Sample Ballot Ad General 11-4-08.Indd

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Sample Ballot Ad General 11-4-08.Indd ABSENTEE BALLOT DEADLINE - Voted Absentee Ballots may be dropped off at any designated Ann McFall, Supervisor of Elections 125 W. New York Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720-5415 Early Voting Site that is operational prior to Election Day. General Election Absentee Ballots may not be dropped off at the polls. If a voter decides to vote at the polls, the Area code for all numbers is (386) absentee ballot needs to be cancelled by the poll worker and the voter will be issued a replacement West Volusia: 736-5930 N.E. Volusia: 254-4690 ballot. S.E. Volusia: 423-3311 Osteen Area: 574-0598, ext. 5930 November 4, 2008 - Sample Ballot Voted Absentee Ballots must be received at the Supervisor of Elections offi ce in DeLand by 7 Or visit us on the web at: p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted. EARLY VOTING - Beginning October 20, 2008, and ending November 1, 2008, Volusia County registered voters may go to any one of fi ve (5) sites in the county and cast CITY OF DAYTONA BEACH SHORES CITY OF DELTONA CITY OF EDGEWATER CITY OF NEW SMYRNA BEACH their ballot prior to the General Election. Early Voting hours of operation are: Monday - Saturday; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Locations are as follows: REFERENDA REFERENDA REFERENDA REFERENDUM DELAND AREA: NEW SMYRNA BEACH AREA: AMENDMENT TO DAYTONA CREATION OF CITY OF DELTONA’S TRANSITION TO ELECTIONS IN USE OF CITY PROPERTY ON THE New Smyrna Beach Regional Library; 1001 S. Dixie Freeway Supervisor of Elections Offi ce; 125 W. New York Avenue, 1st Floor BEACH SHORES CHARTER FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT EVEN-NUMBERED YEARS NORTH CAUSEWAY DELTONA AREA: ORMOND BEACH AREA: HOUSEKEEPING CHANGES AND Should the City of Deltona establish its The City Charter provides for elections in odd- The City of New Smyrna Beach should sell or Deltona Municipal Complex; 2345 Providence Boulevard Ormond Beach Regional Library; 30 S. Beach Street ANTIQUATED PROVISIONS own Police Department and terminate its numbered years for the mayor and council lease the 4 acres of land it owns at 120 North DAYTONA BEACH AREA: Shall the Charter be amended to state agreement with Volusia County Sheriff members. This Charter amendment provides Causeway for the highest and best private use Daytona Beach Regional Library (City Island); 105 E. Magnolia Avenue Council/Manager form of government; Offi ce? for elections in even-numbered years, with providing the greatest proceeds to the City for special meetings with forty-eight hours YES terms beginning in December, consistent with general govermental use when the land is no notice; meetings held at Council Chambers; NO PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT LEGISLATIVE IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED AT THE PRECINCTS/EARLY VOTING SITES Volusia County. As a result of this transition to longer needed for municipal purposes. Council Minutes shall be arranged for elections in even-numbered years, the terms YES Continued from previous column. Prior to voting, the voter shall be required to present one of the following current and CHANGES TO RESIDENCY PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT electronic recording; the City shall have an NO STATE REPRESENTATIVE of the currently seated mayor and council (Vote for One) valid picture identifi cations, as listed below. Executive Department; update the duties REQUIREMENT FOR CANDIDATES DISTRICT 28 FOR MAYOR members shall be extended for a period of John McCain REP Florida Driver’s License Student ID and responsibilites of the City Attorney; (Vote for One) Should the Charter establish a six month one year and one month. CITY OF OAK HILL Sarah Palin Florida ID Card (issued by DMV) Neighborhood Association ID eliminate the Primary Election; eliminate Dorothy L. Hukill REP residency requirement for candidates for Shall the above-described Charter MAYOR U.S. Passport Retirement Center ID City Canvassing Board; delete section 6.07 Barack Obama DEM William Smalley DEM Mayor or Commissioner and provide for a amendment be adopted? (Vote for One) Military ID Public Assistance ID Election Regulations and 6.08 Judge of Joe Biden qualifying fee in lieu of the signature YES Darla A. Lauer STATE REPRESENTATIVE Qualifi cations? Debit/Credit Card requirement? NO Mike Thompson Gloria La Riva PSL DISTRICT 33 YES NONPARTISAN COUNTY If the picture identifi cation does not contain YES Eugene Puryear (Vote for One) NO APPOINTMENT OF VOLUSIA CITY COMMISSIONER Continued from previous column. Sandra “Sandy” Adams REP the signature of the voter, an additional NO COUNTY AS CANVASSING BOARD SEAT 4 Chuck Baldwin CPF Robert Acosta DEM VOLUSIA SOIL AND WATER AMENDMENT TO DAYTONA (Vote for One) identifi cation that provides the voter’s CHANGE IN COMPENSATION FOR FOR GENERAL ELECTIONS IN Darrell Castle CONSERVATION DISTRICT BEACH SHORES CHARTER FOR Linda C. Hyatt Franklin Perez NPA signature shall be required. If the voter fails MAYOR AND COMMISSION EVEN-NUMBERED YEARS GROUP 4 UPDATING PERSONNEL AND Ron Mercer Gene Amondson PRO to furnish the require identifi cation, he or PURCHASING MATTERS Should the Mayor and Commissioners be Shall the