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There are a variety polling place they should attend. of polling locations Go online to https:// voterlookup.elections.state.ny.us/ for Election Day votersearch.aspx in order to verify polling locations for off-campus Erica Sanderson addresses. Students should bring a form News Editor of ID when they attend the poll; a student ID is acceptable but a valid Election Day is fast driver’s license is preferred. approaching and if registered in If the polling location to which Cortland County, there are a a student is listed is inconvenient number of polling places to visit on the day of the election or depending on location. To find out students have changed addresses which poll to go to next Tuesday, since they registered, students can here is a list of places and times. visit any Cortland polling location The two polling locations for and are still able to have their vote on-campus students are Studio count. West and the Cortland County If students are not on the Water Works, located on voter registration list of that Broadway Ave. Both polling specific polling location that they locations will be open from 6 a.m. go to, they can just ask the poll to 9 p.m. worker for an affidavit, or paper, Students who registered to ballot. vote under the addresses of Bishop The County Board of Hall, Clark Hall, Randall Hall, Glass Elections will then verify the photo by David Bitterbaum Tower, Brockway Hall, DeGroat student is registered to vote and Students pose with Cortland’s fiery school mascot, Blaze the Dragon, at the pep rally. Hall, Shea Hall, Cheney Hall, the process will be carried out Fitzgerald Hall or Whitaker Hall can normally without complications. CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER group performed countless stunts, a performance from the step team vote at the Cortland County Water Cortland students will also be one of which included juggling and a roaring bonfire that thawed Works. asked to partake in an electronic crowd was kept busy catching free flaming batons as they stood on out the dedicated supporters. Students who registered to national survey called the Campus T-shirts being thrown to the crowd the shoulders of one another. The undefeated Red Dragons vote under the addresses of Alger Votes Challenge, which is while Cortland’s mascot, Blaze the Their choreography was went on to win the Homecoming Hall, Hayes Hall, Higgins Hall, conducted to see the percentage Dragon, performed calisthenics. matched to a mixture of popular game 38-0 against opponent Casey Tower, Smith Tower or of college students that vote. The cold didn’t seem to faze songs that kept the impressed William Paterson. Hendrick can vote in Studio West. Remember to get out there and the girls from Dance Works, crowd’s attention. It’s no coincidence that Students who registered off- cast your ballot on Election Day. Kickline and cheerleading as they They performed an especially Cortland has both a rich tradition campus should have received a all performed both upbeat and comical interpretation of Pirates of of athletic success and an even form in the mail indicating which impressive routines. the Caribbean by fighting with stronger tradition of school While it seemed the pep rally “swords” of fire. support and spirit. was winding down, it was just “The flamethrowers were Good luck to the football team Corrections: heating up as a flame-throwing extremely talented and as they travel to face the College Concerning last week’s article entitled “CROP Walk,” Jeanine group, “A Different Spin,” stole entertaining. They seemed a little of New Jersey on Saturday and the show in a performance that out of practice but overall, it was a strive to maintain their winning Rose wanted to send out this message: followed in the Studio West great performance,” said streak. “I’d like to send a big thank you to all the Cortland students who parking lot. sophomore Krissy Cozier. volunteered to help with the walk, all who walked and collected donations and Jim Miller of the history department who The four members of the The rally was concluded with coordinated the student participation. Please add a big thank you to Vicki Johnson, our Protestant Campus Minister for helping in the planning of the CROP Walk, working at registration, and Myths of Middle East disbanded blessing the walkers before the walk.”

CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER in the responsibilities of the family, countries, the literacy rate is higher the responsibilities that Middle among women than men. Available for the encyclopedia Josef edited about Eastern men have in protecting and Despite these gains, women Women in Islamic cultures spans caring for their families. in the Islamic world in the Middle 2009-2010 School Year six books. Because women’s power is East are still seeking to gain ground Josef claims that it is concentrated in the family, it is less in two important areas: nationality 3 and 4 bedroom apartments impossible to be an expert in the visible to a western society that law and family law. field because the differences are does not hold the family high within Under nationality law, women fully furnished, offstreet parking, simply too enormous. the public sphere claimed Josef. cannot pass down citizenship or laundry on premises, garbage However, to understand Thus, their power is overlooked; give it to their spouse through women in the Middle East, one lending an image to women that marriage. Family law is based on collection included, heat included must first understand the principals appears oppressive. the Islamic religion and thus of their society. This image however, is not interpretation. In the United States, power is founded in fact. Within all the In many regions, under family Nice Maple Avenue location, nice concentrated in the public sphere. nations in the Middle East, except law, women have no civil rights in roomy apartments with deck Citizens are socialized as Saudi Arabia, the constitutions divorce or child custody. individuals, characterized by declare gender equality. While many people in Western boundaries with separation and The labor laws are completely cultures attempt to “liberate” the $2250 per semester per student independence from one another. non-discriminatory and often Middle Eastern woman, according Families themselves constitute a women are given longer maternity to Josef, she said the fact of the whole separate sphere. leaves than in western societies. matter is that the majority of Call Jim Hills at 315-559-9029 or e-mail On the other hand, in the Again, the prevalence of the family women say they would not trade [email protected] for more info Middle East, the boundaries takes place. their own families for those of between these spheres are porous Women also have had the Western society. or an appointment. and flexible and families are the right to vote in all countries, except Women feel that their central sphere in which citizens Saudi Arabia and the United Arab particular needs are better met in associate themselves. Emirates, from 40 to 60 years ago. the family sphere as often the Families are a critical site of There are women in the parliaments mother of a family is sanctified and power in the Middle East and of many Middle Eastern nations held to the highest respect within women are especially powerful and Turkey has a woman prime this religion. within the family said Josef. minister. Josef’s lecture is part of the In the Middle East, the family While their economic Cultural and Intellectual Climate permeates all aspects of social life activities are statistically small, this Committee’s yearlong series based and holds significantly more is only because these statistics around the theme of inequality. power than in Western cultures. leave out small family shops and Thus, states where the family agriculture, two areas where has more power the women will women are most notably have more power. This power lies employed. In some Middle Eastern THE DRAGON CHRONICLE News October 30, 2008 3 Need help deciding who to vote for? A look at Republican John McCain’s and Democrat ’s positions on a variety of issues

chart compiled by Kelsey Delmotte, Opinions Editor APO fraternity plans Majority for Obama children’s party CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER represents the old America, the the oldest U.S. President. He dying American, the America we Members of APO showed up supports the war in Iraq. need to bury and forget about.’’ at the YWCA at 4 p.m. to help set McCain supporter Kyle Senior Andrew Hamilton, 21, up a haunted house and decorate Edward Liang, 21, of New Hartford, of Albany, added, “I want to tell for the event. Bridges for Kids’ said, “I support John McCain and my grandchildren that I voted for program director Carla Plunkett because I like McCain’s the first African-American was pleased with their assistance. policies to cut taxes, give money president.’’ “APO is fantastic; whenever back to people and not raise taxes Editor’s Note: The following the YWCA asks for help, APO is on any class of people.’’ students contributed to this story: there,” she said. However, not every student Laura Beilman, Dana D’Ambrosia, “Recently, the Bridges for Kids would vote. Kelsey Delmotte, Shanna Halloween party was a perfect “I don’t think I’m going to vote Emerson, Diogandhi Hall, Joseph example of how Cortland benefits because I know no one can save Hays, Jessing Herring, Danielle our community. The students this country,’’ said Taryn Donovan, Hoehn, Allie Kaster, Alissa planned the event...and absolutely 21, of Utica. Kennedy, Corey LaRoche, Heather delighted the kids, all with a little Most Obama backers shared Lohr, Jessica Mahoney, Amy more than a brief planning session. the sentiments of Bryce Urbany, Marshall, Andrew Pearlman and We simply could not provide this 21, of Lansing, who said, “John Lisa Portelli. and many other opportunities for McCain is outlandish because he photo by Rebecca Job our kids without this kind of help.” Students of Alpha Phi Omega assist in party preparation. About 20 APO members gathered at the YWCA to help Now leasing for 2009-2010 on APO Fraternity helps mentor younger children and give make this party a success. them opportunities to do fun things The members held arts and Tompkins and Monroe Heights YWCA plan a festive in the community. crafts sessions with the children child-oriented event The YWCA of Cortland is a and the YWCA provided food and non-profit organization that refreshments. Groups of 1 to 6 Students Rebecca Job supports the growth and The joint efforts of APO and Walking Distance from College & Staff Writer leadership of women and girls and the YWCA made this Halloween helps families with quality party free of charge for the children. Downtown Cortland’s co-ed service programs in childcare, mentoring, “APO came together as a fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, wellness, crisis intervention and group and allowed many children Fully Furnished Newly Remodeled combined their efforts with the social advocacy. in the Cortland community to have YWCA to host the Bridges for Kids The Bridges for Kids program a safe and fun Halloween Heat Included Cable/Internet Ready Halloween party last Friday. at the Cortland YWCA serves experience. The turnout was great; Ample Parking Large Units Bridges for Kids is a big about 500 children annually and is we were very pleased,” said APO brother-little brother program that the only mentoring program for at- member Charlie Magner. Call(607)597-9375 or (607)756-2645 members of APO have taken on to risk children ages five to 12. 4 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE News October 30, 2008 Alphi Phi wins Sustainability Day a success annual Powder-Puff Many turn out for day of environmental action and learning

