Environmental Science and Technology Department Annual Report 1994

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Environmental Science and Technology Department Annual Report 1994 IE RLw-R-824<EN) Environmental Science and Technology Department Annual Report 1994 Edited by A. Jensen, G. Gissel Nielsen, V. Gundersen, O J. Nielsen, H. Østergård and A. Aarkrog Rise National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark February 1995 Abstract The Environmental Science and Technology Department engage in research to improve the scientific basis tor new methods in industrial and agricultural production. Through basic and applied research in chemistry, biology and ecolo­ gy the department aspires to develop methods and technology tor the future industrial and agricultural production exerting less stress and strain on the environment. The research approach in the department is predominantly experimental. The research activities are organized in five research programmes and supported by three special facility units. In this annual report the mam research activities during 1993 are intro­ duced and reviewed in eight chapters. Chapter 1. Introduction. The five research programmes are covered in chapter 2-7: 2. Atmospheric Che­ mistry and Air Pollution, 3. Gene Technology and Population Biology, 4. Plant Nutrition and Mineral Cycling, 5. Trace Analysis and reduc­ tion of Pollution in the Geosphere, 6. Ecology. 7. Other Research Activities. The three special activity units in chapter 8. Special Facilities. The department's contribution to national and international collaborative research projects and programmes is presented in addition to informa­ tion about large research and development facili­ ties used and managed by the department. The department's educational and traning activities are included in the annual report along with lists of publications, publications in press, lectures and poster presentations at international meetings. Names of the scientific and technical staff members, visiting scientists, post, doctoral fellows, Ph.D. students and M.Sc. students are also listed. ISBN 87-550-2075-5 ISSN 0106-2840 ISSN 0906-8090 Ris« 1995 2 Contents 1 Introduction 5 2 Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution 8 3 Gene Technology and Population Biology 24 4 Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Cycling 41 5 Trace Analysis and Reduction of Pollution in the Geosphere . 49 6 Ecology 61 7 Other Activities 88 7.1 Photochemistry and Photophysics 88 7.2 Dosimetry and Industrial Irradiation 90 7.3 MODECS 91 8 Special Facilities 92 8.1 10 MeV Linear Electron Accelerator 92 8.2 Pilot Plant for Wet Oxidation 92 8.3 The RIMI Field Station 92 8.4 Dyskærgaard, the Experimental Farm 92 8.5 Open Top Chamber Facility 92 8.6 Risti Ecological Risk Assessment Facility RERAF .... 93 9 Publications 94 9.1 Refereed Journals 94 9.2 Books 97 9.3 Printed Abstracts and Proceedings 98 9.4 Research Reports 102 9.5 Other Publications 103 9.6 Presentations (Oral and Posters) 103 10 Papers Accepted for Publication 109 11 Education Ill 11.1 Doctorates Ill 11.2 Title of Honour Ill 11.3 Ph.D. Theses HI 11.4 M.Sc. Theses Ill 11.5 B.Sc. Theses Ill 11.6 External Examiners 111 11.7 External Teaching 112 12 Exchange of Scientists 113 Risn-R-824(EN) 3 13 Main Cooperative Projects 115 14 Guest Lectures 121 15 Committee Membership 123 15.1 National 123 15.2 International 123 16 Seminars Organized 126 17 Personnel 127 17.1 Scientific Staff 127 17.2 Tehnical Staff 127 17.3 Office Staff 128 17.4 Ph.D. Students 128 17.5 M.Sc. Students 128 17.6 B.Sc. Students 129 17.7 Apprentices 129 18 Acronyms 130 4 Risn-R-824(EN) 1 Introduction 1.1 The Department of Environ­ Special Farifty tails mental Science and Technology Growth chambers. Rism Environmental Risk Research Objectives Assessment Facility (RERAF). green houses and The department engages in research to improve die experimental farm, Dyskargaard. die scientific basis for new methods in industrial Head: Dr. Vagner Haahr. Ristt High Dose Reference Laboratory. and agricultural production. Through basic and applied experimental research, die department Head: Dr Arne Miller Rist* Integrated Environmental Facility (RIMI). aspires to develop methods and technology for Head: Dr. Kim Pilegaard die future industrial and agricultural production, exerting less stress and strain on the environ­ ment. The results of research and development are disseminated internationally to companies, insti­ tutions, organizations and public auuWities Approach tiirough scientific publications, research reports, The department's expertise spans a wide range of subjects including atmospheric chemistry, lectures and posters at scientific - and ouier chemical kinetics in die liquid and gas phase, professional meetings, personal communication get »chemistry, biogeochemistry. gcochemical widi collaborators and riirough teaching courses modelling, hydrochemistry, analytical chemistry, at universities. process