2017 of the Interprofession Du Gruyère CONTENTS GRAPHICS
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Magazine of the Interprofession du Gruyère l’oiseau 2018 No 44 - May Annual report 2017 of the Interprofession du Gruyère CONTENTS GRAPHICS 03 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 04 REPARTITION OF THE GRUYÈRE AOP CONSUMPTION DURING 2017 04 GENERAL SITUATION 05 MONTHLY SALES 2017 06 QUANTITY MANAGEMENT Message from the President 06 TOTAL PRODUCTION 2000-2017 07 MARKET SITUATION 2017 ended with a positive outlook for the future. The Gruyère AOP Specifications clearly define the milk 07 COMPARISON OF SALES production process, from the feeling of livestock to the After two years of restricted production, we have succeed- 08 THE AOP FILE AND THE INTERNATIONAL delivery of milk twice daily to the dairy immediately after ed in stabilising supply and demand again. The rise of the SITUATION 10 COMPARISON OF QUALITY BY CIVIL YEAR milking. Swiss franc left its mark and lowered export volumes. At 09 THE QUALITY OF GRUYÈRE AOP 14 COMPARISON OF PRODUCTION (CASEIN times, Gruyère AOP was up to 20% more expensive for for- Our Specifications and the Guide to Good Practice, respect- ed and inspected, provide consumers with a guarantee MARKINGS) eign clients. Currently, the exchange rate should no longer 11 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL HONOURS be a handicap for exports. that strict conditions are enforced. We do not prioritise productivity over ethics and artisanal tradition. FOR LE GRUYÈRE AOP 15 SALES 2016-2017 Production as a whole is of an excellent quality: only a very small quantity does not meet the necessary quality criteria. According to the Brand Asset Valuator 2017, Le Gruyère AOP Switzerland features amongst the ten brands most 14 MARKETING 16 COMPARISON OF GRUYÈRE AOP YEARLY Despite permanent pressure on prices in the retail market, well-known to Swiss consumers. This is the joyful result EXPORTS we have been able to maintain added value for the associ- of our investment in national and international brand recog- 18 ??? ation’s members. 17 COMPARISON OF GRUYÈRE AOP EXPORTS nition over the course of several years. Sponsoring sports 20 2017 EVENTS FROM JANUARY TO MARCH I would like to briefly remind you what our Specifications such as curling, cross-country skiing, athletics and ice hock- require: All stages of the fabrication of an AOP labeled ey alongside having a presence at a multitude of regional 22 GOVERNING BODIES WITHIN THE 22 COMPARISON OF STOCK EVOLUTION (END product are carried out according to recognised know-how events have greatly contributed to this success. from a limited geographical area and based upon a set of INTERPROFESSION DU GRUYÈRE OF MARCH 2018) Our Gruyère AOP is not only appreciated for its excellent Specifications. It is the Federal Office for Agriculture which and unique taste but also for the way in which all members approves or rejects registration applications. 25 COMMITTEE OF THE INTERPROFESSION 24 COMPARAISON DE L’ÉVOLUTION DES of the association commit to respecting their animals, tra- DU GRUYÈRE STOCKS SANS ALPAGE (FIN MARS 2018) Maximise quality, save the region’s heritage, maintain the dition, craftsmanship, the region and the environment on added value of all the work carried out in the region, avoid a daily basis. 26 OUTLOOK FOR 2018 the alteration of a specialité with such tradition behind it. 24 COMPARISON OF ALPAGE PRODUCTION Long live Le Gruyère AOP Switzerland. (CASEIN MARKINGS) On top of having an excellent product on their plate, con- sumers are able to know exactly what they are eating, 26 RECAPITULATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION where it comes from, who makes it and how it is made. Oswald Kessler OF THE TOTAL PRODUCTION POTENTIAL One can add to this concerns regarding the detention of President of the FOR GRUYÈRE AOP PER CHEESE DAIRY animals. How are they kept? How are they fed? Do they Interprofession AND PER CANTON FOR 2018 have free access to grazing? 2 3 www.gruyere.com Impressum Publisher : Interprofession du Gruyère Editorial board : Translation : Graphic design : Case postale 12, CH - 1663 Pringy Interprofession du Gruyère Ms Sarah Warburton Effet-i-media [email protected] [email protected] www.gruyere.com General situation Over the course of its 20 year history, celebrated a doubt its taste, this should not be its only asset. All opin- in 2017, the Interprofession du Gruyère has en- ion makers, and even more so the consumer, agree almost dured 2 major market crises which each led to a unanimously that this strong image of Gruyère AOP creates 10% restriction on production. Although difficult, a desire to buy. On a global scale, Gruyère AOP comes from fessional authorities thought that the product’s future was structures still artisanal and does the deciding role of a this reduction