Erica Sanderson News Editor

Cortland has increasingly been “going green” in order to improve the campus and community environment, following the ever popular green movement that has swept the nation. The latest indications of photo by Ben Bolding Cortland’s new green fever were Julia Karpinski (right) visits the tree-planting table. the events that encompassed Sustainability Day, which was held Shea Hall. Posters were also displayed on from 11:30 am to 4:30 p.m. on last Canals hatched the idea when different environmental topics photo by Amy Marshall Wednesday in Corey Union and he heard that National Campus such as how to conserve water and Sorority members in action during a Powder-Puff game. was open to all students and Sustainability Day was Oct. 26 and why CFL light bulbs are more community members. decided to get Cortland in on the environmentally friendly than The event, which involved action. others. Sororities showcase Sigma Delta Tau and Nu Sigma approximately one month of Multiple green events were All participants received a free skills in annual Chi also played each other with planning, was a joint effort from the offered throughout the day such recycled cotton T-shirt and were Sigma Delta Tau winning the game Student Affair’s Sustainability as providing soil and seeds to plant entered in a raffle to win an homecoming event and taking third place 14-0. Committee and a group of Resident trees, a compact fluorescent light assortment of prizes from the MVPs included Cristina Assistants (RAs), one RA from bulb (CFL) exchange and a school store, including reusable Hoffman of Delta Phi Epsilon, who each Residence Hall, which was recyclable basketball game where water bottles, travel mugs and Amy Marshall ran an impressive 90-yard fronted by Steven Canals, plastic bottles were tossed into thermoses. Staff Writer touchdown, Nicole Horack, Residence Hall Director (RHD) of recyclable bins. The winner of the raffle has quarterback for Nu Sigma Chi and yet to be drawn but will be selected Lauren Cavaretta, who caught the and notified this week. Alpha Phi took the win for the winning touchdown in overtime, The day was a huge success , annual Powder-Puff football game which resulted in the win for Alpha said Canals. Over 90 people held last Saturday as a part of Phi. stopped by to help with the homecoming weekend. Powder-Puff football was planting, about 80 light bulbs were All four campus sororities action-packed this year in part due exchanged and over 600 people Alpha Phi, Delta Phi Epsilon, Sigma to the elements. entered their name into the raffle Delta Tau and Nu Sigma Chi The game was played in about drawing, all of which took place participated in the Powder-Puff 40-degree weather under pouring within just five hours. football for the first time this year. rain showers. The fields were “I’m sure this will be an event In the previous years, only two of covered in mud and so were the we will want to continue,” said the sororities participated. players as they slid all over the field Canals. Alpha Phi members said that attempting to run through the “It’s important. Sustainability they liked the set up of the game muddy fields. speaks to us today and it’s about this year because all of the Delta Phi Epsilon members us taking care of the environment sororities got a chance to play, agreed that the weather conditions photo by Ben Bolding now so that people in the future allowing for more competitive fun. were tough but they felt the games Several students partake in Sustainability Day events. can have a future.” The game began promptly at were good overall. 10:30 a.m. in the fields behind Park The crowds of spectators Center and each sorority played consisted of friends and sorority two games. In each round two sisters there in full spirit games were played simultaneously. supporting the players. After the first round the The game was still packed winners of each game played each with onlookers despite the weather Native American land loss discussed other for first and second place and conditions. the two losing teams played each The sorority members by Professor Scott Anderson other for third and fourth place. displayed good sportsmanship In the first round, Delta Phi throughout the games. knew anything about the land Epsilon played Sigma Delta Tau Sigma Delta Tau members Cortland professor Indians as the government was transactions and how much the and won 7-0. stated that the Powder-Puff explains historical buying the land that was valued at land was valued for. At the same time Alpha Phi football game was not only a good 50 cents an anchor and selling it to Cayuga Land case Anderson had all the played Nu Sigma Chi and won 3-2. way to bring their own sorority settlers for $2. information the state requested In the second round, Alpha Phi and together, but all other sororities as The land was then put up for and was able to help. He knows Delta Phi Epsilon battled for first well. auction at $4.50. how much the land was worth place with a game that went into Chelsea Leone All the Cayuga land is gone dating all the way back to the late overtime with Alpha Phi winning Staff Writer now, said Anderson. 1700s. 1-0 and Delta Phi Epsilon taking After the Revolutionary War, When he went through the second place. the North gained all this land but it Scott Anderson, an figures himself, he found that what immediately was sold into the Anthropology professor here at was due to the Indians was more hands of rich foreigners Anderson NOW AVAILABLE FOR LEASE: Cortland, gave a lecture titled than what the court decided. explained. “How the Indians Lost Their Land: Most of the Cayuga Indians It was in the initial sale of the The Cayuga Land Claim Case” as stayed west and they all agreed to land where the money was lost part of the Brooks Museum Lecture lease the land. Each group because it was not worth what it For Spring ‘09 semester: series in Cornish Hall last received $500 per year. was being sold for. House on Clayton Ave for 3-4 students Wednesday. New York State thought that In 1980 the case was brought The territory is northwest of only they could buy land from the as a case that could be tried. The Cortland, located in Cayuga Indians and they tried to filibuster case was won, but then later in 2004, County. Anderson did the majority western New York. the case was thrown out by an For Fall ‘09 - Spring ‘10 semesters: of his research in Auburn, where However, the federal appeals court. 5-Bedroom House on Pleasant St. he spent countless hours government stepped in and the This was difficult for the searching through 5,000 records land could no longer be sold by Cayuga Indians and still pains them of land transactions in the county New York State, but only the today to be pushed out of their office building. federal government. own land and have it bought and Contact Marc Pace at (607) 745-2222 After he conducted this The case could be brought sold for monetary value with little for more information. research, New York State officials before a judge because it violated disregard for those that were there called Anderson and asked if he fair trade laws for the Cayuga first, Anderson concluded. The Dragon ChronicleTHE DRAGON CHRONICLEDo you Opinions have October something 30, 2008 to say and want your voice to be heard by the campus community? Then speak up and e-mail us your ideas, thoughts Opinions or opinions to [email protected]. Our View Cortland goes construction crazy Excessive remodeling If you can sort through the incessant mudslinging and causes unneeded name-calling, you may have chosen a candidate for next stress for students week’s upcoming presidential election. It’s important to pick a candidate not based on what he claims the other will not do, but what he will actually Daniel Harding Jr. do himself. Staff Writer Don’t be afraid to choose a candidate who best represents you, but also look at the bigger picture. Think The beautiful Cortland about what is best for the country and all of us, not just a campus, which has attracted a record high number of students, is small group of people. The key to making the United fast becoming unrecognizable this States a better place to live is recognizing that we are a year. melting pot of people and we all deserve a little attention While construction is often a and representation in our government. necessary burden all universities But whomever you choose to vote for, make your face, it seems as though Cortland is going overboard. While a photo by Daniel Harding Jr. voice heard on Nov. 4. It’s only you in that voting booth nuisance, most students were Construction in front of Randall Hall on Neubig Road. and only you can make that decision. tolerant towards the major There is no such thing as throwing a vote away. The construction project that started noise. bookstore when the current one very basis of democracy is everyone’s right to have a with the addition to Van Hoesen “The construction has been a always seems to get the job done. say in his or her government. You just have to be confident Hall last semester. With projects real inconvenience in traveling to Because of the Neubig commencing in several different and from class. Cortland has remodeling, the dining hall will be that someone, somewhere, is listening. locations on campus, many always had that feeling of home for closed from Thanksgiving until the students feel that it’s just too me and now I feel it’s losing its second semester, and while that much. charm,” said Glass Hall resident may not seem like a very long time, What was once a nice campus Dan Caputo. it will certainly have a negative to stroll around has turned into a The SUNY school system effect on students. HE hardhat zone. Tractor-trailers, suffered a $38.8 million budget cut Hundreds of students will be T bulldozers and a slew of other this year and could face even more forced to pack into Corey Union DRAGON CHRONICLE construction machinery have cuts in the future due to the New and Hilltop for meals. Students, as 135 Years of Tradition replaced the casual runner or bike York State deficit. In order to cope, well as food employees, can expect rider. Cortland has made budget cuts in a hectic situation come 6 p.m. departments school-wide. Editor-in-Chief: Students in both Glass Tower during those weeks. During this With faculty cuts and Vicky Paz and Randall Hall find that the time period students will be increasing class sizes, many begin [email protected] construction is making it difficult especially busy working on term to get work done or study in their to wonder if we really need a News Editor: Opinions Editor: rooms because of the constant Neubig remodel, or a new SEE CONSTRUCTION ON PAGE 7 Erica Sanderson Kelsey Delmotte [email protected] [email protected] Entertainment Editor: Sports Editor: A case for the third party candidate Katie Rosenbrock Mike Polizzi [email protected] [email protected] The right choice for It is in this way that the idea possibly the most humorous Photo Editor: Webmaster: you may not always of freedom, in George Bush’s oxymoron of the 2008 presidential Ben Bolding Janina Mizhquiri Patriot Act America, remains the campaign. [email protected] [email protected] be red or blue status quo through the illusion of On the economy, both voted Business Managers: choice. Both McCain and Obama for the $750 billion bailout/rescue Jewel Brangman & Tara Sawyer are bent on pointing out to an package. Now I ask you, how [email protected] [email protected] Dustin Good already polarized voting public how different are McCain and Obama’s Staff Writers: Staff Writer different they really are. platforms? Jewel Brangman, Daniel Curtis, Dana D’Ambrosia, Kelsey Delmotte, Obama is versed in creating So maybe a third party Danielle Eckert, Eric Feuer, Samantha Ficken, Julia Fleming, the perception of ideological candidate is the candidate for you. Dustin Good, Rebecca Greenland, Daniel Harding Jr., Brittany Hays, In a country were there has separation from his opponent. The If war and violence is not your Rebecca Job, Ashley Jones, Chelsea Leone, Jessica Leopoldo, been an emphasis on the democratic presidential nomination answer, if you prefer peace and Samantha Long, Amy Marshall, Megan Martin, Janina Mizhquiri, importance of freedom and race between Obama and Hilary harmony, maybe a third party Mark Nader, Vicky Paz, Daniella Perruna, Mike Polizzi, democracy in a post-9/11 world, it Clinton was the quintessential candidate is for you. Katie Rosenbrock, Erica Sanderson, Tara Sawyer, is surprising how readily our example of six dozen of one, a half If you demand real clean Gabriel Schaub, Brian Verdi, Jessica Zito society accepts a political system dozen of the other. energy for our nation and the world that is set up in a way that almost But we must ask ourselves, are that does not harm the planet, Faculty Advisor: completely eradicates the notion of Obama and McCain really as maybe a third party candidate is Scott Rapp choice all together. ideologically opposed as they say? for you. The Dragon Chronicle respects individuals’ ideas, interpretations and beliefs and When I go to the polls, I will On the issue of war, McCain If you don’t believe in a we encourage the right to express those views. Letters to the editor should be find myself wrestling over the lesser likes Iraq, Obama prefers bailout bill that refuses to hold typed, double spaced and no more than 350 words long. You must submit both of two evils. Thus, my vote will go Afghanistan. corporate America responsible for a hard copy and one on a disk or submit your piece via email. Please submit the to the candidate that I dislike the On issues of the national its greed and corruption and has article on a disk in Microsoft Word for PCs. If that is not possible, save in text only format. Letters and articles must be brought to our office in 111 Corey least. In reality, the difference budget, McCain proposes tax cuts no place in an apparently capitalist Union. All submissions must be signed and include a valid telephone number or between the two candidates is but cites no clear plan for reducing country whose only remaining true they will not be printed. No personal attacks are permitted. No pen names are minimal. government spending. Obama has capitalists are small businesses, permitted. All submissions become property of the newspaper and we reserve Conversely, there are a striking proposed a tax increase on the because they are the only the right to edit. number of similarities between smallest percentages of society. businesses that are allowed to fail, The Dragon Chronicle Office: (607) 753-2803 Barack Obama and John McCain. Thus, the overwhelming majority then maybe a third party candidate 111 Corey Union Fax: (607) 753-2805 Election Day will be the first time of Americans, in an Obama or is for you. Cortland, NY 13045 E-mail: [email protected] that many voters are exposed to a McCain administration, will see If you believe in human rights number of third party candidates little change in their taxes. for all in an unabridged form, if you Website: http://web.cortland.edu/dragonchronicle that have absolutely no chance of On the issue of gay rights, believe in human rights without victory. That fact is the first on a both oppose gay marriage. caveats, then maybe a third party AOL Instant Messsaging Screen Name: dragnchronicle list of several agreements that On energy, both are in favor candidate is the candidate for you. Democrats and Republicans, led by of nuclear energy, off-shore drilling Activities funded by the SGA and MAF McCain and Obama, agree on. and clean coal as well, quite SEE THIRD PARTY ON PAGE 7 6 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Opinions October 30, 2008 What do you have to say? What was your most embarrassing or funny experience at Cortland?

