
°c Z MAY 23, 1970 $1.00 aQ v N SEVENTY -SIXTH YEAR 3 76 D Z flirt s, The International Music-Record-Tape Newsweekly

COIN MACHINE O r PAGES 43 TO 46 Youth Unrest Cuts SPOTLIGHT ON MCA -Decca in Disk Sales, Dates 2 -Coast Thrust By BOB GLASSENBERG - The MCA - Decca was already well- estab- NEW YORK -Many campus at Pop -I's Record Room. "The complex will be lished in Nashville. record stores and campus pro- strike has definitely affected our established as a two -Coast corn- In line with this theory, Kapp moters Records is being moved to the across the country are sales. Most of the students have pany, Mike Maitland, MCA Rec- losing sales and revenue because gone to the demonstrations in West Coast as of May 15. Sev- of student political activity. "The the city and don't have new ords president, said last week. eral employees have been students are concerned with records on their minds at the "There are no home bases any- shifted from Kapp's New York other things at the moment," moment. They are deeply moved for the progressive record operation into the Decca fold according to the manager of the (Continued on page 40) company." He pointed out that and Decca will continue to be a Harvard Co -op record depart- New York -focused firm. The ment in Cambridge, Mass. The shift of Kapp to is record department does much a "rather modest change," business with students in the FCC Probing New Payola Issues Maitland said, as part of the area. Most of its cus- By MILDRED HALL operation was already located tomers attend MIT, Harvard, or WASHINGTON -When re- challenged Forum on the West Coast. Radcliffe. "We are running by Commu- record and music publishing Maitland, who has been com- sales cording stars perform on a TV nications, Inc., which accuses companies. promotions but the students are show, but their appearances are WPIX, muting every third or fourth not buying. Now among other things, of WPIX -TV has acknowledged week that MIT has in fact paid for by a record failure to identify from the Coast to New closed down for the duration of sponsorship that there was a "check ex- York, left last week for Europe company or music publisher, is properly when performer pay- change ," but told the semester, sales will probably it enough to complete some business for the station to an- ments on the Clay Cole show the FCC that appropriate an- be even lower." During the last nounce that the appearance was deals. He said that Kapp would student strike were made through a "check - nouncements were made. WPIX in the Boston area, "arranged by" the company swapping" continue to be a vital label in the department manager said, - arrangement with operations manager Leavitt J. the MCA operation. or should the stricter legal word- Pop said that under the "ar- sales had actually increased. ing in the anti -payola law be re- Harry Meyerson, a&r pro - "But this time, the students feel quired, namely, "paid for or (Continued on page 78) (Continued on page 6) a little closer to the situation. furnished by" the company? Global Top 40 They are living the lyrics of This question may get a some of the final Radio Show Due records which we answer at the Federal Com- TRO Accents Now Mood sell. Why should they buy munications Commission, them ?" where By CLAUDE HALL a payola issue will be included The same holds true at in the contest over renewal of LOS ANGELES - Water- Memphis State University, where New York's WPIX -TV. The mark Enterprises Inc. will launch In Z5 -Tune Youth Pkg Larry Coyne, a student, works Channel 11 station spot is being the first worldwide commercial By MIKE GROSS syndicated Top 40 radio show NEW YORK - The Rich- TRO vice president, has pack- July 1, it was announced here mond Organization (TRO) is aged 25 songs, in lead sheet and Granz Joins Bronfman in last week by , presi- rolling out its catalog to meet print matter form, from the dent of the firm. Rounds, Water- the youth market's firm's catalog, for presentation mark growing de- Bidding for Buy of Verve chairman Tom Driscoll, mand for songs of substance to record company a &r men, (Continued on page 30) and meaning. Al Brackman, independent producers and LUGANO, Switzerland - change hands in exchange for artists. Norman Granz is eyeing a re- Bronfman's 18 percent share- turn to the ownership of Verve holdings in MGM. Ron Kass, Oliver Is Drug -Buster in The songs, according to Records. It's understood that former president of MGM Rec- Brackman, deal with civil and Granz is looking to get into the ords, is now international direc- human rights, and have antiwar, acquisition of the Verve label tor of Sagittarius. U.S.- Backed Radio Show antipollution and a n t i d r u g with Sagittarius Productions, a Granz, who's been headquar- By ELIOT TIEGEL themes. In the TRO catalog are such songs as film company backed by MGM tering in Switzerland for the LOS "We Shall Over- ANGELES Pop vo- Oliver taped his narration come," "If I shareholder Edgar Bronfman. past several years, sold the calist - Had a Hammer," Oliver has narrated a half - while in New York doing re- "Leave Them a Flower," It's been already reported in Verve label, which he founded, hour radio "Nee- Billboard documentary on cording work. He says he wel- dle of Death," "Waist Deep in (April 25) that if the to MGM in 1961 for about $3 drug abuse. The program was deal is completed, will comed working on the project the Big Muddy" and "What If the label million. prepared by the House Select (Continued on 8) Committee on Crime as a re- page (Continued on page 10) Fun & Games, 8 sult of its lengthy hearings in -Track Way Washington into crime and By EARL PAIGE narcotics traffic. Philippines Flip Pirates HIALEAH, Fla. The ers have been here trying to ac- The program has already MANILA -For the first time "If this cannot be curbed," world's - first coin operated quire Allied, or at least rights to been aired on about 400 sta- in the Philippines, the three said Manuel P. Villar of Mareco- amusement game utilizing pre- produce the game. tions, Oliver said, with a great major recording companies Filipinas," it will kill the legiti- recorded music on 8 -track CAR - Another firm that makes cabi- number of these outlets college mate Philippines record indus- tridges is being developed here nets for Allied's competitor has broadcasters. here are uniting to fight the try. We would be like Taiwan by Allied Leisure Industries. The refused to make Allied's cabinets The government committee manufacture of fake records. and other Asian countries game, a motorcycle driving ma- and the firm is now doing its selected Oliver (whose full The firms, Mareco -Filipanas, where only pirate records exist. chine, is the natural followup own woodwork. name is William Oliver Swof- Dyna Records and Super Rec- Piracy has to be stopped, by all to the now popular automobile Orders are piling up daily ford) after one of its members ords, known as the Big Three, means; to allow the illegal man - driving machines: from distributors who have saw him perform on a national placed ads in major newspapers ufacturing and importation of Two U.S. games manufactur- (Continued on page 45) television show. and magazines, hitting pirates. (Continued on page 64) (Advertisement)


BDS-5061 KSBS-2016 Three of our most respected artists are now on the verge of breaking onto the singles chart. Nina Simone, with her"BlackGold"album on the charts and an upcoming appearance at the Fillmore East, deserves all your support for her new single, "Whatever I Am (You Made Me):' Jack Jones has a new, top -40 flavored single, "Sweet Changesd/I Wish We'd All Been Ready." Both sides are powerful. From the Danny Davis and the Nashville Brass album, "You Ain't Heard Nothin'Yet" comes "Columbus Stockade " `/,,,"Wings of a Dove': The first side is a catchy 1:52 .

The new RCA Youngbloods single is on the Roger Whittaker- in America. charts where it belongs. "Darkness, Darkness," Whittaker is a big star in Belgium, the current Youngbloods hit, was released from France, Holland, Mexico, and their year -old album . Now we're releasing his "Elephant Moun- new album, "New World in the tain." Watch for Morning" in America. Get into the single to go all the composing, singing and the way, the album whistling of Roger Whittaker. to begin selling "Hair" in Seattle and again, and a new . Lately you can see RCA Youngbloods "Hair" almost anyplace.

album () . The recent Seattle and Discoverer wanted. Somebody's going to begin Detroit openings are being playing "Getting Straight" by P. K. Limited, supported by RCA from the sound track of the Records with local radio new Columbia movie starring and print advertising, Elliott Gould and Candice window displays, program Bergen. Be the first in your city. ads, etc. Each new opening contributes to the album's constant sales.

A constant market seems to be developing for "Oliver! ", just as it did for "The Sound Records of Music." ItC/1 and Tapes General News RCA Cuts Off Returns to intermesh Operation 'Go' July 31 in Strike Peril By ELIOT TIEGEL LOS ANGELES -Eight Cap- vin Schwartz; merchandising, that when he first joined the NEW YORK -Owing to the ora, "we're wating and wait- itol departments are now "inter- headed by vice president Rocky company he felt the challenge impending strike against RCA ing for credit on goods we've meshed" as part of an opera- Catena; promotion headed by facing him was to develop a pressing plants, the company returned because the distribu- tional design formulated by vice president Charlie Nuccio; system whereby sales could be has notified all record and tape tors can't move this returned label president Sal Innucci marketing maximized for the established distributors that no exchanges merchandise back to the fac- when he joined the company headed by vice president Reggie artist as well as the new ones or returns will be permitted tory because of the strike." nearly one year ago. Don En- Lavong; special products headed being developed. "We had a from May 8 through July 31, gland, the recently named vice by Oris Beucler, market re- very sound structure, but I had 1970. Should it become pos- president and general manager search headed by Bill Burkhal- to bring in manpower and then sible to accept exchanges and 'Tommy' Overture of the label's distributing cor- ter and advertising headed by galvanize and motivate people," returns prior to the end of July, Bought by poration (CRDC), oversees the manager Dennis Kaillees. Iannucci said. RCA will notify its whole- Atlantic "meshing" of the departments While some departments have salers. England, a former Columbia NEW YORK-Atlantic Rec- which are vital to each other. always been within the CRDC Records executive, now oversees In anticipation of the ex- ords has purchased "Overture During the past year Iannucci structure, Catena and Beucler pected strike, RCA recently a meshed, coordinated sales and From Tommy" by the Assem- has been working to coordinate used to report to Iannucci. marketing operation. had a discount program, giving bled Multitude, formerly on the various departmental functions Schwartz used to report to Karl A campaign for an LP now distributors 7 and one -half per- label, Eric. It is an so that there is "a Engemann, the a &r vice presi- coordinated begins with the cover, which cent off on catalog product-to instrumental version of a song plant flow from product incep- dent. Burkhalter used to report Iannucci feels "lays the basis that move product out of the fac- from the Who's rock -opera, tion until it is sold to the con- to Ed Khoury the vice presiden- tory into warehouses. Hot prod- "Tommy," and was produced sumer." England's appointment, tial controller. our marketing director Marvin Schwartz used to report to the uct, it is expected, will be by Bill Buster of American Rec- Iannucci said, caps the drive for Iannucci doesn't feel this is a &r department head, now given to outside pressing ord Sales, who negotiated the a new product flow system. overburdening England because but he is under England's aegis to plants. RCA is also arranging deal with Atlantic to are: is promotion Reporting England "each facet inexplicably allow to give distributors their nor- chief, Jerry Greenberg. Art, headed by director Mar- linked together." Iannucci said for a closer flow of ideas. mal discounts on prompt pay- Rocky Catena, the merchandis- ments, inasmuch as there may ing vice president, formerly re- be some dislocation owing to ported to Iannucci, Catena's the expected strike. project managers work with WB in 75G Push on P, P&M Karl Engemann's a &r depart- -The impending LOS ANGELES - Peter, around a special anniversary for distribution to outlets ment in formulating merchan- strike against RCA pressing Paul & Mary's 10th anniver- album shipped in mid -May and around the country and in Can- dising and marketing plans for plants hits Chicago area whole- sary as a team will be corn- titled "The Best of Peter, Paul ada. . "Our marketing salers and dealers at a time memorated by the biggest art- & Mary /Ten Years Together." Advance sales for the album philosophy," when the effects of the pro- ist promotion campaign in the The LP comprises 13 of their Iannucci said, "is that you work and tapes are reported to be on the artist, not his longed trucking strike have history of Warner Bros. Rec- . 250,000 units. Cumulative sales product. And we just don't work on compounded their problems. ords. The campaign starts the Among the titles in the al- of Peter, Paul & Mary prod- an artist for one month just be- "Not only is it extremely diffi- third week in May under the bum are "Don't Twice," ucts account for almost 15 mil- cult to get new goods in," said theme, "Ten Years Together." cause his album comes out "Blowin' ," "Day lion albums and tapes. then." Singer One -Stop's Fred Sipi- The program will be built (The Magic Is Done," "Puff In connnection with the trio's Under Iannucci's hand, Enge- Dragon)," "Leaving on a Jet current tour, two spe- mann has Roll restructured his a&r Plane," "I Dig Rock and cial engagements will be the department and given responsi- Music," "Lemon Tree," "If I focus of regional junkets and bility Outlyng Areas Hit as Chicago Much to department general Had a Hammer," "Too promotions by WB: two con- manager Mickey Kapp and exec- of Nothing," "For Loving Me," certs at June 8- utive producers Mauri Lathower Truck Strike Enters 6th Wk. "" and "500 9, and a Chicago Opera House and Artie Mogull, Miles." which frees By GEORGE KNEMEYER concert June 24. him to spend more time with The promotional campaign, , artists and outside producers. CHICAGO-The truck strike house manager for All Tapes which will cost approximately and Mary Allin Travers were "We've been trying to bring that began here six weeks ago Distributing, Inc. Stores 200 to $75,000 to launch and runs (Continued on page 8) different kinds of people into is affecting dealers in outlying 300 miles away are feeling from the third week in May a &r because we can't just be areas but not the ones in the about a day delay in getting through the last week in July, one face to the industry. There city. Wholesalers report that the merchandise. All Tapes has had has a number of features de- Stark Service are all kinds of people and all strike has not worsened business no trouble getting product in, vised by the Warner Bros. ex- kinds of music which have to be past the initial impact, but ad- but getting to stores outside of ecutive team: Centralized a t catered to." mitted the situation could grow Chicago is difficult. We're using Specially designed tape dis- As an example of "a new worse with a prolonged strike. air freight, Greyhound buses play units to be shipped to New Warehouse face," Reggie Lavong, the vice "We're out of more top 40 and other means. It costs more, outlets across the country. president of a new position, numbers than we usually are," but has to be done. An extensive consumer and NEW YORK -Paul David, marketing of rhythm and blues said Fred Sipiora, owner of Dealers within Chicago gen- trade press campaign running president of Stark Records Ser- product, works with England Singer One -Stop. "New albums erally agreed that the strike was through the period, stressing the vice, Inc., has centralized the and Engemann and Mogull are are sometimes difficult to get affecting them slightly. "If the entire Peter, Paul & Mary cat - firm's activities in its new presently in establish- and various accessories are very distributor or one -stop has the alog of albums on WB and 27,000 square foot warehouse ing ties with EMI, the parent hard to get. We're trying to use record, we can get it easily," with appearances during their facilities in the North Canton, firm, for a greater flow of air or the trucking companies said one store owner. Potential current concert tour. Ohio, Industrial Park. The com- English product into the U.S. that aren't striking. If the strike big sellers were hard to get A group of AM and FM pany formerly had an opera- A seasoned veteran of televi- persists it will definitely get occasionally, some said. radio spot buys heralding the tion in Cleveland known as sion and film negotiations while worse, although the record and John Sippel of Mercury Rec- anniversary for the U.S. and Stark Records, Inc., of Cleve- with CBS, Iannucci was responsi- tape industries haven't been hit ords said it is affecting advertis- Canada. The anniversary pro - land, which no longer exists ble for forming Capitol's new au- as hard as others." ing and promotion. "The corn- motion will be staged on a under this name. The North dio /visual department which is "The store owners in outlying pany doesn't know if the rec- worldwide basis following the Canton firm is engaged in mer- now into TV series develop- areas who are unable to drive ords we are promoting are in end of the domestic program. chandising records, tapes and ment, both live and animation. in are being affected the most," stock. It has been extremely A disk jockey and press mail - related items throughout the In that field, Capitol will be de- said Stew Greshbaum, ware- tough. It also has been difficult ing of special press kits. Midwest and Southern areas of veloping music for Hannah -Bar- to service radio stations with Distribution of advertising the U.S. (Continued on page 78) our product." He said also that kits to the company's dealers, The company operates a radio stations he has contacted rack jobbers and promotion chain of stores under the trade- Racusin Heads with are having a difficult task men, who have all met in re- mark name of Camelot Music. assembling accurate surveys gional get -togethers on the Camelot plans to add approxi- EMI Dickers since dealers sometime are hay- campaign. mately 40 small type stores un- ing trouble getting a hot prod- Special billboards and post- der the Camelot music banner Intl Division uct which normally would sell. ers which have been printed within the next five years. For Big 3 NEW YORK - Negotiations NEW YORK-Norman Ra- were under way last week for cusin, president of RCA Rec- acquisition of The Big 3, in- ords, will take over the direc- Local Rejects MBA on Racial Quotas cluding the key ASCAP cata- tion of the RCA Records Inter- logs of Robbins, Feist and national Department until re- LOS ANGELES -Musician gestion by some of our black During the three -hour ses- Miller, by EMI placements are set for Dario Union Local 47 has rejected members that . a racial quota sion, BMA charged that there Acting on behalf of EMI was Soria and Bernard Ness. Soria a suggestion by the Black Mu- be imposed on all employ- is "tokenism" in employing John Reed, chairman of the ment. We believe that talent, is leaving as division vice presi- sicians Assn. (BMA) that racial black musicians, citing the board. During midweek Reed was dent, Records International De- ability, and performance must on the quotas West Coast, talking to partment, and Ness resigned as be established for jobs be the criteria for employment, Academy Awards telecast or- principals of MGM, parent of managing director, Record Di- in the various entertainment in- as long as all musicians enjoy chestra as only employing four the publishing firm. vision, RCA Ltd., London. dustries. an equal opportunity to that blacks out of 50. The BMA The Big 3 is one of the tradi- Racusin indicated he will While noting that the local employment." wants a 25 percent quota sys- tional giant ASCAP publishing temporarily act in both capaci- "continues to stand against The suggestion that more tem invoked in the entertain- operations and also has a BMI ties and will spend a substantial racial or any other discrimina- black musicians be given em- ment fields, or it might file a affiliation, Hastings Music. amount of time in the immedi- tion in the employment of pro- ployment was broached by suit through the NAACP. Other principals are seeking ate future on- the -spot oversee- fessional musicians," its presi- members of the BMA at an Bill Henderson is the leader to raise money to acquire the ing the operation in Great Brit- dent John Tranchitella said the informal meeting with Local 47 of BMA. The organization num- Big 3. The trice is between $15 ain. union also opposes "the sug- on May 10. bers some 100 musicians. and $20 million.

Billboard is published weekly by Billboard Publications, Inc., 165 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. 10036. Subscription rate: annual rate, $30; single -copy price, $1. Second class postage paid at New York, N. Y., and at additional mailing offices. Current and back copies of Billboard are available on microfilm from 3M/1M Press, P.O. Box 720, Station, New York 10036. MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD 3 General News

CBS Spurns WB's Meet in L.A. to Draw 60 U.S., Canada Promo Men FTC Bid on LOS ANGELES -Sixty pro- Mahon, program director of motion men from the U.S. and KRIZ, Phoenix, and Kal Rud- Canada will attend a national man. staff meeting conducted by All facets of promotion and Reply Buffing Warner Bros. Records here on its involvement with various NEW YORK - The CBS Thursday through Saturday (21- radio formats will be discussed. Marketing Services Divison will 23) at the Century Plaza. New fall product will also be oppose the rule proposed by National promotion manager discussed. Speakers from the the Federal Trade Commission Ron Saul will conduct the record company will include which, in effect, would ban meetings highlighted by sev- label president Mo Ostin; ex- negative option and continuity eral guest speakers, including: ecutive vice president Joe selling. The Division, which Pat O'Day, station manager of Smith; national sales manager operates the Columbia Record KJR, Seattle; Al Newman, pro- Dick Sherman; marketing vice Club and other mail -order busi- gram director of KSFO, San president Joel Friedman; crea- ness, said that it takes pride in Francisco; B. Mitchell Reed, tive services vice president Stan program director of KMET- Cornyn and artist relations man- ROGER WILLIAMS, left, and Tom Dekker demonstrate computer con- its standards of operations, sole system. which go far beyond the ordi- FM, Los Angeles; Pat Mc- ager Walt Calloway. nary guidelines for consumer protection. The Division said that it London to Stage 3 Distributor , Organ Course questioned whether the spe- cific problems described by the Commission exist to any mean- Meetings on Metamorphosis By Computer Offered ingful extent. The Division sug- NEW YORK -London Rec- Terry in his Southern area op- gested that before the Com- ords will stage three special re- erations out of Memphis; Al NEW YORK -An automated to open centers in other cities mission formulates new rules gional distributor meetings in Mitnick in Detroit; Mel Turoff, teacher will be giving piano under company -owned or inde- eliminating a practice that has connection with a promotion covering the Far West out of and organ courses in more than pendently owned . obviously appealed to millions and merchandising drive on Los Angeles, and Dave Marshall, 200 outlets around the country Williams sees the computer of Americans for more than 40 Symphonic Metamorphosis, a out of Boston. before the end of the year via console system as a shot in the years, an intensive study of new rock group consisting of The meetings have been a music center chain sponsored arm for piano sales, which those problems and an assess- members of the Detroit Sym- called to kick off the group's by pianist Roger Williams. racked up a lower figure in ment of all possible solutions phony Orchestra. first album. London released in the chain, 1969 in 1920. should be made. The Division Other principals than "The big The meetings of distributors the group's first single, "Crea- which will be known as Roger problem in getting people, es- said that it will make every ef- tion" b/w "Reach Out," a few Williams Music youngsters interested fort to cooperate with the and their promotion staffers International pecially will be held in New York, weeks ago. Center, are Tom Dekker, inven- in Williams Commission in such a study. playing the piano," Tuesday (26); in Detroit, tor of the automatic electric said, "is the lack of proper Wednesday (27); and Los An- teaching system, and three teachers and proper instruction. Cotillion Acquires Evans, geles on June 2. The sessions businessmen: Sam The computer console system, UA's Stewart, will be helmed jointly by Herb 'What Can I Do Dick Powers and Sam Beck. which I call a `musical pinball Goldfarb, national sales and NEW YORK -"What Can I The computer console system machine,' puts an end to that Deutch to Coast distribution manager, and Walt was unveiled recently at the problem." Do" by Cora Washington, on Maguire, pop a &r manager for the Los Angeles label, MJ, has first Roger Williams Music The computer console will For Meetings the company. in S.C. The been purchased by Cotillion Center Greenville, give a 39 -week course, which NEW YORK -United Artists demonstration drew 10,000 to Williams said is equivalent to The meetings come as a cul- Records following negotiations Music Group's president Mike mination of the first part of a between Cotillion's vice presi- the Center. Plans are under way a four -year course given by an and executive vice pres- average teacher. Two courses Stewart grass roots promotion effort dent, promotion, Henry Allen ident and general manager Mur- currently being handled through and Lloyd McCraw of MJ Rec- have been designed for the corn- for Hollywood SESAC Exec on for ray Deutch leave London's regional promotion ords. The single is receiving puter console; one children Tuesday (19) to attend a series up to the age of 11, and one executives. These include Sam strong sales and in the U.K., Europe Tour of meetings with the firm's Cerami, out of Chicago; Stan area, said Allen. for adults. In addition to in- Coast staff, writers and pro- in the com- NEW YORK - W.F. Myers, struction playing, ducers. They'll be discussing fu- director of international rela- puter console gives instruction ture projects and will attend tions for SESAC, is on a I0- in arranging and composing. screenings on forthcoming pic- Fla. Forum Slated to Help week tour of Europe and Great According to Williams, after tures awaiting scoring assign- Britain to further expand the only three weeks of instruction ments. Set Videocartridge Royalty firm's involvement in the in- from the computer console, Stewart will leave for Del ternational market. anyone can play "Autumn Monte Lodge in Pebble Beach, COCONUT GROVE, Fla. - their opinions and proposals for Myers will visit some 13 coun- Leaves." Calif., Sunday (24), to attend The Underground Vegetables change to Summer Forum, c/o The computer console will tries including Norway, Sweden, meetings held by Transamerica will hold a summer forum to UVG, Box 434, Coral Gables, Finland, Denmark, France, Italy, b-! leased to studios at $300 Fla. 33134. Corp., UA's parent company. aid in establishing royalties, per- Switzerland, Germany, Austria, a month. The cost to the stu- Deutch will remain in Holly- dent for the 39 -week course will centages and rights associated According to a source close Spain, the , England, wood to continue meeting with Vegetables, XXVII be $225. to the comments and attend the CISAC Various record producers and with the videocartridge indus- will be analyzed and prepared World Congress of Authors and Headquarters for the Roger writers. try, at a time and place to be Williams International Music in a trend report to be pre- in the Canary Is- announced. sented before the forum. The lands. He will return to New Center will be at 1000 Ex- The forum is designed to give pressway Tower, Dallas, Tex. source added that new percent- York in early July. Bell Acquires record and tape manufacturers, ages and royalties will be made artists, producers, composers, known to everyone through di- Track LP of scriptwriters and publishers an rect printing on cartridge labels. opportunity to re- evaluate cur- Label identification will also re- 'Elephant' Film rent practices and make flect the list price and percent- changes where necessary. In This Issue NEW YORK -Bell Records ages paid to wholesalers. has acquired the soundtrack al- Persons interested in helping Meanwhile, UVG has de- CAMPUS 40 bum of the motion picture, "An to create standards for future veloped a lightweight, portable non -commercial video products CLASSICAL 48 Elephant Called Slowly." The videocartridge player that pro- film, which is being presented are being urged to forward jects on walls. It will also pro- COIN MACHINE WORLD 43 by the Walter Reade Organiza- duce 10 videocartridge releases 50 tion and released by Continental each month for use with the COUNTRY Films, stars Bill Travers and N.Y. NARAS in player. INTERNATIONAL 61 Virginia McKenna, the husband who were fea- Member Meeting 30 and wife team IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RADIO tured in "Born Free." Music for NEW YORK - The New SOUL 41 the film was composed by York chapter of the Record PULITZER PRIZE Howard Blake. Academy (NARAS) will have a TALENT 22 The film opens nationally combination "serious" and so- TO 'ECOMIUM' TAPE CARtridge 13 Wednesday (20). Bell Records cial membership meeting Tues- will release a single of the title day (26) at 7:30 p.m. in the NEW YORK - Charles FEATURES Hits of the World 71 song prior to the national open- A &R Studios, 799 Seventh Ave. Wuorinen's "Time's Ecomium" Hot Country Albums 55 ing and the album will be re- for synthesized and processed Music in Print ...... 8 The main topic will be the Hot Country Singles 52 leased in early June. problems facing producers, ar- synthesized sound has received Stock Market Quotations 10 As part of its promotion, Bell the Pulitzer Prize for Music, Hot 100 74 rangers and engineers in the Vox Jox 32 has arranged a Saturday morn- recording studio. believed to be the first electronic Labels' Disk Action Report .. 59 work ing screening for disk jockeys, Producers Mike Berniker and gaining this honor. Tape CARtridge Charts 20 retailers, press and their children, The work was composed be- CHARTS tentatively set for Saturday (23). , heading the mem- Top 40 Easy Listening 47 bership meeting committee, tween January 1968 and Janilary Best -Selling LP's .. . 58 1969 at the Columbia- Princeton Top LP's 68 will join with arranger Manny Best- Seainq Soul Albums . 42 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Albam and engineer Brooks Electronic Music Center here Best -Selling Soul Singles 41 Arthur in going over studio on a Nonesuch Record commis- RECORD REVIEWS For More Late News sion. It was released on None- Breakout Albums 58 Album Reviews ... 58, 70 problems. Father Norman J. See Page 78 O'Connor will moderate the such last July. Breakout Singles ..... 58 Single Rewiews ...... 76 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII panel. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII 4 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD CS 9895 True, has 13 gold records. And And now he's got a new album, "Raindrops Andy Williams there are some people who Keep Fallin' On My Head" featuring "Bridge think that's unlucky. Raindrops Keep Fallli Frankly we don't. But we don't mind Andy On My Head Over Troubled Water" by Paul Simon. And hit taking a little superstitious advice. INCLUDING: songs by Burt Bacharach and Mason Williams. BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER, ITS OVER LONG TIME BLUES/SWEET MEMORIES He's already got two albums well on BOTH SIDES NOW Which ought to be more than enough their way to becoming 14 and 15. to keep Andy Williams from getting hung up on the number "13."

On A and Tapes. General News Billboard Super K to Executive Turntable will be named president of ABC Records pend- The International Revamp With Jay Lasker Music-Record-Tape Newsweekly ing approval by the ABC board of directors. He will fill the was moved Billboard Publications, Inc., 165 W. 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10036 post vacated several months ago when Larry Newton Area Code 212, PL 7 -2800 Cable: BILLBOARD NEWYORK into other areas with the parent ABC organization. Lasker has President, WILLIAM D. LITTLEFORD British Accent been a part of the ABC family as vice president and general Vice President of Business Publications, HAL COOK NEW YOR K -Super K Rec- manager of its Dunhill subsidiary. Lasker will continue to oper- Publisher: MORT L. NASATIR Associate Publisher: LEE ZHITO ords is being revamped and will ate from the company's Los Angeles headquarters. Before be serving as a springboard for coming to Dunhill, he was associated with Vee-Jay Records. a new wave of British product, * * EDITORIAL manager * according to general Herb Eisman appointed general professional manager of Hy Gold. Jeffrey Katz and Jerry EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Paul Ackerman and Van Stock (ASCAP) part of the EDITOR IN CHIEF: Lee Zhito Kasenetz, principals in Katz - Jobete (BMI) and Stein is vice president of DEPARTMENT EDITORS Associates, have been Motown music complex. Eisman a former Kasenetz Loesser's pub- MUSIC EDITOR: Paul Ackerman : Bill Williams (Nash) in England the past five months BMI, West Coast and general manager of Frank GOSPEL MUSIC: Bill Williams (Nash) ASSOCIATE MUSIC EDITOR: Mike Gross writers and artists and lishing companies. : Ed Ochs signing RADIO & TV: R. Kent Claude Hall : Fred Kirby producing groups. Buddah Rec- Vice president, Qatron Corp., Rockville, Md., R. TAPE CARTRIDGE: Bruce Weber (L.A.) TALENT: Mike Gross ords distributes the Super K White named president products division, which is responsible MACHINE WORLD: Earl Paige (Chi) CAMPUS: Bob Glassenberg COIN label. for development and production of tape cartridge changers... . INTERNATIONAL NEWS and SPECIAL ISSUES EDITOR: Ian Dove "Fifty percent of the product ART DIRECTOR: EDITOR: Dick Rose joins Astro Sales, Cleveland, electronic and con- Virgil Arnett COPY Robert Sobel on Super K Records will be CHARTS: Director, Andy Tomko; Manager, Ira Trachten sumer rep firm as a principal.... John P. Courtney appointed REVIEWS d PROGRAMMING SERVICES: Director, Don Ovens British from now on," Gold said, the credit manager, CBS EVR division. He is a former corporate adding that Freddie & Corp., New York. EDITORIAL NEWS BUREAUS Dreamers, the Ivy League, and credit manager, Studebaker-Worthington * * * CHICAGO, ILL. 60601, 188 W. Randolph. Area Code 312, CE 6 -9818 Graham Gouldman had been Bureau Chief, Earl Paige signed, among other artists. Emil Cadkin, musical director and arranger of Columbia LOS ANGELES, Calif. 90069, 9000 Sunset Blvd. Area Code 213, 273.1555 Freddie & the Dreamers and the Pictures and Screen Gems, has been appointed music director Bureau Chief, Eliot Tiegel Ivy League had many hit rec- of popular product at American Tape Duplicators. Jim Corn- NASHVILLE, Tenn. 37203, 1905 . Area Code 615, 327 -2155 to bring Bureau Chief, Bill Williams ords a few years ago; field, formerly of Everest Records, joins American Tape as back as current chart art- WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005, 71113 15th St., N.W. Woodward Bldg., Rm. 533. them music director of classical product. Edward O. Praeger has been Area Code 202, 393 -2580. Bureau Chief, Mildred Hall ists, Katz, Kasenetz and Gold named vice president of Ponder & Best's new electronics di- LONDON: 7 Carnaby St., London W.I. Phone: 437 -8090 are launching a promotion trip vision. . . . Robert Gamm, public relations director at Sony/ Cable: Billboard London, Bureau Chief, Mike Hennessey themselves to visit air personali- Daniele Prevignano lonio . . . Bratel has been appointed ad- MILAN, Piazzle Loreto 9, Milan, Italy. Tel: 28.29.158., Bureau Chief, ties and distributors in key mar- Superscope, has left. Jack TOKYO, Shin -Nichibo Building 2 -1, 1 -Chome Sarugaku -Cho, Chiyoda -Ku. Tel: 294 -76-22. kets. ministrator of sales projects at Liberty /UA. Bureau Chief, Malcolm Davis. * * * FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS Joseph P. Gowan named vice president in charge of admin- Record group, responsible for AUSTRIA: Manfred Schreiber, 1180 Wien XVIII, Kreuzgasse 27, Austria. Tel: 43.30.974. Meaux Sues istration, GRT BELGIUM: Rene VanDerSpeeten, Grote Baan 148. Herdersem (bij Aalst), Belgium. Tel: (053) 29591 administration of the group's labels (Chess BRAZIL: Henry T. Johnston, Av. Rio Branco 25, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tel: 23 -4977. group, Janus, Neptune and GRT). Gowan is CANADA: Richie Yorke, 32 Spencer Ave., Toronto 3, Canada. Tel: (416) 368 -7851, Ext. 455. Thomas for administration, Chess CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Dr. Lubomir Doruzka, Vinohradska 2, Praha Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Tel: a former vice president, 22.09.57. Records and is a previous director of admin- EIRE: Ken Stewart, Flat 5, 141, Rathgar Road, Dublin 6, Eire. Tel: 97.14.72. $1 Million istration, Metromedia Records. Gowan also FAR EAST: worked at CBS Records as director of ac- Japan: Malcolm Davis, Shin -Nichibo Building 2 -1, 1 -Chome Sarugaku -Cho, Chiyoda -Ku. - Music Enter- New Zealand: J. P. Monaghan, c/o Box 79, Wellington, New Zealand. prises, Inc., headed by independ- counting. Philippines: Oskar Salazar, 1032 Matimyas St., Sampaloc, Manila. ent Huey P. GOWAN Sam Beasley named regional promotion FINLAND: Kari Helopaltio, Perttula, Finland. Tel: 27.18.36. Meaux, has sued artist B.J. manager, east coast, r&b, Columbia Records, based in Silver FRANCE: Michael Way, 41, rue des Favorites, 15. Tel: 532.81.23. here in district court 48.000 and 43.329. Thomas Spring, Md. He is new to CBS and is a former GREECE: Lefty Kongalides, Hellinikos Vorras, Thessaloniki. Tel: for $1,050,000. This is the sec- HOLLAND: Bas Hageman, Hymnestraat 9, Apeldoorn, Holland. Tel: 19647. promotion manager, Schwartz Bros. Distribu- in a that also HUNGARY: Paul Gyongy, Derek Utca 6, Budapest, Hungary. Tel: 35- 88.90. ond stage campaign tors, Washington. He also handled promotion lawsuit in the Su- INDIA: Hugh Witt, P.O. Box No. 524, New Delhi, India. Tel: 46176. involves a in the -Washington area for Para- ISRAEL: Avner Rosenblum, 8 Gezzer St., Tel Aviv, Israel. Tel: 23.92.97. preme Court of New York Scepter Records and af- mount (Dot) Records.... Phil Carson appointed LATIN AMERICA: against . Argentina: Ruben Machado, Lavalle 1783, Buenos Aires, Argentine. filiated firms regarding B.J. European general manager, Mexico: Enrique Ortiz, Nueleo Radio Mil, Insurguntes Sur 1870, Mexico 20, D. F. Thomas masters and copyrights. He has been Atlantic label manager in England Puerto Rico: Antonio Contreras, 26 Gertrudis St., Santurce. In Houston, Meaux charges that for the last year. U.K. label manager is now Montevideo, Uruguay. Uruguay: Carlos A. Martins, CX8 Radio Sarandi, he had a three -year contract to Roger Holt, who has been with the Polydor BEASLEY POLAND: Roman Waschko, Warszawa 45, Magiera 9 m 37, Poland. Tel: 34.36.04. manage Thomas and had exer- promotion department in London. Polydor is Atlantic's U.K. SCANDINAVIA (Denmark and Norway): Espen Eriksen, Bestumveien 21d, Oslo, Norway. Tel: to Oc- 55.71.30. cised an option extending licensee. . . . Robert Jamieson appointed regional manager, SPAIN: Joaquin Luqui, Donoso Cortes 56, Bapo C, Madrid 15. Tel: 243.96.60. tober 1971, plus a recording region, Epic labels, based in Chicago. Tel: 075022465. north central 'Columbia SWEDEN: Kjell Genberg, P.O. Box 84, 137 01 Vasterhaninge, Stockholm, Sweden. contract. Meaux claims Thomas He was previously promotion manager for Epic and the Co- SWITZERLAND: Bernie Sigg, Im Winkel 7, 8600 Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerland. Tel: 85.85.48. failed to live up to his contract. lumbia Custom labels in the Detroit area. UNION OF S. AFRICA: Meaux is suing Africa. In New York, Clive Calder, 38 Carisbrook St., Sydenham, Johannesburg, South for $1,250,000, plus an account- * * * WEST GERMANY: Clarence C. Rubin named manager of ASCAP's Portland, Munich: Ursula Schuegraf, Prinzegentenstrasse 54, Munich 22, West Germany. Tel: 29.54.32. ing of his share of the profits Hamburg: Coin: Walter Mallin, 334 Wolfenbuttel, Hermann -Loos -Weg 6, West Germany. Tel: on Thomas' records, plus return Oregon office. He was previously associated with the society's (05331) 3267. of masters and various copy- Boston office. Richard J. McDonough named manager of YUGOSLAVIA: Borjan Kostic, Balkanska 30, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Tel: 64.56.92. rights. ASCAP's office. He is a former manager of the Newark office.... Bob Spencer named national sales director of Audio SALES National franchise division, subsidiary of Music by Jupiter. 2 -Coast Thrust Spencer is a former eastern regional manager of ITCC. Continued from page 1 DIRECTOR OF SALES: Ron Carpenter ADVERTISING MANAGER: Ronald E. Willman * * * PRODUCTION MANAGER: Bob Phillips PROMOTION DIRECTOR: Murray Dorf ducer for Kapp, has been Nat LaPatin appointed New York field promotion repre- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER: Miles T. Killoch (New York) returned to the Decca op- sentative, RCA Records. A former RCA executive, LaPatin DIRECTOR: Milton Gorbulew (New York) CIRCULATION eration. Other staff changes will joins RCA from regional promotion manager for MGM Rec- REGIONAL OFFICES probably not be too extensive. ords.... Ann Purtill named account executive in the New York PETER HEINE, Manager of Regional Office Operations, Los Angeles In today's record scene, CHICAGO: Ill. 60601, 188 W. Randolph. Area Code 312, CE 6 -9818 office of Gershman Swaney and Gibson, publicity firm. She was Regional Publishing Director Maitland feels the location of a Tom Herrick, formerly in the feature department of Vogue. . . . Lewis Roth NASHVILLE, Tenn. 37203, 1905 Broadway. Area Code 615, 327 -2155 company is no longer as im- Robert Kendall, Regional Publishing Director portant as it was many years named managing director of publications for affiliates of Frank LOS ANGELES: Calif. 90069, 9000 Sunset Blvd. Area Code 213, 273 -1555 Music Corp. He has previously been associated with Mills Mu- Willis Wardlow, Regional Publishing Director ago. "You could probably go to LONDON: 7 Carnaby St., London W.I., Phone: 437 -8090 Des Moines, although that's an sic, Shapiro- Bernstein, Sam Fox and most recently MCA Music Andre de Vekey, Regional Publishing Director exaggeration, of course. But (Continued on page 8, musicians INTERNATIONAL SALES there are excellent and recording studios every- : Andre de Vekey, Billboard Publications, 7 Carnaby St., London W.I. you'll find Phone: 437 -8090, Cable Billboard, London where today ... and Italy: Germano Ruscitto, Billboard Gruppo sri., Pizzale Loreto 9, Milan. Tel: 28.29.158 creative talent almost anywhere. that he wanted to get Spain: Rafael Ravert, Ponzano 26, Madrid 3, Spain. Tel: 234.71.30 He said RECORDS INC. Benelux, Czechoslovakia, France, Hungary, Poland, Scandinavia, West Germany. some new artists for the Kapp MIO INTERNATIONAL Johan Hoogenhout, Smiroffstraat 40, s- Hertogenbosch, Holland. Tel: 47688 label and "get it going 76 -22. Japan: Shin -Nichibo Building 2 -1, 1 -Chome Sarugaku -Cho, Chiyoda -Ku. Tel: 294- stronger." Mexico: Enrique Ortiz, Nueleo Radio Mil, Insurguntes Sur 1870, Mexico, 20, D.F. Puerto Rico: Antonio Contreras, 26 Gertrudis St., Santurce, Puerto Rico Venezuela: Christian Roux, Radio Exitos 1090, Calle El Retiro, Qta. Vilma, El Rosal, Earth Island Inked Caracas, Venezuela To Rare Magnetism Subscription rates payable in advance. One year, $30 in U. S. A. (except Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico) and Canada, or $50 by airmail. Rates in other foreign countries on request. NEW YORK -Earth Island, 111 Subscribers when requesting change of address should give old as well as new address. has Published weekly. Second -class postage paid at New York, N. Y., and at additional mailing Philips recording group, offices. Copyright 1970 by Billboard Publications, Inc. The company also publishes signed an exclusive publishing Amusement Business, Discografia Internazionale, Gift & Tableware Reporter, Merchandising Week, Record Mirror, Record Retailer, Vend, contract with Rare Magnetism World Radio Television Handbook, American Music headed by . Artist, High Fidelity, Modern Photography, has more than 15 will the new logo for its recors Photo Weekly. Postmaster, please send Form ABP Earth Island MIO INTERNATIONAL shortly debut 3579 to Billboard Publications, Inc., 2160 songs already published dealing and tape releases. It will also be used on all advertising and promo Patterson St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. Vol. 82 No. 21 mainly with ecology. tional material. 6 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Reprise leeringly invites you to win a T -shirt that will DRIVE THE GIRLS WILD WITH DESIRE

You say that you're not making it with the local lovelies? That sating flesh, are a divine shade of yellow designed to flatter even when you make Paul McCartney eyes at alluring little honeys the swarthiest complexion, are of the three -buttons -at- the -neck in violet hip- huggers they respond by frowning and suggesting, style recently made all the rage by your sharper English groups, "Jerk off, loser "? That even the offer of a seat next to you at a appealingly reveal the wearer's fashionably skinny arms (being concert is insufficient inducement for a far -out short -sleeved), and feature an enticing likeness of sexy Tull nubie to spend part of an evening with you? leader somewhere in the vicinity of the right boob. Then, fella, whatchoo need is a SUPER- OUTTA- SIOHT- Available in the splendid sizes of medium and large, they may JETHRO -TULL -T -SHIRT of the sort worn by the fullest - be worn with equal success by members of any sex. handed rakes everywhere. We, in our customary fiscally unsound way, are giving 1000 These eye- catching sartorial of these wonders away. Free. groovies, which are guaranteed All you have to do to win one for your very own is : (1) fill to reduce even the haughtiest of out coupon below, and (2) get it back to us, complete down to lovelies to a mound of hot pul- the exact playing time of the first side of LIKE JETHRO TULL

Jethro Tull's latest hysterically -acclaimed album (surely you didn't expect us to give you something without first trying to trick you into buying something first), which information may be gleaned from the album's label, which you have to remove the cellophane to get to. So why dontcha in one real hurry send us the required so that we can rush you a Tull T -shirt that's certain to transform you overnight into a churning urn of burning .

Allow 6 weeks for delivery. Offer good in U.S.A. and Canada ONLY.

Beau Brummel Dept. 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, California 91505 Dear sharpies: The exact playing time of Side One of BENEFIT, which I obviously own, is My size, in case I'm one of the first 1000 entrants, is medium, large. General News Oliver Antidrug Campaign Continued from page I then her father speaks out on derground act or the act which the dangers of drugs. people associate with the under- By ED OCHS because of his concern for the ground are good crusaders to As a performer, Oliver re- growing drug epidemic and publicly downgrade hard drugs. YOU COULD pour over their faces, eyes bursting against their fuses to use songs with an overt after he realized the program This kind of performer can cheeks and tunneling into rich tissues of thought, while the cameras or a covert reference to drugs. was not being "Moralistic or persons who do not asso- played upon their souls like an x -ray device with feelings. You could "A lot of pop groups have done reach chauvenistic in its approach to ciate with Oliver, he feels, for inspect George's yellow teeth, caved across each other like fallen a disservice by glamorizing drugs." his efforts in the radio show, tombstones, or Ringo's sheepish sentimentality. The camera was The show is drug usage," he said. "Maybe built around a Oliver was presented a plaque cruelest to Paul, so vulnerable to his music and his vanities, while it didn't seem that way at the "fable and fact format." One by the Government on Dick honest John looked down his Roman nose, signal of the middle - time, but the whole drug scene example Oliver offers is "the Clark's "American Bandstand" class thinker. And though "Let It Be," the film, turns you on beau- has been glamorized to a point fable that marijuana is an ad- show over ABC -TV. tifully to , self - flattery becomes self- defeating in what where a lot of young people dictive narcotic. The fact is it Several weeks ago, while do- amounts to a pseudo- cinema verite attempt to canonize them. In who can't cope with drugs have is not an addictive narcotic, in ing college , Oliver ran the end, what you have discovered about the Beatles becomes the which one tried them and are getting what you learn suffers withdrawl a flurry of questions from sole function and communication of the film, and messed up." into symptoms. But it may be psy- collegiate reporters about the or contrive about the Beatles cannot be judged on whether you found what you chologically addictive like to- Oliver feels the flurry of radio show. He doesn't voice out enough, were given enough information or even liked Be" just is. bacco or alcohol." drug- oriented songs has hit its concern over drug abuse when discovered. It is human and beyond review. "Let It also read case histories is Oliver peak, and he aware of artists working before an audience. Hello Goodbye of drug use, followed by the now p u b l i c l y campaigning His prime concern is to be an issues, the film pretends to be just enter- individual's own version of his against drugs. He heard a radio Consciously purged of entertainer. But an entertainer, as points as a live rock concert. It is experience. spot by in San tainment, with about many he admits, has a platform from admiration, yet the film manages to end There is a reference to Art Francisco, in which he raps based upon that Beatle which to meaningfully com- with the album, unseen by the Big Brother eye of the Linkletter's daughter who corn - speed. "I know some other acts brilliantly municate on serious topics. as the many edited songs and broken, seemingly hopeless mitted suicide because of LSD. who have shown an indication camera, all Should record companies get are healed together in one svelte action. "Let It Be," About the girl, Oliver says: they might do antidrug com- communications involved in creating antidrug in its own right (Lennon might say), is revolutionary, for not only "Cause of death, a bad trip," mercials." Oliver feels the un- documentary albums? "I don't does the last act take place outside the movie theater, to linger in feel record companies will start the ritual that comes with every new Beatle record, but it also sig- spending money altruistically on nals the day of filmed rock concerts, both of festivals like Wood- educating people about drugs." stock and luminaries like Joe Cocker. A new movie rage, curiously Broadcasters on the other similar to the documentary, has probably been born from this "live" Music In Print hand, can play the radio show farewell flick from that defunct British rock group, the Beatles. John, and develop their own studies, Paul, George and Ringo reveal more of themselves in "Let It Be," By ALAN STOLOWITZ he feels. Stations which would a fit ending for the four moppet dolls who, for the good part of a The pop tune is one of music's marvels. A delightful thing, it like to obtain copies of the decade, have danced and squealed as the creative playthings of a breaks on the air one day, spins wildly to an enchanted audience Crime Committee's program, great mass who built an economy around their pleasant music. and disappears in an instant. It's longevity, however fleeting, has should write to Steve Abrams, Film of a Fall insured the survival of the industry. House Select Committee on The film opens up into a peaceful high, the Beatles enjoying The May Fly, one of nature's miracles, is condemned from Crime, House of Representa- the obvious enchantment of their bodies and their music. They are birth and any struggle against its destiny is futile. Can we say the tives, Washington, D.C. rehearsing in one and twos, then together, dropping out their tongues same for the tunes? as they sing in play. Tension gathers like a distant storm of rains to By this we've come recognize very time, to and rely on those come, when McCartney preaches a puffed -up sermon of past hits special tunes that transcend their obsolescence. Through a curious Seek Posts and new theory to Harrison, who gets annoyed. In the spectral light mixture, the tune is transformed into a Song. The Song, differentiated 43 of the camera, McCartney is penetrated and betrayed by his fear of from the song, leans progressively less and less on style. The owner- the powerful glass eye; he sweats conceit as a shield and swoons is ship of the song given up, and as band, group, orchestra, sym- like a small -time ham, a reluctant Casanova. It seemed to be his rap, phony, chorus and string -strummin amateur call it their own, the and when he laid it on Lennon, his partner simply turned himself off Song rises Phoenix -like from the ashes of so many forgotten tunes. On L.A. NARAS after failing with a word in edgewise. Yet Paul is a shining con- The inevitable dilemma is that we are forced to choose: to opt temporary genius who can imitate and surpass, and although he has LOS ANGELES Forty - for the May Fly, whose light burns fast and furiously or for the - too deeply from his own exploits, tallying like an address three candidates are vieing for drunk Phoenix, slow to rise but strong with endurance. his old bags and big hits, he has a classical cleverness, a way with 21 upcoming vacancies on the Shall we put our heads together? Brian Williams of Q -R -S swing and love calls. He can imitate all the romantic board of governors of the local sentimental Music says yes. Do you? that have preceded him, then better them, and though he NARAS chapter. Members will styles News weakens and cannot look straight into the camera when he sings elect two from each classifica- From the Soviet Union comes word that "Muzika" (Music) State "Let It Be." He is beautiful when his heart swells with his saintly tion to serve two -year terms. Publishing House will publish a translation of Igor Stravinsky's mother Mary. John is loyal and egoless to his music. Intensely into There will be three in the "Dialogues with Robert Craft." The book is to appear on sale in his thing ( "Dig It" with Billy Preston) Lennon is a rock talent the classical field. The new electees August with a first printing of 25,000 editions. equal of McCartney, and as if a compliment to Paul's small sphere, will be seated in June. The Good luck to recently- formed (January, 1970) North American Lennon is hip, slick and worldly. Yoko pleases him with her all - candidates are: Publishers on their new relationship with Irving /Almo Music. condoning countering pop-oriented games, and meditates heavily Vocalists: Tom Kenny, Bill The following selections are from Kane's "Top Notch Picks of between Lennon and McCartney like a statement of silent denial. Lee, Jackie Ward and Bob the Week" (May 11): "The Best of Tom Jones" Books One & Two, George is a wooden musician, a soldier in the service of his music Zwirn; conductors: Mort Gar - "Let it Be Song Album," "Frigid Pink," and "Tommy Roe's Greatest who never quite looks into the glass eye. Ringo fights like a sad - son, Jimmy Jones, Mike Post Hits." Songs on the rise include "Puppet Man," "Roadhouse Blues" eyed clown to keep his hair out of his eyes, and during "Two of Us and Pat a pro- and "Up Around the Bend." Williams; &r (On Our Way Home)" his eyes are lost in nostalgia and emotion; his ducers: Flo - New Folios , John head tilted wistfully to one side, deep in the beat of feet marching. rez, Ted Glasser and Jackie and Of timely interest are books for weddings. Big 3 has a new one marching home. I'm sure the making of the film changed them, Mills; : Dick Ad- for C &G chord organs titled "21 Wedding Songs." It has all the if it contributed to their separation, to the loss of these personalities drisi, Bodie Chandler, Jerry Ful- re- traditional tunes and marches. Also available from Warner -Bros. gelling together, then "Let It Be" is not only the Beatles' last ler, Graeme (Jeremy) Krons- had resulted in are "32 Wedding Songs" and a series of books called "To Have and cording session together, but a routine event that berg and Ric Marlow; engi- to Hold." The series is available for all instruments and price is $2.50. 19 albums but this time ended in tragedy. neers: William (Pete) Abbot, North -American has "Red Hot" a mixed folio of pop and Dick Bogert (incumbent), Jay country chart hits including "Wonderful World," and "Jimmy Cliff" Ranellucci and Dave Weich- "Beautiful My and several others. People," "Come Into Life" man (incumbent). new series piano titled "Music for Chappell's Ian Lake of books Also, musicians: Mike Barone. Young Pianists" is termed a forward approach to the keyboard. Jules Chaikin, Clark Gassman Executive Turntable It's available in three volumes, Grades A, B & C. and Paul Humphrey; arrangers: is in production. Cimino reports that a new Melanie folio Bob Alcivar, Harry Betts (in- Continued from page 6 includes tunes West -Coast's "From Broadway to the Charts" cumbent), Artie Butler and from "Finian's Rainbow," "Paint Your Wagon," "My Fair Lady" board of MPA and the Gene Page Jr.; art director - (as director of publications). He is on the and many more from the really big shows. literary editor: Leonard Feath- Council. Big -3 covers several markets nicely with "Laurindo Almeida- er (incumbent), Stu Langer, Ed * * * Contemporary Moods for Classical ," a very handsome book; Thrasher and Tom Wilkes; Arnold Gosewich named executive vice president and gen- a cute book; "Valhalla Music Book" "Animal Alphabet," children's spoken word - children's - doc- eral manager, (Canada) Ltd., a position va- containing the songs of Mark Mangold & Valhalla and "21 Pop umentary- comedy: June Foray, cated by Ron Plum who joins Capitol Industries, Los Angeles. Favorites," including "Sunny," "Proud Mary," "Crimson and Clover," Milt Larsen (incumbent), Gary Gosewich was president and treasurer of Sherman Enterprises, "Groovin" and more. Owens (incumbent) and Jack and rack that was acquired by Capitol in De- New Sheets retail operator Wagner; classical: James Decker, cember, 1968. He is a former vice president, group marketing, Cimino reports that Melanie's hit "Lay Down /Candles in the Mario Guarneri, Edgar Lustgar- with Capitol (Canada). . Barbara Davies named director of Rain" (34) is available. Additional arrangements include SSA and ten (incumbent), Robert Myers a administration, Polydor Inc. She is a former secretary and SATV. Also available is "That Same Old Feeling" (98) by the (incumbent), Dorothy Remsen &r Kapralik, , and a Fortunes and by Picketty Witch. and Ken Watson. administrative assistant to David Warner-Bros.' new sheets include "Carry On" by Crosby, Stills, director of east coast operations for Daedalus and Stone Flower Nash & Young," "Come Running" (64) by Van Morrison, "Cinnamon Productions. Girl" (54) by the Gentrys and by with Crazy Horse and P, P & M Promotion * * * "If You do Believe in Love" (81) by the Tee Set. Smiley Monroe joins Central Songs, a division of Beechwood Continued from page 3 Big -3 has "Buffalo Soldier" by the Flamingos. Music, as promotion manager.... Jack Warfield joins American Hansen's sheets include "You Make My Day" by Trini Lopez, all performing professionally - Records, Los Angeles retail chain as general manager. He was "What I'm Saying Is True" by Steam, "Daddy Come and Get Me" though separately - as folk previously Vanguard's Western regional sales manager.... Bob hit "Ap- in 1969. All by Dolly Parton, "Backstage Babble" from the Broadway singers New York in Garcia named publicity director at A &M. He has been on the plause," "Mr. Moonlight" by the Beatles and "Soolaimon" (31) by were brought to the attention company's PR staff for several years. . . . Tim Lane joins Neil Diamond. of personal manager Albert Records as national director of sales and promotion. North American's recent releases include "Come Into My Life" Grossman, who put them to- Prophesy album by Jimmy Cliff, "God Only Knows" by the Vogues and "Don't gether as a team in 1960. They He was formerly Atlantic Records assistant director of Worry Baby" by the Tokens. joined WB in 1962. sales and marketing. a MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Gimme Shelter..

SisterBaby Meriy Clayton

She's Merry Clayton on Ode 70 sk Billy Harper

ributed by ASA' Records, 1416 V. La Brea, Hollywood, California 90028 Financial News

lll IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII lllIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ABKCO's Earnings 'COPS' IN SSS NAL in Chapter 11 PROMO CAPER Up in Six Months NASHVILLE - Officers in Looks to New Chapter NEW YORK ABKCO In- or $66,000 for the correspond- uniform approached Top 40 NEW YORK - The North Bros. -7 Arts, Starday/ King Re- dustries had earnings of $1.19 ing six months ended March 31, and radio sta- American Leisure Corp_ (NAL) cording, A &R Records, Bell tions in 30 key markets Mon- per common share for the six 1969. has applied for bankruptcy Records, , day (18) searching for informa- months ended March 31. Allen An extraordinary item status under Chapter 11 of the White Whale Records, the tion about an ex- convict named Klein, ABKCO president, ex- amounted to $500,000 in the Federal Bankruptcy Act. The organization, David Allan Coe. The officers plained that this amount repre- current semiannual period as a application filed May 13, makes the Harry Fox Agency, Auto- asked to see the program direc- an operating profit of 74 result of the utilization of tax NAL major tape matic Radio, and Skye Record- sents tors by name and, in most cents per share or $827,000 as losses carried over from prior duplicator in the last three ing Corp. cases, actually induced the pro- contrasted with 6 cents per share periods. Extraordinary items for weeks to apply for this status. The company, headed by gram director to play the record the corresponding six months On April 21, the International Larry Finley, has indicated that (which they'd just received) for ended March 31, 1969, aggre- Tape Cartridge Corp. (ITCC) it is desirous of reorganizing them in gated $224,000 resulting from their "search." of Fairfield, N.J., also applied its structure and has listed as- It was all a promotion stunt losses on securities of $140,000; for and received bankruptcy sets in excess of $1.5 million, Shelby Singleton, and an extraordinary gain on the arranged by status. with on -hand orders topping EXPERIENCE president of Shelby Singleton purchase of a long -term liability Chapter 11 of the Bank- the $100,000 mark. Productions, for a new artist of a subsidiary of $364,000 in- ruptcy Act makes provisions for NAL was formed in 1968 by he's introducing on SSS Interna- cluding a reduction of federal a company to operate for a Finley who also started ITCC The album is COUNTS income taxes of $192,000 due to tional Records. period of 7 to 10 years while in 1965. "Penitentiary Blues" and David with the utilization of prior tax losses. in a bankrupted state, thereby 25 years experience is really an ex- The company has now utilized Allan Coe giving it an opportunity to a major record company. of course, all prior period tax losses ap- convict. The officers, work out a satisfactory arrange- Ambassador Arm Complete responsibility hired plicable to ordinary income. were off -duty policeman ment with its creditors, and, for artist and publisher local promotion Names Area Rep According to Klein, increased by Singleton's hopefully, make a successful royalty statements and business management fees re- men. emergence from its financial NEW YORK -The Peter Pan payments, both foreign (Continued on page 78) 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII predicament. Division of Ambassador Records and domestic. NAL's petition, which has has appointed Boyce, Hardin & If you seek a mature man been referred to court referee Murray as exclusive representa- familiar with artist con- Eyes Europe Expansion Herbert Lowenthal, lists the tives in Texas, , Ar- tracts throughout the Fisher company's liabilities in excess of kansas and Louisiana. The NEW YORK Dan Fisher. Fisher will also be going to $2 million. An estimated 150 Boyce, Hardin & Murray organi- world, let's talk. - have zation who runs Fred Fisher Music, the Continent to check out new creditors been named, maintains showrooms at New York area preferred. Marvin Music and Danby Mu- properties in France, Italy and among such leading music in- 1840 -41 Dallas Trade Mart, dustry organizations as Warner Dallas. Write to: Box 783 sic with his brother, Marvin, the Benelux countries. Billboard Magazine left for London Sunday (17) to set- 165 West 46th St. look into the possibilities of up companies for the New York, N.Y.10036 ting U.K. three firms. He'll be staying at TRO Gets in the White House in London. Market Quotations As of Closing Thursday, May 14, 1970 1970 Week's Vet. Week's Week's Week's Net Now Mood NAME High Low in 100's Nigh Low Close Change Two key management positions are available within this prominent Pop Records Division Continued from page 1 Admiral 14v/e 8 193 83/4 8 8 - 5/e of a major corporation ABC 391/2 193/4 1472 243/4 19% 20 - 43/4 They Gave a War and Nobody Amer. Auto. Vending 11 57/4 14 61/4 6 61/a - 1/e . . NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Came." Ampex 481/2 171/8 1070 201/4 171/8 173/4 - 21/2 Brackman expects the mood Automatic Radio 271/2 6314 254 834 6% 71/4 - 1 Experienced and fully knowledgeable of independent record is such Auto. Ret. Assoc. 118 791/2 792 931/2 791/2 82 -117/e distribution in both singles and LP's -thorough knowledge of rack of the campus today Avnet 13% 71/2 382 87/a 77/a 77/8 - 1 organizations. Must have intellectual depth and be well that the young people will be jobber Capitol Ind. 531/2 281/2 124 323/4 281/2 283á - 41/4 oriented in administration, capable of handling en- steering away from hard rock trained and CBS 497/8 273/4 793 311/2 273/4 283/4 - 2 programs from planning stage to final follow through. revert to songs protest tire and of Certron 181/4 834 80 103á 934 93/4 - 1 with radio promotion including key Complete familiarity and to folk songs that are perti- Columbia Pictures 311/z 113/8 727 14% 11% 121/2 - 134 coast-to -coast is essential and an awareness of radio stations nent to today's problems. Craig Corp. 151/e 51/2 105 634 53/4 6 - 1/4 structures at both national and local promotion techniques and In keeping with this mood, Disney, Walt 158 110 1067 1251/2 1161/8 1211/2 - 2 levels. TRO assigned Norman Gimbel EMI 734 4% 400 5 43/8 434 - 1/4 Must be capable of motivating people, directing regional 41/2 to supply lyric theme to the General Electric 7734 643/4 1632 701/4 643/4 6534 - marketing staff and national promotion managers. Must have the 133/4 113/4 121/4 1% current instrumental hit, "Viva Gulf & Western 203/4 113/4 1679 - ability to instruct when necessary. Hammond Corp. I63/a 81/4 300 97/e 81/4 83/4 - 3á be of several years in Though practical experience should Tirado." The Kapp Records sin- Hand lema n 47% 271/8 396 311/4 271/2 28% - 21/4 depth and in- national sales and promotion, the intellectual gle by El Chicano is No. 28 on Harvey Group 123/4 51/4 33 6 51/4 51/4 - 3/4 in is necessary. tegrity that will allow for future growth company Billboard's Hot 100 chart this ITT 601/8 387/a 4222 453/4 387/a 393/4 - 57/e week. Gimbel's lyric version Interstate United 153/4 51/4 464 67/e 51/4 51/2 - 1% . . PROMOTION MANAGER NATIONAL will be titled "Viva." Kinney Services 36 247/8 1082 293/8 247/a 253/4 - 33/4 in all major 9 81 12 9 91/2 21/8 Experienced with a thorough knowledge of radio Along the same lines, "Your Macke 19 - -to- coast. Must be thoroughly familiar with all MCA 253/4 161/4 132 197/e 161/4 161/4 - 31/a markets coast Own Backyard," a new song radio formats and inner workings of radio. On the job experience MGM 291/4 1534 173 191/2 153/4 157/8 - 33/a written and recorded for War- 21/2 in similar capacity is essential as is a successful history of pro- Metromedia 21 121/8 686 1534 121/e 131/e - motion of album product. ner Bros. Records by Dion, is 3M (Minn. Mining Mfg.) 1143/4 871/e 1137 943/4 871/e 881/2 - 43/4 Complete knowledge in administration needed, must have being billed as the most now Motorola 1413/4 801/8 495 861/4 801/4 84 - 21/2 ability to guide national promotion organization in field, as well kind of song on the market. No. Amer. Philips 543/4 26 248 311/4 281/2 291/4 - 3/4 281/2 223/4 233/4 5 as in office. Must be tuned in to today's contemporary scene Although not antiwar on con- Pickwick International 543/4 223/4 132 - 24% 211/8 221/a 13/4 and must have a knowledge and belief in current sociological tent, the tune deals with drugs RCA 3434 211/e 1682 - Servmat 313/4 12 722 15/ 12 121/4 - 3% environment. and who has alcohol. Dion, 101/2 131/e 101/2 1 - 13/8 Must be able to motivate, direct and teach twenty -five local Superscope 40% 484 been involved in the problems 191/2 15% 41/4 promotion men and must have sufficient intellectual depth to Telex 257/8 14 16941 14 - is 171 51/4 43/4 47/a 1/4 grow within the company. of both drug and alcohol, Tenna Corp. 203/4 434 - 263/4 16 1347 17% 16 161/2 11/4 Send resume in complete confidence to carrying the message of the Transamerica - 1334 7% 538 71/4 1/4 Box 878 -B, 20 W. 43 Street. N.Y., N.Y. 10036 evils of both traps to the youth Transcontinental 241/2 534 - an equal opportunity employer of America. He's been winning Triangle 171/4 131/2 31 141/4 131/2 131/2 - 3/4 201/2 101/a 540 123/8 101/4 11 - 17/a standing ovations since he began 20th Century -Fox 171/8 121/ 3/4123/4123/4 -1 performing the song. Vendo 21513 Viewlex 253/8 9 134 101/4 9 93/4 - 1 Wurlitzer 15 94 24 101/2 934 934 - 3á Thomas Tour on Zenith 343/4 27 677 293/8 271/4 273/4 - 1% Dutchman Album As of Closing Thursday, May 14, 1970 Billboard Week's Week's Week's Week's Week's Week's OVER THE COUNTER' The International Music- Record Newsweekly NEW YORK -Leon Thomas OVER THE COUNTER' High Low Close High Low Close Now in its 76th year of industry service has begun a promotional tour ABKCO Ind. 71/4 61/2 634 Lin Broadcasting 61/4 51/4 51/4 on behalf of his Flying Dutch- Alltapes Inc. 47/a 31/2 31/2 Media Creations 31/4 3 31/e 20 20 Subscribe Now! man album, "Spirits Known Arts & Leisure Corp. 3374 31/4 31/3 Merco Ent. 211/8 and Unknown." Audio Fidelity 1% 11/4 17/a Mills Music 18 16 17 Just mail request order today Mfg. Corp. 12 10 10 Monarch Electronics 13/4 1 11/2 Thomas will be in Los Bally 969 -Cartridge 71/4 4 4 Music Makers Inc. 41/2 4 41/4 Angeles Sunday (17), and Cassette until Creative Management 81/2 71/2 71/2 NMC 6 5 51/4 BILLBOARD, 2160 Patterson Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 San Diego on Monday (18) and Data Packaging 131/4 121/4 121/4 National Musitime 3/4 1/2 38 Please enter my subscription to BILLBOARD for in San Francisco on Tuesday Dict -O -Tape Inc. 17/e 13/8 13/4 National Tape Dist. 9 8 8 4318 4% (19) and Wednesday (20). Faraday Inc. 81/2 71/2 71/2 Newell 43/4 1 YEAR $30 3 YEARS New Renew $60 Ventures 7 61/4 61/4 Fidelitone 41/4 4 4 Perception Payments enclosed 2 EXTRA issues for cash Bill me later Qatron Corp. 53/a 47/e 47/8 Gates -Learjet 81/2 71/2 71/2 Gets Uni Line Rainbo Photo Color 2 138 2 Above subscription rates for Continental U. S. & Canada. Corp. 101/4 9 91/4 LOS ANGELES -Uni has as- GRT Recoton 4 31/4 31/4 Goody, Sam 9 61/2 61/2 Overseas rates on request. signed its line to Daly Distribu- Robins Ind. Corp. 3 21/2 23/4 ITCC 3á 3/4 tors of Houston. Bill Hamm will 7/e Schwartz Bros. 5 41/4 41/4 Company Jubilee 31/4 21/2 23/4 Telepro Ind. 11/4 1 1 handle local promotion for Uni, Name Koss Electronics 3 27/a 3 Trans. Nat. Comm. 21/2 2 21/4 Congress, Revue and Shamley, 'Over -the- counter prices shown are "bid" (as opposed to "asked "). Neither the bid nor the Address coordinating his activities with asked prices of unlisted securities represent actual transactions. Rather, they are a guide to time State & Zip Bobby Earl, Uni's regional pro- the range within which these securities could have been sold or bought at the of City compilation. motion man. The coverage is Type of Business_ - _ Title The above quotations compiled for Billboard by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., for Southern Texas. member of the New York Stock Exchange and all principal stock exchanges. n MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD wood#tock the alum

record music from the original soundtrack and more 3 w.odrtock

Joan t;to utterfield blues band canned heat joe cocker country joe & the fish crosby,stills, nash & young arlo guthrie richie havens Simi hendrix Jefferson airplane Santana john,#i jha -no-na sly & the family stone the who P 7


SD 3-500/TP 3-500/CS 3-500 on cotillion recorte & lapel A Division of Atlantic Recording Corporation We have Dizzy, Billy, Max, Milt, Yusef, Paul.

We have students with talent, inspiration, ability.

You have the musical instruments we need.

