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Channel U TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 01 Sep 2012 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Million Singer (R) (Variety) "Million Singer" is currently one of the top variety shows in Taiwan. Hosted by Harlem Yu, the programme invites famous singers to take part in "Remember the Song Lyrics Contest" every week. Winners stand to win the grand prize of NT$1,000,000. <百万大歌星> (综艺节目)(重) <百万大歌星>是目前台湾最新最热门的综艺节目。主持人庾 澄庆每期都会邀请许多艺人来参加歌唱游戏, 考验他们背记歌词的功力。如果他们一路过关斩将, 就可赢取一百万元奖金。 11:30 AM Wonders of Horus (R) (Dual Sound - 2nd track in Japanese)(Chinese Subtitles) (Variety) <科学大不同> (综艺节目)(重)(双声道 - 华日语) (中文字幕) 12:00 PM Unique Discovery (Info/Education) "Unique Discovery" is a unique delicacies programme that introduces China's top local delights. Through news reporting, it provides the audiences with an accurate and realistic introduction of these local dishes. Host: Li Wenjuan <非凡大探索> (资讯节目) 《非凡大探索》这个美食节目利用近似新闻报导的方式去介 绍中国各地的美食小吃,让观众们亲身品尝之后少有"报导 不实"的感觉。 主持人:李文娟 1:00 PM Sunday Splendid Showtime (R) Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy (Variety) Chen in this awesome variety show! Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged. <周日大精彩> (综艺节目)(重) 由曾国城、陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综艺 节目。在"红白大赏"单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别带 领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技,争取 胜利。 2:00 PM Super Taste (R) (Infotainment) <时尚玩家 - 就要酱玩> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (PG) (R) (Eps 1 & 2) Jia'en is delighted to know that her best friend, Meilan will (Dual Sound - 2nd track in be returning from the States. When the day comes, Jia'en Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) goes to receive Meilan at the airport. However, Meilan is (Korean Drama) disappointed as she was hoping to see Tingyu, who failed to show up. <粉红色口红 (PG)> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 即将和廷禹举行婚礼的佳恩陷入了幸福之中。佳恩的朋友美 - 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 兰留学归国,佳恩知道后高兴不已。在机场,美兰没有看到 曾经相爱过的男人廷禹,却只看到来接自己的佳恩,不禁感 到失望。 5:00 PM 26 Hours/Day (R) (Dual Sound - 2nd For modern people leading busy lives with not enough track in Japanese) (Variety) hours in the day, this is the show for you! Time is money and this programme will show you time-saving techniques for everything from cooking to getting your kids up and ready for school in record breaking time. After watching this programme, you may gain an additional 2 hours a day! <超省时生活> (综艺节目)(重)(双声道 - 现代人生活忙碌,总觉得时间不够用。所谓时间就是金钱, 华日语) 这个日本制作的资讯节目,为你介绍各式各样的节省时间方 法,观看后肯定获益良多。 6:00 PM China's Got Talent (R) (Variety) Contestants from all over China will go on stage to display what they are capable of. Expect the unexpected as the contestants work hard to impress the audience and the three judges. <中国达人秀> (综艺节目)(重) 来自全中国各省份的达人们将一一上台施展他们的浑身解数 。且看他们的表演是否能夺得观众及三位评审的认可。 7:00 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world. <财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。节 目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更好地 掌握市场走势和投资情报。 7:30 PM Diamond Club (Variety) Famous music producer, Huang Guolun and Regine are the team leaders of the white and red teams respectively. Xiao Zhong and another female co-host are the assistant leaders. The leaders send in their own team to PK against each other in all areas e.g. stunts, dance, weightlifting, etc. Three judges would determine the winner in each round. <钻石夜总会> (综艺节目) 由台湾名嘴利菁,黄国伦,小钟联合主持的《钻石夜总会》汇 集了全台最独特、最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。他们也在会 每一期的节目里邀请不同的一位出名女艺人一起参与主持节 目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至特技表演等,样样让观众看得目 不暇给! 9:30 PM Cool Guys Hot Ramen (PG) (Ep 6) Enfei's ex-boyfriend, Zaihao, asks for a reconcile but Enfei (Dual Sound - 2nd track in rejected him and seeks Zixiu to fake as her new boyfriend. Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) (Korean Drama) <花美男拉面店 (PG)> (韩剧)(双声道 - 恩菲前男友载浩要求重合,被恩菲拒绝,同时她求治秀假扮 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 她的新男友以打发载浩。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动脉 ,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Full Throttle Girl (PG) (Ep 3) Wakaba dreams of becoming a rich and popular lawyer (Japanese internationally. When she gets a job at Samezima Language)(English/Chinese Sakuragawa law firm, her boss assigns her to take care of Subtitles) (Japanese Drama) her five-year-old daughter, Hatana, for three months. Wakaba then meets a poor and uneducated man named Shota, whom she gradually falls for. <全开女孩 (PG) (日语)> (日剧) 外资律师事务所新人律师鲇川若叶,受所长之托帮忙照顾她 (中英文字幕) 五岁的女儿。鲇川若叶在幼儿园中,与无学历、无财产、无 将来的家庭主夫山田草太相遇。两人接触后相互摩擦相互碰 撞,在经历着各自矛盾的过程当中,逐渐地对彼此产生了爱 意。 12:30 AM The Grand Chef (R) (Eps 5 & 6) Chef Oh of the prestigious Korean restaurant, Unamjung, (Dual Sound - 2nd track in is about to retire and announces that his successor need Korean)(Chinese Subtitles) (Korean not necessarily be his son - Bong Joo. Instead, Bong Joo Drama) has to compete with another chef and his father's adopted son, Sung Chan, for the position. <食客> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 华韩语) 韩国宫廷宴餐厅云岩亭的熟手吴熟秀即将卸下职务,而继承 (中文字幕) 人本应是熟秀的儿子奉柱。