photo by Brittany Hays photo by Brittany Hays provided by Brittany Hays provided by Brittany Hays provided by Brittany Hays “I was walking up the stairs to “There are too many funny “One night a guy friend came “My funniest/most “One night my housemates Bowers and I tripped with my memories at Cortland. The best over and passed out in my bed. I embarrassing experience at and I decided to climb the wall of hands full and spilled my coffee all times are at Neubig on Sunday checked on him an hour later and Cortland was when I fell on the ice our living room.” over the stairs. I landed on my face morning recapping the night found my bed full of pee.” last winter walking to dinner when and turned around to find a group before.” everyone was outside and of guys laughing at me.” me.”

Alyssa Atwood Courtney Evans Danielle Coughlin Kristin Legacy Megan Lupini Junior Junior Senior Sophomore Junior Spanish Childhood Education Communications Education Sports Management

Who is Joe

A Saint Rose Graduate Degree — your handbook for life. the Plumber? Life makes no promises for what lies ahead. It presents you with challenges, New face of the Wurzelbacher? choices, moments of truth and joy, and the opportunity to expand your bound- In the days since the third aries beyond expectations. Republican party has debate it has been revealed that JTP does not make even close to For almost 90 years, The College of Saint Rose in Albany, N.Y. has taught lofty ambitions the minimum annual income for tax students to examine new ideas through academic exploration and problem- solving, and to realize their potential by showing them the creativity and talent increases under the Obama plan, but the plan is being viewed as within themselves. Saint Rose students learn that no matter what—they will Dustin Good make a positive impact on the world. A Saint Rose education instills the having uncertain inclinations. Staff Writer ability not only to do great things — but extraordinary things. JTP and the voting block he represents feel that $250 thousand Your future awaits. Discover how a Saint Rose graduate degree can be your could easily become $100 thousand handbook for life. Beginning during the third one day. JTP-style voters are debate and continuing ad nauseam probably against gay marriage between then and now, John because if we allow that, pretty McCain and Sarah Palin have soon people will want to marry their APPLY TODAY: SCHOOL OF ARTS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION adopted Samuel Joseph dogs and consummate their www.strose.edu/gradapply & HUMANITIES Adolescence Education (Grades 7 – 12) Wurzelbacher as their official relationships with their guinea pigs. Art Education Applied Technology Education Communications Bilingual Education Extension (Advanced Certificate)* campaign mascot. You may know It is the belief in such APPLICATION English Business/Marketing Education (K – 12) him as “.” ridiculousness that allows the GOP DEADLINES: History/Political Science Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6) Regardless of the to attract voters like JTP. Sam Spring Enrollment: Music Education College Student Services Administration October 15 Communication Sciences & Disorders mispronunciation of his surname, Wurzelbacher should vote for the SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Curriculum and Instruction* he has seemingly agreed to replace candidate whose platform can best Summer Enrollment: Accounting Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2) the pitbull with lipstick as the help him and his family. Not the March 15 MBA Educational Computing (Advanced Certificate) official face of the 2008 Republican candidate who, if his income Fall Enrollment: Financial Planning Educational Leadership and Administration (Advanced Certificate) July 31 Educational Psychology presidential ticket. magically skyrockets, will take less Not-For-Profit Management Educational Technology Specialist There are two main issues with of it. For more information call (Advanced Certificate) Literacy* 1-800-637-8556 or visit Mental Health Counseling JTP that need to be addressed. Domestic and international www.strose.edu/gradapply SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS School Counseling First, the fact that he does not wealth is controlled by an elite few & SCIENCES School Psychology even make close to $250 thousand and that powerful elite few do Professional Science Master’s in Special Education INFORMATION SESSION Computer Information Systems per year, but does not like Obama’s everything they can to retain the (also Advanced Certificate) SCHEDULE: tax plan because one day he might. status quo. JTP has been www.strose.edu/infosession Areas of Specialty in: Special Education/Dual Certification Programs Bioinformatics, Computer Game Special Education/Adolescence Education Second, the broader issue of brainwashed by the members of Design, Internet Programming, and Special Education/Childhood Education CAMPUS TOURS: Embedded Real-Time Systems Republicans taking issue with the that elite class to believe anyone To schedule a campus visit or *Applicants must hold initial certification prior to applying. investigation into JTP’s can make as much money as they tour, call 1-800-637-8556. background in order to answer the do if they work hard enough. The very same question that John GOP and their corporate cronies McCain loves to use to attack his thrive on the votes of The College of Saint Rose opponent Obama: “Who is Barack Obama?” Should we not be allowed Passion.Knowledge.Purpose. 1-800-637-8556 www.strose.edu/grad to ask the same question about Sam SEE JOE THE PLUMBER ON PAGE 7 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Opinions October 30, 2008 7 How will we be remembered? Happy Third Joe the Plumber Consider all aspects officials whose circle of concern CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 of each candidate’s includes babies not yet born. By that standard, how do the current Halloween party indoctrinated masses of plumbers. political platforms presidential contenders measure After the tapping of JTP as the up? GOP mascot, several stories and Tom Lickona In his article, “Obama’s Celebrate responsibly investigations were done looking Abortion Extremism,” published politics Director, Center for the 4th and 5th into the history and legitimacy of this month in the journal Public or give back with a Rs (Respect and Responsibility) Wurzelbacher. Personalities like Discourse, Princeton University safe alternative Rush Limbaugh defended him and Professor of Jurisprudence Robert CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 attacked media outlets for asking At the end of a unit on slavery, P. George states, “Barack Obama questions about Joe the Plumber. a fifth grade boy in a New is the most extreme pro-abortion Daniella Perruna You will never learn about What happened to JTP is Hampshire classroom said, “We candidate ever to seek the office Staff Writer third party candidates by watching exactly what Republicans have think slavery was bad, but what are of President of the United States.” the major news networks or any been doing to Barack Obama, did people going to say about us in a On July 17, 2007, Obama told network for that matter. to Hilary Clinton during the hundred years?” the Planned Parenthood Action You will not learn about third primaries, and what they are happy Indeed. How, for example, will Fund, “The first thing I will do as As a reminder for students party candidates by reading the to do with Sarah Palin. They make we explain to future generations president is to sign the Freedom of consumed in classes, Halloween is newspapers and magazines that them the face of a large group of that our society went to great Choice Act. On this fundamental tomorrow. Students love dressing everyone except Sarah Palin stuff people that may or may not relate lengths to care for a pregnant issue, I will not yield.” up for the holiday and celebrate their noses in to. to them but happen to fall into mother and her unborn child but if If enacted, the Freedom of through the dark of the night. Get on the world wide web, certain categorized demographics. a mother decided she didn’t want Choice Act would prohibit and It is a fun time of year and the surf the information super highway For example, Obama her baby, the child had no rights retroactively nullify all federal and majority of students give in to their where information flows a-plenty represents all African-Americans in but could be “terminated” through state-level restrictions on abortion, inner child by dressing in costume. and is waiting to be consumed. the country. Clinton, now replaced all nine months of pregnancy? including parental notification However, it is also a time when Learn about , by Palin, was supposed to Will we say, “We had no idea,” requirements, informed consent students can get themselves into Cynthia McKenney, , represent all women in the country. that abortion took the lives of 1.5 laws and bans on partial-birth trouble. , , Now, JTP knows what it is like million pre-born children a year? abortion. It is important to understand Charles Jay, Gene Amondson, Ted to have to represent an entire That these were violent deaths As an Illinois state senator, the Cortland College Student Weill, , Brian Moore, demographic to a national inflicted without any anesthetic? Obama opposed the Born-Alive Handbook and the policies that Róger Calero and others. audience. He also now knows how If you’ve never examined the Infants Protection Act, legislation correspond with it. Read the platforms of the unfair and misrepresentative such evidence of what abortion is and that required medical care for Cortland has a zero-tolerance , Socialist a job can become. does, you can see pictures of children who survived an abortion. policy for violence, stating that any Workers Party, Socialist Party USA, aborted babies, as well as healthy This legislation later became student involved in any act of Party for Socialism and Liberation, fetal development, on websites federal law, supported even by violence will be tried according to Reform Party, Liberation Party, such as www.prolife.com. abortion rights advocates such as judicial rules of the campus. Boston Tea Party, America’s quote of There are certainly many other Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy. The college also has a policy Independence Party, Green Party, moral failures, such as unjust wars There are many issues at stake pertaining to underage drinking, Libertarian Party, Constitution the week and a widening gap between the in next Tuesday’s election, but which clearly states that any Party, et al. “ rich and poor, for which we will need abortion is the most important student under the age of 21 cannot These third party candidates [Sarah Palin] knows to answer. But no ethical failure is because it is the most direct assault be seen possessing or consuming are hoping to receive 5% of the more about energy as fundamental, no moral blind spot on human life. any type of alcoholic beverage. national vote so that their parties so great, as a national policy of Obama is committed to the If a student is found in will be eligible to receive equal than probably anyone permitting lethal violence against belief that an entire class of human violation of this, he/she will be tried amounts of public funding to pay else in the United a whole class of innocent human beings has no rights. When John under judicial rule. Students are for the next presidential campaign. States of America. ... beings. McCain was asked, “When is a encouraged to enjoy the holiday Theoretically, a party whose