Jazzmobile's Jazz Workshop needs your Studios have contributed by donating their facilities help. You have the drums, saxes, trom- for recording and sound technique instruction. bones, clarinets, , trumpets, But, there's one hang up to this jazz education. which will enable our students to get it Practice makes perfect. And, during the week, the together. You have the musical instru- students don't have equipment that's readüly avail- ments that will make the jazz instruction able. That's why Jazzmobile's Workshop needs your from pros like Dizzy worth it all in the end. help. Your musical instruments will enable our Maybe you know Jazzmobile's programs. groups to practice what the pros teach. We're asking Free, live concerts to get neighborhoods for a little help from our friends. in Harlem and Bedford -Stuyvesant groov- ing in the summertime. Free jazz lectures to stimulate public school children during the school year. Now, there's a new project: The Jazzmobile Jazz Workshop. ------JAZZMOBILE JAZZ WORKSHOP Jazzmobile's Workshop is centrally based 361 West 125th Street Suite 406, Attn: Paul West at Intermediate School 201. Students can New York, New York 1002.7

( would like to help the ,young jazz artists of tomorrow.

meet here on the weekends to work it out I have musical instr.Jments to donate to your workshop

I am enclosing a check to contribute to buying musical with some of the best jazz "professors" instruments for you young students. around. Benny Powell, Joe Newman, Al- Please contact me concerning what I can do to help. All contributions are tax deductible. bert Heath, Jimmy Heath, Paul West and visiting artists such as and Name

Billy Taylor provide the lessons in instru- Address mental playing, music theory, harmony City Sta'e Zip and orchestration. Even A &R Recording Tape CARtrid9e DiscoTape's Sales Drive LeVitus Looks to Package Backing LOS ANGELES - Fourteen CHICAGO - James LeVitus customer's dignity, the latter a package was just too bulky," "Some have gone along local DiscoTape stores banded is irritated because record -tape factor he and Swire feel in- Loeb states. (Mercury here is working with together in a "Grand Happen- manufacturers are backing hibits both the enclosed and "We didn't need a box with Car Tapes) but others are ad- ing Sale" - the first such mer- away from their vow to sup- locked security case and the a lot of air in it," said LeVitus, amantly refusing. The biggest chandising campaign attempted port his firm's new concept for type of case where customers "and since we're not in the rec- argument against us is that if in this area by the new buying packaging tape cartridges. "At can stick their hand through ord business the spaghetti con- the tape manufacturer does cooperative organization. the recent NA KM (National to examine the tapes without cept of utilizing record LP something for Car Tapes it has The 14 stores are all inde- Association of Record Merchan- removing them. browser bins was of no use to do something for everybody pendent stereo tape centers disers), people such as Warner "The case where you are either. else -I don't believe that, and which have affiliated with Ron Bros.' Joel Friedman said they forced to stick your hand "When you hear it all -the I really don't care. Gordon's DiscoTape chain. Gor- would give us a packaging al- through a hole in plexiglass is disadvantages of the locked "There is a packaging allow- don is signing stereo tape deal- lowance -to date we have noth- actually degrading," Swire security cases and the spa- ance within the bounds of the ers around the country to gain ing in writing from Warner charges. "This reminds me of ghetti box -it's obvious that no FTC if the allowance is actu- central buying discounts from Bros. or from any of several the old trick of catching mon- one packaging concept will ally being used and ours is," music and player manufactur- labels who seemed interested keys with a coconut shell." satisfy everybody at this point LeVitus says. ers. in what we're trying to do." Both men, along with Bert in the state of the art. LeVitus, president of Swire said that an analogy In the hardware area, the Car Loeb, who is setting up the "All we're saying to tape between manufacturers' lack of Tapes, Inc., and Ed Swire, vice display concept with retail sale spotlighted Craig, Pana- president, out- manufacturers is that we can't coordination in agreeing on sonic, Gerron Muntz are plunging ahead lets, believe that the so- called get any more money from and units. with the packaging which costs re- tape packaging closely paral- For example, the Craig 3206 spaghetti box (4 -in. x 12 -in.) tailers, we're saving manufac- lels the coordination in devel- the firm about 7- to 8 -cents 8 -track home deck with for packaging software turers the cost of a box a AM/ per package. They are con- - oping ticketing system which FM radio with was wrong: "The cosmetics please pass the savings us. is two five -inch verting 40 on to ultimately being developed speakers, sold for to 50 stores a week were poor, there was no identi- We're not going to $169.95. It to the new concept and have take any by wholesalers. normally sold for $199.59, the fication, you couldn't really de- profit, we're going to spend it "No three manufacturers can recently converted all of the termine chain boasted. Montgomery the product inside ex- on a package to help sell the get together on any one con - Ward automotive cept for the title and the whole manufacturers' product. In the music field, 8 -track centers across the country. (Continued on page 14) and cassettes were offered for "Conservatively, the package $3.98. Music came from the has resulted in increased sales Capitol, Columbia and Apple of at least 30 percent and pil- catalogs. ferage is down to between 2 and 6 percent," LeVitus states. Kusisto & Tarr See Quad -8 At least 60 to 70 percent of Wally New N.Y. the software being shipped from here are packaged in the 6 -in. Outlet Ready by 12 -in. blister pac unit, ac- As a New Consumer Force cording to Swire. LOS ANGELES -The RCA - RCA is releasing about 30 NEW The listener can change pro- YORK- Wally's Stereo The blister unit is color - Motorola 4- channel, 8 -track sys- 4- channel tapes by September grams at any time. Tape City will open a new retail coded for 10 music categories: tem (Quad -8) will be a new and an additional 30 to 40 be- The Quad-8 cartridge differs outlet on 15,000 feet of square show tunes; female vocalist; consumer force, according to fore the end of the year. in that there is a special sensing space at 46 Greenwich Ave., comedy & children; jazz; clas- Oscar P. Kusisto, vice president slot Greenwich "The use of a new, slightly molded into the cartridge Village. Opening sical; rhythm, blues & soul; in- and general manager of Mo- which allows the ceremonies are scheduled for thinner tape combined with re- player to auto- strumental; male vocalist; pop- torola's auto products division, matically select the Stereo 8 or May 30. ular groups; country. Each and Irwin Tarr, RCA Records cent economies in tape coating will permit the marketing of Quad -8 channel mode of opera- According to Harold Wally, package is date -coded so buy- vice president. tion. president of Wally's Stereo Quad -8 cartridges at only a Tape ers have only to glance at the Quad -8 has supplied the The 4- City, this will be the first time modest premium over conven- channel concept of blister pacs hanging on peg 8 -track system with a shot -in- stereo has been generating in the city that a retail outlet board wall brackets to know tional cartridges," said Tarr. in- the -arm in its struggle with the terest within the home elec- located in a prime shopping dis- how current the product is. cassette configuration. He said that through develop- trict will be devoted exclusively tronics industry since last fall The blister pacs have open- Just when the automotive ment of a new generation of when experimental demonstra- to tape and tape products. ings in the back for viewing manufacturers were looking at players capable of reproducing titles tions using reel -to-reel tape The firm's chief executive and accommodate either cassette units to install at fac- both the new 4- channel car- equipment began. 8 -track cartridges or tridge and further added that the decision cassettes. tory level, out pops Quad -8 and the conventional Harvey Stein, RCA's mer- to An opening Stereo 8 establish the new outlet at at the top of its "surround sound." cartridge with perfect chandising manager for audio this time, developed as a result the package allows them to be Fully compatible with exist- compatibility, no existing 8 -track products, hung on peg libraries said that RCA is work- of forward strides made by the board wire brack- ing 8 -track cartridges, Quad -8 would become obso- ing on several other areas of parent ets: a six foot lete. company within recent section of peg has been demonstrated to major 4- channel systems. The com- months. Sales at the board wall space will accom- original U.S. car manufacturers. "There RCA will make available a pany is investigating disk sys- Wally's Stereo Tape City at modate 350 8 -track packages. is a high probability that 4- complete assortment of catalog tems, as well as multiplex re- Eleventh Avenue in Faster Turnover channel sound will be offered and new tape releases in both ceivers which would be capable are reported to have risen in the LeVitus claims that the con- as a factory or dealer installed Quad -8 and Stereo 8 cartridges. first quarter of cept allows of picking up four separate this year over retailers a faster option in 1972 or 1973 models," The Quad -8 sales for the cartridge is al- channels of broadcast material same period last turnover with a shorter inven- said Kusisto. "Home players most identical to the conven- year. tory and does not assault the simultaneously. and hang -on automotive units tional Stereo 8 cartridge tape in The Tokyo, Matsushita will Com- be available late in 1970." that its tape is in a continuous munication Industrial Co. is in- Tarr, who was instrumental loop within the cartridge. At troducing a 4- channel, 8 -track in the introduction five years the end of the first 4- channel auto stereo unit at $94.45 ago ATD In Pop Expansion of the Stereo 8 system, program, the tape switches to (domestic price), including two believes Quad -8 is a natural next the second 4- channel program. speakers. step system. "Quadrasonic sound -Enters Classical enables us to more nearly repro- Mart duce the ambience of the con- LOS ANGELES -American Gray announced that Jim cert hall or theater-the feeling Tape Duplicators (ATD) is ex- Cornfield, formerly of Everest of actually being there - than NA T L TAPE'S SIX RACK panding its line of popular pre- Records, has been appointed any previous reproduction sys- recorded tapes and catering the music director of classical prod- tem." classical tape market. ucts. RCA plans to have two 4- DISTRIB COS GIVEN NAME The company is planning In a channel, 8 -track to major expansion move, units in its LOS ANGELES duplicate popular, rock, jazz, ATD has home product line in -National Tape and Records is the new also hired Stanley M. early fall: corporate name folk, country, show and soul in Harris for the newly a promotional model with for the six rack jobbers which National Tape Dis- created two tributors, Inc., owns. cassette, 8 -track and reel. Emil position of national director of external and two internal speak- Cadkin, musical director and ar- consumer marketing ers at a suggested The parent company has adopted the one name principle to and sales. list price of provide ranger for Columbia Pictures Harris, $199.95, a a continuity of service and image, explains James Tiedjens, Cadkin and Cornfield and step -up version National and Screen Gems, has been ap- will operate out of ATD's ex- with four external speakers at Tape's president. pointed music director of popu- ecutive offices at 5727 Jefferson under $250. The companies were formerly Sound Marketing in Atlanta; lar products at ATD. Blvd. Auto Unit Record Distributing Co. of Houston; Music Merchandisers of Tor- rance, Cadkin will select titles and Gray feels there is a strong A Quad -8 automotive unit, Calif.; and National Tape's own two branches in Milwaukee get involved in programming. market for prerecorded classical which will be available before and Linda, N.J. The sixth location is a new company formed in San "It is a continuing expansion titles. And instead of "stuffy" the end of the year, will be Francisco. of our prerecorded tape lines or "high- brow" approaches to "somewhat more expensive than National Tape has not changed the names of its eight com- with a stronger emphasis in con- classical tape merchandising, the Stereo 8," said Kusisto, "al- pany -owned distributors. These companies are Sales in San sumer oriented entertainment company is planning to market though costs are still being Francisco; California Record Distributors, Hitsville, Merit and tapes," said Warren Gray, ATD classical tapes in a more "down - evaluated." United Tape Corp., all in Torrance; B &K Record Distributing in executive vice -president. to- earth" contemporary way. Record company officials at- Dallas and ; and Stereo South in Atlanta. In the classical area, Ameri- "We want to woo young listen- tending the International Music In the area of rack jobbing for mass merchandisers, similar can Tape will begin to offer ers to classical tapes," he said. Industry Conference in Mallorca selling programs are developed by all the National Tape -owned classical titles in both cassette "The way to do that is to market where RCA and Motorola in- firms, so a uniform name is valuable. But in the record distribution and 8-track, explained Gray. the product in innovating ways." troduced the Quad -8, expected field, Tiedjens feels manufacturers need individual attention and The reel version will be in a The brunt of ATD's classical companies to evaluate its music individual marketing penetration, so individual identities for the three -hour format under the repertoire will come from repertoire for possible conver- companies makes sense. Tape -Mates banner. Europe. sion to quadrasonic sound. ?I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD 13 Tape CARtridge GRT Offering Giveaway BASF Systems Educ'tl Sound Develops $2.5 Mil. Plan Artist Poster Promotions BEDFORD, Mass. - BASF Systems, Inc., has embarked on System for Voiceless LOS ANGELES - GRT marketed for Dunhill Records a $2.5 million expansion cam- Music Tapes has begun a series by GRT," said Larry Finn, GRT paign that will add an estimated MELBOURNE, Fla. -Com- The Sound Teacher, originally Tapes national of artist poster promotions Music sales pro- 100 employes to the company's puter equipment engineers work- designed for teaching students motion manager. current work force of 650 peo- ing with Educational Sound of foreign languages, has been geared to the consumer. Initial In addition to the poster pro- Systems, Inc., based here, have ple. The building extensions are coupled with speech models and promotion is with Dunhill's motion on "It Aim Easy," GRT the end developed a compact magnetic slated for completion by exercises created by James W. Three Dog Night. is making other Three Dog of 1970. tape teaching system for the Each cartridge and cassette Night product available under The new extension will in- voiceless. Libby, a laryngectomee for 23 from Three Dog Night's "It the poster "giveaway" promo- clude two buildings spanning According to Charles F. West, years and an eminent esophageal Aint Easy" contains an order tion. some 70,000 square feet of chairman of the board of Edu- speech instructor. label for a free 20 x 30 4 -color "As we rerun Three Dog space. One building will house a cational Sound Systems, the unit Said West, "Through the au- poster. Night (catalog) material," said 40,000 -square -foot storage and offers computer tape handling tomatic execution of listen -re- in a teaching tape To obtain the "giveaway" pos- Finn, "we will include the pro- distribution center for magnetic capabilities cord - compare routines, t h e ter, consumers mail 25 cents for motional offer to the consumer." disk packs, computer tape, audio recorder for the first time. Sound Teacher allows persons handling to GRT Music Tapes. GRT is planning other con- tape and cassettes, while the "This," he said, "permits selec- who have had speech organs re- "The poster offer is only avail- sumer programs to promote other will be used to manufac- tive, at will, read back of lessons moved to speak again." (Continued ron page 20) and recorded exercises." able on tapes duplicated and artists and tape sales. He explained that when the larynx has been removed, the vocal cords and epiglottis, both normally used in speaking, are also lost. "In learning to speak again the laryngectomee must breath through an aperture in the throat and speak through the esophagus, a process that sounds hoarse and gruntlike un- less refined through practice and comparison to normal speech," he said. The new ESS portable re- corder contains the most mod- em solid -state circuitry, weighs What makes the 11 pounds 9 ounces, and was designed specifically to eliminate the shortcomings of conventional E-V EliminatorTM tape recorders in speech therapy and language teaching by allow- ing the listen- record-compare the most modern sequence automatically and ef- fortlessly, and permitting the student to regulate pace with a speaker system single lever movement. The use of two separate elec- can buy? tronically integrated tape units you located in a single housing per- mits the listen- record -compare actions. And, according to West, i a master instruction tape is used ELIMINATOR in the reel -to-reel section utiliz- ing special electronic circuits to single out recorded lesson seg- ments for replay and compari- son with the lesson model. He added, "In one mode the unit plays a lesson segment of tape, then pauses until the stu- dent reacts. If he wants to hear An ancient the model lesson again the mas- ter tape is back -spaced auto- matically and quickly to the be- musical idea. ginning of the lesson segment by operation of a repeat switch. This process can be repeated as The horn. often as necessary." Libby's course for laryngec- tomees includes instructions for making basic sounds and pro- gressively advancing through ° syllables, words, sentences and rhythm and control exercises. .'_ Sound teacher tape recorders are being used at the Florida Institute of Technology in lan- guage teaching. When used for language and speech correction purposes, the unit requires only the effective utilization of exist- ing foreign language tapes and textbooks. The E -V Eliminator is louder - closure. Now the speaker can move more punch and power from its for any given amplifier setting - air with less effort, create more sound special treble driver. $370.00t. than any ordinary system that simply puts from your amplifier. Both Eliminators are rated at LeVitus Looks to a speaker (or two, or more) in a plain box. But a single horn can't handle the en- a conservative 100 watts* Our horn system gives you more volume, tire range efficiently. So we've added a overall. And either one will Package Backing extended bass, wider dynamic range, and treble driver and horn to the Eliminator put you far ahead of the better balance between bass and treble. II. Plus two extra tweeters (horn -loaded, crowd. And we're not just tooting our Continued from page 13 own horn! And because the Eliminator is loafing of course) to the Eliminator I. Both of tape packaging," he must flap wildly to cept where other speakers models depend on the SRO /15 15" speaker Drop us a card for more technical in- said, "so I suppose it will be keep up, it lasts longer. Fewer burnouts, for bass. formation, or visit any E -V instrumental up to the distributors. less chance of mechanical breakdowns. For sound reinforcement of vocals sound specialist. Ask to hear the power- ful E -V Eliminator. Then step back! "Actually, I have mixed emo- Here's why: Blow into just a trumpet or acoustic instruments the three -way tions about our concept. On I 'Continuous RMS white noise shaped to the lead guitar mouthpiece. "toot." Now add the horn Eliminator is best. Its extended highs spectrum. the one hand, it's so great I and blow again...just as hard. "TOOT!" (to 15,000 Hz) and wide -angle audience 'Suggested resale prices. Zone 2: Eliminator I, $488.00; would like to develop it pri- A real blast. And that's what happens coverage insures natural sound. $465.00t. Eliminator II, $384.00. vately. After all, who wants to when we put an Electro -Voice SRO /15 For high- powered guitar work the two - ELECTRO -VOICE, INC., Dept. 508W give the competition a great speaker in the unique E -V Eliminator en- way Eliminator II is tops with more 620 Cecil Street, Buchanan, 49107 merchandising idea. But I'm practical -we can't continue to stand all the expense of pack- aging tape. The manufacturers microphones musical instrument loudspeakers sound reinforcement products high fidelity gie k have to help." A SUBSIDIARY OF GULTON INDUSTRIES, INC. 14 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD "Reach Out And Touch (Somebody's Hand)M',6. Written and Produced by Ashford & Simpson ' first single is on its way to the place you'd expect... the top.

n Tape CARtridge Canada Photo Is Moving Into Home Tape Storage Cabinets Cassette Accessories, 8- Tracks Modern walnut finish swivel base LOS ANGELES - Canada Although 8 -track blank tape work in the tape software field allowing easy Photo Products Ltd., a Toronto- doesn't have the potential of is in blank cassettes. 85TC' accessibility. based importer and distributor, blank cassettes, he said, the Stevens also sees an excellent in Deluxe 82TC Holds 48 is broadening its company in market will support it -if player auto cassette after -market Tape cartridges. two tape areas: cassette acces- manufacturers get hardware on Canada when hardware manu- an Cartridge Cases 84TC Holds 48 cassettes. sories and 8 -track home players. the market. facturers develop automatic Avail- Holds 24 tape cartridges. of The brunt of Canada Photo's reversible cassette. able in black, blue, brown, white. Jerry Stevens, president 99TC and 100TC* Holds 15 tape Canada Photo, said his com- cartridges. Available in 4 colors. pany is getting involved in 8 -track hardware and cassette accessories for the first time. Premium Show Star: The 8 -track home line, im- ported from Japan, will consist Tape, Tape Products Tape -Stor Deluxe Storage Cabinets of a straight -8 with speakers, a 86TC* 30 Cartridges deck and an 8 -track multiplex. NEW YORK Tape and Bo Products, Recoton and Rob- Deluxe 97TC-Holds - 98TC-Holds 36 Cassettes The company now imports a tape products emerged as key ins for accessories. Cassette Sliding styrene doors in walnut monaural cassette p o r t a b l e premium items at the 32nd an- Cases Although all tape configur- finished cabinets protect tapes. player/ recorder. nual Premium Show held re- ations were exhibited, the em- Holds 30 cassettes. Individual tape compartments. The accessory line includes cently at the Coliseum. Of the phasis was undoubtedly on cas- Available in brown and black. head cleaners, head lubricants, more than 1,000 suppliers rep- sette products, and many soft- toéët 'Deluxe Tape Cases feature solid wood or full information, contact your splicers, racks, telephone jacks, resented at the four -day moti- ware manufacturers offered a alligator exterior, at- distributor, or write: construction, vinyl patch chords and carrying cases. vational industry exhibition, a package deal, which included tractive red plush interior, lock and key. Initial outlet stocking Stevens' sizable percentage were tape a cassette player, to potential manu- All sizes r accessory line is Sears. hardware and software participants in the premium recatan- and dealers. of Cassette 46 -23 Crane Street Also on the horizon for Cana- facturers program. A number of the ex- Inland City, N.Y. 11101 Manufacturers included Phil - and 8 Track Long da Photo Products is a line of hibitors displayed, for the first Full line merchandisers of Tape Accessories, Magna- Blank 8 -track blank tape. Stevens ex- co, Peerless Telerad, time, special lines of new prod- Diamond Needles, Record Accessories Panasonic, Admiral and Cartridges. Accessories. pects a good market to develop vox, ucts, designed especially for for that configuration in blank Webcor for hardware; Capitol, the premium buyer. tape when hardware producers Pickwick, Columbia and the Manufacturers and dealers "get equipment on the market." 3M Co., for software, and Le- alike found it difficult to gauge audience reaction to the show, DEALERS! as market reaction to this type ATTENTION of exhibition is not felt until 20th -Fox to Give Some several months later. However, ANNOUNCING all exhibitors felt that partici- pation was worthwhile as it of- THE MOST COMPLETELY STOCKED fered a lucrative showcase for Films for EVR Cartridge their products. TAPE OPERATION IN THE COUNTRY! NEW YORK -The board of The agreement places some Confirmation of this comes directors of 20th Century -Fox 1,500 Fox films immediately at from Jay Thalheim, president WE SHIP ALL OVER THE WORLD -WRITE FOR DETAILS! Corp., has authorized the com- CBS disposal for conversion to of the Thalheim Exposition pany to transfer selected films the EVR format. Management Corp. which pro- WE CAN SUPPLY ANY TAPE in the Fox library to CBS for Commenting on the approval duces the Premium Show. Thal - release in the EVR CARtridge Robert E. Brockway, president heim said an estimated 20,000 IN ANY FORM-IMMEDIATELY! system. The order extends only of the CBS Electronic Video Re- industry executives attended TAPE to films in theatrical release for cording Division, said, "We are the exposition. five years or more. very pleased that the Fox board He added, "As the show- LOSE SALES INSTANT SERVICE - ORDER DON'T The authorization follows a of directors has endorsed Za- case for the motivational field, PROCESSED DAY RECEIVED! SHIPPING proposal initiated by Fox's board nuck's pioneering move into the widespread appeal of the OUR PRICES ARE LOW ... Darryl F. Zanuck, at EVR. We believe, along with Premium Show reflects the & chairman, OUR SERVICE & FILL FREE HANDLING 24, 1970, unveiling the quality of color growth of the industry. Exhibi- IS HIGH the March him, that - CBS color EVR system reproduction; the modest tors responding to the annual TEST US! ANYWHERE IN U.S.A.! of the EVR BUY ITEMS YOU'VE HAD held at the Pierre Hotel. At rental price that will make mo- Premium Survey predict a sub- TROUBLE GETTING AND TAPE this demonstration and press tion pictures available to a mass stantial 21 percent average rise SEE IF WE DON'T SERVICE Zanuck told news- -in EVR safe- in premium sales volume for CONVINCE YOU! ONE -STOP conference, market; the built men that he would recommend guards providing defense against 1970, as well as foresee an WE HAVE EVERYTHING! to Fox the conversion of its unlawful piracy of product; and average 14 percent increase in Especially items not found elsewhere! films to the EVR format. the benefits that will accrue to profits from premium sales for With confirmation of the all segments of the film industry, the same period. 8 TRACK CASSETTES recommendation coming from spell out a bright future for fea- Thalheim said the exhibitors corn - at home on the LARGE OPEN REEL INVENTORY Fox, an EVR planning ture film exhibition based their predictions mittee has been set up to pro- through EVR." increasing number of premium COMPLETE SELECTION BLANK TAPES ceed with discussions on the Meanwhile, BNA Films has programs utilized by firms, as (All configurations) Scotch, Audio, etc. program. The committee com- placed an order for the con- well as the rising number of YOU NAME IT -WE'LL GET IT FOR YOU! prises Jerome Strala of the Fox version of its 16mm motion pic- new users of premiums and in- board of directors, Jerome Ex- centives each year. CATALOG AND LIST ture series, "The Effective FREE SENT ONREQU ST Edwards, Fox's vice president ecutive," to the EVR format. "As our economy becomes and Hubert increasingly competitive, com- and general counsel, The five -part film series, each consultant. panies continually look to in- KING KAROL Bragg, technical film 25 minutes in length, com- as a means to prise one of industry's most re- centive programs 444 West 42nd ST., N. Y. C. 10036 achieve their marketing goals," spected training vehicles for ex- Musicor Into Thalheim said. ecutive management. The series The exposition covered some features Peter F. Drucker, a Own Distrib feet major management consultant 300,000 square of space Rec- at the Coliseum and featured NEW YORK -Musicor for Sears, Roebuck; General ,elfits ;` more than 100,000 incentive ords has gone into distribution Motors, General Electric and its prerecorded tapes. The items. of AT &T, and is based on his product is being offered on a book, "The Effective Execu- multiple distribution basis to tive." LIFETIME racks, one -stops and dealers, either directly or through Mu- With Drucker on camera, and GUARANTEE sicor distributors. through simulated consultant/ looking Tor Musicor tapes were originally management situations, the series distributed by the International presents major problems faced Talent Tape Cartridge Corp. (ITCC), by executives, and effective now operating under Chapter 11 guideposts for their solutions. of the Bankruptcy Act. Commenting on BNA's deci- Booking an Act To highlight the change in sion to convert the series to the distribution, Art Talmadge, Mu- EVR format, Arthur W. Burns, sicor's president, has released marketing manager for the com- 20 stereo 8 cartridge tapes con- pany, said, "We believe EVR Billboard's sisting of popular, country and will bring these films within the Latin albums from the Musicor reach of all corporations and International II Forbes only makes tape. catalog. executives, and that this is just Two of the company's newest the beginning of BNA's use of package releases will be included this exciting new technology. Talent Edition AUDIO_ in this release. They are "Newies BNA Films is a division of Forbes But Oldies," by the Royal Teens, the Bureau of National Affairs, has the ANSWER Inc., headquartered in Rock- CORPORATION F Electronics,Inc. and "Jennifer Tomkins," by the Street People. ville, Md. 14600 So Broadway P 0 Box 140 Gard,na. 9 Heyw rd Street, , N.Y. 11211 -6841 Teiex -4311 Calif 90247 12131 321 67 (212) 855 -0600 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Recognize the title?

Mti;,.. Ma MemahMip ive+ w MIIy1


We thought you would. Which is why we named ' new album after that smash single of his. And if that's not enough ready -made sales potential for you, you might be interested in the fact that Ray is going to be Andy Williams' summer replacement on the tube. The show's going to be called "Andy Williams Presents Who's Ray Stevens ?" Who, indeed!

Ray Stevens / On Barnaby Records Ç and Tapes

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address home business city state zip #4106 Tape CARtridge Certron Sells Bows PFANSTIEHL'S FIRST with all the latest Electrodyne domestic and foreign needle designs . Chi Facility PFANSTIEHI'S even the "odd" types! So -stop looking for your needle in a haystack . . . get LOS ANGELES - Certron Dispenser Pfanstiehl's Needle Guide and take the work Corp., blank tape manufacturer A New out of needle hunting while putting the Big sold its FIRST and duplicator, has Electro- McKenzie, the Record -A -Tape Profits in! Write today for Factory-to-You plastics molding facility in Chi- LOS ANGELES - FASTER a division of MCA, can duplicate either 8 -track or AND sales plan information. cago to Elgin National Industries dyne Corp., is introducing a vendor -like 8- cassette tapes merely by chang- for $1,750,000. tape dispens- ing the master head. Certron acquired the plastics track and cassette er called Record -A -Tape. The reproduced cartridge or molding facility a year ago with cassette will fit any standard the purchase of the Amerline The machine automatically 24 self -con- player; the machine will accept division of Revlon. reproduces one of blank tape master programs in less only Electrodyne CHEMICAL CORPORATION The company recently moved tained and tokens. its manufactur- than 31/2 minutes on insertion 3300 WASHINGTON ST. BOX 498 WAUKEGAN, 60085 midwest plastics restocking the machine, v. of a token (worth $3.50- $4.50), In WEST COAST 14757'., OXNARD STREET VAN NUYS. CALIFORNIA 91409 ing operation to a new $5 mil- issued a stock Grudeis, vice presi- each distributor is lion facility in Elk Grove Vil- said L.W. parts. In addi- dent and general manager of of replacement lage, Ill. tion, the distributor receives a In a second financial move, Electrodyne. monthly catalog of more than Certron has entered into a re- Record -A -Tape is a combina- 100 selections. A distributor volving credit arrangement for tion of the vending machine may exchange master tapes and received a short concept and a high -speed multi- PRODUCTS COMPANY $8 million without extra charge. Overland term loan for $2 million from channel duplicating system. The consumer gets an added First National City Rank of "The machine is actually a saving of later being able to New York. vending machine, not of prere- retape a new selection for $2 The financing will enable corded tapes, but of a recording or $3. Certron to continue its expansion service," said Ken McKenzie, McKenzie said there are sev- without diluting shareholder Electrodyne marketing director. eral advantages to the retailer. equity. It also plans to retire a Electrodyne is talking to rec- They are: number of existing debts. ord companies to obtain their -The Record -A -Tape requires masters for use in the machine, less than 12 square feet of floor i said McKenzie. Initially the ma- space. You can rely on the nation's largest producer of metal BASF Systems chine will offer product from -Tape programs are con- components used in Cassettes and Cartridges. Contact Decca, Uni, Kapp, and other tained within the console and us today! $2.5 Mile Plan MCA -owned labels, and Al- cannot be pilfered. shire. Electrodyne is paying -Stock is never outdated Constant Product Improvement and Development Continued from page 14 royalty on the product, with the since all tapes are blank until Lowest Prices ture plastic accessories for mag- machine capable of counting taped by the buyer. tape. Quality and Service netic tape products including product reproduced on -A large outlay of capital substrates, plastic reels and can - (franchises) for prerecorded tape invento- or Design Components Distributorships Standard Special nisters. are available in the U.S., Can- ries is not required. BASF Systems is a wholly ada and Europe. The machines -No attendant is needed to owned American member of the will begin shipping in Septem- supervise operation of the ma- BASF Group. It manufactures ber or October. According to chines because it is automatic. Overland PRODUCTS COMPANY magnetic recording media for P O. Box 6 Ph. 402 -721 -7270 memory storage mediums. The Fremont. Nebraska 68025 Charles Logue Building Co. is constructing the complex, with Minnetech Develops Henry A. Frost as architect. A Torque Analyzer - Minne - analyzer is 1/2 gcm or better. tech Labs, Inc., has developed The meter on the amplifier an analyzer that measures the has a range selection from parasitic hub torques gener- 0 -25 to 0 -100 gcm. Sensing ated by the assembly variables system A monitors the drive of the tape and reels in twin - torque. System B monitors hub 4 -track tape cassettes. torque at the brake spindle hub. This new device is designed The A minus B mode of selec- to give fast and accurate qual- tion automatically deducts the ity control procedures for tape brake portion of the torque to cassettes. give the true parasitic torque The Torque Analyzer has an reading for the cassette. Any exclusive low inertia drive and chart, oscilloscope or other re- brake system which assures that cording device can be con- only cassette performance is nected to the amplifier output measured, yet will not damp to display the high-resolution out dynamic, intermittent dynamic condition of the cas- torque conditions. It can dupli- sette torque. cate any conditions found in a The analyzer is available in cassette drive, and can meas- three combinations, complete ure both the maximum friction with sensors and two scale unit torque of the full reel (nor- meter amplifier; complete with- mally 20 gcm) or the friction out limit set units on ampli- torque of both reels together fier; and without brake torque at the full reel hub (normally sensing system and with single 27 gcm). The sensivity of the input amplifier. Auto Stereo Names Store a library Head of Car Stereo FRANKFURT-Auto Stereo car radio shops. The company of listening pleasure Anlagen has appointed former has drawn up a plan which has CBS -West Germany manager GEMA's (the German perform- Bernard Mikulski to supervise ing right society) approval and in one tape case its car stereo division. plans to cover 500 outlets West Here's the ideal way to store 4- and 8 -track tapes. This attractive case has 24 Auto Stereo, -.which started throughout Germany. maximum protection for each cartridge. two years ago as a tape rack Another associated company, individual compartments to provide of Zug There's no better way to keep them safe from dust and scratches. Deluxe jobbing company in the 8 -track Stereo Music Systems is to include padded lid, twin latches and heavy plastic handle. The interior and open reel fields, is an affili- in Switzerland, starting pro- features duce cartridges for sale is fully lined. Outside is covered with rich blue or black plastic- coated, ate of ITP Berlin which employs budget moisture- resistant material. Economically priced at $8.95 retail. 25 people in Berlin and dupli- throughout Europe. First releases cates tape for Electrola, CBS will be six cartridges of instru- Send today for information and literature on this and the and Ariola. It has a production mental versions of recent hits, complete cartridge carrying case line. Write to Amberg File & capacity of 16,000 units a day. "Music to Drive By." Index Co., 1625 Duane Blvd., Kankakee, Ill. 60901. Gottlieb Bauer-Schlichtegroll, Said Bauer - Schlichtengroll, a partner in the Auto Stereo "In -car stereo has had a slow firm with Christopher von start in Germany because the Meister, announced that the prosperous car industry had no company is planning an ex- need to offer such incentives as Frn Mmiclj01,-te-Go!" Aff!pak change system for 8 -track car- built -in tape players in order to tridges using gas stations and sell cars. 20 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD DL 75211

Her first album is here.

And millions of people will preview it on this Sunday night. Karen performs "Make Me Smile" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water," two of the ten great selections in the album. r DeQen All of KAREN is on Decca records and tapes. Tape CARtridge

Wellington Opening 27th Philips Electrical Launches Store; Alarms Featured $276G Car Player Pitch TRENTON, N.J. Welling- ment features 60 different bur- LONDON - Philips Electri- A representative sampling of Centers- has glar alarm systems for home, cal Ltd. has launched a $276,000 ten cassettes will be available in ton Car Stereo for demonstration to FREE opened its 27th store, in the automobile, personal and boat promotional campaign to dem- each car P1 a z a, use, and offers the consumer onstrate the effects of stereo interested consumers. Each car, Feasterville Shopping will Feasterville, Pa. This latest com- one of the largest selections for music in automobiles, as pro- fitted with four speakers, outlet marks the such protective devices ever as- vided by the company's 2602 be on the road for the next five pany -owned or three stay- chain's 12th Wellington center sembled in one retail sales outlet. Car Stereo Cassette Player. months, with two S. Rosenberg, president ing in highly populated areas OFFER in the Philadelphia marketing Irving The campaign involves instal- for a one -week visit, beginning area. It is also the first center of Wellington, said his com- together pany's youth- oriented centers lation of the system, each Tuesday. in the chain to feature a com- with the company's 494 Car are the ideal location for the Among the areas already plete Security Systems depart- Radio, in 20 cars which will tour of its specially designed pro- booked for the promotion, which S OWMT 1. ment in addition to the com- sale with a team of girls systems, and that plans the country began May 5, are Kent, Canter- INC. pany's usual extensive line of tective called "Miss Cassettes," who will COMPANY, are underway to open similar bury, London, Tunbridge Wells, car and home stereo equipment, demonstrate the system in garage Ilford, Nor- V tapes and accessories. Security Systems departments in Bristol, Guilford, forecourts and at large public Bradford, The Security Systems depart- other Wellington stores. wich, Portsmouth, events. Hull, Sunderland and Newcastle. FREE BEST SELLING Jaubert to Visit Europe to ]Tape Show Car Player -Radio PARIS - Michel Jaubert of holm (19); Berlin (20 -21); OFFER Stereo Jaubert will be visiting Vienna (23); Milan (25); Rome various European countries dur- (26); Athens (29), and Beirut $30.00 RETAIL Cartridges ing June. This follows the suc- (30). cess of his company's 8 -track VALUE DIAMOND stereo machines. Jau- Following his visit to Beirut, 8 -TRACK cartridge will go on to Tunisia NEEDLES AT NO bert will demonstrate a French Jaubert made car stereo tape player with and Morocco, Spain and Portu -' CHARGE WITH (Licensee listed for labels which do not distribute own tapes) 8 -track radio, manufactured by Stereo gal. The French -made This Last Weeks on machine will be competing with YOUR ORDER OF Chart Said Jaubert: "I intend Week Week TITLE, Artist, Label & Number Jaubert. models. Two types will $50.00 MINIMUM to make a round trip to most of Japanese 1 2 DEJA VU 8 radio the countries where we have rep- be made available -with Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Atlantic TP 7200 & SW (available in May) and The Duotone Corn- Ampex 87200 resentatives or agents." Jaubert's /LW AM /FM and FM /X (in July). 2 1 HEY JUDE 10 itinerary includes London, June pany is pleased to Beatles, Apple 8XT -385 Stereo Jaubert distributes 8 -track 15 (where he will be visiting the announce that all 3 3 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER 13 car stereo players to most of the Simon & Garfunkel, Columbia 1810 0750 Golding Audio premises); Co- accounts formerly (17); Oslo (18); Stock- Shell stations throughout France. 4 4 STEPPENWOLF LIVE 2 penhagen serviced by Capitol Dunhill 8023 50075 M & Ampex 85075 5 7 CHICAGO 13 Records may now Columbia 18 BO 0858 order the entire 6 6 LED ZEPPELIN II 27 TP & Ampex 88236 Releases Duotone line of Atlantic 8236 New Tape CARtridge 7 5 24 products, phono- Soundtrack, Reprise 8RM 2026 Apple 8 8 AMERICAN WOMAN 6 graph needles, rec- Guess Who, RCA P8S 1518 AMPEX PAUL McCARTNEY- McCartney; (4) X43363 RINGO STARR- Sentimental Journey; (4) ord and tape acces- 9 10 SANTANA 30 X43365 Columbia 1810 0692 sories, from their OHN COLTRANE -The Coltrane Legacy; (8) 10 12 MORRISON HOTEL 8 M81553, (C) M51553 Buddah Doors, Elektra ET 8 -5007 & Ampex 85007 favorite local dis- EDDIE HARRIS -Come On Down; (8) M81554, MELANIE -Candles in the Rain; (8) M85060, 11 9 FRIJID PINK 5 (C) M51554 (C) M55060 tributor. Parrot M 79833 (Ampex) CHARLES MINGUS, The Best Of; (8) M81555, (C) M51555 12 - McCARTNEY 1 National General In the event that Paul McCartney, Apple 8XT 3363 CHARLES LLOYD, The Best Of; (8) M81556, (CI M51556 SILVER METRE; (8) M82000, (C) M52000 13 13 BUTCH CASSIDY THE SUNDANCE KID 4 & HANK CRAWFORD, The Best Of; (M) M81557, your local distribu- Bacharach /Soundtrack A &M 4227 Burt (C) M51557 Project 3 tor does not now 14 16 RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN' ON MY HEAD 8 ORVETTE COLEMAN, The Best Of; (8) -Applause and Other Show carry the Duotone B. J. Thomas, Scepter S -580 M81558, (C) M51558 Stoppers; (8) M84003, (C) M54003 15 11 ABBEY ROAD ..31 VARIOUS ARTISTS -Jazz Super Hits, Vol. 2; line, kindly order di- Beatles, Apple 8XT 383 (8) M81559, (C) M51559 Skye 16 14 I WANT YOU BACK ..12 GARY McFARLAND -Today; (8) M814, (C) rectly from Duotone Jackson 5, Motown MS 8 -1700 M514 LENA & GABOR, (8) M815, (C) M515 and give us the 17 18 SPIRIT IN THE SKY 3 CAPITOL name and address Norman Greenbaum, Reprise 8RM 6365 Vanguard 18 15 THIS GIRL'S IN LOVE WITH YOU 3 -C.1. Fish; (8) of your present dis- Aretha Franklin, Atlantic TP 8248 & Ampex 88248 Capitol 19 19 GRAND FUNK 8 W. STEWART -Don't Care What Happens to tributor. Grand Funk Railroad, Capitol 8XT -406 Me; (8) 8XT 453 20 17 HELLO, I'M 13 LINDA RONSTADT -Silk Purse; (8) 8XT 407, Special bonus to all Columbia 1810 0826 (C) 4XT 407 BOBBIE GENTRY - Fancy; (8) 8XT 428, (C) cooperating dealers: 4XT 428 CASSETTE -Oh Happy Day; (8) 8XT II you If you send Duotone 443, (C) 4XT 443 & SUSAN RAYE -Gonna Get a new order totaling for which do not distribute own tapes) (Licensee listed labels Together; (8) 8XT 448, (C) 4XT 448 consider your only $50.00 or more This Last Weeks on VARIOUS ARTISTS-The Golden Sounds Week Week TITLE, Artist, Label & Number Chart Rock; (8) 8XL 458, (C) 4XL 458 by June 15th, Duo - VARIOUS ARTISTS-The Golden Sounds 1 1 HEY JUDE 10 AUDIENCE Country; (8) 8XL 459, (C) 4XL 459 tone will include 6 Beatles, Apple 4XT -385 VARIOUS ARTISTS -The Golden Sounds diamond needles 2 2 DEJA VU 5 Soul /Jazz; (8) 8XL 460, (C) 4XL 460 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Atlantic 57200 (Ampex) VARIOUS ARTISTS-The Golden Sounds Consider (our No. 787, retail 3 4 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER 12 Pop; (8) 8XL 461, (C) 4XL 461 Simon & Garfunkel, Columbia 1610 0750 VARIOUS ARTISTS -The Golden Sounds - value $30.00) at no Light Classics; (8) 8XL 462, (C) 4XL 462 THE SOURCE 4 3 LED ZEPPELIN II 24 PEGGY LEE Over Troubled Water, charge. Remember Atlantic CS 8236 & Ampex 58236 -Bridge (8) 8XT 463, (C) 4XT 463 to include local dis- 5 5 EASY RIDER 13 -; (8) 8XT Soundtrack, Reprise /Ampex M 2026 472, (C) 4XT 472 tributor's name and 6 11 CHICAGO 9 address. Write for Columbia 1610 0858 7 7 RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN' ON MY HEAD 8 free catalogue, price B. J. Thomas, Scepter S -580 FIESTA list. 8 12 MORRISON HOTEL 7 Doors, Elektra 5007 & Ampex 55007 Fiesta DUOTONE 9 9 STEPPENWOLF LIVE 2 From Dunhill 5023 50075 M & Ampex 55075 Italy COMPANY, INC. MIRNA DORIS & MARIO TREVI -Ammore 'E 10 8 SANTANA 24 Napule; (8) FSC -1572 PO BOX 1168, Columbia 1610 0692 SAN REMO 1969 (8) 8FSC -1573 I GRANDI SUCCESI; (8) 8FSC -1574 11 6 ABBEY ROAD 30 S. MIAMI, FLA. From Greece Beatles, Apple 4XT 383 RIA KOURTI -Songs by Gavalas; (8) 8FSC -331 POLY PANOU; (8) 8FSC -332 33143 12 10 TOM JONES LIVE IN LAS VEGAS . 21 Parrot M79631 (Ampex) MANOLIS ANGELOPOULOS; (8) 8FSC -333 13 13 BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID 2 I Burt Bacharach /Soundtrack, A &M 4227 14 - FRIJID PINK 1 LIGHTING O Parrot PKX 79633 (Ampex) 15 15 WILLY & THE POOR BOYS 21 RECORD SOURCE Creedence Clearwater Revival, Fantasy 58397 (Ampex) ABC INTERNATIONAL Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/23'70 SOUNDTRACK -They Shoot Horses Don't They; (8) M810, (C) M510 22 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD r \

I sings the sh st ppe


I And it's a hit recordProduced by J m = regale 73072 The Mercury Record From Corporation Family of Labels / Mercury Philips Smash Fontana Limelight : Intrepid d/f8PClliV A Product Of Mercury Record Prodiuctions,Ilnc. /35 East Wacker Dnve,Chicago, Illinois 6O601/A North American Pi;ilips Company Talent Holmes Finishes Turn Talent In Action Pop Fest for On Track Turntable CREEDENCE CLEARWATER far below par, especially for a vocalist who is as country- oriented Houston Set NEW YORK -LeRoy New Provocative Films." REVIVAL as Miss Ronstadt. Holmes, musical director for His other chores at UA in- Madison Square Garden, On the other hand Goose Creek, HOUSTON -Soundville Rec- United Artists Records, is back clude recording most of the New York another Capitol act, knocked the ords, a recording studio and at his New York desk after a Latin -American artists on the audience on its ear with its "coun- talent complex here, is teaming Creedence Clearwater Revival, try funk" arrangements and rendi- with Joe and Ellen Barban, pro- week in Los Angeles assisting label, and to write and produce Fantasy Records, whipped a near- record albums and singles for big- voiced tions. The six -man instrumental/ moters, to produce a giant pop capacity crowd at Madison Square vocal group is certainly one of the his new soundtrack album, "The singers on the label such as Garden, May 3, into a scream- music fest. Working out of most tight -knit organizations to Soundville will be Fred Mirick, Hawaiians." At Mancini's re- Sergio Franchi. He also super- ing frenzy of excitement with a ever step on -stage and greatly re- quest, Holmes took over the vises most of the soundtrack al- fast -paced, rhythm -filled concert sembled another Capitol act, The director of the Sound Art Tal- "control booth" spot for the re- bums that the company releases. that ran like a special recording Band, in both sound and quality. ent division, and Grady Porter. of their greatest hits. cording sessions at the new Glen As musical director for UA, Goose Creek ran through a col- The festival will be held Aug. Sound Studios on the Paramount Holmes works under the guid- Unlike many other top record- lection of tunes that ranged from 14 -16 outside of the city. Mirick lot. ance of Bob Skaff, vice president ing groups, Creedence lost no country /rock to an almost hard - is lining up talent. Theme of the Between sessions, Holmes vis- and head of promotion for the time in "warming up." Instead, rock. At all times, however, the festival will be a purity move- ited disk jockeys to plug his new Libelty-UA combine, and Mike from the moment its members Appalachia Mountain boys re- ment and it will be called the single, "Women in Love" and Lipton, general manager of UA stepped on stage they moved into tained the tightness and unity. "Purity Pop '70." Miss Porter a repertoire of tunes from many Judging from the 40- minute act, said that plans were to set up album titled "Themes From the Records. of their chart- riding albums in- Capitol has snared another winner a foundation for the proceeds cluding "Willie and the Poor from the Kentucky hills. Boys." of the festival with funds going As for Miss Ronstadt, the beau- to all forms of purity projects tiful quality of her voice Nader Expands MPC Into Creedence, with John Fogerty hasn't such as fighting water and air on vocals, has a sensuous, in- changed but her style certainly has sistent, stimulating rock sound gone from country /rock to pure pollution, establishing health Management & Television blended with frolicky, elusive country. Instead of the Whisky, centers for drug addicts who blues and folk undertones which the young vocalist should have been want help, and promoting legis- NEW YORK -Richard Na- the U.S. A 20 -city tour has al- gives the overall production a at the Troubadour, a club which lation regarding pollution. quality of artiness that is the caters a great deal more to the der, president of Music Pro- ready been scheduled. foundation of the group's suc- country fan than does the Whisky. duction Consultants, Inc., and Les Haber, who is heading cess. RON TEPPER producer of the Rock & Roll MPC's TV and film division, Mary Jane, Sharing the stage with Creed - Revival, is expanding the MPC had previously announced plans ence Clearwater were Booker T. FRIJID firm into fields of management to tape the Rock & Roll Revival and the M.G.s and country -folk PINK and television. in Long Beach, Calif., for a TV entertainer Wilbert Harrison. The Ungano's, New York Atl Deal Heading the new manage- special. Due to logistic prob- Booker T. group, , Frijid Pink, Parrot Records' suc- NEW YORK - Mary Jane ment department will be Ray lems, the taping has been post- oozing confidence and profession- cessful group from Detroit, had Geiger, president of Mary Jane Reneri, formerly road manager poned until August or Septem- alism, used organ and guitar to a powerful opening at Ungano's Public Relations, has formed the for many top British and Amer- ber, when Volume 2 of the advantage to come up with a May 12. Seeing the quartet deliver Cracker Jack Group to handle stimulating mixture of soul -jazz- ican groups. One of the groups Rock & Roll Revival will be their "House of the Rising Sun," a new talent roster from Atlantic will is the rock that was racy without being a million -selling single, showed why that MPC represent touring the country. repititious, commanding without Records. The roster includes the Troggs. The group, who is pri- this unit has made it so big. The Also still in negotiation are being loud. set also showed they can even get following acts: Insect Trust, marily based in England, will plans to do a feature film using bigger. Blues Image, High Mountain for third tour of With composer -arranger Steve return their Cropper on guitar and Booker T. Kelly Green is a first -rate blues Hoedown, Juicy Lucy, Sweet Jones on organ, the group de- vocalist, whose stage movements Stavin Chain, Unspoken Word, Ace Trucking livered an artistic performance of are magnetic. In "Deal with the Yes, Blue Mountain Eagle, Unsurpassed in Quality at any Price "Green Onions," "Never My Devil," he also showed skill with Taste, Exchange, Sideshow and Tour in High Love," "Summertime," and the the harmonica. The blues guitar of Troyka. theme from the movie, "Uptight." Gary Thompson was exceptional, The Cracker Jack Group will NEW YORK -RCA Records RADCLIFFE JOE especially in the same number. attempt to promote artists, par- GLOSSY Ace Trucking Company wound But the strong contributions of ticularly during the period after up their four -week engagement MOTHERS OF bass guitarist Thomas (Satch) completion of an album and the PHOTOS at Las Vegas' International Harris, an intense performer, and INVENTION, drummer Rick Steven were keys actual release date. EACH 8 Hotel Sunday (17) and went Partners in the Cracker Jack IN C8x10 SEA TRAIN, to the overpowering effect. The 9¢1000 LOTS to Los Angeles, Monday (18) instrumentalists were as valuable Group with Miss Geiger are $12.95 per 100 through Wednesday (20) to INSECT TRUST in the "House of the Rising Sun" Michael Hyland and Merle Pol- Post Cards promote their album "Ace Fillmore East, New York as was Green's fine vocal. In "I'm lack. $49 per 1000 Trucking Company." The group Movin'," the unit had hints of 1,000 then moves to New York Frank Zappa and the Mothers Creedence Clearwater Revival. to MOUNTED 8x10 COLOR Thursday (21) to continue on of Invention returned Fillmore Frijid Pink is quite a group! Sinatra Awards on ENLARGEMENTS $175.00 the LP's promotion. East May 8 and, in the first of FRED KIRBY 20 "x30" $6.50 3,000 Postcards four weekend shows, were welcome June 1 at College 30 "x40" $9.50 On Monday (25), the group indeed. Zappa's surliness and flair $120.00 joins Tom Jones at Philadel- LOS ANGELES -The fourth Special Color for put -on were ideal, beginning CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE annual Musical Process phia's Latin Casino for a two - with the Bizarre Records' group's week engagement. Plans are opening "Who Needs the Peace TRUTH Performance Awards will be now being worked out for a Corps." Aragon Ballroom, Chicago given June 1 at the University of California at Los Angeles second album which will be Drummer Aynsley Dynbar, who Charlie Musselwhite brought his recorded sometime in July. has his own group on Blue Thumb, campus in which eight students PYrJ'RT own type of south side blues to will oto9raPherr plus the returning Billy Mundi, the north side May 8, but it didn't share $10,000 in prize formerly of Rhinoceros, were work. Another group, Truth, spun money. The awards will be made A Division of JAMES 1. KRIEGSMAN Rascals, Buie among the strong points as were a web of sound that entranced the at inconcert at Royce Hall on 165 W. 46th St., N.Y. 36 PL 7 -0233 such Mothers as Ian Underwood audience. campus in which the winning (sax and keyboard), Ray Collins students will perform. Signed by ATI (vocals), Jim (Motorhead) Sher- Musselwhite, who records for wood (sax) and Don Preston (key- Paramount Records, was hampered NEW YORK Rascals by an inconsiderate sound crew -The board). Zappa's guitar playing who and writer -producer Buddy was good as was the bass guitar insisted on experimenting with Buie the vocal levels during his set. solid on electric and acoustic gui- YOUR HOST: work of Jeff Simmons. have joined ATI for talent rep- While his blues harp playing was tar, while Steve Dolan, who UR resentation. The program opened with two authentic, unlike the watered down showed himself one of the best /;Ld Sol Saffian, president of ATI, veteran groups making their Fill - blues of Led Zeppelin, he stretched on bass guitar, also was fine on is mapping plans for a more East debuts: A &M's Sea his solos too far. His backing band, stand -up bass. In the closing "Run nation- Train, who scored well musically, Shaker Life," he played wide concert tour by the Rascals the Blues Stars, took pointless solos both. and Atco's Insect Trust, whose cool at various intervals. Mike Charles was a steady 4:4.,,RESTAURANT to tie in with a new single and reception was merited. Among the force on drums. But the essence album to be released shortly by many In contrast, Truth played an ex- the assets of Sea Train, not citing of trio was its togetherness, Atlantic Records. heard in this area in some time, set, sparked by good inter- rather than any individual flash, play between guitar, bass and _' Jeff Franklin, chairman of the were vocalist Richard Greene and which sometimes impedes other Andrew drums. The high point was an ex- 163-65 W. 48th St. board of ATI, is working to put Kulberg, bass and flute. tended groups. In addition to "Run Shaker FRED KIRBY number, "The Trilogy," Life," other top numbers included New York, N. Y. 10036 a concert tour for Buie's BBC which employed some - 245-6138 "Yesterday, Today Tomorrow," Productions who call themselves ish experimentation that succeeded and 's "Most Likely LINDA RONSTADT without being overbearing. The You Go Your Way, I'll Go Mine." The Gourmet's Haven the "Atlanta Rhythm Selection" group is unrecorded, but shows featuring Whisky A- Go -Go, Los Angeles Mike Dolan's lead vocals also were for Italian Cuisine Barry Baily. Franklin signs of being ready. good as were Steve Dolan's support is negotiating, on Buie's behalf, Linda Ronstadt was the head- GEORGE KNEMEYER vocals. FRED KIRBY THIS WEEK WE SALUTE - - production agreements with liner but by the time the evening was over the show had been stolen LIGHTHOUSE three labels. Buie recently com- by a polished, tight-knit group HARD MEAT FRANKIE VALLI pleted a new single and album of country /rock- oriented musicians Rock Orchestra Ungano's, New York & THE FOUR SEASONS The NOW with Dennis Yost and the called Goose Creek Symphony. on R.C.A. Records The time was May 3 and the Hard Meat, a together British Carnegie Hall, New York Classics IV. He is also produc- place was the Whisky- A- Go -Go. trio, had a strong opening set at As one of the foremost groups ing Dee Clark, the Candymen, Miss Ronstadt, whom everyone Ungano's, May 7, beginning a who've put the sound of the fabu- Diners' Club Noah's Ark and Black Rabbit remembers for her performances three -night engagement. All of the lous '50's rock in their repertoire American Express with the Stone Poneys, is certainly material was from the unit's debut and yet spun artfully through for the Liberty label and Paul album on Warner Bros. the Carte Blanche a talented vocalist but the Whisky Flagg for Wand. and its "canyon sound system" fall Mike Dolan, lead vocalist, was (Continued on page 26) 24 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Ppoduced by Amigos De Musica

From The Mercury Record Corporation Family of Labels / Philips Mercury Smash Fontana Limelight Intrepid A Product Of Mercury Record Productions,Inc. /35 East Wacker Drive,Chicago, Illinois 60601/A North American Philips Company Talent

Sinatra 'Chairman' All From The The Way in U.K. Concert Music Capitals of the World LONDON - From the mo- Popular opinion at the con- ment he stepped on stage at the cert was that the half hour al- DOMESTIC Royal Festival Hall in the first loted to the Count Basie or- of his two, long awaited and chestra was far too short. How- NEW YORK posed and scored the music for much heralded London charity ever the band played well and the Charles Fifer film "Mine Eyes concerts, Frank Sinatra had there were five solos from Ed- Colossus' Shocking Blue and Tee Have Seen the Glory." . .. Tony complete control of the situa- die (Lockjaw) Davis on tenor, Set give a Carnegie Hall concert Lawrence will produce a "Give - tion. Bobby Plater on alto and Harry June 14.... Columbia's Peace-a- Chance Music Show" in The Festival Hall, packed to (Sweets) Edison on trumpet. and his "Easy Does It Band" the Damrosch Bandshell Lincoln capacity with an audi- appear at through Center on June 7. . Deccá s estimated By the second half tension Karen Wyman will ence of 2,500, Monday (18). . . Joanne Sharell, make her night- swung to the and excitement were at a peak. wife of Jerry Sharell, national pro- club debut at the Sands Hotel, Las in the And without any introduction motion director for Buddah /Kama Vegas, on June 3. . . . Stephen first half which set the pace for on walked Sinatra with a soli- Sutra, and her husband became Buer and Menzel Borg will con- things to come. The combina- tary spotlight and what must the parents of a son, Jerome Sha- duct a series of tion of Basie and Sinatra is have been one of the biggest rell, April 27 at the Sharon (Pa.) concerts on Sunday afternoons at dynamic and with the added ovations ever received by an General Hospital.... Solid State's Cafe Figaro. . . . Burt Bacharach Chico Hamilton at Lenny's will appear in concert with the backing of the selection of artist in Britain. appears hand -picked con- on the Turnpike, Boston, Friday vocal group, Carpenters, and a full musicians Sinatra the very best ducted by Bill Miller, nothing picked (22) for the Gretch Workshop... . orchestra under his direction at the material from his repertoire to Jubilee's Donna Theodore opens a Westbury Music Fair, L.I., May could go wrong. 29 -30. FRED Princess Margaret delight his audience; each open- two -week engagement at Oklahoma KIRBY accom- ing was City's Cabana Hilton, Aug. 3. panied by Lord Snowdon, phrase immediately rec- ognized and each number drew Elektra's Tom Paxton and Johnny Dankworth and Cleo A &M's Brewer & Shipley play the CINCINNATI Laine, seemed' to lead the ap- rapturous applause. S in a t r a swung through "Come Fly With Bitter End, June 10 -15. . . . Co- Mae Boren Axton, plause throughout. lumbia's Me," "Chicago," "The Lady Is opens a well known in both the Any suspicions the audience one -week stint at the Sahara Tahoe, country a Tramp," in characteristic style. and pop fields, whose "Heartbreak mag have had that the accumu- June 1.. . . Exchange, a new At- Sinatra sings with tremendous Hotel" was one of the first big lated years might be diminish- lanticgroup formerly Tampalpais ones for , is now lo- ing Sinatra's magic, were soon feeling and with songs like "I've Exchange, an off -Broadway show cated in Phoenix, Ariz., where she's dispelled in the first few bars Got You Under My Skin" and earlier this season, will release working on public relations while "You Make Me Feel So Young," the score for the show as their continuing her writings. of his opening song. Sinatra first album produced by Adrian Her song- proved that his phrasing and he simply could do no wrong. writer son Hoyt is still in Holly- Barber's Starship Productions... . breath control are still second But it was perhaps with his wood and takes to the road fre- Jazzman Charles Lloyd has com- quently for to none, whether he is singing a sensitive interpretations of "Old pleted production an of college concerts and of album club dates. Another son is a ballad or an uptempo swinger. Man River" and "Yesterday" new music with label up for grabs. junior that Sinatra, with his superb in law school in Oklahoma. In fact, throughout there was His new six -man electric group Wild, song craft, proved that he is an West Jack of NBC -TV's "H. R. little doubt that this was Sinatra has a Coast tour coming up. Pufnstuf," was in town last week to at his very best. Introductions incomparable stylist. Frankie Ray, guitarist- singer hustle his new Capitol Records and asides were kept to a mini- This was a night to remem- at the Spindletop Restaurant, ' has single, "Some Beautiful," on Bob a new single on the Wizdom label, mum and during his one -hour ber and one which must rank "Liza Braun's "50 -50 Club" on WLW -T Love Me Now" and "Bye and Avco's four -city TV net, and performance he revealed all the as the show business night of Bye Baby" produced by Jimmy many facets of his talent. the year. PHILIP PALMER on Larry Smith's seg on WXIX, Wisner. Channel 19.... Scherri St. James Cotillion's Sweet Stavin Chain, & Company wound up their stand plays Ungano's, Tuesday (19) and at Harrah's, Reno, Nev., May 13 to Wednesday (20). . . Columbia's show their wares at Harrah's, Lake Miles Davis Getting Raven begins a three -week Euro- Tahoe, for the May 14 -20 period. pean tour, June 3. When they re- They have already been engaged turn to the U.S., they play Los to return to Lake Tahoe for a fort- Angeles' Whiskey Au- Go -Go, July night's stay beginning Nov. 12. Huge Sales Mileage 8 -12, and San Francisco's Fillmore Mark Ramsey, executive produc- West, July 16 -18. . Charles er of WLW -TV's country show, NEW YORK-With appear- Davis package is getting top air- Strouse, composer of Broadway's "Midwestern Hayride," is the new ances at the Fillmore East (New play in key cities like New York, "Applause," has left for Hollywood director of Avco Broadcasting's York) and Fillmore West (San San Francisco, Los Angeles, to do the score of the Warner "50 -50 Club, " featuring Bob Braun. Francisco) under his belt, jazz Boston and Chicago, among Bros. film, "There Was a Crooked He succeeds J.K. Smith. Carol artist Miles Davis is beginning to others. Man. "... Ford's Dick Roman has Farrell, production assistant on had a second four -week option "Hayride," is out on a leave of ab- reach contemporary audiences. The album, which was pro- picked up on his current engage- Columbia Records reports that duced by Teo Macero, is begin- sence. . . . Cathy Rainier is the ment at Las Vegas' Desert Inn. new promotion director at WXIX- his newest album, the two -rec- ning to show up on the national Warner Bros. Van Morrison ap- TV here, succeeding Dick Ridge. ord set, "Bitches Brew," is the best selling pop album charts as pears at 8 and 11 p.m. shows at Moonlite Gardens of Coney fastest selling album he's ever well as hold a key position on Howard Stein's Capitol Theater, Island here, long the haven for released and has already achieved the national jazz charts as well Port Chester, N.Y., Friday (22) top recording names, is continuing sales in excess of 70,000 copies. which attests to Davis' spread and Saturday (23). . . . Reprise's with the same policy this season. Columbia also reports that the into the contemporary market. Sammy Davis will appear at the Already set are Kenny Rogers and King's Inn in the Bahamas and the First Edition, July 11; the Gold the Deauville, Miami Beach, this Diggers, Aug. 8, and "Hee Haw's" summer. Motown's Supremes also , Aug 22.... Fraternity will be appearing during the Deau- Record president Harry Carlson ville's summer season. Miami's and wife Louise returned to their Eden Roc, also owned by Morris Sheraton Gibson Hotel headquar- In Action Lansburgh, will have Don Rickles, Talent ters Monday (18) after a week of Diana Ross and Sheckey Greene sopping up the sunshine in Fort Continued from page 22 restrained power, evokes both among its summer headlines. Lauderdale, Fla. hilarity and awe from the listener. has moved to 15 Dennis Wholey, a resident of pop sophistication of the '60's. So much so, that the near -capacity Columbus Circle . C.C. Court- New'York since his syndicated talk Frankie Valli and the Four Sea- audience swarmed to the edge of ney and Peter Link's Big Sandy show bearing his name was sons took the Carnegie stage May the stage and persuaded four en- Productions will collaborate with chucked by WKRC -TV five months 10 with confident urbanity and cores, which still failed to satiate Youth Marketing in editing the ago, was a visitor here last week, polished musicianship. There's a their enthusiasm. best of the mini -opera series for accompanied by singer Carolyn constant osmosis of interpretative ROBIN LOGGIE release as a deluxe record set... . Blakey, whom he has under con- feeling linking Bob Gaudio on Jerry Ragavoy is producing Gar- tract. Miss Blakey cut a session at electric organ, Joey Long on bass net Mimms for MGM and Lor- King Records here, with Wholey guitar, and Tommy De Vito on RAY DRUSHAY raine Ellison for Warner Bro.;.... monitoring. Her initial release on lead guitar with Valli's extraor- Dangerfield's, New York Orpheus set for the Huntington the label some months ago was dinary vocals, and this was in- House, L.I., Friday (22), Garden "Tomorrow's Child." Now working tensified by an outstanding five - Ray Drushay, an engaging young City, L.I., Saturday (30), the New out of the William Morris office, man support on guitar, drums, vocalist, had a promising New Brunswick Inn, New Brunswick, Dennis is still mulling the idea of horn, and saxes doubling on York debut at Dangerfield's, May N.J., June 5, and the Toms River presenting The Who in concert chimes. II. Drushay was at his best in H.S., Toms River, N.J., June 12. here, with he as emcee. Their unique alchemy of styl- country -style material, including . . . Sad Ending, Scepter Records Richard King, WLW Radio's top istic traits ranged from a barrage "Santa Anna Winds," his latest group, on a tour of campus one - mikeman, departed the station of past hits to their new material single. nighters.... Melanie, Buddah art- May 1 at the expiration of his on Philips; from their current A country medley ( "Make the ist, will give a solo concert at contract. King is reported to have album, "Half and Half," the World Go Away," "I Can't Stop Carnegie Hall June 13.... Amber- demanded more moola, which group's medley of "Any Day Now/ Loving You," "I Can't Help it If gris, Paramount Records group, at wasn't forthcoming. Filling his Oh Happy Day" unfolded in arrest- I'm Still in Love With You," Los Angeles Whisky Au GoGo former 3 to 7 slot is Jim La- ing variations of tone, and their "Born to Lose," and "Your Cheat - Thursday (21) to Sunday (24)... . Barbara. King had been at WLW new single, "Patch of Blue," was in' Heart ") was another big one. Felicia Sanders, director Ellis Rabb since 1965.... Lauded by the local r"ythmically effective. His impressions of Johnny Cash and composer Sheldon Harnick press for a solid performance, The But Frankie Valli has to be and Elvis Presley also were win- plan a Broadway musical, as yet Mountain, (Felix Papalardi, bass, heard in person to be believed. His ners. Drushay showed himself to untitled, based on the life of Edith and Leslie West, guitar) drew a ability to render the high -pitched be a bright young talent in a coun- Piaf. . . Larry Weiss set to pro- meager gathering of rock fans to syncopated anguish of "Don't try -pop vein. The evening also duce theme for Avco Embassy's Music Hall. The Hampton Grease Think Twice" and then glissando marked the return to the club of "The People Next Door" with the Band, of Atlanta, handled the into "Circles in the Sand," due Rodney Dangerfield after a short Bead Game ... " Pufnstuf" sound- warm -up. for imminent release, absence the Bell and more and Records track to be released on Capitol A.S. Csaky, motion picture tech - especially Gaudio's "The Sun Ain't comedian was in top form. and not Kapp as previously an- Gonna Shine," with a rich, un- FRED KIRBY nounced.... Dave Mullaney corn- (Continued on page 28) 26 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Thank you National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences RECORD OF THE YEAR "Aquarius /Let The Sunshine In" The Fifth Dimension Producer: Bones Howe

Soul City Records is very proud of an association which also produced, "The Girls Song'; "Stoned Soul Picnic'; Medley: "The Worst That Could Happen'% "Wedding Bell Blues ; "California Soul'; "Up-Up And Away'; "Blowin' Away'; "Carpet Man'; "Working On A Groovy Thing "Paper Cup'; "':

now all available on " GREATEST HITS" an album, cartridge and cassette.


