Interactive Geometry with Dr. Geo MATH HELPER

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Interactive Geometry with Dr. Geo MATH HELPER Dr. Geo LINUXUSER Interactive geometry with Dr. Geo MATH HELPER Want to study math the easy way? This award-winning teaching tool lets you master Geo even if you aren’t Giotto. BY JUAN RAFAEL FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA AND CARSTEN SCHNOBER r. Geo lets you create geometric Dr. Geo the best didactic application, drop-down menu, select the icon at the drawings interactively. This easy and the Italian educational institution top for a simple point. After selecting the Dand effective tool, which has INDIRE handed a “Qualità Didattica” point tool, just click to insert points any- won numerous awards for educational award to OFSET for Dr. Geo in 2005. where in the drawing area. To distin- software, lets you construct simple fig- guish between points in more complex ures and even provides a programming First Steps with DrGeo drawings, you can assign names to interface for building more complex geo- Dr. Geo is included with most distri- points. Selecting Other in the toolbox lets metric shapes. The project is produced butions, so you can typically use your you change an object’s style. If you click under the auspices of the Organization preferred package manager to install. the Change an object’s style tool, and for Free Software in Education and Source code and packages for the cur- then click a point, a dialog appears. You Teaching (OFSET), and the author is rent version 1.1.0 is available for Suse can then select the object’s color, size, Hilaire Fernandes. In 2000, the French 10.0, Mandriva 10.0 through 10.2, Fe- and appearance, and assign a name to association of Linux users (AFUL) voted dora, and Debian-based distributions. the object. You’ll also find the source code at the Two points can be joined by segments Juan Rafael Fernández García is a Dr. Geo website [1]. and lines. The segment and line tools are secondary school teacher from After you install Dr. Geo, give the both available in the palette below the Spain who has been a regular con- drgeo command to launch the program. Create curve button, which is available tributor of documentation and The Dr. Geo main window is shown in in the toolbar as well as in the taskbar translations for free software for Figure 1. Use the seven buttons in the on the left of the drawing area. After se- many years. He was a coordinator at one of the centers handling the inte- construction toolbar just above the lecting the tool, click on two points to gration of information and commu- drawing area to create new diagrams. create a segment or line between them. nication technologies in education The first six of these buttons expand to Drawing a polygon is similar. Start by in the Spanish province of Andalu- THEAUTHOR show palettes that give you access to selecting the polygon tool, which is also sia, and he works in the field of various functions. located in the Create curve menu. Then teacher training. He is also a The Point palette on the left lets you click on as many points as you like, be- member of OFSET. locate points on the drawing. In the fore clicking the first point again, and WWW.LINUX - MAGAZINE.COM ISSUE 67 JUNE 2006 83 LINUXUSER Dr. Geo Figure 1: The Dr. Geo main window is a central interface for building a Figure 2: The item overview (on the left side of the main window) geometric figure. lists the objects in the current drawing. the program joins up the points to create the Curve palette to create two vectors Dr. Geo comes with a collection of a polygon. and click them with the coordinate tool. sample macros in the examples/macros The item overview (on the left side in The Point palette has a function that directory: to enable a macro, choose File Figure 2) gives you an overview of the inserts a point in the middle of a seg- | Open and select the macro. This adds a objects in the current drawing. The list is ment or between two freestanding new entry to the Macro-constructions hidden between the edge of the drawing points. If you then use the Move tool – menu, and selecting the entry runs the area and the vertical toolbox when you the icon on the right in the horizontal matching macro. For example, if you launch the program. You can click the toolbar – to move one of the reference open the pentagone.mgeo file, you can edge of the toolbar and drag the bar to points, the mid-point will automatically use the Pentagone régulier macro – most expand the list, revealing the points and move to the right position. examples are French and have not been other elements in your drawing. Measured angles react in the same translated thus far. The Create numeric object palette gives way: if you move a reference point, Hovering the mouse over a macro you numerical information for your changing the angle between the straight entry gives you a tool tip with details of drawing. If you select the coordinate lines, the numeric values are automati- the macro. If your French is up to the tool, and click three points, the tool cally adjusted. This allows you to dem- challenge, the pentagon example will ex- gives you the angles between the points onstrate, for example, that the sum of plain that the macro expects two points (see Figure 1). Alternatively, you can use the angles in a triangle is always 180 as input parameters. It uses the first as degrees (Figure 3). the corner point, and the second as the Listing 1: A Dr. Geo data file After exploring Dr. Geo’s basic draw- mid-point of the pentagon. Start by ing functions, you can save your draw- drawing two points anywhere in the <drgenius> ing by selecting File | Save. If you are drawing area, then click the menu entry <drgeo name="Figure 8" U working on multiple drawings, the File | to run the macro and click on the two scale="30.000000" U Save multiple entry takes you to a dialog points. Figure 4 shows you the results. origin_x="0.000000" U where you can select the entries you But we had promised to create a wish to save. To open a saved drawing, macro ourselves. Just to demonstrate origin_y="1.600000" U just pass the name to the program at the this, let’s create a vertical line that inter- grid="False"> command line: drgeo -f figur.fgeo sects the mid-point of an arbitrary seg- <point id="1C6DDB0" U Dr. Geo saves drawings as XML files ment between two points defined by the type="Free" U (Listing 1), letting you edit the files with user. your favorite editor. File | Export… lets Start by drawing the desired result. color="Blue" U you create drawing files in other for- Draw two arbitrary points A and B. Then thickness="Thick" U mats: vector graphics in standard Post- use the segment tool to join the points. style="RectangularEmpty" U script, pixel-based PNG files, and LaTeX Then add the mid-point C. The Midpoint filled="False" U or Flydraw source code. tool is located in the Point palette. Now let’s add a line at right angles to masked="False" U Macros segment AB intersecting at point C. The name="vue 3D"> Using macros, Dr. Geo can repeatedly Tools based on properties and transfor- <x>0.466667</x> perform construction steps in various di- mations palette gives us the right tool for <y>-1.266667</y> agrams. A macro accepts input parame- this job, second from top. Select the tool ters based on mouse clicks by the user and first click on point point C, then on </point> and uses them to create new objects. segment AB. As point C lies on the seg- 84 ISSUE 67 JUNE 2006 WWW.LINUX - MAGAZINE.COM Dr. Geo LINUXUSER Figure 3: Dr. Geo adjusts measured angles and the position of the Figure 4: Dr. Geo's macros help you construct regularly recurring mid-point when you move a reference point. shapes. ment, hold down the mouse button; a mouse, and Dr. Geo will draw a vertical new diagram called Test, and to add a drop-down menu appears, and you can line through the mid-point. The vertical point at coordinates (1,2;-2), the follow- select the required element – point or line moves dynamically when you ing lines are all you need: segment. change the reference points for the seg- Now click the top icon in the Macro ment. (new-figure "Test") palette, Construct a macro. This opens a The only way to save a macro is to se- (let Point "A" free 1.2 -2) dialog that guides you through the re- lect File | Save multiple… In the dialog quired steps. Select Forward to go to the that appears, select the new macro; then The programing language has been input parameter selection dialog. All our press Save selection, and enter the target translated into French and Spanish. This sample macro needs is a segment. Click directory and a filename. explains why some of the examples are on the segment in your drawing to tell not stored under free but under the libre Dr. Geo to add it to the dialog. Then Scripts keyword. press Forward again to continue, and in You can use Scheme programs to create Scheme programing for more complex the next dialog, click the vertical line more complex shapes. Scheme is a dia- shapes does take some skill, despite the you constructed to define it as an output lect of the Lisp programing language that intuitive look and feel of the programing parameter.
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