And, uh, she also Pro-life groups such as baby entitled to human rights?” he in a fun, but safe, manner. candidate received 5% would have happens to represent, Feminists for Life answered, “At the moment of On a separate note, Shea Hall an equal chance of winning the next (www.feministsforlife.org), aware conception. is hosting a safe Halloween for time around. be governor of a state of the harm that abortion does to To return to that fifth grader’s children around the Cortland Unfortunately, without large that’s right next to women as well as children, work question: How will people judge us community. amounts of campaign finance Russia. diligently to promote life-affirming in a hundred years? The children will trick-or-treat reform and even larger amounts of ” alternatives. in the residence hall, which will be private donations, a campaign that All of us can elect public decorated by the residents and relies solely on public funding is - John McCain, staff members. an immediate underdog. after being asked about For more information on this Finally, there is the Electoral Sarah Palin’s foreign exciting and beneficial event, College, a voting body made up policy experience Construction contact Steve Canals, RHD of Shea exclusively of Democrats and interview with WCSH-6 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 placed for the semester, which Hall. Republicans that will probably Portland,OR seems like an unfair burden. Have a safe and healthy never elect a candidate who is not Sept. 12, 2008 papers and cramming for their final “I’ve had three new Halloween. blue or red. exams. Waiting an extraordinarily roommates already and now have long time to get a meal will be an to deal with starting new all over unpleasant experience. again after finally settling down. The Neubig construction will It’s just another big adjustment to also have a negative effect on get used to,” said Fitzgerald NOW LEASING 2009-2010 Cortland’s athletes, who are on resident Yasemin Ertem. campus during the winter session Most students on campus feel and rely on Neubig for a hearty that the amount of construction NEW STUDENT HOUSING meal. With all the hassle the going on across the campus is construction will cause along with excessive. They feel it has caused GREAT LOCATIONS the steep price tag, do we really traffic congestion, a more need a more feng shui dining hall strenuous daily commute and COMPLETELY FURNISHED with a sushi bar? noise distractions. Maybe when The school is also planning to the construction finally subsides, close Fitzgerald Hall next semester Cortland will once again be a place in order to refurbish it. The we can all be proud to call home. full-size beds, computer desks, dressers, couches, students currently living there are love seats, entertainment center, dishwasher, still unsure of where they will be microwave, laundry and more! Want to see your face in the paper? Submit your Halloween photos to The From one bedroom apartments to entire houses Dragon Chronicle at [email protected] For more information, please call *Please do not send photos containing Keith Pace Properties at (607) 745-1775 inappropriate or offensive material* 8 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Opinions October 30, 2008 Addressing the small stuff The girlfriend’s guide to sports Sarah Wolanin & often ski on difficult paths and they Alyssa Hendricks even bring along extra equipment, Finding importance in for complicated matters, yet we the 2008-2009 academic year: Contributing Writers like tents and other forms of shelter, continue to try to create one. ·Wednesday Night so they can go for an extended the little things and That there was a list of student Conversations in VOICE Office: period of time. recognizing the good organizations attached to the Last week’s topic is “Why don’t COLUMN Recreational skiers will usually “Former Student Charged with fathers step up?” ski on maintained trails at ski Rape” article has a covert feel. The ·New Fatherhood Support resorts or parks. The equipment Marc Dearstyne feeling comes in the form of a Program at CAPCO: Pancakes for This week, we will be informing needed for cross-country skiing Equal Opportunity Program question, that is, “how does a Pop’s Breakfast Program (Last you about the sports of downhill includes skis with bindings, boots rapist become part of these week’s community service and cross country skiing. and poles. The boots and bindings particular organizations?” outreach effort). Cross-country skiing, which need to fit each other or the boots Recently you may have Well, you can surmise the rest ·CROP Walk first gained popularity in Northern will not stay on the skis. noticed bad publicity regarding our of this thought train. Not a good ·Relay for Life Europe, Canada and Alaska, has Downhill skiing can also be student organizations and member one, for sure. It may be a little thing ·Thanksgiving Feast been growing in popularity in the referred to as alpine skiing. There behaviors. It is very easy for us to to mention, but the hope is that our ·Upcoming Collaboration with United States. is great risk in this sport because see a negative and attach it to the students, faculty, and staff can POWER event titled “POWER Part of the Nordic skiing family of the extreme speeds skiers race closest, though not necessarily the look beneath and beyond the small MOVE!” group, cross-country skiing is an at. Speeds are typically around correct, reason. stuff and know that our student ·Books and Bridges: A endurance sport that uses all of the 80mph.Downhill requires longer Student behavior on campus, groups are very positive and donation programs of books and major muscle groups in the body. skis, bent ski poles, a helmet, and especially the misdemeanor and the generally pure in their mission. supplies to the YWCA It is a part of the winter Olympics skin tight suits to minimize drag. felony, is largely transparent. The The hope is that the negative ·MOVE and LFL: a reading and and has several different events This week’s trivia you can use Campus Security “Clery” Act meaning about our student mentor program in the Cortland including, sprint, team sprint, to impress your man is all about requires a public report be made of organizations covertly attached to schools individual start, pursuit, mass start skiing. True or false: Skis have certain crimes and violations. For the very sad article can be worked ·Big Brother Big Sister and relay. These events are for been used as weapons during many of us, this type of public out by each of us individually, Program: Working with children of both men and women. warfare? Answer: True. King information, especially when seen concluding that the student incarcerated parents Cross-country skiing is a great Sverre of Sweden at the Battle of on the front pages of a newspaper, charged with rape does not reflect ·Annual Basketball Game with way of exercising in the winter. Oslo against Norway used skis for can elicit shock and awe, surprise the memberships of those TC3: Fundraiser for local charities The more serious skiers will the first time in 1200 A.D. and wonder, anger and resentment, organizations listed. ·2nd annual Sandwich Seminar: indignation and insult, or sadness The “Men of Values and “Excellence, Learning from POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT and sorrow. Excellence” (MOVE) was one of experience” It is easy to, rightfully or the organizations attached to this ·Resume Workshop for MEN: wrongfully look for and converse article. Yet in a short amount of Collaboration with Career Services about the cause of such behavior, time, this group of men has ·“Man of the Year” Awards point fingers, form opinions, touched the lives and minds of Ceremony express beliefs, and look for truths. many students on campus with Please congratulate the Most of us are inquisitive, so we positive messages and positive members of MOVE, as well as the FREE RIDES look for causes. One of the actions. other organizations as they move problems with looking for causes Here are some of the activities through an excellent year of service is that most of the time we are and initiatives MOVE conducts to the community and the college. wrong. There is never one cause annually and again has planned for TO VOTE

Buying the textbooks Election Day, November 4 Students spending other expenses but textbooks were needed or the class is passable my responsibility. I didn’t mind without them, why are we forced hundreds on because I figured that textbooks to spend hundreds of dollars on Noon to 8:45 p.m. unnecessary books were important, and although worthless items? With online expensive, they were a necessity technology growing more Pick up spots: Corey Union Danielle Eckert for college courses and prevalent, isn’t there some way Staff Writer succeeding in school. that important material can be Dowd I purchased all the books with accessed on the web? It would not some scholarship money I received only be more environmentally On top of all other factors that from my high school and it totalled friendly but would save a great Voting Locations: Pump House at go with starting a new semester of nearly $300 for all my supplies. deal of money as well. Water Works college, one concern of the However, I was shocked after For some courses, textbooks majority of students is the expense speaking to several people in my can be an important aspect of the of textbooks. Getting the correct hall who had to spend almost learning experience. For math Studio West edition and volume of each book double what I paid. courses, seeing and solving can be a hassle and finding the I had always been told that the written problems are more effective cheapest price is a must. The key to doing well in college is than hearing them or seeing them college boasts their policy of reading the book before class and online via computer screen. Or call 756-2200 for “lowest price guarantee,” but how going over the textbook after class. But for history courses, much of a bargain are you really However, for the majority of my images of maps and other diagrams pick-ups and drop-offs. getting? classes this semester, no reading work better when they are available In late August, each professor is assigned. The valuable online and can be used lists the required textbooks on the textbooks serve only as a reference interactively. Seeing a map on a bookstore’s website and students when writing a paper for the class, faded page of a textbook will not It’s your right to vote, we’ll give scurry to purchase each book at or to review for an exam. stand out in the minds of students you a free ride there and back! the best price. Students search not Out of eight books I who need to memorize it for a test. only campus bookstores but also purchased, three have never even Having maps online with labels and local ones and online sources such been opened. Many professors different areas to click on and learn as Amazon.com. assign books because the about would be a lot more For some classes, more than department requires them to or they beneficial. one textbook is needed and the simply need to put a book online. Professors should analyze textbooks aren’t always small The professors have no intention what is really needed for their paperback books. Many are new of basing their lessons off the lessons and what tools would be hardcover editions that can cost book or assigning work in the text. most helpful before making an upwards of $100 apiece. This is a major burden to the students purchase unnecessary My parents told me that they typical college student who lives items. would handle my tuition costs and on a tight budget. If texts are not