hberiy /OA, Inc_ I''''' An Entertainment Service of IIII Transamerica Corporation Do your Talent thing From The Glass Bottle Popping Out with Music Capitals With Promotional Tour NEW YORK -Avco Embassy to these markets. Traveling with of the World Records has initiated a cross - the group are Luigi Creatore, an AIG. country tour on behalf of its vice president and chief operat- DOMESTIC new pop group the Glass Bottle. ing officer of the label, and The promotional tour Continued from page 26 to draw 500,000 persons to South- which was Mike Becce, director of promo- ern Nevada, June 29 through July kicked off in New York with a tion. nician, filmed a 35mm. segment on 5, despite the fact that the sheriff luncheon at the Playboy Club in- Bud Katzel, Avco Embassy's "Coal River," new Fraternity Rec- revoked their "movie license." Gov- cludes Baltimore, Washington, general manager, explained that ords single, as. done by Gene ernment officials said revocation Philadelphia, Seattle, Denver, the tour would be followed by Hughes and the Casinos. Shooting resulted because of misrepresenta- Detroit and Cleveland. In each merchandising was and advertising done at Rusty York's Jewel tion. Richard Keats, president of market a cocktail Recording Studios here. Product party or lunch- campaigns with the greatest em- RSK Corp., and The Nevada Film eon will be held for dealers, disk got a viewing recently at a press and Music Festival originally told phasis on radio spot time buys party at Harry Carlson Fraternity authorities they were hired to film jockeys and press. The Glass across the country to support headquarters here. Music is being part of a movie for United Artists. Bottle will be on hand to per- the album. The group's single, dubbed in this week, with the short Al King, president of Concerto form several numbers from their "Love for Living," is already slated for distribution in film Music Agency Artists Management latest album, "The Glass Bottle," picking up play in a number of houses at an early date. "Coal in San Mateo, Calif., is in charge which has already been shipped Top 40 markets. River" was cleffed by Jim Belt, of talent. King said stars being West Virginia songwriter- entertain- soueht for the rock festival in- er. . . Jimi Hendrix brings his cluded Ringo Starr of the Beatles; rock group to Cincinnati Gardens Biooa, nwea. oll. '1e r i l -. .g- 18 Months -in -the- May 22. BILL SACHS bloods, , Johnny Cash Making and Dionne Warwick. Keats plans to charge $12.50 per head. Festival Set Wisconsin LAS VEGAS The first annual celebrity party, for with proceeds of $18,000 going to MADISON, Wis. -After 18 of contemporary youth. We feel The Promises in town for a the Cancer Society, was held at United Recording disk session. The months of preparation, Concept that the length of the festival the International Hotel April 23. Nine, Ltd., of Madison, has se- will group closed a four -week gig at Stars autographing records includ- help create an atmosphere the Sahara Tahoe.... The South- ed Parrot's Tom Jones; Amos Rec- cured contracts with the city of overwhelming cooperation. ern Nevada Industrial Foundation ords ; MGM's fathers of Black River Falls, People will be able to come and is considering a campaign to create Wayne Newton; Buddah's Vic Wis., to hold a Music and Art live here for five days. It will not a "music business row" in Las Damone; Esther Marrow, who just Fair on a 1,500 -acre site cen- be in Vegas for major recording and blow and blow out. We are had her first album released; New trally located to the entire Mid- now negotiating with national commercial production. . The Zealand singer John Rowles; Ha- Command Performance debuting west. Charles Gottlieb, head of concessionaires to supply food waiian singer Dick Jensen; Phyllis Concept Nine, said that the fair in the Sands Hotel had their first McGuire, Louie Prima and the and drink at decent prices and single, "Working Man's Prayer" Treniers. date was set for Aug. 19 through all the necessary sanitation fa- b/w "My Home on the Range," Singing sensation 15 -year -old 23. "It will be well organized cilities under a strict perform- released by Viking Records. . . Julie Budd made her Caesars Pal- from the logistic standpoint, with ance bond." Ken Adamany, The Treniers recorded "The Crap- ace debut with Frank Sinatra. the emphasis on the new culture Gottlieb's partner in the venture, shooter's Blues," live, on stage at ... The Eddie Dean Show, Gold- pointed out that the site was the Flamingo Casino Theater. en Nugget's country show, fea- Promoters of a seven -day rock "amidst national forests and tures former Sons of the Pioneers Disciple Promo close to an festival moved ahead with plans Roy Lanum on guitar; Dale War- Indian reservation. ren, bass; Fiddlin' Kate, violin; and The music will be taken from Drive Tour the entire spectrum Maryann on drums. . . . Stark of the scene Naked & the Car Thieves opened NEW YORK -A promotion today, rock, folk, jazz, country, in the Flamingo Skyroom.... Las campaign, including gospel, everything." Signings Vegas resident soul singer Joe Wil- a Midwest liams flew into New York for a and California tour is being Johnny Carson TV show, with planned for the Disciple, five - Tamalpais Exchange, a group of Little David Record artist Flip Wil- piece rock group recently three girls and three boys, which son as guest host. Carson and mu- signed to Avco Embassy Rec- was in Miami, to formed Atlantic sical conductor Doc Severinsen ords. The tour is being mapped Records. Initial album is due in were appearing at the Sahara. Sev- out by John Apostil, head of June and a single is scheduled for erinsen's June album "I Feel late . Dry Dock Apostil Enterprises, the group's May release. Good!" is a new release. . . . It will manager, to coincide with the County to . Wes LITHOGRAPHED ON HEAVY KROMEKOTE Farrel will produce their disks... . (Continued on page 41) release of their first album in Flight, Parthenon and Mohawk, mid -June. A single is scheduled UNDER 3C EACH sound three Chicago -based groups, to for release the first week of Little Mohawk Productions . . . Avalon TV Tie June. IN 1000 LOTS The Rhythm Rebellion to Tanger- The Disciple has been play- 500- -$ 18.85 1000--$29.75 ine. Shango and For larger quantities add $22.00 per 1000 better! ing clubs in the New to Dunhill. ... Delaney, Bonnie & With New Disk York and Friends, the Steve Miller Band, New Jersey areas this past year. ALSO AVAILABLE NOW: For complete information on Seals & Crofts, the Original Cast NEW YORK -Frankie Ava- The group recently signed with 8X10 COLOR PRINTS AKG quality performance Band and Bush to International Ion will be hitting the television Vinny Testa's Infinity, Inc. at prices ranging from Famous Agency for representation circuit in conjunction with the Their Avco Embassy album is 1000 8X10s $175.00 in . . $40. to $75- net. See your all fields. Former major release of his debut Metromedia being produced by Michael Send for a sample 8X10 color qualified dealer or write to: league pitcher Bob Uecker signed single "Come on Back to Me Earle, Infinity producer. print and black & white 8X10 a personal management contract Baby." He's scheduled for ap- plus prices for other sizes in with Jerry Purcell.... 4 O'Clock pearance on the Mery Griffin signed by Stonehedge Productions. Price's Turntable black & white and full details íi* The Unspoken Word to Atco. and David Frost's shows and on on ordering. -: ... Carmen Cavallaro to GWP "What's My Line." On the club Lists Schedule circuit end, Avalon has dates in MICROPHONES HEADPHONES Records after 20 years with Decca. Freddie Scott to Probe Rec- Hawaii for five days beginning NEW YORK -Lloyd Price's PICTURES NORTH AMERICANCAN PHII IIPS CORPORATION ords. Kallabash to Mercury. Wednesday (27) and in Mil- Turntable has set aside Tuesdays 317 N. ROBBERSON ,00 EAST no STRE Er NEW ) Changing Scene to Avco waukee from for Clark 17 -piece SPRINGFIELD, MO. 65806 June 4 until June Terry's or- fuddur, of the Aáo.u:ng a.odwm O.) .NG cu. oivisioN Cr DOOM IMMUMC ILLCTIONIC{ fC.CIONOMCM, OMTMW Embassy.... Rare Bread to MGM. 14. chestra and Mondays for His Metromedia single was WWRL disk jockeys. produced by Jackie Mills and Al Chubby Checker will be per- Capps, who are preparing an forming from Friday (22) album for Avalon. through Sunday (24). MUSIC PUBLISHING AUDITIONS If you have a program suitable for: VICE -PRES. INTERNATIONAL Convention Audiences Women's, Men's or Service Clubs Proven success in building a highly profitable Civic Concerts Colleges European firm for major U.S. publishing group. High Schools Thorough in Here is your opportunity to audition experience catalog /copyright ac- before national bureau managers and quisition, contracts, legal, royalty and tax pro- program chairmen attending The Inter- national Platform Association Conven- cedure. tion, July 27 -31, Washington, D. C., whose members are involved in over IF YOU WANT BIGGER OVERSEAS PROFITS 60,000 such programs yearly. All appli- cations must .be in as soon as possible, WITH LESS HEADACHES, LET'S TALK. as the number of auditions is limited. For information, write to: Write: Box #782 D. T. Moore Billboard Magazine Director General 165 West 46th St. The International PHIL SPECTOR, left, and George Harrison, center, huddle with Pete New York, N. Y. 10036 Platform Association Bennett, head of public relations for ABKCO Industries Management, 2564 Berkshire Road on promotion plans for the Beatles' film, "Let It Be," and the album Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106 of the same name which Spector produced. 28 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD SCLC (operation breadbasket), Rev. Jesse Jackson, NAACP, Urban League, Record World, Billboard, Cashbox, and Kim Weston wish to thank the following radio stations who are be- ginning to play `LIFT EV'RY VOICE AND SING:


hunger hur

Alabama Washington, D.C. WMPP Michigan WRPL WAPX WOOK WOPA WCHB WSRC-AM & FM WENN WOL WVON WGPR WEUP WJLB Ohio WGOK Florida Indiana WABQ WMOO WBOP WTLC Mississippi WCIN WTUG WBUS WWCA WOKJ WDAO WCNH WJMO WDBS Missouri Arkansas Kansas KATZ WVKO WDVV KEYN KALO WRBD KWK KCAT WRHC KPRS KOKY Kentucky WTYS KXLW W DAS WOKB WLOU New Jersey WHAT California WNJR KDIA Georgia Louisiana KG FJ WBHB KAOK New York WDIA KLIP WDWD KOKA WWRL WLOK KSOL WERD WYLD WLIB WVOL XERB WGOV North Carolina WOKS WAAA Texas WRFC WEBB KNOK Colorado WAIR WSOK WINN WEAL KDKO WAOK WITH Virginia KBPI WGIV WSID WIDU WJJS WLLE Connecticut WLNC Wisconsin WKND WRNC WNOV and to come!! Radio -TV programming Watermark Launches 1st Global Syndicated Top 40 Show July 1 Continued from page 1 and the show will be available for building KHJ in Los Angeles and vice president Ron Jacobs for broadcast on Sundays, un- into one of the nation's most unveiled the new three -hour veiling information that will be successful Top 40 stations. Host show last week in Mallorca at in the Billboard that reaches of the show is Casey Kasem, the second annual Billboard In- most radio stations either on the leading air personality. The for- ternational Music Industry Con- following Monday or Tuesday. mat, besides featuring a count- ference. The first unveiling of On July 1 the show will be down of the major-selling 40 the show for the U.S. market launched in France, West Ger- records in the nation, also con- will be held during the third many, Spain, and the Nether- tains historic sidelights on rec- annual Billboard Radio Pro- lands. Negotiations are under ord artists and records -all fit- gramming Forum June 18 -20 at way with stations in other coun- ting into a tight format. The the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in tries and there's a strong chance foreign version will be different New York. that the show will pierce the from the U.S. version in that POPPY RECORDS ARTIST Townes Van Zandt tours Milwaukee's radio The show's format features a Iron Curtain countries. several of the state -owned radio and record scene. From left: Vin Scelsa of Poppy Records, Bob Reit- countdown of top 40 The show is being produced networks will adapt it to fit their man of WTOS, Dave Steffen of Taylor Electric Co.'s promotion depart- Billboard's ment, John Houghton of WZMF -FM, Van Zandt, Steve Stevens of records from the Hot 100 Chart by Ron Jacobs, who was noted own programming concepts. In the Dutch countries, for exam- WZMF -FM, and RCA Records promotion man John Hager. ple, the state -owned radio will TV REVIEW take the components of the show and translate for their own air personalities. In Spain, the feature material will be in En- WNBC's Bascom to Cash- Second Look glish, but the introductions to the records will be in Spanish. Talk at Radio Forum Rounds said that he is now At Country's Champ setting up a distributor network NEW YORK -The third an- radio stations, are WCBM in for the Far East. nual Billboard Radio Program- Baltimore, WTLC -FM in Indian- He always lets the other NEW YORK - Few shows proach: of the major aspects of ming Forum continues to build apolis, and WRKO in Boston. image of artist shine, to his credit, and One have improved the the new program is that it will and the latest speaker to be WCBM features an easy listen- country music as has "The the result is an engaging and added to an already outstanding ing format, WTLC -FM plays atmosphere that introduce U.S. hits early in for- Johnny Cash Show" on ABC -TV comfortable eign countries, Rounds said. slate includes Perry Bascom, soul, WRKO is a Top 40 opera- network, and there have been permeates the entire show. general manager of WNBC in tion consulted by Bill Drake and Pride performed "Is "This type of program could, some good television shows re- Charley for the first time, establish a New York, who'll speak on how programmed by Mel Phillips. volving around country music Anybody Goin' to San Antone ?," 40 rec- management can build their air The Forum gets under way at into a medley of songs sales impact for a major during the years, to wit: "The then went personalities. 2 p.m., June 18, at the Waldorf - like "Galveston" and "Texarkana ords worldwide at the same Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour" time." This could, in time, lead Just added to the Sounds of Astoria Hotel with speakers Art and "The Ozark Jubilee." Baby" with Cash. Other high- the Times exhibit, which will Linkletter, Les Smith a n d lights of the show was a Cash to an international sales chart, The Johnny Cash show, with he said, showing the major -sell- feature the generic sounds of a . poise and warmth-and with ex- ing records around the world. total broadcast day of leading taste been (Continued on page 32) The first break comes at 5:30 ceptionally good -has p.m., when is invited music in its everyone presenting country to attend an open house and as well as vari- traditional forms cocktail reception at the Bill- ous aspects. The May 6 show, board offices and rooftop gar- Merle Hag- L.I. Co. Makes Stereo Transmitter for example, offered den, 16th floor, 165 W. 46th St., ample exposure to present gard By ELIOT TIEGEL just a short stroll from the Wal- what was basically a study of LOS ANGELES stereo programmed stereo by broad- as in the case with FM multi - dorf- Astoria. Record artists are Jimmie Rodgers, starting off -A to this on "New broadcasting transmission sys- casting one channel on their AM plex. also being invited attend with that type of style reception as guests of Billboard; York City Blues" and then going tem for AM radio has been de- frequency and broadcasting the Just how strong the AM Island firm. second channel on an FM out- signal is received depends it is the one event of the year deeper with Haggard and Cash veloped by a Long stereo when record artists can meet teaming up on "In the Jailhouse A local middle -of -the -road op- let; usually their FM counter- on where the listener lives, XTRA, will be the first part. (WQXR-FM is now stereo.) Young said. XTRA's stereo sig- more radio program directors Now." Haggard then went back erator, managers than they sup- station in the country using the nal is particularly strong, he said, and general into a solo performance, The new system involves a in years of in the southern regions of Los could see several ported by fiddle, dobro, and equipment. XTRA's transmitter special AM stereo transmitter tours. acoustic guitar, and horns - is located in Mexico; no U.S. which allows the station to send Angeles, Orange and San Diego much as Rodgers was wont to station yet has an AM stereo out two signals by the use of two counties. At 7:30 p.m., the Sounds of do. The Haggard performances broadcast permit. sidebands. Thus a teen -ager can XTRA's MOR programming the Times exhibit will be open in the Waldorf -Astoria's Astor were strictly quality and of high Developed by Kahn Research now hear stereo at the beach by is stereo 24 hours a day. McLen- appeal. Laboratories of Freeport, L.I., placing two transister AM radios don's FM station, KOST -FM Gallery. The Astor Gallery will performed "And the new transmitter now allows six to eight feet apart and having went multiplex two years ago also serve as a gathering place and lounge the en- I Think I Love You Again," an AM operator to enter the do- them both tuned to the origina- with a similar format. throughout tire Forum providing ample then teamed with Cash on . a main of two -channel stereo tion station. Kahn Research, formed in - opportunity for registrants to combination of her singing "Big broadcasting which heretofore Once the radios have been 1952, specializes in the develop - Boss Man" and Cash singing has been the forte of FM broad- spaced far enough apart to ob- ment of communications and meet other radio men on a cas- "Bad News" -both at the same casters. tain stereo separation, the listen- broadcast equipment. Its parent ual basis. an ef- There have been some AM time. This proved to be er tunes in the station on the Electrospace (AMEX) Several national advertising fective blend and illustrated stations, like WQXR in New company, right radio and then off -tunes of Westbry, L. I., manufactures rep firms are, in addition, plan- another facet to the Cash ap- York, which in early experiments that radio slightly to the right. the transmitting equipment. ning social functions for the He next tunes in the station on radio stations they represent. the left radio and then off -tunes 'Polka Varieties' Returns to the station slightly to the left. WDVH Accent on However, the key emphasis of As Bob Young, an executive the Forum is on radio education. with the McLendon Pacific Country Sound And this year an outstanding Syndication; 25 Stations Set Corp., which is the sales agent slate of speakers has been lined polka bands are for XTRA, said listeners are GAINESVILLE, Fla. - CLEVELAND -"Polka Vari- ethnic style WDVH, 5,000 -watt daytime sta- up that ranges from blending eties," produced by Herman such polka favorites as Frankie picking up two signals on side - bands adjacent to the station's tion, is now basing mot of its music, traditional vs. modern Spero Productions, is returning Yankovic, Wally's Polka Chips, programming Almars, Steve Budzilek, Rickie prime frequency. XTRA broad- on country music. country music programming, and to syndication, and 25 television Mel the station said been Badnal, Eddie Stampfl, Henry casts with 50,000 watts, with one Turner at the growing impact of albums stations have already the sound is centered around a cleared for the weekly hour Haller, Lenny Zadel, and Ed & transmitter in Tijuana, Mexico. in programming to the qualities Gilda Ciffani. The styles range The station is owned by Mexican Nashville Brass type of sound, show. Paul Wilcox hosts the but the station will be playing a program director must develop show, which has been on from Italian polka to German interests who lease sales and polka. Spero said that other programs rights to the Mc- such artists as Bill Anderson, in today's changing radio scene. WEWS -TV here for 14 years , and Johnny Cash years each acts from the pop field are also Lendon organization which pre- The Billboard Radio Program- Sunday. as well as listening - featured occasionally on the pares the two-channel 71/2 easy folk Herman Spero, head of the flavored LP cuts. Manager of ming Forum is organized by one also show. Al Martino once ap- inches-per- second tapes in its production firm that creates the station is Larry Edwards. of the leading educational con- the weekly "Upbeat" bandstand peared. New groups for "Polka Dallas facilities. sulting firms-James O. Rice variety show aimed at young Varieties" are auditioned each All the music is played on au- adults and teens, said he hopes Monday night, Spero said, "and tomated tape players. There is KOAD Rock Play Associates -which also organ- to place "Polka Varieties" on once in a while I'll find a group no interference of the prime sig- izes the tape CARtridge forum some 35 -40 stations. The show that we also feature on 'Upbeat,' nals when heard on only one LEMOORE, Calif. -KOAD and the International Music In- was syndicated in about 35 mar- but mostly I'm searching for radio. is now featuring a rock format; dustry Conference for Billboard. kets back in 1967 -68, then was Since beginning its stereo the station previously new talent Mondays for the broadcast Registration is $175 taken off the market for a broadcasts May 2, XTRA has an easy listening and may be polka show." In Cleveland, the format. It while. been promoting the new sound broadcasts 6 a.m. -midnight. sent to Radio Programming Fo- Appearing in a format that show gathers an average of about by pointing out that no adapters Chris Conner is program direc- rum, Ninth Floor, 300 Madison consists of rotating various 160,000 homes, he said. or special receivers are required tor. Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 30 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD JUST FOR TIE RECORD


DAVID, like a lot of people before him has written and sings songs about prison.

gut wringing songs of desolation, stench, and woe behind a ton of steel bars and concrete walls.

only DAVIC knows first -hand the lyrics he sings --

twenty of his twenty -nine year stretch on earth have been spent behind those bars --

and DAVID knows what the hell he's singing about.

is released. DAVID'S first album just o JUST FOR THE RECORD- -DAVID ALLAN COE.




DAVID ALLAN COE "PENIT&JITARY BLUES" SSS -9 114111EXCLUSIVE WRITER MOSS ROSE atemerican PUBLICATIONS alent,.. "THE BLUE FUNK SOUND OF NAVILLE" P 0 BOX 303 NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE 37202 Radio -TV programming Vox Jox Letters To Programming Aids By CLAUDE HALL The Editor Scepter.... WCAP, Lowell, Mass., Radio -TV Editor program Dear Editor: COUNTRY director Mort Roberts; Ken Griffin, formerly with zon City, Philippines, needs pro- BP: "Passport To the Future," i Jean Jacques Perrey, Vanguard; is gressive rock albums. Says his sta- We have been interested in the WDRC in Hartford, now with BH: "Which Way You tion is the only one of its kind on drug problem for a long time and KBBQ, Burbank -L.A., music di- Going Uni Records, Los Angeles. . . . Billy," Poppy Family London. the islands. it was largely through our efforts rector & personality Call letters of KFMZ -FM in Corky May- * * * that Raleigh Mayor Sebe Jones berry reporting; BP: "Mama Liked Houston, have been changed to named a committee to investigate the Roses," Elvis Presley, RCA; Staff at WTAI, Melbourne, Fla., the drug problem here. In fact, KYED -FM. . . . Bob Tiffin, BH: "Big Oscar," Ted Williams, HOT now country -formated, includes sta- WKIX general manager 100 former music director of WUBE Carl Monument; BLP: "T a m m y's tion manager Doc Holiday, former- Glicken is chairman of the group. Touch," Tammy Wynette, in Cincinnati, is now known ly Epic. as with WKDA, WTCR, Ashland, Ky. WDCR, Hanover, N.H., pro Dave Williams on WDEE in De- Nashville (iron- On April 18, 1970, WKIX con- /Hunt- ducted a "Drug Information Day" ington, W. Va., program /music di- gram director Mark Dillen Stitham troit. . . . Lee Allen, formerly ically, he was rector Gregg Elliot BP: reporting; BP: "Long and Winding program director of WJBO in with which was tied in with the Gov- reporting; WKDA in "He Loves Me All the Road," Beatles, Apple; BH: "Get Baton Rouge, is now with KTRH its rock heyday ernor's Conference on Drug Abuse, Way," held the Wednesday before our Tammy Wynette, Epic; BH: "Hello Ready," Rare Earth, Rare Earth; in Houston, replacing Steve Ed- and left when BLP: "," wards who has joined program. Darlin'," Conway Twitty, Decca. KHOU -TV it went country, , Reprise. . . in Houston. . KCKN, Kansas City Mo., pro- only to change We used our "Actionline" audi- gram director Ted Cramer report- WCAR, Philippi, W. Va., music di- WTAI from ence- participation program to col- ing; BP: I Ever rector David J. Koltash reporting; rock I lect "If Fall in Love," to coun- questions from listeners about , Mercury; BH: "Hello BP: "Sincere Replies," Bobby Blue, Mark James has joined WBNB, try), operations HOLIDAY drugs. We then took these ques- Liberty, U.A.; BH: "Up the Ladder Randle, previously tions to Darlin'," Conway Twitty, Decca. St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; he was manager Chris the experts who appeared KAYE, Puyallup, Wash., per- To the Roof," , Mo- known as Rick Martin on WWUN with WENO in Nashville; Johnny at the Governor's Conference. sonality town; BLP CUT: "Mama Told Me with WKDA in Chubby Howard report- in Jackson, Miss. The WBNB line- Wailin, formerly These included such people as John ing; BP: "They Don't Not To Come," (It Ain't Easy) Bod Dell, where are Finlater, deputy director of the Make 'Em up now includes James, program Nashville.... Like They Used Three Dog Night, Dunhill. . . . now? (He'd been at WTAC, Federal Bureau of Narcotics and To," Herbie director Bill Gray, Gene Francis, you Smith, Astral 7; BH: "Together- WLON, Lincolnton, N.C., program Mich.). I enjoyed the "last" Dr. Sidney Cohen of the National Nick Russell, Lee Carle, and St. Flint, ness," Buck Owens & Susan Raye, director Wayne Howard; BP: "Got . a little late to Institute Mental Claire Williams. Station plays a memo. It's of Health. Capitol; BLP CUT: "My To Find a Way," Richard Parker, but Robin Seymour is Rough blend of easy listening and Top mention it, We ran these "Actionline" ques- & Rowdy Ways," (Hank Snow Commonwealth United; BH: "Mis- 40 records and "is in desperate back on CKLW -TV with "The sissippi Queen," Mountain. hour Saturday tions and answers throughout the Sings In Memory of Jimmie Rod- need of record service," says Lively Spot," an day April 18. In addition, WOR -FM, , music variety show. each gers) Hank Snow, RCA. Gray. . . . KNEW in San Fran- newscast contained a special report director Meridee Herman report- cisco, went on the air at 6 p.m., * * * on some aspect of the drug prob- ing; BP: "Ride Captain Ride," May 1 with Frank Sinatra music Blues Image. Atco; BH: "Which Bob Shannon is leaving KXOK lem. We also presented a 15 -min- and didn't stop until 6 a.m., May Way You Going Billy," Poppy in St. Louis, where he set sky -high ute documentary "Fiction and Fact 4. Program director Bill Stewart EASY LISTENING Family, London; BLP CUT: "Long is the About Drugs." On these special reports that the phone ratings records, and joining & Winding Road," (New Beatles never uptempo easy listening station in programs, which ran from 7 a.m. stopped ringing and he received to 7 p.m., we tried to give factual Album) Beatles, Apple.... WICB, town, KSD, for 1 -4 Chris 2,500 pieces of mail. Sam Holman p.m..... information about various drugs KTHO, South Lake Tahoe, Ithaca, N.Y., music director & per- was the air personality Kidd is now with WRNW -FM in Calif., program director Bill King- sonality George Elmer reporting; on about Mount Kisco, N.Y.; he had been and their effect on the body. We 14 hours of the stint, some on explored the extent of the drug man reporting; BP: "A Little Bit BP: "You're a Big Boy Now," with KTRT in Trucktee, Calif... . Saturday, some on Sunday. One of problem in the Raleigh- Durham of Soap," Paul Davis, Bang; BH: John B. Sebastian, MGM; BH: Dick O'Day is now on KRYT in the phone calls was from a gentle- area, looked into what the schools "Follow Me," , RCA; "My Baby Loves Lovin'," White man wanting the station Colorado Springs, Colo.; he was were BLP: "Sit Down Young Stranger," Plains, N.Y., WBVP, to do it with KNEB in Scottsbluff, Neb. doing to combat the problem, Deram.... again; he offered to sponsor the talked with former drug addicts, Gordon Lightfoot, Reprise. . . . Beaver Falls, Pa., music director whole shebang. Rest of KRYT lineup includes pro- WXOK, Keokuk, Iowa, program Tony Scott reporting; BP: "Tomor- gram Alan Silverman and and described what is being done director to help those hooked on drugs. director Art Mann reporting; BP: row Today Will Be Yesterday," * * * Sue Barton. "Airport Love Theme," Vincent The Happenings, Jubilee; BH: * * * "Drug Information Day" was a Bell, Decca; BH: "For the Love "Reach Out and Touch Somebody's Bruce Michael Cummings has hugh success ... so successful, in Lou named Bobby . Hand," been promoted to program di- Faust has been pres- fact, of the of Him," Martin, UA... Diana Ross, Motown; BLP ident and of that the director State WSPR, Springfield, Mass., pro- CUT: "Look at rector of WLVA in Lynchburg, chief operating office Bureau of Investigation has asked Life," (He Ain't 46 Beacon Corp and Johns Com- gram director Budd Clain report- Heavy) The Hollies, Epic. . . Va. He'll con - that the programs be made avail- munications, which own WKNR in ing; BP: "Passport To the Future," WPTS, Pittston, Pa., Rick Shan- tinue his 6 -10 able to all other radio stations in Detroit and KIIS in Los Angeles; Jean Jacques Perrey; BH: "Birds of non reporting; BP: "Mystery of a.m. show. Rest North Carolina; this, of course, All of staff includes he'd been general manager of we are more than happy to do. Nations," George McCannon Love," Leer Bros. Band, Intrepid; Jim Stapleton, WPAT in New York.... Funeral III.... WGR, Buffalo, N.Y., mu- BH: "Go Back," Crabby Apple- Bob services were held May 6 in Los The programs also won for sic director Larry Anderson report- ton. Elektra. . . WREK, Atlanta, Osburn, Angeles for Jim Randolph, 39, WKIX the state -wide "Richard ing; BP: "Hey Mister Sun," Bobby Ga., music director Ron Parker and Jack Fitz - Shelton Communications Award" Simons. In ad- program director of KGFJ, leading Sherman Metro -media; BH: "You reporting; BP: "Long Winding music given by the North Carolina Coun- & Me & Mexico," Edward Road," dition, Pat Si- soul station. Survivors are a Bear, Beatles, Apple; BH: "Ques- wife and six . . . Al cil of Churches. Capitol; BLP: "Bridge tion," Blues, mon does a talk children. Over Moody Deram; BLP Jarvis, noted air personality on the Troubled Water," Les & Larry El- CUT: "Peace By Peace," CUMMINGS stint... War- We don't intend to stop here. At (Crabby ren Earl, general manager of KHJ West Coast, died of a heart attack; WKIX we have made drug abuse gart, Swampfire... WBCM, Bay Appleton) Crabby Appleton, Elek- he was a salesman at KLAC, Los City, Mich., music director & per- Sayre, Pa., in Los Angeles, has been promoted a continuing project and are al- tra.... WATS, music Angeles. ready working on future programs. sonality Jack Hood reporting; BP: director Lee Potter reporting; BP: to vice president of RKO, western "Five region. This puts KFRC under his * * * o'Clock World," Trini Lo- "I Shall Be Released," Rick Nel- Pat Patterson pez, Reprise; BH: "Sollaimon," son, Decca; BH: "American Wo- as . Ken , as well KHJ. Jay Brooks is joining WENE in Neil Diamond, Uni; BLP man," Mays, formerly of WISE in Ashe- Program director, WKIX CUT: The Guess Who, RCA; Binghampton, N.Y. . George "Paper Mache," (I'll Never BLP "Proud ville, is now with WONN, Fall CUT: Mary," (TOM) N.C., Benson has departed WIBG in Phil- Raleigh, N.C. in Love Again), Dionne Warwick, Tom Jones, Parrot. Lakeland, Fla., and is doing a adelphia; the station reportedly progressive rock show. gave him only two days' severance * * pay. . . . Many radio stations in * Minneapolis are teaming up to air Seabolt Award Ray Mack, who left WAYS in a taped program called "Drugs: Charlotte a year ago to pursue a Listen and Decide" May 19 at To Mayberry college career, is returning to the 7 p.m. The show features teens Top 40 station to do vacation shifts commenting about their various NASHVILLE - Corky May- Selling Sounds this summer. . Note to Bruce experiences with drugs. Dennis Mc- berry of KBBQ, Burbank, Calif., Tidball at KICR, University of Grath says he hopes to have 75 has been named April winner of Iowa: You'll have to contact Kevin percent of the station airing the the Plantation Star of the Month What's happening among the major music houses. Items should O'Donahue of 2SM in Sydney di- program at the same time. My Award. rect about that anti -drug tape... hat is off to all of the stations be sent to Debbie Kenzik, Billboard, 165 W. 46th St., New York, Regarding our anti -drug campaign, that are participating; it's a good Jerry Seabolt, national coun- N.Y. 10036. may I recommend the "Flight move. try promotion director for the Termination" cut on the new Shelby Singleton Corp., made WEEK OF MAY 11 -15 Decca album by the Foxx called the presentation. AL HAM PRODUCTIONS, INC., 886 -1234 -Al Ham has just "The Revolt of Emily Young." The Country's Champ Seabolt originated finished three new Kodak TV spots. He did one 60 sec. commercial & one LP is a rock novella produced by the "Star Continued of the Month" award as a spin- 30 sec. spot entitled "Two Hands." The third was a 30 sec. spot entitled my old buddy Buzz Cason and from page 30 "Drop -In." Ray Fragasso produced the spots for the J. Walter Thompson Pepped Martin. This particular cut off of his weekly Information duet with his wife, Co. They were recorded at Bell Sound. . lays it on against drugs. Please June Carter, From the Plantation record KINGSLEY SOUND, INC. a performance of "Flowers on 150 W. 55 St., New York, 581 -2686- try to get the album and play this sheet, currently reaching 2,500 Sacramento Tomato Juice -l4 -one spots for Radio. Dodge & Delano, Inc. " by , particular cut. Other tunes I'll rec- stations. is the agency, Gabor Apor was the producer.... Wash & Wear- Glisade- ommend include "The Monkey's and then a couple of religious 30 sec. TV spot, for Doyle, Dane & Bernbach. Joel Stewart was the Getting Heavy" by the ST4 on Per- tunes by Cash and his organiza- producer. . Bayer Asprin -30 sec. TV spot for Dancer, Fitzgerald ception Records, the recent hit of tion (which includes Carl Per- Advertising. Peter Waldren was the producer. . . . Skybar -30 sec. TV "Cold Turkey" and, of course, the KFMB -TV Bows kins, the , the spot for Nadler & Larimer. Joanne Harvard was the producer. . . recent Art Linkletter record. New Variety Show WCBS -TV News Promotion, Moog , producer was Linda Heavy airplay Statler Brothers, and the Ten- suggested on them Allen, WCBS -TV. . . . all. nessee Three and even a guitar- SAN DIEGO - KFMB -TV, ist who hides in NATIONAL Recording back the shad- channel 8 here, has introduced Studios * * * ows and goes unnamed. a new weekly variety hour show MacManua John & Adam's Bob Ammo and John Pike in from Bob Ray, previously with KSRF- In its birth stages, the Cash Detroit recording Pontiac music with Steve Karmen. Lou Garisto pro- FM in Santa Monica, Calif., is now show had some writing flaws, aimed at an international au- ducing music spots for Clairol and La France. Arnold Eidus and Ted with KACE, Riverside, Calif. . . but such is not the case today. dience "International Hour." Bates in with Carpet Brite jingles. Grey Advertising recording music for Lineup at WCMI in Ashland, Ky.: - The show flows well, fast, and Host is Jim Gordon; Dan Macys. Busy Chico Hamilton wailing for an Odyssey House film. Steve Don Rees, Jerry Howard, Mike Grif- Karmen recording jingles for Falstaff Beer. Charles Finley, Oakland A's Bob smooth and it stands out as one Buxser, and McCords, with fith produces. The Saturday 1 -2 owner, in with Aram Bojahlian and J. M. Mathes supervising musical Tim Walden, Dirty Ernie, and of the major entertainment hours on p.m. show will feature music of commercials. Bob Motta busy producing ABC Records singles. At the Wayne Bowan doing weekends... . network as well as a Film Center: SSC &B international lands as well as mixing Breck. Spots Alive producing spots for "Z." Sir Mikey, program /music director major showcase of talent. Stu Gellman mixing Lipton Tea. BFB in with Whirlpool. Western Electric of DZUW, Channel 7 Bldg.. Que- CLAUDE HALL customs, arts, and other facets. mixing spots. Forum III mixing Clairol. 32 MAY 23_ 197n_ RILIROARD Ampex proudly announces the release of Jesse Winchester's first LP

BY JUAN RODRIGUEZ Montreal - Jesse Winchester arrived in Montreal early in the summer of 1967. He moved be- cause of the Draft Jos e WìncbpIer Now Winchester has an album out (on Ampex), produced by the Band's Robbie Robertson. It is a firm, beautifully per- formed and composed record, one that will surely mark Win- chester as one of the important singer- songwriters. The fact that Robertson plays lead guitar on the album and that Levon Helm chips in on drums and mandolin here and there is bound to be of interest. But it is Winchester's album through and through, conveying a unique personal sensibility. Winchester's music is rich in its depth and heritage, as it is a consummation of everything he grew up with. His sound is clean, like the Band's, Southern, with measures of , gos- AMPEX I RECORDS pel, even jazz - whatever comes naturally. He sings as he writes, in a gentle but strong voice. He's a relaxed, perfectly paced singer, possessing beautiful ballad phrasing and plenty of funk on A10104 STEREO LP uptempo numbers. Winchester, like the best singer -songwriters, does not separate words, music and performance - it's all one thing. "It used to be that a song could get across all the feeling you wanted from very, very sim- ple words. Now the word has become more important. But, to me, I still like a sound song. I don't like a lotta words. The fewer the better, the simpler the better ... in everything." Winchester simply sings away, with nothing forced or put -on. The back -ups are fluid and mel- low, rocking and rolling and, at times, just being quiet about it. The album, recorded in To- ronto, is also a fine production AMPEX achievement for Robertson, RECORDS simply because he has remained Available on Ampex Stereo Tapes faithful to the singer. () 3/19/70 Radio -TV programming

I'm a very good Top 40 personality- production -3rd phone man in a small College radio, FM connoisseurs: Add market who wants to become better, a touch of Europe to your programs! both professionally and financially. Give your listeners the pleasure and I know I'm ready. Medium or larger the excitement of enjoying such markets only. Now Florida based. talents as Joe Cocker, Mire RODIO-TV Will relocate anywhere, but prefer Mathieu, Jethro Tull, Paul Mauriat, mani S.E. or New England. the Shocking Blue, Charles Azna- Call college, 2 -4 p.m., your, and Julie Driscoll. They're all p.m. 904-357-6299. Europeans -and they're now! You can be the first to play their brand - Deejay- announcer, 6 months' experi- newest smash hits when you book ence, seeks deejay position with the weekly half-hour "Europe After Billboard Magazine -read by more air personali- station within 150 miles of New York Hours" show. Each show will be City. But will consider Midwest and 100% professional jock with 1st produced under the direction of ties, program Northeast. Knows all types of music. phone, exp. opGoodand modern Barry Graves, 27, Berlin's leading directors, and general managers Knowledgeable in sports. Air checks production rock music critic. For demo tape available. Contact: (212) FI 7-5149 man. Programming exp. Some on- and details, write to: Barry Graves than any other trade publication in the world after 8 p.m. camera TV. I have 14 years in broad- Music, 1000 Berlin 30, Ahornstrasse - casting with the last 10 years in 2, West Germany. major markets. Available immedi- is the perfect place for your job needs. Already, ately. Call Ray Robin 513- 274-5086. hundreds of radio stations and program directors POSITIONS WANTED First ticket (engineering references) 25, college, family, 6 yrs. exp. all and air personalities have been brought together First phone P.D. wants return to phases radio, now top 15 market, medium market in New York State seeks combo job, preferably pro- . or Pennsylvania. Will consider through the Radio -TV Job Mart. The cost is $15 I want to meet new people in a all offers. Top 40 or country format. gramming in medium market. Now. new place, and as a student have Not a screamer. Handle news, pro- Write: Box 0236, Radio -TV Job three months of summer. 3rd en- duction, copy. Want Progressive Mart, Billboard. for two times. Because of the low cost, please dorsed, mature sound to set your Company with solid future. Mini- disks spinning. For a tight board, mum $175. Will consider less if with tape to prove it, write: Tape, moving expenses are paid. Now em- send payment with your advertising copy. Box Box 244, Haggin Hall, University of ployed. Resume on request. Reply Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 40506. Get Box 0232, Radio-TV Job Mart, Bill- When it comes to a good production numbers will be used, if you wish, hand -ironed results in a "no iron- board, or call after 5 p.m. 703- man production is my thing. Cur- but results are ing required" world! Possible inter- 635.6761. rently employed in small market, views March 14-22. Bradford D. looking for medium and /or large much faster when you Carey. market in Northeast. Eight years' use your name and address exp. in production, copy, traffic, and programming. Desire full -time Pro- or call letters. Send to: Ron Britain type screamer. Two duction. No Air Shift. References years on Cleveland FM. Production and proof of performance available Need a good morning Jock? I'm shark seeking permanence. BBA in upon request. Contact Box 0234, Radio -TV Job Mart looking for a steady reliable posi- marketing. No draft problem. Pre- Radio -TV Job Mart, Billboard. tion at a country station. Age 22. fer community-minded AFTRA. No Billboard married, 3d class ticket with broad- sales, 1st phone, or news. Presently cast endorsement, honor discharge employed. Henry Navin, 9325 Beacon from U. S. Navy. Will travel. 21 Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44105. 216- 165 W. 46th St. years' experience, some production, 271 -7116. Soul personality, 3rd ticket. Just pd experience. Call: 812; 365 -2613 finished broadcasting school. Mili- after 4 p.m. tary obligation complete. I operate New York, N.Y. 10036 a very tight board. Looking for a place to begin on rock or soul format Frustrated /enthusiastic. There's a station. Willing to relocate any- thin Line of difference if you really where. Robert Smith, 205 Copeland, Let's get together. Now! Young, care about the business. Medium Thomaston, Ga. creative top 40 DJ available im- market announcer has had it with POSITIONS OPEN South Florida's top 50,000-watt in- mediately. Four years' experience in operation that can't make up its dependent needs happy morning man half-million market. 3d ticket. Mili- mind to go somewhere. Let me put with good voice and sense of humor. tary service just completed, now my professional exp. and voice to No clowns, please! Send tape and ready to get back in action. Excel- work for your competitive opera- Finishing 2 yrs. armed forces radio resume to George Cooper, program lent knowledge of pop and progres- tion. MOR to progressive rock; the at Headquarters, Marine Air Re- manager WINZ 100 Biscayne Tower, sive rock music. Former music heavier it gets the more I can dig it. serve, Chicago. yrs.' exp. Immediate opening for a top- flight Miami, Fla. 33132. 5 yrs.' exp., 21 yrs. at current job, 11 com. in Telephone calls director. Call: 212; 545 -6800 between and 1st phone. Ready for position announcer a bright, MOR format. will not be accepted. 4-6 p.m. or write: Bob Thomas, 293 27, 3rd, degree, entertaining, enthu- with Top 40 station any time after 5,000-watt, 24 -hour station in central Nagle St., Bound Brook, N. J. siastic. Aircheck /audition, resume, May 19. Will relocate. Bob Erland- Virginia. First ticket preferred, but 08805. production, picture ready now. son, 4th Maw-PAO, not required. Excellent working Medium market and up with a NAS. Glenview, conditions. Top salary to the right chance to advance preferred. Box Dl. 60026. 312 -657-2248 or 657.2249. man. Contact Pete Jason, Evans 0233, Radio-TV Job Mart, Billboard. Communication Systems Inc., Box Is there an ambitious, dedicated 631 Charlottesville, Va. 22902 or news director who'd like to set up cali 703; 295-5121. the new operations at this contem- One of America's top porary country station in the Gulf programming authorities is looking I am a recent graduate of a nation- South? Must enjoy scooping the for job as announcer and /or music ally known broadcasting school. I'm competition and know how to give director. Former editor of national Let's make a deal: Let me observe looking for a beginning. I'm anxious, us the local news image. Bring us broadcast music weekly publication. your major market programming enthusiastic, and willing to learn KBBQ Radio, in beautiful downtown these qualities, plus good credit and Major market sound. 3rd. Looking for 3 months, and I'll give you an everything I can. Please help! I Burbank, the modern country sound health, and we'll give you $150 a for challenging opportunity. Good experienced, talented, 1st phone will relocate if necessary. Pm draft of Los Angeles, is currently inter- week to start, plus completely paid chance to catch man on the way up. summer relief announcer and the exempt. Money and shift is not first ested in receiving audition tapes life, health, and dental insurance, Write Tom Roberts. 7016 N. Kenton, most enthusiastic workhorse you on my list. Robert Souza, 14 Lewis from top- seasoned personalities who bonuses and profit -sharing plan. We Lincolnwood, nl. 60646, or call 312; ever had. Currently successfully Lane, Saugus, Mass. 01906, or call are familiar with the nation's cur- guarantee you'll enjoy working here. 675 -7084. Programming a medium market 2333398. after 4:30 p.m. rent country sound in radio. Appli- Send non -returnable tape, resume to rocker. Will complete my college canta must have first phone license. Mike Malone, WUNI Radio, Mobile, communications degree next fall. Send tape (including news and com- Ala. 36604. Phone: 205- 269 -1023. mercial spots), picture, resume to program director Still looking for capable summer re- Top ten major market (50 kw.) jock BBQ Radio E. MagnoliJarrett,vl placement? Three years N.Y. subur- in Northeast. Wants new challenge Burbank, Calif. 91502. KEEL. in Shreveport, La., seeks mid- ban and metro area market exp.; can with stable organization. day air personality. Have got to be handle any Top 40 format; very Fun -loving, fast- moving jock that Experience a pro, strong on news and production; knows music-Top 40 past, present, includes TV. Seeks rock on con- have to be good also in pro- and future and loves temporary MOR in minor or major duction, and it probably wouldn't know music. Willing to relocate for - it. Seeks metro. Willing to relocate. Excel- WHHY, Box 1841, hurt to play either basketball (we summer or good part thereof; avail- position with Top 40 station. 3rd Montgomery, Ala. play 48 a able July 1 -Sept. 1. class ticket. Chuck Mosier, 2534 N. lent references. Tapes resume, Night man needed. Personality type. games year) or softball. Must be in N.Y. photo on request. Box 0130, Radio - Chance to work with zooming sta- Working conditions are good, pay is from Sept. to Jan. For more info Drake, Chicago, nl. 60647. TV Job Mart, Billboard. tion on excellent staff. If profes- decent for the market, and there's call 212 -442 -2446 between 6 -7 p.m. sional, call Bob Baron, program lots of extra income from produc- director, 205- 264 -2288. Otherwise tion and outside activities. Tape send tape and resume. and resume immediately to program director Larry Ryan, KEEL, 710 "Radio Girl" longs to return to Spring St., Shreveport, La. I am presently a top- rated, bright, palm trees, sand, and fishing in Dynamic contemporary Program Di- happy sounding, 3rd phone morning Central or South Florida. Has 7 yrs.' rector with portfolio available April drive personality at a No. 1 -rated continuity, traffic, promotion, sales, 15. Proven organizer /administrator I want as many edited airchecks rock station in a 100,000 market. De- production, news, and ad agency ready to move after 10 years in gree in journalism with experience experience. 3rd phone. Resume and same (medium) market. as I can get. All type formats. Los Angeles area. Country KWOW in radio -TV, news, sports Knowled s- Resume, photo. salary requirements is looking for a creative pro who and teach- copy samples on request. Write Box able, intelligent, experienced. AAA and shift preferences. All interested ing, in addition to four years of jock 0223, Radio -TV Job Mart, Billboard. references and track record. 919- jocks, newsmen can move a contemporary country and production work. I will be avail- 834.1953. airmail audition morning show with humor and fun. able between June 1 15. tapes to Jay Sands, WAEB, 700 Also should have production and and June Fenwick St., Allentown, Pa. I am not a screamer; will not and immediately. 18103, writing ability. If you'd like to move cannot be one. I am interested in into country music with a No. 1 jock work in Top 40, contemporary How! Heap good jock to pulse -rated station, send aircheck or upbeat ready col- and resume to: Arlin Miller, MOR where I can commu- lect scalps of competition. Plenty Are you seriously looking for a pro- KWOW nicate with an audience. For tape talent! Plenty expensive ($12,000 fessional? Radio, South Mills & Olive, Pomona, resume and picture, please contact: minimum). You Bottum wampum, I'm just that. Seven years Calif. 91766. Equal opportunity em- Box #0247, Billboard, Radio -TV Job me cookum for you. Tape and resume air experience. Vet. 3rd endorsed. East Coast country giant seeks young ployer. Mart. Single. Looking for gig in major pro on on request. Write: Box 0228, Radio- market, MOR or Top 40. Experience teaxinworpker. Immediateeeoeopen- TV Job Mart, Billboard. includes major market experience ing. Rush as program director. Production di- 235, Radio-TV d b Mart, Billboarod. rector, music director. Am produc- Program Director Major profes- tion specialist. sional producer of -taped music ser- Tired of playing mu- vices for radio needs experienced News Director, 12 years' radio -TV, Soul personality. 3rd ticket. Seeking sical radio stations and am looking seeks opportunity in western U.S. top 40. for place to stay. $10,000 minimum. man with excellent voice and strong Past president of State Wire service soul, or country music sta- I'm serious. Are you? Box 0238, Ra- Are you TV potential? High -rated programming background in con- news organization. If you have a tion. Congenial. Music background. dio-TV Job Mart, Billboard. uptempo MOR -AM with NBC Tele- temporary music. Good knowledge news department that is having prob- Will send tape and resume. Prefer vision affiliate needs professional, of middle -of- the -road would also be lems keeping up with the competi- South or Midwest. Promotion ideas, dynamic personality with first phone. desirable. References required. Send tion then I'm your man. Let me with drive to carry them out. If you look or sound good on the tape, picture and resume to: Don mold your news department into the Bobby King, 1520 W. Lehigh Ave., tube you'll have the chance. W. Headman, 1GM, P.O. Box 943, Belling- top operation in If Philadelphia, Pa. 19132. Ronald Smity, WHAG AM/FM /TV, ham, Wash. 98225. your market. Experienced announcer -and /or Hagerstown, Md. 301- 797 -7300. you have several stations I can mold sportscaster is seeking position at them into a fine working organiza- good in tion of news department. Contact: oPredfr Midwesnt, will Box 0260, Radio -TV Job Mart, Bill- Available Immediately! Ambitious consider all areas. Houston is America's sixth largest board. young announcer anxious to get into First phone, col- Looking for a better -than- average city and KTHT, Houston, is on a tal- lege grad, married, just discharged job with the business as DJ or Newsman. from service. Call at 217-345.6564 a top -rated, like -new AM ent hunt. We are an aggressive, con- Keen knowledge of rock. Also like or write Bob Romanko, 55 Mitchell station? We have a full-Urne an- temporary, MOR station (was one of MOR, c &w, plus soul. Will travel Ave., Charleston, M. 61920. nouncing position or combination the nation's finest facilities). You Here's your chance to hire a proven anywhere in Canada or USA. Salary sales and announcing position open qualify if you have a good voice, rating collector, experienced in all no object, experience is my aim. to the right person. If you have a something to say (briefly) and en- phases of radio. Mature, family Will send tape and resume. Looking fast pace, professional sound and if thusiasm. Top 40 or contemporary man, very heavy in country music, forward to your replies and/or ad- you are looking for a top salary in MOR experience necessary. Excel- news, production, and a first phone vice. Contact: Box 0242, Radio -TV Attention, GMs & FDa-I need your a beautiful resort city, please apply. lent salary and many company bene- man, too. I wish to relocate in the Job Mart, Billboard. help. I'm experienced broadcast Basic format modern country & gos- fits. Houston is an action city -you South or Southwest. Tape, resume, school grad. Looking for an adult pel programmed in advance. Appli- can get here by sending a tape and and credentials upon request. Pres- oriented good music or MOR station cants must be of good character, resume to: Nat Stevens, KTHT. 2100 ent employer knows of this ad. to give me my start in radio. Prefer permanent reliable and furnish ref- Travis, Houston, Tex. 77002. All Contact Charlie Russell, WXCL Pacific Coast but will consider erences. fob offers guaranteed ad- tapes will be heard. Looking for a good rocker to mold other areas. Third Phone endorsed; vancement. Send aircheck and res- Radio, 3841 Meadowbrook Rd., an intelligent, mature, short- haired, to: Bob Peoria, M. 61604, or phone after married, mature; warm, sincere de- ume Gipson, Assistant Man- 7 p.m.: A.C. 309-685-5975. good voice into a pro. Two years livery. Contact Chuck Matthes, 6522 ager, KXOW Radio. P.O. Box 579, MOR and rock, drive, music director Anthony Ave., Garden Grove, Calif. Hot Springs, Ark. 71901. Rock Jock, Music Director seeking exp. This is my move. Please help. 92641. position in Southwestern Michigan. East or Southeast. Contact: Box Currently employed in 200,000 mar- 0237, Radio -TV Job Mart, Billboard. ket. Air check and resume on Want to totally own your market? WEEl1., 703- 273.4000. Needs morn- request. Will consider all offers, Exp. programmer. Hip. 11 yrs. ing traffic man. 1st or 3rd ticket. call 616 -345 -1795 or 304-346-5226. radio. Heavy on demographic re- Women dig me, men identify, spon- Contact program director Jack Alix. search, mass psychology, to audience Female radio personality. Accurate sors smile (so will you, as your rat- control. Scientific approaches; no ings go up). Warm, mature, hip voice guesswork, just hard work. Exp newscaster, versatile deejay, crea- and delivery. Master of pacing. Good and sales. 1st tive writer, timeless voice. Tight ear. Good sense of humor. Good man with also administration production combo board. Aircheck I am a professional radio phone. Married. ' Resume on request writer. Nine years of on- the -air ex- Phoenix Ariz., is 40. and resume on request. Jia Kihai, America's most 10 years experience Top Experi- to Box 0231, Radio -TV Job Mart, 40 W. (Apt. 166A), New perience, almost all of it as a top_ beautiful city, and KOY Arizona's ence includes programming, pro- Billboard. 72nd St. rated personality and newsman with number one station, is looking for duction, air work, you name it. York, N. Y. 10023. two of the best stations in America a good -voiced top 40 or up-tempo Prefer major market in Southeast, both in Top 10 markets. MOR, rock- MOR jock for the all -night show. will consider others. Available im- or a combination of the two (please We are number one of the nation's mediately. Write the Beautiful Dan specify). Contact: Box 0259, Radio - fastest growing cities (one million Cook Show, P.O. Box 1086 Birming- Are you looking for a new person- Gung Ho! Desire to return to radio TV Job Mart, Billboard, or call: market). We offer top pay. stability, ham, Ala., or call 205-1 -1384. ality as a DJ? If so, why not con - after two years in Marines. Rated 212-679-4600 and leave message for 3 -week vacation free life insurance, aider me. I'm a recent graduate No. one in each time slot worked. Mr. Sullivan. free medical insurance, and the from a broadcasting school with a finest profit planning in broadcast- 3rd class license. I love pop music 23. Aggressive. No drifter. Great ing. All talented jocks considered. and I have over 3,000 records in references. Every offer considered. Send tape and resume to: Jim Heath, Four years of college in a big city my If interested, write Neal Cappel, Box 248. Wittenberg, KOS, Phoenix has given me a headache so I would collection. Wis. 54499. 85004. like to escape to a smaller or to Don Green, 6933 Oakland St., I am a professional radio man with medium -sized market where I can Philadelphia, Pa. 19149, or call 215 - 10 years' experience in Top 40. Ex- concentrate on radio, unhampered RA 8-6677. perience includes programming, pro- by pollution and mile -long traffic duction, air work, you name it. Pre- Growing chain looking for announcer jams. Top 40, progressive rock, or I would like to work in the Caro- fer major market in the Southeast, strong on production to fill program MOR (I've worked all three). Three linas, Virginia, or, most of all in will consider others. Available im- director position at the flagship years' experience, 1st phone (I'm Now guy with total experience, in- Tennessee. 23. Draft free. llave mediately. Write: The Beautiful Dan station in Dallas . . . KUL. Send willing and able to do engineering on cluding Top 40, sports, MOR, news. done production, drive time air Cook Show, P. O. Box 1086, Birming- tapes, resume, pictures to Bob the side). Not over money, Looking to join your action team. work. music director duties. Murray ham, , or call: 205- 591-1384. Edwards, ational Program Director, but I am serious about doing a good Young, a vet, with 3rd endorsed. Eugene Crawley, 919-273 -6698, or Strauss roadcasting, 1401 S. Akard, job. Lee Schaeffer- 518 Beacon St., Write Box 0226, Radio -TV Job Mart, write 3432 H. Wichita Place, Greens- Dallas 75215. Boston, Mass. 02215. Billboard. boro, N.C. 27405. (Continued on page 36) 34 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD r

Here's a preview 1 of where imusif is going.

We at Poppy Records have just released a very important album, PUZZLE, by the Mandrake Memorial. After the first two weeks of release, every important FM station in the country was playing this album.

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recordings I can listen to only one selection, but this recording I love to hear from the very beginning, from the first note to the last." Fusion, a major rock paper, in a review of the album, called it "a symphony of the mind; one of the most important albums of the decade to come." We realize that in the next few months the Mandrake Memorial will become one of the important innovative groups in the rock movement. We invite you to become involved with one of the most important works of the 1970's. Poppy Records, distributed by RCA Records. POPPY

PYS-40,006 Radio -TV programming

Employment Yesteryear's Hits Office for Change -of -pace programming from your librarian's shelves, featuring the disks Music Execs that were the hottest in the land 5 years ago and 10 years ago this week. NEW YORK Col Foulke, Here's how they ranked in Billboard's charts at that time. long -time personnel and labor relations executive for RCA POP SINGLES -10 Years Ago POP SINGLES -5 Years Ago Records, is merging with Ex- May 22, 1960 May 22, 1965 ecutives for Industry, Inc., to provide executive talent for the 1. Cathy's Clown -Everly Brothers 1. Ticket to Ride -Beatles (Capitol) recording industry. Foulke will (Warner Bros.) 2. Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely work on executive recruitment 2. Stuck on You -Elvis Presley Daughter- Herman's Hermits (MGM) with Al De Passe, head of Ex- (RCA Victor) 3. Count Me In-Gary Lewis & the Inc. 3. Good Timin' -Jimmie Jones (Cub) Playboys (Liberty) ecutives for Industry, 4. Greenfields- Brothers Four 4. Help Me Rhonda -Beach Boys This U.S. business According to De Passe. he (Columbia) (Capitol) and Foulke will be "looking he- 5. Night- (Brunswick) 5. I'll Never Find Another You - hind the titles and dwell on the 6. Sixteen Reasons- Connie Stevens Seekers (Capitol) loses over applicant's actual responsibilities (Warner Bros.) 6. Back in My Arms Again -Supremes in his previous job." They'll also 7. Cradle of Love- Johnny Preston (Motown) (Mercury) 7. Silhouettes-Herman's Hermits be recruiting from the college - 8. He'll Have to Stay -Jeannie Black $1,000,000,000 age to the industry veteran (MGM) (Capitol) 8. Wooly Bully -Sam the Sham & the levels. 9. Let the Little Girl Dance -Billy Pharaohs (MGM) Foulke will be located at the Bland (Old Town) 9. Just Once -Righteous and 20% of its Brothers (Philles) firm's New York headquarters 10. Paper Roses -Anita Bryant at 866 U.N. Plaza. A Philadel- (Columbia) 10. Crying in the Chapel -Elvis Presley phia branch is at 1700 Walnut (RCA Victor) employees St. every year -and SOUL SINGLES -5 Years Ago COUNTRY SINGLES- May 22, 1965 5 Years Ago Brubeck for May 22, 1965 1. I'll Be Doggone- ( Tamla) 1. -Del Reeves Calif. Date 2. Back in My Arms Again -Supremes (United Artists) you pay the losses. CONCORD, Calif. Dave (Motown) 2. This Is It-Jim Reeves (RCA Victor) - 3. What's He Doing in My World Brubeck will make his first ap- 3. We're Gonna Make It -Little Milton - (Checker) (RCA Victor) pearance in this state since he 4. I'll Keep Holding On -Sonny James 4. Ooh Baby Baby -Miracles (Tamla) It's the Post Office. Your taxes disbanded his quartet two years (Capitol) ago, when he and a trio work 5. Nothing Can Stop Me -Gene 5. You Don't Hear -Kitty Wells ( Decca) must be about $1.2 billion greater the second annual Concord Sum- Chandler (Constellation) 6. -Dick to make its And mer Festival, Aug. 23. 6. I Can't Help Myself -Four Tops Curless (Tower) up annual deficits. of Darkness- The Brubeck trio will consist (Motown) 7. Ribbon your postal service suffers because 7. It's Growing- Temptations (Gordy) (Columbia) of guest artists Larry Mulligan 8. I've Been Loving You Too Long - 8. See the Big Man Cry- Charlie of the high employee turnover. on baritone saxophone and Paul Otis Redding (Volt) Louvin (Capitol) the pianist's original Walker Fire the management? You Desmond, 9. I Do Love You -Billy Stewart 9. Matamoros-Billy alto saxman. Brubeck's other (Chess) (Columbia) can't do that with the Post Office. associates will include Alan 10. Something You Got -Chuck Jackson 10. Ten Little Bottles-Johnny Bond Its basic management decisions are Dawson on drums and Jack Six & Maxine Brown (Wand) (Starday) on bass. made by 535 members of Congress. The event will be held for They control its spending for fa- two consecutive weekends, Aug. cilities, its employment costs and 21 -23 and 28 -30. On the bill with Brubeck will be the new conditions, and the rates it can John Handy Quintet and the charge for services. Quintet. RaDIO-Tv maï This year's event is designed That was fine in 1789 when it to span more than 20 years of Continued from page 34 Area jazz history. Here is a top 40 professional who all started, but it's time for a Bay is currently working afternoon drive is a strong top 50 market. But now change -a complete change. I am looking for a major. After 6:30 Young, married, first phone pro - p.m. call 1 Or grammer'newsman /jock seeks posi- write to Box 0255, There's a bill, HR 11750, now be- tion in progressive rock, Top 40 or Mart, Billboard. 2 Distributors uptempo MOR. Extensive knowledge fore Congress which provides of modern programming and music. true Aggressive local newsman. A fully Named by CLB experienced professional. Excellent Postal Reform. It creates a gov- references. Contact: Box 0257, Ra- I have the ratings, but these are not dio-TV Job Mart, Billboard. as important as stability for my NEW YORK -CLB Archive family and a professional atmo- ernment authority (something sphere to work in. Ten years' ex- Records has named two dis- perience in all phases of radio, and like TVA) to run the Post Office tributors: Merit Music of De- some TV. Desire MOR but will con- Does your station suffer from air sider rock or country if you do it on a businesslike basis. President troit, and Riverboat Enterprises pollution? Available immediately, right. Call Robert Potts. Cedar Falls, young pro or DJ, PD or MD position. Iowa, 319 -277 -2141. Nixon and Postmaster General of Cambridge, Mass. The firm's Good jock, heavy of music program- Folk ming and research. Outstanding initial release, "The Detroit reference and national reputation, Blount are behind it. So are ex- Scene- Volume I," was formerly plus 1st ticket. It's all yours by Finishing 2 yrs. armed forces radio phoning (614) 363 -5884, or contact: at Headquarters, Marine Air Re- President Johnson and his Post- distributed by CLB Enterprises, Box 0253, Radio -TV Job Mart, Bill- serve, Chicago. 11 yrs.' corn. exp. company. board. and 1st phone. Ready for position master General, Lawrence the label's parent with Top 40 station any time after is in May 19. Will relocate. Bob Erland- The label based Monroe, son, 4th Maw -PAO, NAS, Glenview, O'Brien. You should be, too, un- Ill. 60026. 312 -657 -2248 or 657 -2249. Mich. Creative medium market program less you director top production, heavy don't mind paying the voice, good airwork and news pop music expert desires pro- deficits. Or wouldn't be bothered gressive rock or Top 40 position with 7 Distributors good people. 11 years' experience, by a total breakdown of service in including Top 10 market. Available. Phone: 802- 899 -3197 or contact: Box 45 rpm RECORDS your city (like Chicago in 1966) . Added by CTI 0258, Radio -TV Job Mart, Billboard. oldies by mail You can do something. Write NEW YORK -CTI Records has added seven distributors. Major only. Prior offers from Top or wire your congressman; ask him 10 & other majors. Now I desire Responsible for singles, albums to move. Ten years' experience as PD, MD, DJ: with college and refer- to support HR 11750, the only bill and all tape product now are ences. Reply immediately. Contact New York; All South, Box 0254, Radio -TV Job Mart, Bill- that will bring true Postal Reform. Beta, board. OLDIES New Orleans: Gold Records, Do it today. Buffalo; Midwest Ltd., Cleve- from land; TDC, Denver and Hart- Pro, ten years' experience in all phases of radio. Some TV. Wants ford; Apex- Martin, Newark; to grow roots with large company. 1955 Stable, with family and good refer- and Eric, Hawaii. ences. Hire a person, not an autom- aton. Call Robert Potts, Cedar Falls, to Citizens Iowa, 319 -277 -2141 at any time. ESP to Cut Cast 1969 All original artists. Committee After working at the =1 station in LP of 'The Republic' the world's 40th largest city for two For complete catalog send $1.00. years, I'm willing to step down a (deductible from first order) to: NEW YORK -ESP Records notch or two. Top 40 jock with a major market sound and 3rd ticket will record the original cast al- ready to go to work July 1. Major BLUE NOTE SHOP hum of (Che) Wode's "The market rockers only. Contact Box 156 Central Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12206 Postal Reform Ed 0256, Radio -TV Job Mart, Billboard. 1 775 Eye Street. N W .Wash,ngton. D C 70006 Republic," which opened at the Free Store Theater, here, April Lawrence F O'Brien /Thruston B Morton National Co Chairmen 27. Music was composed and is Professionally trained announcer. Have done TV commercials. At- when . . . performed by brothers Chris and tended Harvard University & Brig- answering ads Randy Malcolm from New Zea- ham Young. Will relocate. Draft exempt. Age 21. Contact: Jack F. Say You land, who bill themselves as Fowler, 955 Pine St. (Apt. 25), San Saw It in Francisco, Calif. Malcolm. Billboard 36 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD NEW HIT SINGLE INVICTUS 9078 NEW HIT SINGLE INVICTUS IS -9075 Chairmen of the board Freda Payne You\ie got me Band dangling on a string. of gold.

Holland- Dozier - Holland Productions, Inc. "The Creative Corporation"


ST-7300 Distributed by Capitol Records Distributing Corp. AGAIN THE PROGRAMMING CONFERENCE OF THE YEAR

FORUM JUNE is -2o 3 "D rco WALDORF ASTORIA ANNUAL program 111 Ing HOTEL N.Y.C.

Billboard is indeed proud to announce this 1970 program. The Forum is designed for all those individuals deeply involved in Radio's current scene and in building its greatest growth potential.


