FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1975. ACROSS S E C TION P UBLI ca TION IN COVID TIMES: TRAVEL IS THE BIGGER PICTURE, DOCUMENTING Tourism Follows IT IS SAFE TRAVEL, TOURISM TO TRAVEL with adequate & HOSPITALITY! precautions The challenge is for the industry to re-invent, re-energise and re-coup! Survive and Thrive! Destination India was first published in 1975 and has appeared in different avatars over the years. How did industry respond to the Covid-19 crisis? Presenting a cross section of reactions from across verticals, this special edition is a reflection on these times. Published by Cross Section Media Private Limited, from 401, Surya Kiran, 19 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi, this special edition has been printed at RaveScan, Manesar, Gurugram. Business enquiries may be addressed to
[email protected] DEStiNAtiON INDIA | COVID TIME SPECIAL | 3 Contributors AMITABH KaNT AJAY BAKAYA AJEET BAJAJ CEO, Niti Aayog Managing Director, MD, Snow Leopard Sarovar Hotels Adventures 12 16 20 AMAN KaPOOR ANIL BHANDARI ANKUR BHATIA CEO - Airport Land Chairman, AB Executive Director, Development, Smart Concepts Bird Group GMR Airports Ltd 25 26 30 ANKUSH ANURaaG ASHWANI NIJHAWAN BHATNAGER LOHANI Managing Director, COO, The Leela Ex-CMD, Air India/ Nijhawan Group/ Palaces, Hotels and ex-Chairman, Co-Founder TBO Resorts Railway Board Group 34 38 42 ASHWINI BINOD CHANDER KaKKAR CHAUDHARY BalJEE Entrepreneur Chairman, CG Corp Founder, Royal Global Orchid & Regenta Hotels 46 50 54 DEEP KalRA DEEPIKA RaO DHRUV SHRINGI Founder & Executive MD and CEO, Co-Founder & CEO, Chairman,