Want to place an ad in the Dragon Chronicle? Because it Matters. Email [email protected] www.subenforda.com for more information Paid for by Mark Suben for DA. The Dragon ChronicleTHE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment October 30, 2008 Cracker eating contest: Pg. 11 Codas XXXVI: Pg. 12 Entertainment Motivational speaker: Pg. 12 Haunted Hall gives students a scare Cortland’s world premiere of Luna Park is a success

Musical based on are to submit their amusement park ride designs for consideration. Coney Island park is Thompson and Dundy, who sure to impress both have designed the same ride, are chosen to create a new ride Erica Sanderson attraction called “Trip to the News Editor Moon,” which also serves as a rousing musical number complete with the singing of adorable little REVIEW children, ensemble members on stilts and the creation of a cool, magical atmosphere through the The crowd sat murmuring use of costumes and lighting excitedly as the sounds of saturated with shades of green and trumpets, flutes, drums and other sparkles. instruments of the orchestra were Thompson, played by Ryan being tuned filled the air. Macdonald, and Dundy, played by Such was the scene of pre- John McAvaney, delivered two photo by Rebecca Greenland show preparation at 8 p.m. last strong and energetic performances Students participating in theannual RHA event portray a variety of spooky characters. Friday for the world premiere of the throughout the night. Cortland production of the original Macdonald and McAvaney Over 500 students by the Residence Hall Association doctors. First up to scare the musical, Luna Park. had an obvious chemistry, which (RHA). visit the Halloween visitors was an intimidating As the curtain comes up on shined in their scenes together, The general theme carried out Michael Myers, who emerged from the opening scene, the audience creating a fun and humorous event in Whitaker for the night was an insane asylum a room filled with colorful masks. is introduced to two characters: repoire between the two. taken over by the Joker’s clowns Knife in hand, Myers proceeded Frederick Thompson and Elmer Two other characters, Joseph Rebecca Greenland and crazy patients. Guests first to chase visitors down the hallway “Skip” Dundy, two men bored with Misenger, who acts as an assistant entered a hospital waiting room Staff Writer to a Hostel scene where a victim their monotonous desk jobs and to Thompson and Dundy and Luna where they could make donations was being tortured by a crazed who dream of a life much bigger Dundy, played by Kara Howard, to the Haunted Hall, sit, and eat . than their current reality. Over 500 visitors were Skip’s sister, meet during the refreshments. Katy Fitzgerald took part in Both men leave their towns to spooked and entertained at last construction of the project and After a few moments, guests attend the Pan-American weekend’s Haunted Hall, hosted were taken on tours by the asylum’s SEE HAUNTED HALL ON PAGE 10 Exposition in Buffalo, where they SEE LUNA PARKON PAGE 11 Cortland’s twenty-third Gospel Choir Festival to be held this Sunday Join the Gospel Choir on Nov. 2 for its annual music festival

Lisa Musso Contributing Writer

Cortland’s Gospel Choir will present its twenty-third African American Gospel Choir Festival this Sunday at 4 p.m. in Corey Union’s Function Room. The proceeds of this event will go to Gospel Choir Scholarship programming for the Germany Belgium tour. Robert Brown, a Cortland adjunct instructor in Africana Studies directs the choir and teaches music at Blodgett Elementary School in Syracuse. He is also music director of the New Life Community Church. The Choir has a variety of musicians including Andy Rudy, Reginald Siegler and Benjamin Terry are from Syracuse. Jamie Yaman is from photo by Sam Kelley Cortland. The Gospel Choir, primarily Members of the Cortland Gospel Choir gather together at one of their Wednesday rehearsals. comprised of college and high represented by members from as Toronto, Canada and Niagara Falls, semester of 1985 when the Choirs for the upcoming school students in addition to far away as Ireland and Japan. NY. The Toronto concert was Cortland County Council of festival include Syracuse community members, has been Last year, the choir made its presented at the First Baptist Churches, the Interfaith Center, University’s Black Celestial Choral recognized for its outstanding first international tour to England Church of Toronto, which was and the SUNY Cortland Black Ensemble, the Amani Gospel Choir performances at the National and performed in Brixton and founded in 1826 by fugitive slaves Student Union joined together and of Ithaca College, the SUNY Collegiate Gospel Competition. London. from the United States. sponsoredCortland’s first African Oswego Gospel Choir, and Monroe This year, the choir is Most recently, the choir toured It was during the spring American Gospel Music Festival. Community College Gospel Choir. 10 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment October 30, 2008 RHA’s annual Haunted Hall event gives students a scare CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 of the Joker’s lair. The girl pleaded to be let in, environment and people were all Haunted Hall took place in When asked about the scene, but was captured by the killer who really great. Even at the end of the Whitaker Hall Friday and Saturday several acts, one of them being one of the clowns, Danielle Diehl, threatened to come after the tour. night when we were all tired, nights, from 7-11pm. Hostel. said, “The element of surprise was Guests were then shown back to everyone was still joking around Matt Fanelli, coordinator of She said that this scene was fun; no one expected the clowns the clown room and up the stairs and having a good time.” the Haunted Hall said that, “The her favorite because “There was to come out and scare the guests.” to a dark hallway. Shirley Tyler toured the most challenging part of bringing more acting involved than some of Hurrying away from the Pitch black, except for a strobe Haunted Hall and said, “I thought the event together was focusing the other scenes I was in.” laughing clowns, guests were light, the tour was ambushed by the Hostel scene was really good, on the ideas for the scenes. Fitzgerald also noted that “The greeted with an exorcism scene, crazy and masked patients. A and the Joker did a great job.” Everyone had such great hardest part was engaging with the where a priest stood over a creepy recording of “Twinkle Planning for the event started ideas that it was difficult choosing tours because I was in the room, screaming girl and tried to release Twinkle Little Star” played on a early in October, and there were which ones to use.” and they were outside.” her from her demons. loop while patients screamed and around fifty people involved in Fanelli also wanted to thank Guests were then herded Visitors were then told that ran down the hallway. planning, setup, acting, and all the members of RHA, the people down a staircase to meet the Joker, they would be safe if they went into Often clutching one another, cleanup. Many hours of dedication who volunteered and made the played by Ian Burk, who would a special room just ahead. visitors ran into a room where they went into the event, and simply event possible, and the residents say, “Good evening ladies and Unfortunately for them, the room found the girl from The Ring, and setting up the hall took about eight of Whitaker Hall for being so gentlemen, we are tonight’s was a bathroom, and after a few quickly exited before seeing too hours both Wednesday and cooperative. entertainment. I only have one repeats of “Bloody Mary,” the much of the movie to be affected Thursday, with additional setup question for you… can you ghost herself showed up to scare by the curse. Friday before the tours. ?” visitors and chase them away. After a few more quick scares After little response, Burk Before the tour could get too and screams to conclude the tour, would clap his hands and say, far, however, they were frightened visitors filed down the stairs and NOW LEASING FOR “Show ‘em how to scream!” by a chainsaw killer who was out of Whitaker Hall. Clowns then jumped out of their chasing a begging victim outside Heather Harrington, who hiding places to scare visitors out of the window. acted in the Hall said that, “The SPRING 2009 SEMESTER Groups of 2, 3 and 4 students on Tompkins Street Interested in writing movie, A. Newly remodeled tri-level modern concert, play or CD reviews? house with new bathroom and furniture for 3 to 4 students Ample Parking, Heat Included Come to The Dragon Chronicle’s Cable/Internet Ready meetings on Mondays at B. 2-Bedroom Apartment 9:30 p.m. in Corey 111. Very Large Unit, All Utilities Included, Ample Parking, Cable/Internet Ready Call (607)597-9375 or (607)756-2645 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment October 30, 2008 11 Students participate in cracker contest for a good cause Neubig Diners Cortland, ran the table at Neubig dining hall from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 challenged to break p.m. last Tuesday. While Delta Chi record for good cause organized the function, Magnanti hosted the contest as part of her Jessica Leopoldo homecoming queen campaign. In Staff Writer order to run for homecoming queen this year, students had to help raise How many crackers can you money for the Jimmy V Foundation eat in one minute? On Tuesday, for Cancer Research. October 21, Neubig diners were The contest table was located challenged to beat the world record on the right side of the dining hall. and eat eight crackers within a Magnanti sat at the table with minute. boxes of Saltine crackers and a In order to enter the contest, pitcher of water prepared. students were asked to donate “They are allowed one sip of some money to the Jimmy V water during the contest,” said Foundation for Cancer Research. Magnanti. While approximately The foundation is a charitable twenty people participated in the organization dedicated to saving photo by Ben Bolding contest by 7pm, Magnanti reported the lives of cancer patients. While that only two students had been the foundation was founded in Winner, Matt Bilello (bottom right) raced the clock for a chance to win a generously able to successfully complete the 1993 by Jim Valvano, the donated $5 gift certificate from local restaurant, A Pizza & More. challenge. The students who were organization has raised more than able to eat at least eight saltine $80 million towards cancer basketball coach and broadcaster, non-profit organization provides cancer research and informative crackers within the minute received research within the last 15 years. created the V Foundation after he research laboratories and clinics programs. $5 gift certificates that were Jimmy Valvano, an NC State was diagnosed with cancer. The with cash donations dedicated to Gabrielle Magnanti, a junior at provided by A Pizza & More. Cortland’s world premiere of Luna Park is a success