You will be able to hear the generic tapes of more than 20 stations as "Sounds of the Times" Three outstanding performing artists describe how listening audiences are changing You will hear unreleased records and try your skill at picking the "hits" Facilities for informal meetings and discussions. The Program

THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 18 7:30 p.m. The Astor Gallery will be avail- Operating Manager able after 7:30 p.m. also as a meeting WWRL Radio REGISTRATION FROM 9:00 a.m. place for informal discussions and re- Woodside, N. Y. laxation. b. How to Combat THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 18 the Continuing Reac- tion Against Soul Radio 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 19 Reginald Lavong REGISTRATION FROM 8:00 a.m. Vice President, Marketing, R &B Session 1 Capitol Records Distributing Corp. 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. RADIO FACES THE NEW DECADE Hollywood, Calif. CONCURRENT SESSIONS a. Radio's in Key Role Dealing With Ur- Choose two The Session 4 gent Social Problems - first at 9:00 a.m. The second at 10:45 a.m. THE AGGRESSIVE GROWTH LISTENING Art Linkletter OF EASY Los Angeles, Calif. Session 2 FORMATS b. Are We Wasting Our Most Valuable KEEPING TOP 40 IN TUNE WITH THE TIMES a. Building a Successful Morning Show - Resource-Our Personnel? a. Dealing With the Music Forces Affecting What Are Its Structures and Require- Lester M. Smith Top 40 - Progressive Rock, Good ments? Executive Director Music, Soul J. P. McCarthy Seattle, Portland, and Spokane Radio Khan L. Hamon Air Personality Portland, Ore. Program Director WJR -AM Radio KTSA Radio c. Dynamic Changes in Music -The Div. of Capitol Cities Broadcasting Challenge to Future Programming , Tex. Inc. George Martin b. Trends in Contemporary Music Pro- Detroit, Mich. Managing Director gramming - The Need to Know Your b. Where Does Rock Music Fit in the Easy Associated Independent Recordings, Audience Listening Format? Ltd. Michael Joseph Tony Taylor London, England Radio Program Consultant Program Director Westport, Conn. WIP Radio 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Session 3 Philadelphia, Pa. COCKTAIL RECEPTION, BILLBOARD OFFICE THE SOUL RADIO OF THE FUTURE Session 5 "SOUNDS OF THE TIMES" a. Keeping and Increasing Your Listeners -White and Black CREATING A MAJOR MARKET SOUND IN A Astor Gallery from 4:40 p.m. and after Jerry Boulding SMALL MARKET STATION a. Analyzing the Market to Find Your Pro- McLendon Broadcasting Co. Session 16 gramming Niche Dallas, Tex. INCREASING STAFF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Bernie Barker - Vice President and General Manager FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 19 THE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE WDAK Radio "Sounds of the Times" after 5:30 p.m. a. The Modern Program Director - The Columbus, Ga. After 9:00 p.m. the Astor Gallery is avail- Qualities He Must Develop in His New b. What Is an Ideal Music Blend - Can able for both "Sounds of the Times" and Role You Please Everyone All the Time? as a meeting place for informal discus- Perry S. Samuels Gary R. Fuller sions and relaxation. Senior Vice President -Radio Vice President AVCO Broadcasting Corp. KAFY, Inc. 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Cincinnati, Ohio Bakersfield, Calif: Session 12 b. The Deejay - Helping Him Achieve Greater Professionalism Session 6 YOUR AUDIENCE IS CHANGING-THE ARTISTS COUNTRY MUSIC RADIO-WHERE DOES IT GO STATE THE CHALLENGE Session 17 FROM HERE? A panel of 3 performing artists. Each will APPRAISING YOUR STATION'S FORMAT-THE a. Has Country Music Programming Be- describe his audiences' reaction to the NEED FOR CONSTANT OBJECTIVITY come Too Modern? music he is performing what ap- - they a. When is Change Needed in Format William J. Wheatley - pear to like and what they do not like. For What Reason and in What Direction? Program and Operations Manager Each artist will give his opinion as to what WWOK Radio -Miami Frank L. Boyle the significance of his observations may President WAME Radio -Charlotte, N. C. have for alert radio station programming. Miami, Fla. Robert E. Eastman & Co., Inc. N. Y. b. The Importance of Building Station The panel of 3 artists: New York, Ratings by Promoting the Sale of b. Selling the Format to the Advertiser - Records at Retail John Rivers Music Recent Developments in Media Selec- Bruce Nelson Los Angeles, Calif. tion Program Director William (Smokey) Robinson Jr. Norman King WUBE Radio Vice President President -Chairman (Seattle, Portland & Spokane Radio) Motown Record Corp. 'U. S. Media -International Corp. Cincinnati, Ohio Detroit, Mich. New York, N. Y. 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 20 LUNCH LUNCH 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 19 The "Sounds of the Times" Exhibit will CONCURRENT SESSIONS be open during the lunch period. 2:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Choose two. The first at 9:00 a.m. and Round table discussions. Each session will the second at 10:45 a.m. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 20 be held in a different room. Each presided 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. over by a moderator - but with each Session 13 "Roundtable" (a group of 10) advancing CREATIVE SKILLS IN PRODUCTION THE NEW RECORDS its own "give and take" discussions, be- a. Producing Better Local Commercials Choose one of three concurrent sessions. Each ginning with a suggested list of pertinent Alan R. Scott session will be devoted to the playing topics. Partner of new records which have not yet been Registrants will choose two of the follow- Scott -Textor Productions, Inc. released. It will provide an opportunity for ing five topics. The first at 2:00 p.m. and New York, N. Y. each registrant to predict his ability to the second at 3:45 p.m. pick the hit within each of three formats: b. righter Production Through Modern Session 7 Electronic Techniques Session 18 Dan METHODS OF MOTIVATING ON- THE -AIR PER- Clayton TOP 40 AND PROGRESSIVE ROCK Program Director Moderators: George Michael SONNEL AS PART OF TOTAL STATION TEAM- WPOP Radio WORK Music Director Hartford, Conn. WFIL Radio Robert H. Badger Philadelphia, Pa. Station Manager Session 14 ADVANCE Augie Blume WMID Radio RESEARCH TECHNIQUES National Promotion Manager Atlantic City, N. J. 3. Ratings - How to Evaluate Them Ef- New York, N. Y. Session 8 fectively for Better Programming James L. Greenwald Session 19 DECIDING WHAT THE VARIATIONS SHOULD President EASY LISTENING BE BETWEEN WEEKEND AND WEEKDAY PRO- KATZ Radio Moderators: Johnny Magnus GRAMMING New York, N. Y. KMPC Radio Joe Sullivan b. Records - Methods of Determining Los Angeles, Calif. Program Director What Your Audience Wants to Hear - Session 20 WMAK Radio When and Why Nashville, Tenn. Buzz Bennett COUNTRY MUSIC Session 9 Program Director Moderators: Roy H. Stingley KGB Radio Program Director PROMOTION AND AUDIENCE - SUCCESSES San Diego, Calif. WJJD Radio FAILURES Chicago, Ill. Robert F. Hood Session 15 Vice President and General Manager EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMING OF ALBUMS AND Vice President In Charge WHO() Radio PERSONALITIES Of A &R Orlando, Fla. Decca Records a. The Growing Impact of Albums - Nashville, Tenn. Session 10 Selecting Them and Picking the Cuts HOW AND WHY YOUR FM STATION SHOULD Willis Duff OPPORTUNITY WILL BE AFFORDED FOR CRI- COMPETE WITH YOUR AM Vice President of Metromedia TIQUE INTERCHANGE Hy Lit General Manager Each registrant will receive samples of the Vice President and General Manager KSAN Radio unreleased records played in his session. WDAS -FM Radio San Francisco, Calif. 4:00 p.m. - Philadelphia, Pa. b. The Trend Back to Personalities - 5:00 p.m. How to Program Them With New Session 21 Session 11 Meaning BILLBOARD ALTERING MUSIC FORMAT TO REACH DIF- Pat Whitley AWARDS FOR ACHIEVEMENT FERENT LISTENERS AT DIFFERENT TIMES Program Director a. Radio Is a World for Creative Thought- Ken Dowe WWDC Radio ful People National Operations Manager Washington, D. C. b. Presentation of the Billboard Awards


Please register me for the BILLBOARD RADIO PROGRAMMING FORUM, June 18 -20, Waldorf- Astoria, New York City. (If you wish to register others MAIL IN besides yourself from your organization, please send names and titles on your letterhead and enclose payments.) Registration Fee: $175.00 per person Please enclose check and return registration form to: YOUR Radio Programming Forum Ninth Floor - 300 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 NAME (please print) REGISTRATION TITLE COMPANY TODAY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP Complete refund will be made for cancellations received before June 12, 1970. After that date but prior to the opening of the Conference, a cancellation charge of $50.00 will be made. After that, "no- shows" cannot be refunded. Campus News

Campus Unrest Causes Loss What's Happening Of Record Sales Dotes and Keeping Informed Continued from page 1 Most of the college and uni- guess most record stores located A clenched fist award to all the college radio stations who kept versities in Ohio have closed on the campuses had their win- their all the recent happening on the by listeners informed about of events recent events. They're still down until summer school ses- dows broken. But as far as I campuses throughout the country. It seems as if everyone banded together listening to music, but many sions are scheduled to begin. know, there has been little, if to exchange information and tapes on these recent events. people have given money to the This has also closed their record any, looting. These students are various defense funds and chari- stores. very frustrated. But they will not The Alternative Media Project has sent out their application forms ties that are soliciting to aid the At Campus Records in Iowa loot a record store. After all, for the conference being held at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vt., strike. The just cannot afford to City, at the University of Iowa, they aren't really striking against June 17 -20. If you have not received an application or are hesitant about buy records right music. going because of financial difficulty, contact Larry Yurdin, Alternative now," said Bob Bush, an employe, said that They just want to be Media Project, Plainfield, Vt. 05667. Phone (802) 454 -8311. Coyne. his store was losing sales. "I heard." Id Bookstore Claude Hall, Radio and TV editor at Billboard, is holding a Radio The Id Bookstore, on the Programming Forum in New York, June 18-20. Anyone interested campus of the University of in attending should write to Radio Programming Forum, 9th floor, Film Distrib Urges Oregon in Eugene, is running a 300 Madison Ave., New York, 10017. Phone (212) 687 -5523. sale. Ken Robbins, the manager, is happy that sales are only down Purple Haze Backing of Groups slightly. "I think that our sales I received excellent Hendrix held recently in has a great deal to do with this. reports on the concert NEW YORK the rights. Madison. The show was put on by a new company, reports Bill Shapiro, -Supporting showing The audience I wouldn't care to guess how called Project Nine, Ltd. The company is two University of Wisconsin groups that develop an audience, was there because a film based long this lag will last, but I hope graduates and friends who in Shapiro's words, "have been part of the creates a sure -fire promotion on revolutionary ideals and the not much longer." scene for years and seem to know what the student wants." Project Nine for a motion picture, according Rolling Stones would, we felt, College concerts are also also gave Hendrix dates in Minneapolis and Milwaukee. On the bill with to Seth Williamson, director of receive the most response from suffering at the University of Hendrix were Savage Grace, from Warner Bros., and a local group marketing for New Line Cin- a campus audience. Our philos- Oregon. Bob Burke, Billboard OZ. Consensus at the school gives OZ a chance to make it throughout ema, distributors of Jean Luc ophy is to take a film where it correspondent at the school, re- the country. Goddard's "Sympathy for the will be most appreciated. This ports cancellation of half the Speaking of new groups appearing on the campus, a local Boston Devil." We thought we had a brings a built -in promotion by concerts scheduled during the group, Sparrow, is receiving wide acclaim from the 300,000 students campus attraction in this word mouth." in the Boston area. Word has it that they have turned down several film. of past month. Blood, Sweat & contract offers from big companies. It features Due to increased unrest on Tears and the Rascals were doing several different, unre- campuses across the country, the among the artists who canceled leased takes of "Sympathy for film was shown at only 75 dates. There has been much un- Where Will You Be? the Devil," combined with God - campuses. It still grossed over rest at the school recently. What is everybody doing for the summer months? I would like to keep dard's masterful eye, said Wil- $200,000 in these locations. The University of South Caro- in touch with as many people as possible during the summer. It doesn't liamson. "We took the film to "The Harvard Film Society lina at Columbia, has been really matter if you are going to be at school, at home, or out of the about 100 campus- affiliated made enough profit from the forced to cancel four events, country. Keep in touch. Everyone must work all year around if we are to maintain a groups and let them have the (Continued on page 58) (Continued on page 58) good communication with the music industry. Hello New York Name- Calling Is Deplored in A new college station will be set to broadcast Sept. 1. WFDU -FM, Farleigh Dickenson University, Teaneck, N.J., will begin non -commercial broadcasting in stereo after a seven -year court battle with WNYU over the use of a vacated United Nations educational broadcast band. The Editorial by WCBS Newscaster station will serve Northern New Jersey and the greater New York listening area. Programs will be geared to educate the community and NEW YORK -The following can hate him. That way I can willingness to despise people by will draw on sources of the university as well as local agencies. is a transcript of an editorial kill him. Words can serve the reducing them to non -humans. delivered by Charles Osgood, same purpose. That is why racial Peace protesters who Decca Records recently sent out a form to campus radio stations deplore asking what newscaster on WCBS Radio, and religious epithets are so evil. that process when they see it type of music each station plays and what type of record (stereo, mono, LP's or singles) is used. They got responses from about 200 New York, on May 6. To call somebody a a in nigger or Vietnam do it themselves college radio stations. Interesting to note is the lead to the letter: "If you To hate somebody, to hate kike or a spic or wop is to rob a when they call policemen pigs. are interested in receiving records from Decca, Coral and Brunswick, them enough to kill them, you human being of his humanity. It No person there inside that uni- please complete this form." Lenny Salidor, national director of promotion must first dehumanize them in is a frame of hate, a form of form. Just a pig. Campus dem- and publicity for the companies, can be reached at 445 Park Ave., New your mind. Remember the car- murder. onstrators acting in the name of York 10022. Phone (212) 759 -7500. toons of the Japanese and the GI's in Vietnam don't like to love and peace and humanity Germans during World War II? think about killing fathers, moth- bait the authorities, the police, Manhattanville College in Purchase, N.Y., will sponsor a group of Outrageous. Racist. But effec- ers, children. They talk about the adminstrations of their concerts Sunday (17), Friday (22) and Sunday (24). Proceeds go to a tive war propaganda means paint- killing gooks. Yes they do. schools with their insults, their Black Students Scholarship Fund. Groups appearing were the New York ing Rock and Roll Ensemble, the Rascals, and Latin singer La Lupe. Tickets the enemy as something We are in trouble these days cutting, accusing up against the are $3.50 for each show. other than human. That way I and part of it, anyway is our wall masters of the four letter word. Oh how satisfying to curl A five -hour show at Montclair State College, Montclair N.J., Saturday one's lip and through clenched 16 featured Rahsaan Roland Kirk, the Elvin Jones Trio, the Vibration WRFP Gives College Chance teeth let them have it. Tell them Society, the McCoy Tyner Trio and the King Biscuit Blues Band. Ed how you feel. Oh how wonder- Williams, WLIB -AM & FM, New York, said that he was glad to see the fully self- righteous. And how spark of jazz being rekindled by the college and university students across To Hear All the Sides pleasing to stand before some the country. "It showed an awakening of awareness in music that has not been seen before." ALLENDALE, Mich. -There tion includes Eddie Harris and dinner and talk about punks and are many young people in the Les McCann; Crosby, Stills, to write off protesting students that way. How com- In the Crowd U.S. who have not been reached Nash & Young; Chrysalis, and any record, new or old, which fortable to think that everything The air personalities at WCBS -FM, New York, have been circulating by the values through alternative of the Chase feels is good and has would be fine if it weren't for New York area colleges for the past few weeks. They held seminars in which they answered questions relating to radio. new culture, according to Marc something to say. The time be- the bums or the effette snobs Gus Gossert, or whatever other dehumanizing program director at WCBS -FM, said that the personalities at the station Chase, owner and program di- tween records is filled with "want to make the students aware of what is happening in radio today rector of WRFP, a campus sta- "raps on contemporary society, name you want to use. tion at Grand Valley State Col- our new culture," said Chase. How easy to see the military, (Continued on page 56) lege. "We have a small school "We give both sides of the story how easy to see the President filled with moderate and con- without a slant to either left or of the as some servative students who have right. Our policy is to let the kind of monster. It makes him heard all their lives about how audience make up their own easier to hate. great this country is. I agree mind after they hear the truth." William Fullbright, the civil- Best LP's with them; I only ask to express At the moment, WRFP is ized Senator from Arkansas, my opinions, alternative values, carried current to all the campus doesn't do that. He disagrees These are the best selling albums at the Record Bar, serving Duke to today's troubled youth." dormitories. It broadcasts from very much with what Mr. Nixon University in Durham, N.C. Jeannie Hayes reporting. WRFP, Radio Free People, 9 p.m.- midnight weekdays, and is doing very much. But he told started on this basis. There is a from 9 p.m. -2 a.m. weekends. a newsman yesterday, "I have 1. "McCartney," Paul McCartney, Apple, STAO 3363. regular Top 40 campus station, "We want to expand to more never doubted his intentions, but 2. "Deja vu," Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Atlantic, SD 7200. "but they rarely talk about what's hours. We will soon. At the mo- I very gravely doubt his ability 3. "Hendrix Band of Gypsys," Jimi Hendrix et al., Capitol, STAO 472. happening," said Chase. "I feel ment, we are getting hassled by to achieve those intentions." 4. "Bridge Over Troubled Water," Simon and Garfunkel, Columbia, KCS that the colleges around the someone. My room was made a The word is the father of the 9914. country in the more rural areas shambles the other night by act. If we are going to avoid 5. "Sweet Baby James," James Taylor, Warner Bros., WS 1843. must have exposure to alterna- someone who doesn't like to blood then we must learn soon 6. "Psychedelic Shack," Temptations, Gordy, GS 947. to curb tive culture. We present this new hear both sides, I guess." Chase our tongues, to end this 7. "On Tour," Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, Atco, SD33 -326. culture to the new culturally de- was quick to add his thanks to orgy of self -indulgence in words 8. "Live," Steppenwolf, Dunhill, DSD 50075. prived. There is no hype on the the many students who helped with warheads. station and we try to keep away him set up the station. "Some Carl Sandburg said it. "Look 9. "Ladies of the Canyon," Joni Mitchell, Reprise, RS 6376. from those easy listening, Top were just curious as to what we out how you use proud words. 10. "Greatest Hits," Fifth Dimension, Soul City, 33900. 40 records. We try to let our would do. Some wanted to help When you let proud words go, 11. "," , Atco, SD 33 -327. audience hear good music, per- their own conscience. Whatever it is not easy to call them back. 12. "American Woman," Guess Who, RCA Victor, LSU 4266. haps never heard before by our the reason, we got it together. They wear long boots, hard 13. "Something's Burning," Kenny Rodgers and the First Edition, Reprise, listeners." Now all we need is good record boots. Look out how you use RS 6385. A typical evening on the sta- service," concluded Chase. proud words." 14. "Get Ready," Rare Earth, Rare Earth, RS 507. 40 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD

Johnny sings and the parking lots turn into meadows, the freeways into rambling roads and all us uptight city people become country folks. Thanks, Johnny.

"The Johnny Cash Show," Wednesdays on ABC -TV Produced by SCREEN GEMS

Personal Management: Saul Holiff, Volatile Attractions, Ltd. GREAT ORIGINAL Johnny Cash has joined the Great Originals of He is the epitome of the music man who em- the music record industry. braces realism and draws for his inspiration He is at once an underground hero and a upon the inexhaustible founts of his own and his favorite of the great mass of adult record buyers. fellow man's experience. His song material and style of performance The nation and its history are his reference cut across virtually all key categories and appeal books. to all markets. The people are his audience. He is a symbol of the fact that integration in In this issue we document his career to date. our time came first to the music business. -Paul Ackerman Cash is the antithesis of the Tin Pan Alley per- sonality of past decades.

A Man Of Basic Truth, Says

The only thing different about Johnny Cash when he first appeared on the 'Grand Ole Opry.' He later conquered his problem; I conquered mine. When he Carl Perkins met him 15 years ago and the Johnny got a white coat, but wore ribbon on that, too." came back to his people they accepted him right away, Cash of today is that back then he parted his hair on Perkins said he knew almost from the start that because he was the same as always. But he brought the the left side. Johnny Cash would be a success. "John had good, sim- college kids with him this time because they recognized These men had grown up together yet separately on ple songs that everyone could learn and copy. One of that he was an individual. If he wants to wear his hair opposite sides of the Mississippi River. But they really the secrets of why he made it is that everyone could long, he does. If he wants to tell the President what he grew up together one day in California. do his songs, and most people felt they could do them won't sing, he does it. Back on that fateful day in 1955 Carl Perkins was better than Johnny Cash. But John is not a great "John is a man of basic truth. introduced to Johnny Cash by in the office singer; he's a stylist. And he always wrote and sang "Now it doesn't matter a damn what he said; people of . Perkins had been with the label two about things to which people could relate." everywhere are with him. Most of his fans would just months, and it now was April. The friendship was al- Perkins explained why he feels both Cash and as soon hear him talk as hear him sing. He can com- most instant. Presley were hits, although totally dissimilar in form. municate either way, and that's what it's all about. John " Turn Around,' " said Johnny Cash, "is my fa- "In music there is an exciting top end and a relaxing has created something in music that men in public vorite song, and you are my favorite singer." For those bottom end. Some singers are in between and never office try to attain, but few succeed. He can reach his who may have forgotten, "Turn Around" was one of quite reach an audience. But Elvis hit on the top and audience right away. He has completely unvarnished Perkins' earliest songs and it was pure country. Cash on the bottom. They are necessary extremes. These honesty. He has struck on something that is basically "There was something different about him. You two were stars from the start. Once they had broken what human beings are. He has always been that way." knew this right away," Carl remembered. "I asked him through the barriers they could play around with the Perkins attributes both his own return to success where he was from and he said Dyess -pronounced extremes." and that of Johnny Cash to God. He says it simply and Dice -Arkansas, right across the river from where I Memphis Blues sincerely, and you know he means it. "And it's worth had lived on the Tennessee side. It's amazing how many Carl notes his own inability to make it with country every second of it," he says proudly. "Just to see the things we had in common." music. He said that after "Blue Suede Shoes" he wanted faces of my young boys going fishing with a sober Right after Johnny cut "Cry, Cry, Cry" and "Hey, to make it in the country field, but found that he daddy makes it so great. With God's help, I found my- Porter," Bob Neal decided to book them. He was book- couldn't do it commercially. So he carved his own way self." He also credits his wife for her undying patience ing Elvis Presley at the time, and he took all three of in the field of Memphis style blues. and faith, and credits June Carter for helping both him them. Then came the inevitable references to the prob- and Johnny. "The first show that Cash ever played for pay was lems of the past. Briefly, he tells how it came about. Four years ago at Marianna, Ark., and it was also my first pay date," "John and I wandered off into left field for a last Jan. 12 Carl Perkins had quit the music business Perkins said. "We played in a football field, on a flatbed while," he said, "but we got back on the base paths. He and taken up farming. Johnny Cash came to his front truck. He came with the Tennessee Two, and I came door one morning and asked him to go back on the with my brothers, Jay and Clayton. All three acts - road with him. John, Elvis and myself- stayed together for the re- "Both of us knew we had a decision to make, and mainder of the year. Elvis was driving a '49 Ford, John we made it in California. Dr. Nat Winston (former a '49 Plymouth and I had a '49 Chrysler. We were all commissioner of Mental Health in Tennessee) planted making payments of $5 a week on the cars and were the thought in our minds that we could make the trip hard pressed to make them." to the West Coast and come back 'straight.' Johnny and Perkins said they played the "edges of Tennessee, I braced each other. We constantly talked about it to Mississippi and Arkansas." Then came the big break. June. We had played the Shrine Auditorium in Los An- "Bob (Neal) then booked us in Texarkana, and none geles and 14,000 people were there. I was so bombed of us had ever been that far away. I met John and his I didn't even see anyone in the audience. I had to be group in West Memphis, and we had to go 350 miles, led to the microphone, blind drunk. Johnny helped me. the longest trip ever. The cars followed each other, but The next morning we went to a picnic on the beach I spent most of the time in John's car, and we wrote with John's children. I was so sick I lay in the back of songs together. the bus thinking I would die, and almost hoping I I cried. I thought about a Biggest Pay Day would. I prayed, and then bottle of whisky in the bag I carried, and God knows we in by "The next day were booked Tyler, Tex., I needed a drink. I took the top off and started to Tom Perryman (now general manager of WMCT, Mur- drink, but I stopped. I put the top back on, put the freesboro, Tenn.), and he guaranteed us $100 apiece. bottle in my back pocket, and eased painfully out of then at Parsons, Up to our biggest pay day had been the bus. I walked to the beach and kept walking until I Ark., where Bob Neal stood at the door with a cigar was alone, out of sight of everyone. There I threw the boz and charged everyone who came in unless they bottle into the Pacific Ocean. It hit like a flat rock, were under 12. We split the take and got $18 apiece." skipping three times on the water. I started getting Carl remembers that John then wore a black cordu- stronger that instant, and have been going in that di- roy coat and he (Perkins) wore a flannel suit. Both rection ever since. The trip home was a great one." were much too hot, but were serviceable. Perkins had a tough battle a few weeks ago. While "My wife sewed a ribbon down the side of my at the White House, where Cash was performing, he trousers," Perkins said, "and John really thought that CARL PERKINS, a singer associated with Johnny Cash was offered champagne in a toast. "But I got to think- from gave me the beginning of his career, with Sam Phillips, the deal, and I class. So he had ribbons sewed on his coat, whose Sun label in Memphis was the launching pad ing that one swallow would break didn't and he still wore that coat-with the ribbons -the night for both singers. drink."

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Personal Management SAUL HOLIFF VOLATILE ATTRACTIONS, LTD. Suite 704,Kingsberry Towers 185 Berkshire Drive London,Ontario,Canada August 1,1958, Cash Signs With Columbia

It was at the home of the parents of the Collins Kids in California that Johnny Cash agreed to record for Co- lumbia Records. And the man who talked him into it, Johnston: Big Prize Is Cash signed him to a contract, and produced him for the next nine years can still reminisce about those early , a onetime songwriter who days with pleasure. tried with only limited success to sell his tunes He is , the man who "retired" from Colum- in Nashville, came back a few years later to be- bia on his 65th birthday a couple of years back, only come one of the biggest producers in the business. to become busier than ever turning out hit records for And the real prize in his bag of artists was various labels. Johnny Cash. Johnston, who now is the personal The date of the Johnny Cash signature was August manager of Leonard Cohen and an independent 1, 1958. producer, came to Nashville from New York to Johnny asked Law to sign Carl Perkins at the same replace Don Law. time, and Don readily agreed. "1 introduced them to the In his brief time here he has, with Cash, Columbia personnel at the convention in Estes Park won both Grammy and Country Music Associa- that year," Law recalls, and the first song he sang for tion Awards (the first to win a CMA award for them was "Don't Take Your Guns to Town." both a single and an LP), with such hits as This was the beginning of a success story that in- "Johnny Cash " and "A Boy cluded four gold LP's, and the sale of many millions DURING a session at Columbia under the supervision Named Sue." of Johnny Cash records. Law also was turning out gold of Don Law, showing the late at right. Johnston was out of the country at the time records those days for Marty Robbins, , Ray this salute to Johnny Cash was being prepared, Price and others. and was unavailable for an interview. Law recalls that he tried to get Columbia to buy He referred to his 65th birthday, a mandatory "re- the old masters of Cash on the Sun label at the time he tirement" age at Columbia, when Bob Johnston was was signed, but they refused. Shelby Singleton took sent in to replace Law in the production of artists. Law care of this later. to hang on to , whom he has pro- years managed this talent to Art Satherly. In 1942 Law moved into duced for 19 years, and Carl Smith, who has worked Don's only real run -in with Cash came when, at the the children's a &r department of Columbia. The first Law 20 consecutive years. In addition, Law urging of an arranger friend, Johnny decided he should with for country artist he ever recorded exclusively was Carl records for Monument and Bob change his style and cut with a big band. Law finally now Smith. it few times, and the records were bombs. Woods for Ranwood. Other artists are being added. allowed a He considers the bringing of Cash to Columbia He went back to his original group. Forms Seaview one of his greatest coups. The earliest of the Cash hits were cut in Hollywood, when Johnny With Irene Stanton, a talented writer and long -time "We had million sellers back then even and the rest of them in Nashville. anything friend, Law now has his own publishing company, Sea - was having his problems," Law said. "Now One of the lesser -known stories of Law's involve- he records will turn to gold." ment with Cash is found in the series of letters ex- view, with some 70 copyrights. Law still feels Johnny Cash has implicit trust in changed between the veteran producer and the warden Law started in the recording business in 1926, work- him. "He recently sent to me a man who was writing of Folsom Prison. "We had worked for years on getting ing the first 16 years in sales. However, he also was a book about him," Law said, "and told me to tell Johnny to record at Folsom," Law recalls. "Then, just involved in the discovery of talent (, Al Dexter, the man just how things really happened, to be honest." as things were about to jell, I had a birthday." , the Chuck Wagon Gang) and taking

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Cash Columbia Total Johnny Cash has sold a total of 20 million Columbia Cash And Manager Holiff- albums around the world -including both retail and club sales. The artist's Columbia singles have sold 5 million in A "Handshake Agreement" in world markets. \\\\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\

The future of Johnny Cash ranges from a "good" zational to the point of being neurotic," Holiff says movie every year to a tour of the Soviet Union. And facetiously. price boost at the ',' which he did to the man who plans that future is the one -time clothier "Johnny was to do an article for 'Field and Stream' keep the show from faltering." and restaurant owner from Canada who has guided the 10 years ago," Saul recalls, "and this is the point where Cash destiny for the past 10 years. we formed our relationship. I had him booked up into Highest Gross He is Saul Holiff who, with his attractive wife, Newfoundland, so the magazine article was to be done Looking back, Holiff noted that Johnny Cash has Barbara, heads the management of Cash and certain there. I had everything planned for him, and Johnny come a long way in these ten years. "In 1960, his other "properties." Holiff, a resident of London, Ontario, had been without a manager for about five or six biggest gross was $5,500 at the 'Big D' Jamboree in who is about to make the big move to Nashville, has months. When he got off the plane at St. John's Dallas. Last Sunday in Detroit he grossed $131,000 - had one of those famous handshake contracts with Newfoundland, he had a bunch of weather- beaten, the highest gross in history in that city for one per- Cash since an odd series of circumstances led to their coffee -stained notes in his hands all full of proposals former, the highest gross in history anywhere for a compact a decade back. as to why I should represent him." Holiff, who was 35 country artist." And Holiff feels he has hardly scratched the time, was flabbergasted. "And I've never been Saul Holiff was the most unlikely man in the world at the surface. normal since," he added. to end up as the manager of Johnny Cash, or anyone Holiff now handles every facet of Johnny's career. went the Orient and arranged else for that matter, except for one or two important Holiff promptly to He even does all of the booking (except for fair dates, Cash. was the first organized qualities. He had the same basic honesty as Cash, and an overseas tour for "It which are handled by Eldred Stacey of Creative Man- was one of many he was an organizer. tour of the Far East," he claims, "and agement), and he handles others as well, with his wife. firsts for Johnny. Others may claim to have been first Reared in a family which preferred the classics, and at various things, but Johnny was first in the Hollywood Barbara Holiff handles all of the promotion and whose political philosophies ran to socialism (the Bowl, first in Carnegie Hall, the first to insist upon public relations and all ad layouts, and is secretary- complete antithesis of country music), Holiff was a reserved seats at country shows, the first to insist on a treasurer of the organization. The striking couple also successful small businessman in his home city. have two young sons. A firm believer in promotion, the long time bachelor The organization now includes the Statlers, Mother (he married for the first time at the age of 40) brought Maybelle Carter. Carl Perkins and the Carter Family. various shows to his city to exploit his electronic drive-in Additionally, the Holiffs manage the career of the restaurant. He brought in all kinds, ranging from rock Tommy Hunter show cast in Canada, including Debbie to the Johnny Cash type country. Laurie Kaye. Realizing the merits of promotion, Holiff went be- Holiff says the geographical distance has created no yond his restaurant and began booking the talent into problem for managing Johnny Cash, although the move series of dates. Doing this he promoted everything from to Nashville is contemplated. "I've fallen in love with the African Ballet to . Nashville and the South and the people," he said "I really knew nothing about country music," Holiff sincerely. "They are warm and real, and we want to be freely admits. "I had never been to Nashville, and I had a part of them." He said that in the past the manager never even seen cotton growing. Johnny always thought and his artist had met constantly on the road, and that was rather funny." Holiff, however, was soon to Holiff had come to Nashville frequently in recent years. fill this gap in his educational process. "During our time together we have had two or It was efficiency that really brought Holiff and three bad moments, but always things worked out. We Cash together. Having been a bachelor for so many never parted company for more than a short period of years, the personable perfectionist was one who took time," he said. "We always respected one another, and care of every minute detail himself, who was able to were honest with each other. Nobody snows Johnny organize, and was able to follow- through. "I was organi- LONGTIME manager Saul Holiff with June and Johnny. (Continued on page C -6) MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD C -5 NewAct From Memphis-Bob Neal Remembers

It was some 14 years ago that Bob Neal opened a recalls that they included Slim Whitman, Charlie and opened the Memphis agency, Stars, Inc. Eventually he Memphis agency called Stars, Inc., and had in his Ira Louvin and others. and Phillips had a parting, and this time Neal kept roster for booking and management such luminaries as About this time Sam Phillips called Neal and asked Cash and Perkins for managing and booking, and re- Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, , Warren Smith him to include a youngster named Elvis Presley in one turned to part -time radio, this time at WMC. and -later -. of these shows. "Blue Moon of Kentucky" had just In 1958, Neal says, Johnny wanted to move to the Not long before this time Neal also had handled been released, and Philips was convinced Elvis was a coast. "He and I both felt he could storm Hollywood. the fates of Elvis Presley. pretty fair country singer. He had to hurry out and get So we freed Carl (Perkins) from his contract, and we Those are some memories to look back on. him in the union first, and Neal promptly booked Pres- moved to California, all of us. That included Johnny But Neal is not the looking back type, unless asked ley. He stole the show. From that day through the next and his family, Marshall and Luther, and the Neal fam- to do so. 18 months, Presley headed most of the Neal-booked ily. We all moved into the Los Angeles area. Cash When he did look back he recalled that he had shows. bought Johnny Carson's former home in Encino." started in the radio business in Memphis in 1942, and And in 1955, while Neal was setting up shows, he While on the West Coast, Johnny asked Neal to take spent most of those years at WMPS in fields other decided to include a new act from Memphis. This was into partnership Stu Carvell, and Neal sold him 50 than country music. But it was his move into country Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two. percent of his company. The two worked together, but music that ultimately brought out the best in Neal. "I used them mostly to open the shows," Neal said. no real progress was made. "The picture people just In the early 1950's he started a morning personality "Marshall (Grant) and Luther (Perkins) were working wouldn't accept them. Now they're beating down the show on the station, and decided to feature country in an auto shop, and Johnny was selling appliances. doors," Neal reminisced. Nonetheless, Neal estimates music. The station at the time was programming live They drove to the shows in an old Plymouth." that even then Cash was making a half -million dollars shows, with such artists as Eddie Hill and his group, Neal said he began to use Carl Perkins who, at the a year from his records, his writing, his publishing and the Carlisles, and the Loden family. The latter had a time, was bigger and better known than Cash. One of his personal appearances. That was in 1959 and 1960. young boy fiddler named James Loden, and his family the 1955 tours included Elvis and through The contract with Johnny Cash expired in late 1960, and called him Sonny James. Today James is one of the Arkansas and Mississippi, and back to Memphis where since "some differences" existed, it was not re- newed. superstars in country music, and it is Bob Neal who is the Cash entourage was added to the show. "Johnny made a very generous settlement with managing and booking him. Neal's wife, Helen, who still is an active part of the me on royalties and such things," Neal said, "and Bob Neal Agency, did much of the driving since Bob we've always had the highest regard for each other." Neal began going out on the road in those old was still doing daytime radio, and had to sleep when- He feels that, even today, if he needed a favor, Cash days with Eddie Hill, doing as many as five four or ever he could. She sold the tickets, and he took up the would be the first to respond. personals a week in the Memphis area. After Hill moved tickets or money at the door. Then he would rush back But Neal has needed no favors, even though he lost to Nashville and WSM, Bob continued his appearances and go on stage to introduce the show. Neal actively everything he had on a radio station venture. He re- with others, sometimes traveling as far as 150 -200 miles managed Presley in 1954 and 1955. turned to Tennessee, moved to Nashville, worked for a from Memphis. Oscar Davis and Col. Tom Parker looked over the short spell with the Wil -Helm Agency, then formed his "I did the on- the -air promotion, sold the tickets, various acts Neal had in those days, and the Colonel own again. emceed the show, and did the driving," Neal recalls. wasn't particularly impressed at first. But Neal had to And it wasn't too long ago that he took over the Among those acts with whom he did these appearances make a decision. This booking and managing business management as well as the booking of the onetime boy were Johnny and Jack, and Kitty Wells. was taking a good portion of his time, and his radio fiddler of the Loden Family, Sonny James. James is It was in 1952 when Neal started Memphis Promo- work was increasing. He had a top -rated radio show, one of the all -time great entertainers of the country tions, bringing in big package shows to Overton Park and he decided to give full time to radio. This is when business. in that city. The first show was headed by Hank Snow Presley went with Parker. The most recent deal involving James was his sign- and Webb Pierce. During the summer of 1954 Neal But later, in 1956, Neal decided to give things an- ing for a return performance -with options for more - booked shows into the band shell of that park, and he other fling, and -in cooperation with Sam Phillips- on the Johnny Cash show. And behind it all is Bob Neal.

Reba.Boss Of

She was a child bride in Arkansas and now she's one verted into a recording studio and as many as 25 vari- helped Johnny and Reba form Sound of Cash, the of the youngest -looking grandmothers in Tennessee. This ous offices. It is here that Reba Hancock will ultimately ASCAP company, to go along with the longer- estab- attractive mother of four has a son about to return headquarter. The theater -studio will be less than a mile lished BMI firm. from Vietnam. A one -time telephone operator, she now from Johnny's home. Rebá s greatest problem, by her own admission, is -among her other duties -is general manager for the "I was just a housewife when this got started," Reba the "movie magazines." These bothered Johnny and House of Cash (BMI) and Sound of Cash (ASCAP), and said. "It was about the first time in my life I hadn't June at first, but they have come to ignore the drivel. office manager for all of the Johnny Cash Enterprises, been working at something else. We were in California "It didn't matter what I told those people, they wrote four corporations in all. and late one afternoon Johnny called me in and asked what they wanted to anyway, so we don't even coop- She is Reba Ann Cash Hancock, a striking brunette me if I would take over his fan mail. There was more erate with them anymore." who does everything from screen her brother from the that he could handle, and I told him I'd let him know She did have words of praise, though, for a recent movie magazine writers to setting up appointments for the next day. Of course, I agreed, and I handled this series of stories done by veteran professional Hugh various members of the organization. phase of the operation for six years." Cherry, who covered many aspects of the Cash Currently she oversees a duplex- complex which sets A year ago, when she moved to the Nashville area, career. about a quarter -mile off the highway near the Blue her duties were greatly expanded and, although she "But I think the whole story, and the true story, Grass Country Club in the suburb of Hendersonville, doesn't handle the fan mail any more, she still oversees will be out this fall," she said. "Chris Wren, of Life resting on 13 acres of trees and horse paths. Just it. Magazine, is doing Johnny's complete biography. He has outside the window one can see five horses and four Fans Important lived with Johnny and June, traveled with him, and he pigs. "Fans are among the most important part of the knows how to separate fact from fiction. I think it will The horses belong to the Cash family, and Johnny business," she claims. "I guess I realize this because I be the first complete work on Johnny." and June and June's children ride there frequently. worked so closely with them for so long." Although In addition to the fall biography, Dial Press cur- The pigs belong to Ray Cash, the patriarch of the there currently is no Johnny Cash fan club in the U.S., rently is printing a House of Cash songbook, and then family. one will be reactivated in the near future. next spring there will be a book of poems by June Directly adjoining this are an additional 10 acres Working with Reba at the publishing companies is and Johnny Cash, which the two are working on at on which rests the newest Johnny Cash acquisition, a Larry Lee, a talented young writer -publisher, who had the moment. dinner theater which is in the process of being con- been with various other firms in the past. He just And Reba keeps getting busier.

Cash and entire self -promotion, utilizing (with strict supervision) to break down some more barriers and reach areas still Manager Holiff the services of a company that precedes the show into a untried. We plan to do the livestock show in the Astro- Continued from page C -5 city to organize everything. The entourage -21 strong dome in February .for three days, and that place seats -flies to all dates. Included in the group is a hairdresser, 80,000, so there is a possibility of a gross in excess Cash. Our handshake agreement is the strongest possible a wardrobe mistress, and make -up specialist. A bus is of a million dollars, with tickets scaled up to seven bond." on hand to meet the plane and transport the cast directly dollars. Johnny never has been in the Astrodome." So many people try to "define" Cash, and Holiff to hotels, and a limousine is there to meet Cash, his Before these commercial ventures, however, Cash said he went through the same stage. "I had to put a wife, their baby, and a nurse who watches over the will take a day (May 24) to appear with the Rev. Billy label on everything and everybody. And about nine child. The baby travels virtually everywhere with the Graham in Knoxville. Deeply religious, he is responding years ago I called him 'The Singing Story Teller.' Now pair, having been gone five weekends of the first eight to a visit made to his home recently by the North Johnny didn't take very well to it at the time, and it's weeks of his young life. Holiff said he currently is Carolina evangelist. taken all of these years for it to become entrenched. dickering to buy or rent a DC -9 which would eliminate Then comes the first in what Holiff believes will Now everyone is claiming he or she invented it." the need to cope with airline schedules. be a series of movies. Cash goes first to Sante Fe for Holiff now aims Johnny only in the direction of The future has many promises. the outdoor scenes, then to Hollywood for studio work, large auditoriums in key cities. "The key cities will If the current movie "The Gun Fight" is a success and on to Madrid for location scenes, including one of draw in people from the fringes," he explained. "I have and Cash enjoys working it, Holiff said there would be a complete bullfight staged by a matador before him booked in such places as the Mapleleaf Garden, at least one "good" movie every year. "He could wear a 4,000 spectators--a small crowd by current Cash Madison Square Garden and the Forum in Los An- John Wayne mantle," Holiff said confidently. "We also standards. The money for the movie comes from a geles." plan a TV special in Israel, called 'Johnny Cash in the small band of the Apache Tribe in New Mexico -, Show Entourage Holy Land,' and we are trying to organize a tour of 1,400 of them, who raised $2 million by mining, farm- Handling the Johnny Cash road show now is an Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other Soviet cities to try ing and growing lumber products on 857 acres of land. C -6 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD


From the worldwide publishing companies of Peer -I nternatíonal Corporation Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc.

Mrs. Monique I. Peer, President Mr. Ralph Peer II, Vice President

eaaaeltaravé----- fitatith-

C-8 MAY 23, 1970. BILLBOARD The sound is Johnny Cash. The harmonica is Rohner.


1461': ° ti

M Hohner, Inc., Hicksville, New York 11802 THE JOHNNY Cash home overlooking A FAMILY portrait: Reba Cash Hancock, Johnny Cash Old Hickory Lake at Hendersonville, Tenn. Mrs. Carrie Cash, and .

J.R. Cash-A Family View


The reason no one ever heard of Johnny Cash be- listened to music, and the station he listened to was Ray Cash, Tommy and his sister, Joanne, were in the fore he went into the Air Force in 1950 was that there WJJD in Chicago. It was all country music, and this kitchen with their mother who was busy making peanut was no "Johnny" Cash. is the only thing that interested him." butter cookies. Ray Cash made and served the iced tea. "His real name was just J.R.," said Ray Cash, father At the age of 12, Johnny Cash began singing in Tommy Cash, who is eight years younger than his of the famous singer, in a rare interview. the Baptist church and at school, and began to write more -famous brother, has had problems because of "Back where our kids were born they didn't require poems. "After he wrote poems he would turn them the success of Johnny. Despite this, he has come a long a birth certificate at the time, only what they called a into songs," said his father, "but we didn't have way on his own. (At that particular moment his song, delayed certificate, but I'm certain that even that lists enough money to do anything with them. The truth is "Rise and Shine" was higher on the Billboard chart him as J.R. and not Johnny." we didn't really take much of an interest in his work, than Johnny's "" and Tommy was savor- The elder Cash explained that, when he went into not knowing what it would lead to." ing the position, although privately he is very close to the Air Force they insisted on a first name. So they in- It was at the Dyess, Ark., High School that Johnny his brother.) vented the name "Johnny." It's been that way ever won his first money for singing. He took first place in Tommy Cash formed a band several years ago with since, but the family still calls him J.R. The initials a talent contest for which he received $5.00. The song his nephew, Ray Cash, Jr., Jim Salee and Stanley Niel. don't stand for anything. he sang, the family recalls, was Beasley Smith's "Lucky It was a country band which performed in Memphis. Cash's father has no middle initial himself. "I was Old Sun," with a piano accompaniment. (Cash Sr. did When he went into service (all of the Cash boys volun- the baby of 12 children," he explained, "and they ran not know that the late Beasley Smith was a Nashville teered for service as their father had done in World out of middle initials." writer.) War I) he became an Armed Forces Radio disk jockey then to Memphis where, with Six of the seven children of Ray and Carrie Cash At the age of 18, weary of picking cotton, Cash in Germany, returned are still living. The eldest, Ray, is affiliated with the went into the Air Force and it was here when he in- wife and family, he worked as a country disk jockey. He was recalled to service a second time, then came Chrysler Corporation in Memphis. Next in line is herited a first name. Stationed first at Biloxi and then as a clerk. Louise (Garrett), married to a retired naval officer. San Antonio (where, at a skating rink, he met the home and worked store Then came J.R., then Reba Ann (Hancock), who is woman who was to become his first wife), Cash was It was Johnny Cash who put him back on the track. actively involved in the Cash enterprises and married transferred to Germany. "I worked for Johnny in the field of public relations and to a franchise executive; Joanne Engel, who works with "This is where he really learned tó play the guitar," publishing strictly because he wanted me to learn the a car rental agency; and Tommy, who, as the elder his father said. "And when he came home he wanted business and felt this was the best way." As it turned Cash put it, "is in the same business as J.R." to play and sing." But things didn't work out that way out, it was. Ray Cash, now 73, was an "overseeing farmer" at first. Cash went to San Antonio, got married, and In January, 1965, Tommy cut his first single, "I when he met and married his wife, now 66, at Kings - moved to Memphis. There he went to work for the Guess I'll Live" for Musicor under Pappy Dailey. From land, Ark. They will have been married 50 years next Ace Appliance Company, trying to sell appliances. the beginning he was plagued because he "sounded Aug. 18. Meanwhile, the Cash family also had moved to Mem- Johnny Cash." And while this is generally true, there It was at Kingsland where J.R., or Johnny, was phis, and Ray Cash now was working for W.T. Grant. are great differences in their voices and style. Tommy was born 38 years ago. His mother also born there. Just before leaving Arkansas he had left the farm and refused billing as "Johnny Cash's brother" and once a no Ray Cash was born at Toledo, Ark., town that gone to work for Procter and Gamble. refused to do a show when he was showcased this way. longer exists. Then that inevitable day came in 1956 when he Now with Epic, Tommy has made it on his own, and "We're both part Cherokee Indian," Cash said. "My took his two songs, "Hey Porter" (which he had written currently is a hot property in the music business. Sister wife and I are about one -eighth to one -quarter Indian, while in Germany) and "Cry, Cry, Cry" to Sam Phillips. Joanne once was a singer, but gave it up although she but we men in the family have all of the Indian fea- "had a beautiful voice" according to their father. His Mrs. Cash, a stately woman who still likes tures." He noted that this included a high cheekbone Carrie eldest son, Ray, also had a band at the beginning of and generally hairless complexions. to cook, helped during those early Memphis days by World War II, but all three band members lost their selling insurance for the Reserve Life Insurance Com- The Cash family moved to Dyess, Ark., when most lives in the war, and Ray lost interest in music. pany. of the children were still young, and it was here that Family Home Mrs. Carrie Cash, whose father was a music teacher, they knew relatively hard times. learned to play both the piano and guitar and could Today the elder Cash couple live in a beautiful, play "the old pump organ." She accompanied her son "We had 40 acres to farm, and we grew vegetables, expansive and expensive home overlooking Old Hickory were on his last television show of the current series. cotton, corn and soybeans," Cash recalls. "Times Lake directly across from Johnny and June Cash. They a little rough." are retired. They have been in the Nashville area only In the Johnny Cash home is a 70- year -old, f ive- Music Interest a year, having spent 10 years prior to that at Ojai, pedal piano, bought by his grandfather at the turn of He recalls that Johnny became interested in music Calif., where they looked after a trailer park and prop- the century. "It's one of the finest pianos ever made," in 1936, when he was just four years old. erty owned by Johnny. Ray Cash boasted. "We bought a battery- operated radio, and J.R. The large current home serves as a gathering place Then, as something of an afterthought, he remarked: would have his head in it all the time. He constantly for members of the family. During the interview with "It's fitting it should be in J.R.'s house." C-10 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD O O' toria As PeaV S to alao rf Snar e Gasaer the ner at a adi son d ln worla aisnO tbe to na ove ve been a fu eole all Vve to telethon ve beenbe octant to a . been by lm ,51 é ve alled ork been c netw ensaae e, e, se , been °n Gr aham v e e Vb1telioU of Vice e to tb tbe 13'111y at the ve been Vve inv'tea arges tea itiend beenn r or Vve yon p onr ass be en by y ma'1 é v e lsitea onr f an been ny y é ve p lckln been onr arm C1 ee on y ve 1 é we say' ? can Vilely on vacation éve been anticpat'xon , iS G . In ' from Si "bables G N -sionr OV 1.-SC,. OVS-V) OV GNSIA' il 10NS SO-SGNNDtR S ONV,v.V.E, Johnny, Your one of a hind!


It's more than a song book. The Songs of Johnny Cash will be OTHER JOHNNY CASH BOOKS SOON It's the personal history of a man, in book and music stores in June. TO BE RELEASED BY DIAL PRESS: his music and his time. Make sure it's in your store. The American Ballad of Johnny Cash All together it adds up to your next The only authorized biography. In The Songs of Johnny Cash, the big Johnny Cash hit. by Christopher S. Wren. first personally supervised by Johnny March 1971 Publication. Cash, the portrait emerges. THE SONGS OF JOHNNY CASH Through his words and music. Introduction by Christopher S. Wren The Poetry of Johnny Cash and June Carte Through the photographs he's selected. 256 Pages A personal, intimate collection And through the superb introductory essay 59 Songs arranged for guitar, piano, organ. of poems written by Johnny and by Christopher S. Wren, Look Magazine 80 Photographs Trim Size: 8'/2 x 11 June to each other. editor, friend and biographer of Johnny Cash. Hardcover, $9.95 Paperback, $4.95 November 1971 Publication.


his man's place in American music has never really been occupied before. No musician has ever reached so deeply into the American heart, and no musician has ever reached so many Americans. Last year alone, he sold over six million records - more than anyone else has ever sold in a single year. And this year he's keeping up with that incredible pace - with "Hello. I'm Johnny Cash;'`"The World Of Johnny Cash,"and the single "What Is Truth ?" Also available on tape. He has consistently stood up for the underdog -for the Amer-

ican Indian , the prisoner, the poor, the young, the individualist, the forgotten. And so doing he has struck a lost chord in all of us, µ a chord lost in the tumult and a cynicism of the times. To hear Johnny Cash singing is to hear the song of freedom - a song imprisoned in our hearts. He sings for the prisoner in us all. Mr. Philhps Met The Appliance Salesman At 706 Union Ave.


It was 15 years ago that a tall gangly 6 -foot 2 -inch nothing other than religious songs. He must have felt contract with the Jackie Gleason Enterprises which singer gained the courage to ask for an audition at that any man can feel a man better if he talked about produced the "State Show" with the Dorsey Brothers. Sam Phillips' Sun Record Company at the "hole in his soul, his hardships, his underlying efforts to be He secured for him 10 television appearances and im- the wall studio" at 706 Union Avenue, Memphis. better, his true love for his family and even possibly mediately Cash was on his way. Johnny Cash had been discharged from the service his fellow man." "I think the Gleason organization realized Cash was and had moved to Memphis with his wife and two This was the period that Sam Phillips felt the need the man to watch. They had used Elvis Presley five children where he was an aspiring religious songwriter to let any new artists have his say, work on a new style times and then saw him get away to bigger shows and and appliance salesman. and try something different in his studio which he money including the Ed Sullivan Show. They weren't He had two good buddies who worked church opened in 1949. about to make the same mistake with Cash." socials with him, both mechanics, Luther Perkins, who "I had worked as an engineer on all of the Hotel Cash, had also in June 1956 signed for the "Grand played guitar and on bass. Peabody Skyway Broadcasts of Freddy Martin, Jimmy Ole Opry" and was selling records by the millions. From "I remember very strongly but unfortunately, I had Dorsey, Chuck Foster and others. I felt music in general 1955 when he signed with Phillips' Sun to advise Mr. Cash after the audition that there was just was becoming stereotyped. I had heard black musicians he sold more than six million records in the country not enough demand for his `religious type' music for a all my life. field. small company to justify putting out this type of record," Silas Payne "I don't really know what brought me to Memphis said Sam Phillips during an interview at his Memphis "Uncle Silas Payne, a blind Negro that lived with me at first," Cash said following his recent Memphis ap- home. during my childhood, bounched me on his knee, and pearance. "By the mere fact that he never sang one song, "I guess it was showbusiness in general. I was born in this informal audition, that was written by any other on a farm and raised on another farm at Dyess, Ark. person, gave me a clue this man was a man that had After nay service discharge I came to Memphis to study a message. broadcasting at Keegan's School in 1953. I had been in "It was obvious to me, because he only brought the service for four years and learned a little more about with him two other persons, both mechanics, so that the guitar while in Germany. I guess I just wanted to the fundamentals of his message would ring forth with- get into broadcasting at first, then I knew I had to out being inundated with pretty music," Phillips con- get into the recording and songwriting business," said tinued. Cash talking in the dressing room. He added: "Johnny Cash's countenance today as But in Memphis at his recent concert it was Cash then, with time off for frustrations, and the great re- the entertainer of the 1950's, rather than the Johnny deeming quality of resurrection in his fundamental Cash of the 1970's and network television, White House beliefs, are still the same. invitations and politics, that brought the loudest rings "It has borne out that the countenance of this man of approval from the audiences. was right many many years before most of us could And the rangy singer- composer with the face that believe it. Because in today's educated and `jet age,' his looks more native to a Highway 79 roadhouse than any- message is possibly now more meaningfully accepted thing on Pennsylvania Avenue responded with all of than it was at the beginning. In my opinion, the soul his early hits, including "I ," "Orange Blos- or the spirit of man never dies in this context." som Special," "Cry, Cry, Cry." But the success also may The days of early 1955 must have flashed back lie in a kind of super communication that the man through the mind of Phillips recently at the Memphis from Arkansas incorporates in his showmanship. Mid -South Coliseum when Johnny Cash mounted the He demonstrated the range of that particular talent, huge stage before more than 12,000 persons (about talking to his audience about the hard times on his 1,000 above capacity), and said "Hello, I'm Johnny father's farm and singing, "Five Feet High and Risin'," Cash." while his father Ray Cash, sat in the audience and It was Phillips who took the rough diamond of Cash nodded his approval near the stage. and polished it until he came up with a million -selling Phillips, sporting a beard also nodded his approval. single on his third record released in 1956, titled "I Some might say it all began when he was singing Walk the Line." Since Cash had signed a recording con- on a farm 40-miles from Memphis. tract with Phillips, the first six songs recorded, he had Johnny Cash says it began when he "walked into Sun written himself. The first release was "Cry, Cry, Cry," JOHNNY CASH with the man who started his recording Records." backed with career, Sam Phillips. A recent photograph taken after Backstage Cash, Phillips and Carl Perkins, remi- "Hey Porter." It sold more than 100,000 a Memphis concert by Cash. copies -- mostly in the South and particularly in Texas - nisced about old times at Sun. and Cash was on his way. He had viewed a movie in "You know I never have recorded in your new 1956 about prison life that moved him to write "Folsom taught me that there was a message in every song and studios. It was in that `matchbox' that I had to do all Prison Blues." He recorded it and it was backed with there was a feel in everybody's deliverance of that song. my work," said Cash. "," as his second release and then He also inspired in me that any message could be put Looking puzzled, and with a broad smile across his came the block buster, "," backed with forth better if it were encouched in music. face, Perkins laughed and said: "Don't say it like that "." - Elvis Presley 'Matchbox' was one of my big ones." "I remember that Johnny's family were mainly hymn "It was with this belief Replied Cash: "But you know I suggested you write singers, but his mother had reckoned that it was all that a young man named Elvis Presley came to my studios `Blue Suede Shoes.' " right to teach the boys how to strum her old battered with long hair. He walked up and down in As they departed in their guitar. Johnny told me he began to write poems, songs front óf my studios before cars following the appear- coming in the door. As he ance, Phillips stood and gory stories when he was 12. He was entered, I detected the same at the back of the Coliseum and 22 when type fright he first walked into my little studio. of in his eye and demeanor that I had seen said: "I salute Johnny Cash as having traversed every so many times in the black man's expression and manner. extremity and has come out as not a -hero to himself Timid, Afraid Although he came there only to make a small record but as a messenger dedicated truly to the fulfillment of "Phillips recalled Cash mumbled something about for his mother's birthday, he came there with the the great voids that so many times confront us." wanting an audition and he had some hits. He was countenance of a person who had been through trials, Reflecting on the timid and afraid at that time and I am certain very early Sun day, Philips said: "I hardships and tribulations. Thank God, I was not wrong sometimes have to wonder uncertain about himself. He said he knew I had re- what would have happened in his facial expressions. if I corded a young singer named Elvis had not had a boss that gave approval for me to Presley and he "After Elvis hit, many white persons of varying wanted me to do the same for him. open the studio. And as he did warned that I was going backgrounds, but equally deprived of opportunity in to go "I'll never forget the expression on his broke. face when I their opinions, came to the studios to be heard because had to tell him that we couldn't "Then I have to think that it had to be fate that record the religious type they were met with the informality that they of songs at that time," said Phillips. were guided us and such great artists as Johnny, Elvis, Jerry raised up in and with. It was, I believe this way that "We sat around in my studio Lee and Carl, walked in and helped me do my thing -it was so small that such persons as Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins - we had to move things around get and that was to keep music from being sterotyped. to in -and discussed Johnny Cash came to my studios. what he wanted to do. He mentioned the poems and "But I thing I admire "It was from the work with these great artists that most in the artists that I other tales of his youth and promised to begin writing. have worked with, is their things began to change in music. They were rough, but cooperation and assistance His more than 500 songs describing the earth, ways of to others," said Phillips as he watched both Cash and willing to be polished. They created a new breed of life, and his fascination with trains and rivers, has proven Perkins take time out to talk with a five excitement and expressions. They were fearless and will- -year -old he was a genius that just had to be unlocked. youngster who was recovering from ing to put up with the criticism any new artist with heart surgery but "It is my opinion that Johnny, after hearing of wanted to meet them both. changes has to take. The abuse for all must have the success of Elvis a white man that was reason- been -as hard for them to take. But they were "They're the same as they were when they used ably unconventional in his style at that message sellers time -finally and they had their messages to travel and take guns and fishing equipment on the gained the courage to walk to sell. into the studio for the sole "They have road. I don't think they ever stopped in restaurants to purpose to be heard, all stood the test of time," said Phillips. for the purpose of making his eat, but would go into a grocery and buy some crackers, message known through Jackie recordings. Gleason bolonga, cheese and milk and have an old-fashioned "I also felt, in my judgment, he felt he had to lean Returning to the career of Cash, Phillips recalled, lunch," said Phillips, realizing that today they are worth on the sole aspect of man, so he auditioned to me with his manager Bob Neal in 1957 got him an unheard of millions of dollars but still probably like crackers. C-16 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD JOHNNY CASH

with, and has gone having traversed every extremity I believe mankind is confronted to the fulfillment forth -not as a hero to himself -but as a messenger, dedicated truly of the great voids that so many times confront us. Sam Phillips ASCA welco JOHNN

9310 Wilshire Blvd. , Beverly Hills, California (213) CR 5-6022 Image International, 1970 Personal Management: Jack McFadden 403 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 327 -1000 JOHNNY CASH DISCOGRAPHY

-= out of -print


JOHNNY: Thank you for being our friend.

Kira Mary Terry Kenny Mickey




Stew Cornell

"The Barron of Bell Gardens"

Hotel Redecorating Consultant U.S.A.: Hotel Des Moines U.K. Represen:ative Germany: Frankfurthof Mervyn Conn Organisation Chandos House 45/46 Chandcs Place Londoi WC2N 4HS Telephone: 01 -836 7255/6/7 Cables: PROMDISC LONDON

New Orleans Atlanta Colorado Pate CASH Sacramento JOHNNY Only Anaheim Standing RO °m Mobile -1970 Reno 19G4 Arizona State I3oui1 West Palm 'Death Hollvujood Roch Jan Quentin Garden Little Madison Square Montgomery Spectrum -Philadelphia of Dayton University University Notre DameAngeles Omaha forum-Los Kansas City La. Oakland Monroe, Miami 13each St. Louis Detroit Alabama University of

ttS be, a patt

ARTIST CONSULTANTS PRODUCTIONS : 9301 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, California

C-22 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD To My Good Friend


June and I will never forget where you hide things.

tt tia9''

The Grammer Guitar Incorporated

is pleased to announce its new Johnny Cash Model which will be in- troduced at the NAMM Trade Show in Miami, Florida, June 6 -9. Visit the Grammer Guitar Booth. A division of Uni- music. The Grammer Guitar is distributed by AMPEG COMPANY.

THE GRAMMER GUITAR, INC. 427 Broadway Nashville, Tenn. 37203

We salute . .


A Great Performer A Great Music Publisher House Of Cash (AGAC BMI) Song Of Cash (AGAC ASCAP) A Great Songwriter

and Member of . .


New York NASHVILLE California John Carter LARRY LEE Helen King 50 W. 6331 Hollywood Blvd. House New York, N.Y. 10019 of Cash Hollywood, California 212 - 7578833 P.O. Box 508 213 -HO -2 -1108 Hendersonville. Tenn 615824 5110


Cash Chart Records WHAT IS TRUTH? (Through May 9, 1970 Issue) HOT 100 CHART 1966 THE ONE ON THE RIGHT IS ON THE Hi's' LEFT (Columbia) 1969 (Columbia) 1967 JACKSON (With June Carter) (Columbia) MOM ¡HE HOUSE OF CASH 1967 LONG LEGGED GUITAR PICKIN' MAN TOP LP's CHART (With June Carter) (Columbia) 1968 FOLSOM PRISON BLUES (Columbia) 1969 JOHNNY AT CASH SAN QUENTIN No. 1 (Columbia) No. 1 1968 ROSANNA'S GOING WILD (Columbia) 1970 HELLO, I'M JOHNNY CASH (Columbia) 1969 -70 / (Columbia)

1969 A BOY NAMED SUE (Columbia) No. 1 COUNTRY SINGLES CHART 1969 DADDY SANG BASS (Columbia) No. 1

1970 IF I 1956 -57 I WALK THE LINE (Sun) WERE A CARPENTER (With June 1956 SO DOGGONE LONESOME (Sun) Carter) (Columbia) 1970 WHAT IS TRUTH 1956 -57 THERE YOU GO (Sun) (Columbia) 1957 (Sun) 1957 NEXT IN LINE (Sun) COUNTRY LP CHART 1958 ALL OVER AGAIN (Sun) 1964 -65 BITTER TEARS (Columbia)



congratulations Cash -Past And Present Together J.R. By PAUL ACKERMAN

The country field has always been folk- oriented. Indian pre -dated the period when such interest became This is particularly true of the traditional country era fashionable. -the era of the 1920's, 1930's and early `THE 1940's when In common with other great writers and singers of country music was still a self- contained cultural entity folk material, Cash does not flinch from the portrayal not subject to the influences of the pop field. of violence -for violence is part of the human condi- It is one of the great strengths of Johnny Cash that tion. "I killed a man in Reno just to watch him die" he has retained his folk quality -particularly through he says in "Folsom Prison Blues." And in another his long Columbia of BALLAD association. Thus, while he is a con- his noted performances he cautions, "Don't Take Your temporary artist, he is solidly rooted in the basic tradi- Guns to Town." tions of the country ideom -and these traditions enrich Also illustrative of Cash's profound folk orientation his songs and album concepts. is the fact that he identifies and associates with Bob This link to the traditional era, in fact, enables Dylan, Pete Seeger, Jack Elliott with whom Cash he has OF J.C: to tape the rich resources of the nation's history. appeared and recorded. His records and songs, therefore, present a kaleido- Finally, we may note that Cash, like so many Capitol #2792 scopic view of America: Its ethnic groups and their country and folk artists, is deeply religious. An out- way of life; the gradual opening up the continent as standing example of this is his superb album on the the railroad threaded its way into the hills and valleys Holy Land, for which Cash received a gold LP. of the Southern mountains; and the tribulations of In sum, Cash is a man for all times. He treasures pioneers who wrenched a living from the land in times the past and draws artistic sustenance from the past, of drought and flood. Gordon Terry while at the same time he relates to contemporary Such albums as "Ride This Train" exemplify Cash's society. kinship with Jimmie Rodgers, the Father of the Country Exclusively on CAPITOL Field, whose catalog of railroad songs is one of the \\ \\\\\\ jewels of American music. In recognition of his support for the country's railroads the Produced by GLEN CAMPBELL Louisville & Nashville White House Country Music line (of whom Rodgers said "I Love that L &N ") pre- Cash took country music to the White House in sented Cash with a replica of its famous General loco- April when, at the special invitation of President Nixon, motive on his TV show. he performed before an invited audience -including Such albums as "Bitter Tears" and songs like "Old many music executives from Nashville. Apache Squaw" reflect Cash's concern for and aware- Cash appeared in Washington with his regular ness of the American Indian. (Cash himself is part "Johnny Cash Show" entourage Carl Perkins, the Cherokee.) - Cash has also appeared in TV films about Statler Brothers, June Carter and the Carter Family. the American Indian-and in general his interest in the C-26 AAAV 01 107n onnen iU'IqWlAlqlillll I lü6Xnld6nlNÌ

:I! l';

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Truth is a voice too Dig to turn your back or -- a success story that deserves to be written Truthin. Remada is proud to be playing a big part in that success story. Congratulations Johnny!

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oP; Soul

Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/23/70



OF THE WEEK: progress this week. * STAR Performer -Single's registering greatest proportionate upward

Weeks on This Last Weeks on This Last Title Label, No. & Pub. Chart "LIFT EV'RY Week Week Title Artist, Label, No. & Pub. Chart Week Week Artist, 30 VIVA TIRADO 5 1 1 LOVE ON A TWO WAY STREET 9 2055 (TRO- Ludlow/ Moments, Stang 5012 (Gambi, 8M1) El Chicano, Kapp VOICE AND SING" Amstoy, BMI)

2 2 TURN BACK THE HANDS OF TIME . 10 39 SHE DIDN'T KNOW (She Kept on Davis, Dakar 615 (Wally Roker, BMI) Tyrone Talking) 2 Dee Dee Warwick, Atco 6754 (Williams, BMI) 4 9 BROTHER RAPP 4 , King 45 -6310 (Dynatone, BMI) 28 28 BAND OF GOLD 8 Freda Payne, Invictus 9075 (Gold 6 SUGAR SUGAR 7 Forever, BMI) Wilson Pickett, Atlantic 2722 (Kirshner, BMI) 29 22 CRYING IN THE STREETS 12 By ED OCHS George Perkins & the Silver Stars, ASCAP) 5 5 OPEN UP MY HEART /NADINE 6 Silver Fox 18 (Prize, SLICES: The blues took another steep loss and step toward Dells, Cadet 5667 SOUL 12 CHICKEN STRUT 8 (Pisces /Chevis, BMI /Arc, BMI) 30 extinction when bottleneck guitarist Earl Hooker died April 21 at Meters, Josie 1018 (Rhinelander, BMI) Tuberculosis Sanitarium. His death, at 39, follows LOVE ALONE. 5 the Chicago State 10 I CAN'T LEAVE YOUR 31 26 WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES 5 that of Otis Spann, who was 40, and the passing away this year of Ilir Clarence Carter, Atlantic 2726 (Fame, BMI) Willie Hightower, Fame 1465 (Lowery, BMI) who was only 32. As these one -of -a -kind Slim Harpo and Magic Sam, 7 7 REACH OUT & TOUCH (Somebody's 32 34 GET DOWN PEOPLE 5 artists fade away, who will take their place? Says Britain's respected Hand) 4 Fabulous Counts, Moira 108 (McLaughlin, "Blues Unlimited" magazine: "The answer generally believed is no Diana Ross, Motown 1165 (Jobete, BMI) BMI) 33 33 MAMA'S BABY DADDY'S MAYBE 5 one. The blues as we know and love it cannot survive the changes ON DOWN THE ROAD 5 8 8 FARTHER Swamp Dog, Canyon 30 (Roker, BMI) in environment, modern life patterns, etc., that in this late 20th Joe Simon, Sound Stage 7 2656 century beset it." Hooker had most recently recorded for Blue (Blackwood, BMI) 34 36 LET THIS BE A LETTER (To My Baby). 4 Jackie Wilson, Brunswick 55435 Thumb, BluesWay and Arhoolie. . . . & the Pips 9 3 YOU NEED LOVE LIKE I DO (Dakar/Julio Brian /BRC, BMI) 12 -13. They're currently on (Don't You) 8 will play Madison Square Garden, June 12 Gladys Knight & the Pips, Soul 35071 35 38 LOVE LAND . . . B.B. King will also work New York in the Watts 103rd Street tour with Tom Jones. (Jobete, BMI) Charles Wright & but not at the Apollo or Fillmore East. B.B. will luxuriate June Rhythm Band, Warner Bros. -Seven Arts June, 10 7365 (Wright /Gerstl /Tamerlane, BMI) 10 4 ABC . I . . Intrigues have -13 at the Americana Hotel's Royal Box. The Jackson 5, Motown 1163 (Jobete, BMI) their biggest on Yew with "Just a Little Bit More." It's already over 36 37 EVERYBODY SAW /CAN YOU GET AWAY 4 21 CHECK OUT YOUR MIND 2 Ruby Andrews Zodiac 1017 (Ric -Wil, . . . Wilson Pickett added his concern to the ASCAP) 100,000 and building. 1 Impressions, Curtom 1951 (Camad, BMI) ASCAP/Ric-Wil, problem when he recently accused Tom Jones, Janis blacklash 35 IT'S ALL IN THE GAME 4 37 25 MY WAY 5 Joplin and friends of contributing to the decline of soul with their Four Tops, Motown 1164 (Remick, ASCAP) Brook Benton, Cotillion 44072 (Spanka/ imitations of black New Kool & the Gang: "Let the Don C., BMI) pop artists.... 17 SWEET FEELING 3 DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU 3 Music Take Your Mind," on De -Lite. The label is also makin' smoke ltr Candi Staton, Fame 1466 (Fame, BMI) 45 I WANT TO Smokey Robinson & Raelets, Tangerine 1006 (Tree, BMI) with the Realistics' "Please Baby Please." ... 24 AND MY HEART SANG (Tra La La) 3 DANGLING ON A STRING 1 the Miracles' latest "Who's Gonna Take the Blame" was penned and iitr Brenda & the Tabulations, Top & Bottom - YOU GOT ME 403 (One Eyed Soul /McCoy, BMI) Chairmen of the Board, Invictos 9078 produced by none other than Ashford & Simpson.... Nina Simone (Gold Forever, BMI) 29 . . . 13 UP THE LADDER TO THE ROOF 11 plays Fillmore East with Reprise's , May -30. 15 8 Supremes, Motown 1162 (Jobete, BMI) 40 40 MORE THAN I CAN STAND New Syl Johnson: "One Way Ticket to Nowhere," on Twinight... . Bobby Womack, Minit 32093 (Tracebob, HEY GIRL 6 BMI) Bobby Herb has a comeback LP on Epic. . . . Ike & Tina Turner 16 15 3 MINUTES 2 Kerr, All Platinum 2316 to George 4 must do battle with Sly & the Family Stone for the chart rights (Screen Gems -Columbia /Gambi, BMI) 41 41 PRISON FARM "I Want to Take You Higher." Sly will win, but dig the duo's version. Calvin Leavy, Blue Fox 100 (Rain/ 17 16 YOU'RE THE ONE 13 All Roads, BMI) . College in Purchase, N.Y., will feature La Lupe Stone Flower 9000 Manhattan Little Sister, 4 the Black Students Scholarship (Stone Flower, BMI) 42 42 THEM CHANGES in the third concert to raise funds for Express, Mercury 73008 Fund and studies program. She'll appear May 24.... Karl Tarleton 18 19 SO MUCH LOVE 5 (MRC, BMI) Faith, Hope & Charity, Maxwell 805 Came You." . Aretha Franklin has the is on Uni with "Along (Van McCoy, BMI) 43 43 GUIDE ME WELL 3 Dixie Flyers with her on her latest, "Spirit in the Dark." Carla Thomas, Stan 0056 (East/ 19 18 ONION SONG 5 Memphis, BMI) & Tammy Terrell, Tamla Marvin Gaye 2 54192 (Jobete, BMI) 49 ITS TOO LATE FOR LOVE Vanguards, Lamp 652 (Gold Bulb, BMI) 31 GET READY 4 7 From The I Rare Earth, Rare Earth 5012 (Jobete, BMI) 45 44 I GOT A PROBLEM Jesse Anderson, Thomas 805 21 14 SO EXCITED 6 (Camad /Sabarco, BMI) B. B. King, BluesWay 61035 Music Capitals (Pamco /Sounds of Lucille, BMI) 46 46 LET ME GO TO HIM 3 Dionne Warwick, Scepter 12276 (Blue 22 11 BABY I LOVE YOU 7 Seas /Jac, ASCAP) Little Milton, Checker 1227 (Metric, BMI) of the World 47 47 KILLER JOE 4 23 23 IF HE CAN, YOU CAN 5 , A&M 1163 (Andante, ASCAP) Isley Brothers, T -Neck 919 (Triple Three, DOMESTIC BMI) - FEET START WALKING 1 Doris Duke, Canyon 35 (Wally Roker/ Continued from page 28 purchased master from Kelly 48 AIN'T THAT LOVIN' YOU (For More Jerry Williams /No Exit, BMI) in Itir Reasons Than One) 2 Ross' Alouette Productions #9 1 Luther Ingrum, KoKo 2105 - WESTBOUND Lainie Kazan opened April 28 at New York. Lionel is setting up its Hot Wax 7003 (East /Memphis, BMI) itr Flaming Ember, the Sahara for a two -week frame. own domestic distribution, with (Gold Forever, BMI) The Fifth Dimension, George licensees 32 0 -0 -H CHILD 9 tape rights and overseas 50 50 UNLUCKY GIRL 2 1 Five Stairsteps, Buddah 165 (Duckstun/ Kirby, Steve Alaimo show opened yet to be determined. , Uni 55219 (Ladybird, BMI) May 6 at Caesars Palace. Kent Records has named the Kama Sutra, BMI) Diana Ross, making her first solo Joseph Zamoiski Co. as its Balti- appearance in Las Vegas, opened more - Washington distributor; May 7 at the Frontier Hotel. The London Records of New York Wheat and Quote soap. . The Frontier hosted a gala party for and London Records of Los Savage Rose, a Danish rock group the Motown Record star. . . Angeles as outlets in those areas opened the Gregor Club, oper- and Dick Contino also and Music Merchants of New ated by George Greif and Sid opened at the Frontier on May 7. England in Boston. Garris. Group is managed by the The twosome closes June 3. . . . Kershaw's second War- duo. follows Doug Capitol's Glen Campbell ner Bros. LP is "Spanish Moss," FILM FACTS: Billy Golden- Parrot's Tom Jones into the Inter- features his 60- year -old mother berg will score and conduct the national. . . Mike Douglas opens playing rhythm guitar and tri- music for "What Are We Going at the Riviera July 15. . Sing- angle. To Do Without Skipper" for Na- er Dick Jensen, who closed May 6 tional General. . . Merle Hag- at the landmark, has ben signed Ginger Baker's Air Force will gard will record "Turn Me for a return engagement in August. play the Forum on July 3 in- Around" as the theme song for stead of the ...... Sergio Franchi opened May 7 John Wayne's Warner Bros. fea- Halco Music (BMI) and Phylcon at the Flamingo. ture, "Chisum. ". . Jerry Nay- LAURA DENI Music (ASCAP) have been formed lor will sing the title tune for by Halcyon Productions presi- "Darker Than Amber" for Cinema dent Harold Cohen. Michael Dav- Center Films. Chip Taylor and LOS ANGELES enport is vice president of both John Carl Parker wrote the song, firms. Signed as writers are "Vangie's Theme" which will also Kapp is shooting for a diversi- Richard Adamson and Dennis and be released as a single on Co- LP Lola Mae Kalfas. Bill ficational image with its new lumbia. . Wayne Cochran and by Thompson and Chris Priestly release. Included are packages the C.C. Riders will perform in THE FOUR TOPS, led by Levi Stubbs, at right, join the signing huddle Roger Williams, El Chicago, the have formed Bojangles Enter- a nightclub setting for Avco Em- prises for artist management and which links the Motown group with the International Famous Agency soundtrack from "Two Mules for bassy's "C.C. and Corn - Sister Sara" (with music by Ennio TV and picture development. pany." for representation in all fields. At the signing, seated left to right, are: Morricone), plus country artists Larry McNeeley, banjo regular Beverly Hills Records president Lawrence Payton, IFA president Marvin Josephson and Renaldo Ben- on the Glen Campbell TV series, Cal Smith and Lem . Morris Diamond spoke to a panel son. Standing, left to right, are: Abdul Fakir; Ralph Garcia, the group's Lionel Records first single re- is the firm's first client. of movie producers and music Taylor Cox, Motown manager; Ed Rubin, head of lease is "This Bitter Earth" by Vocalist Richard Williams is road manager; their the Satisfactions. The song is a doing commercials for Mini- (Continued on page 42) IFA's concert department, and Levi Stubbs. MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD 41 Soul

Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/23/70 BEST SELLING Soul LP's

* STAR Performer -Single's registering greatest proportionate upward progress this week.

