IN ORGANIZATIONS Test, Was Chosen Wednesday Night at Takes Place Between Midnight And
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.; ' '~ ' 1: / '',•·'·,.; I' ' :· · Coordinated· With· Member of ,k, ·College News Bur~au North Carolina Collegiate.· rn and Service Press Association m. d: <finlh. atW' i 11Jlnrh "'~- --=====11 DO Published Weekly by the Students of Walle Forest College· uk .' ·-~ DO Voi.·XIVi·No. 19 WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, S~TURDAY:", MARCH 7, 1931 r,.-1 Cents Per Copy .=DO::::::=.W~TIN=. -.. C=H==OS:::=:::::EN~C=a=· st=~=,;:==r =,,Me==. a::== .. r=ch=in=g=Mc=e=n=', =c.==r=r=EA=·TH=E=RE=D G=L=EE~i(..___=_=EX_E=CU:TIO=NER=!=-==r=JI C=OM=M=ON ):r:~ASURY N·EW SECRETARY Chosen; Compete At U.N. · · CLUB INCLINED SCHEME PROPOSED ~he cast for "Marching Men," Captain's sweetheart. This character OF A'LUMNl ASS'N ~:::~::.~:a~;:r~~:o:i:~~~~inc::~ :~~f::;:e::~~~:!~~~~~:~ i:~~ai!cit~o: TO SING BLUES 1 IN ORGANIZATIONS test, was chosen Wednesday night at takes place between midnight and . tryouts held in the· Law Building, dawn. The time is given as the pres- Mr. S. L. Blanton Unable with Dr. J .. Rice Quisenberry as ent, although the players have been J. B. Mitchell Shows His Dean ,Bryan Recom ·· · · · d dead some years, 'J:iut meet on the \ To. Tak~ the Position 'JU ge. other side of the grave. Wares In Process of mends South Dakota The male lead will be played by "M h' M " · To'ni.. Dysard as the Cap' tain Who is arc mg en IS a drama in one Because of Press of act by James O'Brian. It will be en- Dressing Fowls Plan of Student Or Oth W k almost worshiped by the men under tered in t~e State dramatic tourna- ganization Finance. e:r Or • him. Edd Harrell will be the some- ment at Chapel Hill, March 28. Wake CHICKEN KILLER DE LUXE what pugnacious Sergeant. He is unJ Forest will compete with Lenoir DOW',['IN WILL' ARRIVE TO popular with his subordinates, Dick Rhyne, which presents "Last of the ·AT THE.,WILLIAMS CLUB OUTLINES ADVANTAGES (G_eorge Thomas), Tommy (Isidore Loweries," by Paul Green, and with .BEGIN WORK THIS WEEK OF ORGANI~ED FINANCES Escowit·ch), Frank (Frank Meekins, Duke, which ,gives "Bound East for Axe Rarely Employed In Mortal Smitty (Leroy Lumpkin), and Bill Cardiff," by Eugene O'Neil. New Secretary Well Known In (Joe Garrett). ·· Edd Harrell, . stud.ent director of ity Administration; Used Only Requires Treasurers of Each An element of romance is intro- dramatics,· will have charge of the On Roosters and Turkeys College Student Organization State· Athletic Circles; Was duced by a Red. Cross nurse-the presentation. Prominent In Campus A~tivi To Hand In Written Report ~f By C. H. STROUP ties; Received LL.B. DegTee All Receipts and Disbusenients nl·· D~l- IIJ'l• . What is that noise, anyway- Here Last· Fall. .lp· ha t·,.. ls During· the Year. A .rl ~ '-'& rr i nner that weird, hair-raising moan D n· uel' 'en . .L ' v . c .that proceeds from a spot near Alfred A. Dowtin, of-Asheville/ . .r~· • ~~ ~~ lC 0 _ zng . Up the ivy-hung campus wall? It is At ~ speCial meeting of the was elected secretary of thE!, + · - something like the keening of a Student C<:mncil; held Monday night, March 2, Dean Bryan rec Alumni Association by the exec.- NO. TED MJSSIO.NARY, Annual Gift 'By· Council ba nsh ee, f am· tl Y rese~Il: bles th.e I utive committee of the Board of · • . • cr_oon-tune of some· prize radio ommended to that body the Uni 1 versity of South Dakota plan of Trustees last Friday, Februacy · To Social Fraternity star, ~nd is· reminiscent of the SPE "KS IN ·CH."PEL student organization finance, 27th. The place was recently· of- · li . · ll With Highest Scholas- efforts of a J;>u~ding saxaphone fered'to Sankey L~ Blanton, ti , A . !player. Yet, 1t 1s none of these. which requires the treasurer of each student organization in that Blallton-Unabie To Accept Dr. Paul Ha~rison Delivers Inter- C It is the feathered glee club sing- Verage. ·college to hand in a written re Mr. Blanton, in a recent message < ing the Hen House Blues! .