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 outrage from the elders of the area between those who want the back on their personal experiences numbers of the night was “The who view the park as a bed of sin elephant killed and the show to with the park when they were Down and Out,” a blues dance soon fall in love. and temptation. The elders are led proceed and others who want the young. number pairing men and women Howard was a bit nervous at by local newspaper columnist elephant saved. Although they are brief together for an aesthetically first, but quickly eased into the role Reginald Stevens, a great character The cries of protest are sung performances by several cast pleasing dance of spins and dips; showing great emotional range as performance by Ken Reisch. forcefully and passionately by the members, they provided some of showcasing both the talented an actor and showcasing a However, the high life and ensemble, ringing throughout the the most poignant and touching choreography and dance abilities beautiful soprano voice. success of these two men soon theater. moments of the entire show, of the cast. Misenger and Dundy become come crashing to a halt when Thompson and Dundy soon characterized by wonderful acting Luna Park is an entertaining engaged as Thompson, also an Thompson continues to buy begin to have frequent arguments and creative dialogue as the spectacle with great performances admirer of Dundy, looks on in grief things on credit for his new actress over Thompson’s spending, as the audience becomes enthralled with by the cast, intriguing dance as he drowns his troubles in girlfriend Mable Taliferro, a typical once close friends rapidly grow their stories. numbers with colorful sets and drinking. whiney, attention obsessed starlet, apart and Dundy suddenly Another memorable moment costumes and an insight into a Meanwhile, “Trip to the ultimately putting the park into a becomes intensely ill, much to the was the performance of Hannah, a historical moment of Coney Island Moon” is a hit with the community financial crunch. shock and grief of Thompson. chorus girl being auditioned for a as Cortland continues to deliver and becomes a permanent fixture The park’s troubles come to a In the end, Dundy’s death led job at the “Trip to the Moon” ride. another impressive show. on Coney Island and soon breaking point when a park visitor to the loss of the park, which years Her voice, purposefully This brand new musical is fun graduates into the creation of an is killed by Topsy, one of the later burned down. annoyingly dreadful and off key, for all and is truly one of a kind. entire amusement park to be owned elephants who is part of a circus Some of the highlights of the acted as a hilarious comic relief, by business partners Thompson show in the park. This results in show include the narrators who garnering the biggest laughs of the and Dundy. the thrilling musical number move the story along through their night, where she stole the scene. This is done despite the “Topsy” as the town divides tales as older characters looking One of the most intoxicating 12 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment October 30, 2008 Codas Part XXXVI: Sublime in Heaven The Author is showed him that his rheumatism As far as his angelic features from the heavenly man’s side. It was then that the Author was still functioning properly). stood, the heavenly being seemed The brown eyes of the angel glanced around at his released from his Rubbing his aching back, the perfect in all aspects. However, and the blue eyes of the lady were surroundings for the first time. state of nonexistence Author at last turned his eyes coupled with the beauty was a fixed upon the aged Author, who He was laying on his back upward to see the owner of the most horrendous appendage; at could do nothing but gulp at the under an open sky, the likes of voice that addressed him. the angel’s shoulder, where his beauty and terror of it all. which can only be seen by mortals Andrew Hamilton The speaker was an ashen- right arm should have been there There was something more to from a secluded mountaintop on a Contributing Writer winged angel that could only be was the incomplete body of a the conjoined being that stood cloudless night. described as sublime, both young woman that seemed to be before him, though; the Author felt The star-speckled nightshade beautiful and horrifically growing out of his torso. that he had seen the faces of both of the Milky Way flowed and COLUMN misshapen at the same time. The woman, though not angel and woman long ago. winked above, the cosmos The angel had a strong lacking in beauty herself, seemed “How goes the writing?” The suspended over the terrain of middle-eastern face and short to be a cancerous parasite as her woman said sweetly. There was a pearly clouds on which the Author “The one who would one day black hair that curled away from his midriff protruded grotesquely from kind familiarity, a loving nature, in lay and the angel stood as the be named ‘The Author of the bronze visage. the angel’s shoulder. her voice that the Author once clouds were solid stones World’s Fortunes.’” An unfamiliar He had a black beard that Her appearance was both cherished in youthful memories suspended in midair. voice called out from behind. crested neatly over his chin and malnourished and elegant all at long-since lost. The Author whirled around to rested perfectly without a single once. The Author observed that The Author stupidly To be continued… face the speaker, amazed that his strand out of order. she had not the strength to keep swallowed a wad of spit in his body was still able to move after He wore a white robe that herself upright; she had to cling to mouth before managing to reply in Request past chapters from being suspended in a state of flowed weightlessly about his the angel’s neck like a helpless a hoarse whisper. “Was I dead? Did the author at andrew.hamilton nonexistence for several weeks ankles, giving off the soothing cool child or hapless lover to keep you bring me back to life? Where @cortland.edu. (and a painful cracking of his back air of a fresh snowfall. herself from dangling awkwardly am I?” Award-winning motivational speaker visits Cortland Cortland alumn communication you have to you will do amazing on that exam in such a situation. teach. Help out the people who understand what type you are and affects you a lot differently than This example is pure evidence cannot communicate well. speaks of the value of the types of everyone else.” saying you are going to fail the of how communication has Overall, the speech was communication skills He then asked, “what type are exam. changed, because it would really enlightening and the listeners you?” This was an interesting Edwards also commented on make someone uncomfortable if connected really well with question because he got the how the day Monday has a bad you stopped and answered. Edwards. Samantha Ficken audience thinking on a personal reputation. He asked the audience Edwards ended his speech Everyone who left the room, Staff Writer level. to think about why Monday has with the acronym SPMT. It means had an idea of what they had to do “Expressive people are the such a negative connotation. Is Study, Practice, Master and Teach. to become successful and the type who could walk into a party Monday really that bad? All of these things tie into realization that communication is a not knowing anyone and leave He also questioned the communicating effectively. significant factor in all aspects of Communication is the with friends,” he said. genuity and meaning of “Hey, how Everyone should study life. foundation for all things. In order Drivers are task-oriented are you doing” when walking past communication because it is used That is the key. to be a part of a social, personal or people whose the objective is to acquaintances. no matter what; every major needs has studied, practiced and professional relationship, effective get to the end point. Amiable He went on to explain that it communication. mastered the art and now he is communication skills are needed. people are shy and are the least really means, “Hey, how are you Practicing communication, is teaching it to others. Many would Cortland alumnus and comfortable in a room full of people doing? I don’t really care.” the same as a sport, the more you agree that he is very successful. motivational public speaker John they don’t know. Analytical people Edwards challenged the do it the better you will become. F. Edwards informed listeners in think about the consequences of crowd to actually stop and answer Master it, commit to learning Corey on Wednesday that “the art actions and work with facts, he the next people they encountered all there is about the art and lastly, of communication has become a explained further. dying art in corporate America.” He discussed how society has For any type of message to grown to be a lot more inverted now get across, communication is key. than it has been in the past. Front In fact, Edwards states that in the porches are now back porches and work place it is 85% attitude and back porches are now living rooms 15% aptitude. and living rooms are now In order to be successful a bedrooms, he said. person needs the attitude to push Everything a person needs the aptitude. could potentially be put in a Edwards kept everyone bedroom, cutting off interested by connecting with the communication from the outside audience. Most of the audience world. Communication with others members were students, so he fuels trust and networking, commented about how most Edwards continued to say. teenagers now use the “under the Edwards also enlightened his desk communication” which of audience by giving statistics from course, is a reference to texting Time Magazine. The thing people during class. want most out of work is value. Edwards was introduced by People want to know that their fellow Cortland alumna and public work is worth something. Most speaking professor Mical Cadden. people in the work force have said She started with the story of that communication is a big how the two of them met in a problem. People do not react well crowded doctor’s office, where when having to talk with others. Edwards kindly offered his seat to Everyone needs to improve Cadden and her son. communication. Edwards gave the “You cannot be a leader audience tips about how to master without communications,” the art of communication. explained Edwards. His speech “First, one must be an expert continued to push the idea that in the art of critical thinking. Next, communication is key in many an expert in asking questions. COLLEGE STUDENT SKI or SNOWBOARD aspects of life, both personal and Have the ability to SEASON PASS JUST $199 for COLLEGE CREDIT professional. paraphrase. Have the ability to when purchased before Oct.20 online w/option to purchase a SEASON PASS He goes on to show that he understand and repeat what you at www.greekpeak.net for ONLY $99.00! Pre-Register with or thru Cort. St. Ski/Ride Club understands that not all people are the RPLS Dept. for these EARLY 2nd heard” and lastly, and probably by Nov.1 Semester Courses communication wizards and he most importantly, “be able to wanted to make sure that was communicate with people who can understood as well. not.” “There are four types of Edwards also advised people personalities, and some get along to positively self-talk. Self-talk is better than others. In order for what you say to yourself, so saying THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Sports October 30, 2008 13 14 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Sports October 30, 2008 Jimmy Smith: under the helmet Another action-packed Cortland linebacker Sunday in the NFL Jimmy Smith has vital Possible Super Bowl sweated out a tough win in role for football team Pittsburgh, another NFC East team preview provides had a nail bitter of their own on Sunday. Mark Nader spark to NFL season Staff Writer It wasn’t a pretty game for the . While they came away with the 13-9 win against the When opposing offenses look Matt Savino NFC South leading Tampa Bay across the line, they see a Contributing Writer Buccaneers, it was no thanks to the linebacker who is not extremely high power offense they had been large, or someone who will trash billed as in the beginning of the talk. But they do see the quiet year. With Pro-Bowl quarterback senior captain who lets his game The biggest game of the Tony Romo out with a broken speak for itself. They see Jimmy afternoon lived up to its billing as pinky the 40-year old Brad Johnson Smith. photo by Mark Nader a possible Super Bowl preview, took the rains for the Cowboys. While his 122 yard, one “I’m not a big talker on the Linebacker Jimmy Smith leads Cortland with 56 tackles. with the defending champion and field. I’ll go head to head with NFC leading touchdown performance wasn’t anyone, but I don’t need to run my facing one of the AFC’s best very impressive, he was able to mouth to intimidate people,” said Smith approaches the game, even going into Cortaca already defenses in the . manage the offensive side of the Smith. if it’s being a team captain. “It really knowing we’re in the playoffs but The Steelers came into the ball while the Dallas defense, the Smith is letting his game talk, hasn’t changed much, it’s just it should be a pretty emotional game missing Pro-Bowl running real stars of this game, held the leading the Red Dragons in tackles another year,” Smith said. game for many of the older guys,” back Willie Parker, while the Giants Bucs to no touchdowns the entire with 56, 23 of them being It hasn’t changed his Smith said. star wide receiver Plaxico Burress game. Dallas, now 5-3 on the year, unassisted, while adding two production from his junior year So with so many great games was benched much of the first will head to New York to take on sacks. either. Smith has continued his and seasons at Cortland State, quarter for missing a therapy the NFC East leading Giants. The Being a nationally ranked success from his junior year, where Smith could come up with one session for his injured neck. Bucs will also be on the road powerhouse means little to Smith had finished second on the team memory that sticks out in his mind The game was a defensive visiting the 1-6 , as well. “It’s nice but rankings with 79 tackles, while adding three right? Well, not exactly. “I love grudge match with the Steelers who are coming off a tough loss at really don’t mean much,” Smith sacks. everything about it, especially right limiting the Giants to just nine the hands of the . said. In playing for Cortland, there now, it feels good to be playing well points through the first three While Jets quarterback Brett Smith has been a large comes the tradition of playing right now and doing big things,” quarters. While the Pittsburgh Favre didn’t have his best game contributor on the defensive side