chemistry, plant molecular biology, plant The research and development activities in pathogens, plant genetics, population biology, the department are planned for tiiree years and techniques for plant breeding, plant nutrition, reassessed every year. The research activities arc nutrient cycling, ecophysiology, marine and mainly funded directly from die government or terrestrial ecology, radioecology and tracemetal from National Science Research Councils, how­ ecology ever, national and European research program­ The department includes approximately 135 mes, private foundations and commercial con­ scientific and technical staff members. The tracts also make a substantial contribution to the research activities are organized into 5 research total budget of the department. programmes and supported by 3 special facility units. 1.2 Research Programmes Dr. Arne Jensen is Head of Department. 1.2.1 Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Research Programmes Pollution Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution. The effect of human activity on the global at­ Head. Dr. Ole John Nielsen. mosphere has become increasingly evident Trace Analysis and Pollution in the Geosphere. during the last decades. Changes in atmospheric Head: Dr. Vagn Gundersen. composition and chemistry influences both local, Gene Technology and Population Biology. regional and global climate. Deposition of air­ Head: Dr. Hanne Østergård. borne pollutants can give rise, either to direct Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Cycling injuries to plants and animals, or to indirect Head: Dr. Gunnar Gissc! Nielsen. damage through bio-accumulation in ecosystems. Ecology. Atmospheric research in the department aims Head: Dr. Asker Aarkrog. to establish a firm scientific basis for sensible and effective legislative measures to reduce the industrial and agricultural impact on the atmos­ pheric environment. In order to model and pre- Risø-R-824(EN) 5 diet changes in the atmospheric composition, it 1.2.3 Ha« NMritiM aorf Miaeral Cycao« is essential to develop a bener understanding of the chemical processes in die atmosphere. The department aims to develop die scientific Research activities in die department include basis for low input in plant production based on bask atmospheric chemistry, gas kinetics, deter­ biologically fixed nitrogen and enhanced phos­ mination of die influence of atmospheric pro­ phorus uptake mediated by VA-mychorrhiza. cesses, determination of primary and secondary together widi highly efficient nutrient assimila­ pollutants, transport and dispersion of air pollu­ tion by crop plants and effective nutrient re­ tants and die effect of air pollution on trees, crop cycling in die agro ecosystem. plants and terrestrial ecosystems. The research provides basic scientific infor­ mation about die mechanisms and processes involved in die root-microbe symbiosis in rela­ 1.2.2 G—e Technology and tion to carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. The Pbputabo. Biology research emphasizes biological, physiological, biochemical and chemical processes involved in The department aims to develop die scientific die transfer of plant nutrients dirough die Soil- basis for breeding crop plants with new and Plant-Air-Continuum. The research also renders stronger resistance to diseases and widi im­ basic information about die processes involved in proved nutrient efficiency. Crop plants, highly die turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus resistant to diseases and efficient in nutrient in agro ecosystems helping to reduce losses of uptake, are a prerequisite for low input plant nutrients to die atmosphere, ground water or to production, and will reduce a number of en­ streams and lakes. vironmental problems related to modem high The plant nutrition research involves five yield plant production. aspects: 1) research on symbiotic nitrogen fixa­ A large proportion of die research effort, tion, which highlights die exchange of com­ within plant biology and genetics, is devoted to pounds between die host plan; and die mk.ro- the identification of genetic markers. The use of symbiont across die membrane interface; 2) genetic variability, related to attributes of econ­ studies of die interaction between VA-mychor- omical and environmental importance in crop rhiza, plant roots and die rhizosphere; 3) studies improvement, can be greatly facilitated by die on turn-over of nitrogen from crop residues and use of g* nctic markers in die selection process. farmyard manure; 4) biological transfer of nitro­ Identification of changes in genetic variability, gen from legumes to non-legumes; and 5) die under different environmental conditions, can be effect of air pollution widi ammonia on plants. enhanced by a better understanding of die inter­ action between plant species, as well as die inter­ action between plants and pathogens. The 1.2.5 Trace Analysis
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