Charter be amended to eliminate (Vote for One) NONPARTISAN JUDICIAL she shall be allowed to vote a provisional Canvassing activity is presently conducted REFERENDUM Leroy Pletten H. Alan Burton Shall the Charter be amended to eliminate compensated in an amount equivalent to ballot. by the City. The City Charter does not govern JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Don Kanfer budget adoption and amendments by that of other comparable Florida cities, to TERM OF MAYOR AND CITY Bob Barr LBT canvassing activity. This amendment would ordinance; establish City Manager Severance be set by Ordinance? COMMISSIONERS Wayne A. Root Shall Justice Charles T. Wells of the WEST VOLUSIA PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL YES appoint, by Charter, Volusia County to conduct Shall the term of offi ce of City Commissioner Supreme Court be retained in offi ce? HOSPITAL AUTHORITY pay by contract; eliminate Article V Civil Thomas Robert Stevens OBJ NO all canvassing activity for the City for general YES GROUP A, SEAT 1 AMENDMENTS Service; increase minimum bid threshold to and Mayor be 4 years? Alden Link Continued from previous column. elections in evennumbered years. NO (Vote for One) $25,000; authorize council to award contracts APPOINTMENT OR REMOVAL OF YES Shall the above-described Charter NO James Harris SWP John D. Adams NO.4 to the lowest responsible responsive bidder; CHARTER OFFICERS BY FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL amendment be adopted? Alyson Kennedy Tracy Lunquist CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and clarify general obligation debt issues SUPERMAJORITY Shall Judge Kerry I. Evander of the Fifth ARTICLE VII, SECTIONS 3 AND 4 requiring voter approval? Should Charter Offi cers only be appointed YES CITY OF ORMOND BEACH WEST VOLUSIA Cynthia McKinney GRE District Court of Appeal be retained in ARTICLE XII, SECTION 28 YES NO HOSPITAL AUTHORITY or removed by a supermajority of the full SPECIAL REFERENDA ELECTION Rosa Clemente offi ce? NO GROUP A, SEAT 2 Property Tax Exemption of Perpetually Commission? YES DELETION OF THIRTY-FIVE FOOT QUESTION 1: SHALL SECTION Alan Keyes AIP (Vote for One) Conserved Land; Classifi cation and AMENDMENT TO DAYTONA YES NO BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTION 7.01, MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMITS, Brian Rohrbough Teresa K. Apgar Assessment of Land Used for BEACH SHORES CHARTER NO FROM CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY CHARTER BE FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Conservation REGARDING COMPOSITION AND William C. Hall QUALIFICATIONS AND DUTIES OF Section 1.01(a)(1) of the City Charter provides AMENDED TO ADD EXCEPTIONS? Ralph Nader ECO COMPENSATION Shall Judge C. Alan Lawson of the Fifth Requires Legislature to provide a property CITY MANAGER for a city-wide building height restricition of thirty- The proposed amendment would exempt from Matt Gonzalez tax exemption for real property encumbered District Court of Appeal be retained in PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL Shall the Charter be amended to remove Should education be a factor in choosing fi ve (35) feet. The City Land Development Code the 75-foot height limit, multi-family and non- by perpetual conservation easements or other Brian Moore SPF offi ce? AMENDMENTS term limits, allowing the voters to keep a City Manager and should the City provides for certain building height restrictions residential buildings taller than 75 feet that perpetual conservation protections, defi ned by Stewart Alexander YES persons in offi ce if they choose and to Manager be given the additional duties of according to zoning category. This Charter existed on November 14, 2006, and the only NO NO. 1 general law. Requires Legislature to provide allow the Council to establish a salary and amendment deletes the city-wide building height development order that was approved before Charles Jay BTP assisting the Commission with developing CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT for classifi cation and assessment of land used expense allowance for the Mayor/Council restriction from the City Charter. November 14, 2006, for the construction of a John Wayne Smith FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL long term goals and strategies for the ARTICLE I, SECTION 2 for conservation purposes, and not perpetually Member? multi-family building taller than 75 feet; allow Shall Judge Richard B. Orfi nger of the City, providing staff support for regional Shall the above-described Charter Declaration of Rights encumbered, solely on the basis of character YES the maintenance, repair, construction and re- Fifth District Court of Appeal be retained and intergovernmental cooperation and amendment be adopted? Write-In Proposing an amendment to the State or use. Subjects assessment benefit to NO construction of those buildings to the same in offi ce? submitting reports to the Commission, YES Constitution to delete provisions authorizing the conditions, limitations, and reasonable height and building footprint; and protect YES and promoting partnerships among the NO CONGRESSIONAL Legislature to regulate or prohibit the ownership, definitions established by general law.
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