This Last Weeks on This Last Weeks on Week Week Title Artist, Label, No. & Pub. Chart Week Week Title Artist, Label, No. L Pub. Chart

1 1 THE ISAAC HAYES MOVEMENT 6 26 27 BLACK GOLD 12 Enterprise ENS 1010 Nina Simone, RCA Victor LSP 4248

2 2 PSYCHEDELIC SHACK 8 27 20 PUZZLE PEOPLE 33 Temptations, Gordy GS 947 Temptations, Gordy GS 949

3 5 THIS GIRL'S IN LOVE WITH YOU 15 28 24 LOVE, PEACE & HAPPINESS 19 Aretha Franklin, Atlantic SD 8248 THE TEMPTATIONS, from left to right, Mel Franklin, Otis Williams, Chambers Brothers, Columbia KGP 20 Eddie Kendricks and Dennis Edwards go to the head of the class as 4 4 GRITTY, GROOVY & GETTIN' IT 10 29 26 SANTANA 23 guests David of honor at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Chicago. Porter, Enterprise ENS 1009 Columbia CS 9781 Father Kenneth Brigham, the school's pastor, introduces the group to the class, who chose recently to honor them. 5 7 GET READY 18 30 35 MY MAN! WILD MAN! 17 Rare Earth, Rare Earth RS 507 Wild Man Steve, Raw 7000

6 3 I WANT YOU BACK 19 31 28 CREAM OF THE CROP 26 Jackson 5, Motown MS 700 Diana Ross A the Supremes, From The Motown MS 694 9 COUNTRY PREACHER 10 Cannonball Adderley Quintet, 32 32 GOODNESS 11 Capitol SKAO 404 Music Capitals Houston Person, Prestige PR 7678 8 6 GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS 33 36 DO THE FUNKY CHICKEN 3 of the World GREATEST HITS 8 Rufus Thomas, Stax STS 2028 Soul SS 723 34 34 GIVE ME JUST A LITTLE MORE TIME 4 DOMESTIC 14 FUNKADELIC 9 Chairmen of the Board, Invictus ST 7300 e Westbound 2000 Continued page to sing the from 41 theme for "Monte 35 30 IF WALLS COULD TALK 11 Walsh" feature. . Michel Le- 10 13 SWISS MOVEMENT 24 Little Milton, Checker LPS 3012 consultants at the Cannes Film grand and Alan and Marilyn Berg- Les McCann & Eddie Harris, Atlantic Festival on "The Promotion of man signed to write two songs for SD 1537 36 37 DIANA ROSS & THE SUPREMES' Motion Picture Music." MGM's " of GREATEST HITS, VOL 3 19 11 8 COMPLETELY WELL 22 Motown Cannonball Adderley makes a Stanley Sweetheart." . The As- MS 702 B. B. King, BluesWay BLS 6037 return appearance at the Hong sociation released their first live Kong bar for three weeks begin- LP on May 15. It will be a 37 41 THE DEVIL MADE ME BUY double 15 I'LL NEVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN ... 4 ning Monday (18). . . . THIS DRESS 13 Not -So- package. . . . Mark Lindsay will Dionne Warwick, Scepter SPS 581 Flip Wilson, Little David LD Straight Records has been selected create a new commercial musical 1000 as the name of the new label for 13 10 HOT BUTTERED campaign for Western Airlines.... SOUL 46 38 42 PORTRAIT 2 The Youngbloods. Isaac Hayes, Enterprise ENS First LP by the set to sing the 1001 Fifth Dimension, Bell 6045 group is being produced in a theme song of "Chisum" which is 14 12 SOUL ON TOP 6 "barn" near Marshall, Calif. . . . titled "Ballad of John Chisum." 39 43 I'M A LOSER 3 James Brown, King KS Don Perry will score an indepen- RON TEPPER 1100 Doris Duke, Canyon 7704 dent feature, "Another Peachy 15 17 STAND 56 49 BITCHES BREW 2 Weekend," for Gaily Fuste films. Sly & the Family Stone, Epic BN 26456 Snuff Garrett and Bobby Vee SAN FRANCISCO 4 Miles Davis, Columbia GP 26 reunited to cut new single for 23 RUN DEEP 8 46 COME TOGETHER 2 Liberty.... Billy Strange compos- Britain's Incredible String Band, Four Tops, Motown MS 704 tir Ike & Tina Turner & the Ikettes, ing and the score for which performed at Fillmore West, Liberty LST 7637 "Dirty Dingus Magee," while Lalo will record at Pacific Studios in 22 REAL FRIENDS 8 tit Friends of Distinction, RCA Victor I'M JUST A PRISONER 1 Schifrin will compose music for San Mateo while here. . . . The - LSP 4313 Candi Staton, Capitol ST 4201 David L. Wolper's "I Love My Berkeley Community Theatre sold 43 Wife." out and people jammed into the 18 18 DELFONICS' SUPER HITS 27 47 YOU AND ME 2 Sergio Mendes recorded live LP aisles May 2 to hear Ike & Tina Philly Groove PG 1152 Jerry Butler, Mercury SR 61269

at . Expo 70 with Brasil '66. Turner, and Brownie 44 19 19 TODAY 14 45 MY PRESCRIPTION 3 Burt Bacharach, Dean Martin, Don McGhee along with the Elvin Bish- Bobby Womack, Brook Benton, Cotillion SD 9018 Minit LP 24027 Rickles, Henry Mancini, Sammy op Group. Ike & Tina remained in Davis and Raquel Welch the area for 45 38 THAT'S THE WAY LOVE IS 16 to star at shows at Cal State in 20 21 STEVIE WONDER "LIVE" 7 Marvin Gaye, Tamla TS 299 the annual SHARE "Boomtown - Hayward May 15 and San Jose Tamla T5 298 70" fund -raising affair on Monday State May 16, while Terry and - RIGHT ON 6 (16) at Santa Monica Civic. . . . McGhee appeared at Mandrake's 21 11 LIKE IT IS 13 I Wilson Pickett, Atlantic SD 8250 Dells, LPS Grass Roots set for three consecu- in Berkeley May 8 -10. . The Cadet 837 tive American Bandstand Shows Jerry Hahn Brotherhood and - BAND OF GYPSIES 1 May 9, Saturday (16) Southern 22 16 AIN'T IT FUNKY 15 dt Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Miles & , and May Comfort have com- Capitol 472 23. Norman Gimbel writing lyrics pleted their respective first albums James Brown, King KS 1092 STAG to the title tune of "Too Late the at Pacific Recording. Both are on 48 48 COMMENT 5 23 25 WALKING IN SPACE 24 Hero." Gerald Fried wrote the Columbia, both set Les McCann, Atlantic SD 1547 for June re- Quincy Jones, A &M SP 3023 music. lease. . Nashville composer JR. WALKER & THE ALL STARS LIVE. 1 John Evan, pianist, has been and Gene Vincent & 31 MOVE YOUR HAND 4 - lair la Soul SS 725 Lonnie Smith, Blue Note added to Jethro Tull group. . the Bluecaps were headliners at the BST 84326 Ike & Tina Turner have recorded San Francisco State FAREWELL 1 College Folk 29 McLEMORE AVENUE 4 - "Evil ûi Diana Ross & The Supremes, Man," hit single for Amar- Festival . . May 8 -10. Oldsters 110 Booker T. & the MG's, Stax STS 2027 et's Crow, and retitled it "Evil will get their fair share of repre- Motown MS2 708 Man" on their new LP, "Come sentation on Saturday (23) when Together." Claire Harrison Associates presents Gary LeMel signed to produce and Ray Eberle and played the Masonic Auditorium on May 15 and the Berkeley - LP with Ode's Jumbo. . . Oliver the Modernaires. San Francisco's Corn presented with plaque from the Civic Auditorium will be trans- munity Theatre May 16. . . . Sir Select Committee on Crime of the formed from a concert hall to a Douglas' new single "What About House of Representatives for his ballroom, complete with dance Tomorrow ?" was recorded at Mer- work in combating drug abuse floor, tables and cocktails for the cury studios here. DAVID BRICE among the young.... Mama Cass one -night event. . . . Nina Simone CHICAGO Despite Steve Stills broken wrist, the two concerts by Atlantic's Crosby. Stills, Nash & Young were still scheduled for May 13 and 14 at the Auditorium Theater. . . Warner Bros.' Association played four concerts on May 7 and 8,

also at the Auditorium. . . . American Tribal Productions pre- sented .Atcó s Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, A &M's Flying Burrito Brothers, Dunhill's Smith, White Lightning and Jessie on May 15 in the Aragon. Friday's show (22) headlines with Windfall's Moun- tain. . Philips' Blue Cheer

played Beavers May 13 and 14... . Poppy's Dick Gregory returned to ANDRE WILLIAMS, Chicago for two weeks left, Chicago -based producer, chats with coast- MOTOWN'S STEVIE WONDER meets former Supreme Court Justice beginning Earl Warren, center, and NAACP project chairman Art Thompson May 8. . Prestige's Gene Am- based Uni Records vice president -general manager Russ Regan, who after mons Sextet played three entertaining guests at the 15th annual NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner, nights has committed the label to a strong soul push. Among the artists at the Apartment recently. . . . April 26, at Detroit's Cobo Hall. The blind soul star recently com- produced by Williams for Uni are the Green Berets, Carl Tarlton, pleted a highly successful appearance at the Copacabana in New York. (Continued on page 56) Charles Williams, Shirley Carroll and the Passionettes. 42 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Coin Machine World Fla. Music, Vending Jukebox Programmer Asks Assns. Veto Merger Labels to Limit Longer 45's By GEORGE KNEMEYER By EARL PAIGE CHICAGO-The major rec- do not realize that they are los- MIAMI BEACH -The music Resistance to the merger came ord companies and the jukebox ing money." operators' organization and the from the FAMC side, insiders operators should get together to Hesch points out that a three vending operators' organization reported. One spokesman said: try to limit the number of long minute song will get played 20 in this state will work more "The vendors were worried that singles currently being released. times during an hour while a closely together but will not they might lose control and that That is the opinion of Wayne five minute song can only be merge, it was decided at a joint the FAMA side might emerge Hesch, programmer for A &H played 12 times. At two plays meeting here recently. A three as the strongest element. Many Entertainers Inc., here in subur- for a quarter the jukebox loses day gathering included several received word from their na- ban Arlington Heights. $1 an hour while playing five - business seminars highlighted by tional offices outside the state A. L. PTACEK, Music Operators "Every time a single over minute recordings. If the juke- was a fea- a meeting of both groups that a merger was not desired." of America president, three minutes in length plays on box plays five -minute recordings joint tured speaker at the Florida and an address by security con- Another point brought out a jukebox the operators are los- five hours a day, this is a loss Amusement and Music Associa- day, $35 per week, sultant Robert Curtis. Wesley the acquisitions re- ing money," Hesch said. "And :of $5 per concerned steady tion meeting at Miami Beach jukebox. Lawson, former president of the of music routes by national cently. the operators, for the most part, and $1,750 per year per Florida Amusement and Music vendors While Hesch admits his ex- vending companies: "If he Association (FAMA) was elected keep acquiring music routes the ample is a little extreme, is possible president. whole industry here in Florida does say such a result Views with the increasing number of R.S. Rhinehart, head of a pro- will be combined regardless of FAMA Hears Industry merger," three -minute plus singles. "The fessional association management any FAMA /FAMC MIAMI BEACH-A seminar told the group of the importance used to be a affairs for both one delegate said. into the newer three minute single group handling devoted to national factors af- of diversifying one in thousand exception but and the Florida Auto- of amusement games. FAMA Rhinehart told FAMA direc- fecting the jukebox business types now it is becoming more prev- matic Merchandising Association tors that the current session was highlighted the Florida Amuse- "There has been 7,500 Chicago alent." (FAMC), said he was not sur- "very strange" in that one half ment and Music Association/ Coin driving games sold -more A of the Billboard Hot shuffle check prised that a much-discussed of the Senators were up for re- Florida Automatic Merchandis- than any individual 100 chart for the May 16 issue merger did not materialize: election and all House members ing Council joint meeting here game ever sold. These new showed 40 singles of more than "This is a decision both boards were running again. The result recently. Maintenance of juke- games such as Midway's Sea three -minutes in length, and five of directors had to make. I was that only about three bills boxes and games, direct sales to Raider using sophisticated elec- singles longer than four minutes. think that the two groups have were put on the calendar each locations, the role of the busi- tronics are having a tremendous None were longer than five min- many problems in common, day. ness press, operator advertising influence on today's business." utes. especially since the Florida Leg- The directors were alerted to and national legislation were William Findlay, Rock -Ola Hesch said he really cannot islature meets every year. I ex- one gambling bill introduced at covered. Corp., Chicago, discussed pre- understand why record compa- pect to see the groups working the final deadline for new bills Andy Ducay, representing ventive maintenance and stressed nies are releasing long singles. more closely together." (Continued on page 46) Midway and Bally, Chicago, wiping out jukeboxes rather than "I'm sure it isn't because the blowing them out, using a lubri- buying public wants them. The cant and changing the stylus Simon and Garfunkel song before 20,000 plays. He also `Bridge Over Troubled Water,' Machine Exhibit Set showed how slug rejectors can was five minutes and had good Soviet Coin to handle half dollar be adapted (Continued on page 46) By WALTER MALLIN coins. HANNOVER, Germany machine equipment. Seevend of justable combinations of wins by Ed Blakenbeckler, Seeburg - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111UIIIIIIIIl1111 The first fair ever displaying Switzerland and Nova, Harting means of 10 plug units. Many Corp., Chicago, warned jukebox amusement machines in Russia and Deutche Wurlitzer of West visitors watched Ken Roberson's operators about location owned 4 LITTLE LP's will be sponsored by the U.S.S.R. Germany featured both amuse- payouts, which differ from the equipment and said good ser- Chamber of Commerce from ment and vending machines, German make. His "Kero" of- vice, good records and good CHICAGO - Three of the LP packages August 10 through September 1, while the Amusement Trade As- fered a pay -out quote of 75 per- equipment was the best guaran- four new Little 1971, in Moscow. The first plans sociation of Great Britain, Env, cent and is the first machine tee against this dangerous ero- from Little LP's Unlimited here for the fair were revealed at the Automantenbau Rudolf Schorz- just now authorized by the sion of the operator's role. contain material never before Hannover Fair held April 25 mann and Leonhart of Germany Physikalisch -Technische Bunde- He also brought out the fact available as singles with the ex- through May 3 here (Billboard, and Societe de Fabrication of sanstalt. The one -armed upright that the standard of living has ception of "My Way" on the May 16). France displayed either amuse- was offered at $825 plus freight, gone up 33 percent and salaries album entitled "Brook Benton The Moscow fair will run ment or vending machines. packaging, insurance and tax. have gone up 66 percent but Today." The other two albums under the title of "Attractions There was only one new ma- This almost corresponds to the that new equipment has only are Wilson Pickett's "Right On" 71," and is tentatively scheduled chine among the British exhib- German pay -outs. climbed 25 percent during re- and "Deja Vu" by Crosby, Stills, for two parks, the Gorki Central itors, the "Moonlanding" shown With a new universal electro- cent years. He also talked on Nash and Young (the latter does Park of Culture and the Ismailov by PRW Sales Ltd., represented magnetic stepper at $127, Hart- two for a quarter jukebox play not contain the LP's title song, Park. The exhibition will display by Nova in West Germany. Vo- ing introduced a device suitable and said the industry still had however). the latest models of machinery, cational school students never for all wall boxes in the market. a long way to go in this direc- All four releases contain five coin equipment and musical in- ceased watching the game which It can be added by a microphone tion. songs, including Aretha Frank- struments. has been regarded by PRW as a set at $3. NSM and Loewen The growth of the business lin's "This Girl's In Love with The Hannover Fair featured good test for successful opera- Automaten displayed an ex- press was outlined by Earl You." Richard Prutting, presi- nine exhibitors displaying coin tion in arcades. tremely attractive new wall foot- Paige, coin machine editor of dent, said that since many 12 -in. 10 it is Morris Shefras & Sons Ltd. ball games for two players, their Billboard, Chicago, who told op- albums now have songs displayed the game of Bingo, al- "classical" pay -outs and their erators to study not only the dificult to put six songs on his most unknown and not allowed music box program. The Berlin singles charts but the long play 7 -in. disks. The "A" sides all publicly in Germany. The Brit- firm Wulff, strongest competi- charts as well so as to determine have three songs, he said. ish exhibitor hoped that great tor to NSM in pay -outs, intro- the popularity of artists now Aretha's "Let it Be" along with public interest would show cor- duced a prototype of an alarm that long play albums were such her title song are the only two in responding sales possibilities. device for automatics. Other a dominat factor in the business. her Little LP never before re- The Thomas Automatics Co. payout makers present were A.D. Palmer, Wurlitzer Co., leased as a single. also carried Bingo. The corn - (Continued on page 44) (Continued on page 46) 111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111I11111111111111111111I11111111111 pany noted that it is able to compete with German industry in terms of price and delivery dates. Automatic Coin Equipment (Cardiff) Ltd. registered "many promising enquiries" according to a spokesman for the company. There was great interest shown in their Cameron jukebox. Coin Equipment Manufacturing Ltd. had a great number of sample RUSSELL J. DOUGHERTY, owner orders placed. Alfred Crompton of Rapids Coin Machine Service Amusement Machines Ltd. has in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. is good reception for all models on seeking the Republican nomina- tion for state representative of display, especially the Star South Wood County. Dougherty Soccer football table. started the coin machine com- In the field of pay -out ma- pany in 1954 and presently chines there was an interesting game, marketed serves customers in a 50 mile novelty on show at the booth WILLIAM FINDLAY (right) dis A NEW WALL football game for THIS FOOTBALL Rudolf Schorz- radius of the county. He is also of Sevo- Electronic Apparatebau cusses the finer points of juke two players was introduced by by Automatenbau of the NSM at the Hannover Fair re- mann of Struempfelbrunn, West a member of the Music Opera- who first elec- box maintenance with two introduced the attending a recent cently. It was introduced this Germany, was one of the new tors of America (MOA) and is on Accord- technicians the Board of Directors of the tronic pay -out machine. service seminar sponsored by year to correspond with the first items unveiled at the recent Han- Wisconsin Music Merchants As- ing to the manufacturer, it can Rock -Ola in Los Angeles. The world football title game in Mex- nover (Germany) Fair recently. sociation. He began his cam- be adapted to all state game or seminar was conducted at Por- ico soon. The game features an electro- paign May 3. gambling regulations with ad- table Automatic Sales. mechanical score indicator. MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD 43 Coin Machine News Longer Singles Hit by Programmer Continued from page 43 is only 2:43. This shows the pub- was a big player and it was less What's Playing? lic isn't particular about retail sales, but the length." than three minutes long." group's new Hesch pointed out that he pro- Pricing single, 'Cecelia,' will probably longer singles differ- grammed "Bridge" on the juke- ently than shorter A match the group's last song in ones wouldn't weekly programming profile of current and oldie boxes only where location own- work, he said. "We sales, and possibly surpass it, it used to have selections from locations around the country. ers requested it. one regular pop selection at 10 The first single to pose a cents and an LP play at 15 Arlington Heights, Ill.; Adult Location length problem was "MacArthur cents. Then there were two LP Current releases: KING'S One Stop Park," by Richard Harris in plays for a quarter, and three "Cecelia," Simon and Garfunkel, Colum- 1968. "The song may have done regular plays for a quarter, and Wayne Hesch, bia 4- 45133; programmer, "Hitchin' a Ride," Vanity Fore, Page reasonably well commercially all kinds of wierd combinations One 21029; but on jukeboxes it was a bomb. and it just didn't work. People A &H Tennessee Birdwalk," Jack Blanchard BARGAINS Its length stopped me and many Entertainers, and Misty Morgen, Wayside 010. were too confused by all the Oldies: Filled Capsule Mixes other, operators from program- possibilities. Inc. Ali 250 per bag "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head," ming the song. The Beatles' 'Hey "Operators know by experi- B.J. Thomas; 54 Economy Mix 53.90 Jude' was also over seven min- ence that people will not get up "Easy Come, Easy Go," Bobby Sherman. st De Luxe Mix 5.00 utes long and was a good player, to play a St Ring Mix 4.50 jukebox unless it is Chicago; Kid Location 100 Big Dice Mix but if it had been half as long, not in use. And with long songs, 8.00 Paul Brown, 104 Economy Mix 7.00 another song could could have there are less opportunties for a Current releases: 100 Super Ball Mix 8.00 played which would have person to get up to play the juke- operator, "Daughters of Darkness," Tom Jones, Laugh -In Books & Buttons 12.00 M Parrot 40048; brought in more money." box," Hesch stated. "This is one Betty Schott, 254 Jewelry Mix, 100 Bag "Get Ready," Rare Earth, Rare Earth VI or V2 10.00 While Hesch agrees that one reason why business is down for programmer, 5012; 254 V2 Rubber Animals 10.00 song that gets heavy play is bet- some operators. Long singles Western "Viva Tirada," El Chicano, Kapp 2055; Baseball Buttons for 14 Vending 12.00 M ter than two short ones that get definitely cut into profits." Automatic "Run Through the Jungle," Creedence little play, he says "Why do we Music Clearwater Revival, Fantasy 641. have to have long records in the T. J. KING & CO. INC. first place? A Tony Bennett cov- 2700 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. 60612 Chicago; Soul Location Phone: er version of 'MacArthur Park' 312/533 -3302 New Coin Unit Current releases: LONDON Within six "Check Out Your Mind," Impressions, - Warren Brown, Curtom 1951; months, Mar -Matic Sales, Ltd., operator, "Spirit in the Dark," Aretha Franklin, will NORTHWESTERN here begin marketing a new Eastern Atlantic 2731; rejector unit through "Love Charles Wright and the Coin Con- Music Co. Land," trol in America. The unit can Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band, War- CLASSIC be set with operations for most ner Bros. 7365. coins. It will test for diameter, Draws thickness, washer, ferrous con- Devils Lake, N.D.; Adult Location tent, rim, roundness, underweight and other features. The micro- Current releases: a switch bracket is designed to "Anybody Going to San Antone?" I.F. LaFleur, eliminate the operation of the , RCA 47 -9806; micro-switch with a wire, re- operator, "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head," B.J. Thomas, 12265; peated milking by a coin with I.F. LaFleur & Son, Inc. Scepter crowd! "Running Bare," Jim Nesbitt, Chart a thread attached, or fraudulent 5052. operation with the unit tilted. Jackson, Miss.; Kid Location Hannover Fair Current releases: "Up Around the Bend," Creedence Clear- Continued from page 43 water Revival, Fantasy 641; Bergmann and Parganasch, both Marilyn Burkart, "Let It Be," Beatles, Apple 2764; programmer, "Cecelia," Simon and Garfunkel, Co- of West Germany. lumbia 45103.d- In the amusement field, Wal- Dixie Vending Co. demar Grinke, owner of Env, Oldies: expressed his optimism towards "Easy Come, Easy Go," Bobby Sherman; "Can You Feel It," Bobby Goldsboro. a growing interest in billiards. 520 Second Ave. North, Birmingham, Ala. He has started to import U.S. Phone: FAirfax 4 -7526 billiard tables to Europe and is responsible for 700 of the 2,000 tables being operated in West Víctor Germany. In table football games, sev- eral novelties were on display. YOUR DEAL Automatenbau Rudolf Schorz- mann showed an electro- mechan- ical score indicator. The Societe de Fabrication introduced an A TEST YOU P electric table football game in- cluding an electric ball starter. OF SKILL. 160 SELECTIONS The table is much smaller be- 33 -1/3, 45's, LP's cause the electronally steered PLAYER New outside! gear for shooting the balls is at New inside! its ends. Leonhart displayed a CONTROLLED. New service ease! test model of a new football Graff is the world's largest supplier to the operator and distributor alike. table game, which enables the MANUAL Volume purchases world wide, cus- player to shoot balls by moving tom packaging and merchandising OPERATION. fronts that empty machines keep the foot boards. llf iUh1 iic: iii 11011 IL iiii Graff the Bulk Vending Industry's leader. Foolproof, Trouble free design! Motel /442 MACHINE FUNCTION "we want you to DIST I1)1JTO All Machines Take it easy" GRA1= VENDING COMPAN Rock -Ola Manufacturing w Ready for Location The reels may be spun by pulling a lever after inserting Corporation a single coin in a slot on the machine. The reels revolve 800 Mirth Kedzie Avenue HOME OFFI 2 - IRO a DGE Seeburg 200 selection wall box 24.50 for about 18 seconds while gradually losing momentum. Chicago, Illinois 60651 DALLAS,TEXA 214 631-2552 Smokeshop 850 Starlite- w/50¢ unit 195.00 The machine is equipped with five stop buttons that may AMI K120 125.00 be depressed to actuate braking devices on the reels, im- aaasawac ELECTRIC . . AMI 200 selection wall boxes 14.50 ...® . SCOREBOARDS 2 Models mediately stopping them. (Federal Government ruling 10¢ 1- ployer or 2- player by simple AMI N 425.00 ill .ee plug switchover. Also 2 for 254 play. classifies it as an Amusement Device.) Easily serviced. Large metal coin box. Large AMI M 335.00 OVERHEAD MODEL selection AMI LB 195.00 Factory Rep: (Natural finish hardwood cabinet.) AMI Cont. 2 125.00 Two -faced. Scores 15 -21 and /or of billiard Rock -Ola Coffee, Model 50 pts. F.O.B. Chicago $169.50 cloth, balls 1404 95.00 CC Big League 175.00 Knights Enterprises SIDE -MOUNT MODEL and cue Midway Playball 125.00 ( Walnut Formica 2800 West 17th Ave. finish.) F.O.B. sticks - Heavy -Duty COIN BOX Chicago ..$249.50 Denver, Colorado 80204 Write for Made of steel with dark (303) 266 -0266 Terms: dep., 1970 Distributing (o brown baked enamel fin- I/9 Catalog Lew Jones ish. 10¢ opera- bol. C.O.D. or S.D. or 25¢ Exclusive Wurlitter Distributor tion. Large coin capacity 1311 N. Capitol Ave. w /Ntl. Rejectors. Size: MARVEL Mfg. Company 8" x 16" x 4 ". Electric Indianapolis, Ind. 2845 W. Fullerton, Chicago, III. 60647 when answering ads . . a counter optional. Phone (312) 342 -2424 Tel.: MElrose 5 -1593 llaralalararalal Say You Saw It in Billboard

MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Coin Machine News Motorcycle Game Plays Hit Tapes in back of the unit. Continued from page 1 Halliburton said that he, Nor- screen the man Gabe and Stephan Mindel, There is ample room for spec- tasted the success of the several all in their mid -'20s, had used tators to gather around the per- automobile driving games. the sound track from "Easy son "driving" the motorcycle. Gene Lipkin, sales manager, Rider" during some location ex- The three courses are titled explained that Wild Cycle is periments but that some of the novice, daredevil and champion. only the beginning and that Al- lyrics might be considered "of- Once the player has negotiated lied Leisure will use the game to fensive." They recommend rock either of the first two he is auto- establish its reputation. "This is albums for maintaining the in- matically qualified for the cham- why we decided not to sell out terest of young people but said pion course described as "ex- or sell the producing rights. A any type of music can be adapted tremely difficult." Three panels game is a lot like a hit record - to the machine. By using 8- above the screen upon which the first one is fine, but the dis- track cartridges the music will the course comes flying at the tributors and operators want to simply repeat over and over driver caution about "S curve," know what else you can bring again. The music only operates "long straightaway ahead" and of known GENE LIPKIN, son well out." while the machine is in use and "detour." DOC ULRICH, plant manager industry veteran Sol Lipkin, is an employee hold a Wild Cycle gives the player is heard over the roar of the (left) and sales manager of Allied Leisure, The player, intent on the mini- piece of metal formed in the Hialeah, Fla., developers of Wild the "feel" of operating a motor- motorcycle sounds. ature cyclist he is controlling, 110 -ton punch press behind Cycle. cycle in that the handle bars Allied developed its own pro- often fails to notice the flashing them. The huge machine, part vibrate when the miniature cy- jection system for the three danger signs. of a complete metal working sec- clist falls off any of three tracks. tracks. A transparent disk has Duration of the game is op- tion, costs $30,000. The sound of the motorcycle the three tracks painted on it tional. It will leave Allied's fac- by a a engine also is recreated and each is projected onto tory here set between 55 seconds solid state mechanism with -not and 13/4 minutes. The duration a tape as in many prerecorded is controlled by a trimmer con- 8 car similar games. The -track trol in the back of the unit. player is used to give the game added appeal. The engineers explained that "All games such as this can they have tried to build player become stale after a while. By incentive into the unit. The du- game, itself an changing the 8 -track Cartridges, ration of the the operator can maintain the incentive building factor, is ad- kid's interest," Lipkin explained. justable. The course is also ad- as the course The 8 -track machine is enclosed justable inasmuch and not operable by the players. is inscribed on a phonograph Ron Halliburton, vice- presi- record -like disk and can be made dent in charge of engineering, more difficult if necessary. Also, pointed out another facet of a simple cam can be changed to music: "The make the disc revolve faster, using prerecorded of people in various locations also thus increasing the difficulty the game. get tired of hearing just the pose of the game ALLIED'S young engineers ROBERT BRAUN, president, Al- motorcycle sound. With the 8- All components with Wild Cycle. From left, Nor- Leisure. The firm has manu- are independent and controlled lied track machine, the location peo- chair- man Gabe, 24; Ron Halliburton, factured two versions of a skill DAVID H. BRAUN, Allied's 8 tape ple can at least vary the sound. this year by modules. The -track 28, and Stephen Mendell, 25. word game called Unscramble, man, "retired" earlier is fur- He favors instrumental albums but could not remain away from player, for example, is complete- Added location appeal makes billiard accessories and Should any part through use of an 8 -track market- by such artists as Booker T and the business. He was once in ly independent. nished has a consumer division (Continued on page 46) tape CARtridge player. ing a jogging machine. the MG's. the record business.


`O ,Mfrs. of positively proves PROVEN CHICAGO COIN MACHINE DIV. PROFIT MAKERS Since CHICAGO DYNAMIC INDUSTRIES, laic. I72$ W ° MOSEY BLVD CHICAGO ILLINOIS 6061 1931 the Moon is made of Money

FINAL! FINAL! Get your share Get SPACE FLIGHT today

1970 Coin Machine Directory

Advertising Deadline



.. ', nn , nrn 1511 I nn Ann 45 Coin Machine News Coming Jukebox Experts Address FAMA Seminar Continued from page 43 sponsoring local school and civic "Nobody but the operators Senate Judiciary Committee. He Events North Tonawanda, N.Y., told club activities and advertising in will educate people about our said: "In some ways, MOA's how operators could enhance high school annuals. "These industry," he said, urging op- success in the copyright battle May 22- 24- Pennsylvania Auto- their public relations program high school books are never dis- erators to speak before civic has been its failure-people take matic Merchandising Council, Sev- on the local level through "nick- carded -your advertisement be- groups and industry meetings in our success for granted." He comes a en Springs Mountain R e s o r t, el and dime" advertising. permanent record." their area. He said the industry's said that opposition forces "are Champion, Penn. "Every one of you should be Music Operators of America image is improving and cited a pouring out extreme efforts listed in the telephone Yellow (MOA) president A.L. Lou recent Washington Star story. against our position." Pages," he said. He also stressed Ptacek, Manhatan, Kan., out- But he warned that there is MOA is fighting amendments lined MOA's public relations much work to do and cited an that would call for an added $1 program and told operators how unfavorable mention on a recent per jukebox per year royalty fee to use a new pocket -size bro- CBS television program. for performers and record corn - TAKE YOUR PICK! chure the national organization Fred Granger, MOA execu- panies, a 50 -cent registration fee is making available to pass out tive vice -president, Chicago, out- and a five -year periodic review TWO- PLAYER to politicians and business lead- lined the current copyright law of copyright payments. Of the ers. revision bill now in the U. S. latter he warned: "Who ever COMPUTER QUIZ heard of reviewing fees to lower them -this will only work to raise fees." $$ ! Nutting Associates, Inc. This is Bowling! MIDWAY of California HELICOPTER now has two BIG STRIKE COMPLETELY TRAINER The DIFFERENT New $345.o0 Two -Player and Computer Quiz models RECONDITIONED -READY TO USE Original to choose from. ED BLANKENBECKLER, Seeburg (left); A. D. Palmer, Wurlitzer (center), WE ADVERTISE and Fred Granger, Music Operators of America, were among speakers Bowling Machine ONLY WHAT WE HAVE IN STOCK at the Florida Amusement and Music Association (FAMA) event. WORLD'S LARGEST INVENTORY Send for New Complete Machine List Write! Wire! Phone! WRITE WIRE PHONE NUTTING ASSOCIATES, INC. Rowe AMI Distributor Exclusive Ellis Ea.Pa. -S. Jersey- Del .-Md. -D. C. 500 Street Mountain View, Calif. noun Ftttt't'.n im: 94040

855 N. BROAD ST., PHILA., PA. 19123 (415) 961 -9373 Phone 215 CEnter 22900 'PO I LI\\.\1 p FAMA president Wesley Lawson, Rock -Ola's William Findlay, Rowe's SPECIAL! % Ellis Royal and Andy Ducay of Bally -Midway (all seated left to right) listen as an insurance plan is presented. / BALLY / I Motorcycle Driving Machine 5 WORLD cup Game Plays Hit Tapes Continued from page 45 ly 70 people during the year. $215 of the game not function, a mod- The firm has its own woodwork- ule controlling that part is mere- ing shop because a supplier said AS IS . COMPLETE ly replaced. This facilitates that competitive reasons forced shipping, too, inasmuch as if one it to stop supplying Allied. The Write for complete 1970 Catalog of part fails final inspection, one firm does its own tool and die This compact machine re- / module will get the machine roll- Phonographs, Vending and Games. / work, its own silk screening and quires very little space. ..can ing off the line, they said. is making all except some of the Established 1934 be mounted on the wall or a V as=.t sis Location tests, run on a fairly more complex electronic cir- special stand. primitive version of the ma- cuitry and expects to get into / chine, resulted in revenue of $93 this, too. 5 Simple mechanical operation Cable: in two days. Lipkin said the ma- Allied's chairman is David H. ATMUSIC-Chicago chine will average $150 a week. Braun, an industry veteran who requires little service. &'% 2122 N. WESTERN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. 60647. ARmitage 6-5005 The game will retail to opera- founded All Tech Industries, tors for around $995 and can Pre -tested, proven sales getter 1%4 b b.\\\ 1 11.1 k another large factory near here. be played two plays for a quar- David's son, Robert Braun, is and money maker. ter or one play for a quarter. president. The firm has three Allied has moved three times divisions, one producing amuse- At 101E a play, this fantastic Proven Profit Maker! in one year and now owns its ment games, another billiard bowler will get you into loca- own 40,000- square -foot facility supplies and the third consumer tions never available to you be- here and some adjacent acreage. products such as a jogging ma- fore...and will complement It has grown from seven to near- chine. CHICAGO COIN'S other games already in loca- FABULOUS tion.

SPEEDWAY Fla. Assns. Veto Merger This sturdy machine, imported REALISTIC DRIVING! Continued from page 43 burglar tools. Another operator from West Germany, built to REALISTIC RACING said his emptied cigarette ma- last, is easily serviced and main- CAR SOUNDS! and of the existence of an anti- chine was tossed off a bridge. tained. And, comes with its quated bill covering licenses SKILL PLAY! The members of both groups own automatic counter. where people dance to the music applauded Curtis' talk. One said: TROUBLE -FREE! from jukeboxes (the latter would For further information contact; No Film! No Belts! No "At first, I couldn't see how he call for a license of $150). could talk two hours about se- Photo -Electric Cell! promised to send out Rhinehart curity and hold everyone's at- All VEND INDUSTRIES, INC. a bulletin covering all bills af- tention-I could have listened to fecting FAMA members. 7 -16 149th Street ALSO IN PRODUCTION: him all day." Curtis is well Whitestone, N.Y. 11357 SUPER CIRCUS Many of FA MA's members known through his work with VARSITY TOP HAT discussed increased vandalism. the National Automatic Mer- "Vandalism is legalized Association. . Mfrs like chandising of crime where cigarette machines James Tolisano, former FAMA PROVEN CHICAGO COIN MACHINE DIV PROFIT MAKERS are concerned," one member president, declined to accept the Since CHICAGO DYNAMIC INDUSTRIES, INc. stated. Another said a burglar post again because of health ', 1931 / vif w DIVERSE, et. CHICAGO tI! O, 60ò141 vice- illboard alarm helped prevent one rob- and was named as a presi- bery and netted police a set of dent. has the ..`.IN" side story 46 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD T cLassiFie' MART date of REGULAR CLASSIFIED AD: 35c a word. Minimum: $7. First CLOSING DATE: 5 p.m. Monday, 12 days prior to line set all caps. issue. per insertion, payable in DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AD: 1 inch, $25. Each additional inch BOX NUMBER: 50c service charge 35c in same ad, $18. advance; also allow 10 additional words (at per Box rule around all ads. word) for box number and address. Listening CASH WITH ORDER. Classified Adv. Dept., Billboard, 165 W. 46th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10036. (212) 757-2800. These are best sell ng middle -of- the -road singles compiled from national retail sales nd radio station air play listed in rank order.

C C PROMOTIONAL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS Y P P POSTERS a a a yc 5 C+ . M . , y AFTER HOURS POETRY READ NATIONAL RECORD PROMOTION AND - Y y TITLE, Artist, Label & Number 3 e No too small. COLORFUL POSTERS FOR ALL around the world. Nothing else like it. ; ; ; o Publicity, Pressing. job events. Lowest prices. Free delivery Send $1 to Jake Trossell, Box 951, Consultation; questions answered re: anywhere. Brilliant colors, in sizes Kingsville, Tex. my30 recording, publishing, distribution. 17x26, 22x28. Order 50 or more. 1650 14x22, Morty Wax Promotions, Broadway, Also fluorescent Bumper Strips in any -70 7 Un CURRENT COMEDY -65 ORIGINAL, N.Y.C. CI -2159. quantity. Send for free colorful bro- topical one -liners each issue, twice a 3 3 10 EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL 6 chure. Royal Printing Co., 3117 N. Front month, for entertainers, comedians, Ray Stevens, Barnaby 2011 (Ahab, BMI) St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19133. Phone: (215) deejays, public speakers. Send for free NATIONAL RECORD PROMOTION 739 -8282 or 739 -9263. je6 sample: Current Comedy, Box M, 300 New Jersey Ave., S.E., Washington, 2 2 3 AIRPORT LOVE THEME 7 (You Record It - We'll Plug It) D.C. 20003. my30 Vincent Bell, Decca 32659 (Shanley, ASCAP) Distribution Arranged D.J. ONE LINERS! WRITE FOR "FREE" 4 7 24 DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS 4 Major Record Label Contacts HELP WANTED samples, and also receive details on: California Aircheck Tapes, FCC Tests, Tom Jones, Parrot 40041 (Felsted, BMI) Dee Jay Coverage Drop -Ins, D.J. Source Guide, and Voice i 1 2 FOR THE LOVE OF HIM 10 Magazine and Newspaper AUDITIONS, "SOMEONE NEW," WNBC- much more! Command, Box 26348 -B, TV fall season. Hosted by Leon Bibb. San Francisco, Calif. 94126. jel3 Bobbi Martin, United Artists 50602 Publicity Classical, Contemporary, Jazz, Folk, )Teeger, ASCAP) Play- Booking Agent Contacts Rock, Instrumental and Vocal; MUSIC COMPOSED TO YOUR WORDS. wrights, Composers and Poets; Comedy, Excellent composers, 50 -50 ownership 14 21 37 SOOLAIMON (African Trilogy II) 4 Public Relations Service Dance and Creative Groups. Age limit: Neil Diamond, UNI (Profit, BMI) Y. basis. Review publish, record and pro- 55224 30 yrs. No major TV exposure. N. mote. Sound, Box 833, Miami, Fla. 33135. Record Pressing area residents. Send resume to: Judy my23 Murray, Associate Producer, Someone 5 5 8 LET ME GO TO HIM 5 Movi Promotion York, New, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New NEED A NASHVILLE ADDRESS (MUSIC Dionne Warwick, Scepter 12276 (Blue Seas/ Send all records for review to: N.Y. 10020. my23 Row) or Nashville Phone Number? Also Jac, ASCAP) Desk Space? Nashville Services, P. O. BRITE STAR PROMOTIONS MASTERS WANTED FOR MAJOR Box 8023, Nashville, Tenn. Phone: 615- 6 4 6 WHAT IS TRUTH? 6 Labels. Talent needed for same. If you tfn Johnny Cash, Columbia 4 -45134 728 16th Ave. S. have the sound and excitement, we will 244 -4127. and (House of Cash, BMI) Nashville, Tenn. 37203 produce your sessions. Two, four NEW COMEDY! 11,000 RIOTOUS CLAS- eight track recording studios. Bob Taylor 12 15 34 WHICH WAY YOU GOIN' BILLY? 5 Call: Nashville: (615) 244-4064 Productions, Suite 425, J. C. Bradford sified gag lines. $10. Unconditionally tin Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. 37219. Phone: guaranteed. Comedy catalog free. Orrin Poppy Family, London 129 (Gone Fishin', A.C. 615; 327-1304. my23 Edmund, Mariposa, Calif. 95338. tfn BMI) SALESMAN WANTED - MANUFAC- 7 9 9 OH HAPPY DAY 7 turer's Representative wanted to sell AVAILABLE Glen Campbell, Capitol 2787 (Kama Rippa/ LIGHTING our exclusive line of pop -art day -glo THEATER Edwin Hawkins, ASCAP) posters featuring all top recording artists. Prefer someone already calling FOR PRODUCTION 10 16 23 VIVA TIRADO 6 PSYCHEDELIC LIGHTING, ADVANCED on record and gift /variety shops. Many Air Conditioned) El Chicano, Kapp 2055 (TRO- Ludlow/ electronics, rock concerts, nightclubs, lucrative areas open. Reply by mail Amestoy, BMI) stages. Send $1 (credited), world's larg- only: Creative, 9421 Georgia Ave., Silver 299 Seats - off -Broadway est catalog: RockTronics, 22 -BB Wendell, Md. 20910. my23 Midtown Cambridge, Mass. 02138. jel3 Spring, 13 14 19 COME SATURDAY MORNING 19 WANT JUKEBOX AND GAME ME- 212 758 -7878 Sandpipers, A &M 1134 (Famous, ASCAP) we are - chanic. Must be good. The man my23 looking for will be working with 3 3 13 18 CAN YOU FEEL IT? 9 both other mechanics. Country route, 12 Bobby Goldsboro, United Artists 50650 SCHOOLS & INSTRUCTIONS route and shop work. Must be sober. ANY LOS AN- Please give your home phone number. 3 -HOUR AIRCHECK (Detail, BMI) England Amusement Co.. P.O. geles station or stations via airmail, FCC FIRST -CLASS LICENSE IN SIX Write: $10. Happy Huffman, 4213 Riverdale, 9 6 7 GIRL'S SONG 8 to twelve weeks through tape recorded Box 236, Purdy, Mo. 65734. my23 Anaheim, Calif. 82806. eow lessons at home plus one week personal Fifth Dimension, Soul City 781 (Rivers, BMI) WRITER'S AGENT OR PRODUCER FOR . instruction in Detroit, Washington, San OF YOU . 1 Francisco, Seattle or Los Angeles. Our young, experienced arranger- producer- - THE WONDER year teaching FCC license songwriter. Top percentage paid. Write: USED COIN MACHINE 14 Elvis Presley, RCA Victor 47 -9835 nineteenth R. Shallue, 45 Helen St., Fairfield, Conn. (Duchess, BMI) courses. Bob Johnson Broadcast License my30 EQUIPMENT Instruction, 1060D Duncan, Manhattan 22 30 - SONG FROM MASH 3 Beach, Calif. 90266. Telephone (213) Al DeLory, Capitol 2811 (20th Century 379.4461. tfn FOR SALE /EXPORT - BALLY SLOTS, Music Corp., ASCAP) $295 & up; Mills Open Front, like new, JUNE BURGESS-ALL PHASES OF $285; Mills Hilo p, $125; Jennings Gal- 11 10 4 EVERYBODY'S OUT OF TOWN 7 SERVICES axy, $285. Uprights: Clover Belle, $300; Vocal Instructions. Faculty of American 16 B. J. Thomas, Scepter 12277 (Blue Seas/ Academy of Dramatic Arts- NYSTA- Keeney Super Bonus, $300; Draw Belles, Jac, ASCAP) NATS. Ansonia Hotel, 73d at Broadway. CUSTOM RECORDING SERVICE. TAPE $75. Large stock Bally Bingos. Bally SU 7 -3300, ext. I0-112. my23 and disc. Stereo and mono. Live and parts for export. Bally Distributing 4 Masters and pressings. P. O. Box 19 39 40 GROVER HENSON FEELS FORGOTTEN copies. Editing. Company, 390 East 6th St., 11 LICENSED BY NEW YORK STATE, High quality at reasonable rates. Joseph 7457, Reno, Nevada 89502. (702) 323 -6157. , UNI 55223 (Wild, ASCAP) veteran approved for FCC 1st class li- Giovanelli, Audio -Tech Laboratories, my23 cense and announcer -disk jockey train- 2819 Newkirk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. IN 32 33 - HEY, THAT'S NO WAY TO SAY GOODBYE 3 ing. Contact: A.T.S. Announcer Train- 9 -7134. tfn SCOPITONES, LIKE NEW, WITH OVER Vogues, Reprise 0909 (Stranger, BMI) ing Studios, 25 West 43 St., N.Y.C. (212) 125 films available. Lowest prices ever. 1 OX 5 -9245. my30 Includes all technical manuals, complete REMEMBER ME 3 of and films. Edward A. 21 35 - YOU'LL supply parts Peggy Lee, Capitol 2817 (S.F.Z. /Winton R.E.L'S FAMOUS (5) WEEK COURSE RECORD MFG. SERVICES, LaHood, P. O. Box 127, Peoria, Illinois. for the first -class Radio Telephone Li- Phone collect: 309 -673 -9175. my23 House, ASCAP) cense is the shortest, most effective SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT course in the nation. Over 98% of R.E.I. 17 8 1 LET IT BE 10 graduates pass F.C.C. exams for first - INDIVIDUALIZED CUSTOMER SER- Beatles, Apple 2764 (Maclen, BMI) class license. Total tuition, $360. Job vice. Mastering, plating, pressing, jack - WANTED TO BUY placement free. Write for brochure. etc. Contact: Carllene Westcott, Con- 8 Radio Engineering Incorporated Schools, solidated Record Enterprises, 1811 A, MANTOVANI RECORDS WANTED - 15 12 15 NEW WORLD IN THE MORNING 1336 Main St., Sarasota, Florida 33577, Division St., Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Send lists of 45's, 45 EP's and 10" LP's, 21 Roger Whittaker, RCA 74 -0320 (Arcola, BM)) or 2123 Glllham Road, Kansas City, Mis- Call: (615) 255 -6569. tin stating prices. Carl Seder Music Mart, souri 64109, or 809 Caroline St., Fred- 81 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. 01608. FUTURE 1 my23 - PASSPORT TO THE ericksburg, Virginia 22401, or 625 E. Perrey, Vanguard 35105 Glendale. Calif. 91205. tfn 22 Jean Jacques Colorado St.. (Melrose, ASCAP) REHEARSAL STUDIOS RECORD SERVICES 23 29 31 REFLECTIONS OF MY LIFE 5 FOR SALE 23 Marmalade, London 20058 (Walrus, ASCAP) RECORDS PRESSED, ARTWORK, JACK - INC. REHEARS - A R C PRODUCTIONS et fabrication. Fast service. Two track. DONE 3 al Halls on hourly basis. For rehearsals, four track and eight track recording 24 27 - THE BEST THING YOU'VE EVER auditions, etc. Marty Jacobs, 1697 , Columbia 45147 Broadway, Suite 706, N. Y. 212; 246 -5070. studios. Bob Taylor Productions, Suite 24 THE BEST IN 425, J. C. Bradford Bldg., Nashville, (E. H. Morris, ASCAP) tfn Tenn. 37219. Phone: A.C. 615; 327 -1304. my16 29 31 35 WHOEVER FINDS THIS, I LOVE YOU.. 5 OLDIES AND GOODIES 25 , Columbia 4 -45117 (BnB, BMI) We have the finest best sellers 45 DISTRIBUTING SERVICES WANTED 39 REACH OUT & TOUCH RPM records, top artists and top SITUATIONS hits oldies, priced right. Cut outs. (Somebody's Hand) 2 ATTENTION, RECORD OUTLETS. WE NASHVILLE BASED BROADCASTER, Diana Ross, Motown 1165 (Jobete, BMI) Also giveaway records or inside have the largest selection of 45 rpm 20 years' experience. 10 years' success package records, known artists only, oldies and goodies at 25e each, also major market programming. 21/2 years' 38 UNITED WE STAND 2 $4 per 100. No quantity too large. major label LP listings at promotional sales management. Blue prices. Send listings. All orders general and Brotherhood of Man, Deram 85059 (Belwin- for free chip references. Dick Buckley, (615) Mills, ASCAP) Top 33.s long play records, top welcome. Apex Rendezvous, Inc., 390 758-5419. tfn artists, cut outs. $32.50 per asstd. 25 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, N. Y. tfn 30 37 38 HITCHIN' A RIDE 4 Other LP's .... 15.00 per asstd. 25 LEADING TAPE WHOLESALER WILL 28 Vanity Fare, Page One 21029 (In Tune, BMI) First mentioned are all stereo. sell highest chart tapes at lowest prices. Top labels. Send for current list. Candy FOR LEASE O 25 25 21 SOUL & INSPIRATION 5 We 17 Alabama Ave., Island will make attractive packages Stripe Records, 29 Steve & Eydie, RCA 74 -0334 (Screen Gems - for you or will poly the single 45 Park, N. Y. 11558. je20 OFFICE BUILDING 2,500 SQ. FT. RPM. beautifully decorated -office space. Close Columbia, BMI) Write, call or phone: to Music Row area. Executives suites. I WANNA BE A FREE GIRL 1 Call: David Knight, Harvey Freeman & - COAST TO COAST HIT RECORD CO. RECORD SERVICE Sons, 2517 Lebanon Road, Nashville, 30 Dusty Springfield, Atlantic 2729 2163 -2165 -2167 Central Avenue RADIO STATIONS Tennessee 37214. 883 -2316. 1e6 (Assorted, BMI) Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 A SONG (From Your Heart) 3 Phone: A.C. 513; 621 -6540 or 621 -6451 PROGRAMMING 31 32 - HUM COMPLETI. RECORD Crealey, ASCAP) Ask for Mr. La Monte or Mrs. Estes service. All stations! All formats! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Lulu, Atco 6749 (Walden my30 Records rushed weekly as released and "picked" by experts! All the hits-sin- 35 - - CECELIA 2 MODEL TAPE RECORD STORE. PRIME Simon & Garfunkel, Columbia 4 -45133 gles and albums -all labels, every week. West Los Angeles, Calif., area. Well If you have time to trade or very little $35,000. (Charing Cross, BMI) COIN -HANDLING DEVICE RAPIDLY to spend, write or wire: Formats established, great potential, sorts, counts, wraps. $29.95. Satisfac- cash Phone: A. C. 213; 478 -2311. my30 3 details: Unlimited, Inc., The Programming Ser- 33 38 - PUPPET MAN tion guaranteed. Write for Albany, N.Y. (Screen Gems - Dept. 17403, Nadex, 220 Delaware, Buf- vice, 1654 Central Ave., 33 Fifth Dimension, Bell 880 12205 or call: (518) 869 -3642 for free Columbia, BMI) falo, N. Y. 14202. my30 details. tfn (Continued on page 58) 34 34 COME TOUCH THE SUN 3 FOR SALE: PRESSING, PLATING, MAS- - taring equipment. New and used. Com- 3 Charles Randolph Grean Sounde, Ranwood plete Plants bought and sold. Contact 872 (Blue Seas /20th Century, ASCAP) John Castagna, Box 474, Nashville, Tenn. Classified Advertising Department 36 37202. tfn MY WAY 2 BILLBOARD MAGAZINE Brook Benton, Cotillion 44072 (Spanka/ GENUINE CALLIOPE RECORDS, BIG Don C., BMI) seller. Top quality LP's. Outstanding 165 West 46th Street jacket. Fast service. $4.79 retail. Tag- PRIMROSE LANE 1 gart, 1602 National, Rockford, Ill. 61103. New York, N. Y. 10036 O. C. Smith, Columbia 4 -45106 (Gladys, Phone: A.C. 815; 964 -2789. my23 ASCAP) 1. Please run the classified ad copy shown below (or enclosed MELLOTRON, FAIRLY NEW, GOOD HEY MISTER SUN 1 condition. Studio too small for use, separately) in issue(s): Bobby Sherman, Metromedia 188 (Green must sell. All variations intact. Hurry. Call Peer Southern Organization (212) Apple, BMI) CO 5 -3910; attention: Charlie Mack. tfn - MISSISSIPPI 1 OLDIES, 4e EA. -$35 PER 1,000. PICK , Dunhill 4236 (Alchemy, ASCAP) what you want. Assortments C/W R /B, Pop, Jazz and Easy Listening, $20 per KILLER JOE 1 1,000. Write for our list to Records, - P.O. Box 15040, Philadelphia, Pa. 19130. Quincy Jones, A &M 1163 (Andante, ASCAP) je6 NAME ROOM 222 1 ADDRESS - - THEME FROM SPECIAL EXPORT PRICE FOR EX- , RCA 47 -9841 (Fox Fanfare porters. 500 assorted LP's. $299. Major STATE & ZIP CODE Music Inc., BMI) labels mostly stereo recent, $4.99 list. CITY Good portion still catalog. King, 15 N. YOUR PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/23/70 13th, Philadelphia 7, Pa. my23 47 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Classical Music

Manuscripts Houston New Sale Stirs Storm Subscription By KARI HELOPALTIO HELSINKI-The sale of more formed many times by David than 50 manuscripts by Jean Oistrakh), which dates back from Season Set 1917; "Cantate Sibelius, held at London's Sothe- Maan Virsi" HOUSTON The Houston from 1920, with words by Eino Symphony's - by's auction rooms, May 12, has Leino, subscription season another Finnish national for 1970 -71, increased caused a storm in Finnish musi- poet, and "Intrada" for organ from 18 cal circles. Everyone is wonder- to 20 programs, opens Sept. 14 (1926). These items were sold as with Andre Vandernoot, ing who is the unknown figure separate items from the main musical behind the London sale. director of the Brussels Royal collection of some 40 works that Opera, conducting. Among the manuscripts for will be up for sale. sale is "Cantate 'Orna Maa' (Own Sibelius aficionados here are Other conductors making their What would it Land)" for chorus and orchestra, trying to find debuts with the orchestra during out how these the which has never been published works came to get to England. season are Lawrence Foster, in Finland. Also permanent guest conductor of cost your business for sale are All the works mentioned above the "Arioso," which has often been were once published in Finland Royal Philharmonic, and Georg Semkow, performed by Kirstin Flagstad, by Westerundin Musiikkikauppa, permanent con- a song for ductor of the Royal Opera in to be without soloist and a string a pioneer publishing firm and Copenhagen. orchestra (1883), with words by record company. In 1967 the J.L. Runeberg, a Finnish poet; company sold its sheet music to Other conductors include con- mail service "Snofrid," a recitative for chorus Music Fazer, while at the same ductor emeritus Sir John Barbi- and orchestra (1900); "Hu- time it ceased production of rec- rolli, Maurice Handford, resi- moresques Nos. 1, 3, 4 & 6" ords after losing EMI repre- dent conductor A. Clyde Roller for violins and orchestra (per- sentation. and Antonio de Almeida. Guest artists include pianists Gina for three weeks? Bachauer, Leonard Pennario, John Ogden, Mischa Dichter, Eugene Istomin, Alexis Weissen- DGG Adds 'Dr. Faust' berg, James Dick, Alegria Arce You think it couldn't happen? and Nelson Friere; vio'inists Henryk Szeryng, Young Uck Think again. -Beethoven 2 -LP Set Kim, Viktor Tretyakov, and Szymon Goldberg; In 1966, the Chicago NEW YORK - Deutsche basso" with narrator Roy Hart, and sopranos Post Grammophon Records is Anna Moffo, Mary Costa and adding contrabassist Gary Carr, and Kerstin Office broke down for three Busoni's "Dr. Faust" to the cata- Philip Jones Brass Ensemble, Meyer. weeks. For 21 days, log this month with a three - and the English Chamber Or- hardly any record set featuring Dietrich chestra. mail went out of that office. Fischer -Dieskau, Hildegard Hel - A coupling of the first stereo lebrecht, Karl- Christian Kohn, versions of Schoenberg's "String Excellent'9th' And, since then, conditions William Cochran and Anton De Quartets Nos. 3 and 4" features throughout the postal system Ridder. Ferdinand Leitner con- the New Vienna String Quartet. By Stokowski have gotten worse- not ducts the Bavarian Radio Sym- A Mozart quintet pairing has better. phony and chorus. violist Cecil Aronowitz with the NEW YORK - The mighty Former Postmaster General Continuing its observance of Amadeus Quartet. Beethoven "Symphony No. 9" the Beethoven bi- centennial, An album of sacred trumpet was masterfully conducted by Lawrence O'Brien says the en- DGG has a two-LP package of music of Coll, Fantini, Viviani, Leopold Stokowski at Carnegie tire postal system of the U. S. that composer's complete over- Dornel, Purcell and Stanley is Hall May 4, the highlight of is tures with Herbert von Karajan offered by trumpeter Adolf the final American Symphony under the imminent threat and the Berlin Philharmonic. Scherbaum and organist Wil- subscription concert of the sea- of total breakdown. Hans Werner Henze conducts helm Krumbach. Tamas Vasary son. Stokowski, who, has a new the first recording of his "Essay has a pressing of Debussy piano recording of the work with the If you don't like that pros- on Pigs, Concerto for Contra- works. London Symphony on London pect, do something about it. Phase 4 records, received the fullest measure from his fine Write, wire or phone your Ozawa Will Lead Opener orchestra. congressman and tell him you Also contributing valuable as- sists were soprano Alpha Floyd, want him to support true At Tanglewood on July 3 mezzo -soprano Elaine Bonazzi, Postal Reform. Tell him you tenor Dan Marek, baritone LENOX, Mass. -Seiji Ozawa Elias, Tom Krause, and Ezio David Clatworthy and the West- want him to back HR 11750, the conducts the opening program of Flagello. minster Choir under Robert only bill before Congress which the 1970 Berkshire Music Festi- Also appearing will be the Carwithen. Two good modern val at Tanglewood, July 3. Tanglewood Festival Chorus, works were Ginastera's "Over- provides for the total reorgani- Ozawa and Gunther Schuller are Harvard Glee Club, Radcliffe ture to the Creole Faust" and zation of the postal service on the artistic directors of the Bos- Choral Society, Framingham Virgil Thomson's "Sea "iece ton Symphony's summer con- Choral Society, M.I.T. Chorus With Birds." The latter was en- a businesslike basis (along the certs here with Leonard Bern- and Chorus Pro Musica. cored May 3. FRED KIRBY lines of TVA). Tell him you stein as advisor. In addition to Ozawa, Schul- won't be satisfied with half ler, Bernstein and William Stein- measures.Tell him you can't af- berg, the Boston's music director, Ormandy & Cliburn Click conductors during the season, NEW YORK Eugene Or- ford to run the risk of another which runs through - sody on a Theme of Paganini." Aug. 23, in- mandy and the Philadelphia Or- His other selection clude Rafael Fruhbeck de Bur- was Liszt's Post Office collapse. chestra were in excellent form in "Piano Concerto No. 2." In gos, Michael Tilson Thomas, the closing concert of their New addition Jorge Mester, Alain Lombard, to these pieces, which HR 11750. True Postal York season May 5, at Phil- the Philadelphia has recorded , Kenneth Scher - Reform. Nothing else will do harmonic Hall. Two selections for Columbia, Beethoven's "Co- merhorn, and Charles Macker- in the full program ras. featured riolan Overture" was a gem for the job. excellent performances by pian- the orchestra, which also ex- Among the soloists will be ist Van Cliburn, pianists Peter Serkin, who is at his celled in Beethoven's "Symphony Vladimir best in the romantic repertoire. No. Ashkenazy, Lili Kraus, Alexis 1" and Stravinsky's `Fire- Weisenberg, Cliburn, Ormandy and the Phil- bird Suite." Of the many fine Rudolph Firkusny, adelphia all record for Citizens Christoph Eschenbach, Andre RCA. musicians in the orchestra, cellist Watts, Claude Cliburn was especially brilli- Samuel Mayes was especially Franck, Gary ant in Rachmaninoff's Graffman, Jerome Lowenthal, `Rhap- noteworthy. FRED KIRBY Committee Yuji Takahashi, and Richard Goode; violinists Paul Zukofsky and Joseph Silverstein; clarinetist More Gervese de Peyer; cellist Jules will the more Postal Reform Eskin; horn James Stagliano; 1 725 Eye Street N W Washington. C LIVE D 20006 and vocalists Christa Ludwig, you GIVE Lawrence F O'Brien, Thruston B Morton Leopold Simoneau, John Alex- National Co Chairmen ander, Phyllis Curtin, Lorna Haywood, Gwendolin Sims, Eu- HEART FUND nice Alberts, William Cochran, Bethany Beardslee, Teresa Stra- tas, George Shirley, Rosalind 48 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 1970 wick International Inc., is forecasting record profit and sales in its fiscal year ending April 30. In its fiscal nine months ended Jan. 31, Pickwick's net income rose 22% from the year ['he Trend Buckers before to $2.4 million, or $1.29 a share, on a 7% sales increase to $47.1 million. In addition to distribution, Pickwick special- record Firms Spin to Sweetest Music izes in producing a line of "budget" record al- bums that list for $1.89 and frequently are dis- counted to $1.59 or less. the Sound of Money The albums contain reissued material of Heard -of- the -road" art- They Ever well -known, usually "middle ists such as Frank Sinatra, Nat "King" Cole, day's charts -Guess Who, Friends of Distinc- such By SCOTT R. SCHMEDEL however, could climb as high as 5675 and Lawrence Welk, plus contemporaries tion, the Archies, and Charley Pride, among Paul Revere and the Raid- Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL million from last year's 5408 million, Bill- little more than a year ago. as Rod McKuen and others -joined RCA gets licenses to use the record- NEW YORK - Lesley Doyel, a 16- year -old board thinks. RCA has all that and Elvis, too. Last sum- ers. Pickwick onde in pink bellbottoms, bought three record ings by paying royalties to the original record- Industry officials say tape is just another mer, Mr. Presley, whose sensual hip -swinging to .bums last week and spent all of $11. ing companies. "We're particularly oriented means of presenting the same performers that shocked the 19505 but gave birth to a new con- explains Seymour Leslie, "That's the trouble with records," she said, appearance in impulse buying," are on records, but for different uses. As a re- vention, made his first public Pickwick. "We offer a bargain, they cost so much." But the high cost of liv- nine and mesmerized another genera- chairman of sult, they say, tape has enlarged the overall years the cheapest form of entertainment you can 1g it up phonographically hasn't stopped her recorded -music than confused tion. Since then, he's had four "gold" albums, market rather buy, and in times like these, we could enjoy om buying a half -dozen hit albums for herself it. Records dominate the home and are each producing $1 million in retail sales, and market even greater sales than usual." nce the first of the year, out of her allowance - each selling one million expected to continue for many years. Eight three "gold" singles, Corp. (formerly General Recorded .come from household duties. track the of GRT stereo cartridges make up bulk the copies. Tape) doesn't expect to report that its third fis- Lesley the record -store counter tape market and sold for players Inc., another top pro- Behind at are primarily Capitol Industries cal quarter, ended March 31, had the same 40, a conservative brown in autos. The more recently tape and tape cartridges, had a as Ron R., wearing introduced ducer of records growth rate as in the first half. In that half, net as a "middle mar - cassettes, have less net income to $5.4 million, or who described himself smaller cartridges that 42R- increase in income more than doubled to $811,726, or 33 with Steel." His prefer - sound fidelity, but can be used for home rec- in the first fiscal half, ended executive U.S. $1.22 a share, cents a share, as sales more than tripled to ices run to opera and Vivaldi, but on this oc- ording as well as playback, are moving Dec. 31, from the year-earlier level, on a 14%,, $16.3 million. "Our internal growth rate re- asion he was buying Simon & Garfunkel's strongly into the portable field. increase in sales to $95.5 million. Growth in the mains about the same," says Alan J. Bayley, fart- leading album, Bridge Over Troubled Tape Volume Growing recording industry is "surprisingly good," says president, "but the comparison won't show it, rater, for his 12- year -old daughter. B. Capitol's treasurer. Al- In five years so, industry Robert Jackson, because we made an acquisition in our third or many sources the have final figures It's because of customers like Lesley and contend, tape volume will equal that of rec- though company doesn't quarter last year." on, who think of music when they want to for its third quarter ended March 31, he com- Economic conditions are having adverse ef- ords. But Mr. Davis, president of Columbia with the lease themselves or their friends, that record - ments: "We're fairly well satisfied fects in some ways, particularly on smaller Records, predicts that records won't be shoved months." .g industry executives expect to escape most aside. Their recording quality is still better, he pattern set in the first nine companies. "Payments by many retail outlets of Transconti- says, and, at $4.98, the usual list price for an Howard Weingrow, president -department stores, chain stores, variety Corp., sees industry growth album is $2 cheaper than that of a tape car- nental Investing stores -have definitely slowed because of the Economic indicators show the pace of continuing from another viewpoint, that of the the nation's economy has been slowing tridge. high cost of money, even though the record. distributor. Transcontinental's record -mer- business has been good," says Jules Malamud, since late last year. Many industries, in- Relatively stable prices are another reason chandising operation increased sales in 1969 to in The broad figures of given for the continuing boom in retail sales of executive director of the National Association deed, are decline. $100 million from $86 million in 1968. Mr. records. The about of Record Merchandisers, an organization of the indexes, however, obscure the fact industry hasn't had a major price Weingrow bases his expectation of further rises of are still scor- increase since a couple of years ago, when it distributors. "If the retailers are slow paying that a number industries on the appeal of tape as an exciting economy decided to eliminate monaural recordings and largely the distributors, they in turn find it difficult to ing gains even as the general new consumer product and on the belief that eighth of a series of stick to stereo disks, which produce a more pay the manufacturers." contracts. This is the will turn increasingly to records The Trend Backers. life -like sound when played through twin speak- consumers In a case like )h ndry. articles examining and tapes as a low -cost entertainment medium ers. Stereo records cost about $1 more than of In- their monaural counterparts did r the economic shock waves that are tumbling ales of high -priced consumer products such as Executives at leading producers don't utos, appliances and color television sets. In see any general price rise this year, alt] ict, the industry believes it's heading for new they say they can get extra mark -ups f artists. Columbia tacked another dollar the ighs this year in sales and profit. the Simon & Garfunkel album, making Wnen Increased leisure, increased spending coney for youth and the fact that a record is a for $5.98, and reports it sold 2.2 million e ow-cost form of professional entertainment in 10 weeks. tat can be enjoyed over and over again have Mr. Davis contentedly ascribes Colum JOU position as "the world's largest and ept the business "flourishing," says Clive disk ÎIVALL STREET producer" to a stable of "50 stars of pr iavis, the 37- year -old lawyer who heads the ability and unique charisma" that cover olumbia Records division of Broad - Columbia the asting System Inc. main musical categories. They include superstars such as Barb: talks about : xpanding Market Streisand and Andy Williams in the "easy -I At the same time, Mr. Davis sees the mar - tening" or "middle -of- the -road" category, B et for contemporary music expanding Dylan and Simon & Garfunkel of the " conte roadly: "Music has become all- important in porary" scene, and Johnny Cash from "c BUST ur lives. As the lyrics have become more seri- try and Western" territory. "But we've be THE MUSIC us and more meaningful, the songs and the able to develop new artists of equal charisma. rtists are being written about more and corn - Mr. Davis declares: "Blood, Sweat & Tear tented on more. This is no longer a teen -age , , Don iarket. Now that rock is a decade old, there's van, and Santana." their authoritY n older generation that is receptive to new, "Last year was by far our greatest year evolutionary forms of music. The 20 -to -30 age sales and profits), and this year continues a is 10 racket bigger for us than -to-20, and the the same pace," he says. "Our LP (album ) iarket goes right on up to 40." sales were up about 40% -in the first quarter :Billboard, the trade magazine that and tape is growing at a faster rate." Becaus it's a division, Columbia doesn't disclose urges "Hot 100," "Top LPs," "Spot - with sales and earnings. One securities firm es .ght Singles," -Breakout Singles," and mates, however, that the division's sales i titer sales -rating charts to guide 111eT- 1969 rose more than 25% to $200 million, gene handlsers and disk jockeys, (makes this ating pretax profit of $25 million. "The record precast for 1970: Retail sales of records division could demonstrate a minimum 25' a r lid recorded. tapes in terms of list prices nual growth rate in pretax profit through ti next two years," the firm which, of course, are widely discounted ) judges. sill rise to more than S1.9 billion from Mr. Davis won't comment on the figures, he concedes, a well -done report." .bout $1.6 billion in 1969. but "It's Billboard's figures show, moreo er, that Other Hit Operators he record business suffered rninirnally in Among the most successful recording opera- he only officially recognized recession of tions is that of the Warner Bros. subsidiary of Kinney National Service Inc. Its Warner Bros., 1960s, lasted May 1.960 to he which from Atlantic, Reprise, and other labels boast such ehruary 1961. Industry sales nosed down thor compelling young performers as Aretha Frank- 1` At ess than 0.5'é to 600 million in 196) lin, Joni Mitchell, Led Zeppelin, and Crosby, e 'roni 5603 million in 1959, but recovered Stills, Nash & Young, along with Frank Sinatr in The apidly to 5640 million in 1961. and Dean Martin. "This is a damn good. recession-resist- William Sarnoff, a Kinney vice president, usw Int business asserts Robert P..Bingaman says profits from the recording business (the lr.. of the securities firm of Shields most important part of Warner's profit last year) are "going up very smartly, as we antic- i>. has two things for arket "it big going ipated they would." [he kids will still go in and plume down RCA Corp.'s Records division also doesn't ICHIBAN he money. and tape is growing fast with - disclose sales and profit figures, but Rocco La- rut eating into record sales." ginestra, division executive vice president, as- Also in Japan Recorded tape cartridges, which sinl- serts, "We're on target -ahead of last year in ilify handling and which aren't consid- sales and earnings." Last year produced rec- BILLBOARD 10036 fred by the big recording companies to ord-high sales for the division, and it repre- York, NY sented policy twist in the company's 46th Street-New ie in a separate industry any snore, are a major 165 NeWest effort to regain lost ground in the competitive (212) -2800 ndeecl responsible for most of the indus- standings. 757 try's anticipated growth. Billboard says "Contemporary music is now our largest :ornentional record sales (of which long - seller, and we expect to continue this empha-