岂料,熟秀竟宣布继承人不需与 自己有血缘关系,只要能够在三次厨艺对决中胜出的人就可 以成为继承人。奉柱的劲敌就是云岩亭的另一厨师民宇和熟 秀的养子圣灿。 2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 02 Sep 2012 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Guess (R) (Variety) Funnyman Jacky Wu returns to Guess after eight months! Apart from Wu's usual wackiness, you can also look forward to his new co-host, Petty Hou. Don't miss out on the fun and laughter in the revamped Guess! <你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 经过了8个月的等待,综艺天王吴宗宪又再次回到《我猜》 的怀抱了!这次,节目改名为《你猜你猜你猜猜猜》,还请 来了即将嫁人的美女主播侯佩岑来与吴宗宪搭档。全新的组 合,全新的节目内容,您一定要锁定节目! 11:30 AM Life's Perfectionists (R) (Dual Sound - There will always be an expert even in the simplest form of 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese jobs. Featuring 3 "experts" in every episode, this Korean Subtitles) (Info/Education) infotainment programme presents people of different fields who exceed expectations of their profession. <生活达人> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - 这是一个轻松有趣的韩国资讯娱乐节目,每集介绍3个忠于 华韩语) (中文字幕) 自己的工作,以致练就了非凡的奇技,到了"达人"境界的平 凡百姓。 12:00 PM World's No 1 (R) (Infotainment) <世界第一等> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 1:00 PM Taiwan Delicacies (R) (Infotainment) <台湾好味道> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 1:30 PM Personal Taste (PG) (R) (Ep 3) (Dual Kaiyin persuades Zhenhao to move back and also cooks Sound - 2nd track in an oyster feast for him as atonement but things turn out Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) bad when Zhenhao suffers a stomach upset after eating. (Korean Drama) <个人取向 (PG)> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 凯茵劝镇浩搬回家,由于要和韩昌烈竞赛,镇浩只好答应。 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 凯茵招待镇浩吃自己笨手笨脚煮的牡蛎以表达歉意,不料吃 坏了肚子。 3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (PG) (R) (Eps 3 & 4) Jia'en feels touched when Tingyu proposes to her in a fine (Dual Sound - 2nd track in dining restaurant. She calls Meilan to join her and share Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) her happiness. When Meilan arrives at the restaurant, she (Korean Drama) left in tears as soon as she realizes that Jia'en's fiance turns out to be Tingyu. <粉红色口红 (PG)> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 晚上,廷禹约佳恩到高级餐厅见面,其实是想向她求婚。佳 - 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 恩因而大受感动,高兴之余便邀请美兰过来。美兰来到了餐 厅,不料发现佳恩的未婚夫原来就是留学时所交往的男友后 便马上哭泣着离开。 5:00 PM Diamond Club (R) (Variety) The highest-rated Taiwan variety programme, hosted by the famous Regine, is now on Channel U! Judged by a panel of "Shrewd tongue" guest artistes, the programme showcase unique talents from all walks of life - magic show, street dance, dog talent performance. <钻石夜总会> (综艺节目)(重) 由台湾名嘴利菁主持,《钻石夜总会》汇集了全台最独特、 最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至狗狗特 技表演等,样样让观众看得目不暇给! 6:30 PM Bangkok Walker (Variety) Bangkok Walker is the visual tour guide to Thailand, where our "Thai Expert" Roger Wu will explore the hottest local attractions, try out popular restaurants, bringing us to see an all-new Thailand. <潮游泰国> (综艺节目) 《潮游泰国》就是一个视象式泰国「旅游天书」节目。主持 人「泰国通」胡慧冲、李绮雯将带观众们穿梭泰国各地,发 掘吃、喝、玩、乐、购物、消閒的最新情报。 7:00 PM World This Week (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的事 物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可以增 广见闻。 7:30 PM Let's Talk 3 (PG) (Infotainment) Hosted by Lee Teng and Lin Pei Fen, the platform for youths to voice their opinions and reveal their hidden emotions on issues they are concerned with is back! <你在囧什么?(PG)> (娱乐资讯节目) 由李腾和林佩芬搭档主持,新系列的《你在囧什么》将继续 探讨更多青少年烦恼与细密的话题! 8:30 PM Find Me A Singaporean 3 (Local Info- Award-winning host Belinda Lee returns in a new season Ed) of Find Me a Singaporean, an insightful infotainment to search for exceptional Singaporeans with inspiring dreams! <稀游记> (本地资讯节目) 口碑极佳的《稀游记》再次带观众寻访更多在国外生活的新 加坡人,他们的经历不仅将令大家大开眼界,说不定还会让 我们有所启发。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动脉 ,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world. <财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。节 目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更好地 掌握市场走势和投资情报。 12:00 AM Variety Big Brother (R) (Variety) Jointly hosted by Zhang Fei, Huang Pinyuan and Hong Du La Si, this highly popular Taiwan variety show brings you excellent home entertainment provided by top-notch artistes from all over the world. <综艺大哥大> (综艺节目)(重) 由张菲,黄品源与洪都拉斯联合主持,"综艺大哥大" 带给您来自世界各地一流艺人所呈献的最佳家庭娱乐。 1:40 AM Destination Most Wanted (R) (Local Highest record of production hours clocked with 39 Variety) amazing destinations covered in one travelogue - Bryan Wong shows you THE most wanted in 13 thematic episodes! <优游天下> (本地综艺节目)(重) 行程最长、走遍最多国家的全新本地旅游节目《优游天下》 终于推出。主持人王禄江以13集新鲜主题带你优游39个目 地! 2:40 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Mon, 03 Sep 2012 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 3:00 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.
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