U-S. Troops Will Observe Army Cpniniaiider In

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U-S. Troops Will Observe Army Cpniniaiider In V •:'•■* wv.-A ■', »^.^- --• j''•■'ff-r-.- i'V-*'ii/-,C' .'.' •.-• ■ ■%:.■:^-^ ■■ - - r - - ■■ ■-. • V- -:., .. .■ ■ . ' ■■ :'"'< . .,. '■ . 1 " ' - - V ■• •■-• ■ ........................................ Toii.iX xiy;M o.M l(E iC T T B B N ~ P A f H ^ '.rji ■■,.'. 3 - f ^.^ Jaycee Week RENSSELAER, Ind. (AP) —Iteyor Emmett Eger pco- olaimed thls .a^ Junior Cham­ ber of Cdmmsroe Week in Rsnssalasr. He urged ottteMis to reo- ogniae the Jaycees tor their cl'vlc contrlbutioiuk r^-.'-^-v^::>,. :-A Tbe project got off to a bad start. Someone broke in­ to the Jaycee office over the wedeend and took all the money they could find. ^ i ■^. ’ ■» '-J V Y' ■' State News Mission Aide Pentagon Hit Marched/ Off For Stalling Into Jungle On N-Ships SAIGON, South VIe« Nam (A P)—The "Viet C!oog GROTON (AP) — Rep. kidnaped an American Chet Holifield, D^alif., ac­ ci'rilian official today out­ cused the Department of side the village of Trung Defense today of dragging Lap, about 26 miles north its feet in applying nuclear of Saigon, and marched power to surface ships for him into the jungle, hiS the Navy. hands in the air. Tbe congressman said that The missing man is Dougbui vdiile oonstruction of a nuclear Ramsey, 28, of Boulder GMy, submarine *fleet has proceeded Nev. on a top priority basis, the De­ He is tbe assistant province partment o f Defense has bSen representative of the U.S. mis. resisting the “ dear expression ^‘^slm tor the area. ot the wiU of C on gn ss" (bat His driver,' a South Vietnam­ surface ships also be buUt with ese, came back and told Ameri­ nuclear propulsion systems. can authorities they were trav­ “Tbe Department of Defense," eling northeast from Cu Cbl BoUfidd said, “has vacdlated when they oame under Viet and procrastinated, studied and Omg gunfire. restudied nuolear power tor sur­ The driver said he stopped. face warships in what am>eared He added that Ramsey gd out ' (Herald pboto W (MiarM to me and to many of my fellow and raised his hands in a sur­ members of Congress to be an render gesture. Several Viet 4’i||^dberfiiifOTfeii^ Wmconte for Second in Command attempt to Ull nuclear power Cong guerriUaa marched him for tbe Navy by studying It to away. The driver was wounded Fred Doocy of WappiliK, exchange remarks with Gov. John N .. Dempsey death." shortly aftw hcd^ swpni. in-as Connecticut’s lieutehant governor at noon to­ sUgbtly in the first ambu^ fire HOfifield’a attack on (be Pen­ This unidentified U.S. First Air Cavalryman sticks foliage in the stretch band but was able to na-vigate on foot. day at the State Captw- Doocy, who was accompanied tby members of his fam- tagon was ddivered at the ciere- Trung Lap is in the middle' of Sy, said he holds.it “ an honor and privilege” to be named to the office. As monies marking the laying of of his steel helmet while on duty in the jungle west of Pleiku. Normally the the sector where U.S. forces p re sid ^ pro te m ^ idle State Senate, he automaticaliy succeeded former Lt. (be keel for a new nuclear at­ band holds a camouflage doth but in this case it will hold “natural camou­ conducted their biggest search J & s e t. Samuel Tedeseo who rwignecL Atty. David Bisrry of Manchester official- tack submarine, tbe NarwabI, flage.” (AP Photofax) and destroy operatton of the ftwTiflnnfted • bis eapdjjaacy for Dnocy’ s Senate post*today< Story on page 18, at the shipyards of the Meotric Vietnamese w a r—Operatton ' Boat Di'vislon of General Dy- O im p —which has Just been ter­ namios Corp. minated, Bi (hat mea the Viet Oong^ Rempsef Wsits U-S. Troops Will Observe and the Vi<^ Miinh before them, dug into eaves aikl ttumels erye* HABiFFClBB (A P )--G ov. Jdlm •to t>kat decade and evsn long­ N'. DcHbpsey m 14 today be re* er. .,r jTc'y i)-ti4i|ir r'cv. >tvb Tbe mexe Is ee oompleK that „ ^ ^ _ (he 173rd Paratroop Brigade, gasM ’ nm a manning Long V lst Nam There was no sign in (bs Sal' M am suspM^ ,Bayal Austcaltep^, end U A tel fJ#) ^ Ite dtomiittfii^ m M otor e f any letup in aUiaoks on GommwSot Nwth . DiyiWoji,, ,r Ite# ___ ,flf .......... .i.i II tecess in VUA Nam, Gen. Vfil- gbOag before (be hotfiiay, al- Viet Nam went into, (be 28th ^ltptoMves*tridng'te^ll^ »niJ jtete C. Weshhotelsod, today (bough elaewbere indie ooimtry day. Radio Hanoi (barged that ^ ^ Air Force nejar-KadrM saM tbe Etoaf^|lMI<elw would iiet 6^ If stdered an Ainerfbaa troops to mllttary acttvlUeB oonttmied at American pfenes strafed and <pjje