S4nena Exercises Emphasize Melody, Pitch, Chords, Intervalsand Scales
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 205 315 RC 012 B28 AUTHOR Ott, Mary Lou, Comp. TITLE Small Schools Mnsic Turriculum, K-3: Scope, Objectives, Activities, Resources, Monitoring Procedures. The Comprehensive Arts in Education Program. INSTITUTION Educational Service District 121, Seattle, Wash.: washincton Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia. PUB DATE Ang 77 NOTE' 631p.: For related documents, see RC 012 825-827 and PC 012 829-851. EDPS PPICE MF03/PC26 Plus Postage. DES' RTPTOPS *Behavioral Objectives: Educational Objectives: *instructional Materials: LearningActivities: *Music Activities: Music Appreciation: *Music Education: Music Theory: Primary Education: *Resource Materials: *Small Schools: State Curriculum Guides: Student Evaluation ABSTRACT By following the Washington Small Schools Zurriculum format of listing learning objectives with recommendedgrade olacement levels and suggested activities, monitoringprocedures, and resources used in teaching, this music curriculum for grades K-3 encourages teacher involvement and decisior making. Goals for the proaram focus on the student, encouragina each to value the study of muslc and recognize its usefulness, to participate in theperformance of music, to create musical expression and to listento music. Moving (rhythm) ,singing (melody), playina, sharing, creating and listening are the maior concepts around which the curriculum is bUilt. Rhythm activities stress beat, duration, accent, meter, tempo andresponse. S4nena exercises emphasize melody, pitch, chords, intervalsand scales. Playing instruction includes introductionsto the science of sound, instruments and environmental sounds. Sharing involves acquiring appropriate performance behavior and valuingthe personal satisfaction resulting from musical performance. Creatingfocuses on- structure and composition. Listening explores appreciation,mood and express4on and careers. Included ir a final sectionare song samples, patterns, devised notation, song and listerina lists,a bibliography a-d a discography.
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