IN TENSE MYSTERY DRAMA THREE FAVORITES CAST Automotive Merchandise 1 Rentals WHAT HAPPENS ■ ~) 4-ROOM unfurnished house 15 Garage & Serv. Station j with 54 For Sale • Miscel. Frigidaire. gas range and farage. 15th and Garfield. $20.00 a non in. TO GIRLS WHO Wrecker Service Call Emma Leonard at Mata- ‘ moros Cafe. QM Day or Night PRIVATE PHONE 1111 FIVE ROOM furnished cottage; SALE close in; modem conveniences. ARE REFORMED Night Phone 940 Phone 654. Q-14 Stevenson Motor Inc. Co., 6 ROOM famished home 14th St, Of Storm wrecked on Sth and Elisabeth, Brownsville property El Jardln. Electric store, hoi wa- Story Told in ‘Bed Of farm of W. I. Bays, 3t4 miles ter heater. Kelvlnator. Proa now to out old Point Isabel road, op- January 15th. Knquhro Rotes’ With Connie Chas. Lovlnger. Ktt posite Moss Store. Including Bennett Basinets Chancel live stock, farming implements and tools, 150 good chickens, hat happens to girls gone wrong MAKE MONEY in cotton and grain houehold and kitchen furniture, HOUSES r thev leave the reformatory? futures. Small investment. Write lumber, wire and many other FOR RENT for pamphlet “How to Trite." Do they take up their routes on the articles. Come promptly and SOUTHWEST COTTON AND 5 Rooms from which buy at right price. furnished, 300 Palm primrose path they GRAIN CO. 629 Gunter Bid*., Blvd. were San Antonio. forced to detour? Or are they Q24 4 Rooms unfurnished. lTth really contrite and resolved to be- and Harrison. come useful members of society? FRONTIER LUMBER C Dan *p»tn and pean exchanges. Bonds and has a diameter of 36.5 Phone 415W. P48 high garage. lng. Dallas, exchange for orchard; falls deeply n love. With happiness lessly irregular. feet. 11th and Monroe value $40,000.00. Owner. 2SU Oak within her grasp, she prepares to Small gains were recorded by 65 Houses Lawn Ave., Dallas, Texas. marry Her plans meet a snag In shares of Loew’s, National Distil- Great caution should be exer- Qlt General tfcfr problem of revealing her oast, lers, Motors, American cised in sun-bathing by people with Commercial New PLASTERING STUCCO ware is a powerful crisis, She can Alcohol, Chrysler, red hair or who freckle easily. Now Is the Time to return to the listless but sumptuous York Central, Commercial Solvents, WATER PROOFING American BUY YOUR HOME life with Paige. She can gamble Owens-Illinois, Telephone, Illinois Central and Case. Home- her happiness with Dan dis- AND TILE WORK Texas and by stake dropped 2 1-2 Building closing her past. Or she can seek Mining points, Announcements and fractional declines were suf- surcease from her problem, In the Maynard Penick Loan Assn. fered by Allied Chemical, Alaska bleak waters of the Mississippi. in a dramatic scene from “A Bill of Divorcement”, 135 W. Elizabeth, Brownsville Pay Like Rent Juneau, United Aircraft, Goodyear, — The picturesque Mardi Gras and coming to the Queen Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday. 434 11th St. Phone 183 Du Pont, Consolidated Gas, Sears the river and are in the supporting cast. Mississippi atmosphere Roebuck and American Tobacco B. were to the ELECTRICAL transplanted RKO stu- Many issues were unchanged. dio for the vivid scenes REPAIRS & SERVICE In “Bed of The satisfactory gain of some Roses.” Miss Bennett Afotora, Vacuum Cleaners, portrays 34.000 In car loadings ior freight House . _ fans, Appliances, Lorry, while Pert Kelton is seen as SIDE GLANCES George Clark Joel Superb Wiring, Fixtures. Minnie. McCrea and John Hal- lldny are the love rivals in the roles STAR ELECTRIC CO. Brownsville of the tugboat captain and the As ‘Torch Tale First Opposite Postoffice Phone 171 broker. wealthy Samuel Hinds, a Singe/, Showing ————IS •crcen newcomer, depicts the role of the priest. Club at Packed with Aotion 34 Insurance Of Night Capitol and Thrills .