>latying albums account for 85`.'r ) should I sis," the executive says. "A year ago, we were ise to about .S1.3 billion this year from stressing middle -of- the -road." This means that many of the top- ranked RCA performers on to-o- about S1.2 billion in 1969. Tape sales, , Country Music SOUND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIU1111 CITY Opry, Gospel Fetes Set 721 PICKERS IN NASHVILLE NASHVILLE - There are For 721 SAYS Same October Week now stand -up guitar pickbrs NASHVILLE - The "Grand Quartet Convention normally rights organizations. In many in- here. At least that many belong Ole Opry" birthday celebration, would be held. stances it has been traditional to Local 257 of the American PUT TOUR NEEdlE a third week in October fixture, Sumner said the plans for the for various individuals to take Federation of Musicians. and the National Quartet Con- future, which have not yet been an active part in both functions. The up -to -date figure was sup- ON ThiS ONE! vention, normally held the sec- revealed, would give the Gospel Jim Meyers of SESAC, for ex- plied by George Cooper, local ond week in October in Mem- artists an opportunity to be in ample, is president of GMA and president, who has just compiled phis, are in direct conflict with Nashville for the "Opry" cele- must therefore be in Memphis an up-to -date directory of the each other this year. bration, to play in the pro- celeb- for that annual meeting, and still musicians. The figure of 721 Both events are slated for the rity golf tournament, and to be- is the organizer for his firm in does not include steel guitar week of Oct. 11 -17, which puts come a part of the convention the Nashville functions. players. It includes only those undue pressure on record com- proper. Although the Nashville Sumner said he long had felt who list the guitar as their pri- panies, performance rights soci- gathering is industry oriented that the Gospel artists should be mary instrument. eties and artists. and the Memphis convention is in Nashville during the WSM The figure means that approx- "This will be the last time geared mostly toward fans, there and CMA observances, and have imately one -in -three musicians there will be a conflict," said are some obvious conflicts. Rec- an opportunity to meet with the in Nashville plays the guitar as a J.D. Sumner, who, with the ord labels participate in both disk jockeys and other radio and form of livelihood. events, as do the performance record officials. Blackwell Quartet of Memphis, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sponsors the Quartet Conven- tion. Sumner said there would be an announcement at the'conven- tion which would assure a future Blue Grass Festival June 17 -21 time and place for the gospel gathering which would conflict in no way with the country con- Drawing Acts by the vention. The Country Music As- Dozens sociation holds its annual meet- BEAN BLOSSOM, Ind. Among those scheduled to shops utilized to explain the ing in connection with the - Scores of acts already have been take part this year are Earl functions of Bluegrass music to "Opry" convention, as does the signed for the fourth annual Scruggs, Jim & Jesse, Ralph the expected crowd of 15,000. Gospel Music Association in Blue Grass Festival scheduled Thirty -two states were repre- connection with Stanley and the Clinch Moun- the Memphis here June 17 -21, staged by sented last year, along with visi- singing sessions. "Grand Ole Opry" performer tain Boys, the Shenandoah Val- tors from Africa, Sweden, En- Sumner blamed a shift in a Bill Monroe. ley Cutups, Don Reno and Bill gland, Japan and Canada. teachers' meeting for the prob- Virtually all of the acts taking Harrell and the Tennessee Cut- The festival will be climaxed lem this year. The Tennessee part in the program have played ups, Red Smiley, the Stone by church services on Sunday Education Association has Ellis at one time or another with Mon- Mountain Boys of Dallas, the morning. Auditorium tied up for the sec- roe, the "Father of Bluegrass Country Gentlemen, Ralph Acting as masters of ceremony ond week of October when the Music." Rinzler of the Smithsonian In- for the five -day affair will be stitute, Jim Rooney of the Grant Turner of Nashville, Paul Newport Folk Festival, Mike Mullins of Middletown, 0., Jeff Seeger, Alice & Hazel, Hylo Cook of St. Louis and Glen Candidate Ritter Brown, Jimmy Martin, and Thompson of Burlington, N.C. James Monroe, son of the spon- Monroe describes the festival sor. Monroe said additional as a family function, a time when Bows to Politics names would be added, includ- genuine bluegrass lovers gather ing those of the Stoney Moun- to hear "pure" country music. NASHVILLE -All scheduled "Grand Ole Opry." "Whether he tain Cloggers, bringing dancers He said there also would be the appearances of Tex Ritter on the wins or loses, he is welcome into the festival activities for world's largest jam session, in- "Grand Ole Opry" have been back." the first time. volving nearly 100 musicians on The Ritter ruling runs con- At the Saturday sessions, stage at one time cancelled for the duration of his performing in BILL trary to a commission decision there will be instrumental work- the Monroe bluegrass style. political campaign due to a rul- made more than 20 years ago ing of the Federal Communica- when another country music POLLARD tions Commission regarding the artist, Roy Acuff, was cam- equal time ruling. However, Rit- paigning for governor. ter appeared as a guest on At that PROVES the time the FCC ruled there was no Memphis Recording ABC Television "Johnny Cash" conflict, and show last week without appar- Acuff was allowed ent trouble. to remain a member of the "YOU DON'T "Opry" cast with regular Satur- Assn Being Formed WSM, seeking a clarification, day night appearances. However, MEMPHIS The Memphis had written to the commission in there could be no discussion of - rich, an officer at the First Na- HAVE TO BE regard to Ritter, who is a candi- politics. recording industry has taken tional Bank. A person outside date for the Republican nomi- steps to organize in one all - the industry was intentionally Wendell said he did not know inclusive association. nation for the U.S. Senate. The why Ritter had been allowed chosen to be chairman. FROM to Vice FCC replied that if Ritter made be on the Cash show when he The foundation for the associa- chairman is Marty any "Opry" appearances, equal was turned down for the "Opry." tion was laid when officials Lacker, administrative assistant time would have to be given his from various Memphis record- at American Recording Studios. NASHVILLE" Both shows originate in Tennes- The opponents. see from the same building. ing companies met for the or- secretary- treasurer is Knox Sound City Record The ganizational Phillips of Sun International. #2250 "Tex is just on a vacation as Cash show was taped a meeting. The or- Jim few Stewart is far as we're concerned," said weeks ago, and the production ganization will include studios, chairman of by -laws, booking rules and foundation. is RECORDED AT Bud Wendell, vice president of crew had already left the State agents, artists, musi- He cians, publishers, songwriters, president of Stax/ Volt/Enter- SOUND CITY STUDIOS WSM, Inr., in charge of the when the Ritter segment ran. producers, engineers, c 1 u b s, prise/Respect Records. Al Bell, lounge s, record distributors, executive vice president of Stax, PUBLISHED BY radio, television and newspaper is chairman of public relations. TA TA GRANDE MUSIC Merc to Music Row Site personnel and affiliated groups. The permanent board of direc- (BMI) NASHVILLE -Mecury Rec- ownership of the building, the One of 's proj- tors includes Aldrich, Lacker, ords has moved into its new president of Metropolitan Music ects will be a Memphis Music Phillips, Stewart, Bell, Cooley, Music Row site, a building is Jerry Kennedy, now a Willie Mitchell, Hi producer; For D.J. Copies vice Hall of fame. and Bookings owned by Metropolitan Music president of Mercury and chief "We realize Joe Cuoghi, president of Hi; contact: Memphis has Co., and leased partly to the producer here. Other officers jumped into one of the top Larry Rogers, Lyn -Lou man- record MUSIC CITY label. are Tom Sparkman, vice presi- shots in recording and we have ager; James Kingsley, Memphis' dent and general manager, and pledged our Billboard correspondent; Henry TALENT AGENCY Other tenants of the building complete co- opera- are Chappel Music, owned by William Castleman, secretary. tion and all of our facilities in Tanner, supervisor of Pepper- 106 19th Avenue South North American Phillips and Until recently, Sparkman was a any effort to improve and ex- Tanner; Eddie Braddock, vice Nashville, Tenn. operated by "Lightning" Chance, Columbia engineer. He also pand one of the city's largest president of Beautiful Sounds; aid Lewellyn Martin of Louis- brings with him as his personal industries," said David W. Bob Taylor, vice president of HAVE MUSIC ville, an electronics equipment secretary from Columbia Miss Cooley, chief executive officer American Federation of Musi- Margaret Wright. cians, Local 71; B. B. WILL TRAVEL firm which supplied most of the of the Memphis Area Chamber Cunning- materials for the recording The building vacated by Mer- of Commerce. ham, president of Klondike and "The Bill Pollard Show" studio owned by Metropolitan cury, and an adjoining structure Cooley said he could visualize Stan Kesler, vice president of Music. which housed Gallico Music, a hall of fame containing me- Sounds of Memphis. has been taken over by Shelby mentos from a wide array of "We expect to From One D.J. Although a custom studio, make additions Singleton for his publishing com- famous performers, as well as to the board of directors as new to Another Mercury has a long -term lease panies. This gives Singleton at producers, in a museum, agreement - which studios are constructed and as- with Metropolitan least four locations in the city he envisioned as a "great tourist sociate members "THANKS A. MILLION" Music for its use during a spec- named," said for his various enterprises. Gal - attraction." Lacker. BILL ified minimum number of hours. Other studios expected lico has moved into a new loca- Temporary chairman of the to join the organization include Although Mercury has no tion on the "row." organization is Lyman D. Ald- Ardent, Universal and Fame. 50 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD pi o c moge nternotlono , anogemen : oc -

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G great artist ]Hot Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/23/70 Country Singles a * STAR Performer- Single's registering greatest proportionate upward progress this week.

This Last Weeks on This Last Weeks on Week Week Title, Artist, Label, No. L Pub. Chart Week Week Title, Artist, Label, No. & Pub. Chart

1 1 MY LOVE 7 51 BIG WHEEL CANNON BALL 4 Sonny James, Capitol 2782 (Duchess, BMI) Dick Curless, Capitol 2780 (Southern, ASCAP) Q 9 HELLO DARLIN' 5 ANDERSON Conway Decca Twitty, 32661 60 EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL 4 (Twitty Bird, BMI) Ray Stevens, Barnaby 2011 (Ahab, BMI)

3 3 I DO MY SWINGING AT HOME 8 40 31 LORD IS THAT ME? 11 David Houston, Epic 5-10596 (Algee, BMI) , Decca 32631 (Blue Crest, BMI) 4 5 WHAT IS TRUTH? 6 Johnny Cash, Columbia 4 -45134 50 DOWN IN NEW ORLEANS 4 (House of Cash, BMI) i Buddy Alan, Capitol 2784 (Blue Book, BMI) 5 4 POOL SHARK 11 56 I NEVER ONCE STOPPED LOVING YOU. 2 Dave Dudley, 73029 Mercury , RCA Victor 47 -9832 (Newkeys, BMI) (Stallion, BMI) 6 2 IS ANYBODY GOIN' TO SAN ANTONE? 12 Charley Pride, RCA Victor 47 -9806 43 44 LITTLE BOYS' PRAYER 8 (Tree, BMI) , RCA Victor 47 -9811 (Sawgrass, BMI)

7 7 STAY THERE TILL I GET THERE 10 , Columbia 4.45101 44 38 TOMORROW'S FOREVER 15 (Gallico, BMI) Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton, RCA Victor 47.9799 (Owepar, BMI) 8 8 SHOESHINE MAN 8 45 36 ROCK Tom T. Hall, Mercury 73039 (Newkeys, BMI) ME BACK TO LITTLE ROCK. 10 Jan Howard, Decca 32636 (Wilderness, BMI) 9 6 LOVE IS A SOMETIMES THING 11 Bill Anderson, Decca 32643 46 46 CALL ME GONE 6 (Stallion, BMI) Stan Hitchcock, Epic 5 -10586 (Jack & Bill, ASCAP) 10 10 RISE AND SHINE 9 Tommy Cash, Epic 5-10590 58 I'M LEAVIN' IT UP TO YOU 3 (Cedarwood, BMI) lilr Johnny & Jonie Mosby, Capitol 2796 (Venice, BMI) 16 HEART OVER MIND 5 Mel Tillis, Kapp 2086 (Cedarwood, BMI) 48 43 LITTLE BIT LATE 9 Lewie Wickham, Starday 888 12 11 TENNESSEE BIRDWALK 16 (Para -Kim, BMI) Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan,

Wayside 010 (Back Bay, BMI) 49 47 PICKIN' WILD MOUNTAIN BERRIES . 7 Kenny Vernon & Lawanda Lindsay, 13 15 STREET SINGER 6 Chart 5055 (Crazy Cajun, BMI) Merle Haggard & the Strangers, Capitol 2778 (Shade Tree, BMI) 50 25 ONCE MORE WITH FEELING 14 Jerry Lee Lewis, Smash 2257 14 13 MY WOMAN, MY WOMAN, MY WIFE. 14 (Combine, BMI) Marty Robbins, Columbia 4 -45091 (Mariposa, BMI) 51 52 YOU'RE GONNA NEED A MAN 3 Johnny Duncan, Columbia 4 -45124 (Detail, a 20 LOVIN' MAN 5 BMI) s'gs Arlene Harden, Columbia 4 -45120

(Acuff -Rose, BMI) 52 57 WHOEVER FINDS THIS, I LOVE YOU . 5 Mac Davis, Columbia 4 -45117 (BnB, BMI) 21 SHE'S A LITTLE BIT COUNTRY 4 George Hamilton IV, RCA Victor 47 -9829 I - HE LOVES ME ALL THE WAY 1 Tammy ,r -.t (Wilderness, BMI) Wynette, Epic 5-10612 ( Algee, BMI) .n 24 I CANT SEEM TO SAY 5 54 54 I KNOW YOU'RE MARRIED BUT I GOODBYE... Jerry Lee Lewis, Sun 1115 LOVE YOU STILL 6 (Robertson, ASCAP) Red Sovine, Starday 889 (Lois, BMI) 18 18 SINGER OF SAD SONGS 6 55 55 LOVER'S SONG 5 , RCA Victor 47-9819 Ned Miller, Republic 1411 (Jack, BMI) (Central Songs, BMI)

19 19 LOVE HUNGRY 8 - IT DON'T TAKE BUT ONE MISTAKE 1 Warner Mack, Decca 32646 (Page Boy, Luke the Drifter Jr., MGM 14120 SE SAC) (Minstrel, BMI)

20 22 LILACS AND FIRE 6 57 48 ONE MORE MOUNTAIN TO CLIMB 7 "ROCKY George Morgan, Stop 365 (Window, BMI) Freddie Hart, Capitol 2768 (Blue Book, BMI) 21 12 I KNOW HOW 12 72 OLD MAN WILLIS 2 Loretta Lynn, Decca 32637 Ô Nat Stuckey, RCA Victor 47 -9833 (Sure -Fire, BMI) (Combine, BMI) 22 14 YOU WOULDN'T KNOW LOVE 12 59 67 A GOOD THING 3 Ray Price, Columbia 4-45095 (Tree, BMI) Bill Wilbourne & Kathy Morrison, United Artists 50660 (Passkey, BMI) 23 17 A WOMAN LIVES FOR LOVE 8 , Capitol 2761 ( Gallico, BMI) 60 59 BENEATH STILL WATERS 9 Diana Trask, Dot 17342 (Blue Crest, BMI) 35 TOGETHERNESS 3 Buck Owens & Susan Raye, Capitol 2791 61 64 THE MOST UNCOMPLICATED OP" (Blue Book, BMI) WRITTEN BY A GOODBYE 2 GREAT TEAM Henson Cargill, Monument 1198 25 23 DON'T TAKE ALL YOUR LOVIN' 11 (Blue Crest, BMI) FELICE & BOUDLEAUX BRYANT , Hickory 1559 (Acuff -Rose, BMI) AND PUBLISHED BY 62 63 STILL LOVING YOU 3 Bob Luman, Hickory 1564 (Acuff -Rose, BMI) HOUSE OF BRYANT 26 26 OH HAPPY DAY 5 Glen Campbell, Capitol 2787 PLAYIN' AROUND WITH LOVE 1 (Kama Rippa /Edwin Hawkins, ASCAP) - Barbara Mandell, Columbia 4-45143 IT'S CHART #5068 (Algee, BMI) 30 LONG LONG TEXAS ROAD 3 Roy Drusky, Mercury 73956 (Combine, AIN'T THAT GREAT? BMI) 64 65 (IF I'D) ONLY COME AND GONE ... 4 Clay Hart, Metromedia 172 (Evil Eye, BMI) 34 I'VE BEEN WASTING MY TIME 4 itr John Wesley Ryles I, Columbia 4-45119 65 66 SO MUCH IN LOVE WITH YOU 3 (Hall -Clement, BMI) David Rogers, Columbia 4.45111 (Acclaim, BMI) Q 40 A WOMAN'S HAND 5 Jean Shepard, Capitol 2774 66 69 YOU DON'T KNOW ME 4 (Champion, BMI) Ray Pennington, Monument 1194 (Hill Range, BMI) 30 29 DARLING DAYS 10 67 70 IT'S HARD TO BE A WATCH THESE WINNERS Billy Walker, Monument 1189 (Blue WOMAN 3 Crest, BMI) Skeeter Davis, RCA Victor 47-9818 (Press, BMI) SHORTY BACON AND THE SCRAMBLED 39 TOMORROW NEVER COMES 6 68 73 WARMTH OF THE WINE 2 Slim Whitman, Imperial 66441 (Noma, BMI) Johnny Bush, Stop 5402 (Window, BMI)

EGGS "STAND UP FOOL" 32 33 SUGAR SHACK 5 69 68 BUT THAT'S ALL RIGHT 3 - , Dot 17347 Bobby G. Rice, Royal American 6 (Tree, BMI) CHART 5073 (Dun Dee, BMI) - LEAD ME NOT INTO TEMPTATION 1 45 ALL THAT KEEPS YA GOIN' 7 Anthony Armstrong Jones, Chart 5064 (Marson, BMI) Tompall & Glaser Brothers, MGM 14113 i HINSON (GB, ASCAP) JIMMY 71 71 CAN YOU FEEL IT 2 Bobby Goldsboro, United Artists 50650 "COUNTRIFIED AND PROUD" 41 YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD. 4 (Detail, BMI) Bobby Lord, Decca 32657 (Contention, CHART 5067 SESAC) - HIT THE ROAD JACK 1 1* Connie Eaton & David Peel, Chart 5066 35 28 TALK ABOUT THE GOOD TIMES 12 (Tangerine, BMI) Jerry Reed, RCA Victor 47 -9804 ri1B. BY: (Vector, BMI) GOIN' HOME TO YOUR MOTHER .. 1 Hagers, Capitol 2803 (Blue Book, BMI) 36 27 I WALKED OUT ON HEAVEN 12 SON OF A COAL MAN 1 , Jr., MGM 14107 - YONAH MUSIC, INC. (Minstrel, BM!) Del Reeves, United Artists 50667 (United Artists, ASCAP) MUSIC CITY, U.S.A. l 49 HEAVENLY SUNSHINE 2 - HOLY COW i , Capitol 2793 ( Gallico, BMI) Ì Jamey Ryan, Show Biz 232 (Marsaint, BMI) 52 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Everybody Makes Mistakes We Marked The Wrong Side Of Stonewall Jackson's New Record the big side is "BLUEFIELD" COLUMBIA 4 -45151

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5. Because you'll find that it's indispensable and easier to City, State, Zip carry around than a phone book. #t4100 Country Music Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY Hot For Week Ending 5/23/70 Cbuntry LP's Nashville Scene

* STAR Performer -LP's registering proportionate upward progress this week. Ranwood's newest entry into the Billy Deaton, Faron's manager, worked closely with Mr. Johnson country scene is Bob Woods, a when the former was in Texas... has completed an LP for Starday- This Last Weeks on seasoned "newcomer" who is pro- Dick Curless now is coming out King in Nashville. It was produced Week Week TITLE, Artist, Label & Number Chart duced by Don Law. Woods has with a "Big Wheel Cannonball" by Jerry Capehart, and will be out fronted country groups, and most LP. The title song was written by shortly. . . . Red Sovine is con; 18 1 1 OKIE FROM MUSKOGEE recently has been a part of the Vaughn Horton, published by cluding a tour of the Hawaiian Merle Haggard, Capitol ST 384 Jim Ed Brown group. . Im- Southern Music.... Billy Daniels Islands. 2 2 JUST PLAIN CHARLEY 14 perial's Del Reeves was the first Charley Pride, RCA Victor LSP 4290 week's co -host with T. Tommy Cuver on the syndicated radio 3 3 HELLO, I'M JOHNNY CASH 15 show, "Music City USA." The new Columbia KCS 9943 show debuted over 125 radio sta 4 6 THE WAYS TO LOVE A MAN 15 tions. . The Re- Tammy Wynette, Epic BN 26519 cording Studio has been utilized by Kent Westberry who, with Mery CENTRAL SONGS 5 4 IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME 11 Shiner, wrote the first Certron Rec- Sonny James, Capitol ST 432 ords country release. And with Hal A DIVISION OF BEECHWOOD MUSIC CORP.... 6 5 TAMMY WYNETTE'S GREATEST HITS 38 Harbour, Westbury wrote the first Epic BN 26486 duet release for Hank Williams Jr., - CURRENT HAPPENINGS - and Lois Johnson on MGM. Roy Q 8 BABY BABY 8 in that 1804 IVAR AVENUE David Houston, Epic BN 26539 Rogers is slated to record studio soon.... Ralph Paul now HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90028 8 9 TO SEE MY ANGEL CRY /WHEN SHE STARTED TO is moonlighting with Radio Station STOP LOVING YOU 15 weekends. . . WLAC here on "YOU GOT -TA HAVE A LICENSE" Porter Wagoner RCA Conway Twitty, Decca DL 75172 Dick Flood has taken over the of Hank Williams s 12 BEST OF JERRY LEE LEWIS 4 direction Jr: THE LOVER'S SONG" Ned Miller Republic Smash SRS 67131 publishing interests. Dick and his wife, Pat McKinney, expecting in "JUST BIDIN' MY TIME" b/w Capitol 10 10 PORTER WAYNE & DOLLY REBECCA 9 July. Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton, RCA Victor LSP 4305 Bob Lumah, formerly with Hick- "SNOWBIRD" (BEECHWOOD) 11 7 THE BEST OF CHARLEY PRIDE 30 ory but now with Epic, is enjoy- THE DOOR IS NEVER LOCKED" Buddy Wayne Capitol RCA Victor LSP 4223 ing chart action from the release 47 of masters on both labels. His 12 14 JOHNNY CASH AT SAN QUENTIN "SPOTTED DOG NAMED SAM" Ron Mason Newhall Columbia CS 9827 "Still Lovin' You" on Hickory has with moved on the chart "Goin' HAVE TO GO" Ray Anthony Ranwood 13 13 HANK WILLIAMS JR. GREATEST HITS. 7 "HE'LL (Inst.) Back to Norma" on Epic. . . MGM SE 4656 in , after playing the "THE WAY HIS WOMAN DOES" Bobby Wayne Capitol 14 18 WAYLON 16 Colonial Invitational at Fort Worth. Waylon Jennings, RCA Victor LSP 4260 will go into concert with Arthur "MARRIAGE IMPOSSIBLE" The Counselor Chalet Fielder and the Boston Symphony. 15 11 WINGS UPON YOUR HORNS 15 Loretta Lynn, Decca DL 75163 The concerts will be video -taped "WINE ON MY MIND" Johnny Paycheck Certron and scheduled for release via the 15 16 15 YOU GOT -TA HAVE A LICENSE full Public Television Network (170 "WHAT WENT WRONG" Jean Shepard Capitol Porter Wagoner, RCA Victor LSP 4286 stations) during August. . . is Melba Montgomery Capitol 17 16 GOLDEN CREAM OF THE COUNTRY 19 Columbia's David Rogers off to "TOGETHER AGAIN" Jerry Lee Lewis, Sun SUN 108 the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas "HONKY TONK MEMORIES" Ray Salter Country for two weeks. . Paramount's 22 LORD, IS THAT ME 7 Ray Frushay opens for a two -week American Jack Greene, Decca DL 75188 engagement at the Statler -Hilton "HARDEST EASY THING" George Morgan Stop 19 19 TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS 16 Hotel in Tucson, Ariz. He then Glen Campbell, Capitol SW 380 returns to the International Hotel "RAMBLIN' MAN" Duane Dee Capitol in Las Vegas for a month -long 20 17 THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL 11 . . . Ray Sanders, Billie Jo Spears Capitol Dolly Parton, RCA Victor LSP 4288 engagement. "MIDNIGHT TRAIN" back in Hollywood after a session Capitol 28 WE'RE GONNA GET TOGETHER 3 with Scott Turner in Nashville, "SUNDAY GO TO CHEATIN' DRESS" Karen Kelly Buck Owens & Susan Raye, Capitol ST 448 ap- goes on an extended personal Donna Ramsey Capitol of the western states. "COOL GREEN WATER" 22 24 SIX WHITE HORSES 6 pearance tour Tommy Cash, Epic BN 26535 . . . Dee Mullins is scheduled for "I WILL" Mee & Ewe Look an appearance for WCYN Radio, 23 23 HOMECOMING 16 Cynthiana, Ky., June 27, in a show IT AIN'T NO BIG THING" Mills Brothers Dot Tom T. Hall, Mercury SR 61247 set by air personality Ken Jenkins. (Album Excerpts) Tex Williams Monument 24 20 SHE EVEN WOKE ME UP TO SAY GOODBYE 15 Plantation artist Eddie Burns Arthur Prysock King Lee Lewis, Smash SRS 67128 New Mexico Jerry is on a tour of Texas, Capitol and Oklahoma. Gary Buck 25 27 OH HAPPY DAY 2 Glen Campbell, Capitol ST 441 Debbie Laurie Kaye has cut four SOME BEAUTIFUL" (BEECHWOOD) Jack Wild Capitol sides at the Shelby Singleton 26 26 BEST OF CONNIE SMITH 5 Studio, with Shelby doing the pro- "LOVE'S GOT A HOLE IN THE MIDDLE" Bobby Young Capitol RCA Victor LSP 4324 duction. The material included "SWEET SWEET SONG OF SALVATION" Larry Norman Capitol 27 25 BIG IN VEGAS 18 songs by Don Hill, Margaret Lewis ST 413 Steve Singleton, Buck Owens, Capitol and Myra Smith, "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED Don Holiman Newhall Paul Wyatt. Miss Teddy Bart and YOU" 31 IF IT'S ALL THE SAME TO YOU 7 Kaye was accompanied by her Bill Anderson & Jan Howard, Decca DL 75184 manager, Saul Holiff. . . . Jimmy "EARTH ROT" (Album) Dave Axelrod Capitol 29 29 WHERE GRASS WON'T GROW 21 Kish, the flying cowboy, is about Capitol , Musicor 3181 to make his move to Nashville... . "UPON THIS ROCK" (Album) Larry Norman Joe Talbot of SESAC and Eddie 30 30 LOVE AND GUITARS 6 JILL WILLIAMS (Album) RCA Eddy Arnold, RCA Victor LSP 4304 Noack of the Nashville Songwriters Association were speakers at the 31 33 BEST BY REQUEST 2 law school at Vanderbilt Univers- Television Jean Shepard, Capitol ST 441 ity. . . . Dave Olsen and Royce Music From -NBC -TV's H.R. Pufnstuf 32 32 COUNTRY GIRL 5 Clark are producing an independent Jeannie C. Riley, Plantation PLP 8 session with writer Gene Evans, and are negotiating to place the SMILEY MONROE 41 WELFARE CADILAC 4 finished masters.... Shelby Single- ittr Guy Drake, Royal American RA 1001 ton material in new LP's by Liz PROMOTIONAL MANAGER 34 37 FANCY 3 Anderson, Bobby Bare, Skeeter (213) 469 -2239 Bobbie Gentry, Capitol ST 428 Davis, Leona Williams, Jane Mor- gan and Bobbie Gentry. Addi- 35 36 A TASTE OF COUNTRY 4 the new Wilma Burgess Jerry Lee Lewis, Sun SUN 114 tionally, Decca single, "Lonely For You" 36 38 BEST OF DAVE DUDLEY 2 was written by Ben Peters and The Record & Music Mercury SR 61268 published by Shelby Singleton . The team of Lonnie Industry Meet For 37 40 GROOVY GRUBWORM AND OTHER GUITAR GREATS Music. Harlow Wilcox, Plantation PLP 7 Shane and Faye Lane is getting considerable air play throughout Lunch & Dinner At... 38 34 MY FRIENDS THE STRANGERS 3 the Dallas -Fort Worth area. They Merle Haggard, Capitol ST 445 have a Danrite release, produced Gene Norman's 39 42 YOU WOULDN'T KNOW LOVE 2 by Charles Wright. . The en- Ray Price, Columbia CS 9918 tertainment portion of the Colo- rado Country Muis Festival (June 39 UPTOWN COUNTRY GIRLS 9 40 8 -13) will be taped for play to Lynn Anderson, Chart CHS 1028 servicemen in Vietnam. It will be 41 35 THE BEST OF EDDY ARNOLD, VOL. II 3 handled through the Denver USO. RCA Victor LSP 4320 . By the time she had reached her 18th birthday, Theresa Beaty 42 21 STORY SONGS OF TRAINS AND RIVERS 24 by Johnny Cash & the Tennessee Two, Sun SUN 104 had written songs recorded Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton. Ir 43 43 STARS OF HEE HAW 3 Now she is recording on the Stop "TOKEN OF LOVE Various Artists, Capitol ST 437 label. by - TAMMY'S TOUCH 1 Faron Young, on a personal ap- 4 Tammy Wynette, Epic BN 26549 Charley Pride, was CATHY COLLINS pearance with 8240 Sunset Strip / Hollywood - BEST OF FARON YOUNG 1 visited by Lyndon B. Johnson. The HALFTIME PUBLISHING CO. Mercury SR 61267 former President then invited the Phone 656 -1313 107 No. Cumberland, Sheridan, Ark. entertainers to the LBJ Rranch. MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD 55 Country Music

Golf Charity

Pie Split Up NASHVILLE - The officials of the Music City Pro -Celebrity Invitational Golf Tournament have announced division of $10,000 in profits from the 1969 tournament here. The Country Music Hall of Fame and Musetim received one check for $3,333 and another for $1,667 for a total of $5,000. Mrs. Jo Walker, executive direc- tor of the Country Music Asso- ciation, accepted the checks from Sam Fleming, president of the /\ Third National Bank and chair- man of the Country Gentlemen, STARDAY -KING president Hal Neely hosted a group which a party for Billy Daniels underwrites the AT THE "Cops and Country Music" Shower of Stars show at the and Myrna March while they were in Nashville for sessions. Shown tournament. Other money re- Medinah Temple in Chicago, designed to promote better relations at the reception are, left to right, Neely, Snooky Lanson, Benjamin cipients were the Chamber of between the white ghetto and the police department, Sgt. Terry Cor- Payne, Miss March and Daniels. Commerce for its charity proj- nell of the police Helicopter Squadron, presented awards to Don ects, and the Nashville Tennes- Chapman, left, co -owner of the Lake -N Inn and the new Midway sean, for the Nashville Memorial Club, and Roy Stingley, program manager of WJJD, Chicago. Hospital. From The Music Capitals Fund Names Dexter's Scrapbook of the World 3 to Band ATLANTA Three new di- By DAVE DEXTER JR. DOMESTIC rectors - have been elected to the HOLLYWOOD - Manhat: scrapbooks and radio airchecks. Continued from page 42 Ford, who board of directors of the Coun- scored a million -seller tan's fiftyish, frantic flying "Music today is a little frighten- with "Sea Cruise," Rogers will also try Music Foundation at its quar- dutchman, Bob Thiele, swept Reprise Pentagle did one show for produce a single on John McNulty terly meeting here. ing," he says. "It seems brash, the Illinois Institute through Filmtown with but one of Technology III, formerly known as Johnny Elected were Frank thing cocky and arrogant in lyrics May 12. . Mercury's Coven Jones, Co- on his mind -the speech Soul. The Happy Medium of St. lumbia Records; played May 9 at the Stages... . Harold Hitt, on jazz he was to make at the and with so many repetitions in Louis will record at Lyn -Lou under Columbia Records, Chess' Howlin' Wolf and Siegal - the guidance of Rogers for Ember and Grelun International Music Industry melody. It is infantile in corn - Schwall were presented Landon, RCA. Conference by the Records of London, England. at Mallorca April parison to the songs of Porter Cellar May 9. . A group of New officers elected were Roy 28. Northwestern University students Knox Phillips, producer at Sun and Berlin. I don't even under- International, Horton, Peer-Southern, presi- "Jazz records staged a performance of the rock is producing a single have always sold stand the admiration for the opera "Tommy," written by the on Bob Simon and overdubs for dent; Paul Ackerman of Bill- profitably," Thiele said in re- Who, May 14 in nearby Evanston. the Sun International's Gentry, and board, vice president; Brad Mc- futing reports of a slump. Beatles." Warner Bros.' Peter, Paul & 's Copper and Brass. Cuen of RPM, Inc., treasurer, "Thanks to reissues and re- Some of us, as a corollary, Mary scheduled for the Civic Scepter's B. J. Thomas recorded and Bill Lowery of Lowery Mu- packaging of old masters, along never understood the nation's Opera House on Sunday (24). an album with Dan Penn Produc- sic, secretary. Jones was elected with the newly adoration of Rudy's crooning GEORGE made product, KNEMEYER ing the session at Beautiful Sounds chairman of the board for the jazz is selling bigger today than into a little megaphone, either. Studios. Thomas is preparing for third consecutive year. ever before. Jazz and blues have MEMPHIS an international tour and expects become a 'classical' type of to have the album and single from music in 1970, and they enjoy When The Danny the session. His next single is the British Yardbirds Thomas Benefit scheduled Keel Dates in a vast audience." flew away in different Show for St. Jude Children's Re- for release as a duet directions search Hospital, with Dionne Warwick, recorded in "For years and years," in 1968, its members wound up which he helped New Memphis Studio said establish after a promise to St. York. Thiele, whom we first met some with Cream, Led Zeppelin, Blind Jude Thaddaus in Chicago in 1940, RCA Record's Charley Pride MEMPHIS - Howard Keel, 30 years ago when he and Dan Faith and the Group. will have a star attraction for the will make his second appearance the Broadway musical star, was Qualey produced a series of Here in Hollywood, guitarist - Saturday (30) show at the Mid - at the Memphis Mid -South Coli- at Dan Penn's Beautiful Sounds memorable piano solos, "the singer Keith Relf and drummer South Coliseum. Frank Sinatra will seum July 25. Other artists sched- Recording Studios here last week execs of the record companies Jim McCarty are struggling with fly from London for the show and uled at the Coliseum include Grand looking for "a new bag in the maintained, in deplorably stereo- their Renaissance combo in will arrive here Saturday (30) for Funk Railroad, July 5; Tom Jones, which Keith's sister Jane Relf rehearsals, then return after the July 9; Jimi Hendrix, recording industry." Under the typed thinking, that even in a June 11, and is a featured vocalist. For a time, show to London, where he is mak- the Caravan production supervision of Jack depression period you could al- of Stars including they tried to ing a movie. Also on the bill with Hank Williams Jr., Wanda Jack- Clement, Keel cut a flock of ways depend on black people integrate classical Thomas and Sinatra will be son, Diana Trask, Duke of Padu- songs written by Vince Mathews, to spend their last dollar on a melodies, mostly Beethoven, Thomas' daughter, Mario, and cah, Merle Kilgore, and Rose Guy, Allen Reynolds and Dickey Lee. bottle of gin and a record. The with contemporary rock. But Jerry Lewis and Dinah Shore. June 6. At one time, Keel recorded racism implied in that statement now, McCarty promises, Renais- Larry Rogers, manager of Lyn- JAMES D. KINGSLEY is indefensible, but the dollars sance seeks to go with "straight, Lou Studios, and Ken Keene for RCA Records. of and cents observation therein is basic songs -our own stuff. I Poplar Bluff, Mo., will combine still true also hope we can work some to produce a session on Frankie -at least as applies to records. Black people constitute ballet or dancing into our stag- a sizable market, and certainly a ing." most stable one. With black in- What's Happening come on the rise, to neglect the blues Platinum -haired Wayne Coch- and jazz field is simply to ran was In my humble estima- Continued from cut one's driving a garbage truck page 40 self off, needlessly, in Georgia, the father of three few men on this from a major sales area." tion, from our point of view. It was good to get the feeling of the listener sons. Today he's a sizzling nitery The Planet as first hand." Is there any other way? swinging Thiele, with a star, with his C. C. Riders, and a stand taller briefcase full of B.B. King tests, big gun on Starday -King disks. a human being than Campus Programming Aids raced off to the airport and a He blames parents for the gen- flight to Spain. eration gap. "In this world today WRMC, Mitchell College, New Haven, Conn., Jonathan Daren you've John Cash. reporting: "I want to Take got to change, you've got You Higher," Sly and the Family Stone, Epic; to move with what's "Afterglow," Ogden's Nut Gone Flake Robacco" (LP), Small Faces, happening Immediate. "Come to Me," Tommy James and the Shondells, Roulette; The new act worked up by and that way you'll never grow A Friend "Jucy Lucy," Jucy Lucy, Atco.... WHR, Pennsylvania State University, Sonny & reflects a new old. The kids do their thing in University Park. Kevin Nelson reporting: "Grover Henson Feels For- cycle, a new period, in their order to dig what they are Gene Beley gotten," Bill Crosby, Uni; "Big Yellow Taxi," Joni Mitchell; Reprise; "The work. Cher wears gowns by St. digging more, not so they can Public Relations Seeker," Who, Decca; "Don't Be Afraid," Keef Hartley Band, Deram... . Laurent, Dior and Givenchy. hate the kid next to them. I've Depart ment WMUR, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisc., "A Brand New Me" never seen a fight at a teen -age (LP), Dusty Springfield; Sonny has abandoned his goat- Superscope, Inc. "Volunteers" (LP), Jefferson Airplane, RCA; concert and I I "Younger Generation," skin jackets for a tuxedo. And think never will." Sun Valley, Jose Feliciano, RCA.. . WBCR, Brooklyn Col- lege, New York, Lenny Bronstein reporting: they sing things like "Danny Does that makes sense, assum- California "," Pipkins, Capitol; "Daisey," Pearly Gate, Decca; "Green Eyed Lady," Sugarloaf, Boy" and "." ing you dig what he's digging? Liberty.... WIUM, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Tim McCartney reporting: "Cecilia," Simon & Garfunkel, Columbia; "Make Me Smile," Chicago, Columbia; "No Sugar Tonite," Guess Who, RCA.. . WHCB, Rudy Vallee, Lehman College, Bronx, N.Y., Harris Semegram once a major reporting: "Free the name in the People," Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, Atco; "Substitute," Who, disk marts and now when answering ads . . . Decca; 68, "I Can't Tell the Bottom From the Top," Hollies, Epic; "Bitter Green," enjoys semiretirement up in , the Hollywood hills but occa- Say You Saw It in Cotillion.... WQMC, Queens College, N.Y., Ted Gold - speil reporting: "Comment" (LP), Les McCann, Atlantic; "Questions," sionally gigs in clubs. His hob- Billboard Moody Blues, Threshold; "Message of Love," Hendrix Band of Gypsys," bies are tennis, with his third Capitol; "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window," Joe Cocker, wife Eleanor, along with collect- A &M. ing wines and digging his old The SIGN of great reading 56 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD A Supersingle ofsignificance ! ROCK HUDSON and ROD McKUEN i'Vinqs"and "Love ofthe Common People"

A Stanyan Record Produced by Rod McKuen Distributed by Warner Bros. Records Inc. Conducted by Arthur Greenslade Album Reviews Jazz LP's This Last Weeks on Week Week TITLE, Artist, Label & Number Chart

1 1 THE ISAAC HAYES MOVEMENT 5 SPECIAL MERIT PICKS Enterprise ENS 1010 Action 2 2 SWISS MOVEMENT 24 Les McCann & Eddie Harris, Atlantic SD 1537 ORIGINAL CAST LOW PRICE COUNTRY 3 5 WALKING IN SPACE 27 Records Quincy Jones, A&M SP 3023 ORIGINAL CAST - Billy Noname. Roulette LEON COPELAND SINGS THE BIG HITS OF 4 4 'S GREATEST HITS 8 (S) SRC -11 MERLE HAGGARD- Alshire S5189 (S) A &M SP 4247 Johnny Brandon's score for this off -Broadway Though Leon Copeland attempts -and suc- musical is sharp and pertinent. The rhythms ceeds-at the style made famous by Merle 5 11 BITCHES BREW 3 of rock and soul are merged with a gutsy Haggard, he obviously has his own Singles style, Miles Davis, Columbia GP 26 style that takes hold. Donny Burks is too, as is proven by an excellent version of especially effective in a highly effective "I'd Fly Away Somewhere." Copeland pro- * NATIONAL BREAKOUTS 6 6 HOT BUTTERED SOUL 45 cast that includes Hattie Winston, Alan vides some superb entertainment in this Weeks, Marilyn Johnson and Glory van album. THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD/ Isaac Hayes, Enterprise ENS 1001 Scott. FOR YOU BLUE . 7 7 BEST OF RAMSEY LEWIS 12 Beatles, Apple 2832 (Maclen, BMI/ Cadet LPS 839 CLASSICAL Harrissongs, BMI) POP 8 3 COUNTRY PREACHER 11 Cannonball Adderley Quintet, Capitol SKAO 404 ADAM: GISELLE -Monte Carlo Opera Orch. * REGIONAL BREAKOUTS BOBBY VINTON- Sounds of Love. Epic BN ( Bonynge). London CSA 2226 (S) ALMOST GIFTED 9 8 MEMPHIS UNDERGROUND 55 26542 (S) Adolphe Adam's "Giselle" is a ballet clas- Blackwell, Astro 1001 (Points West, Herbie Mann, Atlantic SD 1522 On this album, Bobby Vinton, the vocalist, sic but it's also an orchestral piece that is replaced by Bobby Vinton, the instrumen- stands up without the fancy footwork. In BMI) (Houston) 10 12 JEWELS OF THOUGHT talist, and there is no doubt that Vinton's this treatment by Richard Bonynge conduct- 4 I'M A MAN . . . Pharaoh Sanders, Impulse AS 9190 fans will like him just as much despite the ing L'Orchestre National De L'Opera De switch. Vinton plays a cool saxophone, and Monte Carlo, the instrumental beauty stands Yellow Payges, Uni 55225 (Arc, BMI) into that instrument he breathes as much out. (Dallas) 11 13 COMMENT 5 ardor as he does in his singing. The result Les McCann, Atlantic SD 1547 PEOPLE is a warm, enjoyable, relaxing album on AND ME ... which are tunes like "Raindrops Keep Fall - New Colony Six, Mercury 73063 (Sanc- 12 15 STONE FLUTE 12 in' on My Head," "A Taste of Honey" and JAZZ tuary, BMI) (Chicago) Herbie Mann, Embryo SD 520 "Call Me." WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED JOE SOUTH- Walkin' LEE KONITZ 13 9 THE PIANO PLAYER 8 Shoes. Mine MSG -1100 QUINTET- Peacemeal. Milestone LADY (S) MLP 9025 (S) Ramsey Lewis, Cadet LPS 836 This album reveals the enormous flexibility Another experimental album from altoist Erroll Sober, Abner 148 (United Artists, of Joe South. Not only did he write many Konitz in collaboration with trombonist BMI) (Dallas) 14 14 BEST OF EDDIE HARRIS 10 of the songs, but produced several of his Marshall Brown. Here they transcribe some Atlantic SD 1545 own sessions. A reissue, the album still has Bartok pieces for small group jazz con - much merit . . largely because of the sumption-it works in sprightly fashion. Also 15 16 HEAVY EXPOSURE 7 great adaptability of South toward various used as themes for further improvisations Albums Woody Herman, Cadet LPS 835 styles of other performers as well as his own. are two celebrated jazz solos, Lester Young's "Lester Leaps In" and Roy Eldridge's "Body LENNY DEE -Easy Come, Easy Go. Decca * NATIONAL BREAKOUTS 16 10 BEST OF HERBIE MANN 13 DL and Soul." It is interesting how Dick Katz's 75196 (S) Atlantic SD 1544 piano changes character from theme to IRON BUTTERFLY . . Once again, Lenny Dee shows how to make improvisations on these tracks. Live the organ a wide- ranged and virtuoso in- 17 - FIRST TAKE 10 strument. In this package, Dee takes a MIKE WESTBROOK CONCERT BAND- March- Arco SD 33 -318 Roberta Flack, Atlantic SD 8230 flock of pop melodies and through his mas- ing Song. Deram MWB S-1 (S) MICHAEL PARKS . . tery of the organ makes them take on a British pianist and bandleader Westbrook, 18 18 MOVE YOUR HAND 8 fresh flavor a who Long with new appeal. Among the works in the modern and avant fields, Lonesome Highway Lonnie Smith, Blue Note BST 84326 songs are "Easy Come, Easy Go," "Every- has assembled a big band that consists of MGM SE 4662 body's Talkin'," "Leavin' on a most of the young upcoming musicians Jet Plane" in 19 19 YE ME LE 21 Britain to play an anti -war jazz work. He GLEN CAMPBELL . . . and "Raindrops Keep Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66, A &M SP 4236 Fallin' on My Head." works in extraneous noises (crowd scenes, WAYNE COCHRAN & HIS Oh Happy Day C. C. RIDERS -High brass bands) to bolster the music which and Ridin'. Bethlehem 10002 (S) Capitol ST 443 20 20 ALONE 3 moves from a patriotic start, a Instrumental versions realistic of such as "Satisfac- middle to a hype- ending. A very together Bill Evans, Verve V6 -8792 tion" and " " -strictly big work that stands as a tone poem merely NEW ACTION LP's band jazz with and * touches of soul. "Ode to by itself. Westbrook composed most with Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/23/70 Billie Joe" features some highly innovative some help from John Surman. SAVAGE GRACE . . . phasing and a medley of "Hey Jude/Eleanor Reprise RS 6399 Rigby" is good. This is a high -quality al- bum; if it finds its right audience, sales DANNY DAVIS & THE NASHVILLE rnuld be exceptional. FOLK BRASS ... VARIOUS ARTISTS -Suite Steel /The Pedal Nashville Sounds Campus Unrest Causing Steel Guitar Album. Elektra EKS -74072 (S) ELLA JENKINS & MUSIC WORKSHOP-Sea- RCA Victor LSP 4059 A flock of topflight guitarists, Sneaky Pete sons for Singing. Folkways FC 7656 of the Flying Burrito Brothers, among them, (M) WILD MAN STEVE ... Here is a delightful little package - have joined their talents for this "Pedal of folk Loss of Disk Sales, Dates blues- gospel melodies ably developed and Wild! Wild! Wildl Wildl Steel Guitar Album." It's a highly effective sustained by Ella Jenkins and a music work- Raw 7001 instrumental package that includes such pop Continued from page 40 shop of children's voices. Some of the tunes about their liability to the per- hits as "Wichita Lineman," "Everybody's WHO . are old, others are new, but all have a former in the case Talkin'," "Yesterday" and "Down on Live at Leeds of cancella- Corner." the quiet beauty about them that inspires including a free outdoor festival tions due to the strike. audience participation. Decca DL 79175 featuring REDBONE . . . the Allman Brothers. The manager of the Chamberi Epic EGP 501 Local groups were also to appear Brothers, Charles LaMarr, said COUNTRY BLUES B EATLES . . . on the bill to get exposure, but that he was asked to cancel Let It Be "there was too much risk in- dates at the State University of MELBA MONTGOMERY -Don't Keep Me lone- BLIND LEMON JEFFERSON - Black Snake Apple AR 34001 volved." Dave Phillips, ly Too Long. Moan. Milestone MLP head of New York, Buffalo, Brooklyn Capitol ST -468 (S) 2012 (S) JAMES TAYLOR . . Melba Montgomery More material from one the Student Activities at South College, and Queens has it all- conviction, of the bedrock Apple SKAO 3352 College, be- experience, hordes of fans. And this album blues artists, all record in 1929 by the Caroline and executive director cause of the political activity. has some great material, the best of which Paramount label. No simulated stereo of JR. WALKER & THE ALL STARS is "Say You'll Never Leave Me." "Don't other tamperings, just the actual sound has Live of the National Education Con- "Some students called me," La- Keep Me Lonely Too Long" has some beauti- been cleaned up, a lot of the hissing and ful taken Soul SS 725 ference, felt that the cancella- Marr said, "and said that they chord progressions. Fans will also enjoy chips out. It is fine Lemon with "Hungry Eyes" "Black Snake ROBBI MARTIN tions were mainly due to want and "Thorns in a Bed of Moan" getting two treatments ... "the did not the Chambers Roses." and his famous "Penitentiary Blues" in- For the Love of Him demonstrations of dissident Brothers cluded. Label stu- to be in any danger. features a cover quote from United Artists UAS 6700 John Hammond Jr. which may give the LP dents." Many NEC member They said that all social activi- appeal to the Backing of Groups young blues fans. schools have been forced to cur- ties at these schools were can- More Album tail their concert schedules. The celed and requested that we Continued from GOSPEL main office in Columbia has should not hold the schools to page 40 Reviews on been flooded with calls asking their contracts." film to endow HALLMARK SINGERS a new course at -Mark V. MV 4401 (S) Page 70 their A very satisfying album, with songs which free university. Everyone touch the heart and raise the spirit. Espe- on the cially fine are "Redeeming Love," "Old campus was pleased at Camp Meeting Days." the monetary results of the film, as well as the aesthetic results," INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED commented Williamson. "This makes us happy to think that we SPARROW POWER -Hilary RA -2121 can contribute to education Here is the calypso music of the islands, MART in its true form at the universi- racy, pulsating, sensuous. Sparrow, one of ties across the leading names in West Indian calypso the country." circles, interprets with uncanny insight, the Continued from page 48 emotions, the humor, the earthiness of the Some schools made posters to people of the sun -drenched West Indies. promote the movies. Many cam- This album, music and lyrics, is exotic and uninhibited -a unique experience in musical pus radio stations were also in- entertainment. INTERNATIONAL volved in the promotion end. Everyone got into the act. "This EXCHANGE pleased us very much. The en- ALBUM REVIEWS ergy put forth by students on the BB SPOTLIGHT campus was overwhelming." UNITED STATES Williamson found Best of the album releases the campus of the week in all cate- DEALERS - COLLECTORS - RARE showings very easy. "It is very gories as picked by the BB American 45's and LP's 154 up. Free Review Panel for top sales catalog, foreign, 4 P.O. coupons. Kape. different from going to an old and chart movement. Box 74B, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11234. tfn line theater owner who tends to be a little more conservative SPECIAL MERIT in ENGLAND his outlook," said Williamson. Albums with sales potential that are deserving of special "The old line operator will take consideration at both the TOM JONES -LATEST ALBUM, "TOM," and 45 "Daughters of Darkness," both a `,' because he knows dealer and radio level. airmailed to you for $5.65. Record Bar, it will gross, 82 Westgate, Wakefield, Yorkshire, but it's very hard to FOUR STARS England. my23 convince him that `Sympathy for * * * *Albums with sales potential PAUL McCARTNEY'S NEW LP, ALSO LARRY FOGEL, right, general professional manager of Commonwealth the Devil' is also good cinema. within "Sentimental Journey" by Ringo, all their category of English United Music, visits WHBQ, Memphis, to thank disk jockey George Now I music and possible chart Underground Groups, or any think they will listen to other English album, $6.50 airmailed. Klein for exposure his station has been giving the Commonwealth items, Singles, $2. Record Centre Ltd., Nun- the us." eaton, England. eow United Records LP, "The Magic Christian." 58 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD General News KIDERIAN Labels' JOY OF LOVING YOU -Facts of Life, Kiderian 45120 PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS Report -Ginger, Kiderian 45119 Disk Action 29th OF JANUARY -Stacy, Kiderian 45108 selected by their Listed below are the new single records (those not yet on any chart) weeks. These MGM manufacturers as having the greatest potential for chart activity in the coming for new product. singles have been submitted by the labels as a programming and buying guide SUSPICIOUS MINDS MEDLEY -Mike Curb & the Congregation, ABC LET'S GET A LITTLE SENTIMENTAL -Montanas, Decca 32682 Coburt CO 101 AGAIN I SHALL BE RELEASED NOW MY WORLD OPENS -LITE -Freddie Scott, Probe 481 DE -Lois Walden, MGM 14125 MOVE ME O WONDROUS MUSIC LET THE MUSIC TAKE YOUR MIND SOUTHERN GIRL -Ray Charles Singers, Command -Kool & the Gang, De -Lite DE -Simon Stokes, MGM 14115 4135 529 MAP CITY AGE OF AQUARIUS PLEASE BABY PLEASE -Realistics, De -Lite DE 528 EVIL WOMAN HEAR MY MESSAGE -Children, Map City MC 304 DOUBLE SHOT -Challengers, Age of Aquarius GIRL, I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU J -1500 I AIN'T GOT NO SOUL TODAY -Mardi Gras, Map City MC 303 YOU MAKE ME FEEL GOOD -Senor Soul, Whiz 617 COLLEGIATE -Corporation, Age of Aquarius WHAT IS SOUL? MAYHAMS' J -1496 -Real Thing, Whiz 618 WE'LL BUILD A BUNGALOW AMARET BIG HIGHWAY -Seaboard Coast Liners, -Freddie Barker, Double Shot 148 Mayhams' Collegiate 15018 -AA SUGAR SHAKER DUO -Worlds Fare, Amaret 45 -120 MERCURY FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH RAINY NIGHT IN GEORGIA I GOT LOVE Amaret 45 -121 -Leroy & the Drivers, Duo 7458 -Fresh Air, -Melba Moore, Mercury 73072 EVER IN A MILLION YEARS ATLANTIC ABOUT TOMORROW -Candace Love, Aquarius 4012 WHAT Douglas Quintet, Philips WASH, MAMA, WASH -Sir FLYING DUTCHMAN 40676 -Dr. John the Night Tripper, LET ME COME IN YOUR SOUL Atco 6755 DAMN NAM (Ain't Goin' to -Bernie Wilson, Mercury 73064 DON'T IT MAKE YOU WANNA GO Viet Nam) Dutchman HOME -Leon Thomas, Flying MUSICOR -Brook Benton, Cotillion 44078 FD 26009 & REGGAE A STREET CALLED HOPE I STILL LOVE YOU MAN WOMAN 1405 -Harry Deal & the Galaxies, -Superman, Reggae R 7001 -Gene Pitney, Musicor Eclipse E -6000 JUICE HEAD BABY -Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson, PARAMOUNT BRITE -STAR Blues Time BT 45004 LET'S MAKE EACH OTHER HAPPY STOP THIS HURT FOGGY MOUNTAIN -Illusion, Steed 726 -Wil Bang, Northland 7675 ONE CHAIN DALLAS IS THE CITY FOR ME DUST MY BLUES -People, Paramount 0028 -Milus Bradley, Pod 4565 -New Mown Hay, Foggy TIME WILL EQUALIZE TRUCK DRIVING MAN Mountain FM 1955 -Bandana, Paramount 0026 -Dick Johnson, K -Ark INTREPID PLATINUM CAPITOL THE MYSTERY OF LOVE A YEAR AGO TODAY FOREVER -Leer Brothers Band, Intrepid YOURS TIL -Sandy Torano & the Nimo Spliff, Capitol 2821 75025 -Griffin, Platinum 101 EYES TRUE LOVE NEVER COMES EASY OPEN MY TREAT HER LIKE A LADY Capitol 2809 -Mitty Collier, Peachtree 123 -Ashley Brothers, -Cornelius Bros. & Sister Rose, CERTRON JANUS Platinum 105 HANGING ON THE EDGE OF COMIN' APART SSS INTERNATIONAL MY BABY'S COMING - Pozo Seco, Certron C -10006 SADNESS b/w MARY GOES 'ROUND HOME TOO MUCH MONKEY BUSINESS 121 55 -Bobby Helms, Certron C -10002 -Flying Machine, Janus -Sleepy LaBeef, Plantation HUNG UP STRUNG OUT IT'S OVER NOW CHERRY -Denise Lasalle, Westbound 162 -Bergen White, SSS International HANG THEM ALL STONE THING, Part 1 796 -Country Sweethearts, Cherry -Alvin Cook, Westbound 159 MOON MAIDEN 70 -451 JEWEL /PAULA -Twigs, SSS International 800 ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL CRY -Saundra Chovan, Cherry 70 -452 MORTGAGE PLYMOUTH STARDAY /KING -Cousin Tuny, Paula 1228 COLUMBIA I WILL DON'T LEAVE ME -Mee & Ewe, Starday 895 1808 MIND EXCURSION -Lowell Fulsom, Jewel FADED LOVE -Jerry Naylor, Columbia 4 -45170 NO MORE GHETTOS IN AMERICA -Rose Maddox, Deluxe 126 Jewel 149 THE TIME IS NOW -Stanley Winston, I'M YOUR SPECIAL FOOL -Everybody's Children, Date KAPP -Pay Lundy, Look 5026 2 -1673 SHE'S SO MANY WAYS OF SAYING UNITY -Andy Williams, Columbia GONE LET'S GO BACK 4 -45175 -Bill Eldridge, Kapp K 2092 THE SNUFF QUEEN b/w YOU'RE -Keisa Brown, Unity U -7 -12 DECCA NOT THE WOMAN YOU USED TO BE NOW YOU'VE GOT THE UPPER ROBIN'S WORLD -Gary Stewart, Kapp K 2089 HAND Unity U -7 -11 -Cuff Links, Decca 32687 A LITTLE BIT OF LOVE (Never -Candi Staton, WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT YOU MIAMI, F -L -A. Hurt Anyone) Unity -General Elektrik, Decca 32688 -Thee Prophets, Kapp K 2087 -Underground Euphoria, 59 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD Announcing the 1969 winners of the second annual BMI CANADA LIMITED

=MCC Me (31?

BETTER WATCH OUT JINNY JOE SPINNING WHEEL Joe Mendelson Larry Malone, Ernie Lyons Hal -Bar Publishing (David Clayton Thomas) Co. Audwell Music Bay Music Company Limited BIRD ON THE WIRE JUST A GOOD TIME GIRL STAGE OF LIFE Leonard Cohen Arlene Mantle Stranger Music Inc. Dallas Hansen Berandol Music Limited Pet -Mac Publishing CITY LIGHTS JUST A SWEET LITTLE THING Hal Ames, Robert O'Neill Richard Wamil SUNRISE TO SUNSET (Irving Music Inc.)* Sunspot Music Mike Bell (Paij Music Arelee Music Corp.) LAUGHING COLD GREY WINDS OF AUTUMN Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings SUSIE'S BETTER HALF Dick Damron Friends of Mine Limited Billy Charne (Glaser Publications) Cirrus Music Dunbar Music Canada CURLY THE LAUGHING SONG SWEET SWEET FEELING Nat Raider B. J. Berg Clint Curtis Raider-London Music Reg'd. Munro Music Peer International (Canada) Limited FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIFE LIGHT OF LOVE THAT'S WHERE I WENT WRONG (Mars Bonfire) Mike McQueen Terry Jacks Manitou Music Limited Sunspot Music Gone Fishin' Music GROWIN' UP MEMORIES OF A BROKEN PROMISE THESE EYES Alex Barris Dianne Brooks Berandol Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings Music Limited (Modo Music) Friends of Mine Limited THE HANDS OF THE CLOCK MOODY MANITOBA Cirrus Music Neil Sheppard MORNING Rick Neufeld THEY THINK I'VE FORGOTTEN YOU Carrot Music Laurentian Summerlea Music Music Larry Mercey, Ray Mercey Berandol Music Limited HAPPY FEELING MORNING DEW Bonnie Dobson TO LOVE MEANS TO BE FREE James Aiello (Nina (Dundee Music) Music Co.) Anthony Green, Barry Stagg Greenstagg Publishing Co. HI DIDDLE DAY NO TIME Winifred Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings Canty Friends of Mine TWILIGHT WOMAN Limited Dennis Abbott I GOT STUNG Cirrus Music D & L Music Publications Bonnie Dobson ONE RING Cirrus Music JANE Don McDougall, Bill Iveniuk UNDUN Randy Bachman, I LOVE CANDY Al Sirat Publishing Burton Cummings Friends of Mine Limited Timothy Eaton PIERROT Dunbar Music LES CHEVEUX Cirrus Music Canada Claude Michon, Alain Robert IF THERE EVER WAS A TIME Les Editions Delco WHAT LOVE Skip Prokop POUR TOI POUR Wiliam Henderson, Claire Lawrence, Mediatrix TOI Howie Vickers, Glenn Miller, Michel Pagliaro Ross Turney IF YOU BELIEVE Densta Music (Tamerlane Music Inc.) Mike McDermott POT (Jack & Jill Music) Rusty Music OF GOLD Co. Keith Potts I'M LIVIN' IN SHAME Banff Music Publishing Co. WHEN I DIE Steve Kennedy, William Smith R. Dean Taylor (Berry Gordy, FAMILLE Pam Sawyer, , QUELLE (Modo Music) Francois Morel Henry Cosby) WHEN YOU (Jobete WERE A LADY Music Co. Inc.) RIVERBOAT Billy Charne IT'S GOTTA BE LOVE Les Emmerson Dunbar Music Canada John Cowell Arelee Music Marwood Music LES SAISONS DE MON PAYS WHICH WAY YOU GOIN' BILLY Pat di Stasio, Gérard Normandin Terry Jacks JE N'ENTRERAI PAS CE SOIR Gone Fishin' Music Bernard Vallee, Andre Rheaume, Les Editions Modeles Enr'g. Benoit Guimond SNOWBIRD A WORLD CALLED YOU Les Editions Bab Gene MacLellan Steve Davis Felsted Music of Canada Limited Beechwood Music of Canada (Cremart Music Inc.) JE PLEURE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE YOU'RE NOT EVEN GOIN' TO THE FAIR Bruce Huard (Russ Thornberry) Ken Tobias Densta Music Greenhorn Publishing Company (Orange Grove Music)

Our heartiest congratulations to the above authors, composers and publishers.