seizure, according to AliMERIA, Spain (AP) flrlng for 18 hours start- a slow pcKW. f t t BOS with a crew of seven was the BB2 carried nuclear bombs. Bm dix StrOte dropped tour bombs on a North driver and the people he talked —-A U.S. B62 bomber tag S t iKxm Thursday in observ­ lU a lightning ttroke, a Viet vUetnamese village In the weet- to when he got back to friendly and a KC1S5 M^tanker from (be 68tta Bombardment Reacuera continued a bunt for otber survivors after some Cuts Production ance of the Vletmunese lunar Oong company attacked a gov- ^rn port of Thanh Hoa, causing territory, took place about 5:18 collided over Spahi : today IWng at SeymcMir Jobiwni Air crewmen were seen paraobaUng New Year holiday, TeL emment infantry and “a mimber of losses in human p.m. Saigon ttme. and crashed on the Medif Base in Nortb OaroUna. It was from this fallin g planes^ WsBtmoteland's order second- BCbod at Thu Due 10 miles bouses and property, Tbe intormatt(»i reached hlgll beina refueled by (be tanker, Of Weapon Parts north of Saigon at 1 a.iri. While terranean Coast. The Spanieta news agency Q- edi the decision o f (he South Tbe latest pronouncement Amertoan sources Quickly be- Five of (be U crewmen carrying four, crewmen,i TSie Vietnamese government to halt one part of (be guerrilla force frai said four crewmen wen KANSAS e r r ir , Mb, (a p )'— trom Ninth Viet Nam left little cause Ramsey 'was known as tanker was from the (UOth Air fighting during the national' cel- fired two mortar shells as a dl- ■feoatd (be (iwo piaaes were res- picked. tg> fiom the sea, one Refueling Unit at Bergstrom Air Maohizikte at (he BenfHx Obsp. ebratton. Similar instruottons version, anoitier hit part of tha (See Page Nine) (See Page Eight) oudd, U.6. Air Faroe offlctelB gi'a'vely hurt, and, bo^taiised ■aid. Four o(.(bem were JdeoU* ?<orce Base, Tbx. It was tempo­ pkuM',. one o f (he, loigest pitKhMs<i went to South Korean, Austra- oomiNUiid adlh automatic weap- rarily stetiened at llioron Air­ at (be coastal -vtflage of Aqufias< ers of p a s tor'tbe.Atemie En­ ib 4 ae boimber crewmen, A spokesmen a^^ Sieymour Han i«"d New Zealand troopa ons. port near' fievUle. ergy ' CbmnW.stonn’a weSi{nns The guerrMtae pieroed (be BeadQuarters o f (be iSHi V A Jobnson Ah: Force Base identi- fighting elongalde tbe Vietnam- com plex at. AlhattuerQue, bartaed wire of the ottlcers’ can­ the missing fremtbeBSSas ese and Ameiicsns. went on btxika today. didate seboot and raked tbe bil­ lA. Steven S. Montanus, naviga­ The truce more (ban doubles About 4,000 membecs o f (hs the SO-hour eeeee-fire observed lets, hiliing five wives and three Massive Propaganda tor, -of Springfield, Ohio; lA. Intsmational Aaeoctafion of children of Vietnamese officer George J. Gleaner, ^toctronics by allied forcee during (he Swiss Seek Release Miacbtototn ace affected by <be Ghrtstmas holiday. But It falls candidates in their bade. Three wanfare officer, of Belleville, dteputo over a wage agreement. Pa., and T.Sgt. Ronidd P. Snsr- 18 hours short of the Tet truce otber children 'were 'wounded. A (fanee-year propoesl by (he Armored troops fougbt back Launched by US, Viet der of Seat Pleasant, Md. proclaimed by the Viet Oong. company was rejected 1,0M to They have promised not to at­ and killed 10 of the Viet Oong, a Of U.S. Shrimpers The ^mkeanum said (boss government spokesman said. SIAOON, South Viet Nam doses of propaganda to North missing from the plsne wore Ms BM by (be unhm Sunday, tack from t l p.m. Wednesday to These bodies were left beblnd, (AP) — The United States and and South Viet Nam. R reacbee oommander, Capt. Cbaries Tbe old contract expired at la pm . Sunday, a total of four the Vietnamese govemmient down to pri-vnates who are BAVAMA (AP) — Swtas Am­ aground off tbe Cuban oeast and midnight and pickets kept (be days. but (he fleeing Viet Oong were bassador Fmll Btadelbofer two~ sister ships went to her aid, IVendacf of I^Udell, La.';, (be co- seen to b T c ^ n ^ ottiM d ^ l^^e launched the most massive briefed on how to handle ttwse pDot, lA. J^chael L. Rooney early morning shift from going Westmoreland ordered a propaganda offensive of the Viet who surrender. sought the releese today of nine each carried three crew mem­ cease-fire from noon Thursday or wounded. Ohai^te, N.C.; (be radar navi- to work. Tbe plant normally Nbm war, hoping to trigger The program, which began tUhermen held by Cuban au- bers. They were reported to be operates three shifis a day, six to 6 p.m. Sunday. It 'was as­ One Viet Oong was captured.
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