Excellently acted, superbly pro- a brazen, hard-hearted torch singer JAMES WOOD and DODD duced and told through the medium of the "abarete, who skill longs for INSURANCE of a powerful story that never lacks the baby she has been forced to SURETY BONDS suspense and dramatic fervor, Pa- give up. CAGNEY ramount’s “Torch picture Singer,’’ A splendid supporting cast as- Phones 100 101 featuring Claudette Colbert and Ri- sists Miss Colbert immeasurably Xu Brownsville shows and cardo Cortez, Sunday to make the picture the gripping ms New mt Spivey Kowalski Building Monday at your Capitol theatre, emotional drama it is. Ricardo Brownsville. Cortez is excellent as Tony Cum- Adapted from “Mike”, Grace mings, the radio impressario, who Perkine’ Liberty Magazine *>tory, falls in love with the torch singer INSURANCE the picture presents Miss Cblbert only to step aside gracefully when “The a BONDS in dual personality role:—first he finds that her Mayor eventual happi- as an unmarried, deserted mother ness depends upon another man. finds the social who barriers too David Manners is cast in the role W. B. CLINT difficult to overcome, and later as of the man who “did her wrong” Of Hell” Phone € but, nevertheless, in his repentance, he wins the audience sympathy. with

Comedy relief comes from the ~ AH Star ever-popular Robert! and the Supporting San Lyda Oast charming Baby LeRoy who created such a nationwide sensation in his [ Employment Benito initial screen appearance with Mau- — ALSO — rice Chevalier in “A Bedtime Story” COMEDY 35 Hip. Wanted Male But, all in all, it is Miss Colbert’s NEWS picture and we who feel that we NATIONAL SUNDAY and MONDAY can never see enough of her, are glad of that. Tender, wistful, ap- pealing in the early part of the TW m! ORGANIZATION the character she picture, plays At the undergoes a complete change. The Will employ several young transition is most deftly accom- men 31 to 35 years of age. plished and for that alone, the —Q1 N— lovely Claudette wins the laurels. Must be neat, ambitious and satisfied with $35.00 a week to start, some traveling ex- penses paid. For appoint- ' HOT LIPS! ment call Mr. Cooke at El 3 Travel Opportunities Jardin Hotel Monday between j HOT SONGS! 7:30 and 12 o’clock. “Let’s act like we know something about gears and cylinders McAllen - so he won’t sell us a lemon.’* Reynosa ■■ * In the BUS Livestock Hot Spots of DAILY SCHEDULE 50 • Leaves Leaves Poultry Supplies - Broadway McAllen Reynosa THIS CURIOUS WORLD DIXIE CERTIFIED CHICKS sired 1 8:30 a. m. 7 30 a. m. cockerels from 200- 10:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. by pedigreed A BIRDS BEAK GROWS and Official Record 12:00 p. m. 11:00 a. m. Egg Trapnest Lips that had kissed Hens. Bloodtested. 100% live CONTINUOUSLY BUT 2:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. more men than Write for and CONSTANT USE KEEPS 6:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. delivery. prices Free Dixie WEARING IT BACK AS she could remem- 4:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Catalog. Poultry Box 104 Texas. 8:00 p. m. 7. ) p. m. Farms, Brenham, RASTAS IT I ber .... Special bus from Reynosa Sat- Q-31 GROWS/h ~ and 10:30 ■■■ Sung lullabies that urday Sunday. p. m. r.-.. no one could for- 7. Professional Merchandise get ■ ....

— SEE — DR. W. A. JONES Miscellaneous Dentist CLAUDETTE FOR SALE 403 State National Bank Med^el Used Electric Refrigerator, and a Phone 704 "~JOEr M«C*EA number of small ice Boxes. PERT KELTON .JOHN Credit Extended If Desired CANTALOUPES p HALLIDAY TOM STEVENSON COLBERT ARE NAMED FOR. A TOWN NEAR 5th Se Elizabeth St. Tel. 1111 COMB,. “Rob ’em in daylight and cheat In Paramount’s Romance CAA/&UOPO, /Z»ZV ’em at night. LOVE They it!” | Automotivt 52 Household Goods That was her book of life, until SIX ROOMS, good furniture for the man who was 10 Autos for Sale different step- TORCH SINGER’ sale cheap; leaving the Valley. W. IN H/WAfl, ped out of her new leaf! with H. Sheppard, Donna, Tex., first AT KAJ.APANA, door west of Presbyterian church. THERE IS A BEACH — ALSO — Ricardo Cortez Q2 OF Mickey Mouse David Manners NINE PIECE room suite for COAL SI ACM In dining reasonable. P. O. Box Good Lyda Robertl sale; 831, SAAJO/ “Mickey’.. Brownsville. jjl Deed” Baby Leroy Q7 54 For Sale Miscel. ~ Jones 1931 MO Radio , \ Bobby Chevrolet Pickup $350 Mon. 1931 Ford Coupe $225 Parasound TODAY FOR SALE—A new ceiling fan; News 1932 Chevrolet Coupe $475 wing spread; 36 inch; cost $35.00; * At Your 1929 Chevrolet Truck $175 ask only half. See Dr. Thorn, 1929 Dodge Sedan . $125 1516 Jefferson. Q18 ALSO — PATHE NEWS 1930 Chevrolet Panel $225

1929 Chevrolet Roadster ... $150 v^w**'* V T f ff Mickey Mouse 1929 Chevrolet Coach $185 1929 Pontiac Roadster $100 1929 The Herald and Comedy Plymouth Roadster ... $175 Try Classified Ads Stevenson Motor Co., Inc. 5th A Elizabeth — Tel. 1111