*Brackets indicate Broadcast Music, Inc. affiliate. All the worlds of music for all of today's audience International News Reports

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 'CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIII Children's Line Launches From The AT Music Capitals MFP's Singles Entry LONDON-After period during which supply of rec- of the World LONDON -Budget label Music Explaining the background to ords to the retail trade has been for Pleasure goes into singles on Surprise Surprise, MFP executive almost critically disrupted, Phono- May SAN JUAN STOCKHOLM 22 with the national launch Tony Morris said that children's disc is gradually succeeding in re- of 11 its Surprise Surprise children's albums accounted for percent storing order in place of the chaos the success with the line, which was test -marketed in of MFP sales in 1969. The com- Jose Jose, Mexican singer and Following caused by faulty programming of recording artist (RCA) visited album "Morrison Hotel," Metro- Lancashire and central London last pany had investigated nine new the computer. has released ' single September. ideas -and some were still being Puerto Rico for the first time. nome Executives controlling the joint Kelvinator Sales, RCA distributors, 'Roadhouse Blues' (Elektra). . . Analysis of the market research worked on -and Surprise Surprise Philips -Polydor distribution outlet Performing Rights convinced MFP of the viability of was designed to fill a gap in the hosted a celebration at the Con - STIM (Swedish are now confident that the emer- dado Beach Hotel to introduce the Society) has published a new maga- the operation and the company market. gency measures introduced will "Ord och Ton." It in- expects to sell two million of the By test marketing the product, artist to local record, radio and zine called succeed in returning a 48 -hour has re- disks, which retail at 71 cents, believed to be the first time ever TV representatives. Jose on page 64) nationwide delivery service within corded two LPs for RCA in (Continued within the first year of operation. in the U.K. record business, the the next few months. A special introductory pack of company was able to discover the Mexico, and appeared here on at the 72 records brings an additional six problems before it was too late. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Channel 7 Rikavision also free disks which is the minimum In fact, the initial counter display new Terraza lounge in the Con - opening order. box proved unsatisfactory and one dado section.... Los 4 Hermanos There are 16 titles in the launch title has been dropped because of Silva and Guaracheros de Oriente, series ranging from standards to poor sales in the test market. The Granada Plans two recording groups, are also recent pop hits. disks appeal mainly to children booked for this new lounge. . The singles are 7 -inch 45 r.p.m. from 3 to 8 years old. Lorna Purchase Lucy Fabery, who has recorded disks with a playing time of ap- Product for the series comes for several labels including Seeco, proximately seven minutes, each from EMI, MFP albums and Bill LONDON -Granada is now appeared at the Hipocambo Night- . Dipini in its own full- color, laminated Wellings. making a determined entry into club. . . Carmen Delia sleeve. Reverse side of each sleeve An additional five titles will be the music business. Novello, the (Seeco) played the Great End has a drawing for children to released in September with another old established music publishers, lounge in Old San Juan. . . . paint or color. four new additions in November. has now completed its plans to Enrique Lopez, owner of three new take over the Lorna music firm nightclubs and restaurants in the from its Danish owners, Hanne and Isla Verde hotel section, El Som- Lone Wilhelm- Hansen, of the Wil- brero, Salon Copacabana and El helm Hansen Musikforlag com- Taquito is employing Sexteto La Valiant Launching pany. Lorna Music now becomes Playa, Maricahi Superior and Irma a subsidiary company of Novello. Rivera, all of whom have recorded Lorna managing director Alan for New York or Mexican latin In U.K. on May 29 Paramor has been made a director labels. of Novello, along with the corn - Joe Cayre, president of Cay- LONDON -The Warner- Reprise sumer press, there will also be pany's managing director Lewis tronics Corp. of New York, visited mid -price Valiant line will be cards and posters displayed on Baker and company accountant his Puerto Rico representative, launched in the U.K., May 29 with London underground trains and David Griffith. Island Records, run by Bernardo the release of 20 albums, backed stations, London buses and main In turn, Novello is forming a (Sonny) Herger. Caytronics is li- by an intensive promotion cam- line stations over the next two jointly owned company in Den- censee for CBS Latin product on paign, and with a sales tag of months. The sales slogans "Valiant mark with Wilhelm- Hansen called disk, and all tape configurations. one million copies by the end of Is Sound Value" and "Sounds In- Lorna Musikforlag. Pancho Cristal, manager of the first 12 months. credible At 19s I ld" ($2.39) will the Cristal New York Latin one The marketing activity will be additionally be featured on a num- stop joined Cayre in this trip. focused on both the talent in the ber of outdoor hoardings. Cristal is the New York distributor first package -which includes the At dealer level, CBS which is Festival Stadium for Caytronics. . . . Luisito Rey, Everly Brothers, Fats Domino, handling distribution, has arranged Spanish singer-composer, appeared Nelson Riddle, Trini Lopez and for 250 window displays. Ready in Time at the Flamboyan Hotel and over Bill Haley -and on establishing the An additional promotional aid Channel 4 TV. A new album by identity and broad consumer ap- will be the "Warner- Reprise Road RIO DE JANEIRO -The Mara - Rey will be released soon by Cay- peal of the latest contender in the Show," which will travel the coun- canazinho Stadium which suffered tronics -CBS and will contain 15 $2.39 market. try in the company's double - damage from fire, will be repaired of his numbers. . . Wilhem (Bill) A series of 30- second commer- decker bus, equipped as a mobile for the Fifth International Popular Ricken from Caracas, visiting cials will be in intensive discotheque with a aired upstairs and Song Festival in September. Puerto Rico. Ricken is head of La bursts on the British Service of downstairs reception area. the leading rec- Radio Luxembourg The covered, cement stadium Discoteca, one of during June Currently with the U.K. launch, ord houses of Venezuela. They are and July, with a film backup by Valiant is being made available in which has a capacity of 25,000, way was seriously damaged by fire, licensees for CBS (International) of advertising clips screened Europe, with finished product Musart of Mexico, Bambuco of over the same period in cinemas being exported from Britain. Sub - which swept through the wooden seats and partitions early this year. Colombia, Plaza of Brazil and in 10 major cities. stantial orders have been received Rico. They In addition to the normal ad- from Germany. France, Holland Engineers estimated that the re- Marvela of Puerto & 8 vertising in the trade and con- pairs will cost over $500,000. manufacture 4 -track Car- and Sweden. tridges under their own labels Sonus and Erna. Jose Florez of Fania Records of New York is taking orders from The CBS 'Sounds of Seventies' his distributors, Allied Wholesale Co., for new albums and singles by Roberto Roena Apollo Sound, Concerts Pay Out Payoff? Willie Colon, Monguito, Johnny or Pacheco and Justo Betancourt... . Hit Parade Records, Puerto Rican By BRIAN MULLIGAN label, busy promoting their new win- LONDON -The problem facing but we felt we should do lumbia's European licensees ar- albums: "Nydia Caro" by the some- Song U.S. record companies anxious to thing to it, ranged for press men and deejays ner of the recent Colombia stimulate rather than Rico 2,010" by stimulate British consumer interest wait for it to come in an isolated to join the audience at the Albert Festival; "Puerto in U.S. music trends was brought way." Hall, where by common consent Frank Ferrer and his Latin Rock strongly into focus by the recent The bill for the exercise, to be It's a Beautiful Day and Johnny Group; "Lucecita En La Intimidad" CBS "Sounds of the Seventies" con- shared between the American and Winter were the standout attrac- and "Los Hermanos Nelly & certs at the Albert Hall. British companies, will be about tions, although Santana and Flock Tony." This last brother -sister The promotion, jointly spon- $50,000, according to Harvey were accorded standing ovations. vocal act is popular with local sored by the U.S. and U.K. com- Schein, head of Columbia's inter- Additionally, both French and Ger- fans because of their five -day a panies, and organized by agent national operations. man TV companies covered the week TV program on Channel 2. Born in Italy, Nelly and Tony Robert Paterson, brought a cross - Schein described the mission as occasion, while Radio Luxembourg section of the American parent's "an insurance policy on the con- arranged for transmission to its grew up in Montevideo and Buenos rich roster of progressive pop acts tinuing popularity of our artists," European (but not British) audi- Aires and later in Caracas. They across the Atlantic in a bold gam- pointing to the fact that outside ences. now live in Puerto Rico and their ble to establish them -and through the U.S. talent can remain a big It now remains to be seen second album for Hit Parade Rec- them the idiom-in the British attraction long after the American whether the gamble pays off in ords, another Manny Pagan pro- market, and to a lesser extent the fans have transferred their loyalties terms of sales. Certainly there's a duction, will be on the market in European zone, too. elsewhere. curiosity among the trade to see August. Singles by Mirla Castel- Despite the hectic sales period Although the groups received no whether Columbia's outlay turns lanos, former Velvet Records art- recently experienced here by CBS payment for their Albert Hall ap- out to be justified. ist and Norma, former member of -the last quarter has been the pearances, Davis said there was no There is a possibility that Co- the Caribelles, are two other pro- busiest of its five years in the shortage of artists eager to par- lumbia will mount a similar ex- ductions by Pagan. . . . Raphael British market-acts like Taj ticipate in the "CBS Follies," as pedition to Japan, but that will Mahal, It's a Beautiful Day and the junket has become familiarly probably depend on the success of was signed for concerts, television Santana have not been achieving known. He pointed out that al- the British concerts. over Channel 2, and one big out- the recognition accorded them in though they played for free, they In England, there will be an door show in Hiram Bithorn Base- America. were able to make paid appear- evaluation of the results to see ball Stadium (capacity 20,000). He "Appreciation was just not de- ances afterwards by way of dates whether a second investment should will in Ponce, veloping in England and Europe in arranged by local entrepreneurs, be made. "If we do it again it's not also play concerts the same way that it has happened both in Britain and in Europe. likely to be for another year. In Mayaguez and Arecibo. WKAQ- in the U.S.." explained Columbia As a promotion aimed at stimu- the meantime, we will want to TV, India Brewing Co., Banco Records president Clive Davis, lating sales activity, the event see how much steam has been gen- Credito are the sponsors in this from whom stemmed the idea of could not have been staged man- erated and whether local entre- the spectacular promotion. "We aged more effectively. The British preneurs are stimulated into pro- occasion. First show is scheduled knew the interest was there for a consumer papers gave the invading moting their own concerts," said for June 2. major breakthrough to be made, groups blanket coverage while Co- Davis. ANTONIO CONTRERAS MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD 61 Canadian News Report Eight BMI Canada Awards to Nimbus 9;'69 Most Exciting Yr.' By RITCHIE YORKE TORONTO -In its first full year Key broadcasting executives lveniuk); "Pierrot les Cheveux" of operation, Nimbus 9 Produc- were represented at the ceremony, (Claude Michon, tions Alain Robert); of Toronto received eight as well as record companies, pub- "Pour Toi Pour Toi" (Michel Pag- BMI Canada awards, including lishers, the media and the Cana- liaro); "Pot of Gold" (Keith four for its internationally success- dian Radio -Television Commission. Potts); "Quelle Famille" (Francois ful Guess Who. Winnipeg's Guess The winners of the Certificates Morel); "Riverboat" (Les Emmer- Who, No. 1 on the Hot 100 last of Honor were: "Better Watch son) ; "Les Saisons de Mon Pays" week with "American Woman," Out" (written by Joe Mendelson); (Pat di Stasio, Gerard Norman- copped awards for last year's win- "Bird on the Wire" (Leonard din). ners, "These Eyes," "Laughing," Cohen); "City Lights" (Hal Ames, "Snowbird" (Gene MacLellan); "Undun," and "No Time." Robert O'Neill); "Cold Grey "Something to Believe" (Russ Fifty -four songs were honored at Winds of Autumn" (Dick Dam - Thornberry); "Spinning Wheel" the second annual awards dinner ron); "Curly" (Nat Raider); ( David Clayton Thomas) ; "Stage at the Royal York Hotel. "Faster Than the Speed of Life" of Life" (Dallas Hansen); "Sunrise Edward H. Cramer, president of (Mars Bonfire); "Growin' Up" to Sunset" (Mike Bell); "Susie's AFTER the opening ceremony executive vice -president, RCA Records BMI Canada, noted that 1969 had (Alex Barris); "The Hands of the Better Half" (Billy Charm); Rocco M. Laginestra, left, presented to Councillor J. Walker, chair- been the "most exciting year in the Clock" (Neil Sheppard); "Happy "Sweet Sweet Feeling" (Clint man, Washington Urban District Council at George Washington's company's history." He pointed out Feeling" (James Aiello); "Hi Did- Curtis); "That's Where I Went ancestral home, Washington Old Hall -a "Mountain Road Lottery that 10 percent of the award win- dle Day" (Winifred Canty); "I Wrong" (Terry Jacks); "These Ticket" bearing George Washington's signature. Walker presented to ners had gone on to make the Got Stung" (Bonnie Dobson); "I Eyes" (Randy Bachman, Burton RCA a framed copy of George Washington's coat of arms, which is charts in other countries. He added Love Candy" (Timothy Eaton). Cummins); "They Think I've For- believed, inspired the American flag. that of the 50 top Canadian -con- "If There Ever Was a Time" gotten You" (Larry Mercey, tent Ray compositions of last year BMI (Skip Prokop); "If You Believe" Mercey); "To Love Means to Be Canada had 68 percent. ( Mike McDermott) ; "I'm Livin' Free" (Anthony Green, Barry BMI Canada collects and dis- in Shame" (R. Dean Taylor); "It's Stagg); "Twilight Anita Kerr Singers Move tributes Woman" (Dennis royalties to 1,400 Cana- Gotta Be Love" (John Cowell); Abbott); "Undun" (Randy Bach- dian composers and 300 publishers. "Je N'Entrerai Pas Ce Soir" (Ber- man, Burton Cummings); "What While the dinner served to show nard Vallee, Andre Rheaume, Love" (William Henderson, Claire U.S. Operation to Geneva how Canadian compositions are Benoit Guimond); "Je Pleure" Lawrence, Howie Vickers, Glenn starting to find favor internation- (Bruce Huard); "finny GENEVA -Anita Kerr and hus- out and sign acts from that coun- Joe" (Larry Miller, Ross Turney); "When I band, Alex Grob, have moved try, Grob explained. ally, it also demonstrated how few Malone, Ernie Lyons); "Just a Die" (Steve Kennedy, William of them find national recognition. Time here from the U.S. and plan operat- Miss Kerr and Rod McKuen are Good Girl" (Arlene Mantle); Smith); "When You Were a Lady" ing their record production This was probably explained, how- "Just a Sweet Little Thing" (Rich- com- in negotiation with Warner Bros. (Billy Chame); "Which Way You pany from this base. Records for a new affiliation for ever, by the fact that although the ard Wamil); "Laughing" (Randy Goin' Billy" (Terry Jacks); "A awards are made to the pop Bachman, Burton Cummings); World Called You" (Steve The arranger- vocalist -producer (Continued on page 66) music Davis); field, almost half of the "The Laughing Song" (B.J. Berg); "You're Not Even Goin' to the plans to travel back and forth be- presentations were to country com- "Light of Love" (Mike McQueen); Fair" (Ken Tobias). tween the U.S. and Switzerland on posers who have had little or no "Memories of a Broken Promise" The awards were presented by a regular basis, her husband said. Early Morning success in the Top 40 marketplace. (Dianne Brooks); "Moody Mani- Harold Moon, general manager of She has received a release from Prior to the presentations, Cra- toba Morning" (Rick Neufeld); BMI Canada, and master of cere- Paramount Records and is now Mgr to Europe mer announced two programs to "Morning Dew" (Bonnie Dobson). monies was TV personality Bill lining up European acts to pro- encourage composers writing for Also, "No Time" (Randy Bach- Walker. Sixty Canadian duce. She will also record her TORONTO-Al Mair, general the song writ- legitimate stage, and for mo- man, Burton Cummings); "One ers and 36 Canadian music pub- Anita Kerr Singers for whichever manager of Early Morning Pro- tion pictures and television. Ring Jane" (Don McDougall, Bill lishers were honored. record company she signs with. A ductions Ltd., will visit Europe deal is close to fruition with an next month to discuss European American company. representation of the catalogs of EVR Sales Miss Kerr plans to record Early Morning Music, and Blyth- at wood Music. The company pub- From The least four acts and she and her lishes Arm in Canada husband will scout European musi- the works of Gordon Light- cals for her record company. The foot, Ivan Burgess, Rolk Kempf MONTREAL and Dee Higgins, and has a catalog -CBC Electronic Music Capitals intention is to move quickly around of more than Video Recording Limited the Continent when a trend breaks 60 copyrights. has es- Mair will visit London, tablished EVR sales offices here. Paris Announcing the move, of the World and Rome during his trip, and is Robert R. also scheduled to fly to Nashville Brockway, president, CBC Elec- tronic Video TORONTO Jacqui and Lindsay will play To- Records for four days of meetings with pro- Recording Division, Ampex ducers. said: "So much interest in EVR has ronto's New Jarvis House May 11- been 23. The duo recently Mair noted that in the last generated in Canadian indus- Mother Tucker's Yellow Duck signed with Bows 5 LP's try and education circles CMA -GAC in the U.S. month, 18 of the company's copy- that we hosted a reception at Revolution rights had been recorded, with at found it mandatory to locate in Sound. The Duck, Quality Records continues its TORONTO -Ampex Records of Canada." a Vancouver campaign in the Canadian least 11 guaranteed European re- group which is now based in To- content Canada has released its first five Director of Sales scene. This week the label released lease on Reprise, RCA and Poly- for Canada ronto, has a second album out on albums, including "The Great dor. The other seven will receive will be Arthur J. Sebesta, who has Capitol next "Golf Is My Game" by the Two Speckled Bird" with Canada's Ian week. The set was Park Invention; "Wasting airplay on the BBC through spe- held the post in New York for recorded at Revolution Sound Your Sylvia, "Jesse Winchester," "Gil close to a year. by Time" with Ronny Fray; Mary cial arrangements with the Cana- He will not take producer Terry Brown. The Duck Evans," "Jamul," and "The Ameri- dian Talent Library. up residence in Montreal. Sebesta also won Saxton's "Wander By "; " Morgen" can Dream." Joe Pariselli, general came a BMI Canada Award with Hank Smith, and to CBC in August 1968, serv- this week for its earlier single, "Come On manager of Ampex Stereo Tapes ing EVR in turn as manager Up" with Harold. The label is re- of "One Ring Jane." . . and Records of Canada, also re- educational Another servicing "Every Man Monument Pub services, manager of BMI Canada award winner was Hears Dif- vealed that May is Mantovani industrial sales, and manager of "To ferent Music" by the Gainsborough month at Ampex. Love Means to be Free," the Gallery. The Happy Signs Licensee commercial sales before assuming Montreal hit on Daniel Lazare's Feeling, which his present post. scored last year with "Happy Feel- During the month, dealers re- Gamma label. It was just released another ceive free a tape of Mantovani's MILAN -Monument has signed In 1957, he served as chairman in the U.S. by United Artists, ing'- BMI Canada award Edizioni of the and winner-has a new single called newest release with each order for Musicali Uno to handle International Communica- has also been issued in Mexico, its publishing companies. The tions Conference in London, "Still Hill. "' The Happy Feeling a pre -selected box of 10 Manto- con- Australia, New Zealand, South vani tapes. Point of purchase ma- Mario Rapetti company will han- vened to deal with long -range Africa, France, has its own TV show weekly at Singapore, Indo- CHCT in terial has been prepared to coincide dle Combine, Music City, Vintage, communications problems of the nesia, Malaysia and Calgary.... Sha Na Na Wide U.S., Scandinavia. was in town this week with the campaign. Also, Joe Caco World of Music, Songs of Canada and the U.K. In Lazare set these deals up inde- to appear the World, Cape Ann, Tayvo and 1958, he was a member on the CBC's "I Am Curious has been appointed sales repre- of the pendently. While in Toronto for sentative for Ampex Stereo Tapes House of Bryant in Italy. first U.S. Satellite Committee, the Maple." ... Jacques Druelle, man- BMI dinner this week, he said ager of and Records. Prior to joining Rapetti and Bob Weiss, Monu- charged with deciding worldwide that Anthony Green and Barry London'sclassical division, ment's vice president and interna- satellite communications said that the label's four best sell- Ampex, Caco was major accounts require- Stagg, who wrote and recorded the representative for Arc Sound Ltd. tional division director, have been ments. Present day communica- song, were former ing classical albums for the first meeting here high school quarter of the year were: of Toronto. to coordinate exploi- tions satellites developed from the teachers who dropped out to com- "Henry - tation plans with Monument's rec- work of this committee. municate Messe Pour Le Temps Present "; by song. "The Royal ord licensee, RiFi for product by EVR's Canada offices are at the Family of Opera "; Tony Joe White, Boots Randolph, Mashmakhan, Columbia record- "Jeux In t e r d i t Yepes," Banque Canadienne Nationale s- and TV Joe Simon and other artists. Building, Suite 1822, 500 Place ing group from Montreal, will ap- "Phase Four -Tchaikovsky's 1812 Special on with Rapetti's first publishing assign- d'Armes (Montreal 126, P.Q.). pear Santana at Toronto's overture." . . . The Beethoven re- Massey Hall May vival Brazilian ment is to introduce Tony Joe 16. Mashmak- is going strong with Miguel Music White's tunes "Rainy han has met with much reaction to Rios' "A Song of Joy" moving into Night in 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Georgia" and "Groupy Girl." its first album where all the songs all major market charts. A & M's RIO DE JANEIRO - David were written by Pierre Senecal... . rock -classical expert, Liam Mullan, Drew Zingg, U.S. film producer IAN STARS IN George Cook of Toronto reports says that A & M U.S. plans to rush photographer and journalist, who Country Fest that he will launch his Blue Note the single out in a few days, fol- has his base in Rio de Janeiro, is label in June; George, incidentally, lowing the action in the U.S. making an hour -long TV special For CTV SERIES has written a grand total of 5,328 on Brazilian popular music. The Norway film TORONTO Tyson songs -exceeding even Irvin Berlin. will be produced in partner- -Ian of Ian The Guess ship with . STOCKHOLM -A country mu- & Sylvia, and the Great Speckled Who's lead guitarist, sic festival will be held in Randy Bachman, is Cap Canada Stavan- Bird will star in a new television in hospital with Zingg previously did a film on ger, Norway, June 7. Groups from series on the CTV network. A 30- back trouble, causing cancellation recording artist Gal Costa, expo- Sweden, Norway and of several dates... Capitol's hot Picks Denmark minute special, "Nashville North," Ad Men nent of the Tropicalism school of will appear, and a jury will choose was shown recently Edward Bear in studios again this music. and the weekly Zingg's color feature, "Mem- the No. 1 Scandinavian country series week. Group cuts at Revolution TORONTO Capitol Records ory of the same name will begin (Canada) - of Helena," won a prize as artist or group. in the fall. Sound.... Lighthouse has lost two Ltd., has appointed Mac - best film of the year at the Brasilia its Manus, John U.S. singer John Reeves, a The special starred Ian & Sylvia of members -singer Pinky Don- and Adams to direct Film Festival and the best direction relative ovan and bass player Grant Fuller- and coordinate advertising and of the late Jim Reeves, is and the Great Speckled Bird, plus prize for Zingg. to appear as special guest star. Bobby Bare, Anne Murray, ton. Replacements are singer Bob promotional activities for the com- and McBride pany. The TV special on Brazilian Swedish groups booked to appear Green & Stagg. and a bass player from are Montreal called Louis.... Andrew popular Rank Strangers, Tennessee MJ &A coordinated Capitol's cur- music will be distributed Travellers and Tennessee IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Anka Management reports that rent Five. Sounds Canadian campaign. abroad as well as in Brazil. KJEIL E. GENBERG 62 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD dynamism and youth C E L E N T A N O


triumphs at San Remo wins with "Adriano Celentano" N.1 of the Italian song and with Claudia Mori confirmation of "I Ragazzi della via Gluck" revelation of Pio '

CLAN fELENTANO RECORDS -G. SO EUROPA. 1. MILANO 20121-TEL. 104261-ITALY International News Reports Record Companies Combine to 'Hawk' Disrupts Stop Record Piracy in Manila Novello Awards Continued from page 1 comes in. The front cover, jack- and CIS agents began confiscating LONDON - Only one thing 70 are: A side achieving highest ets and labels used to be manu- pirate LP's that have the general marred the presentation of the Ivor sales in the period Jan. 1 to Dec. our records would defeat the very factured or printed in Taiwan and appearance of the products duly Novello Awards at Talk of the 31, 1969: "Get Back" by John purpose of the exclusive licensing some countries in Asia, but today licensed and distributed by the Town Theater -club May 10-an Lennon and Paul McCartney or franchise granted to my com- these are reportedly done in the major recording companies of the unnecessary outburst by a member (Northern); Most performed work: pany. Philippines. Best selling albums RIAP (Record Industry Associa- of the audience during Frankie "Ob La Di, Ob La Da" by John They cannot put us legitimate are the primary target of illegal tion of the Philippines). Vaughan's performance of "Peace Lennon and Paul McCartney licensees of major U.S. records manufacturers of phonograph Numerous appeals and requests Brother Peace" with the Daughters (Northern); British Songwriter of here out of business. We will fight records because they sell fast and were made to government authori- of the Cross. the Year: ; Award them, tooth and nail, to the very need very little promotion. ties by the legitimate record man- Apart from this, the 90- minute for outstanding services to British end." Among those recording artists ufacturers in this territory, ex- show, beamed live by satellite to Music: Sir Noel Coward; Best Song Sian Yok Cheng of Super Rec- on best selling LP's already pi- plaining that the influx of fake the U.S. by Television Recordings, Musically and Lyrically: "Where ords said, "I never had a big hit rated and being peddled from door LP's from neighboring Asiatic went smoothly. Do You Go To ?" by Peter Sarstedt for many, many years. But when to door. in Manila, in Angeles countries is not only giving them With an orchestra conducted by (Mortimer Music); Best Score I had one like Tom Jones -this City, Pasay City. Baguio City and unfair competition, but also de- Les Reed, 13 British acts presented from a musical film or play: Mich- is what I get. A depletion on my in many other parts of the coun- pleting their sales and causing a a showcase of British songs -many ael Lewis' score for "Madwoman sales of Tom Jones records. It is try is product by Tom Jones, En- confusion and uproar from dis- of which received awards. of Chaillot" (Warner Bros. Music). exasperating. We must put an end gelbert Humperdinck, Mantovani, criminating buyers who find the Malcolm Roberts received what Outstanding light orchestra ar- to this piracy at once, at all costs." Stanley Black of Super Records; fake records to be of inferior was perhaps the biggest volume of ranger- composer: Ernest Tomlin- With our back against the wall Beatles and Lettermen of Dyna quality. applause for his performance of son; British International Hit of and having no support from the Records, and Cascades, Wilson The appeal of the RIAP fell on "Love Is All" -named as the Brit- the Year: "Love Is All" by Les government," James Dy of Dyna Pickett, , Andy Wil- deaf ears. Piracy remained una- ish International hit of the year, Reed and Barry Mason (Donna); Records said, "we will fight for liams, Paul Anka, Elvis Presley. bated for the succeeding years, up and Matt Monro, Roger Whittaker International Artist of the Year: our survival and ward off this and Sergio Perez of to the present. But in March, and Dana were all well received by Tom Jones; Certificate for origi- unfair competition, this pirate Mareco -Filipinas. Senior Investigating Agent of the the show business audience. nality: "Space Oddity" by David menace before it engulfs us all." The price of a pirate album is CIS, Federico V. Serraon, rec- The other artists on the bill in- Bowie (Essex); and Most contem- This country will not be over- very much lower than the genuine ommended further investigation cluded Blue Mink, Ginger Baker's porary song of the year: "Melting Airforce, , run by pirates, the Big Three phonograph records -a fake long - be conducted to secure at least Marmalade, Pot" by and Roger added, and will continue confis- playing record selling at P8.00 private persons as witnesses, that Peter Sarstedt, and Greenaway (Cookaway). cating with the aid of the agents wholesale, and P10.00 retail; subsequently thereafter, a search Dusty Springfield. of the CIS (Criminal Investigating whereas the legitimate manufac- warrant be issued to seize the Ivor Novello Awards for 1969- Service of the Philippine Constab- turer sells their records at P12.00 pirate LP's. The dealer would also ulary, Camp Crame, Quezon City) mono, and P15.00 stereo; at re- be made to explain the actual Bernstein, unlicensed, illegally manufactured tail, P15.00 for mono, and P20.00 source or manufacturing plant to tion, including non -members, in- and smuggled LP's bearing the stereo. be also subjected to a search war- structing them of the danger and RCA Deal labels as represented and marketed The pirate menace came about rant. immediacy of the pirated long- by licensees Mareco - Filipinas, in the early part of 1960, when There are two cases pending playing records flooding the mar- LONDON - Music publisher Dyna and Super and even, as the record manufacturer Manuel now. ket today. Villar pointed out the Shapiro- Bernstein is entering into case may be, to get to the source Cheng was convicted of illegally Last week, in an unprecedented need for more vigilance because a record production deal with RCA in Taiwan and Thailand, or per- manufacturing RCA singles and move to cut off the supply of the very existence and livelihood through its Aviva Music firm with haps in Singapore, Malaysia and recommended for deportation to pirate LP's Manuel P. Villar of of the record manufacturers and Cyril Ornadel. Deal is for an in- Korea. The pirate buys an LP Taiwan. Mareco- Filipinas appealed to the distributors is at stake. definite year period and calls for from a record dealer and dubs this The illegal entry of pirated LP's Philippine Record Dealers Associ- Reyes and his association mem- 12 albums a year for release on on disk (master). From the master, containing several artists on a ation president, Feliciano S. bers unanimously pledged their RCA's International label. The al- the pirate proceeds to have a single LP (with Taiwan as the Reyes, to stop buying pirated rec- support. The PRDA also added bums will feature the Stereoaction stamper made. With a stamper al- place of origin) was noticed in the ords sold to them by vendors and/ that every member has been in- orchestra created by Ornadel and ready made, either from abroad or Philippines in 1962 - and these or distributors, right at their very structed to coordinate with their the first LP's will be issued in locally, he can press as many rec- flooded the local market, selling doorstep, and to issue a circular president, a Manila Police De- October. ords as the demand from hundreds at the very low price of P5 to P7. to all store dealers, especially the partment officer himself, to arrest The albums will also be released of vendors all over the country, Two or three years later, MPD bona fide members of his associa- pirate vendors and distributors. on cassette and 8 -track tape form.

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II Billboard / 2160 Patterson Street / Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 Name II Please include me in the celebration. I enclose $ II for copy(ies) of Billboard's 75th Anniversary Issue, II the silver- covered edition. il Address f__I home I business II II II Enclose payment and mail to the above address. Your I`ltíl II II money will be refunded if there are no more issues by the tweakI II City State Zip II time your order is received. II =4254 c II 64 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD International News Reports TV Audience to Choose Foreign Disk Imports Finnish Contest Winner Alarm Brazil Execs Oy Mainos -TV- winner will be chosen by the TV HELSINKI - A sales survey showed that 12 Reklam Ab has announced its third audience instead of by municipal RIO DE JANEIRO -An increas- Savel" competition, juries. Last year's decision by the ing proportion of foreign music of the 15 best selling single com- annual "Syksyn recordings Involving Finnish record com- latter caused controversy -it was records over Brazilian pacts in Rio de Janeiro carried panies, to find the best new Finnish very much against the opinion of is alarming Brazilian artists, com- by foreign artists. jockeys. foreign music song for 1970. the general public. posers and disk sell- A round table discus- In Sao Paulo, 10 of the best a few There are also changes in the television The contest has undergone sion by disk jockeys and composers ing 15 compacts were of foreign basic changes relating to rules. The composition of the preliminary jury which selects the 10 songs had to be cut from the air because origin. most important change is that the feeling expressed. featured in the final. Finnlevy, of the violence of Of the 10 best selling LP's in Scandia Musiikki, EMI, Discophon, During the discussion, it was In Sao re- Rio, four were foreign. PSO and Love Records will each pointed out that the foreign Paulo, one of five of the best sell- Shane have one member on the jury cordings included U.K., French and was foreign. Publisher U.S. ing LP's panel. In addition, there will be Italian as well as product. one Brazilian composer Billy Blanco During the TV discussion, In of U.S. two new members from Oy- Mainos- THE official opening of RCA's recalled that he had prepared Visit will be re- AT said that while he might have his critic TV-Reklam Ab, who new record manufacturing plant, a bill to fix the proportion of for- LONDON U.K. independent placing representatives from Eteen- inome reduced in Brazil, he was - Washington, County Durham, En- royalties from his music eign music and artists to be played publisher Cyril Shane, who has pain /Forward and Mikrolevy. Norman Racusin, presi- receiving bill never came up. re- final gland, played abroad. in Brazil. The scored 10 hits and 300 titles The songs selected for the dent, RCA Records, cuts the tape he set up on his own, publicly on corded since first will be featured to open the plant. Executive vice - arrived in New York where he Sept. 6, and then viewers will be president, RCA Records, Rocco ma- will spend two weeks placing asked to cast their votes by mail. M. Laginestra, watches. MAM Plans Are Delayed terial and looking for catalogs and Winners will be announced on LONDON -Management Agen- the acquisition of the representa- individual songs to represent in Sept. 23. number of topline non- expansion plans tion of a Europe. Shane will be based at the Last year's competition brought Polydor Handle cy and Music's music names, among them come- City Squire Hotel. a number of hits, including "Sanat have received a further setback dians Sid James, Kenneth Connor, Pasi After New York Shane will Eivat Riita Kertomaan" by with the decision of agent Michael Dick Emery and Bruce Forsyth. Kaunisto winning song-and DGG Ireland as- spend a few days in Nashville and -the Sullivan to stay with London Man- Recently, negotiations for an Miami and will then fly off June "Oi Rakkahin" by Paivi Paunu, run sociation with George Martin's which received no points at all in HAMBURG -Siemens Ireland, agement and Representation, 7 for a week's stay in Los An- which has been representing Grade. Sullivan's AIR London record production Hills Hotel. the final. by Michael MAM geles at the Beverly Deutsche Grammophon in Ireland change of heart means MAM has consortium broke down, but for several years, has formed a foiled in its bid to develop is now understood to be interested been record label. separate company -Polydor Ltd. - a broader -based operation through in acquiring a U.S. to represent DGG interests. Helsinki Announces Details This move, according to DGG, is a part of the firm's long -term SG -Col Deal With Newell policy to shift the responsibilities Composer Competition Screen Gems -Co- Conway, Frank Pourcel, Edward Of for the development of Grammo- LONDON - and Alyn the independent acquired world- Horan, Des O'Connor HELSINKI - Helsinki has an- positions suitable for organ recitals phon interests to lumbia Music has Ainsworth. nounced details of its competition with a first prize of $1,200. Polydor companies in order to pro- wide representation for Norman Associates, which recently music sector more effec- Music for Finnish composers in connec- The competition, launched on mote the two music publishing in the British singles chart tively. Newell's scored tion with the inauguration of the April 20, will run until March 31, Associates and with "Loneliness" (Des O'Connor) with the exception of Cate- Erwin Enders, managing director companies, Music new Helsinki Concert Hall in 1971. 1971, Music. One of Newell's and Nevill Dickie's "The Robin's gory 3, which runs to Sept. 31, of Siemens Ireland, will be in the Harvard There are three different cate- associates, Tommy McLennan, has Return," also holds copyright of for the competition. They 1971. Among jury members who same position at Polydor Ltd. by Newell gories who, an ex- moved into the Screen Gems the song "More" written are: I. Compositions for symphony were selected to select winners of Derek Hannan, after already stay in the U.S., worked offices to work on the catalogs. with Riz Ortolani -which orchestra with a first prize of the respective categories were Okko tended has more than 400 recordings. The Panula, Erik for EMI South Africa as a&r pro- Harvard Music and Music As- $2,200. 2. Light music for small Kamu, Jorma hold copyrights written by firm also publishes signature tunes danceland unit with Tawaststjerna, Einar Englund and motion manager, has joined the sociates group or large manager. Norman Newell, Geoff Love, Russ from several U.K. TV series. a first prize of $1,200, and 3, com- Pekka Grenow. new company as general ZN EU

Data Packaging Corporation's 11 famous tape cassettes Standard Cassettes and cartridges take all standard tape lengths. supplied unassembled or leader Europe can now get the world famous case. Data Packaging Corporation's tape loaded with welded cassettes and cartridges on fast Stereo Cartridges delivery from the newly formed accept 8 -track continuous tape. Hellermann Data Packaging Ltd at completely pre -assembled -just load Crawley England. Quantity and snap together - no screws. deliveries when you want them of the most popular cassettes and cartridges For prices, delivery details and samples contact: on the market featuring close tolerance moulding and really 4:1:D HELLERNIANN DATA PACKAGING LTD smooth tape action. \==i Gatwick Road, Crawley, Sussex. Telephone Crawley 22141 Jointly owned by Bowthorpe Holdings Limited and Data Packaging Corporation U.S.A. 65 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD International News Reports

Continued from page 61 the 65th birthday of the "Master classical and pop musicians from eludes articles about the rights of of German Dance and Entertain- both countries. setting new lyrics to old music, From The ment," Peter Kreuder, on August For 1971 and 1972, many ap- methods of breaking the law by 18. . . . Drafi Deutscher's single, pearances in Japan by Polish making recordings from radio or Music "M it dem Kopf durch die Wand," groups and soloists have been TV, and the new price settings on Capitals is being featured in all the German planned. In exchange, Japan will music sheets. ... EMI this week discotheques.... Sikorsky has an- send to Poland in 1971 the 50- releases the Beatles' album, "Hey of the World nounced plans for Norwegian and strong revue "Sochiku" from To- Jude" (Apple).... EMI will com- Dutch versions of the single kyo, and the Folk Art Opera will "Pierre der mence release of an anthology of be a singalong session, recorded land to sing at the Old Shieling, Clochard" by Kirsti. be appearing in September of this . Tom Danish jazz.... Taj Mahal (CBS) at the Old Shieling Hotel, Raheny, debuts on Dolphin with "Ireland Jones' "Without Love" year at the annual Festival of made two concert appearances in and will he recorded in German by Contemporary Music in Warsaw. featuring the Rev. Michael Calls." . RTE will televise the Sweden. Cleary. Quality will also record finals of the Castlebar Internation- Camillo Felgen, by Gerhard Wend - . Forty countries will participate The Swedish Folkparks are cele- .. land on Philips, and by Eberhard in the 39th annual International "Borstal Boy" star Niall Tuibin for al Song Contest. in October. . brating their 65th anniversary Jupe on Intercord.... Metronome Fair in Poznan (June 14 -23). . . . in a spoken word album. . Irish - Because of the growing interest in 1970. . . . has released the Polish A tour by the U.K. based U.S. singer, Sharon Collen, country music, the Rose label has first LP by Warm singer Ewa Demarczyk ap- group Forever More (RCA) was Dust -"And It Came to Pass." . . . peared three times 8 is appearing in "The Sound of decided to promote Frank Man- (April -11) cancelled because they could not According to the Sikorsky publish- on TV and radio, in Geneva, Music" at Dublin's Gaiety Theatre. gan's "Half of Me Is Gone" as an with get work permits in Sweden. - ing group, Herbert great success.... Famous Artist Jim Tobin & The Firehouse "A" side. The song was issued in Hildebrandt's classical Tjanst's Eddie Larsson says that he song "Mademoiselle Ninette," pianist and professor, will in future be managed by Sea- November as the "B" side to "Song Zbigniew will bring them over later. . which is high on all the Drzewiecki, recently mus Casey, who also looks after for a "Winter's Night." ... Michael German celebrated his Sonet to release five Epic albums. charts, is well on the way 80th birthday. He the interests of Joe Dolan and the O'Duffy will be guest of honor at to being studied in Vienna RCA strongly promoting new a world hit. The song is also show- and appeared on stage at Drifters. Tobin, a Jim Reeves this year's Melody Fair Festival in Warsaw Elvis Presley single, "Kentucky ing on charts in France, Philharmony sound- alike, scored with his first Avoca, Co. Wicklow, which runs Japan, for the first time in Rain." ... Metronome also mount- Scandinavia, South Africa and 1916. From 1961 he was president single for Honey -"This Is It." for 10 days from July 17. On July ing strong promotion drive for Austria. . . . of the Warsaw Dermot O'Brien's first single in 19 the Derry singer will take part announced Musical Academy. Barclay's "Serie Brasilia." EMI that a repeat of a documentary In the 1930's, ... six months is "In the Middle of in an open -air concert in Avoca re- Drzewiecki was has started research into why peo- cording of Wagner's known as an Nowhere." It will be followed later with Our Lady's Choral Society. "Parsifal" is ardent supporter of ple are buying classical music... . to he published in contemporary this month by two LPs (on Delyse O'Duffy has two albums for re- July. The opera, music. He has been Strong promotion by Philips for on Decca, is connected, Envoy). They are "Listen, lease in the next few weeks conducted by Hans as a juror, with the In- their first Blue Mink album. They're -"A Knappertsbusch. ternational Playing My Song" and "The Bogsider Sings" and "The Songs The roles of Par - Chopin Competition "Melting Pot." Philips, which Laugh- sifal, Klingsor right ... ing Accordion Julie Felix of Thomas Moore" (which was ar- and Kundry are from its very beginning. now has representation of the Uni ".... - taken by Wolfgang Many on her first Irish tour -played the ranged and produced by Tony Windgassen, of his pupils have subse- and Dawn labels, is to release al- Hermann quently National Stadium in concert with Hatch and originally released in Uhde and Martha Moedl. made international names bums from both. The original live for themselves. Danny Doyle (May 8).... Johnny 1963). Both LP's will be on Mar- recording of the Among these are KJELL E. GENBERG Bayreuth Festival, 1951 will be Adam Harasiewicz and McEvoy, currently doing the ble Arch. . The Cabaret All Halina priced at 49 Czerny- rounds of the Irish dancing Stars have changed their name to DM ($13.75).... No. 1 Stefanska. circuit single MUNICH with his country band, promoted the Spotlights.... John MacNally for Metronome is definitely ROMAN WASCHKO his new single, "But That's Alright" guests on "The Late, Late Show" Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love," on on Saturday (23). followed by -Serge Liberty /UA owns the German Telefis Eireann's "Late, Late KEN STEWART Show." Gainsburg's "Je t'aime moi non MEXICO CITY record copyright of the musical ... The Casino Showband, KEN STEWART the only plus" and "Mighty Joe" by Shock- "Promises, Promises," by Burt major band here not to have ing Blue. . Five Weeks after John Bush is the new vice Bacharach and Hal David. cut records, finally took the First plunge with launching "Vergissmeinnicht -eine president and general manager of German performance took place in a Pye release, coupling PARIS In the Middle Stern -Stunde der Musik," the LP Capitol de Mexico, re- West Berlin, April 16. German of Nowhere" with "Did She CBS Disques is the first French (on the Stern Magazine label) has placing Ramon Dosai. Bush is lyrics were written by Charly Neis- Mention My Name "... . Medidisc, the Pye-distributed company to produce cassettes and passed the 500,000 mark. Accord- British and has been working for sen. Liberty /UA issued a single com- pany whose cartridges of the TC 8 -track ing to Stern, this means that 15 years in the main office of "I'll Never Fall In Love Again," "How- to Stop Smok- type. ing" LP has sold over 4,000 The cassettes are sold at 49.50 $275,000 will be presented to the EMI. Bush said his first priorty by Bibi Johns. German title is copies would since December, will shortly issue francs (as opposed to 32.90 francs "Sorgenkind," welfare action group. be to increase the Mexican "Die Liebe ist bei mir vorbei"... . an album for the ordinary cassettes) Composer Hans Blum and record production of Discos and Hungarian singer Jana Koncz on weight reduction. and 57 Dolly france (as opposed 47 singer Peter Beil have teamed up to be up to date with the inter- (Liberty /UA) recorded McMahon is running a to francs four titles for the ordinary cartridges). The with a view to producing interna- national recordings they handle. in Munich at the end of April. Pro- talent contest at the Old Shieling first product comprises double - tional hits. Brazilian artist Roberto ducer Dieter Eberle selected two Hotel, Raheny, to find new folk- . albums by Chicago and Johnny TV star Eva Pflug has recorded Carlos arrived to do TV shows Hungarian, one U.S. and one Ger- artist talent. The final will be on and nightclub Winter. . Simon & Garfunkel her first LP. performances. He man song for Jana. In the latter June 9 and the winning group, who Entitled "Ich," it has (on May 3) and Leonard Cohen music by Udo also will sing in Monterrey and half of May, a new Koncz must specialize in Irish material, Juergens and Charly single (12) made their first public appear- Niessen Guadalajara and will record for will be released: "Immer die an- will get a three -week booking at and lyrics by Joachim ances in France on the stage of the Fuchsberger and Miss Pflug. The CBS. . RCA claims that new deren" (from the Chappell catalog) the New York Old Shieling. . Olympia. Cohen has filmed three record is sponsored vocalist Jose Jose, who has the and "Unser Roman," written by Pye issued Some People's revival by the radio/ songs for a Michele Arnaud TV magazine, top hits "El Triste" and "La Nave Rudi Bauer and Michael of "Walk Like a Man," a cut from TV TV Hoeren and Kunze. special.... Marcel Amont, whose Sehenon.... del Olvido," have sold 200,000 Michael Andriess, press officer the album "Paddy Is Dead and the In order to look after "Amont- Tour" at the Olympia is his copies each. Jose is promoting of Ariola Records, Munich, will Kids Know It," which includes new Hamburg publishing firm a huge success, has accepted an and record himself through the whole coun- leave Ariola, Aug. 31. He will contributions from several Irish producing company, invitation to extend his show for Rudi Slezak, who since try and will tour in Central work, as from Sept. 1, with MCA groups.... Dr. Strangely Strange, 1967 has America. whose another month. On the occasion been managing director the Capitol Records Records, Hamburg. . . . first album was issued by of Rob- Heinz of the 50th performance has released the new Beatles al- Holle, formerly managing chief of Island last year, played dates in -a special ert Stigwood Organization in Lon- event in the music hall world don, will be coming bum "Let It Be," which includes Deutsche Grammophon's German 'Galway, Limerick and Cork. . - back here to Olympia is planning a special cele- work, a special color magazine at a office, is now in a similar Candy celebrated their first an- according to Hamburg capacity price of $10.. . Rafael niversary on the road with the re- bration. Amont may take his show sources. He will be working in Ficacchi, with Ariola Eurodisc. . . . Ariola president of Cisne records, lease of "Put Your Bell Bottoms on a tour of Europe. company with Inge Mews and has Munich is producing a couple of purchased a new On" (Emerald).... Bill Anderson, MICHAEL WAY Kirsten Junghans. Slezak will con- 8 -track record- titles by Heintje. Heintje is 14 ing console and they are building years old, and very soon his voice Jan Howard, Loretta Lynn and tinue to represent the Stigwood a new studio. . . Mexian Conway Twitty appear at publishing interests in West singers will probably break., He is hard at the Na- Ger- Enrique Guzman, Cesar many. . Costa and work recording his "child" voice tional Stadium on Wednesday (20) HAMBURG The West German Alberto and in Belfast Chancellor Herr Willy Vazquez returned from before it changes. the following day. Brandt has Ecuador, where Metronome is promoting "Voo- donated a Prize they were filming. URSULA SCHUEGRAF Dolphin issued Tony O'Leary's of Honor to the ENRIQUE "She Meant Everything," the song doo Ju Ju" as a new dance in Ger- winner (Deutscher Meister) of the ORTIZ he performed in this year's Na- many. The first Voodoo recording 4th German Table Football Cham- DUBLIN tional Song Contest. It was written has been issued, on the Barclay pionship, which takes place at by Joe Monks, a member of the label: "Voodoo Ju Ju," with the Whitsuntide in Bonn -Duisdorf. All Anita Kerr Singers The newly launched Quality newly formed Sun Valley Boys. artist Pithecauthropus Frectus in- the table football machines are terpreting label, whose first single release is . Geno Washington and his Ram the Afro- Haitian music. Leonhart models. All contain, for Continued from page 62 by Johnny Regan & The Tumble- Jam Band were in for dates in . "Oh Happy Day" turned out the first time, a new 11 -metre weeds ( "If The World Turned To Ballymena, Belfast and Dublin. to be the most popular pop disk penalty device. the duo's San Sebastian Strings, of requested by listeners to the which there have been Ashes "), is to issue several albums U.S. singer Casey, whom im- Han- . WALTER MALLIN six WB dis- tributed LP's. in the next few months. First will presario Bill Fuller brought to Ire- over Fair Radio magazine. . . . According to Teldec, the two per- In addition to her regular re- formances by the Covent Garden cording work, Miss Kerr plans to Opera Orchestra, under Georg WARSAW continue doing commercials for Solti, in Berlin and Munich, cost U.S. companies, but "the emphasis Polish Keep on top 1,000,000 DM ($275,000). In- jazz musicians partici- will be on a truly international of the cluded in the performances were pated in a Jazz Workshop organ- production company," said her British music and Verdi's "Don Carlos" and "Fal- ized by Nordeutscher Rundfunk in Swiss husband. staff" and "Victory" by Richard Hamburg. They were: Andrzej For the Anita Kerr Singers, a record scene. Rodney Bennett.... To coincide Trzaskowski (leader /piano), Wlod- group which started out in Nash- with the West German tour (May zimierz Nahorny (alto- saxophone), ville many years ago, the leader RR 23 -29) by Herbie Mann, Roman Dylag (bass), Ptaszyn has the option of finding Each week, RR (Britain's top selling Metro- three nome has issued the LP "Concerto Wroblewski (tenor- saxophone), To- voices compatible with hers in masz record /music business paper) tells it Grosso in D- Blues." ... And Tel - Stanko (trumpet) and Leszek Europe, or going to Los Angeles dec to tie in with the Zadio (alto /soprano - saxophone). and using the people with whom 7 Carnaby Street like it is. tour by Brian Auger & The Trinity Sunday Also partaking in the Workshop she has been associated for the London W1V 1PG, England (24) to June 9, has released (on were musicians from the U.K., past several years. RCA) "Befour." Dates of the May West Germany, Austria and Hol- Subscribe today. Rates for one year: Airmail U. S. tour by Auger and his group in- land. . The Stilon factory in & Canada, $40 per year; Europe, £.8. Rates clude: Wiesbaden (25), Dusseldorf Gorzow has manufactured a new else- kind where on request. (26), Cologne (27), Hamburg (28), of tape for recording purposes. Berlin (29), Karlsruhe (30), Nurem- It has been invented by a group berg (31), and in June, Heidelberg of scientific research department Name Firm (4), Munich (5), Zurich (6), etc. workers at the factory. The new On a flying visit to Teldec's tape, called Pak 35, is resistant to temperature Address Hamburg studios, Paola inter- changes and humidity, rupted her Tenerifo vacation to is more sensitive, and has a longer record "Ganz nah" for the Ger- life, claims the company. In the City State ZIP man Hit Competition- Deutscher first year, the factory will manu- Schlagerwettbewerb. facture 70,000 metres of this tape. Nature of Business 4225 Beginning at the Hamburg Mu- Director of the Ministry of The SIGN 01 sikhalle great reading Published every Wednesday, RECORD RETAILER on May 20, John Mayall Culture's foreign department, Bo- is will make a tour of West Germany available by subscription only. guslaw Phaza, has signed, in Japan, which takes in nine cities and a Polish- Japanese cultural agree- towns....,Sikorsky is preparing for ment involving the exchange of 66 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD G. RICORDI & C. S.p.A. Music Publishing Companies

Addio Angelina (Farewell Angelina) Bobby Solo (Ricordi) Albergo A Ore (Les Amants D'Un Jour) Herbert Pagani (Det) Gino Paoli (Durium) Milva (Ricordi) iM1ii . Brucia Brucia Daniel (Cetra) *Chiedi Di Più Johnny Dorelli (C.G.D.) Dille Di Si (Let it be) Patrick Samson (Curci) lo Si Ornella Vanoni (Ariston)

II Sapone, La Pistola, La Chitarra E Altre Meraviglie Equipe 84 (Ricordi) La Corriera Anna Maria Izzo (Phonogram) Lei Dorme Pascal (Ricordi)

La Borsetta Verde () I Punti Cardinali (Ricordi Int.) Occhi Di Fuoco Bobby Solo (Ricordi)

Oh Darling (Oh Darling) I Ribelli (Ricordi)

ermette Signorina Piero Focaccia ( S.I.F. ) (11 P *Per Un Bicchiere Di Vino Catia Gazzoni (Ri -Fi) Piccolo Baby, Petula Clark (Vogue) Quando Wess (Durium) Quel Che Ho Al Bano (EMI) Uomino (Melting Pot) H Supergruppo (Ricordi)

Un Pugno Di Sabbia I Nomadi (EMI)

Tam Tam (Come Together) I Rogers (Bentler) Vedrai Vedrai Ornella Vanoni (Ariston) Vieni Con Noi (Day After Day) II Supergruppo (Ricordi) Viola D Amore Gian Pieretti (Ricordi)




; .. Song selected for "A Record For Summer"

ox 2nd Prize of "Zecchino D'Oro" Contest FOR WEEK ENDING MAY 23, 1970

TAPE TAPE STAR PERFORMER LP's on TAPE - PACKAGES * PACKAGES Awarded RIAA seal fer PACKAGES short 15 weeks or less regis- AVAILABLE ®al AVAILABLE sales of 1 Million dol. AVAILABLE tering greatest proportionate lors at manufacturer's 1.3 upward progress th is week. level. RIAA seal audit ó available and optional NA Net Available é o to all manufacturers. ó ti á 4/1 á S ae W j ARTIST - Title - Label & Number - ARTIST Title Label 8 Number á - - rr ARTIST - Title - Label & Number ú

3 3 1 PAUL McCARTNEY 15 24 36 HELLO, I'M JOHNNY CASH 22 71 71 COLD BLOOD McCartney Columbia KCS 9943 San Francisco 200 Apple STAG 3363 MIN FLIP 13 53 4, WILSON 28 58 72 TOM JONES 15 2 2 SIMON & GARFUNKEL The Devil Made Me Buy This Live in Las Vegas Bridge Over Troubled Water Dress Parrot PAS 71031 Columbia KCS 9914 Little David LD 1000 16 69 73 GLEN CAMPBELL 8 1 3 CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG 24 36 38 CREEDENCE üi CLEARWATER REVIVAL Try a Little Kindness Deja Vu Willie and the Poor Boys Capitol SW 389 Atlantic SD 7200 Fantasy 8397 37 75 74 CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL 26 46 39 THREE DOG NIGHT 15 6 4 CHICAGO NA Green River Was Columbia KGP 24 Captured Live at the Forum Fantasy 8393 Dunhill D5 50068 4 5 5 JIMI HENDRIX, BUDDY NA NA MILES & 3 45 FIFTH DIMENSION 18 73 75 MERLE HAGGARD BILLY COX 1 PI Portrait Okie From Muskogee Hendrix Band of Gypsys Bell 6045 Capitol ST 384 Capitol STAG 472 13 41 41 CHARLEY PRIDE 11 78 76 TOM RUSH 10 4 6 BEATLES Just Plain Charley Columbia CS 9972 Hey Jude RCA Victor L5P 4290 Apple 5W 385 11 47 JAMES TAYLOR 57 80 77 SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE 6 7 7 STEPPENWOLF PI Sweet Baby James Stand Live Warner Bros.-Seven Arts WS 1843 Epic BN 26456 Dunhill DSD 50075 17 32 43 GRAND FUNK RAILROAD 13 81 78 BARBRA STREISAND 4 8 8 THREE DOG NIGHT Grand Funk Greatest Hits Capitol SKAO 406 It Ain't Easy 1111 Columbia CS 9968 Dunhill D5 50078 1 MICHAEL PARKS - 1 9 79 79 FRIENDS OF DISTINCTION 104 15 9 9 GUESS WHO NA Long Lonesome Highway Real Friends MGM SE 4662 American Woman RCA Victor LSP 4313 RCA Victor LSP 4266 13 30 45 Ell NORMAN GREENBAUM 46 76 80 THREE DOG NIGHT Spirit in Sky aìi 7 10 10 BOBBY SHERMAN NA NA the Reprise RS 6365 Suitable for Framing Here Comes Bobby Dunhill DS 50058 Metromedia 1lb MD 1028 8 38 46 JOHNNY MATHIS 9 68 81 BADFINGER 3 12 11 TOM JONES Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Magic Christian Music Tom Head Columbia CS 1005 Apple ST 3364 Parrot PAS 71037 95 57 47 ORIGINAL LAST 7 91 82 STEVIE WONDER LIVE 37 11 12 SANTANA NA Hair Tvmla TS 298 Columbia CS 9781 RCA Victor LOC 1150 (M); LSO 1150 (5) 29 74 83 NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE 6 15 13 THE ISAAC HAYES MOVEMENT Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere 2 54 IA, DIANA ROSS & THE SUPREMES Enterprise ENS 1010 Reprise RS 6349 Farewell 6 14 14 TEN YEARS AFTER NA Motown MS 708 1111 12 84 84 MARK LINDSAY 11 49 49 VAN MORRISON Arizona Deram DES 18038 Columbia CS 9986 Moondance 38 16 15 SOUNDTRACK Warner Bros. -Seven Arts WS 1835 8 63 85 HOLLIES Easy Rider He Ain't Heavy-He's My Brother 15 40 50 ARETHA FRANKLIN Dunhill DXS 50063 Epic BN 26538 (Tapes- Reprise 8 Pfd 2026) This Girl's in Love With You Atlantic SD 8248 3 89 86 MELANIE 8 17 16 TEMPTATIONS NA Candles in the Rain 97 50 51 IRON BUTTERFLY Psychedelic Shack Buddah BDS 5060 In- Gordy GS 947 A- Gadda -Da -Vida Ateo SD 33 -250 36 92 87 JOHN MAYALL 24 25 17 RARE EARTH NA Turning Point Get Ready *GLEN CAMPBELL Polydor 24 -4004 Rare Earth RS 507 1 - Oh Happy Day Capitol ST 443 48 90 88 CROSBY /STILLS /NASH 21 19 18 B. J. THOMAS Atlantic SD 8229 Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My 27 37 53 JOE COCKER! 24 Head A &M SP 4224 82 89 NEIL DIAMOND Scepter SPS 580 Touching You, Touching Me 30 56 54 CHARLEY PRIDE UNI 73071 4 20 19 LIVE CREAM NA Best of 20 87 90 PLASTIC ONO BAND Atco SD 33 -328 RCA Victor LSP 4223 Live Peace in Toronto 1969 19 Apple SW 22 20 JACKSON 5 NA 69 39 55 BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS 3362 I Want You Back Columbia CS 9720 33 93 91 GRAND FUNK RAILROAD Motown MS 700 Time 29 43 56 MICHAEL PARKS On 2 42 46. FIFTH DIMENSION NA Capitol ST 307 Closing the Gap PR Greatest Hits MGM SE 4646 29 100 92 BOBBY SHERMAN Soul City 33900 1 5 64 57 RAY CONNIFF Little Woman 12 18 22 DOORS Metromedia MS 1014 ás. Bridge Over Troubled Water Morrison Hotel Columbia CS 1022 7 94 93 FOUR TOPS Elektra EKS 75007 11 52 58 JOHN MAYALL Still Waters Run Deep 26 28 23 BURT BACHARACH Motown MS 704 /SOUNDTRACK Empty Rooms Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid Polydor 24-4010 3 98 94 BEE GEES A &M SP 4227 Cucumber Castle 21 55 59 ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK 3 35 JETHRO TULL Atco SD 33327 Parrot PAS 71030 Benefit 11 54 96 95 CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY Reprise RS 6400 32 60 60 THE BAND Columbia GP 8 29 25 Capitol STAG 132 t 13 LED ZEPPELIN II Atlantic SD 8236 (4, 4 72 96 B. J. THOMAS 20 59 61 MOODY BLUES In Everybody's Out of Town 2 51 An, RINGO STARR NA NA To Our Children's Children's Scepter SPS 582 111 Sentimental Children Journey 8 101 97 GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS Apple SW 3365 Threshold THS 1 Greatest Hits 9 27 27 JOHN B. SEBASTIAN 42 48 62 SOUNDTRACK on Soul SS 723 Reprise RS 6379 /MGM SE 4654 Midnight Cowboy 3 123 BOBBIE GENTRY United Artists UAS 5198 11 21 28 MOUNTAIN NA NA PR Fancy Climbing 7 62 63 JAGGERZ Capitol ST 428 Windfall 4501 We Went to Different Schools 87 83 99 SOUNDTRACK Together Funny Girl 18 23 29 FRIIID PINK Kama Sutra KSBS 2017 Columbia BOS 3320 Parrot PAS 71033 52 44 64 FIFTH DIMENSION 10 86 100 HERB ALPERT & THE 32 29 30 Age BEATLES of Aquarius TIJUANA BRASS Soul City SCS 92005 Abbey Road Greatest Hits Apple SO 383 25 65 65 ROLLING STONES ABM SP 4245 6 34 31 NA NA Let It Bleed DELANEY & BONNIE & FRIENDS 27 85 101 JEFFERSON AIRPLANE London NPS 4 On Tour Volunteers Atco SD 33 -326 7 67 66 RCA Victor LSP 4238 32 6 26 KENNY RODGERS & THE FIRST Shelter SHE 1001 12 107 102 ANDY WILLIAMS EDITION Ems 22 61 67 B. B. KING Greatest Hits Something's Burning Columbia KCS 9979 Reprise RS 6385 Completely Well BluesWay BLS 6037 28 111 103 STEPPENWOLF 4 33 33 DIONNE WARWICK Monster 14 68 I'll Never Fall in Love Again 66 BROOK BENTON TODAY Dunhill DS 50066 Scepter SPS 581 Cotillion SD 9018 24 95 104 7 31 34 JONI MITCHELL 27 27 69 QUINCY JONES In the Court of the Crimson King: Ladies of the Canyon Walking in Space An Observation by King Crimson Reprise RS 6376 A &M SP 3023 1 Atlantic SD 8245 1 41,. IRON BUTTERFLY I 24 70 70 LES McCANN & EDDIE HARRIS NA NA 3 106 105 ELVIS PRESLEY NA NA NA NA Live Swiss Movement Let's Be Friends Atco SB 33 -318 Atlantic SD 1537 RCA Camden CAS 2408

Continued on Page 72 .. RIG RIG. KEndEll RIG, to is IG. Their SomethingDon Kerr,grtie onto. Perfoschlosserrmlrg is P first Richards,get album is Rin Rich is RIG' Man M'tfie ont any Something to get Eoot Mazer Producersl

óvdPy AI/DOVETAIL MANAGEMENT LTD /22 777- 492R .t..5.7" ., ,: Billboard Album Reviews M. 90




SOUNDTRACK POP POP POP POP BEATLES- SOUNDTRACK - BOBBY GOLDSBORO'S JOSE FELICIANO- ORCH.- Let It Be. Fireworks. Patton. GREATEST HITS - Held Overl /Today's Apple AR 34001 RCA Victor LSP -4370 (SI Great Movie Themes. United Artists UAS -5502 (S) 20th Century -Fox S4208 (S) Columbia CS 1019 (S) The Beatles latest LP serves as the sound- Feliciano the deft guitarist vies with Fel ciano track of the forthcoming film, "Let It Be," Bobby Goldsboro has had an impressive the jazzy vocal stylist, and the listener is Percy Faith is an arranger -conductor who's Make no mistake . . . this is a HIT album. and, as produced by Phil Spector, gives the string of hits and "Greatest Hits" set com- the ultimate winner. Much Beatles material instrument technique is so easy and so It reveals the same guts, especially in the impression of a "live" performance. In- bines the appeal of all of them. Here are appealing that every composition turned "Patton Speech," that the real man had. cluded are previous winners: "Let It Be," is beautiful ly sung and his original "Des- "Honey," "With Pen in Hand," "The over to the Faith touch becomes a musical The mood of the movie is totally recaptured "Get Back," the new single, "Long and tiny" is a standout. I nstrumentally he scores gem. Among the gems here are "Raindrops and many of the cuts are tone poems rather Winding Road" b/w "For the Blue" and Straight Life" and eight more. Eight of the on "Fireworks" (adapted from Handel) and Keep Fall in' on My Head," "Midnight Cow- . . . selections, including "I'm a Drifter" than tunes some too moody to warrant among the previously unheard material, the and boy," "East Rider" and the themes from much airplay. But the draw of the movie best are Me Mine," Got a "Blue Autumn," were penned by this his own " Pegao." LP should be as profitable "I "I've Feeling" "Z," "Airport," "Patton" and "Anne of a alone should provide great sales. and "Across the Universe." talented artist. as it is artistic. Thousand Days."



ROGER WILLIAMS - SANDLER & YOUNG - POCO- EXOTIC GUITARS - THE BEST OF Honey Back. Themes From Great Movies. Come Epic 26522 (S) Holly Holy. HUGO MONTENEGRO- Capitol ST -449 (S) RCA Victor LSP -4361 (S) Kapp KS 3629 (5) Ranwood R8073 (S) Sandler & Young hold on to their standing Poco's second album shapes up as a sure- This is an exciting instrumental package. It Motion picture themes have a lot going for as one of the foremost vocal duos around fire winner. Especially good in such country - I n the string of Exotic Guitar album suc- includes the "best" of Hugo Montenegro them these days but when Roger Williams today with this new package of easy and style material as "Anyway Bye Bye" and cesses, this one is among the best and one and that's a list that encompasses his click gets hold of them they become even more of the most commercial. With a tasty Bill themes from movies, swingy rhythms. This time out their reper- Dallas Frazier's "Honky Tonk Downstairs," and the pop and rock potent. In this package are such themes as Justis arrangement of the Neil Diamond hit, fields. "Classical Gas," "Good Vibrations" "Midnight Cowboy," "Hello, Dolly 1," "Come toire includes "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on Poco is at its instrumental best in the ex- "Holly Holy," to kick it off, the program and "Love Is Blue" are samples from the Saturday Morning," "Airport," "Jean," My Head," "I'll Never Fall in Love Again," tended coupling of "Nobody's Fool" and "El is an exceptional one. The new is blended pop and rock fields, and among the film "Windmills of Your Mind" and the recent beautifully with the old, from "Grazing in themes are "The Good, the Bad and the "Coco," "Midnight Cowboy" and "And Tonto de Nadie." This unit's future is Oscar- winning "Raindrops Keep Fall in' on the Grass" to an updating of "Unchained Ugly," "A Fistful of Dollars," "Valley of My Head." When I Die." indeed bright. Melody." Strong sales package here. the Dolls" and "The Fox." BOBBY MAO Hp1Vy EpNJWNW

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BOBBY SHAD & THE HEDGE & DONNA - JERRY REED- FERLIN HUSKY - J. DAVID SLOAN- BAD MEN Cook in'. Your Love Is - Special Circumstances. Modern Country Sounds Mainstream RCA Victor LSP -4293 (S) Heavenly Sunshine. Capitol ST -447 (S) MRL -306 (S) Capitol ST -433 (S) of Today. Jerry Reed is bound for glory -even more Starday SLP 453 (5) One of the most creative packages of late The languid, sensual performance by Hedge than he has already. And if he keeps turn- A powerful package, this contains Husky's is this exceptional program adding a and Donna Capers is immensely listenable, ing out albums like this one, his day of big single, "Your Love Is Heavenly Sun- J. David Sloan, young country further dimension to rock numbers through. and radio programming is all they need to glory is not too far away. "My Next Im- artist, has shine." Husky has always done pop songs the imaginative arrangements of Ron achieve chart status. Among the best cuts personation" fits into the traditional a good album here. It is well produced and Frangipane. Producer Bob Shad should have are the opening "Sunshine" (which made country vein, "Plastic Saddle" grooves semi- well, in addition to country material, and contains an important chart item here . as corn - noise via Maceo God and some strong sides. Included are Woods), "My I," rock, "Gomyeyonyo" is a pounding tune on this record he scores with "Raindrops mercial as it is artistic. The six lengthy an Afro -oriented medley of "Higher Coun- that deserves progressive rock airplay, as "Scarlet Sister," "Mama Lou" and selections include "Instant Karma," "Up try," "Uhuru," "Adunde" and the title does "The Semi -Great Predictor." "Aunt Keep Fall in' on My Head" and "Don't It "She on Cripple Creek" and "Pinball Wizard." song. Maudie's Fun Garden" is humorous. Make You Want to Go Home." Even Woke Me Up to Say Goodbye." SPOKEN WORD * * ** 4. .enelau.n v