• , t,o co11 ege o ffi cials, ask ed to b e re- esting Address and Visits DR• HUBERT POTEAT TALKS Will Get It In the Neck I port of all receipts and disburse .leased· from'· his acceptance of the Medical School OF ments during the year.. · position, as ·be had just. been offered. VALUE OF EDUCATION They see John B. Mitchell ap- a_ teaching. position and a 1 pastorate pro aching and they know they are Outlines Advantages of Pla.n _ in Boston, Mass., for ·which he felt Dr. Paul Harrison, author of "The D~V.L. Is Close Rival, Losing By go·mg t o ge t 1't 'in th e nee k. W e 11 J . B • li-Iitcllell, who in tile last three A ccor·d. 1ng t o ;o r. B ryan, there are bl·s ta'lents were better fitted.· -. Arab At Home," spoke at Wake Forest 0 H d dth f 0 may they start up their swan song, yeal'S 11us c1 ecapitate< · 1 over t h t•ce three advantages. to .such· a plan. Mr. Dowtin wiil come to Wal7e Fcir- on ·March 2d. Gleaning accounts from. ne-. un re 0 ne Point; for this is a merciless executioner. thousand chickens. Xo wonder They are: First, it would be educa- ., Theta Kappa N Ra k Th. d Ve.terans at the trade rarely display tional, in tllat it would train the. stu- est this week from his home in Ashe- his experiences as a medical mis_sion- u' n s Ir ; ke. skill in getting chickens ready 'I• ley toun w 1len t h ey see 1um. · dents in the management of their vine, where he has been~ s1'nce c. om- ary 1n· Ara bia, D r. H arrison· pr.esen t e d · General Average 0 f ~Iae<--· I 0 r- for the fryin~ pan. financial affairs. This would prove. pleting his work here for a LL.B. various sketches of the customs and ganizations Above SS. .. helpful in later life, said Dr. Bryan, degree last fall." personal characteristics o"~ the Arab. andAll itt takes ist djust 1 a steadyf th t "nerve, HAMPTON QUARTET IS Second,· it would avoid questions as 0 Dowtin 'Vas Prominent Athlete "Sc1"ent. ifically the world I's round, J h noB aM' grea h ea a • says to where the· money went and 'would· but religiously it is :fiat," said Dr. Following an informal address by 0 n · ltc ell, Wake Forest Col- . The announcement of MI.". Dowtin's Harrison, quoting an old Arab who Dr. Hubert M. Poteat, 'the Alpha Pi lege student, who has chicken num- curb much of the criticism of treas+ appointment to this position ·has b 3 873 d f h s d 1 h GUEST OF STUDENTS urers. Third, it would provide i:ec.:. could not be convinced against his re- Delta chapter of social fraternities er , . rea Y or t e un ay unc ords for future reference. - , brought many expressions of approval here was presented on Tu~sday table a't Miss Joanna Williams' board- from his friends among the students ligious beliefs. The speaker elab- i h Referring to the latt~r. Dr. Bryan orated the idea. that however much' an night. 3, before representa- ~g ouse. and alumni o_f the college. ti f h . · Chi f K'Il A ,..,.ill Cl b Internationally Reco... nized Ne- stated that it would be left up to the Arab disagreed' with one, once that ves o t e ten social fraternities on _,.·· e 1 et• · t ·• iams n -'=> various organizations as to. whether H e was very prominent in athletic person were his gueet he overwhelmed the . cam?_lls_ a~semb~led in ~i~~te : :iiiic_e,,t,!?~ college SUil1mer .s~_ssion gro Club Stops Over Here or not the rn?nT•" would· ,be made C'ircl~s of the:·state.. He.. was a meni-· him~~Witn'hospl~fty:··---.. .. ....... Hall, the- ster1mg Silver lovmg cup Iof 1929 Mitchell has been the chief . 0~ Tmi·~ of State . public. In the University of South ber of the varsity basketball and ·~Tlle A'rab host summons his guests offered annually by the Pan-Helleni·c chicken-killer at the Williams Club. Dakota plan, the reports are pub- ba::jeball teams here for three years, to an elegant feast, yet the whole meal Council to the social organization To date be estimates he has disposed 1 · · f b th · h" · · · · Th Hampton Inst1'tute Quartet 1lished annually in a bulletin. and Wa s capt am o o m Is semor is in one kettle." . Six or seven men. ~amtam}ng thr~ughout the year the of 19,340 .Pounds of fowl by the mor- e · year. He was consistently _rated as may seat· themselves on the :floor and highest scholastic average. tali& route. sang in chapel· Wednesday, March 4. Tllh·ty Organizations On Campu!! the best -basketball forward in the -Oontinuea on three The program was made up entirely of "There are about thirty organiza- 'an--d :n ·h· I:s· __ s_e_n,·o_r. ·year h.e w~n ... ~ D.V.L. Close Rivru-· This enterprising lad is 'ODe of N state' l 1 ~ h h · k' h · •'ego spirituals. tions in this college," said Dean ;Br~- 0 natl·o· na' 1 recogn.