 1, Let me get started…. Copyright 2018 1 Lutheran American Work with People of Color 1637- Missionary work on the western side of the Atlantic began in 1637, as [John Campanius], trained at Uppsala, was a Missionary to Indians in America, sent by the Church of Sweden. Jacob Fabritius is noted to have baptized a black man on Palm Sunday 1669, named Emanuel. He had black members of his congregations in Albany, New York City and northern New Jersey. Early American missionary/pastor, [Justus Falckner] entered the University of Halle in 1693, where he studied theology under [August Hermann Francke]. With his Halle training already in place, his ordination to the ministry in America was the first on the continent. His ministry in the Hudson River valley was not limited to the Germans at multiple locations as he continued the work of Fabritius. L.B. Wolf, DD. Ed., Missionary Heroes of the Lutheran Church, Fortress: (Wolf, 1975)Philadelphia, 1911. p.5 ch1. E. Clifford Nelson, The Lutherans in North America, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975 p.76-74. F. Bente, American Lutheranism, Volume I St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 1919, 25. Copyright 2018 2 Danish Work in the Virgin Islands 1666-today The Danish West Indies Company provided pastoral leadership for the Danish citizens who St. Thomas, in 1666, and establishing Frederik Church, celebrating their 350th anniversary October 29, 2016 Annexing the Island of St. John in 1717, Nazareth Lutheran Church established in 1720 Purchasing St.
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