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There are a variety polling place they should attend. of polling locations Go online to https:// voterlookup.elections.state.ny.us/ for Election Day votersearch.aspx in order to verify polling locations for off-campus Erica Sanderson addresses. Students should bring a form News Editor of ID when they attend the poll; a student ID is acceptable but a valid Election Day is fast driver’s license is preferred. approaching and if registered in If the polling location to which Cortland County, there are a a student is listed is inconvenient number of polling places to visit on the day of the election or depending on location. To find out students have changed addresses which poll to go to next Tuesday, since they registered, students can here is a list of places and times. visit any Cortland polling location The two polling locations for and are still able to have their vote on-campus students are Studio count. West and the Cortland County If students are not on the Water Works, located on voter registration list of that Broadway Ave. Both polling specific polling location that they locations will be open from 6 a.m. go to, they can just ask the poll to 9 p.m. worker for an affidavit, or paper, Students who registered to ballot. vote under the addresses of Bishop The County Board of Hall, Clark Hall, Randall Hall, Glass Elections will then verify the photo by David Bitterbaum Tower, Brockway Hall, DeGroat student is registered to vote and Students pose with Cortland’s fiery school mascot, Blaze the Dragon, at the pep rally. Hall, Shea Hall, Cheney Hall, the process will be carried out Fitzgerald Hall or Whitaker Hall can normally without complications. CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER group performed countless stunts, a performance from the step team vote at the Cortland County Water Cortland students will also be one of which included juggling and a roaring bonfire that thawed Works. asked to partake in an electronic crowd was kept busy catching free flaming batons as they stood on out the dedicated supporters.
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