was fortunately only temporary, a small region - Western Switzerland - and is produced in actually in its ability to differentiate itself from the multi- human being remain at the centre of the production pro- and enabled us to set off on the right foot after decentralised structures. This aspect is without a doubt tude of cheeses that surround us. This concept has been cess? Would these structures then be able to be handed remedial measures ended. This was again the case a strength of the product. What decentralised structures tried and tested and has proved true so far. It has enabled over to an independant without a need for foreign capital? last year, where after a cautious start for the first are and what they represent is still to be defined. It must economic growth within the association with a significant Reflection on such matters will be essential over the com- trimester at 93%, it became possible to increase be remembered that Gruyère’s AOP project, initiated with number of farms and dairies being renovated and cheese ing months to guarantee that future generations will still this to 98% with an outlook at 100% for 2018. Even the signing of the charter in 1992, sought to promote this cellars being enlarged. be able to make a living from Gruyère AOP. if these decisions, in addition to unexpected milk situation and guarantee its perenniality. At this time there production levels over the summer, meant a less was in fact talk of a large factory in Gruyère next to Singine. This dynamism does not prioritise short term profit but Reflecting on important subjects such as these will enable than ideal staggering of production, stock levels Several insightful individuals within the political and pro- allows everyone to develop. It can be seen that today the Gruyère AOP to continue to shine for the pleasure of con- were actually ideal at the end of Tableau 1 association is at a turning point with ever-expanding struc- sumers here and elsewhere. the year. As a result, the decision tures. The question is, are these dairies and cheese-making Suisse Réserve Fonte Union USA Autres to impact quantity without modi- Repartition of the Gruyèrelocale (RL) AOP consumptionEuropéenne fying the price seems all the more during 2017Est in tons 14899 952 1180 7551 3043 1512 coherent. In fact, Gruyère AOP has a value which should not be Others Monthly sales 2017 in tons sold off cheaply on the market. 1’437 t. 3’500 t. On a national level it has even be- USA come clear that prices should be 2’864 t. being raised to allow everyone, 3’000 t. including frontline sales, to have a margin that guarantees a mar- 2’500 t. ket in the long term and above all, needed reinvestment for the Switzerland 2’000 t. future. Within the Gruyère asso- Exportation 14’678 t. ciation, the current way in which EU plus-value is distributed between 7’480 t. 1’500 t. those involved in the making and especially the sales of this prod- 1’000 t. uct is to be lauded. Switzerland This positive outlook is only valid if the 500 t. 4 excellent image of Gruyère AOP re- Processed 5 mains at its current level. If the intrinsic cheese Local 0 quality of this noble product is without 1’100 t. Reserve jan. feb. march april may june july august sept. oct. nov. dec. Total 28’565 t. (LR) 1’006 t. 1 Quantity management Market Situation Based upon decisions made in 2015, quantity man- Quality and potential fodder were taken into account, of The quantity of Gruyère AOP sold in 2017 was Nevertheless, the various efforts being made lead us to agement of Gruyère AOP in dairies has continued to course. Furthermore, and as noted in the report of the ac- below that of 2016 but close to that of 2015. believe that it should be possible to return to 1500 to 1800 follow the 3/9 system. In applying this principle and tivity of the Alpage Commission, a site which in the past Nevertheless, it was important to find a perfect tonnes in the coming years. Two other European countries, taking into account the market and stock situation, had operated as a dairy was reclassed for production of balance between production and potential sales Benelux and Great Britain, have encouraging figures. From the governing bodies of the IPG decided upon a Gruyère d’Alpage AOP as of the 2017 season as it fully met so that vendors could carry out their work without this it can be seen that the promotional efforts being made production level of 93% for the first 3 months of the the necessary conditions in the Specifications. undue stress. This challenge was accomplished by the Interprofession du Gruyère are coming to fruition. by the end of the year although better sales in year before raising this figure to 98% over the year Overall, Gruyère AOP has now established itself in 58 The positive evolution of this market segment means the November and December would have been prefer- for the remaining 9 months.