Ithaca and many seem to believe Smith said. defense played up to par, the on Sunday, throwing three of the ball. “I guess we just have this year’s game is bigger than ever, Jimmy Smith is a player of few offense seemed a little sluggish interceptions, including one that the right people in the right but not Smith. “I guess it’s big words. While some players may putting up only 14 points, with led to a 91 yard return for a places,” Smith said modestly. He because it’s the 50 year let you know they are there by quarterback Ben Roethlisberger touchdown, he proved that it’s how is one of those right people. anniversary and stuff, but we have using their mouths, Smith does it a throwing four interceptions. you end the game that really With a 7-0 start, an undefeated to play just like any other game, little differently. Although he may The turning point of the game matters. Favre was able to connect regular season is in sight and has with no distractions” Smith said not tell you he’s coming, he will be came on a high snap on a Steelers with wide receiver Laveranues not gone unnoticed. “It would be when asked if this year’s game had there. Once he hits opposing punt. The ball would go out of the Coles in the final minute of the great,” Smith said when asked any more meaning. running backs and quarterbacks, back of the end zone, leading to a game to seal a 28-24 victory against what it would be like to go 10-0. However, everyone knows he has said all he needs to say, even game tying safety and setting up the Chiefs. “We’ve worked really hard to get Cortaca is not just any other game if he has said nothing at all. the Giants’ only touchdown drive The Chiefs who were without where we are.” and it will be hard to control of the game, sealing the New York star running back Larry Johnson Little seems to change how emotions. “Hopefully we’ll be victory, 21-14. While the Giants had to rely on quarterback Tyler Thigpen, who was making only his second career start. Thigpen kept the Chiefs in the game throwing for 280 yards and two touchdowns, but in the end it wasn’t enough. The Jets will head to Buffalo on Sunday to face the AFC East rival Bills, who also were in action on Sunday. While the 5-1 Bills looked to continue their surprising season against the AFC East rival , wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. and the rest of the Miami squad had other plans. Miami, a team that has been know mostly this year for their two pronged running attack, aired it out on Sunday. Ginn Jr., the main benefactor had a career game with seven receptions for 175 yards. With the Dolphins clutching to a one point third quarter lead, the Bills were unable to complete a comeback, committing four turnovers in the fourth quarter, leading to a 25-17 Miami victory. The Dolphins move to 3-4 on the season and head to Denver next week to face Jay Cutler and the Broncos. Other action around the league saw the Washington Redskins stay hot, defeating the winless 25-17. The Patriots kept their season on track with a 23-16 win over the two-win St. Louis Rams. The continued their miserable season, with a 35-6 pounding at the hand of the . Baltimore, Cleveland, and also picked up wins on Sunday. THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Sports October 30, 2008 15 Men’s soccer splits final week in SUNYAC play Red Dragons football at Red Dragons earn held on for the victory by that season. score. The Cortland Red Dragons The Red Dragons had a place in SUNYAC were out-shot by Oneonta, 17 chance to extend the lead to make 7-0 after big win shots to only 10 by Cortland. it 2-0, but David Jacques’ blast from CONTINUED FROM BACK COVER playoffs at Oneonta Senior forward Bryan 10 yards out was tipped by the touchdown. Hajnos would finish Offensively, Ray Miles and again Patterson attempted 40% of Oswego goaltender. with a game high of 78 reception Jeff Lane.” Jason Silver Cortland’s 10 shots on net and The Red Dragons had three yards on five catches. The defense Cortland now visits The Contributing Writer senior goalie Steve Axtell recorded chances to extend their lead in the was lead by Brian Haas who College of New Jersey this six saves in the loss. Due to the second half. The first was senior contributed six tackles, while Jim Saturday where they will clinch a The Cortland men’s soccer loss to Oneonta and with Brockport forward Ayinde George’s header Smith would add four tackles and NCAA Division III playoff berth team squared off against Oswego defeating Fredonia on Saturday by attempt off of sophomore defender the only sack for Cortland. William with a win. The team then returns and Oneonta last week to finish a score of 3-2, Cortland finished in Corey Deville’s corner kick. The Patterson was held to 75 yards in home for their final games of the the regular season of SUNYAC fifth place in the SUNYAC ball went over George’s head as he both passing and rushing. season, first playing conference play. Last Saturday, the team Conference. was positioned at the far post. “Without question this was opponent Brockport, and then traveled to Oneonta and was On Wednesday Oct. 22, Next, sophomore mid-fielder the most resounding victory,” Ithaca comes to town for the highly defeated by a score of 2-0. Earlier Cortland came up big over Oswego Jimmy Eichas rifled a 30-yard shot MacNeill said. “Special teams, anticipated rivalry game. in the week, on Wednesday Oct. in their final home game of the that went wide left. defensive, and offensive game With Cortaca just over two 22, the men were victorious in their season, winning 1-0. In the first Finally, sophomore Andrew goals were near 100% attainment.” weeks away, Coach MacNeill says home finale over Oswego by a half of action, the game was mostly Schwert found a loose ball and “Many players played very the team is remaining poised and score of 1-0. controlled in the mid-field until dribbled it 20-yards to the near side well,” MacNeill said. “This is a that its full attention is on this The Cortland men’s soccer junior Mike Jock netted his third of the field and found a cutting team sport and when the score is weekend’s game. “Cortaca isn’t a team has an overall record of 8-5-2 goal of the season and scored the Patterson who was denied by 38-0, again many played well. Our consideration at this point,” and finished SUNYAC play with a only goal of the game. The Red Wopperer. Cortland had 12 shots special teams players of the week MacNeill said. “The promise of that 6-3-1 record finishing in fifth place. Dragons earned a corner kick and on goal as Patterson had six shots were Derek Woodard, Kyle game looms all year long, but our In the loss to the Red Dragons the ball traveled inside the 18-yard on net. Peterson and Jeff Lane. collective focus is on The College of Oneonta, Cortland and Oneonta box. Cortland concludes the Defensively, we highlight the play of New Jersey.” were scoreless through the first 57 Freshman Luke Wear tried to regular season by traveling to of Joe Lopez and Louis Crispo. minutes of the contest, until control the ball, but it brushed off Poughkeepsie to take on Vassar Oneonta struck first to lead the his head, and rolled right to Jock College on Saturday before game 1-0. as he fired a one-timer, from 20 heading to Oneonta to take on the Ranked teams face each Twenty-eight minutes later in yards out, past the Oswego Oneonta Red Dragons in the the game, Oneonta netted an goaltender Matt Wopperer. For SUNYAC quarterfinals on insurance goal to go up 2-0 and Wear that was his first assist of the Tuesday. other in college football Penn State defeats third down and one early in the fourth quarter. Penn State Ohio State in major recovered and drove down for the Women’s soccer earns playoff berth go ahead score. Big 10 matchup In Austin, Texas, number one Red Dragons lose to season and they are hoping to gain opportunities. ranked Texas defeated sixth-ranked revenge in the SUNYACs with a The Red Dragons evened Nathan Vaji Oklahoma State 28-24. Texas Oneonta but clinch win. their record at 4-4-2 in the Staff Writer quarterback Colt McCoy Last Wednesday, sophomore conference, and 6-6-4 overall, while continues to solidify himself as the berth in SUNYACs Laura Boucher scored on a Oneonta improved to 9-1 and 12-5- Saturday was filled with front runner to win the Heisman breakaway goal in the 69th minute 1, respectively. match-ups between top ranked Trophy. McCoy completed 38 of Kristen Borgosz of the second half to break a 1-1 tie “Plattsburgh will be a tough teams. However, the top match-up 45 pass attempts for 391 yards and against host Oswego to secure the match-up, just like it was in the Contributing Writer was in Columbus, Ohio between two touchdowns. He also threw win. Senior midfielder Kayla Sweet regular season, but we can the ninth-ranked Ohio State one interception. Wide Receiver The Cortland women’s soccer connected in the 14th minute to definitely win if we keep battling Buckeyes and the third-ranked Jordan Shipley caught 15 passes team earned a SUNYAC playoff give Cortland the 1-0 lead, but the and get our offense rolling,” said Nittany Lions of Penn State. for 168 yards and a touchdown. berth with a Buffalo State loss this Lakers evened the score in the 41st Sweet on the team’s expectations Backup quarterback Pat The Longhorns offense past weekend that kept them each minute. for the playoffs.” Devlin, of Penn State, came in for amassed over 500 yards of total tied for sixth place in the league Boucher’s third goal of the “We have struggled with injured starter Daryll Clark and offense. However, this is the first standings. The top six teams season helped keep Cortland’s scoring goals throughout the scored the game winning time they were held under 38 points qualify for the playoffs and with playoff hopes alive as they had to season but have been practicing touchdown on a quarterback all season. They have scored over both teams losing on Saturday, host soccer powerhouse, Oneonta, different combination plays in sneak. Devlin’s score put the Lions 50 points in four out of their eight Cortland gets the edge due to in their last conference game on practice to help create better up 10-6. A field goal by Kevin games this season. winning a penalty-kick shootout at Saturday. Despite the horrible scoring opportunities. We have Kelley made the score 13-6. Oklahoma State was led on the Buffalo State after a 1-1 tie earlier weather conditions, the visiting been playing really good soccer all Ohio State freshman ground by sophomore Kendall in the season. Red Dragons managed to score year but haven’t had the best luck quarterback Terrelle Pryor threw for Hunter. Hunter rushed for 161 The Red Dragons will take on two goals and earn the victory. offensively, so we just need the a career-high 226 yards but threw yards on 18 carries. He also added the Plattsburgh Cardinals Tuesday Cortland just could not seem confidence to finish off the big an interception in the end zone on a score. Oklahoma State has never in the SUNYAC quarterfinals. to get their offense on track in the plays.” the Buckeyes’ final possession. defeated a number one ranked team. Cortland lost to Plattsburgh in second half due to the constant Pryor also committed a costly They are 0-9 all time. double overtime earlier in the wind and rain that limited scoring fumble on a quarterback sneak on A report on Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Cole Hamels rated as one of the top prospects then having multiple muscle pulls August and September, going on and 93mph with an average of Cole Hamels of the in the 2002 , but in his junior and a broken hand over the next the 15-day disabled list on Aug. 22 90.4mph. He has a pretty straight Phillies is looking to season at Rancho Bernardo High two years. He finished the minors for a mild elbow strain. He also fastball and isn’t afraid to go up in he broke his humerus in his left arm, with a 1.43 ERA in 201 innings, made the all-star team for the first the zone with it. win the World Series which is his throwing arm. while only giving up 117 hits, 74 time. He has a plus changeup, This led him to fall to the walks and 276 strikeouts. This year he was looked at as which is probably his best pitch in Phillies who had the 17th overall Hamels made his pro debut on the ace of the Phillies staff and he terms of command and the James Hopkins pick in the draft. He was the fifth May 12, 2006 against the Cincinnati responded with a 14-10 record in downward movement he can get Contributing Writer left-hander taken that draft, behind Reds. He finished the game with 227.1 innings with a 3.09 ERA, 196 on it. He gets that around 80mph. Adam Loewen, Jeff Francis, Joe five scoreless innings, with seven strikeouts and 53 walks. He was one His curveball has a 1-7 break Cole Hamels is a hot topic Saunders and Scott Kazmir. He did strikeouts and five walks. Before of the top five pitchers in the and is above average. It comes in among baseball these days, and he bounce back through surgery and his third start he suffered a National League and one of the top on an average of 75.6mph. should be as he is coming off a rehab to have a good senior shoulder injury and was put on the ten in all of baseball. Since Hamels is only 24, it is World Series game one victory season. 15-day disabled list. Where Hamels has stepped up reasonable to expect him to over the Rays. For the casual fan, Hamels had a slow start in his After he returned he went on his game is in the playoffs this year. continue to improve over the next people may have first heard of minor league career. After a lengthy to finish the year with a 4.08 ERA In four starts he has pitched 29 couple of years and give the Hamels this year or last year as he negotiation he showed up out of in 132.1 innings pitched with 145 innings with a 1.55 ERA, 27 Phillies an anchor for their rotation. has put up two good seasons in a shape from the time off. strikeouts and 45 walks. strikeouts and four walks to go He should be a factor row now. Once the Phillies got him into Last year (2007) was his first along with a 4-0 record. A line that throughout the rest of the World What they don’t know is the Low-A South Atlantic he started full year in the majors. He finished helped him earn the National Series as well, as he has kept his story of how he got here and it one of the best minor league with a 15-5 record in 183.1 innings League Championship Series MVP. focus on the next game and his next didn’t come without some drama. careers in recent history, even after to go along with a 3.39 ERA, 177 Hamels throws three pitches: start instead of looking back at Hamels had a rough start in having his first year in 2003 strikeouts and 43 walks. fastball, changeup and curveball. what he has already accomplished his professional career. He was shortened by a shoulder injury, He did miss some time in His fastball sits between 87 this year. The Dragon ChronicleTHE DRAGON CHRONICLE Sports October 30, 2008 Sports