6 6 -Shocking Blue 9 3 ARIZONA-Mark Lindsay 19 24 THE SEEKER- *Who (Track) 4 5 TJING TJANG GULLIE- VENUS ( Polydor) (Columbia) ARGENTINA -Fabulous (Kit Lambert) *Keld & Donkeys (HMV) - COME, YEARS Imudico 7 GOTAS DE LLUVIA SOBRE I0 4 YEARS MAY (Courtesy Escalera a la Fama) 20 22 I'VE GOT YOU ON MY - MI CABEZA- (Raindrops MAY GO- Herman's *White Plains 5 7 KENTUCKY RAIN -Elvis Hermits (Columbia) his Last MIND- Presley (RCA) Keep Falling on My Head)- Veek Week (Deram)- -Cookaway Thomas (Odeon) NOE -Jimmy 6 4 MA BELLE AMIE-Tee Set B. J. 1 1 EL ARCA DE ( /Roger 8 5 NEGRA PALOMA -Cesar Fontana (RCA); Iva Zanicchi Cook) (Triola) -Moerks SOUTH AFRICA 7 6 I.O. 1.0. Gees (Polydor) Costa (Capitol) (RCA); Ergic Endrigo -Bee (Courtesy Springbok Radio. EMI) 21 13 GOOD MORNING -Dacapo 9 - CUANDO NOS CASEMOS- (Fermata) -Fermata Mink 1910 Fruitgum Co. (Buddah) This Last Blue FREEDOM-*Blue 8 9 TRAVELLIN' BAND- 2 2 VENUS -Shocking (Philips)- ('ockaway (Blue Creedence Clearwater It) 9 BESANDO LA CRUZ -Marco Week Week (Polydor); The Sands (D. J.); Antonio Vasquez (Peerless) Mink) Revival (Liberty) -Stig I I MA BELLE AMIE -Tee Set Bisso (RCA) -Korn Anderson RPM (Peter 4 AMOR O SIN AMOR 22 15 KNOCK KNOCK WHO'S (R.P.M.) -Clan, 3 CON 9 10 TRANNE SIND -Luis Aguile (CBS) -Korn THERE- *Mary Hopkin DEINE Tetberoo) (Apple)-See -Saw (Mickie AUCH MEINE -Heintje NEW ZEALAND 2 3 LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL 4 10 LA PRIMERA COSA BELLA -Niccla Di Bari (RCA) - Most) (Philips) (Courtesy New Zealand Broadcasting SONG -Dave Mills (Storm) 10 JEG ER GODT TILPAS- Gallo (Terry Relay 23 25 EL CONDOR PASA- *Julie - This Last -Angela, ADIOS Pattern (Mickie *Anette (Triola)- Acuff -Rose Week Dempsey) 5 3 NA NA HEY HEY - Felix (Rak)- Week Andrews Steam (Polydor); Carlos Most) 3 2 CAROL O.K. -Chris I 3 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED (WRC)- Laetrec, Teal Bisso (RCA); Richard 24 18 TRAVELLIN' BAND FINLAND WATER -Simon & Anthony (Odeon) - 4 5 SPIDER. SPIDER-Tidal ('reedence Clearwater *Denotes local origin Garfunkel (CBS) Wave (Storm) -Angela, 6 7 EL ABUELO -Alberto Cortez Revival (Liberty) -Burlington 2 4 GIRLIE -Peddlers (CBS) (M. Hall); Silvia Aguirrei This Last Gallo (Terry Dempsey) (John Fogarty) 3 1 CHERYL MOANA MARIE (Par) Week Week - 5 6 TRAVELLIN' BAND - 25 26 THE FUNKY CHICKEN - John Rowles (CBS) Creedence Clearwater 7 8 A BEAUTIFUL FRIEND - Rufus Thomas (Stax)- I I PEPPI PITKATOSSU (Pippi 4 6 TRAVELLIN' BAND- Raphael (M. Hall) *Mari Laurila Revival (Liberty) -MPA, Chappell (Albell /Tom Nix) Langstrump)- Creedence Clearwater Teal (John Fogerty) 8 6 NADITA DE NADA-Mirtha 26 23 WANDERIN' STAR /I TALK (Scandia) -Hans Busch Revival (Liberty) (M. Hall) Mehr) 6 4 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED Perez TO THE TREES -Lee 2 6 TUULEN TIE (Immer 5 9 KNOCK KNOCK WHO'S WATER -Simon & 9 5 LE METEQUE -Moustaki Marvin, Clint Eastwood -*Kai Hyttinen (Philips) - THERE -Mary Hopkin (Polydor); Nicola Di Bari Fazer Garfunkel (CBS)-Laetrec. (Paramount) -Chappell (Tom (Apple) GRC (P. Simon) (RCA) -Korn Mack) 3 - SADE (Rain)- *Markku 6 2 SUPERSTAR -Murray Head Edison 7 8 LOVE GROWS- 0 - RAINDROPS KEEP 27 30 GOVINDA-*Radha Krishna Suominen (Polydor) (MCA) ON MY HEAD 4 Vartan Lighthouse (Stateside)- FALLING Temple (Apple) -Apple 4 LA MARITZA -Sylvie 7 7 LOVE GROWS (WHERE MY Laetrec, EMI (Tony -Johnny Mathis (CBS); Sam (George Harrison) (RCA) -Fazer ROSEMARY GOES) - for Mustard B. J. Thomas 10 Beatles (Apple) Macaulay Shay (RCA); 28 38 HONEY COME BACK -Glen 5 LET IT BE- Edison Lighthouse (Bell) Record Publ.) (EMI) Campbell (Capitol CL 15638) 6 HAR KOMMER PIPPI 8 8 MA BELLE AMIE -Tee Set - LANGSTRUMP -Inger 8 7 HITCHIN' A RIDE -Vanity -Jobete /Carlin (Al De () Fare (Page One)- Francis Lory) Nilsson (Philips) -Hans 9 5 LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) BRAZIL Busch Day (SA) Trutone (Gentry 29 21 1 CAN'T HELP MYSELF - It) - WASN'T BORN TO FOLLOW Records for Roger Easterby- SAO PAULO 7 7 WHOLE LOTTA LOVE -Led 4 Tops (Tamla- Motown)- -Byrds (CBS) Des Champ) (Courtesy of IBOPE) Jobete Zeppelin (Atlantic) /Carlin (Holland 9 10 ONE 'his 8 5 Shocking Blue TCHAIKOVSKY - Dozier) VENUS- Omega Limited (Polydor)- Week 30 39 UP THE LADDER TO THE (Metronome) NORWAY Trutone 9 3 El *Katri Spirit. 1 ADEUS SOLIDAO- Carmen Silva ROOF -Supremes (Tamla- KAUNIIMPAA- Verdens (Courtesy Gang) 10 ELIZABETHIAN REGGAE - M obe t o /Carl i n Helena (Top Voice) -JKC - (RCA) otown)-J *Denotes local origin Boris Gardner (Fontana) - 2 SUPERSTAR -Murray Head (Franklin K. Wilson) 10 2 OTA JA OMISTA (Make Me An Island)- *Fredi (Philips) This Last Ascherberg. Hopwood & (Chantecler) 31 41 DON'T YOU 'KNOW - Week Week .Crew, Trutone (Byron Lee) 3 RAINDROPS KEEP FALLING ON *Butterscotch (RCA) -Fazer - 1 1 LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) - MY HEAD -B. J. Thomas (Top Sunbury (Arnold, Martin & Air Music Scandinavia Morrow) Tape) JAPAN 2 3 HOUSE OF THE RISING SPAIN 4 EU AMO TANTO, TANTO- 32 27 WHO DO YOU LOVE Pink - Original Confidence Co., Ltd.) SUN -Frijid (Deram)- (Courtesy El Musical) Moacyr Franco (Copacabana) *Juicy Lucy (Vertigo) - (Courtesy Imudico *Denotes local origin Shocking Blue (Polydor) Jewel (Gerry Gron) This Last 5 VENUS- 3 5 UPPBLASBARA BARBARA - This Last 6 TI VOGLIO TANTO BENE- 33 35 ABRAHAM MARTIN & Week Week Robert Karl -Oskar Broberg Rossano (Philips) JOHN -Marvin Gaye Week Week I 1 ONNA NO BLUES- *Fuji (Columbia)- Sonora 7 LET IT BE- Beatles (Odeon) (Tamla- Motown TMG 734) - Keiko (RCA) -Nippon Geino 4 2 RAINDROPS KEEP 1 I GWENDOLYNE -*Julio R. Iglesias (Columbia Espanola) 8 HOLD ME- Baskerville Hounds Mellin (Norman 2 2 ANATA NARA DOSURU- FALLING ON MY HEAD (Continental) Whitfield) *Ishida Ayumi (Columbia) -B. J. Thomas (Scepter)- -Notas Magicas 9 EU NAO SOU O QUE VOCE 34 4t) DO YOU LOVE ME -*Deep Nichion /Geiei - Sonora 2 3 TODO TIENE SU FIN - Feeling (Page One POF 165) (Hispavox)- ESTA PENSANDO -Paulo Sergio 3 3 VENUS Blue 5 7 TRAVELLIN' BAND *Modulos Dominion (R. Easterby /D. -Shocking - Musicales (Caravelle) ( Polydor)- Aberback Tokyo Creedence Clearwater Ediciones 0 EVERYBODY'S TALKIN'-Nilsson Champ) 4 4 KOI HITOSUJI- *Mori Revival (Liberty)- Palace Hispavox 31 Blue (RCA) 35 YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD -ichi (Victor) -Watanabe 6 4 VENUS -Shocking Blue 3 2 VENUS -Shocking LOOKING WOMAN -*Joe Shin (Poplandia-RCA) 5 6 THE MALTESE MELODY - (Metronome)-Amigo - Dolan (Pye)- Shaftesbury Herb Alpert & Tijuana Brass 7 6 GULL OG GROENNE Ediciones Sympathy BRAZIL (Geoffrey Everett) (A & Shinko SKOGER- *Ingjerd Helen 4 4 LET IT BE -The Beatles 36 37 MR. BLOE M)- RIO DE JANEIRO GROOVIN' WITH 6 14 Al NO TABIJI (Nor- Artist)- Norway (Odeon) -Ediciones Bloe DJS 216) O- Odeon (Courtesy of IBOPE) -*Mr. (DIM *Uchiyamada Hiroshi & 8 9 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED Gramofono f his -Stephen James Cool Five (RCA) -Watanabe WATER -Simon & 5 7 JINGO- Santana (CBS Week 37 43 DOWN THE DUSTPIPE- 6 5 WHOLE LOTTA LOVE -Led 7 7 LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) - Garfunkel (CBS) -Bendiksen *Status Quo (Pye)- Valley 9 TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES Zeppelin (Hispavox) 1 EVERYBODY'S TALKING - Tone - (John Schroeder) 7 *Karina Nilsson (RCA) 8 9 SUGATA SANSHIRO- -Peter Sarstedt (United - COLORES- KEEP ON 38 - KENTUCKY RAIN-Elvis Noriko Artists)-United Artists (Hispavox)-Ediciones 2 RAINDROPS FALLING Presley *Sugata (Crown) - MY HEAD J. Thomas (RCA) -Carlin Crown 10 8 YESTER -ME, YESTER -YOU, Musicales Ducal -B. 39 29 THAT SAME OLD FEELING (Top Tape) 9 5 AWAZUNI YESTERDAY -Stevie 8 6 POETAS ANDALUCES -*Picketty Witch (Pye)- AISHITE- Viva (Action- Zafiro)- 3 EVIL WAYS- Santana (CBS) *Uchiyamada Hiroshi & (Wonder (Tamla- Motown)- *Agua Schroeder Welbeck (John Reuter & Reuter -Ediciones Musicales Zafiro 4 THE BOXER -Simon & MacLeod) Cool Five (RCA) -Ai Pro (CBS) 10 12 ROJIN TO KODOMO NO 9 8 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED Garfunkel 40 EVERYTHING IS and 5 ADEUS SOLIDAD- Carmen Silva - POLKA -*Hidari Bokuzen WATER -Simon BEAUTIFUL -Ray Stevens & Himawari Kitties Garfunkel (CBS) (RCA) (CBS) -Peter Maurice (Ray POLAND 6 MA BELLE AMIE -The Tee Set (Polydor) Fan Clubs Coordination 10 9 AGATA (in Spanish) -Nino Stevens) (Courtesy Ferrer (Movieplay)- (Polydor) 11 11 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED Council) 41 ABC -Jackson (Tamla- Ediciones Symphaty 7 HOJE- Taiguara (Odeon) - Motown)-Jobete/Carlin WATER -Simon & *Denotes local origin 8 INSTANT KARMA -Lennon (Corporation) Garfunkel (CBS) This Last 12 15 KYO DE (Apple) 42 32 BELFAST BOY Fardon OWAKARE- Week Week SWEDEN 9 Shocking Blue (Philips) -Don *Sugawara Yoichi (Polydor) VENUS- (Young Blood) -JJKA (J. (Courtesy Radio Sweden) 1 K 1 1 LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) IO LET IT BE- Beatles (Odeon) Harris /Tony Colton) & 13 8 KOKUSAISEN 2 2 INSTANT KARMA -Lennon/ This Last 43 44 MY WAY -Frank Sinatra MACHIAISHITSU *Aoe Ono with the Plastic Band Week Week BRITAIN (Reprise)-Shapiro/Bernstein Mina (Victor) Shuppan (Apple) (Don Costa) -Fuji I I LOVE GROWS- Edison 14 13 TOKAI 3 3 SOMETHING'S BURNING (Courtesy Record Retailer) 44 KITSCH Ryan -*Tigers (Polydor)- - Lighthouse (Bell)- Sonora - -*Bari Watanabe Kenny Rogers and First TROUBLED *Denotes local origin (Polydor)--Ryan/Enquiry Edition (Reprise) 2 2 BRIDGE OVER (Paul Ryan) 15 - CHITCHANA KOIBITO- WATER (LP) -Simon & This Last *Jimmy Osmond (Denon) - 4 4 WANDERIN' STAR-Lee Garfunkel (CBS) -Sonet Week Week 45 49 AMERICAN WOMAN - A.M.P. Marvin (Paramount) Guess Who (RCA 1943) 3 4 WANDRIN' STAR -Lee 1 2 - 16 10 5 HOUSE OF THE RISING BACK HOME- *England Sunbury (Jack Richardson) SHIROI CHO NO SAMBA - - Marvin (Paramount) - World Cap Sound (Pye)- *Moriyama Kayoko (Denon) SUN -Frijid Pink (Deram) Chappell Nordiska AB Mews 46 - COTTONFIELDS-Beach 6 7 MROWISKO- *Klan Boys (Capitol) -Kensington -Pacific 4 3 EARLY MORNING RAIN - 7 5 YOUNG, GIFTED AND 2 I SPIRIT IN THE SKY - 17 19 WAKARE NO CHIKAI- Rank Strangers (Polydor)- Norman Greenbaum (Beach Boys) *Tsuruoka Masayoshi & BLACK -Bob Andy and 47 - CHELSEA -*Sam Ford Bridge Marcia Griffiths (Harry J) Gehrmans (Reprise)-Great Honesty Tokyo Romantica (Teichiku) 5 8 ARIZONA -Mark Lindsay (Penny Farthing)-Carter 8 LUDZIE WSROD LUDZI- (Erik Jacobsen) Lewis (Carter Lewis) -Geion (CBS) -April 3 20 *Moody Blues 18 17 BUTCH CASSIDY AND *Trzy Korony QUESTION- 48 47 MONKEY MAN- *Maytals 6 HOUSE OF THE RISING (Threshold)-Tyler (Tony THE SUNDANCE KID - 9 8 BRIDE OVER TROUBLED - SUN -Frijid Pink (London) (Trojan TR 7711) -Blue B. J. Thomas (Scepter) WATER -Simon and Clark) Mountain (Leslie Kong) - 7 7 CHICAGO (LP)- Chicago 4 6 HOUSE April Garfunkel (CBS) OF THE RISING 49 45 OUT DEMONS ar (CBS) Pink OUT -*Ed 19 16 DRIF NO -BUSHI 10 6 LET'S WORK TOGETHER SUN -Frijid (Deram)- Broughton Band (Harvest) ZUNDOKO - 8 5 REGNET DET BARA OSER Keith Prowse (Mike - -*Drifters (Toshiba) Canned Heat (Liberty) NER -Siw Malmkvist Essex (Peter Jenner) Watanabe - Valvand) 50 33 RAINDROPS KEEP (Metronome )- Sonora 5 3 KINDS 20 SHIROI TORI NI NOTTE- ALL OF FALLING ON MY HEAD - PUERTO RICO 9 - SPIRIT IN THE SKY - EVERYTHING -Dana (Rex) *Hashida Norihiko & Norman Greenbaun (Reprise) -Mews Coulter) -Sacha Distel (Warner Schuberts (Express) (Courtesy WKAQ -EL Mundo) (Phil Bros.) -Blue Seas /Jac (Jimmy - l0 - FILL YOUR HEAD WITH 6 28 YELLOW RIVER -Christie Wisner) Ongakusha This Last ROCK (LP)- Various Artists (CBS) -Gale (Mike Smith) Week Week 'CBS) 7 10 I CAN'T TELL THE I I TU BOTTOM FROM THE TOP MALAYSIA ME HACES FALTA - -*Hollies (Parlophone)- CANADA (Courtesy Radio Malaysia) Jose Feliciano (RCA) SWITZERLAND This Last 2 2 SIN COMPROMISOS - Abacus (Ron Richards) This Last Tommy Olivencia (Inca) (Courtesy Radio Switzerland) 8 5 DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS Week Week Week Week 3 3 LA NAVE DEL OLVIDO - This Last -*Tom Jones (Decca)- 1 1 AMERICAN WOMAN /NO I Mirtha (Velvet) Hush-A- Bye /Carlin (Peter SUGAR TONIGHT-Guess 4 SOMETHING'S BURNING - Week Week Kenny Rogers and the First 4 5 PECADO MENTAL -Blanca 1 I MADEMOISELLE NINETTE Sullivan) Who (RCA) Edition (Reprise) R. Gil (Benson) 9 8 YOUNG, GIFTED AND 2 3 EVERYTHING IS -Soulful Dynamics (Philips) 2 5 5 4 JUONO PENA -Willie Colon MAKE ME SMILE -Chicago 2 2 LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) BLACK -*Bob Andy/ BEAUTIFUL -Ray Stevens (Columbia) (Fania) Marcia Griffiths (Harry J)- (Barnaby) 3 3 MA BELLE AMIE-Tee Set 3 8 HITCHING A RIDE- Vanity 6 6 A TI TE PASA ALGO -Gran (Hansa) Essex (Harry Johnston) 3 2 MR. MONDAY -Original Fare (Philips) Combo (Gema) 10 14 BRUNTOSAURUS- *Move Caste (TA) 4 5 OH. LAECK DU MIR . - 4 3 ME WITHOUT 7 7 QUE SEAS FELIZ -Carlos J. ) 4 6 YOU -Billy Trio Eugster (Tell T) (Regal -Essex UP AROUND THE BEND/ Joe Royal (Columbia) Beltran (Velvet) (Roy Wood) RUN THROUGH THE 5 . 6 TRAVELLIN' BAND - 5 I LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) 8 - PANO DE LAGRIMAS - Creedence Clearwater 11 7 CAN'T HELP FALLING IN JUNGLE- Creedence 6 - I OWE, I OWE -Bee Gees Sonora Poncena (Inca) Revival (Liberty) LOVE-Andy Williams Clearwater Revival (Fantasy) 9 TE (Polydor) - LA MUJER QUE AMA - 6 4 HOUSE OF THE RISING Glasser) 5 5 LITTLE GREEN BAG (CBS)-Carlin (Dick - 7 KNOCK, KNOCK, WHO'S Olga Guillot (Musart) 4 - SUN -Frijid Pink (London) 12 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED 10 FRACASO Bros. THERE? -Mary Hopkin - MI -Lebron 7 7 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER -Simon and (Colossus) (Apple) (Cotique) Garfunkel (CBS) -Pattern 6 10 VEHICLE -Ides of March WATER -Simon and Bros.) 8 2 YOU KEEP TIGHTENING Garfunkel (CBS) (S. and G /Hales) (Warner UP ON ME -Box Tops 13 12 WHEN JULIE COMES 7 7 CECILIA -Simon & SINGAPORE 8 - ALL KINDS OF Garfunkel (Columbia) (Stateside) -EVERYTHING -Dana AROUND -*Cuff Links 9 KENTUCKY (Courtesy Radio Singapore) 8 4 LET Beatles - RAIN -Elvis (Decca) (RCA) -Emily /Van Lee IT BE- (Apple) Presley (RCA) 14 16 FAREWELL IS A LONELY 9 9 WOODSTOCK -Crosby, Stills, This Last 9 10 IL ETAIT UNE FOIS DANS 10 7 EVIL WAYS- Santana Week Week l'OUEST (Spiel mir das Lied SOUND-Jimmy Ruffin Nash & Young (Atlantic) (Columbia) (Tamla- Motown) -Jobete Ill MY BABY LOVES LOVIN'- I I VENUS -Shocking Blue vom Tod) -Ennio Morricone Carlin (Dean Weatherspoon) White Plains (Dunhill) (Penny Farthing) (RCA Victor) 15 17 I DON'T BELIEVE IN IF MEXICO 2 2 STIR IT UP AND SERVE IT IO 9 WHOLE LOTTA LOVE -Led Zeppelin (Atlantic) ANYMORE -*Roger (Courtesy Radio Mil) -Tommy Roe (Columbia) Whittaker (Columbia) - DENMARK 3 5 BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED Tembo (Denis Preston) (Courtesy Danish Group of IFPI) This Last WATER -Simon and 16 9 NEVER HAD A DREAM *Denotes local origin Week Week Garfunkel (Columbia) COME TRUE-Stevie This Last 1 1 EL TRISTE -Jose Jose (RCA) 4 6 LET IT BE- Beatles (Apple) Wonder (Tamla- Motown)- Week Week 2 2 TE HE PROMETIDO -Leo 5 7 LOVE EQUALS LOVE-Ohio Jobete /Carlin (Henry I 2 HER KOMMER PIPPI Dan (CBS) Express (Buddah) Crosby) LANGSTRUMP -Inger 3 4 CAMPOS DE ALGODON 6 8 I'VE GOT YOU ON MY 17 19 RAG MAMMA RAG -Band Nilsson (Philips) -Imudico (Cotton Fields) -Creedence MIND -White Plains (Capitol) -Feldman (The 2 I SMILENDE SUSTE- *Birgit Clearwater (Liberty) (Deram) Band) Lystager (RCA)-Imudico 4 3 LA NAVE DEL OLVIDO - 7 - MIDNIGHT COWBOY - 18 11 GIMMIE DAT DING- 3 3 HOUSE OF THE RISING Jose Jose (RCA) Johnny Mathis (Columbia) *Pipkins (Columbia)-Hair SUN -Frijid Pink (Deram) -' 5 7 TE REGALO MIS OJOS - 8 - ALL KINDS OF EVERY- (John Burgess) Imudico Maria del Rayo (Peerless) THING -Dana (Rex) The SIGN of great reading

AA A V 11 1 0711 Q11 1 Qrl A D rl 71 TAPE TAPE PACKAGES PACKAGES AVAILABLE AVAILABLE 0 0 t CONTINUED FROM PAGE 68 s w E w H 3 ARTIST - Title - Label 6 Number á s- ARTIST - Title - Label & Number TAPE PACKAGES 19 125 136 JOE SOUTH 6 175 168 SANDPIPERS AVAILABLE J Don't It Make You Want Greatest Hits to Go Home? A &M SP 4246 ó Capitol ST 392 k.. W 53 162 169 ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK W ce 22 137 137 CHAMBERS BROTHERS NA NA g A Man Without Love 3 ., If ° Love, Peace 8. Happiness Parrot PAS 71022 Y y ` î Columbia KGP 20 W / 69 158 170 PETER, PAUL & MARY 3 ... .- ARTIST Title Label & Number m 4 á ñc - - 3 110 - 138 SIMON & GARFUNKEL Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme Werner-Bros.-Seven Arts WS 1700 22 103 106 TOMMY ROE Columbia CS 9363 2 173 171 IKE & TINA TURNER NA Twelve in a Roe 38 139 139 TAMMY WYNETTE ABC ABCS 700 Come Together Greatest Hits e Liberty IST 7637 24 104 107 TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS NA Epic BN 26486 Best of 2 181 172 BUCK OWENS & SUSAN RAYE NA 21 140 NA NA Roulette SR 42040 140 PINK FLOYD We're Gonna Get Together Capitol ST 448 97 102 108 SOUNDTRACK Harvest STBB 388 2001: A Space Odyssey frti 110 148 173 ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK MGM SIE ST 13 33 124 141 JETHRO TULL Release Me Stand Up Parrot PAS 71012 10 109 109 SPOOKY TOOTH /PIERRE HENRY Reprise RS 6360 Ceremony 11 188 174 RAMSEY LEWIS NA NA A&M SP 4225 2 145 142 BEATLES Best of 8 97 110 MANTOVANI In the Beginning Cadet LPS 839 Today Polydor 24-4504 NA NA London PS 572 14 171 175 LULU 3 143 143 JERRY LEE LEWIS NA NA New Routes 3 118 111 VIKKI CARR NA Best of Atco SD 33-310 Nashville by Carr Smash SRS 67131 7 Liberty LST 11001 159 176 TURTLES 7 144 144 TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS NA NA More Golden Hits 74 113 112 SOUNDTRACK Travelin' White Whale WW 7127 Oliver Roulette SR 42044 19 126 WALKER NA Colgems CSOD 5501 177 JR. & THE ALL STARS What Does It Take to Win 2 20 134 145 DIANA ROSS & THE SUPREMES 183 MILES DAVIS NA NA NA Your Love? Greatest Hits, Vol. III PR Bitches Brew Soul SS 721 Motown MS 702 Columbia GP 26 19 120 178 DELFONICS' SUPER HITS 14 114 114 RICK NELSON NA NA 44 142 146 BEE GEES Philly Groove PG 1152 In Concert Best of Decca DL 75162 Ateo SD 33 -292 2 180 179 TEE SET Ma Belle 5 132 HENRY MANCINI NA 5 152 147 SAVOY BROWN Amie Colossus C5 1001 * Theme From Z and Other Raw Sienna Movie Themes Parrot PAS 71036 12 138 180 EYDIE GORME NA NA RCA Victor LOP 4350 Tonight I'll Say a Prayer 2 153 148 JAMES BROWN NA NA RCA Victor LSP 4303 6 169 SOUNDTRACK NA NA y Soul on Top 3 /KO Airport King KS 1100 133 181 LIGHTHOUSE NA NA Decca DL 79173 Peacing It All Together 11 47 110 117 JOHNNY CASH 154 149 DELLS NA NA RCA Victor LSP 4325 10 Like It Is At San Quentin 2 198 182 /ROYAL NA NA Cadet LPS 837 Columbia CS 9827 PHILHARMONIC Warner 28 112 118 SOUNDTRACK 4 150 150 CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD NA NA NA NA Bros. WS 1860 Hello Dolly Give Me Just a Little More Time 11 141 183 ROD McKUEN 20th Century-Fox DTCS 5103 Invictus ST 7300 New Ballads Warner Bros.-Seven Arts 102 116 119 JOHNNY CASH WS 1937 r 11 165 151 NINA SIMONE NA At Folsom Prison Black Gold 4 184 184 JOHN PHILLIPS NA NA Columbia CS 9639 RCA Victor LSP 4248 Dunhill DS 50077 31 88 120 SOUNDTRACK 4 170 BOOKER T THE NA y & MG's NA 9 156 185 ROD STEWART ALBUM NA NA Paint Your Wagon McLemore Avenue Paramount PMS 1001 Mercury SR 61237 l Stax 5T5 2007 4 121 121 COUNTRY JOE & THE FISH NA NA 2 186 186 LONNY SMITH NA NA NA NA 32 119 153 TEMPTATIONS C J Fish Move Your Hand Vanguard VSD 6555 Puzzle People Blue Note BST 84326 Gerdy GS 949 50 105 122 IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY NA NA 6 151 187 SMALL FACES 2 197 TAMMY WYNETTE NA NA Columbia CS 9768 * Warner Bros. WS 1851 Tammy's Touch Epic BN 2 10 99 123 JOAN BAEZ NA 26549 189 188 & GABOR SZABO NA NA One Day at a Time Lena & Gabor 2 177 ERIC BURDON DECLARES WAR NA NA Vanguard VSD 79310 * Skye SK 15 MGM 5E 4663 7 7 108 124 FRANK SINATRA - 189 WES MONTGOMERY NA 10 Watertown 131 156 SOUNDTRACK NA Greatest Hits Reprise F5 1031 Magic Christian A &M SP 4247 Commonwealth United CU 6004 67 129 125 CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL 2 190 190 PORTER WAGONER NA NA NA Bayou Country 12 160 157 RARE BIRD NA NA You Got -ta Have a License Fantasy 8387 Command /Probe CPLP 4510 RCA Victor LSP 4286 46 127 16 155 126 ISAAC HAYES 158 LETTERMEN NA 4 - 191 BLOODROCK NA NA Hot Buttered Soul Traces /Memories Capitol ST 435 Enterprise ENS 1001 Capitol ST 390 2 192 192 WAYLON JENNINGS NA NA 10 130 127 FUNKADELIC NA 15 147 159 SHOCKING BLUE NA Waylon Westbound 2000 Colossus 1000 RCA Victor LSP 4260

7 128 128 SOUNDTRACK NA NA NA 56 163 160 JOHNNY CASH 1 - 193 MYSTIC MOODS NA NA Z Greatest Hits Stormy Weekend Columbia OS 3370 Columbia CS 9478 Philips PHS 800.342 1 194 ORIGINAL CAST NA *GINGER BAKER'S NA 67 149 - AIR FORCE 161 CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL Applause 1 - Atco SD 2-703 Fantasy 8382 ABC ABCS OC 11 68 117 130 SOUNDTRACK 2 195 OLIVER NA NA 2 194 195 JERRY REED NA NA NA NA Romeo & Juliet 11118 Again Cookin' Capitol ST 2993 Crewe CR 1344 RCA Victor LSP 4293 9 176 163 DAVID PORTER NA 23 115 131 ZEPHYR NA NA 2 200 196 TONY MOTTOLA NA NA Commend /Probe CPLP 4510 Gritty, Groovy & Gettin' It Guitar Factory Enterprise ENS 1009 Project 3 PR 5044 18 122 132 QUICKSILVER MESSENGER 11 166 164 BILL COSBY SERVICE 2 199 197 JOHNNY CASH NA NA More of the Best Shady Grove of The Singing Story Teller Warner Bros. -Seven Arts WS 1836 Capitol SKAO 391 Sun SUN 115 13 167 165 DUSTY SPRINGFIELD NA NA NA 107 - 133 SIMON & GARFUNKEL NA NA NA NA - 198 VARIOUS ARTISTS NA A Brand New Me Sounds of Silence Stars of Hee Haw Atlantic SD 8249 Columbia CS 9269 Capitol ST 437 7 157 166 RAIDERS (Featuring Mark Lindsay) NA NA 51 136 134 MOODY BLUES 1 - 199 MARTY ROBBINS NA NA Collage On the Threshold of a My Woman, My Woman, My Wife Dream Columbia CS 9964 Dorm DES 18025 Columbia CS 9978 NA NA 10 172 167 CANNONBALL ADDERLEY QUINTET 1 200 SMITH NA NA NA NA 67 135 LED - JIMMY 135 ZEPPELIN Country Preacher Atlantic SD 8216 0. Groove Drops Capitol SKAO 404 Verve V6-8794

A -Z (LISTED BY ARTIST) Led Zeppelin 25, 135 Buck Owens & Susan John Sebastian 27 Dusty Springfield 165 Lettermen Raye 158 172 Bobby Sherman 10, 92 Ringo Starr 26 Jerry Lee Lewis Cannonball Adderley Ray Conniff 57 143 Steppenwolf 7 103 Grand Funk Railroad..43, 91 Ramsey Lewis 174 Michael Parks 44, 56 Shocking Blue 159 Quintet 167 Bill Cosby 164 Rod Stewart 185 Norman Greenbaum 45 Lighthouse 181 Peter, Paul & Mary ....170 Simon & Garfunkel Herb Alpert & the Country Joe & the Fish 121 .... Barbra Streisand 78 Guess Who 9 Mark Lindsay 84 John Phillips 184 2, 133, 138 Tijuana Brass 100 Cream 19 Pink Floyd 140 Merle Haggard 75 Lulu 175 Nina Simone 151 James Taylor 42 Burt Bacharach 23 Creedence Clearwater Plastic Ono Band 90 Isaac Hayes 13, 126 Henry Mancini Frank Sinatra 124 Tee Set 179 Badfinger 81 Revival 38, 74, 125, 161 115 David Porter 163 Temptations Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Mantovani 110 Sly & the Family Stone 77 16, 153 Joan Baez 123 Crosby, Stills & Nash 88 Elvis Presley 105 Ten Years Miles & Billy Cox 5 Johnny Mathis Small Faces 187 After 14 Ginger Baker's Air Force 129 Crosby, Stills, Nash & 46 Charley Pride 41, 54 B.J. Thomas Hollies 85 John Mayall 58, 87 200 18, 96 Band 60 Young 3 Three Dog Night...8, 39, 80 Lena Horne & Gabor Les McCann & Eddie Quicksilver Messenger Lonny Smith 186 B eatles 6, 30, 142 Miles Davis Ike & Tina Turner 113 Szabo 188 Harris Service 171 B ee Gees 70 132 Soundtracks: Turtles 94, 146 Deep Purple /Royal Engelbert Humperdinck Paul McCartney 176 Brook Benton 68 Philharmonic 1 182 59, 169, 173 Rod McKuen 183 Raiders 166 Airport 116 Blood, Sweat & Tears 55 Delaney & Bonnie Various Artists: 8 Iron Butterfly 35, 51 Melanie Rare Earth 17 Easy Rider 15 Bloodrock 191 Friends 86 Stars of Hee Haw ....198 31 It's a Beautiful Day 122 Joni Mitchell Jerry Reed 195 Funny Girl 99 Booker T & the MGs 152 Delfonics 34 178 Jackson 5 20 Wes Montgomery 189 Marty Robbins 199 Hello Dolly 118 Porter Wagoner 190 James Brown 148 Dells 149 Jaggerz Moody Blues Tommy Roe 106 Magic Christian 156 Jr. Walker & the Eric Burdon Neil 63 61, 134 & War 155 Diamond 89 Tommy James & Van Morrison Kenny Rodpers & the Midnight Cowboy 62 All Stars 177 Doors the 49 Glen Campbell 52, 73 22 Shondells 107, 144 Tony Mottola 196 First Edition 32 Oliver 112 Dionne Warwick 33 Vikki Carr 111 Fifth Dimension..21, 40, 64 Jefferson Airplane 101 Mountain 28 Rolling Stones 65 Paint Your Wagon ...120 Andy Williams 102 Johnny Cash Four Tops 93 Waylon Jennings 192 Mystic Moods 193 Diana Ross & the Romeo & Juliet 130 Flip Wilson 37 .36, 117, 119, 160, 197 Aretha Franklin Tull Supremos ...- ...48, 145 2001: A Space Stevie Wonder 82 50 Jethro 24, 141 Rick Nelson 114 Chairmen of the Board 150 Friends of Distinction 79 Quincy Jones 69 Tom Rush 76 Odyssey 108 Tammy Wynette ...139, 154 Oliver 162 Leon Russell 68 Z 128 Chambers Brothers 137 Frijid Pink 29 Tom Jones 11, 72 Neil Young & Chicago 4, 95 Funkadelic 127 King Crimson 104 Original Cast: Sandpipers 168 Joe South 136 Crazy Horse 83 Joe Cocker 53 Bobbie Gentry 98 B.B. King 67 Applause 194 Santana 12 Spooky Tooth /Pierre Cold Blood 71 Eydie Gorme 180 Gladys Knight & the Pips 97 Hair 47 Savoy Brown 147 Henry 109 Zephyr 131

Compiled from National Retail Stares by the Music Popularity Chart Department and the Record Market Research Department of Billboard. OD 66001 Distributed by A &M Recorcs, 1416 N. '_a Brea, Hollywood, California 90028 FOR WEEK ENDING MAY 23, 1970

STAR PERFORMER -Sides registering * greatest proportionate sales progress this week. ®' Record Industry Association of America seal of certification as million selling single.

43 . o . =' 60 77 BROTHER RAPP (Part I) 4 0 44 43 44 THE GIRLS' SONG 8 James Brown (J. Brown), King 6310 Fifth Dimension (Bones Howe), Soul City 751 3 TITLE Artist (Producer), Label & Number : - 39 62 67 LAY DOWN (Candles in the Rain) 5 52 50 51 CHICKEN STRUT 8 Melanie with the Edwin Hawkins Singers Meters (Marshall E. Sehorn -Allen Toussaint), (Peter Schekeryk) Buddeh 167 Joel. 1018 THE LONG AND WINDING 80 86 GO 3 1 4 AMERICAN WOMAN/ - BACK ROAD /FOR YOU BLUE 1 Crabby Appleton (Don Gallucci), Elektra 45687 NO SUGAR TONIGHT 10 Beatles (Phil Spector), Apple 2832 Guess Who 71 77 (Jack Richardson), RCA 74 -0325 66 THE 79 WELFARE CADILAC 14 WONDER OF YOU/ Out Drake (Don Hosea for Trip 3 4 9 * Universal) VEHICLE 9 MAMA LIKED THE ROSES 2 Royal American 1 Ides of March (Lee Prod.), Warner Bros. 7378 Elvis Presley, RCA Victor 47 -9835 74 81 84 12 MY WAY 6 8 9 10 TURN BACK THE 31 Brook Benton (Arif Mardln), HANDS 31 32 34 AIRPORT THEME 7 Cotillion 44072 OF TIME 10 Vincent Bell (Tom Morgan), Decca 32659 WHO'S GONNA TAKE THE Tyrone Davis (Willie Henderson), Dakar 616 61 85 RIDE CAPTAIN RIDE 3 BLAME 1 7 7 - 16 Blues - - EVERYTHING IS * Image (Richard Podolor), Atco 6746 Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (N. Ashford & BEAUTIFUL. 8 Ray Stevens (Ray Stevens), Barnaby 2011 V. Simpson), Tamla 54194 35 38 43 HEY LAWDY MAMA ...... 7 5 14 19 CECELIA 7 39 SPIRIT IN THE DARK 1 Steppenwolf (), Dunhill 4234 - - Simon & Garfunkel (Paul Simon, Arthur Garfunkel Aretha Franklin (, Tom Dowd & R Roy Halee), Columbia 4-45133 49 67 76 SUGAR SUGAR 8 Arif Menthe), Atlantic 2731 3 2 LET IT BE I Wilson Pickett (Jerry Wexler -Tom Dowd), 8 92 I CALL MY BABY 10 Atlantic 2722 - CANDY 3 Beatles (George Martin), Apple 2764 Jagger. (Sinuous Prod.), Kama Sutra 509 47 76 81 IT'S ALL IN THE GAME 5 12 16 I WANT 1 20 LOVE ON A TWO WAY STREET 7 * Four Tops (Frank Wilson) Motown 1164 - - - TO TAKE YOU HIGHER Moments * Sly & the Family Stone (Sly Stone), Epic 5 -10450 (Sylvia), Stang 5102 51 53 56 LOVE LAND 7 *, 85 SO MUCH LOVE 9 13 30 UP AROUND THE BEND/ Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm 0 - - 2 Band (Charles Wright), Warner Bros. -Seen Arts 7365 Faith, Hope & Charity (Ven McCoy -Joe Cobb), 10 RUN THROUGH THE JUNGLE. 5 Maxwell 805 Creedence Clearwater Revival (John Fogerty) 7 43 40 40 42 OH HAPPY DAY Fantasy I WANT TO TAKE 1 641 Glen Campbell (Al De levy), Capitol 2787 - - - YOU HIGHER Ike & Tina Turner & the Ikettes (Ike 2 2 1 ABC 11 45 47 63 THE SEEKER 6 Turner), Liberty 56177 Jackson 5 (Corporation) Motown 1163 44 O The Who (Kit Lambert), Noce 32670 79 - - KILLER JOE 2 10 10 10 13 REFLECTIONS OF MY 11 Quincy Jones (Creed Taylor), ARM 1163 LIFE 57 66 74 BAND OF GOLD 5 Marmalade (Marmalade) London 20058 * Freda Payne (Holland -Dozier) Inoictes 9075 BALL OF - - CONFUSION (That's

6 5 3 What the 1 11 SPIRIT IN THE SKY 13 59 80 86 YOU GOT ME DANGLING World Is Today) sJ ON Temptations Norman Greenbaum (Erik Jacobsen), Reprise 0885 * (Norman Whitfield), Gordy 7099 A STRING 4 Chairmen of the Board (Holland /Dozier/ 95 95 IF YOU DO BELIEVE 16 19 24 GET READY 11 - IN LOVE. 3 Holland), Invictus 9078 Tee Set (T.S.R. Prod.), * Rare Earth (Rare Earth) Rare Earth Colossus 114 5012 * 53 78 94 QUESTION 4 82 91 BABY I LOVE YOU 13 15 17 FOR THE LOVE OF 11 Moody Blues - 3 HIM (Tony Clarke), Threshold 67004 13 Little Milton (Calvin Carter), Checker Bobbi Martin (Henry Jerome), United Artists 50602 1227 32 29 26 EVERYBODY'S OUT OF TOWN. 9 ae MAMA TOLD ME 1 17 23 32 WHICH WAY YOU GOIN' B. J. Thomas (Burt Bacharsch-Hal David), (Not to Come) it Three Dog Night (Richard Podolor), Dunhill 4239 BILLY? 9 Scepter 12277 Poppy Family (T. Jacks), London 34 28 23 TENNESSEE BIRDWALK 14 FREE THE 129 49 PEOPLE 1 Jack Blanchard 6 Misty Morgan (Little Richie Delaney & Bonnie & Friends (Jerry Wexler - 11 11 15 WOODSTOCK 9 Johnson), Wayside 010 Tom 15 Dowd), Atoo 6756 Crosby, Stills, Nash 8 Young (Crosby, Stills, 56 59 71 THE ONION SONG/ Nash & Young), Atlantic 2723 50 84 84 91 LUCIFER 6 CALIFORNIA 85 15 SOUL 6 Bob Seeger System (Hideout Prod.), Capitol 2748 6 6 LOVE OR LET ME BE LONELY.12 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell (Ashford -Simpson), Friends of Distinction (Ray Cork, Jr.), RCA 74 -0319 Tamla 54192 96 SWEET FEELING 86 92 - 3 48 48 53 DON'T STOP NOW 8 Candi Staten (Rick Nall), Fame 1466 25 35 MAKE ME SMILE 8 51 Eddie Holman (Peter De Anglis), ABC 11261 Chicago (James William Overdo), Columbia 4-45127 87 RED 91 RED WINE 2 lb 21 26 41 THE LETTER 6 81 HEY, MISTER SUN. 2 Vic Dana (Ted Glasser), Liberty 56163 Joe * Bobby Sherman (Jackie Mills), Metromedia 188 Cocker (Denny Cordell -Leon Russell) A &M 1174 - - - MAN OF CONSTANT SORROW 1 Ginger Baker's Air Force Featuring Denny Leine lg 20 20 28 WHAT IS TRUTH 7 65 72 73 OPEN UP MY HEART 6 (Jimmy Miller), Atco 6750 Johnny Cash (Bob Johnston), Columbia 4-45134 Dells (Bobby Miller), Cadet 5667 89 86 89 93 DARKNESS DARKNESS ..... 4 55 64 69 6 Youngblood: (Charles E. Daniels), RCA 23 31 49 DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS 4 54 CINNAMON GIRL 74 -0342 Gentrys (Knox Phillips), Sun 1114 iii1/ Tom Jones (Peter Sullivan), Parrot 40048 100- AND MY HEART SANG 63 65 90 90 14 12 11 SOMETHING'S BURNING 15 88 MISSISSIPPI QUEEN 6 (Tra La La) 3 21 * Mountain (Felix Pappalardi), Windfall Kenny 532 Rogers R the First Edition (Jimm Brenda & the Tabulations (Van McCoy & Bowen -Kenny Rogers), Reprise 0888 Gilda Woods), Top & Bottom 403 irr 62 79 BABY HOLD ON 3 28 30 37 REACH OUT AND TOUCH Grass Roots (Steve Berri), Dunhill 4237 91 LET THIS BE A LETTER * 91 (Somebody's Hand) 5 64 74 75 FARTHER ON DOWN (To My Baby) 2 Diana Ross (N. Ashford R V. Simpson) Motown 1165 Jackie Wilson (Carl Davis 6 Eugene Record), THE ROAD ... 6 Brunswick 55435 7 27 29 Joe Simon (1.R. Ent. Inc.), Sound Stage 7 2656 LITTLE GREEN BAG 10 99 THAT SAME OLD FEELING 2 George Baker Selection (Negram), 55 Colossus 112 59 HUM A SONG (From Your Heart) 5 92 Fortunes (Noel Walker & Billy Davis), World 4 Lulu with the Dixie Flyers (Jerry Wexler ¡¡jj -Tom Dowd- Pacific 77937 25 36 40 COME SATURDAY MORNING 15 Arif Mardin) Atco 6749 Sandpipers (Allen Stanton), 98 COTTAGE . ARM 1185 73 90 INTO THE MYSTIC 3 93 CHEESE 2 Crow (B. Monaco), Ameret 119 26 34 38 PUPPET MAN 6 Johnny Rivers (), Imperial 66448 5th Dimension (Bones 72 WHOEVER FINDS THIS, I SHE DIDN'T KNOW Howe), Bell 880 - 94 96 99 - 41 58 62 MY BABY LOVES LOVE YOU 2 (She Kept on Talking) 3 LOVIN' 6 Mac Davis (Jerry Fuller), Dee Dee Warwick with the Dixie Flyers White Plains Columbia 4-45117 (Dave (Roger Greenway /Roger Cook), Crawford), Otte 6754 Derain 85058 75 83 85 I CAN'T LEAVE YOUR 95 8 8 5 INSTANT KARMA (We All LOVE ALONE . 7 - - - AIN'T THAT LOVING YOU Clarence Carter (Rick Hall), Atlantic 2726 (For Shine On) 13 More Reasons Than One) 1 76 Luther Ingram (Johnny Bayloe), KaKo John Ono Lennon (Phil Spector), Apple 1818 - CHECK OUT YOUR MIND 2 2105 Impressions (Curtis Mayfield), Curtain 1951 97 I WANT TO 30 35 36 VIVA TIRADO, Part 1 7 - 96 El Chicano (Billy Watson & Eddie Davis), Kapp 2085 77- COME TO ME 2 (Do Everything for You) 2 Tommy James 8 the Shondells (Tommy James Raelettes (Ray Charles), Tangerine 1006 6 42 46 HITCHIN' A RIDE 10 & Bob King), Roulette 7076 Vanity Fare (Roger Easterby & Des Champ), 50 49 39 COME RUNNING WESTBOUND #9 1 Page One 21029 8 Van Morrison (Morrison- Merenstein), Werner Flaming Ember (Stagecoach Prod.), Hot Wax 7003 42 51 60 UNITED WE STAND 6 Bras. 7383 Brotherhood of Man (Tony Hiller), Derain 85059 100 THAT SAME OLD FEELING . 2 GIMME DAT DING 1 98 - - Picketty Witch (John MacLeod), Janus 118 33 57 68 Pipkins (John Burgess), Capitol 2819 31 SOOLAIMON (African Trilogy II) 4 Neil Diamond (Tom Catalano), UNI 55224 83 MISSISSIPPI 2 SPILL THE WINE .. 1 - - 99 Eric Borden John Phillips (Lou - & War (Jerry Goldstein), MGM 14118 Adler), Dunhill 4236 -- 37 39 48 LET ME GO TO HIM 6 32 Dionne 46 44 45 FREEDOM Warwick (Burt Bacharsch -Hal David), 81 MISS AMERICA 8 BLUES 1 Scepter 12276 Mark Lindsay (Jerry Fuller), Columbia 445125 Little Richard (R. Blackwell 8 R. Penniman), Reprise 0907 HOT 100-A TO Z -(Publisher -Licensee ) BUBBLING ABC (Jobete, BMI) 9 UNDER THE HOT 100 Hitchin' a Ride (Intone, BMI) 29 (TRO- Ain't That Loving You For More Question Andover, ASCAP) 47 Reasons Mum a Song (From Your Heart) Than One) (East /Memphis, EMI) 95 (Walden /Crealey, ASCAP) Reach Out and Touch (Somebody's Hand) 101. MORE THAN I CAN STAND Bobby Womack, Airport Theme 58 Minis 32093 (Shamley, ASCAP) 37 Call My Baby Candy (Sinuous (lohnte, BMI) American Woman Revival/ 102. (Dunbar, BMI) 1 Kama Sutra, BMI) 75 Red Red Wine (Tallyrand, BMI) 87 Ten Years After, Deram 7529 And My Heart (Tra Sang La La) (One Eyed Can't Leave Your Love Alone (Fame Reflections of My Life (Walrus, ASCAP) 10 103. COTTONFIELDS Soul & McCo, BMI) BMI) 61 Beach Boys, Capitol 2765 90 Want to (Do Everything for You) (tree, BMI) 96 Ride Captain Ride (ATM, ASCAP) 38 Run 104. YOU, ME Baby Hold On (Trousdale, BMI) 56 Want to Take You Higher (Daly City, BMI) 76 Through the Jungle (Jondora, BMI) 8 B MEXICO Edward Bear, Capitol 2801 Baby I Love You (Metric, BMI) Want to Take You Higher (Daly 82 City, BMI) 78 The Seeker (Track, BMI) 44 105. FRIENDS Ball of Confusion (That's What the World f You Do Believe in Love (Legacy, EMI) Feather, White Whale 353 81 She Didn't Know (She Is Today) (Jobete, BMI) nstant Karma (We All Kept On Talking) 80 Shine On) (Maclen, BMI) 27 (Williams, BMI) 106. LONG LONESOME ROAD Shocking Blue, Colossus 116 Band of Gold (Gold Forever, BMI) nto the Mystic (Band Jam-WB, ASCAP) 45 59 Something's Burning (BnB, BMI) Brother Rapp (Part 1) (Dynatone, BMI) is All in the Game (Remick, ASCAP) 41 21 107. LAY A LITTLE LOVIN' ON ME Robin McNamara, Steed 33 So Much Love (McCoy, BMI) 77 724 California Killer Joe (Andante, ASCAP) 79 Soul (Jobete, BMI) so Soolaimon (African Trilogy 108. I WANNA BE A FREE GIRL Lay Down (Candles in the Rain) (Kama II) (Prophet, ASCAP) . 31 Dusty Springfield, Atlantic 2729 Cecelia (Charing Cross, BMI) 5 Spill the Wine (Far Out, BMI) 99 Check ASCAP) 34 109. YOU KEEP ME HANGIN' /HURT Out Your Mind (Canted, BMI) 62 It Spirit in the Dark (Pundit, BMI) 74 ON SO BAD MEDLEY Chicken Strut (Rhinelander, Let Be ( Maclen, MI) 6 BMI) 69 Spirit in the Sky (Great Honesty, BMI) 11 Jackie DeShannon, Imperial Cinnamon The Letter (Barton, BMI) 18 66452 Girl (Cotillion /Broken Arrow, BMI) 54 Sugar Sugar (Kirshner, BMI) 40 Let Me Go to Him (Blue Seas 110. I Come Running (Van -Jan, ASCAP) 64 /Jac, ASCAP) 32 Sweet Feeling (Fame, BMI) 86 SHALL BE RELEASED Rick Nelson, Decca 2676 Let This Be a Letter (To My Baby) Come Saturday Morning (Famous, ASCAP) 24 (Dakar /Julio -Brian /BRC, BMI) 91 Tennessee 111. SOME BEAUTIFUL Jack Wild, Come to Me (Big Seven, BMI) 63 Birdwalk (Back Bay, BMI) 49 Capitol 2742 Cottage Little Green Bag (Le c BMI 23 That Same Old Feeling (January, Cheese (Yuggath /Forty Tunes, BMI) 93 BMI) 98 112. BOOGIE WOOGIE COUNTRY GIRL Southwind, Blue Thumb Love Land (Wright /Gerst) /Tamerlane, BMI) 42 That Same Old Feeling (January, BMI) 111 Darkness Darkness (Pigroot, ASCAP) 89 Love 92 on a Two Way Street (Gambi, BMI) 7 The Long and Winding Road (Maclen, BMI) 113. WHAT AM I GONNA DO Smith, Dunhill Daughter of Darkness (Foisted, BMI) 20 35 4238 Love or Let Me Be Lonely (Porpete, BMI) 16 Turn Back the Hands of Time (Dakar /Jadan, BMI) Don t Stop Now 3 I (Merlin /Harthon, BMI) 51 Lucifer (Gear, ASCAP) THINK I LOVE YOU AGAIN Brenda Lee, Deena 32675 85 United Everybody's Out of Town (Blue Seas /Jac, ASCAP) 48 Make Me Smile (Aurelius, BMI) 17 We Stand (Belwin- Mills, ASCAP) 30 Up Around ARE YOU READY Pacific Gas & Electric, Columbia Everything Is Beautiful (Ahab, BMI) 4 Mama Liked the Roses (Press, BMI) 36 the Bend (Jondora, BMI) 8 445158 Farther on Down the Road (Blackwood, Mama Told Me Not to Come) (January, BMI) 83 Vehicles H MY MY Monkees, Colgems BMI) 57 Man (Ides, BMI) 2 66 -5011 For the Love of Him (United Artists / Teeger, of Constant Sorrow (Casserole, BMI) 88 Miss America (Viva, 67 Viva Tirade HEIGHDY HO PRINCESS ...... Neon Philharmonic, Warner ASCAP) 13 BMI) (Part 1) (TRO- Ludlow /Amestoy, BMI) 28 Bros. 7380 For You Mississippi (Alchemy, ASCAP) Welfare Cadilac (Bull Fighter, BMI) 71 Blue (tiarrisongs, BMI) 35 66 118. PEOPLE AND ME New Colony Six, Mercury 73063 Freedom Blues (Peyton, BMI) 100 Mississippi Queen (Upfall, ASCAP) 55 Westbound c9 (Gold Forever, BMI) 97 My Baby Loves Lovin' (Marius, BMI) 26 What Is Truth? (House of Cash, BMI) 119. PRIMROSE LANE Free the People (Leo Feist, ASCAP) 84 19 0 C. Smith, Columbia 4 -45160 My Way (Spanka /Don C., BMI) 72 Which Way You Goie' Billy? (Gone Fishin'. BMI) Get Ready (Jobete, BMI) 12 14 120. I'M A No Sugar Tonight (Dunbar, 1 Whoever Finds MAN U Gimme BMI) This, I Love You (BnB, BMI) 60 Yellwoyec, 55225 Dat Ding (Duchess, BMI) 65 Oh Happy Day (Kama Rippe /Edwin R. Hawkins, Woodstock (Siquomb, BMI) 15 121. TRYING TO The Girls' Song (Rivers, BMI) 68 MAKE A FOOL OF ME Delfonics Phiglly Grooni ve 162 ASCAP) 43 Who's Gonna Take the Blame (Jobete, BMI) Go Back (Meemoo, BMI) 70 73 The Onion Song (Jobete, BMI) 122. IT'S JUST A GAME SO The Wonder of You (DUfchess, BMI) 36 Peaches R Herb, Date 2 -1669 Hey Lawdy Mama (Trousdale, BMI) 39 Open You Got Me Hey, Mister Sun (Green Apple, BMI) 52 Puppet Mayn (Screen Gems-Columbia, BMI) Dangling on a String (Gold 123. RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN' ON MY HEAD I 25 Forever, BMI) 46 Barbara Mason, National General 005

Compiled from national retail sales and radio station airplay by the Music Popularity Dept. of Record Market Research, Billboard. A SuperSmash Single by... nee jeq s i Ater C npany

from their Chart LP "Cricklewood Green" NUMBER OF SINGLES REVIEWED THIS WEEK 134

LAST WEEK SpçtIi Singles 106

This record is predicted to reach the TOP 40 EASY LISTENING Chart I CC ;KO :Le] URI ;LC I I Eel : I I Spotlights Predicted to reach the top 20 of the HOT 100 Chart

*MIGUEL RIOS -A SONG OF JOY (Himno a la Alegria) (4:45) COUNTRY (Writers: Orbe -De Los Rios) (Barnegat, BMI) -A beautiful performance Spotlights Predicted to reach the top 20 of the with the melody based on the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth Sym- HOT COUNTRY phony, this Canadian smash is sure to meet with the same acceptance SINGLES Chart here and ride to the very top of the best selling charts. Flip: "El Rio" (2:40) (Irving, BMI). ABM 1193 BUCK OWENS & HIS BUCKAROOS -THE KANSAS CITY SONG (2:17) (Prod. Ken Nelson) (Writers: Owens- Simpson) (Blue Book, BMI) -Owens penned this rousing item with Red Simpson, and it's sure to keep him at the top of the country charts. It's a potent contender to equal and surpass the success of his current chart rider with Susan Raye "To- getherness." Flip: "I'd Love to Be Your Man" (2:16) (Blue Book, BMI). CC 2:101 4.1 :L*) 1 I Eel 1 I Capitol 2783 MERLE HAGGARD -JESUS, Spotlights Predicted to reach the top 60 of TAKE A HOLD (2:16) the HOT 100 Chart (Prod. Ken Nelson) (Writer: Haggard) (Blue Book, BMI)- Haggard follows up his recent "Fightin' Side of Me" with a moving performance of solid his "But *JAY & THE AMERICANS -TRICIA (2:54) For Love" hit, and this follow -up will carry him even higher. material that should bring him right back to the No. 1 spot on the (Prod. Yaguda, Vance It's a smooth revival of the Tradewinds hit of a few years back Country charts. & Kupersmith) (Writers: Barry -Kupersmith) (Unart/ and First rate performance and production. Flip: "No Reason Naylor's performance makes it a winner. Flip: (No to New Life, BMI) -The recent release by Andy Kim proves a smooth and Information Avail- Quit" (2:34) (Shade Tree, BMI). Capitol 2838 able). Columbia 4-45170 exciting follow -up to the group's "Capture the Moment" winner, and should ride even BILL higher on the Hot 100. Flip: "Do I Love You" (Hill & Range/ ANDERSON & JAN HOWARD- THE ORIGINAL CASTE -NOTHING CAN TOUCH SOMEDAY Mother Bertha, BMI). United Artists 50683 WE'LL BE TOGETHER (2:46) ME (Don't Worry Baby, It's Alright) (2:55) (Writers: Fuqua- Beavers -Bristol) (Jobete, BMI)- Motown has come to Nash- *LETTERMEN -SHE CRIED (3:12) (Prod. & ) (Writers: Lambert -Potter) (Cents ville . . , and this powerful treatment of the Supremes pop hit is sure (Prod. Al De Lory) (Writers: & Pence, BMI) -The group that brought fame to "One Tin Soldier" has Richards -Daryll) (Trio, 8MI) -The trio comes to prove a country smash as performed by the successful come up with another first duet. Should be up with a smooth follow -up to the recent "Hang On, Sloopy" chart rider rate rock ballad that will bring them back to heading straight for the No. 1 spot on the country charts. Flip: "Who the charts in short order. (No with this exceptional revival of the Jay & the Flip: Information Available). T. A. 197 Is Americans' hit of the the Biggest Fool" (2:18) (Moss -Rose, BMI). Decca 32689 past. First rate performance and production. Flip: "For Love" (2:25) FRANKIE AVALON -COME (Grey Fox, BMI). Capitol 2820 ON BACK TO ME, WILBURN BABY (2:44) BROTHERS -COUNTRY BOY (2:27) (Writer: Cannon) (Sure -Fire, BMI) -A rousing country winner that is sure *CUFF LINKS- ROBIN'S WORLD (2:44) (Prod. Jackie Mills) (Writer: Bahler) (Luton /Sequel, BMI) -Avalon returns to ride right to the top of the country charts. The to the disk Brothers turn in a (Prod. Paul Vance-Lee Pockriss) (Writers: Vance -Pockriss) (Emily /Vanlee, scene with a potent rocker that should have no trouble first -rate performance and the material can't be beat. Flip: "Lilacs in ASCAP) winning programming and sales acceptance. It's a sure bet the -The Cuff Links hit the Top Ten of the Hot 100 with their "Tracy," for Winter" (2:41) (Maple, ASCAP). Decca 32683 Hot 100 honors. Flip: "Empty" and have continued to make their mark on the sales charts with (2:11) (Sunbeam, BMI). Metromedia 181 follow -ups. This bouncy rhythm item is certain to bring them back to a NICK LAMPE- FLOWER GARDEN (3:05) high spot. Flip: "Lay a Little Love On Me" (2:45) (Emily /Vanlee, (Prod. & Jackson Howe) (Writer: Lampe) ASCAP). Decca 32687 (Only Love/ Cotillion, BMI)- Exceptional initial solo outing for Lampe is loaded with Spotlights Predicted to reach the sales and programming potential and should prove an immediate DELFONICS- TRYING TO MAKE A FOOL OF ME chart CHART HOT COUNTRY SINGLES Chart rider. Good performance and material. Flip: "Life of a Child" (2:56) (2:58) (Only Love /Cotillion, BMI). Cotillion 44066 WILMA BURGESS (Prod. Stan 8 Bell Prod.) (Writers: Bell -Hart) (Nickel Shoe, BMI) -Hot - Lonely For You (2:37) (Singleton, BMI). DECCA 32684 on the heels of their recent Top Ten ALIVE AND KICKING- TIGHTER, TIGHTER winner "Didn't I (Blow Your (2:45) GEORGE KENT -Doogie Ray (2:58) (Prod. Tommy James-Bob King) (Writers: (Newkeys, BMI). MERCURY 73066 Mind This Time)," the Delfonics offer a sure winner for both pop and James -King) (Big Seven, BMI) - Written and produced by Tommy James MELBA MONTGOMERY soul markets. This rocker should keep them riding high on the charts. and Bob King, this rocker is sure -Elroy Crossing (3:19) (Return, BMI). CAPITOL 2825 to bring the new group Flip: (No Information Available). Philly Groove 162 right to the fore. A top performance corn - CHARLIE WALKER -Let's Go Fishin' Boys (The Girls Are Bitin') (1:59) bined with top material makes this a programming must, with sales (Green Grass, BMI). EPIC 5-10610 JOHNNIE TAYLOR -STEAL AWAY (3:15) sure to follow. Flip: "Sunday Morning" (3:24) (Big Seven, BMI). Roulette 7078 BOBBY WAYNE -The Way His (Prod. Don Davis) Woman Does (2:37) (Central Songs, BMI). (Writer: Hughes) (Fame, BMI) -Taylor is at his best with CAPITOL 2826 this smooth and soulful rock ballad that will prove an even bigger success -MELANIE MAKES ME SMILE GRANDPA JONES than his recent "Love Bones." Top production work by Don Davis. -Trouble in Mind (2:23) (Leeds, ASCAP). MONUMENT 1203 Flip: (No Information Available). (3:04) Star 0068 BOBBY BOND- Houston Blues (Prod. Tony Macaulay) (Writers: Mason -Macaulay) (January, BMI)- Here's an (3:08) (Acuff -Rose, BMI) HICKORY 1566 easy beat rocker that is loaded with programming and sales appeal, and JAMIE KAYE -1 Don't Wanna Play House (2:25) *JERRY NAYLOR -MIND EXCURSION (2:11) (Gallico, BMI). METRO - there's an exceptional vocal performance thrown in for good measure. MEDIA 178 (Prod. Sonny Knight) (Writers: Andreoli -Poncia, Jr.) (Kama Sutra, BMI) - Headed straight for a high spot on the Hot 100. Flip: "I'll Get Along Naylor broke through on both the Hot 100 and Easy Listening charts with Somehow Girl" (3:24) (Vaudeville, BMI). Bell 884 (s] *'Zs111 IDJ 10 Evil N I ill :Lò) 111M:1 Spotlighting new singles deserving special attention of pragralrtmers and dealers.

*ANDY WILLIAMS -One Day of Your Life (2:30) (Prod. Dick Glasser) *CY COLEMAN -Sunny (2:26) (Prod. Cy Coleman & Bob Morgan) (Writer: SOUL (Writers: Sedaka -Greenfield) (Screen Gems -Columbia, BMI) -Williams Hebb) (Portable, BMI) -The Bobby Hebb classic gets a powerful work- turns in one of his best performances with this easy beat Neil Sedaka Spotlights Predicted to reach the out by Coleman, and should quickly and Howard Greenfield rhythm ballad and it's loaded with Hot 100 work its way to the Easy TOP 20 of the TOP SELLING R &B SINGLES and Easy Listening potential. Columbia 4-45175 Listening and Hot 100 charts. Notable 1104 Chart

*FRANK SINATRA- What's Now Is Now (4:00) (Prod. Bob Gaudio) (Writers: CANADA GOOSE- Higher & Higher (2:54) Gaudio -Holmes) (Devalbo /Sergeant, ASCAP- Culled from his "Water- (Prod. Jerry Ragovoy) (Writers: SOLOMON BURKE -IN THE GHETTO (3:16) town" LP, Jackson- Smith) (Jalynne, this beautiful ballad penned by Bob Gaudio and Jake BMI)- Jackie Wilson's hit of the past gets a (Prod. Mac Davis) (Writer: Davis) (Presley /BnB, BMI) -The recent Elvis Holmes is sure to prove a middle -of- the -road programming must. potent updating via this performance by a good new group, and it's Presley pop hit is given an emotional and powerful soulful reading by Reprise 0920 Burke who will surely bring loaded with Hot 100 potential. Tonsil 0002 it to the top of the soul charts. Written *NANCY and produced by Mac Davis, Burke's treatment is classic. Flip: "God WILSON -This Girl Is a Woman Now (3:05) (Prod. David D. Knows I Love You" (Metric, BMI). Bell 891 Cavanaugh) (Three Bridges, ASCAP) -Miss Wilson turns in a first 'BUZZ CASON rate -Billy Freedom (2:29) (Prod. Buzz Cason) (Writers: Cason - performance of the recent Gary Puckett & the Union Gap hit and Buffett) (Cason, ASCAP)-The writer -producer has turned performer, SLY is sure to garner much in programming and sales. Capitol 2831 JOHNSON -ONE WAY TICKET TO NOWHERE and this latest outing is one of his strongest. His first for the label, (2:27) THE ARBORS -OMKALONA River Bottom Band (2:25) (Prod. Roy Cicala 8 it is loaded with programming and sales potential. Creative Workshop (Prod. Pieces of Piece) (Writers: Daniels- Moore) (Ja- Dan /Midday, BMI) Lori Burton) (Writer: Gentry) (Shayne, ASCAP)-The Arbors had a big - 7001 Johnson rode both the Hot 100 and Soul Charts with his recent "Is It hit last year with their treatment of "The Letter," and this revival of Because I'm Black" hit, and this rhythmic follow -up will prove even the Bobbie Gentry rhythm gem is sure to bring them back to the more successful. First rate performance and material. Flip: "Kiss Hot 100. Date 2-1672 *GILBERT PRICE -Gatherin' Sweet Moss (2:54) (Prod. Harold Wheeler) by Kiss" (2:30) (Jaylene /Midday, BMI), Twinight 134 (Writers: Carr -Alhert) (Pincus & Sons, ASCAP) -A smooth rhythm ballad *PETER NERO- Company (2:29) (Prod. Wally Gold) (Writer: Sondheim) with an equally smooth performance (Valando /Sondheim, ASCAP) -Nero is one of the very first to come by Price makes this a sure up with a recording of the title tune from Broadway's latest hit contender for sales honors. Columbia 4-45164 musical, and it should prove a much -in- demand item . . . program- CHARTSpotlights Predicted reach ming and sales -wise. Columbia 4-45167 FIRST NATIONAL NOTHING (featuring J. Marks) -Purple to the Song (3:35) SOUL SINGLES Chart (Prod. John McClure) (Writers: *JOHNSTONS- Streets of London (3:08) (Prod. Richard Gorrehrer) (Writer: Marks- Kuhner) (Music Machine, BMI) - One of the McTell) (TRO /Andover, ASCAP) -Good group with a refreshing sound most unusual disks of the week, this delightful ditty could FREDDIE SCOTT - I Shall Be Released (2:40) (Dwarf, ASCAP). PROBE 481 make this rhythm item a winner for the best selling charts in both prove a left field winner and bring the group Hot 100 fame. Hot 100 and Easy KOOL 8 THE GANG -Let the Music Take Your Mind Listening areas. Sire 4119 Columbia (2:50) (Stephanye, 4 -45153 POL. DELITE 529 76 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD COME ON BACK, FRANKIE!

It's Frankie Avalon It's been a little while since you've heard from him on record, but he was looking for the right shot. Now he's found the right spot, the right company, the right producer, the right song. And we're very proud to announce the release of his right on single-


On Metromedia Records

m TROmEOIII Where he belongs. Produced by Jackie Mills for Wednesday's Child Productions Late News

J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllIIIIIUIIIlllllllllllVlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Pilferage on Rampage AM RECORDS Hodges, Saxophonist Great, 'Hiding' Campaign On ADDS 4 S TORES Dies at 64 of a Heart Attack LOS ANGELES-American NEW YORK - John Corne- Ellington always reserved NEW YORK - Pilferage is nies. He believes that the stick- Records, a discount chain of 10 lius Hodges, Johnny Hodges, the special spot for him in his con rearing its ugly head again. Re- ers would also be helpful in the stores, is expanding. With stores Rabbit, alto saxophonist with cells. Hodges would stand it ports have been coming in to selling of catalog albums. He in the Los Angeles and Orange the Duke Ellington orchestra the spotlight, impassive, eyes Billboard from record stores said, "The customer wants to County locations, the firm plans since 1928, died of a heart open ( "counting the house,' that pilferage of record albums, know what's what. He has a to open four additional outlets attack last week. He had just Ellington once said) restating tapes and singles has become so right to know, and there is pres- within the ensuing . weeks, re- returned from a Far Eastern his claim to be, along with uncontrollable that it has be- ently no way for him to find ports Jack Warfield, newly tour with the band. Benny Carter and Charlie Par come absolutely necessary to out. We, in the record industry named general manager for the ker, one of the three great altc put all merchandise Only baritone saxophonist behind the owe it to ourselves and the pub- chain. Harry saxophone soloists in jazz. coun ter. American Records, Carney, who joined in lic to start giving 'customer which 1926, has longer service with To combat pilferage, specializes in Hodges was born July 25; John service' not self- service. It is selling $4.98 al- the Ellington band. Hodges did Schreiber, who runs Jay's in bums for $2.98 was 1906, in Cambridge, Mass. getting increasingly difficult to formed leave Ellington for a brief Rochester, N.Y., suggests that four years ago. It 8 Mostly self- taught, he did re- give the proper service because sells -track period in 1951 to lead his own someone make available perma- of the pressures of monopolies, CARtridges and cassettes for ceive lessons from the late Sid- nent stick -press small group -he had a hit ney Bechet Hodges also apply stickers, pilferage and cost of op- $4.98. with "Castle Rock" - about 2 -by -4 inches showing the eration." -but re- played soprano -and joined a IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111 joined in front and back of each album 1955. Chick Webb band briefly be- cover. "These," he said, "can fore starting his long tenure be placed on divider cards so with Ellington. His was one of the customer can 'see' the rec- the tones and talents that El- ord before buying it." FCC Probing New Payola Issues lington built his orchestra around. It's Schreiber's opinion that Continued from page 1 and from 1965 into 1967, when proper sponsorship identification these stickers could be subsi- the show went off, WPIX mere- from the start of the show's Hodges made his last re- sidized rangement," by the record compa- recording compa- ly announced that talent appear- check - swapping arrangement, cording in April with Oliver nies paid the performance fees ances were "arranged through" which WPIX Nelson for Flying Dutchman. of the entertainers says began in under con- various record or publishing 1964, not in 1963 as Cole's affi- tract to them, when the artists companies. Forum holds that the davit claimed. WPIX appeared on claims it Faraday Suit vs the WPIX -TV anti -payola law requires an- is accepted industry practice Aretha Franklin in show. The to payment was "in re- nouncement that the appear- say a performer's appearance turn for a Las Vegas Date suitable credit (iden- ances were "paid for or fur- was "arranged by" a record Cap Trial Due rangement," recording compa- nished" by the companies. company. NEW YORK -Aretha Frank- nies paid the performance fees The FCC hearing lin makes her first personal ap- of the The challenging Forum sub- on the TECUMSEH, Mich. -Fara- entertainers under con- WPIX -TV case will also take up pearance in almost a year when tract to them, when the artists mitted an affidavit from Clay she opens a two week engage- day, Inc., here is preparing to Cole Forum's charge that the New appeared on the WPIX - TV about the check -swapping ment at the International Hotel, continue with a lawsuit against arrangements, York station, which reaches four Audio Devices Divison of Cap- show. The payment was "in re- and accused Las Vegas, June 1. WPIX of canceling Cole's states and has an audience of itol Industries, Inc., following a turn for a suitable credit (iden- over 18 is tification) "Scene Seventy" show in retali- million, not giving She is also set for a European decision May 13 by a South at the end of the best service to the varied show." ation, just nine days after Forum com- tour that includes filming a tele- District Court of New York munities served by its broad cov- vision special, "Aretha in the Forum alleges that the New filed its initial plea with the judge who threw out Capitol's commission. erage. Holy Land" in Israel. summary judgement and coun- York station made no sponsor- ter lawsuit. ship identification at all on the In answer to the various Faraday claimed that Capi- shows during 1963 and 1964, charges, WPIX said the cancel- tol has not been paying royal- ing of Cole's show was a routine Columbia Record Club, Mico ties on a Faraday patent on a management decision involving lubricant that allows an 8- Operation 'Go' scheduling. WPIX says the Cole Sign track cartridge to continue to affidavit provided no proof in to Distribute Hobbit turn without being rewound. Continued from page 3 the way of names or dates to LOS ANGELES - Hobbit The company's soundtrack ex- Faraday is seeking payment on bera cartoon characters for the support his charges. The station Records has signed with the pert Neely Plumb will leave for back royalties and assurance fall TV season. management insisted that it had Columbia Record Club and with Europe Monday (18) to com- from Capitol that future pay- When Capitol's field force told all personnel to supply the Mico Industries of the Philip- plete two projects and to scout ments will be made. Fred journeys to Honolulu the first pines for distribution. Both pacts film scores for Capitol Records Kluin, president of Faraday, week in June for the company's are for three years. in Italy. said the company does not national sales convention, Ian - Blast Hits International Management know how much royalties are nucci's keynote speech will zero Combine (IMC) owns the label due, but expects this to be in on the artist as the core of all which has released three, LP's Sound 80, brought out in the trial. No Capitol's energies. KPFT -FM in the U.S. These LP's, "Rockin' date has been set for the trial. His keynote will be delivered Foo," "Sapphire Thinkers" and The lawsuit seeks to find out NEW YORK - Pacifica June 4 - the date which also Radio, KPFT -FM, Houston, has "Plain Jane," will be the initial Moog Tie if Capitol has been using the marks his first anniversary with product offered by the two new lubricant patented by Bernard gone off the air for six weeks MINNEAPOLIS -The Sound Capitol. I icensees. Cousino of Faraday about 10 following a dynamite blast, 80 Systems Division of Sound years ago. The suit against May 12, termed "sabotage" by The Columbia Club will intro- 80, Inc., has acquired the Mid- Capitol was filed two years Three Distributors arson investigators. The station duce the Hobbit line in its west distribution rights of Moog ago, but has been delayed until has received numerous threats July mailer, according to Pat and components for recently. Added By Domino since it went on the air March Sheeran, an IMC official who the R.A. Moog Co. The com- NEW YORK -Domino Rec- 1. Damage was estimated at negotiated both agreements. pany will be one of five national cords, a Dallas -based firm op- $25,000. The Pacifica station "Rockin' Foo" will be the first distributors of Moog products ABKCO's Earnings Up erated by David Summers, has is a non -commercial, subscriber LP available through the club. and will cover all sales and ser- added three distributors. The supported station with sister Continued from page /0 It will take about two months vices in North and South Da- new distributors are Jay & Kay, stations in the Berkely -San before the Hobbit line is ready kota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, suited from the company's man- Dallas; Daily, Inc., Houston; Francisco area, Los Angeles and for sale in the Philippines. Hob- Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin and agement of the Beatles' Apple and Schwartz Brothers, Balti- New York. Larry Lee, KPFT- bit product is licensed in the Minnesota. Sound 80 will also group of companies. ABKCO more. FM manager, said the station's U.K. and on the Continent to offer coordinated creative ser- was appointed exclusive busi- Summers is scouting material purpose was to educate listen- EMI. IMC is working on de- vices for those companies who ness manager of the Beatles' Ap- for both the Top 40 and country ers and to air programs that veloping licensing pacts in Mexi- wish to design and develop pro- ple group in May 1969. markets. other stations "won't, don't or co and South America. grams for the equipment's use. can't use. Nothing will stop us from broadcasting in Houston." According to Lee, the sta- tion has experienced a "climate of repression and distrust, which young people, who built the station, are attempting to com- bat."

Miami U. Course For Music Execs MIAMI -The University of Miami has slated a refresher course June 10 -14 for music industry executives. Topics will range from U.S. copyright law and music publishing to me- chanical and performing rights. T)r. Alfred Reed, professor of music at Miami and a former LEO JAFFE, right, president of Columbia Pictures Industries, presents executive of Hansen BONES HOWE joins the Fifth Dimension in accepting the group's the Bell Records album, "Everett Dirksen's America," to President editor Pub- Grammy for "Aquarius," judged the best record of the year. The Nixon at the White House. Looking on are the late Senator Dirksen's lications, will teach the course. "ceremony" took place while the group was performing at Caesars wife, and son -in -law, Sen. Howard Baker (R.- Tenn.). Bell Records is a Fee is $100. Courses run 9 Palace in Las Vegas. The group received word of its award following division of Columbia Pictures Industries. a.m. -12:15 p.m. the announcement on the Grammy Awards telecast over NBC. 78 MAY 23, 1970, BILLBOARD