Cortland Mother Nature can’t stop Red Dragons Athletics Cortland football has strong all-around Scores showing in 38-0 win

FOOTBALL Mark Nader & Cortland 38 Dan Curtis William Paterson 0 Staff Writers Next: Sat. @ College of NJ Last Saturday, Cortland State MEN’S SOCCER football faced two opponents, Cortland 0 William Paterson College and Oneonta 2 Mother Nature, neither of which Next: Saturday @ Vassar were able to stop the conference leading Red Dragons. Large gusts MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY of wind and rain were a factor all John Reif Invitational- day, but didn’t seem to faze the Red No Team Scoring Dragons who are now ranked ninth Next: Saturday @ SUNYAC in the country by the AFCA. Championships “Water is a natural lubricant and therefore requires more WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY attention to those working with the John Reif Invitational- ball, so there is an effect. I thought No Team Scoring our guys handled this well having Next: Saturday @ SUNYAC no turnovers,” said Head Coach Championships Dan MacNeill. The team improved to 7-0 in photo by Mark Nader WOMEN’S SOCCER its homecoming game winning 38- The Red Dragons offense came up big in win over William Patterson last Saturday. Cortland 0 0 for the Red Dragons’ first shutout Oneonta 1 victory of the season. On the following drive, The offense didn’t hesitate to perfect opportunity for some of his Next: Friday vs. St. Lawrence “The defense played Cortland would increase their lead add to their lead with a first play younger players to gain well extremely well. Holding any team to 10 by adding a 27-yard field goal touchdown run by Cory Russell needed experience. FIELD HOCKEY scoreless is a feat. The fact that from Jeffrey Lang. The Red extending the lead to 24-0. “We are all about continual Cortland 6 William Patterson hasn’t scored a Dragons would add another seven Cortland’s offense would add one and ongoing development,” Ithaca 0 point in the last two years against before the end of the quarter with more score, this one coming from MacNeill said. “Playing more Next: Sat.@ Montclair St. Cortland is gratifying,” McNeill a 29-yard touchdown pass from the air with a 36-yard reception for players in games is a good thing said. Ray Miles to Lang. This score Eric Hajnos, giving the home team with regard to development. Doing It didn’t take long for Cortland would give the Red Dragons a 17- a 31-0 lead at the half. it within a winning culture is even Athletes to get on the scoreboard starting 0 lead to end the first quarter. The offense would add one better.” with a conventional seven play, 53- The second quarter was more more score for good measure with Sophomore quarterback of the yard drive that ended with an of the same, as the William a Dan Pitcher to Russell Pitcher also saw some action Andrew Giuliano six-yard Paterson quarterback, Matt connection making the score a 38- Saturday, throwing for 32 yards touchdown run. Giuliano carried Marshall, would throw an 0 blowout, which is where the and a touchdown. Week the ball a total of 15 times for 63 interception on the Pioneers’ scoring would end. Miles would lead both teams, yards and one touchdown. second possession in the quarter. Russell, a sophomore running completing 16 of his 20 pass William Paterson would then The interception would end in the back, saw a substantial amount of attempts for a total of 206 yards get the ball and began their theme hands of Lou Crespo who then playing time in the victory, scoring and two touchdowns, while of the day, three and out, which returned the ball eight yards to two of the teams five touchdowns. Russell, led the ground attack with they finished with five of on the start the offense on the Pioneers’ With a large lead throughout, 72 yards on 10 carries and a day. seven-yard line. MacNeill saw this game, as the SEE RED DRAGONS ON PAGE 15 Cortland field hockey defeats Ithaca 6-0 Red Dragons earn recorded one. provided by cortlandreddragons.com Three different goalies Jeffrey Lang fourth straight contributed to the team’s fourth straight shutout. Senior Stacy Football shutout in victory NJAC Special Teams Player Billings started in goal and made of the Week three saves before giving way to Brian Verdi freshmen Emily Gunner and Staff Writer Adrianna Iannotti. Spehler’s tenth goal of the Cortland field hockey defeated season came one minute and 25 Ithaca 6-0 at the Stadium Complex seconds into the game off of a to improve to 13-1 on the season. crossing pass from Chambers. The Red Dragons are ranked 12th Semit scored the second goal of nationally in Division III. Their 11th the game a little over two minutes straight victory dropped Ithaca’s later on an assist from Burghardt. record on the season to 6-8. Semit’s second goal of the game, Cortland was lead by senior off of Chambers’ second assist, Sam Spehler and sophomore put her team ahead 3-0 in the 19th photo by Brian Verdi minute. Brenda Semit, who each scored The field hockey team huddles during win over Ithaca. twice in the victory. Sophomore It was all but over from there. provided by cortlandreddragons.com Brianna Yetsko and junior Lauren Cortland’s defense was tested by and Spehler is third with 22. Semit 11. Brittney Horton Eichenberger also added goals for Ithaca late in the second half, but has recorded a team-leading 12 The Red Dragons finish up Volleyball the streaking Red Dragons. Kayla they were able to hold on for the goals and three assists, while the season with two road games at MVP at Skidmore Classic Chambers recorded two assists shutout. Chambers has 10 goals and seven Montclair State and the College of while Kylie Burghardt, Danielle Semit and Chambers are tied assists on the season. Spehler is New Jersey. Hand and Christine McCabe each for the team lead in points with 27 second on the team in goals with